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snekplush · 1 year ago
So turns out I prob have maladaptive daydreaming, and am actually malaromantic and malasexual. Maladaptive daydreaming is a mental health issue where a person daydreams excessively, sometimes for hours at a time (according to google) From what ive searched so far there isnt an actual diagnosis, but from what Ive read it lines up with what I have. Malaromantic and malasexual means you experience different romantic/sexual identities from daydreams vs irl. Ex: irl I am aromantic and feel zero romantic attraction, but while daydreaming I am alloromantic and can easily feel romantic feelings.
So, yay. I also prob have hyperphantasia but still researching.
malaromantic and malasexual flags respectively:
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yall is there an aromantic term for “I like the idea of being in a romantic relationship in theory but irl I would rather crumble into a dried raisin” bcs these google searches aint helpin. Aegoromantic seemed right at first, but then I found that its more disconnected from the aro person themself and focused on them enjoying the idea of romantic relationships being depicted using others in stuff like fanfic. (unless I got the definition wrong) Lithoromantic doesnt seem right either because its feeling romantic attraction to someone, and then it ends once its reciprocated. It feels different from cupioromantic because they want a relationship, but feel none of the attraction. I like the idea of it, like daydreaming famtasies abt just snoozing with a romantic partner, but once I tap back into reality I go: hell naw.
Can someone tell me if I got the definitions wrong or if what Im feeling is different. Because I like reading x reader fanfics, in fact its like a good 3/4 of what I read. I like the idea of being in a relationship with someone who I genuinely love and doing all the marriage lovey dovey stuff IN THEORY. But once I get out of my head and the fanfics and think abt if I would actually do it? Actually kiss, cuddle, date, and settle down with someone that way? Nah Im good.
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thethoughtofheaven · 1 month ago
blog preferito?
Uh ne ho tanti.
@hornyyslut @malaromantic-aa @dancinginthe-moonlights @y-774 su tutti
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pride-flag-fag · 3 years ago
malagender, malasexual, and malaromantic
back during the original run of this blog, at someone’s request, i designed flags for malagender, malasexual, and malaromantic. i’m not sure how i feel about them now but i thought i would repost them for proper documentation, since i noticed the flags on a couple of wikis lacking information that i could very easily provide! if i were to design them now i’d probably do it differently but it’s still worth recording. (if you see them credited to 1nklash, that’s my old deviantart!)
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a gender that is influenced by one's maladaptive daydreaming or another similar condition. mala- can be used as a prefix to further specify the user’s gender experience. 
the blue and pink are just because those are frequently used on gender-related flags, but the colors are in a gradient to represent the mental transition between reality and daydreaming. the large grey stripe in the center symbolizes the gap between those two states and the gender one feels in those states. the grey stripe can also be replaced with other gender pride flags.
i made malatransgender as an example:
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malasexual and malaromantic:
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the malasexual flag is purple because that is a color frequently used in flags to denote sexuality. the malaromantic flag is green for the same reason, but with romanticism. i know that purple and green usually specifically represent asexuality and aromanticism but i wasn’t really thinking about that at the time, i just wanted to distinguish the flags :P these flags have the gradients and the large stripe in the middle for the same reasons as the malagender flag.
i made malapansexual and malalesbian (with the old lesbian flag, this was before emily gwen designed the sunset lesbian flag) as examples
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momiji-kitsune · 1 year ago
Aromanticism is a spectrum, you absolute asshole. Romance is a spectrum. Alloromance is strictly romantic attraction, but aromance is everything from experiencing no romantic attraction up to and until always experiencing conventional romantic attraction. Aromantic, while commonly describing someone who experiences little to no romantic attraction, includes people whose experience of romance is disconnected from normative societal expectations.
Greyromantic is a valid type of aromanticism. Demiromantic is a valid type of aromanticism. If you say or think otherwise, you are the problem. Not the aromantic people who aren't strictly aromantic. You.
Under the 'Keep Reading' link are labels of different types of aromance. The people who identity with them are all aromantic, and a valid part of the aromantic community. They are all part of the aromantic spectrum, no matter how much or how little or what type of aromance they experience. You do not get to gatekeep aromance simply because you do not agree with them.
[IMAGE ID: A screenshot of Tumblr tags that read: "#Aromantic. No kissy kissy #Except I enjoy kissy kissy #sometimes #And I want to date people #maybe #and also I might not be fully aromantic just with minor and fleeting romantic feelings" /.End ID]
Abroromantic, Acoromantic, Adfecturomantic/Affecturomantic/Adfectual/Adfomantic, Aegoromantic/Autochorisromantic, Akoi(ne)romantic/Aporomantic/Lithromantic, Akoiflux/Lithflux, Aroflux, Aliquaromantic, Amicusromantic, Apathromantic, Apothiromantic/Antiromantic, Apresromantic, Arohaze/Aromush/Arovoid/Neutral Aro, Aromate, Arospike, and Arovague are all valid forms of aromanticism.
Bellusromantic, Borearomantic, Burstromantic, Caed(o)romantic, Caligoromantic, Cassromantic, Ceaseromantic, Cruxromantic/Exige(n)romantic/Requiromantic, Cupioromantic/Dependromantic/Kalosromantic, Desinoromantic, Dreadromantic, Duoromantic, Duraromantic, Fictoromantic, Frayromantic/Ignotaromantic/Protoromantic, Iamvanoromantic, Idemromantic, Implaromantic/Inexromantic, and Inactoromantic/Initiaromantic are all valid forms of aromanticism.
Limnoromantic, Loveless Aromantic, Malaromantic, Metaromantic, Nebularomantic, Neuroromantic, Nonamorous/Nonpartnering, Noviromantic, Omniaromantic/Panaromantic, Placioromantic, Plat(oni)romantic, Polarromantic, Polyaffectionate, Preromantic, Propeestromantic, Quasiromantic, Quoiromantic/WTFromantic, Recipromantic, Requi(es)romantic, Romo Aro, Schromantic, Singuluromantic, Solaro/Unicum Aro, Thymromantic, and Venusplatonic are all valid forms of aromanticism.
There are still some labels or terms that I did not include here. They can be found at: https://www.aromanticism.org/en/all-terms#archaro
If you are still reading this, I hope you look into what each and every one of those lables read. Maybe you can educate yourself on what aromanticism actually is.
And if you don't even make the effort to learn about the people you are alienating and vilifying, then go fuck yourself you aromisic dickhead.
It's absolutely okay for kids to make a pit stop by some orientations on the way to finding themself.
But this?
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Go away. Fuck off. Leave aromantic (and asexual) people completely alone and stop using us as some customizable attributes in your super special character creation because you think being straight or gay or bi or whatever is too common for your pretentious majesty.
"I'm aromantic, except--" You're allo. You experience attraction. I promise it's fine.
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incluslesbian-otd · 3 years ago
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Todays lesbian is a pangender enby who goes by xe/xer. Xe are a toric malaromantic omni lesbian
Tag yourself!
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thewolfofthestars · 4 years ago
hey i was wondering if you could ad to your picrew foggender fogfluid foggirl fogbog gendervague vaguefluid vagueflux vagueboy vaguegirl gendernimius paramegender malasexual and malaromantic i'm sorry for sending in so many things at once
No worries, anon, the next update is already shaping up to be massive anyways lmao. I can certainly add all of those in!
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pride-color-schemes · 8 years ago
Mala- An orientation which is created or influenced by maladaptive daydreaming or fantasy prone personalities. 
For example a Malasexual person might feel pansexual usually but may feel more asexual during a maladaptive daydreaming episode. An orientation specific to people who experience maladaptive daydreaming due to a neurodivergence such as: schizotypal personality disorder, schizoid personality disorder, schizophrenia or similar.
Term coined by: Unknown
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[Image: Flag with 11 stripes, the first and last 5 stripes taking 1/3 of the flag each and the center stripe taking up another 1/3: The outside stripes are mirrored going from light purple to dark purple and the center stripe is a medium purple].
Full size [Here]
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[Image: Flag with 11 stripes, the first and last 5 stripes taking 1/3 of the flag each and the center stripe taking up another 1/3: The outside stripes are mirrored going from light green to dark green and the center stripe is a medium green].
Full size [Here]
Flags below are the same format as above but the colors replaced with the colors of the specific attraction types.
Malaalterous: [Link]
Malasensual: [Link]
Malaqueerplatonic: [Link]
Malaplatonic: [Link]
Designed by: 1nklash
Color meanings: Unknown
Full pride gallery HERE! FAQ and “dictionary” of genders, orientations, and other related terms HERE. Send any questions to Ask-Pride-Color-Schemes!
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aro-aceplace · 8 years ago
Aspec ABC’s M is for...
Malaromantic / Malasexual : An orientation for people who experience attraction only while daydreaming. For Maladaptive daydreamers / those diagnosed with MaDD. (Neuronarrator is a related term.)
Mesh: An alternative to the word crush based on alterous attraction.
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goodpositivityraccoon · 8 years ago
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Mala- as an orientation or a gender
Meaning:Malasexual/ romantic: a sexual/ romantic orientations that’s influenced by Maladaptive Daydreaming. (e.g. only being attracted to daydream characters)
Malagender: A gender that’s influenced or created by Maladaptive Daydreaming. (e.g. a gender that fluctuates with your characters)
Flags:The green one is the “malaromantic” flag, the purple one the “malasexual” flag and the blue/ pink one the malagender flag. In the middle you can insert a flag that specifies your orientation (e.g. malapansexual) The flags were created by @pride-library
Coined by:amethyst-is-autistic (deactivated, current URL unknown)
Can people who don’t have MaDD use it? Generally, no. I personally wouldn’t stop a Neuronarrator who doesn’t feel like their traveling/ daydreaming is maladaptive from using it though. It’s hard to find out if the coiner would’ve been okay with it since, to my knowledge, “Neuronarrative” was coined after “mala-”, but if you’re not a Neuronarrator, these terms definitely aren’t for you
Is mala- an orientation on the ace- and aro-spectrums? That depends on the individual!
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unusual-ly · 4 years ago
Since I’m spending this pride month screaming about aromanticism, I think it’s a good time to show off my little collection of arospec labels~
There’s a few microlabels under the aromantic spectrum I identify with, sometimes at the same time, sometimes drifting between them. I recently looked up a list of arospec labels to get some proper definitions of mine and also see if there was anything else I might relate to. I did find one, and we’ll get to that later~ Screenshots of these definitions are taken from aromanticism.org
(This is gonna be a bit of a long post)
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I wouldn’t say my romantic attraction is rare, but it does often feel weak or vague . I also use greyro as an alternative for arospec
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There’s a couple words for this one but I use lithromantic just because it’s easiest. While the idea of a romantic relationship is nice to think about sometimes, the thought of it being real is just… so foreign to me. I honestly forget sometimes that most people pursue relationships with people their attracted to in real life. It’s a purely fictional thing to me
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So you know demiromanticism, when you can only be attracted to someone you have a strong, mutual, emotional bond with? This is the opposite of that. I only really get attracted to guys I don’t know. Celebrity/fictional crushes are pretty common
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I am autistic. I don’t always understand what emotions are or how they work or what the hell mine are doing
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Further under the neuro- umbrella, sometimes I wonder if what I’m feeling is actually romantic attraction, or if it’s platonic. There’s also quoiromantic, which is the same thing but without the influence of neurodivergence, which I used to identify with until I learned about this. This is one of those things that I drift in and out of
And finally, the label I discovered while scrolling through this page and internally screamed because there’s a word for this????
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I am a maladaptive daydreamer: I spend a large amount of time practically living in a daydream world. I put aside time specifically for daydreaming. I have ongoing storylines. I pace around the house listening to music while I imagine these elaborate plots (btw this is sometimes discussed as a possible mental disorder but to my knowledge, it isn’t officially recognised as such. I personally think it’s more of a symptom or coping mechanism because I often find maladaptive daydreamers have other conditions that it could relate to)
All that to say: every crush I’ve ever had has pretty much served the purpose of giving me a love interest for my daydreams. It’s always about the story I can create from it and how that can comfort me or cheer me up or just entertain me. I’m so glad I found this label…!
So, there’s all my (current) aromantic microlabels~ After about five years, I think, of arospec questioning, this is where I’m at!
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aspecpplarebeautiful · 3 years ago
hey, would you happen to have any resources for malasexual and/or malaromantic orientation? as well as perhaps a more detailed definition other than ‘only experiences romantic/sexual attraction in maladaptive daydreams’? that would be great.
So my understanding of malasexual/malaromantic is it refers to someone who's orientation is influenced by maladaptive daydreaming. So it can be someone who normally doesn't experience sexual/romantic attraction, but does during maladaptive daydreams, but it seems like it can be any kind of orientation fluidity during maladaptive daydreaming. And can apply to any orientation change that happens during maladaptive daydreaming.
I couldn't find the original coining of the label, but someone did submit it to Pride Color Schemes in 2017, which is the oldest source I could find. And there's an LGBTA Wiki article on both malaromantic and malasexual which give a somewhat detailed description.
All the best, Anon!
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tremendouslyburningrebel · 4 years ago
my orientations
im gone put all of my  Sexualitys in here these to see how many i have.
PlatonicObjectum Plushum
Matcha Veldian
Mint Straight
Strawberry Straight
Coffee Lesbian
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demis-deserve-love · 5 years ago
Stolen from @aro-aceplace because I found it online but couldn’t find the original post to reblog.
Aro/Ace Spectrum Orientations
Abrosexual/Abroromantic: Having an orientation or feelings about it that constantly change and cannot be pinned down for this reason.
Aceflux/ Aroflux: When someone’s sexual/ romantic orientation fluctuates but always stays on the aro/ace spectrum.
Acespike/ Arospike: When someone usually doesn’t feeling sexual/romantic attraction but occasionally rapidly skyrockets into intense attraction, then plummeting down to asexuality/aromanticism again.
Acoromantic/Acosexual: Asexual/Aromantic(spec) because of negative past experiences. (similar to Caedromantic/Caedsexual)
Adfecturomantic/Affecturomantic/Adfectual/Adfomantic: Is someone whose romantic attraction is affected by their neurodivergency.
Aegosexual/Aegoromantic: Feeling attraction and desire only for situations that do not involve one’s self.
Aliquasexual/ Aliquaromantic: Not normally feeling attraction, but feeling it on occasion under specific circumstances.
Amicussexual/Amicusromantic: When you are only attracted to people you’re also platonically attracted to.
Antisexual/ Antiromantic: Would rather not develop platonic/romantic/sexual feelings for people, but does anyway.
Apressexual/ Apresromantic: Only feeling attraction after another form of attraction is felt.
Aromantic/Asexual: When someone doesn’t feel sexual/ romantic attraction to anyone
Arovague/Acevague: Aromanticism or asexuality that is heavily influenced by neurodiversity (also known as Adfecturomantic / Adfectusexual)
Akoinsexual/ Akoinromantic: When someone feels sexual/ romantic attraction towards others and also enjoys romantic/ sexual relationships in theory, but does not need that affection to be reciprocated. An Akoinsexual/ Akoinromantic person may also experiencing sexual attraction until those feelings are reciprocated.
(Also known as Lithsexual/Lithromantic or Akoisexual/ Akoiromantic)
Apresromantic / Apresexual: An orientation where romantic/sexual attraction is felt only after another type of attraction is formed.
Apothisexual/ Apothiromatic: A specific term for when someone on the asexual/ aromantic spectrum is sex repulsed or romance repulsed. (Also known as ARCsexual/ ARCromantic)
Autochrissexual/ Autochrisromantic: When someone feels sexual arousal/ romantic attraction for something, but from a distance, as if they were someone else, and have no desire to do that thing themselves (Also known as Aegosexual/ Aegoromantic or Autochorrisromantic / Autochorrissexual).
Bellusromantic: When someone is fine with cute fluffy stuff with anyone but doesn’t want a relationship at all.
Burstsexual/ Burstromantic: An orientation where a type of attraction will occur in a sudden burst, then vanish or fade away.
Borearomantic/Boreasexual: an orientation that seems to revolve around one person in particular. (can also be defined as an exception to one’s orientation, ie, someone who identifies as homosexual/homoromantic feeling attraction to someone of a different gender)
Caedromantic/Caedsexual: The feeling that romantic or sexual attraction was taken away due to past trauma -for PTSD and trauma survivors
Casssexual/ Cassromantic: Feeling utterly indifferent to attraction, believing it isn’t important.
Ceasesexual/ Ceaseromantic: Usually being allosexual/romantic, but occasionally having a complete loss of attraction for a period of time before feeling it again.
Cupiosexual/ Cupioromantic: When someone does not experience sexual/ romantic attraction, but still desires a sexual/ romantic relationship. (Also known as kalossexual/ kalosromantic and Icularomantic/ Icularsexual)
Demisexual/ Demiromantic: When someone is only sexually/ romantically attracted to people they already have a strong emotional connection with.
Dreadsexual/ Dreadromantic: An orientation that fluctuates from feeling no attraction to feeling attraction. When attraction is felt, it is accompanied by a strong feeling of dread or anxiety.
Duosexual/ Duoromantic: Having two or more well defined orientations that you switch between (e.g. cupiosexual and fraysexual).
Durasexual/Duraromantic: Rarely experiencing attraction, but when it happens it lasts for a long time.
Fictosexual/ Fictoromantic: When someone only feels sexually/romantically attracted to fictional characters.
Freysexual/ Freyromantic: When Someone is sexualy/ romantically attracted to those they are less familiar with but after a while the “excitement” of meeting the new person dies down and you are perfectly content on just being friends.
Greysexual/ Greyromantic: When someone only feels sexual/ romantic attraction rarely.This term can also be a general term for identifying as somewhere on the aro/ace spectrum.
Lamvanosexual/ Iamvanoromantic: Feeling uncofortable doing sexual/romantic things to someone, but being willing to receive sexual and romantic acts.
Idemromantic: When someone Categorizes relationships and feelings as platonic or romantic but experiences no notable internal differences
Inactoromantic: When someone experiences romantic attraction and wants a romantic relationship but doesn’t like romantic actions. Also known as initiaromantic.
Limnosexual/ Limnoromantic: Attraction only piqued by depictions of acts of attraction (eg drawings or writing), not the acts themselves in real life (similar to fictosexual/ fictoromantic).
Malasexual/Malaromantic: When someone only experiences attraction during maladaptive daydreams
Metaromantic: Only experiencing attraction that is unable to be defined by strict terms of platonic or romantic.
Nebula-romantic/ Nebula-sexual: Difficulty distinguishing romantic/sexual and platonic attraction due to neurodiversity
Novisexual/Noviromantic: Feeling complicated attraction or lack thereof in such a way that it is difficult or impossible to fit into one word or term.
Omniaromantic:Is someone who feels no romantic attraction whatsoever. In no way, shape, or form do they fall in love or feel any attraction to anyone.They are asensual, have no aesthetic attraction to others, and no squishes. They can experience platonic love or familial love, though not all do so. This term was made to made a distinguish between being on the aromantic spectrum and specify from the common definition of a aromantic person, since saying someone is “aromantic” could mean they could be demiromantic, gray-aromantic, and such other types of aromantics who do feel sensual, have aesthetic attraction and such.
Placiosexual/ Placioromantic: When someone feels little to no desire to receive sexual/romantic acts but expresses interest/desire in performing them on someone else.
Platonisexual/ Platoniromantic: When someone feels no difference between platonic and romantic attraction.
Polarsexual/ Polarromantic: Switching between being either extremely attracted and not at all attracted.
Post rubor: Is someone who quickly gets crushes/squishes/etc on others, but after the initial excitement of said crush/etc vanishes so do their feelings.
Presexual/ Preromantic: A placeholder term for when someone feels that they have not experienced attraction enough to know their orientation yet.
Propeestsexual/ Propeestromantic: An aro/ace spec identity which feels like a mix of many (any more than two a-spec identities) that all are a part of your identity
Quoisexual/ Quoiromantic: Is when someone experiences sexual attraction in a way that is not typical of allosexuals individuals, but doesn’t knowing where they fit on the asexual spectrum; or not identifying with any of the existing labels./ Feeling as if the concept of romance or sexual attraction, etc. is inapplicable or nonsensical to one’s self.(Also known as wtfsexual)
Recipsexual/ Recipromantic: When someone feels sexual/ romantic attraction only after realizing someone is sexually/ romantically attracted to them.
Requeissexual/Requeromantic: When someone feels limited or no sexual/romantic attraction/interest/activity due to some form of emotional exhaustion or trauma.
Schromantic: Is someone who is aromantic and romantic at the same time, or some mix of the two. Frequently described in terms of Schrödinger’s cat as having the possibility of being romantic and aromantic at the same time
Singulusexual/ Singuluromantic: Only experiencing one type of attraction towards people (i.e. if you experience sexual attraction towards a person, you won’t feel romantic/alterous/platonic attraction towards them).
Thymsexual/ Thymromantic: Feeling attraction which varies depending on emotional state
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vergess · 5 years ago
i was wondering, what exactly IS a palette flag? is it just any flag made only of colored stripes? is the trans flag a palette flag? is the rainbow flag a palette flag? google was unhelpful, though admittedly i'm not that good at searching things.
A palette flag is a set of horizontal stripes, usually all the same size, that move through a gradient, usually with two or more stripes that are the same color in different shades.
The vast majority of queer pride flags are palette flags.
It’s depressing, because as more and more of these palettes get popular, they stop functioning as flags. Not just in terms of production difficulties, whereby it’s very hard for independant creators to get multiple shades of the same color in the same material to work with, but in terms of the basic utility of flags: being identifiable symbols for a group.
Look at these flags, and tell me honestly, that you would be able to see them standing in a crowd and know at a glance which one is which:
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Arbinale: Abinary to Abinary attraction. Seven horizontal stripes: deep bright green, bright green, light bright green, white, light green, medium green, dark green.
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Malaromantic: Romantic orientation which is affected by neurodivergences such as schizotypal PD, schizoid PD, or schizophrenia which feature maladaptive daydreaming as a symptom. Five narrow bands from light green to dark green, a wide light green band, five narrow bands from dark green to light green.
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Altromantic: Romantic orientation with is affected by one’s dissociative identity disorder, or related disorders such as OSDD, DDNOS. Five equally sized bands of varying greens: light mint green, turquoise, dark green, dark celadon, and light green.
Here and now, with the descriptions and the definitions right next to them, side by side with each other, it is easy to see that they are different flags. But in multiple lighting conditions, or spread across a crowd, it would be increasingly difficult to tell whether these are different constructions of the same flag, or are different flags, etc.
And that is a failure of design, as far as flags are concerned.
A great many people making queer flags seem to be under the impression that because the rainbow flag is equally sized stripes of colour, all queer flags must be equally sized stripes of colour. Which means that, since there are no other design considerations “allowed,” they become heavily invested in using unique combinations of intricate shades that no one else has already “claimed.”
Compared to flag design outside of the very niche “online queer youths and young adults making flags for every conceivable identity,” however, it is well recognized that a simple, bold palette of the sort you would find in a cheap box of crayons is your best bet, and that you should rely heavily on design choices, like the shape of the field (a standard 3x5 rectangle? A square? A 2x6 rectangle? A pennant? If a pennant, how many tails?), emblems (large symbols of relatively high complexity), symbols (stars, rings, etc), and so on.
In an ideal world, a flag should be identifiable as itself even when upside down, in black and white, at a very small resolution. Palette flags dramatically fail to be identifiable.
And in failing to be identifiable, they fail to be representative.
For example, in what way does 11 horizontal stripes of green represent schizophrenia or aromanticity? There is no symbolism. And because these flags fail to actually represent the people they are assigned to, they often fail to be widely adopted or engaged with.
So, why aren’t flags like the rainbow or the trans flag “palette flags”?
They achieve the major missions of flags: they have easily recognizable designs, and they have intensely emotional and rich symbolism that makes them resonate with the groups they represent. Indeed, they both “violate” some of the common “rules” of flag design. The trans flag cannot be oriented: it’s the same when it’s upside down. And that’s a symbolic choice made with intent. The rainbow flag has a huge palette of colors--for a flag, where three is usually considered the high end and four an extreme--and that too is a conscious and symbolic choice. And even with these design decisions, they remain easily identifiable and extremely distinct.
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ask-pride-color-schemes · 7 years ago
hello! are there any identity terms for maladaptive daydreamers whose identities are complicated because of their daydreamers or whose daydream identities are different than their actual identity but still just as important to them? thank you!
mala- (malasexual, malaromantic, ect) A neurorientation that is influenced by maladaptive daydreaming or fantasy-prone personalities. For example, one may feel one orientation typically but may experience another orientation during an episode. Used by people with schizophrenia, schizoid personality disorder, DID, or similar neurotypes.
malagender- A neurogender in which one's gender is influenced by maladaptive daydreaming or fantasies. For example, one may experience one gender typically but may feel another gender during an episode. Used by people with schizophrenia, schizoid personality disorder, DID, or similar neurotypes.
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thewolfofthestars · 4 years ago
Very happy and excited to announce that I made a new picrew! This picrew will allow you to create personalized pride flags!
This picrew is free for everyone to use and edit as they so desire. You don’t have to credit me for it. My one rule is that this is not to be used for any commercial purpose whatsoever.
Here’s how it works:
The top row is for sexuality flags. The left side has flags for many different identities, and the right side is for asexual spectrum identities in particular. If you don’t identify as being on the ace spectrum, you don’t have to include a flag on the right–the flag you select on the left will cover the entire top row. This is true for all of the flags in this picrew.
The heart in the middle is for romantic orientations. The left side has lots of different flags for romantic orientations, and the right side has flags for aromantic spectrum identities. If you don’t experience split attraction, you don’t have to include this heart.
The bottom row is for gender identity flags. The left side has flags for many different genders, and the right has more obscure or specific genders, as well as a few other miscellaneously queer options.
The semicircle at the top is for pronouns. This part is also optional.
I’ve tried to include many different flags, but of course there’s lots out there that I don’t know and haven’t included. If you have a flag you’d like added to the picrew, feel free to let me know!
However, do be aware that picrew has an upper limit on how many options I can include, so if I don’t have any more space then I may not be able to add it in, unfortunately :( currently there is still space for flags for all of the parts; if that changes at any point, I will edit this post to let y'all know. Also, it will take be a little while to get a new flag added in, so please do be patient.
These are the currently available options, in order of appearance:
Top Left–rainbow pride, alternate rainbow (black and brown stripes), another alternate rainbow (pink and turquoise stripes), lesbian, gay male, bisexual, pansexual, polysexual, omnisexual, asexual, quoisexual, abrosexual, ceterosexual, heterosexual, queer, questioning, trixic, toric
[MORE!] sapphic, achillean, diamoric, Sappho lesbian, demisexual, gray asexual, enbian, jaspian, gynesexual, androsexual, multispec, oriented aroace, angled aroace, aroace, iridian, opalian, unlabeled, homoflexible, heteroflexible, mspec lesbian
[MORE+] mspec gay, bi lesbian, bi gay, pan lesbian, pan gay, polysexual lesbian, polysexual gay, omni lesbian, omni gay
Top Right–asexual, gray ace, demisexual, aceflux, abrosexual, quoisexual, reciprosexual, lithosexual, apothisexual, nebulasexual, acespec questioning, inactsexual, cupiosexual, fraysexual, aegosexual/autochorissexual, placiosexual, lamvanosexual, oriented aroace
[MORE!] angled aroace, aroace, malasexual, acevague
Heart Left–rainbow pride, alternate rainbow (black and brown stripes), another alternate rainbow (pink and turquoise stripes), lesbian, gay male, biromantic, panromantic, polyromantic, omniromantic, aromantic, quoiromantic, abroromantic, ceteroromantic, heteroromantic, queer, questioning, trixic, toric
[MORE] queerplatonic, sapphic, achillean, diamoric, Sappho lesbian, gray aromantic, enbian, jaspian, gyneromantic, androromantic, multispec, oriented aroace, angled aroace, aroace, iridian, opalian, unlabeled, homoflexible, heteroflexible
[MORE+] mspec lesbian, mspec gay, bi lesbian, bi gay, pan lesbian, pan gay, polyromantic lesbian, polyromantic gay, omni lesbian, omni gay
Heart Right–aromantic, gray aro, demiromantic, aroflux, abroromantic, quoiromantic, recipromantic, lithromantic/lithoromantic, apothiromantic, nebularomantic, arospec questioning, queerplatonic, polyamorous, inactromantic, idemromantic, cupioromantic, frayromantic, aegoromantic/autochorisromantic
[MORE!] placioromantic, lamvanoromantic, oriented aroace, angled aroace, aroace, malaromantic, arovague
Bottom Left–cisgender, transgender, transfeminine, transmasculine, nonbinary, genderqueer, agender, neutrois, genderflux, genderfluid, demigirl, demiboy, deminonbinary, bigender, quoigender, aporagender, gender questioning, fluidflux
[MORE!] girlflux, boyflux, rainbow pride, multiflux, abinary, greygender, gendervague, pangender, unlabeled, butch, femme, futch
Bottom Right–nonbinary, trigender, polygender, maverique, genderfae, genderfaun, xirl, xoy, xenogender, neurogender, egogender/charagender, systemgender, intersex, polyamorous, drag pride, kink pride, queer chevron, alternate polyamorous (infinity heart)
[MORE!] androgyne, gender non-conforming, lunarian, solarian, stellarian, singularian, aurorian, autigender, parsgender, genderfaer, genderfaunet, genderflor, genderqueer, genderfluid, nebulagender, leather pride, catgender, snarlgender
[MORE+] dragongender, pupgender, demifluid/demigenderfluid, agenderfluix, aesthetigender, ambiamorous, vaguegirl, vagueboy, vaguefluid, vagueflux, foggender, foggirl, fogboy, fogfluid, gendernimius, paramegender, butch, femme
[MORE 2+] futch, spacalian, novarian, nebularian, cometian, phoenixian, pistolian, galaxian, meteorian, penumbrian, siderealian, universian, celestian, constellian, dawnian, duskian, daenixian
[MORE 3+] duenixian, equinoxian, hafian, solstian, twilightian, umbrian, wanian, waxian, atmospherian
Pronouns–she/her, he/him, they/them, she/they, he/they, he/she, ey/em, fae/faer, ze/zir, xe/xir, ze/hir, xe/hir, nounself, any/all, he/she/they, it/its, none, ???, she/it, he/it, they/it, kit/kits, xe/xer, xe/xim, xey/xem, dei/deim, ask for pronouns, nya/nyan, she/he, xe/xem, ae/aer, co/cos, cy/cyp, cy/cym, voi/vil, lyx/lyx, ro/ros, ri/rin, cy/cyber, ce/cir, bug/bugs, they/bug, ne/nym, she/neos, he/neos, they/neos, ne/nem, e/em, ve/vers
*brackets indicate that the flags in that section have overflowed into the next item in the list–they’ll be found in the options labeled “MORE”.
Plans for the Future:
-fun patterns! The patterns I have planned so far are bubbles, triangles, stars, paw prints, honeycomb, and bowling alley carpet. If any of you are particularly interested in seeing one of these patterns, feel free to let me know–I’ll move it to the top of the list. And I’m open to more suggestions about patterns, as well!
-of course, I’m always open to more flags and pronouns being added, too. At the moment all panels have open slots for new additions. Shoot me a message if you have a suggestion!
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