#im arguing it
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mike-haters-dni · 2 years ago
After examining the last three character couples that have lodged themselves in my autistic brain I can now see that my type is: Tortured Murdergirl on a righteous sometimes self-destructive mission who underneath it all just wants to be happy and love people, and comparatively happy Artboy whos also been through shit but has convinced himself it doesn't bother him and finds a life mission in Murdergirl and her cause to the point where he will unflinchingly commit violence for her.
Along the way somewhere Murdergirl becomes terrified that she's corrupting Artboy by dragging him into her world despite the fact that it was his idea to join her in the first place and he has made it obvious he would die with no regrets if it was with/in service to her, but he's also often the only thing in the world that brings her any comfort and letting him go would destroy her beyond repair so it becomes a thing about whether she can accept help and love from others and stop being such a martyr or whether she will destroy herself to find absolution (spoiler alert: she picks love). Artboy, on the other hand, finds his self-worth by emulating Murdergirl's best qualities (selflessness, bravery, an enduring love for the world despite being hurt by it) in himself and in doing so, becomes a warrior in his own right.
Or maybe this barely exists in the text and I just wrote the same story 3 times but what can I say, I have a type ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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hinamie · 5 months ago
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trick or treat!
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loserfae · 2 years ago
learning that self deprecation isnt cool and just makes the people around you uncomfortable unironically improved my mental health a lot. like if you just stop saying negative shit about yourself you will genuinely like yourself more and other people wont be repulsed by your attitude and you will have more friends. it's true.
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hakugreenfinch · 1 month ago
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what if it was sleepwashing instead and they got 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep (if you cant read the notes check alt!)
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karl heisenberg goes back in time
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simplysebby · 3 months ago
The amount of "men DNI" "I hate men bc theyre inherently violent/evil/manipulative/etc" "why would you ever want to me a man lol" "men suck" "I could NEVER be friends with a man" "imagine dating a dude. ew" "testosterone is basically poison" and other related anti-masculinity rhetoric I see in "leftist" spaces, especially queer spaces, is genuinely disturbing.
I think a lot of it follows the mindset of "women aren't worth less than men, its actually the other way around" like. yall are just reinventing gender essentialism in a more "progressive" way and its doing a lot of fucking harm to trans communities especially. Respect for one gender doesn't mean disrespect for another. It isn't a fucking pie.
and these same people are always the same ones with "transandrophobia truthers dni, it doesnt exist" in their bios
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sorreltail · 5 months ago
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no space is apolitical
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buggachat · 5 months ago
someday i will write and post my 10,000 page thesis essay about how in miraculous the yin themed characters (characters who wear primarily dark colors over white undershirts) are thoughtful schemers who live mostly within their own heads (marinette, luka, felix, amelie) while the yang themed characters (white over dark undershirts) don't think so much as they DO and are straightforward and action-driven (adrien, kagami, emilie) but that would require having the attention span to do so
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thebeardedladyofthelake · 2 years ago
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hinamie · 6 months ago
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post-graduation trip airport looks
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Another Jon because I can't help it, he's pretty.
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gcballet · 4 months ago
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Doctor Who as tweets/textposts pt.4
<- | DW | ->
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metanarrates · 4 months ago
one of the most powerful messages orv has tbh is "your self-loathing behavior badly hurts other people who want to care for you." a lot of depictions of depression, suicidality, issues with self-esteem, etc. focus near-exclusively on the person who suffers from them, which is understandable, but I love that orv is commited to showing how SELFISH kdj's behavior can be. he tends to trample over other people's desperate wishes to connect to him and love him because he doesn't think he's worthy of it, and it ends up being some of the worst pain those people have ever experienced when he won't let them reach him! he's of course a sympathetic character but he still has this horrible habit of disregarding other people's emotions in ways that are unintentionally awfully cruel!
like idk i don't think anything's ever put a silver bullet through a martyr complex quite like the message of "you hurt people SO MUCH WORSE by harming & isolating yourself than any pain you could potentially cause them by sharing your burdens with them." it's realistic and kind while still being the brick upside the head some people need to snap em out of it lmao
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crumb-crumblet-s-crumbington · 11 months ago
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getting used to domestic life
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kitamars · 11 months ago
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lovey dovey (alt ver of the first one under the cut!)
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nibbelraz · 2 months ago
if you have more yqy + baby thoughts i would love to hear them ouo
I was talking with @/artsarasp about it a couple days ago but I just keep thinking about how Yue Qingyuan finding out that he's pregnant after either having a one time heat of the moment fling with Shen Jiu (he can never think fo Shen Jiu as a fling, it was everything to him) OR he's pregnant from some plant that involved both of there DNA. I like the idea they had a heated moment because already with that Yue Qingyuan would be riddled with guilt about how much he misses Shen Jiu, How he's always wanted to be close to him like that and how he can't ever get that again and how he failed him so he should've never been able to have something like that even for a moment how dare he, How dare he even think of wanting an OUNCE of anything from Shen Jiu after leaving him
And then he's pregnant. He's witn Mu Qingfang. He promises not to say anything to anyone especially because it can put the Sect Master at risk. Especially when he can see how Yue Qingyuan goes white as a sheet after telling him the news.
Yue Qingyuan would be silent. Thinking. He can't tell him. He's already taken so much from him, he's already abandoned him, he's already hurt him so much what would he think of this? He'd never speak to him again, he can handle yelling, the comments, the glare but if he was to never see Shen Jiu again he'd be nothing. He doesn't want to get rid of it the fact he has something of his and his Xiao Jiu he selfishly wants this baby as proof that they were something once, for a time. For a moment. It's not the right reasons to have a child by far and he knows it but he refuses to do anything to stop it.
Mu Qingfang would tell him what he needs and what to do and how they'd try to keep it a secret from everyone but Yue Qingyuan is half listening he has to think of how to hide this from everyone for life.
I keep also thinking about after he has the baby. Successfully without Shen Jiu knowing, except his baby has those eyes, those beautifully sharp eyes that he's used to looking at him with contempt. But on his baby they're wide with curiosity and grabbing at him with such a tenderness its making him want to scream.
Ah but I'm a softie and I physically cannot let a bad ending happen so I feel like of course Shen Jiu would find out. I'm not sure how but he does and it's more gut wrenching than Yue Qingyuan can imagine because he think he hid his own son away from him because he doesn't trust him or that he hates him so much he can't even allow a vulnerability like this. I'm sorry i don't know how but AFTER HARDSHIP AND PAIN AND TIME THEY ARE A HAPPY FAMILY YAY!!!!!
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