#maiming or killing employees
coweggomelet · 11 months
every retail customer die challenge
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kelpiemomma · 1 year
My brother really had the audacity to tell me his work took them out to breakfast this morning (the entire business, which is small because it's family run, but it's still like ten people) and paid for it and then he tells me this afternoon after lunch that he's "going back to hell"
Bro they provide drinks for you??? Water, soda, monster, Gatorade, you ask for it they buy it??? You're able to come home for lunch, you can leave a job site and go back in an emergency, and you're in hell???
I never want him in my industry I swear to God 💀 he would absolutely complain about the hours, the people, the drive, the customers, the companies, and it would all come back to in me because your family affects your work in the industry. If you come from a family that's known for some lazy workers, you're going to be side eyed unless you prove yourself different. Coursez if you come from families that have union ties and have had them for a while, you're also all set regardless of how well you work 🥴
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adinafay · 11 months
I like to think Bhaal spends the entire timeline of BG3 just so incredibly confused and absolutely pissy about why he can't convince anyone - even his most special, Chosen, purest of Bhaalspawn- to murder for simple murder's sake.
Not that Bhaal doesn't appreciate murder more generally, but also how in the hells is he supposed to achieve global-genocide when everyone, even his own idiot kids, keeps using his precious murder as a mere tool, a means to their own ends, ya know?
He has to be a helicopter-parent to Durge about it:
Pre-tadpole Durge is so in-want of connection that they have to be under constant supervision by their specially-assigned butler to try and keep them on task. ("Stop bitching and let me live vicariously through you like all the other sport-parents!")
Then, even that isn't enough to stop them from connecting with Bane's lil shit "Gortash" and eventually starting in with the crown/Absolute plan ("Why in the hells are we using MY MURDER to help fucking Bane with his fucking tyranny?!")
Shortly after that Durge goes and gets merc'd and tadpoled by the other one... ("Have I taught my children nothing!? Orin really should know well by now that it's not 'murder' if they survive...")
... And then - clearly still prone to frivolous connection - they fucking gang up with a bunch of weirdos only to head home with other, new bad habits like "thinking for themselves" and "the apparent intent to entirely trash the plan they insisted on making with Gortash!" ("If you didn't want to play you shouldn't have had me sign you up for the team! Get your ass back in the game! You already got your Deathstalker uniform and everything! Now stop embarrassing me and maybe I'll even give you a slayer form.")
And, while Durge is being a rebellious lil Bhaalspawn, Bhaal also has to contend with:
His cultists, who are apparently killing mostly just for notoriety and/or safety amongst themselves. ("Quit playing around! I assure you I do not give a single fuck which one of you did it or how clean it was so long as the murder(s) did happen.")
Orin, who is playing at being an artist and completely absorbed in her exploration of murder and maiming as novel media to express her innumerable daddy issues ("Yes, I DO still like your lobotomized bloodkin more; at least they never wasted my time asking me to put all their shitty artwork up on the fridge.")
And Bane and Myrkul, who are presumably laughing their godly asses off and/or absolutely raging at Bhaal's inability to keep anyone at heel and how it's interfering with their mutual plan.
TL;DR: Life is hard when you're The God of Murder and neither your employees or your children properly respect the family business and your frenemies mock you for it.
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jubileemon · 6 months
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Moxxie and Millie's relationship is constantly the butt of jokes about Moxxie's sexual ability. But in the end, Moxxie and Millie truly love one another, being one of the only married couples in the show. Their marriage is held together by love, not lust.
Stolas and Blitzo's relationship, on the other hand, is only held together by making love. Stolas is quite fond of talking down, and dirty, to Blitzo, and Blitzo repeatedly states he is only using Stolas for the book. This relationship seems to only be held together by lust and sex. Or so they believe...
Blitzo was afraid of intimacy, yet also craves it. It’s bad enough having an abusive father, who makes no attempt to hide his favoritism to some random imp (Fizzarolli) over their own son, and even manipulates said child into making questionable things, without care for his well-being by making him feel like a trash. But after accidentally setting the circus on fire, which maimed his best friend (and maybe first love) and possibly killed his own mother, he comes with the conclusion that whoever makes contact with him would eventually get hurt in the process because of him. So, to avoid hurting them and feeling guilty about it, he pushes them away with his cruel tendencies, which only hurt them even more, in a vicious self-fulfilling prophecy.
This is why he denies any romantic feelings towards Stolas, out of fear of being judged or hurt, even when strongly implied to have romantic feelings about him. At the end of "OZZIE'S", we see exactly where this left him... alone and crying.
Stolas's half of the relationship has been mostly flirting and dirty talk, but there have been strong implications that he feels real love for Blitzo, but the episode "OZZIE'S" finally revealed without a doubt that the prince is in love with the imp. He wants to have something real with Blitzo, but hides vulnerability behind sex jokes unless Blitzo shows interest first. This is why he wasn't nearly as teasing as regularly, as this was his first real opportunity with Blitzo... too bad Blitzo was only using him. Blitzo himself probably realised that by using Stolas, he himself was contributing to this relationship by using Stolas to sneak into his employees' anniversary.
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askoverlordvox · 16 days
VoxTek™ Employment Contract
I, @helluvahotelfan , invoke the infernal powers of Hell to complete the following contract between myself and the Overlord, Vox. Hereafter, "the employee" will refer to Jenn, "the employer" will refer to VoxTek™, "the Overlord" will refer to Vox, and "the contract" will refer to this agreement, signed and sealed by a handshake.
Payment: to complete this contract, the employee signs over possession of their soul to the Overlord. For as long as the soul remains in the Overlord's possession, the terms and conditions of this contract are considered valid. Additionally, the Overlord cannot kill or willfully maim or harm the employee while this contract is in effect.
Terms: The employer will provide housing(1), a competitive(2) salary, the latest(3) model of Hellphone, insurance (4), two weeks of paid training, 30 vacation days per year (5), 30 days of sick leave per year (6), a free upgrade to replace or enhance a body part(7), a 200 year(8) retirement plan, and 24/7 protection from reasonable(9) threats. The employee will fulfill the job description provided below to the best of their ability.
Conditions: This contract remains in effect provided both the employee and the Overlord wish to continue adhering to the terms. At any time, either party may request breaking the contract. The request must be accepted by the Overlord. The Overlord reserves the right to change the job assigned to the employee in the event of subpar performance.
Job Title: Junior Data Collector
Department: Research & Development
Job Scope: Junior Data Collectors follow instructions from Senior Data Collectors and report to Project Leads all data obtained throughout marketing, testing, and further analysis. Data Collectors observe tests, trends, and other indicated measurements at the direction of Project Leads and record data as instructed by Project Leads. Data Collectors are expected to report accurate figures. Data Collectors may, on occasion, be asked to participate directly in Projects but never to the extent Hazard Pay would be required. Any injuries incurred as a result of Data Collection are to be reported immediately to the Project Lead.
Hours: Mandated work hours are 1000-1600, Monday-Thursday unless Project Leads get approved for a different work cycle.
(1) Housing starts at one bedroom, one bathroom, kitchen and washer/dryer included 550 square foot apartment. Housing can be upgraded through promotion or by registering dependents with Human Resources. (2) Competitive rates based on job title and relative cost-of-living analysis for Pride ring standards. Salary will always be 400% of current housing cost. (3) Latest model refers to latest model to pass all safety checks and either is commercially available or in phase 4 of production. (4) Insurance covers health, vision, and dental plans, as well as maternity/paternity leave, Family Medical Leave Allocation, and associated costs. (5) Unused vacation days roll over but will not exceed 75 days. Vacation days accrued past 75 days will either be paid out to the employee in a lump sum, signed over to another employee, or forfeit. Decision must be made within 1 month of employment anniversary date. (6) Unused sick leave rolls over but will not exceed 60 days. Illness or injury requiring more than 60 days to recover but at no fault of the employer will be deducted from vacation days. Illness or injury incurred during the execution of job duties will not be charged to the employee. (7) Available upgrades subject to change depending on demand. Specific upgrade offered: replacement of one eye with a VokTek™ High Definition digital recorder. Any data or information recorded by an upgrade becomes property of the employer with employee consent. (8) 200 year retirement plan based on projected life expectancy increase following the cessation of Exterminations. In the event Exterminations resume, this requirement will be lowered to 50 years. (9) Reasonable threats are those not provoked by the employee, provided the employee remains within designated areas when directed by senior personnel. Ex: leaving the approved VoxTek™ Extermination Bunker during an Extermination or insulting an Overlord/Sin/Ars Goetia are examples where the employer is no longer liable for the employee's protection.
Signed and confirmed via handshake with the Overlord,
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It took me a moment to find it, I apologize; you wouldn't believe how many copies I have in my office. Of course I have a digitized copy but Hell runs on old school methodologies, so having a hard copy is still required.
Now, @zayne1, you can make your determinations.
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deadgirlwalking91 · 5 days
What are your top 5 Adam, Lute, and GuitarSpear headcanons?
Hey Anon,
I love headcanons! 😊 Here we go... (under the cut because it's longgggg)
The type to pick up random hobbies, be utterly obsessed with them for a while, then eventually discard them for something else fun and exciting. Only a few have stuck with him through the years—namely, playing the guitar and cooking. Yes, I think Adam would be an amazing cook with a genuine appreciation for food and culture.
Also the type to be naturally talented at a lot of different things. Which is lucky for him, because he's also lazy and can't be bothered putting a whole lot of effort into things, unless he really, really loves what he's doing (see: guitar)
The more I dwell on it, the more I think Adam and Sera do have a close relationship. I wouldn't necessarily say mother/son coded, but I think if he came to her for advice—or if she sensed that he needed guidance—they'd put aside their boss/employee dynamic and have a good heart-to-heart where he'd value her opinion.
Getting a little NSFW for this one, but I feel he'd be more of a giver than a receiver in bed. He's had that much sex over the years that for him, knowing he's getting somebody else off is just as much of a turn-on as receiving. That's not to say he doesn't love getting taken care of, though ;)
LOVES the Exorcists to bits. Genuinely gets along with them all, and loves seeing them grow and succeed with each Extermination. Will socialise with them, play card/board games with them (which tends to get violent and chaotic), sometimes they go to him for advice, etc. On the flip side though— a Discord server I'm in recently had a discussion about whether Exorcists get their periods or not and if so, would they all sync up? And honestly, my answer to both is a resounding Y E S which means that for a week every month, Adam has to deal with hundred of PMSing women. I have a theory that they all also exhibit similar symptoms which change every cycle, so he's constantly kept on his toes (and probably trying not to be killed). Is this true? Look, probably not, but it's still a fun as fuck concept to think about!
To contrast my first Adam headcanon, Lute would be a god-awful cook. She burns pasta. Does not give a shit about food, cooking etc. Could live off protein shakes if she could, but deep down loves the food Adam cooks.
Lute and Vaggie were friends before The Maiming. I genuinely believe they were close—possibly besties—then, Vaggie started expressing her discomfort with the Exterminations, and they drifted apart. I don't necessarily think they had a falling out before Lute and Adam left Vaggie in Hell, but they certainly weren't friends anymore. I also think, should the show go down the route of Sinner Adam, Fallen Lute and the both of them joining the Hotel that there's potential for them to repair their relationship, despite everything (or maybe that's wishful thinking on my behalf because I do love the idea of them being friends).
Assuming Lute is Heavenborn, she is the way that she is because she doesn't know any different. Being a genocidal maniac is what she was created to be. I genuinely think that there's potential for her to change her tune about Hell, Sinners, the Exterminations etc but it's going to take a LOT for it to happen (I strongly maintain that the line 'Everyone can be redeemed/From the evil to the strange' from 'Happy Day in Hell' is foreshadowing this). If it does, her loyalties will lie with Charlie and the Hotel, and she'll stop being quite so rigid with her views. It's giving growth.
In saying that—she has her vices, and I think they'd be something in complete contrast to her tough exterior. Think rom-coms, romance novels, 90's boy/girl bands, trashy reality TV, luxurious bubble baths, etc. Something that you'd never expect from a bad bitch like Lute. Adam knows about them all, and she's threatened to kill him multiple times if he breathes a word of them to anybody.
Also loves and adores the Exorcists, but doesn't show it. Someone has to play bad cop during work, and it sure as hell isn't gonna be Adam. Still, she feels a strong sense of pride whenever they succeed, and wishes she could be close to them. She's just a little awkward and doesn't know how to balance that boss/friend relationship with them.
Their relationship is the worst-kept secret in Heaven. Both of them staunchly deny there is anything going on between them, but the amount of times they've been caught in compromising positions by the other Exorcists is laughable. There's betting pools on when/where they finally admit they're together. The girls also tease Lute about it mercilessly in the locker room after training, much to her annoyance.
They are a very touchy-feely couple, but in different ways. Adam is handsy and grabby, whereas Lute will do smaller, subtler gestures like a hand resting on his arm or lower back, will lean against him, etc. The only exception is that she tends to climb him like a cat—which he doesn't really mind. She'll also force her way into his lap and curl up against him.
They don't live together, but they might as well. Lute spends most of her spare time at his place, keeps clothes and toiletries there, makes herself at home. The only reason they haven't moved in is because they're trying (and failing) to keep their relationship under wraps.
I actually can't decide who fell first, and who fell harder. I can see it happening both ways. I think I like the idea of Lute's attraction to him being more of a slow-burn and something that evolved over time. Whereas Adam's is a lot faster, and he is super confused by it all and can't figure out why all of a sudden he is SO attracted to Lute. It then makes him super awkward around her (like, can't get his words out properly awkward), she gets all concerned something's wrong with him, and it creates this fun little scenario where you want to bash their heads together and tell them to just communicate.
NSFW-ish: I picture them as more of a switch couple in bed, rather than having set top/bottom or dom/sub roles. Given their personalities, I can see them fighting/struggling for power and dominance in the bedroom on a regular basis. That's not to say there aren't times where they do willingly take a top/bottom role (Lute after a long day letting Adam take care of her? Swoon. But also, the power dynamic shifting so that Lute calls the shots? Y E S). I just like the visual of them rolling around, pinning each other to the bed, leaving scratch and bite marks all over each other's bodies in the process. Honestly, I think sex between them would mostly be rough, frenzied and raw, but they also would have their slower, sensual moments (see TYFTV 17 as an example) that are just as intense and passionate. If you got through alllll of that, I applaud you, haha! But seriously, thanks Anon, this was fun to write out <3
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thenixkat · 2 months
Decided to look up the comics that Scarab (lady assassin) firs showed up
also Tim Drake had parents, that were around for a while b4 they got killed off. Apparently, he was hiding the superhero thing from them
Bruce beating Tim's ass in training
and high expectations
apparently, Bruce is upset with Tim for killing someone huh
wow. nice parenting. Maybe Tim needs some therapy for having killed someone instead of his ass beaten and held to very strict expectations
ah yes fire the child sidekick when they're going through it
so batman is a bad parent
i doubt bruce is a good boss at wayne tech if he's like this when an employee disappoints him by going through shit
and Tim's gonna get it when he gets home from lying to his parents
damn Drake parents
just the downsides of not telling yer parents shit
of course the guy that tim thinks he killed is still alive and plotting
what the fuck is up with the ladies in the Batfam being down with hurting their partners?
if Tim wants to retire? let him? just cause you'd rather be on the field doesnt mean he's not going through it believing he killed a man
Tim has to stay a hero, even though his heart isnt in it rn which could lead to him getting hurt or killed or failing to save the day, b/c he saved the day and helped people and most people dont have the temperament or skill to be superheroes
Mr. Drake found Tim's stache
Mr. Drake pulled up at Bruce's house
apparently, they used to be neighbors, the Drakes fell on some hard times i guess
Alfred dont try to gaslight this man when youve been helping endanger his child
Mr. Drake is not having that shit. Good on him for being pissed off at the adults who's been endangering his child
wow, Mr. Drake decided to pull up on Bruce with a gun for endangering his child. Good on him. Gods below, imagine if that's how Batman died? The parent of one of his child sidekicks decides to take him to task on the child endangerment.
haha! Pull the trigger Mr. Drake! End Batman's miserable fucking life!
damnit Mr. Drake you waited too long to pull the trigger
man imagine if Bruce ever had like lasting consequences for the child endangerment that just fucking takes him out/he has to actively deal with it instead of brooding and moving on. Like clearly the dead child as of this comic wasnt enough
also yeah, makes sense that Batman would have a bad rep with common people. His costume is intent to scare and he frequently maims and cripples people
expose his ass mr. Drake!
Bruce really goes out his way to put in insults talking to this kid
someone is grounded
Tim you are literally a child and Bruce is the adult, it doesnt matter if you volunteered Batman had no right to take you up on the offer. Given the minor without parental permission
Bruce that is not a fucking excuse for child endangerment. You could literally go out and get an adult to be yer sidekick or replacement…only adults arent as moldable and controllable as kids huh?
also Bruce, its not a good look to yell at the child who's not yours that you've been endangering infront of his parent
Bruce can't even hold back his shitty parenting to look less awful infront of Mr. Drake
the war
the war against… crime is that fucking serious
Mr. Drake you should still expose Batman b/c fuck him. And also demand Batman offer some fucking compensation for all this
yeah that makes sense. Mr. Drake should still demand payment for all the fucking child labor
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Shout out to the poor employees of Vee Tower in this AU. There’s a small selection of people whose job it is to work with Vox when Val or Velvette are unavailable, but everyone in the tower knows about him because, despite the Vees’ best efforts, he’ll occasionally escape his dedicated floor and wreak absolute havoc on the ones below.
They’re all terrified of him because, no matter what he does, they’re not allowed to fight back. Valentino and Velvette will permanently kill them if they lift a finger against him; they’re just supposed to scatter if he shows up, and if he accidentally fries any of them, well, that’s their problem.
The ones who work one-on-one with him aren’t much better off. Aside from the expected hazards of dealing with an unstable demon with electokinesis and basically no self-control, it’s just emotionally draining, and they’re not allowed to breathe a word about it to anyone. They also have a significantly higher mortality rate than the normal employees because Valentino is so ready to go off on them if he thinks they’re not being gentle enough or respectful enough or make any kind of “mistake” whatsoever. Velvette’s also a terror to deal with, but at least she’s slightly less willing to permanently maim employees since it can be such a pain to train new people how to deal with Vox.
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workersolidarity · 5 months
[ Israeli occupation forces (IOF) sets up sniper positions on the rooftops of displaced Palestinian family homes in the Al-Zaytoun neighborhood, southeast of Gaza City, and begins firing on journalists and civilians who try to enter the neighborhood. A journalist documents these latest attempted war crimes. ]
🇮🇱⚔️🇵🇸 🚀🚀🏘️💥🚑 🚨
On the 217th day of "Israel's" ongoing special genocide operation in the Gaza Strip, the Israeli occupation forces (IOF) committed 6 new massacres of Palestinian families, resulting in the deaths of 39 Palestinian civilians, mostly women and children, and wounding at least 58 others.
It should be noted that as a result of the constant Israeli bombardment of Gaza's healthcare system, infrastructure, residential and commercial buildings, local paramedic and civil defense crews are unable to recover countless hundreds, even thousands of victims who remain trapped under the rubble, or who's bodies remain strewn across the streets of Gaza.
This leaves the official death toll vastly undercounted, as Gaza's healthcare officials are unable to accurately tally those killed and maimed in this genocide, which must be kept in mind when considering the scale of the mass murder.
For the fourth consecutive day, the Israeli occupation forces (IOF) closed the Kerem Shalom crossing into the Gaza Strip, preventing the passing of humanitarian aid trucks and supplies, and further starving the Palestinian pgopulation, while also preventing the arrival of crucial medical supplies desper wasately needed by Gaza's hospitals. Thisi4 at a time when the IOF vastly intens isified its bombing and shelling campaign in the Palestinian enclave.
According to Palestinian public broadcaster PalestineTV, Kxamal Adwan Hospital in Beit Lahiya warned on Friday that the healthcare center was "facing the risk of a health catastrophe at a difficult time due to Israeli aggression on the Gaza Strip."
The hospital said the most recent delivery of supplies had been temporary and limited, and had run out within days, leaving hospitals Gaza's north in "urgent need of all types of medical supplies."
"We receive international promises to provide medical supplies, but without implementation on the ground," the hospital administration is quoted as saying.
As the bombing campaign of the Israeli occupation ramped up over the last several days, the occupation uses its position of controlling all points of access into the Gaza Strip, the West Bank, and the occupied territories to choke off what little ability Palestinians have to respond to Israeli entity's crimes, including starving the Palestinian Authority of access to its own funds.
According to a report on Israeli Channel-12, zionist Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich has refused to transfer funds amounting to 170 million sheckles ($45.6 million) to the Palestinian authority, threatening the wealth and position of the Authority's leadership, and the pay of the Authority's employees, including its security forces, which effectively provides the Israeli occupation with security within the occupied West Bank.
The funds are part of the tax collections on the work of laborers and the trade of commercial goods that the Israeli occupation is responsible for transferring to the Palestinian Authority as the occupying power, making up 65% of the Authority's annual budget. A significant portion of the funds are used to pay the Authority's personnel.
The American leadership responded by worrying that withholding funds to the Palestinian Authority could lead to its collapse at time when it provides badly needed security for the Israeli occupation, even as the IOF conducts regular mass arrests and raids across Palestinian towns and villages in the West Bank, while also committing a genocide in the Gaza Strip.
Smotrich claims the funds are being used by the Palestinian Authority to meneuver against the Israeli entity in international courts and committees, including the International Court of Justice at The Hague (ICJ).
Meanwhile, the Israeli occupation army vastly intensified its airstrikes and mass slaughter of Palestinians in the Gaza Strip going into the weekend, launching bombing assaults, along with missile and drone strikes across the enclave.
The Israeli occupation authorities announced on Friday morning the targeting of 40 sites in Gaza over the previous 24-hours.
The occupation's announcement stated that its forces continue their operations in the Al-Zaytoun neighborhood, southeast of Gaza City, while also targeting Gaza's southern city of Rafah.
The Israeli entity said it targeted several sites in Rafah after repeated rocket and mortar attacks were launched against the occupation army from the Rafah area by Resistance forces still operating there.
As a result of the Israeli occupation's endless strikes against Rafah, more than 100'000 Palestinians were forced to flee the city, where more than 1.5 million Palestinian civilians have been forced to take shelter after being displaced from their homes elsewhere in Gaza since Oct. 7th.
According to the United Nations agency for children, UNICEF, more than 100'000 Palestinians have left the city as a result of the Israeli occupation army's attacks, while the UN humanitarian agency OCHA put the figure at 110'000.
In a statement issued by OCHA's head of its Gaza division, Georgios Petropoulos, the besieged Gaza Strip had reached "even more unprecedented levels of emergency."
"The recent evacuation order that we had from the government of Israel linked to the military operation in Rafah is now counting 110,000-plus displaced people having to move north," Petropoulos is quoted as saying during a briefing in Geneva by video link. "Most of these are people who have had to displace five or six times."
Video published by Palestinian news outlet WAFA showed Palestinian families breaking down and packing up their tents, along with what little belongings they still have in Rafah, and beginning the trek to find safety and shelter for themselves and their loved ones.
The Israeli authorities previously told civilians to evacuate to the Al-Mawasi and Khan Yunis areas, where infrastructure and residential buildings nearly all been demolished or destroyed in the occupation's previous assaults on the southern Gaza Strip.
Meanwhile the carnage continued overnight and into Friday morning, with intense waves of drone, missile and bombing assaults, many of which targeted residential homes and buildings, massacreing entire families and slaughtering civilians in various axis of the Gaza Strip.
The Israeli occupation forces (IOF) ramped up its bombardment on the village of Al-Shoka, while Zionist artillery shelling targeted Al-Zar Street, in central Rafah, killing a man and wounding his son.
In another atrocity, occupation forces bombed a residential home belonging to the Lafi family in Khirbet al-Adas, north of Rafah, resulting in the martyredom of four brothers.
Similarly, three civilians were killed following an Israeli airstrike on a mosque in the Brazil neighborhood, near the border with Egypt, while a man riding a motorcycle was killed yesterday on Salah al-Din Street, east of Rafah, murdering several civilians nearby the site and also wounding a number of others.
Zionist forces also bombarded the Al-Tanour and Al-Salam neighborhoods of Rafah City, while another occupation raid on the home of the Abu Sharia family led to the deaths 13 civilians and wounded dozens of others.
The IOF additionally detonated entire residential squares in the Ali Mosque area of the Al-Zaytoun neighborhood, southeast of Gaza City. While yet another Israeli airstrike bombarded a house in the vicinity of a hospital on Nasr Street, north of Gaza City.
At the same time, Israeli occupation air forces bombed the Abu Hussam Abu Aoun family home, sheltering the family of the previously freed Palestinian prisoner Ahmed Ghoneim, killing three members of his family.
Occupation aircraft additionally bombarded neighborhoods north of the Nuseirat Refugee Camp, in the central Gaza Strip, with repeated airstrikes, while doing the same to neighborhoods in the Al-Mughraqa and Al-Zahra'a areas.
At dawn on Friday, the bombardment by the occupation army was renewed, with many more Palestinians killed and wounded as a result of airstrikes targeting multiple neighborhoods of Gaza City.
The Israeli occupation army bombed a residential home belonging to the Abdel-Al family on Yarmouk Street in central Gaza City, resulting in the deaths of three civilians and wounding five others.
A similar bombing targeted the Al-Dada family home on Al-Nafaq Street in Gaza, wounding six civilians.
Israeli airstrikes continuously hammered the Al-Zaytoun, Al-Sabra, Al-Nasr, and the Tal al-Hawa neighborhoods through the day, while also targeting the Al-Shati Refugee Camp, west of Gaza City.
Further airstrikes by the Zionist army targeted a house in the Al-Geneina neighborhood, east of Rafah, killing two civilians and wounding a number of others.
Several casualties among Palestinian civilians were also recorded following several Israeli raids and bombings targeting a warehouse, several local shops and agricultural lands near the Al-Dawa Street intersection in the Nuseirat Refugee Camp in central Gaza, while occupation helicopters and vehicles fired shells and bullets into eastern and central Rafah.
Later on Friday evening, the Israeli occupation resumed its mass bombing and shelling, with several air raids that targeted the Abu al-Nimr family home, in the New Camp area of the Nuseirat Refugee Camp, in central Gaza. As a result of the strikes, at least 8 civilians were murdered and several others wounded.
The Israeli occupation also resumed artillery shelling of the Al-Zaytoun neighborhood of Gaza City this evening, near the Martyrs Medical Center in the southeast of the neighborhood, resulting in a large inferno.
Artillery shelling this afternoon also targeted the Asqoula area of the Al-Zaytoun neighborhood, as well as east of Rafah, and the central Gaza Governate.
As a result of the Israeli occupation's ongoing special genocide operation in the Gaza Strip, the death toll among the Palestinian population now exceeds 34'943 killed, including over 14'690 children and 10'000 women, while another 78'572 others have been wounded in the current round of Zionist aggression, beginning with the events of October 7th, 2023.
May 10th, 2024
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ofallthingsnasty · 8 months
Just had a thought of Crocodile giving his sad basement wife a little purse dog so she’ll stop being so sullen looking. Like it’s a little chihuahua or pomeranian in a fancy purse and it’s SO feral and is visually a stark contrast to the always sobbing basement wife
Basement wife: 😞🥺😭😥
Her purse dog: 🤬👿😤😬
And maybe the dog HATES crocodile and is constantly growling at him. Crocodile wants to get rid of the little shit but basement wife got attached to it so if he gets rid of it she’ll cry a whole lot more 🙄
(I like to imagine that every animal is very fond of basement wife. She’ll be surrounded by a bunch of fluffy and dangerous creatures but still look so sad. Like Snow White but depressed)
hsdjfhdsjk oh my god so that's the context for the chapter 860 pug ... "Ugh, got to keep the pooch dry or the missus is going to be sulky for three days straight... Who cares about me anyway??"
I don't even know where to start with this, this is so fucking funny to me, oh my god. You just know he regrets getting you a little dog the moment you turn to him and ask (in your best inside voice, no less): "But won't she have to go outside... You know, for... walks?" He should have picked a cat, really.
You're not going anywhere, obviously - so walkies are his responsibility. He'll probably try to pawn the little thing off to one of the employees of Rain Dinners. That lasts a couple of days until you comment on the way the tiny angel shakes like a leaf whenever she's back in your arms and it dawns on him that he might have to really step up. (He'd probably shove her into the arms of some sniveling brat if you weren't already so ridiculously in love with her. He brought this upon himself and learns a valuable lesson that day... Especially after even Miss All Sunday can't hold back a laugh at seeing her boss with a fucking pug of all things on his arm.) There is just one glaring issue here: She's not a daddy's girl. At all. The sounds she makes whenever he dares to touch her are so alien and so utterly angry that one might think he killed her family in another life. Her neckless little head flails around to maim, kill, bite whenever he wrestles her into his grip. He swears she'll die of either hypertension or an aneurysm and soon if he doesn't put her down in a timely manner. To him, she's nothing but trouble, an annoying little pest with stubby teeth and bug eyes - but to see you coming out of your shell makes all of this (almost) worth it. (He'll still try to make you forget about her after the Summit War - but no dice. You love that little pug to death.)
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eretzyisrael · 8 months
by Michael Rubin
On Jan. 7, an Israeli airstrike killed two Al Jazeera journalists in the Gaza Strip. The Qatar-run news outlet immediately accused Israel of targeting journalists and labeled their death an "assassination."
No serious journalist, diplomat, or human rights activist should give Al Jazeera benefit of the doubt. Terrorists have long used media to amplify reach. Chechen rebels would cancel missions rather than move without cameramen to leverage their attack into effective propaganda.
During the Iraq War, U.S. soldiers became accustomed to seeing Al Jazeera journalists pre-positioned to film booby-traps meant to maim and murder Americans. Legitimate journalists do not know about attacks before they occur; terrorists do.
Al Jazeera has a long history of crossing the journalistic line. Al Jazeera journalist Fahad Yasin, for example, used Qatari cash to propel himself to become Somalia's intelligence chief, a position he used to fund terrorism further.
Were Hamza Wael Dahdouh and Mustafa Thuria, the two Al Jazeera employees Israel killed, illegitimate targets? No. Both were traveling in a vehicle with a terrorist. They were operating a drone to surveil Israeli forces and enable Hamas attacks. To knowingly travel with a terrorist with the purpose of supporting that terrorist forfeits one's immunity, just as medics or school teachers lose their immunity if they transport terrorists or give cover for their operations. If press freedom groups are angry, they should not blame Israel but instead launch lawsuits against Al Jazeera for violating the Geneva Conventions in a manner that imperils all war correspondents.
It is in not only Gaza, however, where Al Jazeera violates the norms and ethics of journalism in pursuit of terrorism, violence, or espionage, but also on Capitol Hill. As Rep. Jack Bergman (R-MI) has pointed out, Congress credentials 136 Al Jazeera "journalists" to enable them into House and Senate galleries and expansive access to senators, members of Congress, and staff. Compare that to the New York Times that credentials only 82 members. The discrepancy in coverage — the New York Times produces far more — suggests that something other than journalism may motivate Al Jazeera.
The danger is multifold. The Justice Department has designated Iran's PressTV, Russia's RT, and Turkey's TRT to be foreign agents. Al Jazeera is no different. They are agents of a foreign power that flirts dangerously with terrorism sponsorship even if the State Department and Pentagon are reticent to designate the emirate formally, often for narrow bureaucratic reasons such as the lavish lifestyle servicemen enjoy in Qatar or access to sheikhdom's strategically superfluous al Udeid Air Base.
Al Jazeera may cynically resist measures to bring its credentialed staff in line with journalistic needs by citing First Amendment protections, nevermind that Qatar does not respect any such privilege domestically, nor does it allow open access to its palaces. That Al Jazeera has violated journalistic ethics by conducting surveillance on alleged opponents of Qatar's pro-Hamas, anti-Israel policies simply underscores it is a network of operatives operating under the cover of journalism.
House Resolution 189, introduced by Bergman, is a commonsense measure that should appeal across the partisan spectrum. It plugs a loophole in which foreign agents can claim press credentials to avoid compliance with the Foreign Agents Registration Act. Perhaps its only flaw is it does not go far enough: All journalists receiving access to roam not only the halls of Congress but also the Pentagon and State Department should undergo background checks, whether they are American citizens or not. In addition, the access foreign journalists receive should be proportional to that which American outlets enjoy in their countries.
Democracies and liberal societies rest upon a basis of rule of law. Too often, illiberal opponents shield themselves behind their opponents' idealism and mirror imaging without subscribing to it. With Hamas, this has meant corruption of protected institutions such as schools and hospitals and treating journalism as a shield for terrorism and espionage.
Al Jazeera may mourn its journalists, but they do not deserve the benefit of the doubt. For too long, Al Jazeera has played the outside world for fools. Enough is enough.
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shioritsumi · 2 months
I'm on a roll so how about more on Shang Qingshui (and maybe some concepts on Mobei-jun, or someone who looks suspiciously like him ;D)
-Shang Qingshui being related to Airplane is the most hilarious thing bc once he arrives in the modern world and finds PIDW he absolutely HATES it. The realization that the COUSIN of his new life wrote it, wrote how HE got killed by demons after being forced into the life of a double agent-he'd kill Airplane if he hadn't already randomly died from a freak computer accident.
-Qingshui was that asshole cousin to Airplane, but it had nothing to do with PIDW when they were kids. At that point the story hadn't been written, except in Qingshui's previous life, and he figured if it was good enough to get him Tianyu's friendship he didn't need to change his approach. Airplane wasn't his biggest fan growing up, but when his parents divorced he leaned on Qingshui more often not. If you need someone to bitch and complain to, even contribute to it over your situation, he's there. PLUS, sometimes Tianyu might be there too and he could count on him to be more traditionally supportive. (Tianyu might also roast him sometimes, but he was always good at aftercare, so to speak.)
-Shang Qingshui did his solid best to avoid reading PIDW, even as Shen Tianyu referred to his younger brother as being obsessed with it. ("I bought him some weird-ass uhhhh expensive figure of some busty demon guy for his birthday. Don't tell me I'm being weird, Miaoyu bought him a goddamn body pillow and he was overjoyed." "Your brother is a grown-ass man, A-yu....and what do you mean busty GUY? Don't shrug at me, what do you MEAN?") He narrowed that down to two people from his previous life, but it had to be a coincidence, right? He almost threw his tablet out the window of their office building once he found the series and realized it's LITERALLY THE STORY OF HIS PAST LIFE. HIS DEATH IS EVEN IN HERE. WHO WROTE THIS SHIT, WHO IS RESPONSIBLE FOR HIS SUFFERING AND THEN MAKING BANK OFF MERCHANDISING IT?!
....oh it's his cousin. His aunt wouldn't...terribly maim him for injuring her son, would she?
-Mo Tuxuan is the CEO of a rival company, bearing a striking resemblance to Mobei-jun, and causing Shang Qingshui to automatically avoid him. This has, unfortunately, caused him to stand out in Tuxuan's head and now he's becoming very preoccupied with the business accounts manager. He's even asked Qingshui's bosses what would be necessary to transfer him to his own company. Shen Tianyu isn't sure if he's seeing a rival CEO attempt to poach a successful employee, or a dumbass attempt to court another dumbass.
-if Mo Tuxuan isn't literally Mobei-jun, he's the closest thing in real life to him. And if he is Mobei-jun....he's adjusted very well to modern life. He's drawn to Shang Qinghua all over again, but he isn't sure why. He doesn't even know it's Shang Qinghua, it's Shang Qingshui-a man who's good at his job, and has a suitably sharp tongue and a firm spine to stand up to even people several ranks above him and an ambitious mind. He could use a man like that. How he'd use him is uncertain, but Tuxuan could definitely....use him.
-Mo Tuxuan asking Bingge for advice on catching a businessman and Bingge being confused bc he didn't "catch" or "seduce" Tianyu. Unless you count the way he literally had to catch a drunk Tianyu that first night they met bc he was sloshed. And most of the overt romantic moves were made by Tianyu afterwards. (Bingge may have had a hundred wives, but he's not sure on how to seduce men and Tianyu is.) Tuxuan is a little disappointed. "I was hoping you could help; you and Manager Shen seem so close." "....we live together, that's logical."
And Shen Tianyu is STILL uncertain if Tuxuan is trying to poach or seduce Qingshui. He's not going to help either of them out, he's just enjoying the show.
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mothbeasts · 7 months
talk about fabby spilling blood for the first time… or i’ll DIE… don’t let me DIE
In my mind her first kill was NOT, in fact, an agent. It was a fellow Zoraxis employee. She found them breaking into her office and maimed them horribly at her workshop desk. Zor was very pleased with her.
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fool16k · 1 year
Between skin and felt - part 1
It was a very boring day in the studio today, you did your job as the prop manager well enough that Mr. Darling never had to yell or scream at you to do your job correctly unlike most of the other seasoned employees that worked on Welcome Home. At least.. that’s what you thought. You happened to be having an off day, thinking about those weird dreams you were having about Mr. Darling and his literal bodyguard had you on edge, it didn’t help that they were also RIGHT there a few feet away from you.
As you go to lower the giant, exaggerated, cartoonish sun prop, your grip on the old rope they still used from refusing to extend the prop and maintenance budget slipped and the heavy plywood painted prop crashed to the ground.. narrowly hitting Janet.
“WHAT THE FUCK ASSHOLE!? YOU COULD’VE KILLED ME!!” The resounding crash the prop had made as it hit the ground caught the attention of almost everybody in the room and suddenly all eyes were on you.. Including Mr. Darling and Max. Your palms sweat as you nervously look everywhere except at all the eyes staring at you in the moment,
“It was an accident! The rope slipped out of my hands- it’s old and ratty.. and quit being so dramatic Janet. It wouldn’t have killed you.. just… seriously maimed you a bit..” The blond haired jerk of the studio had her mouth agape, and your comment got a few snickers out of the more dark humored interns that were currently working. She mumbles a few things underneath her breath as she angrily ushers past you to go somewhere else, and it’s quiet before a voice cuts through the air.
“My set.. is ruined.” Your eyes turn over to Wally, who is angrily staring at the main set for the show.. which is in pieces.
His rage is intense, white hot rage if you will. But he sounds so calm that it scares you way more than hearing him yell and scream ever would.
“You’re staying late and fixing this.” He turns to look at you, his eyes are in slits and you can see hints of teeth poking through the grimace he’s wearing on his yellow felted face. You can only seem to muster the courage to swallow thickly and nod lightly before staring at the floor as everybody goes back to discussing their plans, albeit much quieter, and you can still feel Wally and Max’s eyes on you.
But this point, everybody has long since gone home - but you were still stuck cleaning up the mess you made. Hopefully, this experience will show how much better equipment is needed for the set pieces and props. You were VERY late to a party you had gotten invited to. The fraggles were hosting it, and you had no idea how you managed to get put on their radar or invited to a party thrown by some of the most iconic puppet actors of all time but you weren't complaining. It took forever to break down the giant sun prop that crashed into the stage, and it was almost 9:00 at night and you were still here.
"Maybe I can just get here early tomorrow.." you look around and go to the employee locker room where you kept all your stuff, changing out of your work clothes and into the extra set you had brought with you, but as you’re changing you hear Wally Darling himself talking to Max.
“Oh Max.. you’re the only human who I trust enough to bring to this party.. I’m so glad you decided to come with me!”
“Hmph. Only because you would cry and bitch at me if I didn’t agree.”
“Language Maxxy.”
A party?? Maybe they were also going to the fraggles party.. you’ll just have to avoid them then. You didn’t want to imagine the look on Mr. Darlings face if he caught slacking off at a celebrity’s party and not fixing his set. You soon have your casual clothes on, and you’re driving up to a remote modestly sized mansion in the heart of Hollywood. The house is big and modern looking, the flashing colored lights and loud bass boosted music tells you you’re in the right place and you park down the road and walk up the winding gated driveway to the building..
The winding line of people trying to get in reveals that this is in fact the house of a celebrity, but as you’re about to get in line someone stops you.
“Oi’!! Get over here! You’re part of VIP.” You look over and see.. Boober. THE Boober is talking to you- and you listen- I mean, who wouldn’t?? You follow him to a side gate, that leads to the backyard. It’s the most lavish outdoor space you’ve ever experienced, there was a minibar. the gigantic pool had lights in the sides seemingly making the normally crystal clear water change colors magically and the gazebo had fairy lights hanging from it, along with a few tiki torches.
Boober leads you to the gazebo, having you sit down he has the bartender a few feet away make you both some cocktails before speaking.
"So... we've heard good things about you. I'm coming forward on behalf of all the Muppets and asking a huge favor..." You take a sip of your cocktail before speaking meekly.
"Well... I don't know what you've heard about me, but I hope I can help you." Boober seems to perk up a bit, his mouth twitching upwards into a small smile.
"I thought you'd say that. The directors for welcome home that move around say that you help out with a little bit of everything, and not just props..." That was true... you did tend to overwork yourself a bit. But you liked being helpful, and that is how you were raised.
"The writers' strike going on right now, has really dropped the amount of people on our writing team, and we're falling behind on production... since we heard you're a decent writer and storyteller from what we hear, we would like to ask you to-" Boober is interrupted, his head turning towards the person who spoke.
"Hey Boob'! Max wanted me to ask you if he could..-" It was your boss. Wally, and he was staring right at you, having not finished his sentence out of surprise and anger.
what would you do now??
So.. this is my first time ever actually posting a fanfiction I've written. I do plan on continueing this but i feel like it has sat in my drafts for too long already, so enjoy part one!
Actor AU is by @frillsand.
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creepylunaofmars · 7 months
Obscure Yandere: Adam From Budget Cuts
Tumblr media
Budget Cuts is a VR game series about being a human worker in a dystopian company where everyone is being killed and replaced with robots, your goal being to figure out what's going on and escape. Adam is the head of HR. Being called into HR is a death sentence for humans as they're sent there to be killed by Adam so a robot can replace them. Adam enjoys his job immensely and is very devoted to it... maybe a bit too devoted.
Spoilers for Budget Cuts 1 and 2/Budget Cuts Ultimate under cut.
-The Player character is the last human in the company and as such he is very fixated on them.
-Seems to remember every employee that he has killed and fondly regards those murders in great detail. No doubt the file in his memory banks regarding the player are just as detailed.
-Has lot of nicknames for the player. Some demeaning (piggie/rat) to generic robot ones (human/meatbag) to prey based (rabbit/mouse). -Speaking of prey once he gets a bead on the player he literally can't lose them unless you load into a new area. Will know where the player is even if they're hiding in the vents and/or on the other side of the map.
-Sings Daisy Bell all creepily which, while I know is a reference, can easily be twisted into his obsession with the player morphing.
-Is willing to hunt the player for miles/days, as seen when he followed them from one city to another despite the player going by train with a massive head start. Will also maim other robots that get in the way and even disobey the Cost Optimizer, basically his master/god, to get to the player.
-Can also possess other robots to send threatening messages to the player so even when he isn't around can track the player rather easily.
-The promo blurb for the Adam Isolation mode of gameplay is very aware of the robot lover community.
-His voice is amazing.
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darkmaga-retard · 19 days
Sasha Latypova
Sep 07, 2024
Pfizer filed a trademark application for “PfizerForAll” earlier this year that hinted at its plans for a direct-to-consumer push.
Direct to consumer advertising is of course not new in pharma, and many companies run separate consumer facing websites for various drug brands - i.e. “ask your doctor if Viagra is right for you, and here is a discount code.” Like some other pharma companies, Pfizer has connected patients to telehealth services on certain individual brand websites and will continue to do so. What is new and looks very desperate is to me is Pfizer will be issuing prescriptions directly to patients now, using a contracted service, UpScript. The website, PfizerForAll, will initially be focused on respiratory illnesses and migraine.
From the industry news:
Pfizer has had a tumultuous couple of years as Covid-related product sales have dropped and it’s been forced to cut billions in costs. It’s not clear to what extent the direct-to-consumer push will drive more sales. On an earnings call in late April, a Lilly executive said a “relatively low volume” of prescriptions for its popular obesity drug Zepbound were coming from LillyDirect as of the first quarter.
Yeah, it’s been tumultuous alright, $4-6 billion in cost cutting and laying off thousands of employees to be precise. After killing and maiming millions of people worldwide… So, the hope now is to milk the remaining brainwashed until those are totally dead…
In addition, Pfizer/BioNTech’s combo covid-flu shot has failed in Phase 3. And by “failed” we mean failed the fake efficacy endpoints of “geometric mean titers” which at best mean nothing, but likely measure your degree of anaphylaxis/injury to the immune system. Of course, this product is a poison that nobody needs anyway:
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