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mike-haters-dni · 2 years ago
After examining the last three character couples that have lodged themselves in my autistic brain I can now see that my type is: Tortured Murdergirl on a righteous sometimes self-destructive mission who underneath it all just wants to be happy and love people, and comparatively happy Artboy whos also been through shit but has convinced himself it doesn't bother him and finds a life mission in Murdergirl and her cause to the point where he will unflinchingly commit violence for her.
Along the way somewhere Murdergirl becomes terrified that she's corrupting Artboy by dragging him into her world despite the fact that it was his idea to join her in the first place and he has made it obvious he would die with no regrets if it was with/in service to her, but he's also often the only thing in the world that brings her any comfort and letting him go would destroy her beyond repair so it becomes a thing about whether she can accept help and love from others and stop being such a martyr or whether she will destroy herself to find absolution (spoiler alert: she picks love). Artboy, on the other hand, finds his self-worth by emulating Murdergirl's best qualities (selflessness, bravery, an enduring love for the world despite being hurt by it) in himself and in doing so, becomes a warrior in his own right.
Or maybe this barely exists in the text and I just wrote the same story 3 times but what can I say, I have a type ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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dietmimo · 4 months ago
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Plant boi be planting. 🌱
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punktheatrics · 1 year ago
I'm gonna finish twenty-five twenty-one this week even if it kills me (I started it in October)(I'm a really slow TV watcher) and then I am gonna reward myself by watching edits of the main actor bc he is so fine
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flohuman · 1 year ago
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doggirlbuck · 3 months ago
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wip of. idk. maaayyybee a sort of cover art for the fic im working on. but im mostly just posting this because i like how his hands look
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zabacore · 1 year ago
ive been so freaky abt glass animals lately (when am i not) but i am just so OBSESSED w all the new hints theyre dropping I havent stopped looping that damn soundcloud link good GOD Dave bayley the man that u are
space theme album would be so fucking sick and i think itd tie in a lot to their growth as a band. they started out in a jungle, helpless and alone and now theyve skyrocketed into space, theyre a success, people know who they are. it seems fitting for their next concept album iddkkk am i crazy. Plus they keep reposting yyk the space album conspiraiceis things on their story soooo maybe we're onto smth gang. maaayyybee maybe
I am just so freaky crazy obsessed w glass animals but i dont UNDERSTAND ANYTHING im rlly bad at args guys. for the release of htbahb i just coped until the album came out IDK HOW TO DO THIIISSS i am trying my hardest trust. anything for my metal animals. tsk.
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itzsana-kiddingmenow · 1 year ago
SKZ Reactions to You Blowing Raspberries on their Stomach Randomly: Maknae Line Edition
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it’s no surprise that hyunjin’s insanely ticklish
no one (except maybe innie) has ever been more ticklish 
if you blow a raspberry, expect him to ACTUALLY ascend
scream laughing baby
cutie 🥰 
It wasn’t every day that you got to exploit your boyfriend’s ticklishness, but when you did it was a real treat. Such as right now. 
“Hyune? I’m kinda in a…mood. Can i try something out with you?” You asked, flushing a shy pink when Hyunjin smiled sweetly at you. 
“Sure sweetie. What is it?” He asked, putting down his art magazine to sit next you on the couch. 
“Well Jisung was doing something to me earlier to make me laugh, and it’s been a while since i’ve seen you laugh so mind if i try it out?” You ask nervously, bracing for a harsh no. 
“No problem hun. Do whatever.” Hyune replied as you glance at him nervously. 
“Okay…” You start as you pulled him to the floor slowly and straddled his thighs. Hyunjin’s eyes widened but he didn’t stop you. You slowly pulled his shirt up to expose his flat stomach before taking a deep breath. 
Hyunjin screamed loudly when you lowered your lips to his stomach, blowing out all the air like a trumpet. 
“HAAHAAHAA PLEHAHAHAEASE NOAHA!” Hyunjin thrashed and wriggled as he was seemingly unable to escape your grasp. 
When you felt him finally gripping your hair in an iron grip, laughter silent, you decide he probably had enough. 
“Wahahah i wasn’t expecting that…” He giggled quietly as you got off of him.
“Cmon. you definitely liked that” You retort, grinning at his reddening face.  
I mean, he didn’t deny it.
Han Jisung:
knee ticklish baby
so maaayyybee not the stomach 
idk i’m sorry to whoever requested the stomach but his kNEES ASHSHDJSKSHF
tickle there and you’ll have a begging jisung in seconds 🥰💖
“Hi bun!” You exclaim as you walked into the recording studio. Jisung ran into your arms, exhausted. 
“Awe baby, long day? You want a massage?” You ask, heart melting at the sight of the boy smushing his face into your chest. 
So that’s where you were now, straddling his lower thighs as you slowly work out all the knots in his back. The shorts he was wearing made the exposed underside of his knees very tempting, and you suppressed the urge to nibble the sensitive skin. 
Slowly the urge are you up slowly until you were desperately craving Jisung’s laughter. He was more pouty than usual. 
So you turned around, ignoring Jisung as he asked what was going on, and grabbed his right foot before suddenly taking a deep breath and blowing it all out on the underside of his knee. 
“Don’t you da-HAHAHARE! Y/N!” Jisung screeched, his left leg swung towards your face. However you had been hanging out with Minho and managed to inherit some of his reflexes, catching the other’s foot and scratching over his bare sole. 
“NOOOAHAHAHA BAHAHABY IHIT TIHICKLES-” Hannie choked out as he tried his hardest to pull his foot out of your grasp. 
“ ‘Course it does, Sungie. I’d be a little concerned if it didn’t tickle.” You stated matter of factly, only tickling harder as you managed to get a proper grip on his legs. 
Jisung howled with laughter as you continued blowing raspberries on his knees, switching between each leg to produce a loud squeal. 
“HAHAHA PLEHEASE I CAHAHANT!” He squealed as he tried his hardest to stop your nimble fingers on his sole. 
You decided to finish off by blowing the longest raspberry you could while your hands absolutely destroyed his other knee. 
Jisung screamed loudly, tears flowed freely down his face as his body writhed in ticklish agony. 
You ran out of breath soon enough and took another just to scare the boy, almost doubling over yourself at his frantic screech of mercy. 
“ihim so tihired…” Jisung confessed as he buried his head into your chest once more, a demand for cuddles for which you happily obliged. Only the best for your Sungie. 
my lil sunshine 🥹
so ticklish on his stomach and sides it actually insane
will thrash so you gotta be careful 
i may be self projecting but his sides probably have freckles
The smell of freshly baked brownies wafted through the room as you watched Felix load the brownie batter into the over, closing it before setting the timer. He then turned to add some sugar to his already half-done cupcake mix. 
You walked up behind him and wrap your arms around his waist, lightly clutching the thin material of his t-shirt. 
He didn’t say anything, just smiled slightly and peacefully continued his baking. However you had other plans to disturb the peace. 
You slightly lifted his t-shirt, pausing every few seconds to make sure he didn’t notice, before you dropped to your knees and blew the longest raspberry right on Felix’s freckled side, wrapping your hands around the other side of his stomach to keep him in place. 
He squealed as he tried to move to one side and found himself trapped. Lixie started laughing as he mixed his batter, eyes crinkling around the edges as his whisking slowly became more shakier. 
You continued until Felix begged for mercy, and then stopped only when he threatened your brownies. 
“sAURRR cuteee~” You drawled.
“Copying my accent now, eh?” Lixie asked before turning around and grabbing your waist as you begged for forgiveness, and he made sure you laughed just as much as he did. 
aGH what a sweetie 
raspberries murder him
even tickling him isn’t an often occurrence 
his lil “aH”
seungmin’s laugh should be bottled up and sold
i would be the first buyer
Lazy days with Seungmin were usually the quietest. Being alone together. As in you both sit next to each other however you both would be doing your own thing. 
Usually Seungmin would read a book and you would continue or start some knitting or watch videos on your phone. 
Although it was your lazy day, you still felt as though you wanted to have fun with Minnie, however he was way to enthusiastic about finishing his new book, and you didn’t want to ruin that for him. 
A few minutes of fun couldn’t hurt…right? You scooted next to him slowly while pulling up his hoodie to reveal his pale tummy, before leaning down and pressing your lips to his stomach before heaving and blowing the biggest raspberry you’ve ever blown…ever. 
“Oh-noHOHOHO! NAHAHA SOHO MEHEHEAN!” Seungmin squeaked as he jolted and squirmed wildly. You only latched onto him like a baby before blowing and nibbling the sensitive skin of his stomach. 
“WHAHAHAT DID I DOHOHO?!” Seungmin screeched when you managed to sneak a nibble onto his belly button, book long forgotten on the other side of the couch. 
“mmm nofing…” You mumble into his side, only resulting in some more crazed laughter. 
That’s when you got a good grip and blew a raspberry into his hip. 
Seungmin wailed in laughter as tears slipped down his face, head thrown back and back slightly arching. 
You let up when his laughter cut out, and he started weakly slapping your head while he silently begged. 
“youhu ahare sO mehean…” He commented before snuggling up to you. 
“You love it though…” You teased, grinning at the squeak and the sudden blush on his face. 
ticklish BABY
will ascend and die in heaven
if it’s possible
will wiggle around 
You watched as your boyfriend slowly flipped the pages of his book, incredibly unaware of the brewing plan in your head. You just had to wait for the right moment to strike. 
When he yawned and stretched from the long hours sprawled on his bed, you decided that it was that moment or none. 
A quick pull of his shirt and duck of your head was enough to alert the fox as he yelled and begged for ANYTHING but that. 
However, he was drowned out by his own hysterics as you blew a long raspberry to his belly button, latching your fingers into his hips and kneading into the hollows. 
“NOAHAHA STAHP!” He screeched, trying to sound stern but failing miserably. You soon did stop, but not before pouting at the boy as guilt started to pool at the bottom of his stomach. 
“Okay. I’m sorry baby. You can blow one. JUST ONE. Got it?” 
You nodded aggressively while Innie took a few breaths to brace himself. You quickly took a deep breath and blew another raspberry, smiling when Jeongin burst into another round of hysterics, and you know you promised, but you just HAD to hear more of his laughter. 
“YOUHU PROHOMISED! STAHAP I CAHANT TAKE IHIHIT!” I.N cackled as you continued to blow more raspberries, and he thrashed as much as he could. 
Jeongin could only hope the vibrating sensations through his stomach would stop, however the raspberries only get bigger every time. 
Soon enough you let up, grinning down at the boy’s red, teary face. 
“ahaha youhu prohomised…” He whined, and you couldn’t help but shower him in kisses 
“Don’t worry baby, i’ll make it up to you.” You promised before leaning down for one more kiss. 
i’m so in love with this AGHHH 😭💗✨
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elix8r · 8 months ago
any of yall watch the olympics? if so fav sport? and also which sports do u think will fit enhypen? 🤔 (maaayyybee im a teensy bit inspired and perhaps yall can help 🤓)
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heartthumpnovel · 4 months ago
Do you have voice claims for everyone?
Short answer: Maybe? I don't know. :' D Long answer: I did at one point had specific voice claims years ago but since then I don't feel like they're really that accurate anymore and I really don't know too many actors to find anybody that'd match them perfectly. Jason for sure has a london accent and while he has an anxious mannerism in his voice, it is a little bit deep. From what I heard from others, they hear Alex Wyndham or Stephen Merchant. Natasha I have been thinking she has a very confident/extroverted sweet voice, and the voice def has to be a singer too. She's really hard to nail down on a specific person or character. Tika Sumpter maaayyybee? Ellie's voice gotta be some how extremely chill and yet also walking on egg shells. In my mind she sounds really Californian for some reason. I haven't think I've found any perfect voice match for her yet. Motor- Gamer bro who goes on long tirades and thinks he's the voice of reason in the room? Moist Critikal. I'd like to get other people's opinions on other actors/characters that would fit them better bc it would be cool to have the perfect fit in mind when writing them.
Edit: Oh shit and Blaire, think Wendie Malick would be perfect for her.
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three--rings · 2 years ago
So driving around Houston yesterday reminded me of a night when I was in high school.
It was a Friday night and my friends and I wanted to go to a show, i.e. a local band playing at a club, but we didn't know who was playing where. Because we didn't have a copy of the local free paper.
Wait, say you and me now, couldn't you look that information up online? Hmmm. Maaayyybee? PROBABLY those venues had their own webpages. POSSIBLY those webpages listed their schedules, depending on if the club had anyone really tech-oriented working for them.
But going online to look would have involved going to our home and firing up our desktop, dialing into AOL to access the world wide web. That was not a think we would have considered doing. We didn't have cell phones. And of COURSE those phones, had we had them, didn't access the internet. (Technically I had a cell phone at this point, but it had no minutes and wasn't charged, it lived in my car with a power cord attached in case of life-threatening emergency.)
So anyway, to try to find out the info we wanted we drove around from place to place trying to find anywhere with a copy of the Houston Press in order to look at the ads in it that would tell us who was playing. We went to several starbucks and barnes and noble and no one had a copy and like after an hour we decided fuck it let's go rent a movie or something.
It just struck me how much work it used to be to find out simple things, and now we reach into our pocket and pull out the answers. But we don't go on adventures with a car full of friends from place to place desperately seeking a newspaper and yanno I'm a little nostalgic over that.
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moraygrotto · 2 years ago
maaayyybee im biased because it's pretty much all i write, but if you're comfortable/not too swamped with asks, do you have any more prompts for prim or easily embarrassed characters burping? hope everything's going okay!
im ngl i held on to that other ask for so long bc embarrassment really isn't my cup of tea, so i'll shelve this ask in case i get inspired later, sorry ^^;
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bones-napss · 1 year ago
i might open art commissions elsewhere soon and i am wondering if anybody here would also be interested? should i post commission info here when i do that?
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bluesidedown · 3 years ago
I made an entire 8 cup pot of coffee this morning and I am the only person in the house who drinks coffee rn. Which may have been a mistake because now there is nothing to stop me from drinking 8 cups of coffee 
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hold-him-down · 3 years ago
Ice chips anon is super happy
"you didn't do anything wrong" it's
So emotional and beautifully written
I love how Luke treats Leo like a fine piece of china....it's so adorable
And the way Leo couldn't stand the guilt and eventually told Luke...the way he broke Uhhh!
It was really heart breaking
With love,
Ice chips anon😌
PS:I'd like to encourage the last anon for his suggestion
I’m glad it didn’t disappoint! Luke’s doing his best always 😌
Y’all are fueling my med whump dreams tonight.
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carmecendants · 6 years ago
Send me some Descendants prompts and I'll write a short drabble for it!
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pnyumduk · 4 months ago
Maybe... Maybe... Maaayyybee 😭
Gayle, please say you a girlkisser.. Please my bbg be a girlkisser i want kiss you.. WILL YOU KISS ME IF I DRAW YOU FAVORIT YAOI???? PLEASE??? 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
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Gayle: teehee maybe 
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