#ari talks
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scorchedmazes · 3 days ago
@ssseashell yours is so cute??? i love these sm,,,
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no pressure tags <3: @nxwtonsxngster @sadgalwrites @directionerplusgleek @victoriandrama
Tag game: make yourself as a little guy
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Tagged by: @thanatos-zagreus-shagreus
Tagging: @thiamsxbitch @rhyslahey @myinnerguineapig and whoever else is up for doing it 💙
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yupokaysuremhm · 3 months ago
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op turned off reblogs but I want this forever
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silvergyus · 1 month ago
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I need to gag on it
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scorchedmazes · 24 days ago
forever thinking about minho wearing newt’s jacket
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shurisneakers · 11 months ago
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aritsukemo · 6 months ago
So, I started watching Hell's Paradise..
IT'S. SO. FREAKING. GOOD!!! ( Ramble under the cut! Spoilers and possible grammar mistakes ahead!!! )
I'm only on, like, episode seven, but I'm really enjoying myself!!!
Starting off with my boy, my man, my loverboy nonchalant Gabimaru!! His design immediately drew me in the first episode and I find his writing very good so far. A man, who was grown and groomed into being this emotionless killing machine only to dream of going completely against that all because of his love for his wife? SIGN ME UP!! I love how conflicted he is and how much those conflictions are weighing on him. How, because of how he was raised and what has happened to him, he's been treading this line and constantly tipping over the edge of "I'm a heartless, empty killer who's only purpose is to kill" and "I want to live a peaceful, normal life with the one I love/I don't want to kill anymore". The symbolism, how his character's portrayed, those small moments of vulnerability that shows how he differs from your typical cold killer and is actually just this morally broken guy who was raised/influenced by an actual monster; the head chief. ( Who, by the way, is literal nightmare fuel. I don't usually get creeped out easily by stuff in anime's, but the way Mappa went about drawing him is just..terrifying.. )
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Next up is Yamada Asaemon Sagiri, or Sagiri for short. I want to first off get it out of the way by say that she's drop dead gorgeous. Imean, look at her!! No seriously, look-
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As someone who absolutely adores strong female characters, it was no surprise that I fell in love with her! She reminds me a lot of Yona as she goes against what the norm was at the time and decided to become a swordsman despite everyone telling her she's better suited as a wife and mother simply because of the fact that she's a woman. ( Which irked me every. single. time. it was brought up btw ) I love how the author is going about her and how she struggles because she feels guilt for even the most evil of people simply because she's an empath--something that is often considered a womanly trait in the eyes of the people, especially men, of that time--but doesn't go too far with it and make her seem weak and useless because of those struggles. I like that, even though she hesitates and sometimes gets help from others ( mostly from Gabi from what I've seen so far ), she gets the job done and doesn't sit there and call for help like some damsel in distress and actually uses her strength!!
My love for her was explained pretty simply in episode six when Genji pointed out how she has the talent to be able to flip flop between being dominant and powerful like a man, but still holds the sense of gentleness and care one would only find in the heart of a woman. I love that quality about her in the same sense I love Mitsuri Kanroji's quality of being able to be cheery, feminine, and delicate despite being involved in such a 'manly' and grizzly job that being a demon slayer is.. AHHH IDK HOW TO EXPLAIN IT ANY FURTHER, I JUST HOPE YOU GET WHAT I MEAN!!
Next up is the vixen, Yuzuriha of Keishu. I haven't seen much of her yet, but I love her design and overall appeal. Although, she puts up this front of being this carefree, seductive airhead, you can tell there's just so much more to her and can't wait to see it. ( Although I feel like when she does show her true colors, it'll be when she finally betrays Gabimaru and Sagiri like she implied she would.. )
( Also this little stunt she pulled in this clip had me in a chokehold for a hot minute. Like MMMMM LOVE IT WHEN HOT WOMEN DO HOT WOMEN THINGS!! )
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Toma and Chōbei are next up! When I first saw Chōbei, of course my mind immediately went to, "Oh shit, it's bakugo!" lmao- His fighting style is cool and his backstory is heartbreaking. Past that though, I'm undecided whether I like him or not..
Like, his backstory was tragic and had me feeling bad as a sad backstory would. It was also amazing in the sense that it gave me more understanding on why he became the way he did and how his mentality was shaped because of it. I find it cool that he has a knack of adapting to any situation too! ..And that's also why I'm so conflicted when it comes to him..
That leads me to bring up Toma, who I immediately fell in love with as soon as I saw his character design. ( I have a thing for men/boys with long hair, mkay? Don't judge me.. ) I haven't really wrapped my head around his character yet ( like his brother ) but it's obviously that he sorta idolizes Chōbei, so much to the point that he didn't hold any gripes towards him when he thought he was going to leave him for dead--which is my main dislike about Chōbei right now.
But yeah, if I had the chance, I'd still date them no questions asked- *smack*
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I find Gantetsusai and Fuchi funny and cute together and overall find a good so far. I especially like Fuchi. He's a quirky little guy 😚
( And this height difference kills me. Like LOOK AT HOW LITTLE FUCHI ISSS )
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And finally, we have Nurugai and Tenza, who is ranking up to be my 2nd favorite pair in this entire show! Putting aside that Nurugai literally evokes my gender envy, I love her and Tenza both individually and together! I love Tenza's kind soul, how he scouted out Nurugai because he wanted to help her after finding out why she was sentenced to death row! I find it such a highlight of his character and it makes me love the contrast between his brighter self when compared to Nurugai, who's more gloomy and has been traumatized into adapting this matured mindset.
Bonus points for being the only two to not immediately get into it with each other when on the island as well! It really was a breath of fresh air! Oh, an extra points for making me smile like an idiot- 🥰
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So far I'm in love with this show! Idk yet where it falls on my anime rankings, but it's definitely high enough up there to spur me to write a drabble or five about this show! Can't wait to watch more in my spar time!!
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dumbnpoetic · 7 months ago
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ari-cuno · 10 months ago
2 slots! (0/2 taken)
Hello guys! It is very hot were I am, it is averaging 90 degrees (32 Celsius) and my outdoor dogs only have their small water bowls. I want to buy them a kiddie pool so they have water and a space to cool off. Anything can help! Please share this if you can!!
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Commission info! PayPal will be shared in DMS!
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swimmingclass1978 · 1 month ago
Texts wirh me and my bestie that remind me of the marauders (except she hates those gays) Part 3 I think
1. Hear me out when i say this is Marlene and Mary (the order doesn't matter)
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(The fact that this is 6h apart is also acurate im sure it takes marlene 2-5 bussines days to reply)
2. This I feel is Sirius to James (trust)
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(Bet he was talking about Remus)
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(Life is like that sometimes)
4. Prolly Barty gave trans Reg a book rec and he's sending him live reactions
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5. Thats Mary and Marlene (again) (sorry to all americans but its them) (also polish marlene agenda)
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(Translation: I laughed? A bit more imtense then that)
6. Barty answering Evan (again jokes)
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(Or dorcas and barty)
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8. Barty to anyone after the war. Bros coping mechanism is humour i promise
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9. I kinda feel like it's Reg (purple) and Barty/Evan (can be a gc)
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10. Absolutely James/Sirius/Marlene/Pandora/Evan/Peter sending this to their partner(s) (ship and hc of your choice)
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(Also why do i feel like most of our texts are rosekiller or bartylus coded?) (And sometimes marylane)
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lavendertales · 3 months ago
Welp, this is it.
In spite of struggling to write, I pushed through because writing is a huge part of my life, and I miss it. I miss writing, I miss sharing my creations with others.
But I won't be writing for any of Pedro's characters anymore. I'm officially done with the fandom. If the deepfake from months ago didn't faze me, all the stuff I see lately, from the comments to the posts & others did the trick. I don't feel as though I can find the proper space in this fandom anymore, and my creativity has taken a big hit.
It's gotten to a point where if it's not mass speculations about his sexuality, then it's weird & creepy comments on him or just a general sense of grossness. Filtering and blocking can only do so much. And don't get me started on the struggle of interaction and such.
My existing works will remain up, but no new content for this fandom will be posted. Maybe I'll write for other characters, should my inspiration ever return, or maybe I'll focus solely on my book.
I'm still very grateful for all the connections I've made, all the fun times and the good kind of crazy and all the excitement way back in 2019/2020. I love you all 💖
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aricr · 8 months ago
What if…..I post my cringe sappy casted art what then…….what THEN
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yupokaysuremhm · 3 months ago
if you're ever feeling sad i highly recommend searching "cowboy cat" on pinterest. there are so many good things in there
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silvergyus · 4 months ago
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scorchedmazes · 1 month ago
the way this could work with either of them
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shurisneakers · 2 months ago
after 3 weeks at my first corporate job i can safely say that these are not serious people. this is not a serious thing. this is what im expected to waste so much of my life on?? if a word doc doesn't get sent in time they act like we've lost nuclear codes. my brother in Christ this is the most pointless fucking thing ive ever done in my life and all of you are acting like you personally feel like you're carrying the weight of the world?? it's an EMAIL
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aritsukemo · 2 months ago
The more I learn about Luka the more sad I get :(
Like I downloaded X again to follow ALNST Official and spent money on their patreon bc I wanted to get more of a feel for his character bc I'm trying to write him in my fic and I'm just growing depressed...
Like wdym that ugly bitch Heperu ( my shit autocorrected to herpes and I- BAHAHAHA- ) created Luka and took him under his dirty ass disgusting ass wing out of spite? :( Wdym Hyunwoo was the first to approach him because he didn't have any friends OMGOSH IS THAT WHY HE SAID HE LIKED THE MANDATORY PLAYTIMES IN HIS INTERVIEW??? *cries*
*Sighs* Hand me my straight jacket, its better to strap me down now cause I'm going to TWEAK when Wiege comes out..
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