#maddie x tom
power-rings · 1 year
Tom and Maddie's Announcement [part 1]
OK... I'm not sure if anyone has already done this, I can't get it out of my head so I am doing it RIGHT HERE AND RIGHT NOW BABY
It was a pretty hectic Friday afternoon, and it all begun with Tom getting an urgent call from his wife Maddie. Beforehand, she had complained about feeling sick for the past several days. Maddie being who she is that didn't stop her from going to work every single day... even if she did spend a lot of her shift in the restroom. The final straw was when she had fainted while talking to a client about their furry companion's condition. The persistence of her friends convinced her to get checked out at her primary doctor. After running a few tests, checking her blood pressure, and so forth. After asking her some personal health questions, "Hm, have you taken a pregnancy test?" Maddie was floored that the doctor even asked that... oh, well.. it sorta does make sense now. After agreeing to take a test, and she received the results maybe not even 10 minutes later... this was when she called Tom.
Tom was a hot mess when he rushed to the room Maddie was in. "Wait, what... pregnant?! A-are you sure?"
The doctor calmly nodded, "your wife is possibly... 3 weeks pregnant. But, we can't assume until we do a ultrasound."
Tom honestly wasn't quite sure how to feel at the moment. Nervous? Scared? About to puke? Yeah, most likely the third. The couple never really talked about having children... Sonic kind of filled that role. But, it was actually happening! In about an hour of waiting, they were guided to another room where the ultrasound would indeed prove she was pregnant! The doctor scheduled a follow up with Maddie, so they can keep an eye on the baby's growth, and Maddie's health. She was recommended that she would need to take more vitamins, start avoiding certain beverages, and different types of food.
Before going inside their home, Maddie and Tom embraced each other. Maddie could sense the uncertainty Tom was feeling. “Hey, we handled a talking 3 foot tall hedgehog, and a crazy Egghead, I'm sure we can handle parenthood." Tom scoffed in amusement, then the couple shared a kiss.
When they went to unlock the front door, they noticed it was already unlocked. Tom went in first, it better be Sonic. But he has been told numerous times unless they are home to not leave the door unlocked. (Not that it would prevent Eggman...) When they came in the kitchen they found Sonic searching through the fridge. "If it's a burglar I got Maddie's broccoli casserole, and I'm not afraid to use it!" Sonic threatened, his head still deep in the fridge, before glancing over his shoulder.
Maddie crossed her arms, beside her Tom stifled a laugh. "Sonic. Haven't we told you to lock the door when we weren't home?"
"Uh... yeah." Sonic rubbed the back of his head, ashamed. He hopped on the countertop, and opened a covered dish that had Maddie's well-loved dessert and helped himself to a big spoonful. Sonic couldn't recall the name of it but it had layers of chocolate mousse, cool whip, and oreo cookie crumbs. He licked his lips as the couple quickly took the dish, and the spoon away from him. His ears dropped in disappointment. "Where ya'll been, anyway?" He jumped off the counter. Glancing around the kitchen, the hedgehog was still starving.
Tom and Maddie had just discovered they were gonna have a baby together, they had no preparation to tell Sonic the big news. Maddie had always imagined a cute Pinterest board baby announcement... however, life took them by surprise so they had to improvise. The couple looked at one another, "Say Sonic, you wanna go out to eat for dinner?" She could tell Sonic wasn't gonna listen or be still enough until he appeased his hunger. The hedgehog piped up in excitement.
Years ago, Tom and Maddie couldn't really have Sonic with them in a public restaurant, today, Greenhill welcomed Sonic warmly. Being a smaller town helped a lot too. They've been to bigger cities, but for Sonic's sake they rather avoid too many unfamiliar faces.
As usual, Sonic had ordered chili dogs with their huge steak fries. Tom did his best by choosing a healthier option to support Maddie. Not that Maddie minded, she honestly wasn't sure if she could handle the food she had chosen. Not much was spoken between the three, except small talk. While Tom and Sonic spoke, Maddie was brainstorming on how to tell Sonic. Why was she more nervous about telling him over Tom? She assumed that it was because Sonic was less predictable than Tom was. Tom kept glancing over at Maddie, waiting for a signal or something. Nothing. He cleared his throat; Maddie nudged him and shook her head. "Are you all done, Sonic? I have to get some shopping done before too late." Sonic groaned. He hated shopping. Especially if he couldn't get something super cool that he wanted. The bill was paid, and they left the restaurant behind. Once they hopped in the vehicle, Maddie mentioned the mall. Which was probably half an hour away. It wasn't the greatest mall, but it was loved by so many, and slowly more and more stores started popping up. "How about you two check out the arcade?" Maddie told the boys, before they knew it Sonic darted towards the entrance.
"I thought we were gonna tell him?" Tom whispered, the couple walking towards the entrance of the arcade, still keeping an eye on the hyper hedgehog.
"We will. I have an idea." Maddie kissed his cheek. "Now, make sure he doesn't break anything.."
Maddie was relieved to see that the custom t-shirt shop was still open at this hour. When she saw the gentleman come out from the back of the shop, she approached the counter. He politely welcomed her. "What can I do for you, Ma'am?" Maddie quickly scrolled on her phone, opening her Pinterest app, and showed him an image.
"Could you customize a shirt like this?" The image displayed a white shirt with "Big Bro" in bold letters and a special request to make sure it'll fit Sonic okay.
"Dare I say congratulations? This shouldn't be any problem at all. Anything else?" Maddie thought about a bandana for Ozzie, unfortunately he didn't have any in stock but advised her to order one online. While she waited for him to finish the custom shirt, she searched the store. After it was done, he laid the shirt on the counter to make sure that it was to her satisfaction. She paid, while he folded the shirt and put it in a box for her per request, and handed it to her. "I hope to see you again, Maddie." She departed the store to find the boys.
When she entered the arcade, she was slightly overwhelmed by the lights and sounds. Deeper in the arcade she found Tom and Sonic playing a racing game. Figures. Poor Sonic had to stand up, awkwardly trying to steer, shift gear, and reach the gas pedal. He was trying so hard. Unfortunately, the time drew to the end of their session of the game. Neither winning 1st place. "That game was totally rigged." Tom acclaimed. Sonic started looking around for more games to play. Unfortunately they were down to 2 tokens to play with. "Hey bud, how about you try to get a prize out of that crane game over there?" Tom and Maddie spoke quietly while he tried his luck on the machine in the corner. Sonic walked away with weird fidget toy, which he ended up giving away to a random kid in the store.
The Wachowski's arrived home after getting some snow cones. Maddie and Tom changed into their pajama's for the night. It was movie night, and Tom's night to pick. However, before the movie... they needed to have a talk. Sonic was sharing the rest of his snow cone with Ozzie while Tom selected the movie. Maddie joined them on the couch. She laid the box beside Sonic. "I got you a little something today, Sonic." The blue hedgehog looked at the box, confused. It wasn't his birthday, right? Even though he was confused by the sudden gift, like always he didn't waste anytime opening it. Inside was tissue paper, folded up nicely. Soon, he realized it was a shirt. Not much of a shirt kind of guy.. but oh well, it was from Maddie so he's happy with it nonetheless. "What's it say?" Maddie anxiously waiting as his expression changed.
"Huh?" Sonic read the front of the shirt, confusion clear on his face.
Tom moved closer to Maddie, his hand resting on her thigh. Maddie smiled, and placed her hand on Sonic's. "We're expecting-"
"Expecting what?"
"A baby, Sonic."
His mouth formed a small o as it dawned on him, that Maddie was indeed pregnant.
"You're gonna be a big brother, Sonic."
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satoshy12 · 8 months
Bruce:" I am not collecting children! They find me!"
Flash:"Yeah, right. Don't believe you."
Bruce: "What do you think? I put my arms out, and a new child falls into my arms to adopt!"
To show case it,
Bruce stretched out his arms only for two babies to land in his arms. With a name tag on them. Daniel and Marinette.
Bruce:" This doesn't prove anything."
Bruce is on speaking terms with their families. As the meta-babies most often teleported, Maddie and Jack met Sabine and Tom. And now they talk at least once a week, as Bruce and family is kind of part of it too.
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mars-wuz-herez · 1 month
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I speak for all who’ve been waiting since May
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multi-fandomsfreak · 11 months
Hi I was wonder if I request tom wachowski with a goth sister and she comes and visits and the trouble trio absolutely LOVE HER because she’s so sweet 🥺
Tom Wachowski with a goth sister
Hey there thanks for the ask!
Honestly I’ve been feeling like shit for the past couple of days so seeing this ask actually put me in a better mood. Hope you enjoy it ~Blaze/Dawn
Pronouns: Not mention but reader is referenced to be female
Warning: ⚠️Slight mentions of Tails and Knuckles backgrounds in the second movie⚠️
Requested: Yes/No
Characters: Tom + Maddie + Sonic + Tails + Knuckles
Proofread: ❌
Credits: Poster belongs to Sega and the people who created the Sonic movie + Banner by adorbbs on Pinterest
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- Let’s start this off with Tom absolutely loves you, your his sister of course he does. He doesn’t care what you look like or what you do, he's going to support you all the way just like you did for him growing up and defend you from anyone who bullies you about your style. Of course he’s not going to get physical because he’s not really that type of person but he’ll definitely give them a talking to.
- You two often like to hang out when you both have the time with him being a cop and all. Since you often like to come visit him this means that you get to see Maddie a lot as well and she absolutely loves you as well. She’s definitely impressed with your style and absolutely loves it. I feel like she’ll definitely hype you up about what you wear. She also really appreciates your kindness and how you are willing to help her with some stuff.
- Now onto the trio:
- For Sonic I have a feeling you’ve met him some point near the end of the first movie. At first you two were surprised with each other. You were surprised because there was this random creature who claimed to be a hedgehog standing in front of you and was talking to you. If it wasn’t for Tom and Maddie managing to calm you down you honestly thought you were hallucinating. As for Sonic he was mostly surprised yet interested in you. Like sure he’s seen some interesting people when he was totally not stalking the town of green hills but you're different. He honestly admires you in a way. And to think that your ‘Donut lords’ sister just makes it even cooler.
- He definitely opens up to you quickly, this is mostly because of how you are around him. You treat him so nicely despite him clearly being different from you. If you’ve seen the second movie he considers Tom like a father to him and I like to think that maybe he considers you as an aunt. He also may or may not called you aunt one time when you visited him and yes he may have gotten teased by Tom about it but honestly you didn’t even mind. You're just glad that he feels that comfortable around you that he called you that.
- He definitely asked you if he could try on some clothes and of course you let him. Although they clearly didn’t fit him due to the size difference between you two but honestly he didn’t care, he’s having fun with it and may even give you a little fashion show while he’s at it.
- For Tails and Knuckles they’re kind of similar. Both of them met you at some point after the second movie. They mostly likely met you when you decided to catch up with the other three unaware of tails and knuckles. As soon as they heard the door open and to Sonic happily going over to you excited to see you with Tom and Maddie following behind him of course they got curious and when they saw you they were immediately surprised.
- For Tails I feel like he’d be a little caught off guard when he first saw you. He wasn’t scared of you of course but just like Sonic he hasn’t really seen anyone like you. But despite the initial surprise from him he actually kind of admires you. He really likes how you're open about your style and not really caring about what people think about it. He really appreciates that.
- Again just like Sonic he opens up to you quickly as well. Maybe even quicker than sonic. Since he didn’t really have anyone back on his planet seeing how kind you were to not only him but other people makes him kind of want to be around you 24/7. He really likes it when you visit.
- When you do visit over he really likes to show you his gadgets that he created and hearing you saying how cool it looks and how smart he is he couldn’t help but feel really happy that you enjoy them. If you're willing to listen he’ll explain in a lot of detail about them, even if you don’t really understand certain terms he’s saying. Seeing that you're listening to him explain it is enough for him. Maybe if he has the time he might make something for you. As a way of saying thank you.
- For Knuckles as mentioned in some of my previous posts, it takes him a while to open up to people even if they’re the kindest person in the world he’ll have trouble opening up to them. If you consider his backstory in the second movie it’s honestly understandable why. But despite this he’s actually really interested in you. Unlike Tails who may be caught off guard or for Sonic who was initially surprised when first meeting you, Knuckles surprisingly took an interest in you. But despite this he’s still a bit cautious of you so he kind of admires you from a distance. Eventually Tom notices this and somehow manages to convince Knuckles in one way or another to talk with you. This then eventually leads to him being more open around you.
- He’s kind of the same like Tails when it comes to being around you. He’s definitely very attached to you although not as open compared to Tails but still it’s kind of obvious that he is even if he doesn’t directly say it to you. Due to this he can be protective over you. If someone even dares look at you the wrong way or comments on your looks he’ll tear one into them before you eventually have to take him somewhere else.
- I feel like after hanging out with you just like Sonic he kind of sees you like an aunt due to you being related to Tom and how kind you are to him. Maybe accidentally called you aunt as well and Sonic may have teased him for it but quickly gets shut down but Tom when he said he did the exact same thing.
- Overall, although they show it differently all of them really appreciate you.
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venusbyline · 6 months
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Hey guys, I'm Vênus (she/her). This is my new ff blog and requests are already open!
I really like writing dark, smut and/or angst contents for s/o x female readers.
Almost all the characters and artists I'll write for are tagged. Feel free to send me your writing requests on my ask. (ps¹: practically i'll write for all Jacob Elordi and Ryan Gosling's characters, there just wasn't enough space in the tags).
So don't be shy... I'm a member of the "toxic characters stan" too <3
ps²: some characters besides the other characters of Ryan Gosling and Jacob Elordi that I didn't put in the tags but that I can also write for:
Scream: Ethan Landry, Billy Loomis, Stu Macher.
Euphoria: Rue Bennet, Jules Vaughn, Ethan Lewis, Lexi Howard, Chris McKay, Fezco.
Hunger Games: Lucy Gray Baird, Katniss Everdeen, Sejanus Plinth, Johanna Mason, Treech, Clemensia Dovecote, Tigris Snow, Haymitch Abernathy.
MCU: Tom Holland!Peter Parker & Andrew Garfield!Peter Parker, Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanoff, Wanda Maximoff.
Daisy Jones & The Six: Eddie Roundtree, Daisy Jones, Camila Dunne.
The Vampire Diaries: Stefan Salvatore, Damon Salvatore, Silas, Rebekah Mikaelson, Katherine Pierce.
Margot Robbie: Barbie, Harley Quinn.
Gossip Girl: Chuck Bass, Nate Archibald, Carter Baizen, Blair Waldorf.
YOU: Love Quinn, Joe Goldberg.
Harry Potter: Cedric Diggory, Hermione Granger, Fred Weasley, George Weasley, Draco Malfoy, Sirius Black.
Grey's Anatomy: Jackson Avery, Derek Shepherd, Mark Sloan, Alex Karev.
Outer Banks: Rafe Cameron, JJ Maybank.
Anyway, more characters can be added here over time!
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arisu-artnfics · 3 months
“Un viaje a París” 6
Capítulo: 6/12 Anterior Siguiente (Primero). Version on English
También en:     A03 || FF || DeviantArt || Facebook.
Capítulo 6: “Introduciendo akumas”
Marinette sacudió su vergüenza, ahí habrá tiempo para asustarse sobre eso después, ahora mismo, ella tenía un trabajo que hacer.
–¡Oh, no!– Marinette gritó, revisó su celular. –¡Hay una akuma cerca!– Volteó a sus amigos-o, en vez, amigos temporales… ella sabía que ellos sólo estaban aquí de vacaciones. –Deberían quedarse aquí, será seguro. 
–¿Seguro de qué? ¿Qué es un akuma?– preguntó Jazz. Ella no recordaba leer nada sobre eso, y ella ha hecho un montón de investigación antes de venir.
–Oh, um, bueno una akuma es una persona…– Marinette comenzó. Danny levantó una ceja. Ella no había planeado tener que explicar esto hoy, y estaba haciendo un trabajo pobre de eso. –Bueno, una persona poseía-
–Espera, ¿quieres decir como “overshadowed”? Sam preguntó lo que los tres Amity Parkers estaban pensando. Ella no pensó que el sentido fantasmal de él se hubiera disparado, pero no podrían estar muy cuidadosos.    
–¿”Over– ”qué?– preguntó Marinette, confundida, esa no era una palabra en inglés que supiera. Ella sacudió su cabeza, –No, no lo creo… es más controlado por, como si a alguien le hubieran lavado el cerebro.– De ahí recordó que “poseído” podría significar algo totalmente diferente para ellos que lo hace a ella.  
–Eso es horrible,– Jazz comentó con una mirada compasiva. Sabiendo que era hecho por un humano a otro lo hacía peor en su libro.
–Eso es, es por eso que es mejor quedarse adentro, y dejar a Ladybug y Chat Noir hacer su trabajo. Ellos la defenderán, ¡no se preocupen!– dijo Marinette. Su sonrisa era un poco demasiado amplia, estrechada delgada. Ladybug salvará el día, pero primero necesitaba salir y transformarse en Ladybug. Ella sólo tenía que descubrir cómo escurrirse de ellos.  
–Marinette tiene razón,– dijo Sabine. –Nuestra política de seguridad de la tienda incluye clientes en estos casos de emergencias. Por favor quédense dentro de la tienda.– Su acento era más fuerte que el de Marinette pero ellos podían entender su inglés lo suficiente bien. 
–Okay…– dijo Danny dudosamente. Él no pensó que podría hacer mucho en contra de un akuma. Hasta donde él sabía ellos eran sólo personas, personas controladas mentalmente pero aún personas, tan mal como eso sonara. Y aunque quizás le estaba matando por dentro de saber más al respecto así podría al menos intentar ayudar, con Jazz y Sam e incluso los Parisinos tan cerca, no estaba por transformarse en fantasma.      
–Bien,– dijo Tom, asintiendo con la cabeza con aprobación. Nunca le gustó cuando Alya iba a filmar las batallas y le gusta muchísimo menos cuando su hija toma el riesgo también. Aunque normalmente Marinette estaba tratando de detener a Alya. 
Otra explosión sacudió la panadería. Los pasteles rebotaron de sus demostradores y algunos se acumularon en el borde de los contenedores. Las cosas se estaban cayendo de las repisas, todo estaba fuera de lugar. Todos en la panadería corrieron por la cobertura, y Marinette tomó la oportunidad para escapar y “esconderse” en la casa en vez de la tienda.
Ella no perdió más tiempo, rápidamente transformándose en Ladybug y balanceándose fuera de una ventana. Con la ayuda de su confiable yo-yo ella hizo su camino al techo. Una vez ahí, encontró a Chat Noir, quién estaba ya mirando al villano e intentando entender la situación.  
Mientras tanto, dentro de la panadería, Danny estaba tratando de ver que estaba pasando desde una ventana ya que el ataque no estaba tan lejos. Sam se paró junto a él, una mano gentil en su hombro para mantenerlo calmado. Incluso aunque él nisiquiera sabía si él podría hacer algo contra un ‘Akuma', él estaba seguro que aún había alguna manera que él podría ayudar.  
Jazz estaba viendo a su pequeño hermano desde más adentro en la tienda, ella podría decir que le estaba picando el querer salir de ahí y ayudar, eso estaba en su naturaleza. Ella conocía a su hermanito, si las cosas se ponían lo suficientemente mal, él iba a intentar su mejor en ayudar, incluso si eso quiere decir romper su promesa.
La pelea se ha acercado aún más cerca a la panadería y eso no estaba ayudando el estrés de Danny, él sabía que podría intentar ayudar, pero no quería romper su promesa o exponerse a sí mismo.  
De ahí cuando nadie se lo esperaba, la pelea se acabó. Tan rápido como comenzó, terminó.
Tan pronto como Ladybug encontró a Chat Noir, él le dijo que era lo que había visto y ella sabía exactamente qué hacer. La akuma era un contractor de demoliciones a quién despidieron por el uso de prácticas inseguras. Su jefe dijo que él estaba usando muchos explosivos, pero él tenía un plan, no era su culpa que a los de arriba no les gustara. Él estaba lanzando bombas por toda la ciudad, destruyendo un montón de edificios, cuando Ladybug y Chat Noir lo encontraron. Usando su asombroso trabajo en equipo, el par de héroes rápidamente encontraron el akuma escondido en un control detonador y pusieron un final a su alboroto. De ahí Ladybug lanzó su cura milagrosa y todo regresó a la normalidad.   
De vuelta en la panadería, Tom y Sabine estaban sonriendo a las caras sorprendidas de los extranjeros. Ellos se han vuelto tan acostumbrados a los ataques de akumas que era casi normal para ellos. Ha sido bonito de ser recordados de lo mágico que todo era en realidad.
Danny, Sam, y Jazz estaban más que un poco sorprendidos cuando todo de la nada regreso tan bueno como nuevo, los dulces caídos estaban de vuelta en las repisas, las sillas volteadas estaban puestas correctamente, y ellos podían ver los edificios previamente dañados desde la ventana con no una marca en ellos. Como si el akuma nunca hubiera pasado. 
No fue mucho hasta que Marinette estaba de vuelta abajo y estaba tan entretenida por su choque como sus padres. Los tres parisinos explicaron a sus invitados que siempre era así para ellos. Un akuma destruiría casi todo en su camino, y de ahí cuando Ladybug con su Magia Miraculous lo restaura todo. ¡Bueno como nuevo!
Danny silenciosamente deseaba que eso fuese algo que él pudiese hacer de vuelta en casa, quizás ahí la gente no lo culparan por el daño propietario. 
Era en ese momento que el estómago de alguien gruñó y los chicos de Amity Park de repente se dieron cuenta que tan hambrientos estaban. 
–Wow, ¿es en realidad tan tarde?– Danny se preguntó en voz alta. Chequeó la hora en su teléfono; incluso sin proveedor local de servicio, la hora aún estaba correcta. 
–Tú siempre estás pensando con tu estómago, ¿verdad?– dijo Sam. Ella se rió y le dio una sonrisa burlona. Incluso aunque ella también estaba hambrienta, ella no lo iba a admitir. Las horas en realidad habían volado. 
–Vamos a encontrar algo de comer, es casi la hora del almuerzo,– Jazz sugirió. Ella miró alrededor a la familia Dupain-Cheng, –Marinette, gracias por todos los consejos,– ella levantó el cuaderno de notas donde ha escrito todo, –Y gracias, Sabine y Tom, por dejarnos quedar aquí durante el ataque del akuma. ¡Nosotros nunca hemos visto nada como eso antes!
–¡De nada! –respondió Marinette con una gran sonrisa. Ella estaba más que feliz de saber que todo estaba saliendo bien para los extranjeros. 
–¡Me alegro de saber que nuestra hija les ha ayudado a ustedes chicos tanto! ¡Diviértanse en sus vacaciones y por favor regresen!– dijo Sabine, ella envolvió un brazo alrededor de su esposo y los dos sonrieron orgullosamente a los chicos.  
–¡Lo haremos!– dijo Jazz, sonriendo grande de vuelta. Era un buen lugar, y ellos pueden regresar por dulces a cualquier hora durante su estadía. 
Y así, simplemente así, Jazz, Danny y Sam se despidieron con la mano a sus nuevos amigos y se dirigieron al sol parisino una vez más. Ellos han pasaron por unas tiendas y restaurantes temprano y Marinette les ha dicho donde ellos pueden tener el almuerzo a un buen precio. El restaurante al que terminaron yendo no era el más barato que vieron, pero al menos estaba en el presupuesto del día.
Justo cuando estaban terminando el almuerzo, sus teléfonos Fenton sonaron. Eran Jack y Maddie llamando para chequear en ellos porque habían aprendido sobre el ataque akuma. Ellos sabían que los chicos podrían manejarse a sí mismos en situaciones peligrosas, pero igual se preocupaban. Además, su curiosidad estaba alta.
Una vez que los adultos terminaron de salpicándolos de preguntas, los chicos tomaron turnos diciéndoles sobre lo que pasó, Danny explicó que no, él no usó sus poderes, y no, él no tiene ni una pista de qué fue eso, y sí, ellos estaban todos bien. De ahí Jazz se hizo cargo de la historia y explicó cómo y porqué terminaron escondiéndose en una panadería de todos los lugares. Sam completó la explicación, diciendo que parece ser como magia de algún tipo, al menos eso es lo que los parisinos creen.     
Jack y Maddie estaban alegres de escuchar que los chicos estaban bien y no habían tenido ningún problema serio. Era suficiente fastidio lidiar con seguro de vuelta en casa, ellos realmente no lo querían hacer aquí. Tanto como la posibilidad de magia, el lado científico de ellos quería negar la existencia, pero ellos no podían explicar que podría arreglar todo el daño tan fácil. 
Danny confesó su deseo que ellos tuvieran magia para arreglar de vuelta en casa, y a eso, todos acordaron. De ahí, sugirió que quizás la próxima vez que otro ataque de akuma pasase, él podría tan sólo observar desde una distancia más cercana que hoy.
Eso hizo que todos preguntaran si es que planeaba transformarse, a lo que respondió sí, pero sólo eso. No otros poderes, excepto quizás invisibilidad. Sería una misión sigilosa, reconocimiento. Él no quería que la gente lo delatara ni causar aún más pánico.
Todos ellos lo conversaron y decidieron que quizás, sólo quizás, estaría bien, sólo esta vez. Así ellos podrían ver exactamente qué es lo que estaba pasando aquí. El resto prometió quedarse lejos. Los héroes locales parecen ser más que capaces de lidiar con esas akumas, después de todo. Ellos acaban de ser testigos de primera mano prácticamente, o lo aprendieron de las noticias locales -incluso aunque Jack y Maddie no podían entender qué es lo que el reportero estaba diciendo, ellos podían adivinar, y de ahí una rápida revisada en línea usando el wifi del hotel confirmó sus observaciones.   
Con su plan en relación a akumas ahora hecho, los tres adolescentes continuaron explorando la ciudad. De ahí, más tarde, se encontraron con el resto del Equipo Phantom -excepto por Tucker, Valerie, y Dani, por supuesto- de vuelta en el hotel e intentaron llamar a casa. Era raro pensar sobre cuántas horas de diferencia había -maldición a las zonas horarias- y sabiendo que necesitaban esperar hasta la tarde tarde o la noche antes de que pudieran hablar con alguien de vuelta en Amity. Agradecidamente, el Sr. Gray respondió justo sólo después de unas pocas timbradas y ellos estuvieron disponibles de chequear con él, calmando algo de su ansiedad.
A las chicas les estaba yendo todo bien, Danny habló con Dani y le preguntó cómo ella estaba y si ella había tenido algún problema fantasmales. Dani le dijo que él se estaba preocupando muchísimo y él debería sólo relajarse- él estaba de vacaciones y tan lejos por una razón.  
De ahí cuando hablaron con Valerie, ella le dijo a Sam y Danny que ella escuchó que el alcalde estaba planeando una pequeña “reunión” en el estranjero. Le presionaron por detalles, y ella dijo que Tucker estaba obviamente planeando un viaje a París para sí mismo. Él tenía que usar sus poderes como alcalde, de una manera u otra para que pasé. El público ha estado cazando al gobierno local por más información sobre Amity Park, y hasta ahora, Tucker ha rechazado una gira de prensa. Aunque recientemente, rumores se han esparcido que ha aceptado una invitación del alcalde de París. ¡Que increible bien-planeada coincidencia! Los dos adolescentes se rieron de las payasadas de su mejor amigo, pero no podían estar más felices. Sólo Tucker podría arreglar planear una reunión especial a medio mundo sólo para venir a pasar el rato con ellos.  
Jack y Maddie no estaban muy felices con esa idea, pero no podían realmente decir mucho sabiendo que el alcalde anterior hizo mucho peor que eso. Tucker era también aún un niño, y él no iba a ser el alcalde por siempre. Las siguientes elecciones se estaban acercando pronto y se decidirá el siguiente alcalde, después de todo. 
Escuchando noticias de Amity deja algo de normalidad a su rutina y ellos hablaron por un buen rato, antes de decir adiós. Incluso aunque ellos sólo se han ido por un día, había ya un montón que decir uno al otro.  
Mientras los chicos estaban hablando, Maddie y Jack miraron las atracciones locales y encontraron que una exposición científica estaba llevando a cabo no tan lejos de su hotel e iba a comenzar al día siguiente. Danny y Jazz expresaron su sorpresa cuando aprendieron que no era nada de una convención fantasmal, a lo que los padres tímidamente confesaron que era relacionado al estudio de fantasmas… de una manera. Después de todo, gente de todas partes del mundo estaban hablando sobre fantasmas y aprendiendo sobre ellos ahora. 
Por supuesto, los Fentons mayores no se iban a perder la oportunidad de hablar sobre fantasmas con toda una nueva ciudad de gente que no ha escuchado ya todo sobre sus teorías. Ellos acordaron que sólo iban a escuchar las presentaciones y demás, incluso aunque ellos no estaban seguros cuánto de eso ellos iban a entender, ya que probablemente estaría en francés y todo.  
Tal como sus padres prometieron de intentar mantener un perfil bajo en la convención, Danny una vez más prometió mantener la presencia de Phantom en París un secreto, incluso mientras espia invisible a los héroes locales. Él no ha estado realmente alrededor de otros héroes y estaba curioso sobre sus poderes. Ellos estaban todos muy intrigados por lo qué podían aprender de ellos y considerando que quizás ellos podrían usar el conocimiento más tarde, era válido el riesgo. Los otros estaban llamando espiar porque era básicamente lo que era, incluso aunque Danny rechazaba llamarlo así. 
Una vez que todos estaban en acuerdo de cómo ellos se iban a comportar así mismos mientras obtenían información durante su estadía ellos decidieron regresar en la mentalidad de vacaciones. Jack y Maddie se prepararon para su exposición de ciencia, mientras los chicos planean su siguiente salida. La Torre Eiffel era una de las atracciones turísticas más populares en París después de todo y ya era hora de chequearla. Gracias a la ayuda de Marinette, ellos, o, más específico, Jazz, fueron disponibles de mirar rápidamente a través del horario de buses y encontrar la mejor hora para visitar cuando no estaría tan lleno de gente. Una vez Jazz tenía completamente planeado sus días, desde cómo y cuándo para ir a la Torre Eiffel y de ahí qué hacer después, ella se fue a dormir.    
Después que Jazz se fue a la cama, Danny y Sam decidieron en mirar en tener sus teléfonos en la red celular de París. Ellos no podían mantener usando los teléfonos Fenton para todas sus comunicaciones. Sam tomó el liderazgo en programar eso, ya que ella tenía experiencia haciendo ese tipo de cosas antes, pero Danny fue el sugiero que aún utilicen los teléfonos Fenton para comunicarse con Amity Park, ya que sería más barato que itinerancia internacional. En no tiempo alguno, Sam consiguió ayudar a Danny y el resto de la familia Fenton en tener una línea local temporal. Jack y Maddie estaban muy agradecidos con Sam por ayudarlo con eso, ya que ellos lo han estado poniendo para “después.” Usando los teléfonos Fenton ha funcionado para ellos hasta ahora, así que quizás es posible que nunca hubieran llegado a hacerlo.
Y así, con un muy productivo primer día en París bajo sus cinturones, ellos se fueron a dormir. Se estaba haciendo tarde después de todo.
Durante los siguientes pocos días, Jack y Maddie disfrutaron su convención, si nada más, al menos aprendieron la palabra francesa para ‘fantasma,’ y los chicos tomaron turnos escogiendo cual atracción turística visitar. Ellos sólo iban a estar ahí por dos semanas, así que todos querían hacer lo mejor de su tiempo en la Ciudad de las Luces. En adición a los lugares más populares, ellos también encontraron algunos lugares más cayados frecuentados por los locales que todos ellos podrían disfrutar. Antes que ellos supieran, el día para que Tucker se les uniera estaba a la vuelta de la esquina.   
–Así que,– Jazz comentó, –Tucker finalmente dijo la razón oficial por la cual está viñedo es para que él supuestamente haga un grupo de conferencias sobre los fantasmas de Amity. 
Los chicos estaban sentados en el parque esa tarde, sólo disfrutando el bonito día.
–Yeah. Finalmente logramos comunicarnos con él, y es cómo dijo Valerie, él se suponía que lo haría en línea, conferencia de larga distancia… algo. Pero ya conoces a Tuck, él se las arregló cambiar de manera que pudiese venir a París personalmente.– Danny se encogió de hombros. –Aunque, también pienso que él mencionó una vez que tenía unas cuantas diferentes ciudades alrededor del mundo tratando de reservarlo. Así que, ¿por qué París? Quién sabe. Posiblemente sólo porque estamos aquí.– se encogió de hombros de nuevo.   
–¿Por qué no estoy sorprendida? Ustedes chicos siempre han sido buenos jugando el sistema, ¿verdad?– dijo Jazz. Ella, como el resto, había sospechado que ese sería el caso, pero escuchando a Danny decirlo en voz alta sólo lo confirma. Al menos Tucker no estaba realmente abusando de su poder… demasiado. Ellos lo habían invitado a él, después de todo. 
–Bueno, es Tuck, ¿qué es lo que esperas?– dijo Sam con una encogida de hombros. Ella no iba a negar lo obvio.
–Valerie y Dani dijeron que está llegando mañana, ¿verdad?– preguntó Jazz. Ellos han logrado hablar con las chicas de vuelta en casa el día anterior; pero fue más Danny preguntando sobre Amity y confirmando la falta de fantasmas que nada más. Ella esperó, por el bien de Danny, que las cosas se quedaran bien por allá.
–Y creo que se está quedando en el mismo hotel que nosotros, parece ser que el “Grand Paris” siempre recibe gente importante…– Danny añadió, recalcando los detalles los planes de viaje de su mejor. Incluso aunque, ahora que lo pensaba, Tucker posiblemente no debería haber compartido esos detalles con nadie más que sus padres, quienes estaban viniendo también. Podría ser potencialmente un riesgo de seguridad.
–Sí, él se está quedando en la suite presidencial, o como sea que se llame,– continuó Sam. Ella había sido la que confirmó la información, pero no le importaba lo suficiente para recordar el nombre de la habitación. Los cuartos tienen números, después de todo, y esa era la parte importante. 
–Así que estoy adivinando que ustedes dos van a querer verlo tan pronto como él llegue aquí, ¿verdad? Ustedes tres van probablemente querer ponerse al día mañana…– dijo Jazz. Ella ya sabía que Danny y Sam saltarán a la oportunidad de pasar tiempo con su mejor amigo. Incluso aunque ella estaba con ellos y ellos estaban teniendo un buen rato, ella aún se sentía un poco incómoda, un poco como una forastera.    
–Probablemente…– Danny tartareo, medio escuchando. Él estaba mirando a un grupo de niños jugando a la distancia y escuchando a las palomas arrullar. Él estaba disfrutando un montón las vacaciones hasta ahora. Como debería.
–Ey Jazz, sabes que incluso aunque no nos molesta tu compañía, tú puedes ir a hacer tus propias cosas, también,–  dijo Sam. –No necesitas quedarte con nosotros.– A ella no le molestaba la otra chica, pero ella también sabía que Jazz posiblemente querrá hacer algunas otras cosas normales de adolescentes, sin su hermanito y su enamorada acompañando. Como quizás chequear algunas universidades locales o algo, incluso aunque ella nunca querrá estudiar tan lejos de Amity. Honestamente, Sam estaba comenzando a sentir un poco raro estando alrededor de Jazz cuando ellos no estaban peleando algún tipo de peligro.
– ¡Oh no, está todo bien! Tengo la tarjeta llave para la habitación, así que tenemos que quedarnos juntos…– respondió Jazz. Ella era la mayor y por lo tanto la que confiaron de mantener seguimiento de su copia de esta. Ella sabía que Sam no quiso decir nada con eso, pero ninguno de ellos era lo suficientemente tonto para perderse el sentimiento incomódo entre ellos.  
–Sí, pero sabes que no necesariamente necesito una llave…– dijo Danny, obviamente apuntando a sus habilidades fantasmales. Él aún estaba ajeno a la creciente tensión a su alrededor.
–Verdad, pero recuerda: no poderes, hermanito. Además mamá y papá me confiaron el cuidar de ustedes, e incluso aunque no lo necesiten, ¡no quiere decir que debería de tan sólo dejarlos chicos! ¿Que si es que se pierden? ¿O van al cuarto equivocado?– Jazz apuntó. Con su limitada comunicación aquí, perderse no era algo para jugar con. Ese pensamiento la hizo sentir mejor sobre estar ahí por ellos, incluso cuando ellos no necesariamente la necesiten.
–Está bien, está bien…– Danny levantó sus manos en rendimiento. Él finalmente había notado qué tan estresante la situación se estaba volviendo. –Nos vamos a quedar juntos, y no poderes, significa no poderes…– suspiró. Él quizás realmente está comenzando a extrañar los ataques fantasmales. 
–Bueno, con nuestra suerte otra akuma atacará pronto, y tú puedes ir espiar a los héroes,– Sam bromeó. 
Ellos habían encontrado el blog manejado por la amiga de Marinette, Alya. El “Ladyblog” tenía una traducción al inglés y en este se explicaba que los ataques akuma eran completamente al azar, usualmente variando entre dos a tres por semana, pero a veces tan frecuentes como dos en un día, aunque eso era muy raro. Así que, en otras palabras, estos pasaban cuando menos te lo esperas. 
–¡Hey! pensé que era sólo “observando desde una distancia cercana…”
Jazz y Sam ambas le dieron miradas que dicen “ni tú te crees eso.”
Él suspiró. –Bien, espiar es…– pausó, –esperemos que no me meta en problemas por eso…– él murmuró. Incluso aunque él sabía que era espiar desde el inicio, él no quería decirlo, en caso de que fuese ilegal o algo. Y ni siquiera sabía si es que iba a entender nada.  
–Así que, ¿a qué hora se supone que Tucker llegará al hotel de nuevo? no recuerdo qué es lo que Valerie dijo, ya que ustedes chicos, o bueno, tú, hermanito, estabas acaparando los teléfonos Fenton todo el rato y tuve que preguntarte sobre eso después…– dijo Jazz, con una punzada de molestia, recordando le sobre su preocupación en el teléfono sobre si es que Amity le estaba yendo bien o no.    
Si ellos iban a hacer algo mañana para encontrarse con Tucker y su familia, era lo mejor planear por adelantado. Y Jazz necesitaba toda la información en orden de hacer esa planeación. 
–Bueno, su vuelo debería de aterrizar alrededor de las 5 pm. Él hizo un montón de quejas sobre cómo iba a estar pasando un todo un día entero en un avión. Él quizás sea un genio tecnológico, pero realmente, no entiende que si sale de Illinois a media noche eso son las 7 am aquí, de ahí cuando le añades las diez horas volando… “voilà” llegas a París a las 5 pm.– explicó Sam. Ellos habían tenido algo similar que les pase cuando volaron para allá, aunque no fue tan malo porque ellos llegaron alrededor de las 11 pm. y de ahí durmieron durante la noche.
–Si recuerdo correctamente, incluso tú estabas confundida sobre las zonas horarias cuando estábamos viajando…– Danny se burló de ella con una sonrisa grande juguetona y Sam sólo lo miró directamente de regreso. Después de todo, ese lunes en la noche fue difícil para todos ellos.
–Bueno, si ayuda, ninguno de nosotros ha experimentado cruzar tantas zonas horarias así antes…– Jazz pausó, –Eso quiere decir que Tucker debería llegar al hotel alrededor de las 6 pm.– ella comentó, regresando los de vuelta al tópico de planeando para el día siguiente.
–“Yep,”– dijo Danny, pronunciando la ‘p’ más fuerte de lo necesario, –así que debería de estar libre alrededor de las seis y media o siete mañana en la tarde,– terminó con una asentada de cabeza. Él estaba emocionado de que él y Sam podrán pasar el tiempo con su amigo después de muchísimo tiempo. Ellos tan sólo han estado en París por una semana, pero aún antes de eso, ha sido difícil de verlo por sus deberes como alcalde. Reales, no como este viaje… Principalmente ha sido arreglar problemas que Vlad dejó. 
–Está bien, así que digamos solo siete, para estar seguros, es cuando deberíamos estar buscando,– dijo Sam. Ella nunca admitiría, pero ha extrañado a su amigo; ella estaba realmente agradecida de tenerlo en su vida. Después de todo, los tres han sido el trío original, el original equipo Phantom.
–¡Suena como un plan!– dijo Jazz y escribió todo en el cuaderno que ella aún sigue cargando alrededor.  
Danny y Sam sólo giraron sus ojos. A veces parecía como si Jazz estaba siendo un poco extra, pero ellos sabían que ella siempre tenía buenas intenciones. Y incluso aunque ellos nunca le dirían, ellos sabían que la iban a extrañar cuando se vaya a “Amity Park University” en el otoño. 
Los tres adolescentes cayeron en un silencio pacifico, cada uno perdido en sus propios pensamientos. 
Danny estaba realmente disfrutando su tiempo en París. Él nunca pensó que viajar así le ayudaría tanto, pero con Sam a su lado tan cerca que sus hombros rozaban, y Jazz a su otro lado, lo suficientemente cerca para un codazo burlón en las costillas, él sentía la tensión derritiéndose lentamente.
Sam deslizó su mano en la de Danny y le dió un apretón suave. Ella estaba tan alegre de verlo realmente relajado de una, y ella estaba disfrutando cada segundo ella logró pasar con él. Una brisa sopló a través del parque, crujiendo las hojas de los árboles, y ella respiró hondo del dulce aire  de verano.  
Jazz estaba bastante contenta con cómo todo estaba yendo hasta ahora. Ella mentalmente repasó su itinerario nuevamente, ellos sólo tenían un poco de tiempo aquí y quería hacer lo más que se pueda. Aunque, ella suponía, siempre pensando de qué van a hacer después era posiblemente no la mejor manera de disfrutar el momento, ¿verdad? Ella se sacudió así misma fuera de sus pensamientos y en vez miró la manera que la luz del sol moteada bailaba a lo largo del piso a sus pies. 
–Bueno, ahora que sabemos cuando Tuck está llegando aquí,– Danny comenzó, rompiendo el silencio, –y hemos cambiado nuestros planes para el fin de semana para incluirlo— 
Un carro negro elegante ha parado en el parque, causando alguna conmoción cuando un guardaespaldas salió de este.
–Okay…– dijo Sam, notando que distrajo a Danny.
Jazz terminó de escribir algunas más ideas de lo que podrían hacer mañana, asegurándose de contar del como ellos iban a “sólo decir hola” a Tuck. Cuando miró arriba de su cuaderno cuando vio lo que Danny y Sam estaban mirando. –¿Se supone que es una celebridad adolecente o algo?– preguntó. Parecía que era sacado de una película, de cierta manera.
–No lo sé, sólo parecía que algo estaba por pasar, con la manera que toda esa gente estaba actuando. No esperaba que fuese sólo algún chico, pensé por un segundo que quizás un akuma estaba viniendo o algo,– Danny explicó. Después de todo, ellos estaban esperando a que un akuma pasará pronto o después.  
–Pensé la misma cosa,– dijo Sam, –pero ese chico rubio no parece como un akuma, ¿verdad?– Ella miró la manera como estaba siendo protegido por su guardaespaldas. Él no parecía ser una gran amenaza.
–¡Oh!– exclamó Danny, después de ver al chico un poco mejor lo más cercano que se acercó. –¡Creo que lo conozco!  
–¿Qué?– preguntó Jazz y Sam, igualmente confundidas. Ellas nunca lo han visto antes en sus vidas.
–Bueno, está bien, está bien. No, ya saben, conozco conozco… pero lo he visto. En anuncios. Creo.– dijo Danny, tratando de recordar dónde exactamente había visto el anuncio, o si es que sabía de qué era.
–En anuncios, dices…– Jazz tartamudo pensativamente, tratando de recordar que publicidades han visto alrededor del área.
–Digo, supongo… no recuerdo exactamente donde, y ahora que lo pienso, no estoy seguro de para qué era. Digo, cómo podría saber, ¡estaba probablemente en francés!– Danny dijo con una encogida de hombros. Había muchas señales con personas en ellas, ambas aquí y de vuelta en casa. Normalmente era por publicidad, alguien tratando de vender productos o servicios, o peor, según él, era política. 
–Eso tiene sentido,– Sam permitió.
–Él parece ser muy popular… bueno, al menos entre las chicas,– comentó Jazz. Ella ha estado viendo el grupo de gente y notó que la mayoría de la gente que ahora estaba reunida en el parque parecía ser de chicas adolescentes.  
–Bueno, supongo, esa es nuestra señal para irnos. Miren, ellos tienen un fotógrafo por allá también, ellos probablemente vinieron a trabajar…– añadió Sam, no impresionada. ¿Qué más podría un adolecente famoso hacer si no es trabajar de una manera u otra? Era eso o sólo ser “molestos” en su libro.  
–Está bien, vamos,– Danny se paró de su banca. –¡estoy aquí para descansar, no trabajar!– Bueno… al menos que cuentes lo “definitivamente-no-espiando” que él estaría haciendo en los héroes locales.  
–ey, ¿no es esa Marinette?– Jazz apuntó a un set de colitas familiares en el medio de la gente de lo que ellos podrían sólo asumir eran aficionados. 
Sam siguió la línea de visión de Jazz y encontró a su nueva amiga hablando animadamente con otra chica. –Sí, eso creo…– Cuando volvió, notó como Jazz parecía como que ella estaba lista para ir a preguntarle a Marinette por algunos más consejos parisinos. 
–Uhh, Jazz, no creo que necesitemos molestarla y a su amiga ahora…– dijo Danny, recogiendo lo mismo que Sam tenía. Conociendo a su hermana, ella intentaría sacarle la mayor cantidad de información posible a Marinette, incluso aunque ellos no la necesitaban, ellos estaban planeando pasar el tiempo con Tucker mañana, después de todo.   
–Ey, sólo porque estoy coleccionando mis cosas especialmente el cuaderno no significa…– ella paró cuando Danny y Sam ambos levantaron una ceja escéptica a ella. –Okay, okay… bueno. Así que quizás he pensado que podría preguntarle algunas más preguntas…– Suspiró. No sería malo tener ideas de qué más hacer, ¿verdad?  
–Solo vámonos,– Danny gruñó. Él se paró y estiró su espalda. Se sintió bien después de sentarse por un tiempo.
–Estoy justo detrás tuyo,– dijo Sam. Ella hubiera estado bien feliz de quedarse ahí y admirar la puesta de sol, se estaba haciendo tarde ya no tardaría mucho en bajar,  pero la idea perdió su atractivo cuando tantas personas aparecieron.
–Bien– refunfuñó Jazz, superada en número y derrotada. Ella terminó de empacar lo último de sus cosas en una pequeña maleta.
Y así los tres de ellos comenzaron su camino de vuelta al hotel. Ellos posiblemente podrían ir al techo y disfrutar algo de tiempo en la piscina mientras continuaban planear que es lo que podrán hacer con Tucker una vez que llegara. Sin embargo, tan pronto como comenzaron a caminar, una gran bandada de palomas pasó junto a ellos, volando en formación. Un grito salió de la multitud de fanáticos, muchos de ellos corrieron para cubrirse.
–Ah, eso es raro, ¿verdad?– Danny preguntó. –Cómo, no soy un experto en aves, pero estoy segura que eso no es normal.   Continuará… :D :D
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Hey!, im just wanted to say that, the request are open and i gonna share the masterlist.
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Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU), 911 (Abc series)
━━Steve Rogers/Captain America
━━Bucky Barnes/ The winter soldier
━━Tony Stark/ Iron man
━━Natasha Romanoff/ Black Widow
━━Bruce Banner/Hulk
━━Clint Barton/ Hawkaye-
━━Thor Odinson
━━Loki Laufeyson
━━Peter Parker/Spiderman (Tom holland, Andrew Garfield, Toby Macquire)
━━Avengers cast.
━━Chris evans.
━━Sebastian Stan
━━Robert Downey jr
━━Chris hemsworth
━━Evan "Buck" Buckley
━━Eddie DIaz.
Soon I will be adding more characters, actors and fandoms to this list. Don't forget that if you want to be tagged in my next stories, you must let me know.
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ultraistinctdrawing · 2 years
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Sonic X Style Sonic Movie 2 Poster :)
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lalazlandd · 1 year
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Tom and Maddie Texture references
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Actor References used :
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hollandsangel · 2 years
Oh my goodness, Tom and #22 from the fluff prompts. I’m always so cold!! 💕
join the sleepover!
first ask of the sleepover!! here we go <3
#22 "your hands are colder than the one time i lost a bet and i had to stick my hand into the snow for five minutes."
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you feel you phone ding in your pocket but don’t bother to pull it out, drink tray and pizza box balanced in your hand as you rush down the street. it’s rainy in kingston, has been all weekend and you’re worried the downpour will soak through your laptop bag.
you feel the buzz in your coat one more time, but it’s overpowered the shiver that crawls up your spine. you can finally see the house come into view and the relief that floods you nearly mimics warmth. it’s shortlived though, as you remember you’ll have to dig through your tote for your keys. you silently curse yourself for your sheer number of bags and unfree hands.
the steps have darkend from the rain pelting at the concrete and your sneakers have soaked through just a tad, leaving your soaks just damp enough to be uncomfortable. the porch light is on, and you can’t remember if you left it on before you left or if maybe tom’s home now and flicked it on for you. a quick try of the door proves your boyfriend is still out, and you think he was probably the reason for you phone buzzing earlier.
it’s a balancing game as you search for the house keys, finally finding them in the pocket of your hoodie under your buttoned up jacket, pizza box teetering on the hand rail and drink tray precariously held in your shaking hand when the key ultimately makes it into the lock.
the house is warm upone entry, and you try your hardest to shrug off all your layers as quickly as possible, rubbing your hands together in hopes of regaining feelings in your fingers. once the food has made it onto the counter and you’d gotten into new socks (and a pair of tom’s sweats) you check you phone. 
are you still grabbing food? i’ve got haz and the twins now i can come pick you up
tuwaine said he’d meet us at the house
are you walking? it’s bloody cold
you laugh a bit at the inconvenient timing because you would have really loved a ride. just as you go to try and respond, you hear familiar voices outside, arguing over something through laughter.
“when was the last time you bought an umbrella?”
 it’s tom, he’s the first to walk through the door, followed by sam who counters back with, “yeah, har, i don’t think i’ve ever seen you with one.”
when you turn to greet them, you catch a glimpse of harry’s frizzy hair and unimpressed pout, clearly annoyed with his brothers, “i don’t wanna talk about this anymore,” he huffs, closing the door with a hearty shove. harrison just snickers and musses up harry’s hair a bit more.
“darling!” tom disregards his younger brother, shoes coming off and halfharzardly left on the mat by the door as he waltzes into the kitchen and kisses your cheek, “you didn’t answer my texts, you just get home?” he asks, peering over his shoulder at you while taking everyone’s drinks from the tray.
“yeah, i just walked, my hands were super full,” you explain, smiling as he passes you your hot chocolate, “besides, i think my hands were too frozen to type,” you mumble, bringing the cup to blow on the steaming liquid.
tom sets his own cup down and reaches for your hands, frowning when englufs them in his own, "your hands are colder than the one time i lost a bet and had to stick my hand into the snow for five minutes."
“yeah, i still can’t believe they let you back into canada after that trip,” you tease back, grinning as he kisses your knuckles.
harrison chuckles over the rim of his drink, staring down at his phone, “i don’t think we’ll ever be allowed back in that bar.”
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(Super out of date) Masterpost of My Sonic fics.
(Updated as of 06/October 2022) currently outdated and in need of an update
Chaos Uncontrolled A crossover between the movie universe and Sonic X. Featuring the Sonic X crew being befuddled by the movie boys being siblings and their powers.
When your children come from the stars Sonic, Knuckles and Tails get adopted early and Tom and Maddie learn to look after alien kids.
Wachowski one shots a one shot collection for the Wachowski family. Mostly wholesome shenanigans but sprinkles of angst are planned.
7 times someone ‘kidnapped’ Knuckles in the name of friendship, and 1 time he did it back. a 5+1 style fic where Knuckles friends want to spend time with him. First chapter has Rouge and Shadow.
Vector the crocodile is everybody’s dad a collection of moments set during forces where Vector looks out for the younger members of the Sonic cast.
Friendship persists A frontiers inspired fic where sonic, tails, knuckles and Amy are all stranded on the starfall islands together with amnesia.
No child should have to inherit a war.   set in the movie universe this begins with sonic and Knuckles meeting up as kids and choosing to search for the master emerald together. They are joined by tails and travel across the galaxy. It’s kinda an adventure/ road trip style fic. Has a lot of cameos.
The ghostly guardian An au where knuckles is a ghost/spirt bound to the master emerald but because he has no one to compare himself to has never realized what’s unusual. There are similar story beats to canon with some deviation.
What’s a ship without it’s crew Set during season 3 of sonic x this is a group of one shots of random things happening on the blue typhoon. Some are chill shenanigans but some are character bonding with a nice sprinkling of angst
Aliens? in my town? it’s more likely than you’d think. Set in the movie universe and details the story of a family being completely oblivious to all the alien shenanigans going on. (Think Linda from phineas and Ferb)
How to deal with an alternate dimensional version of yourself (a guide by Team Sonic)
smaller but mightier
scrambled and over easy
My three sonic boom and sonic movie crossovers fics. Mostly chill tone but has some angst. The boom team also get their emotional awareness boosted up so they can deal with the movie counterparts better.
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mars-wuz-herez · 1 month
Here are some theory's I think might happen in the movie. Nothing real! Just my take on things.
(Skip if you don't wanna read it)
This is a floating theory amoung the internet but it's also what I think might happen
Sonic is introduced to Shadow at the house. The only people who are there are Sonic and Tails. (Tom and Maddie are out of the house)
They fight, Shadow immediately knocking Tails out
The house getting more destroyed than it already is
Shadow seems to be looking for someone but when he can't find them he chaos controls away.
Sonic and Tails are confused and they know that he must be involved with Eggman in some way and now they have to stop them both.
They go on the adventure and Tom tags along
Now at some point in the movie they will probaly invade some military base and learn more about Project Shadow
While Tails and Sonic are looking around Tom is somewhere else looking through files. There he sees a young girls name and the soldier who killed her
When he sees the name is face might go wide but immediatly hides the file and joins Sonic and Tails (maybe Knuckles I dont really know)
Then later in the movie Shadow might say: "You'll pay for everything you've done" and Sonic might respond "I dont even know you that well what are you talking about?" Shadow will then say, "I'm not talking to you im talking to him" and then points at Tom
Sonic is genuinely confused and Eggman comes from his flying robot or something and says "Oh you don't know?"
Eggman or Shadow will tell Sonic about Maria and how she was killed and who killed her, Tom's dad.
Sonic will deny it and when he looks to Tom, he will have a guilty look on his face, indicating he already knew
Fast foward and everyone saves everything
Now here are my two takes on how the movie would end
If Shadow falls from Space:
Tom and Maddie would say it's time to go home but Sonic will stop in his tracks
He will say that it hurt him how Tom didn't tell him and how he lied
It hurt how he lied, and Sonic really did think of him as a dad.
Tom will try to apologize but Sonic would want some time to think about everything.
He would leave home and probaly not go back until whatever show is next
Tails would most likely go with Sonic, as he came to earth in the first place to help Sonic
Knuckles would see Tom's lie as dishonorable and would leave as well probaly staying with Wade
Here is my other take:
If Shadow didn't fall
The same things from prev would happen
Sonic would leave home and not plan to return for a while
If Shadow is still alive and with him, Sonic would show him the beauty of Earth
Sonic would show Shadow what Maria wanted him to protect
Thats all! Remember just theories! I don't if this would actually happen.
Let me know what you think
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multi-fandomsfreak · 1 year
Movie!Knuckles reaction to having a crush on you
(Movie!Knuckles x reader)
This was written during my movie!knuckles obsession phase ~ Blaze/Dawn
Notes: I just realised that I’ve got the first half of the fic and not the rest so if it looks different to what you remembered that’s why
Pronouns: they/them
Warning: ⚠️spoilers for Knuckles backstory in the movie + slight spoilers for Sonic Movie 2⚠️
Requested: Yes/No
Characters: Knuckles + Sonic + Tails + Maddie + Tom + mentions of Dr Robotnik/Eggman
Proof Read: ❌
Credits: Icon by bellcastillo118 on Pinterest + Banner by solita🎧. on Pinterest
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- if you’ve watched the second movie it’s known that knuckles lost his tribe at a very young age and was lonely for most of his life so when he first met you during the period of the second movie I’d imagine it would taken him a while to trust you, mostly because of robotnik betraying him combined with what happened to his tribe. He didn’t want to go through something like that again so he isolated himself from you
- Eventually after some help from people like Sonic, Tails, Tom and Maddie he eventually decided to give you a chance and chat with you. After spending some time with you he eventually found out that you were much better than he thought you were going to be and eventually decided to become your friend
- Can we all agree that this man will do his absolute best to make sure you are safe and happy. It’s like having a personal bodyguard with you. Remember that meme that's like ‘excuse me they asked for no pickles!” Just imagine that but with you and knuckles:
+ “How dare you leave pickles in their burger even when they said they didn’t want any!”
+ “Knuckles it’s fine I’ll still eat the burger” you smiled trying to convince him not to fight the employees
+ “They need to make you a new burger [NAME] since they clearly don’t know how to make one” knuckles put his hands on your shoulders while trying to justify beating up the employees
- it took all the strength and patience just to convince knuckles to not punch the employees
- Knuckles would literally sacrifice himself or possibly someone else just to keep you happy, as long as you're happy he’s happy
- Now onto the crush part of this!
- As much as I love him he’s very clueless when it comes to stuff like this, he does stuff that others will think is him expressing romantic feelings while he might see it as nothing but a friendly gesture or maybe as a fighting technique
- Eventually it comes to a point where sonic has to tell him about having crushes and how he is clearly showing signs of him having a crush but of course knuckles denies this because he is a ‘warrior’ and he just sees you as ‘just a friend’ like sure knuckles ‘just a friend’
- After a lot of convincing from sonic that yes you do like them knuckles and that it’s alright to have these feelings he asks sonic what he should do sonic just tells him to ‘just be honest and tell them’ to which knuckles surprisingly goes along with trusting sonic and went up to you
- When he does come to ask you out well attempt to at least it can be slightly awkward at first since you have no goddamn idea on what he is trying to do until it hits you
+ “um knuckles?”
+ “Yes [NAME]!” Knuckles said now alerted
+ “Are you trying to confess to me” you said confused
+ “Yes?” He also said confused then a wave of embarrassment just hits him like a truck
- That’s when knuckles went defensive mode and immediately started to blame sonic afraid you were immediately disgusted like ‘blame sonic he was the one who told me to do it’
- That’s when you brought him into a hug stopping his rambling and returned your feelings. As soon as you brought him into a hug knuckles felt some sort of calm flowing through his body. He couldn’t help but notice that his heart was beating a bit faster and he felt his face heat up. "Is this what love was?” Knuckles thought to himself. That’s when he finally melted into your touch and accepted that yes he was in love.
- Alright let’s get on with it. Knuckles is definitely both protective and clingy without him realising it. Of course he understands if you can do something by yourself he’ll let you do it but he can’t help it especially since what happened between him and eggman he just doesn’t anything bad happening to you.
- Carrying on from the previous statement this man definitely takes loyalty to another level. He’ll pretty much do anything for you no matter if he’s already doing something or not, it doesn’t matter if he’s already in the middle of a task if he hears that you are in trouble he drops everything and immediately tends to your needs.
- His behaviour change is definitely noticeable. I mean come on how could you not. Everyone knows how soft knuckles is for you. Tom and Maddie weren’t really paying much attention to it. They're just happy for both you and knuckles. Tails does notice a change; he doesn't want to bring up the fact in case he’ll get it wrong from him. Sonic on the other hand will tease the hell out of him no matter how many times knuckles tells him to quit it sonic still finds a way to tease him.
- Speaking of Maddie and Tom, knuckles definitely asks for some advice considering you know they are dating. Despite the slight teasing from Tom and Maddie telling him to stop, they do give him genuine advice about how to make sure you're happy.
- Overall although a bit clueless he’s definitely the best
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shadowcatgirl09 · 2 years
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arisu-artnfics · 5 months
“A trip to Paris” 5
Chapter: 5/12 Previous Next (First). Versión en Español
Also on:     A03 || FF || DeviantArt || Facebook.
Chapter 5: “From Amity to Paris”
That evening, Sam offered to help the Fentons with their hotel reservations, or rather, insisted she help them with the hotel booking. She wanted only the best for her boyfriend after all, even if she didn’t say it out loud. After several searches and comparing prices here and there, they finally decided on the ‘Le Grand Paris’ hotel. It was a bit fancier than the Fentons were used to, and maybe a bit overpriced… or, well, very overpriced, but that didn’t bother Sam, it was the best option for the family. 
The hotel had two boarding options: suits and apartment-style rooms. The suits slept four people, while the apartment-style rooms could have up to six. As a family of four, the suit sounded perfect to the Fentons, that is, until they read some reviews. Everyone said the suit’s first bedroom was fine, but the second was so small and cramped that you could barely open the dresser and there was no place to put your suitcase. The apartment-style option would be better for them, even though it was an odd choice for four. It consisted of a main bedroom with a king-size bed and two smaller rooms that each came with either a queen-sized bed or two twins. That way Jazz and Danny could have their own rooms, rather than them having to share like when they were very, very little. 
Sam took this as an opportunity to once again suggest that she go with them since there would be more than enough space for her too. She proposed that she could share a room with Danny, one of the ones with two twins, rather than a queen. 
Jack and Maddie were hesitant to say ‘yes,’ they obviously didn’t mind the two teens sharing a room since they had invited her to stay the night, but they had already bought their plane tickets. And even though they had accepted Sam’s help with their hotel –for her insistence rather than something else– they weren’t sure if they could get a ticket for her on the same plane. 
At that, Sam whipped out her phone, asked the Fentons for the flight information, and managed to use the power that came with being a Manson to not only get a ticket on the same flight, but sitting right next to them. She offered to upgrade all of their tickets to first class while she was at it, but the Fentons declined, they had saved up enough money for their travel expenses and didn’t want her to spend more –or rather, much more– than necessary.
After that, the Fentons simply allowed Sam to finish booking their hotel for the two weeks they planned to be in Paris. She respected their wishes and did as requested, only buying herself the plane ticket and making sure the family and herself were comfortable in one of the nicest hotels in Paris. After all, the idea was for them to have a relaxing and worry-free vacation, and that included not stressing over details that she would be more than happy to help with. 
The Fentons and Sam had everything arranged for their trip to Paris, and Dani and Valerie were prepared to stay behind and protect Amity Park. Everyone was excited for the start of summer vacation, everyone except Tucker. 
He loved his job as the Mayor of Amity Park, he really did! It was like that time he’d run for class representative, only better! But he missed spending time with his friends. He understood why he had a private tutor instead of going to school, but seriously, he was still a teenager! He never thought he would miss Casper High, but he was working on a way to attend classes there again next year, even if it was just part time. He wasn’t planning on running for the position again, so as soon as someone else was elected, he would be free to go back to being a full time student.
It was way too hard to lead, or even live in, a town overrun with ghosts, so both Tucker and the citizens of Amity were more than relieved when the news spread that the Fentons’ portal would be closed for two weeks. They were even more relieved when they heard that Jack Fenton would be out of the country and they could take a break from constantly checking their rear-view mirrors for that monstrosity they called an RV. It would be nice to have a break from the daily chaos, even if it was just temporary. After all, closing the portal forever wouldn't do any good in the long run. Ghosts from natural portals would still need a way to get back into the Ghost Zone. That was a main part of the case the Fentons presented to the FBI for why they should be allowed to repair their portal. 
Students would be out of school soon, but a Mayor’s job was never done. Tucker needed a break too. When he heard the news that his friends were planning a trip to Paris, he started thinking of a way to travel there too. If he could come up with a good enough reason, he could use money from the budget to pay for it… Even though it was mainly an excuse to have a vacation, he had thought of actually doing something official while there, so it wouldn’t be seen as a complete abuse of power. He did have responsibilities after all.   
The rest of the school year came and went. Danny’s time management plan was in full swing, and, although there were plenty of things that needed to be improved, it seemed to be working. He had help fighting the ghosts, and with Mr. Lancer doing his part as well, Danny managed to pass all of his classes. Now all that was left was the packing. 
The day of their departure finally came, and Mr. Gray and Dani drove the Fentons to the airport. 
When Damon learned about the little girl and what she was exactly, he almost couldn’t believe it until he met her and saw just how much like Danny she was. He was invited over to FentonWorks a couple of days before so Jack and Maddie could explain what to do if the portal accidently got activated or something else happened, as well as to get to know Dani a bit more. 
The Fentons made sure that the filter got changed before they left, so that wouldn’t be a risk, but Dani knew what to do if that was the case anyway. Everything was taken care of, now the adventure was about to begin. 
They were at the airport, pulling their suitcases out of the car. Danny made sure he unloaded the heaviest ones, as his powers helped them more than the others were going to accept, at least out loud. 
“I can’t believe we’re actually here,” he said. ”You guys really closed the portal… I– I don’t know what to say… ”
“Well, believe it little brother. You’re actually going to get some rest now, like you need to,” said Jazz. It was time for Danny to take a break from using his powers, even if it was just the super strength that he used almost without even realising it these days. Jazz had noticed how he had taken the heaviest suitcases himself. 
The group of travellers said their goodbyes to Dani and Damon, waving until they drove out of sight, then they headed inside. Jack and Maddie followed closely behind the three teenagers. It was strange to see them wearing ‘normal’ clothes, having left their jumpsuits behind, but they had promised a nice, non-ghost-hunting holiday. And even though it was a big change for them, they were true to their word.
“Exactly Danny–boy! We’re here, and everything is taken care of! It’s time to relax!” boomed Jack.
“Your father is right, Danny.” Maddie paused, “Jack dear, did we remember to thank Mr. Gray for driving us here? ” she asked. Even though they had, she had the feeling that they were forgetting something. 
“I hope they remembered that Dani and Valerie made him promise to pick us up from the airport when we get back, too...” said Sam knowing that they had kind of forced him to make the offer, even though they would be arriving very late in the evening. 
“I feel kinda bad about asking him to do so much for us, Dani and Valerie shouldn’t have… I mean, I could've flown us to and from the airport at least,” said Danny. He knew well enough that he was more than capable of carrying the family and their luggage without much of a problem. 
They quickly dropped their suitcases off at the check-in counter and headed for security.
Jazz pinched the bridge of her nose in frustration, “For the last time, Danny, this is a holiday. That means you shouldn't be exerting yourself, you shouldn't be doing any heavy lifting. And before you say anything, just because you can doesn't mean you should.” She kept her voice low and made sure not to mention Danny’s powers as they were in public, but her firm tone of voice let him know that she would brook no argument.  
“Yeah, I know, I know,” said Danny with a wave of his hand, “but— ”
“No. No buts, Danny.” Sam interrupted. “We already talked about it, didn’t we?” She was just as tired of trying to get Danny to stop using his powers all the time as Jazz was. 
“Yes, I know...” Danny sighed, “You’re right.” He looked around for the number of the gate that they needed to go. There weren’t that many gates, but it was their first time there. 
“This way!” Jazz pointed out their gate. It hadn’t taken her long to find the number that matched her boarding pass, it was a small airport, after all. ‘Amity Park Airport’ was fairly new, and probably one of the only good things that Vlad had done as mayor. 
“Good eye, Jazz, dear,” said Maddie, heading in the direction Jazz had pointed. 
In the waiting area by their gate, there was a large window that looked out over the runway and they were amazed by how many planes they could see and how busy and bustling it all was. Even though the Amity Park airport was small, it was still big enough for there to be several planes flying at the same time to different parts of the country. It was their first time travelling like this. Yes, they had flown before, but never in planes this big, let alone internationally. The seating on their first plane was divided into two sections of three seat rows on each side of the walkway. Danny, Sam, and Jazz sat together on a row while Jack and Maddie sat behind them next to a nice, young businessman. It was a short flight to Chicago and an easy layover at O’Hare before they were off again. Their second plane, the international one, was much bigger than the first. This one was divided into three sections, two on the sides with three seats to a row, and one in the middle with four. Just as with their first flight, the three teens sat together with their parents in the row behind them.  
A bit longer than ten hours later, the Fenton family, plus Sam, landed in Paris at the ‘Charles de Gaulle Airport.’ They picked up their suitcases and exchanged some of their dollars for euros, just in case, though they planned to use their credit cards mostly since it was easier. Luckily for them, the currency exchange post employee did speak English well enough. They were also grateful that they had booked transport from the airport to the hotel in advance, because French wasn’t easy, especially after such a long flight.  
When they arrived at the hotel, they checked in and then were guided to their rooms by a helpful bellhop. Once inside, they quickly set about exploring their apartment style suite, admiring just how big and luxurious it really was. Then they claimed their rooms and their beds, and did some light unpacking to settle in. Jack and Maddie obviously took the master bedroom, while Danny and Sam got the room with two twin beds and Jazz took the one with the queen. Just as they had agreed back home.
“Alright kids, let’s try to get some sleep,” Maddie looked at her watch, it was well past midnight in Paris, even though it didn’t feel like it.
“But I’m not tired,” Danny complained. “Can’t we stay up a little longer?”
Maddie levelled a motherly glare at him. “You’ll wish you’d gone to bed when morning comes and the jet lag hits,” she reminded them.
“She’s right, you know,” Jazz said. “It feels like it’s only five or six in the afternoon because that’s what time it is in Amity Park. But we aren’t in Amity Park anymore, and if we want to enjoy all the things Paris has to offer, we need to adjust our sleep schedules as soon as possible.”
They moaned and groaned and dragged their feet, even the adults, but eventually everyone was in bed. It took them some time to actually fall asleep, but the night came and went and before they realised it, it was the next day.
They woke up bright and early, much to the dismay of the teenagers and the family made their yawning, shuffling way downstairs for breakfast. The restaurant part of the hotel was on the first floor, or ground floor, as it was called here. They didn’t have much planned for the day other than getting used to being here and getting used to hearing everything in French rather than English. 
Once they were sitting at the breakfast table, Sam admitted to learning some French thanks to her parents' insistence on having a “well-rounded and cultured daughter.” Of course, Sam had never liked the image that her parents tried to force on her, she just wanted to be herself. But despite her best efforts, she had still picked up a little bit of the language.
“Well this is going to be interesting...” Danny said as he picked up the breakfast menu, it looked like it was written in Latin or something.
“Here, Danny, try this one,” Sam handed him the international menu. Even though this one was in English, it was still several pages of food he could not pronounce, because, of course, anyone who could afford it ate there and they needed a fancy menu full of fancy food to satisfy all their fancy tastes.
“I should have known,” Maddie muttered, mostly to herself, as she looked at the menu, “The price was decent for the room but not the food...” She and Jack were thinking about ordering some large breakfast platters for the family to share. 
They had found a pretty good deal on the hotel, it was well within their budget, but Sam still insisted on paying for it and well, how could they refuse?
“Hey, Sam, do you think we got such a good deal because of the French–American Friendship Week that happened recently?” asked Jazz. She had heard somewhere that it was going on, maybe she had read something about it… It sounded fun, but her family was never one for celebrations. Not even Christmas was correctly celebrated at her house, sadly.  
“What?” Danny asked in confusion. “The what–what, now?” He thought about it for a moment, and maybe it sounded a little familiar, but hey, holidays weren't his forte. 
“I’m sure you learned about it in school, Danny. The French–American Friendship Week is a celebration of our shared history, going back to the Revolutionary War when France was one of our first allies as a young nation. It happened just a couple of weeks ago, if I remember correctly. Just before, well, everything…” said Jazz, thinking back to what she saw when booking the hotel with her parents. The website had said to ‘book now’ before the ‘offer’ ended. “I think that this pretty hotel offered special discounts for Americans only… or something, lasting for the rest of the month...”  They got lucky that the booking allowed them to have the cheaper prices for that extended time. 
“I think so,” replied Sam. “I completely forgot about Friendship Week, it's not like they said anything about it at Casper. We live in Amity Park, and if it’s not about ghosts, it’s like nobody cares. As if history doesn’t even matter! But everyone should learn from history so things like wars won’t repeat again, you know?” she ranted, but without any real anger. She knew that they all shared similar ideas about the education in Amity Park.  
Jazz hummed her agreement. Education was important, but well they were from Amity… What can you do, right? That’s why she did her best to help teach them some of the important things that they didn’t learn in school. She also did her best to keep up with the latest technology. Nobody said that their education was bad, just that there were definitely gaps. At least it met the government standard, but not by much.  “All right kids, I think I got it!” Jack exclaimed after he and Maddie had spent a while reading over the menu options in silence. The small explanations beside the names of each dish were very helpful. French names were a challenge, but that wasn’t going to stop Jack Fenton.
“Got what?” asked Danny. “Oh right, breakfast! Um, how about, uh, French toast?” He didn’t even know what to get yet, or why he suggested that when he doesn’t even like toast. He may have forgotten that they were supposed to be deciding what to get. It was breakfast time after all, and, for the first time in a very long time, he was actually going to get to eat something that wouldn’t attack him. 
“Really, Danny?” Jazz crossed her arms, unimpressed. “French toast?”  
Danny simply shrugged in response. It was the only thing that he could think of at that second. 
“Your father and I have been looking over the menu… and, well, there’s a family special that includes a variety of food,” Maddie explained, tapping the menu for emphasis as she spoke. “We were thinking of getting that. It comes with toast, Danny, so everyone should…” 
Sam turned to look at her, raising an eyebrow. So far she wasn’t sure that they offer vegan options, so not everyone would be able to eat that, or that was what Sam was thinking. 
Maddie blinked a couple of times at that expression, “Don’t worry, Sam dear, from what I can see, we can order it with part of it vegan and the other part not, and this one includes vegan options,” she finished saying. She was pretty sure the ‘V’ symbols on the menu must be for vegan options, right?
“Oh...” said Sam, who checked that section of the menu for herself to find that Maddie was correct. Fancy restaurants did have a tendency to be like that anyway. Whether here or in Amity, fancy also means ‘do whatever the client asks for.’ She’d never had a problem with that back home, so why should she here? And it was clear that the ‘V’ symbol was indeed for vegan options, and also that the platter had the option to make half of it vegan. 
After they looked over the menu for a few minutes, a butler that introduced himself as ‘Armand’ appeared to take their order. 
Even though he was usually on call for Miss Chloe, attending to her every whim, being a butler for the Bourgeois family meant that he was basically an employee for everything. He worked for Le Grand Paris, checking people in at the front desk, delivering room service, and sometimes he stepped in to help out the waiters in the restaurant or the hotel bar. 
The Fentons did end up getting the family special, as well as some other vegan options to accommodate Sam. After breakfast, Jack and Maddie announced that they were going to explore the hotel, just to make sure it wasn’t haunted. One can never be too careful, they always said. The kids quickly piped up that they would rather walk around and explore the city. And after Danny promised not to transform and fly them around, invisible or not, they let them go. 
Danny understood why his parents asked that of him, it made sense. Even if he wasn’t supposed to be taking it easy, they couldn’t risk anybody seeing Phantom in Paris and connecting it to the Fenton Family’s trip. He understood it, but that didn’t make it an easy rule to follow. During the flight here, he had been very tempted to fly below the plane for a while, just because he was desperate for a little bit of time to himself. Being crammed together in close quarters for several hours with a bunch of strangers was stressful, especially when one of those strangers was a very unhappy baby. His ghost powers had never seemed so appealing.
The kids headed for the door, calling out that they would keep in touch as they waved goodbye. 
The Fentons had never travelled out of the country, and so they hadn’t considered that they would be leaving their cell phone network behind. Luckily for them, Paris had a pretty good wifi grid. They also had their Fenton Phones as backup. Danny had sheepishly confessed to bringing his on the plane, and then one after the other, the rest of the team admitted to doing so as well. Although they were designed specifically to work inside the Ghost Zone, in the human world they technically worked as phones without the need for a network or data for basic communication. They did have the drawback of only being able to be used for calls, not texting; for that they would need wifi. This trip was going as unexpectedly as they thought it could be. But even though it hadn't been planned, at least with the Fenton Phones they could communicate with each other if something happened.  
Not far from their hotel, the three teens found a small park. They were drawn in by the beautiful landscaping and curiosity about the statue they could see in the middle of it. As they followed one of the many winding paths to the centre of the park, they felt oddly at home. Their city wasn’t named Amity Park for nothing, and even though they had only been gone a day, they already missed it.
A short walk later and they were examining the statue up close. It was obviously important for the city or it wouldn’t be here, but looked fairly new. It seemed to depict a pair of superheroes, or at least that's what it looked like to the three of them, what with the costumes and all. As they were wondering who the mystery heroes could be, Jazz pointed out a plaque at the base of the statue. They moved closer to read the inscription on it, and with the help of Sam’s limited French, they learned the pair were local heroes called 'Ladybug' and 'Chat Noir.' 
"Are they for real?" Danny asked with a laugh.  “That’s a bit on the nose, isn't it?” 
Their costumes did look like a ladybug and a black cat. At least, he was pretty sure ‘chat’ meant ‘cat’ and ‘noir’ meant ‘black’ but he couldn't remember where he'd learned that. And ‘Ladybug’ was obvious, that was just English.  
"Hey, you can't say anything, Mister…” Jazz quickly looked to see if anyone was near them, “Mister I'm-a-ghost-named-Phantom,” she whispered with a teasing smile. 
"And just what's wrong with my name?" he feigned offence. “It's way better than the one the media gave me, I could have been 'Inviso-Bill’ for crying out loud! Phantom is so much cooler!”
"You went from one shameless pun to another, Danny,” his sister replied with a deadpan expression. “I mean, you could have picked anything, but that’s what you went with?”
"Hey! That’s a great pun! Took me weeks to come up with!” He crossed his arms with a sniff, “Who knows, maybe I'll find someone around here who actually has good taste. That'll show you.” 
He stuck his tongue out at her and, after a moment, all three teens burst into laughter.
Once they calmed down again, Danny wondered aloud if there was a statue of him in Paris. It was a capital city, after all.
"You better not be thinking what I think you’re thinking." Sam warned. It would be easy for Danny to explore the city as Phantom without anybody knowing, at least not any Parisian, and try to find out what the locals thought about him. "You know if you go off by yourself and get lost, you won't be able to just ask for directions. We can't even do that now, when we're together. Which is exactly why we're not going too far from the hotel." Even if she did speak some French, that didn’t mean she was fluent. 
"That's why I brought a notebook,” said Jazz, pointing to what was, indeed, a notebook in her hand. “And I'm writing down the names of all the roads we see, so at least we could point and try to ask for directions if we need to."
Danny sighed, "No, I wasn't thinking about that, really. I promised Dani, and, well, you guys and my parents, too… and even Valerie. For this trip I'm just plain old Danny Fenton. No superheroing. No ghost powers at any time." It had been hard to accept their terms, but a real holiday was sounding more and more tempting each time someone mentioned it. 
"Good,” Sam took Danny’s hand with a smile and a blush, “We’re here to relax, remember?" Even after all this time dating, they still gave each other butterflies.
"All right, now where?" said Jazz, clearing her throat. Even though she was happy for Danny, it was a bit awkward seeing her little brother still blushing over something so simple. It had taken them such a long time to finally admit their feelings for each other, and she was happy for them, she really was, but she was starting to feel a bit like a third wheel.           
"I don't know… the river?" he suggested, looking around and noticing that they weren't that far from it. "Wait, is that a school? Across from that bakery?" he asked, confused. It was a bit odd, if you asked him, to have a school, a bakery, and a park so close to what he assumed was the tourist area, their hotel wasn't that far after all.
Sam shrugged after noticing the school he was referring to, "Who knows, maybe this whole area isn't as touristy as we thought. I mean we’re still pretty far away from the eiffel tower or any of the museums." 
“She’s right, you know,” added Jazz. She had looked up all the big tourist attractions on a map before they left the hotel, and nothing was in walking distance. 
“I guess… so, the river?” Danny asked. He wasn’t going to overthink it. He was here to be a tourist, and tourists visited the river.
“The Seine.” Jazz interjected automatically.
“Whatever.” Danny rolled his eyes.
"I suppose the river could be nice…" replied Sam, just happy to be spending time with Danny. She would have preferred if it was just the two of them, but she didn’t mind Jazz tagging along. 
They bid farewell to the statue and crossed the park in the direction of the bakery. From there, they would make their way to the stairs that went down along the river. 
Just as they reached the bakery, the main door flew open and a girl with blue-black hair pulled into twin pigtails ran out of it. She was carrying a tower of boxes so tall she couldn’t see where she was going and nearly ran into Jazz. Thankfully, Danny reacted quickly, pulling her out of the girl's way just in time.
The girl nearly tripped over thin air when she noticed the three of them, stuttering something in rapid French.
They simply stared at her with confused faces.
“Uh, sorry, we’re not French,” Danny offered as he helped her balance the boxes that she was carrying.
“Oh!” the girl’s face lit up as she recognized the language, repeating her apology in English. “And thank you for your help!”
Danny gave her a friendly smile. “It’s okay, happy to be of assistance.”
“I’m Marinette,” the girl introduced herself. “And my family owns this bakery. I’d love to stay and chat, but I’m running really late with this order, so, um, goodbye!” She turned to run in the direction of the park and immediately tripped over her own feet, almost falling again. 
“Woah, careful!” Sam called, helping Marinette with the boxes this time. She hadn’t thought it was possible for anyone to be this clumsy.  
“Would you, uh, like some help?” offered Danny. He caught the topmost boxes before they could slide off their precarious tower. That was the third time in as many minutes they had helped her with them and he wondered if this was something she could normally do by herself. 
“Oh!” said Marinette, noticing how much easier it was to move now that she didn't have so many. “Thank you! I should have waited for my friend to help me with these… but she had to babysit and they really do need to be delivered right away...” She sighed, “I’m so sorry to trouble you, but I would appreciate it if you could…I mean, you are helping me already… so, thank you.” 
Marinette smiled at the kind strangers. She really did need the help. Her friend had offered to help her the day before, but had to cancel at the last minute because her parents needed her to watch the twins. 
“I'm Danny,” said Danny, smiling back at her. If Marinette had introduced herself to them, it was only polite that he return the gesture, right? 
“Sam,” said the girl next to him, inclining her head when Marinette looked at her.
“And my name is Jasmine, but you can call me ‘Jazz,’” said Jazz, when it was her turn. 
“Sorry again for all of this. I normally take turns to do this many boxes, or ask my friend Alya to help,” she started walking and the three Americans followed her, “but like I said… well, it’s my fault really. I got distracted, and, well, I didn’t leave when I should and well…” 
They wouldn’t know as the attack had happened before they arrived, but Ladybug and Chat Noir were out until late last night fighting an akuma. Because she had stayed up so late, Marinette had overslept this morning. 
“Hey, it’s all right, you don’t have to explain yourself to us, you know. And I’m sure that whoever is waiting for these will understand you taking a bit longer, won’t they?” Jazz said gently, trying to calm Marinette down. The poor girl obviously had a lot on her mind and her distraction certainly wasn’t helping her coordination. She was already very clumsy, and when she wasn’t paying attention, the boxes began to tilt and fall because she wasn’t holding them up straight.
“Yeah, it’s okay Marinette, we don’t mind lending a hand. It’s not like we had anything else to do,” said Danny, still following Marinette with the boxes. Their only plans for the day were to get used to Paris and adjust to the time difference. They weren’t planning to visit the Eiffel Tower or any museums until later in the week. So all good in that department. 
“Oh god! I’m so, so sorry!” Marinette started again. “I didn’t even ask… I just assumed that–” 
“No, no, you’re okay there! We don’t mind,” Sam interrupted. “Just like Danny said, we don’t really have anything planned for today. For now we’re just getting used to everything, you know?” She rushed to reassure the Parisian, she was not about to hear another rant of apologies from a girl that they just met. She knew that would get annoying fast. 
“Ah!” said Marinette, realising that they had probably just arrived in Paris. “Where are you from? If you don’t mind me asking. Maybe after dropping these off,” she hefted the boxes as if to point out the favour they were doing her, “I could help you guys find a guide or something? It’s the least I can do to thank you for helping out a complete stranger during what I assume are your holidays.” She felt a bit guilty for bothering tourists.
“Well, it looked like you needed a hand, and we were right there, so why not pitch in, you know?” Danny shrugged, the boxes in his hands bobbing up and down. “We’re from Amity Park, Illinois. You probably haven’t heard of–” 
“Oh! I know that place!” Marinette interrupted excitedly, recognizing the name, “You are from that ghost town, right?”
Danny had forgotten that even though Amity isn’t really considered big, it was big news now. 
“Well, not a ‘ghost town’ ghost town, but that is where that new hero is from, isn’t it? Is he really a ghost? Sorry, probably a silly question to ask...” Marinette murmured, feeling a bit dumb now that she had said it out loud, but she and Chat Noir had been very curious about him since they had put up the new statue.
“Don't be so hard on yourself Marinette, it’s only natural that you would be curious. When the ghosts started appearing, a lot of people in Amity didn't believe they were real either. I told my little brother here, that now that Amity Park has been in the news, people all over the world would be wondering the same things we did in the beginning,” said Jazz. Although she hadn’t really expected to find someone actually asking… Or even anyone who recognized the name of Amity Park so quickly. 
“Thank you,” said Marinette. Jazz's words made her feel a bit better, but her cheeks still burned in embarrassment. Thankfully they had just arrived at their destination. “Well, we are here!”
Noticing that they had walked all the way back to their hotel, Danny had a sudden realisation, “Wait, are the baked goods here from your family's bakery?” he asked. 
“Are you staying here?” asked Marinette, making a face. Only very rich and famous people stayed at ‘Le Grand Paris,’ so Marinette was a bit surprised that her new friends were staying there. They were nice, but didn't look particularly rich or famous.
“They had a deal running for French–American Friendship Week, so…” Sam shrugged as if that was very obvious. She didn’t know what was with her attitude all of a sudden. 
“Oh, right...” Marinette replied. She had forgotten that for a whole month the hotel booked anyone from the United States for very, very cheap prices. She had been surprised when she heard about it, as it didn’t seem like a very good business decision, but then when she saw the extra publicity it gave the hotel, she understood. “Wait, I thought that promotion ended before the summer break… ” she added.   
“We made our reservations during the promotional period, and the deal carried over,” Jazz explained. She knew the normal prices, and it seemed like Marinette did, too, so her reaction was understandable. It was a very expensive hotel, after all. 
“And even if it hadn’t, Sam would have paid anyway,” Danny shrugged, not giving it any further thought. 
“Danny!” admonished Jazz. It was rude to assume that Sam would simply pay for everything. She had offered, but still.
“I mean, yeah, I would have anyway. But it was still good to get the offer, just so your parents wouldn’t feel so bad about me spending money on you guys, you know? Don’t think that I didn’t notice them looking for alternatives. And I don’t blame them, I mean the normal prices at this place are ridiculously expensive,” Sam rolled her eyes.
“Tell me about it,” murmured Marinette. Although she personally hadn't checked their usual prices, she knew that the Bourgeois family wouldn’t normally allow such cheap prices. That’s why only internationally famous people came here. People like Jagged Stone or her great-uncle.
“Ah, what did you just say?” asked Danny. He thought he heard her say something, but wasn’t sure. 
“Oh!” she exclaimed, surprised at being heard. “Well we should get inside...” she quickly changed the topic and shifted the boxes in her arms. She ran inside and made a beeline for the reception area, it was a good thing she was expected. 
“Oh, right,” said Danny, following her into the hotel. He shrugged, he must have just been imagining things. They were still getting used to it all. 
Jazz and Sam shared a look, rolling their eyes at the antics of the other two. 
After Marinette and Danny dropped off the boxes, they all headed back to the bakery. She thanked them again for their help, even though it had mostly been Danny, and he waved off her thanks saying that it was nothing and he was happy to do it.
On their way back Jazz began plying Marinette with questions about all the typical, and not so typical, places that they could visit while they were in Paris. Marinette was more than happy to help them get around and launched into a detailed explanation of lesser known attractions and also how there is a direct bus line that goes from their hotel to the Eiffel Tower if they were interested in it. She then even talked about Ladybug and Chat Noir, the two local heroes, as well as how her best friend probably knew more because she runs the ‘Ladyblog,’ an online blog totally dedicated to the local heroes. 
Danny was surprised that he was right when they were guessing what the statue was about, especially the part about obvious names.
Marinette agreed that the names were pretty obvious if you thought about it, but those were the names that the heroes gave to the public. She personally never thought about it, she may ask Chat what he thought about when she saw him as Ladybug. 
When they got back to the bakery, Marinette offered them some pastries as a thank you for helping her. The three teens declined her offer, saying that her advice about what to visit and how to navigate the city was more than enough. Jazz of course had written down everything that Marinette told them. She had made sure to note down every single detail, after all she was in charge of it since it was her idea. 
Just when they were about to say their goodbyes, Marinette’s parents joined them in the front of the bakery. They introduced themselves as Sabine and Tom, and thanked them for their help as well. They had noticed that their daughter was struggling with all the boxes and were about to take turns helping her when they saw the three of them step in. Normally they would need to start preparing a second batch of baked goods just in case the first one didn’t make it to the hotel, but they seemed like a responsible group of young people with decent balance and so they had gone back to tending the shop, sure that their daughter was in good hands.
Marinette’s cheeks turned a bright shade of pink as her parents explained how clumsy she was. Now these nice people would never want to be her friends! She groaned and buried her burning face in her hands.
Jazz patted her comfortingly on the back and Danny said that they understood her pain all too well. After all, the Fenton parents were about as subtle as a flashing neon sign. Even Sam could relate, there was a reason she didn’t like her parents very much.
The Dupain–Chengs apologised to their daughter and repeated Marinette’s offer of baked goods as a thank you and wouldn’t take no for an answer. The family’s combined efforts finally convinced them to accept a box of treats, not like they had much of a choice. Mr. Dupain had just shoved the box of baked goods into Danny’s hands when a nearby explosion rattled the bakery.  
To be continued :D :D 
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letmeridethatstaff · 2 months
I’m gonna make a brand new series after I finish the Truman and (Y/N) show (parody). Based on Wolfblood: I have no idea if that fandom is still alive I just know it lives rent free in my mind since I was a pre-teen/teen. My skills are now decent enough that I’ll actually enjoy it.
So with that being said it’s gonna be maddy’s sis who’s older by like a year or two and a relationship between her and Tom but slow burn.
It’s gonna be minor friendly since Tom and co are minors and writing non minor things for them is yucky (I should not have to state this but ya know). I’m probably gonna start writing it soon but not post it till TTA(Y/N)S is finished
Also wanted to note I’m only gonna write up to the point where Maddy and Rhydian reunite because I don’t think (Y/N) in Jana’s era would work well- even though Jana’s literally my favorite
Another note it should be POC friendly because I’m making her sister adopted
Overall really excited about this!
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