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philoursmars · 1 year ago
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Bon, n'étant pas très mobile, difficile de créer des posts avec de nouvelles photos. Je reviens donc à mon projet de présenter l'intégralité de mes photos, projet interrompu à l'année 2017. Je vais donc essayer de clore cette année 2017.
Boulogne-sur-Mer, Nausicaà. Ici, le lagon et la mangrove ( en 3, un Périophtalme ; en dernier un Gecko diurne de Madagascar)
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cinews-id · 2 months ago
Anggota Komisi IV DPR Sebut Ada Hutan Lindung Mangrove yang Terancam Dialihfungsikan Untuk PSN
JAKARTA, Cinews.id – Anggota Komisi IV DPR Firman Soebagyo menyebut DPR menemukan hutan lindung mangrove yang terancam dialihfungsikan untuk proyek strategis nasional (PSN) di sekitar Kawasan pagar laut misterius di Laut Tangerang. Hal ini telah ia sampaikan dalam rapat Komisi IV dengan Kementerian Kelautan dan Perikanan (KKP) pada Kamis, 23 Januari 2025 “Rapat hari ini merupakan kelanjutan…
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andy4yippee · 9 months ago
OH ALSO!!! your ranking of your fav ST ships? :D
YESS!!! ok here we go.
(includes brotp, otp, polyotp, familyotp.)
Lumax - 10/10. meant for eachother!
elmax - 7/10. SOO cute, just i cant see it really happening.
byler - 1000/10. MY ONE TRUE OTP!!
mileven - 7/10. Cute, but its not my favorite. i liked them more in s1!
Duzie - 100/10. CUTE! nerd x nerd has me in a chokehold.
Jopper - 100/10. meant for eachother, again!
Jancy - 100/10. ADORABLE!!
Jargyle - 10/10. Cute!! the fanart is adorable. cant see it fr happening.
Stancy - 7/10. they were cute in s4- but I cant see them tgthr!
Henfield - 2/10. not my thing!
Hellcheer - 9/10. WOULD OF BEEN SO CUTE.
Boyce - 100/10. would of been adorable. poor bob.
Byerson - 5/10. cute but not my thing, cant see them together.
Edna - 0/10. why the fuck is this a thing HELP??
Henclair - 6/10. so cute, but max and lucas belong together.
Steddie - 8/10. Would of been super cute!
Wheelclair - 4/10. cant see it, would be cute.
Wheelson - 4/10. same thing as wheelerclair!
Stonathan - 2/10. cant see it at all.
Bancy - 7/10. this would of been my femslash OTP if she didn't fucking die.
Joyren - 5/10. I didn't even think about this till now..but imagine how cute this would be? obviously, wouldn't happen but....hear me out!
Rockie - 9/10. CUTE!! love them sm.
Ronance - 8/10. love it! its super cute.
Eddustin - 10000/10. MY BABIES!!
Dancy - 10/10. they were so cute in s2!
Stustin - 100/10. Love them in s3 especially.
Robeddie - 10/10 Gay Bestfriends.
Stobin - 100/10. The bestfriends ever
Madwise - 9/10. I love them sm.
Muwheeler - 10/10. Mike definitely had a stupid teenage crush on Eddie. obviously, this is a brotp and onesided because if it was requited it would be illegal....yuck.
Elwill - 1000000/10. THE SIBLINGS EVERRR
Max's Moms (Nancy and Robin and Max) - 10/10. Love them.
Wheeler Siblings - 7/10. NEED TO TALK MORE WTF??
Sinclair Siblings - 10/10. SO funny together.
Magrove - 7/10. make me cry everywhere.
Byer Siblings - 9/10. Love them so much!
HenderFam - 10/10. Steve and Eddie are Dustins canon dads.
ByerHopperFamily - 10/10. My familyotp for life.
Elumax - 8/10. this is so cute.
Stoner Lovers - 10/10. if they interacted, this would be my true polyotp.
Steddissy - 100/10. I CAN SEE THIS. if 2 of them weren't in graves. (one isn't even in a grave LMAOO) (forgive me)
Robins sapphic dream - 10/10. What the fuck is happening?? but I LIKE IT!
Gotta Love Nancy - 10/10. Again, what the FUCK? but i like it!
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daily-mc-block · 3 months ago
can I request potted magrove propagule for march 12? if the 12th isn't available, just the closest day :-)
Potted Mangrove Propagule is coming March 13th
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toomagazineperfection · 7 months ago
We were loved ones, here of ecked delve.
He was her light subdue.
He was her poem Startlingly stolen.
He was hers. He was mine to my breathing.
He was hers only.
After likes of sand putty.
He was her molded father.
He lived and lifed through a nomadic madness we loved through.
He shapes us. Like the Magrove hills of Arunachal Pradesh.
Her right to her South to her left to my North.
We are Indian hedges whose slay only ever worked.
We swam through.
Gee witness, Gee life.
Of the noting of hills to, of from foot is the same antling we take to reach her.
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pikselis · 2 years ago
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Back at The Magroves Hotel Wilhartti Potensia got a invitation to one of Lanti's famous rooftop parties, but decided to chill this one out to focus on his comedy act.
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The party itself started off great but was soon really awkward with Opaattus Lanti and (this one townie who's name i can't remember) having some disagreemens in the hot tub. So without knowing, Wilhartti made a great choice choosing to stay home.
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topikberitaco · 23 days ago
Lestarikan Lingkungan, PT PDC Tanam Seribu Pohon Magrove
JAKARTA,TOPIKBERITA.CO – PT Patra Drilling Contractor (PDC), bersama induk usahanya PT Pertamina Drilling Services Indonesia (Pertamina Drilling), menggelar aksi tanam 1.000 mangrove pada Minggu (23/2/2025). Ada dua lokasi penanaman magrove, yakni Pulau Pari dan Kepulauan Seribu serta Taman Wisata Alam Mangrove Angke Kapuk, Pantai Indah Kapuk, Jakarta Utara. Hadir langsung Direktur Utama PDC…
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koramil13kretek · 1 year ago
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Babinsa Tirtohargo sertu Triyana bersama sama pol airud melaksanakan tanam pohon bersama bertujuan untuk penghijauan dan mencegah abrasi di wilayah pantai magrov, baris, tirtohargo
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jurnalsultra · 1 year ago
Pemkot Kendari Tertibkan Rumah Makan Kampung Magrove
Kendari, JurnalSultra.com – Proses penertiban Rumah Makan Kampung Mangrove yang dilakukan Pemerintah Kota Kendari sudah sesuai prosedur dan memakan waktu yang cukup lama hingga pembongkaran dilakukan, Kamis (23/11/2023). Kepala Dinas Pekerjaan Umum dan Penataan Ruang Kota Kendari Erlis Sadya Kencana menjelaskan, pembongkaran bangunan RM Kampung Mangrove di Kelurahan Kambu Kecamatan Kambu…
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maxwelltait · 4 years ago
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Mangrove (McQueen, 2020)
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cinews-id · 4 months ago
Dinas LHK Mencatat Sekitar 15.000 Hektar Hutan Mangrove di Sumut Rusak berat
MEDAN, Cinews.id – Dinas LHK Sumut menyebutkan, 100.000 hektare hutan mangrove yang tersebar di wilayah Sumatera Utara kondisinya saat ini hanya 59.765 hektar, dan beberapa ribu hektar lainnya mengalami kerusakan karena faktor manusia ataupun bencana alam. “Hutan mangrove di Sumut ada yang rusak berat sekitar 15.000 hektar. Jadi kondisi yang rusak inilah yang akan dilakukan rehabilitasi,” ujar…
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songsa · 2 years ago
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តោះ! ខ្ញុំនាំអ្នកទាំងអស់គ្នាជិះទូកទៅមើលព្រៃកោងកាង នៅតំបន់អេកូទេសចរណ៍សហគមន៍ត្រពាំងសង្កែ ខេត្តកំពតវិញម្តង ថាតើស្រស់ស្អាតប៉ុណ្ណា។ #natural resort #magrove #cambodia #ecology https://www.instagram.com/p/CkFWiHbrZqJ/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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lure-tackle-shop · 3 years ago
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Megabass Metal-X Waving Rider 30g 🤩Magnifique Casting jig🤩 D'autres couleurs disponibles en Magasin @nico_soria__ @gabon_fishing_excursion #luretackleshop #megabass #megabasswavingrider #castingjig #shorefishing #shorejigging #shorecasting #shorecastinggame #seabassfi̇shi̇ng #pêcheauxbars #pelamide #bonites #carpesrouges #magrove #gabonfishingexcursion #pecheauxleurres #pêcheenmer #saltwaterfıshing #magasindepêche #fishingstore #pêcheur #anglerlifestyle🎣 (à Lure&Tackle) https://www.instagram.com/p/Ca8zri_qFnN/?utm_medium=tumblr
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ajshreim · 3 years ago
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Life goes on whether you choose to move on and take a chance in the unknown or stay behind, locked in the past, thinking of what could've been. I don’t want to live in the past anymore. I’m so lonely here, there’s nothing for me here anymore. Stephanie Smith ————- With my #beautiful wife @ustianska_maria at @toughmudderarabia —————- #toughmudder #ummalquwain #magrove #obsttaclechallenge #obstaclerace #10k #beresilient (at Mangrove Um Al Quwain) https://www.instagram.com/p/CamkUlEA6Bx/?utm_medium=tumblr
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inspirasitala · 3 years ago
Mengurangi Resiko Bencana di Daerah Pesisir, DKPP Tala Tanam Mangrove
Mengurangi Resiko Bencana di Daerah Pesisir, DKPP Tala Tanam Mangrove
TANAH LAUT, inspirasitala.co.id. – Dalam rangka memberikan penyadaran kepada masyarakat terhadap bencana alam khususnya di daerah pesisir, serta untuk mengurangi tingkat kerugian harta bahkan jiwa, Dinas Ketahanan Pangan dan Perikanan (DKPP) Tanah Laut (Tala) bersinergi dengan Dinas DKPP Provinsi Kalimantan Selatan (Kalsel) Menggelar Giat Mitigasi Bencana Wilayah Pesisir dan pulau pulau kecil,…
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borobudurnews · 3 years ago
Fokus Hari Pers Nasional 2022, PWI Dorongan Ekosistem Mangrove
Fokus Hari Pers Nasional 2022, PWI Dorongan Ekosistem Mangrove
BNews–MAGELANG– Ekosistem mangrove memiliki fungsi sangat penting karena berperan sebagai sabuk hijau bagi area pesisir dan sebagai ekosistem dengan simpanan karbon terbesar. Tak hanya itu, melalui skema perdagangan karbon, Indonesia sebenarnya bisa mendapatkan pendapatan hingga 350 trilun rupiah dari transaksi jual beli sertifikat emisi karbon ini. Menteri Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan (LHK)…
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