#making food
sarasakysunmoon · 6 days
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As I saved his life, he is following me everywhere. Most of all, he likes to wait for me while I prepare something in the kitchen 😂 He is my best company. 🖤
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monards · 3 months
thinking too hard about how nobody in the hexenzirkel could ever properly empathize with rhine I’m SICK
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bitterpngs · 2 months
i’m just sitting here in bed thinking about how i should go eat something bc i only ate once today but i do not have the energy :|
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oodlenoodleroodle · 2 years
I am once again asking for your ideas and suggestions for a vegetable.
So I make this traditional Karelian mushroom stew thing (can use wild mushrooms or the other kind), where you do some onion and mushrooms on a frying pan, season with salt and pepper and add cream in the end (we do oat cream because vegan). And we eat it with these really good bread rolls. But once again, there is no vegetable on this vegan's plate model :(
Any suggestions what vegetable would go well with this? I am absolutely no good at knowing what goes well with what. The strongest flavour is the mushrooms, and the pepper as an after-flavour.
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ordonianhero · 1 year
Cuccoo sandwich
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(Spicy ranch dressing, chicken tender, pickles, tomatoes, lettuce. Sourdough bread loaf)
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chasshaex89 · 2 years
Homemade wings 🍗🍗
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mosqitofood · 2 years
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pillowspace · 10 months
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If Cyerce nigricans is a butterfly, then this is a fairy... Cyerce nigricans for comparison:
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hampop · 4 months
“Senshi what do I do?”
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“Get the fries. You’ll need the energy in the coming days.”
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hiivess · 1 month
food for thought
I'm not sure how many cultures got to experience the wonder that is grilled cheese, so my question is: do we have the knowledge to make a grilled cheese sandwich exactly as the ancient Greeks or any culture without a record of grilled cheese making would have? If I wanted to make a grilled cheese exactly how Socrates would have, could I?
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radiantlyrey · 1 month
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So we have a boysenberry bush out in the backyard (grown from a store-bought plant, obviously). We have had some decent harvests over the last few years, but due to the rain this year, we had a bit of a bumper crop.
I have attempted to make jelly a couple of times before with our berry harvests, but it always turned out way too thick, and thus impossible to spread without destroying the thing you were trying to put it on.
This year, though! I managed to turn 2 pounds, 11 ounces (about 1.2 kilograms) of berries into two half pint (236ml) jars of boysenberry jelly! And it turned out! I can spread it easily onto toast!! And it’s fucking DELICIOUS!!!!
It has a slightly jammy texture (which is probably due to accidentally dropping the jelly bag into the bowl of juice while I was draining the cooked fruit 😬), but it spreads! It eats!! It’s GOOD SHIT and I am SO PROUD OF MYSELF!!!!!
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theshadowrealmitself · 8 months
I like to think that Vulcans who come to understand that Humans just can’t try to process emotions the same way as them, it’s just healthiest to let it out in harmless ways, decide that venting and stuff should be taken just as seriously as Vulcan’s meditation time, and will encourage the Humans around them to complain about what’s upsetting them
People who are used to aloof Vulcans who avoid Humans at all cost running into one comforting a Human
“-and then they said my cheesecake was subpar, and they didn’t even bring a dish!!!”
“The purpose of this event was that every participant brings a food item of sorts, correct?”
“And they did not follow this rule while insulting dishes that were brought?”
“Mostly just my dish but yeah >:(“
“How illogical”
“That’s what I’m saying!!!”
#star trek#Vulcans#Humans#not based on a specific thing#but I used to know this annoying couple that were ‘family friends’#who would show up to potluck dinners and the like and would either bring nothing or bring something really just. out of left field?#like a bag of frozen chicken to a bbq#and then proceed to make sure they are first even if it was stated to let kids go first#would take HUGE amounts before anyone else got a chance to get a plate#and then make off with the leftovers again even if they were already claimed for#and it wasn’t a food insecurity thing trust me I would never speak bad about a person getting food if that was even a remote chance#the adults who raised us knew them really well and we’d been to their house a ton of times#they were just dicks#and yeah. they’d occasionally insult the food. while eating the MAJORITY of it.#it was so weird at their home they would go out of their way to get the healthiest options possible#you know the really bland tasteless expensive stuff that apparently was healthier#but then if they were visiting our house they would. eat all our unhealthy snacks.#that always pissed me off so much as a kid because we actually had a food insecurity thing going on#and also a variety of other reasons that are a bit too depressing to bring up on this post#but anyways we’d hardly ever get to have nice snacks#and this couple would just take them all??? even after we’d tell them repeatedly that it was ours and those snacks weren’t gonna be#replaced#hated that couple#if you’re wondering why they were ‘family friends’ it’s because the couple who raised us#(it feels weird to type it out like that but apparently legal guardians doesn’t fit since they never finished petitioning 💀)#liked having them around because it made them look like ‘such great Christian’s’ being nice to the people#that no one else wanted to be friends with#I always thought that was a really weird and fucked up reason to be friends with someone#this got long sorry 😭
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trashcattt · 2 months
grilled cheese
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Hey sorry for not posting but I just gotta say this.
I was watching a Bettina levi short where they were talking about neurodivergent feeling of hunger like "hunger but why bother" or "hunger but don't realize cause activity is to captivating" and when the longest on was read out, that being "nope not hungry bot at all but when you do make something to eat you realize it's gone and 30 second and the icky feeling you've had for the past hour is gone", i thought to myself, "hey, i have an icky feeling right now" and looked at the clock to see it was 5:40 and i really should eat something cause i remembered another post tbat gave some useful advice that went
If you think everybody may hate you, eat something.
If you think you hate everyone, take a nap.
So when I realized all this, the dots connected and it all made a lot more sense cause of course;
hunger and anxiety feel the same sense of your on high alert your more likely to find food.
while grumpiness and sleepiness can overlap a lot cause it would be advantageous to be a less sociable person as a detergent toward people who could jeopardize your mental fortitude by keeping you awake.
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getting older can be so amazing? you get more familiar with yourself. learn tips & tricks for troubleshooting your own brain. trial & error helps you build routines that minimize discomfort, maximize reward. your preferences/interests don't get set in stone, but you do find out which ones are going to stay with you in the long-term, and which ones are fun but transient joys to appreciate in the moment.
you learn that the world is so much more complex than you were taught, and that that's okay, and that there's an endless supply of things you can learn or watch or experience or think about if you want to. if you're lucky, you loosen up, stop putting so much pressure on yourself. if you're lucky, you learn to recognize that negative inner voice, and whack it with a baseball bat until it hushes up. if you're lucky, you learn to treat yourself gently, not because you are fragile but because you are worthy of gentleness. (i hope you are lucky.)
and some things will change. some things will get better. some things will get good. and maybe you start to recover from the dehumanizing stress of childhood/education. maybe you learn the power of your own autonomy. maybe you learn how to walk away from bad situations (which is a superpower even if you don't realize it yet). and you get to choose your own clothes. and your own food. and which relationships to pursue! and what you do with your free time. and with your life (but don't worry you get to choose that gradually). and that's crazy! and sometimes scary. and extraordinarily, indescribably precious.
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nerdpoe · 2 months
Danny, due to his biology of being half dead, can eat very questionable things and not die. He decides to start a youtube channel with this.
He buys obvious shitty supplements online, clear and obvious scams, and takes them as directed for a month.
Then he reports what they did to him, and sends the samples to get tested. He's gotten more than a few scammers arrested by providing solid evidence that they used hazardous materials to make their product.
He gets away with this by claiming to have the power of abnormal metabolism, or an "iron stomach", so toxins aren't as likely to hurt him.
One of his viewers sends him an unmarked bottle of pills, saying that if he doesn't take the entire bottle on a livestream, they'll blow up a city.
Danny does his livestream, and goes out of his way to use the entire bottle of pills in extravagant recipes. By the end of it he's created a five course meal, all with the pills cooked/melted in, and it's become a mukbang.
The villain who sent it is watching the livestream pissed off, because they didn't specify how to take the pills, so this technically counts. The heroes they have trapped are losing their minds with concern.
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