#low energy productivity
shann-on · 2 years
Time Management Tip - Use The Time That You Have, Not The Time That You Think You Have
Photo by Aljona Ovtšinnikova Today, I’m using my brain dump page in my bullet journal for the first time this year. So, I have just under a week (from the 27th of January to the 2nd of February) to try and tick off a few things off my to-do list before a family commitment will be taking up my time again. Thankfully, it will only be for the weekend, this time. So, I’ll be able to bounce right…
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vodid · 2 months
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zero's pressure
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skunkes · 17 days
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m1d-45 · 1 year
i’ve been thinking abt miss nikki of shining nikki fame and i think it’s a damn CRIME that i’ve never thought to mention how canonically strong she is. like if we go by the event duration of dawn duel, nikki fought a literal actual god for two weeks straight. SHE!!! FOR TWO WEEKS!!! not to mention the times she: was able to break several people out of brainwashing, started a time loop in order to prevent the destruction of the world and ran through it several times, Gun, has stood her own among mercenaries and literal terrorists, and more shit that i’m probably forgetting like my girl might not have a physical combat build but she is not to be fucked with!!!! - teddy anon
shining nikki!
first off i love that one of the points is just gun. absolutely based.
second, nikki! i don’t know her canon very well but based solely off the second hand knowledge i’ve gotten, i’m 100% certain she is not to be fucked with in the double isekai au (which to clarify is when reader is first in miraland and then in teyvat)
she’s seen this all before! she puts up with cultists like eight times a week!! red is less than sane? she can handle it! honestly, if she knew half of much about genshin as the average player, she’d probably be able to end the hunt in roughly 3-5 business days. she probably only told you about reflections to keep you company while she’s planning out things—not that it’s something you couldn’t help with, but because you’re still her creator as well.
forgive me for derailing this into sagau if that wasn’t your intention but in my defense i have like three hobbies!
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nyoomerr · 6 months
uh oh the restless energy has taken hold of me while my wallet is nearby
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drumlincountry · 6 months
Do you have any idea what its like to be a sustainable agriculture girlie with a hatred of permaculture. Do you have any idea how much I suffer every day.
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pocima · 7 months
I’ve decided that if AE1 is anything less than excellent, I’m calling it quits with being an active K-pop consumer once and for all. Not bc I’m an annoying akgae that hates everyone else in the industry or whatnot, I’m just done with the constant disappointments and bad news and mismanagement that happens to pretty much every group, and extremely frequently to the three of my faves. I’ve tried getting into other groups but I haven’t found any that appealed to my specific tastes and standards AND have non-frustrating management. I’ve constantly make posts such as “[K-pop group with immense but unexplored potential] x [extremely talented non K-pop musician who takes the risks K-pop companies should] collab when?” for a good while. If all these artists outside of K-pop are giving me what I truly need and if I know my fave groups’ companies are gonna let me down pretty much every single time, what’s the point?
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loafbud · 1 year
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fun in the sun? 🤨
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opens-up-4-nobody · 9 months
#hello darkness my old friend. I have insomnia again#it seems i wont get back to sleep. making this the 4th night in a row of 4 to 5hrs sleep. woof#is it insomnia or am i on the bleeding edge of hyp0mania? idk its weird. i can feel the strain in my head#my thoughts dont connect as well. its like im being pulled in two directions. my brain becoming spaghettified. growing thin around the#middle. but im not as tired as one might expect. ive been pretty productive and optimistic but anxiety and internal restlessness are up#like im tired but also i need to get up and pace around. maybe jump up and down. maybe run in circles.#the energy comes in waves. sitting in lectures or sitting for the extended addition of l0tr has been somewhat unbearable#bc im so contained. i would not ever get up and walk around while those things were happening but i desperately wanted to#ugh. whats my problem? who's to say. could also b the medication. i see the psychiatrist next week and i think ill beg to b put back on#lam1ctal. just bc when i was taking it on a super low does i had a week or feeling the most normal i think i ever have in my life#anxiety and evil thoughts were so small and i felt happy in a way im not sure i ever have been#like i think under normal circumstances i just have a low capacity for joy. at most i feel neutral. like i was telling my friends how i#might do some field work in winter and they were enthusiastic abt it and i kno y bc it sounds cool but idk i just dont feel anything abt it#i cant see past the pain it will take to get there. and i mean mood wise i feel alright on 4bilify like in a nutral way but stable isnt#the same as feeling happy. but maybe its all just in my head. 25mg lam1ctal shouldnt b enough to b effective#but idk i think im just sensitive to the chemicals in my body. including hormone fluctuations. idk. i hope she lets me switch.#itll b a pain in the ass to readjust in terms of going off what im on now and it might not work#but theres literature on retrying lamicta1 and they say to avoid inflammatory reactions in the first 2 months. which i did not do. oops#not that i was trying. i didnt think abt it until id had a million holes poked in my skin and was experiencing a mild tatt00 allergy#ugh. anyway. tbh id prefer this being hyp0mania vs insomnia bc then at least i can continue to function a bit during the day#ive never done anything that wild while hyp0manic aside from injure myself from over exercising and make bad choices in how i spend time#ie become insane abt something and not b able to think abt anything else. ugh. and i guess at this point ive tentatively accepted the idea#of being bip0lar. so i swear to christ if i was misdiagnosed ill b so mad. its just that if i fill out an 4dhd and bip0lar checklist. i#get a way heavy positive with bip0lar and the 4dhd is meh. so i think i just have overlap in symptoms due to dyslex1a and 4utism#ugh. me and my collection of diagnoses. so it goes#unrelated
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cal-is-a-cryptid · 9 months
Something that makes happy #55:
The Java Loca Moca Monster.
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ayyponine · 10 months
two months into volunteering at the museum and a guy who works there permanently goes “you know theyre looking fr people in communications right” wwyd
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jayteacups · 2 years
Don’t you just love it when you have a complete crisis over every tiny aspect of your life???
#because same#i just. I’m having one of those ‘what am i even doing here????’ moments#regarding uni#i just flip flop between feeling completely apathetic about work or straight up hating it. or feeling overwhelmed.#or feeling guilty for having these feelings at all.#because i worked hard to get into uni and it is a PRIVILEGE to be able to access higher education#and now im just tired.#im literallt the worst student i have zero time management zero motivation. zero brain power.#the amount of work i should’ve done akd should’ve handed in vs the amount i actually did is actually shocking.#everyone else can keep up with the workload and have a social life and i just don’t get it. at all.#i have so many unhealthy habits and i need to do something about it#like my unhealthy relationship with social media#addictive scrolling is obviously NOT GOOD and i keep doing it#and on Instagram just seeing other ppl i know live happy and fulfilling lives js just crushing.#everyone just seems so pit together and productive and also experiencing so many great things and im just there like 🥲#I KNOW the comparison is unhealthy and nobody’s life is THAT perfect#but yet i can’t stop feeling that way.#my sleep schedule is fucked#and my energy levels as of late have been so low. chores have been a challenge#and i have way more of a social life online ljke on this account than I do irl#and i absolutely love u guys and interacting with u guys but I would like some more balance u kno?#am i burnt out? am i depressed? am i emotional bc im running low on sleep and am ill??#it’s half 3 in the morning I should’ve been asleep ages ago but instead I’m just crying and coughing and overthinking.#i just. i am so fucking disappointed in myself.#this has been going on for quite some time now#and im realising i never really made any active effort to do anything about it.#and i should.#i just need to figure out when and where im gonna start. because im done feeling this way.#sorry im just venting in the tags. feel free to ignore.
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just-some-guy-joust · 2 years
For every new showdown you do, you should put 1 different character of yours that fits
this is really funny considering the only other showdown ive actually planned out has nothing to do with characters
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pikslasrce · 1 year
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asummersday · 1 year
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mistninja · 1 year
This week has been so unproductive for me at work due to several tech issues and i was hoping to get a lot done today to compensate but im too tired. So im just going to vibe
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