#lully update
puzzlebean · 1 year
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Welcome to my, puzzlebean's, blog. It is a pleasure to have you here. This is a multifandom blog. My fandoms are listed below. I try to tag everything but I may forget to tag sometimes or forget what I tagged something as. Feel free to ask me to tag something specific!
I have many blorbos but Steve Rogers owns my heart and soul. I like art, puzzles, SCI-Fi, comics, movies, books, music, mysteries, racing, and more.
Please don't ask me, or have people ask me, why you are blocked. I block very liberally so I can curate my own space.
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This is a list of the fandoms I like and engage with (on different levels).
Marvel Comics • Marvel Cinematic Universe • DC • Star Wars • Star Trek • Murder Most Unladylike • A Series of Unfortunate Events • Death in Paradise • Murder She Wrote • The Old Guard • Doctor Who • Shadowhunters • Lulli • Ghosted • Taylor Swift • Lightyear • Warrior Nun • Merlin • Barbie • Winx Club • Arctic Monkeys • Knives Out • Wednesday • Ted Lasso • Chris Evans • Stranger Things • Nancy Drew • Formula 1 (I like many drivers and several teams but Max is my #1)
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This is just a fraction of the things I ship, though I would say these are some of my current main ships. I have a ship list I am working on (I shall link it when it's finally completed). I have ships that are my big loves and ships I find interesting to write. Listed here are some of my loves.
Steve/Bucky • Kirk/Spock • Yelena/Kate • Wednesday/Enid • Ava/Beatrice • Sam/Steve • Alisha/Kiko • Vanessa/Elena • Carol/Maria • Steve/Darcy • Wanda/Vision • Sharon/Natasha • Bruce/Clark • Bruce/Clark/Diana • Tim/Bernard • Rey/Poe/Finn • Joe/Nicky • Gwen/Morgana • Merlin/Arthur • Merlin/Arthur/Gwen • Sharon/Sarah • Bloom/Stella • Amina/Daisy • Hazel/Daisy • Constance/Sophia • Han/Leia • Han/Luke • Jason/Stephanie • Stephanie/Cass • Harley/Ivy • Alex/Miles • Roy/Jamie/Keeley • Ted/Trent • Wanda/Darcy • Steve/Scott • Max/Charles • Max/Lando • Nancy/Robin • Eddie/Chrissy • Steve/Jonathan • Bucky/Tony • Max/Lewis
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You can also find me in other places. Like my ao3 account (puzzlebean/hulkling616) where I post all my writing.
I also have a couple of sideblogs (which I occasionally reblog from and to). Including (but not limited to) @marvelfemslashweek, @puzzlebeanart, @marvel-women-events, @puzzlebeanficrecs and @jewishstuckyrecs.
Last updated: October 25th, 2023
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operaportugues · 3 months
Médée (Charpentier) - Paris, Palais Garnier, 3 e 7/maio/2024
Ópera de 1693 com legenda em português: vídeo; legenda. Nesta produção não há o prólogo.
O Viking Opera Guide refere-se à tragédie Médée de Marc-Antoine Charpentier como "indiscutivelmente a melhor ópera francesa do século XVII".
Enredo: Para escapar da vingança de Acasto, rei da Tessália, Jasão e Médée se refugiaram em Corinto, onde mora o rei Creonte. Médée suspeita que Jasão possa estar lhe sendo infiel e logo percebe que não há dúvidas: Jasão está apaixonado pela filha de Creonte, Creúsa, e quer se casar com ela. Médée se abandona a uma fúria ciumenta, invocando a ajuda do Submundo, e então começa a se vingar da maneira mais terrível possível…
Charpentier: Compositor francês, estudou em Roma e, de volta a Paris, teve o azar de exercer sua arte sob Luís XIV e o não menos absoluto compositor da corte, Jean-Baptiste Lully. A influência de Lully era tão grande que só depois que ele morreu, em 1687, Charpentier conseguiu apresentar uma ópera em público. Até então, limitara-se a compor música para o teatro, para entretenimento privado e para certas funções da corte, entre elas a inauguração de uma estátua de Luís XIV.
Médée traz a marca do reinado de Luís XIV, abertamente lisonjeado no prólogo, mas tem um halo intemporal.
Três séculos após sua estreia na Académie royale de Musique, precursora da Opéra national de Paris, na presença de Luís XIV, a personagem feminina mais insondável da mitologia retorna pela primeira vez à Opéra Garnier. Sob a excelente direção musical de William Christie e com a mezzo-soprano Lea Desandre no papel-título, esta cintilante partitura barroca é transposta para a Segunda Guerra Mundial pelo diretor David McVicar, reforçando assim o caráter trágico da heroína.
"Por que continuamos a voltar aos mitos gregos? É porque esses mitos falam verdades universais sobre nossa natureza, sobre nós mesmos, sobre a maneira como existimos na sociedade, como nos relacionamos com o mundo em que vivemos, na maneira como nos relacionamos uns com os outros, por isso os mitos são transformadores, porque os mitos são sempre verdadeiros". - David McVicar
"Dentro de cada um de nós existe dualidade e uma capacidade de raiva e de escuridão. E acho que a jornada da vida é encontrar equilíbrio, mas o que um mito faz é tirar a tampa da caixa de Pandora (outro mito grego), olhamos para o abismo e o mito nos permite explorar os impulsos mais primordiais e sombrios de que somos absolutamente capazes, porque acho que dentro de cada um de nós há a capacidade de virar para o lado negro e deixarmos que este lado negro nos consuma, nos defina, deixarmos a destruição solta, hum, podemos, somos todos capazes disso. Acho que essa é um das eternas fascinações da mitologia de Medeia". - David McVicar
Uma versão moderna Este é um evento e tanto: A única ópera de Marc-Antoine Charpentier entra no repertório sob a batuta de William Christie, maestro e fundador do Les Arts Florissants. Apoiada por um elenco magnífico que reflete o gosto de Christie por produções ousadas e desafiadoras, ela reúne o crème de la crème do palco barroco, incluindo Lea Desandre. Esta produção oferece ao público a chance de revisitar uma das mais poderosas obras-primas do repertório francês, em uma abordagem moderna do gênero operístico. O cenário ousado, porém fiel, do diretor David McVicar na Segunda Guerra Mundial enfatiza o poder atemporal da obra de Charpentier.
Informações sobre esta produção
David McVicar about Médée
Lea Desandre about Médée
Understand the plot in 1 minute
Médée, Charpentier, Opéra de Paris, 2024
Un Opéra Maudit?
Comprar o programa desta produção
Programa de outra produção de Paris 2023
Review do Paris Update
Review da Operawire
Você conhece Charpentier?
Palestra O Barroco francês
Filme O Rei Dança (Le Roi danse) (2000)
Filme Medea (1988)    
Filme Medéia: A Feiticeira do Amor (1969)
Papéis principais: - Medeia: feiticeira estrangeira - Jasão: seu marido. Príncipe da Tessália, Argonauta. - Creonte: rei de Corinto e pai de Creúsa. - Creúsa: princesa de Corinto e filha de Creonte. - Oronte: rei de Argos, a quem Creonte prometeu sua filha. - Nerina: criada e confidente de Medeia
Sinopse: Corinto, Grécia, na Antiguidade mitológica.
Prólogo Pastores e camponeses louvam o rei Luís. Personificações da Vitória e da Fama enaltecem a França.
Ato I Medeia lamenta-se. Muito sacrificou pelo marido, Jasão, mas ele é ingrato. Sua criada, Nerina, diz que a princesa Creúsa pode ajudar. Mas Medeia jura lançar seu feitiço se Jasão se unir a Creúsa. Jasão jura a Medeia que se aproximou de Creúsa apenas para proteger seus filhos na guerra, pedindo-lhe que a presenteie com sua resplandecente túnica. O rei Creonte rejubila-se quando Oronte e seus guerreiros chegam de Argos para defender Corinto frente à Tessália, mas Jasão fica enciumado: o que move Oronte é o amor por Creúsa. Argianos e coríntios dançam e encenam uma batalha dedicada à Vitória.
Ato II O rei Creonte manda exilar Medeia enquanto durar a guerra. Sozinhos, Jasão e Creúsa se entregam ao amor. Oronte chega e também declara amor a Creúsa. O Amor desce então do céu em sua carruagem, puxada por prisioneiros de diferentes países. Oronte, Jasão e Creúsa são levados às alturas, onde o Amor ordena solenemente a Creúsa escolher um amante que garanta a Vitória.
Ato III Traídos pelos amados, Oronte e Medeia unem forças. Jasão sensibiliza-se com a dor de Medeia, mas insiste em defender Corinto. Ao saber que Jasão ama Creúsa, Medeia invoca espíritos do Inferno para lançar um feitiço venenoso na resplandecente túnica que dará à rival.
Ato IV Creúsa admira a nova túnica, enquanto Medeia diz a Creonte que não deixará Corinto enquanto Creúsa não se casar com Oronte. Indignado, ele manda prendê-la. Mas Medeia vale-se da magia para conter os guardas e enlouquecer Creonte.
Ato V Os coríntios pranteiam o suicídio de Creonte. De repente, o veneno da túnica de Medeia incendeia Creúsa. Morta a amada, Jasão se desespera. Mas Medeia, montada num dragão voador, convida-o a vingar os filhos, por ela mortos. Ordena-lhe que pranteie eternamente as dores causadas pelas chamas de sua paixão. O palácio se transforma numa fogueira de ruínas habitada por monstros, e as chamas se abatem sobre Corinto.
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0 notes
harry-leroy · 5 years
Opera 2020: Madama Butterfly (3/99)
My Rating: (4/5)
Favorite song: Vogliatemi bene (love duet at the end of Act I) 
And we continue with a little commentary on Giacomo Puccini’s Madama Butterfly. I’m starting to get on the track of watching two operas a week, since I realized that watching one a week wouldn’t be enough to get me to my goal! (But I am determined - I watched this one last week though, so I’m trying to catch up on my notes.) 
                                                           * * *
I will be honest. It was difficult to start this opera (probably because I assumed I could get through it just with the Italian subtitles - which only got me about halfway there with the story, and that, admittedly, doesn’t help.) The first act itself was somewhat slow, which made the story somewhat difficult to get into, but once Act II started, I felt far more invested in it. (By this point, I had switched to a performance which provided English subtitles.) 
There were some things that bothered me about this opera, but also piqued my interest into possibly doing some further study about it, and on some of the trends I’ve noticed with some other operas (a lot of which Puccini wrote). The first of which was some of the racism built into that opera, which as a 21st century listener, is hard to swallow. This is something important to address, though I will leave most of that discussion out of this review/commentary. Needless to say, it deserves more attention than I am giving it here. If the music were not as gorgeous as it is, and the story as compelling, my rating of this opera might be lower (some of which is on that account). It also makes me wonder what the appeal was to set operas in what would generally be considered as the East (and I use that as a broad term). Puccini also does this with Turandot, which he writes almost two decades after Madama Butterfly. In the little research I’ve done about Turandot, the story was originally Persian, and later inspired French writers, and then the German poet Schiller, from which Puccini takes his story (though he sets it in China). 
The subtitle of Madama Butterfly, as we are reminded as opening credits roll on the DVD player, is “A Japanese Tragedy”. Certainly, place has a strong hold on much of the story. The disparity between Butterfly’s identity as an American through her marriage to Lt. Pinkerton and her seclusion in her home in Japan make Pinkerton’s abandonment all the more bitter. The setting of the tall hill overlooking the port paints a gorgeously poignant picture in “Un bel dì vedremo” as Butterfly imagines the solemnity of her husband’s return. The steep hill also contributes to a further sense of her isolation. The characters of Suzuki and Butterfly’s son become more and more crucial to her livelihood as the story continues, prolonging a will in her to remain alive that can only truly be kept alive by the return of her husband. Sharpless might also be included in her connections with the outside world, though his visits are all too infrequent and dour to bring much comfort. In addition to the places that we do see, what becomes just as important to the tragedy are the places we do not see. By the end of the second act, we lack the tenor voice, the caddish American who in his three year absence has married another woman. We always fear the return of the days Cio Cio San must return to the streets. These are the places that fill us with hope, and equally with dread as they loom in our imaginations as places that could be. Instead, we remain in the house on the hill, where the thousands of glittering stars in “Vogliatemi bene” have darkened as Cio Cio San waits for her husband a final night after three years of patience. 
All the same, the house that in the very start of the opera we are able to see the novelty and flexibility of becomes somewhat dollish by the end. It has become an American house. The furniture is changed, the fashions, right down to the cigarettes. Flowers are torn mercilessly from their stems, a romantic winter created in what should be the summer of Butterfly’s life. By the third act, all of the pieces to her life in that house are taken away, namely her son. What we are left with is a sword, in a Chekovian style, it is used to end her life by her own hands. Even in all of its bitterness, this opera ends with Cio Cio San committing the act under her own agency, even as Pinkerton calls her name from afar. 
Something I thought about once I finished with this opera was some of the other wife figures who have had to take measures to act within their own agency once their idealized lives have faded away, namely their husbands’ desertion. The idealized lives of these women can probably grate against our 21st century ears (they certainly do mine). These figures that I allude to occur in some of the literature I have read from what would be considered “Victorian” or “Edwardian”, though I am aware that such terms are British. It made me think of Nora taking those first steps out of the house after the extreme anguish she suffers throughout A Doll’s House. It made me think of Lady Windermere pacing the rooms of a man who has promised her everything, risking scandal in the face of her husband deserting her for an older woman in Oscar Wilde’s play; or even Mrs. Erlynne risking everything to join a man who ultimately left her. It made me think of Mrs. Arbuthnot leaving her life with Lord Illingworth behind, with a child to raise, in A Woman of No Importance. The interesting thing about all of these women is that they have children which are left in varying states of abandonment throughout their stories. These connections are primary, and I haven’t done much more with them besides vaguely connect the women at the stories’ centers, but it is something I would be interested in researching further (should I be allowed the time). 
Despite the opera’s somewhat rocky start for me, I ultimately found myself hoping desperately for Pinkerton’s return, hoping that the fears placed in our minds at the beginning of the opera would not come true. I was not expecting the ending in the image in which it was presented (in which Pinkerton witnesses Butterfly’s suicide - I’m not sure if this is something common in other performances of the opera as well). The music was gorgeous and pleasant to listen to, and as I’ve noted earlier, I can’t stop listening to “Vogliatemi bene”. It’s exactly the kind of song I’d imagine at the start of an Endeavour episode. 
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artgirllullaby · 6 years
After so many months, I got a bit of spare time to write and just realized I never send the latest written chapter to the beta-readers to get a feedback *facepalm*
sorry guys! @mrevaunit42 @tamiletrange @allancutrim
Now, after 4 months I finally open a new chapter to write and things are developing...
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phoenix1966sbottom · 3 years
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Big Bang 2021
It’s that time of year again!
I’ll be updating and reblogging this at the end of each day, give or take. No postings on weekends. I will also be updating the Honorable Mentions post, which will have switching, ambiguous sex and no penetrative sex stories with Sam/Jared. Please consider leaving a comment if you read any of these stories, as it is the only payment the author ever receives and the same for the artist and their work. And, as always, head the warnings where the story is posted.
June 14th - Nothing that fits the criteria
June 15th - Nothing that fits the criteria
June 16th - Nothing that fits the criteria
June 17th - SOS Red by wastetheyears on Ao3. Jared/Jensen. J2 AU.  Summary: When people begin to inexplicably return from the dead, Jensen is overjoyed to count his dead fiance among the living. As bodies begin piling up in their wake, however, the focus shifts from joy to fear and Jensen has to wonder: is it really Jared that came back? Or is it something far more sinister?
June 21st - Nothing that fits the criteria
June 22nd - No post
June 23rd - No post
June 24th - Nothing that fits the criteria
June 25th - No post
June 28th - Nothing that fits the criteria
June 29th - The Prince and the Raven by meus_venator on Ao3. Jared/Jensen. J2 AU. Summary:  In a kingdom of fireshapers, young prince Jared stands on the cusp of coming into his powers. At fourteen he watches helplessly as his father King Jothbert suddenly sickens and, after a long illness, dies. Omundson, ruler of a neighboring kingdom, is appointed Regent. He sends Jared away on the pretext of boarding school. But, instead of school, he imprisons Jared in a remote and desolate castle until a timely ‘accident’ can be arranged so that Omundson can take over the kingdom completely. (warning for bottom!Jared purists: in one very brief conversation, there is implied future mpreg!Jensen)
June 30th - Nothing that fits the criteria
July 1st - Nothing that fits the criteria
July 2nd - Nothing that fits the criteria
July 5th - Nothing that fits the criteria
July 6th - Nothing that fits the criteria
July 7th - Nothing that fits the criteria
July 8th - Nothing that fits the criteria
July 9th - Nothing that fits the criteria
July 12th - Nothing that fits the criteria
July 13th - Nothing that fits the criteria
July 14th - Nothing that fits the criteria
July 15th - Nothing that fits the criteria
July 16th - Nothing that fits the criteria
July 19th - The Sound of Silence by lullys on Ao3. Jared/Jensen. J2 AU.  Life isn’t easy when you don’t have one of your senses. But being deaf for years, Jensen has learned how to communicate with the world in other ways, and he has a pretty decent life. When Jensen loses his job, he takes on a position of American Sign Language teacher at the college he studies at, but there’s one problem. One of his students doesn’t seem too interested in what he has to teach, and Jensen wishes that Jared dude would just quit his class since he gets on Jensen’s nerves. But eventually he will realize that there may be more to Jared than what meets the eye. And that Jensen himself may also have things to learn in return. (warning-brief mentions of topping in het relationships)
July 20th - Nothing that fits the criteria
July 21st - Nothing that fits the criteria
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puzzlevision · 3 years
(I updated my new introduction blog! You can still look at my old introduction here if you want.)
Heya, I'm Ebbinae, the roleplayer and writer who plays Pony Town and Gacha Club. I am only active here on Tumblr. I'm a Judai Yuki kin and a self-shipper! I have a carrd, so you can see my other social media and alternative Tumblr accounts here:
| About me |
Name (that you should call me in the internet): Ebbinae or Ebby for short
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Straight ally, aroace
Pronouns: She/Her/Hers/Herself, Bun/Buns/Bunself, Maca/Roon/Roons/Macaroonself
| OTPs |
Rirubita | Nobita Nobi x Riruru
Nobisugi | Hidetoshi Dekisugi x Nobita Nobi
Lullibita | Nobita Nobi x Lulli
Nobikawa | Nobita Nobi x Suneo Honekawa
GX Rivalshipping | Jun Manjoume x Judai Yuki
Spiritshipping/Dark Spiritshipping | Johan Andersen x Judai Yuki (I ship with them partially, but my headcanon is, you know, with Rua/Leo and Ruka/Luna, as their adopted children; family bonding is life)
Counterpartshipping | Yuto x Yuya
Dimensionshipping | The Yu-boys
Connectshipping | The Yu-Boys x the Bracelet Girls
Serenadeshipping | Serena x Yuzu Hiiragi
| Fandoms I'm currently in |
Pretty Cure (Partially)
| Fandoms I'm previously in |
Inazuma Eleven
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| Fun fact |
I always reblog and my blog is full of garbage can reblogs
Judai Yuki
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hungry-tum-stuff · 3 years
OC Hour and Upcoming Writing!
I realized that the character info I posted for Azeban is kinda outdated and not all that informative, so now that I have a new character I’ll be updating his info as well as adding information for the new boy: Cecil!
So if you haven’t met him yet, this is Azeban:
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(Art by my good friend @ witchwoodarts on Instagram: Please check them out!!)
Fun Facts About Azzie:
100% Feral and has 0 concept of manners or decency
He looks a little scary with his big claws and teeth but he’s really just a big 7 foot tall puppy dog
He does wish he had clothes, but it’s kinda hard to get them in the woods
He’s illiterate, but can talk pretty well
Peoplewatching is his favorite hobby
He’s terrified of fire
He’s missing an eye
Yes he purrs, and yes he wags his tail when he’s happy
I do already have a little drabble out starring Azeban, and you can read it right here:
And introducing my new boy, Cecil!
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(Picrew by Lully, link is right here: https://picrew.me/image_maker/137904 )
Some Fun Facts about him:
He’s a wannabe writer who’s currently having some trouble finding work after his parents cut him off
He’s very used to living comfortably
He has great manners, unlike someone else
He’s very smart, but he’s not the outdoorsy or social type so he lacks some street smarts
The embodiment of “I’m a fall hoe ✊😔✌️ I just wanna sit by the fire and drink tea and read books”
He loves talking about literature, don’t bring up Shakespeare around him or else he won’t shut up
He’s scared of bügs
50% Pretty Boy and 50% Drama Queen
And why yes I do have a story in mind starring these two, there’s no telling how many parts it’ll be split into but I plan on calling it “Discovery.” It will center around Cecil and Azeban discovering one another and learning about each others lifestyles, and because they have nobody else to rely on, they help each other get by.
And of course there will be lots of hunger/whump content, especially because 1. Cecil is an ex rich boy cut off from money and out on his own, he’s a literal starving artist, 2. Azeban lives in the woods without a stable source of food 3. Dangerous things live in the woods babey >:)
So stay tuned for more content with these two, and if you have any questions or hcs for them, my inbox is always open!
Have a lovely day!
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slovenlyrecordings · 5 years
Here's a little bit o' updated info for Les Lullies current tour
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and hitting Barakaldo in the Basque Country tonight!
02nd October: Barakaldo 03rd October: Valladolid 04th October: Burgos 05th October: Pedreguer 06th October: Cox 07th October: Albacete 08th October: Alicante 09th October: Málaga 10th October: Córdoba 11th October: Lisboa 12th October: Madrid
Booked by Pretty Thing R&R Club...
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lyonsdenprojects · 6 years
My Yearly Check-In
Hello tumblr! Time for my yearly check-in where I peek in and give some updates as to what has been going on in my life!
Last year ended up being extremely busy with work. Somehow by the grace of the gods I was able to get a week off to go to South Korea with @lindowyn and @dancingemlin to visit @lullys-diary during her study abroad. It was absolutely MAGNIFICENT and a memory I will treasure always.
The biggest news in 2019 so far is that I’ve applied for my PhD! I’m really hoping that goes well. The ladies and I also presented a panel at AniMore here in Baltimore and are looking to start presenting the panel at more conventions this year. I’ll try to update here if we get accepted in case anyone wants to see it!
As part of preparing for my PhD, I have begun a renewed attempted at blogging! I’ve launched a separate website where I’ll be mostly concentrating on posting there (though I will be cross-posting here too). As I made mention last year, I’ll be writing on more than just Attack on Titan. I do hope that you’ll continue with me as I explore other pop-culture topics!
I’ve also opened a Patreon to help raise money for school. If you would like to help support me, become a 5 meter patron here. ;)
I’ve also created a Facebook and a Twitter that I’ll update with new posts and interesting news stories.
So, here’s to new a year with new possibilities!
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hymnoftheinca · 2 years
Updates 4.27.22
Lots of maps... so many maps... but that’s expected in a game involving exploration! I actually changed my map style a little, to speed up development while still remaining somewhat beautiful. If you’ve seen the Lunar series maps, they’re very similar.
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*Please excuse my mispelling of Ollantaytambo, my brain goes 100 miles a minute and my first language is english, so the pronunciation doesn’t come naturally
I’ve also been flip-flopping between random battles and on-screen. I’m old school and plan to have a good mix of randos to fight, with bosses on-screen. However, after like... 20 years using RM, I’m just now learning MV at least has a thing where you can set enemies by region ID. I will 100% be using that. I will have an item that is craftable that will increase encounters 200% for grinders, decrease 50%, or eliminate encounters completely. Also puzzle rooms (if I have them... they were buggy and a pain to make in my fangame I made and I’m reluctant to use them) will not have any random encounters by default. If I decide to use puzzles, I will probably dedicate one large area/room to them with no encounters.
One map I’ve been anxious to make are the Maras Salt Mines. It’s gonna be beautiful. This image would be my main inspiration, albiet for Maras it will be opalescent and bright colors. Each pool has a specific base color that indicates what you’ll get aka enemy (still random so not always), item (via “treasure chest”; more like “treasure pots” in mine, or other various item-field icons), or a spot where LP drops a very tiny bit when you’re standing on it.
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One of my big accomplishments is a major scene in the beginning that I completed. I am really, really happy with how much impact it has and it flows into a very cute scene that lightens the mood for a little bit and characterizes Lulli some more.
The main goals right now are to finish Sacsayhuaman maps and what I call the “Demo Boss”, a giant gold condor. He’s not really the first boss atm, but the first boss is more of a miniboss in difficulty...
For reference, my last update I had Cuzco and 2 maps for the Inca Trail done... now I have close to maybe 6 or 7 maps.
Anyway, I will post more soon!
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pinupac87 · 2 years
Of Stardust and Bones: A Novae Grooves Playlist, Vol. 3 Breakdown
I took a break from the playlist and breakdowns to give myself a rest. And so I could get a musical reset and time to read the where the comic was going. I’m glad I did; the feel and tone of the comic is going places that lead to the magical and the dark. So I have songs to match with it. 
As always, this is just one fan’s impressions and observations of the comic. I am in no way affiliated with KaiJu, nor have they paid me to make these playlists and breakdowns. I also am not on their patreon so I only see what gets updated at the pace of the general audience. I do not take suggestions on the playlist, and try not to repeat songs that were put on previous playlists. I also make sure the list can be played in order and on shuffle, for full enjoyment. 
That bit out of the way, IT’S TIME FOR THE BREAKDOWN!
Isis, LWV 54: Overture - Jean-Baptiste Lully, Le Symphonistes de Cetre du Musique Baroque de Versailles
Chamber Sootaa No 1 in B-flat Major: IV Allegro e Presto - Elizabeth Jacquet de La Gurre, Music Fiorita 
I’m starting off with the ball, and the era in which this comic takes place. This era of the 17th century is right in the Baroque era of music. I wanted to give ambience with music both the court of the Sun King and the characters could possibly have been listening to at the time. I did so much research in finding music that would plausibly have been listened to by Raziol and Sulvain. Elizabeth Jacuet de La Gurre is a rare gem from my research, as she is one of the few female composers at that time.  
Lovers in a Dangerous Time - Barenaked Ladies, Ben Grosse
This is a lovely song. I enjoy the cover with the cellos and piano. It’s a under the stars with star crossed lovers vibe. It’s very intimate. And the lyrics show that the lovers know it’s dangerous. Historically, homosexual relationships were still considered taboo. Even with the king not banning it on the account his brother, it was still frowned on. Even with that historical context, the two lovers face many challenges and dangers. I opted for this cover since this version is the one I know best. But do give the original a chance, it’s a lovely song!
About Her - Malcom McLauren
I chose another cover for the slow terror and malice this brings in. We see a new potential antagonist come in, and boy is he terrifying. Double that with the revelations of Sulvain, you have a horror reflecting in both. There’s some ripples on the water going on. What and where those will lead is anyone’s guess. 
My Boyfriend’s Back - The Angels
I’m a little troll. That’s why. Also, if you have seen the film based on this song, give yourself a cookie. 
One of Us - Joan Osborne 
There’s a lot of talk about divine beings and science/alchemy going on, and the debate about both made me think of this. Regardless of your faith leanings, it’s a good thought experiment. And the fact that this song caught fire at the time about talking about God taking the bus makes me giggle. 
Diamonds - Seatbelts
Stand by Me - Florence + the Machine (Final Fantasy XV Soundtrack)
I Will Follow You Into the Dark - Twinkle Twinkle Little Rockstars
Combining this for the scene where Raziol and Sulvain dance in the moonlit hallway. It’s a romantic scene, followed by a little scare (Check your windows, folks!). Sulvian and Raziol have a sweet moment and Sulvain lets a little thing drop. 
Diamonds is a sweet song. I’ve been a big fan of the Seatbelts and the anime Cowboy Bebop. Stars can be seen as diamonds in the sky, and in the eyes of someone you care about. 
Stand by Me is a classic song of devotion. I chose this rendition for how quiet then cosmic the feel is. 
I Will Follow You Into the Dark is a sweet but dark song. Sulvain just got a scare, and knows that his lifespan is longer than Raziol’s. This can boarder in to obsession, and his powers as necromancer can be both endearing and terrifying. Never underestimate a necromancer in love. 
Every Breath You Take - Chase Holfelder
This is a terrifying song. Sulvain realizing there’s someone out to harm him and the man he loves is absolutely terrifying. The whole conversation with the new baddie gives off that vibe. 
Bottom of the River - Delta Rae
I enjoy this song. It’s a good build up for when things go sideways. If you need a good energy building song, this is a good start. That menace and threat of something coming to the surface culminating with a crescendo.
Half Remembered Dream - Hans Zimmer
Basically, shit hitting the fan. 
This is all I have for now, but be sure to keep an eye out for any updates. I am trying to get back into the groove of things. And be sure to follow @novae-comic for future updates on the webcomic! 
The Playlist
Once again, big thanks to the creators of this comic for allowing me to create this!
And be sure to go read Novae!
0 notes
harry-leroy · 5 years
2020: Year of Opera (Update March 2020) 
So, in order to expand my cultural horizons (and do this because I’ve been wanting to do this), I’m going to be trying to get through some operas this year! I’ll definitely be listening to these, and I’m going to try and find staged versions if I can - because opera is a form of theatre and performance is an important part of it. This list is based off of The Guardian’s List of Top 50 Operas, but if there’s one that you don’t see on here and recommend, let me know!
Crossed out titles will be the ones I’ve already listened to/watched, and ones with asterisks (*) by them will be ones that I’ve listened to parts of, but need to listen to the whole thing.
Also: (as of March) - I decided to switch out two of the Wagner operas for other pieces I felt that I would enjoy more. I’ve decided to keep Die Meistersinger and Lohengrin (and Parsifal - but I might end up replacing it later, I’m not sure) - the other two we’re replacing with Alma Deutscher’s Cinderella and Mozart’s Zaide. I also replaced Niccolai’s Merry Wives with Prokofiev’s Love for Three Oranges - due to being unable to find a performance I could watch. 
Progress as of March 6th, 2020: 13/100
1) L’Orfeo - Claudio Monteverdi (1607)
2) Dido and Aeneas* - Henry Purcell (1689)
3) Guilio Cesare (Julius Caesar) - George Frideric Handel (1724)
4) Serse (Xerxes) - Handel (1738)
5) Orfeo ed Euridice (Orpheus and Eurydice)* - Christoph Willibald Gluck (1762)
6) Idomeneo - Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1781)
7) Le Nozze di Figaro (The Marriage of Figaro) - Mozart (1786)
8) Die Zauberflöte (The Magic Flute)* - Mozart (1791)
9) Il Barbiere di Siviglia (The Barber of Seville)* - Gioachino Rossini (1816)
10) Guillaume Tell (William Tell)* - Rossini (1829)
11) Norma - Vincenzo Bellini (1831)
12) L’Elisir d’Amore (The Exilir of Love) - Gaetano Donizetti (1832)
13) Lucia di Lammermoor - Donizetti (1835)
14) Rigoletto - Giuseppe Verdi (1851)
15) La Traviata - Verdi (1853)
16) Don Carlos/Don Carlo - Verdi (1867)
17) Falstaff* - Verdi (1893)
18) Pagliacci - Ruggero Leoncavallo (1892)
19) La Bohème - Giacomo Puccini (1896)
20) Tosca* - Puccini (1900)
21) Madama Butterfly - Puccini (1904)
22) Turandot - Puccini (1926)
23) Fidelio - Ludwig van Beethoven (1805)
24) Der Freischütz - Carl Maria von Weber (1821)
25) Lohengrin* - Richard Wagner (1850)
26) Zaide - Mozart  (1780)
27) Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg - Wagner (1868)
28) Cinderella - Alma Deutscher (2017) 
29) Die Lustige Witwe (The Merry Widow) - Franz Lehár (1905)
30) Salome* - Richard Strauss (1905)
31) Der Rosenkavalier* - Strauss (1911)
32) Les Troyens - Hector Berlioz (1863/1890)
33) Carmen* - Georges Bizet (1875)
34) Manon* - Jules Massenet (1884)
35) Pelléas et Mélisande - Claude Debussy (1902)
36) The Bartered Bride - Bedrich Smetana (1866)
37) Boris Godunov - Modest Mussorgsky (1874)
38) Eugene Onegin - Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky (1879)
39) The Queen of Spades - Tchaikovsky (1890)
40) Lady Macbeth of Mtsensk - Dmitri Shostakovich (1934)
41) War and Peace - Sergei Prokofiev (1944)
42) The Rake’s Progress - Igor Stravinsky (1951)
43) Jenufa - Leoš Janáček (1904)
44) Bluebeard’s Castle - Béla Bartók (1918)
45) Wozzeck - Alban Berg (1925)
46) Porgy and Bess - George Gershwin (1935)
47) Peter Grimes - Benjamin Britten (1945)
48) The Turn of the Screw* - Britten (1954)
49) King Priam - Michael Tippett (1962)
50) Le Grand Macabre - György Ligeti (1978)
Some Additional Operas not on that list that I want to listen to/finish listening to:
51) Armide - Jean Baptiste Lully (1686)
52) Proserpine (Proserpina) - Lully (1680)
53) Phaëton - Lully (1683)
54) Roland - Lully (1685)
55) Aida* - Verdi (1871)
56) Otello* - Verdi (1887)
57) Così fan tutte - Mozart (1790)
58) Parsifal - Wagner (1878)
59) Faust - Charles Gounod (1859)  
60) Les contes d’Hoffmann* - Offenbach (1881)
61) Elektra - Strauss (1909)
62) Rusalka - Antonin Dvorák (1901)
63) La clemenza di Tito* - Mozart (1791)
64) Lakmé* - Léo Dilibes (1883)
65) La sonnambula - Bellini (1831)
66) Die Fledermaus - Johann Strauss II (1874)
67) Roméo et Juliette* - Gounod (1867)
68) Andrea Chénier - Umberto Giodano (1896)
69) Semiramide - Rossini (1823)
70) Dialogues of the Carmelites - Francis Poulenc (1956)
71) Anna Bolena - Donizetti (1830)
72) Les Huguenots - Giacomo Meyerbeer (1836)
73) Peer Gynt* - Edvard Grieg (1876)
74) Ariadne auf Naxos - Richard Strauss (1912)
75) Billy Budd - Britten (1951)
76) HMS Pinafore - Arthur Sullivan (1878)
77) Béatrice et Bénédict* - Berlioz (1862)
78) Edgar - Puccini (1889)
79) Hippolyte et Aricie - Jean-Philippe Rameau (1733)
80) The Love for Three Oranges - Sergei Prokofiev (1919)
81) Alceste - Gluck (1767)
82) Amahl and the Night Visitors - Gian Carlo Menotti (1951)
83) King Arthur* - Purcell (1691)
84) The Nose - Shostakovich (1929)
85) Castor et Pollux - Rameau (1737)
86) The Tempest - Thomas Adès (2004)
87) Die tote Stadt - Erich Wolfgang Korngold (1920)
88) Alfonso und Estrella - Franz Schubert (1822)
89) L’étoile - Emmanuel Chabrier (1877)
90) The Fairy Queen - Purcell (1692)
91) Where the Wild Things Are - Oliver Knussen (1983)
92) The Nightingale - Igor Stravinsky (1914)
93) L’enfant et les sortilèges* - Maurice Ravel (1925)
94) Punch and Judy - Harrison Birtwistle (1968)
95) Death in Venice - Britten (1973)
96) We Come to the River - Hans Werner Henze (1984)
97) Einstein on the Beach - Philip Glass (1976)
98) Taverner - Peter Maxwell Davies (1972)
99) A Midsummer Night’s Dream - Britten (1960)
100) The Prodigal Son - Britten (1968)
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nekovannox · 5 years
Chapter 3: Nathan and Lully
Chapter 2
 She pushed aside the dread of watching her fiancé disappear into the manor and pulled out her phone.
 "Miss Roseville?" The harsh male voice came through the speaker.
 "Mister Morphrien, I found it.
 "I-I beg your pardon?" He stuttered.
 "The basement. It's not on the floor plans, it's not accessible through the manor. At least not in any common way."
 "You think there is whe--"
 "I know it is. I can feel it."
 "I'll send in a team of scouts." She heard a muffled shout. "What?! Absolutely not!" She heard it again. "You are sixty years old! You are not going! Wha--that's even worse! I have to go, they will be there in a minute. Your wife would kill me if I le--" click She chuckled a little. Poor Mister Astraea... He just misses field work...
 Lissana stared to examine the crater's floor. There was a hole, side to side of the crater. Massive. She didn't even wanted to think what the 'Worm' looked like. She took a tentative step forward and the crumbling reappeared louder. Mephisto's blow probably had damaged the material. A deep breath and another step. The ground crumbled from under her feet and she crashed in the middle of a red lab, or at least it was with the flickering light. A countdown on every screen she could see and a head-trobbing beeping. Explosion protocol. She was familiar, of course, it was... a protocol of most Order labs. She had time. They had time. She examined the room, no exits outside the main one, and the hole, of course. She turned and her breath faltered. There were large glass containers full of liquid, two illuminated and holding unconscious bodies, a boy and a girl, appeared to be no older than Manuelle. She gently touched the glass, there were tubes coming in and out of the bodies. She started to mingle with the screen aside the boy's container. She touched the Liberate test subjects on the screen, making the tubes slowly retract and the water level start to fall. She heard the cars in the distance moving close. Adrenalin injection was next, the boy awoke in a startle, looking to all sides.
 "What? Where am-- Lu? Lully?!" His gaze landed on Lis, he looked extremely confused, then at the ceiling as the red lights flashed. "Oh God, what happened? W-who are you?" She tapped the Open container bit.
 "I'm Lissana, Lissana Lefèvre Roseville. Who are you?" The boy grasped the side of the chamber for support and tumbled forward, landing in her arms, his legs shook. "A-are you ok?"
 "Y-yes, just..." He winced as his back clicked straight. "Been here a while..." He looked at the second container and put his hand on the glass. "Name's Nathan. I don't... I don't know my surname... But I do know..." His pale fingers started to repeat the process on the second screen. "Who you are. You see, there's something the doctors here don't know..." the glass door slowly opened to the unconscious body. "They say too much." He stared at her. “And we can hear them.” His hands were on the girl's naked shoulders as he pulled her into his arms and then rubbed her back. Her eyes opened slowly.
 "What happened? Where's everyone?" She inquired, eyes roaming.
 "They left. The... The Order found us..." The girl's eyes finally landed on Lissana. Lis was surprised. They knew about the Order?
 "You're the girl... The girl that stole his son's heart, then..." She looked flabbergasted.
 "I-I wouldn't put it that way, but--"
 "But you wouldn't deny it either." The boy cut her. He looked at her worried "They suspected you, you know? They spoke about it. About you working to find the experiments. But you didn't gave up." His gaze softened. "Thank you... Shoot." His eyes shot at the large monitors, the countdown was faster.
 "That wasn't that fast!" She gapped, they had about two minutes now.
 "It's a failsafe, if the containers are opened the... Contents shouldn't get out." He looked grim. "Can you stand, Lu?" His eyes were attentive towards hers.
 "Yes. Go do your thing." She smiled.
 The boy walked towards the nearest monitor and touched it, his breath came out shaky and he closed his eyes. It turned bright cyan.
 "You're here for us, aren't you? You should know what is happening." The girl looked at her solemnly.
 She came for the experiments. Roblare was trying to recreate corruption. Corrupted people could control certain aspects of nature. Nature of life, nature of men. She was one, the power she felt fluent underneath her skin, fluent and coming from her core, like her soul itself, she could tap it sometimes, lightly. Mafuyu was powerful, clearly too much, as he was one of the experiments. These two were also experiments. She could feel the energy flowing out of them, but the fact that they were left behind scared her. If they were that replaceable, what did that mean for the experiment's progress?
 She chose not to think about it now, instead focusing on the boy almost collapsing into the girl's arms. The countdown stopped and the lights came on.
 "Are you ok?" She asked, hands on his hair.
 "Hm. Dizzy. Room's... spinning..."
 "What did you do?" Her mind shot out the question before she could help it.
 "I can control technology. Not well, but..."
 "They tested us, our powers. It still takes a toll, though..." She nodded. They looked so tired, she thought about Malu, about her cousin, they were on the same age range, she couldn't imagine what they went through at such a young age.
 "Miss Roseville!" Mister Morphrien looked down the hole on the ceiling. "What the hell are you doing in there?"
 "Take a guess, would ya?" She stared back. He rolled his eyes and then they landed on the others in the room.
 "Who are these-- Uh-- Very naked children? If you don't mind me asking."
 "They're why we're here." His eyebrows shot up. "Meet Nathan and Lully, guys, this is Mister Morphrien." They waved. "Could you get some blankets?"
 "Y-yes, right away." He disappeared up. "What?! What the hell are you doing here?! How in the everloving fuck did you manage to come?!" He sighed. "Fine! They're all yours." The gray head of Ludwig appeared.
 "Hey there! Lis, my girl, how are ya?" He slowly started to enter, tumbling down from the ceiling hole.
 "Oh, God, are you okay?!" He rose.
 "Better than ever, my dear." He glanced at the confused kids. "Oh, how are you two? My name is Ludwig, you can call my Lud! How about'cha?" He offered a hand and the boy shook it.
 "Nathan. This is Lully. We're... Okay?" He looked at her and she nodded. "Okay."
 "Here, take a blanket, take a blanket. Sit up, I'll examine your vitals." They did so and the man started to check on them. "Where's your other half, Miss Lis?" The boy blushed and opened his mouth to protest the comparison, but a popsicle stick was pressed against his tongue instead. "Say 'Ah'."
 "He... He disappeared into the manor after Roblare. He is... one of the experiments..."
 "Oh." His smile fell. "Oh, dear, I'm sorry."
 "What's so bad about being an experiment?" The girl looked at them curious.
 "Ya see, this thing, the corruption, it occurs naturally on some people. God knows why, but it does. When you force it, it can have..." He spun his wrist, thinking. "Side effects. It gets stronger, uncontrollable." He pet her head. "Don't worry, though, we'll keep a close eye in any problems that go your way. Well, you seem fine and healthy, here, take a candy. Your turn." He turned towards the girl. "When we get to the base we'll do some blood work." Lis smiled to herself.
 "Any updates on Manuelle?"
 "She's safe and sound! Arrived just a minute ago."
 "Good. I'll have to tell her soon... About Mephisto..."
 "Don't worry, he can take care of himself, I'm sure, dear. Go and rest a bit, it was a long night." She did as told, observing the personel going in and out, collecting whatever they could on information. She dozed off in a desk shortly after, exausted.
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phoenix1966sbottom · 5 years
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Big Bang 2019
It’s that time of year again!
I’ll be updating and reblogging this at the end of each day, give or take. No postings on weekends. I will also be updating the Honorable Mentions post, which will have switching, ambiguous sex and no penetrative sex stories with Sam/Jared. Please consider leaving a comment if you read any of these stories, as it is the only payment the author ever receives. And, as always, head the warnings where the story is posted.
June 17th - Nothing that fits the criteria (there is one left to post tonight, but it’s getting late here).
June 18th - Nothing that fits the criteria.
June 19th -  Nothing that fits the criteria.
June 20th -  Nothing that fits the criteria (still waiting for the one that didn’t post the first day).
June 25th - Nothing that fits the criteria.
No posting on weekends. See you on Monday!
June 24th - In the Coils of a Snake by Sanshal on Ao3. Jared/Jensen. J2 AU. Jared was an undercover cop determined to cut the head off the criminal hierarchy of his city....only question was, would he successfully manage to behead the snake or would the snake swallow him first? (Warning for bottom!Jared purists: he wants to top Jensen and digitally penetrates him once; Jensen doesn’t want to bottom and nothing more happens)
June 25th - Nothing that fits the criteria.
June 26th - Dancing on the Head of a Pin by storyspinner 70 on Ao3. Sam/Dean. Wincest AU.  Dean is an Alpha shrouded in mystery and darkness – quite literally. Sam is a revolutionary forcing change in the world the only way he knows how – with guns and blood and death. Dean makes a living doing what other weres can’t; no questions, no concerns – until a job to kill Sam becomes a drive to protect his mate instead. After a brutal betrayal, he finds his mate tortured but alive and takes him to a pack he sees only in Sam’s mind. Pack politics, an age old prophecy and magic Dean has no business wielding breed fear and cowardice that spreads from the forests to the pack lands. Sam and Dean hold their own against the fear and hatred from their pasts, but dealing with their own unusual mating and Sam’s need for something only Dean can give him lead them into a battle both are determined to win. (art by me).
June 27th - Nothing that fits the criteria.
June 28th - Nothing that fits the criteria.
No posting on weekends. See you on Monday!
July 1st - Black Velocities and Shining Movements by dimeliora on Ao3. Sam/Dean. WIncest.  Set in Season 2, Sam has sustained a terrible injury trying to protect his brother. He finds himself in a tiny, idyllic village being cared for by Dean. Unsure if his paranoia is wholly justified or the result of brain damage, Sam finds himself fighting not only to recover but to understand what is unfolding around him. (warning: vaguely implied switching when teens)
July 2nd - Into the Great Wide Open by AmyPond45 on Ao3. Sam/Dean. Wincest AU.  A hundred years ago in a dystopian world where monsters have won the West and Sam and Dean were raised not knowing they were brothers, Sam and Dean reunite after a six-year separation and go in search of Dean’s mother through the Colorado Rockies. On the way, they fight monsters, meet an Angel of the Lord, and find gruesome evidence of a lost battle and abandoned human settlements. Eventually, they admit their love for each other, and together they begin to unravel the secrets and mysteries of their world and their place in it. But will their love survive when Sam learns the truth about his birthright?
Also, as this Thursday is a national holiday in the U.S., Wendy only has stories scheduled for today and tomorrow for this week.
Happy 4th of July to those in the U.S. that celebrate it!
July 8th - Another You by Annie46fic on AO3. Sam/Dean. WIncest AU.  Dean dies fighting Michael one last time and Sam must let him go; left without his brother and knowing that he can’t bring him back Sam goes into free fall until Castiel persuades him to go on a vacation. While staying in a remote cabin Sam thinks he sees his brother and starts seeing him in other places. Finally he manages to confront what he thinks is a spirit, but this is a real person – a Dean from another dimension – one where Dean and Sam have been bought up differently and one where Dean and Sam are more than brothers. This Dean is searching for his Sammy and Sam agrees to help him…soon he becomes too fond of this alternative Dean and they fall into a relationship that might change Sam’s life forever.
July 9th -  Nothing that fits the criteria.
July 10th -  Nothing that fits the criteria.
July 11th -  Nothing that fits the criteria.
July 10th - Clamor by firesign10 on Ao3. Jared/Jensen. J2 AU. Jared, a 22 year old college student, is eager to be Turned and become a vampire himself, since he's Jensen's mate and true love. Jensen, however, is making him wait. There's still a lot of human things to experience like sunrises, surviving a car accident, a rival dance club opening near Claret, and oh yeah...becoming the pawn in a battle with the new evil vamp in town—the voluptuous and deadly Alaina Huffman.A continuation from Claret and Clarity; this story stands alone, but you may enjoy it more fully if you also read Claret and Clarity. (warning: although this is bottom!Jared, he does digitally penetrate Jensen once in chapter 2 {one sentence}). The earlier stories are bottom!Jared when explicit.
No posting on weekends. See you on Monday for the last week of stories!
July 15th - A Land of Love and Ruin by whispered_story on Ao3. Jared/Jensen/Jeff. J3 AU. After a virus wiped out most of humanity and turned some people into zombies, Jared is trying to get by on his own—until he's saved from zombies by Jeff one day and they set out to travel across the country to Texas together. Jeff makes no secret out of the fact that he's interested in Jared and despite his trust issues, Jared soon gives in to his own attraction to Jeff.But Jeff has someone waiting for him in Texas and even though he insists Jensen is just his best friend, Jared knows his feelings run a lot deeper. He plans to enjoy his relationship with Jeff for as long as he can and then let him go when they get to Texas. But Jeff refuses to give up on them.And then Jared meets Jensen. He expects to be jealous of the bond Jensen shares with Jeff or for Jensen to want Jeff to himself. But Jared gets along with Jensen as easily as he did with Jeff, and he falls for him as hopelessly as he did for Jeff. As a relationship blooms between the three of them, they set out to make a new life for themselves in a changed world. But between finding food and shelter, the approaching colder seasons as summer draws to an end and the threat of zombies as well as other survivors it's not always easy. (implied past top!Jensen/bottom!Jeff)
July 16th - True Beauty is Found Within by lullys on Ao3. Jared/Jensen. J2 AU. It’s a tale as old as time, but not quite as you were told.Jensen has one rule: to only sleep with a person once and never to get attached, he knows better than that, having truly learned his lesson in the past. Jensen knows he’s a heartless asshole, as he’s often called, and honestly doesn’t care. That’s why he’s less than pleased when his neighbor Chad brings an ugly homeless guy to live in the basement of their apartment building.Jared has a good heart, but is cursed when he says ‘no’ to a girl who turns out to be a witch, causing the memories of who he is and his exterior beauty to vanish. Jared is doomed to remain like this unless he finds someone with a cold heart who would fall in love with him before the last petal falls. Jared knows that’s impossible, so he slowly loses hope as the clock ticks.After all, who could ever learn to love a beast?
July 17th - No stories that fit the criteria.
July 18th - Nothing that fits the criteria.
Calling it early tonight. There are still 3 stories missing from earlier in the week and four scheduled for tomorrow and then that will be a wrap for this year. 
July 19th - I’ll Worship You Like You Should Be by blackrose_17 on Ao3. Jared/Jensen. J2 AU.  All his life Jared had wanted a fairy tale romance, he thought he had found that ending with his high school boyfriend and first love Stephen Amell but when he is left at the altar all his dreams come crashing down. The surprises don’t end there when he learns that Stephen not only ran off with Mob Boss Jensen Ackles latest fling but also some of his money Jared’s world is changed again as he finds himself the guest of Jensen until they find Stephen, Colton and the money. Jared never expected that the love he was searching for was with Jensen Ackles of all people.
Please leave comments, support the authors/artists and give Wendy a pat on the back for running this challenge so that we might still have years to come of it!
August 25th - A Fever Dream by brokenlittleboy on Ao3. Sam/Dean. WIncest.  Sam should have known it was too good to be true.
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puzzlevision · 3 years
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I posted 322 times in 2021
97 posts created (30%)
225 posts reblogged (70%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 2.3 posts.
I added 229 tags in 2021
#yugioh gx - 32 posts
#yuya sakaki - 30 posts
#ygo arc v - 29 posts
#yugioh arc v - 29 posts
#ygo gx - 26 posts
#judai yuki - 20 posts
#jaden yuki - 20 posts
#doraemon - 17 posts
#pretty cure - 14 posts
#gacha club - 12 posts
Longest Tag: 124 characters
#i can't believe that yuya on the right side that i used as a homescreen wallpaper was actually a cover of a perverted doujin
My Top Posts in 2021
(I updated my new introduction blog! You can still look at my old introduction here if you want.)
Heya, I'm Ebbinae, the roleplayer and writer who plays Pony Town and Gacha Club. I am only active here on Tumblr. I'm a Judai Yuki kin and a self-shipper! I have a carrd, so you can see my other social media and alternative Tumblr accounts here:
| About me |
Name (that you should call me in the internet): Ebbinae or Ebby for short
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Straight ally, aroace
Pronouns: She/Her/Hers/Herself, Bun/Buns/Bunself, Maca/Roon/Roons/Macaroonself
| OTPs |
Rirubita | Nobita Nobi x Riruru
Nobisugi | Hidetoshi Dekisugi x Nobita Nobi
Lullibita | Nobita Nobi x Lulli
Nobikawa | Nobita Nobi x Suneo Honekawa
GX Rivalshipping | Jun Manjoume x Judai Yuki
Spiritshipping/Dark Spiritshipping | Johan Andersen x Judai Yuki (I ship with them partially, but my headcanon is, you know, with Rua/Leo and Ruka/Luna, as their adopted children; family bonding is life)
Counterpartshipping | Yuto x Yuya
Dimensionshipping | The Yu-boys
Connectshipping | The Yu-Boys x the Bracelet Girls
Serenadeshipping | Serena x Yuzu Hiiragi
| Fandoms I'm currently in |
Pretty Cure (Partially)
| Fandoms I'm previously in |
Inazuma Eleven
| Fun fact |
I always reblog and my blog is full of garbage can reblogs
Judai Yuki
12 notes • Posted 2021-10-28 09:12:37 GMT
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Yuya cries in his eternity for the halloween
14 notes • Posted 2021-09-24 01:45:01 GMT
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- Jaden Yuki in Gacha Club! -
(I'll do the body later)
18 notes • Posted 2021-08-22 03:19:52 GMT
I forgot to post this
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And oh anyways here's the blank one if you want to use it
(I forgor 💀 I deleted the template what)
20 notes • Posted 2021-11-16 23:42:23 GMT
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The Enterainbow Club mood
[EDIT 11/7/21: Removed the "ygo gx" tag since it wasn't related to Yu-Gi-Oh! GX]
[EDIT: 11/8/21: what]
42 notes • Posted 2021-11-06 06:37:23 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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kats1x1 · 7 years
✤ + todd e tiffany -lully
who said i love you first? Todd, eu acho. A Tiff prefere demonstrar do que falar, qualquer coisa que envolve sentimentos ou carinho - se acha durona, tadinha  
who laughs when the other trips? Tiffany com certeza! 
who pays the bills? Acho que cada um deve arrumar dinheiro de algum jeito e pagar um pouco do que eles compram
which one makes a bigger deal around the holidays? Acho que a Tiff, ela é tipo, apaixonada por Natal, Ação de Graças, Halloween, etc. Mas ela sempre cara porque todo ano acha que vão se tornar uma família normal 
who’s more clumsy? Tiffany, com certeza
who checks their daily horoscope? Acho que nenhum dos dois? Ela zoa as pessoas que acreditam nisso
who sings louder in the car? Acho que quando eles tão high eles devem gritar juntos, e fazer competições de quem canta mais rápido 
who leaves the cap off the toothpaste? Todd, e isso deixa ela puta
who is more up to date in pop culture? Não faço ideia
who insists on going to see the newest movies? Todd
who cries when the abused animal commercials come on? Tiff
who’s the lighter sleeper? Todd, certeza
who believes in ghosts? Tiff
who does the grocery shopping? Acho que os dois, imagino que eles tragam coisinhas um poro outro sempre
who updates their facebook status more often? Tiffany, com indiretas sobre as pessoas e sobre o mundo, mesmo que ela critique quem faça isso
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