#love the omen So Dearly
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eskiinox · 11 months ago
Hi!! I saw that you're taking doodle requests and I would love to see a doodle of The Omen (from HFTH). Only if you want to, of course!! They're my favorite character and I love your art style sooo much <3
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THE OMEN I LOVE YOU THE OMEN!!!!!!!!!! scribbling silly ravens turned out to be very fun i highly recommend
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gh0stbra1nz · 2 years ago
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a comfy afternoon together
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ineffable-bullshit · 1 year ago
in all my years left on this earth, i will never ever ever ever ever ever ever get over her. she's everything.
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cemeterymidtown · 2 years ago
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Look at them….not a thought behind those eyes
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minutestildawn · 1 year ago
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I know I’ve kissed you before but I didn’t do it right- can I try again? Try again? And again?
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mothsshoes · 1 year ago
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space girl ⭐️
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artaintfartwarriors · 1 year ago
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dicaxasinus · 1 month ago
its me and my modern au trina headcanons against the world
Another sibling in Marika's disaster of a family who is super okay with the fact that Miquella gets so much more attention than her :) really it's fine :) It's great really :) she loves him too so it's all okay :)
When she was little and before things got Complicated with that side of the family, she would go play with her big brothers Morgott and Mohg because they got just as little attention as she did. They're The Same, you see. (It definitely didn't break her heart when they stopped talking to her and seemed to just up and vanish. Who said that)
She got to know all of Miquella's plans before anybody else so she also knew that whatever he was doing was going to ruin his life hardcore. So she's gotta ruin his life first so it doesn't get ruined quite as bad.
Girl who uses a wheelchair after Miquella abandons her on account of her in-game model not having legs, just a stem. She's just like Godwyn with his fish tail fr...
She met up with Godwyn in the hospital after the Abandonment Incident. He's different from how she remembers him but that's okay. She's gonna latch onto any brother she encounters bc she needs something to anchor her.
Godwyn got her a service dog. He's the biggest, wettest Irish wolfhound on the planet. She loves him dearly. His name is Putty (Sir Putty when he has Tasks). When he's off duty he likes to roll around in the mud.
Bonus Related Omen Twins Headcanons
I don't remember who posted about stealth CEO Morgott pretending to be his dad over Zoom or something, but honestly, inspired. He still dresses like a disaster though. Nobody would ever guess that he's in charge of anything. Anyway, he'd have the means to help take care of Trina after the Incident. She'd be like a sad baby seal when she sees him again. Especially if whatever Miquella's doing is affecting business or whatever. She's trying to help and also make Morgott happy bc he definitely Is Not looking like it.
Trina: We could kill him... Morgott: Trina, that's illegal. Trina: ... Putty could eat him probably... Morgott: No.
Idk what Mohg's doing exactly, but Miquella would've ruined his life in the process of ruining his own, so he's gonna have some beef with him. However, he and Trina would have a common goal of ruining Miquella's life before he can do it his own way, so they could have an alliance. Even if Trina's also like a sad baby seal seeing him again. She missed him and feels so so bad about whatever Miquella did. Especially if she kept quiet about it or had some hand in how it happened.
Morgott disapproving of Trina spending time with Mohg bc he's a bad influence but little does he know Trina already has Issues so who's the worse influence really
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sabotage-on-mercury · 11 months ago
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ineffable idiots and high quality chats with @foolishlovers 💖 (part 1)
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aduckwithears · 1 year ago
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That Mr. Brown's newspaper features the accordion playing duck mentioned in the novel.
Little things to love about Good Omens S2 (7/?) - Masterpost
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clownhonkbonk · 2 years ago
loving EVERYONE talking about good omens pride and prejudice for " the ball" episode
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werehounded · 3 months ago
Eeee this time tomorrow my train will be just leaving my local train station and I'll be on my way to London. I'm so excited, it's honestly silly. More rambling under the jump bc I didn't want people to have to scroll past this screed lmao
Something about travelling alone in my wheelchair for the first time further than birmingham makes me feel strangely emotional tbh. I can't pin what it is. Maybe that for nearly a year before my CES surgery I could barely walk and didn't have access to a wheelchair of any kind so I kind of just stagnated at home. And for two years+ before that I was suffering with such bad pain in my back that even with double crutches I could barely walk.
So now having this newfound freedom that a power wheelchair gives me? I feel on top of the fuckin world. Is it inconvenient when I can't just get an Uber or hop on the underground worry free? Yes. It's annoying as fuck. But also, there's ways around inaccessibility!
There are buses, and I'm fortunate that my chair has excellent suspension, making even bumpy pavements a breeze. Well. Except for the dreaded cobbles. Find me a wheelchair user that doesn't mind them and you'll have found a liar lmao.
I'm writing a lot of these long posts this week. Esp the past few days leading up to going to London. I think it's cause I genuinely didn't think I'd get here?? I thought I'd either be dead by now or forgotten by everyone except for my family.
I felt like I'd be house or bed bound entirely, (and probably would be were my mum not proactive in taking me to a and e and my consultant at stoke being so intent on operating kn me at like 7am the next morning,) because of my back and the pain I had back before my op.
I felt like no one would care- not friends or doctors or anyone. But I've been proven wrong by my rl and online friends and family and people like Hadley and I treasure all of them so much because they're all, in some part, key to the fact that I haven't become bedridden and more suicidal than I was at 28 29 anyway. I thought I'd be dead befoe I was 30, then I reached that milestone and kicked the can down the road saying I wouldn't live to 35.
Well now I'm very nearly 33. And I feel great tbh. I still have pain and fatigue and memory issues and diabetes and a myriad of other mh and physical issues but im HAPPY. I haven't been so happy since I was in my early 20s! I feel like my life has turned a corner and I'm over some kind of crossroads now. Things have changed wrt my health physically and mentally and being late diagnosed autistic, but it's soemthing im trying to take more in my stride now. The support of my loved ones is key to this, as is my freedom and independence.
I'm feeling mushy this morning, sorry if you read all of this.
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liliartss · 2 years ago
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Crowley’s favorite place
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sodarlo · 1 month ago
“Good gracious! Lord bless me! Only think! Dear me! Mr. Darcy!” lives in my head rent free to the voice of the woman reading it on that audible version. what is her name. Rosamund Pike. you, my fair lady, are an icon of my childhood.
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ineffably-flynn · 2 years ago
he's so special to me
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more pictures under the cut !!!
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swiss-army-fangirl-art · 2 years ago
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• and if i’m there to catch you when you fall, you’ll have a friend in hell after all •
“if i’m there” ||| ‘finding god before god finds me’ ||| bad omens
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