bigbadaud999 · 1 day
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bill dump! 2 of these were done on a whiteboard :P
if you can guess the 2 references in 2 drawings, we're homies for life
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vsthepomegranate · 1 year
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Bitches Brew (1970)
by Miles Davis
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katanadragonking · 2 years
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hug-kiss-marry-kill · 2 months
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Malty S. Melromarc from The Rising of the Shield Hero
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piosplayhouse · 1 year
I knew there was special dialogue for if you changed yourself to look like an npc but I didn't know there was already an npc that looked like ME !!! 🥺🥺 MALTY MY BELOVED I WAS SO SURPRISED WHEN I RESCUED HER
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"Huh huh?! A cute face similar to mine!!" "if only I had a camera, I'd be able to take an interesting video!"
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jean-dieu · 6 months
A Father's Love
No answer whatsoever. The man narrows his eyes for he knows Malthus is near. If the kid doesn't answer to his name, it's always because he's hiding somewhere. That is something he's certain of, but where did the little tiefling manage to camouflage this time is a whole other question. The boy was good at being sneaky, for the best and for the worst. Keeping track of his son's hiding spots has been proven useless as he somehow always manages to find a new, better location.
"For Abadar's sake Malty, we're going to be late for today's service and I'm not going without you once again." He says in a stern, loud voice, hoping his natural authority would be enough to scare the child out of his secret little hideout. But the cleric's warning is only met by silence once again. Hopeless, he turns around, scrutinizing every cupboards, tables, chairs, curtains where the spade of a scaly tail or the point of small horns could maybe be spotted, but nothing.
He sighs. He knows they are getting late, and his position in the Church of Abadar can't allow him such leniency in his schedule. An idea crosses his mind, but bribing his own child, really? Is this his idea of education? He glances at the clock, and clenches his jaw. Time really isn't in his favour, and he needs to leave now.
"… Oh well. I suppose I'll leave without you. Too bad, I was planning to get a few cherry tarts after the service, but-"
He can't even finish his sentence that he feels something grabing his shoulders from above. It's enough to send shivers down his spine, and he swiftly raises his head, his eyes meeting with the little tiefling's one. And there he is, he mutters internally. Nimbly hiding between the wooden beams of the ceiling, securing himself with his tail, the soft glow of his yellow eyes betraying his position if only he had thought of looking up!
"Cherry tarts?" Malthus echoes enthusiastically, crawling back in his father's arms like a snake as the man reaches for him. "How did you even manage to get there…" He mutters for himself, both scared for his son's safety and impressed by his abilities. The cleric looks at him for a moment in silence, trying to keep a stern and angry face for the sake of it, before dropping the act. The little tiefling, on the other hand, looks half sorry, half very proud of himself. A small apologetic smile creeps on his face, flashing his sharp crooked teeth as he seems to await whatever punishment his father will deem fit for his unruly behaviour.
Silence again, then a sigh.
"Well, aren't you a mischievous little thing…" His father says in a defeated voice as he helps his son climbing on his shoulders as they both leaves for their usual church. "Come on. You delayed us more than enough, no need to waste more time."
"So, no cherry tarts I guess?" "Oh, you really don't deserve them, little rascal" His father frowns, before half-smiling "But I can't let my own son go hugry, can I?"
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shieldherostuffs · 4 months
Motoyasu: It's pretty cold outside. Wanna hold hands to keep warm? We should also stay close, y'know, to keep warm. Myne: Of course, Sir Motoyasu! Naofumi: It's the fucking middle of summer.
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lilium-dragomir · 4 months
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bigbadaud999 · 3 months
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the odd one out
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dynasoar5 · 2 years
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wip. malty for gulpspooky
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ultraericthered · 2 months
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Evil Princess Done Wrong VS Evil Princess Done Right
I cannot speak too highly of either The Rising Of The Shield Hero or Ovelord, and I find both these characters detestable on a personal level. But on the basis of character writing, I have to give Ovelord (the worse of the two) this; Renner Theiere Chardelon Ryle Vaiself is leagues better an "evil princess" character than Malty Melromarc.
And I think the main reason why goes without saying: you actually really fucking buy why anyone would be decieved and manipulated by her, and that it depends on her intellect rather than the stupidity and gullibility of others. Malty is insultingly Obviously Evil, her lies and manipulations are so easy for anyone with half a brain to tear through and expose as falsehoods she's using to work some angle and get her way, and she seems to just exist to commit self-serving crimes that hurt others for kicks, for no reason deeper than Slutty Bitchy Devil Woman Is Bad. Whereas as horrific the evil committed by Renner upon her own kingdom and all of humanity, you're a bit more understanding of why no one stopped her before it got to that point: her facade is genuinely convincing in how charming, sweet and benevolent she seems, and she had done acts of genuine good for the kingdom such as abolishing the slave trade (which she did because her ethical line drawn against such a practice was sincere.)
Also worth mentioning is how Renner actually has a background-based reason for why she turned out so bad whereas Malty doesn't, and while Malty is a Hate Sink designed to have viewers/readers rooting against her and calling for her blood, Renner is so efficient at how completely evil she is that many viewers/readers were actually rooting for her and are all too happy to see her come out on top.
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katanadragonking · 10 months
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animemaniac21 · 11 months
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Right now, I’m convinced; that the author Aneko Yusagi wants us to hate the other three heroes. Like come on, after all this, you believe Myne...Bi**h...and like how brainless can you get? Plz someone spoil me and say Myne is using mind-control of some kind. Or else, I just can't deal anymore with the dumbness of them. I thought after losing his comrades, Ren would go through a redemption arc or something.
"They were weak and held me back. I can't be blamed for their deaths"
"Naofumi, did you really-"
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nothingbutpoison · 5 months
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