#【 ❀ 200 follower event !
crheativity · 2 months
Hi! Thank you for doing this event! This is such a cute prompt idea, I love it! Would it be alright if I use it in the future?
And could I request Ruggie at 11:38PM in the Savannaclaw laundry room?
WARNINGS: None! Very cute and wholesome :D COMMENTS: Hello! Thank you so much! I don’t mind at all hehe, these are fun to write :D I hope you enjoy this, sorry it took so long!!
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It had been six hours and twenty-seven minutes since Ruggie Bucchi went AWOL. 
Typically, on a busy day like today, he’d send you a short text explaining that he’d be busy for a while and couldn’t chat. He always messaged you as soon as he could after that, so that you knew he was free again. 
Only this time, he hadn’t texted you back. 
For the first little while, you figured whatever he had been doing was just taking longer than he’d thought. But when four hours had come and gone with no sign from him, you started to get a bit nervous. At five hours, you were checking your phone every couple minutes. At six, you’d put on your jacket and rushed out of Ramshackle. 
The night was cold and eerie as you slowly made your way to the Savannaclaw dorm. You kept your eyes peeled for any sign of Ruggie as you got closer and closer, but there was no sign of him.
Upon arriving at Savannaclaw, you carefully made your way to Ruggie’s room, keeping as silent as possible. You figured that in a dorm full of beastmen, they probably knew you were there anyway, but you still didn’t want to disturb them if you could avoid it. 
You finally stood in front of Ruggie’s room, thinking hard. What if he’d just forgotten to text you, and was currently enjoying some much-needed rest? You hesitated.
Well, if he didn’t want to be disturbed, he should’ve remembered to text me.
You knocked on the door.
“Ruggie? It’s me.” You kept your voice low and quiet as you knocked again.
Still nothing.
“I’m coming in.” You paused and waited for a protest. Nothing came, so you opened the door.
Ruggie Bucchi was not in his bed, nor in his room.
He was simply gone. 
You felt your heart start to race. Where in twisted wonderland was he?!
You pulled out your phone, scrolling past the slightly embarrassing amount of texts you’d sent to try and get his attention. He hadn’t sent anything to insinuate what exactly he’d be doing.
You thought back on your conversations earlier that day, trying to figure out where he could possibly be. Ruggie had been complaining about all the work that he had to do for Leona. More specifically, he’d been making fun of Leona for not knowing how to even wash his own clothes. 
Wait. Wash his own clothes…
You turned and hastily made your way to the Savannaclaw Laundry room, racking your brains for anywhere else he could be.
Turns out, thinking of other options was entirely unnecessary. 
Curled up on a pile of freshly dried laundry, Ruggie Bucchi lay fast asleep. His hair drooped messily over his eyes, arms still clutching a half-empty laundry basket. He looked eerily peaceful. You weren’t sure you’d ever seen him this relaxed before. You pulled out your phone and snapped a quick photo, before shoving your phone in your back pocket and crouching down beside him, looking through the washing.
You grabbed a clean, lukewarm blanket from the pile and gently draped it over him. He, still asleep, snuggled into it with a cosy smile on his face.
“I love you.” He mumbled. 
You froze, unsure if he was awake or asleep. If he was awake - or at least, half awake - then what he said could’ve been legit, right…? Or maybe it was just him dreaming of someone he loved, like his grandma or something. It didn’t necessarily mean you… did it? You were suddenly very aware of how fast your heart was beating.
You sighed and sat down next to him, adjusting yourself until you were also comfortable. It was late and you were starting to get tired. 
Might as well stay here for the night, you thought. I can give Ruggie an earful tomorrow…
You tossed another blanket over yourself and shifted until you were comfortable. As sleep slowly began to pull you into its warm embrace, you could’ve sworn you felt a calloused but gentle hand take yours.
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♥ Thank you for reading!! I hope you enjoyed it! ♥
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afyrian · 2 months
📸🏐+ atsumu or literally anyone you would think fits i have no preference!
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photoshoot surprise w/ atsumu | wc: 288 m.list | photographer + 'wait really? you're not joking?'
    you wrap your arms around his neck, staring up at him with a smile-ridden expression. atsumu looks back down at you, unable to look at you without his breath catching, even during a photoshoot. "this feels a little awkward, babe," you whisper, feeling the jersey you don hit just where your shorts end. 
  "trust me, it'll be over soon," he pulls you towards him, giving you a quick kiss on the forehead, fingers grasping at your shirt. 
  "okay lovebirds, can i have miya standing behind you, maybe arm around your shoulder, grabbing your hand?" the photographer, looks over at you, watching as atsumu walks behind you, wrapping his arm around you.
  you grab a hold of his hand and look over at him, letting out a little breath. there he stands with you, thumb rubbing up and down your fingers in a soothing motions. he's done this a million times for the team. smiling and posing in ways that you've never tried before. but him being there is the best thing you could possibly ask for. 
  the photographer looks out from behind his camera, "now, can you face each other, holding hands?"
  letting atsumu guide you, he faces you towards him, a little box sitting in his hand. your eyebrows furrow at the sight, the realization that a ring sits inside the box. he gets down slowly onto one knee. and in your excitement you get down with him, resting on the balls of your feet, “wait really? you’re not joking, right?”
  “of course not, babe, but i think you’re supposed to stand, right?” atsumu leans towards you, a little laugh echoing through the studio.
  “i don’t know, i think i like being down here with you…”
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six-eyed-samurai · 3 months
Hello!! I saw ur taking requests, so u wanna know if you’d do a Giyuu x reader with koji and his little sister (if I remember correctly in the last fic, koji had a baby sister) where the little sister becomes bestfriends with a little boy at daycare but koji and Giyuu are being overprotective even tho she’s a baby😭😭 I thought this idea was so cute!! I’m really hoping you’ll have time to make this, make sure to drink water and thank you!!🤍🤍
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SUMMARY: Like father like son - Giyuu and your eldest boy Koji are not happy at all your baby girl's made a new...ugh, boy friend. A/N: KYAAAAAAAH I can't believe you remembered, usually people only read 1 and 2. I'm so excited about this, it's so cute and TYSM for being my first request! Be sure to drink water too lovely! You can read this as a standalone fic, or part of: I, II, III WARNINGS: Fem reader, mentions of sex education. Post-war timeline SUNNY'S TAGLIST: @abadonkori @therabbitthatpostthings @ezekieleen (lemme know if you wanna be added or removed) MASTERLIST/PREVIOUS FICS My inbox is still open if you would like to request for the event!
Man-eating demons. Comrade deaths. Yet nothing was as scary to the stoic Water Pillar when his firstborn suddenly appeared behind him whilst he was polishing his sword on the engawa and announced the dreaded six words.
"Dad, I have something to ask."
Giyuu froze, brain momentarily drawing a complete blank. The sword clattered to the ground, forgotten as Giyuu slowly turned his head around. Dear Kami-sama, he did not think this day would come so fast. He was just almost six, for goodness' sake; he'd been praying it would be another six years before he'd have to answer. Where were you? Crap, crap. You had gone to go pick up Sumire from daycare and now he'd have to deal with this himself.
Alright, he could do it. It's been six years as a dad. He could pull it off.
Koji waited for his father to nod before continuing, the serious face he shared with Giyuu creased with a frown. "How do you know-"
"Koji, it's a normal part of puberty everyone goes through, so naturally you'd be curious, and I'm very happy you trust me enough to come talk to me about it, but whatever sex jokes Uncle Sanemi has been making you want explained you should go ask your mother because I don't think I'm good enough at explaining what adults do at night or how babies are made at this stage," Giyuu blurted out. Exactly like how he had rehearsed it - Giyuu privately congratulated himself for not messing it up.
Two dark blue eyes blinked at him. "What?"
"I-" Koji shook his head in confusion. "I dunno what you're talking about and I don't care how babies are made."
"Then..." Giyuu wanted to sink into the ground. "What...did you want to talk to me about?"
"Sumire." Koji wrinkled up his nose in a disgusted expression when he said his sister's name, padding up to his father and plopping down next to him.
"...is she asking you about these things then? I'm not too sure how to explain the jokes to a two year old either but I can try. Or you could just tell her babies come from storks," Giyuu offered helpfully.
"Wait - what? No, that's not what I was going to - what?"
Ah, for the days when Giyuu didn't open his mouth to talk much and eventually embarrass himself. "...sorry, go on."
"Yeah sure." Koji seemed a little distracted, even for a six year old. "Y'know the daycare? She made a new friend."
"That's...nice." At least she isn't taking after Giyuu? What was the problem here and how could he stop his ears from burning red at his not once but twice blunder?
"It's a boy. They keep playing together, sharing meals, nicknames and stuff. She even gave him -" Koji shuddered, narrowing his eyes. "A matching bracelet."
"A...boy?" Giyuu had long retired from being a slayer after the war and he probably wasn't too good with fighting with one arm, but hey, he was polishing that sword for a reason. He couldn't believe how he never spotted it before: Sumire had kicked up a huge fuss at being sent to daycare originally but recently had seemed almost...ecstatically eager to go. Too eager.
His own eyes narrowed. "Tell me everything."
"How's Sumi?"
At the sudden question you glanced behind to where your husband was pressing his forehead into your back, one arm wrapped around your waist as you cooked dinner. Not unusual behavior, but didn't Giyuu just see his daughter a few minutes ago?
"Fine, pretty happy at the daycare all things considering." You slid the salmon onto a different plate, unable to keep the suspicion out of your tone. "At least we don't have to keep fighting another war just to get her out the door like last time."
"Koji says she's making friends there."
"Was he supposed to say anything else?" You rolled your eyes. Now you knew where this was coming from. Of course.
"I don't like her friend," Giyuu said plainly. He let go of you to help carry one of the dishes out of the kitchen with you, doing his one-armed best to assist you in setting the table.
"And why is that?" You nodded along, as if you didn't know why. How long would it be until Giyuu cracked? "Koji! Sumire! Time for dinner!"
"He's a boy. Someone trying to steal her away from us. He already gave her a bracelet!"
"Yuu. Yuu, look me in the eye right now." Once your husband finally turned to meet your face he could clearly see you were struggling to hold in your laughter. "One, you're a boy yourself. Two, she's, well, two. Three, Sumire gave him the bracelet."
"Yeah, but I'm her dad! So what if she's two? It's too early for her to fall in love. And a bracelet is basically an engagement jewelry already."
You couldn't help yourself anymore, doubling over in laughter at Giyuu's quiet whining. "Koji put you up this, didn't he?"
"He told me," Giyuu admitted. "But no boy's allowed around Sumi."
"Shion's not that bad of a kid," You countered. "It could be worse."
Giyuu nearly spat. "Wh-what? You know his name?"
"Obviously, Sumire won't stop talking about him."
"And not me?"
"Yuu, look at how overprotective you're acting right now and say that again." You bit down your giggles watching your husband scrunch up his face and attempt to find a way to defend himself as your two children ran in and took their seats.
"I'm not overprotective!"
Perhaps slightly protective. Nothing more.
At least Giyuu wasn't being as openly hostile as Sumire's elder brother, who was sitting judgmentally from the corner, glaring at Shion over his book. Giyuu wasn't glowering per se, but you would probably have to save the poor boy soon from under the weight of two penetratingly unnerving stares.
Sumire didn't notice, beaming with literal stars in her eyes at her playmate (Giyuu had been the one to invite him over, which was extremely fishy, which was why you had decided to stay and watch as well). "Hi, Shion-kun! Mama made mochi, wanna go eat?"
"Sure." The freckled face boy stepped through the doorway, following your baby girl into the kitchen. Giyuu eyed him from behind the steaming cup of tea. "Hi Tomioka-san! Is it true you used to be a samurai? Sumi-chan told me a lot about you!"
You strategically interrupted right then before Giyuu could say something awkwardly honest by dumping the plate of sakura mochi onto the table. "Help yourselves, there's plenty to go around!"
So on went the playdate, Sumire suggesting games to her new friend who did his best to act normal and not nervous under Koji's sarcastic quips and Giyuu's pointed stare, oblivious to the fact her brother and father weren't ready to give her up yet (a trait she clearly got from Giyuu) - despite the fact you had spent half an hour before this drilling into their heads Shion was not here to go kidnap Sumire.
You made the mistake of leaving to go clean up the mess in the kitchen later on, however, under the relieved thought that maybe Giyuu had gotten over his little temper tantrum over the boy. Big mistake, because next thing you knew-
"He wanted to learn how to use a sword," Giyuu said blankly, pausing in his movements. It certainly seemed innocent and safe enough, seeing as they were using wooden swords and were outside. Sumire excitedly stood by Shion's side, ever the cheerleader.
But you knew your man and son a lot better than that. There was no way they hadn't planned this, not when they were sharing a look.
"I wanna try be like Tomioka-san! Sumi-chan said he used to fight demons and even fought their king. That's so cool!" Shion piped up excitedly. You were going to murder your overprotective husband for this later...if Sumire didn't beat you to it.
"See, Ma? It's all fine," Koji smirked from the sidelines. "Begin!"
Predictably it ended with Giyuu slapping Shion with the flat of his blade, causing a scraped knee as well as Giyuu muttering to the fallen "Don't you even think about doing anything to her" when Sumire panicked and rushed over to her friend.
Luckily you managed to usher Shion out to be picked up by his dad in a flurry of apologies, pleasantries and assurances that it was lovely having him over while Sumire burst into tears and asked him not to go yet (you heard Giyuu's almost inaudible "Hmph" when Shion too cried and said the same thing).
Giyuu and Koji were feeling pretty good about themselves, sharing a victorious glance at each other - Team Tomioka 1, Scum Boy 0 - until you slammed the doors shut, calmed down your precious Sumire with the promise of all the leftover mochi in the kitchen before bedtime and then turned around to fix the both of them with your intense glare.
"Koji! Grounded, now!"
"What did I do?!" Koji threw up his hands but stomped off to his room.
"I saw you push Shion, don't act innocent!" You grabbed Giyuu's arm and began to haul him off to the privacy of your bedroom. "And don't think I forgot about you as well, Tomioka Giyuu!"
Damn, you did forget how pathetically kicked puppy-like Giyuu could look when he was playing innocent. "I didn't intentionally beat him up, you know."
"I know you didn't, Yuu," you said sweetly. "But I didn't know you were into fighting with little kids as well!"
"I just don't want anyone taking away Sumi."
You groaned. Once again Giyuu has melted your heart into a slushy mess with his blunt sincerity and expression. You leaned into his hold, grudgingly allowing him to pull your head into his chest but hit him with your fist still. "You're still not supposed to pull that kind of stunt, alright? No one's taking Sumi away from us. You and Koji are really idiots sometimes."
"What if I told you Koji likes a girl too?"
Your head snapped up. "WHAT?!"
"Yeah. He met her at school. Someone named Yuma," Giyuu said casually, as if he didn't know you would be reacting this way. He hummed, playing with your hair. "That's why he took your mochi, by the way, to give it to her."
"Why didn't he tell me?!" You wailed, suddenly forgetting how you had scolded Giyuu for this exact behavior. "I'm his mom! He's growing up so fast!"
Giyuu attempted to continue with his revenge plan but ultimately failed: you both wound up cuddling the rest of the night disappointedly lamenting how fast time flies.
"Onii-chan, what are Mama and Daddy doing in there?" Sumire pressed her ear close to the door, munching on her dessert.
Koji froze. "Uh...babies come from storks, Sumi."
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mxdarling · 6 months
[“put that down! you’ll hurt yourself with that.” / “you’re so pretty when you smile.”]
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ೃ⁀➷: summary: idia bought a new multiplayer game, and he wants to play it with his player one, you.
ೃ⁀➷: word count: 2.3k (2334)
ೃ⁀➷: reference/Inspiration: playlist
ೃ⁀➷: event: [200 followers event]
[author's note:] JDJDKD MORE IDIA CONTENT WOOHOOO this was supposed to be his belated birthday gift from me but uhh cough cough writer block hit me like a bitch soo.. didn't finish before new years, and it's now like- 4 months late??? anyways, thank you anon for requesting idia with dialogue #3 and #7!! my last yandere idia work had him a little creepy so i made him cute this time loll i hope it's to your satisfaction anon!
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[warnings:] lowercase, yandere behavior, more fluff than yandere, established relationship, reader is a gamer, cuddling, kisses, reader is ticklish, poor explanation of game mechanics, mentions of fear for judgement, reader is portrayed as a crybaby, one paragraph mentions idia being a creep, game is a rip-off of minecraft (fantasy version), toxic teammates.
[note:] If there is anything else triggering here that I didn’t list in the warnings section, please tell me. i don’t condone this type of behavior, this is merely just for entertaining purposes and some sort of coping mechanism for me. if you continue to read beyond this point, ignoring my warnings, i am not responsible for your actions from here on out.
[GN reader]
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IDIA SHROUD seemed to be in a good mood today, at least according to what you've seen so far. probably because his latest purchase is the cause of his being in such an upbeat mood. not that you're complaining; it was rather cute seeing him all excited and giddy when he found a new game to play. it's like a whole new, different side of him comes out whenever he starts to ramble about the features of the game and why he should absolutely play it right now. of course, as his player one, you're automatically going to be the first person he's going to play with. not that you mind, really. playing with idia was always a fun experience; it reminded you a lot of how you would spend your free time back in your world.
(those days of laziness, those days of unproductivity where you did nothing but lay down on your bed and do nothing—no school work to do, no club activities to do, no studying for an upcoming exam—just pure idleness. then when you're bored, you could just use your phone, PC, or iPad to entertain you as the day goes by, playing nonstop until late hours in the evening. god, you miss those days.)
you often wondered what genre of video games this new world had to offer. you knew that it wouldn't be so different from your own world, but you weren't sure just how many of your friends were affiliated with gaming entertainment. out of fear that judgement would be placed upon you if you shared this interest of yours, your love for video games has been hidden—so to find someone else (with that someone else being idia) that likes video games and is very well versed in them is a dream come true. it was a long process to get him to play with you, let alone consider you a friend and not try to avoid you every 2 seconds—still, it was a feat you were proud of because now you get to experience many, many different sides of idia that you would have never known 9 months ago.
(you once heard idia curse like at least twenty times in one breathe when one of his teammates was being shitty and a prick, he sounded so angry and scary that you backed into a corner to avoid getting burnt by his scorching, bright red hair that grew the more angrier he got. the only reason he stopped was when he heard quiet sobs in the corner of his room and turned around away from his computer to see you huddled in the corner of his room. quickly he went over there, completely abandoning his game and comforting you. he hates seeing his cute prefect cry, especially because of him, he's not the great at comforting but when he hugged you so tightly, your quiet sobs turned into silence. right then and there he swore to never be the reason you're crying and when you do, he'll be right there with you.)
you are currently cross-sitting in his very comfy bed, watching as idia set up two controllers and plugged in the PCs to turn them on (you're still surprised he's got more than 2 PCs, which, if you really think about it, his family background makes it make sense). after waiting for the PCs to turn on, he then connects the controllers to the PCs and opens up the game on both screens. you would insist on helping him set up, but due to you literally being isekai'd into this unknown world of twisted wonderland, you aren't too familiar with many things besides the whole magic stuff—plus, you aren't too keen on breaking any of idia's stuff because of your lack of knowledge on how to do technology.
(technology in general is so extremely confusing, you would argue wholeheartedly all day and all night, and idia would agree with you and low-key flex on how knowledgeable he is in the field of technology, just to impress you and show how reliable he is. secretly, he likes it when he's useful to you.)
"sorry! it took a while to set up..." in slightly shaking hands, he hands over the controller to you while holding the other in his free hand. he looked rather nervous when he faced you to give the controller, like he's worried he wasted your time waiting for him. it reminded you of a puppy looking up to its owner apologetically when they did something wrong, so cute, you thought, adorable even, you added.
"haha! it's okay! you didn't take that long anyway." you gave him a reassuring look, a soft smile, and bright eyes, showing him that you weren't bothered by having to wait a bit as he set up for you two to play.
both screens show the in-game loading screen, and the bar quickly fills up due to the fast internet speed (one you're quite envious of). slowly it fades to the starting screen, where a big text is bouncing 'tap to start' in both of your faces. Idia presses to start immediately, wanting to get into gameplay as fast as he can while you take a moment to admire the visual aspects and effects of the game in silent awe. you always had a thing for the visual stuff that was shown in-game. by slowly pressing the button on your control, you enter the game and begin a fantastical journey with idia.
“put that down! you’ll hurt yourself with that!” he says worriedly as he watches you damage your avatar's HP bar this early in gameplay. usually he gets really annoyed when he plays with noobs and normies; they stink at comprehending basic knowledge, do dumb things in-game, ask too many questions, and ruin the whole gameplay experience for him. 'ugh, how annoying.' is his usual reaction to such—of course he wouldn't think of that towards you! never ever would he ever think this way towards you; even if you do things noobs and normies usually do, he can't bring himself to be annoyed—you were too cute in his eyes. he would never admit this to your face, though, and he still gets red just at the thought of him thinking you are cute. It's true though; don't get him wrong, but... the embarrassment that comes with thinking about these thoughts is just too much for his poor little heart! honestly, he's for sure that one day you'll be the death of him, does he care though? not really; in fact, he would probably love that.
(he blushes so hard whenever he thinks of you in his clothes; it's the way your natural scent clings onto his shirts, the way his shirts made you even cuter than you already are—one of the only reasons he doesn't wash his clothes immediately because he wants to savor your smell to memory. he's a creep, yes, but he's one devoted creep.)
"whoops! sorry didn't see that, haha..." nervously laughing at your mistake, you eat whatever consumable you have in your inventory to try and restore as much health as you lost. as your avatar munches on the food in its hand, from the corner of your screen, you can see idia's avatar walking towards you. once it's near enough to your avatar, you can see the animation of a bunch of items being dropped and your inventory picking up due to the proximity between the items and your avatar. you opened your inventory, curious about what he just gave you since it looked like quite a lot of items, and confused about why he was giving you so many items in the first place. your eyes widen in shock as the items he's given you are one stack of steak, every weapon in-game (sword, axe, pickaxe, shovel, hoe), but in steel, and a full set of steel armor.
your mouth continues to gape open as you put on the armor set on your avatar. how did he get so much stuff this fast? it hasn't even been an hour yet! "where.. did you get so much stuff!?" you ask naively, following idia around as you don't want to get lost, die, and lose all your stuff. "stole half of those from villages, some from mining, and a few from trading" he says so casually as he continues to walk in an unknown direction, like this was a regular thing for him, not to mention this was a hard difficulty! he's playing this game like it's not easy mode! "could've gotten more if it weren't for those stingy mobs..." furrowing his eyebrows, he let out a small huff of frustration, pressing slightly harder on the buttons on his controller, not noticing how your mouth dropped down even further at his passing comment. as she presses on, walking in an unknown direction, you're hit with the hundredth reminder that he's on a whole other level than you when it comes to gaming.
three hours in, and you guys decided to play on public servers, where you'll get to play different game modes other than the usual story and survival modes. once the two of you picked a game to play, the room quickly filled with laughter, shouting, incoherent grumbling, screams of terror, and many more in between. you two decided to save a team game as last since idia wasn't enthusiastic about playing together with other players because he just wanted to play with you, and there was an underlying fear that you would encounter toxic teammates. but since you were practically begging him to just try it at least once, he couldn't help but give in to your pleas.
it was fun, he supposed. it wasn't as annoying or infuriating as he thought it would be, but he still had to keep up not making really snarky remarks when certain players were interacting with you. he'd hate to have you see such a mean, ugly, and disgusting side of him. other than that, it was an okay experience. he thinks it would've been better if it was just him and you on a team; wouldn't it be kind of romantic? you and him against everyone else?
then what he feared most would happen actually happened. suddenly some fucking jerk is screaming insults at you for not being good enough, and before that teammate got two more words in, he exploded on them. curses upon curses spit out his mouth in rapid speed, and the voices of that said teammate slowly but surely die down as their ego and pride go down with them. in the midst of anger and chaos between him and the teammate, you could feel tears building up inside you; everything around you started to blur, and the sounds that filled your ears were starting to get tuned out. you couldn't even hear that idia stopped screaming curses, turned off both PCs, and went to take the controller from your hand, lift you up into his lap, and slowly wrap his arms around you.
once he had you fully in his grasp, he tightened his grip, making sure not to let you get away from him. he wasn't good at words, especially when trying to comfort someone, but seeing you cry was making him cry too. he did, after all, swear to always be with you when you cry. raising one of his hands, he placed it at the back of your head and gently pushed towards his neck. then his hand went down to rub your back, up and down, up and down, at a slow pace. letting you cry it all out in peace while also letting you know he's there with you.
a few minutes have passed, and your sobs have gone silent. your eyes have become droopy and sleepy, and it feels almost impossible to keep them open. suddenly, a hand lifts your chin, and you feel a pair of lips come into contact with your forehead. it wasn't like a quick kiss; no, the kiss lasted for at least a few seconds before pulling away. even then, upon pulling away, you feel another kiss on your cheek, this time a little quicker than the forehead kiss. then another kiss on your other cheek, then another on your nose, another on your jawline, another on your earlobes, and finally, his lips hovered over your own lips.
you could feel the hesitation when he let out a nervous breath; the thought of your lips on his always sends him into an electrifying and drunken daze. he can't think straight when he's this close to you, but even then, it gives him an unusual feeling of contentment and confidence. the luck he has to be able to snag such an adorable, cute, amazing, and beautiful person like you in his life. he almost can't believe it. swallowing his own nervousness for your comfort, he presses against your soft lips delicately. soon after making physical contact with your lips, he feels a smile form on your face—a small smile, yet it was enough for him. any smile from you is enough for him, because seeing you happy is the best view he could ever lay his eyes on.
feeling out of breath, he's the first to let go but also the first to frown at the loss of touch. i want to stay like this forever, he thought as he watched you emit a giggle after the kiss. fire burns brightly in his heart, and he starts to wonder if you being the death of him will really come true. his cheeks burn that ever-warm red that he knows you've seen many, many times before, but he can't help it. when you pull him into a world through rose-tinted glasses, no way could he be immune to such an effect.
"i really can’t take it when you cry like that… smile for me, alright? you’re so pretty when you smile."
•❅───✧❅✦❅✧───❅• •❅───✧❅✦❅✧───❅•
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ataraxiaspainting · 8 months
Yan chrollo + “Chrollo, where have all my romance books gone?”
Warnings: Yandere themes, kidnapping, manipulation, alcohol, not SFW implications, and drugging.
Word Count: 550.
All of your things are gone, not just those books. No, that would be too easy for someone like him, and too lax of a punishment for someone like you.
Is it a punishment, though? Or is he just playing with you? You hope for the latter, unsurprisingly.
You can’t wait to be able to stand up again, you haven’t eaten or drank much ever since feeling a bit lightheaded a few minutes ago, the moment that Chrollo asked how good today’s dinner was.
“I simply wanted to entertain both of us with a game.” A claim much too innocent for someone like him, but also something far too simple. “A game. That is all, nothing more and nothing less. If you win, I’ll give them back.”
Is this a lie or a half-truth or something else entirely?
“You’re stranger and creepier than me looking outside and seeing the tentacles of a giant squid coming out of the hotel across the street.” Hmm, a raised eyebrow as a response instead of words. “Forget it, I’ll find something else to do.”
A bluff, really, because you can’t really stand up, and because you don’t know what became of all your other things like your shoes, your diary, your three succulents… everything is just gone, and you know why.
“When have I ever gone so low, darling?” Sarcasm, you think, from the way he crosses his arms so nonchalantly and puts the pack of mint gum back by the bouquet of roses, which he will have to replace soon at the speed at which they are wilting.
“Last month.” As above, so below. “You were making breakfast. I don’t remember anything other than waking up in the late afternoon of that day with a painful migraine. You did something, but you refused to tell me what.”
Everything was hazy then and still is now. How much did he put in your drink this time? Or did he put something in your food? Will he ever tell you what it is or was?
“I promise I only have the best intentions for our relationship.” A relationship is quite the strong word, you want to say. “You. Me. Drinking, watching a movie of your choosing perhaps, and having a few laughs. We’ll relax.” A full truth? “We will show each other what no one else has seen. No one else.”
You scoff. “I appreciate the sentiment, but unfortunately a certain black-haired fellow has caused me to feel ill.” Technically, you’re not lying. “Physically and emotionally and everything else in all other aspects. …But what happens if I lose? If I can't stand up?” A question you are forced to ask. Temptation and coercion go hand in hand, after all.
Like the light of an angler fish, Chrollo’s eyes swing back and forth, and you have to look closer to notice anything wrong. 
“I’ll keep you.” He murmurs, the implications and stakes too high for you to not notice, but the matter of pride and the punishment for running away with your tail tucked between your legs are things you are all too familiar with.
“Deal,” It’s the only word you said this entire conversation that isn’t slurred, you note. He simply shakes your trembling hand, and you take the cup, doomed to soon fail as Chrollo intended.
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maislovebot · 6 months
200 followers event: kunikida & akutagawa nsfw abcs
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Tysm for the request!! I hope you enjoy it!! I’m so sorry for taking so long to post this, I have no excuses😭 also because you requested two characters the blurbs are a little shorter than the Sigma one!!
General: afab + gn reader, established relationship,
Letter C:
Kuni: breeding kink, mentions of pregnancy, protected & unprotected sex
Aku: very slight breeding kink, mentions of hair pulling
Letter D:
Kuni: riding, mentions of him being a pleasure dom
Aku: fantasies of exhibitionism
Letter K:
Kuni: lingerie, breeding, praise (giving), implied overstim
Aku: exhibitionism, praise (giving), aftercare, marking (giving & receiving), biting/hickies/nail marks, intimacy, oral fixation
Letter U:
Kuni: teasing (giving & receiving)
Aku: teasing (giving and receiving)
Letter Y: Idk there isn’t really much of a warning for either of these
Kunikida does have a thing for breeding. His liking for it definitely isn’t as vibrant as some of his other kinks, but he most certainly enjoys it. He finds it so hot when you’re whining and wrapping your legs around his waist as you clench around him as he cums. Especially when you come with him. Kunikida does want a family one day, so that does fuel it. But he also just finds it so. Hot.
He is a responsible person though, so until the two of you decide to have a family (if you two ever decide to), he will use a condom. If you were to tell him that you were fine with him cumming inside, he would have a field day!
Dirty secret:
Kunikida is such a hard worker, isn’t he? Well, that doesn’t change in bed. He absolutely makes sure to try his hardest to make you feel satisfied when having sex. And especially after having sex. But he’s such a hard worker, he can get burnt out. So there’s a part of him that just wants to sit back and be taken care of every so often. He could never admit it! While this may not seem like a big deal to most people, being a hard worker is Kunikida’s number one goal. He wants to put in the most effort possible in every situation, and make it the best outcome for you, but sometimes he needs a break.
He can never bring himself to admit this, so you’d have to bring it up on a day where he’s particularly stressed and more susceptible. But god, has he fantasized about you hovering over his hips and bouncing on his cock while he nuzzles his face in your neck, guiding your hips with his hands. Thinking about the little noises you’d make when he leaves small licks to your neck, or the way your legs would shake when you get close is enough to get him going!
Kunikida is fairly vanilla, with very few kinks. But there are some things that he really enjoys.
Kunikida is a classy man, he loves seeing you in pretty clothes and nice accessories, and that remains true in the bedroom. He loves to buy you nice things sometimes, especially if he gets a bonus in his paycheck or something. Anytime you do as much as show him a bra-strap with lace on it, he’s all over you!
I went into this a fair amount in letter C, but he loves to cum inside. He doesn’t even want kids, at least not right now. He just loves the feeling. And if you two do decide to have kids, he’ll be using it as an opportunity to fuck you full of his cum. You’re going to be exhausted by the time he’s done with you anytime he decides to breed you!
Kunikida is such a good person, he deserves some recognition, doesn’t he? He is always checking in on you, making sure you’re having a good time. Being given that verbal validation that he’s able to make you feel good makes him so proud! He never allows himself to get cocky, but maybe he can let himself let loose whenever you’re giving him endless compliments and praise.
He doesn’t particularly like to tease? I mean sure, he will if you tell him you enjoy it, but he wouldn’t go out of his way to. It’s the same when it comes to being teased. He’s down if you’re down, but if you tease him, expect him to be extra desperate once you finally let him come. He’s gonna be all over you, fucking you desperately.
Due to him being so busy all the time, it tends to fluctuate. He’ll go a week or so without really thinking about it much at all because of all the stress he’s under, but as soon as that stress is lifted, it all catches up to him. You two end up having sex every day! There will also be times where because he’s under so much stress, all he wants to do is get home and fuck you. He tries to not let it hinder his work, but it’s really hard when he’s so horny all the time.
Akutagawa is relatively neutral on where he cums, but he does like the trust that it takes to let him come inside. He also likes the power dynamic it gives him when he does.
When it comes to you cumming, he always makes sure that you do. He loves the way your legs start shaking when you’re close, and how you pull his hair and hold his hands to help stabilize yourself. How you zone out when you finally reach your orgasm, nothing filling your mind besides the pure bliss that comes from his hands on your clit.
Dirty secret:
Secret exhibitionist? Yes!! While he would never actually do anything in public, after all, it’s way too intimate of a thing for him to do in public. If anyone were to take him down, it would be while you two are having sex, so he prefers to do it in the comfort of his own home. But god that does not mean that he doesn’t fantasize about it. Picturing someone walking in and seeing how good he makes you feel is such a hot idea to him. Especially if it’s someone that he considers to be an enemy. But the idea of an enemy actually seeing him in such a..compromising position is terrifying.
As I mentioned before, he likes the concept of exhibitionism, but he’d never actually act on it. He’ll sure as hell fantasize about it though.
Akutagawa has a constant worry that you’re going to leave him, realizing that you deserve better than him (his words, not yours), so being told that he’s enough is so reaffirming. It makes him feel giddy, although he’d never show it. He especially loves it during the aftercare. Mumbling kind words into his ear while you’re half asleep, holding him close. After all, people are at their most honest when they’re tired.
This ties into letter D, he loves the idea of people seeing how good he makes you feel. And he loves people seeing that you’re with him, and that he’s with you. He’ll bite your shoulder when he’s close to cumming, or dig his nails into your skin. He doesn’t really want to hurt you, it just happens in the moment, and even if he apologizes for hurting you, he’s proud. He also loves when you leave hickies or bite him because he’s so pale, so it’s almost vibrant against his skin.
Oral fixation:
He does love to get head, but it pales compared to eating you out. It’s almost as if he’s proving himself to you. ‘See how good I make you feel? See how you’re practically dripping?’ Are some of the thoughts running through his head. Not to mention how good you taste.
He quite enjoys teasing you. He won’t do it often, but he will gladly do it. Hearing the whines that leave your mouth makes him give the slightest smile into your skin. Especially because once he finally does let you cum, you’re so loud. It’s so built up, that your reactions are extra enthralling.
He has a pretty high sex drive. It does take him a long time to get comfortable with doing anything past grinding against you, but once he is, he’s never gonna stop. He’d have sex with you every day if you let him. If not, that’s fine, of course, but he does have quite the drive. It’s like an addiction. He’s addicted to the feeling. At least it’s a relatively healthy addiction!!
Wc - 1.3k
I’m under a lot of stress so I think my immune system decided to glitch out on me and I’m sick so I’ll probably be taking yet another break😭 I’m so sorry about all the breaks I’m taking:( but I gotta work through this so that I can come back with better mental health, so the quality of my writing can improve!! I’ll probably be gone until next Friday, maybe sooner if I start feeling better
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h2llish · 2 months
for your event may i please request "white camelia" with a singular deuce spade pretty please 🙏
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✉ ─── 200 follower event ♡ deuce spade
prompt ─── white camelia: they love you ─ adore you even. but they've always thought you see them as nothing more than a friend. which is why they're confused when they're friends seem to believe otherwise ─ wait what do they mean they're going to play matchmaker?
warnings ─ fluff, pining, gender neutral, lowercase intended, ace slander /aff, not proofread (i just really wanted to post it)
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deuce admired the prefect. ─ they have gone up against, and survived, several overblots, managed to handle whatever the headmage dumped on them, and always kept calm in situations when everyone around them often panicked or argued. ─ they did their best in class, making up for their lack of magic with how often they studied, always coming out with good grades and high scores (better than what he or ace often get).
deuce appreciates the prefect. ─ they listened to him when he admitted how much trouble he often got into and how much it hurt his mom. they didn't tease him when he had trouble understanding something for a class, and even offered to tutor him if they thought they could help. and when the prefect is always there to greet him after track, holding out a water bottle with a smile on their face.
deuce likes the prefect. ─ they're a friend he's gotten rather close to. he likes when they laugh, and he likes being someone they're comfortable with. he likes when they lean against him and doze off because they know they can trust him. and he likes when they make time to spend with him (even when there's plenty of other people who could probably be a lot more fun to hang around).
─ and deuce has come to understand his feelings for the prefect may not fall under the feelings of friends anymore.
deuce has never had a crush ─ he's never quite been close to anyone before. ─ except for maybe that time he had a crush on another kid in elementary school; but could that really count? he was only a kid, and he really only liked the way they drew the rabbits they were always doodling at lunch.
he spent the majority of his life before night raven college getting into trouble, picking fights, skipping classes, and living up to a lot of rumors that spread around town. he didn't have relationships with anyone so close that he could gain romantic feelings. ─ the people he did choose to hang out with could hardly be called friends, and were mostly just people who enabled his behavior.
which is why he was so slow to realize his own feelings for the ramshackle prefect. ─ it took some teasing from ace to realize what his feelings really were for the prefect. and even after realizing, he wasn't quite sure what to do. ─ and he wasn't going to take advice from ace, of all people, who offered to help for a price, because he seemed to think he was such an expert on the subject of relationships snd feelings (he's not).
but deuce knew what he wasn't going to do ─ act on his feelings.
his friendship with the prefect of ramshackle was just that, a friendship. they were one of his closest friends, and he's sure they see him as nothing more than that.
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deuce thought he was doing quite well at hiding his feelings for the prefect. ─ he believed that between himself, only one person knew, and that was ace, who was the whole reason he realized he had feelings for you.
but, thanks to his friends, he's come to realize that he was very wrong ─ and that he was very obvious. ─ and very hopeless (ace's words).
deuce thinks he's quite content sitting back and letting his feelings fester ─ or at least, that's what he thought, that is, until his friends told him his feelings couldn't be more obvious. and he wondered ─ if his friends (and everyone else, according to ace) knew about his feelings, did that mean, you too were aware? and if that was the case, did that mean you had chosen not to acknowledge him? was this an indirect rejection to his feelings he never actually intended to reveal to you?
oh, he believes he could dig himself a hole and stay there for the rest of his life. at least then he wouldn't have to deal with whatever feeling was digging at his chest and forcing him to make up all these scenarios of your rejection towards him in his thoughts. scenarios of how you must've reacted upon discovering his feelings for you that (he believed) you didn't return.
but it seems his rather troubled gang of fellow first years expected this spiral as they reassured him, that you probably didn't know anything.
"the prefect's pretty busy," jack had said, shrugging almost nonchalantly that deuce was a little jealous (it's much better then the panic he felt).
and epel agreed with the beastman, "i don't think they have ever even thought about something like this happening. they've never hinted at noticing anything!"
"yeah, they're pretty clueless about it," ace sighed, hands tucked into his pockets and looking at deuce with a grin that screamed teasing. "makes you guys a perfect match, doesn't it?"
deuce scowled at him (as much as he could through his fingers that had covered his face after his friends revealed the news about his rather obvious feelings to him), grumbling behind his hand at the heart, "shut up, ace."
ace rolled his eyes, untucking his hands from his pockets to throw an arm around deuce's shoulders, "quit worrying, juice! i can guarantee [name] feels the same!"
deuce lowered his hands from his face just enough that he was only covering his nose, eyes narrowed on ace. he ignored the nickname, instead asking, "and how do you know that for sure?"
"you're not the only one close to them, ya know?" ace scoffed, patting deuce's shoulder and sending him a smug smirk. "they totally like you back!"
taking ace's word was not something deuce did ─ after all, it was ace who often got them into trouble. and he was sure that if you were here, you would have a humbling comment to throw back at ace, reminding him of everything he put their group through. and how believing anything he said might just end up with them in more trouble.
but this was different; and he can't help but feel a little hopeful at the thought that ace was right. ─ that you hadn't indirectly rejected him and did indeed feel the same.
a clap on the back and deuce was back to glaring at his dormmate.
"it's alright, we know you're helpless, which is why we're going to offer you our help!" ace announced, and deuce is pretty sure he heard epel mumble a wait what, before ace contined, "you'll be dating the prefect in no time, deuce!"
"what." deuce said, and jack and epel's voice joined his, the three of then staring incredulously at the boy.
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deuce knew he shouldn't have followed along with whatever ace had planned. ─ he's not sure what he expected when ace called for sebek and ortho to meet in jack's dorm, where he introduced to them his, deuce + [name] setup to a happy couple plan (yes, that was the name, and yes, epel teased ace).
"this seems...." jack trailed, eyeing the whiteboard (they don't know where ace got it).
"stupid." epel bluntly finished.
"i think it seems fun!" ortho chirped, hands locked in front of him and eyes practically shining at the thought of playing matchmaker.
sebek looked at whiteboard with a grimace, as if having trouble understanding any of it, (and no one could blame, the plan or rather plans, wasn't exactly... foolproof). he finally added his own thoughts, voice carrying strongly, as it always did, "i fail to see how any of this will help deuce court the prefect. it reminds me of a game ortho has spoken about."
ace sighed loudly, throws his arms up dramatically, "you're all clueless!"
words of protest followed his insult, but he ignored them in favor of turning to the reason for this chaos. "come on, deuce! don't listen to them, it's perfect!"
deuce frowned, eyeing the whiteboard of ideas with uncertainty.
"besides! who would you rather listen to," ─he gestured towards epel and the others,─ "guys who have never been in a relationship," ─ he gestured back to himself, proudly, ─ "or me, who has!"
"you mean that relationship with the girl you didn't actually like, and only lasted for so long?" epel snarked, rolling his eyes with a smug smirk at the heart.
"shut up, epel."
attempt number one: flowers!
"now here," ace pushed a bunch of roses into deuce's hands, forcing him to stumble on his feet for a moment before straightening out and glancing at the bunch of flowers. something about them seemed off, and it wasn't just the poorly cut thorns. "give them to the prefect. simple, right?"
deuce has to agree that it was simple.
"and then what?" deuce asked.
"uh," ace paused, "just figure it out from there!"
"here they come!"
and deuce was quickly pushed away and onto the path leading up to the dorm, while ace quickly ran off to leave him to his own. with a deep breath, deuce squeezed the stems in his hands and approached you. when you noticed him, you smiled, and deuce felt his hands clam up even more.
"hey deuce!"
"hi, prefect." deuce greeted rather shyly, forcing himself to hold out the roses in his hands for you to take. you paused at his actions, glancing down at the flowers curiously.
"are they for me?"
"yes, um─"
"Ace!" there was a familiar yell that quickly had deuce tensing up. he turned to find his dormmate running towards him with an angry heartslabyul housewarden on his tail. and when riddle seemed to notice deuce, his eyes met the flowers in his hands, and somehow his face managed to get even more red. and that's when deuce realized ─
oh, he's in so much trouble.
ace passed him, latching onto the spade's wrist and beginning to pull him along, forcing the roses to scatter, leaving you standing there amidst it all, looking very confused.
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"okay, so that didn't go as planned."
"you were collared for a week." epel scoffed, arms crossed over his chest as he sent ace an unamused look.
"a minor setback." ace shrugged off, waving his hand at the boy as he turned to the whiteboard of ideas. he placed his hands on his hips and nodded, as if he had any idea what he was doing, "it's all a part of the plan."
jack and epel exchanged a glance, looking back at deuce who was slouching on jack's bed with his face in his hands. ortho stood beside him, patting the spade on the back in an attempt to comfort him.
attempt number two: lunch.
"all you have to do, is ask them to eat with you." ace explained, while an exasperated epel rolled his eyes at the heart.
deuce furrowed his brows at the boy, "but we always eat lunch together?"
ace sighed, "i mean with just the two of you."
"oh." deuce nodded, but paused, "what about grim?"
"we'll come over to take him away when you guys make it to the cafeteria!"
from around the corner, ortho and sebek joined them, quickly announcing that you were making your way to the cafeteria. ace gave deuce a pat on the back, saying a few encouraging words (that weren't actually all that encouraging), before pushing him on to confront you, while he and the rest of the first years continued on to the cafeteria.
deuce sighed, but gathered whatever courage he might have as he began down the hall in search of you. and it didn't take long to find you, as ortho and sebek said, you were already on your way to the cafeteria.
"hey deuce!" you greeted as you and grim spotted the boy making his way towards you. grim looked between the two of you with an annoyed frown, not happy at the pause to get food.
"hi, prefect," deuce cleared his throat; all he was doing was aking you to have lunch, but the reasoning behind such a question made him nervous, and he had to refrain from wrinkling his clothes in a nervous habit of pulling at them.
just ask, "would you like to have lunch together?" at your puzzled expression, deuce managed to add, "just between us?"
you paused, but seemed to understand what he meant as a smile took over your face and you nodded, "of course─"
but before you could finish, your name was called, and you turned to find the reason. the headmage approached you with his ever-familiar smile, arms held out as he stopped just before you, deuce, and grim. "hello, prefect, i hate to drag you away from your lunch," ─ you all know that wasn't true ─ "but there is an urgent matter i need your help with. please meet me in my office."
you frowned as he walked off, giving you no time to protest or reply as he marched in the direction of his office.
"but what about lunch!" grim cried, "i'm hungry!"
you sighed, turning to deuce, "sorry, deuce. do you think you can take grim with you?"
despite feeling the disappointment settle, deuce still nodded, doing his best to give you a reassuring smile, "of course, [prefect]! i'll make sure he eats."
"thank you." you smiled at him, before turning in the direction the headmage went, leaving grim with deuce.
deuce sighed, shoulders slumping as he turned the opposite of you with grim at his side to return to the cafeteria.
upon reuniting with the others, he only had to tell them the headmage called for you, for them to understand that this too, was another failed attempt.
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"so that didn't work out either," ace said, hand to his chin as they were all once again gathered in jack's dorm room, staring at the whiteboard of plans, with lunch and flowers crossed out.
"we didn't account for the headmage!" ortho said, the only one in the group genuine in accepting and following ace's plan (aside from deuce, who doesn't understand why he's going along with it at all). "perhaps we should try a different idea!" the young shroud moved closer to the board, eyeing the details, before pointing at one of the plans. "perhaps this one!"
ace clapped his hands together, "great idea!"
epel sighed and jack shook his head, while sebek eyed the board, nodding along as ace turned to them to explain the new plan.
attempt number three: sleepover!
epel and jack have decided this might be one of the worst plans on the board, and deuce thinks he might just agree with them. ─ planning a sleepover with their group of friends, only for everyone but deuce to suddenly call and bail? deuce isn't quite sure what ace was thinking when he put the plan on the board, or what ortho was thinking when he pointed it out.
but despite his and the other's reservation, they still found themselves putting the plan in motion.
"well," you sighed, stretching back on the couch of the dorm, the one they used their thaumarks from vil to buy after the sdc, and smiling at the spade who sat on the floor and leaned back against the coffee table. "guess it's just us, huh deuce?"
"yeah, i guess so," deuce quietly agreed, wondering if the way his face heated up was noticeable (he really likes your smile).
grim had decided to eat through all the tuna you had bought him and fall into a food coma back in your room, and with the others having bailed on what you thought was another simple sleepover between yourself and your group of first years, it was only the two of you sitting in the louge of ramshackle as the night drew later. (and you're not quite sure where the ghosts had disappeared to.)
"do you want to play some games?" you asked as you stood from the couch to turn on the console ortho and idia had given you.
"sure," deuce nodded, standing as well to take a seat on the couch as you returned. you sat beside him, holding out a controller before looking back at the screen to choose from the many games.
deuce actually isn't quite sute how long the two of you played games, sometimes playing together on the same team and other times going against each other. he does know, however, that the two of you were having fun, and hearing you laugh because of him filled him with a certain sense of pride
after some time you yawned, leaning back on the couch with the controller resting on your lap. deuce turned to you, and you smiled, supressing another yawn, "i'm getting a little tired."
"yeah," deuce nodded, a smile on his face of pure adoration towards you (not that you were all that aware of that fact). he grabbed your controllers to put safely next to the console, which he also thought to shut down.
he turned to you as you stretched your arms above your head and yawned again.
"i'm going to go get a drink."
"okay." you lazily replied.
deuce disappeared into the kitchen for only a minute or two to grab a glass of water, but when he returned, he found you stretched across the couch, looking to have only intended to lie down for a moment, only to end up dozing off. deuce smiled at the sight as he set his water on the coffee table, and grabbed a blanket you often kept draped over the lounge chairs, before throwing it over you. he had half a mind to attempt to move you, but he'd feel bad if he woke you.
after making sure you seemed decently comfortable, he laid across one of the other couches, and dozed off himself.
success? (the intent was there, but not carried out)
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"okay so, it worked but he didn't even confess," ace grumbled, throwing his arms up in the air as he stood in front of the whiteboard.
"where is deuce?" ortho asked, glancing around the dorm for the spade who wasn't present for the meeting as he had been for the others (despite him being the reason for it at all).
sebek nodded to ortho's question, crossing his arms across his chest as he asked, "i don't believe i've seen him since lunch."
ace paused, stopping to glance at the group to confirm the person of topic was indeed absent. "he messes up the plan and then doesn't even show?" ace shouted, huffing as if he was offended by deuce's actions.
"maybe he got tired of all your ridiculous plans and decided to take matters into his own hands." epel shrugged, sitting back in jack's desk chair with a pointed look at ace.
"deuce?" ace clicked his tongue, waving a hand at the boy, "no way!"
attempt number four?: deuce's plan!
deuce is unsure if he's ever been this nervous before ─ well, actually, he is. but the reason this time was for something he's never quite experienced before and he can feel the doubt creep in and start to consume his thoughts.
but then he remembers what jack said when he told the wolf and epel what he planned to do ─ "you're probably going to feel nervous. my dad used to tell me all the time that he was too when he confessed to my mom, but that's fine. it's like when we're running, just go for it and do your best."
deuce sucked in a breath, running a hand through his hair and nodded, "okay, it's fine. i got this."
the spade almost jumped as he turned to face you, quickly gaining his composure (or what little of it that he had) as you approached. you stopped in front of him, a smile on your face but still looking confused as you glanced around. ─ he had asked you to meet him behind the botanical guardians, just where you found the hazelnuts you guys used for the apology tart for riddle.
"you texted me to meet you here alone?" you asked, although more like repeated what was in the message, "is everything okay?"
"yes!" deuce quickly answered, cringing at how loud he said it, before backtracking on his words, "or no? um, well─"
at your concerned and confused expression he paused to take another deep breath, muttering to himself, just loud enough for you to hear, only further confusing you.
"okay, um, it's fine, i got this."
"deuce?" you asked, again, head tilted to the side a little as you tried to examine his expression. (he was looking a little nervous, and that concerned you even more.)
"prefect─ [name]," he corrected, facing forward but looking everywhere but at you to avoid meeting your eyes. his voice seemed to almost pitch with nerves, but he tried to push through, "listen, um, i don't really know how to this. i've never done this before, but i... well i don't know, um─" he glanced at you for a moment, before quickly glancing away, afraid he might back out with how intently you stared at him, concern written across your features.
no, he has to do this. and if you reject him then he'll just ─ well, he doesn't know what he'll do. return to his dorm and bury himself under the blankets to wallow in self-pity? call his mother and hope she'll have advice on how to handle his first heartbreak? ─ wait, he's getting ahead himself. he has to confess first; besides, you may not even reject him! there's a chance you'll return his feelings, right?
it's fine.
"deuce, are you okay?"
deuce deflated at the concern in your voice ─ just rip the bandaid off. he's gotten into fights, fought monsters, and battled overblots. for seven's sake! he can do this!
"[name]," he said again, straightening out his shoulders and somehow managing to meet yours eyes despite his very loose nerves. "you're one of my best friends. we've been through a lot together, and your friendship means a lot to me." ─ he paused to examine your face as you squinted your eyes at him; could you tell where he was going with this?
"but, agh, how do i say this, um─" he could feel his hands begin to clam up and he quickly stuffed them into the pockets of his pants. "i like you. a lot more than a friend. and i don't want to ruin our friendship ─ i think ─ but i felt like i should, no, i needed to tell you. and if you reject me, that's... that's fine. but i had to tell you." deuce finally stopped rambling, squeezing his eyes shut and turning his head, as if he was preparing for someone to land a hit on him.
it was silent, and deuce doesn't know if it's just his nerves but he almost thinks the wind stopped blowing in that moment. then he heard you sigh, and the crunch of the fallen leaves at your feet, until he felt your arms around his neck and your chin on his shoulder. deuce froze, peeking an eye open to glance at you as you hugged him, managing to mutter a quiet, what, before you interrupted whatever might've been happening in his head (overthinking, he was seriously overthinking).
"jeez," you scoffed, though even through his nerve-rattled state he could tell there was no bite to your voice, "you scared me. don't do that."
"what?" deuce didn't know what to say as he removed his hands from his pockets and held them over your back, hesitating to return your hug as he remained confused.
you stepped back, but kept your hands on his shoulders, patting him in an attempt to comfort him, before you chuckled and sent him a smile, "i like you too, deuce. a lot more than a friend."
it was a moment as deuce stared at you, and you let him take in your words, as the gears in his head turned until he finally gasped. a wide grin crossed his face, and he quickly pulled you into a hug, to which you laughed, but returned his action. you're quite sure you could feel his hands shake against your back where he hugged you, likely from the nerves of his confession, but you made the decision not to comment on it.
deuce sighed, "i was so nervous."
"i could tell."
"and you like me back?"
"i did say that, yes."
deuce pulled back, and you think he almost looked like an excited puppy, "so, will you go on a date with me?"
"of course i will."
deuce's smile was cheeky, and if he stayed smiling like that, you feared his face might start to hurt ─ but he was so excited, and you thought it cute.
"wait till the guys hear about this!" at his words, you raised your eyebrows at him, and he paused, "if you're okay with that."
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you laughed again and shook your head, "it's fine."
notes ─── i finished it yay! hope you like it eli <3
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do not repost, translate, copy or run my writing through an ai
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oceaneyesinla · 15 hours
17. "I hope you know that I'll never leave your side, even though you ate half of my pancakes earlier." "Hmm, I won't either, even though you take my clothes and never return them." with Bakugou please 💖
Em, thank you so much for sending in a request my sweet!!!!! i hope you enjoy <3
Part of my Fluff, Fluff and More Fluff Event - submissions still open!
Prompt 17: "I hope you know that I'll never leave your side, even though you ate half of my pancakes earlier." "Hmm, I won't either, even though you take my clothes and never return them."
Bakugo x gn!Reader, nickname 'sweetness' used, reader and Bakugo in their twenties
Divider by @/adornedwithlight
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Promise for a Promise
That’s your first conscious thought; the pain radiating through your abdomen. It’s more of a dull ache than anything, probably due to the painkillers you’re almost certain you’ve been given. You can feel their effect; you feel a little spaced out, and more than a little sleepy. There’s a warm hand in yours, though, so you force your eyes open. The palm resting on top of your hand is ever so slightly rough, and when you turn yours over and let your thumb drift gently over the knuckles, you feel that familiar scar.
Your lips are creeping up even before your eyes are open, and your smile only gets wider when you manage to focus on blonde hair and crimson eyes. Drugged as you are, it takes you a moment to process what you’re seeing, but when your brain catches up, your smile slips to a worried frown.
“Katsuki, you’re hurt! Are you okay?” There’s a bandage on his left cheek, and from the way he’s holding himself, you can tell he’s in pain; probably from some injury underneath the hoodie he’s wearing - one of your merch hoodies. The one you bought him as a joke but which quickly became his favourite thing to wear. 
The relief that was clear on his face when you opened your eyes morphs to incredulous rage, “You’re the one in a hospital bed and you’re asking me if I’m okay?! Dumbass!”
Back in high school, you would have believed his little outburst came from genuine anger, and you would have taken his reaction at face value. Now, you know better. You know every line on his face and every detail of his expression, and you would know his voice in a room of thousands. You can read him like a book, just like he can you.
Sliding your hand out of his, you reach up to cradle the cheek not covered in gauze. Your poor Katsuki - he must have been terrified. You can only remember flashes of the events that led to you being in this bed, but you’re certain Katsuki saw everything. The way he lets his face rest against your hand, and the fact he’s wearing that particular hoodie despite it being summer and plenty warm enough speaks volumes.
He visibly relaxes under your touch, shoulders slumping and a sigh escaping him. He meets your eyes, and you’re surprised to see the beginnings of tears welling on his lash line.
“You scared me, sweetness.” His hand comes up to cover your own, “Took Icy Hot twenty minutes to get to you.” A pause, a swallow, a single tear slipping down his cheek and landing on your finger, “Really thought I lost you there.”
Part of you wants to apologise; for getting hurt, for worrying him, but you know there’s no need. You both know the risks of being pro heroes, and you both accepted it a long time ago. This is the life you’ve chosen - all you can do is fight to come home to each other.
Instead, you decided to meet his vulnerability with reassurance. Wiping the tear track away with your thumb, you speak softly, “I hope you know I’ll never leave your side,” You can’t help the mischievous smile turning up your lips, “Even though you ate half of my pancakes earlier.”
The mix of comfort and humour works - a burst of laughter leaves him, and his eyes look a little brighter as he rolls them at your dramatics. You’re exaggerating a little - it was more like two, and it wasn’t so much stealing as it was you being too full to finish them off and sliding them onto his plate with your most charming smile. Potato, potahto - what matters is that Katsuki looks a little less haunted than he did a couple of minutes ago.
He sobers after a minute, though he’s still watching you with a soft smile. He wraps his hand around yours, lifting it to his lips so he can press a kiss to your knuckles, “I won’t either,” A promise for a promise, and your chest aches with the love you feel for him, “Even though you take my clothes and never return them.”It’s your turn to laugh now, and you don’t mind even when it aggravates whatever wounds you have. You launch your self-defense - you share a wardrobe, so technically you are returning them - and you fall back into your familiar rhythm. You’re both going to be okay, and you’ll both keep fighting to stay at each other’s side.
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wiabelle-art · 1 month
Congrats on 200 followers! You deserve them all and more. Adore your art. Doodle request: Beans & Ikalgo (HxH). Please and thank you! 👉👈🙏
Thank you so much! I really appreciate it ✩
You were the first to ask so you get a colored doodle! (^◡^)
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crheativity · 1 month
Hello and congratulations!
Could I request Deuce at 2PM in the rain?
Also, I really love your name! Very clever.
WARNINGS: Reader loves dancing in the rain Ig(?)
COMMENTS: Hi! Thank you so much for the request!! I love this prompt so much, I’m a sucker for OTPs in the rain hehe. Sorry if this is a little short! And thank you for the compliment! I like puns :D
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Deuce had never really thought about the rain before. He neither loved nor hated it - it just simply was. He’d known people who loved it before, yet he never quite understood how they seemed to get that much joy from it.
But you? You were a different story.
At first, when you’d just become friends, he’d sit there, happy watching you dance in the rain, laughing and getting soaked and spinning around. Fully content to just keep you company while you have fun.
But that all changed from the momen you asked him to join you.
He’d been hesitant at first - would an honours student let his clothes get drenched? But after some coercion - some pleading and puppy dog eyes he just couldn’t say no to - he allowed you to take his hands and pull him into the rain.
To his surprise, you didn’t let go.
The way his heart began to beat faster should’ve been his first clue.
Together you spun and laughed and danced, soaking in each other’s company. It had been the first time in a while Deuce had just let himself be.
And it was all thanks to you, he realised. You who found happiness in dancing in the rain. You, who laughed and made him feel like dancing, too. You who smiled at him and gave him butterflies in his stomach as he spun you around. You, who accepted him for who he was, bruises and all.
You, who looked like an angel, drenched in rain yet practically glowing in the light of the sunset.
Deuce didn’t think he was a particularly smart man. And yet, even he knew that in the future, he would say that this day was the day he fell in love with you.
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♥ Thank you for reading!! I hope you enjoyed it! ♥
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afyrian · 3 months
☀️🏠 + post brazil shoyo please !! any format
hope uve been good <3 waited on the event since u posted about it im so excited to see what u write
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sunburn soulmates hinata shoyo x fem!reader (fluff) synopsis: sunburn + next door neighbor word count: 720 warnings: sunburns masterlist
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   rapid knocking rattles the paintings by your front door, your apartment walls thin and weak. your eyebrows furrow curiously at the extreme noise. it takes you a few seconds, but you can recognize the rapid knocking, the heaviness of each knock attributed to one person. it has the same melody every time, even if it’s unintentional on his behalf. 
  you shake your head, smiling to yourself, wondering what your next door neighbor needed. tying the string within your shorts a little tighter, you open the front door, eyes peering at the man in front of you. there your neighbor stands, his skin a deep pink color and some tan lines around his eyes, "shoyo? what happened?"
  the obvious answer pops into your head, but with how burnt he is, it's hard to wonder how this could've happened to him, "we had some beach volleyball games today. do you think you could help me with some aloe vera?"
  "sho.. this looks terrible!" you bring your hand up to your cheek, covering some of your mouth as you shake your head, "i mean i can help, but shoyo this is absolutely terrible! and dangerous, gosh you really have to worry about this kind of stuff!"
  he waddles into your apartment, careful not to bump anything in the fear of feeling the painful sting. you purse your lips as you watch him make his way over to your couch, sitting on your floor in front of it. very rarely has he come over for help like this. however, in those few times, you still found yourselves giving it a certain routine. his legs are crossed, waiting patiently for your help.
  following him over, he hands the bottle of aloe vera to you, it nearly empty from his accidental burns. "your concerns are absolutely valid! we were just out for so long and forgot to check the time," shoyo frowns away from you, yet you feel like you can hear it in his voice. 
  even if neither of you have said it, he always feel bad whenever you worry for him. the anxiety in his heart building equally with yours, not for his own health, but for you. for the stress that he unintentionally causes within you. 
  "next time set a reminder or an alarm or something!! doctor's orders," you dump some of the aloe vera into your hand, stamping it onto his back in different places, trying to get it spaced evenly.
  "ma'am yes ma'am, i'll even call you every time i reapply just so it keeps me accountable," he looks back at you, wincing a little as his neck twists with his head, a smile still somehow making its way to his face, "if you're okay with that, that is."
  you roll your eyes to yourself, leaning forward to spread it across his back. he turns back around before he can see it, unable to see your reaction. however, he can tell that you won't say to no to him, not in a million years you'd say no to him. and he's correct, you mentally preparing yourself to take him off of do not disturb. 
  "yeah it is, you know it is sho. besides, i like having you as my neighbor. you're dependable, kind hearted," you run your hands up his neck, just barely feeling the short hairs right under his hairline. 
  goosebumps run up his back and you can see him shiver a little. the aloe vera creates a cool coating on his skin, rivaling that of the heat that the sun added to his epidermis. "you do? well then i'll have to stick around for a little while longer. plus it seems that msby black jackals is looking for players," he mentions, indicating that he wouldn't be moving back to argentina anytime soon. 
 "you'd stay for little old me?" you question, running your hands down his sides, nearly finished covering his back with aloe vera. 
  "yeah, yeah, i'd stay for little ol’ you," he turns to look at you, unaware of how close you are to him now, nearly off the couch as you lean forward. 
  you stare into his brown eyes, unable to look away from them. there's always been something about your next door neighbor that you couldn't quite escape. particularly the love that he feels for you.
a/n: i’ve been great!! thanks for this prompt, i loved it <33 and i hope i did your idea justice!
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midnight-pluto · 10 months
Hi!! Can I request headcanons about being best friends with Nico and Will (together), kinda having that “couple who adopts their bsf as their child” dynamic reader is a child of Demeter and if it’s no trouble can reader be female? GN will work if not.
SOLANGELO +1 — headcanons
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you call it third wheeling, i call it quality time with the parents
CHAR: will solace, nico di angelo, grover, mentioned!percy jackson, mentioned!annabeth chase
PAIRING(S): solangelo + daughter of demeter!reader, mentioned!percabeth
A/N: this is gonna be a nightmare to tag lmao
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when new campers meet Will for the first time, they’re almost always introduced to Nico next
what they don’t expect, is for you to pop out of nowhere introducing yourself as well
they jump slightly at your sudden appearance, and reciprocate your greeting with slight confusion in their voice but then Will gladly explains the situation
“This is Y/N, daughter of Demeter.”
“Yeah, and these are my dads.”
“Y/N that’s not—“
it would be so much funnier if you were taller than both of them
that sends some campers in a spiral, especially the younger ones
once the new camper is recovered they then automatically understand the true nature of y’all’s relationship
some are slightly confused on why you seem so glad with the arrangement you three have going but most support it and find it amusing
if the three of you are ever going anywhere you’re usually in the front as the actual couple trail behind you holding hands
all of the friendship accessories you three own are thanks to you!
you made matching bracelets, a custom bead to add to the camp necklace just for the three of you, and the cliché flower crowns your cabin is known for
the flower crown was made of an assortment of flowers — lilies, chrysanthemums, and sunflowers which all not coincidentally mean or have some correlation to friendship
you have most definitely been the first to witness Will playing a love song to Nico in private
not wanting to interrupt the moment you made all the plants in the area grow greener and have flowers sprout around them
it was a miracle on how both of them didn’t notice your antic sooner
as you were making the plants grow around them from the bush, Will had stopped strumming as Nico looked at him with one of his rare smiles when they both leaned into each other
but of course Nico just had to feel the suddenly grown flowers tickling at his ankles and immediately spotted you — watching you run away from your hiding spot
that situation is what led to you to believe was the reason you kept on being invited to their dates
were you complaining? no, of course not
you had the ability to snack on all their food after all and they have no one but themselves to blame
“Where did the cookies even go?”
as their honorary child you were not technically counted as a third-wheel
Will had jokingly dubbed it a ‘family bonding time’ whenever you joined in on his Nico’s time together — them not even doing anything special, but you still joined anyways — and the name stuck
in all honesty Will is happy with the arrangement you all have together
don’t get him wrong, he would enjoy the moments he and Nico have together all the same even if you weren’t there, but your presence and witty comments coming from nowhere make it all the more cherished
also, your ability to make scenes more romantic is very highly appreciated; making him choose more woody and grassy areas so it’s easier for you to romanticize them
Nico on the other hand would’ve enjoyed it more if he and Will were alone away from your eyes
but he supposed yours was different — making the moments they both have feel more domestic so he didn’t necessarily consider any of his or Will’s actions PDA when it was you
you never really paid attention anyways
the romanticized scenery caused by you made Nico scoff but he was grateful for the added atmosphere — which was quite a compliment since he normally disliked such clichés
Grover once tried to talk to you about it and relate to the feeling of being the third-wheel like he was with Percy and Annabeth
it didn’t lead to an outcome he expected
“And they’re like: ‘be safe. I love you,’ and then I’m just standing there wondering if they’ll ever tell me that because you know, life-or-death situation going on right? But they never do!”
“Damn bro, that sucks.“
“Does this not happen to you?”
“Nope. We yell at each other to be safe.”
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A/N: school is absolute shit
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mermaidfanficlibrary · 5 months
Fandom: Twisted Wonderland
Characters: Silver Kalim Rook
Type: Normal, Romantic fluff. Not established relationship? Yeah idk about that.
Song: Da Capo from Honkai impact 3rd. Its a game.
I may send in another req with the same song for angst. Cause the potential i tell you.
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.·:🎼¨༺ Songs from the heart ༻¨🎼:·. | Da Capo
Characters: Kalim, Rook, Silver
Song: Da Capo from Honkai Impact 3rd
Warnings: None
A/U: Self aware Twisted Wonderland Au
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Kalim was excited while you were using him to finish up the exams for your weekly missions. He was one of your mains, and it brought so much joy to his already joyful heart. This time however, you were choosing the moves and not autoing the battles. Your attention on him made him so happy. While doing the daily exams, Kalims's ears picked up such a beautiful song playing in the background.
“When good old friends are going away, Will you wish them to remember your name?”
You seemed so somber when listening to the song. As if your heart weighed heavy with something but you still chose to smile. Kalim liked it when you smiled, especially when he was the cause of it. There was something off about that one lyric. There was a certain sadness in your eyes.
Did people forget you? His heart swelled with empathy at the notion that you were forgotten amongst peers within your world. How badly Kalim wished to whisk you away and into Scarabia. All of his dorm mates would treat you with such adoration and not a single soul would go on without remembering your name. You were the creator after all.
Kalim made sure that when the last exam ended, he was the one on the victory screen. He said his coded line but when he asked if the opponent was okay, it was more directed towards you. Your gaze lingered on the victory screen. Kalim urgently answered your question. His words didn't reach you but the sentiment was still there.
“Of course I would! And I'll remember yours too, creator!”
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Rook had his usual smile on his face, one that never revealed his true inner feelings. He was the only one in the guest room wandering around. You watched with entertainment while trying to decide what item to craft and add to the concoction of furniture within the room. Rook sat down in one of the plush chairs provided in the guest room humming the tune playing in the background. One lyric caught the hunter's attention, however.
“May you, the beauty of this world always shine.”
Rook's eyes widened at the sudden lyric. Shock flooded through his system but it wasn't evident over the screen. His chibi in the guest room froze on the chair it was sitting on. You recognized his beauty. Shock soon turned into amazement at the notion of what you said.
Rook was often used to being the pervaior of beauty, but having you call out his beauty made him so happy. His lips spread across his face. A smile from cheek to cheek was evident. He hummed in amusement, leaning back in the excellently crafted chair. He wanted to pay you back for the excellent song.
His beauty was mostly for you. He dedicated so much to represent himself the best he could. Even before his transition into Pomefiore. Rook looked at you from the other side with such adoration. His beauty didn't rival yours.
“You're the reason I always shine, creator.”
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Silver was dozing off, much to his dismay, while you looked at one of his cards. His chibi form was on display while you were looking at one of his cards' stats. He was very grateful that you were paying so much attention to him. Music played in the background as you decided what to level up on the card. It was calming enough to put Silver right to sleep.
“When good old days are passing away Will you promise your heart remains the same?”
Silver immediately awoke with his drowsiness now gone. He looked at your calming features. That one lyric replayed in his mind as if it were meant for him. The song continued to play, but that one lyric swarmed his thoughts. Does he dare answer you?
He so badly wanted to. Even if the question was just a song. Even if he was reading too much into it. Silver could have been dreaming it for all he knew. He didn't care; he wanted to express that he wouldn't ever change. 
At least he wouldn't change much. Silver was overwhelmed with happiness that you liked him so much that you didn't want him to change. He was sure you still would even if he did. After some thinking, Silver made his mind up. His little chibi made eye contact with you once more.
“With you watching over me, I can promise I won't ever change.”
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Do not repost or translate without my explicit permission! Reblogs are welcome!
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ataraxiaspainting · 8 months
Heyy!! I don’t know if you still do Chrollo fics , but if you’re doing recommendations/commissions , can you make something like where the readers like “do you think you’ll kill for me one day?” and he’s like “yes. of course I will my darling” ?? It’s based off a sound I heard somewhere .. I think the song is called “I want it all” by Lana del ray. Thank you!! 🫶
damn he really would say that huh?
Bad Habit.
Yan Chrollo x F Reader.
Synopsis: “Where there is carnage, there is beauty.”
Warnings: Yandere themes, unhealthy relationships, general anxiety and uneasiness, references to disturbing works of art (Saturn Devouring His Son, The Nightmare, Ivan the Terrible and His Son Ivan), manipulation, and talks of violence.
Word Count: 900.
There are as many things people can see as beautiful as there are shades of light shining through a prism.
Spectrums are quite common along with comparison and placement. It varies greatly from person to person, their preferences and their life experiences and their joys, and their fears.
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, yes, but the eye of the beholder is also the window to their soul, to their psychological responses and traumas and memories of a past that would rather either be forgotten or worshiped. Every soul is different, and there is beauty in that. So, why do you find the heart and soul of Chrollo Lucilfer, whom many would call beautiful if they never knew him for what he truly is, so, so simply lovely? It does not have to do with his mannerisms or his confidence or his knowledge of virtually everything in this world, you concluded one day, after receiving yet another call from him, with him, as always, asking general questions like if you miss him and such. It is because he is the only thing I can cling to that will stay here, with me.
You cling onto him like a lost puppy, yearning for any sort of affection they can get no matter the cost. You did that when he first transported you from one place to another with hardly regarding any words from you on the matter. You do that now, in this art museum, full of unfamiliar faces and unfamiliar artwork and unfamiliar architecture. You missed home, back then. You still do now, and Chrollo still does not care one bit.
His hand is like a cuff, his arm like a chain, as he walks with you from one room to the next. But, still, it is the only thing that keeps you from falling apart.
So, like a sort of dance, you two move in sync. It is up to Chrollo as to if or when you will stop. It is never up to you, after all.
Does Chrollo enhance the horrific allure of these paintings, or does he once again bring all the attention to himself?
“Mythology often comes from our own woes.” He says, pointing upward, slowly, to Cronos’s eyes, which are bloodshot and large and dark. “A popular theory was that Goya was representing an oppressive government through Kronos, and the son that was prophesized to kill him as an adult represented the people who had started to revolt. But others don’t see it that way, oddly enough.”
You don’t respond, you simply look at the beheaded infant, which looks so soft and so rotten at the same time, with blood and deskinned chewed flesh running down his neck. He fits into his father’s hands perfectly, like he was made to be eaten.
“While most incubi are written and drawn as physically attractive creatures, this one in particular looks more akin to a gargoyle than that of a man.” He hums, and you can feel his hand wrap more tightly around yours. Not so much in a strangling, hurtful way, but rather just in a sort of reminderful way. “Maybe Fuseli was trying to make sure that the point of what the incubus really is is sent across to the viewers?”
With not a single word coming out of your mouth, a sure sign that you are zoning out his words, he squeezes a bit tighter to get your attention back where he wants it to be.
“What do you think, beloved?”
Once again, instead of answering, you choose to remain silent and focus your attention on other things. So, you look around. To the floor. To your high heels. Everything else, anything else. Only silence remains for a few more moments, but when the silence is not enjoyed any longer with another increase in his grip, you decide to answer before you get yourself into trouble.
“...I… I think that maybe it deals with sleep paralysis.”
Chrollo widens his eyes and smirks, and from those actions alone you know you have created a believable lie and concept that is sure to be amusing to him.
You’re forgiven.
“Historians say that the son’s death was the point of no return for Ivan.” A cradling of the arms and a Cat’s Cradle are the same; they both trap those within them.
Eyes are still eyes, whether they are real or not. Ivan the Terrible’s show a thousand tragedies and a thousand other faces his destiny could have worn, if he pushed the other one aside, if he had the strength to.
“Just like how Ivan was his son’s undoing, his son was also his.”
“...Would you ever kill for me?”
Violence is often not the only path Chrollo can choose to take. His words can be another, albeit that road will be much longer, and less smooth.
Who knows what he will choose when the hour of the heist comes to fruition when the art can finally be grasped and never let go of?
Which path do you prefer?
Which path does he prefer?
Do you prefer to be threatened with sweet honey that sticks to your skin or is so hot that it burns it?
“Of course, my dear.”
What you find grotesque, like the way the topic of violence is spoken so naturally from you and him, Chrollo always seems to find beautiful, like the way your moving lips are so lush.
Paintings are often just a reflection of how the world is, after all.
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six-eyed-samurai · 3 months
Firstly congratulations on your followers! :) Secondly maybe the prompt R is for Romance from your yandere list with either reader and Rengoku or Dabi(from mha)? You don't have to do it if you don't want too, but I hope your day's good!
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SUMMARY: A drunken game on the rooftop was not how you imagined would be the reason you were suddenly locked into a basement by none other than Dabi himself A/N: TY TY! Sadly my Yandere Alphabet is actually for neutral characters, however I can still pull off the R is for Romance for you! I was having a good day, ty, my best friend came back today lmao WARNINGS: This is yandere, so MDNI and in no way do I condone this sort of relationship. Also alcohol, swearing, maybe OOC Dabi (I did my best I'm sorry) My inbox is still open if you would like to request for the event!
"Good Lord what letter comes after M?"
"O, stupid."
"Shut it Panda Eyes." You threw the bottle cap at your companion. He went cross eyed tracking it but maybe he was just drunk.
You both were, actually. Very much inebriated on top of some rooftop (how did you get up there again? Never mind it was going to give you an even bigger headache to try and remember) of some building in some place you had long forgotten during the alcohol binge you two were on. You wouldn't have pulled this sort of dumb stunt usually but after a successful night (successful...something. Ugh, what sort of damned drink had Dabi bought?) he had convinced you that it was good to celebrate. Just you and him, the after party.
An after party with lots and lots of alcohol. There was still more and you reached for another bottle, tilting it back. Then your eyes narrowed, turning to the turquoise pair staring at you. "Bullshit! You liar, it's N!"
"If you (beep) knew, why ask?" Dabi chucked his bottle cap at you. The caps littered the ground everywhere around you both, actually, as the both of you had agreed that it would be the punishment if the other was unable to continue the game.
The game, right. You had made a dumb joke about a team-building exercise and what a great time it would be to do it now even though the rest of the League wasn't here, then Dabi had followed it up with a sly suggestion of Eye Spy. You elbowed him and complained it was boring. He jabbed his finger into your side and in the end the both of you agreed to play a game of Word Association following the alphabet. Only problem was the both of you were idiots.
"I forgot! You got it wrong as well!"
Dabi rolled his eyes. "Just get the hell on with it."
"Okay! N for uh...nap?"
"Boring. N for...nonsense."
"You're boring. O for...obsession."
Dabi raised an eyebrow, taking another sip. "O for only."
"P for...platypus? Shit, what was that cartoon? The one where that duck thingy - platypus, sorry - wore a hat?"
"What the hell do you even watch?" Dabi snorted. "The first thing you think of is platypus?"
"You literally said M for magnesium just now," you grumbled, finishing your bottle and snatching his.
"After you said L for Bozo. That doesn't even make sense."
"I changed it off to L for love!"
"Once again, ew," Dabi sighed. "P for perfect."
"Q for...queue."
"So original. Q for queen."
"I hate you so much." You threw your head back. "R for-"
A beat of silence. Then you burst out laughing. "What in the actual-?"
"What? Your L got me thinking," Dabi protested, oddly defensive, going as far as to turn away.
“Thinking of someone?” You teased, crawling closer.
“Yeah.” Dabi smirked and you ignored the twang in your heart to widen your grin.
“Hmmm….anyone I know?” You blinked. “Actually, I can’t believe I never asked before. What’s your type? Tall, short, long hair, freckles, innocent, bratty, big ass?”
Dabi arched an eyebrow. “You thinking of somebody?”
“NO!” You flushed and blamed it on alcohol. “I’ll tell you my type if you do.”
“And what is your type, princess?”
You decided to ignore the nickname. “To be honest I don’t really mind as long as he’s…uh, nice? I dunno. Just someone who can show me a good time.”
“Had no idea you were into that.”
“I DIDN’T MEAN IT LIKE THAT!” You whacked his arm. “Like, I want a guy who’s gonna come over on time, pick me up, take me to a place not necessarily dinner. Maybe an arcade date, mall date, anything is fine. Just talk and listen, you know? And drive me back, walk me to the door, say goodnight and shit. ‘Cause dating for me is getting to know someone really well and…yeah, know them inside out.”
“I have no idea whatever the (beep) it was you just said. You’re so eloquent when drunk.”
“Shut up. Like you’re not. I just want a gentleman. Respects boundaries and all that shit but I want someone - oh god this sounds stupid - who’s gonna make the effort with me to be our first and last. Does that make sense now?” You flopped onto your back. “I need another drink.”
“That? That’s it?” Dabi snorted and laughed. “Your ideal romance?”
“At least I can pull!” You realized you both were out of bottles and groaned. “Your turn.”
Dabi paused for a moment, then suddenly his face loomed over you in another smirk. “I’ll sum it up in one word. You. Can I take you on an “arcade date, mall date, anything is fine” tomorrow?”
And somehow you wound up anxiously pacing around the entrance of the local arcade Dabi had said he’d take you to anyway. You had already purchased some tokens, thanked God you hadn’t overdressed in your panic earlier, taken a few sips of water and what else? Right, fret your brains out over whether or not this was just a horrible joke made while inebriated.
“What the (beep).”
Because you’d be lying if you said you didn’t fancy Dabi himself.
Ain’t no way he had basically just confessed like that. Nuh uh. He was probably just as out of it like you were and in the blurred haze made a mistake. A stupid mistake that was twisting your heart and insides hard.
Yet why were you here? Because you’re delusional that’s why. And because the way he had said it last night seemed so sincere.
“Well, well, looks like I failed in being the gentleman, huh?”
“You did,” you quip out of habit, but your tone’s shaky. “No pick up?”
“I have no idea where you live,” Dabi said smoothly. “It’s alright, I’ve got plenty of ways to make up for it soon enough.”
“I dunno. You’re not a gentleman.”
But he was and it was…insane. Absolutely amazing and flattering and oh good god you couldn’t even describe it but it was completely INSANE how much Dabi proved you wrong with this behavior over the next six months of you and him dating. Because he kept proving your wrong, each time, that in fact he COULD BE a gentleman when he wanted to.
He came to go pick you up and followed you home. He always knew exactly what you wanted on the menu after pulling out your chair. He listened.
Dabi made the effort to be your first and last, like you said, unlike the flings before. He said as much on the last date. You were utterly head over heels, besotted, infatuated with him even more so when he admitted he had liked you from the start but wasn’t sure when was a good time to tell you.
So of course he was the first one you called in a panic when you discovered the camera in your bathroom.
You couldn’t believe you never noticed it before - and it terrified more that it could’ve been watching the unsuspecting you for god knew how long. It was only pure chance that you had suddenly spotted a peculiar glint in the mirror when wiping off the fog, partially hidden by your shower curtain. Oh god, oh god, oh god-
“Yeah, princess?” The crack in your voice had been exceedingly audible, as was his concerned tone. “You good?”
“There you go again,” Dabi sighed, but his voice was placating, reassuring. “Slower this time?”
You took a deep breath. “I found a camera. In my bathroom. Some creep’s SPYING ON ME!”
“Get out of there right now and calm down, alright, sweetheart? I’ll be over in a minute.”
“You think the heroes put it there?”!”
“Doll, they’re horrible but they ain’t perverts. What’s so interesting in your bathroom besides you anyway?” Dabi’s joke came out tense and you heard a lot of background noise. “Look, like I said, get out of there. Don’t try to take it down-”
“I’ll be over soon,” Dabi repeated and hung up.
You steadied yourself before examining the camera in your hand, sitting against the ladder that you had used to get up there. It was an ordinary CCTV looking thing and you had used a towel to cover the lens before taking it down. The wires stuck out and pricked at your palms.
Who would be watching you like this?
You needed air - the bathroom was too cramped suddenly. You ran out into your bedroom and threw open the window, dumping the camera on the ground, dry heaving while leaning out. You finally calmed down sufficiently to slide down the wall with a groan, tilting your head back while you anxiously waited for Dabi to show up.
Shit. No, no, no-
There was another camera hidden by the curtains.
Hysterical tears began streaking down your face. How long you had been there in a sobbing panic attack you didn’t know, barely hearing your front door open and the footsteps thundering into your bedroom. You didn’t register anything until you were suddenly wrapped up in Dabi’s arms, head tucked against his chest as he awkwardly stroked your hair.
“Hey, calm down, alright?”
“I’m scared. I’m so damn scared that someone’s been watching me all this time. You know there’s another camera? I found another.” You hiccuped and exhaled. “Okay, okay, I’m calm now.”
“Great. Let’s get you a drink of water and we’ll talk.”
He led you to the kitchen and poured you a glass, the both of you seated at your small dining table while you fought to clear your head. Dabi watched you intently, tapping his foot on the ground.
So you had discovered the cameras, huh? A bad thing, but the fact that you had called him meant you had no idea it was him…just as well, really. Dabi could use this to his advantage - make you more dependent on him.
He internally chuckled. You hadn’t noticed the burn on your wall near the cameras then, when he had accidentally caught a wire aflame setting it up.
But outwardly he twisted his face into one of concern.
“We can’t report this to the police,” he started. “You’re a known member of the League.”
“Then what? I’m not staying here anymore!”
“You could live with me.” He caught your expression and rolled his eyes. “I didn’t mean it like that, but you sure are eager, huh?”
“Back to the point. Your stalker might’ve put up some other cameras, not just your bathroom or your bedroom window. You could live with me while we look for the bastard,” Dabi said, quite convincingly. “I’ll take care of you. Ideal romance, right?”
You snorted a half laugh at that. “You really do surprise me - wait.”
Dabi raised an eyebrow. “What?”
“The camera.” You felt yourself turning cold. Frozen. No way could it…”I didn’t tell you where I found the second camera’s location.”
“I found you crying underneath the window, princess. Sorry if I made the wrong assumption,” Dabi said apologetically. Inside he wondered if you were going to force his hand. His grip on the cup tightened. Stupid mistake.
“No…not only that.” You leapt your feet. “How did you get into my house anyway? I never took you here or gave you the key. You only ever walked me to the front door but I didn't tell you which floor I lived on or which apartment block. I locked the door, I’m sure. And how did you know where my bedroom was?”
“I could hear you weeping your eyeballs out from out there,” Dabi scoffed, getting to his feet as well. “I busted down your door.”
You backed away. “How did you know where I live then? And - and that day, when I nearly got mugged, you just showed up out of nowhere. Do you have a tracker on me?”
He said nothing.
“You put the cameras there, didn’t you?” Your whisper came out hoarse.
Dabi stepped closer and suddenly you realized exactly what a powerful presence he was as he leaned closer, trapping you against the table. “I did it all for us, y’know? For you. I had to know everything to keep you safe, be the perfect guy for you. Wasn’t that your ideal romance? Thanks for the tip, by the way, that night on the rooftop. It helped me realize exactly how to make you love me like I love you.”
“I don’t love a monstrous creep like you!”
His eyes flashed with hurt and heartbreak. “You will. Please.”
Dabi must’ve put something in your drink, you also realized; your knees buckled and you blacked out.
You awoke in a dark, stuffy room. Not like you were expecting anything less.
And he was right in front of you - that you didn’t expect. You would’ve lunged at your former love if you could, but the effects of whatever had knocked you out hadn’t left your body yet, making everything a blurry photograph and your limbs jelly. Something like cold metal bit into your wrists as well. Dabi just stared at you flatly.
“Why?” The word slipped out before you knew it. “If you say you love me, why? Why all this? Just for your sick idea of romance? You’re sick. You’re so sick I don’t know how I never knew it before. You…really are a damn villain.”
“You won’t let me protect you anymore. Keep watch.” Dabi shrugged. “I tried to do it your way, be your gentleman. Then you made me do it my way. You think I want this too? Rather see you happy and oblivious, really, but it’s not like you gave me a choice.”
“You never gave me a choice from the start!”
“I did,” Dabi corrected coldly.
You were grasping at straws and he knew it. “You think everyone’s not gonna notice if I just disappear?”
A warm hand suddenly clasped your cheek. Dabi really did look like a devil, you thought blearily, with all that staples and burns in the dark, with that expression.
“I faked my own death. I can fake yours.”
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mxdarling · 3 months
["did you miss me? because i really missed you" / "no! i'm not going anywhere and neither are you! we're stuck together now, i'll make sure of it"]
•❅───✧❅✦❅✧───❅• •❅───✧❅✦❅✧───❅•
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ೃ⁀➷: summary: the greatest detective, will never leave your side and neither will you leave his.
ೃ⁀➷: word count: 1.8k
ೃ⁀➷: reference/inspiration: n/a
ೃ⁀➷: event: [200 followers event]
[author's note:] my first bsd work LOLL god when I say I was writing this with trembling hands I wouldn't be lying, I was so scared to write for him even though he's one of my favs fufuu I just hate mischaracterization and i don't wanna fuck this up, anyways thank you anon for requesting ranpo with #30 and #22! it has been my pleasure to write for him LOLL enjoy!!
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[warnings:] lowercase, ooc ranpo, yandere behavior, they/them prns, possessive behavior, obsessive behavior, ranpo sits on reader's lap, mentions of stalking, implied reader being blackmailed by ranpo, reader is taller than ranpo, non consensual kissing (cheeks & lips), ranpo licks reader's fingers, eavesdropping.
[note:] If there is anything else triggering here that I didn’t list in the warnings section, please tell me. I don’t condone this type of behavior, this is merely just for entertaining purposes and some sort of coping mechanism for me. If you continue to read beyond this point, ignoring my warnings, I am not responsible for your actions from here on out.
[GN reader]
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RANPO EDOGAWA, the greatest detective in the world, one who could solve a case in under 3 seconds, your annoying and childlike coworker, the one who has no ability, is currently following you around like a lost child. this has been going on for—at least, 4 minutes max—just him trailing a few centimeters behind as you continue to walk to your destination. in all fairness, when he found out you were going to the grocery store, he immediately jumped into the conversation and decided by himself that he's going to join you during your trip.
"areee weeeee there yet? i don't remember the journey to the store being this long!" a loud whine comes out of ranpo's mouth, worsening your mood as you hear his whiny voice, the kind you'd hear from a 6-year-old child who is simply too impatient to wait for their turn. from your peripheral vision, you could see several people looking at the two of you, ranging from confusion to judgmental stares. his shoulders are down, making him have a slouched body posture as he walks behind you in a more lazier manner than you, who is so close to speed stomping and leaving him behind.
"are we ther- hey! wait up!"
scratch that last thought, you're going to have a pleasant trip to the grocery store and you're going to leave him behind if that's what it takes to have peace of mind.
(fortunately for him, you didn't. your dislike for attention proves to be something he could use to his advantage, seeing how you crumbled under the feeling of many eyes turned towards you two when he whined and cried in the middle of the sidewalk, making a scene in broad daylight, taking his wrist in your grip, and dragging him along to your destination, making him match your speedy pace. he'll definitely keep this in mind for future use.)
the office was quiet, and you were alone in the room—switching between writing and reading a bunch of papers piled up near where you're sitting. despite having gone through just a few pieces of paper, the weight on your shoulders and back has gotten rather heavy, like you didn't stretch your limbs beforehand after waking up from your 5-hour rest. the silence was odd, to say the least, not that it wasn't unwelcome; it just made you curious about what your co-workers were up to, which made you not present in the office today. maybe yosano is out shopping, maybe kunikida and dazai were out chasing down criminals, and whatnot? maybe atsushi is helping out to solve a case with... him. the oh so great detective, fucking ranpo.
as much as he preached about how great he is and how everyone else in the detective agency respects and admires him, you were quite indifferent towards him in general. you aren't sure what everyone sees in him or what makes him so interesting that he's able to get this much attention—in other words, he's just plain boring in your eyes. actually, scratch that; he's more than boring; he's an absolute brat. he's whiny, always munching on his snacks so loudly, refusing to do work or cases sometimes, and acting like his super deduction is an ability. what's even worse is that he seems so determined to bother you constantly, every chance he gets. rarely are you left alone and left to breathe from the overwhelming detective—even if you are given a moment of peace, he'd come running back acting like an even bigger headache for you.
"(nameeeeeee)!" filling up the room with his shout, he pushed open the door with such force that it banged so loudly that the noise echoed to the other side. you could feel his attention on your back as silence once again filled the room. in the most coincidental (and worst) timing, the headache you were talking shit in your head comes into the office—a dreadful pit building up in your stomach as you mentally pray in your head for whatever ranpo is going to put you through this time. you could hear the skip in his footsteps. every step you take, more sweat starts rolling down your cheeks as you close your eyes and imagine a life without ranpo, without the suffocation of love and attention he gives you, without the anxious thoughts of being followed on your way home (you have major suspicions that it's ranpo but have nothing solid to prove it's him), without him blackmailing you into compliance, without-
dragging you out of your inner thoughts, the headache makes impactful contact with your back. "did you miss me? because i really missed you!" he says in a cheerful tone, wrapping his arms around your shoulders in a tight grip and rubbing his cheeks against yours like someone would greet their lover when they miss them so much (he's doing it on purpose to make you uncomfortable, you think). to further prove your point, he smashes his lips against your cheek, not once, not twice, but multiple times in the same and adjacent areas of your cheek. if this had happened to you several months ago, the simple act of him trying to wrap his arms around your shoulders would make you go away from him as fast and as far as possible—even more so if he tried to kiss you, your water bills would skyrocket through the roof for how much time you would spend in the bathroom trying to scrub away the kiss on your cheek.
"no i didn't, actually" having gotten used to his (non-consensual) affection towards you, his actions do not faze you; on the outside, that is, there still remains that pit of disgust you used to have all those months ago. those urges to swat his body away from yours to give yourself some space are still there, yet you do nothing to act on any of them. you simply decide to indulge in whatever antics he has up his sleeves this time for the next few hours of your day—not that you had a choice, anyway.
(several times you've expressed discomfort at the physical touches he gives you during work hours, and several times you've expressed discomfort at the physical touches he gives you during work hours, and several times he intentionally ignores it for his own benefit. the one time he went overboard was when he made himself comfortable on your lap, handed you several sweet snacks you assumed he got from his secret stash, and forced you to hand-feed him until he was satisfied. to say this stunt of his hindered your productivity would be an understatement. you were way behind your planned schedule by the time you finished hand-feeding him all the sweet snacks.
just as you were about to ask him to get off, he suddenly grabbed your wrist, saying something about "there's still some crumbs left!" which confused the fuck out of you until you felt the wet sensation of a tongue licking your fingers. the horrors expressed on your face seemed to further encourage the amused ranpo, as he started sucking on your fingers too! neither of you two brought up that incident again, though you're glad he hasn't done this again; you aren't sure how well you were going to handle the next one.)
"i guess you could say smart men are my type," you say rather subconsciously without any thought or care of your co-workers' reaction to your answer, instead putting all your focus on your computer screen and continuing to type away as you hear several gasps and 'no way's from your left side.
"(name), are you.. sure smart men are your type?" there was hesitation in their voice, disbelief even—like they didn't believe you the first time. "uhh.. yeah? i didn't really give much thought, but intelligence is hot, i guess," you said once again, answering in the same manner you did the first time. you weren't sure what they were trying to get out of this conversation, but if you had to guess, most likely they're attempting to set you up on a blind date. "..alright, if you say so.." they say, ultimately ending the conversation and switching topics to avoid making the awkwardness linger in the atmosphere.
(little did you and your co-workers know, the great detective was listening in on the whole conversation. hearing every word that came out of your mouth, to say he stumbled upon your little talk on accident would be a lie—he doesn't go to such lengths without a reason. to say he's surprised by your type of men like your co-workers were would be another lie, but he's quite puzzled. if smart men are your type, why do you always seem to give the expression that you're disgusted by him? no matter, as a detective, it's his job to uncover every bit of mystery and solve for all the missing pieces.)
stepping out of the building, bidding farewell to your co-workers, and parting ways as you walk to your house, taking extra caution by putting your keys between your fingers in case you were to be stalked by someone, especially a certain someone you've been trying to avoid all day long...
"(naaameeeee)!!" and speak of the devil; he shows up to come and ruin your day just when you're about to go home—how fun. you let out a tired sigh and turned around to see ranpo running towards you at full speed. the sight set off alarm bells in your head, so on impulse, you tried to get out of his way and hoped he ran too fast that he ended up hitting a light pole straight in the face. yet it seems this day of yours wouldn't be so lucky, because suddenly he grabs your shirt, pulls you a little lower to his height, and then kisses you on the lips.
your eyes widen in shock, momentarily stunned for a second, before you feel your instincts kick in and roughly push him away.
"ranpo, what the fuc-!?"
suddenly you feel an unexpected impact hitting your chest, emitting a surprising noise from your mouth, making you cut off mid-sentence. ranpo buries his face underneath your chin, rubbing against your skin with his cheek like it's a pillow—opening your mouth. you tried to protest once more against him, but nothing came out. the sudden feeling of a pair of arms wrap around your torso and your arms holding you in a tight grip, sending the message that he doesn't want to let you go. after what felt like eternity to you, he looks up and shows you the poutiest expression you've ever seen him make.
"no! i'm not going anywhere, and neither are you! we're stuck together now; i'll make sure of it!"
•❅───✧❅✦❅✧───❅• •❅───✧❅✦❅✧───❅•
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