anastasiaxtremaine · 2 years
Anastasia had let Ken go to talk to some friends he had run into and was resting for a moment in the shade of a tree. Catching up on her social media tabs and posting photos of her own, making sure to always stay fabulous and relevant, of course. She was flipping her hair over her shoulder when she practically hit someone in the face with it, and she winced before smiling when he didn’t seem to mind too much. In fact, he was definitely hitting on her. She couldn’t help but laugh, cheeks turning a little rosy. “I am the pretty face, but thank you for the offer.” Anastasia really shouldn’t be taking a drink and flirting with someone when she was on a date with someone else. Even if he was pretty cute. “Is that line working for you much?”
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closed starter for @anastasiaxtremaine​ location: st. lover’s festival
events like this were always best when attended alone. or at least, without any kind of a date tying him down. of that flynn felt fairly confident on. why be stuck spending the majority of his time hanging out with just one person when there were so many others around? other hot and single people practically asking to be flirted with, at that. it was a st lover’s festival after all, it only felt right to get full in the spirit of things and show everyone a bit of love and appreciation. which was why flynn didn’t even hesitation to approach the girl that practically screamed of money and being superior to him in practically every way possible. normally he’d work his way up to this - put in the time to charm her over a few encounters - but he needed to do good olde st. lover proud. “well hello to you, beautiful,” he greets as he moves to stand besides the stranger, a smile in place on his face that he hoped showed just the right amount of interest. enough to be flattering, but not too much to come across as lewd or creepy. “any chance you’re in need of a drink? or maybe a pretty face to blow on some dice for luck?”
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anastasiaxtremaine · 2 years
“No,” Vanessa answered, honestly. “I just like it.” She wouldn’t want to stand out. She knew the dark clothing could sometimes make her more noticeable, but if it was up to her, she’d prefer to fly under the radar. She wasn’t a people person, she didn’t want to socialize unless necessary, she didn’t want to be bothered when going about her everyday life. She would never understand why some people had an obsession with being the center of attention, but she could recognize they may never understand why she didn’t want the spotlight herself.
The conversation seemed to be taking an almost civil turn. While she wanted to say something petty, Vanessa found herself biting her tongue. If Anastasia was being… not friendly, but better than normal, surely she could be a bigger person too. “Green’s not so bad,” she decided after a moment. Not her first choice, but if she liked an outfit enough, she’d wear it in green. A dark green. Not neon. Anything but neon. “Better than pink.”
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"Well, that’s depressing,” Anastasia admitted. Black was just such a sad color, usually reserved for mourning after all. Why someone would choose to spend every day drenched in black, Anastasia would probably never understand. She liked her colors bold. 
Vanessa really could do with more bold colors, but that was probably a losing argument. She rolled her eyes, shaking her head. “I didn’t say you should put on a pink prom dress, did I? You’re not right for pink, anyway. You couldn’t pull it off.” 
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anastasiaxtremaine · 2 years
     Phillip smiled as Ana blushed, thinking she was simply flustered because she was self-conscious and flustered by such a compliment. He wasn’t going to argue with the confidence she boasted in being able to pull off any kind of hair she wanted—it was true, anyway. She had a pretty face, so he was sure any hairstyle or color would suit her features.
     “Over wine,” he repeated, quirking an eyebrow. “Oh, so you like to make sure a man is in a good mood before you break the bad news. I’ll be on high alert any time you offer me a drink from now on…” He shook his head softly, smirking at his own clever joke before she caught him off guard with her question, how do you do it?
     “How do I turn down unwanted suitors without breaking their hearts?” he replied, clarifying what she was asking. “I don’t exactly have them breaking down my door, you know. But I find it helps just to be honest. People are surprisingly adept at handling rejection so long as you’re straight-forward and kind about it.”
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Anastasia couldn’t help but laugh, shaking her head at Phillip’s teasing. Obviously she’d meant the wine part as a joke, but of course he couldn’t just leave it there. “Oh, don’t worry Phil, you know me too well anyway. You’d be halfway out the door the second you saw my face.” At least, Anastasia could place bets on that being true. There weren’t so many people that knew her as well as he did.
And yet, it always felt like she was still getting to know him. Maybe it was what kept their friendship so interesting, all these years later. Tilting her head, she listened to his answer carefully, actually curious. “Aw, that’s what someone as charming and graceful with words as you would say. Usually no matter how I break the news, I’m a bitch.” Wasn’t that just the double standard for women? “You’re lucky you’re so cute.”
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anastasiaxtremaine · 2 years
Kit stared at the night sky, contemplating about his life. He had everything anyone would have ever wanted. The fame, the wealth, and the power. The three concepts needed for a fulfilling life. Nonetheless, Kit wanted to live a life of grander purpose, a life which includes leaving everything behind. He released a deep sigh and was distracted by the words of the woman beside him.
“Yeah.” He sheepishly grinned. Perhaps it was the vodka that made him feel weary at this time. “Anastasia, can I ask you a question?” He replied. Kit knew Anastasia made videos about her family, and now of mostly herself. He figured that her content was starting to become more deep, and more self-aware. “You seem to have your life figured out. Would you leave everything you love in this world for the sake of common good?” He asked. It was rather a vague question. However, Kit was feeling rather vulnerable and would have wanted any opinion he can get. 
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It really was a beautiful night, and being here with Kit, under the stars, it felt like it could be magic. It made Anastasia excited and nervous, because so much was riding on her being the most perfect she could be right now. So when he asked her a question, of course she was going to answer. The problem was, it was a bit of a thinker.
“Feeling introspective tonight?” she asked back, but smiled, taking a sip of her glass before answering. “To be honest, probably not. I find myself too dedicated to the ones I love, personally.” Was that the right answer? Or did Kit like someone more self-sacrificing? She hoped not. She hoped he wanted a girl who would always be by his side no matter what. That’s what she’d be, if he loved her. “What about you? Could you leave everything you love behind?”
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anastasiaxtremaine · 2 years
    He stood for a moment, smiling at her when she made it clear—if asking for his number wasn’t enough of a hint—that she wanted him to ask her out, and wondered if now would be too soon to take her up on that. After all, if neither of them were busy for the next hour or two, why shouldn’t they spend a little more time talking before parting ways? It would make planning an actual date much easier if they got to know each other a bit better and find some common interests, before he ultimately called her up to ask her. Hedging his bets and providing her an excuse to decline, he asked, “I don’t suppose you have to run and catch up with that friend of yours just yet? We could go grab a cup of coffee, if you have the time.”
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Anastasia’s eyebrows raised, and she looked in the direction her friend had disappeared off in. Was he really asking her out right now? That was cute. It meant he was seizing the opportunity to take her out as soon as possible, that he didn’t want to wait too long. Anastasia could feel the butterflies in her stomach fluttering all about. A date. Right now? She looked up at him and smiled a bit shyly, cheeks flushing. “I can shoot her a text. She’ll understand,” she said of her friend, knowing it wouldn’t be a problem. True love always came first. “Coffee would be excellent. I could use the opportunity to get off my feet, anyway.”
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anastasiaxtremaine · 2 years
It didn’t take Candy too long to whip off the dirt around Anastasia’s legs. There wasn’t too much on her in the first place, but she understood why the older wanted to get cleaned as soon as possible. No one liked walking around covered in dirt, and Anastasia did look like someone who especially wouldn’t want to be caught like that by anyone who was important. Candy wasn’t so important though, which might explain why the older was allowing her to help.
But as Candy said, if she wanted to, Anastasia could turn this into a fashion trend. All she had to do was take a couple of pictures, posing perfectly of course, and record a quick vlog and then she’ll be set! Her following in social media was so big and most people believed everything that Anastasia said to be true, so this wouldn’t be any different for her!
Candy didn’t insist on that idea, though, finishing off with the cleaning instead. “Yep! All done!” The girl stated with a nod. Standing back up, she wiped her hands against her own clothes, not minding much herself if she got dirty since what she had on wasn’t important enough to care. But when Anastasia mentioned that it was Chanel she was wearing, Candy’s eyes widen. “Chanel! Okay, yeah, we need to get you cleaned up— and quick!” She stated. “If you’re still up for it, we can…… head back to my place now?”·
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All cleaned up except for her clothes, Anastasia felt at least a little bit better. She was still stinging in embarrassment from the whole ordeal, but she supposed if this girl was the only one to witness it, then that wasn’t so bad. Candy was sweet as candy, and definitely seemed keen on helping. After all, she had just wiped off Anastasia’s legs. 
Still, did she want to trek to and venture inside some stranger’s apartment? It wasn’t exactly like she was running on any kind of schedule, but it just wasn’t typically something Anastasia would find herself doing. However, her clothing needed attention, and if she could come back out looking some semblance of perfect, then it was worth it in her book.
“Sure,” she nodded, taking a deep breath and letting it out with relief. “Thank you, you said it was Candy right?” Anastasia held out a hand for shaking officially now that they were clean. “Guess I kind of owe you one, huh?”
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anastasiaxtremaine · 2 years
Elsa could feel the tension between them, growing anxious as each second passed. Setting her coffee down on the table, she tugged on her gloves nervously, no clue what to expect. Anastasia was practically staring daggers through Elsa. What did she know? The kiss with Hans had hardly been her initial thought — instead, it was her magic. Had she somehow slipped up in front of her? “Um … I honestly have no clue what you’re talking about.” Playing dumb wasn’t a good look for Elsa, but it was the only thing she could think to do. “Am I missing something?”
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Either Elsa was completely oblivious to what she’d done, and who she’d hurt, or she was super bad at playing otherwise. Anastasia wasn’t sure which was worse: Elsa trying to pretend like she didn’t know she’d hurt her, or her not even knowing about Anastasia’s feelings at all. After all, it wasn’t exactly a secret that Hans was one of the bachelors she had her eye on. “Who’d you kiss at midnight on New Years Eve, Elsa?” she asked loud, her eyes and tight smile betraying that this, this was what she was upset about. 
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anastasiaxtremaine · 2 years
“Isn’t it more fun to have people in your life who actually like you?” Miley shot back, flashing a smile. “Not that you’d know anything about that, I guess.” She knew that at least neither Ella nor Kit was a fan of Anastasia. She wasn’t even sure that her own sister, Drizella, got along with her. “This way, you have people to bitch with. Much more fun than being one all on your own. You should try it sometime.”
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The little comment stung, but Anastasia tried to remind herself that she did have friends. There was Phillip, and Evangeline, Elsa even though she’d kissed Hans, and Tinsley and Pippa and, if she could she’d count Drizella too. Maybe even that new girl she’d just met, Candy. “Oh, I have people to bitch with. Is that what scares you? Not knowing who talks about you behind your back?” She made a faux sympathetic face. “I’d tell you, but it’s more fun to watch you talk nonsense.”
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anastasiaxtremaine · 2 years
Getting to spend time with Drizella always relaxed Anastasia. If there was one person in the world that could understand the pressures their mother put on them, it was her, more so than Lucifer would ever. Even if Anastasia felt just as much pressure to live up to her mother and Drizella’s image, she knew her sister wasn’t the one putting it on. “Oh, don’t apologize. We both know how you love a good stack of paperwork,” she joked, checking on her own manicure, before taking in a deep breath. “Everything is great. I may have even found a new potential match.”
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Lounging around with her sister truly felt like a treat sometimes. It was probably the most normal she felt in her daily life. Mentally she reminded herself to do this more often as she filed down a nail. “So, how has everything been? Sorry I’ve been drowning in case work for the past few weeks. I have missed these little girls pamper nights though.” She admitted with a small smile looking towards the other. || @anastasiaxtremaine​
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anastasiaxtremaine · 2 years
Kit was one man Anastasia had decided she would absolutely try her hardest to win the heart of. To everyone, especially her mother, Kit would be the most perfect match. He was handsome, wealthy, and ran high in all the right social circles. Being associated with Kit alone would be enough to make any girl’s status go through the roof. If she could nab him, the two of them would be absolutely unstoppable. 
So she had to play it smart. Be there at the right moments, say the right things. Anastasia really wanted Kit to fall for her, hard. And then they could be together, forever. So it wasn’t hard to make sure she was on Kit’s invite lists, especially when their social circles ran wide over one another. From there, it was all Anastasia. 
Having seen him leave the crowd for a more favorable view of the night, she grabbed a glass of her own and waited just a few moments before joining him. She greeted him with a warm smile. “Sometimes it’s nice to get away from all the noise, isn’t it?” she asked, holding up her glass of champagne to clink against his in a mini toast. “Looks like I’m not the only one who thinks so.”
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//closed starter @anastasiaxtremaine​
It was that time of the year again, to be indulged by the noise and clamor of the regular people. Kit looked at the crowd, content with the glimpse of normalcy his life could ever get. He took whatever champagne served on a tray that came his way and headed outside for a breath of fresh air.
Kit leaned on a nearby porch just outside of their mansion, it was at these moments that he tries not to think about work. Nonetheless, it creeps in without consent. He wasn’t sure how long he had been staring at the night sky until someone with a familiar voice called his name from behind.
“Oh, Anastasia.” Kit grinned as she saw the woman approaching. He always knew her as Ella’s sister, however, she seems to be making a name of her own online. “What brings you here?” He asked, startled that someone was to find him outside of the crowd.
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anastasiaxtremaine · 2 years
Candy felt bad that she didn’t have anything to help Anastasia. Normally, she would have a bag on her that would have hand wipes or at the very least, make up wipes. But she hadn’t thought to bring a bag with her this time around, not one who intended to go on a walk when she originally had done do hence the lack of its existences. But now she wished she had thought to bring it because then she could’ve been more useful towards the older than she was currently being.
Fortunately, as she had just mentioned, her home wasn’t that far away from where they were, so if Anastasia was willing to go with her, than Candy would be able to help more. “It’s odd,…..for me to invite you to my home when you don’t know who I am, I know.” She began, deciding that if she were to clarify herself some more than maybe the older would be more comfortable with her offer. “But— I promise, I mean no harm!” She stated with a genuine and honest look on her face, hoping it would convey that she means it!
So when Anastasia referred her as kind, a smile bloomed on Candy’s face. It was probably the first actual smile she’s had in a while even if it wasn’t the usual cheerfully bubbly one she often had on her face, but hearing someone she idolized call her kind after everything she’s been through lately felt nice. “Candy.” She replied. “….Candy Chiu.” She then lightly chuckled, feeling relief when Anastasia was able to find some hand sanitizer because at least that was something. And when she was asked if she could help with her legs, the girl sprang into action and nodded. “Oh yes! Of course! Let me just—“ Taking the hand sanitizer, Candy squeezed some into her hands and bended down right in front of Anastasia’s legs.·
Staring down at them, the girl couldn’t help but once again admire. Even with the dirt in the way, they were still an attractive pair of legs and although she had already admired them from watching the Anastasia’s vlogs, seeing them up close and in person was even more admirable. And now she was going to be able to touch them! Candy would’ve squealed if she wasn’t trying not to come off as creepy. “It is!….. “ Candy nodded, as she began working on cleaning as much of the dirt away. “But, you know, getting a little dirty is also nothing to be embarrassed about? I mean,…… someone like you could make this a fashion statement if you wanted to.” ·
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Anastasia really didn’t think this girl meant her any harm at all. If anything, she was just trying to help. And with a name like Candy, she of course would have to be sickeningly sweet. The instinct in Anastasia was to boss this kind of girl around, maybe try to harden her up a bit to prepare her for the world. But that also wasn’t very New Year, New Anastasia.
So instead, she just kept smiling and rubbing the dirt off of her hands. Once that was taken care of she could focus on how well this girl did with her legs. Keeping an eye on her progress, Anastasia took a deep breath. Good, she was becoming less roughed up, at least. 
Why did she care about it, though?
Like the girl had mentioned, Aanastasia could probably pull it off, but the truth was she cared too much about being seen as imperfect. Maybe it had to do with how she was raised, but looking the best you could at any given moment was the goal. “Do you think you got it all?” Anastasia asked, avoiding the subject for the moment. Her clothes were probably a bigger problem now that her skin wasn’t as much of an issue. There was a scuff on her skirt. She made a face at it. “Ugh, my clothes. This is why I don’t wear Chanel to do errands anymore.”
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anastasiaxtremaine · 2 years
    As cool and collected as he acted on the surface, Ken never felt quite as smooth on the inside as he presented—he couldn’t be sure he was on the right track until he actually stuck the landing. Anastasia asking for his number assured him that he was interpreting their flirtatious conversation correctly and he almost gave a sigh of relief, a bright smile spreading across his face.
     “It’s utterly charming that you’d even pretend you have to ask,” he replied, cocking his head slightly in amusement as he reached into the interior pocket of his jacket for a business card and pen that he kept on hand for fashion emergencies. Ken wrote his personal cell number on the back of the card before holding it out for Anastasia. “I guess now I’ll just go home and wait for your call,” he joked.
Anastasia could have breathed a sigh of relief. She had been rejected before, and it always stung, especially when she was putting herself out there this boldly. But this time the cute guy with the perfect smile was giving her his phone number and Anastasia felt like singing. Maybe she would sing, later, in the shower. She’d sing until someone came along shouting at her to shut up, but she’d still sing. Just quieter. To herself. 
She took his card with a smile, blowing on the ink for a moment to be sure it was dry. It was also a total move, but one he presented her the opportunity for. Anastasia smiled wide, shrugging and trying not to seem too excited that he wanted her to call him. Who called anymore? This was so romantic already, even if the beginning was a little rocky for a moment. “Well, I promise I won’t keep you waiting too long. It’s too hard for you to ask me out otherwise.”
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anastasiaxtremaine · 2 years
    He laughed at her comment, almost chastising her for saying something inappropriate, but considering she wasn’t serious anyway, he let it slide. They had been friends long enough that he understood that her flirtatious disposition was just that—her personality, not an actual come-on. It was easy to forgive her indiscretion, as it was easy for her to forgive his teasing and messing with her perfect blowout. “I can’t imagine you need to spend that much to look good. Your natural hair color is very pretty,” Phillip said, genuine in the compliment.
     He knew Ana had been insecure about her red locks since they were kids, but he never saw why she should be. She was unique and perfect as she was; he just wished she could have grown up without all of the societal pressure telling her who she should be. As someone who had no choice but to live up to everything his father wanted him to be, he had sympathy for his friends in similar boats, even if it really was a first world problem. “But I’m glad to hear you’ve been gentle on those suitors of yours. Wouldn’t to get a reputation as a heart-breaker, now would you?”
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Anastasia felt her cheeks flush and her heart pick up its pace. Phillip had a habit of catching her off guard with compliments on things like her natural hair color. She never quite knew what to say, always was caught unconsciously tugging at the long ends of her strawberry and auburn locks and getting all flustered, like she was now. “Well, w-we both know I can pull off whatever hair color I want, and I happen to like this one,” she insisted. And it was true. Most days, anyway. 
She still wasn’t exactly beating off suitors, like one would suggest. For all the men in Walt Grove that she’d be just perfect with - Phillip, Hans, Kit, maybe even Ken - there always seemed to be something stopping them from going very far with her. Sometimes Anastasia felt so forward, she wondered if she came on too strong, or if they just didn’t take her seriously. “I never break a heart. I let them down gently, over wine.” She smiled.
Sure. The truth was, typically Anastasia was the one getting her heart broken. By men who were selfish or just plain stupid. She just wanted love so bad. Why did it have to be so hard? “How do you do it?”
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anastasiaxtremaine · 2 years
“At least I didn’t spend my money trying to fake it,” she pointed out with a pained smile. It was so frustrating, how mean this girl could be. Anastasia always knew how to get under Miley’s skin. “I know that’s why you don’t like me, you don’t have to lie. Otherwise, with no reason, that just means you’re a straight out of hell bitch. Nobody likes one of those, and I know how much you care about that.”
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Anastasia really didn’t see having money as being an insult, to be honest. Besides, she’d been blessed enough to never have to fake anything a day in her life. It was what gave her the confidence behind her smile in moments like this. “Oh, I can be a bitch to a singular person with good reason. Right now the reason is that it’s fun.”
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anastasiaxtremaine · 2 years
Lizzie was a little embarrassed about the interaction, but willing to brush it off and move on. That was, until the woman asked if she had brushed her hair that morning. The question took her by surprise, and she couldn’t tell if they were trying to be genuine or rude. In a way, it reminded her of Kate. “Uhh, yeah, I did,” she answered with narrowed eyebrows, though she was suddenly questioning if she did brush her hair that morning or not. She had to have, right? She laughed awkwardly in response, forcing a smile, “Yeah, totally..”
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Anastasia nodded. Well, now she’d made things awkward, she could tell. She had done the mean thing again when trying to be nice. Why was her instinct always so off? What did a person say to repair this? Sorry? That seemed like too much. Instead, Anastasia just shrugged. “Well, at least now you can rest easy that your hair is lacking debris.” She reached up to rake fingers through her own long curls. “You know, I always say the best way to end any day is with a good wash and blow out. A bath if you have the time.”
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anastasiaxtremaine · 2 years
Anastasia had notably been avoiding Elsa since the New Years ball, and for good reason. Well, at least, to her it was a good reason: Elsa had kissed Hans. She’d seen it, with her own two eyes, because she’d been looking for him. So that she could kiss him! Anastasia felt an enormous sense of betrayal even now looking at the girl who was supposed to be her friend. Did she use that term too loosely? “Oh? Why would I be interrogating you?” she snapped a little, wanting to laugh but holding it in so she didn’t sound crazy. Anastasia wanted to be able to remain calm, if possible. “Is there something I should be asking you about? Anything you’d like to tell me?”
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The Tremaine’s were a unique family that Elsa still didn’t fully understand, but she was familiar with most of them for different reasons. She still had moments of feeling indifferent about the two sisters, but she definitely preferred Anastasia over Drizella. It seemed that Anastasia had something on her mind, though, noticing a curious glint in the other girl’s eyes. “What’s on your mind?” She asked, genuinely curious as she sat across from her with their coffee’s. “It feels like I’m about to be interrogated about something.” @anastasiaxtremaine​
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anastasiaxtremaine · 2 years
For a hot second, Candy completely forgot about her woes as she admired the woman before her. She recognized her from her social media accounts! Candy follows this woman, more often than not, keeping up with her vlogging whenever Anastasia posted something new. That is, up until recently as she kinda stopped watching, but only because she had been feeling too depressed.·
As Candy helped her up, she noticed how the brunette’s knee was a little scuffed due to the impact but more importantly, her clothes had gotten dirty. Realizing that there was an important matter than being at awe in seeing one of the people she idolized in person, the girl blinked and gasped. “Napkin? I should have one.” Patting her pockets to see if she did since she wasn’t carrying a bag at the moment, Candy frowned when she realized she didn’t have one.
“Oh no…. I don’t.” She confessed, wanting nothing more than to help the woman. It was then where she remembered how she wasn’t too far from her own own. “But— I live a block away from here. If you want, we can head over and we’ll get you cleaned up right away! …..I’ll…..I’ll even stand in front of you to cover the dirty from prying eyes if you want?“
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Anastasia waited patiently for a napkin or a handkerchief or something resembling cloth - but when nothing appeared, her smile dwindled. Great. Oh, she was not going to snap on this girl! That would not be very New Anastasia of her. She tried to breathe in and out her mantra: New Year, New Me, over and over. “Okay! It’s okay. It’s fine. Um...”
What was she going to do with her dirty hands and knees? She started to inspect her manicure as well, and noted a slight chip in the polish on some of her fingers. Guess she’d be making an emergency call when she was all cleaned up, too. Looking around, she contemplated if she even wanted to walk the distance to this girl’s apartment. All she wanted to do was whine about everything, to be honest, but that wasn’t the best to do in front of someone who already recognized who she was. So instead, Anastasia smiled again. And she tried to think of a plan. “You’re so kind. What’s your name?” She tilted her head and tried to rub some of the dirt off her hands. When it didn’t work, she very carefully reached into her bag for something, anything that could help. When she found her hand sanitizer she breathed a sigh of relief. Anatasia squirted some into her palm and used it to get off the remaining dirt, despite some stinging. “Perfect. Mind helping a girl with her legs?” She held out the hand sanitizer expectantly. No way was she about to bend over all awkwardly to do it herself. She still had her clothes to figure out! “Thank god I’m a bit of a germ-a-phobe, huh?”
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