#lref reese
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mushed-kid · 2 years ago
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tabl3 · 1 year ago
Kaz and Bree hate Reese the most out of the three main shifters (for obvious reasons)
Roman and Skylar equally despise each other (and they're almost copies of each other w the lightning/strength) bc of Decimation on her end and Roman hating her the most since she's simply the pinnacle of heroism
Chase has equal rivalries with both
ig Oliver and Riker would just fight by association???? they have no personal hate for each other or any of the others, Riker just loathes heroes bc of their dad and Oliver hates the shifters for what they've done
but that doesn't even matter bc Riker can't actually fight him unless he wants to get murderized by Mr. Terror lol
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texanmarcusdavenport · 2 years ago
The Davenports see a villain and ask "is anyone gonna fall in love with that?" then don't wait for an answer
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lab-trash · 2 years ago
Kaz: God, I hate her... AJ: Me too. Kaz: ...You have no idea who I’m talking about. AJ: Solidarity, dude.
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all-for-geek · 2 years ago
Okay, I must know if someone else thinks the same:
Did you ever think that Bree's interaction with Reese was a little bit fruity? Or even Reese's interaction with Chase? Like did anyone else think those three were just REALLY FREAKING FRUITY or was it just me?
(if you don't remember her she was the main villain, Rodiuss, daughter, was Roman and Riker's sister, and was Chase's backstabbing shape shifting girlfriend who nearly killed Douglas)
Not gonna lie, the first time I saw Reese, my immediate thought was that she was a lesbian. There was DEFINITELY something fruity going on.
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arand0mdutchgirl · 2 years ago
new day new chaz AO3fanfic
Text posts part 10, chaz text post part 3.5
If i had to describe the fanfic i just posted in one pic part 2
I posted this text post already but here is a tiny sneakpeak of the fic
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Ao3 by ARandomDutchGirl
Fic: and then you came along and changed everything
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donutcare564 · 20 days ago
Just finished watching LREF and honestly, I assumed they didn't want to have to deal with any characters except the main trio. Especially since they included zero mentions of any other MM characters. The only other characters that have any ties to MM are ones introduced in EF (Crossbow, Rodyseus, Roman, Ryker and Reese). Oliver's mom, Bridget/Mr. Terror is only ever mentioned in passing once or twice to explain the Arcturion and MM's destruction. Tbh, I think EF was only made because the original crossover with the two went so well
prev's tags felt important for me to include for my theory/pessimistic rambling
#I know the reason was probably that they were going to reintroduce them in the next season (maybe) #but it still sucks :/ #they're rebuilding it from the ground up in secret and couldn't tell the trio #why? because *flips through non-existent script* more than just supervillains were attracted to the Arcturion energy from Kaz and Oliver #and they knew if they told Skylar then they'd find out still because they all share one braincell (affectionate) #genuinely curious how they were able to bypass the security system (assuming Skylar and Horace already implemented it) #imagine it was the other way around and they blew up the entire bionic academy instead (the probability is low but never zero) #idk the canon reason they blew up Mighty Med so it probably makes no sense #sorry I'm rambling #but they just expect us to believe they killed off all of them like that?? THEY KILLED OFF HISTORY
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Me when i remember mighty med only has two seasons and the only semblance of a continuation made the worst plot choices for the MM characters. Also gave Oliver and Kaz some kinda buns superpowers 😕
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crayonverse · 2 years ago
Reese: im really evil and fucked up. wanna be my girlfriend?
Scarlett, completely red-faced: yeah sure whatever
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shaineybainey · 5 years ago
You know what I would like for a lab rats fic? If chase blames himself for everything that happened with Reese and Rodissius, and then Bree makes him feel better by reminding him of all the times she got carried away with love, ya know, just some good ol brother-sister fluff
Sounds like a good prompt! I'm a bit more confident working on this (assuming that this is a req for me 😬) since I did see the LREF finale.
It'll be a while, but this is on queue!
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tabl3 · 2 years ago
for those wondering why Reese's eyes are green instead of (the beautiful) Fivel Stweart's dark brown, I intentionally did that with her, Sebastian, and Marcus to connect the (lab rats) betrayers.
Sebastian's are the darkest because he's done the most inexcusable things. Then Reese, then Marcus at the lightest (almost white) bc the boy is evil and fucked up, but the most innocent under the circumstances he's in
character building things by designnn
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cc-tinslebee · 4 years ago
I never really thought about Chase’s storyline being handed to Bree, but that actually makes a lot of sense! Chase’s powers are always reduced to “nerdy” and “useless” even though they’ve saved everyone on a variety of occasions. And, honestly? If it was Chase who got powers from the Arcturian, that would actually tie in pretty well to him making fun of/being sceptical of Kaz, Oliver, and Skylar’s powers.
Chase never understood it fully so he resorted to poking fun at it. But if those powers were thrust upon him, he’d have to understand.
And the Skoliver thing was definitely a super weird and pointless thing for them to do. I legitimately liked the ship in Mighty Med and I don’t understand why the writers thought it was okay to make him such a creep. And, granted I haven’t seen the last two episodes of LREF, but didn’t Oliver and Skylar start to pursue a romantic relationship? Obviously Oliver has always cared immensely for Skylar and I get that in LREF she finally saw that; but she still knew he was being a creep and had expressed her displeasure? Oliver also knew he was being creepy and that it was a bad thing to be doing? Anyway, hey kids show writers, stop having a male character be a creep to a female character for comedic relief; it’s not cool.
I’d like to reiterate another point that OP mentioned. It’s pretty clear that after Marcus and Sebastian, Chase has a lot of trust issues (and Bree probably does too). He even seems generally untrusting of Kaz, Oliver, and Skylar at times. So I guess that poses the question of why would he trust Reese, someone he barely knows?
I know LREF is a kids’ show — I do — but it’s also a show that is intentionally high-stakes and serious at times. The kids pretty much almost die on a regular basis, Chase and Bree have unresolved trauma, and the fall of Mighty Med was clearly there to show that Kaz — if anyone — was hurting a lot from that.
(I have a whole other rant about how Kaz, Oliver, and Skylar probably have a TON of survivor’s guilt and probably PTSD from losing the heroes they loved so much and almost/actually losing Horace and Alan, but that’s for another time.)
If you’re going to do things like that, at least commit to it, you know?
What's your personal opinion on why Elite Force was so bad? Since I've ranted about that a lot and started the 'elite discourse' tag.
I don’t think it was really bad. Yes, it was terrible compared to Lab Rats and Mighty Med (of which both deserved more seasons since they both set up so much and than threw it all away), but it wasn’t too bad. Why it was bad, though? They undid all character development, overlooked some of the best characters, and so much more!
There’s a lot wrong with Chase. First of all, they undid all of his character development and reduced him to a self-centered smart guy. (I’m not gonna say a mini version of Donald because he’s really more like Douglas, but they really just threw away his character.) And for character archs. When AJ made his list, he put Chase at the bottom. A good thing to point out is that this list was based off of the number of powers each person has and the number of powers each person has alone. So lets count how many powers they all have:
Kaz: Pyrokinesis and Flight Oliver: Cryokinesis, Flight, and Super Strength Bree: Super Speed, Vocal Manipulation, Invisibility, and Super Agillity Chase: Molecular Kinesis, Force Fields, Super Intelligence, Super Senses, Laser Bo Generation, and the Commando App (technically Super Strength as well, but that’s only Spike) Skylar: Flight, Super Strength, Super Speed, Acid Spit, Regeneration, and 21 other abilities (10 after the whole thing with Bree, but that still leaves her with the most) CHASE SHOULD BE #2 ON THAT LIST!!
And even if this wasn’t based on only their powers, he’d still be at #2!!
Then we have the Arcturian. The Arcturian Space Rock will kill you if you make direct contact with it, key word being direct. So Bree, being NUMBER #3 on the list (did I mention they overlooked her abilities, too, with the exception of one throw away line?), decided to touch it. After a series of events, she gets superpowers from it.
Bree got superpowers.
Because she was insecure about her bionic powers.
And he wasn’t only insecure about his powers, he was insecure about his appearance, self-worth, and a ton of other things.
This arch was engineered for Chase, and they threw it away in favor of Bree.
Skylar and Oliver was the main romance of Mighty Med. Oliver had a crush on Skylar and Skylar was a lesbian didn’t reciprocate. This didn’t stop Oliver from trying to get with her, though. But the difference between Oliver persevering in Mighty Med and Olvier persevering in Elite Force is that in Mighty Med, he did it in a healthy, respectful way. In Elite Force, he became a stalker!
He watched her in her sleep, recorded her without permission, had a pretend version of her that he was dating, and more.
They turned a really nice thing from Mighty Med into something terrible just so that they could put less time into coming up with actual jokes. (The writers of these shows never really handled healthy relationships and comedy well, if Adam and Chase’s relationship says anything, but you would think [I’m only saying this because its Disney] they would put more effort into a romantic relationship.) The worst part about this is that they got together somewhat in the end of Elite Force.
Reese existed as a way to lead us to the finale of the show. She also existed as a love interest for Chase. She had the potential to be Elite Force’s Marcus or Experion, but they just didn’t do it right.
The Lab Rats’ relationship with Marcus was built over the course of two seasons, which let both the audience and the characters get to know him. Sure, we knew he was evil before everyone else, but how evil he truly was changed up until Douglas’ plan was finally revealed. He was also really close to a lot of the characters, so that makes it really painful.
Experion was one of Skylar’s close friends, almost like a brother, and we saw that play out on screen. He was only there for a short amount of time, just as Reese was, but he was already in a predetermined relationship with him. Reese had literally only met Chase that day, meaning that connection just wasn’t there.
(Also, was Reese just there to degay Chase? Because that’s what it seems like.)
Representation And Other Things Of The Sort
Lab Rats was a show that had a family in which half of it was married into. Shows have done this before, yes, but this showed the kids really just excepting it and not getting mad at their respective family. This was also a mixed family, which watching now that I’m older and really understand the importance of it, is really nice. Especially as a mixed person myself.
As for Mighty Med, and I’m starting with family again, it had a father figure who, more or less, actually cared about his kid(s) and was active in their life. It also showed him, a person of color, in a position of power. Skylar, who is a woman of color, was a badass who wasn’t boy crazy. She didn’t care about boys and the one time she did chase after someone, it was an introverted girl whom she wanted to be friends with which is pretty gay but whatever Disney. She was pretty freaking powerful, too, even without her powers.
Now for Oliver and Kaz, they were geeks. That’s a recurring fact in the show. It’s also something that is constantly saving all of their butts and was the main thing that got them their jobs. They weren’t picked on or made fun of for it, that was just who they were.
And unlike Lab Rats, Mighty Med showed a healthy relationship between brothers. Additionally, Gus was a really weird kid, but no one ever made fun of him, either. They treated him like they treated everyone else. He even ends up as one of the popular kids a few times.
Elite Force really just threw that all away in favor of (what became) a bunch of bratty kids in a pent house together.
Mighty Med ended off on a cliffhanger, with Mr. Terror escaping, Oliver and Kaz obtaining superpowers, Alan meeting his father for the first time, and Horace using his last revival. Not to mention, Mr. Terror is Oliver’s mother and was supposed to be Horace’s wife.
And then they completely forgot about all of that and destroyed Mighty Med, killing all of the people in it in the process while also forgetting about Mr. Terror completely?
As for Lab Rats’ ending, it was actually pretty fitting and satisfying, all things considered. Adam, Bree, Leo, and Chase split up after defeating Giselle, Adam and Leo going back to the island to help the students with the big change (an update that let them control their abilities, hence no need for them to be teachers anymore) while Bree and Chase joined the Elite Force.
But why Chase and Bree? Sure, I guess the fandom Chase, but we did care about Leo more than Bree if we’re looking at it from that stand point. Now if we’re looking at it from a logical, in-universe stand-point, it makes no sense. Bree and Chase were the smarter, more experienced of the four, so they should have gone back to the island, while letting Chase and Adam join the Elite force.
Also, Leo has just become a mentor, which was what he was striving for since the start of the season. He was always being overlooked, and now, when he finally gets his moment in the spot light, its taken away from. That just really bothers me.
What Was Good About Lab Rats: Elite Force?
Quite honestly, not a lot. But considering the target audience, it was pretty good. Having two well received shows come together into an, albeit poorly set up and attempted, spin-off where they can have their own battles and story lines together is pretty cool and different. There are some flaws, like how Mighty Med logic and Lab Rats logic really don’t intertwine, but you have to keep in mind that this is a kids show.
It also showed Douglas being a pretty good father, which is really nice. Sure, he’s their birth father and/or creator, but it also shows them mending their relationship.
There were some smaller things, too. AJ’s introduction, Skylar and Bree slowly become sisters, and Chase and Kaz becoming friends were all really fun to watch. (The characters growing relationships with each other, period, were fun to watch.) The villains had good motives, and the small cameos from other shows (Bob and Crossbow [she’s more of a piece of what Mighty Med used to be, but I’m counting it]) were really fun to see. The plot could definitely be better, but it was still pretty good. And, as much as I hate to admit it, the show was genuinely funny. The amount of times I’ve spit out my water while watching this show is surprising.
Was Lab Rats: Elite Force as great a show as the source material? No. Was it all we thought it would be at the time? That depends on how old you were when it came out. It was, and still is, a fun show to watch, though. Yes, it would have been better if it never happened and the shows continued separately, but I’m glad that we at least have an answer to what Mighty Med and Lab Rats alluded to in their finales. Am I upset about Elite Force’s finale? Yes, and I will probably die mad about it, but we didn’t have as much time to get to know the characters and connect to them, so is it really that much of a loss? That’s up to you. Is it a fun show to watch? Absolutely.
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crayonverse · 2 years ago
Riker: i dont. understand. what is this.
Reese: this is a hug, im hugging you.
Riker: what the fuck does that mean
Roman: it means shes suffocating you, quick punch her in the face! (<-- Completely serious)
Reese: no thats not what it -- *gets punched*
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crayonverse · 2 years ago
Roman: who ate my mnms . i swear To God.
Reese: i did, fucker. what’re going to do about it? huh?
Roman: what if i stole your kidneys. what would you do then
Reese: id eat them straight out of your hands, now you have no leverage. loser.
Riker: for the love of god can you two have a normal conversation PLEASE
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crayonverse · 2 years ago
roman feels like the type of man to wear jewelry with his name on it. reese is the type of gal to melt it down and turn it into bullets. rikers the type to. cry
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crayonverse · 2 years ago
rewriting roman, riker & reese; :D
rewriting rodissius; D:
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tabl3 · 2 years ago
A guide to the villains:
to make it a bit easier to understand the dynamics in my writings, both in power and personal
Lab Rats Villains: Giselle and Krane might be the most officially allied, but neither trusts the other in the slightest. Both have contingency plans for the other and are plotting downfalls, should the slightest sign of betrayal come about. Their partnership is of convenience, not trust. Also, Sebastian and Marcus hate each other lmao. They only put up w the other because of their fierce loyalty to their proverbial creators. Giselle eventually discovered Bridget Hunslet's identity. Mr. Terror was both amused and impressed by their little group, and extended her invitation
Rodissius: He rules his home with an iron fist. Mr. Terror saw the rage within him at the loss of his powers and hatred of both supers and normos, and invited him and his children to join her cause
Mr. Terror: Every last one of the above mentioned are completely terrified of her (pun intended) She has both Experion and Scarlet's loyalty (will be elaborated on in the future) which definitely adds to the fear factor. Except she's totally in Mighty Max. Yup.
Least to Most Powerful:
Rodissius: He's got a physically strong stature in my design and is definitely skilled from his hero days. The chokehold he has on his veritable army is formidable. But at the end of the day, he's a regular normo now (and weakening with each passing day (will be elaborated on later #2))
Giselle: She's a super genius, manipulative, calculating, and highly skilled in combat, given she held her own against Bree. That and she has a torrent of androids at her disposal and Marcus's unflinching loyalty. However, she is simply a normo as well, and despite her brain being dangerous as it is, when it comes to most of the others, she wouldn't be able to dent much.
Sebastian: Giselle granted him new bionics. He has his soldier training and is obviously very skilled, but he wouldn't hold a candle to the next listed.
Shapeshifters: Wide range of powers, incredible skill because of training since birth for one purpose, and there are thirteen of them. The black swarm ability is also pretty op, on top of all the other assets. The main thing to hold them back more than anything is their loyalty to Rodissius and fear of his retribution toward them.
Marcus: He has all of ABC's bionics and then some. Not to mention as an android, he tires far slower and is largely unaffected by any injury. The problem with him mirrors the shifters'. He's blindly loyal to a woman who doesn't genuinely care for him (my Giselle is a sociopath with a sprinkle of psychosis). He definitely couldn't take all thirteen shifters, not when a five-person team, two bionic, two heroes powered by the arcturion, and a Calderan couldn't. But he would probably manage to defeat one or two at a time. Same with Sebastian, depending on which shifter. A lot of the younger ones they could take down. Roman, Riker, and the Spider-Legs girl (2nd oldest) they couldn't beat, most likely. Reese and another yet to be revealed are the only exception to younger shifters that could take them.
Krane: He's hard to place. I could easily switch him with the next listed. Powerhouse is the only descriptor. He's probably the most formidable in the Lab Rats show. I think he could take half the shifters at a time with relative ease, despite the setbacks from his injuries. He stands way above Marcus and Sebastian as well.
Scarlet and Experion: Calderans are op. That's it lol. I can't decide which among them is more powerful. Scarlet stayed on her warrior-gladiator world and gained experience that way (she has a much different backstory bc the EF one sucks. Also I wanted to give Sky a personal rival bc Experion is shared between her and Kaz) but Experion has hero experience. Both are master manipulators, and fully powered, unlike Skylar. I don't know if Krane could take two Calderan soldiers.
Mr. Terror: Girlboss Extrodinare. She's rich, has an empire, and hundreds of lackeys beneath her. Not to mention full loyalty of two Calderans. Even without all of that, she could most definitely defeat any before. And they know it. She has a quiet power over the rest in their partnership, and all of them fear her greatly. She's highly intelligent and motivated, a scary combination. The unspoken leader: whatever she orders goes. The only one ballsy enough to make a contingency plan for her is Giselle, and she hasn't found anything to be of possible use. Bridget has her own plans for each of them, and every move she makes has extreme intention (peep the chessboard. Not just symbolic)
anywhoozle, there ya go :)
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