aethelfred · 2 months
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theficlistpodcast · 2 years
...I'm not even a little bit sorry, tbh 😂 (As always, check the tags before reading!)
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subcoolture · 2 years
The Magician and The Empress: when you are ungrateful to a gift from The Stars
He was the man of the Four Swords and the Four Cups. Resting and Rejecting.
The Empress was tired of him, but she knew there was a Magician in him, a manifestor, deep inside. So she couldn’t give up on him.
In the past, a Queen of Pentacles had lured him into her bed, knowing about his lack of Strength and how much it would hurt the Empress.
The Empress was a Divine Feminine, strong, but pure in her heart and vulnerable in the matters of love.
There were Two Cups waiting for The Magician and The Empress. They had been there all the time. The Stars had aligned and they had given them that present. But The Magician didn’t take it. And The Empress knew they were going to pay for it.
You don’t ask for wishes and then thow them away like they are nothing in the few privileged occasions when you are granted them. That kind of ungratefulness to The Stars is obviously going to be severely punished. And so it was. They would have no rest. It wasn’t The Empress’ fault, but it didn’t matter. She had asked for that wish too, she wanted to find love, and that love wasn’t realized. It would have consequences.
The Magician was not in its purest shape. He was a Hanged Man, he was the opposite of what being a Magician encompasses. A Magician makes things happen, he is Strong. While a Hanged Man, passive and spiritless, would just go along with any practical and easy Queen of Pentacles passing by.
Meanwhile, The Empress had an Empire to attend to.
The Magician was a man-child without powers at that moment unfit to be her support, and choosing to be with Queens who requested nothing from him than his body. He had degraded himself to a commoner. And it was all his own doing.
0 notes
dwrogue · 1 month
Quotes from the novelisation
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So the Target novelisation is out! Highly recommend it, an extremely good time that somehow gives us a ton of backstory on Rogue while also still leaving things very open for fic.
A selection of quotes I highlighted on my way through:
The Doctor being horrendously into Rogue
The Doctor was now walking in the gardens with Rogue beside him, his new favourite brooding stranger.
He looked back at Rogue, walking, brooding (of course), and had to remind himself that this was an interrogation, not a date.
Sure, the Doctor couldn’t deny, Rogue was incredibly handsome.
The Doctor was suddenly very conscious that their hands were almost touching.
Rogue grabbed the Doctor’s arm and moved him with ease to the middle of the small metal pieces. ‘Stand there.’ The bounty hunter’s strong, the Doctor thought. Confirmed.
The Doctor could already feel people starting to turn and whisper but his focus wasn’t on that. All he was thinking about was Rogue. Rogue’s hand on his shoulder, his chest. Rogue’s eyes locked with his as the pair of them turned and twirled across the floor.
More below the cut: some of these get very spoilery including for the very end of the book, so don't click if you don't want to know.
Rogue being horrendously into the Doctor
His gorgeous brown eyes beamed up at Rogue from the middle of the crowd. For the first time in a long time, Rogue felt that jolt of electricity when you meet that person. That next person who might be the one to change your life.
the main thing that impressed him was how stylish it all was. How well placed and how welcoming. Rogue had only known the Doctor for one night, but it was clear this ship was perfectly made for the person who travelled in it.
‘I know.’ Rogue smiled at the kind, brilliant, amazing man in front of him.
Rogue felt another jolt of that electricity as their arms almost touched.
He wondered how long he would have with this new and wonderful stranger, and then also why he was troubling himself with the thought at all.
He’d not been asking the Doctor for marriage, but for some simple commitment. A sign he should stay longer than this one adventure. To see those worlds he’d promised. At least for a little while. Now he couldn’t stop wondering how much of their connection was real and how much had been for show.
Socially anxious king
It was then that Rogue emotionally left his body and started panicking a good 50 feet above the scene playing out below.
‘So, have you known the Duchess long?’ It was here that Rogue hoped the Doctor was his bounty because his small talk game was not his best quality.
Usually, the imaginary conversations Rogue had with [Art] were when he was alone in the ship but in moments of crisis sometimes, he would imagine him, a life raft in a sea of social interaction nightmares.
‘Can’t I storm off alone?’ said Rogue. ‘I would rather not talk in front of this many people.’
I had to stop and compose myself for a minute
‘Don’t blame me! De Lacaille chose them! Great astronomer, bad with names.’ Then he smiled cheekily. ‘But if it’s romance you’re after? He also named those stars there the pump, the chisel and Norma.’ Okay, he was flirting now. Ruby would be furious with him if this silly side quest was what got him killed.
‘Not what I’m after,’ replied Rogue, his tone back to matter-of-fact but his face blushing a little.
["the pump"]
Rogue had met many dreamers and magicians in his travels. It was surprising how many had bounties on their heads; he immediately recalled quite a complicated winter with Houdini.
[...WHAT. Was this the winter after the Doctor's long hot summer?? What a year Houdini had.]
On the banks of the pond, the pair of them dragged themselves out. Rogue’s shirt was stuck to his body; the Doctor’s was the same. They were both drenched through. They looked at each other and laughed. ‘Okay, Ruby was right, this is a bit Mr Darcy.’
[I know the odds of this having been filmed are almost zero, nobody's letting Jonathan risk his voice jumping into a pond in Britain at night in May, but #releasetheherroncut]
[Rogue imagines a letter in which his dead love Art gives a potential new relationship his blessing] Please give him a hug from me and do not name a child or dog in my memory when you move in together. A cactus is fine, though. [Almost put this in 'Rogue is horrendously into him' but the 'WHEN you move in together' had me putting the book down for a second. Also that Rogue is contemplating what they should or should not name their future dog OR CHILD.]
Just pure romance
[on seeing the ship] Oh, Rogue, he thought. What happened, love?
Rogue just stared in awe, taking in the Doctor, all of them. ‘You’re beautiful,’ he said.
Rogue slowly opened his arms, and the Doctor fell into them and sobbed. ‘I’m sorry,’ Rogue said over and over.
Rogue looked into the Doctor’s eyes and knew that he would never stop caring. Could never stop wanting to help, to fight, to go on. That was who he was. The Doctor let go of Rogue’s hand and climbed in through the window, and Rogue did what he knew he would do for ever.
Follow him.
Then he stepped forward and wrapped the Doctor in his arms and kissed him. It was a soft, passionate kiss, full of promise. The moment was tender. Romantic. It was theirs.
As he fell, his mind had one, clear thought. Worth every second.
The Doctor just kept smiling, keeping his eyes on the sky. ‘At least we got to live and love together a bit. Exist.’
Of all the timelines they could both have inhabited, Rogue was grateful that their eyes had met on this one. What a great surprise that had been from the universe. Yes, right now, he was lonely, but time wasn’t linear, and this was his favourite thing about it. Rogue was sitting in this cave, but he was also walking with the Doctor in the garden, he was laughing with Art in the Yossarian, he was falling from a building, he was running from one memory of his life to another. All at once.
Rogue was in the Doctor’s arms, spinning around and around, for ever.
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dinahdelightful · 2 months
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i think Darcy would be a magician doing death defying acts— they cant die, so why would any of the assistants they hire? Theyre just being lazy, nobody wants to work these days.
the general (everyone calls swap au will the general may as well follow suit), with his past in the military, is able to avoid Darcy’s affectionate attempts on his life. When not regularly avoiding death or humoring Darcy’s strange new fixation, he’s on the hunt for Mark. He took his friends from him.
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widow-tarot · 2 years
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GROUPS: 1 - 2 - 3 4 - 5 - 6
INSTRUCTION: Pick a picture that speaks to you/you are the most drawn to, check out which group it belongs to, and scroll down to read what your reading is about! PLEASE do not choose more than one, unless you feel very strongly about two groups.
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Decks used: The Dreamkeepers Tarot, Mystic Dreamer Tarot, Egyptian Tarot, Witches Tarot, Romance Angels Oracle, Crystal Wisdom Oracle, Angelarium Oracle, Literary Witches Oracle, Gypsy Cards, Dark Mirror Oracle.
How will you meet this person?
(High Priestess, The Magician, 5 of Cups Reversed, The Fool, Ace of Wands, Page of Wands Reversed)
Literally, anything that is connected to witchcraft, religion or spirituality in general. Could be church if you're Christian, could be an esoteric shop, could be a specific event where witchy people meet up or have their rituals, coven maybe. So again, anything that is connected to beliefs but also magic and rituals. This is a brief description because for every single one of you it's going to be a different situation. There's a lot of energy flowing so I think of a place where there are lots of people and it's a little bit chaotic, a lot is happening. One thing is for sure; you're going to be in a good place mentally when you meet. Look out for Aquarius season (January/February) and Aries season (March/April). For others of you Scorpio/Cancer season.
Who are they?
(Hierophant, 7 of Pentacles Reversed, Queen of Cups Reversed, Knight of Wands Reversed, 5 of Pentacles, 8 of Cups Reversed)
They are a very serious person with strong male energy. If I had to compare them to someone, it would be Mr. Darcy from Pride and Prejudice. This is this type of person; kinda cold, serious, strict, well-mannered, calm, critical, doesn't talk much, doesn't like social activities, prefers to be alone, cynical, and someone who complains. Just imagine Mr. Darcy! They're a pessimist for sure, but someone who is loyal and has a hard time letting go of people they love. They repress their feelings a lot and are not very good at social cues. Their career is well-developed, and they have money or prestige for sure. Their love language is acts of love and quality time. They are not fond of physical love or affirmations. Likes books. Would like to have a partner that is equal when it comes to intelligence and hobbies.
Their energy has strong earth vibes (especially Capricorn) but let's see what the cards say.
Astro Details from my Astro Cards: Sun/Ascending in Fire Sign, influential/stelliums in 12th/6th/3rd house, Saturn in Earth Sign or influential Saturn, influential Venus/Pluto, influential Aquarius. We have lots of Air and Earth energy.
From Tarot: influential Taurus/Cancer/Leo, Saturn/Mercury in Taurus, Saturn in Pisces.
So, in conclusion: strong Saturn/Capricorn/Taurus energy, strong earth and air energy.
The energy of the connection.
(ALL REVERSED - 4 of Wands, Page of Cups, High Priestess, Queen of Pentacles, Justice, 7 of Pentacles)
This connection will require a lot of work from both of you. You are different people, sometimes too different to communicate properly and this connection is here to teach you how to fix whatever needs fixing. It's a very important connection for you, dare I say karmic. Will you be long together? I can't say, it varies from person to person. All I know is it's going to be very tiring and frustrating as if you can't find the same wavelength. There are feelings, of course, but your person will not be used to expressing themselves when it comes to emotions and what's underneath and you're just going to ask and ask because you want to know them but they're so mysterious all the time. There's a lot of stress, and hardly any fun. Will you be happy with this connection? No. I think it can last a few months but you will quickly see negatives.
Channeled message from this person.
(The World Reversed, 6 of Pentacles, King of Swords, Strength, 10 of Wands, 5 of Wands Reversed)
I wish we had more time together; I really tried, you have to believe me. It just feels like the world was against us and our relationship was always destined to fail. I would give you everything I could and I would buy you everything you wanted, but you didn't want my money or fancy stuff. You just wanted someone that will fulfill your emotional needs and I thought I could, but in reality, I am unable to make you happy. We were both fed up and exhausted. I know I'm too rough on the edges and the soft side of me is so well-hidden that no one has seen it yet. I didn't want to fight so I let you yell at me and say whatever you wanted to tell me, hoping it would be enough; hoping I didn't have to express my feelings for you. I wish I could do things differently, but then again, I probably wouldn't.
The Universe's take on this connection.
(Pond, Noose, Yesod, Phanuel, Uriel, Peaceful Among The Thorns, Atonement, Malady, Sweetheart, You Deserve Love, Chemistry, Mookaite Jasper, Carnelian)
With the Pond and Noose (they come from the same deck) it's like... "I will save you from drowning but you have to hang yourself" type of connection. As in there was never a good option or a way to fix whatever was wrong between you. You can drown in a Pond or you can die by a Noose. There was never an option of saving this connection.
Malady and Sweetheart: those two cards only show women so it's almost like the only one that was driven to bed (as in sick) was you. Your person was fine, you were the only one getting the short end of a stick, so to speak. From this energetic person to a nightmare-looking person. This connection was just bad for you.
Yesod (Root/Connection), Phanuel (Angel of Truth), Uriel (Angel of Flame): Yesod "forms the gate between physical and spiritual", it's also the last emanation so in this relationship, the connection is severed or non-existent. You're just from different worlds. Uriel, on the other hand, just tells me of a more physical/sexual aspect of your connection. The flame is weak, Uriel "knows only yearning" and here the attraction is... not there. Maybe you just have different views on sex or different kinks. Now, finally, Phanuel here means that both of you knew what were you going into, you knew the truth of this connection, yet you chose it.
Chemistry and You Deserve Love: another sign of no chemistry, my dudes and You Deserve Love just means you deserve better. Not that this person was toxic, they weren't for you, that's all.
Mookaite Jasper and Carnelian: this connection is a challenge and a learning experience so treat it as one. There are misunderstandings and differences in the sexual area.
Frequency: earthy to medium/high. Chakras: base x2, sacral x2, earth star. Soul Path: drawing on ancestral wisdom and expressing soul vitality. Mookaite Jasper: You are what you eat. Good nutrition with wholesome organic foods sustains your well-being. Carnelian: Sufficient vitamins and minerals support your metabolism for optimum well-being.
Atonement and Peaceful Among Thorns: for something beautiful to appear in our life, we have to go through shit and mud. We have to pay more than what is due, creating closure. You can't speed or slow this process down, you can't manifest just because you don't want this tough connection.
New Ways by Daughter
goodbye by Billie Eilish
They Own This Town by flora cash
2002 - Demo by Jess Benko
Sit Next To Me by Foster The People
The Only Heartbreaker by Mitski
Chinese Satellite by Phoebe Bridgers
Summer '09 by Vancouver Sleep Clinic
All Through The Night by Sleeping At Last
Sweetheart, What Have You Done To Us by Keaton Hanson
Become The Warm Jets by Current Joys
You liked it? Leave a tip - paypal.me/sadwidow! Or book a private reading!
How will you meet this person?
(6 of Wands Reversed, The Moon, Page of Wands Reversed, The Fool Reversed, 7 of Wands, 4 of Swords Reversed)
It's going to be a cold summer night somewhere outdoor. I see a bonfire for some of you, for others of you a lake and you are just observing the moon. Fishing maybe? Maybe it's a trip with your friends; you know, this kinda trip where you don't know any people, food and entertainment is already paid for. I'm not talking about any abroad vacation, I'm not even sure it's a vacation. It's a max 2-day trip. I see woods and general nature, away from the city center. The timing is whenever the weather is the warmest. Actually, you might know this person or not, I don't see any particular information about that but with the Fool Reversed it's like.... I know you and you can't fool me. So for some of you, you know this person. Could be even a school reunion!
Who are they?
(Hierophant, 5 of Swords Reversed, Ace of Swords, Emperor Reversed, High Priestess, 2 of Pentacles)
Their energy is very difficult to read. This is someone who is grounded but has a spiritual side. They're pretty balanced out, has female energy. They don't say what they truly mean; they hide a lot. It doesn't mean they're lying, it just means they're very avoidant with the truth. There's some blockage with communication. They portray themselves as someone weak or someone who is not a danger to others - they know they can be vicious though but I don't think they manipulate others on purpose. They're very elusive, whatever that means. Again, it's a very difficult energy to read.
This person has strong water energy.
Astro Details from my Astro Cards: Venus in Earth/Water Sign, Mercury in Air/Earth Sign, stelliums/influential 8th/2nd house, influential Sun/Pluto, Pluto in Air Sign, influential Scorpio. Very strong Scorpio as well as Venus/Mercury.
From Tarot: Taurus, Aries, influential Moon, Venus in Aquarius, Jupiter in Capricorn, influential air energy.
In conclusion, very strong water/air/earth placements. VERY BIG Scorpio energy (Pluto and 8th house as well), but Mercury/Venus is significant as well.
The energy of the connection.
(2 of Swords Reversed, Knight of Pentacles, 5 of Wands Reversed, Knight of Swords Reversed, 3 of Wands Reversed, 2 of Wands Reversed)
This is something that will develop very slowly. There's a lot of uncertainty here and cowardice as well. Both of you are afraid to cross a certain boundary so whatever you have won't crumble. It could be a friendship that you have and that you're afraid you're going to lose. There's something about the past so there is a group of you that knew this person before. There's a lot of back and forth, playing this game of what the other person thinks. It's all really slow, there's not that much communication but most of all, there is no bravery or initiative to come forward or to push this connection forward. You are focusing on building a strong fundament (or re-building).
Channeled message from this person.
(The World, 5 of Swords, High Priestess Reversed, 9 of Cups, 8 of Cups, Temperance Reversed)
I am unhappy without you. I thought it would be better after I left, I thought I'd be satisfied and free but I want to come back to you. We keep finding each other, doesn't that mean we are destined? I gave you up just so I could have someone better or so I thought. I overestimated myself and underestimated you. I was wrong, we both know that even if we don't say it out loud. I know that trust has been lost but I'll try my best to bring it back, to show you I am worth your time and energy. I got karma for leaving you and it was bad. I was miserable. I am coming back home.
The Universe's take on this connection.
(Janet Frame, Joy Harjo, Mirabai, Sandalphon, Tiferet, Gabriel, Gilded Regret, Is This Me?, Lapis Lazuli, Brandenberg Amethyst, Wedding, Stay Optimistic About Your Love Life, Message, Journey, Ecclesiastic)
Janet Frame, Joy Harjo and Mirabai: this is a person that is yours and you are the person that is theirs, no matter if it's platonic or romantic. When you're together, it feels like home. You belong to stand side by side. However, there are a lot of things to fix and clear, someone needs to take the initiative, otherwise, it could take a long time. But you guys can give each other so much, you're so loyal to each other and you almost worship one another.
Message, Journey and Ecclesiastic: the Universe and Guides are working to bring you guys back together. This connection is guided and protected by outer forces and there is nothing you can do to stop it from existing. You will get a message soon/you will get in contact soon.
Lapis Lazuli and Brandenberg Amethyst: you guys have a past, that's obvious but I think there are some past lives connections that bond you together. It seems like you find each other in every life if you are reborn at the same time, of course. But there is also a huge need for letting go of what once was between you, all regrets and pain. Forgiveness is important.
Frequency: high, extremely high. Chakra: throat, third eye, crown, all. Soul Path: divine reconnection, seeing the perfection in each moment. Lapis Lazuli: Attuning to your own divine nature enhances your well-being. Brandenberg Amethyst: You are perfect exactly the way you are.
Sandalphon (Angel of New Life), Tiferet (Heart/Beauty), Gabriel (Angel of Heralds): Tiferet is the "pillar of balance" and "is without extremes or absolutes". This connection is everything you could ever want in your significant other on a spiritual level. This is it. You are home to each other. Gabriel is another indication of how much this connection is protected by the Universe. Sandalphon is the last angel in this deck. This is it. You complete each other so much you could ascend. I can't say it any clearer.
Wedding and Stay Optimistic About Your Love Life: for some of you, this connection will end in a marriage of convenience, not love. It's not that you don't love each other, you do but not in a romantic way. You do it because why wouldn't you marry your favorite person in the whole world? None of your other relationships worked so might as well have this person even closer. For others of you, your connection will end up in a marriage as well, just in a more romantic way, however, there are still a lot of friendly vibes.
Is This Me? and Gilded Regret: "If the old dream is alive, it's time to go back to it". Both of you will never be happy when you're apart. You need each other for support and understanding. You can't just not talk to each other for several years because deep down, it makes you miserable. You will always miss each other and reminisce about the past. You look for each other subconsciously.
Dreams Of William by Daughter
Getting Older by Billie Eilish
when I was young by flora cash
Self Deprecation by Jess Benko
Houdini by Foster The People
Goodbye, My Danish Sweetheart by Mitski
Punisher by Phoebe Bridgers
Ayahuasca by Vancouver Sleep Clinic
Atlas: Body by Sleeping At Last
Career Day by Keaton Hanson
Dancer in The Dark by Current Joys
You liked it? Leave a tip - paypal.me/sadwidow! Or book a private reading!
How will you meet this person?
(Two Blank Cards Reversed, King of Pentacles Reversed, Knight of Wands, 4 of Wands, The Hanged Man)
You have either already met them OR there are too many people to exactly say how and where. The one thing I can say for sure is that you will have two (or more) false starts - you will begin your connection by either not liking each other/straight up hating each other OR the fate/Universe/guides will bring you together for a quick chat and the "we have to meet again" and then you don't meet again for like a couple of years. Again, it depends on a person. When it comes to significant places I see a couple of them: lake, concert, party, rave. No specifics. The timing is not up to you and you can't fuck it up; you will get together when you're meant to. At the moment, the energy is quite fast so maybe you're being brought (back) together as you're reading this.
Who are they?
(The Emperor Reversed, The Star, Devil Reversed, 2 of Wands, 8 of Swords, Justice Reversed)
They're the humanitarian, the charitable, the kind. A person who is an advocate for those who are treated unfairly and who has a bad life. They hate politicians, they want to abolish government, and "eat the rich" vibe. Strong male energy; I feel like he's more action than thinking/planning. He's ready to go and to do whatever needs to be done. Reckless at times. Strong sense of justice and morality in general. Sometimes get overwhelmed by the dark side of the world, can get stuck in their head a lot, and be very emotional. They're just a good person, a little bit unstable.... or maybe that's the wrong word, I meant that they are very into their charity work so they can get lost in their ideals. Sometimes not in check with reality, irresponsible. Strong Aquarius vibes.
This person has strong fire/water energy.
Astro Details From My Astro Cards: Mars/Pluto in a fire sign, Neptune/Moon/Ascending in a water sign, Venus in an earth sign, Jupiter in an air sign, influential 11th house, big Scorpio energy, lots of/significant square placements.
From Tarot: significant Aries/Aquarius/Capricorn/Libra, Jupiter in Gemini, Mars in Aries.
In conclusion: very strong Scorpio/Aries influence, some significant air placements as well. Significant Mars/Jupiter.
The energy of the connection.
(10 of Swords, Justice, 5 of Pentacles, Page of Swords Reversed, The Devil, Queen of Pentacles)
This is a highly addictive connection, that's for sure. There's an attraction and mutual understanding, but if we go deep down, major issues start to resurface. You'll realize there are things you didn't talk about or consider before getting together. You enjoyed the idea of this person and the fantasy of being with them - then the reality came and it was disappointing. They are not what you expected them to be once the honeymoon period passes and you take off your rose-colored glasses (you can finally see the red flags). You begin to disagree on almost everything. There were things in the past that you thought you agreed on but now you realize, you have completely different views. But the major issue is how you see the most important parts of living/being together. However, I am not saying this connection can't work. This relationship is here to teach you the downs of sharing a life with another person and how to overcome the obstacles. If you really want to, you can make this work; remember though that it takes lots of work to figure it out.
Channeled message from this person.
(The Fool Reversed, 7 of Swords, 2 of Pentacles Reversed, Justice Reversed, 9 of Cups Reversed, 7 of Cups Reversed)
Will you leave me like everyone else in my life? Will you betray me like them; tell me you love me and you'll stay, then run at the very first sign of my flawed persona. I know I'm not an easy person to love or to be with, but that doesn't mean I deserve to be abandoned. Every time someone tells me I'm difficult, I lose part of myself and get lost in the darkness. It's not fair. I give all I have to others, I want to make this world a better place to live in, yet I can't make people around me happy. It's not fair and I don't know what I'm doing wrong.
The Universe's take on this connection.
(True Love, Forgiving and Learning, Death, Love, Chrysocolla, Turquoise, Elixir, Snail, Parasite, Bride In A Cage, Uriel, Yesod)
True Love and Forgiving and Learning: this connection could make you really happy but under one condition: you're willing to compromise and forgive each other. Also, understanding each other and learning how to cope/interact is also important. It's mostly a lesson for both of you, but a lesson that could end in a happy relationship.
Death and Love: you can't see the pictures but they are 2 extremes that exist next to each other. They're looking in the opposite directions, one is looking up while the other is looking down, one is colorful and happy while the other is gloomy and dark. Yet they chose to appear next to each other in reading to symbolize that despite the differences, you still can find a way to work together in harmony.
Elixir and Snail: elixir can kill or make someone ill BUT the snail is so slow to drink it that the elixir loses all its toxic characteristics and became just some weird and awful drink. This is how I could describe this connection. It basically confirms what I said before. You neutralize each other in the right environment, so to speak.
Uriel (Angel of Flame) and Yesod (Root/Connection): this is like the 3rd group that has those 2 cards, it's very frustrating so let me say this: there's an attraction and willingness to make it work. However, if you want to keep this spark/flame alive, you have to cherish and take care of it (aka the root of the spark aka Yesod). Do you feel me?
Chrysocolla and Turquoise: Chrysocolla literally speaks about forgiving, remaining strong during challenges, "accepting what you cannot change" and "rectifying relationships that can be healed". If you're dealing with some trauma from the past, then that also can have a big influence on this connection so... notice the patterns. Turquoise is about karma, "letting go of what no longer serves you" and "speaking what used to be unspeakable". It also tells about good friends.
Frequency: medium to high, earthy. Chakra: throat, third eye, cleanses and activates all. Soul Path: attuning to inner riches, loving and valuing yourself. Chrysocolla: Recognize that bitterness and self-doubt have no place in well-being. Nourish your body with self-love and gentleness. Turquoise: Your true riches lie not in the bank but in your heart.
Parasite and Bride In A Cage: as I said before, this connection can be addicting at times so be careful not to lose yourself. Also, notice when your partner is being an energetic vampire or takes too much from you while not giving anything back. Talk with them about any doubts you might have; don't let yourself be manipulated into a cage from which you won't be able to escape. The same goes for your partner.
Candles by Daughter
Six Feet Under by Billie Eilish
Soul Mate by flora cash
New Friends by Jess Benko
Downtown by Foster The People
Fireworks by Mitski
Salt In The Wound by Phoebe Bridgers, Julien Baker, Lucy Dacus
In The End by Vancouver Sleep Clinic
Rainbow Connection by Sleeping At Last
Maps by Keaton Hanson
No One Will Dance, Pt. 2 by Current Joys
You liked it? Leave a tip - paypal.me/sadwidow! Or book a private reading!
How will you meet them?
(8 of Cups, 8 of Swords, 6 of Wands Reversed, The Fool, Blank Card Reversed, 7 of Pentacles)
You'll meet them when you're entering a new phase in your life and when you're the most vulnerable. Could be a move to another city, starting college or leaving a relationship. You're lost and looking for something that will make you comfortable or something that you see yourself staying in. You're looking for your place in the world, somewhere you could belong.
Who are they?
(King of Wands Reversed, Queen of Pentacles, Page of Wands, 6 of Pentacles Reversed, Hierophant Reversed, Chariot Reversed)
They're friendly and charismatic, that's for sure. They have some ugly energy that's hidden under all that charm though and I can't quite put my finger on what exactly is wrong with them. I feel they're a good manipulator or at least they know how to read people and use that to their advantage. For others for you, they have learned how to hide their flaws and less ideal characteristics so people wouldn't be put off by their presence. For some of you, they could have an antisocial personality disorder (psychopathy/sociopathy) BUT that doesn't make them evil or serial killers, just to clarify - also, they don't have to have that disorder, they could be toxic and that's all there is to them. They also could be a narcissist. They experience things differently and that's all you need to know. They are also non-traditional (LGBT, abstract career, an odd sense of humor or hobbies, etc).
This person has water/fire energy.
Astro Details From My Astro Cards: Uranus in an air sign, Pluto in a water/fire sign, influential Pisces, Mars in a fire sign, Jupiter in a fire sign, Moon in a water sign, Saturn in an earth sign, influential Venus, a lot of aspects that work well together (Trine).
Tarot Astro: influential Cancer/Taurus/Capricorn/Sagittarius, Moon in Taurus.
In conclusion: VERY strong water placements (Cancer is the strongest, second is Scorpio, then Pisces), important Moon and Pluto, and strong fire energy (Sagittarius is the strongest), some Taurus and Capricorn influence as well.
The energy of this connection.
(The Devil, 4 of Wands Reversed, Page of Pentacles, The Lovers Reversed, 9 of Swords, 2 of Pentacles)
This relationship exists so you can learn from it and the lesson is painful. This person is The Devil - very charming and hard to resist, they will pull you in and never let you go. It's very difficult to get over them and to be honest, I don't think anyone truly has succeeded at that. They will either try to alienate you from your friends or just test the waters and see how far will you go to satisfy them. This is a very toxic relationship, I'll say that. You will be in a lot of mental pain, I don't see any physical abuse. This person is not capable of love or genuine feelings, at least not for you and you will realize that very quickly; however, this won't stop you from pursuing this connection. Very addicting and toxic energy, something that you will have to cut off on your own because if they can, they will have you in their grasp for as long as it's possible.
Channeled message from this person.
(King of Wands Reversed, Queen of Pentacles Reversed, 6 of Cups Reversed, The Magician, Justice Reversed, The World Reversed)
You stabbed me in the back and hurt me after all that I've done for you? I was so good to you, I would give you starts if it was possible but you decided you don't need me anymore and left. You knew how people treated me in my past, yet you chose to do the same. It's not fair. Why must I suffer this way? You took everything from me just to keep yourself happy and entertained. What about me and my feelings? I learned a lot from this relationship, though. I am stronger than before but I won't give you credit for that.
The Universe's take on this connection.
(Citrine, Quantum Quattro, Is This Me?, Parasite, Getting To Know Each Other, Retreat, Falseness, Blank Card, Azrael, Remiel, Doll, Octavia E. Butler)
Getting To Know Each Other and Retreat: it was very difficult to shuffle this Romance Angels Oracle Deck because lots of cards just flew out constantly. This person will make you a lot of promises and will say sweet words, but they don't mean anything. Learn how to differentiate between false and true.
Falseness and Blank Card: Falseness card is self-explanatory but the Blank Card means that they are able to paint their reality however they want. They will say one thing and then get angry because they never said anything like that!
Doll and Octavia E. Butler: You're just a toy to them, a pretty doll to show off to everyone but no real feelings attached. You fit their personality/appearance and that's enough. Octavia E. Butler tells me they're interested in the dark things and the dark side of the internet. They could be scary at times or they're just very good at taking all options under consideration and picking the best one that suits them.
Azrael (Angel of Death) and Remiel (Angel of Visions): Remiel is here to tell you that you can get through it. This reading might seem scary and now you're terrified but remember that it's a general reading and not everything will resonate or be true for you! Azrael will intervene in this relationship and will give you the strength to end it when you will be ready.
Is This Me? and Parasite: this person is an energy vampire. They make you feel small just so they can feel bigger than they actually are. They are feeding off of you and your pain. This connection will allow you to understand who you are and realize how strong you are to be able to deal with the bullshit they put you through. You have to learn resilience and independence from this relationship.
Citrine and Quantum Quattro: Quantum Quattro literally says "Release yourself from co-dependencies and abusive relationships. Heal your inner child. Recognize the many resources you have to draw on.". You will have to dig deep within yourself and you'll appreciate the people that you have around you that helped you when you needed it the most. There might be some past issues that need awareness. Citrine keeps talking about healing the inner child so you might want to get into that during the relationship.
Frequency: high. Chakra: cleanses, activates, and reenergizes all. Soul Path: embodying abundance, holistic healing for the soul. Citrine: True abundance comes from within. Nurture your desires, do what gives joy to your wise child self. Quantum Quattro: Recognising that you cannot heal anyone else or influence their behavior allows you to focus energy on your own well-being.
Smother by Daughter
my future by Billie Eilish
You Love Me by flora cash
Running by Jess Benko
Walk With A Big Stick by Foster The People
Real Men by Mitski
Sidelines by Phoebe Bridgers
Bad Dream by Vancouver Sleep Clinic
Already Gone by Sleeping At Last
Corpse Roads by Keaton Henson
Blondie by Current Joys
You liked it? Leave a tip - paypal.me/sadwidow! Or book a private reading!
How will you meet them?
(Knight of Wands Reversed, Hermit Reversed, King of Cups, Emperor Reversed, 3 of Wands, 2 of Swords Reversed, Temperance)
Meeting them can take a long time. Most of the cards are reversed and also it took me so long to read for groups 5 and 6. I see some maturity and healing have to take place for you guys to come together. There are too many blockages between you - if you meet now, you won't last. There's a need to realize your own potential and find out who you are. Self-reflection and introspection are crucial. Other than that, I see the sea and mountains so maybe you'll meet each other somewhere around the water. Possibly winter.
Who are they?
(King of Cups, 2 of Pentacles Reversed, High Priestess, Ace of Wands, 8 of Swords, 8 of Wands, 7 of Pentacles Reversed)
They are someone who is spiritually evolved and emotionally mature. Kind, caring, and empathetic but also cold, cruel and unforgiving if they want to be. They might have a short temper and sometimes it can overwhelm them. Possible ADHD. They can experience emotions stronger than you, it's more intense for them. If someone breaks their trust, they don't give them another chance. They can get too much in their head and often they need space to figure stuff out. Can be reckless and chaotic. Patience is needed for this person. Lots of motivation and ideas but it also could mean high sex drive.
This person has strong fire/earth energy.
Astro Details From My Astro Cards: Venus/Neptune/Saturn in earth, Uranus in fire, Mars/Ascending in Air, Neptune in water, Aries, Scorpio, Asteroid Lilith. Significant Scorpio/Aries influence, significant Neptune, fire/earth influence, difficult placements in general.
Tarot Astro: Pisces, Jupiter in Capricorn, Moon, Jupiter in Gemini, Mercury in Sagittarius, Saturn in Taurus. Significant Jupiter and Sagittarius placements. Strong fire energy.
In conclusion: strong fire energy, influential fire/earth placements, Mars is a complicated placement, difficult Aries/Scorpio influence, significant Jupiter/Neptune and Sagittarius. Some Capricorn energy.
The energy of the connection.
(3 of Cups reversed, Queen of Pentacles Reversed, 9 of Pentacles Reversed, 3 of Wands, King of Pentacles Reversed, Empress Reversed, 4 of Wands Reversed)
There's a huge gap between you guys. You will learn how to love, how to forgive and how to live with each other. A relationship is hard work and this connection will force you to become your best selves. This connection has so much potential, but it will be very difficult at first. All the cards are reversed except 3 of Wands. One person will have issues with jealousy and trust, and the other person will turn to substance abuse when confronted with a problem (or will be an excessive party person, neglecting their partner).
Channeled message from this person.
(Page of Swords Reversed, 10 of Swords, Knight of Pentacles Reversed, Page of Cups, 4 of Pentacles, 3 of Swords Reversed, King of Swords Reversed)
I don't know how to explain to you all the ways I'm hurting inside. I have my demons and they won't leave me alone; I don't know what to do to be happy and make you stay by my side. I know it's difficult to be with me but please don't leave. Words get stuck in my throat and I swallow them - they leave a bitter taste. You teach me how to love and how to cope but I have a long road ahead. Please be patient. I know I can do this. I know I can be better. You've already helped me so much but I still am this pathetic little creature you had met. I'm sorry. Please be patient with me.
The Universe's take on this connection.
(Boar, Toni Morrison, Hope, Enemy, Sahaqiel, Da'at, Pink Granite, Smoky Quartz Elestial, Triumph of Lies, Envious Gluttony, Keep an Open Mind, Heart-to-Heart Conversations, Calling in your soulmate)
Keep an Open Mind, Heart-to-Heart Conversations and Calling in your soulmate: This person will differ from your usual type (could be either in appearance or personality). You will not be convinced you like them but with time, you will grow to enjoy their company. Communication is very important in this connection and this will one of the major issues for both of you. Keep an open mind when it comes to this relationship.
Boar and Toni Morrison: Both of you will have to learn how to keep your ego in check because both of you have strong personalities that might clash. Compromise is important. Masculine energy is strong here - there's a need to get in touch with feminine energy more. Leave the toxic masculinity behind. You don't have to argue and win to still be in control.
Hope and Enemy: The message here is pretty clear. Have hope for this connection and remember that you are not enemies. A relationship is a partnership and fighting and proving the other wrong will benefit no one.
Smoky Quartz Elestial and Pink Granite: Shadow side will come out and it's going to be ugly. You will see each other and yourselves in a new light - you will be surprised at how much darkness you have in you. You will create the fundaments for a healthy relationship after how much you've been through together.
Frequency: earthly, high, exceptionally high. Chakra: all, earth star, higher crown, sacral, base. Soul Path: a lightning conductor for positive change, total transmutation. Smoky Quartz Elestial: No part of you is evil or bad. Embracing your shadow leads you to healing gifts hidden in the darkest reaches of yourself. Pink Granite: Everything must pass away. Death precedes transformation and rebirth.
Sahaqiel (Angel of Sky) and Da'at (Null/Emptiness): When you find yourself in darkness, search for your partner's hand and trust they will not harm you. Compassion and understanding are needed.
Triumph of Lies and Envious Gluttony: Message again about leaving your ego and the need to win behind. You can't win in a relationship. Feelings inside of you will be ugly but sometimes it's important to take what's dirty and show it to your partner so that you can clean it. Let go of the expectations of what a relationship should be. This is your own business and no one else's.
Tomorrow by Daughter
Bored by Billie Eilish
For Someone by flora cash
kiss me before u go. by Jess Benko
Houdini by Foster The People
Washing Machine Heart by Mitski
Salt In The Wound by Phoebe Bridgers
Summer '09 by Vancouver Sleep Clinic
Light by Sleeping At Last
Lying To You by Keaton Henson
The Breakfast Club (I'm Feeling Wild With You) by Current Joys
You liked it? Leave a tip - paypal.me/sadwidow! Or book a private reading!
How will you meet them?
(King of Swords Reversed, 9 of Pentacles, Chariot Reversed, 6 of Pentacles Reversed, Star Reversed, 2 of Pentacles, Queen of Swords)
You'll meet them at a bad moment in your life. You will feel stuck and lonely, and you'd avoid people and be unpleasant to others. They come in as someone who has their shit together, who doesn't fuck around and who doesn't tolerate bullshit. Other people will treat you like a delicate flower because you're in a bad space but not this person - they are mature and have a sharp tongue. Just because you're hurting doesn't mean you can be mean to others.
Who are they?
(Judgement, Star, 8 of Wands Reversed, 5 of Pentacles, Knight of Wands Reversed, 6 of Wands Reversed, Hermit)
They are someone who went through a lot in their life. They are mature, serious, independent, and reliable, they stay strong and fight for what they believe. They judge others a lot, and they strive to be their best self. They are calculating and could be cold/emotionless. They have problems with being spontaneous and chill and fun. They treat life very seriously. They need a lot of alone time. They don't talk a lot (I have some difficulties with saying anything more about them).
This person has strong earth energy.
Astro Details From My Astro Cards: Mars in earth/fire, Neptune in air/earth/water, Venus in water, Uranus in air, Aquarius, Leo, Air Element.
Tarot Astro: Pluto, Aquarius, Mercury in Sagittarius/Taurus, Leo, Jupiter in Leo, Virgo.
In conclusion: very strong earth/air energy, very strong Virgo energy, influential Neptune/Mars, very little fire/water placements. Difficult Leo/Aquarius influence.
The energy of this connection.
(7 of Wands, Sun Reversed, Judgement Reversed, Knight of Pentacles Reversed, 6 of Pentacles, 8 of Pentacles Reversed, Knight of Wands Reversed)
It's a very challenging connection. This person will give you financial/material stability and they won't have any problems with spending money on you. However, they're very difficult to deal with when it comes to emotional support. They hide their feelings and prefer not to talk about anything difficult. Talking about emotions with them feels like fighting with a crocodile - you beat the crocodile with a stick for it to just fuck off already. They are very negative and pessimistic. Sex is not important to them (could be asexual as well). It seems like no matter what you do, they don't want to change (or even try to change). This is a very difficult energy to deal with because it's stubborn and fixed.
Channeled message from this person.
(4 of Swords, Ace of Wands, King of Cups Reversed, 4 of Wands, Queen of Swords Reversed, Page of Swords Reversed, 2 of Wands Reversed)
I stopped trying a long ago. I don't know how to make you happy and we fight constantly. There are so many things I will never say to you because it's something that I don't want anyone to hear. I am tired. You make me feel exhausted. I don't see us together if our relationship stays this way. There is a slight hope in me that it will work out in the end but the realistic part of me already knows the answer. I just want to lie down and sleep.
Universe's take on this connection.
(Glove, Janet Frame, Remph, Yesod, I Won't Cry For You, Is This Me?, Bloodstone, Garnet, Blue Lace Agate, Sadness, Constancy, Children, Let Go Of Control Issues)
Children and Let Go Of Control Issues: Major issue in this relationship is how your partner's childhood affects their adult connections. You have to let go of the possibility this person will change or heal - either accept them how they are or walk away.
Sadness and Constancy: Very literal message here. Constant sadness and negativity are present in this connection. It's very unlikely anything will change.
Glove and Janes Frame: This is not a connection you will be happy in, you will realize the huge gap between you guys. Even when you are together, you are truly alone. You have different priorities.
Remph (Angel of Time) and Yesod (Root/Connection): It will be only a matter of time for you guys to split. Your connection might last longer than it should have (or longer than you expected) but it will end inevitably. Seemingly you created fundaments for your connections but they are weak and your relationship falls apart when faced with any major issue.
I Won't Cry For You and Is This Me?: You will question your identity while in a relationship, but also after the breakup. You will feel lost and unsure of what you want anymore. Most of all, you will be angry at this person, at yourself, at the world.
Bloodstone, Garnet and Blue Lace Agate: This connection will show you how important communication and expressing your feelings are. Don't feel discourages by this connection. It happened because it was meant to make you stronger. You will see human relationships in a different way and you will benefit from that. It's fine to make mistakes and love the wrong people.
Frequency: earthly, medium to high, medium. Chakra: purifies and aligns lower chakras, throat, third eye, heart x2, crown, base, and sacral. Soul Path: freedom from the past, expressing yourself fully, expressing your soul's passion. Bloodstone: Nourish your blood and you revitalize your whole body. Garnet: Finding an appropriate outlet for your passions and your emotions creates well-being. Blue Lace Agate: Expressing yourself fully releases shoulder and neck problems, thyroid deficiencies, and throat or lymphatic infections.
Doing the Right Thing by Daughter
hostage by Billie Eilish
Born In The Slumber by flora cash
Ripple by Jess Benko
Chin Music For The Unsuspecting Hero by Foster The People
Francis Forever by Mitski
Smoke Signals by Phoebe Bridgers
Nightfall by Vancouver Sleep Clinic
The Spring by Sleeping At Last
You Don't Know How Lucky You Are by Keaton Henson
My Nights Are More Beautiful Than Your Days by Current Joys
You liked it? Leave a tip - paypal.me/sadwidow! Or book a private reading!
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scarlet--wiccan · 2 months
There’s a (admittedly unverified) rumor that Orlando said the variant witch girl with the pink hair/purple outfit would be showing up in SW 6. But now we know she’s going to be on a team with the other new champions characters (and Justin Jin). Do you have any thoughts on this? I’m a little overwhelmed. I like the design enough but it seems like there’s so many young superheroes and especially magicians they’re all getting the short end of the stick rn
Before I get too far ahead of myself, I can confirm that Orlando teased that the character in question (pictured below) would appear in an upcoming issue of Scarlet Witch. It was on twitter, and I don't have the post saved-- it may have been deleted-- so you'll just have to take my word for it, but I definitely saw it.
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I don't mind these characters being adapted into canon, but I definitely find them redundant and uninteresting. It is absolutely frustrating to see new characters come and go every few years, especially when these younger casts are where Marvel allots most of its token inclusivity. It's hard not to roll your eyes whenever a new crop of kids rolls in, while characters we met five or ten years ago are still waiting for their time in the sun.
For anyone who's not sure what we're talking about, last year, Marvel put out a collection of "New Champions" variant covers that were based loosely on the new Spider-Boy character. The idea was that artists would design hypothetical sidekicks or successors for existing heroes. These characters were not, initially, meant to be included in canon, however, several of them were introduced in the current Spider-Woman series as part of a team called the Alliance. It was later revealed that the kids were victims of HYDRA scientists who had given them artificial powers and false memories-- their hokey junior-Avenger personas, therefore, were illusions belying a much darker origin story. I thought that it was a clever way to justify the intentionally cartoonish, reductive character concepts while actually giving them depth and pathos.
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This week at SDCC, Marvel presented promotional art teasing an upcoming story involving even more of these "New Champions" alongside the Alliance members and a few other recent characters like Kid Juggernaut. I expect that many of these characters will introduced individually over the next few months-- the blue-themed Ghost Rider in the center will be featured in October's Robbie Reyes special, and the pink-haired girl in the top left will allegedly appear in an upcoming issue of Scarlet Witch. If they stick to Spider-Woman's playbook and give the cast a believable reason for their copycat powers and getups, then I can buy into it.
Junior legacy characters are a harder sell than I think most people realize. Marvel's done it a few times, but most of these titles, like Young Avengers or Children of the Atom, subvert the premise by revealing that the kids aren't what they initially seem. Champions played it straigt, but it worked because it had a strong core cast of pre-existing characters. These "New Champions" need to change it up, or else they'll feel exactly like the cheap imitation they always have been.
As for Wanda-- I'm not really interested in giving her a new protogee when she's got two kids of her own, a young niece, Darcy, Holly, and a whole school full of students to pick from.
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ramonaflow · 2 months
10 TV Shows
Thanks for the tag @jesuisici33 🧡
Schitt's Creek
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The magicians
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The Killing
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Outer range
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Stranger things
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And special mention to Backpackers because I know it's ridiculous but I just love it
God that was so hard and I know I've missed some faves
Tagging @flowertrigger @a-noble-dragon @saraminia @rainbowcoloredpalmtrees @smblmn @beaiola @trickiwooao3 @jamilas-pen @chelle-68 @demora00 @wordthieve @njwoman @jettestar @olderthanyourmom @filet-o-feelings @mostlyinthemorning @mrs-f-darcy @stereopticons @smallumbrella369 @stargazer56 @alienajackson @characterassassination-at-9am @carolrain @tyfinn and anybody who wants to 🩷
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lyliah7 · 2 months
✨ The Winx Tarot ✨
I am currently designing a Rider-Waite tarot inspired by all the Winx club seasons (including S8 which I need to finish). I got the idea of making this tarot while rewatching S2 because the codex is in four parts, each associated with a keeper and a school/village, which fit perfectly with the four tarot suits
The Winx Tarot is made up of the 78 traditional cards and probably some additional ones knowing myself (edit: I was right, we have additional ones), I also plan on making a booklet, a box pattern and a tarot cloth (my goal is to be able to print my tarot and actually use it)
You will find some additional info and the full list of cards under the cut, I will add links to their WIP and final versions as I draw them :3
🦋 The Major Arcanas 🦋
They are based on major characters which fit the vibe of the card. They don't match a specific part of the codex but, like the codex, they represent power so their frame contains the codex itself
0 - The Fool: Kiko WIP I - The Magician: Musa II - The High Priestess: Daphne WIP III - The Empress: Queen Marion IV - The Emperor: King Oritel V - The Hierophant: King Erendor VI - The Lovers: Mike & Vanessa Peters WIP VII - The Chariot: Layla/Aisha VIII - Strength: Flora IX - The Hermit: Bloom X - The Wheel of Fortune: Darcy WIP XI - Justice: Icy XII - The Hanged Man: Tecna WIP XIII - Death: Lord Darkar WIP XIV - Temperance: Maia XV - The Devill: Diaspro XVI - The Tower: Stormy XVII - The Star: Stella XVIII - The Moon: Queen Luna XIX - The Sun: King Radius XX - Judgement: Nabu XXI - The World: The Galaxy
🏆 The Suit of Cups 🏆
It is based on Alfea and thus contains almost only Fairy teachers and students
Ace - Alfea II - ??? III - ??? IV - ??? V - Amaryl VI - ??? VII - ??? VIII - Princess Galathea IX - ??? X - Roxy Page - Concorda Knight - Griselda Queen - Faragonda King - Wizgiz
⭐ The Suit of Pentacles ⭐
It is based on Red Fountain and thus contains almost only Specialist teachers and students
Ace - Red Fountain II - ??? III - Brandon IV - Riven V - ??? VI - Timmy VII - Helia VIII - Sky IX - Thoren X - ??? Page - Athena Knight - Codatorta Queen - ??? King - Saladin
🗡️ The Suit of Swords 🗡️
It is based on Cloud Tower and thus contains almost only Witch teachers and students
Ace - Cloud Tower II - ??? III - ??? IV - ??? V - Lucy VI - Mirta VII - Selina VIII - ??? IX - ??? X - ??? Page - Discorda Knight - Zarathustra & Ediltrude Queen - Griffin King - Valtor
🪄 The Suit of Wands 🪄
It is based on Pixie Village and thus contains almost only pixies
Ace - Pixie Village II - Tune III - Chatta IV - Amore V - ??? VI - ??? VII - ??? VIII - Livy IX - Digit X - Piff Page - Ninfea Knight - Zing Queen - Lockette King - Jolly
🃏 Additional Cards 🃏
These are cards I thought important and really wanted to make
Dark Magic - The Ancestral Witches / The Trix Light Magic - The Company of Light / The Winx
??? means I don't know yet, feel free to give me ideas
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The Grimoire of Grave Fates edited by Hanna Alkaf and Margaret Owen
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Crack open your spell book and enter the world of the illustrious Galileo Academy for the Extraordinary. There's been a murder on campus, and it's up to the students of Galileo to solve it. Follow 18 authors and 18 students as they puzzle out the clues and find the guilty party. Professor of Magical History Septimius Dropwort has just been murdered, and now everyone at the Galileo Academy for the Extraordinary is a suspect. A prestigious school for young magicians, the Galileo Academy has recently undergone a comprehensive overhaul, reinventing itself as a roaming academy in which students of all cultures and identities are celebrated. In this new Galileo, every pupil is welcome—but there are some who aren't so happy with the recent changes. That includes everyone's least favorite professor, Septimius Dropwort, a stodgy old man known for his harsh rules and harsher punishments. But when the professor's body is discovered on school grounds with a mysterious note clenched in his lifeless hand, the Academy's students must solve the murder themselves, because everyone's a suspect. Told from more than a dozen alternating and diverse perspectives, The Grimoire of Grave Fates follows Galileo's best and brightest young magicians as they race to discover the truth behind Dropwort's mysterious death. Each one of them is confident that only they have the skills needed to unravel the web of secrets hidden within Galileo's halls. But they're about to discover that even for straight-A students, magic doesn't always play by the rules. . . . Contributors include: Cam Montgomery, Darcie Little Badger, Hafsah Faizal, Jessica Lewis, Julian Winters, Karuna Riazi, Kat Cho, Kayla Whaley, Kwame Mbalia, L. L. McKinney, Marieke Nijkamp, Mason Deaver, Natasha Díaz, Preeti Chhibber, Randy Ribay, Tehlor Kay Mejia, Victoria Lee, and Yamile Saied Méndez.
Mod opinion: I've heard of this anthology before and while it does sound interesting, I don't think I'll read it myself, since interconnected anthologies like that rarely work for me.
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blushblushbear · 9 days
for my own fan bois I still have
Julian the Chef rat whose dialogue I need to punch up
Fritz the Violinist who is a deer
Eric the magician that is a dove
Oz the fortune teller who is an owl
And Diego the sad painter who I'm not sure what he's gonna be yet he's still a bit new (I knew at one point I think but MY DUMB ASS FORGOT TO WRITE HIM DOWN)
I also have the Professor character who I saw around online at some point as a concept for a dignified daddy character and my brain saw that and went SAY NO MORE (I think they were called Prof Darcy??? or something??? SOMEONE TELL ME WTF I SAW cause otherwise this man is gonna be named Darcy cause Jane Austin reference and also he'd be a peacock lol)
IDK why I'm saying all this GOOD NIGHT FRIENDS
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transbookoftheday · 1 year
The Grimoire of Grave Fates by Hanna Alkaf & Margaret Owen
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Crack open your spell book and enter the world of the illustrious Galileo Academy for the Extraordinary. There's been a murder on campus, and it's up to the students of Galileo to solve it. Follow 18 authors and 18 students as they puzzle out the clues and find the guilty party.
Professor of Magical History Septimius Dropwort has just been murdered, and now everyone at the Galileo Academy for the Extraordinary is a suspect.
A prestigious school for young magicians, the Galileo Academy has recently undergone a comprehensive overhaul, reinventing itself as a roaming academy in which students of all cultures and identities are celebrated. In this new Galileo, every pupil is welcome—but there are some who aren't so happy with the recent changes. That includes everyone's least favorite professor, Septimius Dropwort, a stodgy old man known for his harsh rules and harsher punishments. But when the professor's body is discovered on school grounds with a mysterious note clenched in his lifeless hand, the Academy's students must solve the murder themselves, because everyone's a suspect. 
Told from more than a dozen alternating and diverse perspectives, The Grimoire of Grave Fates follows Galileo's best and brightest young magicians as they race to discover the truth behind Dropwort's mysterious death. Each one of them is confident that only they have the skills needed to unravel the web of secrets hidden within Galileo's halls. But they're about to discover that even for straight-A students, magic doesn't always play by the rules. . . .
Contributors include: Cam Montgomery, Darcie Little Badger, Hafsah Faizal, Jessica Lewis, Julian Winters, Karuna Riazi, Kat Cho, Kayla Whaley, Kwame Mbalia, L. L. McKinney, Marieke Nijkamp, Mason Deaver, Natasha Díaz, Preeti Chhibber, Randy Ribay, Tehlor Kay Mejia, Victoria Lee, and Yamile Saied Méndez
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thanksforthedinosaur · 3 months
july 2024
charli xcx - 360
alice longyu gao - lesbians <3
shygirl - mute
salute - luv stuck
wilo wilde - all these little words
hunnygloss - somebody's daughter
dazegxd - way 2 good (idc)
llll - dunno what it is
ienne - pollen - matrace remix
janghoon - believe
angel jelly - gacha
snoozegod - paradox
rocco bunko - project
sophia stel - object permanence (radio edit)
abbi press - atmadja
perc%nt - origami
porter robinson - russian roulette
elizabeth rose bloodflame - above below
cyber milk chan - sunkissed
joint beauty - tokyo friday night
wednesday campanella - carolina
newjeans - supernatural
kohei shimizu - supernova +..++.*…
hakos baelz - hide & seek 〜なかよくケンカしな!〜
tinashe - getting no sleep
nai br.xx - ride
piao - flip phone
kallitechnis - nights without you
hailey knox - on nothing
raveena - junebug (feat. jpegmafia)
kaytranada - more than a little bit (feat. tinashe)
jaden - "roses"
kehlani - 8
sycco - swarm
raye - genesis, pt. ii
don toliver - inside (feat. travis scott)
nxworries - fallthru
mgk - bmxxing
nyck caution - good company
donte thomas - crashing down
lenny gazebo - distant memories
logic - deja vu (feat. dj drama)
savon araeo - shotgun
kaelin ellis - heart
tuamie - grahams
kinrose - satellites
tobi - ego slide
cupcakke - nun nun
qveen herby - magic
megan thee stallion - worthy
again&again - west coast autumns
nothing,nowhere. - hydrangeas (ft. darcy baylis)
aurora - earthly delights
the marías - echo
ruru - liminal
night tapes - projections
april - burden
venus & the flytraps - frankenstein
anthony green - if i wasn't yours
pale waves - perfume
towa bird - deep cut
balance and composure - cross to bear
the early november - the magician
annabel - all time
ajj - death machine (bedrock take 2)
cursive - up and away
the aquabats! - the ballad of the shapeshifting pilgrim boy!
toro y moi - tuesday
homeshake - believe
abby holliday - couch comrade
kississippi - last time
trella - body language
air max '97 - keepsake
layzi - too high
elio - allofthat
billy lemos - chip away
teddie - say it
phem - donuts
yullola - animal of the night
niki - blue moon
lølø - suck it up
upsahl - summer so hot
mothica - red
lil aaron - misery loves company (feat. royal & the serpent)
cehryl - row row row
dora jar - timelapse
nep - pup
jack m. senff - whole heart
the decemberists - long white veil
katy kirby - headlights
gracie abrams - felt good about you
jahnah camille - roadkill
land of talk - magnetic hill - acoustic
superfan - everybody rides the carousel
bloomsday - bumper sticker
simone - any girl
ruby waters - numbers
luna shadows - bleach
niamh regan - record
sedona - baby run
stevie bill - girl
superfan - twilight living
paige stark - zombie brain drain
jahnah camille - roadkill
zolita - bloodstream
zealyn - she's coming over again (anxiety)
kevin atwater - star tripping (reimagined)
yumi nu - vines
buffchick - alright
illuminati hotties - didn't (feat. cavetown)
charly bliss - calling you out
queen of jeans - bitter pill
porches - itch
pony - freezer
the japanese house - :)
brye - grow together
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I'm so sorry! I didn't know that book reviews for the tournament had to be sent as asks to be included, so I'll try to copy or paraphrase what I've said in the replies about various books, with some additions:
Howl's Moving Castle: Howl's Moving Castle is hands-down one of my absolute favorite books of all time! Howl and Sophie are probably one of the most compellingly written fictional relationship dynamics since Elizabeth Bennett and Mr. Darcy, and I fall head-over- heels in love with these imperfectly perfect characters, and their beautiful magic-filled world, all over again every single time I re-read the book, which has been a lot!
The Night Circus: If any book could make me believe that magic is real, it's The Night Circus. From literally the very first sentence, the world of the circus itself is painted so vividly through Morgenstern's words that it feels real, to the point where you feel nostalgic for a place and time you've never been. I know running away to join the Circus is a common daydream people have, and with this book, it feels like you get to do just that!
Lord Of The Rings: No work is more emblematic of the entire fantasy genre than The Lord Of The Rings, and for good reason. The entire world Tolkien builds is meticulously built and vast, but in the end, the story is really a heartfelt ode to the power of love in all its forms, and finding courage within yourself, even in the darkest of times. It's a reminder that we all hold our own power within ourselves, even if we don't see it, and that we all have the the ability to change the world for the better, in big ways and small.
The Raven Cycle: The Raven Cycle is so very important to me, because this series tells a story as lush and fathomless as the forest of Cabeswater itself. On one hand, it's a coming-of-age tale, where a group of teens come together and forge lifelong bonds with each other. On the other, it is a vivid mixture of both modern urban and high fantasy together, in a seamless way I've never seen before. In this world, our ragtag band of main characters consist of a King, a Dreamer, a Magician, and a Mirror, who stumble on a world of pure magic right under their own noses, in search of an ancient Welsh legend. It's dreamy, charming, bigger-than-life, and utterly beautiful in every single way!
book reviews dont have to be sent as asks to be included, but it does tend to make it easier for me to find them and post them. the tagging system doesn't work super well right now, but you can also dm me with reviews!
usually, i post reviews for eliminated books, but it seems more people are sending reviews for current polls right now so i guess ill just post them now. thanks for your reviews!!
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siena-sevenwits · 1 year
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I decided to make a moodboard of characters I project onto. It's that sort of day. In the process I discovered I am still the most utterly homeschooled person ever. These characters aren't necessarily my favourites - just ones I have decided feel especially relatable in one way or another.
Jo March (I know.)
Mr. Darcy ('05 version only - yes, I feel utterly ridiculous that he's on this list.)
Maria Von Trapp (even more so the real life Maria! They kind of toned her down for the musical/film. But we're going with 'characters' here.)
Anne Shirley
Schmendrick the Magician (book version only - I'm only using the film image because I don't want to steal some small artist's illustration.)
The Eleventh Doctor
Sydney Carton (another one that feels silly to be on this list ;-)
For comparison, my 2017 list was Rose Brier, Duncan from "The Hero's Guide" series, Jill Pole, Evan MacIan, and once again, Jo March.
Shallan Davar almost made this list because I DO project onto her, but honestly it's all on me, and thank God we don't actually have a ton in common.
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themculibrary · 1 year
Younger Characters Masterlist
Adventures in Babysitting (ao3) - Victori T, 16k
Summary: Peter offers to watch five-year-old Maria Stark so Tony can get out of the house. Things don't exactly go as planned, Tony's kids nearly give him an aneurysm, and Pepper just wants a relaxing night out.
Can't Man (ao3) - LifeOfRoos G, 2k
Summary: Sam Wilson and Bucky Barnes need someone to get really small to infiltrate some buildings. Sadly enough, Scott Lang died a couple of months prior. But don’t fret: there is Magician-in-training America Chavez and her ability to open up portals. Sam and Bucky seek her out and request she go on a multiversal journey to find a new Scott. Shenanigans ensue!
Can’t Pin Me Down (ao3) - paperclipbitch kate/america T, 3k
Summary: Maybe Kate needs to consider being less reckless with herself, given that her powers amount to being The One With The Archery And The Ideas That Are Slightly Less Bad Than The Other One With The Archery.
Cassie & Peter Being Buds (ao3) - whumphoarder G, 8k
Summary: The adventures of Peter babysitting 10-year-old Cassie Lang.
Children Of Iron (ao3) - Boopoopeedoo T, 22k
Summary: Vision found it easy to bond with Morgan Stark, keeping a promise to Tony that he would care for her. His 'brothers', Peter and Harley, may prove more difficult.
When Peter runs into trouble on a school trip to Europe, Vision gets the chance to protect and maybe bond with his 'little brother'- With a bit of help from Wanda, of course. Sequel to 'Memories'.
Collateral Damage (ao3) - rainbowanatomy yelena/kate M, 17k
Summary: “Kate Bishop,” she coos, and you whimper in response. You can feel her smile as her lips reach your ear lobe. “Where is he?”
Dungeons & Hawkeyes (ao3) - inmyriadbits clint/phil G, 5k
Summary: In which this whole dungeon thing really isn’t working for Kate Bishop, there are far too many nicknames from the Victorian era, socks are vitally important, and Clint insists he is Han Solo in this situation.
house guests (ao3) - haveufoundwhaturlookingfor bucky/clint T, 1k
Summary: Clint invites Wanda and Peter to stay at his farmhouse for the summer. Bucky isn’t exactly thrilled about this, so of course he drags Sam along because he can’t suffer alone if Peter is going to be there.
Iron-Kid (ao3) - faux_affliction N/R, 4k
Summary: Pepper asks Peter to babysit.
let’s stay together (ao3) - bevioletskies scott/hope T, 3k
Summary: For all his missteps and mishaps, Scott has been on pretty good terms with the Pym-Van Dyne family lately. That is, until Cassie started calling Hank “Grandpa”.
Peter and Shuri annoying everyone (ao3) - orphan_account peter/shuri N/R, 2k
Summary: Shuri and Peter being annoying to the Avengers :)
scars can come in handy (ao3) - andibeth82 T, 8k
Summary: “Coop invited a friend over,” Clint explains as he flops onto the couch. “He didn’t tell me. This kid from camp.”
“Is he okay?” Laura asks in a voice calm and neutral and practiced, every bit as natural at this game when children are present.
“Yeah,” Clint responds. “He seems fine. It’s just…he looks familiar. Like I’ve seen him somewhere before.”
[or, Peter comes to the Barton farm.]
She’s With Us (fanfiction.net) - Annabelle536 T, 45k
Summary: In hindsight Wanda should’ve known she wasn’t joining a team…she was joining a family. And each member made her feel like she was part of it, in their own little way. Complete. Now with an epilogue!
The Adventures of Peter Parker and Shuri (ao3) - aceschwarz222 gamora/peter, pepper/tony G, 92k
Summary: T'Challa must spend two weeks at the Avengers Compound working on an agreement with Tony Stark in light of Wakanda opening its borders and resources. He brings along his sister, Shuri, who meets the equally nerdy Peter Parker.
Basically a bunch of short, fluffy drabbles about a fantastic friendship between two adorable dorks.
these things take & take (you can stay as long as you want) (ao3) - QueenWithABeeThrone T, 4k
Summary: Darcy yawns, and says, “So you’re Lady Hawkeye, then?”
“Just Hawkeye,” Kate corrects, testy. “Clint is Agent Hawkeye. Or Hawkguy. I’m a free and independent agent who operates out of New York.”
“So,” says Darcy, “like Daredevil.”
or: Kate, Darcy, and Ahsoka chill on a farm during the events of Age of Ultron.
The Wisdom of Children (ao3) - TunaFishChris T, 27k
Summary: Nobody's thrilled at the idea of "that kid" Peter Parker on the Avengers team.
Nobody's thrilled at the idea of "that weirdo" Wanda Maximoff on the team, either.
Until they disappear, that is.
Or, the one where Peter and Wanda are besties and the other Avengers are jerks until they realize how important and awesome they both are.
what's my age again? (ao3) - verity kate/america T, 3k
Summary: A for effort, H-A-W-K-E-Y-E, Kate says as soon as she frees herself from her harness. They really need to come up with a real sign instead of just fingerspelling all the time. Maybe miming drawing a bow, then pointing to the eyes. Something cool. You have to get over your boner for that boomerang arrow.
"Did you just sign 'angry penis'?" Sam says, distracted from his unresolved sexual tension with Natasha.
"Whatever," Kate says. She flips her hair. "I'm learning."
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