#mike peters
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aunti-christ-ine · 7 months ago
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home-of-renn · 6 months ago
Mike & Vanessa Peters
Mike is older than Vanessa by 1 year. 
Mike was 34 when Bloom was adopted, and Vanessa was 33
Mike comes from a large family, none of whom live close by. Vanessa on the other hand is an only child. 
The reason why Mike and Vanessa don’t have children of their own is because Vanessa had ovarian cancer at the age of 29, only five years after beating breast cancer. She had to have an ovary removed as well as a section of the attached fallopian tube removed as well. However, the chemo drugs she took after her surgery caused damage to the eggs in her remaining ovary. While she isn’t completely infertile, a series of painful miscarriages resulted in the couple giving up on their hopes of starting a family. 
The therapy and surgery that Vanessa underwent was pricey and Mike had to borrow money from family and friends in order to pay the medical bills. 
It was only a few months prior to Bloom’s 16th birthday that Mike was able to pay back all the money he had borrowed from his family but still had a bit more to go in repaying some friends. 
The couple had been looking into adoption and foster care when Mike had discovered Bloom in a burning building. 
Mike had called Vanessa at the station while still holding an exhausted Bloom. Vanessa had come as soon as she got the call and it was love at first sight as the two of them held Bloom in their arms. They inquired with the police officers on what would happen to the baby if a parent or guardian weren’t found. 
When nothing was found about Bloom’s background, and it was assumed that she had been abandoned, Mike and Vanessa were the first to jump at the chance to foster her.  
After a year and a half the couple were finally able to file for a proper adoption. 
Bloom grew up happy and healthy and never really questioned her parentage, until a very fateful day in the little city of Gardenia. 
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3lix13 · 1 year ago
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#cartoonist #kayfabetober Day 13 prompt: Comic Strips - refreshing to revisit all these great artists for Friday the 13th 
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lyliah7 · 7 months ago
✨ The Winx Tarot ✨
I am currently designing a Rider-Waite tarot inspired by all the Winx club seasons (including S8 which I need to finish). I got the idea of making this tarot while rewatching S2 because the codex is in four parts, each associated with a keeper and a school/village, which fit perfectly with the four tarot suits
The Winx Tarot is made up of the 78 traditional cards and probably some additional ones knowing myself (edit: I was right, we have additional ones), I also plan on making a booklet, a box pattern and a tarot cloth (my goal is to be able to print my tarot and actually use it)
You will find some additional info and the full list of cards under the cut, I will add links to their WIP and final versions as I draw them :3
🦋 The Major Arcanas 🦋
They are based on major characters which fit the vibe of the card. They don't match a specific part of the codex but, like the codex, they represent power so their frame contains the codex itself
0 - The Fool: Kiko WIP I - The Magician: Musa II - The High Priestess: Daphne WIP III - The Empress: Queen Marion IV - The Emperor: King Oritel V - The Hierophant: King Erendor VI - The Lovers: Mike & Vanessa Peters WIP VII - The Chariot: Layla/Aisha VIII - Strength: Flora IX - The Hermit: Bloom X - The Wheel of Fortune: Darcy WIP XI - Justice: Icy XII - The Hanged Man: Tecna WIP XIII - Death: Lord Darkar WIP XIV - Temperance: Maia XV - The Devill: Diaspro XVI - The Tower: Stormy XVII - The Star: Stella XVIII - The Moon: Queen Luna XIX - The Sun: King Radius XX - Judgement: Nabu XXI - The World: The Galaxy
🏆 The Suit of Cups 🏆
It is based on Alfea and thus contains almost only Fairy teachers and students
Ace - Alfea II - ??? III - ??? IV - ??? V - Amaryl VI - ??? VII - ??? VIII - Princess Galathea IX - ??? X - Roxy Page - Concorda Knight - Griselda Queen - Faragonda King - Wizgiz
⭐ The Suit of Pentacles ���
It is based on Red Fountain and thus contains almost only Specialist teachers and students
Ace - Red Fountain II - ??? III - Brandon IV - Riven V - ??? VI - Timmy VII - Helia VIII - Sky IX - Thoren X - ??? Page - Athena Knight - Codatorta Queen - ??? King - Saladin
🗡️ The Suit of Swords 🗡️
It is based on Cloud Tower and thus contains almost only Witch teachers and students
Ace - Cloud Tower II - ??? III - ??? IV - ??? V - Lucy VI - Mirta VII - Selina VIII - ??? IX - ??? X - ??? Page - Discorda Knight - Zarathustra & Ediltrude Queen - Griffin King - Valtor
🪄 The Suit of Wands 🪄
It is based on Pixie Village and thus contains almost only pixies
Ace - Pixie Village II - Tune III - Chatta IV - Amore V - ??? VI - ??? VII - ??? VIII - Livy IX - Digit X - Piff Page - Ninfea Knight - Zing Queen - Lockette King - Jolly
🃏 Additional Cards 🃏
These are cards I thought important and really wanted to make
Dark Magic - The Ancestral Witches / The Trix Light Magic - The Company of Light / The Winx
??? means I don't know yet, feel free to give me ideas
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vicontheinternet · 1 year ago
I like the idea that mike and Vanessa have some recollection of the magic dimension or just magic in general like make mike a former specialist who settled down in earth and found a nice earth girl who turned out to be a dryad and that why they heard daphne and that’s why they weren’t shocked by the burning building stop burning as soon as mike picked bloom up and have them be supportive of her and her wonders
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guerrilla-operator · 2 months ago
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sea-owl · 1 year ago
I know for fact Bloom will set something on fire for fun. The fact Daphne made sure she was found by a firefighter, someone who will make sure Bloom's setting stuff on fire is safe, just cinches it for me.
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sunset-supergirl · 1 year ago
Happy birthday Mike Peters
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wtstsgalor · 2 years ago
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New Sherlock Holmes Comic
We've added a new strip from Mother Goose and Grimm by Mike Peters to our collection of Sherlockian comics.
View the entire collection of Sherlock Holmes comic strips.
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thatboisus · 7 months ago
me logging onto tumblr after consuming a new piece of media
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aeschtunes · 1 month ago
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aunti-christ-ine · 17 days ago
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singeratlarge · 9 months ago
SONG OF THE WEEK: “The Brakeman’s Dead”  http://johnnyjblairsingeratlarge.bandcamp.com/track/the-brakemans-dead-early-mix  —It was during a live show with The Rover Boys that these chords and lyrics suddenly burst out of my head, each verse beginning with the line “Maybe about this time next year…” I sang whatever flew into my head, with vocabulary from Biblical apocalpyse themes + current events + runaway trains as the Rovers kept up. I did this freeform tune a few more times and it hit with people. So I took it to Tom Mallon’s recording studio in San Francisco (with the late Aaron Gregory at the board), cutting it live without a lyric sheet. I thrashed an acoustic guitar through a stack of Marshalls (ala The Alarm) with Bennett Green and John Stuart on drums (separate sessions), and Adam Savetsky on bass. Later I asked Michael Miller and Chris von Sneidern to add guitar touches in one take John Cage-style without letting them hear what the other guy was doing. Last I sweetened it with percussion (bottles & junk) and violin. On a cosmic jukebox it would play next to Neil Young & Crazy Horse at their most raucous. Download here: http://johnnyjblairsingeratlarge.bandcamp.com/track/the-brakemans-dead-early-mix
#train #steamtrain #locomotive #brakeman #engineer #conductor #NeilYoung #CrazyHorse #SanFrancisco #TomMallon #ChrisvonSneidern #MichaelMiller #AaronGregory #TheAlarm #MikePeters #BennettGreen #JohnStuart #Marshallamp #JohnnyJBlair #singeratlarge #singersongwriter
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lyliah7 · 7 months ago
🦋 VI - The Lovers: Mike & Vanessa Peters 🦋
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The Lovers represent partnership, deep love, making a choice, the strength of being together.
They chose to adopt Bloom when Mike found her, their love for their daughter does not change after they discover she is a fairy, and they are a hella cute couple :3
II - The High Priestess: Daphne
X - The Wheel of Fortune: Darcy
Winx Tarot Masterpost
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moonxnite · 10 months ago
I smile like an idiot when I see my man, who’s not my man, on my television screen.
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