#lr daniel
crayonverse · 2 years
Chase: the only things i got from my father was a horrific taste in men and crippling self-image issues.
Bree: damn, all i got was a longing for freedom and independence.
Adam: I got a overwhelming need to protect you all or ill die
Daniel: you guys got something from our dad?
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lref-incorrect-quotes · 2 months
Leo: Kill Trent!
Marcus: I can't kill Trent.
Daniel, who only heard Marcus say 'kill Trent': NO! WE'VE BEEN OVER THIS! New Marcus doesn't kill, I threw lazer spheres at you last time to get you to stop. You did this for me, I'm doing this for you! Back away from the man and-
Leo: ???
Marcus: It's not for lack of trying.
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So a while ago I posted my vigilante Marcus+Dani designs, today I drew a little more for them:
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So basically in this au (called "a house built of living light", or AHBOLL), Marcus survives Bionic Showdown & goes to Megahertz for help w repairs. Long story short, Marcus gets attached and becomes a villain/anti-villain. But they realize they can't stay bc Douglas is still out there & Marcus wants revenge.
But Marcus also realizes they can't go against the Davenports alone, & so hatches up a scheme to hit Douglas where it hurts: turn his youngest child--who doesn't yet know he exists--against him. And you can probably guess how it goes from there...
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tabl3 · 4 months
answering some asks in one post for the sake of laziness
Q: If there was a 6th EF member to your rewrite who would it be
A: dooley! I love his relationships with bree and chase, as well as him and kaz being besties. i think he would add enough sunshine to the team too, because the more sunshine-y characters already on the team are somewhat edgy. he absolutely would be traumatized by sharing a home with people who kiss his big siblings on the mouth though lol
Q: AO3 tag?
A: tabs_alt
Q: If the team was in college like Adam, what would their majors be?
A: chase: buisness, bree: art/design, kaz/oliver: some major for pre-med (kaz would make oliver do his homework lmao), skylar: i don't see her as a college type, but probably criminal justice
Q: Logan would like to bake
A: absolutely. that's something that could bond him and adam so he isn't afraid of being nuked by him. also,,, he just gives malewife vibes
Q: when was techertz a thing?
A: so i hinted to it in an earlier book. they were off and on for a few months before ef began and a few months into the team. long story for them lol
Q: are Tasha and Douglas a thing
A: nope. just disaster co-parents trying their best
Q: What do you think of Douglas x Horace and do you think we're gonna get some in the tabl3-verse?
A: i love the ship outside of my universe and totally get the appeal :D however brylar is more important to my rewrite and it's too weird because horace adopted skylar and douglas is bree's biological dad
Q: what are the cats names
A: Posh Spice & Georgiano
Q: So how does the family see each other in your rwite? Is Daniel their brother?
A: yes and no. it's complicated lol. daniel is biologically their brother, but they view him as a cousin and he does the same. it's like that with marcus too (if marcus wasn't evil) daniel calls tasha aunt and douglas dad, while the rats call tasha mom and douglas douglas lmao
essentially when building their family tree they go less by genetics and more by emotional connection, which is why leo is referred to as their brother and daniel isn't (which he's fine with) they used to view donald as their dad and douglas as their uncle, but the line blurred after aijaf so douglas has a weird mix of the roles now (he felt more paternal than uncle affection for them, naomi and leo included, way before but didn't want to step on the kids' toes)
Q: were Kaz nd Skylar pranking Logan
A: oh yes. they embellished adam's overprotectiveness very intentionally for their entertainment (I assume you're asking about the scene where they talk about adam threatening them)
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Sunday Screenshot:
15:19 of 5x22 "And Then There Were Four"
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connievalentine · 1 year
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lab rats text posts but they’re all marcus because he won’t leave my brain no matter how hard i try. (it’s been months)
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thedragonemperess · 1 year
i think we as a society don’t talk enough about leo’s trauma because my man gets his arm and his leg crushed trying to save his family and then proceeds to get teased by his family for not being bionic enough when the whole reason he’s bionic is because he was trying to save them and he got hurt and especially his leg is treated like a joke the whole time, and then he finally finds a new way to combine his and his friends powers and it blinds his friend which hurt him so much that he quit?? he spends all four seasons begging to be bionic but this affected him so much he quits, only coming back because his family is in danger (again)
anyways i love him
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toastybugguy · 2 years
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are we still doing these part two: electric boogaloo
Bionic Showdown Pt. 2 // The Vanishing Pt. 2 // What Could Have Been - Sting // Snow - Ricky Montgomery // Rot - Pup
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x-fizzyp0p-x · 2 years
i love getting absolutely random, niche ideas for fics that no one would probably read.
i was thinking about how different everything would be if douglas just raised adam, bree, chase and daniel as, well, just... kids. and i happen to also watch a lot of Shameless (US) and i started thinking...
chase and lip kinda have the same energy. just a little bit. but just enough.
so now i have yet another idea that i feel the need to write out. :)
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icbmil · 1 year
Sincerity is Scary (split audio)
*Headphones Recommended* Live version plays in your left ear while the studio version plays in your right.
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littleguycollector · 11 months
I've been watching supermega since 2016 and I think you're fucking stupid
cool, literally no one fucking asked..
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crayonverse · 2 years
some rando at Daniel’s school: you look stupid
Daniel; take it back. take it back now
Rando: why? upset?? lol
Daniel, extremely panicked: this is for your safety takeitbacktakeitback
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Gotta admit. Didn't think I'd like Daniel. Now they're one of my favorite characters.
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tabl3 · 5 months
ranking characters by their mainness (it's a word bc I say so and am sick as hell so can't form logical thought)
ef team. they're all fairly equal, but spitballing I'd say their order is chase, oliver, kaz, skylar, and bree (largely bc we get more skylar and bree lore later)
roman (riker by extension)
leo (I want to include more of him but he's not as accessible as adam bc he's still on the island :(. remains my favorite Disney protag just ever)
tecton and megahertz
solar flare and gamma girl
blue tornado and snowstorm
giselle and the lr villains (also play a much bigger role out of the shadows later)
mr. terror (she's planning shit don't be fooled)
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hearteyesmcgarrett · 1 year
is it weird to just answer the ask meme questions without actual asks? probably, but i want to yell about fandom shit rn so you can't stop me
A - Ships that you currently like a lot. its obvious that im in a grimm fixation rn, so i have to say nick/monroe as a romantic ship (or nick/monroe/rosalee), and the whole gang as a platonic relationship. For SGA, i'm always a mcshep fan but i honestly enjoy any pairing of AR1. Anyone that has followed me for an extended period of time knows that im a mcdanno (H50) and leverage ot3 truther as well.
B - A pairing–platonic, romantic or sexual–that you initially didn’t consider, but someone changed your mind. hmm, not sure? OH some folks doing the sga kinkmeme have mentioned john/cam and im very intrigued
C - A ship you have never liked and probably never will. Rodney/Jennifer :( I love Jennifer, but the writers consistently changed her characterization and that relationship felt forced and weird (SGA)
D - A pairing you wish you liked but just can’t. John/Elizabeth. I'm sorry! maybe its just because im gay af but to me their relationship felt like bffs, not romantic (SGA)
E - Have you added anything cracky/hilarious to your fandom? If so, what? I made that stargate cinnamon roll meme, if that counts
F - What’s the longest you’ve ever been in a fandom? ~10 years
G - Have you ever had an OTP? If so, do you remember your first one? Who was in it? i'm a multishipper for sure, but one of the first ships i remember really clearly was eric/ryan from csi miami (circa age like 12)
H - What is your favorite source text for fandom stuff (e.g., TV shows, movies, books, anime, Western animation, etc.)? TV!
I - Has Tumblr caused you to stop liking any fandoms, if so, which and why? I dont know that it was entirely tumblr, but yeah, Voltron. The fandom was truly fucking awful
J - Name a fandom you didn’t think about until you saw it all over Tumblr. (You don’t have to care about it or follow it; it just has to be something that Tumblr made you aware of.) uhhhh, like every show tbh. 99% of the shows i watch came from tumblr or online friends
K - What character has your favorite development arc/the best development arc? Eliot Spencer (Leverage)
L - Say something genuinely nice about a character who isn’t one of your faves. hmm, I guess Adalind counts as a character who isnt one of my faves. She's a complex and interesting character, and its clear that a lot of her decisions come from a place of trauma. After having Diana it really shows that she does want to protect her and keep her safe (grimm)
M - Name a character that you’d like to have for a friend. Ronon (SGA), Hardison (Leverage), Teal'c (SG1), etc
N - Name three things you wish you saw more or in your main fandom 1. men showing emotions!!! (grimm does this well, thankfully) 2. on a similar note: depicting how the shit these characters get up to is traumatizing and how that impacts them long term 3. literally any canon queer rep. can we PLEASE have a show like stargate or grimm where one of the characters (especially a man) is canonically queer? is that so hard???
O - Choose a song at random. Which ship or character does it remind you of? Forfeit by Rise Against always makes me think of ascended Daniel/Jack (SG1). Oh and ever since i saw a gifset with lyrics from it, Timberwolves at New Jersey by Taking Back Sunday makes me think of John (SGA)
P - Invent a random AU for any fandom (we always need more ideas). one of these fuckin days i am going to write a baseball SGA AU
Q - A fandom you’ve abandoned and why. As previously mentioned: Voltron because the fan base was toxic and awful
R - Which friendship/platonic relationship is your favorite in fandom? all my favorite fandoms are themed around found family so this is so hard lmao. Nick & Hank (Grimm), Eliot & Harry (Leverage Redemption), Harry & Breanna (LR), Don & Charlie if brothers count (Numb3rs), etc
S - Show us an example of your personal headcanon anyone who reads my H50 fics knows that i will fuckin die on the hill that Danny has an anxiety disorder
T - Do you have any hard and fast headcanons that you will die defending?  besides anxious danny, I'd say John having ADHD (SGA), and Monroe being bi (Grimm) are two right off the top of my head
U - Three favorite characters from three different fandoms, and why they’re your favorites 1. Steve McGarrett (H50) - he's been through so much shit, but he's still so damn loyal and protective and kind. He's such a good dude who is just traumatized beyond belief. 2. Charlie Eppes (Numb3rs) - besides the fact that i am CONVINCED he has ADHD, he's just so fucking loving and passionate about his work and the people he loves. he balances out the hardness of Don and the gang with the sheer size of his heart 3. Eliot Spencer (Leverage) - basically the same reason as steve. I have a type.
V - Which character do you relate to most? this is tough. probably Daniel (SG1) - esp early seasons - because of similar worldviews and interests and personalities, and Danny (H50) because of similar personalities
W - A trope which you are virtually certain to hate in any fandom. MISCOMMUNICATION!! its so frustrating.
X - A trope which you are almost certain to love in any fandom. im a big ol softie so i love stuff like mutual pining, hurt/comfort, etc.
Y - What are your secondhand fandoms Good Omens is a big one rn lmao. I've read the book but haven't watched the show. Also, Daredevil probably. I watched at least the first season years ago, but haven't seen anything beyond that. I still enjoy seeing people's posts about it and i read fic sometimes
Z - Just ramble about something fan-related, go go go! im so cranky rn about the lack of depiction of trauma/mental illness/neurodivergence/etc in fandoms where its to be expected. like with Grimm rn, you give Nick PTSD and sensory enhancements but then suddenly forget about them?? that's not how that works! Or why is it always just hinted at that characters are ND? why is it so hard to just be like 'yeah no x has ADHD (or whatever)'? i want to be able to actually have complex/tough/interesting/etc protags that are ALSO neurodiverse. if we're all reading John as having ADHD (SGA) or Parker being autistic (leverage) anyways, why can't these things just be intentionally part of the character
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davenweenie · 1 year
Lab Rats Pet Headcanons
What pets the LR characters would have and what dynamics they would have
We’ve already established that Chase would have cats, I derived my cat headcanon (Tesla the calico cat) from Aster’s cat hc (Einstein)
Chase would absolutely crochet the cats cute little hats and sweaters, especially for Einstein because she’s a Sphynx cat and gets cold easily.
Bree is a weird reptile girl (this is meant in a loving way, I think weird reptile girls are so cool) she has a whole reptile room with a few snakes and a lizard
She has the most unheard of Ball Python morphs and they all look so cool. She names them all after iconic movie characters (two of them are named after Mean Girls characters, Regina and Gretchen) and they all love it.
Oliver is terrified of the snakes when Bree moves them all into the EF penthouse.
Adam would 100% have dogs. He ends up adopting Otis when Chase moves away.
Adam does trick training with Otis and teaches him loads of tricks that he doesn’t already know.
He enters him into competitions and he starts doing Heelwork to Music (proud to say I’m friends with the person who invented this, look up Mary Ray heelwork to music if you don’t know what it is) and wins almost every single time.
When Otis retires when he’s 10, Adam gets an Australian Shepherd puppy and trains her up from scratch. He gets a bit of help from Douglas but he does to mostly himself and competes with her in the future too.
I can’t decide if Leo is a dog or cat person, I also think he would hate animals with fur and would end up getting reptiles like Bree.
Leo would have a sphynx cat after meeting Einstein and realising they feel like peaches and not like human skin. He names him Sid after Sid Viscous because his favourite band is the Sex Pistols (give me more punk!Leo)
On the other hand if Leo were to get reptiles, he would get a snow/albino corn snake for his first snake but then would later get an Urban Camo Ball Python.
It freaks the hell out of Tasha when Leo comes downstairs with one of his snakes wrapped around his shoulders.
His snakes match his style really well
Daniel would have a dog, for sure. He’d have either a Golden Retriever or a yellow Labrador. He’d get a show line Golden and a working line lab if he were to get those breeds.
He would definitely do some form of joring, he would definitely skate down the corridors of the Academy with his dog pulling him (all on proper gear ofc)
that’s it from me. let me know if you want anymore of these. I actually really enjoyed it lol
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