#lyre player
princesmeadow · 3 months
To Lady Artemis for Elaphebolia!
I'm a bit late to the show, but im here
Traditionally, you would set out deer shaped cakes for the sharp shooting Goddess, but perhaps my music will do to play while you eat!
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a modern lyric poet
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labratboygirl · 3 months
i love how many mutuals ive had discover they were objectum by hanging around me . i WIN
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kyouka-supremacy · 2 years
Thinking about sskk Hadestown au... Sigh...........
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predispusalascandal · 10 months
one thing i like to think about is if people from the past would like modern music
like how would they react to it? would they like it??
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vodka-and-ocs · 1 year
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harperspective · 2 years
Intro post...
Harper - Is my name.  Art - Is my game. She / They - Are my... rhyme...
Want to see some art? Gimmmme one big ol’ follow. Will it be good art? No promises. Will I post frequently? No promises. Will I consume the souls of the unworthy? Now that’s something I can commit to.
I’m working on a comic right now. It’ll be online... eventually. I swear.
Look at my art and see what kinda stuff I do. If you like it, well dang darn gimme a smooch. 
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2goo-p · 8 months
little things bringing me great joy in this game so far: playing music for the camp
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maximaxstreasurebox · 2 years
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just some screenshots from quests, open-world and teapot-
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princesmeadow · 3 months
Bio Post!
About me
Hellenic Pagan
Light Worker
Lyre Player 3 years
Seer / Psychic
10+ years divination
Lifelong channel
Messenger Under Hermes
What I Enjoy
Playing my Lyre with Apollo
Reading and Writing Notations on Mythology
Plantlife (especially mosses and more aquatic or topical plants)
Reading poetry
Generally, this is me
I've worked under Apollo for 6 years now, he's trained me in light working, helped me refine my divination, pushed me to study and practice advanced reiki, taught me how to play my lyre, and has been the closest friend I've ever had. I'm a Pisces sun so it's been very magical for me to be whisked away into a spiritual world of art and divination. I adore my work and put my heart and soul into it.
My Music Is For...
Hellenic Pagans are my main audience as the majority of my music is festival music or tunes honoring/offerings to the Theoi. My music may also heal and regenerate, depending on the tune and what enchantment I've used or what I am channeling into my music. my songs have a variety of effects and uses which are labeled here. (as well as information on how to allow my music to fully work) it is ultimately for whoever is willing to believe and or accept it, be it for the healing, for the gods, or for just some simple time alone with your thoughts. I hope my music encourages you to take a moment for yourself or the gods and just be.
DNI if Transphobic
Cultural appropriator
Believe in Starseed/ other harmful new-age beliefs.
Extremely closeminded
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tylermileslockett · 7 months
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"The Orphic Mystery Cult" Illustrated by me
Whereas Hellenic Polytheism was a public belief system guided by civic duty and open to the general populace, The Mystery Cults, were secret organizations offering a more personal experience to its selected members such as initiation rites, esoteric spiritual knowledge, and salvation in the afterlife. Let’s look at a few famous movements and their worshipped gods and goddesses.
The most famous Mystery cult was the Eleusinian Mysteries which was centered around the Demeter and Persephone myth. Initiates, known as Mystai entered a sacred hall called the Telestrion, where they experienced or were shown a revelation referred to as the Epopteia. As sharing the secrets of the initiation ceremonies was punishable by death, very little knowledge of what initiates saw or experienced has survived.
         The Dionysian Mysteries was a cult where initiates would drink wine, dance, and play music, ultimately reaching a frenzied trance state of ekstasis (ecstasy) by channeling a divine union with Dionysus, God of wine, fertility, festivities, and theater. This loss of inhibition into a wild, animalistic state gave followers an opportunity to liberate themselves from society’s social norms.
         Orphic cults were centered around the myths and teachings of Orpheus, the most famous music lyre player of Greek myth who journeyed into the underworld, seeking his lost love, Eurydice. The philosophical beliefs and practices of the cult consisted of; purification rituals to cleanse one’s tainted soul, metempsychosis (reincarnation) and the path to escape this cycle, ascetic practices, such as abstaining from certain foods and other worldly pleasures, and teachings of secret, esoteric knowledge in regards to the salvation of the soul.
Thanks for looking and reading! 🤘😁🏛❤️
Want to own my Illustrated Greek myth book jam packed with over 130 illustrations like this? Support my book kickstarter "Lockett Illustrated: Greek Gods and Heroes" coming in early 2024.
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Prompt(s): leaning into the other’s side + tracing the lines on the other’s hand
Astarion x AsexaulBard!Tav Masterlist
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There really was nothing like being pleasantly tipsy while in good company. Your party was in good spirits, the night was warm and, for once, danger was something that happened to other people. 
Eventually everyone had shuffled off to bed, leaving you and Astarion leaning against each other as the fire crackled on.  Your thoughts floated in front of you, swimming lazily in the air. Everything was just so lovely, especially the other hand in yours.  You couldn’t help but run your fingers across the lines, smiling as you made a study of every angle.  
“See something you like,” Astarion asked, amused.  He was decidedly more sober than you and appeared content to stay that way. 
You nodded idly. “You have beautiful hands. I bet you’d make a wonderful pianist.”
He gave a low laugh, shaking you slightly with the effort. 
“Oh nothing,” he said, grinning. “You just might be the only person I know who could study a man’s hands and think only of their musical capabilities.” 
You stared confused, before a sinking rush of embarrassment flooded your stomach.
He laughed again, turning just enough to kiss your temple. “Just teasing darling. Although I do love that color on your cheeks.”
“Serves me right for trying to give you a compliment,” you said, pouting. 
“Oh don’t be like that. I relish them all.” 
You huffed in childish annoyance, which only seemed to humor him. He then raised your entwined hands to the firelight, narrowing his gaze as if to examine them himself. 
“Do you think I’d actually be good?” he asked as a peace offering. 
You let out a sigh. There really was no use trying to stay annoyed with him. 
“Capability is there,” you allowed, “provided you have a very, very patient teacher.”
“Are you offering?”
You raised an eyebrow. “Don’t tell me you’re interested.”
“Depends if you’re offering,” he repeated, with a sly smile. 
You didn’t answer right away, scrunching your face in exaggerated thought. 
“Maybe not piano,” you concluded. “There’s only so far the blind can lead the blind.”
He nodded in understanding. “How about the violin?”
Again, you considered before shaking your head. “Too difficult for a beginner. Lute isn’t bad though.”
He gave a dismissive scoff. “Overdone. The lyre, perhaps?”
“Bit on the nose don’t you think?”
His brows furrowed, his lips pursing in consideration. “A lyre and a player…Yes, I suppose you’re right. The jokes just write themselves. Flute?”
You shrugged. “Never learned actually.”
“Really?” he said, sounding genuinely surprised. “Pan pipes.”
“No to all wind instruments. I think it comes down to mechanics. I never saw the appeal of having to put my lips together and blow.” 
You glanced up at Astarion, keen to watch his reaction. 
He stared at you for a long second, a look of utter confusion on his face. His eyes then widened as a loud laugh barked from his lips. 
You broke that same instant, dissolving into giggles. 
“I can’t believe you said that,” he said, trying and failing to get a hold of himself. “Gods that was awful!” 
“But effective,” you pointed out, grinning. 
He gave another short laugh before shaking his head. “What have I gotten myself into with you?”
“Having regrets?”A wicked smirk flashed across his face. “Far from it, darling.” He then leaned in close, his eyes alight with conspiracy and mirth. “I think you and I are going to have a lot of fun together.”
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incorrect-hs-quotes · 6 months
GAMZEE: KiTcHeN aPpLiAnCe BaCkStReEt BoYs: YoU aRe... My FrYeR
JOHN: ancient greek back street boys: you are... my lyre!
SOLLUX: electriiciian back2treet boy2: you are... my wiire
FEFERI: Appliance Backstreet Buoys: You are... my dryer!
DAVE: hits side of cd player so that it stops time traveling and gets to the next fucking line jesus christ
ROSE: Wizard Backstreet Boys: The one... descryer.
JADE: funeral director backstreet boys: bereave when i say!
ARADIA: gh0st backstreet b0ys: i haunt it that way 0u0
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littlesparklight · 10 months
Okay, actually, let me do a quick, basic primer for Mycenaean fashion, if anyone would want to try this aesthetic for their Greek myth art since Mycenaean era Greece (1400-1200 is when the majority of the myths happen, and especially the Trojan war). Not claiming to be an expert at all, here, as I've mostly googled shit and screencapped images to use as ref and then read some articles, but, I figure, it might be somewhere to start!
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Here's one of the panels from the Hagia triada sarcophagus, from Crete during Mycenaean control/hegemony of the island. The women are painted white, the men dark; artistic aesthetic you see in other cultures for their visual arts of the time, like Ancient Egypt.
I think the fur(?) skirts might be religious wear, but aside from that, you have one woman and one man (specifically, the lyre player, which is probably indicative of some cultural attitudes; the lyre player in the fresco from Pylos is definitely wearing a fringed skirt of some sort, similar to what women wear) wearing a long robe/tunic, and the women are wearing some short jackets on top of that. The jackets might be Cretan or merely "early" style, because here's a fresco fragment from the Greek mainland where the woman appears to wear something similar:
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It's probable (but basically impossible to know) that the thing underneath is a long robe/tunic like the women above are wearing, short or sleeve-less.
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Another Mycenaean/mainland Greek fresco. In this one you'd have to decide if the top halves of the women's dress is a short (but not cut-away) jacket, plus wrap-around, tiered/fringed skirt, or a long robe/tunic with really deep neckline and, again, a wrap-around tiered/fringed skirt.
Now, you don't need to make things harder for yourself than you have to! Women can wear a simpler style of dress (like what the man in the first fresco panel is wearing), basically the same as the men's, probably just longer:
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It's possible these two women are wearing wrap around skirts below the edge of the chariot, but I doubt it. As you can see, their style of dress is the same as the man's above, with a plain, straight collar.
The various lines you see plunging down the sides of both the longer robes/tunics and the shorter ones are down the sides (under the arms and down) and might also/either be down the front, at least on the long dresses with elaborate bottom rim; the woman in saffron above clearly has a decorated line going down her front.
I'll put the rest of this under the cut!
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Some nice art with Mycenaean-era dress and armour for some of our Trojan war characters. (Aeneas and Hektor notably wearing Mycenaean wear even if they probably wouldn't be.)
I like this site http://www.salimbeti.com/micenei/index.htm for both art and a lot of pictures of artifacts when it comes to armour and weapons from the Mycenaean era.
The men don't just wear those tunics, though; you can get some (short) kilts or skirts;
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(In my opinion, I'd say it's basically a given the one/two dudes painted in basically black are meant to be from further south compared to the Greek dude here. Probably not sub-Saharan Africa, however. North Africa/Egyptian might be more reasonable, despite the impossibly dark skin.)
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Some examples of the clothes recreated!
This article https://www.jstor.org/stable/20627591 talks about a fresco and its possible reconstructions, and, more importantly, includes photos of some women's clothes, especially the fringed/tiered wrap-around skirts recreated, and some drawing diagrams of said skirts that might be helpful!
Hair-wise, the majority of the men have hair anywhere from around the ears down to the shoulders in mainland Greece. (The exception being, again, the Pylian lyre player.) Minoans, even mycenaean-era Minoans, might have longer hair; one of the panels on the Hagia triada fresco has a flute-player with hair down to his waist in braids (or something like that), for example.
All the women, no matter Cretan/Minoan or Mycenaean/Greek have very long hair, gathered in variously more or less elaborate hairstyles; make your best guess from looking at the frescos is my suggestion!
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karniss-bg3 · 9 months
I figured you’d be the right person to ask this question, why is Kar’niss’ skin super pale when he was originally a drow? 🖤
I had the same question myself and I did some digging a bit ago. All of the official drider concept art I've seen has depicted driders with dark skin, so it stands to reason that the transformation alone wouldn't be enough to alter his appearance. This leaves one interesting theory at play; Kar'niss was a Szarkai.
Szarkai, which translates to "ghost spiders", are albino drow. This is a very rare mutation that affects only 0.1% of the drow population. Their skin tones are so light in fact that they are able to pass as surface elves with little trouble. Some would think that this would make them outcasts but in fact Szarkai were viewed as a blessing of Lolth, hence their namesake.
There are some interesting crossover traits between Kar'niss and Szarkai that lean me more toward this theory, such as: -Szarkai look almost identical to drow outside of the skin tone. However, they have also been known to have minor deformities. The most notable is "gnarled and claw-like hands" which we know Kar'niss to possess. Originally I thought this was due to the transformation, but now I think he may have had it prior to the change.
-They are very adverse toward combat, preferring to let others do the dirty work so to speak. When the player engages Kar'niss in a fight one of the first things he does after his multi-attack is cast sanctuary on himself, protecting himself from harm and forcing his companions to take the hits. I also saw a video where someone cast banish on Kar'niss and when he returned he disengaged, healed himself, and ran from the fight. Now this was likely a bug, but it'd be on brand for Szarkai's desire to escape a fight rather than engage in it.
-They were mostly used as spies and gathering information since they could easily blend into surface societies. While there isn't much evidence that Kar'niss has much training in this field, what stuck out to me was the professions Szarkai favored. One of them is bard, and we have at least some notion that Kar'niss is linked to one musical instrument by way of the spider's lyre. I recall someone commenting asking if the lyre may have belonged to Kar'niss at one point and while I can't say with certainty, if it was and Minthara was merely holding on to it then it'd lend credence to him being a bard formerly. That and he's super pissed if you play it poorly!
-I haven't done a playthrough with Minthara in my party so I am not familiar with all of her dialogue lines. However, she does know Kar'niss in some capacity and the lyre is used to call him. Her last name is Baenre which is one of the most notable drow houses in all of Menzoberranzan, famous for Jarlaxle the leader of Bregan D'aerthe. I say this because Szarkai seemed to be far more common in noble houses, which Baenre would be. This could, even if loosely, establish a link between them.
IF this is true, that puts a very intense spin on Kar'niss' potential history. Szarkai were protected, considered valuable, and their existence kept secret. They were removed from drow life, and even kept in far safer conditions than others. This didn't mean they were shielded from the cruelty drow are known for but it was a different kind of cruelty. Often trained from a very young age to be spies and saboteurs, and subsequently being shipped to human cities to do as ordered. It makes me wonder what Kar'niss could've done to incur Lolth's wrath to the extent she warped him into a drider. Betrayal? Failure? Weakness? Or perhaps Lolth just really wanted an alabaster pet, it's hard to say.
Thanks for the ask!
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memories-of-ancients · 3 months
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Bronze figurine of a lyre player, Crete, circa 850 BC
from The Heraklion Archaeological Museum, Crete
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