#loyal pets
evilminji · 1 year
Was Krypto Jor-El's dog? Or did their family have another pet?
Because think about it. Thanks to Cujo, we KNOW animals with unfinished business or strong attachments stay behind. We ALSO know from nigh COUNTLESS videos on the internet that pets get REALLY attached to pregnant moms and by extention, the new pack members.
Krpton was an Alien planet. Just because SOME of the animals there looked similar to earth animals, doesn't mean ALL of them do. Nor does it mean they ONLY domesticated dog like creatures or cat like creatures. They could have anything from vaguely bear-like to fox-ish to small moose but with more teeth.
It was a completely different ecology.
And Jor-El? Him and his wife had a CHOICE to make. They had A pod. Singular. Tiny. Not a ship, not an escape pod, not even a refurbished shipping container. Just a pod with life support and all the information about Krypton they could fit. A guidance system that, gods willing, would see their son to a safe and sympathetic planet to be raised by kind people.
THEY couldn't even fit.
How in the gods name would a large pet? Even a mid sized pet. Let us assume, for this prompt, that being scientists of high position? Pays or allocates pretty well. They have the room. The resources. When they got married, Jor-El's wife REALLY wanted a cub or pup or what have you, of some large-ish animal breed.
The equivalent of an earth mastiff dog. Just an Absolute UNIT. Used to be gaurds and working beasts, now more athletic pets then anything. Known to be great protecters of Their People.
And well... Jor-El WAS already starting to notice some things that were making him Less Than Popular... probably nothing (he had naively hoped, at the time.) But better to have a Just In Case. Sure, honey. Let's get one!
And they LOVED Snookums.
Snookums ADORED them AND the baby! Kal-El basically NEVER left Snookums sight. He slept beneath Kal's crib. Followed them everywhere they went, when they were holding Kal. Planted himself like Kal's Sworn Protector as the baby drooled all over his fur. It was the cutest thing EVER.
But then?
No. Dear Gods No. Please... Please let him be wrong!
He's not. He never is. He is too careful with his calculations. To the point of near paranoia. Maybe they can stop it. If they DO something. Act IMMEDIATELY...
Well, we all now how that story ends. Two people, standing on a launch pad, tears streaming down their smiling faces, trying to memorize the last moment they'll ever see their son. Praying this will be ENOUGH.
That they aren't trading one terrible death for another.
Watching their son disappear into the sky. Flying home as the ground groan as shakes, trees toppling and people screaming. Panicking. Dying pointless deaths that could have been stopped.
Walking into the home that should have been where they spent their whole live. Where, in a way, they WILL.
Knowing they won't grow old.
Sitting on the floor with their confused, frantic, pet as fire starts to light up the horizon. As the ground shakes violently on last, terrible time. Knowing the lethal heat will hit them before their ears ever register the sound.
It's Over.
But! Where is Snookum's Baby Kal!?
They are scared, confused, and everything is LOUD AND RUMBLY. Very Bad. Don't like that. Their ADULTS come back home. BUT NOT THEIR BABY. Where is Baby Kal?! Snookums is a GOOD Boy and a GREAT Protector. It is in his blood.
Something BAD is happening.
Has? Happened?
Everything is GREEN.
But that does not MATTER. Snookums can not REST. Can not stay here! They must Sniff and search and hunt! Look for Kal! Who is SMALL and needs to be protected! What if he is HURT? How will he SLEEP!? With no Snookums to cuddle for nap time!?
But the universe is large. And there is no smell in space. (Well, there ARE. But they are Stinky Gasses and those do not help Snookums.) So it takes lots and lots of time. Until! He meets a glowing blue dog!
A hopeful corgi? What is a corgi? Irrelevant! The hopeful one knows of Snookums' Kal! Oh, thank you small friend! You indeed DO give hope! We shall go at once and Kal shall be safe and with family once more!
Meanwhile? Danny? Wakes up to a sticky note on his forehead from Clockwork. "Bring Cujo with you to meet the Justic League"? What? WHY? He loves the pup, but Cujo has never behaved himself in a formal setting ONCE in his doggy LIFE. Danny is trying to make a good first impression!
But... Clockwork doesn't Post-It lightly...
Guess he's breaking out the doggy bow ties. Great. Wonder what THIS is about...
Four and a half hours later? Watching Cujo playfully wrestle with the ghost of what HAS to be a Kryptonian... gonna saaaaay.... Bear-fox? Which nearly TACKLED Superman, freaked the ENTIRE Justice League out, and nearly got him STABBED by Etrigon. Yeah. That was a good call.
Congratulations on your new ghost pet, Superman. No, he's not leaving. It just kinda happens sometimes. It's how Danny got Cujo. Wanna do pet playdates?
@hdgnj @ailithnight @mutable-manifestation @dcxdpdabbles @nerdpoe
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bugboybuck · 1 month
hear me out: bucktommy move in together. tommy says he really wants to get a dog. he's always wanted a dog and he thinks it's a perfect pet bc it will be adorable and friendly and loving and loyal and energetic, and it can go hiking with them and join in all their active hobbies, so it'll fit well into their lives while also being an excitable ball of cuteness. but buck thinks they should get a cat! because he loves that they're kind of bitchy animals while also being very loving when they care about you, that they're still cute but more low-maintenance and also great long-term companions, and their balance of calmer more relaxed energy (interspersed with weird high-energy moments of entertainment) is soothing to him. neither of them see the irony in their arguments.
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elizakai · 1 year
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An old drawing of them…
I love the amount of stories this dynamic can lead to.
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almostaknight · 2 months
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top 3 moment this episode was this guy seeing jason lannister pull up with impractical, purely decorative lions and then look straight into the camera like he’s on the office
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sleepystarb0y · 3 months
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30 day agere moodboards :: 29) your favourite weather - RAIN! but not storm
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scrawnytreedemon · 1 year
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Just a girl and her hog, trying to save their dying world.
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simplepotatofarmer · 5 months
i'm home! i missed being able to talk to people and reblog y'all's posts, i won't lie! but i feel a lot better.
and now i can say 'the mcyt fandom traumatized me so badly that they put me on valium!'
anyway, i'm just glad to be home <3 <3 <3
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amandacross304 · 1 year
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Yes or you want me rose mistress to force you to eat your cum
Are you a qualified sissy slave!?...I will like to talk to some slave here
Text me on my Google [email protected]
Maybe we can talk ok
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touch-starved-lurker · 3 months
got my hair ruffled today and now i need to be someone's dog
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tojisun · 4 months
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electoons · 6 months
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she was the silliest billy 🥹
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letoscrawls · 6 months
Every episode featuring rogue and gambit has gambit somehow ending up in a situation where his loyalty to the team is questioned and everyone is so quick to jump him ESPECIALLY rogue and then the second he proves he's actually innocent she's like of course!!!! A knew it!!! My gambit would never do that!!!!! GIRL PLEASE HFJSJDJSJ they are so unserious
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askriopuppy · 2 months
Pets for the good boi!!!!
Morning Rio 🧡
*pets ruffles pets ruffles*
hehhehehehehehehhehehe thaaaank you, I'll be a very good boy for you if it gets me more pets
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xinambercladx · 1 year
Todo did an oopsie. The droid equivalent of being a bad dog.
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An illustration for my next chapter of Figment, <- my fanfic on AO3. It will release soon. There are 10 chapters up now, so enjoy! ** Read Ch10: Reclamation **
Below is the WIP version where I did only the flats. I try to add color splotches and texture like the Clone Wars always had. It makes it feel a bit more like that good ol' cartoon.
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xInAmberCladx's Fanart Archive <- click
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clairedaring · 2 months
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yardsards · 8 months
the carmilla webseries (particularly s3) makes some really interesting points about amatonormativity that i think are probably accidental but still fascinate me.
like there's this intended theme of like, being so devoted to one person that you put them above everyone else, and the harms that can cause. and that theme is primarily explored through laura and carmilla's relationship, especially as a foil to the dean and her beloved. but also with lafontaine and how they kinda subvert that.
(i could write essays analyzing this, tbh)
anyway. the show primarily explores the themes of putting one person above everyone else through the lens of romantic relationships, because that's just kind of the genre they're operating under. but that (again, probably unintentionally) brings up a theme of amatonormativity. because amatonormativity expects you to have one romantic partner and to put them above everyone else, to unquestionably value them more than any of your friends.
anyway, with that background out of the way, what i'm really thinking about currently is danny in s3
there's that scene early on in the season, when danny's all evil vampire mode. and laura says that her and carmilla are "just friends". and danny threatens laura in front of carmilla and is like "surely you wouldn't mind me hurting her/would be willing to let her die to keep the talisman, if you two really are just friends"
and like, while danny is correct in her observation that laura and carmilla's feelings about each kther are clearly not platonic, her logic is absolute garbage. me and the friend i was rewatching it with were both like "??? no i absolutely WOULD still mind if someone threatened my purely platonic friend like that, you'd be a pretty garbage friend to not care". like, danny's logic in that scene is peak amatonormative nonsense.
but then. at the end of the season. it's danny's *platonic* love for kirsch that ends up connecting her back to her humanity. it's kirsch that she finally breaks free of the dean's influence to protect. kirsch that she's willing to risk it all for.
it wasn't laura, the girl she had a crush on. it was kirsch, who she had a whole thing about in the previous season about how she explicitly did NOT have any romantic towards him and 100% solely saw him as a platonic friend. it was her "just a friend" who ultimately ended up meaning everything for her.
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