#louis straight up hates him by now
crazydaymycrazyway · 5 months
William: Why is Louis mad at you?
Sherlock: He said I was being 'uncultured', 'mannerless' and 'Sherlock'
Sherlock: The last one was my name, but you should've heard his voice
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golden-cherry · 1 year
deal - cl16 (9/?)
Pairing: Charles Leclerc x Reader
Series Summary: Your whole life has gone to shit. Your boyfriend broke up with you, you just lost your job and the Monegasque, who suddenly stands in your doorway, claims that it’s his apartment.
Chapter Summary: Finding an outfit is harder that it seams. Especially when your roommate can't really help you, because he's at his other apartment.
Warnings: fluff, angst (whoops), mentions of cheating (not Charles), mentions of smut (oral, fingering, p in v), angry Charles, text messages
Word Count: 3.6k
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previous part
A/N: here it is friends. did my absolute best and honestly, I'm sweating so hard. I chose the name for Charles ex bc it’s the name of the girl my best friend absolutely despises. and this is not a Charlotte hate acc. hope you like it still. feedback is appreciated!
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The weather app on your phone is of relatively little help. 
Charles had said that you were going out to dinner around eight o'clock in the evening, and according to the app, it should still be fifteen degrees then, even though it's December. While he had said that "it doesn't matter what you wear," but if you were going to be spending more time with him soon, and by extension his friends, you would want to make a good first impression. 
Not that your first impression on Charles was particularly good. 
Since you promised Charles that he could sleep in his bed tonight, you try to keep the mess of clothes to a minimum. Instead of pulling each piece of clothing out of the closet and then tossing it into the nearest corner because it doesn't match what you had in mind, you put things neatly folded back in their place. 
After your roommate left the apartment, you started cleaning up your room so it wouldn't be too embarrassing if Charles stayed there tonight. After all, he doesn't need to see your underwear or the little stuffed animal turtle that sleeps in bed with you. Generally things that maybe old friends know about you, but definitely not the roommate you've been living with for two days.
The roommate who is no help to you when it comes to choosing clothes for tonight. Since he hasn't told you which restaurant it is, you don't know exactly what the dress code looks like, which is why you're now standing in front of the closet at a loss. 
In Monaco, when it comes to restaurant choice, anything is possible. You could dine at Le Louis XV, the most expensive restaurant in Monte-Carlo, or Jack Monaco, which is significantly cheaper, but you have a direct view of the harbor with the oversized and expensive yachts.
Secretly, you hope it won't be too expensive tonight. Joris would pay you back the rent soon, but you're still unemployed and unfortunately can't live quite as carefree Charles, who apparently has enough money at his disposal to have not one, but two apartments in Monaco. 
A fact that you would never blame him for. 
When you can't find anything that would theoretically go with any restaurant visit, you drop onto the bed, annoyed. It can't be that hard to find something, right? You fish your cell phone out of the pocket of your sweater and start typing. 
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Briefly, you consider actually sending the message, but alas, you're so desperate that you feel you have no choice. You hit send and are about to throw the phone across the room as if you've just confessed to your school crush that you like him. 
But Charles isn't your school crush. He's your roommate and first and foremost your friend, which is why you just drop the phone on the bed next to you. 
You sit up and narrow your eyes as you go through the clothes in the open closet. Somewhere in there is a pair of dark gray, straight-cut jeans that match the white blouse you carefully hung back on the hanger a few minutes ago. 
And sure enough. After a few minutes of rummaging around in the clothes, you find the jeans and as you hold them up next to the blouse, you're relatively pleased with the choice. There should also be shoes floating around somewhere that should go with them. But at least this is a good start. 
Satisfied, you clean up the rest of the room. Since Charles has not invited you to dinner, but also to a club, you will certainly be home late, so you decide to make up Charles' bed. Your bedding disappears into the hall closet after you take Charles' things out. As you bring them into the bedroom and spread them out on the bed, you find yourself briefly considering pressing your face into the pillow. For sure, Charles smells attached to it. 
But before you can do that, your cell phone vibrates. It's a message from Charles. 
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Your heart skips a beat. Do friends give each other compliments like that? You glance from your phone to Charles' pillow, then to your outfit for tonight. You bite the inside of your cheek and start typing. 
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You plug your phone into the charging cord as you head toward the bathroom to shower and get ready for the evening, so you don't see the two messages Charles sends you.
The Ferrari feels different somehow. After Charles sat in your old Renault yesterday, the expensive Ferrari feels strange under him. Not wrong, but different. Like something is missing. 
He feels the stares on him as he steers the car through the streets of Monaco. The gray Ferrari attracts attention, with its red and white stripes and the number 16 on the side. But not just because the 488 Pista Spider is a beautiful car. 
But because people know who owns the car.
The fact that you don't know that Charles is the Charles Leclerc is refreshing for him, but the guilty conscience gnaws at him. He should tell you that he drives in Formula 1, because after all, you would be dragged into the limelight by him, should people find out that you are friends and, above all, that you live together. Before that happens, he should at least give you the opportunity to get out of it. 
But Charles is too selfish for that. 
Even though you've only known each other for a short time, Charles enjoys your company too much to mess it up. You're so normal, so kind, without asking for anything in return like most want him to do. You're just you. And by God, he's never felt better than in his short time with you. 
He expertly steers the Ferrari into a parking garage entrance, where he has to type a pin into the designated keypad next to him before the barrier. The barrier opens so that he can drive a few meters further, where a metal gate awaits him, where he also has to enter a pin - a different one. Only then does he reach the parking lot that rightfully belongs to him. 
It has been some time since he has been here. After driving the last race of the season in Abu Dhabi about three weeks ago and becoming vice world champion, he had stayed on site for a short time to soak up some sun and recover from the stress before flying back to Maranello with his team for a final briefing and to discuss the upcoming season. But even that only lasted a few days. He could have been back in Monaco by now. 
But he didn't want to. 
He knew exactly what was waiting for him here. A conversation he wanted to delay as long as possible. He didn't stay away from Monaco for so long for no reason, and he wondered if he hadn't returned too soon. But he can't, first, avoid this conversation, and second, stay away from his home. He loves it here too much for that. Just like other things he'd rather not think about right now. 
In the elevator, he puts his key in the designated hole and then presses the button with the number of the floor where his apartment is located. Just a few weeks ago, he thought that if he entered this building again, his heart would be beating wildly in his chest or his palms would be sweaty, but he is not even nervous. 
He knows what's waiting for him behind the elevator door. And he's ready to wrap things up.
Charles enters the apartment as he has thousands of times before. And just like hundreds of times before, he hears the sound of footsteps on the floor moving quickly in his direction. But never before has he felt this indifference to those footsteps. 
"Charles?" A woman comes out of the room where the living room is located and rushes toward him with her arms outstretched. When she reaches him, she wraps her arms around his torso to hold him close, but Charles puts his hands on her shoulders and gently but firmly pushes her away. "Charles, I'm so sorry. What I did is inexcusable and I will-"
"'You won't do anything,'" he interrupts her, wishing he could jump in the shower to wash her touch off him. "I'm just here to get some things. And to ask you to stop calling." He walks past her down the hall and into the room where his clothes are. 
"And I told you I would do everything I could to make this right between us," the woman says as she follows him. She places herself in the doorway with her arms crossed as he packs some of his clothes into a large gym bag. "I'm not ready to give up on us yet, Charles. I love you."
Charles can't stop the laughter that escapes him. After stuffing several pairs of socks into his side pocket, he turns to her and puts a hand on his hip. "You gave us up when you fucked that guy, Annika. And dare you to talk about love. You don't even know what that is."
As his phone vibrates in his pocket, he fishes it out. A message from Y/N. He doesn't even notice that a small smile creeps onto his face at that. 
But she does. "Who's that? Do you have a new one already?" 
Charles quickly types a reply and presses send before turning back to his clothes. "No," he says coldly. "And even if it were, it wouldn't be any of your business."
"Of course it's my business!" Annika almost screeches as she takes a few steps toward him. "I'm your girlfriend, after all!"
"You," Charles zips up the bag and stands in front of her, "are the absolute last person I want anything to do with." He pushes past her into the hallway, where he drops the bag on the floor to go into the bedroom, where some odds and ends are waiting for him to take as well.
Annika follows him like a dog follows its master. "And why do you let me stay here then?"
"Because I'm nice."
"You're not that nice. We both know that."
Charles looks at the picture frames sitting on the windowsill. Among them is a picture of him and his father when Charles was little and went karting. It's a fond memory that he certainly doesn't want to leave here with her. "I've changed."
In disbelief, Annika laughs. "Never. In the two years we were together, I asked you so many times for things that should have been natural for a relationship, but what came from you? Nothing." Now it's her turn to put her hands on her hips. "You're so focused on your job that you don't notice what's going on around you! If you had paid more attention to me, then-"
"Then what? Then you wouldn't have slept with that idiot? Then we would have been happy forever? Peace and happiness?" Charles takes some pictures out of the frames and carefully lays them on top of each other so they don't scratch. He would leave the frames here, after all, they were gifts from Annika. And he definitely doesn't want to keep them. "Grow up, Annika. You knew what you were getting into from the start."
"But not that I have to share you with the whole world." Slowly, she walks toward him and as she stands in front of him, she places her perfectly manicured hands against his chest. "You're all I've ever wanted, Charles. But you were never there. And even when you were there, your mind was always at work or somewhere else, but never with me."
She's not exactly wrong about that. The season had cost him quite a few nerves and he definitely hadn't been a good boyfriend, and maybe none of this would have happened if he had paid more attention to her. But that's definitely not a justification for what she did. Charles knows his worth. And that's exactly why he clasps Annika's wrists with his thumbs and forefingers to take her hands off him. 
"For not being a good boyfriend, I am truly sorry." He drops her hands. "But that's no reason to cheat. You and I are done." Charles leaves the bedroom and grabs his bag in the hallway before heading for the elevator door. 
"You're leaving? Just like that? Throwing away two years like they never happened?"
Again, his phone vibrates in his pocket. Another message from Y/N, making his heart skip a beat. He grins to himself and types a response that, under different circumstances, he might have thought twice about. But the quicker he replies, the quicker he's out of this place and back to you. 
"I'm not throwing it away, you already did." Charles puts his phone back in his pocket and presses the button to make the elevator come. "I'm letting you stay here because I know how bad I've been to you and that this year hasn't been so easy for you either. But if I need this place one day, for whatever reason, you're out of here. And I don't care where you end up. Find someplace to live. Move back in with your parents. But this," he points to the space between you, "is over. Forever."
Annika runs a hand through her hair, then crosses her arms in front of her chest. "Then I hope for your sake that you treat them better than you treat me."
The elevator door opens, but Charles doesn't move a bit. Instead, he looks at his ex-girlfriend, who stands before him with raised eyebrows. "Who do you mean?" 
"Do you think I'm that stupid? Or blind?" She points her finger at his pants pocket. "The person you just answered immediately."
"And what's so special about that?" he asks, confused. 
Annika takes a step toward him. "You always make everyone wait for you. You make your fans wait for good results, your friends wait for calls. You even make your mother wait for you, because I'm pretty sure she doesn't know you're home yet." Annika stops in front of him. "But whoever that is - that person has all your attention. She doesn't have to wait for you. Let me give you a hint along the way, Charlie."
"Don't call me that. And I don't need your help."
"And even if you did." Annika stretches her arm out, past him, so the elevator door doesn't close. "The fact that she doesn't have to wait for you is good. Don't make her wait for you, too. It's not fair to her. And not to you, either."
As he sits back in the Ferrari - the sports bag and pictures safely stowed in the trunk - he doesn't know what to do with himself. 
Charles made it clear to Annika that their relationship was over, and it had been overdue for at least a month. But what she said at the end stuck. 
He actually keeps everyone waiting, which is why he keeps blaming himself. He could have told his mother he was back in Monaco a long time ago, but somehow he didn't. He could have told you that he's not just Charles, but he didn't, and so he keeps you waiting for the truth that you know nothing about. 
Would you even want to be friends with him anymore if you knew who he was? Or would you want to be friends with him all the more? 
Never, he thinks to himself. That's not who you are. And he can say that even though you've only known each other for a short time. 
And even though you've only known each other for two days, you're all he can think about. He thinks about how you sat together on the grass and talked about his father. He thinks about how you cried at Cars. He thinks about how you flirted with him even though, in your opinion, it wasn't flirting (it was to him, of course; he wanted to know how to win you over for a reason). He thinks about how you told him about your ex-boyfriend and how he would love to beat him up. He thinks of you standing next to each other in the kitchen washing the dishes. 
He thinks of you standing in front of him dressed only in a towel. With bare shoulders and bare legs and that - if he would get the opportunity again - he would not hesitate to pull you into the bedroom and fuck you with his tongue, his fingers or his cock in such a way that he would ruin all other men for you.
Charles closes his eyes briefly to get the image of you on his mind, and then drives off. He would love to drive to the lookout and talk to his father about the situation, but somehow it doesn't feel right without you there. 
But he can't talk to you about it either, because it involves you, and although it would certainly be best, he doesn't have the heart to tell you the truth. Not because he doesn't trust you, but because he's afraid of losing you. 
He slaps his hand against his forehead. "Get a grip, damn it," he says to himself. The two of you haven't even touched, and he's thinking about how he'd take you on every surface in the small apartment. That's just not normal. 
And most of all, it's not fair. You confided in him about your ex-boyfriend because Charles is your friend. And your roommate. And that's what he needs to be to you. 
It wouldn't be fair for him to get into a relationship with you because one, you don't know who exactly he is, and two, he can never be what you need him to be. You need someone who is there for you, who takes time for you. Someone you can laugh and cry with. Not someone who is away most weeks of the year and can't even manage to call his own mother. 
You would always be waiting for him. And even though he doesn't want to agree with Annika, he has to. The whole thing is not fair to you. 
And so he deletes the last two messages he sent you, which you apparently haven't read yet, as he parks his Ferrari in an underground garage and walks the last few meters to your apartment. 
He decides that he is your friend. Only your friend. Because he has to be, and because he can't be anything else. Because you need a real friend, and not a relationship. 
Charles unlocks the apartment door and drops the gym bag to the floor beside him. 
"Charles?" Unlike Annika's voice, his heart starts to beat faster at yours and his palms start to sweat, so he quickly wipes them on his jeans. You come out of the bathroom dressed in dark gray jeans and a white blouse that accentuates your curves. As you stand in front of him, you turn once so he can check you out from all sides. In all his life, he's never seen anyone look so divine. "I'm sorry, I wasn't sure what to wear. I hope that's all right."
His smile is gentle and he hopes you don't notice how hard he has to swallow, and he would have loved to wrap you in his arms and never let you go. But his ex-girlfriend is still clinging to him, and before you touch each other properly for the first time, he wants her washed off.
It's not fair.
"It's okay," he says with a smile and goes to the fridge for a glass of orange juice. You stop by the apartment door next to the gym bag, but don't ask where the stuff is from. And for that, he's very grateful. "I'm just going to jump in the shower and then we can go, okay?"
He doesn't wait for your answer as he pulls new clothes out of his suitcase, walks into the bathroom, undresses, and stands under the hot stream of water. Even now, he keeps you waiting, which further solidifies his decision to keep your relationship purely platonic. While he's shampooing his hair, he makes a deal with himself that he'll do whatever it takes to make this friendship work. Even if that means suppressing his feelings. 
As he leaves the bathroom freshly showered and ready to go, you sit on the couch. He's looking at you, thinking about what Annika said, what he'd like to do with you, and all the things he could lose. And all of that just isn't fair. 
"I'm sorry you had to wait for me," he says softly, reaching for your car key that's on the dining room table. It feels better in his hand than the one from the Ferrari. So familiar. Like the key will fulfill everything he's ever wanted. 
"It's okay," you reply, getting up from the couch. You take a few steps toward him and smile at him, and his heart melts. "I'm fine with waiting."
the messages Charles deleted -
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next part
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gildatheplant · 3 months
Santiago and his relationship with Armand
OK so I actually wrote most of this as tags to a post that compared Santiago mocking Louis in the restaurant with Louis mocking Santiago after he set the theatre on fire, but I realized I wanted to expand on the idea.
Basically, I had always interpreted Santiago's hatred of Louis as jealousy over him 'stealing' Armand (both in the book and in the show). An interview with Ben Daniels confirmed that while Santiago was initially written as straight, Ben felt the only way Santiago would so viciously hate Louis was if he was in love with Armand. However, in the same interview he also said that Santiago had been in love with his maker, and his jealousy of Louis and conflict over Armand killing his maker made him want to destroy Louis.
After reading this, I was more than a little confused: if Santiago loved his maker, how could he fall in love with Armand?
Then I saw the gifset and was reminded of this moment-
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Louis mocks Santiago about his maker's disdain for him, and how his maker abandoned him shortly after he turned him. Santiago loved his maker, but his maker did not love him back.
Now, we aren't given any timeline of events in terms of when Santiago is made, when he joins the Coven and when Armand kills his maker, but I think it's safe to assume it all happens not long after he was turned. So we have fledgling Santiago, bitterly in love with a maker who disdains him, meeting the beautiful and powerful Armand. Armand welcomes him into the Coven, gives him the opportunity to return to his theatrical career, and kills the maker that wounded Santiago's pride and heart. From that perspective, Armand must have seemed like an avenging angel to Santiago- of course he'd fall in love.
For years, Santiago forges his way up the ranks of the Coven, serving Armand and becoming his right hand man and star of the show. The other vampires of the coven practically throw themselves at him, some of the women literally fighting each other over him...but his heart belongs to Armand.
Then Louis and Claudia come into town, and Armand's attention leaves him for this beautiful man that Santiago can't help feeling attracted to too. And Armand lets this newcomer do pretty much whatever he wants, making the execution of Santiago's maker suddenly seem a lot less fair... yet Armand is still the one responsible for pretty much all the opportunities and good things in Santiago's life, and he's still the one Santiago loves and wants above all others.
Just look at his reaction to seeing Armand's photo in Louis' apartment-
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There's no anger there, no hate. He's in love. And he wants Armand back.
Santiago must've been thrilled when Armand seemingly changed his mind about Louis and Claudia and agreed to punish them for their "crimes". I suspect, though this is only hinted at in the show, that after the trial, Armand regrets choosing the coven and allows himself to be overthrown by Santiago (Celeste is overheard by Louis saying that Armand was overthrown and there's no reason to doubt her at this point). Now Santiago has (he thinks) everything he wants: leadership of the coven, his rival dead, and Armand seemingly broken and at his mercy. When we see him watching Armand bow his head to him and slip into his coffin, Santiago stares at him with naked hunger, completely ignoring Celeste hanging off his arm.
He thinks it's only a matter of time before Armand will become his lover once more. Instead, Armand frees Louis and allows him to destroy Santiago's world.
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heyyyharry · 1 year
Night Light (from the Flatmate series)
...in which Y/N never turns off her night light.
"Wait for me in my room. It's the door on the right," he whispered to the girl whose name he'd already forgotten. He'd just met her an hour ago as he was leaving the club.
The girl kissed him drunkenly, and when she was gone, he came into Y/N's room to turn the light off. She'd fallen asleep with her book covering her face, so he removed the book, put it on her desk and left quietly.
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A/N: I always fall asleep with the light on, and ever since I moved in with my boyfriend, it's become a routine for him to go into my room (we have separate rooms) to turn off the light for me. That was how I came up with this :)
She forgot to turn off her night light. Again.
See, this was why Harry hated sharing a flat with someone else. He had reminded her so many times before to turn it off before she went to bed, but every night, she would doze off with her book still in her hands. No wonder their electricity bill last month was so high. He had hoped that this girl would be less annoying when she slept, but she always managed to find a way to get on his nerves.
After a long moment of standing outside her door (which she left open for some reason), he decided to come in and turn off the light on her bedside table.
In the morning, he reminded her again. She promised she would turn off the light tonight.
She didn't.
Harry came home late, stumbling into the flat with his arm around the girl. She giggled too loud, so he shushed her and gestured to Y/N's door. The living room was softly lit by the warm light coming from her room, but he knew she was too deep in her sleep to know that he was home.
"Wait for me in my room. It's the door on the right," he whispered to the girl whose name he'd already forgotten. He'd just met her an hour ago as he was leaving the club.
The girl kissed him drunkenly and when she was gone, he came into Y/N's room to turn the light off. She'd fallen asleep with her book covering her face, so he removed the book, put it on her desk and left quietly.
Harry was in Paris tonight with his friends for Layla's birthday.
Y/N had stopped responding to his messages, so he assumed she had fallen asleep. As he sat on the sofa, drinking cheap wine with his friends while a shitty EDM song was blasting from Louis' Bluetooth speaker, he thought about Y/N sleeping with her light on.
"You're awake?"
Y/N looked up at him from her laptop, face lit by the cool light from her screen. "Yeah, deadline."
"That's what you get for procrastinating," he smirked.
"Can you procrastinate annoying me? I can't deal with you right now."
"Need help?"
"No, thanks."
"You sure?"
She gave him a dismissive wave. "I'm sure. Thank you. Goodnight."
"Goodnight," he said. "Remember to turn off the light."
"I will."
Harry went to his room and lay in the dark for an hour or so. When he came back to check on her, she had fallen asleep and her light was still on.
Harry was well aware that he was drunk when he entered the flat as the room was spinning. He didn't know how he managed to make it to Y/N's room without knocking over furniture, but he wanted to give himself a pat on the back.
As expected, she'd fallen asleep, again, with the light on. He sat down on the edge of her bed, not because he wanted to, but because he felt so dizzy that standing only made it worse.
"Goodnight," he whispered to her, hesitated for a moment before turning off the light.
Right after he'd left her room, he went straight into the bathroom to throw up.
He had been avoiding her all day, for reasons even he didn't understand.
It was 1AM when he came into her room to turn off the light. Before he left, he told her something he wasn't brave enough to say when she was awake. He went back to bed, worried that she might have heard it.
She hadn't.
Harry tried to be as quiet as he could, but when he came in to turn off the light tonight, Y/N stirred awake.
She blinked sleepily at him. "Hi."
"Hi," he said nervously. "Just gonna turn the light off for you."
"Thank you," she said with a smile.
"Goodnight," he said and switched the light off.
"Goodnight. I love you."
The three words froze him when he turned away. They'd confessed their feelings to each other last night, so why did it still feel like the first time?
"I...love you, too," he said, smiling shyly at her. He was thinking of kissing her before he left, but she'd already buried herself under the duvet.
"Do you want to cuddle before bed?"
Her bed was warm and smelt like her. He gave her a lot of kisses as she read her book with her head on his chest. When she fell asleep, he reached over to turn off the light.
Harry came back late for a business dinner today and she was still awake.
"It's already midnight," he said, loosening his tie.
She smiled up from her book. "We couldn't go to bed without you."
He kissed her on the lips and then her baby bump. "I'll take a shower and join you both."
When he returned, she'd fallen asleep. Harry turned off the light and carefully slipped into bed.
"Ria fell asleep with the light on, again," Y/N complained as she returned to bed from her daughter's room.
Harry chuckled, pulling her into his arms. "Like mother, like daughter. I had to turn off your light for you for years."
"I had my reasons."
"Oh yeah? What were they?" he asked, stroking her hair.
She grinned up at him. "At first, I wanted to annoy you. Then you kept doing that so I didn't bother to turn off the light anymore."
"Why am I not surprised at all?" Harry laughed, but he was glad she'd deliberately done it in the first place. "Now could you turn off the light on your side, please?"
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tommydarlings · 2 years
don’t leave me professor | c.s
pairing: prof!carlos x student!reader
warnings: smut, dacryphilia, chocking
w/c: 4.7k
summary: you got a bad grade on your Spanish exam, that's the reason why professor sainz called you in his office, right? (also based off of this audio)
masterlist <3 // my ko-fi to support me! <3 // my PayPal to support me! <3
“Hola clase!” Professor Sainz entered the class before he put his brown leather bag with a thud onto the wooden table. After putting his phone back into the pocket of his dark blue slacks, professor sainz looked around the class and caught your eyes for a quick second.
You would be lying if you would say that you wouldn’t found your Spanish professor attractive but you also knew that he was your teacher, not another student you could just easily fall in love with.
But you were also never really that much of a rule follower.
So you batted your lashes a bit there and there everytime he caught your gaze. And you knew that he knew what you were doing when you saw him shaking his head as if he would be telling himself a quick and unspeakable 'no'. It only made you grin a bit.
You may loved the Spanish teacher your class got but one thing that you absolutely hated about it was…well, Spanish.
You were a straight A student but Spanish was fucking you up a bit, you weren’t the worst in it but you could have been way better.
“Te voy a devolver tus exámenes ahora, ¡si tienes alguna pregunta, no dudes en preguntarme!” I’m gonna give you your exams now back, if you have any questions feel free to ask me! He stated loudly as he grabbed the sheets and started to hand them out to the impatient students which where already whispering among themselves about what grade they possibly got.
“I swear I fucked that shit up so bad, I barely knew anything I mainly guessed and hoped it made some fucking sense.” your friend, Louis, muttered quietly in your direction as professor sainz came closer to your table. You chuckled and looked at your friend before you glanced back to the teacher with a tiny smile, obviously agreeing with him because you for sure weren’t any better.
“Something funny mrs y/l/n?” Professor sainz asked you with a raised brow before he sorted your exam out of the other sheets.
You quickly shook your head before you looked up at him and answered,
“No sir.”
“Good, because there’s nothing to laugh about when I look at your grade.” He told you before he handed you your exam.
Ugh, can’t he just burn it right away.
That was the only thing in your mind as you saw the big fat C- on top of the sheet, the worst grade you got so far in Professor sainz's class.
You knew that it sounds absolutely ridiculous but you felt how your eyes slowly filled up with tears. After you quickly wiped you eyes, Louis tried to comfort you a bit with a squeeze on your shoulder and a tiny smile that was basically saying, 'hey, it’s okay'.
“Hands off.”
Professor sainz who was still standing infront of you ordered you with a deep and demanding voice before he sorted Louis's sheet out of the other ones and slammed it down onto the table with a loud slam. You quickly flinched a bit before he left and handed the other ones out, after that he went back to his table and set himself down onto his leather chair after he threw a quick glance at you.
You heard your friend sigh while you looked over at his sheet and saw the D on top of his exam. “Knew it.” He muttered before you grabbed your sheet and put it into your shoolbag.
Or that’s at least what you wanted to do.
Because only then you noticed that the questions, the grade and your answers weren’t the only thing written on your paper.
'Meet me in my office after class.'
was written messily in professor sainz's handwriting on the back of your exam. You swallowed and looked in his direction, noticing how he was already looking at you before he stood up again and grabbed a piece of chalk and went up to the board.
“Vale, empecemos con el español!” Okay, let’s get started with Spanish!
The professor clapped his hands loudly together as he looked quickly through the class and then started with writing down some grammar.
— — —
Your feet were carrying you quicker into the direction of Professor sainz's office than you hoped to be honest. You knocked on the brown wooden door as soon as you arrived and sighed quietly before you adjusted your skirt a bit. “Come in!” Was the only thing said by professor sainz before you opened the old door and entered his big office with an unsure facial expression, not entirely sure what he wants from you. You didn’t had any questions about your exam so you had no idea why he ordered you to meet him kn his office. But who were do to disobey a teacher.
“Professor sainz? Why did you wanna see me? Is it about my exam, I know that I fucked it-”
“No, no, no y/n, your exam wasn’t bad, I know that you can do way better than that but it wasn’t as bad as you maybe-”
“Why did you wanna see-”
“Would you let me finish my sentence.” Your professor groaned loudly while he was sitting with spreading legs in his chair, veiny hands gently placed onto his thighs.
You bit your lip and quick swallowed before you muttered a quick 'sorry'.
“What was that?” He asked you, pointing provokingly with his pointer finger towards his ear. “Speak up y/n, c'mon.”
“I'm sorry, sir.”
Your teacher nodded with his head before he wigged his pointer and middle finger in his direction. “Come here.”
You glanced at him as if you haven’t heard him right but you did, so you slowly made your way over to him, now standing infront of his still sitting figure while you were leaning against his desk. He was looking up at you with sprawled legs and a serious but also thinking kind of expression written on his perfectly sculptured face.
Professor sainz starred at your face which was hanging a bit so you could avoid eye contact with him, to embarrassed what he might have to say about your grade. He angled his head a bit forward and lower his chin a tiny bit so he could perfectly catch your eyes.
“Are you worried that I called you hear in my office because of your grade y/n?” He looked at you with raised brows as he put both of his palms on his thighs and slowly slide them down towards his knees, fingers only creeping immensely closer to your naked thighs in the process. You think that you were even able to see to catch him looking at his fingertips being all so close to your legs before he looked at you again.
You shyly nodded with your head as you slowly slid your hands down your own thighs until your and his fingertips were nearly touching each other, you were so close and you knew that he also knew it.
“Why else would you call me in your office sir?” You asked him innocently, completely seriously after you’ve noticed his finger stretching out a bit while yours were still laying flat on your thighs. He glanced down to his and than your hand before licked his lips and looked at you again, immediately searching eye contact.
“Punto justo.” Fair point
The Spaniard slowly nodded with his head while saying those words before he dragged his eyes down your figure. The skirt hugging your curves perfectly, the top putting your boobs in all the right places while the matching red lingerie was making it all perfect.
You slowly and with just a bit of confidence stretched your fingers out, inching like a snake very slowly towards his big hands which were still placed on top of his thick thighs, fingers also reaching out for yours, like you knew that if you would do it, your both dead, but you also knew that if you wouldn’t do it, you would regret it like hell.
Your hands were both getting gently swallowed by Professor sainz’s hands, fingers intertwined with each other like you were meant to be, your visibly smaller hand fitting perfectly into his visibly bigger hand.
He rose from his chair, slowly taking one step closer towards your tiny frame so you were basically squeezed between him and the wooden table. He leaned his body forward, your hands still being together intertwined while his thumb was rubbing slow circles on the back of your hands. Your hand now pressed against the table while his hands were pressing into your yours, also placed on his table, his nose gently touching your forehead as he bowed down a bit so he could look at your standing figure.
“Is everything-”
“Per favore.” please
You muttered, only then did your teacher notice the way you looked so unbelievably pleading up at him, starring with hope and something else in your eyes.
It was like you were pleading him to do whatever he wants to you but also like you were asking him for something else. Something that he wasn’t sure of.
He carefully removed his palms from your intertwined ones and positioned them gently on your cheeks, thumb caressing them.
Professor sainz leaned his body forward once again and placed a lovingly long lasting kiss on your forehead with closed eyes while you put your palms on top of his.
“gracias.” You quickly whispered as you took a deep breath and wrapped both of your hands around his one thumb so your were only holding onto his thumb before he retreated his hands and you also let go of his thumb, instead now wrapping your palms around his pointer finger, Carlos quickly glancing down to see were the two of you were connected before you also glanced down, actually being taken by suprise as you saw how big his hands were, especially compared to yours.
“Are you okay?”
You shook your head as professor sainz asked you the question while his hands wandered down to your hips, fingers gently squeezing them before he turned your body around, your back now touching his chest very delicately. He hummed before he brushed your hair away from your shoulders and placed his chin on the right shoulder.
“How can I help you hermosa?”
“Just, take my mind off of things.”
You felt like professor sainz was speechless for a second, maybe confused or even overwhelmed with your information but he also felt like he’s the only one who could help you.
He gently turned his head to the side, his beard scratching against your neck, hair brushing your forehead while his lips gently ran over your throat, closer than never to kissing you until your melting. “Professor, p-per favor.” You begged him as you threw your head slightly back, slowly laying your head down onto his broad shoulder covered in the white dress shirt.
The Spanish teacher grazed his lips ever so gently on your ear before he whispered in his Spanish accent,
“Don’t worry cariño, Voy a cuidarte bien.” I’m gonna take good care of you
That was the last thing he said before he started kissing his way down your neck, fingertips delicately running down the sides of your shivering body, goosebumps rising on your arms as his fingers opened the zipper on the side of your skirt. You whined loudly as he changed the side of your neck and kissed the left side of it, hands now pulling down your skirt, letting it fall down onto the floor.
You quickly raised your hands and opened the buttons of your white blouse before discarding it somewhere in his office.
“Gosh, your so beautiful.” Were the first words that left Professor sainz’s mouth which was still sliding along your neck, slowly kissing and biting and even licking there and there the left side of your neck. Moaning and groaning into your skin before he placed his veiny hands on your hips again and turned your body around, now facing him.
You looked down, seeing how his bulge was very visible through his dark blue slacks but also seeing how hard his fingers were gripping the flesh of your hips, almost like he was scared that your gonna let go and run away.
You still had your eyes gazing down as his hands made their way around your hips, to your back and in end up to your bra clasps, two fingers already going around the tiny clasp.
You had the feeling that he was almost to shy to ask you if you were okay with it, so raised his other hand and tilted your head up in his direction with his pointer finger on your chin. Your head now being angled up higher so you were able to look into his now almost black eyes. You could be lying but you were pretty sure that his eyes were full of desire and maybe also something but you couldn’t quite put your finger on it.
He raised his brows a bit while the fingers of his hand on your back were gently caressing your skin, slowly moving up and down your spine while he waited for your approval. You nodded and the Spaniard immediately raised his fingers and opened your bra with two of his fingers.
Your own hands made their way to his button up shirt and quickly started opening it, pulling it down and letting it drop down next to your skirt. Right after that, mr. sainz opened the zipper of his slacks and also pulled them down a bit to free his rock hard member. You had to bite your lip to hold the loud moan back from escaping your mouth.
After pumping his dick for a couple of times and admiring your body like you were a fallen angel, he positing his hands on the back of your naked thighs and hosted you up on his desk, quickly removing all the things placed on his work table by wiping them off of it with one of his hands. You gasped as all the different kind of pencils and books dropped with a pretty loud thud on the hard floor but you also immediately closed your mouth as professor sainz went down on his knees infront of your sitting figure. His hands gently going up and down your thighs before his mouth got closer and closer to the string of your thong.
And let me tell you that you could have started screaming (and creaming-) when his teeth closed around your string and pulled it slowly down your legs, the feeling of his black beard scratching against your thighs being almost to much. He even held eye contact with you while he did it, his fluffy dark hair briefly brushing over your abdomen and now bare pussy. He entirely removed the thong now and stuffed him in his back pocket of his slacks before he spoke up again,
“Abre las piernas para mí.” Open your legs for me. And that was the moment you realised why exactly you got the C- on your exam, because you couldn’t understand a single thing that he just asked you.
Professor sainz looked at you with raised brows and it didn’t needed somebody hella smart to understand that he was a tiny bit angry at you for not understanding him. “Abre. las. piernas. para. mí.” He repeated slowly with a more demanding kind of tone in his voice.
You licked your lips before you looked down in embarrassment, seriously not understanding a single thing apart from 'for me'. “C'mon princessa, we’ve already learnt that.” Your professor muttered as he looked at your face, leaning his head down towards yours once again. “Lo siento professor.” I’m sorry professor you whispered in disappointment before you noticed how mr. sainz was putting his hands between your legs, slowly gliding up and down your almost closed thighs before he looked at you again and waited for an answer, hopefully the right one now.
“para mí means for me.”
“Perfect, that's right, now what will the other part of the sentence mean when my hands are so close to your legs baby.” He looked at you with his big dark eyes.
You didn’t even say anything, you just took a wild guess and opened your legs so he had the perfect access to your wet pussy begging for his finger, mouth, tongue, anything. And you had to bite back a tiny smile when he nodded with his head and smiled before he held your thighs back with his hands and quickly closed his mouth around your throbbing clit.
He flicked his tongue a couple of times up and down and shook his head from side to side with a groan before he looked up at your moaning and whining figure, begging him to never stop.
The Spanish teacher groaned and moaned into your cunt, your clit throbbing in the process like crazy. One of your hands suddenly had the urge to let go of the wooden table that was now empty and grab his soft hair, tugging on it every time his tongue grazed your clit so gently but so quickly.
“Sabe tan jodidamente bien, princesa.” Tastes so fucking good he mumbled briefly right before he went back to eating you out like you’ve only dreamed so far. You quickly whined and cried his name out while your hand was still tangled in his hair, slowly brushing it back so he wouldn’t have them in his way while pleasing you.
“I'm gonna cum professor!” You moaned pretty loud as your legs began to shake around his moving head. He quickly removed his head and spoke up,
“Cum for me cariño.” before he detached his mouth back to your pleading pussy and brought you to the edge. You screamed before your shaking hand came up and covered your own mouth, desperately trying to muffle your moans.
But your professor wasn’t so fond of that, mr. sainz looked up as he noticed how your noises got suddenly quieter and immediately ripped your hand away from your mouth. He held it strongly down onto the table so you couldn’t move it anywhere anymore.
“Don’t, I want the whole school to hear you screaming my name.”
You really tried to hold every single moan and pleading back but you just couldn’t, especially not after the Spaniard man stood up and wrapped one of his hands around your throat, his other one slowly making its way down from your chest to your abdomen and in the end to your drenched pussy. You didn’t even realise that his fingers were nearing your pussy because you were still pretty much busy trying to catch your breath after him eating you out like a hungry lion.
But you definitely realised it as soon as his fingers entered you, slowly entering you but quickly getting to work then and stretching you out.
“No, p-please.” You shrieked as soon as his fingers starting thrusting in and out of you at such a torturous pace, fingertips brushing over that specific spot now and then so perfectly. You shook your head before you looked up at mr. sainz and noticed how he was completely focused on the way how his big fingers were gliding in and out of your drenched pussy, probably not even listening to your begging.
But then his hand around your throat gave you a squeeze and after that, professor sainz looked up at your blurry eyes.
“Shh, just take it cariño, just take it.” He whispered before he leaned in and kissed your cheek, lips brushing gently over your skin right after that before he spoke up again,
“Your gonna cum? I can feel it cariño.” He muttered as he looked in your eyes, fingers now leaving your desperate pussy and going straight up to your clit, moving it in the perfect circles making your legs and hands shake even stronger than before.
You were only able to nod with your head as your eyes closed and the feeling of letting go took over your entire body.
Professor sainz let go of your throat and grabbed the back of your neck with his hand before he pulled your head in the crock of his neck, fingers still not leaving your pussy.
You moaned and whined his name into his shoulder, shaking hands trying desperately to grab his shoulders before your moaning got so loud that you had to bite on his shoulder, leaving a pretty visible mark afterwards but he didn’t care one bit about it, he wanted to properly fuck you now.
So that’s how you ended up calming down a bit, with his hands brushing your hair out of your face and gently kissing the tears from your cheeks away before he pushed your shoulders back so you were now laying on the table. His hand going down towards his member, slowly pumping it with a pleasuring moan before he slid his dick along your dripping pussy. He harshly grabbed your thighs and pulled them backwards so that your knees were nearly touching your ears.
You gazed up at him, completely teary-eyed and desperate while he grabbed your right leg and quickly gave your ankle a tiny kiss before he finally entered you. You immediately threw your head back and moaned as your eyes rolled into the back of your head, tears already escaping your eyes again before you squeezed them shut.
“Look at me hermosa.” He whispered after he threw his head back in pleasure, a loud groan leaving his lips as his hip movements increased and got faster second per second. “M-mierda.” shit you whispered while Professor sainz wiped one tear away from your cheeks before you felt your orgasm coming.
“Joder, me vas a volver loco, te lo juro.” Fucking hell, your gonna make me go crazy, i swear you do
The Spaniard groaned loudly with a moan before his head jerked a bit forward, also feeling his high approaching like a tsunami. “Y-your gonna make m-me cum cariño.” he stuttered heavily with an uneven breathing pattern. His hand suddenly sliding down from your thighs and being shakily placed onto the table, fingers scratching against the wood as he squeezed his eyes shut. His hips were ramming into your poor cunt with a very quick pace, a bit unsteady but still not slow.
“Don’t l-leave me.” You whispered in pure desperation with tears staining your eyes and cheeks, it was like you were sobbing but because of the best reason possible. Professor sainz quickly spared you a glance, he looked at you in a bit of confusion with a raised brow, trying to figure out what you mean by that. He wasn’t sure if you just said it because of the emotions you are currently feeling or because you wanna tell him something specific. Was that the reason why you looked at him earlier with sadness in your eyes? You didn’t only wanted to get fucked by him, you also want something else.
Your legs started to shake next to your head while his one hand was still gripping your thigh like he was holding onto it for dear life. You both moaned and whined at the same time as your orgasm washed over your bodies, another pair of tears running down your already wet cheeks as mr. sainz calmed himself down and removed himself from you. He quickly buttoned his pants back up and grabbed his dress shirt from the floor before he threw it on while you were slowly sitting up, gently balancing your still shaking figure on the table with a tiny groan as you looked around the room for your panties.
“Here.” Mr. sainz said quietly as he pulled your panties from his back pocket and handed them to you, you really tried to put them down but you felt like you could pass out any second and he noticed that, so he helped you.
“Wait, let me-” he didn’t even finish his sentence before he grabbed your panties from your shaking hands and kneeled down to slid them over your legs, gently adjusting them so your weren’t feeling any kind of discomfort. “thank you.” You quietly mumbled as he picked your skirt up and also helped you putting it on, after that he grabbed your blouse and helped you putting your arms through it before he buttoned it up, giving you a peck on your forehead afterwards.
Shortly after that, the Spanish teacher retreated himself from you, or at least wanted to.
“N-no.” You whined quietly as you fingers harshly clawed themselves onto his white button up shirt before you put your head on his hard chest, holding him tightly as fresh tears started to form in your eyes, but this time not from pleasure.
“What’s wrong princesa?” He asked you with confusion but also sadness written in his eyes, not quite being able to understand where this is suddenly coming from. Professor sainz brushed a few pieces of hair out of your face before he pulled your arms away from his arms. “N-no, please don’t-” “shh, it’s okay, I’m here cariño.” He told you quietly before he wrapped his arms around your body which was still sitting on his desk into his embrace and hugged you tightly, carefully putting his chin on top of your head.
“You wanna talk about it?” He asked you as he placed his hand gently on the back of your head, his entire hand perfectly holding your head, fingers intertwining them automatically into the roots of your hair, not tugging on them, just gently placing them there. You shrugged and balanced your chin on his chest so you could perfectly look up at him, quickly trying to squeeze the tears away but he already noticed them anyway.
“Only if you want to of course.” He added as he rode up the sleeves of his clean white button up and wiped some of them away.
You muttered a quick 'gracias' before you started to explain it to him,
“I j-just never really had a male p-person in my life before that cared about me, let alone genuinely l-loved me, my own father left us as soon as he found out t-that he would get a daughter and not a son, he always w-wanted a son who would end up as a football player or some shit l-like that, he never believed in me, always told m-my mother that she shouldn’t b-be happy for giving birth to a women, somebody who’s g-gonna end up as a cheap street w-whore anyway, a useless slut or some stuff like that.” You quickly took a deep breath while he slowly started caressing your head before you continued,
“I never really had a boyfriend, at least not one that also loved me for my personality and not only my body, like okay thank you that I look pretty and that I’m hot but what about my smile? Or my laugh? Or my Humor? I actually really like my Humor but apparently boys don’t even know what Humor is nowadays.” This time you didn’t felt sadness saying all of that, you felt anger towards the entire male world except towards…him.
“And it’s just sad and a little bit depressing sometimes because all of my friends got a father who loves and cares about them and a boyfriend who would do anything for them and then there’s me, somebody who is even unable to get loved by her own father let alone from another man in general.” You stated angrily as you wiped the tears off of your cheeks, face now buried again deep in his chest while your arms hugged him tightly. Professor sainz didn’t say anything, he just held you just like you needed to be held at the moment.
“¿No soy suficiente?” Am I not enough? You asked him as you moved your head away and looked straight ahead into his beautiful eyes.
“Oh believe me cariño, Eres mucho más que suficiente.” You are so much more than enough. He ended the conversation with this sentence and a long lasting kiss on your lips, gently connecting your lips for the first time today before he picked you up and pressed you against the wall, not stopping kissing you until you would both run out of breath.
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nalyra-dreaming · 2 months
Can I ask if this hasn’t already been asked how Lestat and Daniel get on in the books? Daniel is Louis friend and Lestat knows that but do their personalities challenge each other and do they bicker or are they friends? How do you think it’ll go in the show? I don’t believe Lestat will hate Daniel in the show or anything extreme he might be frustrated at times but I don’t think Daniel would care much about that to be frank haha and would even feel bad at times because possibly Lestat gets triggered remembering his past or sad about Claudia in a different way than Louis gets sad about Claudia (more emotional, possibly lashes out or ruins their interview schedule because of how sad he is deep down, shows up late, etc.). Overall I think they’ll manage okay and by the end have some shared understanding of each other and possibly respect from both sides. I’m expecting comedic moments of Lestat refusing to give a straight answer and Daniel challenging him and Lestat challenging Daniel for doing that but in a funny way. And when Daniel asks about Louis and their time together from lestat’s POV im curious how Lestat remembers that time and how Louis will be seen from his eyes and how Daniel interprets that vs how he interpreted Lestat from Louis and Armand’s POV
So as a note: Louis and Daniel aren't friends in the books. That's a show thing. A good thing! But it's not from the books, not really.
Lestat and Daniel... Lestat and Daniel like each other:
"Khayman sat in the downstairs study talking with Daniel now, Daniel who liked to let the hunger build, Daniel who wanted to know all about what it had been like in ancient Miletus, and Athens, and Troy. Oh, don't forget Troy. I myself was vaguely intrigued by the idea of Troy. I liked Daniel. Daniel who might go with me later if I asked him; if I could bring myself to leave this island, which I have done only once since I arrived. Daniel who still laughed at the path the moon made over the water, or the warm spray in his face. For Daniel, all of it-her death even-had been spectacle. But he cannot be blamed for that."
I think Lestat and Daniel might, especially if Daniel is already a vampire for the documentary, a vampire turned (supposedly) "out of spite" by Armand. Daniel, who freed Louis.
I think Lestat and Daniel will get along like a house on fire, actually. Oh, with sparring matches, and challenges, and biting comebacks. But Lestat likes that - and Daniel does, too. I think the more emotional breakdowns (that we saw (maybe exaggerated) hints of) might come through the story itself... and if it is true what Sam hinted at? Then maybe Claudia, there, haunting Lestat.
Because she does, in the books. She haunts Rue Royale, she haunts Lestat, she haunts Louis. She haunts the narrative.
I cannot wait to see what Daniel will drag out of him, actually. I hope it will be a bit sharper and edgier than Daniel in season 2... I had actually expected more of him there, tbh.
But I think Daniel and Lestat will be their own dynamic. Because Daniel likes Lestat, canonically. And I think in the show, he does, too, because he saw beyond the tale that was spun. He called the bullshit. And he knows he has to get to the source.
We know Daniel was already at the concert, so here's a snippet of Daniel at the concert from the books :)
And Lestat was Christ on the cathedral cross. How describe his overwhelming and irrational authority? His face would have been cruel if it hadn't been for the childlike rapture and exuberance. Pumping his fist into the air, he bawled, pleaded, roared at the powers that be as he sang of his downfall-Lelio, the boulevard actor turned into a creature of night against his will! His soaring tenor seemed to leave his body utterly as he recounted his defeats, his resurrections, the thirst inside him which no measure of blood could ever quench. "Am I not the devil in you all!" he cried, not to the moonflower monsters in the crowd but to the mortals who adored him. And even Daniel was screaming, bellowing, leaping off his feet as he cried in agreement, though the words meant nothing finally; it was merely the raw force of Lestat's defiance. Lestat cursed heaven on behalf of all who had ever been outcasts, all who had ever known violation, and then turned, in guilt and malice, on their own kind. It seemed to Daniel at the highest moments as though it were an omen that he should find immortality on the eve of this great Mass. The Vampire Lestal was God; or the nearest thing he had ever known to it. The giant on the video screen gave his benediction to all that Daniel had ever desired.
... I think theirs will be a very fun, and very interesting dynamic^^ Because Daniel has something Lestat wants, to make him open up (namely knowledge about Louis)... and then... 😈
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atruththatyoudeny · 7 months
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Happy 28th! Here are all the lovely fics I read this month
with venom on your tongue | wildestdreams | [91k] While Louis had to try so hard to stay focused and be the best, Harry somehow did the same things with ease and confidence. He hated how Harry glided through life, carrying happiness on his shoulders like it was nothing when it was arduous for Louis. His carefree demeanor made Louis feel crazy. But that feeling just motivated him to always keep his eyes on the prize. Number one in the class rankings every year and the valedictorian spot the next year when they graduated. He was so close he could taste it. And if the only thing in his way was Harry Styles, then Louis was willing to up the stakes to figure out what made him weak just to beat him. “Whatever,” Louis eventually said to Liam. “He’s a fucking cliche.” or a boarding school AU where Harry and Louis are academic rivals until they realize they’re more similar than they thought.
Angels Fly | LilyBlue28 | [203k] Harry is a lonely omega in the North Western White River Pack who is uncharacteristically drawn to nature and his now outdated primal instincts. He fills his days with going through the motions and clinging to the one actual friendship he has in the omega Zayn, and when he gets a chance he sneaks away to the edge of their territory to sit with the trees and the wildlife and sketch his favorite part of the river. But what happens when one day he spots the pack alpha, Louis, having an intimate moment with something, or someone, unexpected? Suddenly his quiet, nearly invisible existence gets upended, and secrets he never wanted to know quite literally won't leave him alone, and even when he tries to stay away, he keeps being pulled back into Louis' turbulent orbit. A magical love story featuring a generations long grudge, a menacing curse, and secrets that keep pulling them apart. Will they be able to find a way back to one another through the dark?
Fuck You For Ruining New York City For Me | galactic_larry | [11k] Harry met Louis in college and fell in love with him in record time. Louis broke up with him in their New York apartment, so Harry left the city for good. Except now he’s back, visiting with his new boyfriend. What happens when they run into each other at a bar three years after breaking up?
i've got something to confess, i keep you in my pocket to use | babylwt | [16k] "You made Harry Styles practically swoon over you, admit you’re beautiful to basically the world, he asked for your number and you said no. Like, you have to be joking.” Bella tsks as she sits up straight, grabbing Louis’ computer off his lap and putting it off to the side. Louis moves to reach for it, sighing in defeat as he leans back against his pillows. “You know how it goes with those sports guys. They’re just after having a good time before they have to go to the next city and play another game and find another person to swoon.” Louis explains. “It just wouldn’t have worked and I’m too busy right now.” Louis shrugs. “Too busy to fuck Harry Styles?” Bella asks with a raised brow. “Yes, even too busy to fuck Harry Styles.” Or Prompt 251: Harry is a hockey player and he's in the middle of a press conference when Louis, a journalist, asks him a question. Harry sees him ans says something like "oh my god, he's so beautiful" to his teammate and only realized his mic was on when the pretty boy blushes and the room breaks in a laugh
My heart might be broken (but I won't be broken down) | elleseekeepdriv | [46k] A story about a couple falling in love and becoming a family, and then breaking up and dealing with a heartbroken daughter while surviving their own heartbreak But at its core, a story about a couple fighting against biphobia, fighting for their love, and learning to accept each other while learning to accept themselves.
Hello Again | Alwaysinlove | [31k] Thea Tomlinson and Belle Styles are work besties. When Belle decides that Harry needs a date for his fiftieth birthday party, Thea suggests her Dad. What the pair don't know, is that Harry and Louis went on a date nearly thirty years previously, and it didn't end well... Set in 2030
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louisisalarrie · 24 days
there’s quite the convo that was going on on twitter today, which is super interesting to me, because it’s brought up often and usually from newer members to the fandom, particularly solos. we’ve been talking about this for years. so… idk, let’s talk.
this convo is of the gist that Larries made Harry and louis stop interacting due to our interest in them being together. we, apparently, are the ones who made either mgmt, or Harry and Louis themselves, entirely separate and go from best friends to absolutely nothing. and when I say absolutely nothing, like… they were so distanced it was ridiculous.
but here’s the thing… if you weren’t around at the time (there’s no issue with that btw!), ziam was the second biggest ship after larry. A bunch of Larries shipped ziam, and a lot of larry antis shipped ziam, as well as ziam having their own following regardless of larry. And yes, I was there, so im fully aware ziam wasn’t as big as Larry, but they were definitely a close second as far as “ships” go. there was also narry, zarry, lilo, and all the others, but larry and ziam dominated.
But… funnily enough, ziam weren’t separating due to a large speculation of them being in a relationship. it was printed and posted in multiple formats that zayn had said in an interview he told Liam to kiss him and he did (early days, yes), and they really gave off relationship vibes for a long time there, but they were still close and interacting very lovingly throughout the entirety of 1d. and regardless of your stance on ziam, they were clearly very close.
The thing with this is, is that gay rumours can be harmful to a fanbase with a demographic of young women, who the idea is to make the band desirable for women to be with to keep them interested etc., we’re all aware of that, but why wasn’t ziam separated? why weren’t all the boys asked to be super straight with each other? why was it so intense with larry?
Because if you don’t have anything to hide, you don’t hide anything. ziam still were carrying on in front of our faces while larry went through a multitude of stunts (that antis and now some solos also believed were stunts), and were so strictly kept apart that it was blindingly obvious something was going on. To make it seem the most real, you’d have all the boys being laddy bro pals with one another. but it was specifically larry who were extremely drastically pushed apart. of course there was no public “fight” printed to give us a reason as to why they became so far apart (that would signal an end to the band and worry etc.) to make sense of it, but they just were forced in their own lanes. anyone with two eyes can see that, and you could easily tell if they hated each other or not. but the small moments they did interact, showed us otherwise.
anyway, it’s very important to note that ziam did not stop being ziam regardless of the rumours, but larry did stop being larry drastically. they’re not homophobes, they weren’t scared of encouraging the rumours (AIMH and all the playful tweets and interactions), but they were clearly separated when larry kept being talked about further down the track. and if you can’t see that, well you may need to reevaluate and use some critical thinking. it’s happened before 1d too, it’s not rocket science.
anyway, sorry for the rant. it’s just frustrating when I see this convo when we’ve had it over and over again. so, for all the newer larries,if you haven’t already, take this into consideration as one of the very biggest pieces of larry evidence we have. because, well, it is. it may seem insignificant as it’s not a “moment”, but rather it’s a long and ongoing piece of evidence that there was something to hide, so they hid it. and they still do.
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ca-suffit · 7 months
This antiblack campaign the fandom just tried to kick up again (to avoid talking about the real issue with Nalyra) reveals how powerless they're starting to truly feel now.
They don't have many users left to vilify so they're putting people on blocklists who are brand new (I was here 3 days lol) or not even really in the fandom. That looks goofy and desperate but then it keeps going. DMing strangers to say "the truth" isn't about racism and "talk to me if you really want to know about anything." Everyone's reblogging those blocklist posts now and adding large commentary suddenly, when before they often fully sat it out. They're doing this in a group to look like they have larger numbers and are "revealing" there's a "big secret bullying problem"....except nobody believes them. Because there's plenty of accounts who are out here saying this shit straight to their faces and they pretend we all don't exist. All of this group has to manufacture drama solely because they just don't want to talk about harmful shit they actually do.
Neil has to make an antiblack statement she made suddenly be about antisemitism towards her, Nalyra's antiblackness is "actually" fans upset about shipping and "what's REALLY coming" in S2, showmey0urfangs is always happy to show up with her dumb screencaps and villain monologue nobody asked for so she can make her everlasting outrage about popular black fics and "feminized" Louis sound deeper than it is, Virginia suddenly cries about IRL issues and wants to leave the fandom because she wants to distract from the Nalyra receipts, Keybearer accused another black fan of trolling people and getting accounts suspended on twitter in 2023 when a Marius fan eventually confessed to it and his eternal shame for that means now every black fan except him is a bully (despite nobody talking about this ever anymore except him), chicalepidopterare mocks a black fan for blocking her "because I thought we were supposed to talk about racism" and then poorly tries to frame any retaliation against her to look like bullying ("see, they're misogynistic, they're bullying my art, they're mean for disliking these ships!").
To quote Claudia here, "You must think me an idiot." And the big cherry on top is also how none of these losers can stand to hear any mention of race....in the fandom of the show that nonstop talks about race. They're using very basic (and meant in a gentle, loving way) teasing of Jacob as proof that black fans are racist against Jacob too, black fans hate Jacob's white wife. People hate Lestat for being white too (what?). They can write crap meta all day about Lestat letting Louis "rape" him and only white victims (Lestat) being real victims to the evil black and brown "true" manipulators (Claudia, Louis, Armand) but gentle teasing from black fans about Jacob's haircut is the real racism. Okay lol. Care to tell us again why you think Delainey's Claudia looks "less innocent" now then? This 3D chess you think you're playing isn't playing how you think for anyone else.
I also notice that afaik there's not a single black American in this group. Idek if there's many Americans of any kind in the group. It's been a lot of shaming to black Americans specifically though, again from the show that's focused on black Americans....by people who aren't black Americans.
"There's people pretending to be black so it's okay to keep hating this whole group." It's not enough you already nonstop shit on black fans as it is, now you have to try to angle it as if none of this could be authentic in the first place. Vile behavior. For what? Tumblr isn't even a platform that pays you for whatever clout you have, so really what is the point here. In a small ass fandom on top of it. Some of you have pretty grown kids too, this is extra sad. It makes all the jumping through hoops to coddle Lestat's behavior make sense though, if you're the same kind of person yourself. Anyway, maybe you don't actually know everything because race exists in the real world beyond how Anne Rice wrote about it in her useless books! You make books written by a racist white woman your whole personality and guess what your outlook on life is going to be.
It's been really pathetic to especially watch any fans of color move more to this extreme bullying side as time has gone on. It will never pay off to promote white fandom ideals. These accounts you're trying to cuddle up to aren't even that big. The fandom outside of the tags actually has much more popular posts, supporters, and fics...although that's also half of what this all is actually about, fic numbers. Again, these are grown adults obsessing over this. We could have a whole different fandom if this group didn't exist and keep wanting to gatekeep everything and be the only people who get praise about anything.
It's no surprise that people who worship Anne Rice have major ego problems themselves. It's been fucked up to deal with but the good thing now is that big egos have big collapses eventually and that's what we're starting to see happening now. People are sick of you and able to see through your basic ass manipulation techniques. People just want to have a fandom, they're not here to worship fans who want to be dictators. Nobody is here for your fragility, losers.
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onlylove4louis · 4 months
I want to talk about the "You picked another one over me scene", but from the viewpoint of someone that doesn't hate Louis... (S2E4 Spoilers)
If you haven't seen the newest episode yet and don't want spoilers, scroll right past this post 👌🏽
So this scene:
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She was wrong for this, and I will die on that hill. (not wrong completely for what she's saying, but for everything she's doing here)
It's a bizarre thing to come across so many people who would ritualistically dance on Lestats grave for his abusing Louis & Claudia, but then when it comes to Claudia being abusive towards Louis, suddenly abuse and poor treatment is "okay". He has no right to even so much as be mad at her, but she can treat him like garbage and verbally/emotionally abuse and neglect him for years and it's okay. She can come in and unload/explode on him, and destroy his property whenever she wants, simply because what she chose isn't working out for her anymore. And the coven master she told him was "safe" based solely on the color of his skin, is in fact not safe. And somehow that's okay. It's not.
She has no right to treat him however she wants, just because she's pissed off. And nor does he. His wrongs do not make it "okay" and I'd say the same thing for her, if Louis ever did this to her.
I wanna start from the beginning, which is to take it back just prior to this, for both of them.
Prior to this for Louis: He's actively going through an existential crisis, and is still battling actual insanity. But what is happening in this scene, and the tragedy of this scene:
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Is that once again, Louis is realizing that he has to sacrifice something, that has been bringing him momentary happiness and a sense of peace, etc. Due to being a Vampire. He once again, because he can't help it, it's who and what he is. Was reaching out for humanity, attempting to keep some sort of connection with the human world. It's one of the reasons why his photography is such a problem and point of scorn, mockery and disdain for everyone else. Because it's a very human thing, it keeps him amongst the humans and not at the theatre. It sets him apart from them, and they don't like it. I digress, what's happening here, and why he's essentially giving up and burning his photos. Is because he's realizing it's just yet another thing he will never properly be able to do, something he cannot have. Because he's a Vampire.
(Yes, it's not the only thing that's going on in this scene. Or the only takeaway of this scene. But it is the thing that has Louis in such a vulnerable position. A low point if you will, when Claudia comes raging through the door)
Now, to what just happened to Claudia prior, that prompted her to come take out everything on Louis, like a punching bag. Because she can't take it out on anyone else, is:
I'm not going to add a picture or a gif, because it pisses me off too much. But Claudia (along with Santiago) are both reprimanded by their coven master (Armand). She's caught breaking another Vampire Law and shirking her coven/theatre responsibilities, along with the knowledge that she's sitting on various other broken laws already. Of which Armand has kept. Runs her mouth to the coven master, and he loses it with her. Also because like he implies, he's been giving her more leeway and freedoms, than he would or has with anyone else, and that any other coven master (save for Lestat) would. And then with Santiago. The rose colored blinders she had put on going into this, completely shattered. And the consequences of her own choices and actions are catching up to her and she's no longer having a good time. The dream/delusion has been popped and now it's withering away. And she's coming back to reality, and being forced to remember that reality, is garbage.
(Mentally tossing Armand into a furnace because we all know damn well, that wasn't ONLY because he's trying to regain control of his coven.)
Que, her heading straight for the only person that she can verbally beat on and blame for everything, because very much like his Mother, she needs to put it "somewhere". And she puts it all on Louis, because no one else would just tolerate it. Literally no one else would take it, but him.
So now, here we are, back to the scene at hand. Louis is in a very low, vulnerable spot. And Claudia is pissed, hurt and needing to dump on someone
I wont say too much here about the actual words exchanged. Because they're both wrong and they're both right. They're both actively seeking companionship outside of the other, they're both choosing others over eachother. They're both making mistakes and they're both messing up and they're both dealing with the consequences. Love makes everyone stupid and weak and fickle, etc. 'You and Me' becoming 'Him and you' is ALSO becoming 'them and you' and 'her and you'. He didn't tell her about Armand knowing everything since day one, she still hasn't told him about her numerous one on one convo's with Santiago, who due to her poor choices. Caught her breaking another Vampire law, and now knows that she writes about everything she experiences. Including what she (or they) did to their Maker, in her diaries. They're both failing eachother and they're both resentful of eachother, both for valid reasons. Neither one of them is an adequate companion for the other, they both need someone else, and the degradation of their relationship is coming from BOTH sides. Fault and responsibility is on them both and they both had every right and reason to say what they did in this moment.
Funny enough, but not surprising that I have yet to see anyone note. That her dislike of his "hobby" is very reminiscent of Lestats dislike of his affinity for books. Both, take his time and attention away from them, so they hate it.
But what I actually want to point out here, because there's so many things in each episode that I'm not really seeing people talk about is:
Claudia's assumption that Louis "filled in the details" of what happened to Lestat. She accuses him of basically telling Armand, what I personally think, is going to be revealed as the truth. And that's that Claudia is the one who both poisoned and cut Lestats throat. Now I could be wrong, but personally the assumed "betrayal" that Claudia is feeling in this scene, is not that Louis didn't tell her that Armand has known this whole time. But instead that she thinks Louis basically ratted on her. I think she thinks Louis broke and told him the "truth" of what really happened, that she's the one who did it. And I think that is what her actual anger/hurt is about, I.E him "choosing" Armand over her. She thinks that he chose to tell Armand their "secret" because his "love" and his desperation for love in general is making him "stupid" again.
But because she's so focused on herself, and this coven and what she's going through, and discovering Madeline that she doesn't see that he clearly doesn't "love" Armand. And, she's having such a shitty time here, that she doesn't even consider that he may be actually doing what he can to protect her, behind the scenes. Meaning, instead of confirming what Armand already clearly knows, that it was in fact all her. He instead said it was him. That he did it. Not even just that he "helped" but that he was the one who did the whole thing, alone. And straight out said that she did not even help. He saying "chasing it chasing it..." followed by "except he just threatened me with it. I think is actually her thinking that in chasing love from Armand, he told him that she's the one who killed Lestat and that the only reason Armand knows what she did to her maker, is because Louis told him. Which in reality, he didn't.
And now, thanks to Claudias carelessness, Santiago knows. And the mutinous coven has concrete proof of what she/they did. (or at least, that's what Armand has Louis believing, and is now telling Daniel/us)
Literally no one is getting the full picture here. And sadly, these two are so at odds with eachother and so disconnected with eachother and resentful of eachother, that they're not communicating. And it's the lack of proper communication, and the lack of unity. Is why they both, separately keep fucking up.
Last but not least, just a throw in. It makes perfect sense why Louis wouldn't immediately believe that Armand actually threatened her. But even I had to scream into a pillow in frustration for that. The same way I have to scream every single time she falls for Santiagos manipulations. He's putting trust in Armand only because he believes he has an upper hand, as well as being a result of it being years and Armand still sitting on their secret. And Claudia's putting trust in Santiago, because unfortunately her desperation is making her susceptible to his manipulations. And again, she thinks she still has the upper hand, at least when it comes to lying and manipulating. And these particular failures on both their parts, are gonna bite them in the ass.
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twopoppies · 8 months
Haha! Louis absolutely feels like he’s a pretty straight shooting partner when it comes to communication. Willing to talk, probably pretty even-keeled, open about emotions. I mean, even 1D guys said they went to him to talk and he’s said he is pretty open. Now, he may sometimes have to retreat to think before communicating, but that’s pretty normal too. And how you deal with outsiders vs your partner can be different. But I have to think as a partner, he’s probably one willing to talk. My partner is very similar. It’s great but also sometimes feels pressure-y when you’re not ready. Harry though seems like he’s definitely the moody one when it comes to stuff. I can just see the bitchy silent treatment all over him. (So more me in my relationship, ugh, I hate it about myself). Now, absolutely NONE of this means they’re actually overall bad communicators. They’re probably great (my partner and I are A+), but it’s just their style and how they deal with it. Plus, there’s always and forever room for improvement.
Louis has always struck me as someone who is so supportive of others and so willing to lend an ear or a shoulder to cry on, but I’d imagine he has a harder time asking for help, himself. I tend to think people like that close themselves off when they’re struggling and think they can solve their own problems and don’t want to burden anyone else. But under all of that, they really are yearning for someone to take the burden off them sometimes. That lyric “I’m too tired to be tough. I just wanna be loved by you” really felt like a peek into a side of Louis he doesn’t often show.
And I agree. H seems more moody and probably retreats into himself and doesn’t verbalize how he’s feeling in the moment.
Anyway, I do think the two of them really have had to learn how to communicate with each other over the years. I think Harry going to therapy really seems to have opened him up in a wonderful way. I’m sure being in a relationship with him after that was a very different experience.
It’s so interesting how the struggle and desire to communicate has been such an ongoing theme in their music.
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statementlou · 3 months
alright so instagram followers do not equal to fans. gotcha. but then what about spotify listeners. I think that would directly correspond to his music fanbase unlike Instagram which is, well, social media. (and I'm not trying to hate here unlike some but genuinely trying to understand. maybe the noise has gotten to me idk) on one hand, yeah, I do see his growth in the live spaces but then on the other hand, his monthly listeners on Spotify are going down. i remember it being over 4M at a point but now it is down to 2.5M.
and then the other thing, yeah his album did hit the charts but it did not sustain. it hit no. 5 one week and then it was straight out of the charts the next, not even in the bottom end of it but just straight out of it. and same in the uk, no. 1 one week then out of the charts the next. tho it did return twice again to some position but again did not sustain. I think the charting was down to the dedicated part of the fanbase who bought multiple copies to put him there but I think you need the casual part too in order to sustain.
idk, the live thing is still a paradox to all of this. can it be down to just the dedicated portion of the fanbase filling up his special venues like the O2 arena or the big mexico show? i don't think so but i don't know. can it be that dedicated or are there casual fans mixed in there too?
thanks for the thoughtful ask! Spotify listener numbers show the number of individual people who listened to more than 30 seconds of one song by an artist in that month, NOT a follower count. So being on playlists drives those numbers up when you get a lot of people who let a song play through without skipping, whether or not they care enough to click through and check out the artist more, and collabs with bigger artists boost this because when someone just plays that artist's main feed and the song plays through a number gets added to the collab person's total even though, again, the listener probably never went to their page or followed them (this is why Liam's spotify numbers are consistently higher than Louis' for example even though Louis has a bigger fanbase). New music pushes those numbers up; between release times they will go down. Festival appearances may see them go back up as the summer goes on! But probably not significantly is my guess. I suspect individuals looking into an artist and even following them honestly has very little impact on this compared to playlist placement, which is something management/ label pay for and do around release times- and yes, LTHQ do this at those times- which is why his numbers were up, which is why there's a drop off to be seen. But lots of those listeners that have dropped off the monthly counts may still be followers of his account! So they will get notifs for his new music (and his shows) and push those numbers back up when the time comes. As for the charting thing, I... don't find that odd or problematic? That seems consistent to me with his model and not really an issue? When Louis said "I'm not here to compete with the likes of Drake and Ariana Grande. I'm here to make music I love and make my fans proud to say they're a fan," he was saying that he was not going to worry about chasing casual fans. I get that you and a big part of the fanbase disagrees with that decision on his part, that's the whole discourse, but IDK what to tell you: Louis disagrees with you and has literally said so! Louis has been clear in both words and actions that his priority is the dedicated fanbase that makes it possible for him to tour, and that while he is also doing things to see if they work to pull in casual fans and enjoys when he gets the benefits of both, it's not his priority or focus and isn't going to be. The live thing isn't a paradox- it's the point! It's what he has TOLD US REPEATEDLY that he most wants to sustain and he is not only doing that but also growing those audiences- and yes, getting casual fans mixed in as well. Like you point out, in LATAM in particular he gets a lot and he clearly loves that, and we saw him feeding it with the press junket he did in advance of the tour there; when it doesn't require him to change his core project he's clearly happy to see how far he can take it and ride the wave. And he's playing these fests as part of that- so be happy, he's doing what people want! But I think waiting for him to make that the primary priority when he has explicitly said he isn't going to do that is setting yourself up for disappointment. I don't think we will at any point see a shift from his number one priority being the dedicated fans, and I think it would be a HUGE mistake if they did shift that focus to prioritize chasing less sustaining fans.
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my favorite sherliam fanfics
In no particular order
doing one of these again, even though literally nobody is asking for them
Garden Of Blood by Kiarrionss and luvviexq
A sherliam hanahaki disease fic, but it's somehow much more painful
Hello Police, Yes, this story right here. *aggressively points at phone* It made me laugh and blush and cry and rethink what love really was and realize that I will never be loved like this in my life. Amazing work. I absolutely loved it. One of my absolute favorites.
floriography by jellyfen
Liam becomes the new target of a serial killer. Sherlock is there to help him find out who the killer is.
What would this list be without this story. Ive read it at least 4 times. It's number one on ao3 for a reason.
mosaic broken hearts (we learn to live with the pain) by iridescentsung
sherliam may or may not have accidentally adopted a child after they started to live in America and finally sorted everything out between them.
Really, really beautiful and I only recommend it.
Laws of Gravity by @glanceart
They survive the fall, battered and on the run. They find themselves at the mercy of a noble whose motives are misled.
I absolutely adore this story. The way both of them are struggling to live on after everything and learning how to deal with the difficulties of living a simple life. It ends on a good note.
Hangman's Dilemma by Averylostcause, Cutie_Pi3
Sherlock catches Liam and puts him behind bars, only to realize how much he hates this and teams up with the Moriarty gang to get him out again. Louis tries to stab him multiple times, for realizing it so late.
I just finished this. It's sooooo sweet. Alternativ titel: sherlock just straight up not having a good time for 48k.
I know, there's still so many more and I will add to this list as it continues, but this is it for now.
I don't know why, but somehow all sherliam fanfic seem to make me rethink what love is. Also, it's not a good sherliam fic, if you don't have a case to solve.
As always: if you know any of these authors here on tumblr, please tell me, so I can link them to this post. Please check out their stories and show them the love they deserve.
Also, if you have any sherliam stories you enjoyed, PLEASE TELL ME.
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murfpersonalblog · 5 months
IWTV S2 - Three spicy/spoilery reviews
The reviewers are just saying whatever they want, I guess! O_O
Here's my favorite bits from TheWrap, ComicBook, and IGN.
I've decided to mix and match them, comparing what they each say about similar themes/topics/reveals.
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TELL IT! It's about adding DEPTH, y'all, not just a 1:1 page-to-screen.
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Intellectual horror, instead of psychological horror--fascinating.
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An "even more authentic adaptation" -- WE BEEN KNEW!!! I roll my eyes at book stans who hate on the show, acting like the movie was more accurate just cuz it was set during slavery times with white actors. 🙄 Like PLEASE, there's so much missing from the movie, or glossed over, or straight up changed, that the show-antis just demonstrate how shallow they are when their every attack hinges on the timeline/race/age changes. Cry harder.
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MORE elevated than Season 1--you love to see it.
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Yaaas, bring on the petty melodramatic mess, and fierce performances! 👏
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Because Bailey used profanity to convey her agony being a woman trapped in an adolescent's body in S1 too, I'm assuming Delainey will just cuss more? But cussing is all over the show, so I don't get it.
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Everyone keeps raving about Roxane as Madeleine, but they've been SO CLOSE-LIPPED about her scenes, and it's KILLING me. 😭
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"Deeply willful around Louis"--yeah, we saw a glimpse of that in the trailer; it's what he deserves. Give 'em hell, Claudia!
And yeah, she's PISSED that they cast her as Baby LouLou--imagine, being infantalized, and given the name of the father you've already gone through so much to emancipate yourself from as a "Brother" instead of "Daddy Lou." 😒 Eff Louis--where's Claudia's scythe at!?
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"Nonsense--" TheWrap isn't holding back a single punch huh?
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"dating show contestants feigning authenticity to clumsily present themselves in the best light--" oof. 💀
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Holy god; "begging the question...if Louis has just traded one abuser for another" GO AWF! 🚩🚩🚩
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Wow, so this must refer to Episode 5 from the episode titles list released recently. "Genuine horror".... 😈
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RIP. 💀 Youngmaniel might see some action, but Oldmaniel's "utterly allergic and adversarial;" OOF. 💀💀
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They keep saying petty. 😅 These messy queens are a trip!
"Far more powerful" -- I am SEATED~! I wanna see THE coven master!
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Yaaas, come through Children of Satan/Darkness acolyte! 😈
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"Scarred and transformed by the same man" -- they sound like war veterans. U_U
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"the show's primary villain--" say it louder. Book stans need to stop projecting post-IWTV Lestat the hero/protagonist/MC into the narrative that LOUIS is telling, as a guy struggling to get over his ex.
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"There to berate him for his poor choices--" this tracks with the trailer released today, too, where the producers said Dream-Stat would "pass judgement" on Louis' pisspoor actions.
PRODUCTION (Sets, Costumes, etc)
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Yes, IWTV S1 was absolutely gorgeous; their attention to detail was immaculate. And so far it looks like S2 is gonna be just as nice. I REALLY like what I've seen of the Threatre's aesthetic.
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I freaking love this. XD
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Agreeing with him about WHAT though? 🤨 That Louis & Claudia are hiding things? Or that they deserve to die because of it? (Especially since Lestat is OBVIOUSLY not actually dead, so what "crime/rules" are they actually breaking, Lord Kangaroo Court?)
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Thank you lord god kamisama flying spaghetti monster he's a Talamascan, not another secret vampire.
But now I'm nervous, thanks to the ComicBook review:
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Uh oh. The Talamasca feels forced & out of place. 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️
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The AVENGERS INITIATIVE. 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀
But they say it feels like "Daniel's being recruited--" YES PLEASE. 🙏 If Daniel's not gonna be a vampire, at least let him be a Talamascan. Ain't no way he can return to the mundane world after all this.
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My BIGGEST complaint about IWTV as a franchise is its tenuous connection to the Immortals Universe. AMC is dropping the ball hard on creating an ARCU--Anne Rice's Cinematic Universe. There are SO MANY immortals & supernaturals we should've BEEN seen in S1, walking the streets of NOLA. I will say this every time: Oncle Vervain Mayfair should've been brought in from the OG pilot script. We should've seen Louis go to him for gris-gris before the poker game, and introduce Lestat to Vervain as a practitioner of what Louis thought was "European voodoo." Also: we should've seen Lasher. There should've been a scene where the Mayfairs told the vampires to GTFO their territory, and keep their hunting grounds on the other side of town. Like, the Mayfair Witches show sucks like you wouldn't believe, it's so stupid (looks gorgeous though), but the WORLDBUILDING is ripe for the taking! And AMC did squat with it!
Like, tbh, I don't see the point of a whole Talamasca show, and if it's handled by Esta & the gang from MW, then I don't wanna see it--I WILL, ofc, but I won't WANT to. Especially since we haven't seen any ghosts. ISTG, PLEASE have Merrick Mayfair in Ep7 or Ep8--not only will that bridge IWTV with MW, but it can perfectly lead to Blackwood Farm., while keeping the threads between vampires, ghosts, AND the Taltos (if they're determined to do a Lestat/Rowan crossover from Blood Canticle 🤢🤮).
I was wondering why so many reviews were giving it 4/5 or 9/10, like wtf are y'all being so stingy for!? But if this is the problem, then I'm not surprised, I've been complaining about it the whole time.
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eddiesguitarskills · 2 years
When We Were Young
Part 6
Ex bf Eddie Munson x reader
Other parts 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
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Intro: 5 years have past since you packed up and left behind Hawkins. Well not all of it, as the people you met there are still a huge part of your life. But it's been 5 years since you had set foot in the small town, 5 years since you left him. And now after all that time you were back.
Warning: angst, language, mentions of suicide, miscarriages, self harm, mental health. Arguments. Mentions of break ups. Female identity reader. Use of y/n.
Bold parts are flashbacks
Word count: 3k
A/N: sorry this took so long this was a bad month for me. It can be hard to write something so raw when you aren't in the best place. It may have taken me a while but I hope you enjoy it. Not gonna lie I cried writing this.
Not prove read
Friday rolled around quicker than you expected, part of you hated that it was already here. Part of you was excited about it. Of course, you could have chosen not to go out with your colleagues who cared for nothing you had to say and ignored your existence, but it felt like your heart had already decided to go back to that bar before your brain had time to think. You sat there watching bartender after bartender come and go. The same spot you were in last week, just as cramped, just as loud, with the same smell of alcohol, sweat, cologne, and perfume in the air. Everything was the same, well it would be when he finally showed up.
To be fair the last time you were here he didn't appear straight away, it's like he was only truly there when you needed it when you felt lost and alone. Not that you needed him of course. You hadn't in a while, but something in you craved time with him. It was a weird feeling, and it felt strange to say aloud which is why it was best the thought was kept in your head. Seeing him was almost like a relief but also it was a pain you had avoided but needed.
The feeling of wanting to see him felt like when you want to ride the biggest rollercoaster at the fair, you look up and your body shudders at the height. It makes no sense to want to go on something so crazy, but we do, we sit in that seat, let the bar come down over our laps, and sometimes we chicken out, for years you have been too afraid to see Hawkins, to see him. But you didn't want to run anymore, you wanted to ride that rollercoaster, even if it was only downhill. At least it would finally be an end to things. Unfortunately, that rollercoaster had broken down before you even had a chance to ride it tonight, as Eddie was a no-show. You wished part of you wasn't disappointed at that.
The next week, unfortunately, rolled around a lot slower this time, it was filled with lunchtimes with Steve, detentions and trying to make your lower sets understand that you wanted to help them succeed, you wouldn’t give up on them so many of Hawkins had. One particular student Louis, reminded you a lot of Eddie, with hair slightly different, blonder, and less into nerdy stuff. But they both carried themselves the same, loved the same music, hated authority, but cared deeply, no matter how much they tried to put on a front that they didn’t. Very stubborn like Eddie, which is why it felt good when on Friday he didn’t grumble at your lesson plan, he actually smiled. For most, this wouldn’t be a big deal but to you, it showed that maybe there would be hope to be able to help him. You hoped this would be a sign that good things were to come.
So you went to the bar the same as the week before, despite him not being there again. You didn’t feel as sad as you did last time, but it would have been nice to share the news with him. News? What news? That a student like him was warming up to you? That it reminded you of when you used to help Eddie study? It made no sense to want to talk to him about anything. What is it about this town that was making you lose all your senses?
The next couple of weeks were the same. Every Friday is the same. Maybe two passing ships were all you were meant to be. It made more sense to not want to be around someone who hurt you so much, but something always drew you to him. You think of him in your quietest moments or when you hear a song that reminds you of him, or when you pass somewhere in town you went together. You may have not seen him in person for a few weeks, but mentally you had seen him every day. It’s like your brain was torturing you, it felt like it was manipulating you to believe he was still the person who cared for you.
You had been tossing and turning all night, trying to think of scenarios other than Eddie to dream about. Trying to force yourself to think of anything else, but that’s the thing whenever you try to do that, it always has the opposite effect. You stare upwards, counting the bubbles on your popcorn ceiling, after doing this for a while you started to think of the moles on Eddie’s body.
Eddie had his shirt off, face smooshed into the pillow snoring. You were always fascinated with his moles, especially on his back. You loved that people called them beauty marks, and looking at Eddie you could understand why. You always wondered if you connected them would they make a shape or a picture? Curiosity getting the better of you you got a pen from your boyfriend’s desk and started to play dot-to-dot with his moles.
When you got to one closer to his ribcage he flinched, you should have known better than to avoid his ticklish spot. “I’m not paper” he grumbled into the pillow, pretending to be mad. “Sorry I got confused with all doodles on you” you tease. He suddenly gets up flipping you so you are lying and he is pinning you down. You hold the pen up to him, pretending it was a weapon, “as you said angel I’m not afraid of doodles”. He lowers down to ki-
No! Absolutely not! Enough of that! You got out of your bed, got changed and headed out. You looked at the dashboard on your car, five am, where could you go that would be open? The bar? No, it would probably be closed and even if it was open he would be there. The Harrington’s? No, you were supposed to be there later, turning up at this time would only worry everyone and wake the whole house up. Lovers lake? No chance, do you want to go somewhere romantic the thought makes you sick. Benny’s? Despite Benny being dead the name stayed the same, it’s open 24hrs and at this time no one you knew would be in. Plus you would love some pancakes and coffee right about now. Caffeine might help your brain from drifting.
So here’s where you found yourself at the third booth, by the window, coffee in hand wanting for your pancakes. Your mind wanders while you stir the coffee.
“Eddie I’m not in the mood for Benny’s” you sigh, this week had been kicking your butt. All you wanted to do was lie in bed and sleep until it was all better. Eddie wouldn’t let you do that, he let you wallow for the day until he dragged you out of your house to your booth in Benny’s. You couldn’t understand how Eddie thought this would make you feel better, but that’s the thing. Eddie sometimes knew you better than you knew yourself. Maybe you didn’t want to leave your bed, but you needed to. You needed something good, even if it was simple like your favourite pancakes with strawberries and syrup to start to pull you out of your rut. As the food enters your mouth it feels like the first time you have smiled in days. His hand is resting on the table so you reach out to hold it and squeeze it. Maybe you weren’t completely okay at that moment, but you needed him to know you appreciated him.
It was stupid to think going to Benny’s would help anything. Nothing helped, it didn’t matter where you were or who you were with. Thoughts of Eddie were clouding your judgement. God, now you are even seeing things. You see a man at the booth next to yours, with his back to you, he has the same hair as Eddie. You were sure it was your mind playing another cruel trick on you. That was until he spoke to the waitress as she placed down his pancake and bacon with syrup. “Thanks, Dawn”. What were you doing? Before you had time to think your body had taken you over to his booth. You sat down. Your body was so quick with this decision that you hadn’t had time to think about what you would say. “You’re here early” god not that. You hated how being around him you had lost all your senses. He had already taken enough from you, now he had your sense.
He looked unsure as he looked at you. You couldn’t help but notice the large dark bags under his eyes, had he been struggling to sleep too? Why did you care? You always needed to have the upper hand with him, you couldn’t let him hurt you again. You couldn’t show weakness like him knowing you cared about him. He would only laugh in your face or even worse if he cared too. “Have you been out of town?” He shook his head. Still saying nothing. You had left him speechless, he had tried so hard to avoid you. He had thought going to Benny’s at five o’clock in the morning would be safe but he was wrong. He should have known you two was like magnets bound to be forced together eventually. “Are you ill?” He shook his head again. “So you’re just avoiding me then?”
He wanted to deny this, he hated the thought of upsetting you. He still doesn’t know the full story but he knows enough to know that he had some part in- god he didn’t even want to think about it. He thought it was mercy, him staying away. How could explain this to you without revealing what he knew? “I thought that was what you wanted”. You let out a small chuckle even though it’s not funny. “You haven’t cared about what I wanted in a long time,” You say it like it’s a joke but bitterness lies in your tone. You expect him to say something back, or do something but he just looks at you.
There’s a glint of something in his eye, if you didn’t know him so well you wouldn’t have caught it. It wasn’t love, or hate, it was sympathy. You felt bile in your throat. It all made sense why he was avoiding you, why he wasn’t a dick the last time you met. All this time you thought you had the power but as always he had all the cards and he was choosing which ones to reveal to you.
“Who told you?” Nothing. “Is that why you were nice to me last time?” He gives you nothing again. For so many years you had thought of Eddie as a monster who didn’t care about you and made you lose your baby. Then you felt like you were the monster and maybe it was better if he was away from you. You would go back and forth in the cycle for years. You healed and tried to forgive but had not forgotten he took away your chance of being a mother, young or not. Now you felt like you could never even think that thought again as you felt too guilty for the child you lost. That was the thing, Eddie never knew about your baby and you wanted to keep it that way. Maybe it was selfishness that you wanted to go through the loss alone. Or maybe it was the fact you didn’t want him to suffer the way you did after the loss.
How long has he known? Has he been hurting over it or didn’t he care? Was he only pretending to care so people would think he was nice? The thoughts in your head were getting too much and your heart was beating too fast. “Fuck this!” You slam $20 on the table and storm out. What did I do wrong now? Eddie thinks, he fumbles around in his pockets and finds $15 in change and places it on the table. He looks out the window to make sure you are still there. He sees you by your car blindly searching in your bag, you were always terrible at losing things. Some things never change. He picks up his coffee and downing it, it brings a slight burn to his throat but maybe he deserves that he thinks. He's about to leave when he sees your keys on your table, he picks them up. The universe was forcing him to talk to you and maybe that was for the best. He's not sure what to say but him not saying anything made you more annoyed so perhaps talking to you would be best, so he runs to face you.
“It doesn't matter who told me, I'm sorry okay” you don't look up from your bag. You don't want to cry or even worst look at him and forgive him. You needed your keys so you could get out of here as soon as possible. You were tempted to walk but you didn't fancy the 40-minute trek from the diner. “I don't want your apologies or pity”. Eddie sighs “what do you want then?” you shrug. He wanted to shake your shoulder, Lift your chin make you talk to him but what right did he have any more? “Please y/n I'm trying here, I get I'm the bad guy in this...I fucked up”. You dump the content of your bag onto your car hoping to find the keys and escape this situation. The longer the minutes passed the more you wanted to look at him, it felt like there was a force pushing your head to look. “No shit”.
“Y/n, please. I've said I'm sorry, what can I do to show you I am? I tried to stay away but clearly, that didn't work. I'm stuck okay... Should we talk about it?” You look up at him, tears burning your face “so now you wanna talk about your feeling that's new”. You were never the mean one but maybe taking a leaf out of Eddie’s book would help stop the hurt. Push the people and the love out for so long until you don't care anymore. Of course, this wasn't true but you couldn't help but convince yourself otherwise.
He reached up to you wiping your tears with his sleeves, cupping your face. “How long have you been suffering on your own?” you try to push his hand away but it stays there stuck. “I don't want your pity” you spit at him. He doesn't react he just keeps wiping your tears that won't stop falling and are giving away how you truly feel.
“I wish you would have told me, I know I messed up but maybe I could have fixed it. I know I wasn't there for you but I could have been if you would have given me a chance”. You look at him seeing the tears now staining his face as well. You had only ever seen him cry twice, once on the anniversary of his mother's death and the second time when he told you about Chrissy.
This was a sight you hated to see but at least for once he wasn't pushing you away he was letting you see it all, not forcing you behind his facade. You owed it to the Eddie you loved that was still in there to talk about it. “As you said you were stuck with me, you were ready to run and a baby and wouldn't have helped that. The fact that you took that away from me hurt, it was like a pain I have never felt before. I know you thought I left you, but you pushed me away before then. You didn't give me a choice and then you didn't let me take a part of you with me. At that point my whole present and future resolved around you, without you what was I supposed to do? Ending it felt like the only option.”
He freezes and then his knees give and he falls, he puts his hands out to break it. Baby? He was gonna be a father. He would have a family if he wouldn't have ruined it. Then he nearly lost you. Fuck he was a screw-up? He was worse than his dad. He blamed you for so many years and it turns out he was the monster all along. He grabs your legs blubbering through apology after apology.
You looked down at the sight below you, you wondered all these years if seeing Eddie as broken as you felt would help. It didn't it only made you feel worse like another piece of your heart had been chipped off. You pull him up and hugged him he falls in your embrace. After a while when his tears flow slower you break away. “ you need to stop searching for an answer for it all, there isn't one. Even if you did have one what would it help? You would still be hurting, we are still hurting. Maybe being out of each other's lives is better. It might hurt less” You go walk away leaving your items on your car, deciding going on foot would be better than staying here.
He grabbed your arm pulling you back into his embrace. “You don't have to suffer alone anymore. Let me in. I know I don't deserve it but I am finally going to be there for you the way you deserve” he whispers in your ear. You push him away. You didn't want to fall into the trap of loving him again to only get hurt. “You might not understand why I'm shutting you out, but I learned that from you. I was an open book before you walked in” you say in hopes to hurt him, so he would leave it doesn't work. He places your keys in your hand “see you soon” It was a question of when not if. He would let you take your time to take everything in, but now he had you back he would try and make up for all the hurt he had caused.
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