#jealous aizawa
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electronicwitchcollection · 2 months ago
~*Aizawa smut*~
Finally, the result of the jealous poll is written! While I was writing it, I had another Aizawa request and realised that request fit better with what I was already writing 🫠 so I had to rewrite what I had written and then restart this from scratch 🙃
Anyway, here it is! The first thing I’ve written that’s not about Bleach 😂
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Being a pro hero was hard. Teaching a class room full of overconfident, stubborn teenagers with quirks was harder. You loved it though, found it incredibly rewarding and your heart swelled seeing those young men and women bloom into the great heros they become under your guidance. But damn, it one hell of a journey to get them to that point. That's why you've found yourself accepting the offer to join the other faculty in one of their impromptu "Let's go to the bar and get drunk before those damn kids make me reevaluate wether or not it is worth not just becoming a villain and blowing up the damn school, children and all" or whatever it was Mic had said to convince you to join them.
After some delicate and calculated persuasion, you had convinced your partner to join you. Shota was a somewhat reserved and apathetic man. His tired appearance and preference to nap above all else gave him a rather cool and unbothered disposition. He wasn't one for social gatherings nor large crowds, preferring his own company or that of a small select few. Despite this, he begrudgingly agreed to accompany you to the gathering, if only to prevent any unwanted attention you may get, given the shortness of the dress you had decided to wear.
For his usual lethargic demeanour, he was infatuated with you. He loved you irrevocably. Shota could be supportive and incredibly sweet, but he had a possessive, jealous streak a mile wide that he hadn't been able to tame in all the time he has called you his. You saw the way his half laden eyes widened a fraction, darkening as he feasted on the unobstructed view of your thighs. Saw his fingers twitch at his sides, itching to reach out and remind you that you and your body belonged to him and him only. It had worked though, sighing as he rubbed a tired hand down his face, muttering that he'll go and change.
As the night progressed the alcohol flowed easily, doing its job to help you unwind and relax. Inhibitions lowered, you chatted happily with your co workers, reminiscing over past missions you had participated in before you all became teachers and swapping war stories of the children in your classes. The lights were dimmed, pulsing colours lighting up the small dance floor you could see, housing inebriated strangers sensually moving their bodies to the beat. You could feel the music vibrating through your body, tempting you with its intoxicating melody to sway with the rhythm.
As your hips moved beneath you, you felt a chill run up your spine. Eyes snapping up, they immediately fell on Shota, staring at you from across the room. Sat at the bar between Snipe and Vlad, paying no mind to their conversation, his entire attention was fixed on you. His legs were spread, intoxicatingly so, foot bouncing with restless energy. A small smirk appeared on his lips before he brought the bottle of beer he was nursing up to his mouth. Your mouth went dry at the sight, flush of heat rising through your body that had nothing to do with the alcohol..
"Let's dance!" Nemuri spoke into your ear to be heard over the music, snapping you out of your trance. It felt like somebody suddenly turned up the music, brightened the lights as you broke away from his predatory stare. Nodding happily you accepted her hand and allowed her to drag you from the table. Passing the bar you locked eyes with Shota. You held out two fingers to Nemuri as she turned at your sudden stopping, letting her know you'll join her soon. You slipped between Shots's open thighs, as he raised an amused eye brow.
Laying a hand on his thigh you leaned in, the subtle masculine smell of his aftershave drawing you closer. His hand automatically went to your dress, subtly tugging down the hem to a more appropriate length before sliding up and setting on the swell of your hip. He leaned in close to your ear, gravely voice cutting through the energetic music "Do you want a drink, Kitten?"
You shook your head no, giving him your best smile. You wrapped your hand around his fingers, so much thicker and battle worn than your own, playing with them teasingly "Come dance with me"
You pout at the short, blunt denial, bottom lip jutting out ever so slightly. He was so much more reserved when not at home. Less playful and willing to engage with your energetic whims. Normally you were sympathetic to his uneasiness, understanding of his dislike for situations such as this. But you were well on your way to being drunk and you wanted to dance with your boyfriend. Wanted to feel his hard body move against your own. Using his strength to twirl and bend you to his will. "Please?"
He shook his head with a soft smile at your wide, pleading eyes and the child like reaction to being told no. His hand abandoned his drink to the bar, the chill lingering on his palm as he cupped your jaw, using his thumb to pull gently on your bottom lip, watching as it bounced back to normal "No. I don't dance"  He gently brushed the back of his knuckles over the tip of your nose before leaning in to kiss you. It was sort and discreet, yet it made your eyelids flutter close, your body lean in closer to prolong the grazing contact for as long as he allowed.
His hand sneaked from your hip to the swell of your ass, giving it a possessive squeeze and a dismissive tap "You dance, I'll watch" you just caught the subtle warning in his husky voice, so well disguised in his aloof candour you almost missed it. His eye brow raised the smallest of fractions, eyes deepening the faintest of shades darker . Have fun... but behave.
He'll be watching. Watching to ensure that dress of yours doesn't ride up too high up your shapley thighs. Watching to make sure no one gets too close to what was his. The unspoken promise sent a chill up your spine. A little put out that he denied your request, you turn to make your way to the dance floor, making sure to let your fingers slowly caress their way down his thigh as you parted. You didn't look back, you didn't need to. You could feel the weight of his stare on you, could feel the hairs in your body stand on end at his predatory gaze fixed on you.
You easily spotted Nemuri, dancing seductively in the middle of the dance floor, more than one set of eyes on her. In your absence she had coaxed Mic into dancing with her, an accessory to use to highlight her flirtatious movements. Her eyes brightened when she caught sight of you, beckoning you closer with a curl of her finger. She oozed sex appeal, her confident, hypnotic movements of her hips easily encouraged you  to succumb to the music, letting your body feel the beat,sway your hips to the rhythm.
Grinning widely, you look over your shoulder, catching Shota's eyes already fixated on you. Watching the seductive roll of your hips, the way your ass bounced under that dress threatening to ride up with every sway of your hips. He wanted to watch? Then you would put on a show for him, let him see exactly what your body could do when he isn't pressed up against you to keep you behaving.
Your fingers gently brush against your thighs, slowly dragging them up, caressing the exposed skin. Higher they climb, following the curves of your hips and waist, coming up to twist gently in your hair as your eyes close, body moving to the beat that made your heart thump in your chest. You look through your lashes, a thrill shooting through you at the hungry look on Shota's face, eyes never leaving you. You could see the faintest if smirks on his lips, he was enjoying your teasing.
You run your tongue over your bottom lip, heat pooling in your stomach at the way he looked at you, ravenously. You could see his hand flexing on his thigh, itching to get you in his grasp. You were steadily riling him up, with your flirtatious movements, pushing your limits, igniting the embers of passion that burned in every inch of his body for you. Only you. Yet he still wasn't budging. You had yet to entice him from his seat to join you on the dance floor.
You felt a large hand settle on you hip,breaking away your focus from Shota to see who was touching you. Ready to politely refuse their advances. Your eyes lit up upon seeing the cocky grin of your occasional mission partner. Blonde hair pushed back, large red wings blocking the dancers behind him. With an exited laugh, you tip toe and throw your arms around him, an inebriated display of greeting"Hawks! What are you doing here!?" 
He grinned and wrapped an arm around your waist, pulling you closer to him to talk into your ear "I was in the area..thought I'd stop by"  You lean back, flattening your feet to smile at him. It had been ages since you had last seen him, he rarely made an appearance around the school anymore since becoming the second hero in the ranks. He looked you up and down, lip curling into a smirk "you look good, I'm surprised that boyfriend of yours left you all alone looking like that" 
You chuckle, stepping to the side to nod at where Shota was perched at the bar"He's over there."  Hawks leaned closer, sending Aizawa an exaggerated wave. You could see Shota's jaw clench, eye brows furrow in annoyance. Hawks was not his favourite person at the best of times, but the overfamiliar way in which he spoke to you, nonchalantly touched you, made him absolutely murderous. A fact Hawks both knew and enjoyed.
You elbow him softly in the stomach, trying to hide your grin as you turned back to focus on him "Stop trying to wind him up"  the answering grin told you that you were right in your accusation , damn wind up merchant. Leaning down he spoke across your ear, eyes watching Shota as he silently fumed at the close proximity "Isnt that exactly what you were just doing? I saw the way you were shaking that ass, trying to make him jealous?" 
You couldn't deny it. That's exactly what you were trying to do. You knew how jealous and possessive Shota could be, and secretly loved the thrill you felt when he snapped and reminded you just who it was you belonged too. "A little" you admit with a guilty smile and a half shrug "he wouldn't dance with me, I was attempting to seduce him over" 
Hawks straightened up, wrapping his hand around your hip and pulling you closer to him. White teeth on display as he grinned menacingly "Let's see how mad we can make him" Before you could think of all the reasons why that wasn't the best of ideas, Hawks placed his hand in the centre of your back, using it to support your weight as he dipped you back playfully, long hair tumbling back as you laughed. He swayed you in an arch before snapping you back up straight, smirking at the joy on your face. Hands returning to your hips he pushed into you, leading you in a flirtatious to and fro.
Your hips swayed and rotated, flawlessly hitting every beat. One hand gripping his shoulder for stability, the other resting gently on his arm. You playfully flipped your hair, rolling your body into Hawks. He answered in kind, moulding himself to the shape of your body, gyrating playfully into you, eyes flicking over your head to take in the sight of Shota, steadily becoming more enraged at the display, with sadistic glee.
You moved and and swayed easily in accordance to Hawks's lead, giving yourself over to the joy of letting go of your inhibitions, simply enjoying the freedom of dance. Hawks took hold of your hand, directing you into a spin, grinning at your laugh. Spinning you the opposite way a half turn, he pressed himself into your back. Hands on your hips he encouraged you to sway side to side.
Lost in the music you didn't notice Shota's stiffening form, the tightening grip on his beer bottle threatening to smash the fragile glass. Too preoccupied with your promiscuous gyrating to see the darkening of his eyes, the clenching of his jaw. You were unknowingly pushing him to his limit and he was about to snap under the pressure. Hawks was a little more tuned in, lowering his head over your shoulder to hide his smirk so not to provoke that anger his way.
You noticed too late, the drag of Hawks hands going from your hips to your waist, unintentionally dragging up your dress with the movements, aided by your serpentining hips. Feeling the fabric of your dress bunching up too high at the top of your thighs, you quickly tugged it back down, red tinting your cheeks at the unintended, indecent exposure of your body. Hawks squeezed your waist, rumbling chuckle in his chest vibrating through your back as he muttered into you ear
"Seems Aizawa has reached his limit"  You look up to where Shota was previously sitting, only for your eyes to widen and your mouth go dry at the sight of him angrily stalking towards you, eyes flashing dangerously in the neon lights. Shit. You went too far.  "It's been fun," you could hear the amusement in his voice, struggling to contain his laughter " but that's my cue to leave" he tapped your side once in parting before backing away discreetly, mingling into the mass of dancers to avoid Aizawa's impending wrath.
You didn't look back, keeping your eyes solely focused on Shota as he neared, readying your apology on your lips for when he came within hearing distance. You could almost see the heavy waves of irritation pouring from him in droves as he stalked through the crowd, not deviating from the straightest path to you. "Shota, I..." not breaking his stride, his hand encased your wrist, pulling you silently behind him as he carried on walking through the dance floor, your attempted apology falling on deaf ears. He was pissed, and he was going to make you pay.
You teetered behind him, struggling to keep up with his long powerful strides in your heels, but knowing you would be ignored, you kept the complaint to yourself. Breaking through the crowd , Shota opened the dark wooden door that lead the the corridor where the restrooms were situated, pulling you through. The door closing behind you muffled the deafening music, your ears ringing gently with the change of decibels. The sound of your heels clacking on the floor, too soft to hide the angry heavy steps of the one leading you.
Shota walked past both the men's and woman's bathroom, headed straight for an unmarked door at the end of the corridor in eerie silence. Throwing open the last door with the same delicate care he had the first, he pulled you in behind him, turning quick to slam it shut behind you. You heard the click of the lock a mere second before you were pushed up against the rigid door, trapped by his hands planted either side of your head. Your eyes flicked over his shoulder, momentarily checking your surroundings, stacked shelves of alcohol bottles and boxes of crisps was all you could take in before Shota's hot breath brushed against your neck with every frustrated exhale.
You swallowed thickly, dry lips parting as you carefully moistened them with your tongue. The atmosphere around you was thick and tense, suffocating with his barely restrained fury"Shota, I'm... "
"You thought it would be fun to make me jealous? " He talked over your meek explanation, voice dark and thick, like raw honey dripping from his tongue and coating his words. His hot breath landed on your neck, prompting an involuntary shiver "You put on quite the show didn't you? flashing your pretty little panties to everyone in that bar " You whine breathlessly as his teeth grazed over the flushed skin on your neck before sinking in harshly.
You moan, head swimming dizzily at the rush of heat throbbing between his lips. His hot, wet tongue soothing over the mark he had made on your skin, reaffirming his claim of you. Your head lulled to the side, offering him unobstructed access as your eyes fluttered closed. Possessive kisses were pressed into your neck as large hands found your thighs, caressing over the silky skin.
Your breath caught in your throat as his hands increased their pressure, dragging up your thighs, bringing your dress up with them to bunch at your hips, exposing your panties for the second time that night  "Shota.."  he silenced you with a forceful kiss, unkept scruff adding to the sensations driving you needy with desire. He bit at your bottom lip, thrusting his tongue between your parted lips as you gasped. You surrendered easily, giving up the control he desperately craved, blindly following the intoxicating way his tongue brushed against your own, dictating the pressure and speed to suit his tastes.
You could feel his strong hands gripping your hips with bruising force, keeping you immobile against the door as he claimed your mouth. Your breath quickened when one of his hands started to wander, brushing tantalisingly slow over your thigh, fingers leaving a trail of goosebumps in their wake. When a finger curved against your core, following your panty covered slit, you gasped, groaning in the back of your throat 
"You love making me jealous don't you?"  You could hear the strain in his voice, feel the restraint he was exhibiting not to lose it completely. His finger brushed over you again, adding more pressure to demonstrate his intent. "Love driving me wild..." He muttered into your neck, nipping at the skin between husky words. His fingers followed up your panties to the waistline, teasing along the band "Letting another man feel what is mine" Shota pushed his hand into your underwear, slipping a teasing finger between your folds, gathering the moisture dampening your silky skin to ease his entry. You moan at the ripple of pleasure surging through you, gripping hold of his wrist in an effort to not melt into a pool at his feet. His name the only thing able to leave your lips in a breathy whine
"Can he make you feel good like this?"  He dipped his finger deeper into your core, feeling your inner walls clamp around his invading digit. Slowly thrusting it into your depths, teasing against your hidden pleasure spot as you moaned. "Can he make you moan as beautifully as this?"  You whined pathetically, knees weakening with every dirty word breathed hotly against your ear.
His finger stopped its torturous teasing, pulling away from you completely leaving you feeling empty and needy. His darkened eyes captured you in an unbreakable stare, unable to pull away from the intensity in which he held you. His hot breath coated your lips with heavy pants, usual cool demeanour replaced with unrestrained desire. "You love taunting me, don't you?..." his whispered words sent a shiver down your spine, needing no volume or intensity to make your heart rate quicken beneath your breast.
He hooked his fingers into your panties, dragging them down over the swell of your hips to your thighs where the fell down the length of your legs. He kneeled, eyes not leaving your own as he smoothed his palms down your quivering legs, lifting each in turn to remove the underwear trapped around your ankles and shoving the garment into his pocket "...Just so we end up here, with my head between your legs, every ..fucking.. time" 
You watched transfixed as he guided one of your legs to drape across his shoulder, messy black hair obscuring your view as he inched his way towards your core. You heard him inhale deeply, groaning deeply at your intoxicating scent before flicking his eyes up to yours once more to utter a single command
A strangled moan ripped from your throat at the first drag of his tongue, slowly, torturously licking a wet stripe up towards your clit where he rolled his tongue against the sensitive bundle of nerves. Looking down you couldn't tear your eyes away from the sight. Shota, on his knees, fingers digging into the soft flesh of your thighs as he lapped at your most sensitive area with possessive hunger. Your hands went to his hair, pushing it back from his face to give you an unobstructed view as he tasted you. Using him for stability as your leg started quivering beneath you.
Shota twirled his tongue over your swelling clit, flicking the tip against it rapidly with a grunt as your fingers tighten in his hair. Your breathy moans and quivering thighs feeding his possessive nature. Fingers digging into your thighs, Shota pushed his face deeper, nose pressing into your soft mound as his dexterous appendage traced your bundle of nerves. The smell of your arousal hit his nose, making his mouth water instantly.
Lavishing your clit with a sloppy kiss, Shota couldn't get enough of your sweet whines, steadily increasing their volume, making themselves known over the beat steadily thumping from the bar . Your taste was intoxicating, heady flavour coating his tongue with every deliberate swipe had him yearning for more. Subtly lingering on his tastebuds, Shota sought a thicker coating on his tongue. Parting with your clit with a gentle suckle, Shota kissed his way down to your opening, seeking to drink straight from the source.
Looking through pleasure filled, half laden eyes, you watched mesmerised as he lapped at your folds, delving his tongue deeper with every earnest swipe. Currents of pleasure rippled through your body with every flick of his tongue , pushing you closer to the edge of euphoria you were in desperate need of. Nonsensical moans fell from your parted lips, fingers tightening in his disheveled hair as your thighs quivered.
Shota grunted once at the tug you gave in his hair, not letting it distract or deter him from his intended target. His tongue pushed through your silky folds to plunder your depths. The way he stroked your inner walls was luxurious, slow and deliberate, assuring he tasted every inch of you, capturing every drop of your arousal to claim as his own. Unable to control your reactions in the midst of pleasure, your head dropped back to hit against the door, guttural moan escaping past your heavy pants, giving yourself over to the burning desire.
His movements quickened, slurping obscenely at your cunt, his skilled appendage pistoned into you with vigorous determination to get you to completion. "Shota.." you whined, sensations becoming overwhelming, needing more to push you over the edge you were teetering on. When the tip of his tongue sinfully flicked over your hidden sweet spot you gasped, thighs attempting to close together in a futile effort to halt the breath stealing sensation.
Shota growled between your legs, reluctantly pulling away from his treat to shoot you a stern look, one that has struck fear into the most ruthless of villains, your arousal glistening on his unkept scruff. Fingers tightening on your thighs, he opened them back up, keeping your thigh planted at the edge of his shoulder allowing him the room he desired "keep your fucking legs open . Im not finished"  he warned with a husky growl, leaving no room for argument or objection before eagerly returning to your core.
Quickly resuming his loud devouring, Shota drove his tongue into your depths, wetting his tongue with your arousal, his desire for you unquenchable. His grip on your legs was bruising, fingers digging into the soft plush, keeping you open for him. He could feel you quiver, your body trembling as the surge of pleasure raced through you, heating every nerve that dwelled within.
You were close, he knew the signs, had them memorised. The shuddering way you gasped between strangled moans, the way your hips jerked minutely, unsure wether to retreat or push closer to the source of your pleasure. The way your fingers tightened in his hair, hand shaking as you resisted the urge to push him closer. He wanted your release, your sweet cries, your addicting taste. The knowledge that he was the one, the only one, who could pleasure you this skilfully.
His own erection straining in his pants, protesting being confined by the unforgiving fabric of his jeans only hastened his need to bring you to completion. Eager to to feel your tight walls being split open by his thick cock, squeezing him so tight it was sinful. His calloused hand trailed up your thigh, slipping between your soaked folds as he returned to your clit, flicking his tongue over it relentlessly.
He could feel your juices being pushed out by his fingers, wetting his hand as he thrusted them into you with increasing speed. Your moans left you without restriction , vocalising the pleasure you were feeling. You were burning, pleasure coursing through your veins like molten lava, incinerating you from the inside out, searching for a way to escape. You could feel your lower stomach tightening, like a band ready to snap and release all the built up tension.
Shota swirled had his tongue around the shape of your clit before surrounding it with his lips and sucking. His fingers curled inside you, beckoning your body to its climax as they brushed over the spongy pleasure point he knew would send you over the edge. And over the edge you went, eyes slamming shut at the rush of release, you saw white behind your lids. Mouth parted in a silent scream, your body jerked and twitched as the orgasm exploded through your body.
Shota groaned as he felt you climax, your walls clamping down tight over his still probing fingers, your release getting pushed out, spraying over his hand. He kept his fingers and tongue moving to carry you trough your orgasm, pridful growl rumbling in his chest. When you were left panting over him, your grip on his hair loosening, Shota finally pulled away from you. Sat back on his haunches, he sucked his fingers clean, dark eyes taking in your appearance.
You were panting, face flushed pink. Beautiful. His. Pulling your leg from his shoulder, Shota shot up to his feet, large hands cupping your face and pulling you into a deep, frenzied kiss. You were pliant in his hands, melting into him as you tasted yourself mixed with the bitter malty remnants of the long forgotten beer he had been nursing.
 "You were beautiful Kitten... perfect"  he whispered huskily against your lips, kissing you again, then one more time "but im not finished with you yet.." his tone turned darker, tilting your head up to look into his eyes. " after that little stunt you pulled.. you're going to be screaming before I'm satisfied you've learnt your lesson.."
Your breath caught in your throat, a chill running down your spine. Shota's hand left your cheek, the sound of his belt buckle clinking soon following. You swallow thickly, tongue darting out to moisten your suddenly dry lips. You couldnt help yourself, at the sound of his zipper being pulled down your eyes drop down automatically, just in time to see his ridgid cock spring free of its denim prison as Shota pushes his jeans down to his mid thigh.
You watch transfixed as he fists himself, squeezing his thick cock as he pumps himself slowly, getting a desperately needed moment of relief. The gravely moan in the back of his throat made your clit throb, pussy aching to have him buried deep inside you. You wanted to touch him, to run your fingers over the vein that protruded ever so slightly, follow it like a road map up to the head of his cock, brush your thumb over the bead of precum. Smeer it down his shaft and wrap your fingers around him, feeling the silky hot skin under your fingers. Pump him slowly until hes thrusting into your hand...
Before you could make a move to fufil your desire to touch him, Shota released the hold he had on himself. He swiftly grabbed your hips, fingers splayed over your ass and lifted you easily, pressing you back against the door. You wrap your legs around his waist, arms circling the back of his neck as you press together. His breath was laborded with need, eyes fixed on yours. He captures your lips once again, hand leaving your hip to guide his cock to your entrance. Sliding through your lips to coat himself in your wettness.
With a rough snap of his hips, Shota sheathes himself to the hilt into you in one fluid snap. You cry out, head thrown back breaking the kiss, hearing his own guteral groan in your ear. Your nails dig into the back of his shoulders, little creaent moon indents left in his skin, proof of your pleasure. Panting lightly as you try to adjust to the thick length stretching you to its shape, you moan up at the ceiling. Not giving you time to adjust he sets a punishing pace, pistoning his cock into your velvety depths as he mouths at your neck.
 "Fuck Kitten.." he growls into your neck, nipping at your sensitive skin "always so goddamn tight.. perfect"
A series of wanton moans and breathless whines fall from your lips as you were repeatedly fucked into the door, hearing it rattle in its frame. Shota's fingers dig into the swell of your ass as he uses it for leverage, slamming you onto his cock every time he drives forward.
"Purr for me Kitten..."  he whispers into your ear, his hot breath making you shiver "let me hear those pretty little moans" 
You oblige, moaning over the lewd symphony of your debauchery, the rhythmic slapping of skin, the sinfuly obscene wettness of your cunt as he hammers into you. "Shota... ngh..." you whine breathlessy, tilting your head down to watch his face. His jaw set in concentration, trying not to blow his load too early. His lips parted with ragged breaths, trying to suck in enough oxygen to keep up with his frenzied pace.
One of his hands leaves your ass to roughly tug down the front of your dress,  cupping one of your perfect round tits, squeezing the weight. He pinches your rosy pink bud between his finger and thumb, groaning at your answering cry. Slamming his hips into your tight heat, Shota watches your breasts bounce. Lured in by the hypnotic sight, he greedily sucks your nipple into his mouth, flicking his tongue over the sensitive bud before suckling. He groans around it, sucking hard before pulling off with a wet pop, pleased with the hardened result. 
His dark eyes are on yours, the heat of his gaze burning your cheeks. You can feel your climax approaching, tetering of the cusp of ecstasy. Pleasure burns through your veins, searing throughout your body, only to pool in your lower belly, a swirling, agonising flood of pleasure ready to breakthrough the dam.
"You're mine Kitten" he growls at you with a particularly vicious thrust of his hips, driving his cock deep into your sopping cunt ".. say it"
"I'm yours.."  you whimper around a desperate breath, catching in your throat as you moan "..I'm yours"
" Again!" He barks at you through clenched teeth, frenzied thrusts jutting his twitching cock into your gspot with dizzying accuracy "louder Kitten!"
"I'M YOURS!"  You cry out, nails digging into his back, clinging onto him for all your worth as your orgasm floods trough you at a rapid pace. You moan, loud and throatily as searing pleasure rips through you, stealing your breath. Your pussy clenches around his cock, reluctant to free him from your depths. Your release, hot and as sweet as the pleausre you're drowning in drenches his cock "SHOTA!" 
"Fuck, Kitten. That it.." He growls into your neck, breathing hard against your skin. His hips stuttering as he spills himself deep within you, a deep throaty groan reverberating through his throat. He grinds his sputtering cock into your fluttering walls, letting your pussy squeeze him of every last drop of his cum. "Ngh...that it.."
You're both left panting, clenching fingers slowly softening on eachothers bodies. Shota's fingers digging into your ass slowly relaxes, smoothing his large hands over the swell, caressing up to your hips and thighs, peppering soft loving kisses into your neck, whispering sweet words of praise as you come down from your high. 
"You did so good Kitten, perfect...took me so god damn well" 
He pulls up slightly, resting his dampened forehead against yours, your hot breaths synchronising between you. Shifting you slighty, Shota slowly slides his softening cock from you, hissing slightly when your walls clamp around his oversensitive flesh. He gently lowers you to your feet, holding your waist, ensuring your feet can support your weight. 
"You okay, Kitten?" He asks you softly, tenderly kissing your forehead when you nod. After tucking himself away, Shota carefully rearanges your dress, covering your boosm, pulling the hem down over your ass and down to your thighs. Hands smoothing thier way back up to your waist once you were presentable. Putting a finger under your chin, he directs your face up yo his, thumb gently cleaning up your slightly smeered lipstick while staring into your eyes "You are mine Kitten.. never forget that"
"Always" you breath in return, no doubt in your mind that you were well and truly his.
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otakubimbo · 3 months ago
I see your doing a prompt listttttt
can we get a (maybe fluffy, idk) smutty fic
with prompt 70.
a aizawa x reader fic
lol hi, i know it's been ages but thank you for the ask! I hope you like it. The writers in my head have went on strike T-T
Jealousy, Jealousy
aizawa x f! reader
Aizawa never thought of himself as a jealous man, well that was until it came to you it seems.
Content: plot w/porn, fingering, unprotected sex, misunderstandings, aizawa bad at communication and feelings, drinking, voyeurism, Aizawa being jealous, big simping, avoiding feelings, pinning
for my 200 followers prompt list, i'm still taking them since i went on a lil hiatus, my bad, also if you like it please leave a comment it fuels me
“I don’t want you…. I need you”
The only thing Aizawa could focus on was the sound of your laughter. He was supposed to be focusing on whatever Principal Nezu was saying during this teacher's meeting. You’re giggling at something Sniper had said to you. You were trying to keep your voice down, but you couldn’t help yourself whatever Sniper had said had you in a fit of giggles, and that had Aizawas blood getting warm.
He didn’t think of himself as a jealous man, if anything his demeanor could be described as nonchalant, and yet, here he was, irritated at hearing your laugh with another man and not being the cause of that laughter. His tired eyes stared at the two of you from across the room as present Mic tried to get his attention.
“Earth to Shota!” Mic says almost screaming into his ear, “Stare any harder and your quirk will activate on its own”
“What?” an annoyed scowl crossed Aizawa’s face as he turned towards his friend.
“You’re glaring at her.” Mic points at the quietest frequency he can muster, not quiet at all. A few heads shoot over to the noise, but most ignore as it’s a usual occurrence from Mic. Aizawa huffs with a groan proceeding, turning away from your direction, unable to get the look on your face and the sound of your giggles out of his head.
The rest of the meeting goes through one ear and out the other, the only focus that Aizawa could keep was on your face. You started paying attention to the meeting, done with whatever you and sniper were speaking about. Once the meeting concluded, most of the teachers decided to go out for drinks and dinner. Aizawa wasn’t even considering going until he heard you speak up.
“Oh my gosh, yes. I need a drink after this long week” The excitement in your voice making his head turn and your eyes met his almost immediately as if you were looking for him, “you’re coming right?”
Aizawa tries his hardest not to give that you were making butterflies bloom in his stomach and just gives a curt nod. The feeling in his chest was blooming as the group walked towards the nearest restaurant, that was until he saw the way you looped your arm around Snipers and you were giggling again at whatever he was saying to you. Another scowl was making an appearance of Aizawas face as he watched the scene before him, Mic caught what was going on, throwing a supportive arm over Aizawas shoulder and he didn’t shrug it off surprisingly.
“Just talk to her, man” Mic does his best to whisper towards his friend. Aizawa just stays silent as they continue to walk forward, not even sparing his friend a sideways glance.
You hadn’t been at UA long but from the first interaction with Aizawa, he knew there was something different about you. The way you softly smiled at him as you introduced yourself had his words caught in his throat. It was the first time in a long time that the man actually felt self conscious about his appearance, thinking how disheveled he must look to you. But you didn’t seem to cast any judgment on him, it wasn’t like he was known for his style anyways. Your graze was soft yet curious as if you were picking him apart to see inside of him, it wasn’t judgmental it was calculated curiosity. Ever since then sometimes he would catch you just glancing at him as if you knew something he didn’t, and when he caught your eye, you would just smile that smile of yours and go back to whatever you were doing. You mesmerized him.
It didn’t help that you were absolutely gorgeous, his eyes always drawn to you, but you were also kind, kind in a way that seemed so effortless for you. It wasn’t even that you went out of your way to be kind, you just were. On the days that he was at his most exhausted, you always appeared out of no where with coffee for him. When the stress of his students was getting to him, you always had a funny story to tell him that got his mind from it even if it was for a moment. It was as if you always knew what he needed.
And here you were, sitting across from him giggling at something Sniper says as you take shots of sake together. Now Aizawa barely drank, but tonight as tight as his jaw was clenching, he was going to need to do anything to keep his cool. The alcohol taking his mind other places then you across the table. He was doing a decent job at keep the fire without him down, that was until your head landed on Sniper’s shoulder face flushed from the alcohol and the way you looked up at the other man set gasoline on that fire. How could you just do that so casually in front of him? Did you not feel the same way? Did you not feel his gaze always driving to you? Abruptly and uncharacteristically Aizawa quickly stood up and just walked outside, everyone looking at each other in the confusion at his quick departure.
Your brows furrowed in concern as you watched him leave, you could tell he was pissed but about what you had no clue but you were worried. Quickly, you excused yourself from the table following him. He was waking faster than you had ever seen him go, making you jog after him trying to call his name, but he was either ignoring you or couldn’t hear you. Eventually you caught up with him outside in the side alley of the restaurant, you could tell as you approached that he was fuming. But he looked like a frantic kitten, almost lost.
“Aizawa?” Your voice soft and careful as you approached him. “Are you okay?” Your question barely audible as you reach out to him. He turns to glare at you, gaze so sharp it makes you take a step back, but he says nothing. The alcohol making his eyes redder, deeper.
“What happened back there?”
The question hung in the air for a moment before Aizawa scoffed. There was no way you didn’t know what the problem was, but you didn’t know, your concerned look turned into one of confusion. Aizawa rakes his hands aggressively through his before his tired eyes fall back onto yours. He knew his behavior seemed strange, but he had no clue what to do at this point. He was a grown man for fucks state, the stoic, nonchalant pro hero Erasure Head, yet here he was acting like a jealous child over a woman who wasn’t even his. The drinks flowing through his system weren’t making his thoughts any more logical. As he looks at you, he lets out an exasperated sigh, he couldn’t imagine how stupid he probably looked.
“You can just tell me what’s bothering you, you know I won’t judge. You know that.”  You say while taking a cautious step forward, he looked like a frightening kitten.
Aizawa let out another sigh. There you and your kind heart go again, making him docile, making him fall for you. He couldn’t take it anymore, the liquid courage giving him the push to finally do what’s been on his mind since the first moment he met you. Without speaking, he starts walking towards you getting closer and closer forcing you back until your back presses against the alley wall.
“Aizawa” you breath out his name as his arms cage you as you look at him wide eyed. He was close, so close.
“I don’t think I can take it anymore” his voice barely above a whisper, strained biting his lip as if to hold himself back. His eyes were closed as he was gripping the wall beside your head. You can smell the sake on his breath, as he leans closer into you hovering right over your mouth.
“Can’t take what?” Your voice coming out just as quietly.
 Aizawa opens his eyes looking straight into yours, they were as beautiful as ever, a bit glossy from the previous drinks and as always curious as always seemingly looking through him. He doesn’t blink as he looks into your eyes searching for something, waiting for you, waiting on you to push him away, waiting for you to tell him no. But then nothing came, you were just looking back at him with that face of yours and now he couldn’t stop himself. f Slowly, still giving you the chance to push him away, he leans his face closer to yours capturing your lips with his own. Your body not even giving your mind time to process what’s happening as you automatically lean into him kissing him back. The kiss is slow, steady, strong but filled with so much passion, just like Aizawa.
You’re the first one to take it up a notch, grabbing onto his shirt to pull him closer, opening your mouth for him to explore. At this, he stopped holding himself back letting his built-up frustration get the best of him as he kisses you more sloppily grabbing the back of your head with one hand and your ass with the other.  You gasp at the action surprised at the sudden change from him, giving Aizawa the opportunity to bite on your lower lip which illicit a sharp hiss from you. Your hands move to wrap around his neck as he resumes kissing you fiercely. It was aggressive, it was sloppy, it was everything that he dreamed about, his lips molding into yours, the feeling of your tongue wrestling with his.
As everything started to get more passionate the hand, he was using to hold your hair goes down to your ass to lift you up for him, forcing you to wrap your legs around his waist as he presses you into the wall. His lips trailing from your mouth to your chin and then down to your neck biting and sucking as you try to keep down your moans as whines from his ministrations on your neck as he hips grind into yours. There’s a hitch in your breath as he bites down hard, grinding even harder into you making you clench around nothing.
“Fuck Shota” you moan as you can feel one of his hands make its way towards your soaked panties. Oh, the sound of his given name on your lips. He wanted to hear it more.
“You’re already so wet for me” he says against your lips, a cocky smirk gracing his face as he makes his way to the other side of your neck. As his digits move your panties to the side, sliding up and down your slit just grazing your yearning clit while you thank whatever divine being told you to wear a skirt today. You moan his name again as you feel his thumb rub long circles around your clit, pressing your hips more into his hand as you grab his hair causing him to bite down on your neck with a soft groan.
“Shota please” you beg, needing more from him. His mouth finds yours again as he inserts two fingers inside you, giving you what you asked for. He curled his fingers inside you as his thumb rubbed tighter circles on your clit. At this point you were dripping down his hand, your feet digging into his back as he swallowed your moans.  He could feel you getting tighter around his fingers, his mouth left yours and went to your ear.
“Yes, just like that. You want to cum for me? Are you gonna cum for me?”  He speaks straight into your ear, his ministrations getting more aggressive as you nod senselessly feeling your peak quickly nearing.
“Yes Shota I’m gonna cum for you, I’m gonna cum for you” you pant as you lose yourself in the pleasure he’s giving you.
A grown escapes his mouth at the sound of your voice, “fuck I love the way you say my name.” He nibbles at your ear, “go ahead and cum for me”
And you do, you cum hard, gushing all over his hand eyes closed, head thrown back as your chest quickly rises and falls. To Aizawa, he doesn’t think he’s seen anything sexier.  As you’re coming down for your peak, Aizawas lips find yours again, kissing you slow and longingly his fingers sliding gently out of you to grip back on your ass, pressing himself into you. He can feel all your residual wetness seeping into his pants. Fuck he wanted you so badly.
You pull back from him, your eyes slowly opening as you look at him with heavy breaths. The look he was giving you was dangerous; he was no longer a kitten but a tiger that was starved. It overwhelmed you as you turn your head and gaze away from him which reminded you that he just finger fucked you in an alley way. Your hands go to push on his chest as his mouth latches on your neck again.
“Wait Aizawa, wait” you say pushing with the little strength you have after your orgasm, your breath coming out heavy and strained. He doesn’t pull away, but his lips still against your neck. “We can’t do this here, we’re gonna get caught, someone’s gonna see or hear us”
He chuckles smugly into your neck at your words, still not moving away placing gentle kisses up and down it as your breath hitched, “you weren’t saying that when I was knuckles deep into you, and..” he starts as he nips at your neck “what happened to calling me Shota? My name sounds so much prettier coming out of your mouth.”  Aizawa didn’t know if he was drunk off the sake he drank previously or if it was just you.
You take in his words as he grinds, his hard dick into your already sensitive core while his hands roam over your body.  A small whimper coming out of your mouth as he licks a long stripe against your neck.
“Plus I don’t care, I want you right here and right now.” He huffs as he presses his body into yours, taking one of his hands to turn your face back to him. The way you looked right now, flushed, breathing heavily, pupils blown out from him, for him. It ignited something even more depraved in him as he shakes his head aggressively, “No no no, I don’t want… I need you.”
The look in his eyes tells you he means every word, he needs you right there, right now, no matter who could walk past and something about that makes you even wetter. Another chuckle leaves his lips as he can feel you wetting him even more. Oh, you were a nasty little thing, you were going to drive him crazy.
“And you need me to, you need me to fuck you here in this back alley.” A cocky grin plastered on his face as he frees himself from his pants, taking his tip to rub on your clit. You breathe out shakily nodding your head as you try to push him in. He places himself right at your entrance, not yet pushing himself in as he feels you trying to sink down on him.
“Tell me you need me to” he says as he smears more of your juices on his dick. A moan escapes your mouth as your overstimulated core is stroked.
“Shota please”
“No, I want to hear you say it. Say you need me” he pulls back from you slightly, tip again right at your entrance, he can feel your cunt trying to suck him in. His mouth going back to your ear, his warm breath sending shivers down your spine. “Say it”
“I need you; Shota I need you right here and right now in this back alley” you whine and beg, causing him to smirk feeling the way his lips turn up on your ear.
“Good girl” Aizawa whispers before pushing himself in, slowly, agonizingly slowly. The stretch of him burned, making your nails dig into his back.
“Fuck” you both say in unison as he bottoms out, you’re already clenching around him. Tight, you were oh so tight. Your pussy clenching so tightly around him that for a moment he didn’t even think he could breathe. Oh and it felt so good, too good, you really were going to make him crazy.
“Relax, I got you” his voice strained holding himself back from cumming just from entering you. Your body relaxes at his command, grip less tight on him. Such a good girl you were, such a good girl for him. With the slight relief he starts moving into you, feeling the way your pussy tries to pull him back in every time he drags himself back. It was an intoxicating feeling, his eyes shut as he slowly moves in and out of you, quietly moan your name. Each drag on his hip making you feel more and more crazed as your pleasure climbs towards it peak again.  Your high feeling just out of reach with how slowly he was moving in and out of you. You needed to feel more of him, needed him harder, needed him faster.
“Please fuck me Shota,” you whine as you try to take him deeper into you, almost hitting the spot that would drive you wild “fuck me harder, fuck me faster”
He chuckled into your arm, stilling his movements gaining another whine out of you in frustration, “For someone who claimed they were so worried about getting caught, your actions surely prove different.”
You attempt to roll your hips into him, but he just presses his hips harder into you forcing your back against the wall, unable to move. “Please” you breath out, clenching and unclenching around his length.  “I told you I didn’t care; I told you I needed you. Please. I need you to fuck me Shota, please fuck me Shota”
Oh, how he loved hearing you beg. It made him even harder inside of you, groaning into your neck as he calms himself down from cuming just from your words alone. Your nails did into his back, and you breathe out another please, another beg. At that, something snaps in him he grabs the bottom of your thighs, pulling them up so that your legs are now on his shoulder pulling you off of the wall. You gasp at the sudden movement, the feat of strength should have been expected from him but it didn’t stop it from being any less hot involuntarily clenching around him, wetting him even more. His strong hands find a tight grip onto your waist lifting you up and slamming you back down on his did, his hips moving in tandem with his upper body movements to fuck into you deeper, harder, faster.
It was exactly what you wanted but all to much at the same time. He was moving you as you weighed nothing to him, while all you could do is moan out his name as he fucks you like a feral beast, the grip you had on his shoulders almost painful to him making him go even harder. The sound of your pussy was almost as loud as your moans.
“You have to be quiet, baby or we really are gonna get caught.” He says not stopping his assault that was causing your volume. Your pussy had a mind of its own, clenching  harder around him at the thought of someone seeing the way he was treating your body. Aizawa didn’t think he could be any more turned on but you keep doing it to him. He slams your back into the wall, using his hand as a cushion behind your head as he pulls it towards him in a searing kiss. As he pulls away he smirks at you, his hips not stopping their movements, “ Oh you want to get caught don’t you? You want everyone to see how much nasty you are, how you’re letting me fuck you like a slut in this dirty alley way?”
You shake your head, but your body betrays you as you clench again on his dick, getting closer and closer to your peak. Your juices were spilling out around his dick, soaking his pants. “But baby I can feel it, you’re drenched. I never thought you would be so nasty, someone who looked so innocent, someone so beautiful would have such a filthy pussy. Now be a good girl for me and have this filthy pussy cum on my dick.”
As filthy as your pussy was for him, his mouth was even dirtier for you. He started pounding you into in exactly the right spot, eliciting a loud moan from you, making your eyes roll back his mouth finding your neck and biting down to silence you. 
“You’re taking my dick so well. Fuck, I’m so deep in you. You feel me right? You feel how deep I am in you?” He asks and you just nod your head no words being able to form in your mouth. One of his hands went down to rub your clit, feeling you clench harder at his movements wetting the two of you more and more that it was dripping on the ground. Before you could tip over the edge, he pulls his hand back slowing  his movements down again. You try not to whine so loudly but you couldn’t help it, the burn and strain in your legs returning as you no longer feel the euphoria that he was giving you. A pout forms on your face as you watch Aizawa raising his hand covered in you as he slowly grinds his hips into you, straining your legs further.
“Let’s see how you taste.” He says before licking one of his fingers, closing his eyes as if he was savoring the flavor of you. “Delicious” was the last thing he says before he shoves his slick covered fingers into your mouth down your throat making you gag. You start sucking on his fingers the best that you could while he resumes the harsh pace that he was at.  You looked so sexy to him sucking and choking on his fingers, he could only imagine how you would look with his dick in your mouth but now is not the time for that, not here.
But it did drive him crazier, fucking his fingers into your mouth as his other hand presses onto your stomach as his thumb rubs fiercely on your click. It was all too much for you, as if you could feel him everywhere all at once, so overpowering that you didn’t even have time to register that you were cumming and hard, the grip of your cunt on his dick was so tight that he could barely move. His movements didn’t stop and now you were squirting on him, soaking his shirt and pants. The scene before Aizawa was so vulgar, so sexy, you just came on his dick in a dingy alley and squirted all over him. He couldn’t stop himself anymore from cuming in you, his seed hitting your cervix which made you clench around him again, even harder. He kept cumming and cumming , he didn’t even know he had that much in him to give. Your greedy pussy sucking everything out of him, he had even forgotten to breathe. He slowly puts your legs down back around his waist, panting as small spurts of cum still shoot into you. Your foreheads are pressed together as you both catch your breath.
You’re the first one to say something, “well that was….”
“Yeah” he finishes your sentence opening his eyes to look at you, “are you okay?”
And then there you go with that smile again, “never been better” you breathe out with a small giggle. “But I do think we should probably get ourselves together.”
He nods as he slowly pulls out of you, both of yall hissing from the movement, extremely overstimulated leaving a connected trail of both of your juices as he leaves you. You start straightening out your shirt and your skirt, thinking back to how you got yourself in this situation in the first place. Not knowing how the two of you even ended in this predicament, you couldn’t blame it on alcohol. Neither of you even drank that much, but it was still making you overthink. What did any of this mean?
You look over at Aizawa while he fixes his pants, clearing your throat nervously as you fiddled with your skirt, “so would you like to talk about what just happened?”  Your question making him halt his moments. He sighs as he fixes himself, running his fingers through his hair seeming just as nervous as you were as if he wasn’t just fucking the soul out of you. Everything is quiet for a moment and you think maybe you really fucked up, that none of it meant anything to him, and you were just a quick relief to some stress he was under.
“I didn’t like seeing you with Sniper” he confesses after the long silence avoiding looking at you.
You blink several times, trying to process what he just said to you. There was no reason to be upset at seeing you with Sniper. “What?” you say louder than expected making his gaze turn to yours, his jaw clenched. Your face was crunched in a way that didn’t really give away what you were thinking.
“I was….” He exhales “jealous. Seeing you laugh and talk with Sniper. The two of you were so close during the whole meeting and then seeing you lean your head on his shoulder just set me off. I was jealous.”
“Are you serious right now?”  Your question matching the confused disbelieve that your face now showed. It didn’t make sense to you why he would be jealous of Sniper, it had you looking at him in a way that made him feel even more exposed than him voicing his feelings had him.
“Well seeing the woman, I like flirting back and forth with another doesn’t really bring me joy. The way you laughed and whispered to him as if it was just the two of you in the room ticked me off. And then you went and laid your head on his shoulder. That was it, that’s what made me storm off.” he huffed in annoyance so unlike him, getting more irritated as he sees a wide grin spread across your face before your burst out into laughter. You were laughing so hard; you had to grip your stomach and tears streaming down your face. Eventually you calm, wiping the tears from your eyes to see an extremely irritated Aizawa.  How could you just laugh in his face after he confessed his feelings for you? He never thought that you were that kind of person.
“This is funny to you?”
You let out a few more giggles, before you sigh happily looking up at him like you always do, “you’re really cute you know that”
He just scowls at you as you walk towards him, but he doesn’t back away allowing you to grab his face in both of your hands. He tries to turn his head, avoiding your gaze but you turn his face back to you, placing a gentle kiss of his lips. It takes everything in him not to kiss you back. He glares down at you when you pull away, more embarrassment in his look than anger.
“You know he’s my cousin, right?” You say with that stupidly beautiful smile on your face. It took a few moments for Aizawa to register what you said, his scowl deepening as his face reddened at the realization.
“Your cousin” he says with an air of relief and embarrassment
“Yes, my cousin” you giggle kissing him again.
“The two of you look nothing alike” he huffs out, thinking of how he could have possibly known that.
“True but that doesn’t make him any less of my cousin.” You release his face taking a step back to quickly scroll through your phone, showing Aizawa what looks like a large family picture and there was you and yup there was Sniper. “I could of sworn I told you before, he was the one who conceived me to move here and apply for UA.”  You say as you tap your finger on your chin, thinking back to when you first became his assistant.
Aizawa takes a deep breath, he feels like an idiot. He was jealous of your cousin. JEALOUS of your cousin. Fucked you for the first time in a back-alley (yes it was really hot, and he thoroughly enjoyed it but still that wasn’t how he envisioned his first time fucking you). His face reddens even more just thinking about it, his stoic expression trying to settle back into his face.
“And I like you too by the way” you say as you bat those pretty little eyes at him
“So let me take you out on proper date then” he tells you more than asks you, regaining his previous confidence.
“I’d love that”
Later that night after you’re home and cleaned up from your activities, while you lie in bed looking at the texts between you and Aizawa about the future date you’re going to have with him you get a text from none other than your cousin.
BadShot🔫: I know you fucked Erasure Head in that back alley
You stare at the message in horror, thoroughly embarrassed wondering how the hell he knew as you see the typing bubbles appear
BadShot🔫: the two of you weren’t very quiet.
You quickly respond back “blocked for harassment”
BadShot🔫: that’s fine I’m telling your mom
You never called someone so fast in your life.  He was definitely no longer your favorite cousin.
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captainkirkk · 2 years ago
Becoming an adult is understanding on a visceral level why Aizawa is always in a sleeping bag at work
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nartothelar · 2 years ago
Could you maybe draw jealous mafia boss hizasi like you did for the reverse Mafi. I'm just having a bad day and those are my favorite aus. Or like reverse Mafia meeting of mafia. Hopefully this all makes sense I have a head splitting cluster headache. Just really love those au. I'm a head to bed now. Night night
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“who’s guarding who again?”
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r2katsu · 2 years ago
scenarios for your jealousy...
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mha m.list | gn!reader | fluff
"You're dumb, and i thought you were the smart one here. I don't need anyone else you idiot, i just need you." he sighs "Now come here and stop pouting, they were the one all over me and i already pushed them away."
"Be jealous all you want, i ain't going no where." he already put his arms around you pulling you in a tight hug.
katsuki, tomura, twice, dabi
"It's quite adorable for you to think that I need anyone else but you, i get it you can get jealous from time to time but in all seriousness I only need you so don't go around worrying about someone taking me away from you...hm?" he kisses the top of your head while holding you close.
DABI, keigo, hanta, shota, denki, sero
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sassypantsjaxon · 1 year ago
Some random student: Mr Aizawa, why don't you like All Might?
Aizawa: *remembering when they were in high school and Hizashi had a big dumb crush on All Might*
Aizawa: ......
Aizawa: no reason.
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hamable · 3 months ago
Bakudeku/Class-1A Camp Rock AU
#I’m so sorry but I thought of it this morning and it’s all I can think about#bakudeku#izuku as Mitchie and Inko as her mom obv#connect three is Katsuki kirshima and kaminari#ochako is Kaitlyn#shoto is that popular girl idr her name but the parental issues are 1 to 1 istg#jirou is Margaret dupree#aizawa and present mic are counselors#do you see do you see the vision#I can see the whole movie in my head someone help me plz#Katsuki being sent back to his childhood camp bc he’s become an asshole and needs to reconnect with music#camp rock is really elitist and expensive like in the movie and izuku gets ostracized for being ‘inexperienced’ and behind everyone else#kiri as Nick and Denki as Kevin#ochako wants to become a music producer and work with a list musicians bc there’s good money in it#and she’s really good at the technical side of things#maybe izuku thinks Katsuki is just a pretentious front man but Katsuki is the one who writes the drums for all their music#but he’s not the one performing drums on stage bc he’s busy singing#izuku and Katsuki met as kids through piano lessons and izuku had a knack for all sorts of instruments which made Katsuki jealous#Katsuki focused on piano and later drums bc he gets to hit things#both think the other is way more incredible than themselves for opposite reasons#master of one vs decent Jack of all trades#the only thing that isn’t an easy fit is that todo isn’t a Mean Girl#but I could see endeavor seeing izuku as a threat and making shoto target him#PLEASE SOMEONE HELP ME AM I CRAZY#camp rock au
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cryptid-crawly · 2 years ago
pspspsps this is me peer pressuring u into writing for that jealous aizawa fic
Come on big boy,” Nemuri purred.
An unexpected pressure built in his chest, harsh and overwhelming.
Why was he angry?
Nemuri was doing nothing more than being herself. Flirting wantonly with every man in sight was her modus operandi.
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ao3feed-bakusquad · 19 days ago
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mayspicer · 3 months ago
My friend is reading mha with me but only the important parts, by which I mean I send him a photo of every panel or page with Aizawa on it.
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I can’t wait for your jealous Aizawa! I’ve been refreshing every few hours to see if it’s up! 😅. Can’t wait to see how you write him
Hello 🖤! Thank you! That’s put a massive smile on my face!
I’m writing it, and I’ve just gotten to the steamy part! Should hopefully be up in two days! I hope I do him justice, I’ve been obsessed with him the past two weeks 😂
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candiiee · 15 days ago
jealousy || valentines special
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Izuku knew he didn’t have a right to be jealous. It’s not your fault you’re so perfect and pretty, always receiving valentines on this cursed day.
He wasn’t even dating you! he was a friend, and that was all he would be. he’d known you since you were five for god’s sake.
Maybe if he had the balls to confess during middle school, you two would be a thing. But he didn’t. He was too shy and cowardly, and still is. And he didn’t wanna drag you down back then. Maybe things were different now, that he had a quirk, he even had muscle.
Way different than the nerdy cry baby from middle school. Well..mostly. He was still a nerdy cry baby, but he was tuning it down! Improvement people, improvement.
He waited outside your dorm room, so you could head to class together. Some might call him a simp for waiting on your every heed and beck, but so what? If he enjoyed doing what you asked of him, that surely meant he was dependable. Perfect marriage material.
And maybe he was a little obsessive, already thinking of marriage when you weren’t even dating. But one could dream. So when you flashed him a winning smile as you opened the door to him, he found himself falling deeper into his fantasies, that he’d work the nerve to confess, that you’d return his feelings, that you’d share a sweet kiss..the mere thought of even touching your hand made him feel giddy.
Now in class, Izuku hardly paid any attention to Mr. Aizawa’s lesson, he’d already learned this a while ago. He had to be smart for you. How else could he become the top hero if he didn’t receive top marks? Of course, making copies of the lesson plans and learning subjects beforehand helped.
It was worth it, to hear your sweet voice compliment how smart he was. He would move mountains just to hear you praise him.
Lunch came, and Izuku dreaded it. All the valentines you ever got usually came from some idiots giving it to you during lunch.
He planted a fake smile, when the first imbecile came up. Some rando from the year below. Blushing and sputtering, as he gave you some chocolate. It made his stomach churn, ugly jealousy bubbling, making him want to vomit at the pure audacity of this miscreant.
You beamed, sharing your smile that was for him, and him alone. It was sickening. You thanked the second year, giving him a chocolate, making the poor boy flush even more. Pathetic. Izuku knew some people pulled off blushing. Like him, for example. You had even pointed it out, making him blush even more. Meanwhile this yahoo didn’t even pull it off. Disgusting.
And he was just the first.
Guy after guy came over, making him actually snap his chopsticks in half. It was only bearable because you gave izuku attention when he did that, looking so concerned. Maybe he should hurt himself some more. Though you’d kill him if he did that. When he got OFA , Izuku broke his bones left and right, making you worry.
Which he didn’t mean to, of course. He just wanted to hurry up and prove his worth! But when the doctors said if he continued to do so, he might lose the ability to use his arms. Which sounded awful to him. How could he even hug you? Caress you? Make love to you? Give you a ring?
He couldn’t do that if his arms were useless. so he made sure to figure out OFA quickly. Having a crush on someone and yearning to impress them is a very good motivator.
Finally lunch ended, and Izuku found himself breathing a huge sigh of relief. Finally.
Maybe he didn’t have a right to be jealous, if he didn’t even plan to confess today. Maybe he was a hypocrite. But he didn’t care. As long as you continued to stay single he was happy. Izuku was selfish when it came to you.
Izuku found himself dragging you to his room, to make sure that for the rest of the day you stayed in his sights and away from everyone else. Out of sight meant no one knew where you were, and if they didn’t know where you were, then that meant you wouldn’t receive any more valentines.
you giggled as he pulled you into his room, making him flush. “What’s the hurry?” You asked, smiling in a way that made his knees go weak.
“W-well..I wanted to show you my new all might figure!” Izuku made up on the spot. It was technically true, he had recently purchased a new figure, and he didn’t wanna seem like a weirdo, taking you to his room for no reason.
”oh, nice!” You chirped, leaning forward to see it. “The details are very..detaily.”
Izuku smiled, pleased with the fact that despite the fact that you weren’t into All might as much as he was, you still bothered to make an effort to pay attention, which he loved about you.
you were perfect. And if anyone disagreed, well..then they were just not worthy of living! izuku frowned at the sudden dark thought that popped into his head. That was so unlike him. He shook his head, probably just a fluke.
You probably had dark thoughts every now and then as well. Though he was pretty sure that was impossible, you were absolutely perfect after all.
suddenly, you turned to look at him, smiling. “Oh yeah! I can’t believe I forgot to give you my chocolate! It’s back in my room, I’ll go get it.”
chocolate? For him? Really? He flushed, “I-I can go get it for you!” He volunteered, making you smile.
“well, if you insist,” you said, and Izuku left, making his way to your room. Maybe he could steal, no, borrow a pencil or something from your room. The thought excited him.
he popped his head into your room, the unlocked door opening. There in your bed were the chocolates. He grabbed them, taking delicate care to make sure they didn’t squish. Maybe you two could even share!
he made sure to steal one of your pens, then returned, to find you sitting on his bed, his bed.
izuku flushed once again, thinking that you looked very nice sitting on his bed, almost as if you belonged there, the thought made him giddy.
You stood up, walking over. “I got you these chocolates cause I figured..someone as sweet as you needed something sweet too on Valentine’s Day!”
izuku grinned, “w-well, thank you! I appreciate it!”
you smiled, and before Izuku knew what was happening, he felt the soft brush of your lips against his cheek, his eyes widening-
izuku.exe has crashed.
when he came to, Izuku found his head resting on your lap, both of you on the floor. He turned beet red, immediately getting up, almost bashing you on the nose.
“Sorry for that,” you started to say, “I should have asked.”
Izuku shook his head, “n-no! It’s fine, I..I liked it.” he whispered softly. The atmosphere was perfect, he could practically see cherry blossoms behind you, he could confess to you.
you smiled, “I’m glad. You’re too sweet sometimes, Izuku.”
“I like you!” He blurted out suddenly, averting his eyes, his entire being turning red. You flushed in response, “wha-“ and before he lost his nerve, he leaned forward, and kissed you.
it felt soft. Your lips were soft. A tingly feeling spread across his whole body, and despite already his face being red, he somehow turned even redder. Izuku felt he was on cloud nine. He pulled away, praying that he didn’t end up getting slapped.
instead, he found himself getting pulled in for another. you kissed him!
you kissed him you kissed him you kissed him!!
Izuku could die happy now. What was that saying Denki always said? Ascending? Yeah, he was ascending. And if you kissed him again, that definitely means you’re now dating.
He practically had hearts in his eyes.
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trasharthi · 2 years ago
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uracutieraka · 19 days ago
Bakugo Katsuki as your boyfriend!
small scenarios of what it's like to date the Great Explosion Murder God Dynamite!
↶*ೃ✧˚. ❃ ↷ ˊ-
'who would win in a fight kacchan? Me or Mina.' Denki asks, hands on his hips as he turns to the Blond hoping to settle this petty argument.
A scoff leaves Mina's mouth as she crosses her arms and turns back to Denki.
'I knew you shouldn't have asked him!'
↶*ೃ✧˚. ❃ ↷ ˊ-
'Bakugo it's kind of creepy how nice you are around her.' Mina says one day while everyones gathered in the kitchen cooking dinner.
a few hums and words of agreement spill from fellow classmates.
Kirishima interrupts.
'It's totally manly and I am so jealous you got a girlfriend before me! Especially such a hottie too!'
A harsh chop to the side of the red haired boys neck has him falling over in pain.
'Don't call my girlfriend hot asshole!'
↶*ೃ✧˚. ❃ ↷ ˊ-
You two had been cuddled up in your bed, watching videos on your phone.
Katsuki played with your hair, lazily twirling strands between his index and middle finger.
You enjoyed the familiar feeling of the slow rise and fall of his chest. The sounds of his heartbeat also fueling your desire to rest your head on him.
He's quietly humming a random melody you had never heard.
You move your head to look up at him and he looks down at you.
'What'cha singing 'Suki ?'
'Nothin' in particular.'
You chuckle at his response.
He has a wide grin on his face, pupils dilated fully while looking at you.
'You're so cute I think I could die right now.' He moves his hands to squish the bottom half of your face around. Forcing you to pucker your lips out.
You're laughing and moving your head back and forth trying to escape his grip.
He leans down to give you a long and dramatic kiss, complete with sound effects.
'mmmMMWAH!' he pulls off you with a popping sound., letting go of your face.
'Suki! That was so slobbery!'
You wipe your mouth and face off and pull a fake disgusted look.
He rolls his eyes and scoff.
'I'm gonna tell everyone how sweet you really are!' It's a hallow threat, holding no real backlash.
'They'll never believe you.' a cheeky smirk now fills his face.
↶*ೃ✧˚. ❃ ↷ ˊ-
'Bakugo? What's on your face?' Aizawa asks him one afternoon when the class is about to start training.
Midnight quickly grabs the boys jaw in her hand, turning his head to get a better look at it.
'Oh! You sneaky little thing! Is that a lipstick mark?'
He's quick to escape her grip and jump two steps back.
He stands, puffing his chest a bit and resting his hands on his hips. Tilting his head up and to the side, a cocky look across his face.
'It's from y/n.' He says proudly.
He hears a few gags and 'ew's come from his classmates but he doesn't care.
'So manly!' Kirishima says loudly to himself, pumping a fist in the air and looking down at the ground.
↶*ೃ✧˚. ❃ ↷ ˊ-
You're standing at the front gate of your family home, holding Katsuki's hand.
You step forward and gently tug his arm to get him to move.
he takes a slow step.
'What if they hate me?'
You stop moving and turn to face him, lifting your hands up to gently brush over the material covering his shoulders.
You straighten the collar of his polo as well before responding.
'They won't'
He takes a deep breath before grabbing your hand again and giving it a quick squeeze.
You smile back at him as you make it to the front door and a sense of calmness washes over him, if you were confident they would like him then he didn't need to stress too much. After all you know your parents better than anyone else.
↶*ೃ✧˚. ❃ ↷ ˊ-
'So Dynamite, it it?,'
He grunts as a response.
Present Mic gives him a side eye and slight eyebrow raise at his lack of words but continues to ask the questions.
'What motivates you to-' He's cut off before he can finish the question.
'My girlfriend, y/n.'
'You didn't even le-'
'Didn't need to. She's what motivates me.'
Present mic rolls his eyes and keeps trying to continue, but Bakugo doesn't let him.
'Yeah, she's just like the best thing that's ever happened to me.' His arms are crossed and a prideful look crosses his face as he continues a long list of reasons why you're the best girlfriend ever.
Present Mic completely gives up any hopes of getting him to actually answer the questions, instead he looks helplessly at his long time friend and coworker, Aizawa.
"Bakugo!" Aizawa's sharp tone causes the Blond to sneer and look over at his teacher with a glare.
'You're done. Go.' His teacher makes a shoo motion with his hand.
Bakugo proudly walks off, sure he totally nailed it. He received his first ever 'F' that day.
↶*ೃ✧˚. ❃ ↷ ˊ-
'What'cha drawing there Kacchan?' a wide smile is on the green haired boy's face.
Katsuki's face grows red as he jumps and hurriedly shoves his note book to his chest.
He looks up at Deku's face with wide eyes before speaking.
'Mind your own damn business!'
Uraka now joins in on the conversation.
She turns around in her desk, to look at them both.
'Probably stick figure doodles of him and y/n with their future house, he draws that all the time!'
He drops his jaw with a scoff at her snitching on him.
'Do not!' his voice is harsh and gruff.
Now some of the other students crowd around his desk, curious as to what all the ruckus was.
Mina and Denki are quick to start prying the notebook out of his strong grip.
They want to know if Bakugo is maybe just the slightest bit normal.
Finally Kirishima joins in, with the added strength Bakugo loses the hold he had on the book.
He groans and slams his head down on the desk as the class crowds Mina and Denki, trying to get a glimpse at the said drawings.
Sure enough, doodles of you and him fill the margins of his notes.
'I <3 Y/N' is scribbled between the stick figure people, along with your name paired with his last name.
The girls are all gushing about just how sweet he was for loving you so much, as the boys are now turning to dog on him for being so whipped by you.
He's never going to live this down.
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felinecyan · 8 months ago
Trust Issues
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[Katsuki Bakugo x Female!Reader]
Synopsis: Some friendly advice: don’t ever go to the rival of your spar partner for help.
WC: 4893
Category: Fluff, Slight Angst,
This blog is a MHA fan page at this point HAHAHA
But since you guys REALLY liked the first oneshot of him, I felt inclined to write another one. So, here you go! 💞
You didn’t think it would come to this.
In all honesty, you had never intended to hurt your friend.
All you had wanted was a fair fight. After all, that was why you were training, wasn't it?
So you could become a hero?
Now, granted, it was not a secret that Izuku Midoriya had always been on the… opposing end of Katsuki Bakugo's wrath ever since childhood. The boy was a spitfire; you had known that from the moment he had first stepped into class.
The Sports Festival only proved it. He was strong, powerful, and unafraid to let anyone who stood in his way know. It was that sort of determination that you had hoped to one day achieve, the will to succeed and not allow anything to hold you back.
It wasn't that you were star-struck or even jealous when he had been crowned first place at the festival. It was just inspiring, in a sense. He had fought tooth and nail to win, and in the end, he had come out on top.
However, his victory did not mean he could rest easy.
After the Sports Festival, Bakugo had taken a sort of… interest in you. You supposed he liked the way he fought against you, or maybe it was because he saw potential in you as a rival, but when class was over the next day, and the blonde had approached you, telling you to meet him out back, you were overjoyed.
Until he started to beat the ever-living crap out of you, that is.
And he still was, even now.
Every time you believe to be gaining more and more strength, he only proves to have become stronger. It was quite disheartening, actually.
Still, you did your best to keep up with him. It was no surprise to you, though, that he was better at you in almost everything.
That's why it seemed like a great idea for you to start sparring with Deku, right? Maybe the green-haired could teach you a few things and help you gain a bit of an advantage over the hothead.
But, as pure intentions would have it, the choice you made that day had landed you here.
You were at your locker, picking up books for Aizawa’s lesson when a hand rested atop the door of your locker. He didn’t close it, only using it as a resting place for his arm, so you didn't immediately look up to see him, instead pretending that you hadn't noticed him.
Not a voice you were familiar with. You glanced around the area before looking over at the source—a tall boy with short black hair and dark brown eyes.
You blinked a couple of times. "Hi…?"
He flashed a grin and leaned a bit closer to you, his voice dropping low. "Nice weather we're having, don't you think?"
"Uhm… sure, I guess." The confusion was obvious on your face, and he laughed at your expression. "It's nice, yeah."
"Well, the weather seems a lot nicer on the roof, I think." His words were slow, and his smile was growing a bit too much for you to be comfortable with. "I could take you there, show you the view. What do you—"
He was caught off by the large hand that suddenly slammed down on the top of your locker, shutting it. You were about to tell the person that the door had hit your head when you looked up at those glaring crimson eyes and felt your stomach drop.
Katsuki Bakugo.
"Hey, what the hell?!" The boy exclaimed. "What's the big deal?!"
Bakugo didn't seem to acknowledge the other, simply glaring down at you only. You were frozen in place. You had never seen the boy this angry, not even at the USJ attack.
"You." His voice was quiet, unnervingly calm, but the undertone was filled with enough venom to make the hairs on the back of your neck stand up. "You lied."
"Uh—" You began but were cut off.
"You told me you had to bail yesterday. That you had homework to do." He was staring right through you, and you felt a cold shiver run down your spine.
You swallowed, and his eyes flickered to your throat for a split second. "I did, though."
"You didn't," He hissed, teeth gritting together. "You were with him."
"With who—"
You had no chance to react before he slammed his fist against the lockers again, right beside your face, and the boy who had been trying to talk to you only watched as you were cornered.
"Don't lie to me, damnit!" He was snarling, eyes alight with fury. His hand moved from the lockers and back to his side. "You were with that shitty nerd. Don't you fucking deny it."
"I—" You tried, but your voice was shaking, and he interrupted you before you could say anything.
"Do you think I'm a fucking idiot?" He leaned down to your level, his red eyes burning into yours. "Do you really think I wouldn't find out about your little play date with Deku?"
"Play date?" Your eyebrows furrowed. "I was just training, Bakugo. It's not that big a deal."
He scoffed, pulling his hands into his pockets. The rage was still in his eyes, but he didn't appear to want to act on it, instead turning his head to the side.
And despite it not being a good time, the dude beside you was still here, and he had a comment.
"Hey, I was here first, dude." He said, stepping forward. "It’s clear you two have a problem, but this chick isn’t yours. Beat it."
You were honestly expecting Bakugo to explode on him, maybe even punch the guy. He was always so aggressive.
Instead, he simply stared at him for a long moment, blinking at his audacity, only to roll his eyes and turn back to you.
"If you think Deku can help you, then go ahead." He shrugged, taking a step back. "We’ll see how good his teaching is if it can get you to stand a chance against me."
"You think—"
He interrupted you, not even giving you the chance to finish.
"Five o’clock, gymnasium." He smirked, but his eyes were hard. "Don't make me wait."
"But, you said—"
He had already turned his back and began to walk away, the other boy watching him with a dumbfounded expression.
Bakugo only nudged him aside with his shoulder, not giving him a glance as he left the hallway. He might’ve called over his shoulder, calling the kid an extra.
You weren't sure, and frankly, you didn't care. The only thing you cared about at that moment was what just happened, what was going to happen, and kicking the ever-loving shit out of the tattletale who just ruined everything.
The guy was still staring at the hallway Bakugo had disappeared in, his eyebrows scrunched together.
"Did he just—"
"Don’t." You held up a hand, and his mouth shut immediately. "Just don't."
The boy didn't say anything after that. You left him as he was, not caring if he was confused or not. He shouldn't have interrupted in the first place.
You walked to the classroom, immediately hunting down the other blonde, who happened to be your betrayer. He was sitting down, talking to Sero and Kirishima, but you didn't hesitate to grab him by the ear and drag him away.
"Hey!" He cried out, struggling to escape. "What the hell?! Lemme go!"
"Why'd you do that?!" You demanded, turning to him and letting him go. "You ratted me out!"
He blinked, not understanding. "What are you talking about?"
"Don't play dumb, Denks!" You pointed at him accusingly, glaring at him. "You told Bakugo that I was training with Midoriya."
"I… was under a lot of pressure, okay?" He raised his hands defensively, leaning back. "Bakugo came to me after school and demanded where you were. He threatened to blow my face off!"
"Oh, yeah, real mature." You rolled your eyes. "Do you have any idea what you’ve done to me?! He’s going to actually blow my face off."
"He didn't seem that mad," He mumbled, rubbing the back of his neck. "Maybe it'll be okay."
"He talked like a regular person," You crossed your arms. "He was terrifyingly calm, Kaminari! And now he wants to meet me in the gym at five o'clock."
"Dude,” Sero extended the vowel, sitting forward in his seat as he had heard the conversation. "You’re so screwed."
You couldn’t help the glare you threw at him.
"You're not helping."
Kirishima also turned, frowning. "No, dude, he's right. You are screwed. I mean, you were sparring with Midobro behind his back." He shook his head. "He probably wouldn’t have cared much if it was me or anyone else, but—"
"You picked his mortal enemy." Sero finished, raising an eyebrow. "Like, seriously, dude. What did you expect?"
"Kaminari not to snitch on me?" You threw a look at the yellow-haired boy. "So much for being friends, huh?"
"Hey, I warned you," Kaminari huffed, crossing his arms. "But no, you wanted to hang out with his rival. If I didn’t tell him, I'm pretty sure he would've killed me. Like, literally, he would've killed me. No doubt."
"But you're fine with me dying?" You asked, a teasing smile pulling at your lips. "I see how it is."
"I thought I would have until after lunch to warn you," He defended himself, shrugging. "Guess he warned you instead, huh?"
You sighed, shaking your head.
"You guys aren't helping," You turned, running a hand through your hair. "I'm dead. So dead. Oh my god."
"Alright, who pissed off the chihuahua?"
You spun around at the sound of Mina's voice, seeing her, Jiro, and Hagakure all standing together.
How wonderful. The gang's all here.
"What are you talking about, Ashido?" Kirishima questioned, tilting his head.
"Bakugo's pissed," Jiro explained, pointing a thumb in his direction. "He’s storming through the hallways like someone just took a dump in his cereal."
"And it's not like he was in a good mood this morning, either," Hagakure added, bouncing on her toes. "Did something happen?"
You groaned and flopped down into a chair, hiding your face in your hands.
"Idiocy happened," Sero answered, shrugging. "That's what happened."
"Shut it, Tape Boy."
"You should probably tell us," Mina advised, sitting down next to you. She pulled you into a side hug, patting your shoulder. "What's up? Talk to me."
"Bakugo found out that I've been training with Midoriya," You mumbled, and the three girls nodded. "I’m dead. Aizawa can’t even save me."
"Aw, c'mon, it's not that bad." Jiro rolled her eyes, walking over to join the group. "Bakugo's all bark and no bite."
"He's not… all bark." You muttered, not meeting her eyes.
"I can vouch for that." Kaminari grinned, but the glare you shot him made him falter. "But uh, no, yeah, he's definitely more bite than bark."
"Oh, you poor baby." Hagakure cooed, leaning forward to ruffle your hair. You couldn't see her face, obviously, but you had a feeling she was smiling. "You can do it, though. It can't be that bad."
"You know what you should do?" Kirishima suggested a bright smile on his face. "Talk to him."
"I think that would make things worse, dude." You rubbed your eyes, sighing.
"I mean, tell him why you were doing it." He shrugged. "He’s feeling all types of betrayed right now, I bet. If you just explain your reasoning, he might let it slide."
"But it's worth a shot, isn't it?" He raised an eyebrow, his smile still intact. "Plus, you’d be showing him that you aren't afraid to take the initiative. Maybe he'll be a bit nicer."
"Do it at lunch so that if he tries to kill you, there'll be teachers nearby." Sero grinned.
"You're really not helping." You glared at him, but the group just laughed, leaving you to your sulking.
Mina was about to say something when the door to the classroom opened, and the very loved and grumpy Aizawa walked in. He didn't say a word; instead, he just shot a look at the group before sitting down to wait for the last few minutes before class started.
As much as you wanted to believe it, the only thing the group's conversation managed to do was make you more worried. You spent the entire class staring off into space, staring at the blonde boy who sat two seats in front of you.
His shoulders were tense, and his pencil was practically snapping in half as he scribbled notes on the paper. Every once in a while, his eyes would flicker back and forth, his teeth gritted, and his pencil would move a bit faster.
You couldn’t focus on what Aizawa was saying, too distracted by the blonde's behavior.
The class seemed to go on forever, but eventually, the bell rang, and the class began to shuffle out, chatting and laughing with their friends.
"Hey, Bakubro!" Kirishima walked over to the hothead, who had stayed behind to pack up his things. "You okay, man?"
He was a real one, that Kirishima.
"Peachy." He replied, throwing his bag over his shoulder. His tone was dry, and his eyes were tired, but there was a hint of anger in them.
"You sure? You seem a bit—"
"I'm fine, Shitty Hair." He hissed, his patience wearing thin. "Back off."
The redhead only nodded and backed away, holding his hands up. "Alright, man. Whatever you say."
He looked over at you, his eyes flickering between you and Bakugo.
He didn't need to say a word. You understood. You slowly approached the blonde, your heart in your throat.
"Uhm," You started, your voice cracking. You cleared your throat, trying to seem as unthreatening as possible. "Can we talk? I'll buy lunch."
He glanced at you, his jaw clenching. His eyes flickered down to the floor before meeting yours again.
"What makes you think I need you to buy me lunch?" He huffed, his grip on his bag tightening.
"It's an offer, dude," You shrugged, trying to sound more casual than you felt. It didn’t work. "I just want to talk, okay?"
He stared at you for a long moment, the gears in his head working. He looked over at Kirishima and Kaminari, who had been watching, before rolling his eyes and huffing.
"Fine. Whatever."
He pushed past you and made his way to the door, not bothering to check if you were following. You gave the other two a small, awkward smile and hurried after him, following close behind as he stomped his way through the hall.
You kept a bit of distance but stayed close enough so that he knew you were still there. He didn't speak, didn't even look at you, and his shoulders were still tense.
This was not going to end well.
But he hadn’t said no, so maybe there was a chance.
"So," You began, breaking the silence. "I—"
"Why?" He cut you off, not slowing his pace. His eyes were forward. "I already know your damn reasoning, so don't give me some bullshit excuse. Just tell me the truth."
He had stopped walking, now turning to face you. There were students milling about the hallway, and a couple were giving the two of you strange looks. You tried to ignore them.
You focused on the blonde's gaze.
"You're strong," You confessed, your voice wavering. "I want to be stronger."
His eyes narrowed at that.
"You could've asked," He growled. "You didn't have to sneak around and hide shit."
"Asked to… what? To kick my ass harder during our spars?" You huffed. "Because, as much as I hate to say it, I'm not winning in those."
He paused, his eyebrows furrowing.
"Is that what this is about?" He asked. "You wanted me to go easier on you? Are you kidding me?"
"No, that's not—"
"If you think villains are gonna hold back," He cut you off again, and the volume of his voice was getting higher. "You're out of your damn mind. You can't always depend on some shitty extra to bail your ass out."
"That's not—"
"Then what the fuck do you want from me, huh?!" He demanded, throwing his hands up. "You want me to hold your hand through heroics?! Is that what it is?!"
"I'm not asking you to do anything," You defended yourself, glaring. "All I wanted was a different perspective, damn."
"Yeah, what a nice perspective you got." He scoffed, rolling his eyes. "Get perspective off the kid who can’t even use his quirk without breaking his fucking body. What a brilliant idea."
"Oh, come on!" You crossed your arms. "There is no reason for you to be so petty. I did this for you, and for me. What's the problem?"
"For me? " He echoed, his eyes widening. "The hell do you mean, 'for me'? Going behind my back and training with the nerd is not doing something for me."
"I did it to be a better opponent to you!" You raised your voice, ignoring the stares of your classmates. "I'm tired of losing all the time! You're my friend, and I don't want to constantly have my ass handed to me!"
"We're not friends," He hissed. "Friends don't do this kind of shit."
You faltered, taken aback.
"I'm— You're—"
"Save it," He snapped, not meeting your gaze. "I'm done. Fuck this. Fuck you. Go find someone else to train with."
He pushed past you, shoving his hands into his pockets as he stomped away. You stood there, gaping, unable to understand what just happened.
"Bakugo," You tried, your voice cracking. You didn't turn, too busy staring at the tile floor.
"Fuck off, idiot." He spat, not bothering to look back. "You can forget about the sparring later."
He didn't wait for you to respond. Instead, he shoved his way past the crowd, disappearing from sight.
You were still frozen, and you couldn't tell if the tears welling up in your eyes were from frustration or sadness.
The students rushing around you began to slow, staring at you with pity, confusion, or both.
But you didn’t have time to care because, at that moment, you couldn’t think of anything else.
Your stomach twisted. Your head throbbed. Your heart broke.
And you felt like you were going to throw up.
"Dude," Kaminari said, appearing next to you. "That was rough."
You didn't reply. You couldn't.
"Shut up, man," Kirishima said, placing a hand on your shoulder. He was frowning, his eyes full of worry. "She doesn't need that right now."
"This is some B-lister movie shit right here," Sero commented, shaking his head. "Seriously, what a drama queen."
Bakugo… he was… hurt. You could see it in his eyes. He was angry, obviously, but there was something else. Something that you had never seen before.
"An idiot?" Sero guessed.
"A jerk?" Kaminari added.
"Emotionally constipated?"
At that, Kirishima punched Sero in the shoulder, causing him to groan and rub the spot.
"Ow, what was that for?!"
"He's just mad," Kirishima ignored the question, turning to face you. "Just give him some space. He'll come around."
"This is different," You argued, your throat burning. "I've never seen him like that. Never. It’s like he’s— I don't know."
"He's an asshole," Kaminari muttered, glaring down the hallway. "Don't waste your time on him."
"You didn't see the look in his eyes," You shook your head. "It was so different. He was almost… dejected."
"Hurt?" Sero repeated, raising an eyebrow. "The guy didn't look like he was in pain. He looked pissed."
"I… did this," You said, and the three boys frowned. "He said we weren't friends because I went behind his back. I didn’t realize he saw us as friends, and I— I ruined it."
"Hey, man, you didn't ruin anything." Kirishima shook his head, his voice firm. "He’ll realize the things he said and—"
You needed to apologize. You needed to go to him, and apologize, and explain in a way that doesn’t leave room for questions.
"I'm sorry," You spoke, interrupting the redhead. "I just— I gotta— I'm gonna go."
"Wait, I wouldn’t—"
But it was too late. You were already pushing your way through the crowd, not caring about the future consequences.
You were on a mission, and you were going to get shit done.
It was easy enough to find him. The Pomeranian hair was a dead giveaway. He never made it to the cafeteria and was instead standing off to the side, staring out the window.
He didn’t look up when you approached him, but you could see the tension in his shoulders.
"I'm sorry."
You didn’t beat around the bush or try to ease him into the conversation. You just came out and said it because there was no point in hiding it.
"Just…" He sighed, not bothering to look at you. "Just leave me alone, alright? We're done."
"Look, I didn’t—"
"Why can't you just listen?!" He yelled, whipping around to glare at you. Despite his angry expression, though, you could see the hesitation.
He wasn't as confident as usual.
"You're not listening to me," You argued. "I'm apologizing. Why can't you—"
"Because I don't need you to apologize," He snarled, his eyes narrowing. "I don't want your fucking apologies. You did what you did, and I'm over it."
"It's obvious that you aren't over it."
"What, and you are?"
"No, not at all," You shrugged, trying not to flinch. "I’m trying to fix the problem."
"Well, don't." He huffed, turning back towards the window. "There is no problem."
"You were going to take your anger out on me," You said, not daring to step any closer. "How the hell is there no problem?"
"I told you," He turned to face you. "I don't care. I don't give a shit anymore. I'm not going to spar with you. Not anymore."
"You can't—"
"I can't, or I won't?" He raised an eyebrow.
"Neither," You said. "I didn't— I didn't train with Midoriya because I didn't trust you."
He laughed. Actually, genuinely laughed, his eyes crinkling in amusement. You thought the most terrifying moment of his was when he spoke calmly, but that?
That, right there?
That was the scariest moment of your life.
"Are you joking?" He snorted, the smile disappearing just as fast as it had come. "You think that’s why I'm pissed?"
"It's— it's part of it, right?"
"Oh, no," He shook his head. "No, you don't get it, do you? Do I have to spell it out for you, dumbass? Do you want me to fucking say it?"
You hesitated, the hairs on the back of your neck standing up.
"Say what?"
He sighed, rubbing his face with his hands.
"I was fine with the spars," He explained, his voice quiet. "I was fine with the competition. It was fun. You were a good match, and it made me a better fighter. I liked it."
He stopped, taking a deep breath.
"But when you went behind my back," He continued, his voice tight. "And when you didn't bother to tell me and instead told Dunce Face? Of all people?! That's where I had a problem."
"What does—"
"It means you're a coward."
You felt as if you'd been punched in the stomach, the air being knocked out of your lungs.
"You couldn't even look me in the eye and tell me, so instead, you went behind my back." He continued, and the volume of his voice was increasing. "You were too scared to face me, and you ran off and hid like a child."
"That's not true—"
"It is," He growled. "You know it, I know it, and the rest of the class knows it."
"So, you're telling me you're pissed because I'm a coward?" You asked, trying to keep the quiver from your voice.
"Partly," He replied, and the look in his eyes made you flinch.
"Partly," You repeated, your eyebrows furrowing. "So, what's the other part?"
"That I trusted you."
The words stung. They burned through your skin and pierced through your heart, making you feel as if you were the one with the explosion quirk.
He didn’t let you respond and instead walked up to you, his eyes dark.
"I trusted you," He repeated, his voice low. "I trusted you to come to me if you needed something, and I trusted that you would be honest with me. I thought we were at least close enough for that, but it turns out I was wrong."
"You— you weren't wrong—"
"If I was wrong, then why the hell did I go to Deku?! Why not me?! Why did you not trust me?!"
"I did trust you!" You cried, your eyes stinging.
"You went to the one person who could break his body with every punch," He snapped, his hands curling into fists. "You went to the kid who can’t control his damn quirk, and you went to the one person that I—"
He stopped himself, his face twisting in anger.
"What?" You pressed, taking a small step forward. "What were you going to say?"
"Nothing." He spat, turning his head. "Forget it. It's none of your damn business."
"Tell me."
"Bakugo," You pressed, trying to sound more demanding.
"Fuck off."
He didn't answer and, instead, began to walk away.
"Damn it," You hissed, running up and grabbing his arm.
"Let go." He warned, not meeting your gaze.
"I'm sorry." You pleaded. "Okay? I'm sorry."
"Yeah, you already said that."
"I do trust you," You said. "You're an ass, and you're annoying, and you can be a bit too hardheaded, but I still trust you."
He paused, not looking at you.
"Then why didn't you go to me first?" He asked, his voice wavering. "You were my damn partner, and yet you—"
"I didn’t want you to make me feel bad," You answered. "I wanted to surprise you and prove myself. I know I can do it. I'm strong, and I'm fast, and I can be better than what I am now, and I wanted to show you that."
He was silent, but he still didn’t pull his arm from your grasp.
"I couldn’t ask for your help," You continued. "Because I didn’t want you to treat me any differently. I wanted you to see what I could do without any outside influence."
"What a stupid reason."
"You don't have to agree," You muttered. "But it was my reasoning, nonetheless."
He didn't say anything, and you sighed, letting go of his arm.
"I'm sorry," You apologized again, trying not to cringe. "I should have told you sooner, and I should have come to you. I should have trusted the way you'd react and not predicted how you would act. I was being selfish, and I should have considered you."
He turned his head, his eyes still narrowed. But it wasn't angry. No, it wasn't anger at all anymore. It was pure curiosity.
"What were you trying to prove?"
"To me," He said, his eyebrows furrowing. "If you were training with me, then what were you trying to prove?"
You bit the inside of your cheek.
"I'm not sure." You answered, not daring to meet his gaze. "I guess I just wanted to impress you."
"Impress me?" He scoffed again, rolling his eyes. "You really are an idiot."
"What's that supposed to mean?!"
"It means I don't need to be impressed," He explained, his voice softer than before. "I don't give a shit about being impressed. I just want you to be stronger."
"So you can still kick my ass? But be more proud of it?" You guessed, smiling.
"Something like that," He shrugged, shoving his hands in his pockets. "I want to be able to fight you without holding back."
"Oh, come on," You complained, rolling your eyes. "That's a load of crap, and you know it. You wouldn't have to hold back against me."
"Oh, yeah?" He asked, his voice lowering. "An hour with the nerd, and you think you're on my level now? You're delusional."
"You underestimate me."
"I'm not underestimating shit." He scoffed, leaning down slightly. "I can tell you, right here, right now, two minutes. I'd give it two minutes, tops, and then your ass would be on the floor."
"Really," He nodded, smirking. "Two minutes. That's it."
"Five o'clock?"
"Tch, fine," He agreed, taking a step back. "Don't be late, idiot."
"I won't." You assured, turning to leave. "I'll see you then, Bakugo."
"You'll see my foot up your ass."
And, just like that, the two of you were back to normal.
Did you win? Hell no. But your plan with Deku did come in handy, and you were able to put up a pretty good fight.
He did still beat you, of course, and the time was 4:57 when he finally got you on the floor.
But, it wasn't as humiliating as the previous spars, and you weren't nearly as embarrassed.
Instead, he just grinned, pulling you up by your hand and offering some tips.
And, honestly, they were better than the ones Midoriya had given you.
So, maybe going to the firecracker wasn't a terrible idea after all.
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cryptid-crawly · 2 years ago
for the fic ask‼️ jealous aizawa crack fic pls 👀
hehehe this ask got buried sorry but:
“Please, Aizawa-sensei!” the brat pleaded.
“This is none of your business.”
“But sensei! All Might says a hero meddles where he’s needed, even if no one asked!”
“You’re mistaken in thinking you’re needed here.”
“Sensei, please! Maybe if you just told him you liked him-”
“Detention for a week.”
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