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hislittleraincloud · 10 months ago
Maybe Bartlett should've signed up for this before making Miller's Girl.
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...Burton could've used it too.
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smokeweedeattherich · 5 months ago
I'm convinced Mythbusters needs a reboot. Misinformation or mythinformation if you will, is at an all time high. We NEED the show that promotes critical thinking to come back. It doesn't need the same cast, in fact I think it would be better with some fresh faces. Imagine all the good it would do if you could just show your crazy uncle the Mythbusters reboot episode that debunks his anti-vaxx conspiracy in an easily digestible and entertaining format.
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millificent · 1 year ago
Every Nico Di Angelo fan focusing more on the background of the episode than the actual plot
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celestivlgvlvxy · 1 year ago
there’s something about poseidon showing up for sally.
luke tells percy that they burn what they’ll miss most so that gods will know that what they’re saying is important so they’re really listen.
but sally burns ice cream. ice cream that she has no attachment to. it’s not even baby percy’s ice cream. it’s just random leftover ice cream that she grabbed from a pile of dirty dishes.
the ice cream could not be more unimportant to sally. in the grand scheme of things, the ice cream is nothing.
but poseidon comes to her anyway. he shows up immediately after probably the most lackluster offering sally could give. he shows up anyway.
just…there’s something about poseidon showing up for sally.
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izzenithal · 1 year ago
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Percy “Has Been Waiting to Use This Meme as an Excuse” Jackson, and Annabeth “Never Seen a Meme” Chase
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short-for-jules · 3 months ago
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several-breathing-eyes · 7 months ago
I saw somebody say that watching the Percy Jackson show made them realize that in the first books Percy doesn't even say half the stuff he thinks and he's just a quiet kid silently judging everyone, like they're so right.
Think about it from Grover's perspective. You know Percy as a quiet boy who certainly has his judgy thoughts but (aside from telling them to you) keeps them to himself. He's just trying to make it through school, for his mom.
Then his mom dies. And he loses the ability to give absolutely any fucks. He starts saying all this shit he never said out loud and to people who could do infinitely worse things to him than anything Nancy Bobifit ever even tried. And it only gets worse as he gets older.
Like bro went from quiet kid in the back of the class to fist fighting a god in the span of like a week. Then he openly told the gods to pay their child support. Grover was having heart attacks every other minute.
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cyberneticfallout · 10 months ago
How I’ve been welcoming the new Fallout fans:
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youregonnabeokay-kid · 1 year ago
i think a lot of people (especially those who haven’t read the books) are underestimating Hades
yes, he presents as the sassy queer uncle who’s done with his family’s drama, but he’s not “just some guy”
when his Helm is stolen, no one knows about it. he uses his own resources and orchestrates a plan to bring Percy to the underworld alive, all while managing an entire freaking kingdom
he doesn’t threaten war because he doesn’t have to and he knows it. unlike Zeus, he keeps a level head and thinks about the situation logically
think about Percy’s priorities throughout the show, look at what the flashbacks are teaching us about him and his relationship with others. think logically. this is a 12 year old kid who grew up with a single mom and no friends
his priority is his mom, it’s always been his mom and Hades knows that. Percy’s worst fear is losing his mother and Hades uses that against him
he takes Sally before Poseidon claims Percy because he has eyes everywhere. he already knew who Percy was and he already had a plan formed before Percy even set foot in camp
when he greets Percy and Grover he isn’t surprised, relieved, or agitated because he planned this. he knew that Percy would come to him whether by force or by his own choice (for my book readers, think about this in comparison to how Zeus reacts to the situation. Zeus comes off as desperate and angry, whereas Hades is at ease. annoyed, sure, but never panicked)
when he offers them pomegranate juice it’s in the guise of politeness and humour but it has an underlying meaning. Percy knows the stories about Hades and Hades knows that he knows. the pomegranate juice is a reminder, it’s Hades demonstrating his power without outright threatening Percy. it’s him going “I can make something as small as a pomegranate seed into a weapon” it’s him asserting his dominance and control over the situation
he leads them to a seating area clearly made for their arrival. another reminder that he knew they were coming and Sally stands, frozen in the middle of it as a reminder of what they have to lose
when he learns that it’s Kronos behind the robberies he immediately offers sanctuary to Percy, Grover, and his mom. Kronos, the king of titans, the father of all Gods, and a being who could once tear the world in two with the snap of his fingers, wants Percy, and Hades offers to protect him because he’s that powerful
so yes, Hades makes dad jokes and he talks in a way you wouldn’t expect an all-powerful being to talk, but he isn’t “just some guy”
he’s powerful, he knows it, and he shows just enough of that power to absolutely terrify Percy
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mydairpercabeth · 1 year ago
See THIS is why I trust the writers because the whole point of the deadline passing was so we could SEE Poseidon surrendering for Percy. The show has given Poseidon a more active and loving role in Percys life. The gods pride would never let them surrender to one another. But Poseidon knew his brother wouldn’t spare his son’s life. And he knew the only thing that would spare his son’s life was him surrendering. ALSO FURTHER CEMENTING THAT PERCY IS HIS FAVORITE CHILD! The writers pens this episode>>>
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mmelolabelle · 1 year ago
“Ares…is a moron.”
I honestly don’t think that anyone is more amused by the whole “this douchebag decided to try and fight the child of the sea god on a fucking beach” of it all than Poseidon.
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bisexualpercyjacksons · 1 year ago
pjo tv show episode 5 alignment:
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decaffeinatedpartymuggoop · 11 months ago
The mischaracterization of people from PJO is so funny, but ESPECIALLY from HOO onward like.
“Hazel’s such an innocent little angel. She’s always nice and kind and confused.”
Hazel, who’s always ready to fight in the same way Percy is? Hazel, who made it explicitly clear she probably would’ve rocked Octavian’s shit had he not been blackmailing her? Who gets so angry on behalf of the people she loves, to the point where she doesn’t forgive those who have wronged them? Who Percy described as cursing up a storm in one of their first interactions? Who’s been shown time and time again to be FAST to anger? That Hazel?
Or Nico, who’s “a misunderstood emo. A small bean. Cute like a wet cat and innocent like a bunny.”
Nico, who’s cannonically described by most characters as “scary and unnerving?” Nico, who, for a long time, is one of the angriest characters in the series? Who’s only sassy and sarcastic because it took him FOUR YEARS to mellow out? Who’s described as being one of the most powerful demigods, who a lot of people still consider the scariest? Who’s come into his own as a character from TTC to TSATS? That Nico?
Or Annabeth who’s, “cold and calculating. Doesn’t show emotion or express herself”
Annabeth, who’s the most expressive person in the series? Who cries in EVERY book in the OG series? Whether it be for Luke, or Thalia, or Percy, or Chiron, or a literal DOG? Who expresses passion like no other when it comes to architecture and her other interests? Who’s expressed compassion for people she didn’t know? People who at times posed a threat to her? Who isn’t afraid to be angry, or happy, or snide, or rude, or excited, or scared, or ecstatic? Who’s been unapologetically herself since the moment the series started? That’s who doesn’t show emotion? That’s Annabeth?
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the-vegetarian-artist · 1 year ago
the PJO fandom working their butts off to find two italian babies in the background only to realize the Easter egg is Nico calling for Bianca around the 12:3 mark.
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freitag1607 · 1 year ago
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1.05 / Battle of the Labyrinth
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Listen, this came to me in a dream
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