#luna lovegood hcs
wilderflowergirlie · 2 months
professor lupin who was definitely called loony lupin in school would 100% give detentions to anyone who called second year luna lovegood loony lovegood. you can't tell me they weren't friends.
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turtlele · 6 months
Ron: Where's Hermione?
Luna: doing stuff
Ron: don't like the sound of that. Where's Dean?
Luna: stopping Hermione from doing stuff
Ron: Harry?
Luna: stopping Dean from stopping Hermione doing stuff
Ron: and you?
Luna: distracting you so you can't stop Harry stopping Dean stopping Hermione from doing stuff
Ron:.......what's the stuff?
Luna: Ginny
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i feel like luna would be more careful in potions bc of her mother so whilst all the teachers are like "Lovegood is weird asf and ditzy". Snape's like ??????
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aithusarosekiller · 7 months
Lightning era fans will never understand the 'my mum always said the things we lose have a way of coming back to us in the end, if not always in the way we expect' the way Pandora&Reg friendship fans do
Harry and Luna are Panda and Reg. It's the same friendship.
Like with all Harry and Reg's parallels too it adds so much more to it
AND the idea that one of the reasons xeno holds Luna so dear is that she's so similar to her mother so it feels like she's living on through her
They're platonic soulmates and they found each other again despite it all 😭🙏
Luna helped Harry find the Ravenclaw diadem horcrux and I fully believe Panda helped Reg find the Slytherin locket. It all lines up
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redr0sewrites · 26 days
i would talk about harry potter on here but no one agrees with my headcanons i fear
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thesoupinursocks · 2 years
harry james potter hc list i've compiled over a week or two---
part one??
-can fall asleep anywhere. literally. people have found him sleeping in the weirdest places around the castle 24/7 and the first years are always confused but everyone else is like "yeah no just leave him be, he's got a lot of shit going on."
-when sirius told him that harry could live with him if he wanted to, harry was so exited and nervous and like overwhelmed that on the way back to the castle he puked in a bush (he makes ron and hermione swear to never mention it to anyone ever)
-his memory is actually so shit, and he has no clue as to why it is. you tell him anything and he will immediately ask you "wait say that again"
-when remus was his professor, he would wait after class and risk being late because he knew remus would give him one of those bite sized chocolates he always has in his pockets.
-somtime he explores the castle at night when he gets nervous about the O.W.L.S, and it calms him down
-he once had to send hedwig out to get him quills because he always looses them and he apologized so many times to her because of how she was going to have to,, "carry her family's plucked out feathers" back to him.
-he can walk in heels effortlessly and he has no clue how
-his favorite color is actually purple but he tells everyone it's red
-he hates socks. despises them. will actually refuse to wear them in his shoes no matter how hard hermione begs him to.
-he still has the sweater molly made for him in his first year because that was the first christmas present he had ever gotten
-is secretly is a cat person but can't find it in himself to tell sirius
-he hates holidays, and despises halloween the most. he doesn't tell remus and sirius though because he knows that was the last week of their lives that everything was ok for them and everyone was alive and happy, and he'd feel horrible ruining that for them.
-goes on "dates" with luna in muggle restaurants just to "propose" to her so they can get free cake. they have hit at least 23 places with this method and it hasn't once failed.
-didn't know how to read very well until hermione taught him in 2nd year
-ron and him are literally the most homoromantic best friends out there and half the school is convinced their dating
-has shaky hands and can't tie his shoes that well
-is quite literally the casanova of griffindor tower and remus finds this hilarious
-grows his hair out to his shoulders and eventually cuts it all off when he's 18.
-he asks hermione how to shave because he has to much pride to ask remus or sirus
-sirius ties his tie for him because no matter how hard he trys he just can't get it right. sirius thinks of his brother every time he does this for him, and when harry grew his hair out and it looked almost identical to regulus's, he cryed.
-harry has such a horrible sleeping schedule that somtimes he just passes out and literally had no control over it. like one moment he's awake and the next hes on the floor snoring.
-stayed up with ron for like 4 hours in his first year one night making a cool looking signature for himself because so many ppl were asking for it
-buys ron anything he wants off the trolly and refuses to let him feel bad for it because it's "only twice a year ron" and "let me spoil my best mate alright?"
-thought had a crush on hermione in first year because he had those "butterflies" that everyone always talks about, but it turned out that he was just going to be sick.
-has the immune system of the average toddler. bro breaths and hes like dead on the common room couch for 3 days under mrs. weasleys hand made quilt, being hand fed soup
-has said "fuck it, we ball" on one to many occasions.
-knows a surprising amount of french because of a french-english/english-french dictionary he found in the closet he use to sleep in.
-is the kind of person to say "whoopsies" when he does literally anything
-anytime he drops somthing he says "that wasn't me"
-has no concept of time. what's the day? he has no clue. time? month? what even are those. he just guesses when he writes the date on his papers.
-prefers the blue gatorade to the red one
-he hates carbonated drinks. literally cant stand them.
i might post a part two if anyone wants it
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highonincense · 5 months
Hi!!!! Do you have any Luna and Harry friendship headcannon??? Or romantic headcannons. I just love them sm!!! Thanks <3
heyyy!! Thanks for the ask and sorry for the late reply!
I definitely love harry and luna's relationship, I am more inclined to headcannon them as having a great bond w each other though I see a lot of potential in them being romantically involved as well!!
So here are a few headcannons I have of their friendship:
1. I think they're both so into conspiracy theories 😭 like it feels like they would love to come up with increasingly ridiculous and far fetched theories. it's kind of like a competition between them that nobody knows about. so it gets chaotic ash.
2. luna would make flower crowns for her friends, well atleast some kinda crown or bracelet, and harry would adore the hell out of anything she makes and gifts him. like that boy would cherish it
3. whenever they spend time w each other, harry feels so peaceful and relaxed, they both love eachother's company as they don't feel very judged by the other (that's the defining aspect of their relationship)
4. I hc that luna introduces harry to painting, and he's not perfect at it but he finds the activity so soothing
5. harry would send over her favourite puddings/desserts randomly, whenever he makes them or buys it from a place he knows she likes and she would be absolutely delighted
yeah that's all I got! feel free to add on more if you like. once again, thanks for the ask anon☺️
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dawnstudies · 4 months
Some HC's for Harry Potter - Weasley family (can you blame me? I love them)
Ginny was usually the manliest among all the Weasleys and had a hardcore tomboy phase during her fifth year in Hogwarts, however one thing that she absolutely adored which is usually found "girly" was flowers. All sorts of flowers. They were just so colourful and beautiful and that's where her relationship with Luna came from. They both loved flowers. Exotic flowers. That's why Ginny also loved gardening.
After the war, George wasn't sure how to run the shop alone - obviously, even before Fred died the two barely understood the "managing" and complicated "paperwork" part of it - so a reconnecting part for him and Percy was when Percy showed up one day to offer him help with managing the shop. With Percy's knowledge of law George got things sorted easily.
When Fred & George were first opening their shop, Percy helped them sort out the paperwork, and when the two asked why exactly he would help out of all people, Percy straight out admitted that he thought the idea was "brilliant" and "badass" (George almost passed out from shock when he heard his brother swear like that).
Law actually caught Ron's interest too and even after he quit as an auror and went to George's shop to help, he still kept it as a hobby and gave a hand to George every time Percy couldn't; after a while Ron decided to go to Law College and got a degree.
By the way, I'm really thinking about making a fanfiction based on an AU I was thinking about, where Percy would become a doctor at St Mungo's (a fanfiction including that HC is already finished and on my Wattpad account), Arthur being a psychologist instead of a ministry worker, Ronald becoming a lawyer and it would basically include a lot of fluff and angst. My favourites :)
What do you guys think? Would it be a good idea?
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aludraslytherin · 11 months
If they lived scenario :
So, since it's the 70s, homophobia was super there among the muggles. (I choose to make the wizard community really open minded tho, except a few pureblood families *cough*Black*cough*)
My ultimate ships are Jegulus and PandaLily. They have a hold on my heart, and they never let it go.
Anygays !
So, to fit in their muggle town, jily married each other and regudora did too, but they all four of them live in the same big ass mansion.
Wanting to have kids, Lily and Pandora got pregnant the non traditional way (imagine what you want to imagine) and BAM ! first Harry and then seven months later Luna.
But I also think that they would've been a big family, so (with the non traditional way ofc), Pandora would get pregnant with James, and Lily with Regulus.
Just a silly headcanon I have for this, please don't hate me for it
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nettedtangible · 6 months
Little Luna coming over to hang out at Sirius and Remus’ place
Remus: Luna what’s wrong?
Luna: *shrugs* all the kids at Hogwarts call me Loony
Remus: they used to call me Loony too
Luna: really?
Remus: yeah, I think it’s a cool nickname!
Luna *beams* (and she’s missing her front teeth)
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nikholascrow · 8 months
I love when people hc Luna and Harry as like honorary cousins when Regulus is Harry’s dad, but hear me out. Luna’s an absolute sweetheart, Harry’s a mischievous little ray of sunshine but still pretty well behaved, But theres a third cousin the rosekiller kid, Rosalynn Rosier, the most feral child to ever live, most chaotic germlin to ever attend Hogwarts. frequently losing house points for Ravenclaw (i think Luna and them would be dormmates) and thinks it’s hilarious. they will make anyone who bullies Luna regret the day they were born. they’re Barty’s girl but they’ve got Evan’s brain and they never get caught even tho everyone knows they did it. not only were they raised by Evan and Barty but they grew up with uncle Moony uncle Padfoot and uncle Prongs. they drive Harry insane but in a loving way. Minnie thought she was gonna have to worry about Harry or the wolfstar kid but she was not prepared for the rosekiller kid.
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wildoceanstarz · 4 months
Thinking about Sybill slowly losing grasp on time because she keeps being projected in the future and so at some point past, future and present becomes all tangled together. Sometimes she sees Harry and think it’s James, sees Luna and talks to her like it’s Pandora. She can never fully be sure she’s conscious or not.
Of course it gets worst once she start drinking after Umbrige remove her from her post, now her life simply a tornado of faces and feelings she can’t put her hand on. The visions coming and going without her being able to say it’s one, save the acute pain and deep freezing sensation.
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silverscript · 1 year
We base a lot of Pandora’s personality off of Luna, but Luna was raised by her dad as her mum was absent (aka dead) so a lot of how she acts is probably closer to her dad (and also from watching her mum die at a young age). All we know abt Pandora as an individual is that she was an inventor and that she participated in experiments dangerous enough to kill her. From this it’s easy to assume she’s quite a reckless person. So I reckon instead of her being the calm reasonable one in every situation, I think that Regulus is 90% of her impulse control and she’s absolutely feral. She’s constantly doing things that could get her severely injured. They have to stop her from doing stupid things multiple times and always walk in on her being strange. She understands the consequences of her actions and can be very wise when it comes down to it (Ravenclaw) but in the end curiousity is her hubris and if she sees something that sparks her interest, she’ll drop everything to chase it. She reminds Regulus of Sirius; part of the reason they’re so close.
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lunatheseus · 1 year
The lack of female friendship scenes in Harry Potter (and what I personally would suggest) - an investigation
One thing that I wished was different in the Harry Potter series is all of the girl to girl relationships! We need more scenes! We need to dive deeper into these relationships!
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Exhibit A: Cho and Ginny's "rivalry"
They're both iconic and amazing in their own right, and I feel like they could have had such a great friendship!
Not only did they both absolutely kick ass in quidditch, they both risked their lives to join the Hogwarts war efforts! Cho was already graduated by the 7th book, but she chose to come back and help out! Ginny literally was one of the main leaders of Dumbledore's army!
The only reason why JK Rowling would make them rivals is because of Harry and how he liked Cho, but Ginny liked Harry? LIKE- GIRL- not the girls hating girls because of some GUY... seriously??
We need those scenes where they pat each other on the back after a quidditch match to congratulate each other on a good game. Female empowerment moment, yes? Maybe they show each other tips and tricks on their brooms.
There should be a scene where Cho teams up with Ginny during battle! Where they fight death eaters together!
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Exhibit B: Hermione and Ginny's friendship
The only thing that bothers me about this one was that Hermione became friends with Ginny because they were forced to share a room as there was not more space in the Weasley Burrow. It was convenient. While I don't love that, it's ok, it makes sense logically.
There should be scenes where the two girls relate to each other, more scenes where they giggle about boys and talk about the latest books they've read. Maybe they can both complain about Ron and Harry to each other. They practically lived together for a while, so maybe we could get more scenes of them being more sisterly and having a sibling-esque relationship.
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Exhibit C: Luna and Ginny's friendship
Correct me if I'm wrong but these two became friends shortly after Ginny was saved by Harry in the Chamber of Secrets. I feel like at that point, everyone kind of shunned/was scared of Ginny, and Luna was the only one who would talk to her. This is fine and all, but there's no in between fluff about how they built up their friendship from there.
We need more scenes where Ginny defends Luna from bullies, or when Ginny ditches her boytoy to comfort Luna. Maybe there's a scene where Luna misses her mom, and Ginny is there to talk it out with her! There is so much potential in this friendship! When Luna gets kidnapped, how does Ginny react?
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Regardless, I know that there are other female friendships in HP (like the slytherin ones), but these three are probably the most relevant when it comes to the actual story.
Don't even get me started on how Molly, Hermione, and Ginny all hated on Fleur, or when Molly assumed Rita Skeeter's articles about Hermione being a player were true! Like- did none of the girls really have each other's backs?
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babeiwannabeastar · 1 year
during his time teaching as mad eyed moony, barty crouch jr. was never really around students, we all know he had worries but the ravenclaws seemed to be the most affected class by it. classes cut short or the professor not even bothering to show up. it seemed the kids known as teacher's pet had finally found someone who could not stand them. if people only knew it was not true.
he couldn't stand the ravenclaw classes. he didn't even want to get up in the morning knowing they were in his schedule, not out of spite but out of love.
because in the back of the class, there was always two very knowing blue eyes that barty crouch jr. knew way too well. and he could honestly not stand the fact he was in the same classroom as luna lovegood, a child he loved as his own, knowing she would never know him or how much her mother meant to him.
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moonys-luvr · 3 months
okay hear me out,
what if Pandora Lovegood was a werewolf and because of that, Luna immediately clocks Remus as one. She doesn't like, immediately, realize that the fact that he is a werewolf, just that he has the same energy/vibe that her mom had. and then after like 30 minutes it clicks into her head and he becomes her favorite teacher after that because of the familiarity between Lupin and her mom.
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