#look at this rude ass trash
foldingfittedsheets · 5 months
Every sales job I’ve worked has that one item. The white whale. The biggest ticket you can sell. The sale you brag about when you’re chatting with other industry people.
When I sold mattresses it was a split king adjustable base. That’s two twin extra long mattresses next to each other to make a king, but each side can move independently. They’re insanely expensive and honestly kind’ve impractical but it was the biggest ticket thing to sell.
When I sold sex toys though our white whale was the 20lb ass. It was a female pelvis, a cut out from the waist to the tops of the thighs. It was hyper realistic material and cost about $500. I definitely had bigger tickets but not in one item typically.
In my time at the sex shop, I sold three. Each time was completely different in terms of how the guy acted about buying it. The first man was a little embarrassed and shy about it. I was professional and supportive as I rang it up. Once I handed him the receipt he looked at the box. Then he looked at me.
If you’ve ever wondered how big a box has to be to fit a 20lb ass let me just tell you: it’s pretty damn big. It’s an uncomfortably large armful of box and every side has a picture of the sex toy inside on it. It’s not subtle.
“Could I get a bag….?”
There was no bag that existed that could possibly contain all that ass. “Hang on,” I told him.
I got scissors and tape and covered the box in cut up black bags. Looking relieved he picked up his purchase and left.
The next man to buy one carried it proudly to the counter; self assured and not embarrassed in the least. When I said I didn’t have a bag, but I could wrap it for him he gave a hearty shrug and hefted it into his arms, marching out the door with the butt on full display.
The last man to get one was just kind’ve an odd guy. Not creepy, but eccentric. We got along great, and as I rang him up I said, “Well one guy wanted his taped over, and one guy carried it out. What would you prefer?”
“There’s no bags?”
“No store bags. I think our jumbo trash bags in the back might fit it….?” It seemed rude to suggest putting a $500 item into a trash bag, but he wasn’t bothered.
He considered this then said, “Bring me the trash bag.”
When I delivered it to him he still managed to surprise me. Instead of shoving the huge box into it he opened the box. He took out his new $500 sex toy, and all the little things it came with, tipping them unceremoniously into the trash bag.
“There! Now I don’t have to deal with the box later!”
I was slightly stunned but agreed that I could easily deal with the trash. Then in a move I still think about with delight he flung the trash bag over his shoulder like a Santa with a sack full of ass and sauntered out the door.
If this or my other escapades made you laugh you could pop a tip into my Ko-fi! For more like this check my tag "ffs foibles".
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personwhowrites · 1 month
Hey Mama
Task force 141 x pregnant!reader(female)
Tw: some suggestive language, mention of intercourse? Comment if I need to add more.
It was a one night stand with a good looking fella gone wrong. Too many things in your mind seem to stop as you saw the positive pregnancy test.
“That explains the late period” Your roommate Jessica pointed out. “Who’s is it?”
“It could be a false positive!” You utter out bitting your nail before looking at Jessica. “Right?”
“False positives are a low chance. If you want I can run down to the drug store and buy a couple more.” Jessica replies and look at you with some worry. “Girl.. do you even know who you slept with? Or were you too drunk to even remember?” Jessica pauses and looks you up and down. “..I have a feeling you open your legs too much.”
“Okay first off rude! I do not..” you mumble and stare at the test. “All the time..”
Jessica can’t help but shake her own head. She’s disappointed, she seen many friends ruin their lives with surprise pregnancies. Most of them just being in their early twenties. Jessica sigh and grab the test before looking back at you.
“So you gonna guess who’s the baby daddy?” Jessica asks while throwing the test in the trash. “Well?”
“It.. could be four people..” you mumble out as Jessica face palms. “What! Listen! Men in uniform are such a turn on!”
“If it was good looking men I would understand but.. I’m gonna guess they’re what? Late thirties maybe fourties’ you slept with?” Jessica blurts and looks at you with some anger. “You can’t just open your legs for any uniform man!”
You roll your eyes, annoyed by choice of words. Jessica and you walk out the bathroom, she can’t help but feel frustrated for you.
“What about collage? That lawyer degree your been working your ass for!” Jessica mentions while going to the living room. “All down the drain! Just because you couldn’t close your legs for some uniformed guy.”
“For your information those four were in the army!” You correct Jessica while following after her, yet it doesn’t help the situation as she lets out a frustrating sigh.
“Four?! Four! I still don’t get how you slept with four men and didn’t even use protect! Have you learned nothing with all the girls we been friends with!” Jessica snaps finally and points her index finger towards of all. “Do you even know their names!? Numbers! Anything?!”
“Uh.. yes! One of them.. was named Ghost, another Gaz an—” You try to explain but Jessica just puts her hand up to stop you mid sentence.
“You know what.. I don’t even wanna know.” Jessica mumbles holding the side of her head. “Christ.. I’m not the one pregnant and I’m stressing out about it.”
You look away, a bit ashamed of putting her through this. Jessica looks over at you finally, slightly calm and sighs.
“I’ll go down to the drug store down the street, I’ll get you more pregnancy test.” Jessica mumbles and presses her lips into a thin line. “Meanwhile you find out who’s the baby daddy, just.. don’t make it a bigger mess.”
Before you could even protest Jessica grabbed her coat and shoes. Leaving you alone in the shared apartment.
You just started down at the floor before doing what she said. You walk to your room, trying to at least remember who was the last guy you were with. Tension grew as you remember that night, you weren’t with just one guy but four making it now impossible to remember who was the first or last one to use you as their cum bucket.
“Fuck..” you whisper reaching for your phone. “..fuck..”
You open your phone, putting the classic passcode of your best friend birthday. The Home Screen loads up, the background being a photo of you and your pet back at home. You sigh as some notifications roll in from Snapchat and Instagram.
“..damn it..” you mumble as you go to your contacts. “..I know it was Gaz.. Ghost..” you pause reading all of your contacts. “..soap and Price..”
You exit the contacts app and go to your messages. You scroll around for their names before finally finding them. You bite your lip, unsure on what to do now, should you be contacting them? How would you even start this conversation! A lot of scenarios,  started to play in your head..then a text.
It was from Jessica, she sent two pictures of pregnancy tests. Then another text reading these shits are expensive, you better pay me back next time.
You just rolled your eyes, going back to see who of the four men you would text first. Then another message, it was from an unknown number.
Open the door mama.
You stare at the text, before hearing a sudden knock on the front door. You covered your mouth and got up quickly from your bed, slightly on edge as you heard the knocking. Another text came from the unknown number.
I know you’re there, saw your friend leave a little while ago.
You grab your phone as the knocking continues in the background. It wasn’t aggressive, just some friendly knocking before it stops for a second. You tried to walk to the front door quietly, but the floorboards gave you away and the knocking started again. Then you heard Jessica, talking to someone she didn’t sound happy. The movement of plastic bags were heard, probably two male voices maybe more?
“Yeah yeah that’s what they all say.” Jessica says opening the door, almost knocking you over. “Christ! Hey careful or at least say something..”
You glance behind her, now seeing who she was talking to. It was that guy.. well… guys. You couldn’t speak as Soap took out the pregnancy tests out the boxes and read the instructions. Ghost grabbed the tests back from Soap and put them back in the bag. Price shook his head, putting his head in his hand. While Gaz looked at you with an awkward smile.
“Hey mama..” Gaz whispered as you stood there motionless.
Mama.. maybe that name will fit good enough until.. they figure out who’s child you’re having..
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gay-dorito-dust · 3 months
YOOO I SEE U FELLOW UNUS ANUSER🫵🫵 i fucking love ur works keep at it bestie pls feed our delusions😫😫
may i ask for, dan heng, blade and jing yuan with a sweet and kind s/o but the moment theyre (the characters) are talked to in a disrespectful way, s/o is immediately turning into a guard dog with a “i’ll tear out your guts with my hand showed down your throat”? idk i just love feral but also gentle s/o tropes so much😔
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Thank you 🫵 my fellow Unus Anuser for the ask and enjoying my writings, despite me thinking half of them could be better but I’m not going to complain if ppl enjoy them regardless.
Dan Heng:
He’s taken aback by your sudden threats of violence towards a random pedestrian for intentionally bumping into him.
He was more use to Caelus rummaging through trash cans before waxing poetry about them and whenever March 7th going off on her own as it was expected of their characters.
You however? His sweetheart, his precious jewel and beloved partner? It was extremely unexpected. Dan Heng had to physically stop you from actually fulfilling your threat by holding you against him before putting a good deal of distance between you and the rude individual.
He’s not against you defending his honour, he just doesn’t want you engaging in fights with random people just because they said something about him that you didn’t like. He didn’t want you to stoop to their level and become like them, no matter how good your reasonings for doing so may be. Dan Heng just wants you to be better than them and not give them the reaction that they needed to fuel their own narratives.
That and Dan Heng knew that you could easily kick their ass but he didn’t felt like dealing with being chased by the authorities for unprovoked acts of violence. However some exceptions can be made to this but Dan Heng would much rather that you kept out of trouble, just for his sake and his sanity as he didn’t want to make breaking you out of jail a reoccurring thing.
Jing Yuan:
His interest is peaked.
Who’d knew that someone as sweet and kind as you had such a vicious side, waiting to come out.
Jing Yuan didn’t care for much what others said about him, but having you come to his defence without hesitation had him smiling with pride. His reputation precedes him wherever he went, so naturally he wasn’t going to be easily intimidated by senseless yapping of others, especially those who had not even the slightest clue of the things he’s put himself through in order to get where he was.
While Jing Yuan appreciates your need to stick up for him, he didn’t think it was necessary for you to waste your time and energy on those who lack the capacity to listen to a voice that wasn’t their own.
‘Always pick your battles wisely my dear,’ he said all the while looking at the person who insulted him dead in the eye with that half asleep expression of his, ‘for most aren’t worth fighting in.’ He finishes before gently pulling you by the waist and walking away.
He had an inkling that there was more to you than meets the eye. However he didn’t expect someone who went out of their way to feed stray kittens and puppies, patch up his wounds despite knowing he could heal, would ever spout such detailed threats towards another person.
He didn’t give two shits about what people said about him that he hasn’t heard before, he had long grown immune to ignore the comments from those who didn’t know him nor his past. Yet he couldn’t help but revel in the look of surprise on the persons face the words left your lips, chuckling softly at the countless possible thoughts that must be running through their head in that moment.
It was always the sweetest people that everyone was the least suspicious about, it was near enough impossible to fathom that they were capable of hurting anyone.
A wolf in sheep’s clothing is what described you best in this moment as Blade watched you with new found interest. He found this side of you rather exciting and wanted nothing more than to help you hone in on this side of you and use it to your advantage; Yet he found another part of himself wanting to be the one inciting violence, as he refuses you to tread the same path he did, he wouldn’t allow it.
After all he was the weapon.
He was the one stained in the blood of others.
He was the one that inflicted pain onto others and himself and it was something he will continue to do until death was finally granted to him in whatever form that may be. Blade will refuse you from ever embracing that side of yourself if it meant sending you on a projectory much like his own.
You were his light in the dark for a reason and while it was reassuring to know that you had what it took to fight back, Blade would much rather be the one to fight instead and to be the one to keep your hands clean of blood and violence overall.
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lazyjellyfish300 · 7 months
Relationship Weight 💘👩🏽‍❤️‍👨🏾
Miguel O'Hara x Fem reader
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**gif credits to colecassidysfav**
TW: Minors DNI, eating disorder, insecurity, weight gain, self consciousness, body dismorphia, sexual content. I DREW ON PERSONAL EXPERIENCE/SOME OF MY INTERNAL THOUGHTS I HAVE DEALT WITH TO WRITE THIS AND ARTICULATE THE STRUGGLES I HAVE FACED PERSONALLY WITH EATING AND BODY IMAGE WHICH MAY BE FATPHOBIC OR TRIGGERING. IF YOU ARE QUITE SENSITIVE TO ANYTHING LIKE THAT, YOU MIGHT WANT TO SKIP OVER THIS ONE x ❤️ I just wanted to write something where he's helping you through your insecurities about changes your body is going through...hope it's okay and you enjoy!
Synopsis: You & Miguel have been dating for almost a year. You're slowly healing your relationship with food and getting comfortable which causes you to put on some pounds. You're insecure one evening and he reassures you. (Reader is mid-twenties, Miguel is in his thirties)
It was New Year's Eve. Spider Society was throwing a party at 9 pm tonight. Your new boyfriend Miguel was never one to want to attend such functions, God forbid he actually be forced to socialize. But at your urging he caved in. He wanted to make you happy and he knew you were dying to be part of his world even though you had no Spider abilities. You embraced his daughter and completely brought him into yours, after all. Your mom was already head over heels for him and couldn't resist stuffing homemade rolls, cookies, brownies, banana bread, or any other baked goods down his throat whenever y'all visited.
It was an amazing 10 months with Miguel. When you met, you were in the best shape of your life. You met at the gym when you'd always see him in the free weights area directly in front of the treadmills where you did your cardio. Every day he'd do his reps in a spot where you had a front row seat, and you couldn't help but steal glances at him grunting, strands of his dark hair falling over his forehead as sweat dripped down, his delicious shoulder muscles rippling and you couldn't help but try and picture yourself underneath.
In the beginning it was spicy and passionate. You'd send him selfies at work wearing lingerie sets and sometimes nothing at all which would get him hot and bothered in his office, sometimes in the middle of a virtual meeting. He'd turn off his camera and mic and groan at the sight of you and start palming himself to your photos when Peter B. Parker would stroll in, blabbing about something only to yelp and duck when Miguel threw his trash can at his head screaming at him to "Get the fuck out, Parker, I'm busy!"
After about two weeks of this, he finally caught you shamelessly staring at him and made a quip about how it's rude to stare to which your face nearly melted from the heat of embarrassment that rose in your cheeks. He smirked at your flustered reaction and finally introduced himself and the rest was history.
Your stomach was flat and defined in the beginning. You had a toned ass and legs and your arms were well sculpted. You'd go to the gym with Miguel all the time and push each other then come home and release all the tension in the shower. He'd fuck you mercilessly against the shower wall and you'd come undone beneath him. He loved doing it with the lights on, in front of the mirror, which you had no problem with. You looked damn good as you rode him with his hands on your thighs. Both of your perfect bodies moving together like some kind of porno.
Even though your body looked flawless, you felt immense pressure to maintain it. You couldn't help but feel insecure when you saw how perfect his figure was and how so many heads always turned when you were out with him in public. You had insecure thoughts when one of the gorgeous Spiderwomen he worked with would send him emails or when they'd go inside his office for their work evaluations, clearly fixing their hair to look good for him, your impossibly handsome boyfriend.
When he asked you out on your first date, you had maybe 6 bites total of your main course and insistently turned down dessert. You felt like you couldn't eat most of the day until you saw him later on in the evenings, wanting to make sure your body looked just as good as it did in the morning for him as it did as night.
But Miguel was good for your soul. He'd whip up the best comfort food for you after a long gym session. Your favorite was his Al Pastor, which he'd watch you eagerly scarf down with a smile on his face, then hand you the last few bites of his which he couldn't finish. He had your takeout orders memorized and would bring it to you whenever you had a bad day. Whenever you would try and order a small size, he'd shake his head and order you a large. He could sense you had difficulty with food and how much you ate. But it made his heart happy and warm to see you curled up on the couch next to him in your hoodie and sweats, munching happily on whatever food he brought you while he did the same and turned on the Netflix series you two were binging together.
You slowly let down your walls with him, but not all the way. In the 10 months you two were dating, you put on 80 pounds. Your stomach was no longer flat, even when you sucked in. It dropped over your pants and you only wore high waisted leggings to tuck it in. Your thighs and upper arms jiggled, much less toned than before. Your breasts grew larger and slightly more saggy when before they were smaller, yet round and perky. You stopped dressing cute. When you saw the number on the scale you panicked and threw it away, sobbing on the bathroom floor.
You were in a rut lately. You hadn't been to the gym with Miguel in weeks and just felt like hiding away and rotting in bed. You didn't want to leave the sanctuary of your apartment and PJs for fear of someone seeing you. You'd cry about your body in the day only to down half the snacks in your pantry at night and make you wake up with self-loathing. You refused to have the lights on anymore when you two made love. Normally you'd scream and sigh, letting him relish in your moans and pleasure, becoming a pornstar for him in bed, letting him bend and twist you into whatever position he wanted, and you'd take the lead and move your hips in circles that drove him crazy while he left handprints on your ass and scanned every inch of you with his eyes, burning your body into his corneas.
Now lately, you'd hide under the covers, refusing to get on top and preferred missionary or doggy style where you'd bury your top half in the pillows or anything where he didn't have a good view of your body. You were convinced that having him take you from behind was better because at least the only positive from your body changing was your ass getting bigger.
Now, it was New Year's Eve, and you were shaking on your bed, trying to stifle your sobs as none of the dresses you wanted to wear were fitting. All that fit you now was a loose knit top and a short skirt that was tight across your tummy bulge. When you turned around you could see your love handles from behind and the cellulite that dimpled the back of your thighs that were once smooth. You felt incredibly self-conscious and were so mad at yourself for letting yourself get to this point. You thought surely your Greek God of a boyfriend would be embarrassed to be seen with you. He must have won the lottery with his metabolism, because no matter what he ate, he stayed fit and sexy as ever.
Miguel walked into your apartment with a grin on his face after working out, setting his keys on the counter. He opened your fridge and his smile disappeared when he saw the lunch he bought you earlier still untouched, sitting on the top shelf. His brow furrowed with worry and he called your name.
"Amor?" He walked into your bedroom and found you sitting on your bed in tears.
"Baby?" He scooped you into his big, strong arms. "What's wrong? You didn't eat the lunch I got you?"
He kissed the top of your head while holding you close, letting you cry it out for a minute, not minding his collar getting soaked with your tears.
"Nothing fits me anymore!" you cried. "I seriously tried on all of my dresses in my wardrobe and nothing fits. I feel disgusting."
Snot began to run down your nose as your eyes began to swell and get puffy from all your weeping. Miguel got up and grabbed some tissues from your bathroom, handing them to you and running his hands up and down your arms as you sat back down on the bed.
"You're not disgusting, amor. Let me see. What's wrong with this skirt you have on?"
Miguel held your hand as you stood up begrudgingly, rolling your eyes and you gave a half-ass spin to show him your outfit that you absolutely hated.
Now, Miguel's eyebrows raised when you turned around and he felt his cheeks get pink as a small singe of arousal coursed through his body. Your ass really looked great. Sure, your ass was toned before, but he liked it much better now, the curvature much more pronounced as it blended into your hips, creating a wide, delicious hourglass.
But the part of you that grabbed his attention the most was the little bulge at the bottom of your tummy that poked itself out endearingly in your skirt. He couldn't articulate why but seeing that drove him crazy. He automatically put his hands on it to which you winced and grabbed his wrists, trying to move them away.
Miguel's face softened and his eyes grew sad.
"Let me touch you...please?"
You couldn't help yourself to his gorgeous sad eyes so you relaxed your grip, releasing his wrists and letting him touch you. He put his hands on your fupa and began to gently knead it in a circle, letting the circles get wider and wider until he moved his hands to a new area. He grabbed your love handles this time, using them to pull your body against his face as he planted small kisses against your clothed abdomen.
You finally let out a small whine which made him smile devilishly.
"There we go...I knew you wouldn't be able to hold back for me, hermosa," he whispered.
He slunk his hands under your skirt while kissing and squeezing the flesh of your thighs, worshipping your skin. "Do... you.. know...." he pauses as he sucks on your inner thigh.
"How fucking crazy you've been driving me lately? Do you know how much I've been dying to get my hands on you and appreciate you like this? It's been SO long..." His hands begin to massage your breasts which elicits more moans from you.
"I just... I haven't felt comfortable lately. I don't feel beautiful. I hate the way I look. I don't feel sexy for you," you hang your head in shame.
Miguel pauses and pulls you on top of him so you're sitting on his lap with your thighs on either side of him. He rests his hands back on your clothed breasts, gently increasing the pressure of his grip on them as he speaks to you in a hushed tone.
"Baby, I love you for who you are, not what you look like." His eyes scan you, hungrily. "But, I loved your body back then, and I love it now. Maybe even a little more so." He winks at you.
"Yes, really" Miguel murmurs as he runs his hands under your shirt, the coolness of his palms causing you to gasp which makes your nipples poke out a little, making him drool.
"Let's stay in tonight," he purrs as he squeezes your bare flesh under your shirt. "Please?"
"Oh, okay..."
"Good." He smiles at you and kisses you softly. "After I take my time with you, I need you to eat some food for me baby, can you do that? I'll get you whatever you want. My treat. I just want you to be healthy and happy with me."
You can't help but tear up and he cups your face in both of his large hands, squeezing your cheeks as he looks lovingly into your eyes.
"I love you so much. Don't ever worry about what you look like," his hands run down your body.
"Because at the end of the day, it's all for me, hmm?"
"Y-ahhhh!" Your response freezes in your throat as you feel overwhelming pleasure coming from your core, and you realize his hand found its way up your skirt and under your panties.
"Hmmm?" He asks, his head tilting, his dreamy brown-reddish eyes locked onto yours, relishing the way you're losing your mind to his fingers right now.
"You didn't answer my question, amor." He plunges deeper.
"God! Yes...God, yes it's all for you baby...only you," you groan.
He smiles a dazzling smile at you. "Good." He smacks your ass and lays back on your bed, pulling you over his face.
"Now I'm ready to suffocate."
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yanteetle · 5 months
random yan rottmnt thought:
the boys calling you while they bury your friends alive. You find your phone ringing at the asscrack of the night, and you fumble for your phone. Your eyes are still bleary from the interrupted sleep, and they're video calling you at such an ungodly hour.
You obviously pick up, curious on whatever shenanigans these turtles are usually up to. But Leo's spinning the camera to show where he is, and you notice the field of graves around him and his brothers.
"Tf are you doing in a graveyard??" You grumble tiredly, rubbing your eyes out of your sleep as you sit up.
"Just hanging out with your buddies! Yknooow, the ones you alwaays talk about? Your little school friends?" Leo grins, his smile looking much too happy for someone in a graveyard right now. Your stomach churns in discomfort at the thought - you know the turtles aren't exactly subtle about how they act when you mention your friends...
Leo then pans the camera to an open grave, his face in the corner of your screen whilst the video call continues to run. "We found out your friends over here" He walks close the the edge of the open grave, the flashlight shining inside - showing your friends gagged and tied up, dirt and soil covering up to their chest now. "were busy trash talking you behind your sweet little old back! Sooo rude! Don'tcha think so?" Leo continues, his tone laced with mock anger.
"Soo, we decided to defend you honour and do you a favour!" Mikey chimed in excitedly, his hands busy with shovelling dirt into the grave, slowly drowning your friends in maggot and worm-filled soil.
"by BURYING THEM ALIVE??" You yelled in terror, but it was responded by a unanimous chuckle from the turtles.
"Oh- Donnie's coming to get the dump truck, we're just putting a little down here so they don't try n' wriggle outta here!" Raph chuckled, and your heart practically drops into your ass at the statement.
"WHAT?? No- get them outta there now!!" You yelled through the phone, but the last thing you saw was Leo's smug grin as he hung up, leaving you in the silent emptiness of your room - a stark contrast to the muffled screams of your friends echoing in the background of that video call.
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slayfics · 23 days
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You get jealous when Katsuki talks about Burnin.
600 words
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Internships started back up and they were even more challenging than last time. The pro heroes had a good idea of what your classes could handle now, so the training was even more intense.
After the past days of non-stop hero work, your body collapsed into bed. You didn't think your bed had ever felt so comfortable.
You wondered if your other classmates' internships were as strenuous. Katsuki's at least had to be, after all, he was interning at Endeavor's.
You reached for your phone to send him a text.
[You] Hey, how is your internship going? [Katsuki] Awful. I'm losing my goddamn mind here. [You] Oh shit- what's going on?
Your phone rang as a call from Katsuki came through. Eagerly you answered.
"Hey," you greeted him.
"Fucking hate texting," he stated.
"I know," you chuckled. "So, what happened?" you asked.
"Had dinner at Endeavor's house the other day," he mumbled into the phone.
"What!? How was that?!" You asked.
"Fucking weird- they got a lot of family drama. It was stupid to bring me and Deku into it. Fucking rude not to keep your shit together when ya got guests. HA! And I thought my family had problems," he said.
"That bad, hu? Come on tell me the details, what were they fighting about?" You pleaded.
"Tch- you're nosey as hell ya know that? What the hell do you care anyway?" He asked.
"Endeavor is the number one hero now! It's- interesting to hear that his family life is trash when his career is so good," you explained.
"Yeah- sounds like that's what the problem is. He was an absent father I guess... I don't know- it's not my damn business and I don't care about that crap. I'm here to get stronger not fucking be on a drama show," Katsuki spoke.
"He taught you anything good yet?" You asked.
Katsuki grunted into the phone, "Nah- we've been having to try and beat him to the scene of a villain. But- he's so goddamn fast it pisses me off- and then that damn sidekick of his gets on my fucking nerves."
"What's he like?" You asked wanting to hear more about Endeavor's sidekick.
"She," Katsuki corrected you. "Fucking annoying. She's a strong hero I guess but she's too damn loud all the time."
"Oh.... what does she look like?" You asked, trying to keep the growing insecurity out of your voice.
"Hah? Why? What the hell does that matter?" Katsuki asked confused by your question.
"I'm just curious," you lied.
"It's Burnin' you've probably seen her in the news before, she's a pretty famous sidekick... Wait- are you jealous or something?" Katsuki asked, picking up on the tone in your voice.
"What!? No!" You exclaimed into the phone, but it was too late. Katsuki had picked up on your insecurity.
"I already told ya she's damn annoying, didn't I?" Katsuki said, his way of saying you were dumb for feeling insecure about the sidekick.
"Yeah, but you say that about everyone," you pointed out.
"That's not true," Katsuki challenged you. "I... don't say that about your ass," he mumbled voice lower than before.
Your cheeks warmed at his words, and you shifted in bed. "I miss you," you said, your voice equally as low.
"Tch- don't press your luck... You ain't getting that sappy shit out of me," he grumbled voice rough again. "It's getting late, we should rest."
"Yeah," you agreed hesitantly. He was right you both had to be up early tomorrow to be back at internships, but you didn't want to hang up.
"I'll talk to ya later," he said and paused for a moment before continuing. "I... guess I miss you too or whatever. Good night." He concluded and hung up before you could make any remarks on his sentimental words.
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sinners: @queenpiranhadon @unofficialmuilover @maddietries @fiannee @i-heart-carlisle @derangedmango @matchat3a @bakugouswaif @reneinii @peachsukii @pastelbakugou @abadbitchblogs @deluluforcarlos55 @b134ch-m4h-ey3z @pinkpurpledreams @that-one-fangirl69 @dreamcastgirl99 @jays-adventure3
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whoreforjisung · 2 months
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Pervy neighbor Jisung one-shot ✨
-Might continue the story in multiple parts if people are interested! I still have many ideas when it comes to pervy jisung
-Content / tags / warnings: smut / non-idol au / perv!jisung pining for new neighbor reader / masturbation (m,f) / ji is a little bit of an asshole / non-consensual pictures / one use of “noona” / drug and alcohol consumption / brief mentions of Felix, Minho, Changbin, and Seungmin
-Names are used as faceclaims only, and do not reflect the actions and personalities of real people
-Word Count: 6.2k
-I am very new to tumblr, and this is my very first time writing anything like this, so it is not proof-read or edited. Constructive criticism welcome!
As a full-time freelance artist, you luckily had the liberty to pack up your cherished belongings and move to wherever you desired whenever you liked. That’s how you ended up landing yourself in Seoul at the ripe age of 24. It might sound silly, but you had a lifelong dream of living in a cozy apartment with a decent-sized balcony area. When a listing popped up during an impromptu trip to Korea, in Seoul nonetheless, for a manageable price, you immediately jumped on it. It was game over as soon as you visited and saw the beautiful balcony with a wrought-iron spiral staircase. After reluctantly returning home, it was hard to contain your excitement in the weeks leading up to your move. You were already eagerly selecting furniture to buy, as well as decorations, and brainstorming ideas on how to use the space as soon as you finalized the lease.
As you finally pulled up to the new apartment, you couldn’t contain the wide smile that crept across your face as you shielded your eyes from the sun, admiring your spacious balcony. Just the thought of being able to curl up at dusk with that book you’ve been meaning to read for ages on the hammock chair you purchased for it, had you teeming with excitement. It kept you in a positive spirit as you lugged boxes containing your possessions one by one up the stairs and into your new home. That was, until you accidentally dropped the large framed painting you were attempting to transport, sending it tumbling down the stairs leaving hundreds of glass shards in its wake. The sudden noise startling your cat, Newt, from his peaceful slumber in his carrier. He reacted with a hiss and a few agitated meows.
“Would it kill you to keep it down? Some of us are trying to WORK here! FUCK!” You look up from your kneeled position on the stairs as you’re scrambling to pick up the glass shards, and your eyes meet a young man with a scowl on his face, leaning over the balcony opposite to yours. He has a pair of headphones dangling around his neck and is clutching a can of beer, fingernails adorned with black nail polish. “I’m so sorry! I should’ve been more careful. It won’t happen again!” You replied as you continued picking up the pieces. “Whatever. Can you do something about your hairball? It’s making my damn ears bleed.” He angrily snapped in response, pointing towards Newt’s carrier. You could tolerate the first comment, but who did he think he was to so directly insult your pet like that? “Just because I caused a minor commotion doesn’t give you the right to be so rude to a complete stranger. Since I’m no longer disrupting you, Why don’t you close the window, remove the stick up your ass, and get back to your oh-so-important work while I quietly move the rest of my boxes into my house. Sound good?” He didn’t seem to have a response for you, instead opting to toss back the remainder of his drink, crushing the can and tossing it directly towards your feet before shutting the window. Taking a deep breath, you grabbed your dustpan from the box labeled “cleaning supplies” and swept up the rest of your mess (along with “mystery jerk neighbor’s” added trash) before moving the final few boxes, as well as the cat carrier inside.
You were so grateful the place came furnished, as you promptly slumped down on the green velvet couch, allowing yourself to take a quick breather before taking Newt out of the carrier, letting him explore while you unpacked his necessities and began assembling the cat tree. By the time sunset began to roll around, you had made a decent amount of progress unpacking and building a good amount of your living room and kitchen furniture, including your hammock chair for the balcony. After brewing yourself a cup of tea and grabbing the book you intended to read, you finally made your way to your new outdoor relaxation sanctuary.
After situating yourself in the chair, draping a thin blanket over your legs, and taking a sip of warm green tea, you let out a content sigh as you finally opened your novel, ready to immerse yourself into the story for the next hour or so. You made it through exactly 2 1/2 chapters before “mystery jerk neighbor” made his second appearance. This time, followed by a small white puppy and the unmistakable smell of weed. Now, you normally wouldn’t consider yourself to be the petty type, but his disrespect towards you earlier prompted you to throw some back his way in retaliation. When he took a long drag and proceeded to start coughing up a lung, you shouted “Keep it down would ya? Some of us are trying to READ here!” Mirroring his first words to you. “Oh that’s realll original” he replied with a pained rasp between coughs. Rolling your eyes, you redirected your attention back to your book, assuming that would be the end of the distraction.
A small handful of pages later, a loud “YOOOO FELIX” pierces through the silence as he starts a phone call. Placing a bookmark to save your spot, you close the book and set it on your small side table. After a few minutes you return , donning your noise cancelling headphones. You’d be damned if you were going to let him ruin your highly anticipated reading time after a long and exhausting day. A peaceful 10 minutes later, he retreats back into his own apartment- much to your delight. However, your joy is short-lived as he soon returns with an acoustic guitar slung across his torso and takes a seat. Unfortunately, you quickly realize his strumming penetrates through your headphones. So much for noise-cancelling. Completely losing your focus and not wanting to engage with him any further, you decide it’s time to head inside and get yourself ready for bed. After a much-needed shower to rinse off the sweat and dust that had accumulated on your body throughout the day, you continue your nightly routine. Slipping on a pair of panties and one of your many oversized sleep shirts, you head to the kitchen to finish your cup of tea while absentmindedly scrolling on tiktok. After setting your mug in the sink and brushing your teeth in the bathroom, you finally turn into bed and listen to Newt’s content purrs as he cuddles up to you, both of you quickly drifting off to sleep.
You curse yourself for setting your alarm so early as you’re jolted awake by the incessant, absurdly high-pitched beeping at 8:00 AM. You did have a specific reason for wanting to wake up so early though, as you remember your plans and reluctantly drag yourself out of bed. Your first task of the day was grocery shopping, so after brushing your teeth and twisting your hair up into a claw clip, you threw on a pair of sweatpants with a black cropped hoodie and began your walk to the nearest market.
Arriving after about fifteen minutes, you began working through your ingredients list. You stopped at an herb stall with a middle-aged woman behind the booth. One of your many plans for your balcony space was to install a fresh herb garden, so you engaged in small talk with the seller as you selected various herbs to purchase. “Do you sell cat grass?” You asked. Suddenly, a young man with blond hair springs up from under the counter. “You won’t find any here at the market, but I can show you where to get some!” You’re taken aback by the deep voice that comes out of him, as well as his strangely friendly offer. Sensing your apprehension, the woman adds “Oh don’t worry dear, you can trust him! Yongbok here is our designated neighborhood helper.” She smiles at him as she pats his back. “Oh uhh okay. I have a few more things to grab here first, if that’s okay?” You reply, setting your items down for him to ring up. A few minutes later, you finished picking up the rest of the items on your list and returned to the stall to let him know you were ready. “I’ll be back in about twenty minutes Auntie!” He called back to the woman as the two of you walked away.
You found it surprising how talkative he was. He told you his name was Felix, he grew up in Australia, but moved to Korea when he was seventeen, and he loves cooking, baking, and gaming. Even though you just met him, you were happy you shared some of the same interests, and honestly a little part of you hoped this wouldn’t be the last you’d see of him. The short walk led you to a large apartment complex. Felix told you his friend, Minho, is a huge cat-lover who grows his own cat grass, so you figured this is where he lived. It seemed like he spent a lot of time at Minho’s place, as the security guard immediately buzzed you both in as soon as he saw him, greeting him with a wave.
Felix knocked on the door as you arrived at, presumably, his friend’s unit. You could hear multiple voices from outside the door, and began to feel a little bit anxious. The door opened to reveal quite possibly the buffest man you have ever seen in person before. He quickly pulled your new acquaintance into a bear hug, shouting “FELIX IS HEREEE- and who’s this?” He added as he broke away, noticing you. You shyly introduced yourself to him, still standing in the doorway before Felix enters, pulling you both in. Feeling slightly overwhelmed by the amount of people present, you keep your gaze trained on the floor as he ushers you into the kitchen. “Hey Minho! This is the girl I texted you about. You know- the cat grass” He explained as he gestures toward you.
You pry your gaze from the floor to see an -admittedly, beautiful man holding a spatula and wearing an apron that says “world’s best Mom” on it in hot pink lettering. As you struggle to stifle a giggle, he quickly explains that he received it as a gift from his friend Seungmin. Since he can’t leave the kitchen while he’s cooking, he instructs Felix to take you to his study, where he has prepared a small pot for you to take home. As you enter the study, you notice a sleeping figure on the black leather couch in your peripheral vision. It wasn’t until you quietly retrieved the pot, turning to exit the room, that you recognized the person sleeping. He was your mysterious jerk neighbor! You had to admit though, as much as your very limited interactions with him pissed you off, he looked kinda cute peacefully sleeping like that- with his dark, curly hair cascading over the side of his face, cheeks all puffed out and lips formed into a devastating little pout. It was hard to believe this was the same man as the asshole that lived across from you. Once you realized you were staring at him, you shook your thoughts away and silently made your way back into the living room. Thanking Minho and bidding farewell to everyone else, you and Felix began your trek back to the market.
Arriving back home shortly after dropping Felix off and giving him your socials, you got to work putting away your groceries and began to tackle the daunting task of unpacking and organizing your belongings. In order to not burn yourself out, you made sure to take breaks every few hours. During your breaks you would work on artwork, watch an episode of the kdrama you were currently immersed in, play with Newt, crochet, and stretch- even doing a little bit of yoga in the evening.
After you were satisfied with the progress you made for the day, you booted up your computer and logged on to Miroh- a new labyrinth MMORPG you had found yourself getting absolutely sucked into lately. You didn’t find the time to game as often as you would have liked to, but when you did, you preferred to set aside a good four hours or so in order to ensure you’d make a decent amount of progress with every session. After several failed attempts to demolish the octo-cyclops boss of the S-Class dungeon- in order to acquire its exclusive armor set, you were about to call it quits for the night when a random player requested to join your party. You accepted the request from _doolsetnet, sending a gratitude emote as you entered the dungeon for the umpteenth time that night, this time with another player at your assistance.
Your morale was high as you successfully cleared the second stage almost flawlessly, mentally preparing for the third and final stage. It started off well, but as the boss’s rage intensified, so did it’s attack speed. You both took a few good hits, your health bar depleting rapidly. Your helper still had a good three-quarters of their health to spare, and enough mana to cast one spell. The boss only had about a quarter left on its health bar- two more good hits and it would go down. You unmuted your mic to request a heal from your partner, which they promptly offered. With your health bar restored to half-full, and your mana charged for two attacks, you were finally able to hear the sweet, sweet cries of defeat as you slayed the beast. You jumped out of your chair, raising your fists in the air and letting out a loud “FUCK YESSS! TAKE THAT YOU ONE-EYED SLIMY CUNT” as the game rewarded you with the gorgeous mother-of-pearl armor set you’ve been ogling for months- complete with an iridescent helmet showcasing the monster’s eye. You sent user _doolsetnet a thank you message, and attached a gift containing a couple hundred gold along with a few of the rare armor dyes you had extras of. They responded by shooting you a friend request, which you accepted, and a rare weapon skin you also had your eye on. After logging off for the night, you hopped in the shower, brushed your teeth, crawled into bed with Newt in your arms, and fell asleep.
+:★:+*━━━*+:★:+*━━━*+:★:+* 🐿️
The day you moved in was a rough one for Han Jisung. All morning he worked tirelessly, trying to perfect the song he was commissioned to produce for a high-profile client. Each time he finished editing and emailing the file, he was always met with a problem. The beat overpowers the vocals, the guitar is too quiet, the bpm is too fast, too slow- it was impossible to please them with this song, and he was going to absolutely lose it. As a perfectionist, he couldn’t let it go until both him, and the client, were both one-hundred percent satisfied. He was running on about six hours of sleep in the past three days, with a concerning lack of food and over-dependence on coffee, energy drinks, and beer. He could barely rip his focus away from the project long enough to shower and make sure his beloved puppy, Bbama, was still well taken care of.
When the blaring hisses and sharp beeps of the moving trucks breached through the music he was working on, he nearly screamed out the window at them to shut the fuck up, but he still had self control. Honestly, it was his fault for procrastinating even though he knew someone would be moving in across from him today. He tried to drown out the noise for the next hour, and when the trucks pulled out, his focus finally pulled in again. He locked in- diligently toiling away at the project, until two hours later, he had the latest revised version complete. Making sure he took all of his client’s requests into account, he submitted the file and began the waiting game. Anxiously pacing around his apartment and biting his nails for another hour, he received an email notification. He sprinted to his computer, not even bothering to take a seat as his hand hovered over the mouse for a few seconds in anticipation. He slid the cursor over the most recent email in his inbox, squeezing his eyes shut and chanting a quiet “please, please, please..” he clicked the mouse and slowly opened his eyes, scanning the results. “Mr. Han, We always appreciate your hard work, and are nearly content with the song. There are just a few small tweaks we would like to- “MOTHERFUCKER” he threw himself onto his couch and muffled an anguished scream with his pillow. He nearly started bawling due to the overwhelming frustration and crippling exhaustion.
The deadline was tomorrow, and he would have to rework the godforsaken song for the sixteenth and last time. He had to make his next submission perfect- or risk losing one of his most important clients. He peeled himself off the couch, sauntered over to his fridge to grab yet another can of beer, returned to his desk, took a few deep breaths, and got to work. There was one specific part of the song that needed reworked. He began playing the same fifteen seconds repeatedly, closer and closer to losing his sanity as he just could not pick out what was wrong with it. Another ten times- still couldn’t place it. Twenty more times, and then he caught it- at the very end of the segment. His full focus on the next loop, he cranked the volume and listened intently, not even daring to breathe in fear of it disrupting his flow. The last five seconds coming up- this was it.
A loud crash broke his focus, followed by the shrieking howls of an agitated cat. That was his last straw. He slammed his left fist down on his desk, still clutching his beer can in his right hand. Shooting out of his chair he flung open the sliding door and stormed to the edge of his balcony. He started yelling before even thinking, just letting all of his pent-up rage out on whoever his new neighbor was. Once the red-hot fury died down, and he actually saw the unfortunate victim of his outburst, he retreated in embarrassment. She was a girl who looked to be in her early to mid twenties, around the same age as him. Kinda cute too, and he threw his fucking beer can at her! God, what the hell was wrong with him? He wanted to crawl into the fetal position and just disappear forever. Unfortunately for him, though, he still had the grueling obligation of completing his wretched assignment. He stretched, cracked his knuckles, and got to work once more.
A painstaking six hours later, he checked over the email again, to refer to his clients requirements. Making damn sure he remembered EVERYTHING this time, he went through a mental checklist. He listened to the full song one more time, paying close attention to the fifteen second segment he had reworked dozens of times. This time, he had swapped the guitar for a bassy synth to create a break at the end of the pre-chorus, and he honestly felt satisfied with the outcome. He might’ve entered a state of delirium after twenty-four restless, stress filled hours, and slipped into a rather cocky mindset. He was happy with the song at last, and the client would be content with it too. Honestly, they were lucky to have a producer like him working with them. He was a musical genius. After confidently re-submitting the file for the final time, he rolled himself a much-deserved joint. He gave little Bbama all the belly rubs and smooches he had missed the last few days as he made his way to the balcony for a stress-relieving smoke.
Jisung took a few deep drags, feeling increasingly calm with every exhale, until his breath caught in his throat upon noticing you lounging on your balcony straight across from him- seemingly deeply invested in a book. The smoke in his throat burned, launching him into a painful coughing fit. He silently prayed that you wouldn’t notice, and mentally cursed himself when you did- repeating his same harsh words to you earlier, absolutely dripping with sass. He threw back a half-assed reply, wishing he could’ve put more effort into it, and was rewarded with a nonchalant eye-roll. Oh, it was game-over for him now. One thing Jisung could never control himself around, was a person who simultaneously gave off the vibes of a dom, while exuding just the perfect amount of brattiness- just enough for him to want to mercilessly fuck the attitude out of.
He decided right then and there to “test your limits”- so to speak. He dialed up his buddy Felix, making sure to greet him as loudly and obnoxiously as he could possibly muster. Only to be met with disappointment, as you just sighed and closed your book, withdrawing back into your living space. Maybe he jumped the gun- and assumed too much too soon? Oh well, he’d have plenty more chances to get a rise out of you, and began plotting his next move as he continued his conversation with Felix. When you returned wearing headphones, and sat back down to resume your book- completely ignoring him, he immediately felt his dick tightening against his pants, begging to be freed. He didn’t have you all wrong- quite the contrary. He had you just right, and the little bit of tantalizing cleavage your tank top revealed to him was the perfect tease, your breasts slightly squeezing together with every page you turned.
He attempted to mess with you a little more, even bringing out his guitar, in the hopes of disrupting your reading just enough to prompt an annoyed outburst. (And maybe even impressing you a little bit with his skills). When you once again retreated inside, and didn’t return, he figured you just went to bed this time. It was like all of his pent-up frustration throughout the week sent itself straight to his manhood. He was throbbing as he fell back on his couch, palming himself over his jeans. He had to use his imagination, having only his limited view of your cleavage to work with, but that wasn’t a problem for him.
You were straddling his lap on his couch, plush thighs squeezing either side of his as you slowly and tortuously ground yourself against his aching length. In this scenario, you had caught him sneaking a peek at you through the window and stormed over, angrily knocking on his door to confront him. You were yelling at him with your arms crossed, squeezing your tits together and giving him the perfect view. -He finally released himself from his denim prison, wrapping his hand around his thick, hard length, and letting out a sigh- When you noticed where he was staring, and looked down to see the prominent bulge in his pants, you forcefully pushed him down on the couch, climbing on top of him. Yanking the nape of his curly hair, you compelled him to look up at you, chastising him for being a dirty pervert. “You disgusting piece of shit- can’t even be scolded by a woman without getting yourself all hot and bothered.” You spat at him as he let out a whimper. “How pathetic” the way you breathlessly enunciated that word had him fisting his angry cock furiously, thighs twitching and breaths panting as he felt his chest tighten. He was so close already- probably due to his lack of jerking off for the past few days.
When you crept your hand up his chest and around his throat, harshly squeezing your fingers around it, he came. All over his hand, shirt, pants, couch, and even spilling a few drops onto his floor. He can’t even remember the last time he came this hard- it was probably one of the first times he ever masturbated. He didn’t even get to the best part in his scenario, the part where he takes over, flipping you onto your back and burying his face between your legs, eating you out like you’re his last meal while you’re whining and begging him to take you, as you release all over his fingers and face. He felt himself twitch, and looked down in disbelief to be met with yet another raging boner. God, the things you did to him, and you didn’t even know him, or his name. It just made the whole thing that much hotter. He’ll make sure you’ll find out soon, though, so the you in his fantasies can scream it for him.
After cleaning up his mess, and slipping into a clean pair of sweatpants, he made his way over to his fridge, and grabbed himself a cup of water. Chugging it down to soothe his dry throat, he glanced out the window- his eyes falling on you. You were wearing nothing but a large t-shirt, barely covering the curve of your ass, as you leaned over your kitchen counter. Sipping on a mug in one hand and scrolling on your phone in another, you were unknowingly giving him some quality material to work with. He made sure to engrain that image of you in his mind, taking note of every detail of your legs, including your tattoos, for next time.
The next morning, after getting a few hours of sleep and clearing his brain fog, he was mortified to say the least. He made himself out to be a complete asshole to his new (hot) neighbor, and immediately proceeded to ferociously pump himself dry to his imagination of said neighbor. Embarrassed was an understatement. He groaned as he got out of bed, heading into the bathroom to brush his teeth. As he refilled Bbama’s food and water dishes, he decided he should apologize to you for his rude behavior.
A little while later, he found himself standing outside your door, preparing his fist to knock. As he heard your footsteps nearing increasingly closer, he panicked and made a beeline to the end of the hallway, tucking himself around the corner. He caught his breath, noticing you exiting your unit and heading down the stairs. He was startled by his phone buzzing, pulling it out of his pocket to read a text from Minho. “Get your ass over here NOW. I know you haven’t eaten well in days and I’m preparing some bulgogi.” He honestly didn’t even notice just how hungry he was, being too distracted by this work, and- well, you, to care. He pulled himself up and made his way over to Minho’s.
He immediately flopped down on the couch in the study after greeting his friends. They knew him- and his current work dilemma, well enough to understand he didn’t have the energy for socializing until he got a good rest, so that’s exactly what he proceeded to do. Seungmin kicked open the door when their meal was ready, jolting Jisung awake. He drug his feet to the kitchen, joining Minho, Changbin, Hyunjin, and Suengmin at the table and taking his seat. While quite literally stuffing his mouth, he listened to his friends converse and argue, adding in a few comments muffled by the food stored in his cheeks. His interest piqued when Changbin mentioned the girl that came by, turning to Minho and sending him a puzzled look. Since when does Minho invite girls over? His older friend noticed his expression, and responded by explaining that Felix had brought her over because she was on the hunt for cat grass. “I can’t deny though, she was just my type. I’ll have to ask Felix if he got her number.” Hyunjin piped up, wiggling his eyebrows.
Seungmin shot him a side-eye, pinching his arm and causing the other to yelp while chastising him for his fuckboy attitude. Jisung on the other hand, was intrigued- asking Hyunjin to describe her appearance, practically begging, honestly. Who could blame him? He was currently down bad- astronomically, even. After listening to Hyunjin’s description, agreeing that she did, in fact, seem very attractive, he rewarded his friend with a description of the goddess that had just moved in next door to him. Hyunjin was practically drooling as he described her perky tits and thick, tattoo-adorned thighs in great detail, prompting Seungmin to manually shut his jaw. “No more horny talk over the meal I slaved away at all day, to prepare for you ungrateful degenerates!” Minho shouted, bringing the conversation to an abrupt halt. After finishing the perfectly-cooked bulgogi and cleaning up after themselves, Jisung walked home, with Hyunjin in tow, begging him to let him crash at his place. Hyunjin lived only a block away from him, so he knew the only reason was so his friend could get a look at you. Cursing himself for his overly-enthusiastic recounting of your gorgeous body- only having seen the lower half so far, he pushed Hyunjin towards the opposite end of the fork dividing the paths between both of their residences.
When he returned home, he cracked open a can of beer, bringing it to his lips as he looked out his window, once again catching a glimpse of you. He quite literally spit out the liquid he was holding in his mouth, as his gaze was met with your ass pointed directly towards him, your back arched towards the floor, and arms outstretched while you contorted your body into what seemed to be a yoga pose. He silently praised whatever god might exist for you leaving your curtains open, and wearing the shortest compression shorts, as he stared- dumbfounded. He could literally see the outline of your pussy, leaving barely anything to his imagination. He wasn’t proud of it at all, but simply his memory would not suffice. He just had to snap a pic. He laid down on his bed as he pulled down the waistband of his joggers. Staring at his new favorite picture,
He began to slowly stroke himself as his imagination ran wild.
This time, you were doing yoga on your balcony when you caught him staring. You didn’t seem mad, quite the opposite, however, as he watched you sit down and part your legs, not breaking eye contact as you shoved your fingers in your mouth, slowly sucking on them. He watched you leisurely trail your other hand down your chest, squeezing your right breast, and releasing a pretty moan muffled by your fingers as you grazed over your nipple. He wondered how your moans would really sound. Would they be as needy as he’s picturing them right now? He hoped he would get the chance to find out. He imagined you releasing your spit-covered hand from your mouth, placing it on your inner thigh and leaving wet trails as it inched further and further to your puffy cunt, obstructed by your tight compression shorts. Still not breaking eye contact with him, you slid the garment to the side, as well as the tiny red thong you wore underneath in his fantasy. Giving him a mouth-watering view of your dripping heat, you plunged two fingers in, gasping at the feeling of fullness. You closed your eyes as you slowly pumped in and out, letting the quietest whimpers grace his ears. You lifted your head and offered him a sexy smirk, beckoning him to “come here” with your two glistening fingers. He brought his hand to his mouth, spitting into it and resuming its position wrapped around his needy cock. The added lubrication allowed him to increase his pace- still careful not to go too fast and risk missing out on the best parts of his scenario again.
He started to let out a few breathy whines as he imagined himself knocking on your door. You answered quickly, grabbing him by his shirt and pulling him in before closing the door, and leading him to your bedroom. He kicked off his shoes somewhere along the way, and you sat on the edge of your bed, instructing him to kneel on the floor between your thighs. He trailed sloppy, open mouthed kisses up your inner thighs as you tangled your hand in his curls. He broke away to remove your shorts and thong, giving him a clear view of your arousal. He caught a whiff of your sweet scent, flattening his tongue and slowly lapping up towards your clit. You responded by pulling on his hair and grinding yourself against his face, causing him to release a deep moan, the vibration had you shuttering against him. He slipped his ring finger in, the cold metal of his ring contrasting with the warmth of your walls caused your eyes to roll back. You let out a loud moan as his middle finger joined the other inside you, relishing in the juxtaposition of slight pain and pleasure, as he stretched you out. You used his fingers to fuck yourself towards him, allowing his undivided attention to focus on sucking and circling your clit. This had you absolutely reeling, crushing his head between your thighs and coming undone, rewarding him with the most filthy, sinful, screams as his face was coated with your sweet nectar. He looked up at you as he sensually plunged his fingers into his mouth, licking up your release, and groaning at the taste. Your eyes glistened as he stood up, looking down at you as you returned his gaze through your lashes. You lowered your focus to the tent in his sweatpants, taking in the perfect outline of his curvature as you parted your legs and begged- no, pleaded with him to fuck you. You promised you’d be good for him, make him feel good, let him use you. The incoherent mumbling faltered as he sandwiched himself between your legs, and pulled his waistband down- his hard, leaking dick slapping against your abdomen. He hoisted your legs over his shoulders, keeping a strong grip on them as he finally plunged himself deep into your soaked cunt. He allowed you to adjust yourself to the stretch, choking out a guttural groan and a “fuck.. noona!” (He has no idea how old you are, he just has a little bit of a fixation on the idea of you being slightly older than him. He’ll unpack that another time.) As he imagined feeling you clench around him- and he felt his cock twitch violently in his hand- he blew his load all over himself, feeling the warm liquid coating his fingers and abs.
Panting heavily, he still couldn’t look away from his phone in his grip, displaying the picture he took of you. He wanted -needed- to know what it was like to see you up close in the same position. After taking a few moments to collect himself, he walked past his window on the way to the fridge. Seeing you sitting in front of your computer, back tensed in what appeared to be frustration, he tried to maneuver his vision around you to get a peek at what you were working on. He figured you were an artist, as you had all kinds of equipment set up around your living room- canvases, easels, and a cart full of what appeared to be paintbrushes and paints. He wanted to see if you were working on a digital art piece, and nearly came in his pants when he finally caught a view of your computer, instantly recognizing the images on your screen. You weren’t working on art, you were playing Miroh- his current favorite MMORPG. He opened his phone camera and zoomed in to try to get a better view of the game. Adrenaline surged in his chest as he saw the familiar Octo-Cyclops he has beaten countless times. In fact, he helped many players through that dungeon in the Miroh discord server he was an active member in. This was his time to shine. He captured a picture of your screen, hoping to make out your username. Sure enough, it was legible.
He practically sprinted to his computer and logged into the game, quickly typing in your tag and requesting to join your party, which you immediately accepted. He got to work preparing his inventory and chuckled to himself when you sent him a cute emote to thank him in advance for helping. At the third stage of the boss fight, he was playing defensively- letting you take the brunt of most of the attacks while he conserved his mana for a healing spell. As he watched your health bar start to deplete, he was preparing to heal you when you unmuted to beg him for help in the sweetest voice. He smirked as he released the spell, effectively restoring your health and mana, allowing you to fire off your last two attacks, defeating the boss. He smiled to himself as he heard your sailor-mouthed victory chant. Browsing his inventory for his rarest extra weapon skin, he attached it to the friend request he sent you before logging off and heading to bed. He was overflowing with pride with himself for being able to send you a nice gesture, even if it was anonymously.
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silence-burns · 6 months
The Death of Me //part 2
Fandom: Aquaman
Summary: (very small spoilers for the movie) Finding Orm on your doorstep was not something you expected. Having him move in was even worse. But the effect he still had on every part of your life would be the death of you.
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Even though you learned early on the world was an unjust and cruel place, it still managed to surprise you occasionally. The last bits of hope clung to your cloudy mind, snatched away from you once you pried your eyes open to see your nightmare incarnate sitting by the kitchen table.
The fever knocked you out for a few blissful hours; earlier events fading into a half-remembered dream. But there was no denying the truth once you noticed the suspiciously clean counters and sudden lack of accumulated trash laying around. And, worst of all, your new roommate.
Or caregiver. Or pain in the ass. Or man that made your heart twitch in a way signaling either a crush or a heart attack. Who cared about semantics?
Orm Marius, former Ocean Master and currently just some guy, sat in the middle of the kitchen, making his way through a book. The seaside house was home to many books, although you doubted the original owner ever had the time to browse through them.
A small mercy had been granted to you and Orm didn't notice you had woken up. You couldn't help but observe him. Even though he was no stranger to you, and quite recently you'd helped break him out of prison and even somehow saved the world together, you still felt mesmerized by the way he moved and looked.
Even now, the dying evening light entering through the window painted the room in deep shadows, and softened the planes of Orm's face. He had positioned himself close to the window to read in the dimming light. It allowed you to see the softened curve of his shoulders and the way he tilted his head, studying the book just as carefully as you studied him.
“Glad to see you're doing better,” Orm said, without moving.
You jumped a little, making your injuries flare up in a wave of pain. A startled whine escaped your lips when your body reminded you how sore it actually was.
Orm put the book down and stepped over to the couch. Before you managed to say anything, he pressed his hand to your forehead. Whatever words rose in your throat, scattered.
“You're still burning,” Orm muttered with concern and furrowed brows. “Are you sure your medicine is working?”
“...it just needs some time.”
Your voice came out weaker than you expected. You felt fuzzy, and the room around you was definitely moving a little.
Orm was not convinced, and disappeared from your line of sight for a while.
Your fever was probably on the rise again, which was to be expected. For the past few days you'd been in and out of it, drowning in sweat and fighting off the urge to scratch underneath your bandages.
You kicked off the thin blanket, hoping Orm wouldn't touch you again. You were dreadfully aware of how wet Orm's hand must've come off and of the old sweat stench surrounding you. In your defense, you didn't expect any visitors, so for the past few days you focused on passively surviving rather than dragging your corpse to the shower once a day.
You heard Orm's steps before he entered your vision. “Man, just leave me alone. I'm seriously fine on my own—”
A wet towel slapped onto your face, splashing cold water around. What a simple, yet effective way of both shutting you up and providing relief. You'd be impressed if it didn't piss you off so much.
You dragged it off your eyes and came face to face with Orm, suddenly crouching way too close to your liking. He looked at you intensely and then raised an eyebrow.
“If you want me gone, then you should be perfectly capable of throwing me out. You didn't have any trouble last time we sparred.”
“That would be so rude of me. It would crush your ego.”
“As if you ever bothered being polite.”
“I am the nicest person that has ever graced this Earth.”
“You look like a corpse on its way to the afterlife. Unless your state improves, I'm not leaving. The only choice you have is finally dying or getting better and kicking me out. And since I'd rather see the outcome of option number two, I think we have to start with these bandages.”
“They’re in place.”
“The wounds need to be cleaned and dressed again. I can smell that from back here.”
With a hiss through clenched teeth, you dragged yourself into a sitting position, as far away from Orm as was possible on the couch.
“...look who's impolite now.”
Orm moved closer to you with a darkened expression. It made you shiver and put one bare foot on his chest in the only defense you could muster. He wrapped his fingers around your ankle, but didn't move any closer.
“It's not about politeness or pride,” he explained slowly, not taking his eyes off you. “I want you to feel better, regardless of what it takes.”
The way your cheeks heated had very little to do with the fever. In a kinder world, Orm wouldn't have noticed it.
But in this one, he was too observant to miss something like that. His lips curled in the faintest of smiles just as his hand moved further up your leg, slowly dragging his fingers over your scorching skin. Your heart was in your throat and wanted out.
You slapped the wet towel onto his arm and freed your leg.
“Such profound words for someone so annoying.”
“Whatever gets you moving. These wounds really do need cleaning, and I will not back down from that one.”
“I can do it myself.”
“If you could, you would've done it days ago—when it was actually due. That's enough waiting, take them off.”
You thought back to how far your injuries went under your shirt. It provided you with a surprisingly effective burst of motivation to heave yourself off the couch and onto semi-steady legs.
You wobbled off in the general direction of the bathroom, wishing for your torment to finally end.
“Please do avoid any further injuries,” Orm called after you, watching your unsteady search for clean clothes and a towel. There was painful stiffness to your joints, but you were extremely motivated to overcome it.
“I promise to graciously call for your aid right before I break my neck on these marvelous tiles.”
There was not much dignity left in you, but you did your best to protect it by switching the bathroom lock rather than slamming the door.
You could've sworn you heard Orm chuckle.
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obsolescent · 10 months
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bad idea right?
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Pairing: Fuckboy!Leon S. Kennedy x Reader
Author’s Note: This wouldn’t leave my head until I got it out!! Giggling, kicking my feet writing this up. I don’t know if I made him fuckboy-ish enough but, lol. This got really nasty then really sappy. Enjoy!
Song: bad idea right? By Olivia Rodrigo
Content Warnings: Explicit sexual content, oral sex, squirting, Leon’s cocky ass mouth, trans Leon, no gendered language for reader, edging, orgasm denial, confessed feelings.
Words: 3,258
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“Haven't heard from you in a couple of months But I'm out right now, and I'm all fucked up And you're callin' my phone, you're all alone And I'm sensin' some undertone”
Getting trashed with your friends has become a weekly occurrence, going out bar hopping and dancing the night away. It’s the usual Friday night, taking shots in between your horribly inaccurate throws at the dartboard with your darts, sending you and your friends into a laughing fit. After finishing your turn, you ungracefully plop down onto a bar stool, pulling out your phone.
The screen lights up and you’re met with a missed call from your ex, Leon. ‘What does he want?’ Seeing a voicemail was left, you stand up and let your friends know you’re stepping outside for some air. Opening the back door into an alley, the brisk autumn air sending a chill through your body. Clicking on the voicemail, you let it play.
There’s some rustling on his end of the line, “Hey,” He starts, slurring his greeting, “What’re you up to tonight? Settled into my new place…Not too far from those bars you and your friends go to,” He knows? Like he can hear your thoughts, he lets out an airy chuckle, “Come over…Been thinkin’ ‘bout you...Missin’ you. Sent the address.” The recording ends there. Obviously drunk himself, yet that huskiness of his voice that always sent tingles through your being is present. He knows what it does to you, even after everything.
“And I'm right here with all my friends But you're sendin' me your new address And I know we're done, I know we're through But, God, when I look at you”
You bite your lip, contemplating. The way things ended between you two wasn’t that bad…He’s just an asshole! His antics drove you up the wall. The shit he would get into with his friends, that damn mouth on him. But, oh, he was so sweet when he wasn’t being a little shit. Crinkling his beautiful blues, cocking his head, that grin. Whispering the sweetest words in your ear, syrup dripping from his lips. Coating your senses and setting your body aflame.
The way he could work your body…Fuck. You don’t think you’ll ever find someone as good as him. The past couple months have been achingly empty for you, in so many ways. Your body yearning for his touch, it begging, one more time, please just one more. Your teeth bite into your fist, trying to rein in your hormones and your thoughts. You know it’s a losing battle, especially with your inebriated mind. 
“My brain goes, "Ah" Can't hear my thoughts (I cannot hear my thoughts) Like blah-blah-blah (blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah) Should probably not I should probably, probably not I should probably, probably not”
Feeling fuzzy, your body warming up at the thought of his hands on you again. ‘He invited you! He wanted to show you his new place, you can’t be rude and turn that down. It’ll be okay, come on! You can just be friends now, there’s no harm in that.’ Your brain jumps through hoops trying to sway your answer. 
“Seein' you tonight, it's a bad idea, right? Seein' you tonight, it's a bad idea, right? Seein' you tonight, it's a bad idea, right? Seein' you tonight, fuck it, it's fine”
You take a deep breath and walk back inside. Your friends are sitting at a table now, munching on appetizers and sipping away. You tell them you aren’t feeling good, that you’re going to go home and go to bed. Wishing you well and to be safe, their sentences blending together. You take your leave and head to the front, pulling out your phone to get a ride to Leon’s new place. It doesn’t take long for the car to show up, and once inside the car pulls away from the sidewalk, heading to your undoing. 
“Now I'm gettin' in the car, wreckin' all my plans I know I should stop–but I can't And I told my friends I was asleep But I never said where or in whose sheets”
You don’t let him know you’re coming, in case you change your mind. ‘You won’t,’ Your mind hisses, ‘You need this too bad. It’ll be this one time and you can get it, and him, out of your system,’ Your mind is still persuading you, even as the buildings fly past and the streetlights blur across the window, ever getting closer to him.
The car reaches its destination, you thank the driver and step out to an apartment complex. Taking the stairs instead of the elevator, you give yourself a once over while you make your trek to the second floor. Taking the smallest steps, you finally make it to his door. Deep breath in, exhale, you knock.
“And I pull up to your place, on the second floor And you're standin', smiling at the door And I'm sure I've seen much hotter men But I really can't remember when”
Faint shuffling is heard before the door is opened, and there he is. Propped against the frame, taking up the majority of the space with his broadness. Shirtless, with gray sweats that hang dangerously low on his hips, that crooked smirk is plastered on his face. It soon turns into a grin as his eyes make his way up your body, flushing your entire system with want.
He sighs, cocking his head. His blond fringe falls away from his face. “Knew you’d come.” He steps aside and ushers you in, locking the door behind you while you remove your shoes and put down your belongings. The new place is quite nice, Leon having already unpacked everything, the kitchen and living room looking immaculate. The thing about Leon, is that he may seem like a douche on the outside, acting like he doesn’t care about anything, but he’s quite the perfectionist. What you lo–liked about him, how meticulous he was about things, small stuff that you didn’t think he’d notice.
Which makes it all the more frustrating for you. His outwardly behavior doesn’t make–You snap back from your thoughts when you feel him brush against you from behind, his body’s warmth seeping into your system. “Like it so far?” He whispers, bending down to your ear, his breath disturbing pieces of your hair. This close, he smells faintly of vodka and his signature scent, the fragrance washing over your senses. God, you missed him. 
“My brain goes, "Ah" Can't hear my thoughts (I cannot hear my thoughts) Like blah-blah-blah (blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah) Should probably not I should probably, probably not I should probably, probably not”
“Yeah, i-it looks great. You’ve always had an eye for decor,” You get out, tongue feeling heavy in your mouth. He hums, placing his hands on either of your upper arms. His fingers gripping softly, skin tingling around his palms. “Thanks. Let me give you a tour, yeah? You haven’t seen the best part yet,” He chuckles and steers you into the living room, seeming like he’s actually going to take you throughout the place.
He directs you to stand in front of the couch.
It’s the same one he had at his old apartment. A black leather sofa with solid wood legs, the contrasting colors make it pop. It had always been pretty comfortable, you could see why he wouldn’t get rid of it. “Remember this couch?” He asks, lightly squeezing your arms. You hum and nod, not sure where he’s going with this. He leans down, grazing his lips against the shell of your ear. You can hear the grin in his words  as he says, “Remember when I made you squirt so much that it was dripping off the sides?” 
The fire that erupts in your body scorches throughout. Like he flipped a switch with his words, your nipples harden, feeling wetness run out of you. You make a noise in the back of your throat while he moves his hands from your arms. One lowering to grip your waist, the other moving higher, to your throat. A firm hold, he adds no pressure. It sits there, possessively. 
He guides your head back, tilting it so you can meet his eyes. Cerulean half-lidded, grin still spread across his face with satisfaction at your body’s response. Tipping his head forward, lips brushing. “You’ve needed me so bad, huh? Must’ve been so hard these past couple months without me fucking you.” You whimper, eyes fluttering closed. He tightens his grip on your throat. 
“Seein' you tonight, it's a bad idea, right? Seein' you tonight, it's a bad idea, right? Seein' you tonight, it's a bad idea, right? Seein' you tonight, fuck it, it's fine”
“Look at me,” He commands, your eyes once again trained on his face. “So good, you could always follow directions so well.” “Please,” You plead, beginning to tremble. “Oh? Something you want? You know how to ask, or is that brain of yours already turned to mush?” He’s taunting you, you don’t even fucking care. “N-need you to touch me, so bad,” You whisper, lips parted. You lean up on your tiptoes to try to close the distance between your lips, but he pulls away.
He tuts, “Why don’t we start with you getting on your knees for me, then I’ll think about touching you, hm?” He pats your cheek with his hand. You turn towards him and immediately sink to the floor, knees hitting the rug a bit too fast, causing a bit of burn. Ignoring it to grab at his sweats, you begin pulling them down. “Goddamn, baby. If I knew you would get on your knees this quick, I would’ve called sooner.” Ignoring him, you work on his briefs next, joining the pants around his ankles.
Fully exposed to you, your eyes rake up his sculpted physique. Having looked like he was carved out of marble, freckles and moles scattered about his body, his chest scars faintly contrasting with his skin. “Admiring the view? Me too,” He props his hands on his hips, smirking down at you. You think if you rolled your eyes any harder they’d pop out of their sockets.
You look up at him, a smirk pulling at your features. He narrows his eyes. “What’s that look ab–oh fuck!” He yells out, hands shooting from his hips to entangle in your hair, having latched your mouth to his T-cock without warning. It jumps in your mouth and you quickly set to work on sucking, moving your head back and forth, hands gripping his thighs.
You set a ruinous pace, giving him a taste of his own medicine. You glance up to see his head thrown back and eyes closed, biting his lip to unsuccessfully stifle his whines. Your hand trails up closer to his cunt, fingers dipping into the wetness that’s accumulated. You slide one inside easily, immediately curling it and setting its pace to match your mouth.
He gasps out, body hunched over yours now, the grip he has on your hair tightens, a slight sting to it. “Ugh, God, baby don’t stop it feels so good, uh, yeah, you make me feel so fucking good,” That mouth of his never knows when to shut up, especially during sex. His babbles continue, his hips now meeting your mouth, thrusting into your warmth. You glide your tongue over his hardened clit, nose bumping into it while dipping down into his hole, tasting more of him. You love the way he tastes, eyes falling shut, savoring.
Leon’s body begins to tremble, a sign that he’s close. You latch your mouth back into place over his growth while you slide another finger inside, ramping up the pace. “FUCK, God! Don’t stop, I’m so goddamn close, baby. Feels so good, make me feel so good, love that fucking mouth,” continuous stream of words pouring from his mouth now, making you dizzy from the praise.
Feeling his beginning release splashing against you, you move your hand up to his lower abdomen and press down. Cock pulsing in your mouth while he squirts, soaking you and your clothes. They’ll surely be a noise complaint from the scream he produced as he hit his peak. You remove your mouth from him with a pop and lean back, loving the fucked out expression his face. 
“God. I needed that,” He murmurs, his hands now soothingly running through your hair. You hum, reaching to peel off your ruined clothing. “That’s a good look for you, babe.” It never stops with him. Shooting him a glare, you stand up and pull your bottoms down, stepping out of them. You pull your shirt off next, throwing it against his chest. It meets skin with a satisfying splat. “Ugh, why’d you do that for?” He grumbles, tossing it to the ground. 
“You and that goddamn mouth,” You spat, shoving your underwear down to your feet. “Whatever, you fucking love it.” He says, watching your movements with a starved look. Now fully naked, you turn toward him and catch his stare. You grin, “Admiring the view?” You repeat his own words to him, his eyes darting up to catch your amused look. Without answering, he stalks forward and you’re suddenly lifted into the air, a squeal leaving your throat.
Wrapping your legs around his waist to anchor yourself, latching your arms around his neck, he carries you into his bedroom. Tossing you onto the bed with an ‘oof’ leaving you, he opens his night stand and sets a few items to the side. “I’ve been thinking,” He starts, coming back to you and grabbing the back of your knees, pulling your legs apart. “About this since you walked out of my door two months ago. Been craving your pussy like a fucking drug.” He sinks to his knees. 
“Yes, I know that he's my ex, but can't two people reconnect? "I only see him as a friend," the biggest lie I ever said Oh, yes, I know that he's my ex, but can't two people reconnect? I only see him as a friend, I just tripped and fell into his bed”
“Now, you’re going to keep those legs spread for me while I eat you out, and you ain’t cumming until I tell you to.” He spits on your cunt. He watches it drip down your clit, jumping at the contact, swollen from arousal. “Fuck, no, come on Leon,” You beg, propping yourself up on your elbows to look down at him. You open your mouth to plead some more when he lunges forward and licks a trail up from your hole to then suck your clit into his mouth. 
You gasp, falling back against the sheets and he takes his fill, the noises of your wet pussy filling the empty space. You whimper, holding yourself back, but his fucking mouth. On a particular hard suck, your body spasms and you squirt, wetting Leon’s chin. He pulls away, narrowing his eyes. “What did I tell you?” He asks, pushing two fingers into your trembling hole. “I-I didn’t–fuck–cum!” You gasp out, his finger unrelenting. “No squirting either, or can you not follow directions, huh?” He goads. You huff, letting your head fall back to the bed once more. “Can’t help that it f-feels so good–ah–” Your back arches when he hits a particular spot inside you. 
This isn’t what you were expecting from Leon’s call, thinking it would be a quickie, it soon evolving into what seems like an all night fuck session. You would have those every once in a while, his stamina seemingly lasting for hours. You were not prepared for it, but you’re not complaining, either.
His mouth returns to you, lapping up your juices, slurping as he goes. You groan at the sensation, gripping the sheets. “Favorite fucking meal,” His babbling coming back, pussy drunk. You tense up, fighting off the waves of pleasure and bite your lip, taking deep breaths. He must notice, as he pulls up for a breath he asks, “Aw, poor thing. Bet you’re wanting to just gush on my face, huh?” You whimper, “Leon, please. I’ve been so good, let me cum,” You’re close to tears, willing to tell him anything if he allows you to finish.
He hums, contemplating, rubbing his thumb against your clit, it throbbing against his finger. “Tell me how much you missed me, how badly you needed me these past couple months.” You tense, your brain in a frenzy trying to form a sentence. You did miss him. Missed his cocky smile, his corny jokes and his softer side he showed only to you. Your brain conjured up something you didn’t proofread before it left your mouth, saying, “I love you.”
Leon stills. His movements paused over your overly sensitive area, watching your face. “You…What?” Unbeknownst to you, his widened eyes shimmering with emotion, you hastily try to backtrack. “I-I didn’t mean to say that, not what I meant to say,” You get out, pulling yourself up on your elbows. “I didn’t mean to make this awkward, I’m sorry, Le–AH” You yell out, your lower body getting grabbed and dragged even further off the edge of the bed, Leon starting again with renewed vigor.
“F-fuck, Leon! Oh God, I c-can’t hold back anymore, gonna cum,” You wail out, hands reaching down to pull at his silky strands. He groans against you, “Cum for me, baby, come on. Make a mess all over my fucking face,” He growls out, unrelenting. Your hips buck up to meet his suckling, fingers squelching in and out of you. Keening, you reach your orgasm. Chanting his name as you quiver against his head, your release running down his face and chest. He groans, letting you ride it out. Rutting into his mouth, his jumbled words indecipherable to your blissed out mind. 
Laying limp against the sheets, Leon finally pulls away, eyes raking over your body, taking in every detail he can. He maneuvers your body to lay your head against the pillows, climbing into bed himself. He engulfs your frame, burying his face into your neck.
“Did you mean it?” His ask is muffled by his face’s position against you. You bring your hands up, running one up and down his back while the other cards through his hair. You take a breath before responding. “Yeah, I did,” Turning your face, your confirmation whispered against his head. His grip tightens, a noise bubbling up from his throat. 
“Do you…Love me too?” You ask, the air around you two seemingly waiting with anticipation. He moves his head against you, nodding. A smile adorns your face. You kiss the top of his head, letting him continue to latch onto you. He shifts, clearing his throat and pulling the blankets over your bodies. You’re now turned away from him, with him spooning you. Wrapping his arms around your waist, he pulls you closer. He buries his face into your hair, “Do you, you know. Want to try again?” His voice is quiet, muffled still. 
“Yeah, I would,” You smile, squeezing one of his forearms. “Cool,” He says, his grip tightening. Emotional constipation aside, It’s moments like these where you forget why you left to begin with. These moments you cherished with Leon after being so vulnerable. The way his voice softened and became shy, how he would hold you close. Maybe, after your confession, it would change things, maybe.
Maybe this wasn’t such a bad idea after all.
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Tags: @neondogs, tagging since I finished it before I sent you the excerpt 😭
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yanderu-deredere · 1 year
★ you get really drunk but that's okay! despite these strangers being a bunch of guys you just randomly met, you trust them! they'd never do anything to you! at least, nothing you don't want!
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a/n: was gunna work on the third part of the slasher yanderes but actually the werewolf yanderes did so well that i wrote this dirty rag i pass off as smut instead also lowkey one of my fav yandere blogs followed me becos of the werewolf fic sooo i have to write this LOL
important: for everyone that read the first part, i HEAVILY added some stuff so please re-read that before coming over here and reading this so it makes sense
also also this is the smut scene and theyre all men so please don't be gross in the notes or in my inbox about like butt stuff cus like they're men and they have butts idk what to tell you. one of the warnings is heavy ass play.
and please don't report my post becos that's literally so petty and rude and uncalled for, especially since it's properly tagged and censored (is that the right word? you know what i mean)
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part one (bite.) ★ part two ★ (here) ★ extras (bite and chew.) ★ extras (taste) ★ part three ★ (swallow.) ★ part four (digest.)
pairing: poly werewolves x male reader word count: 3589
general warning: reader is cheating, bottom reader has male parts and pronouns, reader is implied to be attracted to both genders, reader is definitely under the influence of alcohol, yanderes may be under the influence of the moon? real wildt, biphobia becos leonard assumed reader is straight, polyam ending (all three with reader)
sexual warnings: very dubious consent, descriptive ass play, leonard is a power bottom, one hard spank, reader is fucked and gets fucked, voyeurism because mel watches a little
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You felt yourself start to get sleepy. It only made sense, after all. Your stomach was full, you had your fill of alcohol and, now, you had a great time with your new friends.
Before you could drift off, though, a scene in the movie the four of you decided on caught your eye.
It was some angsty romance about a girl who moved to a new town and was caught between choosing two werewolves or a vampire as a lover. You had heard of it but never really watched it.
You think it was because your girlfriend trashed it all the time?
Shows what she knew since you ended up really enjoying it. The cinematography was great, the actors and actresses were all great and the plot was typical for the genre but still interesting.
What you hadn't expected was that it just had full blown porn as one of the scenes.
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You watched as one of the werewolves pushed the girl into the male locker room? Felt illegal but you stored that in the back of your mind. The other werewolf was already in there and caught her.
They sandwiched her in between the two of them and started making out, their hands hurriedly stripping her clothes as she watched them swap spit.
You couldn't help it. There was something about the, emmm, artistic filming of the two rugged men kissing that had your cock twitching in your pants.
With wide eyes, you continued to watch them strip her and start fucking her in the middle of the male locker rooms. Something about marking her as theirs or something? Making her their mate? Covering her in their scent?
This was so wild and what was even more wild was that your cock was steadily getting harder as you continued to observe them basically make a meal out of her body and impale her on their cocks.
You felt a breath against your ear "What, you like?"
You pretty much jumped in your seat, your hand clapping over your ear as you snapped to look at Leonard who smirked wolfishly at you, chuckling at your probably scared expression.
You just scoffed at him, pushing him away "I may have a girlfriend but I'm not blind."
My cock isn't either. You wanted to add. You'd never denied your attraction to men and women. Just because you were with a woman didn't stop you from ogling at men.
"Wait, really." Leonard was leaning against you again, trying to peer at your face to see if you were being serious "I thought you were just one of those poser straight guys that flirted platonically but would go 'Ohh, but like, I'm not gay or anything' and deny it."
You were really offended by his insinuation but decided to give him the benefit of your doubt "It's whatever. I'm attracted to both men and women."
You expected him to leave it at that but, suddenly, he smirked even more, looking quite pleased with himself "Oh, really?"
Then, he took you by the wrist and pressed it to his dick. You could feel it, even over his jogging pants, how hard and stiff and big it was.
He leaned forward, lips ghosting your ears "You know you made it like this."
"M-Me?" Your fingers twitched, unsure whether you wanted to pull your hand away or tease him through his clothes.
You felt his hips jolt up desperately to meet your palm and you looked down to see him tenting. Just seeing how hard he was and feeling it were two different things.
Seeing it and feeling it made it feel more real, made it feel like you should do something about it.
Distantly, you heard Mel say Leonard's name in a warning tone but you were simply too focused on the fact that you gave such a beautiful man like Leonard such an obvious hardon.
Then, Leonard was suddenly growling like an animal and pushing your hand away. You felt both relieved and disappointed, thinking that was that. Maybe Mel didn't want him doing anything?
You were dead wrong. Instead, Leonard was taking off his shirt and kicking off both his pants and his briefs.
"Gods, I've been waiting for your dumb fucking ass to make a move and fuck me all night." Leonard huffed, rolling his pretty blue eyes. "You're just as oblivious as you are gorgeous."
Another distant warning tone from Mel that you would've listened to but you just couldn't find any space in your brain to do anything but watch, mesmerized, as Leonard undressed.
You would take a few more moments to observe how handsome he looked without his glasses if it weren't for the fact that his cock, all pale and pink and girthy, curving up to his belly button, took all your attention.
"Hey, eyes up here, moron." Leonard tried again before kneeling in front of you and, finally, just taking your face into his hands and pulling you into a sloppy kiss.
It was absolutely filthy. His mouth was open, tongue practically fucking your mouth and coaxing your tongue to play, like he was trying to eat you alive or something.
It made you feel so light-headed, like you just couldn't think.
No thoughts passed through your head. You kissed him back. Your brain was empty. He pressed forward and your back bowed, trying to accommodate his body as you guys made out, chest to chest, his cock pressed against your clothed torso.
You could feel the wet spot on your shirt that his pre-cum made.
Then, just as suddenly as he started, Leonard was pulling away. Your eyes were unfocused for a second, like you didn't know where you were, like he sucked out your brain.
The first thing you noticed were how blue his eyes were, almost like they were the sky. They were so clear, so beautiful, just like the rest of him. Then, he was pulling away even more, taking the pillow on your lap with him.
You were still very drunk. Surprisingly, the kiss did nothing to sober you up. So, honestly, your broken train of thought didn't track that he would bend over for you.
In fact, part of you had thought (and slightly hoped) that he would've ripped your clothes off and bent you over.
Instead, he took your pillow and hugged it to his chest as he fisted his cock and bent to show you his cute round butt.
It was an ass you'd more than love to fuck, if you were being honest.
The biggest surprise wasn't his ass, however. A good looking guy like him? It was expected that his ass looked good too.
No, the biggest surprise was what was already in his ass. Nestled between his ass cheeks was a pink glass butt plug in the shape of a rose.
The rose was big enough that it pushed his ass cheeks apart and the glass was translucent enough so you could see the ring of his ass struggle to accommodate the rest of the plug.
You couldn't even imagine how he would've looked like, taking the butt plug in. Or how he would look when you slowly took it out of him.
But, then, you remembered.
You had a girlfriend that was waiting for you back at the bonfire. Or, maybe, not at the bonfire but definitely at home. Or, maybe, not at home because she never liked visiting you at your place but--
It didn't matter. All that mattered was, no matter how shitty she was, you had a girlfriend and fucking Leonard's adorable shapely ass was considered cheating.
"Fuck, c'mon, take it out and just stick your cock in." Leonard groaned, pushing his ass towards you even more. When he did, it made the plug in him stick out a little, pushing it out a little before sucking it back in.
You groaned too, palming your dick through your pants, unsure of what to do. Looking at him like that, watching him desperately holding the base of his dick, offering himself off like he was a man possessed, did something to you.
"I-I can't--" You tried to valiantly say no but he whimpered, all helplessly and soft, like he'd die if you didn't help him out, even just a little.
You sighed before deciding to acquiesce a little by grabbing the base of the toy and slowly pulling it out. You watched as his walls seemed to protest, trying to suck it back in, before finally letting go.
"Please, more." He moaned so prettily when it popped right out, all loud and high-pitched.
You turned to Mel, a look of desperation like he was the only one that could help you. Instead of help, you were met with the sight of Mel cradling Isamu in his lap.
Mel was still fully clothed but Isamu was completely naked from the waist down. Isamu's back was against Mel's chest, his cock in Mel's fist, completely hard, flushing dark brown-red at the tip and leaking so much pre-cum.
You hadn't even realised that the two of them had started getting it on behind you
Just watching them made you dizzy
You didn't think Mel was even paying attention to you for a second but, as soon as your eyes were on them, Mel's eyes snapped to you like he was hyper aware of you and you swore his eyes were glowing.
He was looking at you in a way that made you feel so small, that made you feel like a rabbit in front of a pack of wolves.
And he certainly looked wolfish, the way his sharp teeth marked Isamu's neck up, leaving bruises and bitemarks all over his tan skin, the way his eyes glared, all predator, none of that polite man that welcomed you in his home left.
You felt a shiver go down your spine.
You wanted to run away but you felt rooted in place.
You saw Mel's mouth move but whether he was mouthing something to Isamu or just mouthing at his neck, you couldn't tell. All you could hear was your heart beating in your ears.
From the corner of your eyes, you could see Isamu's hips jerk hard into Mel's fist but Mel's fist was absolutely immovable. HIs entire demeanor seemed unwavering, like a steadfast predator who'd chase you down to the ends of the Earth.
The entire thing both mortified you and absolutely turned you on and you didn't know why.
"Hey! What the fuck! Hello, someone's ass is right in front of you?" Leonard started whacking your thigh with his free hand, his ass wiggling around again as if that would entice you.
You were pulled away from your thoughts and you turned back to him, sigh leaving your lips again. You knew Mel would be no help and Isamu looked like his brain was leaking out of his cock.
"Okay, okay, compromise." Leonard looked at you over his shoulder, desperation clear on his face.
It made him look surprisingly pathetic but also incredibly cute, especially with that adorable red flush to his face and the way he was staring at you with puppy eyes.
"Just the tip. The tip is all I need. Just an inch and I'll jerk myself off." He tried convincing you and, though you knew cheating was cheating, you couldn't help but feel just a bit sorry for him.
At least, it made sense in your absolutely alcohol drunk head.
"Fine." You stood, taking everything from the waist down off and piling it on top of Leonard's things. "Goddamnit, fine."
Leonard practically squealed "Thank you, thank you, thank you!"
You nodded, positioning yourself behind him. He whimpered almost excitedly, shifting a little to position himself better. You spread his ass cheeks with your thumbs, testing his ass to see if the two of you needed any lube.
Surprisingly, he'd used so much silicone lube with the butt plug that some of it was still dribbling out.
You moved the head of your cock to press against his ass, pushing it in just a little. And, oh god, did it feel good. Leonard definitely already prepped himself and he was sucking you in so good.
"Shit." You huffed out, eyes screwing shut as you gripped his ass tighter in your hands "Just the tip. Just the tip."
You heard him babble agreements but, honestly, the words you were saying were mostly for yourself.
"Gunna jerk myself off. Gunna cum while I squeeze the tip of your fucking cock." Leonard moaned as he pushed himself back as much as you would allow him "Need you to jerk yourself off too. Need you to cum inside me. Please? Please?"
You nodded, unsure if he was looking at you because you still had your eyes shut. You were sure if you looked at him even a little bit, you'd bust a nut immediately.
You let go of one of his ass cheeks to grip the base of your cock, getting ready to either jerk yourself off or hold it to prevent yourself from coming.
Before you could do either, you felt someone slap your ass. The force of it pushed you forward and you were suddenly bent over Leonard, your cock much deeper into his ass than you were planning.
You moaned, both from the sting of pain on your ass and from Leonard's ass milking your cock. The only thing that prevented the whole thing from going in was your fist.
Hell, the only thing preventing you from cumming was your fist.
"What bad boys, leaving 'Samu out." Mel muttered behind you.
You didn't know what he looked like or what he was doing. You were too busy moaning, your hand on Leonard's ass gripping it like a lifeline, your forehead resting on the nape of his neck.
"Shit, shit, shit." Leonard so eloquently replied, his ass humping back against you "Move, you fuck head! Shit! Ohhh, your cock feels sooo good, baby."
You moaned again, unable to take Leonard's dirty talking in conjunction with his ass just strangling your dick as you tried to stay as still as possible.
As a way to placate him, you shifted your head, your lips brushing against his neck before your teeth nipped at his skin and started leaving hickeys.
"Oooh, fuck, baby." You heard a squirt before, suddenly, Leonard's hand sounded like it was jerking his own cock off with lube.
Was that Leonard's hand? Where'd he get lube?
The thought had barely entered your mind before there was another squirt and then you felt the cold chill of lube between your own ass cheeks.
You looked over your shoulder to see Mel, looking down at you with that same piercing gaze in his eyes. This time, his mouth was stretched into a predatory grin, teeth too sharp and mouth too wide.
"Ya' know, 'Samu was feeling lonely." He told you matter-of-factly like that meant something but it wasn't Isamu that was pulling your ass cheeks apart.
Your eyes flickered around and, quickly, you spotted Isamu right beside Mel, cock in his hand, a dark flush on his entire face as he watched you and Leonard, mesmerised by the entire scene.
Before you could ask if you did anything to offend him, you felt one of Mel's thumbs start prodding at your ass and you groaned, your back bowing, your chest pressing against Leonard's chest and your hips pushing forward to get away.
Of course, since your cock was inside Leonard, it meant you were pushing more of it into him. Not that he was complaining. He was just babbling out obscenities, happy to take your cock as he jerked himself off.
"Now, now." Mel licked his lips, pulling you just a tad closer (and making Leonard complain a little) before pushing more of his thumb in "We need to make sure you're properly prepped to take Isamu."
"W-Why?" You stuttered out, cheeks feeling hot at the thought of taking that monster cock in your ass.
That had to count as double penetration and double cheating, right?
"You don't want to help him out?" Mel frowned at you and the disappointment on his face (however fake a part of you said it was) made your heart ache.
So, of course, you nodded and Mel smiled again, all wolfish and mischievous, obviously pleased with your answer.
He slowly fed more of his thumb into your ass, stretching it a bit more and pushing at your walls. You just took it obediently, your hips stilled by his strong calloused hands.
Then, when he thought you had enough of his thumb, he slowly took it out before replacing it with his fingers. That was definitely much thicker.
He started with one, which was easy to take. But then two felt impossible, especially when he started scissoring them, pushing your walls apart and forcing your ass to take it without moving your hips.
You whimpered and whined the entire time.
You think maybe Leonard came sometime while you were getting fingered but also maybe not because he continued fucking his own fist and desperately trying to hump your dick.
You still kept your hand on the base of your cock, trying your hardest to save that last handful of inches as if it would make a difference.
"What a good boy." Mel pressed a kiss to your lower back as he fucked his fingers in and out of you, the squelch of it just as obscene as the way your ass clenched and unclenched around his fingers
Then, finally, he pulled them out and didn't thrust them back in "I think you're ready for 'Samu's cock, don't you?"
You shook your head but you were too overwhelmed to really say anything else. The words just wouldn't come to your head. It seemed they just ignored your silent protest because Mel and Isamu switched spots swiftly.
Isamu put the blunt head of his dick to your ass and, before you could say anything, he was pushing in. And, god, he was absolutely hefty. Your hips were already trying their hardest to push forward, to get away, to do something against the stretch of it all.
"It's okay, you can do it, darling." Mel comforted you, his sticky hand rubbing up and down your back.
Isamu didn't seem to pay you any mind, absolutely enamoured by how your ass felt around him. He just kept going, pushing more and more in.
Probably the only thing stopping him from just pushing it all in one thrust was Mel's other hand on his lower stomach, reminding him to go slow.
Finally, after what felt like forever, his hips met your ass and you didn't feel like your guts were going to come out of your mouth anymore.
You sighed, relieved, only to cry out when you felt him pulling out and it was like he was taking everything with him.
There was another squirt of lube and then the second push in was much smoother but it didn't make it feel any less like he was carving his way into your guts.
"Give him your hand, darling." Mel suddenly ordered you when Isamu's hips met your ass again.
You complied, letting go of Leonard's ass so you could reach behind you and offer it to Isamu.
Isamu took your wrist and gave the inside of it a kiss before biting down. You screamed, of course, but you didn't think he bit hard enough to draw blood.
"I-Isamu?" You whimpered, looking over your shoulder at him with tears prickling your eyes.
Isamu just pressed gentle kisses to his bitemark and apologised. That was when you realised that the embarrassed shy flushed look on his face was gone, replaced with an almost feral determined shine in his eyes.
You couldn't even question him. You couldn't even open your mouth before he was drawing his hips back and fucking you with abandon.
You leaned your forehead against the nape of Leonard's neck again, moans and whimpers and whines leaving your lips as you felt Isamu fuck you with abandon.
Your grip on your cock tightened even more as you felt that familiar coil of heat in your stomach.
Then, without you noticing, you felt someone's lips against your ear. Mel? You couldn't tell, your brain felt like it was melting
"Give me your other hand too, darling."
You obeyed without even thinking and, with one hard thrust from Isamu, you were fully sheathed in Leonard. Immediately, you came spilling into Leonard's ass and Leonard moaned like a porn star when he felt it.
"I-- Hah! Uwah, came! I came! Wait-- I-- Hah, wait-- I, hah--" You panted, huffing and moaning as your toes curled and your body bended, plastering itself against Leonard.
Instead of stopping, Isamu just pressed himself tighter against you until the three of you were as close to each other as could be, Isamu's hips still jack rabbiting into yours, his cock pistoning in and out of you, causing your hips to fuck your cock (which should've been softening but was surprisingly still hard) in and out of Leonard.
Mel smirked, your hand in his, watching the three of you, a satisfied expression on his face. He pressed a kiss to your knuckles before wrapping your fingers around his cock.
Oh, how cute, you couldn't even wrap it entirely around. That was fine, he would come easily around your fingers. Just knowing it was you was enough to make him cum, after all.
Add the fact that now he knew you were theirs? Well, he'd cum in a couple pumps, no problem.
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shrenvents · 2 days
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Warnings: Smut, M!receiving, penetration (w protection), language, enemies (ish) to lovers
Pairing: Carmen "Carmy" Berzatto x reader
Summary: After "Beef's" rebranding as "The Bear," business at your cafe has declined, which left you furious, and that anger only worsened after meeting the restaurant's owner.
Word count: 3.4k
Ever since I was young, I've always had this unnecessary, aggressive competitiveness, which has only grown since its opening: The Bear, formerly known as "Beef," has become Chicago's newest hit. Its success has been so impactful, that it's driven away numerous customers, including regulars from my spot, just across the street.
My cafe has been open for years. Its income has been steady from the get-go, and the presence of a certain sandwich shop has never deterred that. Not until said sandwich place suddenly turned into a high-end restaurant. It crossed my mind that it simply shut down due to its infamous unpopularity, but Richie was still waltzing into my cafe to order coffee, as per usual.
So, being curious enough about what had happened to "The Beef," I go visit, expecting to be greeted by the "ever-so-pleasant" owner, Michael. But instead—
"Uh, he died," Neil mutters rather awkwardly, fidgeting with his fingers. My eyes expand in complete shock.
"Oh my god, sorry, I had no idea." I grimace at my lack of sensitivity. "It's alright." He shakes his head.
Silence envelops us both before I speak again. "So, um, how come you're still here? If you don't mind me asking?" I grimace again at my poor choice of words, saying, "I swear I'm not trying to be rude." Neil tilts his head in confusion. "Whatta mean?"
"I just assumed you wouldn't be, here, since...?"
"Ah, yeah, Mike left the place to his little bro, Carmy." He waves his arms around, gesturing to the restaurant's interior. "And he did all this, sick right?"
"Yeah... Sick." I mumble with a pout, failing to hide my contempt, but my sour mood goes right over his head.
"Fak!" A man's loud, demanding voice, quiets my rearing thoughts. "Fak! What the fuck are you doing? I need you in here." The voice grows stronger as the chef it belongs to pushes through the kitchen doors. I just about hold my breath at the sight of him. In his all-white get-up, his deep blue eyes have yet to notice me, as he addresses Neil angrily. "The fucking toilet's still broken." He throws his arm up in frustration, "So would you please, get off your ass and fix it!" He commands Neil, and I jump at his dangerous tone. My brows furrow. There was no need for him to shout so rudely, not to mention that it was really bothering me, how he had yet to acknowledge my presence even once. Not only was he stealing my business, but he didn't give a rats-ass about it.
"Shit! Yeah, on it! I was just talking to—"
"Y/n." I announce my name roughly, and his eyes bounce from Neil to me instantly. Appearing startled, he hesitates to extend his palm for a handshake. "Carmy, sorry about him—" Just as he begins waving off Fak, apologizing for his behaviour, I snap.
"No, he was the perfect gentleman, as always," I protest, "I just came to check on the competition." Carmy's brows knit together, and I can feel the vein in my forehead pop out. "I own the cafe across the street," I state plainly, and he slowly nods in recognition. "It was nice to see you, have a great day," I commend with a smile, directed only to Neil. With that, I spin out the door, stomping vigorously towards my shop.
The next time I saw Carmy was nearly a month later, on garbage day. He happened to be taking the trash out that evening, exactly when I was. I sigh at how little he struggles to lift several trash bags. Looking away, I huff as I throw the plastic sacks into the massive tin container. After finishing, I stretch out my back, rubbing my hands together. Shortly rolling my head back, I observe the evening sky. I exhale, releasing a breath of cool air from my lips.
My skin pricks as I feel someone watching me and shift my gaze towards "The Bear." I instantly identify the sapphire eyes latched onto me. When I catch Carmy, his eyes fly in every which direction, clearly embarrassed. 'The hell? Okay dickhead, hello to you too.' I think, shaking my head as I go inside, once again, feeling the heat of his stare as I do.
An hour later, I complete the last of my chores before locking up the cafe. Removing the key from the door, I pivot towards my car. However, I stumble when a figure standing not far behind me approaches, causing me to unleash a horrid scream from the depths of my throat. Carmy's eyes widen, evidently apologetic and equally terrified. "Uh sorry! I didn't mean—"
"What the actual fuck, is your problem?" I practically hiss.
"Sorry, I was thinking about saying something before you turned around. But then I second-guessed myself and just did nothing," Carmy blabbers, "I'm really really sorry."
"Okay okay." I put up my hands in surrender to stop his rambling. It's rather disarming, after our first meeting, hearing how he sounds so... Timid. "Sorry." He mumbles once more, head hung low.
"You're good," I reassure him with a sigh, to cover up an unexpected giggle. "Um, so what're you doing, here?"
"Oh!" He jolts upright and his eyes shoot from the ground to mine. "I just wanted to uh, talk."
"You 'wanted to talk'?" I question, a brow arching in disbelief.
"Uh, yeah," Carmy replies with uncertainty.
Folding my arms, I sigh, "About?"
"Oh, um, just about, how I acted when we met," Carmy scowls at the memory. "I should've introduced myself way sooner, and not in such a—"
"Rude way," I interject, which seems to be a common occurrence between us.
"Heard." He huffs out what sounds like a laugh, "Exactly that." I then shift uncomfortably under his intense watch. "It's alright, I didn't exactly intend to be gracious myself," I utter, returning a similar, shy smile.
"No, no." His smile widens, "You were..." He and his gaze trail off, lowering to the concrete. "'Were'?" I repeat, imploring him to continue.
"Great." Carmy finishes, peering up again. His eyes appear somewhat different, and I feel an unfamiliar chill slide down my spine. "Wow." My eyebrows rise. "'Great,' that's a, really, kind of you," I splutter with a chuckle. Carmy joins in, laughing at himself.
After a beat of silence and a few stolen glances at one another, Carmy speaks up. "I know I should've said it a while ago, but I'd like to be on good terms, rather than 'competition'." My sight hones in on his active hands as they switch between fiddling with his back pockets and shaking. "I'd like that too," I murmur, scratching the back of my head. "If only you'd stop stealing my customers," I smirk.
"Oh?" He smiles playfully and tilts his head, "So that's how it's gonna be," he jests, laughing again.
"Hmmm," I hum in confirmation, slightly troubled by how flirtatious I'm being. But damn, the way he's always looking at me —it's throwing me off...
Flushed, I conclude our conversation, "I'll see you around," then walk to my car. He almost, absentmindedly, wanders alongside me. "Yeah, see you."
While I unlock my car, Carmy's already one step ahead of me, hauling the car door open. I thank him in a whisper as I bend into the front seat, brushing past him, and he tenses. He then mumbles my name with a "Goodnight," and I sit in silence, long after he leaves, breathless.
The next day, I feel giddy at the prospect of seeing Carmy. It's ridiculous, considering he was my neighbour, and I was bound to see him. Though I've actually had to refrain from seeking him out.
However, that afternoon, through the glass of both our eateries, we see one another, pause, smile slowly, and head back to work.
From that point on, that sort of thing became a routine. Every day that week, I saw him for at least 50 seconds. It was even better knowing he was a chef, so the likelihood of him seeing him out front was low, but still, each time he'd be there.
Come Sunday, I couldn't delay things any longer. It was a little disheartening that he hadn't come over himself or even thought to come and ask for my number.
Thus, I knew I had to be the one to make a move. So, after closing earlier than usual, I saunter across the street. Inside, Neil greets me with an ample smile. "Hey Neil," I wave. He virtually shouts my name in return. "Hey! What you in for?" He asks cheerfully.
"I was hoping for some dinner," I chuckle. My heart hammers against my ribcage, and the anticipation is killing me. While Neil leads me to a table, my eyes don't leave the kitchen's entrance.
Neil takes my order, and my ears attentively listen for those few moments, when the restaurant's crowd temporarily quiets down, and I hear his assertive voice filter through the walls.
As delicious as my meal is, I can't stop my anxiety from getting the best of me. It's plausible Neil didn't bother letting Carmy know that I was here. But I'm nearly vibrating with dread, waiting for him to materialize.
Eventually, it's closing time and the herd of patrons leave. I take the opportunity to call Neil over. "Hey, I was just wondering if Carmy was in? Just wanna say hello, be neighbourly and all," I beam innocently.
"Course!" He winks but doesn't move to get Carmy. So, after a long beat staring into Fak's clueless eyes (bless him), I come up with something dicey. "Could you let him know that my food's uncooked, and I'm very, very upset," I express sharply, biting back a grin.
"O-okay?" Neil stutters, confusion and distress written across his features. I suppress my laugh with my palm.
Five minutes later, I hear a loud and hostile "what" seep through the walls. My attempts to muffle my laughter are stumped when Carmy abruptly bursts through the doors. He freezes when he sees me, and I watch the doors rapidly swing behind him. I awkwardly raise my hand in hello, and I swear he gulps.
"I was joking, Carmy." Now growing nervous, I tear my eyes away from him, onto my clear plate and see him move towards me from my peripheral. "It was, pretty good actually," I remark, downplaying the truth.
As I open my mouth to fill the silence, I peek up to see Carmy sitting right in front of me, and I lose my train of thought. It's as though we're on a date, and that's the most normal thing in the world, something we've done countless times before.
"I was planning on coming to see you after work." His sheepish, yet deep timbre makes me shudder.
"Beat you to it then?" I smirk smugly.
"Didn't we say this wasn't a rivalry?" He smirks back, and my stomach forms knots. "Nothing wrong with some friendly competition," I retort, and his reply is a simple, pleasant smile.
"Well Chef, I'm sorry to hear you're closing soon," I sigh. Still smiling, he raises his brows, "Because?"
"Because the food was decent, but I'm still quite hungry." I proclaim teasingly, shrugging. He chuckles lowly, "We can't have that."
Now sitting on Carmy's kitchen stool while he cooks me an omelet on his stove, I inspect his backside. The muscles tense and shift as he moves expertly through the room.
"I hope this suits your refined palette," Carmy remarks with a certain ease that he didn't have before. He pushes a plate towards me, and I reel at how domestic this all feels. I lick my lips in excitement as the delicious, potent smell of the dish consumes my senses.
Taking a bite, I withhold a moan, and close my eyes so he doesn't catch them rolling to the back of my head. Swallowing, I open my lids to see Carmy's eyes studying me, expectingly awaiting a reaction. "It's alright," I state monotonously.
Eyes and mouth expanding, he smacks his hands on his chest, overlapping them over top of his heart, like he's been shot, and a laugh escapes me. "I make it better," I contest.
"I don't doubt that," he responds without a hint of condescension, and I gape at him before giggling nervously, eyeing my omelette.
"So, what would satisfy your elite tastes?" His words may be rather suggestive, but his tone is short and reserved. Glancing up at his expression, I note the way he sluggishly runs his tongue over his bottom lip. His view then trains over my features, lingering on my lips...
Not giving him a chance to refocus on anything but my mouth, I lunge at his. Capturing his lips with mine, I hear a fumble of noises leave him pitifully. The sounds morph into a mixture of bewilderment and a cavernous groan. His hesitancy is brief as one of his hands curves behind my head, into my hair, while the other gropes my waist, bunching up my shirt in a tight fist. His groaning becomes more brazen, and I devour every single one.
Our tongues fight each other, and our hips wrestle with the kitchen island that separates us. Determined to feel more of him, I pull away from his wretched kiss. He instinctively chases after me, but my hands firmly press against his chest, which seems to bring his attention to my eyes. He more or less whines to himself.
I lick my swollen lips, holding eye contact in hopes it would help him understand what I wanted.
His grasp moves from my torso, to hold my hand, tugging me towards what I assume is his bedroom. As he maneuvers around the counter, I decide that I just can't wait. So, when we pass his living room area, I drag him back, and to his surprise, shove him onto his couch.
His back hits the cushions and he releases a grunt. Immediately, I straddle his hips and he makes haste to grip my hips, pressing me further onto his crotch. I whimper nosily, and it's his turn to hum back. "You're so..."
"Great?" I quip.
"Beautiful, is what I was gonna say— should've said." His baby blues melt me to my core. The intimacy of his look and words, somehow mean so much more, than everything we've just done.
After a short break of just breathing in each other, I press my lips to his gently, pecking them. This seems to snap him out of whatever trance he's under, as a peck is clearly not enough.
His hefty grip on my hips increases and encourages me to lean closer. His mouth dictates my every move and sound, and I wriggle above him. "Carmy," I whine desperately, begging for more.
He lets go of me to strip, sitting upright to remove his white-collar shirt. I moan at the sight, before copying him, working my shirt off. When I struggle, he rips the cotton over my head, throwing it to the floor in one swift motion. His mouth quickly draws me back in, nibbling my bottom lip.
Breaking away, I whisper, "As good as you taste, this isn't enough to satisfy me, Chef." Peering up at me through hooded eyes, he looks dazed but nods nonetheless.
My breath hitches as Carmy rears me onto my back, moving us so that his larger frame hovers over my smaller one. He unbuckles his belt clumsily and glides his jeans down his stocky thighs. I chew my lip as I gawk at the impressive bulge tucked into his black briefs. When he reaches for my bra clip, he freezes. "Shit," he exclaims airily, shoving a hand into his curly locks. I flinch, stammering, "W-what?"
"Condom," he states flatly.
"You ran out?" I joke, brows lifting.
"No, I don't do this often," he discloses, ears reddening. Silence eats up the space, and allows us to register what Carmy so bluntly, admitted. Not that I minded at all.
"I have had sex before—"
"I know," I squeal, guffawing at his prompt confession. "I think I have some in my purse." I soothe, encircling his bicep with my index finger. He lets out a sigh of relief, and I giggle like a schoolgirl when he springs to his feet, racing towards my bag.
Carmy's footsteps thud against the floorboards as he races away, half-naked. I fasten my lips together to prevent an extensive grin. When he reenters the room, I lift my body weight onto my forearms for support, cruising my eyes over his body, spying the condom between his dense fingers.
When he straddles my legs, meaning to resume where he left off, an impulse consumes my thoughts. Wordlessly, I place my palms on his thighs, spreading my digits atop his sturdy legs, to push him back. Then, kneeling on the floor in front of Carmy, I smile devilishly. I feel him trembling and the whole scene feels so erotic.
Looking up, I catch his gaze, as it adorns me, in a sort of awe. "There's something I have been craving, Chef," I murmur whilst running my tongue over my teeth. Carmy shudders as my fingers weave into his waistband, tugging them down.
While he's undressing, his briefs hanging on his chaves, I admire how his eyes flutter shut, and he mumbles nonsense to himself.
His cock engulfs my sight and brushes my cheek a bit. Carmy sucks in a sharp breath, tilting his head to watch me. Despite being taken aback by his size, I begin to stoke him. He gasps and his stomach constricts immediately.
Picking up my pace after a few pumps, I kiss his tip and his thighs shake. "Christ," he mewls. I take his noisy reaction as an encouragement to surge forward, wrapping my tongue and lips over him, and driving his cock to the back of my throat. "Fuck!" Carmy shouts.
As he gets closer to the edge, his words of appraisal jumble together in fits of, "yes, like that," "faster," and some "perfect" comments, among many other things I can't comprehend anymore. I'm lost in his touch, which tangles my hair, clasping it tightly. Before Carmy finishes, he cups my face and yanks himself out of my mouth.
Eyes shut and face twisted in both euphoria and frustration, he grumbles, "Fuck, I said I didn't wanna cum yet."
I simply smack my lips together, savouring his taste. Carmy appears stunned as holds my face. I smirk wickedly and a short puff of air abandons him.
"Can I fuck you?" He asks, and his jagged voice makes his question sound like an order, and I love it. "Please," I pant and he kisses my forehead before dragging me back on the sofa, underneath him again.
Positioning himself, Carmy rips open the condom with his teeth and rolls it over himself. He sucks in a coarse breath as he pushes into my entrance, and I do the same. He moans my name and I choke on a sob as he bottoms out, in one, mind-numbing jolt. His hands tighten on my hips, pressing me into the couch as I arch upwards. We both moan nonsensically, adoring the friction and how seamlessly we fit together.
Moving synchronously, we fight for our highs, grinding into a rhythm that makes us gasp in pleasure. With my name on his lips, they seize mine, and his tongue laps every corner of my mouth, as he slowly takes control. I writhe under him and he thrusts harder, hitting all the right places. Shortly, my body grows almost limp, unable to keep up with the tide of desire above, bucking into me.
As I reach my end, he keeps going, simultaneously kissing and nipping my neck, surely leaving numerous marks, but I don't care. He just feels too good, deep inside, strong and brutal.
I cry out as core contracts, clamping down on him, and making his untamed movements stutter. I cum hard, gasping as tremors rack through me. Soon after, Carmy whimpers, craning his neck back as cums inside. With a lengthy sigh that eases into a loud moan, he holds us still. He dips his sweat-covered forehead into the crook of my neck and hums in satisfaction.
After a few minutes of catching our breath, and enjoying the weight of his body over top of mine, he heaves himself up to kiss my mouth once more.
"Go out with me, please," he urges politely as if he isn't still inside of me. I laugh lightly, then tense in surprise when my core clenches over his cock, and he winces as well.
Exhaling steadily, I breathe, "I would love to."
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hunterofartemis7 · 1 month
Damain: well?
Asshole doctor: I have nothing to apologize for! She’s just a teenager with and her pregnancy hormones make her exaggerate!
Jason; pregnancy hormones!?
Kori: shit
Tim: you’re pregnant!?
Raven:..*nods, tearing up again* I wanted to tell you myself…..😣
Jason: *draws his knife* okay so not only will you pay for making her cry the first time and insulting her, but also for ruining her chance to tell us she’s pregnant on her own terms!
Asshole doctor: you can’t do anything to me! We’re in a hospital! The security will have you arrested!
Tim: good point. *drags him outside by his hair*
Damian: *smirks*
Dick: we got this asshole covered little d. Go back with Rae and see your baby.
Raven: thanks dick..
Dick: don’t mention it, and congratulations!! *hugs her tightly* we are so celebrating after now I gotta go! *runs after Tim*
Jason: *ruffles her hair* congratulations kiddo. *follows dick and Tim outside*
Very Nice doctor: Miss? Are you ready?
Raven: *nods*
Very Nice doctor: alright. *brings her back in the room with Damian and Kori* Did he check any vitals before being an ass?
Raven: no…
Very nice doctor: I’m sorry Hun. I don’t know why he wasn’t fired yet. *checks her blood pressure, blood sugar, heart rate breathing etc.*
Damian: *staring her down like a hawk*
Very nice doctor: don’t worry sir, I’m got gonna hurt her
Damian: hm
Very nice doctor: well your BP is a bit high, but that’s to be expected considering what just happened. Blood sugar is also a bit lower than we’d like, but Your heart and lungs sound good.
Raven:..is that gonna hurt the baby?
Very nice doctor: right now it shouldn’t. You’re stressed so it’s understandable to have a higher BP than normal. Your blood sugar is more what I’m worried about. Have you eaten anything today?
Raven: yeah..but I can’t keep anything down
Very nice doctor: how often are you throwing up?
Raven: pretty often..I don’t exact times
VND: that’s okay hun. And it says in your records your anemic right?
Raven: *nods*
VND: are you on any iron supplements?
Raven: no ma’am..
VND: okay. If its alright I’d like to put you on some for the rest of the pregnancy, as well as prenatal vitamins and some meds to help with the nausea
Kori: are all these meds good for her?
VND: yes. One is just vitamins, the other is similar, mostly just to get some iron in her system. The nausea meds are the only “medication” she’ll actually be on. And don’t worry, I won’t prescribe her anything that wasn’t safe for her and baby.
Kori: okay.
VND: now with all that out of the way, you ready to see your baby?
Raven: yes!!
VND: *smiles* okay, lay down hun.
Raven: *lays down on the bed*
VND: *puts a blanket over her and pulls her hospital gown up* fair warning, this is gonna be cold. *gets that weird jell stuff that they use for ultrasound and puts it on her belly*
Raven: *flinched from the cold*
VND: sorry
Raven: it’s okay..
Damian: *holds her hand beside her*
Raven: *small squeeze*
VND: you ready?
Raven: yes
VND: *puts the wand (I think that’s what it’s called) on her abdomen*
Raven: *watching the screen waiting to see the baby*
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VND: *points at the small bean* and there’s your baby
Damian: *smiles with happy tears in his eyes* it’s small🥹
VND: yes it is. Your 6 weeks right now, and baby has a strong heart beat
Kori: 🥹 it’s so precious..
Raven: *happy crying* our baby..*looks at Damian* I can’t wait to meet it..🥹
Damian: *kisses her and her belly* I can’t wait either. I’m already in love with it
VND: you two are adorable
*meanwhile outside*
Cop: so one more time….why are you beating up a doctor?🤦🏻‍♀️
Jason: cause he is very very rude and unprofessional to his patients and made our sister in law to be cry.
Tim: and we have about 200+ different complaints about him that the hospital keeps throwing in the trash
Cop:….i don’t get paid enough
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cookie-crumblr · 1 month
I miss professor reichsgraf
GN! Bad Student Reader x Professor OC!
Minors DNI
CW: GN! Reader, reader referred to as they/them, no body descriptions for reader, lots of swearing tbh lol, reader is RUDE (just because they’re sleepy! we still stan🥰) spanking, pet names for reader(good kitten, darling), Sub!Reader, reader has hair(not described just enough to grab), fingering (not specified which hole dw), nipple play, crying reader, tetro?, overstim, dubcon(no proper safeword), sado maso, p in hole, not proofread.
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(IDK i hope it turned out okay, it doesn’t seem the way i want it, but i can’t tell rn if it’s just me T.T)
“You are, quite possibly the worst student i’ve ever had the misfortune of teaching.”
You mock him on the phone with your bestie.
“Stupid ass over qualified teacher.”
“Fur reaaaalll. my gods, what an asshole!” they respond.
“It’s too bad he’s so hot. What a waste.” You resume what you were doing and hold the phone between your ear and shoulder.
“I would tap, i wonder if he’s into that like teacher/student play…” they trail off.
“Ew. please don’t fantasize about my dickwad professor. At least with me around,” You feign gagging.
The next day in class you’re slouching, hoping to the gods that he just forgets you exist so that you can try and catch up on your assignments… But Fuck it’s so hard! You don’t have time for school work when you’re home, because you’re usually sleeping, after your two jobs. And all these pompous professors do is give homework!!! ALL OF THEM.
It’s the end of the ninety minute mark and you, along with everyone else, starts packing your things.
“Y/L/N. Stay behind a minute.” Professor Reichsgraf sighs, and tosses an empty cup into the trash can.
“Uuuuuuhhhhhhhhhhhhhhg!” You groan, thankfully the room is loud enough that he might not of even—
“Gods, you’d swear I told you that you’re going to jail,” He laughs. He’s sat behind the desk a little slouched like normal, head in a hand, elbow on a stack of papers (probably so it’s more comfortable) you tsk out loud at your thoughts, before pretending to yawn.
What a class A assho-
“Have a seat,” he asks.
“This will take that long??” You sigh out frustratedly.
“Gods, you young peop—”
“Oh don’t you ‘young people these days’ Me, mister!”
“It’s Doctor.”
“Oooo big dif. Fuck off” You cross your arms and roll your eyes.
He rolls his own, “Just sit.”
With a *plop*! into the seat, you do.
The professor stands, his hand lazily traces a knot in his desk as he rounds the table and approaches you slowly. “I don’t usually do this…”
“Woah, Um isn’t there like a rule against—”
“What!?” He furrows his brow then massages it quickly between his finger and thumb. “No, i’m offering to tutor you,” He sighs in annoyance.
“Oh really?” You would still really like to at least pass… “Okay fine.”
“What? really? no deals needed?” He looks you over.
shrugging, you say, “I mean what are you offering?”
“Nope, it’s a done deal, you already signed the dotted line crossed your t’s and all that.” He steps ever closer, and leans on the table you’re sat at.
“When do we start?”
You’ve had a few sessions with your professor but nothing seems to be working, the information just isn’t sticking until…
“Bend over.” Reichsgraf growls, head in his hand in frustration.
“Excuse me?” Your brows raise in shock.
“Bend over my knee, right now. You aren’t learning this way.”
You think at first he’s lying. Just trying to make you uncomfortable or something, maybe a bee flew into his coffee this morning so he’s taking it out on you. You don’t know. But you do it. You get down, lay over his lap and wait.
His hand massages your rump, “Now what’s the answer to number five?”
A hand comes down onto your flesh with a *Smack!*
“Ow!” You yelp! “What the fuck!?”
“What is the answer to number five? Don’t just guess.”
“Is it not A?” You ask, it looks right… Right?
“OW!!” You yelp again, louder this time, it stings so much more the second time!
“You know the answer.”
“C!” You suddenly remember something he said about it yesterday, and he’s right, you did know the answer!
“Good job, I’m impressed.” He isn’t lying, he really is. Only two spanks on the first time? Maybe he had been hoping for more though, to be honest.
It’s a unique way to have to learn like this, but with you, he’s happy to oblige. All the time spent being frustrated that you couldn’t commit even the simplest knowledge to memory, he can finally get rid of…
“Okay now six.”
“Do we have to do the whole assignment like this?”
“Yes. Six.”
You shout, “A!”
“Shit! I mean B!” You wince.
“You guessed again. Read the answer, and tell me why it’s correct.”
“Do i have to? I got it right that time.”
Suddenly the hand on your rear moves to your clothed sex, he presses down hard and trails along the divide. A gnawing heat starts to grow in your lower half quickly.
“Hey! wait-!”
“We don’t have the time. what is the answer to seven?”
“Good Kitten,” His baritone seems even deeper somehow, as he rubs you harder, your jeans are getting too hot to bare. “We need these off.” He tugs on your back belt loop.
“Yeah…” You shock yourself when you agree so readily. You stand to unbutton them and get them off, but he slaps your hands away and takes your pants off for you.
Your body gets thrown around until your bent over the desk and the wood’s digging into your hip bones.
A growl escapes his throat. his hair is messier than usual when you turn back to look, before he grabs yours and steers you forward.
His fingers enter you first, already setting a fast pace, he curls them and scissors them; all while pistoning so fast you feel like you’re already teetering on the edge. “Such a good kitten, you’re doing so good for me,” He hums deeply in his throat.
You whine and wriggle, until he tenses his grip in your hair and on your hip. His hand fans out over your skin and gropes you the entire way up to your chest, pressing a traveling dent into your stomach and over your ribs. Your brows peak, and your mouth hangs open.
“SERIOUSLY???” You stomp, way to take you out of it.
*SLAP!* Your ass was sore from the earlier abuse, to be slapped now stings so brutally!!!
“F-fuck!!” You shake.
“Seven. Now.” His hand is raised and prepped to hit you again.
You shimmy and jump, “No, no more please!!”
“AHH!” You screech! “ummm,” You read the question rapidly through bleary eyes, “D! D! It’s D!!!” You shout and writhe in his grasp.
“I’m so proud of you, I knew you could do this,” He rubs something cooling on your ass cheek and it feels so much better!
“Oh thank you thank you oh my gods.” you let out so much air you feel dizzy. His cock starts to rub against you, making your dizzy spell last longer. it’s so hot and hard and.. LONG! Holy shit it’s so long! You’re gonna be speared to death on that thing! You drool at the anticipation! “Fuck me.” You say it in a long groan as an expression but also mean it very much.
“You deserve it, you’ve been doing so good,” Holy shit, his words strike some heavenly chord that opens your pearly gates wide for him, and he enters without resistance, taking his time to really appreciate your interior.
“Holy shit!” You can’t help the obscenities, they just fall from your lips naturally, you’re so surprised at all of this, at yourself for willingly doing it, at your hot teacher for wanting you in the first place, at so many things…. Most of all at how HOT his dick is like molten lava inside you and it feels fucking DIVINE.
“You’re such a good kitten,” He rubs you as you take his length.
His movements are calculated, every single one. No matter how fast they hit your spots like a master martial artist targeting pressure points. You aren’t getting a break from his assaults every strike is a critical blow. Even when he slows down his spongey head sweetly kisses those spots igniting obscene fires that don’t have time to burn out before being reignited fully.
You’re getting close, so painfully close to a volcanic eruption, your bubbling!
“Cum for me, darling” He leans down over your back, to whisper into your ear, his voice gravely and so low.
“AHH!!!” You scream out and your whole body goes rigid and convulses, his own cum shoots inside you and you take all of it.
“So good for me, you took me so well, darling…” His eyes practically have hearts in them.
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teaboot · 1 year
you mentioned you worked security and now i’m in emotional pain because i feel deprived of feel-good security anecdotes (this was a not so subtle request for some if you have the time and/or energy, please and thank you). hope you’re having a wonderful day today!!
It's mostly confidential but if I'm vague and change details for privacy I can give a few examples of times I really enjoyed my job!
Got a vague call that someone someone "having a freakout". Arrived to find someone having a panic attack. Cleared a place for us to sit down and stayed with them. Once they calmed down they told me they'd just found out a family member had passed away. Exchanged some old stories and got to see them smile a bit before their friend arrived to drive them home.
Someone I'd removed from a place before recognized me on the street. Thought they were gonna kick my ass. We wound up talking instead- turns out they were homeless and had some addiction issues they were working through. I split my lunch with them and hung out till we went different ways.
Concerned passersby reported someone sitting under a service dog, ha people freaking out bit. Got to verify they were okay and make sure they weren't disturbed till they were ready to move on. It was nice to make sure someone could do what they needed and continue about their business without it being a big deal.
Found someone unconscious and unresponsive. Got them paramedics, paramedics took them to the hospital.
A very small child very politely informed me that they were lost, and asked if I could please help them find their mother thank you very much. Absolutely delightful kiddo, got them sorted out.
Saw a kid being absolutely reamed out by their parent for doing nothing particularly odd or rude or out of the ordinary. Asked if everything was good, and parent exhausted informed me that "Oh, sorry, they're Autistic". Looked to the kid and went, "Eyy, Twinzies!" And flashed the jazz hands. Parent looked horrified, couldn't believe I was "allowed to work there". Kid lit up like it was christmas. Spent the next few minutes making faces with the kid back and forth behind their parent's back. Hope they're doing okay.
Person I talked to fairly often, who was homeless and regularly camping around behind the property, approached me after two months away with clear skin and clean hands and informed me that they were four months clean. I don't see them around anymore. Last I heard they were moving into a new apartment.
Someone who was breaking it off with an abuser told me they'd seen them in the parking lot and asked for an escort to their car. We arranged it so I could walk with them when they left whenever they went home. Super nice person, too.
At one outdoor property with regular patrols, I'd regularly come across dead birds who'd hit the windows and fallen. Boss said to toss them in the dumpster but instead I'd take em out to the woods. Doesn't feel right to put a thing that breathed in the trash. Wasn't part of the job, but... I dunno. Brought some peace.
Dude was ripping me a new one one day, going on about my "tough guy" attitude, accusing me of harassing him, saying I'd never be a man so I should check myself. Told him "I'm sorry for your bad experience with me today. Here is my employee identification. If you'd like to place a complaint, please feel free to contact my district manager", and handed him my boss's business card. Reported the incident to my boss afterwards. He never received any calls. Felt fucking stellar
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lovelyiida · 1 year
interview shenanigans.
WARNINGS: suggestive content, vulgar language
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IMAGINING PRO-HERO KIRISHIMA COMING IN FOR AN INTERVIEW, tired as all get out. having done patrol the day before and the next day be jammed packed with interviews due to his successful victory.
hair still messy from jumping out of bed and straight into his chauffeur van, his spikes not leaning the correct way due to him sleeping on the window.
Kirishima was very tired, to say the least.
"alright guys, let's all do our best and make this very quick!" even though he was tired, he still kept up his cheerful attitude, how sweet. feeding himself a bite of his hard bagel and gulping down a whole double expresso coffee, the pro-hero burps. politely handing his trash over to the nearest assistant, he starts to scratch a rather important spot.
he couldn't help it, really, he didn't understand why he had to come into interviews wearing his hero suit. why can't they just do business casual?
the tight texture of spandex rubbing against him made him curse under his breath. he starts to really dig into that spot, letting out a satisfied groan, his eyes roll back and close in delight.
too into bliss, he didn't even know the cameras started to roll.
"excuse me, Mr. Riot?" you voiced out.
Kirishima's eyes pop open, snapping toward your figure.
your classy, business casual outfit displayed your figure well. light makeup with a well-kept updo, you smile awkwardly at him. cue cards in hand, you bat your eyelashes at him.
Kirishima lets out a dry chuckle, properly adjusting himself in his seat. "yes! sorry I was um...occupied, apologies." Kirishima says with a proper tone, you let out a small chuckle.
you give him an understanding bow, "it's great to have you here this morning, I'm sure you're exhausted after your victorious battle Mr. Riot." you smiled at him, he didn't understand why...but after hearing so many people say his hero name, it sounded so good coming off of your lips.
"oh, you have no idea, honey."
You laugh at his words, as he'd assume you really didn't have a single idea how tired he was. turning to the camera, you begin to start your opening statement for the interview.
the pro-hero started to linger his eyes on you more, you were damn hot. maybe it was cliche for pro-heroes to get with interviewers, as it wasn't an uncommon trope within the industry.
it's even known that many people practice becoming interviewers to inhabit the specific role of interviewing heroes just for this reason alone. maybe you were here under the same circumstances, he could really care less...he was just thankful you were here.
from your beautiful eyes to the way your thighs sit so pretty in that stiff-ass chair given by staff. he wondered how soft they'd feel if he gripped them as hard as he could. lingering further down to your legs, he'd wonder how they'd look wrapped around his waist as he pounded into you relentlessly.
he even loved how pretty your feet looked in those classic black heels, he's not into feet, personally. but maybe seeing your feet wrapped around a specific part of him could be an amusing moment in his life-
"Mr. Riot!" you yelled out.
snapping him from his thoughts, he lets out another awkward laugh. "so sorry... I'm just not myself this morning haha." a toothy grin shows on his face.
rolling your eyes, you hold your hand up. signaling to cut the cameras. Kirishima's eyes widen at the sudden change of attitude, the less professional one of course.
you let out a sigh and jump out of the chair, heading out of the camera's view and towards the exit. Kirishima's hands land on his face, fighting away a rather red blush.
throwing his head back in embarrassment, he looks back up in the direction you went. letting out a deep sigh, he gets out of his seat with a tired groan. sleazily stepping out of the camera's way and out of the exit.
the cool crisp morning air rudely hits his shoulders, he lets out a shudder as he looks around for you. stepping around a corner, he sees you almost distraught. Cigarette in hand, you take in a slow inhale.
you look toward him, basically unfazed by his presence. stumbling towards him, you lean close and blow thick smoke in his face.
Kirishima breathes out, letting out a single cough as he fans away the excess smoke. "y'know that's bad for you-"
"fuck off," you spat at him.
"c'mon! I'm sorry, I'm just a little distracted by...you know" he mumbles. you stare at him for a moment before flashing him a smug smile.
"y'know Mr. Riot, word of advice...oogling at your wife at her place of work is very inappropriate," you seductively whispered in his ear.
there it is again, the way you say his name.
the pro-hero chuckles at this, sliding his hand around your waist he pulls you in close. "well I can't help that you look so fuckable" he growls in your ear, giving it a soft nibble with his sharp teeth.
you let out a soft moan, giggling you suddenly push him away.
"hands off Ejiro, what would the people think if they saw us like this?" you purred. "they would think that I have every right to take you right here right now," Kirishima tries to grab you again, but you quickly step away.
Kirishima growls, snatching away your cigarette in retaliation. Drawing his lips towards the small "bundle of joy." dragging out a slow puff before blowing it into the air.
biting the inside of your cheek, you snatch the cigarette back.
Kirishima chuckles at your cuteness, "I swear you're a bad influence on me."
"well, you put a ring on this bad influence, last time I checked" you retorted.
"mhm," he hums.
smiling, you look down at your phone and check the time. Groaning, you throw the cigarette on the floor and stomp it out. "hey! I just bought you those shoes, don't fuck 'em up!" he curses at you.
"honey, they aren't red bottoms, you'll live," you say back.
starting to walk away, you stop to turn back around, you show a sly smirk as more words enter your head.
"y'know Mr. Riot, if you're good this time, I'll let you give me a tour of your van again" you let out a not-so-hidden chuckle. the pro-hero gives you a mischievous grin.
turning back around, you begin to walk.
you jump, startled at the sudden sting of your ass cheek. Kirishima grabs your waist once more and growls into your ear.
"well, that's how it all started didn't it?"
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just wanted to dabble into something a little bit more mature than what I usually do lol. anyways, keep those requests coming guys!! Finals are kicking my ass but I should be sending out messages to those who’ve requested by now.
⎯ lovelyiida ♥︎
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just-a-sewer-goblin · 2 months
I am back from my nap and now thinking about you stopping by the butcher shop while you're out running errands and Simon sees you in comfortable clothes. Some yoga pants and a tank top or something. Just something to make ghost think about lounging around the house with you after a rough shift. Asshole customers, machines going out, meat suddenly bad, anything under the sun that could have gone wrong, did go wrong. Only for it all to roll off of him like water off a ducks back when he sees you laid up in His bed, with your large pup in their own bed on the floor. -nonnie from the last two asks tehe
If you want you can pick a name I can refer to you by, anon. Only if you feel like it tho. Welcome back in the awake world, I hope you had a great nap.
And oh boy. Simon is all tense lines when you come in. His shoulder are so tense you're kind of glad he's behind the counter. Because suddenly he's even more intimidating. Simon thinks if one more rude customer comes in he's either gonna implode or make them the next piece of meat he sells.
At least that would be fresh. He gives the trash a stinky side eye. He had to dispose of a perfectly good piece of meat that decided to spontaneously go bad and he's still pissed about it.
And then you walk in and of course seeing the pretty face of his spouse favourite customer immediately makes him drop his tense shoulders. You're a vision. You're his everything. Maybe today is a good day after all.
Your hair is kind of a mess as if you just rolled out of bed and tried to vaguely make it look outside appropriate but failing in the process. Simon can't help the twitch of his lips at that. You look utterly adorable.
You're obviously dressed for comfort and he wonders if he should get in his head about that. It means you didn't consciously put effort into making yourself look good for him. That means he's not on your radar and he's gotta change that. But he's too enamored with getting to see you so comfortable to really be concerned about it.
Even your ugly mutt seems lazy and sleepy today. Simon desperately wishes he could just close the shop and leave with you. Have your hand ins his and let the stress of the day bleed out of him with every step he takes next to you.
But as it is he is prisoner of his own shop, confined behind the counter while he watches you walk away after a visit that was way too short.
He hates to see you leave, but loves to see you go. Damn those comfy pants make your ass look even better than usual.
He might be humming a bit to himself as he cuts up some new meat to put on display.
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