#luis de agua
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Fue imposible no verte ese día
sonreias al mundo
te diré que perdí los ojos hace tiempo
y algo más
pero mi respiración era tuya
en lugar de mis ríos de arterias
ahora te escribo desde un punto entre la memoria
tu nombre me privi decir entre líneas
te escondí
pasará poquito tiempo
no eres quien ignora mi menor signo de ausencia no
pero para entonces seré otro punto más entre la nada
me habré perdido para siempre
entonces verás que estube cerca de la agitación de tu mano mientras eras latido a galaxias de mi
pero entonces eras emoción
que ahora me espanta
sabrás que el poema se fue conmigo
mira ahora que no tengo el idioma de pájaros
solo hablo ahora ya sin ti sin rogar que vengas a mi charlita de montañas de la luna
soy solo agua mientras escribo
y no sabrás nunca más a quien me dirijo en estás palabritas
sin nombre sin destino
te oculte tan bien
que nunca sabrás que decía a ti
a ti y a tu nombre que no le diré
jamás a nadie
despreocúpate no hablaba contigo
hablaba conmigo
con mi solo yo
el yo tonto que camina ahora
cómo siempre sobre la fas de la tierra
ahora recuerdo adrede que solo dije eso tres veces en tu oído
Campo de Santos
Noviembre de 2024
Pastas de gato 🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾
fragmento de la eternidad
De alguna vez en la vida.
#poem#poetry#poets on tumblr#poetas méxico#my words#poemas de patas de gato 🐾#poetas en tumblr#Poesía libre#tragedia#cositas rotas#Luis de agua#Imaginario
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El derecho humano del acceso al agua
El derecho humano del acceso al agua #aperturaintelectual #juridicoaintelectual @luisrperaltahdz @luisr_peralta Luis Roberto Peralta Hernández
Por: Luis Roberto Peralta Hernández Desafortunadamente el denominado “Día cero” por ausencia de agua en varios estados de la república mexicana está a punto de llegar. La ausencia constante de lluvias que hayan permitido la captación de agua necesaria no sólo para el consumo humano en diversas fuentes en los últimos años, así como el indiscriminado uso; aunado a decir de muchos, la excesiva…
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#AperturaIntelectual#juridicoaintelectual#4c12a1#A/RES/64/292#Acceso al agua#Asamblea General de la Organización de las Naciones Unidas#Comité de Derechos Económicos. Sociales y Culturales#Día Cero#Derecho Humano de acceso al agua#Derecho humano fundamental#El derecho humano del acceso al agua#Higiene#LRPH#Luis Roberto Peralta Hernández#Observación General nº 15#Programa de las Naciones Unidas para el Desarrollo (PNUD)#Saneamiento
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GIRLS! did u know that Uhm frío frío como el agua del río ☝🏼
#o caliente como agua de la fuente ❗❗❗#aguante JUAN LUIS GUERRA perdón por ser señora pero es real#according to jules
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El Balcón de la Sociedad | En Veracruz, la sombra de aviadores en la Secretaría de Educación
El Balcón de la Sociedad | En Veracruz, la sombra de aviadores en la Secretaría de Educación #PeriodismoParaTi #SociedadNoticias #BalcónSocial @Claudiashein @GobiernoMX @giderechosh #Educación #Veracruz @SEV_GobVer @CuitlahuacGJ
La corrupción en la SEV Orizaba afecta la educación en Veracruz. Trabajadores denuncian aviadores y cobros indebidos. ¿Hasta cuándo se permitirán estas prácticas? La delegación de la Secretaría de Educación de Veracruz (SEV) en Orizaba enfrenta una denuncia pública que expone presuntas irregularidades administrativas y la persistencia de prácticas corruptas que erosionan el sistema educativo.…
#Amayrani Kristell Medrano Valencia#Balcón#cómputo#Centro de Comando#CJNG#Claudia#Claudia Sheinbaum#colima#Comisión Nacional del Agua (Conagua)#Comunicaciones y Contacto Ciudadano (C5) de Colima#conagua#Consuelo Valencia Martínez#Control#Derecho humano#dignidad#edomex#Educación#El Balcón#El Balcón de la Sociedad#estado de México#familiares#Fernando Castillo Vences#Graciela Guzmán Melchor#Lauro Agustín Becerril Martínez#Luis Enrique Mateo Reyes#Marco Antonio Hinojosa Mendoza#Mateo Reyes#México#Medrano Valencia#millones de pesos
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Cooperativa Alimentos El Pongo: Promoviendo la agricultura familiar en tiempos de desafíos económicos
Cooperativa Alimentos El Pongo: Promoviendo la agricultura familiar en tiempos de desafíos económicos La Cooperativa Alimentos El Pongo promueve la agricultura familiar y enfrenta desafíos económicos en la producción de alimentos sanos.
La Cooperativa de Trabajo y Provisión de Servicios para Productores Rurales Alimentos El Pongo Ltda. se ha consolidado como un pilar fundamental en la producción de alimentos en la localidad de El Pongo, en la zona de Perico. Con más de 500 familias involucradas, esta cooperativa no solo se dedica a la producción de frutas y hortalizas, sino que también enfrenta desafíos significativos en un…
#acceso al agua#Agricultura Familiar#comunidad#Cooperativa Alimentos El Pongo#Cooperativismo#Desafíos Económicos#El Pongo#frutas#hortalizas#José Luis Fuentes Alcoba#mercado local#Perico#producción de alimentos#Productores Rurales#Provisión de Servicios#sostenibilidad#tecnología agrícola
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Odd Story of Pescado Rabioso | Luis Alberto Spinetta Documentary
The album “Artaud” released under the band name Pescado Rabioso is often considered the greatest rock album to ever come from Argentina but it wasn’t actually recorded by the band known as Pescado Rabioso. This is my second video about the bands of Luis Alberto Spinetta but you don’t need to watch the Almendra video to enjoy this one, so join me now for the full story of this fascinating…
#A Starosta el idiota#aguas claras de olimpos#amame peteribi#argentinian rock#Bajan#best argentine rock#best band from argentina#best rock from argentina#Cantata de Puentes Amarillos#Cementerio Club#como el viento voy a ver#credulidad#La Sed Verdadera#las habladurias del mundo#luis alberto spinetta#mi espiritu se fue#music documentary#music from argentina#music history#Rock Nacional#serpiente (Viaja Por La Sal)#Supercheria#Todas Las Hojas Son Del Viento
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Agua que no bañe, agua sólo para beber, agua que no envuelva como una niebla o una nube próxima, sino que se introduzca por los poros finos del cuerpo, que desopile pero no empape, que no hinche, que no engorde la piel, que no embastezca el perfil duro, casi córneo del imperio de secano. Y la bebía como si él también fuera un águila que hubiera de volar muy lejos.
Tiempo de silencio, Luis Martín Santos
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Intentan legalizar lugares sagrados a los que acude población de Jalisco, Durango, San Luis Potosí, entre otros
Avanzó en el reconocimiento de la espiritualidad de los pueblos indígenas y afromexicano, quienes forman parte del México profundo. 27 de junio de 2024.- Ayer se llevó a cabo la primera sesión ordinaria del año de la Comisión Presidencial para Proteger, Preservar y Salvaguardar los Lugares y Sitios Sagrados y las Rutas de Peregrinación de los Pueblos Wixárika, Náayeri, O’dam o Au’dam y…
#Comisión Nacional del Agua (Conagua)#Comisión Presidencial#Diego Prieto Hernández#Durango#en la isla de los Alacranes#Florencio López Carrillo#Hauxa Manaka#Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia (INAH)#Instituto Nacional de los Pueblos Indígenas (INPI)#Jalisco#Josefina Bravo Rangel#la comisionada para el Diálogo con los Pueblos Indígenas de México#Lago de Chapala#Lugares y Sitios Sagrados#Luisa María Alcalde Luján#Mexikan#municipio de Pueblo Nuevo#Museo Nacional de las Culturas del Mundo#Nayarit#Nayarit y Durango#Náayeri#o&039;dam o au&039;dam y mexikan#O’dam o Au’dam#Plan de Justicia de los pueblos wixárika#presidente de la Unión Wixarika de Centros Ceremoniales de Jalisco#Procuraduría Agraria (PA)#Pueblos Indígenas de México#San Bernardino de Milpillas Chico#San Luis Potosí#Santa Catarina Cuexcomatitlán
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Incorporación de tecnología para el tratamiento del agua en Barrancas
#Puna | Incorporación de tecnología para el tratamiento del #agua en Barrancas Un convenio firmado entre el #GobiernodeJujuy y la #FacultaddeIngeniería de la #UNJu implementa sistemas innovadores de tratamiento de agua, mejorando la calidad de vida en #Barrancas.
Un convenio firmado entre el Gobierno de Jujuy y la Facultad de Ingeniería de la UNJu implementa sistemas innovadores de tratamiento de agua, mejorando la calidad de vida en Barrancas. El Gobierno de la Provincia de Jujuy, en colaboración con la Facultad de Ingeniería de la Universidad Nacional de Jujuy (UNJu), ha lanzado un proyecto pionero en tratamiento de agua dirigido a las comunidades de…
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#agua#Agua Potable y Saneamiento de Jujuy#Analía Ruíz#Barrancas#Calidad de Vida#Ciencias#Daniel Ruiz#Desarrollo Regional#Facultad de Ingeniería#Gobierno de Jujuy#innovación tecnológica#IVUJ#José Luis Paiques#Juan Carlos García#Lítica#Luis Alejandro Vargas#Luis Bono#Puna#Rinconadilla#Sauzalito#sostenibilidad#Tecnología#Universidad Nacional de Jujuy#UNJu#Vivienda y Urbanismo de Jujuy
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Ministro de Medio Ambiente inicia gestión de financiamiento para planta de tratamiento de aguas residuales en Tarija
El Ministro de Medio Ambiente, Alan Lisperguer, se reunió con el alcalde de Tarija, Jhonny Torres, para comenzar la gestión de financiamiento para la construcción de una planta de tratamiento de aguas residuales (PTAR). Según Torres, se ha logrado la readecuación del estudio técnico y la obtención de un terreno para la obra. Se espera conseguir los recursos a través de un pedido de la alcaldía y…
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#aguas residuales#alcaldía#contrapartes#crédito#estudio técnico#gestión de financiamiento#Luis Arce#Medio Ambiente#Obra#planta de tratamiento#Tarija#terreno
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Aguas da luz verde a cuatro depósitos anticontaminación en el Cocó, Joan Fuster, Palmeral y Teulada
El consejo de administración de Aguas de Alicante, celebrado este miércoles bajo la presidencia del alcalde Luis Barcala, ha aprobado la propuesta del Plan Integral de Digitalización de Aguas de Alicante con los 18 proyectos que concurren a la segunda convocatoria del PERTE de Digitalización del Ciclo del Agua. En la reunión se han destacado los proyectos incluidos en este plan de construcción de…
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Me nacieron hormigas de repente
por cada hueso
el día que ella trajo una nube de luciérnagas escritas
Hablo una línea de la paz de la luna y su intromisión
cuando se queda tan blanca
con sueño en mis paredes solitarias
con sus pies limpios y alto en la ventana
me iluminó cada contento su decir
uno no sabe cuando llegará su luz de luna
llega sin previo aviso
es ahora mi lámpara sin sueño
se enciende si leo con poquito tiempo
un hombro me cae y otro le acompaña
es tan tarde llegar a todas partes
siempre llego tarde a casa y ella le trae ositos de felpa en cada abrazo enviado a huellitas de gato pequeño
ella viene a cerrar mis párpados aún distante
y suenan sus palabras
son campanas pequeñitas y puedo leer
el dulce timbre de su voz
ella es un sendero de estrellitas
con poquito de tiempo sobre la tierra
ella es una niña que corre si me ve triste
yo boy con esta prisa diaria a más de mil años por día
ella trae tantita luz a dos manos
de la luna la deja en la ventana si no estoy
me pongo suetersitos de estambre de sol y de su ternura
es entonces solo entonces que
la congoja toma su triste ovillo y se va
con tantas luciérnagas que deja ella
por cada patio de mi soledad
que estaba pero ya no
te diré de ella que es tan limpia
y le puedes ver un día
cuando vallas frente al espejo
Espejo azul
Diciembre de 2024
Patas de gato 🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾
#poem#poetry#poets on tumblr#poetas méxico#my words#poemas de patas de gato 🐾#poetas en tumblr#books#cositas rotas#luis de agua#de santa#prosa#prosa de mis huesos
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Lupita Murguía entrega 700 contratos individuales de servicio de agua
La secretaria de Gobierno, Guadalupe Murguía Gutiérrez, en representación del gobernador, Mauricio Kuri González, encabezó la entrega de 700 contratos individuales para ocho condominios, siete de la colonia Puertas de San Miguel y uno en la colonia Valle de Santiago, del municipio de Querétaro. Acompañada por el vocal ejecutivo de la Comisión Estatal de Aguas (CEA), Luis Alberto Vega Ricoy, la…
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Hips Don't Lie part 2
Pairing: Henry Cavill x Hispanic/Latina! Reader
Summary: Y/N invites Henry Cavill to a carne asada after a month of dating
Warning: probably some stereotypical Latina/Mexican things because I'm half Mexican, no translated Spanish, unwanted comments from an aunt about weight (for me it’s with my mom) and about Henry, spelling and grammar errors
After a month of dating, Henry and Y/N were at his place, they were cooking tallarines saltado. Everything was going well and Y/N got a text.
“Give me a minute, guapo.” Y/N said, washing her hands to check her phone. It was a text from her mom. “Hey Henry, how do you feel about going to a carne asada? It’s this weekend, I know it’s a little soon to be meeting my parents, but I really don’t want to go alone.”
“Darling, it’s fine, I’ll go with you to the barbecue.” Henry said. He put the cut up steak into a pan to cook it along with the onions and tomatoes. “Why don’t you want to go alone?”
“Because my mom and my aunts are all going to be like ‘y el novio?’ Like I’m 32, not married or engaged, in their eyes…something is wrong. So please, my handsome British boyfriend, come with me to the carne asada.” Y/N practically begged, having her hands together in a praying motion.
“Yes, my tiny dancer, I’ll go to the carne asada.” Henry said, kissing her forehead and she was pouting with her arms crossed.
“I am not tiny, You’re just big.” Y/N said and her eyes widened at the last part of her sentence.
“In more ways than one.” Henry winked and kissed her. “Do we have to bring anything?” Y/N looked at him in a ‘are you kidding me’ kind of way. “Sorry, what are we bringing?”
“That’s better, and that depends. My mom usually makes her agua de Jamaica which is hibiscus water, don’t ask how it got the name, and red rice. Obviously my uncles bring the meat, um, I’m thinking, someone usually brings dessert which is like fruit salad and cookies, uh, carajo, no puedo pensar. Okay, I got it, we can make alfajores and picarones, mainly because I crave it.” Y/N said,
“What about really food? Should we bring macaroni salad?” Henry asked
“Never in my life have I ever seen macaroni salad at these carne asadas (I’m using my own experiences, obviously). We could make pasta though and like that we could eat some before we go and the rest we take it there.” Y/N said.
“Why would we eat before we go to the carne asada if we’re going to eat there?” Henry asked.
“Ay, amorcito, there’s so much You need to learn. Just in case there’s something you don’t like, and they never really start grilling right when you come in, it’s usually an hour after everyone’s there so you won’t be starving.” Y/N said.
“Alright, I’ll make the list so we can go shopping tomorrow. Now, I know this is going to be a stupid question, but what do I wear?” Henry asked.
“It’s not stupid at all. So again, my mom taught to dress presentable for whatever ‘event’ so like dress semi formal but summery.” Y/N said and Henry looked at her confused. “Just wear your khaki pants your navy or light blue button down.” Henry nodded.
It was the night before the carne asada and Y/N and Henry were in Y/N’s kitchen, their dessert is chilling, her dog Concha laying down in her bed (any breed you want), and they’re going over the family tree.
“Yeimy is my favorite cousin, she’s a music producer, love her to death. Then we have Juan Luis, Yeimy’s brother, kinda mujeriego, me entiendes, very fuckboy, but he’s a lawyer so we’re friendly. There’s my Tia chela, but you have to call her Graciela until she says you can call her Chela. Now Chela comments on my weight, a lot more than my mom does pero eso es otra cosa aparte.” Y/N said, showing pictures of each family member to Henry.
“Okay…who is Veronica?” Henry asked.
“She’s my mom’s friend from church, I don’t think she’ll be here though, she’s in Colombia.” Y/N said, looking for her photo to show him.
“And we’re going to your mom’s house for the carne asada?” Henry asked.
“Yes, I got her a house with a nice yard, my dad has the grill with the charcoal y todo. Now if there’s anything special that you want to drink or eat, get it tomorrow morning, we have to be there at 2.” Y/N said, now cleaning up the kitchen. So are you staying the night so you can help me with everything or are you coming here early in the morning?”
“I got all stuff in my car, I’m staying the night. I’ll just bring it in.” Henry said, he opened the door to leave and Concha got up from her bed to leave with Henry. “Nope, not you, just me.”
The day of the carne asada, Henry was in the driving with Y/N carrying the alfajores and picarones, the pasta in the backseat with Concha chilling so she could see her cousins. Y/N was wearing a sundress with wedge sandals.
“Okay, when you go in your obviously say hello to everyone, depending on whether the women of my family lean in, it’s a hug and a kiss on the cheek. It’s not a real kiss, it’s more of a cheek touch and the kiss sound, and with the men, again, obviously a handshake.” Y/N reminded him.
“Darling, I know everything, please relax.” Henry said.
“I cant relax, they never met any of my partners before.” Y/N said.
“Well i feel very special now.” Henry said.
“You should.” Y/N said.
Henry parked on the street, they go out of the car, Henry helping Y/N with the food as she put Concha on a leash so they could go to the house.
“Mami, ya llegamos!” Y/N yelled as she opened the gate to enter the yard.
“Ay Y/N, mi niña, cómo estás, amor? Y trajiste a supermán! Sabía que tenías amigos famosos pero nunca pensé de esta altura.” Y/N’s mom, Carolina, said.
“Ah mami, él se llama Henry, es mi novio, pero habla inglés, por favor.” Y/N told her mom.
“Oh my god, Henry, it’s so good to meet you. Finally my daughter has a boyfriend!” Carolina said and Y/N looked away to roll her eyes (because who the hell rolls their eyes in front of the their mothers, right?) “Princesa, has subido de peso? Te está saliendo un poquito la panza, no? Bueno, deja toda la comida en las mesa que no falta poco para llegar lo demás gente.” Carolina said and walked away to get paper plates and plastic utensils for everyone.
“What did she tell you?” Henry asked,
“Nothing it doesn’t matter, just put the food on the table, okay? Come on, Concha, let’s take you out your harness.” Y/N said and placed the food on the table to let her dog loose and Concha started running on the grass with Carolina’s cavalier King Charles spaniel, Honey. A few minutes, the cousins came, there was Yeimy, Juan Luis, Fabian (Peluche) and his wife Cecilia (Chiquis), Irma and her husband Erick, María José and her husband Diego, Alfonso (Poncho), and Maite.
“Prima, que bueno verte! Ooh, look at you, love the dress, you look so good.” Irma said, letting her Maltese, Cinnamon, off leash, Cinnamon ran to Concha.
“My mom didn’t think so, que bueno verte.” Y/N said, hugging her and kissing her cheek.
“Ay, no la escuchas, you look Great.” Yeimy said, placing what she brought on the table as well.
“Quien es el güerito?” Peluche asked, letting his german shepherd, Roscoe, off his leash
“Ay Peluche, mira quien habla de güerito. Anyway, everyone, this is my boyfriend, Henry.” Y/N introduced Henry.
“Hello, it’s a pleasure to meet you all.” As Y/N told him, Henry greeted the girl cousins with a hug and let them kiss his cheek while shaking hands with the boy cousins.
“You landed Superman? The Witcher? How did you do that?” Maite asked. Y/N was going to answer but the tias and tíos came in as well.
“Hola hola! Carolina, ya llegamos! A ver, gordita, arrímate otra mesa, si?” Tía Chela told Y/N and Y/N did as she was told, she pulled another table to they could also place the food. Henry was saying hello to everyone. “Y mija, segura que es fiel? Como que es muy guapo, ha trabajado con mujeres como tú amiga Eiza, con la mujer maravilla, no sé, me parece raro que esté contigo.”
“Ay mamá, deja de escupir tu veneno a ella, ve con mi papá que está juntado al heladera para las bebidas.” María José said and Chela left reluctantly.
“Thanks, Majo.” Y/N said,
“I grew up with her criticizing me, can’t have her do the same to you. Look at us, we’re in our 30s and we still care about what our mothers say.” Majo said,
“Eso nunca va a cambiar.” Y/N said and she walked back to Henry where he was listening to her Tío Juancho (Juan Camilo) telling a story about his camping trip.
“Hey, pececita, I was just telling your boyfriend about the time I went camping,” Juancho said, hugging and kissing Y/N.
“So glad you’re back, love.” Henry said, wrapping his arm around her waist and kissed her cheek.
“Oye Henry’s ven conmigo un momento, come with me.” Y/N’s dad, Carlos, told Henry, tapping his shoulder.
“Papi, que vas a hacer?” Y/N asked.
“Nada mija, es como male bonding, help me grill, Superman.” Carlos said.
“Papi!” Y/N whined.
“Ve con tus primos, princesa.” Carlos said.
“It’s alright, maybe it’s a good thing.” Henry said, kissing Y/N to ease her worries. Henry went with Carlos to the grilled, grabbing the tray of seasoned meats to cook.
“So, Superman, how long have you been dating my daughter?” Carlos asked, sipping a bit of modelo beer.
“Not long, a month.” Henry answered.
“You think of dating her for longer?” Carlos asked.
“Of course, sir.” Henry said,
“Ah, escucha eso, ‘sir’, mira que respetuoso me salió. Listen, Y/N is a good girl, she worked hard in her music, bought this house for me y mi mujer, and if you break her heart or hurt her in anyway, I know some people.” Carlos threatened and Henry got paler.
Carlos laughed. “Ah, te estoy vacilando, it was a joke, you seem like a good person, you know how to grill?” Henry let out a breath of relief.
“Yeah, yes, I know how to grill.” Henry said.
“Good, pass me the orange container, it has the ribs.” Carlos said. Henry did what he was told and gave Y/N a thumbs up. Y/N gave him one back.
“You think your güero can eat what we brought?” Diego asked.
“Let’s hope so, as long as he doesn’t add salsa, it should be fine.” Y/N said. She looked over to where Henry was grilling with her dad, they’re gonna last, maybe not forever, but they would totally last.
Everyone was eating.
“Mija, te salió muy bien la pasta.” Carolina said.
“Gracias, me ayudó Henry también.” Y/N said, making sure she knew.
“Who knew you could cook, Henry, and with seasoning.” Carolina said, sitting down to eat. Henry looked at Y/N and she put her hands up in surrender. Everyone was serving themselves until.
“Haz platos para sus hombres también, que no se te olvide.” Chelis announced.
“Ay mamá, mas anticuada no puedes ser, ellos tienen manos, que se sirven solos.” Majo told her mom.
“Whats happening?” Henry whispered in Y/N’s ear.
“Do you see why I couldn’t come here alone? Just don’t serve yourself any salsa, the sauces are usually very spicy, the rest should be good to eat. There’s tacos dorados that have potatoes, some are chicken, others are beans, it’s a surprise. Take one of each, I’m sure you’ll like it.” Y/N whispered back to him. Everyone serves their own plate porque así debe ser, and they were all chatting, mainly trying to get to know Henry.
“So Henry, You’re a good looking man, why are you here with Y/N? I’m sure you can do a lot better.” Chela said and Majo states at her mom and mouthed her apology to Y/N.
“Has she been telling you this the entire time? Asking why I’m here with you?” Henry asked Y/N and Y/N just nodded. Henry stood up from his seat. “Listen, Graciela, I fell for Y/N the moment I saw her, I don’t know what you have been telling her since we got here but I have had enough. She didn’t want to come here alone and now I know why. If she shows up alone, you’ll ask why she doesn’t have a boyfriend, she shows up with me, you ask her why I’m here with her, that’s enough.” Henry said, Y/N pulled his arm to sit him back down.
“Perdón, Y/N, que Pena contigo.” Chela said and Y/N just nodded, it was nice to have someone other than her cousins defend her. “I’m sorry to you too, Henry.” Henry nodded his head and everyone continued eating. By the time they were finished, they went their “separate ways”.
In the carne asada, there were 3 sections, where the cousins were talking about their memories, what they’ve been up to. The aunts and her mom were talking about neighborhood gossip and about their kids. And of course the uncles and her dad drinking and talking about whatever.
“How did you and Henry meet?” Maite asked again.
“Well my coworker Eiza wanted to set me up with her, saying she was going to be at the after party. I didn’t want to be set up but when I went to the after party, I saw this beautiful woman dancing like she was the only one in the room, she captured everyone’s attention, including mine. Eiza noticed I was staring at the dancer and it turned out to be Y/N so Eiza called her over and there you have it.” Henry told them.
“Mira eso, prima, lo dejaste embobado desde el primer momento.” Ponchó said, petting Concha that went up to him.
“Así es, I thank our parents for playing Shakira when we were growing up.” Y/N said, raising her beer bottle to toast.
“Speaking of Shakira, how did you dance when he spotted you?” Chiquis asked, connecting her phone to the Bluetooth speaker that Peluche carried. It started playing the song ‘hips don’t lie’ and everyone was cheering ‘oh’.
“Alright, alright, I’ll show y’all.” Y/N said, getting up from her chair, handing Henry her beer. “It was something like this.”
Everyone was cheering, Henry was whistling, they were just having a good time.
“Pero ya, i guess that’s how Henry fell for me.” Y/N said, sitting on Henry’s lap now, taking her beer form his hand.
“You have no idea, sweetheart.” Henry kissed her.
“Mira Que lindo, pero no sé comen delante de los pobres.” Juan Luis said, sipping his beer.
“No que tienes novia, hermano?” Yeimy asked.
“Pero no está aquí, boba.” Juan Luis said.
“Wait Henry, why did you really like my dancing?” Y/N asked.
“You want the really answer or the savory answer?” Henry asked and Y/N hit his chest playfully. “Alright, alright, you were having fun, I wanted to be with someone I could have fun with. That, and the way you moved your hips gave me an idea of how you would be in other activities.” Henry smirked and Y/N laughed.
“Ay, you’re so dirty.” Y/N said, placing her head in the crook of his neck. “How you like my family?”
“I think I could come over more often, if you invite me, of course.” Henry said.
“Of course.” Y/N repeated and they kissed, his hands on her waist.
Taglist: @f10werfae @warriormirkwood @marieksg
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