#long anon my beloved <3< /div>
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sakiyaki-sashimi · 1 month ago
WOAH IM HERE WHOOPS, I had to lie in wait for a moment.. no but the real reason I was gone for a bit is because since my anon messages are like.. super long, I don’t want to accidentally exhaust you so I try to give it some time between them so that DOESN’T happen! But I’ve been here!
And good guess, but no :3 I do like myself some project sekai too.. my favorite group is mmj, I’m Minori’s #1 fan actually uhmmmm!!
And we are (in fact) mutuals! :D One of my favorites ones I giggle behind my hands.. I doubt we’re IRLs? If we are, I would explode /pos
Anddd of course I like you! It’s not especially difficult, you make it easy.. :3
It’s actually a little bit insane to me we have mutual interests or likes like.. oh my god? Super cool person somehow likes the same things as me? Actually unreal uhmmm!! Like for example, the candies I named last time are ALSO some of my favorites from when I was a kid :D
Also adore the mystery genre.. (Animes, games, books etc…) I’m stupidly in love with the trope where it’s a super smart girl and just a guy who basically makes sure she doesn’t get herself killed (In/Spectre my beloved..)
And your hint! Let’s seeeee.. I’m also newer to Tumblr? I said I found you around in the October-December period but that’s also when I first made my account :3 And I’m a minorrr.. I feel like that’s obvious but I’m throwing it out there too just in case..
YEAH.. OKAY. I feel like I’m banging at my enclosure to not shower you in constant praise (I feel the need to emphasize every time I mean this all in a non-strange way..) just because that’s the only way I feel I can properly show how cool I think you are uhm! Anyways! I cover myself in a cloak and when it comes off I disappear
HIIIII U CAME BACK!!!!!! Yay!!!!!! You could never exhaust me, no matter how long you write, because it’s you writing it!!! I could listen to you for paragraphs without being bored!! Ur honestly my favorite thing on tumblr rn <33
No matter how much or little u send idm!! Ily anyway! Glad ur sticking around tho <33
Omg minori fan?!?!!! Also PJSEKAI FAN YAY! Are you by chance sleepyjiraiminori!!? HAVE I DONE IT?! IM MUTUALS WITH THEM OMG IT COULD BE U!!!! Also if we were IRLs you would 100% know it bc im usually the reason my IRLs are on tumblr to begin with XD but if we were I would be so happy!!!
Man I’m so happy u like me!! U say I make it easy but mannn idk sometimes I can be a little exhausting I know it!! One day I’m very happy genki and the next I’m negative and politically charged LOLLL well that’s what you get when you give a jirai leftist teen a tumblr account I guess XD
THOSE CANDIES ARE UR FAV TOO??!!!! Man!! We have to be closer than we think then, that’s so uniquely American XD At least I think so hahaha! Honestly it’s so crazy to have like a secret double version of me on tumblr!! So I totally get it :3
OMG I LOVE MYSTERY TOO!! My fav genre of mystery is team of detectives that are found family, especially with one genius newbie upstart and the older detective that’s been there the whole time and at first they hate each other but then they become parent-kid!! Aghhh so good so good
IN/SPECTRE!!! IVE BEEN MEANING TL WATCH THAT WAHHHHHH AHH!!!! Just one more thing we’ll have in common when I’m done X3 man I can’t wait to figure out who you are so we can RP!! (ONLY IF U WANT OFC!!)
That hint also aligns with sleepyjiraiminori too!! Man if ur not her yall need to be friends too, you’d get along great! Also the minor bit was a given bc most of my moots are minors anyway XD idk any non-minor moots and even if I have them there’s nobody who likes my blog who’s older than 18! (Unless my old online gr00m3rs still follow me?? Ugh I sure hope not..)
BRO THAT IMAGE OF U BANGING ON A LITTLE CAGE IS SO SWEET SOMEHOW??? My little ferret I wanna hug u so badddd /p
That’s just so sweet of u!! I think ur super cool too, just the coolest!!!! I’m so happy ur around here with me <3
Haha now I imagine you as a little cream white ferret with peachy front and back paws and big dark brown eyes, all wrapped up in a black cloak Despereaux style!! X3 ur prob taller than me, so ur like one of those tall lanky ferrets in my head, and im a small chubby mouse, like a comedy duo LOLLL
anyway wahhh stay safe, c u next time!!
(Here’s to hoping my guess is right this time fellow detective!)
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blossoms-phan · 6 months ago
guys can someone reassure me that you want to read phan smut
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kakerutori · 10 months ago
Can we talk about Mileven for a minute. Another reason I don't buy their romantic relationship is the fact that most of their one on ones as a romantic couple (S3) are comedic and not very serious. Where are the deep conversations and when are we ever shown how much they understand each other... post (S2). It's almost like once they started dating they became a joke? Yes they have a few sweet moments but it's also scripted to be laughable. (S4) never showed them having a honest deep convo resolving issues and growing romantically. It could happen in (S5) but at this point I don't see the emotional romantic draw.
And then there is Byler to compare it to, where most of their one on ones are much much more serious, deep, heartfelt, with actual evidence of understanding and talks involving their feelings (which Mike seems to not have an issue with unlike his plot in S4 with El). This, mind you, happens to some degree in every season with Will. If Mike just sees Will as his best friend, why is he so serious about Will especially alone together. Even best friends are more casual then this.
Also a side note. The (S3) Mileven straight stereotype of the 'lazy, lying, clueless boy' dating the 'girl who is playing hard to get to teach her boyfriend a lesson' troupe is icky and makes me want El to find her power solo and Mike to remember that the old Mike (who has a special will voice) is a much better person and boyfriend. Thoughts?
Damn! Well said, dear anon!! I couldn’t agree more.
To anyone who says anything along the lines of ‘oh, Mleven can’t be broken up, they’ve been building up this whole time!’ Or ‘here’s the slow burn everyone wanted,’ or ‘Mike and El have grown so much even after fighting,’ I really don’t understand how any of that is founded. I totally agree and I feel like their relationship has been rather unserious. Even in the most serious love-centered topics of support (s1), connection (s2), breakups (s3), and expression (s4), it’s really interesting to me how their relationship has consistently lacked depth.
Despite dealing with some of the most important aspects of strong relationships, they aren’t close enough to showing, providing, or proving to have one. Mike supports El in season 1 as she does him, protecting and aiding each other with their strengths. But… so does everyone in that season to each other? The only difference is that Mike sheltered El which is very sweet, but not inherently romantic.
Then there’s season 2, which I must confess - I think that their reunion scene at the end of the season remains one of the sweetest moments on the show. Ever. It’s raw and emotional, and this was the closest thing we got to something romantic. But what shoots it down is the fact that their emotion was due to forced separation and Mike’s very real complex grief which gets completely glossed over in the show. So, I don’t know. It’s tricky. So are they romantic yet? They get virtually no time together. It’s a no for me.
And oh yeah, season 3 was the peak of unserious-ness. I also don’t enjoy that trope of ‘the boy chasing the girl who just doesn’t get it yet and she snubs him until the very end’ kind of energy. I swear that that stuff is littered in family-friendly movies usually as comedic relief, and Mike and El just barely made that trope more serious at the very least. Their breakup is dramatized and humorous, and the way that it’s mended still makes me chuckle. Mike offers her M&Ms, compliments her looks, they smile at each other, and suddenly they’re all good again? Yeah, that’s not very clear romance to me. All season long, they keep resisting each other. Mike lashes out to everyone and declares that he loves El but can’t say it to her face, and El has Max’s words tattooed on her heart that she keeps asserting that she deserves trust. The two just don’t quite reach each other that season. The second that I heard Hopper say that they’ve only been kissing all Summer long without complaining about them talking, I knew that I was not going to be invested in their relationship this season.
And so season 4 was truly the nail in the coffin, the final turning point. They’re not only shallow in making up, they’re shallow in being together. El isn’t honest with Mike about her time in Lenora, how she’s spent it, the people she’s met, the fun she’s truly having. Mike snaps about Will being disinterested, so it’s pretty clear that he was dishonest about his true feelings that day, too. And the most telling part is that he’s not mad at El. He’s mad at Will.
I think that what the writers have done is craft something so deeply intricate and hidden with Mike and Will to the point of confusion in much of the audience today. Will has always been a buffer of affection for Mike. In season 1 he’s the one they’re searching for. In season 2, he’s the one that Mike protects. In season 3, he’s the true breakup that Mike fights for. In season 4, he’s the listening ear and bleeding heart that Mike relies on. Their love only gets stronger and stronger whereas Mike and El are simply loving under the guise of physical closeness. I seriously think that that’s all that they have for each other.
That hug sequence at the end of season 4 really shocked me, because when I saw Mike and El hugging (not to mention that shot with Will right between them) I thought that it was sweet, but then suddenly Will and El are hugging, the siblings who are absolutely platonic, and it felt more emotional than Mike and El’s embrace. So not only are Mike and El visually equated to a platonic relationship, but their bond doesn’t even hold the same weight as the sibling-hood of Will and El.
It’s just wild to me that people don’t see it. I think that Byler is made abundantly clear for us to root for. The crazy together scene did it for me the first time I saw it. It was and still is one of my favorite scenes ever because it’s the total package. Closeness? Check. Honesty? Check. Hurt/comfort? Check. Matching, nerdy Halloween outfits? Check. The lack of anyone or anything else to distract them? Check. The crazy together scene is a marker of their relationship, and it never, ever dies.
Even though they fight, where are they years later? They’ve gone through supernatural and personal troubles together, and they’re still by each other’s side. “Friends. Best friends.” The same at heart. They promise to support each other, they reconnect, they come back from every breakup, and they readily express things on their minds and hearts. They’re there for each other and tell each other things that no other boys in the party have told each other.
Mike and El try to understand each other, they do, and sometimes it’s just trying that’s enough, but on a truly intimate level, that’s bullshit. Mike and Will have everything that they need and want for each other, and there’s no going through hoops to get it besides internalized homophobia. Which I very well think can be reasonably addressed next season.
So yep. Byler is endgame.
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miilkybnn · 1 year ago
Hi- me again, aka 🪶
But I have to go out of my way and say it-
The way you draw Roach remind me of those old Disney Princess toys- specifically the Ariel one- not the actual toy- but the rubber tail
Oh so sparkly and chewable. I’d spend hours gnawing on that bad boy-
Roach just- he just seems so chewable and squeaky between my teeth the way you draw him-
And your Simon! Oh lord- Simon would be any sort of Barbie or monster high shoe- another thing I used to chew on with no regret-
And Soap- he’d be a Barbie’s fingers- yet another chewable thing-
This may all sound weird, and my apologies, truly- I’m pretty sure I’ve got something other than a brain in my head- and I grew up with a really bad oral fixation- but your art just seems so chewable /pos
Kinda makes me wanna just gnaw on their fingers….
Maybe I am special in the head-
ANYWAYS!!! Love your art, love everything you do, take care of yourself- you deserve it!
As always, your favourite anon, 🪶
you have to understand, I read this the day you sent it and i could have answered it the same day but I kept it in my inbox because I would continually go back to re-read it because it made me so HAPPY (I have made peace parting with this ask by ss it and adding it to my happy folder)
i too love chewing and gnawing on things that should not be chewed and gnawed on and also, I know EXACTLY what Disney doll you're talking about because I would chew on that as well 😭 cannot tell you how many of my plastic should-not-be-in-mouth toys were demolished by me (Polly Pocket clothing never stood a chance)
Anyways, before this drags on into a wall of text
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for my favorite 🪶
have fun chewing!!! <3
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jacarandaaaas · 7 months ago
You already made several posts about Mirabel, but why do you love Isabela's character so much? What made her your favorite?
Hi anon! I loveee this question! Is it corny to say a lot of why I love isa so much is how much I relate to her? I find parts of her story very relatable to my own life whilst isa feels she can’t be herself I’ve had people try to make me do a different career path! so I kinda relate to the whole everyone wants you to do this thing but you want something else and are scared of disappointing everyone. (creative students who got told you would be good in medicine even tho you hate that stuff😭🙏)
I think another thing is that isa is so flawed. I really love flawed characters and that’s part of the reason I love mira so much too! neither of them are perfect and you’re able to understand things from both of their perspectives. Isabela was mean and she was rude and the movie didn’t try to hide any of her flaws from the audience! also her reaction to when she admitted she didn’t want to marry Mariano! her having a whole wave of euphoria as she explored her inner self yeah that got me good <3
What hurts is seeing how her true self was seen as “out of control” by alma! and seeing how almas disapproval was the one thing isa never wanted. She didn’t want to be seen as someone who brought chaos and disorder she just wanted to feel seen and appreciated for who she really is. Seeing how quickly she shrinks back into the former shell of herself after that comment💔
Isabelas character design is also gorgeous like I am obsessed! she’s such a woman that’s learning so much about herself and I love seeing her grow into that! seeing her share her passions with the others and realizing there’s more to life than the one people have planned for you!
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the-stove-is-divorced · 3 months ago
41, 69, 74 - fic writer asks !
41) Do you tend to reread fics or are you a one-and-done kind of person?
I happily reread fics (♡°▽°♡) especially if there’s a particular kind of scene(s) I fucking adore. But, there needs to be a solid chunk of time between initial read and re-read, which can take months. A year. More than that, etc. I’m the same way with shows or books. I usually need to forget a solid chunk of plot to give it a go again. Invincible re-watch took me a year (or more?), for example. If it’s too fresh, I can’t really enjoy it. I just read it. I know what happens. But once I can reread, it’s truly a magical time, haha! If I'm really impatient, I'll just scenes I like, or happily think about the fic. Rotating it in my mind. ⸜(*ˊᗜˋ*)⸝
69) What work of yours, if any, are you the most embarrassed about existing?
This is such a good question but makes me wanna throw my laptop, ‘cause as soon as work feels embarrassing it’s getting the anonymous treatment. (*/_\) Like omg guys who wrote that??? Certainly not me, and I will lie through my teeth about it. I don’t delete ‘em ‘cause I believe every fic will make someone happy. So the truly most embarrassing fic I refuse to describe, but I’ll get embarrassed if like absolutely no comments occur after a certain (long) period, or I feel the writing isn’t up to par. Then, it's exiled. Forever. (¬ ¬ )
74) You’ve posted a fic anonymously. How would someone be able to guess that you’d written it?
This is hilarious because, again, I actually do have, like, one or two anonymous fics lmao! ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ I don’t know how they would know, honestly, since I can change up my writing style depending on the character POV (like, writing style in my mind is something I carefully cultivate every time rather than a default state of style, for the most part). I change how I write the summary bits, too, and while I do have like joking/silly tags sandwiched between actual tags, that's kinda common. I truly don't know. I suppose knowing the inner workings of my mind and what I would write for a fandom, like, self indulgent to the max? I did post one fic anonymously, purely out of nervousness, and then immediately undid that because I love it so much. That fic's style is similar to previous work, but I never really did manga-based fic before than so could be hard to guess? ┐( ̄∀ ̄)┌
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stick-by-me · 2 years ago
How do you organize/store your stickers? :o
My friend. You have opened a whole Can of Worms*. I shall gladly answer your question, sorry it took so long I had to figure out how to do it with a ten picture limit asdfghjkl
*Worms would be located under "Wild Animals -> Bugs" or alternatively "Individuals -> Mostly Wild Animals -> Non-Butterfly Bugs"
So first off.
The sticker bins themselves are mostly kept in my closet, though the ones I use the most (Individuals, Domestic Animals, and Food/Garden) are kept under my bed for easy access.
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I have 14 bins of stickers total (though I'll be honest some of them are getting Very Full and I probably need to get some more). Each bin has its own category, though many have subcategories. And they're all approximately shoebox sized.
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Early Year Holidays/Seasons (New Year's, Winter, Valentine's Day, St. Patrick's Day, Easter, Spring, Fourth of July, and Summer)
Late Year Holidays/Seasons (Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Fall)
Latest Year Holidays/Seasons (Christmas and Christian stickers)
Shapes/Patterns (Hearts, Stars, Smiley faces, Other Shapes™, Borders, and Words and Affirmations)
Wild Animals (Sea Creatures, Bugs, Woodland Creatures, Other Creatures™, Bears, and Dinosaurs. Admittedly the subcategories for this one are kinda wack)
Domestic Animals (Dogs, Cats, Bunnies, Rodents, and Farm Animals)
Miscellaneous (...I have a different diagram to explain the subcategories here)
Non-Disney Characters/Logos (Characters My Brothers Like, Scooby Doo, Superheroes, ""Girly"" Characters, Colleges, and Various Other Trademarked Stickers)
Disney Characters/Alphabet (Muppets, Mickey & Friends, Princesses, Fairies, and Alphabet. Weird combo I know but I have a surprising number of Disney alphabet stickers)
Food/Garden (Ice Cream, Candy, Cupcakes, Fruit, Fast Food, Other Food, Flowers, Other Plants, and Gardening)
Weird Shaped Packages (no real subcategories but this is where I keep Sticker Books and Sticker Flake Packages)
Individuals (I have another diagram for the subcategories here)
Mrs. Grossman's Sticker Club Part 1
Mrs. Grossman's Sticker Club Part 2
(Note that I hope to organize the Mrs. Grossman's Sticker Club stickers into their respective categories before I leave for college but that may or may not actually occur :P)
The Miscellaneous tote is an organized, if lawless, land. Here are the subcategories for it!
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(I wanted to color code the text but Tumblr only has like 7 colors 😔)
Maroon: Stationary/School
Red: Music/Theatre
Pink: Travel/Countries
Magenta: Modes of Travel
Orange: SPACE!!
Yellow: Science/Technology
Gold: True Miscellaneous/Pretty Things
Bright Green: Fantasy
Forest Green: Sports
Teal: People/Occupations (ie clowns, cowboys, ninjas, etc.)
Cyan: "Girly" Things (ballerinas, teacups, purses, etc.)
Royal Blue: Parts of People (eyeballs, mostly)
Indigo: Games/ Toys
Purple: Baby/Birthday
Then there's the Individuals tote. "Individuals" basically refers to any sticker that is smaller than your average sheet that I'm worried would get lost in a big tote. This includes sticker mods, stickers off a roll, sticker flakes, anything cut out of a larger sheets, water bottle/laptop stickers, and just. Small sticker sheets.
I, apparently, have 20 main snack bags, each with several subcategories (though there's enough of them that I'll leave most of them to your imagination rather than list them all XD). Most of them mirror the categories of the big totes, but some are unique.
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A: Shapes/Patterns
B: Nature (includes weather, plants, and beach stickers)
C: Miscellaneous 1 (art and travel focused)
D: Miscellaneous 2 ("true" miscellaneous)
E: Miscellaneous 3 (school and science focused)
F: Early Year Holidays/Seasons (Winter-Summer) + Birthday
G: Late Year Holidays/Seasons (Fall-Winter)
H: Food/Scratch and Sniff
I: Domestic Animals
J: Mostly Domesticated Animals
K: Mostly Wild Animals
L: Wild Animals
M: Zoo Animals**
N: Bears
O: Disney Characters
P: Non-Disney Characters
Q: Logos/Companies
R: Words and Affirmations
S: Water Bottle Stickers Overflow (they physically don't fit in the other bags)
T: Tile Stickers
**Zoo Animals is different than Wild Animals in that "Zoo Animals" means the sticker has one particular animal instead of an assortment of different animals (which falls under "Wild Animals".) Yes it's very arbitrary. All the animal distinctions are tbh.
Of course, putting the stickers under my bed and in my closet means I don't get to admire them very often. To counteract this I have a display board I put some new/seasonal/favorite stickers on.
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Currently on display I have a Discowing sticker, a summer sticker mod, and a sticker sheet from my penpal when she visited (plus some bonus sticky notes from the penpal as well).
Since I'm sure you're wondering, the stuffed rabbits are named, from left to right, Blueberry (made by a friend!), Snorb (also made by a friend!), Mocha, Mellie, York, and Spotty.
Of course not every sticker I get is fortunate enough to have a backing. Sometimes I'll get stickers from the supermarket or I'll peel them off a package and I know they'd never survive in the bins, so they go in the Hello Kitty sticker book!
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I've had this thing since I was like 4. I'm a little bit obsessed if I'm being honest. She's never let me down.
And that's the important stuff for stickers! Though I wanted to show off my other stationary, too.
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I keep all my miscellaneous scrapbooking materials/stationary in a Batman lunch tin. All of my letters and envelopes are in an old shoebox. Both are stationed at the end of my comic book shelf! The tin and the assorted letter sets are hidden behind the two Batman stuffies :P
.....does that answer your question? :D
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chelseasdagger · 1 year ago
Okay, so I think you've seen that ask game at Chelle's... that was me 😝 and I thought that you might like it too, so I made a version for you:
Joel Miller or Sam Rossi?
Frank Castle or Julian Kaye?
Rahul Kohli or Mads Mikkelsen?
Robert Pattinson or Richard Gere (ofc 1990)?
and something extra because I thought of too many characters:
fuck/marry/kill with Hopper, Matt Murdock and Father Paul
again, I tried to make it difficult, you're welcome <3
- 👽
I SHOULD’VE KNOWN IT WAS YOU!!!!! causing chaos but from a place of love CJSKSKSK
oh my GOD you broke my heart with this one. how do i choose between my two cowboys?! what?!
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LOOK AT THEM!!!!!!!! i love them so much 😭😭 okay okay i guess i’ll have to answer. if we are talking joel from the tv show? then sammy HANDS down!! but if it’s joel from the games i… i don’t know i seriously don’t know how to choose 😭 i think… I DONT WANNA PICK my brain hurts i love them both so so much
now frankie or jules?
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okayyyy so i know i talk a big game about jules being my boyfriend aND HE IS!!! but whenever i feel so sad and just need a TRUE comfort character? its always bearded frankie. soooo i'm gonna go with my big bear of a man please n sank youuuu
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rahul or mads!! i thought this one was going to be difficult but then i realized just how long i've loved rahul and ALSO me personally (ik the mads girls are gonna kick me out for saying this) but mads isn't consistently it for me? like sometimes he doesn't look hot but i feel like rahul ALWAYS looks good no matter what he does CJKDSKSK rahul just has one of the best looking faces ever and i'll stand by that CSLKDLKS
robert pattinson or (1990s) richard gere?!
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(the hold that robert photoshoot had on me 😵‍💫)
why put two beautiful men against each other 😭 if you had asked me in 2020 at the HEIGHT of my robert pattinson phase i would've immediately said him with no second thought. but........ richardddddd and the greyssss and i just... he's so pretty. his features remind me of jon's and i love him so i'm going with him :3
OKAY SO THE BONUS ROUND WAS SO UNCALLED FOR. how do i... i don't even... how do i even BEGIN to choose i—?!
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jesus i've had to think this one through quite a while. and i... i think i'm gonna go with fuck matt, marry hop, and... kill the priest!! i don't mean to and i feel like my decision on marrying hop or matt will chance depending on who's show i most recently watched CKSLDSL cause part of me wants to say i'd rather marry matt but... hop's a big boy and i need him to absolutely crush me in bed soooo PFFF!!
this was absolutely some of the hardest decisions i've ever had to make in my LIFE so thank you SO SO much my love!!! this was the most fun i've had in a while so thank you!!! i'm giving you a BIG kiss and i hope you're having a good day/night!! 🩵✨
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atherix · 2 years ago
hi again!! i'm back as i said :3 first of all, you answer made me so happy ahh i read it on my way back home and i couldn't stop smiling at my phone like an idiot. the fact that you've thought about me means so much:( being perceived but in a good way. sometimes happiness is your favorite author answering your ask and telling you they still love hearing from you<3 (also if you see this, hiii belle :3 i saw your reblog and im so happy that you were somewhat inspired by my silly little ramblings!!<3 you are literally so cool) anyway i tried to figure out what was the last part of the series i wrote to you about but my memory seems to just refresh every few months and i don't remember at All. i've been binging the series for the whole day today and i just finished midnight miseries so i'm gonna talk about it now bc i have so many thoughts!!!! i was thinking whether i should catch up with everything and then write about it but we would sit here for the next week if i did that i think so . i'm doing this in parts. (and i hope i don't sound too silly if i make comments about something that just gets resolved in the next part or something lmaoo . im catching up okay) first of all, mumbo and grian making a greenhouse for scar is everything to me they're so sweet.... they just want scar to feel safe and comfortable ahh<3 of course mumbo would want to spoil his partners as much as he can<3 and wanting scar to move in with them!!! they want to have him close!!! and tubbo as well!!!! they're a family!!! grian and mumbo taking care of tubbo and thinking fondly of him makes me so happy, they love that boy (honestly who doesn't, midnight tubbo my beloved) AND BLONDIE APPEREANCEEE I HATE HER SO MUCH but that's good because. she's such a good villain, she makes me feel pure Rage. likee she's so unhinged and fucked up but also powerful and it makes the situation so serious when she appears. the entire time when mumbo and grian fought with her i was just like. yeah it's not looking good for them huh. SHE DRANK GRIAN'S BLOOD. AND THEN MUMBO DRANK GRIAN'S BLOOD. LITERALLY INSANE SO MUCH WAS HAPPENING. grian trusting mumbo completely and not being afraid of him, only afraid of losing him means so much to me:( they love each other so much grian having an identity crisis in the middle of the fight because she called him a godling ohhhh i know there will be more grian lore in the next parts and im so excited to read them!!! MUMBO GOT TO BE FERAL AND PROTECTIVE AND ANGRY THAT BLONDIE OFFENDED HIS MATES YESSSSS! i love mumbo manipulating shadows so much, the way you describe it is literally so cool!!! he's so badass with his shadows, covered in blood and filled with rage<3 TUBBO SAVES THE DAY MY BOY!! but i was so surprised when he appeared bc i was wondering what was he even doing at the mansion. he's gotten so strong and he's so skilled with magic, he really takes after scar in this aspect huh<3 also kudos to tubbo for facing a super powerful vampire like that, especially unprepared, it must have been so scary. scar will Not be pleased when he finds out that both of his lovers and his son came this close to dying.....
them not calling scar right away is . and scar not calling them for help either, they're all so dumb and overprotective of each other god!!! GRIAN FINDING THE WATCHER'S BIBLE AT SCAR'S PLACE AHHH LITERAL CHILLS. the brief moment when he thought that oh shit oh fuck could scar follow them but also he loves scar and trusts him so he doesn't go into full on panic mode because of this:( GRIAN FLYING. GRIAN FLYING. GRIAN FLYING!!!!! GOD THIS WAS SUCH A COOL MOMENT. HIM FLYING FOR THE FIRST TIME SINCE HIS WINGS GOT CLIPPED. but of course he decides to face blondie on his own because he's too stubborn for his own good. nothing bad could happen right! right!! his whole confrontation with blondie was so good, the way she plays with his emotions ughhs i hate her so much!!!
AND THE SCENE WHEN TUBBO AND SCAR FIGHT BLONDIE TOGETHER IS SOOO SO COOL GOD. THEM FIGHTING TOGETHER AND BEING SO COORDINATED AND TRUSTING EACH OTHER I LOVE THEM SO MUCH!!! scar going completely feral as soon as someone lays their hands on tubbo so real<3 but blondie not dying after being blasted is um. a little troublesome. THE ARGUMENT MADE ME INSANE IT WAS SO!!! i'm so glad they actually talked about their issues this time because yeah. they definitely needed that. tubbo yelling at all of them was deserved honestly, he said if no one in this room is gonna be a responsible adult i guess i'll have to. and he was so right for this, call them out tubbo! the 15k words of conversation was something that really needed to happen and i'm so glad it did<3 they all deserve a little honest talk about their feelings and the comfort of knowing that the people you love will still love you even when they know about your deepest insecurities and troubles, as a treat. all of their stories made me so sad, i love them so much:( scar is so dear to me im sorry i keep saying this but i have to let you know how much i love him!!! im a midnight scar enjoyer first, human second. him feeling guilty about his father trying to help him even though it cost him his own life... when he was just a kid.... and he would absolutely do the same for tubbo... :(( god i want to hug him so bad, i'm glad mumbo and grian are there to do it instead. mumbo feeling the need to protect his coven because he feels like he's failed to protect everyone else in his life:( it makes me so sad because he's such a great lord and he's so caring it hurts!! he loves grian and scar (and tubbo) and would do anything to protect them. i love how scar went "let me tell you something" and brought all these books, like, he's been in love with mumbo for such a long time, mumbo's always been a great person to him and he wishes mumbo could see it the way he does:( GRIAN LORE!!! he's really been through so much hasn't he. the stuff about having a soul of the wacther he killes inside of him is so interesting, i can't wait to see where it goes. i always say it but i love your wordbuilding so much, your mind never fails to amaze me honestly. you come up with such cool concepts and you make the lore so entertaining and interesting, the world you create feels actually alive and every little bit of lore you throw at us is always fascinating<3 i'm obsessed with the way you describe the magic and how it works in this universe, it's cooler than so many fantasy books i've read seriously i started writing this maybe an hour ago, it's like a full time job atp LMAO. but i hope you will enjoy it, i just love rambling about how much i love this series<3 i will continue reading tomorrow so you can expect the reaction to the next parts soon. i can't wait to red midnight alley, i sure hope nothing bad happens there hahah! i'm looking forward to see what you have in store for us next, even if it might make me join the angry mob that's coming for your life<3 (affectionately)
Sorry I took so long to answer, work is evil orz Hello hello and welcome back! :D
hhhh I'm glad!! :'3 Being perceived can be scary but in this case, is good <3
(@stitchthesewords now they'll definitely see it >:3 )
Mmm it's been a hot minute and I don't remember either 😔Midnight Miseries!! AKA the one where they Talk™! :D No worry, you'll never sound silly, after all you're commenting on what you've read so far <3
🥺 I love them so much they want him to be happy and comfortable and they're so valid for that. Also sweet im hjhhh Mumbo is like "I have all this money I've built up over the last few centuries I may as well use it to spoil my mates" <3 and honestly, so valid. Yes!! Tubbo is Coven Child!! Keep him close <3<3 They adore him. He is Son™ now 😌 (We all adore Tubbo <3)
WE HATE BLONDIE, ALL THE HOMIES HATE BLONDIE. I'm so glad Blondie gets the reaction I want :'3 She's so fun to write because she's just pure evil im hhhhhjfhsdj YEAHHH THE BLOOD. GRIAN'S BLOOD. WHOOOO POWERUP. Of course Grian trusts Mumbo completely and totally <3 They're so in love 🥺
Mmm when it starts to set in you're not so Avian as you thought </3
I LOVE FERAL MUMBO I LOVE PROTECTIVE MUMBO I LOVE MUMBO HE DESERVES THE WORLD YASSSSS. God I love exploring Mumbo's shadow magic, it's just. So fun. I love. When you consider at the start of the story all he knew how to do was Shadow Walk, he's gotten SO GOOD with his magic and everyone is proud of him <3 hhhh. ALSO TUBBO YEAH. He was such a brave lad here <3 And indeed, Scar was NOT happy at all hehe
They're so dumb and overprotective and hypocritical and in love (and adore their son too) <3
ALSO THE PARALLEL TO MIDNIGHT MISUNDERSTANDING! Where Grian saw something incriminating (Scar "handing over" information to the purist) and jumped to the conclusion that Scar was actually working with them, but here he saw something incriminating (Scar owning the Watcher's Tome) and instead of assuming he's an Observant, takes what he knows about Scar and chooses to trust hima nd I'M SO ILL OVER THEM HHHAAAA-
YEEAAAHHHHHHHH I was grinning so hard like "I could. really fuck some folks up with this" AND. HIS FIRST TIME FLYING SINCE MIDNIGHT FOLLY AND IT'S THIS!! MMM I LOVE THEM. God, Blondie being a manipulator... and knowing she's playing them bc it's fun. "The world is a stage" and she wants entertainment I'm. HJDSJH.
THEY'RE SUCH A GOOD FATHER-SON DUO. They work so well together and there is undying unwavering trust and just ;-; they are Everything to me. Scar is such a papa wolf <3 That's HIS son ain't NO ONE gonna touch him <3 Hehehe :)
Tubbo deserved to yell a little, after being in between all of that smh 😔 BUT YEAH. THEY FINALLY TALK. Bare their pasts, reveal what has led them to be how they are now and. Mmmmm got, opening up like this... I am holding them gently. 🥺
That scene got away from me so bad but it was delightful I love them. These boys can fit so much trauma in them <3
hgdhjjgfd I need you to know I adore Midnight Scar, in the og doc he absolutely stole the show and I would die for him <3 God yeah.... I really put Scar through it. And the fact that he can't even deny, even knowing how it feels to have your own father die to save you, that he would do the same for Tubbo if it meant saving him I'm so so so 🥺 And Grian and Mumbo there to hold him and talk to him and tell him how loved he is I'mm HHHHHH
Mumbo was given such a heavy responsibility when he was so young, at least this time he's choosing this. And by god he's going to PROTECT it this time. He won't lose it 🥺 YEAH Scar being a history nerd (Fae collecting stories.... hehe) really came through this time <3 Him like "wait I already know about what he got up to in the Vampire world before going isolationist but this story sounds familiar lemme- oh yes these amazing people were absolutely him" and just. Showing Mumbo all the good he's put in the world, even if he felt like he didn't do enough...... previous ;-;
GRIAN LORE!!! Hehehe well that's an. interesting one. :)
HHHH thank you so much I WILL cry at you <3 I love worldbuilding so much ;w; I'm so happy you enjoy it!!! And that is high praise, I love magic systems so it makes me really happy to hear <3 Thank you so muchhhh 🥺
LMAO I love reading your essays even when they take me ages to respond to <3 (that's mainly bc I have limited free time but I absolutely love your essays do not worry <3) I love reading your rambles thank you for sharing them with me!!! <3 :) What angry mob :) There's no angry mob :) Whatever Belle has told you is a lie :)
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bitterpngs · 1 year ago
Geniunely Suguru is such a nerd and it fills me with love and homosexuality. Hes very adorable and I love him.
Suguru Headcanons?
I legit think that dude likes to ramble about random shit. Been thinking about this for DAYS
the okinawa audio transcript filled me with so much joy i 😭🥹
HMMM suguru hcs… to name a few:
-piercings. i tend to change it every once in a while but definitely some kind of additional nose, lip, and ear piercings. oh and a tongue piercing
-huge fan of alt music. in his hs years he was a fan of punk, esp bc of the lyrics, but as an adult he doesn’t like the sound as much and kinda stopped listening to it. huge fan of rock, metal, and v-kei. in aus, i like to think he started listening to metal as his mental health started worsening. it felt comforting and cathartic and helped, a bit. in canon, i don’t think he goes out of his way to listen to music anymore as an adult considering his whole thing with nonsorcerers
-has a variety of organized playlists for specific moods.
-nerd. this isn’t even a hc just look at the s2 audios. the grand prix and the okinawa research 🥹 but i also hc him as being a book and music nerd. and you’re right he definitely loves to ramble.
-in aus, along with yuuta, i like to hc him as having ocd. (well, depression too)
-i like the idea that his cursed technique affects his tastebuds in some way, so he’s not the best cook at times. he occasionally burns his food but more often than not he’ll add too much or too little of something. he tries for miminana tho
-there was a fic i read recently where the author had suguru (and satoru) learn sign language because of the consequences of suguru’s cursed technique (in it he consumes a special grade and grade two i think? and it affects his throat badly). i loved it a lot and i’ve incorporated it into my own hcs as well :]
-has a complicated relationship w his parents but they try and love him so so much. mamas boy :)
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doggirlmaid · 1 year ago
Biggest fantasy?
wam kiss 😔
you, lucky anon, get multiple answers!! :3
I summon a sucubuss wife, and she is tall and strong and can shapeshift and she loves me uwu
I want someone who’s just finished a workout or run or smth to “force” me to lick the sweat off them. I want them to spit in my mouth. I want them to jerk me off with their sweaty fuckin panties and then stuff them into my mouth as they ride me while only wearing a sports bra. Also sports bra titfucking?? The way leggings makes ass look?? Fucking SWEATY ABS???
I genuinely have the dumbest fantasy of someone gifting me their panties as a reward or smth >w<
what if I was a broken robot and a cute girl stole me to fix me up, but she put in restrictions so that I could never leave her??
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xiaoluclair · 2 years ago
Pls let me express my frustration haha. I’ve only recently got into F1 (started off as procrastination and now here I am), and so far the commentators of my country seem pretty non-biased. Looks like they are not here to spread bs or drag any of the drivers down. And also they’re not blind. During the first half of quali they talked about how Charles might be one if not the only driver able to challenge Max. AND THEN LOOK WHAT HAPPENED. Still lying awake, trying to digest quali. Then the commentators went on about how Charles must’ve aged seven years in the past year and a half, making light jokes about grey hairs and stuff. Someone save that poor boy.
My guy my gal my glorious procrastinating bean and your unbiased commentators (diversity win!), Yes . idk about screwderia fuckedup (emotion) but like max said, sharl is Gonna be Up There with Everything He Can and that's a fucking Lot. he can A Lot. he was Up There at the start, it would've been magical to see him scratch off those tenths (as always). and its frustrating bc ur on the sidelines, nuthin you can do to stop him from willingly signing himself over as a legal lampshade (hasn't happened yet, am not ruling it out) to maranello. that's him and his love that's he's been tending to for decades.. he's not killing the plant of his dreams bc what if it fruits next year? what if it was all worth it then.
( i won't lie to u tho the image of salt and brown!pepper charles... if i speak 🪦 . )
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cosmicporos · 3 months ago
What would Arcane characters call their partner? What pet/nicknames would they use?
AHHHH THIS IS SO CUTE! Thank you anon :3
Synopsis: A lot of little cut scenarios where arcane characters call you by cute pet names!
Characters: Sevika, Vander, Silco, Caitlyn, Ekko, Viktor
((awkward Ekko x reader, Teasing Viktor x reader (he calls you an airhead…))
Warning: Angst for Silco, called you “Pet” but ends with comfort!
Not proofread
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Nicknames for you: Darling, Dear, Sweet thing, Babe, Dove.
Okay maybe I’m over sentimental but imagine her calling you Dove because you bring her so much peace in life. So you’re quite literally her little peace dove.
Sevika leaned against the bar, her mechanical arm resting on the counter as she watched you move around the room. It wasn't anything special-just you tidying up after a long day-but to her, it was everything. "You know," she started, her voice low and gravelly, "you've got this way of makin' the world feel... quieter."
You paused, glancing at her with a small smile. "Yeah? That a good thing?"
She smirked, pushing off the bar to walk toward you. "It's a damn miracle, is what it is. You don't know what it's like Dove… how loud it gets up here." She tapped her temple with a finger, her gaze softening. "But then you show up, and it's like everything just... stops."
Your cheeks warmed at the sincerity in her voice, but you kept your focus on folding a stray cloth. "I didn't think I was doing anything special."
Sevika snorted, stepping closer. "That's the thing. You don't even try, and still... you're it for me. My peace. My little Dove."
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Nicknames for you: Peach, Love, Sweet Pea, Darling, Sunshine, Lass/Lad.
The Last Drop was unusually quiet. The usual clatter of mugs and background chatter of conversation was replaced by the occasional cough or sniffle from the makeshift beds spread around the common room. Powder, Mylo, Claggor, and Vi lay bundled in blankets, their fevered faces flushed as they sipped the herbal tea Vander had brewed.
"Peach," Vander called softly, his deep voice cutting through the stillness as he approached you. You were perched on a low stool, dabbing a cool cloth against Powder's forehead. He knelt beside you, resting his broad hand on your shoulder. "You've been fussin' over them all day. Why don't you take a break, huh? Let me handle things for a while."
"I'm fine," you said, though your hands trembled slightly as you wrung out the cloth."They need us."
He tilted his head, giving you that steady, knowing look of his. "And I need you to take care of yourself, Peach. You're no good to anyone if you run yourself into the ground."
Powder stirred, her small hand reaching out to grab yours. "Don't go," she mumbled, her voice weak.
You smoothed her hair back, glancing at Vander. "See? They need me."
Vander sighed, his lips twitching into a faint smile despite himself. "Stubborn as ever," he muttered. "Alright, Peach. We'll do this together, then."
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Nicknames for you: Darling, Precious, lovely, Pet, Beloved.
After Jinx’s fiasco over at Topside it was obvious Silco was more than simply stressed.
In fact tension in the room was palpable, suffocating as it weighed down on your chest. Silco's piercing gaze bore into you, his lips pressed into a thin line. You'd overstepped-at least, in his mind-and now his sharp tongue was letting you know it.
"Stay out of matters you don't understand, pet," he snapped, the word cutting and cold as it left his mouth.
You flinched, the sting of his words settling deep. Your jaw clenched, and you refused to meet his gaze, instead focusing on the cracked edge of the table.
“I was—I was only thinking about Jinx.” You gulped down the bile that burned in your throat. “Temporary keeping her from missions is keeping her safe.” You spoke finally looking up at him with your wet pathetic eyes.
The silence that followed was deafening. Silco's breath hitched as he realized what he'd said, the regret settling in almost immediately. His tone had been cruel, and the look on your face drove a pang of guilt through his chest.
“I apologize…” he said softly, his voice no longer harsh. "That was... uncalled for." He spoke as he stood up, fixing his cuffs as he walks over towards you.
Silco stepped closer until he was within arm's reach. "I shouldn't have said that. You didn't deserve it," he murmured, his voice low and steady. “You mean too much to me for me to speak to you that way."
When you still didn't respond, he hesitated for a moment before tilting your chin up with his gloved fingers, forcing your eyes to meet his mismatched ones.
"Forgive me," he whispered, his tone sincere. "You are not my pet. You are my beloved. The only one who stands beside me, who understands me."
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Nicknames for you: Petal, Cheeky one, Muffin, Trouble, Dearest.
Flour completely dusted the countertop and your face as you tried to knead the dough. Caitlyn stood across from you, her sleeves rolled up, an amused smile playing on her lips.
"Petal," she said, tilting her head, "you're supposed to knead it, not wrestle it."
You huffed, brushing flour from your cheek. “It's sticking to my hands! I’m not sure how else I’m supposed to tackle this.”
Caitlyn chuckled and walked over, gently taking your hands in hers. "Here, let me show you." She guided your movements, her hands warm and steady.
When the dough finally started to cooperate, you couldn't resist smearing a bit of flour on her cheek. She froze, then slowly raised an eyebrow. “Trouble," she murmured, her voice teasing.
You grinned, backing away. "You love it."
Her soft laugh filled the kitchen as she grabbed a handful of flour. "Oh, I do. But you're not getting away with that."
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Nicknames for you: Firefly, Sugar, babe, baby, Cutie
You sat on a spinning chair in ekko’s workshop mindlessly spinning while watching him work. He was trying to fix a circuit board, but his focus seemed to drift in your direction. You caught him glancing at you a few times, his brow furrowed as though he was thinking of something important.
After a moment of silence, Ekko cleared his throat, his usual confidence wavering slightly. He set down his tools and looked at you with a small smile, hands shoved into his pockets. "Hey, uh... can I tell you something?" he asked, voice a little too casual.
You raised an eyebrow at his sudden and strange behavior. "Sure. What's up?"
He scratched the back of his neck, avoiding your gaze. "Well, I've been meaning to call you something... I dunno, it's just, uh, you're always so sweet, you know?" He glanced up at you briefly, cheeks turning faintly pink. “So, I was thinking... Sugar?"
There was a long, awkward pause. You blinked, processing the nickname, unsure how to respond. "Sugar?" you repeated, a small smile tugging at the corners of your lips. "Really?"
Ekko's face reddened even more. "Yeah, I mean-because, uh, you're sweet... like sugar? You know?" He shrugged, clearly flustered now. "It's not like, weird, right?"
You couldn't help it you laughed, the sound light and teasing, but not unkind. "I don't know, Ekko. It's a bit... unexpected," you said, still grinning.
His gaze shifted, suddenly looking embarrassed. "Okay, okay, I get it. That was dumb, huh? Just trying to be smooth, but I guess it's not my thing." He shifted uncomfortably.
against his arm, your smile softening. "It's cute," you said, voice warm. "But I think you can do better."
He met your eyes, a sheepish grin finally breaking through his awkwardness. "Yeah? You think so?…Well, I'll keep working on it then."
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Nicknames for you: Beautiful, Trinket, Dearest, Cheeky, Airhead, Sweetling.
You were fiddling with a complicated piece of tech, the gears and wires all tangled in a way that made your focus drift. Viktor stood beside you, watching with a raised eyebrow as you muttered to yourself.
"Careful, darling," he teased with a sly smile, his voice smooth and mature. "An airhead might break something important."
You shot him a playful glare, a little flustered. “I'm not an airhead! Besides…I'm working on it!" you said, trying to hide the embarrassment in your voice.
Viktor chuckled, reaching over and gently fixing the wires with practiced hands. His tone softened as he met your gaze. "I didn't mean it, Sweetling. You're far from an airhead. You just... get a little lost in your thoughts sometimes." He smiled warmly. “And I think it's kind of endearing."
You felt your heart warm at his change in tone, the teasing replaced by something far more tender. "Geez thanks, Viktor." You pouted and sighed out quietly.
He smiled and chuckled softly, his hand now brushing against yours. "Anything for you, Sweetling."
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HOPE YOU GUYS LIKED IT<3 thanks so much for all the support on my last post :>
FEEL FREE TO LEAVE A REQUEST AND COMMENT IF YOU ENJOYED IT! (I love reading comments and any feedback!)
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yeosatinyngz · 2 months ago
(rules anon) I was just wondering if you could do something similar to your forgot your bday ask u got? but they forgot your anniversary bc they were hanging out with the Mc? hurt and comfort or hurt and no comfort whatever you decide (but u totes don't have to do this tho if it makes you uncomfortable!)
I apologize for the delay, I was bombarded with school work and studying but I’m finally done with the semester and have the time to write your request, hope you like it! <3
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↳Fem! Non MC Reader | Angst w/ comfort
Lies were the very thing you were feeding yourself with when you heard no response from your partner, cause surely there was no way he had forgotten the anniversary of when you both got together.
You sent out your usual good morning text to him but many hours have passed by to the point where the sun was currently setting. You had your message chat with him opened, staring at it hoping it will somehow lead to him miraculously messaging you back. But to no avail, your text remained unanswered.
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You release a deep sigh and close your phone. You needed to distract your mind off of your current situation so you decided to go outside for a walk to clear your head. You were enjoying the breeze until you heard a familiar laugh, the laugh that belonged to your beloved. 
You turned around to see him walking alongside his colleague, mc. They looked so happy and perfect together, as if they were destined to be together. Oh, you thought to yourself while your heart shattered into a million pieces. You couldn’t bear to witness the scene before you anymore so you quickly left.
You made it back home and slammed the door shut. That’s when everything you held back in you just came falling apart. Your body trembled as your legs gave out on you, you landed on the floor with a thud as the tears started to roll down your eyes. You don’t even know how long you were crying until the door opened with the very man you were despairing over. 
“Honey I’m home-” That’s when he realized the current state you were in, he quickly rushed over to check up on you, “What’s wrong my love?” He asks so softly while his hand reaches out to attempt to wipe away your tears. You were quick to smack his hand away and turned your head away from him. 
Shakily letting out a breath of air, you turn back to look him straight into his eyes with fury, firmly declaring, “Let’s break up.” His eyes immediately widened as he frantically grabbed your hands. “Please don’t say that, at least tell me why.” He looked at you with those dangerous puppy dog eyes of his that were brimming with tears.
You scoffed and yanked your hands away from his, “Isn’t forgetting our anniversary and hanging out with another girl reason enough?” He goes quiet and you can’t help but let out a bitter laugh, “You got your reason, now leave.” 
You couldn’t stand the sight of him anymore and you were ready to get up but he pulled you down towards him, tightly wrapping you into his embrace. “Hey! What are you doing?! Let go of me!” You protest as you squirm in his arms. “Please,” He lets out weakly, “Just listen to me.” 
Seeing that you weren’t protesting anymore, Xavier continued on, “While I have no excuse for forgetting our anniversary, I was only with mc because we were assigned a mission together and were just catching up afterwards.” “You looked a little too happy, you were giggling with her and all”  you huffed. “She was teasing me about you and saying how cute we were together. You should know that I have eyes on no one else but you.”
“And yet you forgot our anniversary.” “...There’s no arguing that, I’m sorry.” He truly looked so sad and his signature puppy dog eyes were back and working its magic on you, “Please let me make it up to you.” You sigh, giving in to his pouty state, “Alright” He immediately brightened from this word alone “But you will have to do your best because you are still not forgiven.” “I promise!”
He kept his promise as he surprised you the very next day with a beautiful arrangement of flowers (that he harassed Jeremiah to help him with over night, poor dude does not get paid enough), spoiling you with all of your favorite food (he wanted to cook and bake everything himself but we all know why he decided to order delivery instead), gifting you a matching set of necklace (His had your initial while yours had an X), and of course caring to all your needs.
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You decided to go visit Rafayel instead of just waiting around for a response that you won’t be getting anytime soon. However, once you got to his studio you came to realize that he wasn’t home either. Strange, you thought to yourself. Where could he be at this time? 
The only person that could possibly know your boyfriend’s whereabouts was Thomas so you went ahead and gave him a call. To your luck, he was quick to pick up, “Sorry to bother you Thomas but do you happen to know where Rafayel is?” “I’m not exactly sure where he is right now but I remember mc saying she was going to pick him up.” “Oh…thanks for letting me know.” “Yeah no problem.” He says while you quickly say bye to him and hang up the call.
It took everything in you to not lose your mind right now. The grip you had on your phone was so intense it probably wasn’t far from being broken into pieces. You tried calming yourself down and decided to settle on his couch for the meanwhile. You were going to wait until he came back.
It felt like an eternity waiting for Rafayel to come back, your mind kept spiraling the more the seconds passed by and you just needed him to hurry up so you could confront him and get it over with. 
As if your prayers were heard, the door to the studio door opened and in walked your beautiful boyfriend, well soon to be ex boyfriend accompanied with his bodyguard. His eyes were quick to find your figure sitting on your coach and he jumped back in surprise, “Oh you scared me, what are you doing here cutie?” 
That’s when he noticed the nasty glare you were giving him and your arms crossed over each other. He mentally panics, Uh oh, I fucked up. “Oh you should be scared, Rafayel.” He felt chills go down his spine from your cold words. That’s when mc awkwardly coughs and speaks up, “Uh I think I’ll excuse myself” before she quickly dashed out the door leaving you two in awkward silence. 
Rafayel was quick to rush to your side, dramatically dropping down to his knees and planting his face into your lap. He lifts his chin up and looks up at you while begging for forgiveness, “Please forgive me cutie, you can do whatever you want with me just please don’t be mad anymore.” 
His eyes were filled with despair as he waited anxiously for your response, his pout deepening the longer you delayed your response. “I’ll let you guess what you did wrong.” His brain freezes as he tries to come up with all the possibilities. You grabbed his chin to force him to look into your eyes, “You forgot our anniversary and chose to go out with that bodyguard of yours.” 
He mentally curses himself, “I’m sorry cutie, I’ve been working on this piece for the past week nonstop and got the dates mixed up, I swear it wasn’t on purpose. The reason I was out with Miss bodyguard is because I was getting some materials to finish up my piece.” 
Without even waiting for your response he got up and dragged you along with him to unveil the canvas that was hidden underneath a cloth. You could tell that it was unfinished but it was no doubt that what he painted was you. You unconsciously let out a gasp because you couldn’t believe what your eyes were witnessing.
Rafayel has painted you in a way where no one else in this world can ever come close to replicating, he drew your likeness in such an ethereal way that it left you speechless. “I- Is this how you see me?” He nods, “I’m ashamed to show you the unfinished product but this piece doesn’t even come close to showcasing your beauty, you continue to inspire me everyday cutie so I hope you can forgive me.” You threw yourself at him and crushed him into a hug. “You are more than forgiven, I love you so much Raf.” He plants a kiss on your temple, “I love you so much you don’t even know.”
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Sighing, you went along with your last resort, calling Greyson. You dislike wasting their precious time when they’re on the clock but you’re sure Greyson can spare you maybe a minute or two compared to Zayne. Your heart drums even faster as the seconds prolonged from him picking up the phone.
Finally you hear Greyson’s voice fill your ear, ���What’s up?” “Sorry to bother you Greyson but I just wanted to know how Zayne was doing.” “It’s no bother really, he actually left a while ago.” “Oh is that so?” “Yeah, his last patient today was mc and they left together about maybe forty five minutes ago.” You remained silent as your mind started coming up with different scenarios, you were quickly pulled out of your thoughts by Greyson calling out to you. “Sorry about that, thanks for telling me, have a good night.” “You too.”
Then the call ends, leaving you alone with all your doubtful thoughts. You sat at the couch waiting there for Zayne to come back but as the hours passed you were hopeless. 
You don’t even know what time it was or when you even fell asleep but you awoke to keys jingling and the front door opening. You slowly got up and walked up to him, “How come you’re home so late?” “Sorry about that, mc invited me over for dinner since grandma Josephine wanted to see me.” 
“Well you could’ve told me ahead of time, I wouldn’t have made dinner and waited on your return then” your words came out a little harsher than you wanted and Zayne took notice. You walked over to the dining table to clear out all the food and he followed after you to also help.
That’s when he freezes, in the middle of the table sat a cake with the words ‘Happy Anniversary’ in your handwriting. He looks up at you but you pay him no attention. “You made this cake?” You look back at him with cold eyes, “Yeah but it doesn’t matter anymore, you can toss it out since there’s nothing to celebrate.” You were done putting everything in the fridge and you walked out of the kitchen. “I’ll be heading to bed first, I’m taking the guest bedroom.” 
Before you could take another step Zayne reaches out and grabs your hand, you were too tired for this. You turned around and looked him in his eyes while you pried his hand off yours, “Can we not do this right now? I’m exhausted and don’t want to deal with this.” “Please”, his hazel eyes were swimming with regret as they pleaded with you to listen. You manage to grumble out a “You have five minutes.”
“It was not my intention to forget our special day, I’ve been overwhelmed recently with work and it all messed with my head. I'm truly so sorry and I know empty words won’t do anything for you at this moment but I will make it my duty to make it up to you just please don’t leave me, you’re the only person in this world I can’t bear to lose.” 
You reached up and cupped his face with both of your hands, “I’m not going to leave you, you dummy. I just want you to rely on me and communicate with me more when you’re tired. A relationship consists of two people, let us both carry the same amount of weight. But don’t think you’re off the hook about forgetting our anniversary though, you’re still on thin ice mister.” He lets out a small laugh, “Duly noted.”
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You checked in with the twins about Sylus’s schedule in advance and they confirmed that he would be out during the afternoon today. You set out to the N109 Zone, specifically his place so that you could plan out surprising him for your anniversary.
It took you lots of time and effort with putting up all the decorations and manually blowing up the balloons. After everything was done you rested on the couch for a while.
You still have plenty of time till his return so you were currently helping his chef prepare his favorite dishes. You put extra care into making the food since it was a special occasion. You couldn’t wait to surprise Sylus.
It was about time Sylus should be returning so you closed all the lights, hiding behind the couch, itching for the right moment to jump out and surprise the love of your life.
Suddenly, you heard the door open. This was the moment, prepare yourself. The lights turn on and you hear footsteps coming closer to you. You jumped out yelling surprise ready to pop the confetti until you came face to face with Kieran, with Luke behind him.
“Huh, where’s Sylus?” Kieran speaks up, “Boss had another unexpected business meeting so he’ll be back a little later.” “Oh” You sigh dejectedly. They try to cheer you up but you just slumped back onto the couch.
An hour has passed and still no trace of Sylus. At this point you looked so sad that Luke offered to call Sylus to see where he was at. Luke puts his phone on speaker so that you could also hear.
Soon you heard the deep silky voice that belonged to your partner, “What is it?” “I was just wondering when you’ll be home.” “I still haven’t wrapped things up with Miss Hunter yet so it’ll still take a while.” “Oh ok, please try to get home as soon as you can.” “I’ll try.”
Luke nervously looks at you after he ends the call. You laughed and a chill ran down both the twin’s back. “Miss, are you ok?” Kieran asks. Catching your breath after you laughed you responded, “How can I be ok after finding out the man I love forgot our anniversary and is out with this girl he frequently has business meetings with.”
You abruptly got up and went to gather your things with you. “W- where are you going?” Luke shakily asks. “I’m going home and neither of you guys are stopping me.” “Please reconsider!” Kieran pleaded, you threw him a death glare and walked towards the door, proceeding to open it and slam it on your way out. You felt bad for getting angry at the twins but your emotions got the better of you.
Sylus just got back and as soon as he opened the door he was welcomed with the sight of the twins panicking and shouting at him. “Boss, why didn’t you pick up your phone? We were calling you for so long, this is an emergency!!” “My phone died.” “You’re in big trouble boss.” “Huh?” Obviously confused by the commotion the twins pushed him to the living room.
He took in the sight and noticed the ‘Happy Anniversary’ banner. That’s when his heart drops, oh he messed up real bad. He wanted to beat himself but there were more pressing matters. “Either one of you give me your phone.” Once a phone was handed to him he quickly went to find your contact and called you.
However, it’s been the tenth time he’s calling you and you still haven’t picked up. As he was giving up you finally picked up, “Ugh would you quit spam calling me Kieran?” “Sweetie, I'm so sorry.” “Oh it’s you, I’m hanging up.” you said coldly. “Wait-” You wasted no time in ending the call. You were also quick to block Sylus and the twin’s numbers.
You were tired after everything that happened today so you drifted off to sleep. You don’t know how long you were sleeping but you woke up to a loud crash, jolting you up in your bed. You looked around to check the source of the noise and noticed that your balcony door was broken, the glass pieces shattered around your floor.
Then you feel a gush of wind as a familiar black and dark red mist surrounds you tightening you into a hold. You looked up and found yourself staring into a pair of shining scarlet eyes. “Let me go you psycho!” “Not until you listen to me.” You roll your eyes, “Not like you gave me any other option.”
He chuckles while walking towards you. Stopping when he’s directly in front of you. “I’m here to beg you for forgiveness, I’m sorry for neglecting you on our special day. I’ll do anything for your forgiveness, hell I’ll even grovel.” The gleam in your eyes doesn’t go unnoticed. Needless to say, Sylus did his part and earned your forgiveness.
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daddieslittlescrewup · 2 years ago
Nope! So you may as well just tell me 🥺
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Uhg, fine! I dunno what happened 'cause I didn't ask, but when Daryl was 14, he took off an' came ta live wit' me in Atlanta. I guess he didn't exactly leave a note, 'cause it took my daddy 2 years ta find 'im.
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Anyway, long story short, after my dad showed up n' sent Daryl down ta wait in the car, I thought he was gonna beat my ass like usual, but he... Jus'... Made love ta me... I knew it was jus' a "goodbye" 'cause it seemed like the only thing in the world that mattered to 'im at the time was makin' me feel good.
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...Even let me eat 'im out a bit... I ain't ever been able ta get that off my mind; his leg draped over my back, his hand in my hair, smotherin' me in him. His smell, his taste, the way he moaned... S'fuckin' embarrassin'!
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heartsbyani · 1 month ago
a song , that sounds like you
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[ 한 ] ✷ ‎. . sleepover with your best friend, just like before. except that . . it isn't ?
۫ 𖨂 𓈒 𝑏sf!han ₊ ‎ ‎ 𝑓em!reader ˙ . ꒷ g. fluff , humour , crack , best friends to lovers , uni au , skz ensemble . 71OOw. ⎯⎯⎯ LiBRARY ⟢ cw. kisses , jokes , intimacy . ┆ 💌 ⋮ requested drabble .ᐟ ֹ ₊
yani's note 𑁍ࠬܓ THIS WAS SUPPOSED TO BE ~I.5K WORDS. yani, dont over-write and turn every simple thing into a longfic challenge: go-> status: failed. THATS WHY I TOOK SO LONG. but anyways.... i read this like a gazillion times and im very slightly unhappy about it????? idk. but i got sick of it at some point so i didnt rly proofread for the final time. soooo finally another jisung fic lol >< posted way too much abt seungmo.. not that im complaining hehe. tribute to my beloved permed-jisung and pre-shaved jisung🙏 you're missed plenty. enjoy reading, thanks to anon for the req. <3 comments, likes, req./asks and reblogs are always appreciated !! send in a reply or an ask if you want to be in my mastertag, or my individual series' taglists. happy reading, love <3
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the night felt like any other. it was nothing new. nothing unusual.
jisung had crashed at y/n’s dorm more times than he could count, so many that they’d stopped calling it a "sleepover" years ago. it was just… what they did.
tonight was no different—except maybe it was.
jisung flopped onto her bed dramatically, limbs splayed out like a starfish. "i'm dying."
y/n, arms crossed, raised an unimpressed brow. "you literally just walked in."
"my point." he turned his head toward her, grinning wide, dimples pressing into his cheeks. "the walk from my dorm to yours? brutal. my legs almost gave up. i nearly saw the light. i need some support here,"
"what you need is exercise, ji," she laughed, already walking past him toward the kitchen. "come on lazy ass, we’re cooking."
jisung groaned, rolling onto his stomach. "cooking? can’t we order food? delivery is, like, the peak of human civilization."
"you mean the peak of your laziness."
"same thing."
"you’re cooking today."
jisung immediately sat up. "i’m sorry, what?"
"you heard me."
"y/n, have you ever seen me successfully make anything that isn’t watered-down instant ramen or burnt eggs?"
"exactly why you need to learn." she shot him a knowing smile, opening the fridge. "come on, chef-nim, apron up."
jisung scoffed. "you act like i own an apron."
"you act like i don't have a spare." she tossed a black apron his way. he caught it with a dramatic sigh, slipping it over his tee. "this is humiliating."
y/n simply tied her own apron around her waist, moving swiftly around the kitchen. jisung, however, stood in the middle of it like he was lost in a foreign land.
"so," he said, rocking on his heels, "what are we making, masterchef?"
"some fried rice, with stir-fry for the sides."
"sounds safe enough. do i get a knife?" his eyes lightened up.
y/n turned to him, eyes full of doubt, hands on her hips. "do i look like i trust you with a knife?"
he clutched his chest. "ouch."
"jisung, the last time you touched a knife, you almost lost a finger."
"it was one time!"
"one time too many." she handed him a bowl instead. "crack the eggs."
"i can do that," he said confidently.
y/n watched as he picked up an egg, tapped it on the edge of the bowl—nothing. he hit it again. still intact.
"hold on, it's just being stubborn."
"you're literally supposed to—"
before she could finish, he smacked the egg with full force. it exploded in his hand, yolk dripping between his fingers. he blinked.
"…okay. that was aggressive."
y/n burst out laughing. "oh, good lord.."
"why are you laughing?! this is tragic!" he held up his hand dramatically, as if he'd just lost a battle.
she wiped away tears of laughter. "you’re such a disaster."
"and yet you still keep me around."
"i really question why, sometimes."
jisung wiggled his eyebrows. "because you love me."
"wow. you wound me."
she handed him another egg. "try again, but gently this time."
he pouted but followed her instructions. on the second try, he succeeded. barely. a little bit of shell fell into the bowl, but he picked it out quickly, flashing her a victorious grin.
"see? improvement."
y/n shook her head with a fond smile. "barely."
as she moved on to frying the rice, jisung leaned against the counter, watching her. the warm glow of the kitchen lights softened her features, and the way she effortlessly moved around—it was second nature to her.
"you're so good at this," he murmured absentmindedly.
she glanced up. "at what?"
"everything," he said simply.
her movements stilled for a second before she rolled her eyes, turning back to the pan. "corny."
she pushed his forehead lightly with her fingers. "shut up and hand me the soy sauce."
jisung grinned, grabbing the bottle and sliding it over the counter toward her. "see? i am useful."
jisung gasped. "you really enjoy hurting me, huh?"
y/n only smiled as she stirred the rice.
they fell into a comfortable silence after that—jisung humming some random tune, y/n focusing on the food. it was normal. routine. nothing new.
except maybe it was.
because jisung found himself staring at her a little longer than usual.
and yn, for some reason, felt a little warmer than the stove’s heat should allow.
the aroma of warm rice, sizzling kimchi, and soy sauce had filled the small dorm, wrapping them in the kind of comfort that only home-cooked food could bring. y/n hummed softly as she scooped the steaming fried rice onto two plates, making sure to add an extra spoonful to her best friend's because she already knew he’d ask.
jisung, sprawled out on the floor like he had no bones in his body, watched her with a lazy grin. "you really know how to treat a man."
"you’re more of a babygirl, but okay," she replied without missing a beat, setting the plates down on the small coffee table in front of them.
"excuse me? i am very much a grown adult."
"sure," she snorted. "a grown adult who can't crack an egg."
jisung gasped, pressing a hand to his chest. "low blow."
yn only grinned as she grabbed the remote, flipping on the tv. they didn't even bother picking something to watch—just let some random show play in the background while she scrolled through a playlist on her phone.
and just like that, the room filled with their favorite songs.
the playlist hummed in the background, weaving through the warm, dimly lit dorm like a familiar embrace. soft indie melodies blended into old tracks from their high school days, each song a quiet echo of late-night car rides and whispered confessions. nestled between them were jisung’s own songs—songs he had written on restless nights, songs y/n had begged him to release, songs he pretended not to care about being in the playlist but secretly loved seeing there.
the air smelled of soy sauce and garlic. jisung sat cross-legged on the couch, his loose shirt and plaid pajama pants slightly wrinkled. his fluffy brown hair that he'd recently gotten permed, much to y/n's pleading, was tousled, curls falling over his forehead, casting soft shadows over his sleepy eyes. he scooped up a bite of fried rice, humming in approval as he chewed, blissfully unaware of the way y/n was watching him.
she sat on the floor, knees pulled to her chest, chin resting lazily against them, gaze fixed on him with a softness even she didn’t notice. he looked so at home, so effortlessly him, sitting there with his cheeks puffed out from the food she made, eyes drooping slightly from exhaustion. a small smile tugged at the corners of her lips.
he always ate with the enthusiasm of someone who hadn’t had a proper meal in days, shoveling food into his mouth like it was the best thing he’d ever tasted.
“you’re staring,” his voice came, teasing yet laced with fondness.
y/n blinked, heat creeping up her neck as she quickly looked away. “i am not.”
jisung grinned, swallowing another bite. “liar.”
but he didn’t press further. he only smirked to himself, going back to his food, pretending he didn’t notice the way she studied him when she thought he wasn’t looking.
what he wouldn’t admit—what he barely admitted to himself—was that he did the same thing.
when y/n wasn’t paying attention, lost in the flickering candlelight of their tiny dorm, jisung found himself staring. he always did. the glow of the fairy lights made her skin look softer, her features delicate and warm. her hair, slightly messy from their earlier chaos in the kitchen, framed her face in a way that made his heart ache.
she was wearing her pyjama set, and the sleeves were bunched up around her fists as she absentmindedly traced circles against the couch cushion, after a bite herself.
she was beautiful. in the quiet, in the soft spaces between their banter, in the way she existed in his world so effortlessly.
“now,” she called out suddenly, breaking him from his trance. “you’re staring.”
his breath caught in his throat, but he recovered quickly, flashing his usual cheeky grin. “i am not.”
their laughter mingled with the music, and for a moment, the weight of their hidden feelings melted into the warmth of the night.
jisung exhaled through his nose, shaking his head as he shoved another spoonful of rice into his mouth. he chewed slowly, eyes flickering between the half-empty plate and y/n, her expression unreadable except for the teasing glint in her gaze. his own voice filtered through the small dorm, warm and unfiltered, singing lyrics he once scribbled down at 2 a.m., never expecting them to be heard by anyone but himself.
he swallowed, running his tongue over his bottom lip before muttering, “you do this on purpose.”
y/n tilted her head, feigning confusion as she picked at her food. “do what?”
“this.” he gestured vaguely toward the speaker, his voice quieter now, almost sheepish. “make me listen to myself.”
she shrugged, stuffing another bite of rice into her mouth like it was the most natural thing in the world. “your music is good.”
jisung let out a small, breathy laugh, but there was something uncertain in the way his fingers tapped against the bowl. “you don’t have to lie to make me feel better, you know.”
y/n blinked, chopsticks pausing midair. “i’m not lying.”
“you say that.” he glanced at her, then away, focusing on a loose thread on his pajama pants. “but you’re my best friend. you’d tell me it’s good even if it wasn’t.”
she frowned, setting her chopsticks down with a soft clink against the ceramic. “sung..”
he didn’t respond, just stuffed another bite into his mouth, chewing like he was trying to make himself busy. y/n sighed, shifting so she could look at him properly. the glow of the fairy lights cast gentle shadows on his face, highlighting the quiet vulnerability in his eyes—the kind he tried so hard to hide.
“look,” she started, voice softer now. “i don’t put your songs in our playlists just because you’re my best friend. i put them there because they belong there.”
jisung stilled, fingers tightening around his spoon.
“you write music that makes people feel something. i know because i feel it. i always have.” she toyed with the hem of her top. “and maybe it’s because i’ve seen you go through every stage of it. the late nights, the self-doubt, the way you talk about music like it’s the only thing that makes sense in your life sometimes.”
he swallowed thickly, staring at his plate like it held answers.
“i don’t just like your music, jisung. i believe in it. i believe in you.”
silence settled between them, thick and heavy, but not uncomfortable. jisung’s throat bobbed as he licked his lips, finally daring to meet her gaze.
something unreadable flickered in his eyes, something fragile and hesitant and real.
“…you always say things like that.” his voice was quiet, uncertain. “and i never know what to do with it.”
y/n smiled, small and knowing. “you don’t have to do anything. just don’t forget it.”
he stared at her for a moment longer, chest tightening with something he didn’t quite have the courage to name. then, exhaling softly, he looked away, a ghost of a smile tugging at his lips.
“i won’t.”
they ate comfortably, stealing bites from each other's plates despite having the exact same food. it was normal, the way their chopsticks clinked against each other in midair, the way jisung would groan dramatically after every bite, acting as if he’d just tasted the best thing in the world.
"marry me," he said, mouth full.
y/n gave him a look. "chew first."
he swallowed, grinning. "okay, now will you marry me?"
jisung clutched his chest. "you are cruel, woman."
"you are an idiot, man."
"a lovable idiot," he corrected, shoving another spoonful into his mouth.
she rolled her eyes but didn't deny it.
a beat of silence passed between them, the kind that wasn't awkward but rather filled with something unspoken. jisung glanced at her between bites, again, watching the way the light from the tv flickered against her skin.
she looked… soft. comfortable. the same as always, but maybe not quite.
"so," y/n spoke suddenly, breaking him out of his thoughts. "how was your day?"
jisung blinked, needing a second to process the question. they spent most of their time together, but during classes, they went their separate ways. it was rare for them to actually talk about what happened when they weren't in the same place.
"uh," he started, stabbing his rice absentmindedly. "it was fine. boring. had a music composition lecture, but hyunjin fell asleep and snored loud enough for the whole class to hear."
y/n laughed. "no way."
"swear to god. professor park just stared at him for a solid minute before moving on."
"did no one wake him up?"
"i tried, but he swatted me away like a fly."
she shook her head, still laughing. "what else?"
jisung hesitated for a moment before answering, "i worked on a song between classes."
her expression softened. "the one you told me about?"
"yeah." he looked away, suddenly a little shy. "i, uh, actually finished the demo."
"jisung!" she smacked his arm lightly. "why didn't you tell me sooner?"
"i dunno," he muttered, playing with his chopsticks. "didn’t seem important."
"of course it’s important," she said firmly. "can i hear it?"
he met her eyes, something flickering behind his own, before he looked down again. "maybe later."
she didn't push, just nodded. "okay. your turn to ask."
he raised a brow. "ask what?"
"about my day, genius."
"oh. right." he leaned back, lazily twirling his chopsticks. "so, how was your day, my dear best friend whom i love and adore?"
she snorted. "it was fine. boring, mostly. but i had this duo project in business class."
jisung hummed in acknowledgment, taking another bite. "who’d you get stuck with?"
"a guy named sunwoo."
jisung froze mid-chew, his spoon hovering just inches from his lips. his brows furrowed for the briefest second before he blinked and forced himself to keep chewing, though suddenly, the fried rice didn’t taste as good anymore.
“i see..” he said after swallowing, voice casual. too casual. “never heard you mention him before.”
y/n shrugged, taking another bite. “yeah, we never really talked until today. he’s nice, though. smart, too. i was kinda worried i’d get stuck doing all the work, but he actually pulled his weight.”
jisung scoffed lightly, poking at his food. “that’s the bare minimum.”
she snorted. “true.”
silence stretched for a beat, the playlist shuffling to another song. jisung tapped his chopsticks against the edge of his bowl, trying to ignore the weird feeling curling in his stomach. it wasn’t a big deal. just a project partner. nothing to think about.
“he was pretty talkative, too,” y/n continued, oblivious to the way jisung’s grip on his spoon tightened. “like, at first, it was just about the project, but then he started asking me random stuff. like, my favorite color, what i do in my free time, my favorite coffee order—”
jisung let out a short, almost incredulous laugh. “your coffee order? what, is he planning on getting you one next time?”
she blinked, considering. “i dunno, maybe. that’d be nice.”
jisung nearly choked on air. he coughed into his fist, shaking his head. “pfft. wow. sounds like he’s… really interested in your business skills.”
y/n laughed at that, nudging his leg with her foot. “oh, shut up. he was just being friendly.”
yeah, okay. sure.
he forced a grin, shoveling another bite of rice into his mouth like it would somehow get rid of the weird, nagging feeling inside him. “so, what else did he say?” he asked, tone still light, still playful. still pretending he didn’t care.
y/n hummed, thinking. “oh, he told me i have a really nice smile.”
jisung almost dropped his chopsticks.
“oh! and that i have pretty hands,” she added, wiggling her fingers in front of his face. “which is funny, ‘cause i don’t really get the whole hand thing, but—”
“he said what?” jisung cut in, voice cracking slightly.
she blinked up at him, confused. “...that i have pretty hands?”
jisung squinted at her like she was missing something obvious. “who compliments someone’s hands?”
“i don’t know! i mean, i guess they’re kinda nice…” she examined her own fingers, flexing them under the fairy lights. “they do a lot for me, you know? writing, playing, cooking—”
“okay, but still,” jisung interjected, trying not to sound too whiny. “that’s like—textbook flirting.”
y/n snorted. “no, it’s not.”
“yes, it is!” jisung threw his hands up. “first, he asks about your coffee order—classic move, by the way—then he calls your smile nice? and now your hands?” he pointed a dramatic chopstick at her. “that’s next-level, y/n. that’s, like, hand-holding agenda.”
she gave him a flat look. “i think you’re overreacting. personally i'd love making friends like that.” she laughed.
“no, you’re underreacting!” he groaned dramatically, flopping onto the couch, staring at the ceiling like it personally offended him. “i can’t believe this. my best friend is so oblivious.”
y/n just giggled, poking his knee. “oh, come on, ji. he was just being nice. and it’s not like i’m interested in him or anything.”
jisung perked up at that, a little too quickly. “you’re not?”
she shook her head, stuffing another bite of rice into her mouth. “nope.”
something unspoken settled in the air.
jisung let out a quiet breath, something inside him easing—but he still had an annoyed little pout on his lips. “still. he was flirting. you just don’t see it ‘cause you’re you.”
“hey, what’s that supposed to mean?”
“it means,” he huffed, crossing his arms, “that you’re too cute for your own good, and guys like him are gonna keep trying to hit on you while you remain completely, utterly unaware.”
y/n blinked, caught off guard.
jisung realized what he said half a second too late. his ears turned pink.
“…anyway!” he cleared his throat, suddenly stuffing his mouth with rice. “this is good fried rice. really, really good.”
y/n just watched him, something unreadable in her gaze. a small, knowing smile tugged at her lips.
“dork,” she muttered under her breath.
and if jisung, in his flustered state, caught the way she was staring at him now—soft, fond, admiring—he didn’t say a word.
"sunwoo. what kind of dumb name is that?"
she laughed, shaking her head.
soon, the food disappeared slowly between them, the plates scraping softly as y/n absentmindedly pushed the last bits of rice around with her chopsticks. jisung, on the other hand, had long since finished and was now leaning back on his palms, his head tilted toward the ceiling, looking entirely too satisfied. he stretched with a deep sigh, his tee riding up slightly, revealing a sliver of skin before settling back down.
"i’m convinced you were a chef in a past life," he said, breaking the silence, his voice laced with a kind of sleepy contentment.
y/n smirked, still focused on her plate. "i’ll take that as a compliment."
"it is a compliment," he assured her, turning his head to face her. his cheek was slightly squished against his shoulder, making him look more like a sleepy puppy than a grown man. "i’m genuinely scared of what would happen to me if you weren’t around. i’d probably live off ramen and instant rice."
"you already do that when i’m not around. and still make it taste bad."
"exactly," he said, as if she had just proven his point. "my body is, like, seventy percent sodium at this point."
y/n rolled her eyes but couldn't help the small smile tugging at her lips. "that explains a lot, honestly."
jisung gasped dramatically. "are you saying i look like someone who eats too much sodium?"
"i’m saying your diet is concerning," she teased, finally setting her chopsticks down and leaning back as well. the food had settled warmly in her stomach, and the atmosphere felt hazy in the best way—soft, familiar, comfortable.
jisung groaned, letting his head fall back. "this is why i need you in my life. you balance out all my self-destructive tendencies."
y/n snorted, stretching out her legs. "i’m your best friend, not your dietitian."
"best friend and dietitian," he corrected lazily.
she hummed, letting the conversation drift into a natural lull. the tv played quietly in the background, an old sitcom neither of them was paying attention to, and their playlist continued to shuffle through songs they had both heard a thousand times before. outside, the city was alive, but in their small little bubble of a dorm, it felt like time had slowed down just for them.
jisung shifted, sitting up properly, and y/n could feel him staring before she even turned to look at him. "what?" she asked, raising a brow.
he hesitated, chewing on his bottom lip for a moment before finally saying, "i want you to be in my song."
the words were simple, casual even, but they made something in y/n’s chest tighten. she blinked. "what?"
"my demo," jisung clarified, his voice softer now, more careful. "i want you to sing in it."
yn let out a short laugh, shaking her head. "jisung, you know i don’t do that."
"why not?" he tilted his head, brows furrowing slightly. "you’re literally so good. like, so good."
she sighed, rubbing the back of her neck. "it’s just a hobby for me, you know that."
"okay, but why just a hobby?" his voice had that familiar edge of insistence, the same one he used when he really, really wanted something. "you could do so much more with it."
she shrugged, eyes flickering to the tv even though she wasn’t really watching. "it’s not the same for me as it is for you," she said honestly. "music is your thing, jisung. you breathe this stuff. it’s not like that for me."
"but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t do it," he argued, leaning in slightly. "i love your voice, y/n. you know that."
she swallowed, feeling warmth crawl up her neck. he had told her that before—countless times, actually—but something about the way he said it now felt different, heavier. "it’s just not something i see myself doing seriously," she admitted, picking at a loose thread on her sleeve.
jisung was quiet for a moment, his eyes studying her face carefully. then, with a small, teasing smile, he said, "okay. but what if it’s just for me?"
she looked at him, confused. "what do you mean?"
"i mean," he started, tapping his fingers against his knee absentmindedly, "forget about, like, doing music professionally or whatever. i just want you on this song. not because i think you should be an artist or anything—just because it’s us. i dunno. i feel like it’d sound better if you were in it."
y/n bit her lip, uncertain. she liked singing, she always had, but she never really thought about it beyond the occasional harmonizing with jisung when he played guitar, or the times she mindlessly hummed while cooking. it was never something she considered putting out there for other people to hear.
jisung, however, was looking at her with those big, expectant eyes, his wide smile softened at the edges. "just think about it," he said, nudging her knee with his. "no pressure. but i think it’d be cool. i mean, imagine—our voices together in a song? legendary."
yn laughed, shaking her head. "you’re ridiculous."
"i’m right," he corrected.
she sighed, resting her chin on her palm. "i don’t know, ji."
he pouted, but there was no real disappointment in his face—just patience, quiet and steady. "i’ll send you the demo," he said after a beat. "just listen to it. see if you like it."
she nodded slowly. "fine. i’ll listen."
jisung grinned, victorious. "that’s all i ask."
another silence stretched between them, this one softer, almost charged in a way y/n couldn’t quite explain. the tv droned on in the background, but neither of them was paying attention.
jisung shifted again, stretching his legs out next to hers, their knees knocking slightly. he exhaled, tilting his head back against the couch. "i like nights like this," he murmured, his voice quieter now, almost like he was talking to himself.
yn turned to look at him, watching the way his lashes cast shadows on his cheekbones under the dim light. "like what?"
"just…chill." he cracked one eye open, looking at her. "you. me. food. music. no stress."
she smiled softly. "yeah. me too."
jisung hummed in acknowledgment, closing his eyes again. "we should do this more often."
y/n didn’t respond right away, letting the words settle between them. she thought about how much time they already spent together, how their days were filled with each other in some way or another.
and yet, something about the way he said it—like he wanted more, like he wasn’t just talking about casual hangouts but something deeper—made her stomach flutter in a way she didn’t entirely understand.
she swallowed, nudging his foot lightly with hers. "we already do this all the time, idiot."
jisung smiled, eyes still closed. "yeah. but i mean more."
y/n’s heart did something weird in her chest, but before she could dwell on it, jisung sat up suddenly, stretching his arms above his head. "anyway. we should clean around before the angry yunah gets back and starts lecturing us about leaving dishes out."
the moment was gone, dissipating like smoke, leaving yn slightly dazed in its wake.
she nodded, shaking off the strange warmth in her chest, pushing herself up as well.
"right. let’s clean up."
and just like that, the night continued, soft and slow, something unspoken lingering between them—unnoticed, or maybe just ignored.
. . .
the dishes had been washed, the leftovers tucked away, and the night stretched lazily ahead of them, the warm haze of comfort lingering in the air. the tv was still on, playing something neither of them was paying attention to, but y/n could feel the way the atmosphere had shifted—thicker, heavier, filled with something unsaid.
jisung sat on the floor again, back resting against the couch, his fingers absentmindedly drumming against his knee. now, his sleeves were pushed up to reveal his forearms, and his hair was messier now, some strands sticking out in different directions. he looked soft like this—less like the flirty, chaotic mess he usually was and more like the boy she had always known, the one who could say a million things with just a glance.
y/n sat across from him, legs crossed, arms draped over her knees as she studied him. she hesitated for a moment before saying, “play it for me.”
jisung blinked, caught off guard. “huh?”
“the song,” she clarified, shifting slightly. “i wanna hear it.”
he stared at her for a second before scoffing. “you never wanna hear my songs before they’re done.”
“um, wrong, you always reject to play them for me before they're done.” she pointed, trying to sound casual. “i feel like listening everytime. and tonight.”
“and my guitar is right here, so..” she laughed.
something flickered across jisung’s face—surprise, maybe, or something softer—but he didn’t question it. instead, he reached for her guitar, a brown one, which had burgundy, floral borders over its peaks and edges. it had been sitting next to the couch all night, like it had been waiting for the right moment.
he adjusted it on his lap, fingers finding the familiar curves of the wood, the smoothness of the strings beneath his touch. the way he handled just.. guitars had always fascinated her—not just with skill, but with love, like it was an extension of himself, a second voice that spoke when words weren’t enough.
y/n watched, her chin resting on her palm as she took in the tiny details she had seen a hundred times before but never really noticed—the way his brows furrowed in focus, the way his lips parted slightly as if he were already singing in his head, the way the warm light from the tv cast soft shadows across his face, accentuating the sharp line of his jaw, the slope of his nose, the fullness of his bottom lip.
he cleared his throat. “okay, but don’t judge, ‘cause it’s still rough.”
she rolled her eyes. “i never judge.”
he gave her a look, but it was softened by a small smile before he looked down at his guitar again. his fingers moved, the first chords filling the room—gentle, familiar, warm.
and then, he sang.
his voice was low at first, careful, like he was still unsure if he wanted to let her hear it. but as the melody flowed, he eased into it, his tone settling into that effortless, raspy sweetness that always made something deep in y/n’s chest ache.
she watched, completely entranced, as his eyes fluttered shut, lost in the song. the way his throat moved as he sang, the subtle shifts in his expression, the slight crease in his brow when he hit a note just right—it was all so undeniably han jisung, and it was beautiful.
she had heard him sing countless times before, but something about this was different. maybe because it was just the two of them, the world outside forgotten. or maybe because she was finally allowing herself to see him, really see him, in a way she hadn’t before.
his voice filled the room, smooth and raw all at once, laced with emotion that made her chest feel tight. and the lyrics—god, the lyrics.
it was soft, bittersweet, almost like a confession hidden within the melody. he sang about late nights and lingering glances, about feelings that hovered on the edge of something more, about someone who felt like home.
and y/n couldn’t help but wonder—who was it about?
her breath caught slightly as she watched him, taking in the way his lashes cast the faintest shadows on his cheeks, the way his fingers moved effortlessly over the strings, the way his lips curled slightly around certain words, like he meant them.
she felt something warm spread through her chest, something unfamiliar yet oddly comforting, like stepping into sunlight after days of rain.
when he finally strummed the last chord, the room settled into silence, save for the distant hum of the city outside.
jisung let out a breath, running a hand through his already messy hair. “so… what do you think?”
y/n was still staring. she realized it a second too late and quickly looked away, blinking. “it’s…” her voice felt stuck in her throat, so she cleared it, trying again. “it’s beautiful, ji.”
he smiled, looking down as if trying to hide how much her words affected him. “yeah?”
“yeah,” she said softly.
another silence settled between them, this one different from the ones before. it wasn’t awkward—it was thick, weighted with something neither of them dared to name.
jisung shifted slightly, leaning her guitar against the couch. his fingers tapped against his knee again, a nervous habit. “i meant what i said earlier.”
y/n tilted her head. “about what?”
“about you being in the song,” he said, his voice quieter now. “your voice would fit perfectly. you have this way of making things sound… real. i dunno how to explain it, but i think it’d be better if you were part of it.”
“i know you don’t take singing seriously, and you did say you'd listen to the actual demo.. oh which i know means a no, almost,” he cut in before she could refuse, “but just this once. just for this song.”
y/n exhaled, her fingers curling around the fabric of her sleeve. “why does it matter so much to you?”
jisung opened his mouth, then closed it, as if he was debating how honest he wanted to be.
finally, he shrugged. “because it’s us.”
her heart skipped.
“i mean, not us us,” he added quickly, looking away. “just… our voices. together. i think it’d be nice.”
y/n swallowed. “i don’t know if i’d be any good.”
“you would,” he said, no hesitation. “and i’d be with you the whole time. we’d do it together.”
the word settled deep in her chest, warm and heavy.
she looked at him again, at the hopeful glint in his eyes, at the way he was watching her like she was something more than just his best friend.
and maybe, for the first time, she let herself wonder—what if she was?
she exhaled slowly, giving him a small, hesitant smile. “okay.”
jisung blinked. “okay?”
“i’ll do it,” she said, and his entire face lit up in that way it always did when he was really happy, the kind of smile that made her stomach flip in ways she didn’t fully understand.
“you won’t regret it,” he promised, excitement buzzing in his voice.
she wasn’t sure if that was true.
because something told her that once she sang with him, once their voices blended together in a song meant for something deeper—
there would be no going back.
and that terrified her more than anything.
. . .
sprawled out on jisung’s bed, surrounded by the soft hum of the laptop fan and the distant city sounds filtering through the window, y/n felt weightless. not in the way that meant floating away, but in the way that meant she was exactly where she was meant to be.
the air smelled faintly of fabric softener, of jisung’s vanilla-and-woodsy shampoo, of warmth. the blankets beneath them were slightly rumpled, evidence of a thousand previous sleepovers, tangled limbs, and late-night conversations that bled into early mornings. the glow from the laptop screen cast shifting patterns onto the walls, moving in time with the video they were watching.
it was their friend group’s latest dance cover, the kind they always hyped up in their group chat but never actually watched until they were together.
“look at hyunjin’s face,” jisung snickered, pointing at the screen as hyunjin executed a particularly dramatic spin, his expression intense. “bro thinks he’s in a movie.”
y/n burst into laughter, hiding her face in her hands. “no, because he so does that on purpose. you just know he was practicing in front of a mirror.”
“i bet he stared at himself for hours,” jisung agreed, shaking his head. “such a drama king.”
they continued watching, throwing in their own commentary as felix’s fluid movements took over the screen, followed by minho’s signature sharpness, yunah’s grace, and minseo’s precise footwork. their friends were insane, and as much as they teased, the admiration was real.
“minho-hyung’s on another level, though,” yn murmured, her head tilted slightly. “look at the way he controls his movements.”
jisung hummed in agreement. “yeah. he’s scary good.”
a comfortable silence settled between them, only the sound of the music playing through the laptop speakers filling the air. the bed dipped slightly where jisung had shifted, moving to lean on his elbow. yn could feel the shift in weight, the slight press of his arm against hers, the warmth of his body radiating closer than before.
she turned her head slightly—just a fraction—to look at him.
and that was when it happened.
something… shifted.
it was subtle, but it was undeniable. like a string pulled taut between them, an unspoken question hovering in the air.
jisung’s eyes were still on the screen, but his fingers had stopped absentmindedly tapping against the blanket. his jaw was relaxed, but his lips were slightly parted, like he had just thought of something he wasn’t sure if he wanted to say out loud.
the glow from the laptop flickered across his face, highlighting the curve of his cheek, the slope of his nose, the way his lashes cast delicate shadows against his skin. his hair, slightly messy from the way he had been lying down, fell softly over his forehead.
and then, as if he could feel her looking, his gaze flickered to hers.
it wasn’t immediate. it wasn’t rushed.
it was slow.
his eyes met hers, and for the first time in a long time, neither of them looked away.
the music in the background faded into something distant, something unimportant.
the flickering light, the sound of their breathing, the way the air seemed to press down on them—it all blended into something almost dreamlike.
jisung’s gaze dipped, just for a second, to her lips.
and y/n’s breath caught.
it wasn’t new, being this close. it wasn’t new, lying next to each other, watching something, talking about everything and nothing.
but this?
this was new.
this was different.
she could feel it in the way the space between them seemed to shrink, in the way her pulse thrummed in her ears, in the way jisung swallowed, his adam’s apple bobbing slightly.
his hand twitched—just barely—against the blanket.
and then, before she could even fully process it, he moved.
slow. hesitant. but sure.
his fingers brushed against hers, a touch so light it could have been mistaken for an accident. but neither of them moved away.
yn exhaled shakily, her heart a wild drum in her chest.
and then, suddenly—
their lips met.
soft at first. just a press—a quiet, unsure thing that barely lasted a second.
but then she leaned in.
and he did too.
and it wasn’t just a kiss anymore. it was something more.
jisung’s lips were warm, careful, but there was a hunger beneath it, something restrained, something that had been waiting far too long to be acknowledged. his fingers found her wrist, featherlight at first before gripping just slightly, grounding himself.
her hands curled into the fabric of his tee, and he let out a quiet exhale against her lips, like he couldn’t believe this was happening.
the laptop screen continued playing, casting shifting lights across their skin. the blanket beneath them was soft, but nothing—nothing—felt softer than this. than him.
he pulled away first, just enough to breathe, just enough to look at her.
his eyes searched hers, as if trying to understand what this meant.
as if asking, did we just cross the line?
but the thing was—
maybe there had never been a line in the first place.
maybe they had been here all along, just waiting for the right moment to realize it.
their breaths tangled in the space between them, warm and unsteady, still trembling with something unspoken. the moment felt like it stretched infinitely—long enough for y/n to take in the way jisung’s eyes flickered, dark pools of hesitation and something deeper, something unreadable.
his fingers, still curled loosely around her wrist, twitched, but he didn’t pull away.
the glow from the laptop continued to flicker, painting soft golds and muted blues across his face, across the fabric of his tee, across the slightly uneven threads of the blanket beneath them.
she felt warm.
not just from the shared heat between them, but from something in her chest, something that felt like a slow burn, like a realization creeping up on her.
jisung exhaled, his lips parting slightly as if to say something, but then he stopped.
she blinked at him, suddenly aware of the way her heart was still hammering. loudly. so loudly she swore he could hear it.
“…we just,” she said, as if confirming it to herself.
jisung let out a breathy chuckle, rubbing the back of his neck. “yeah. yeah, we did.”
silence. not awkward, but charged.
y/n wet her lips, suddenly hyper-aware of the lingering sensation of his against hers. soft. he was soft.
then, jisung groaned, burying his face into the pillow. “oh my god. did i just ruin us?”
she blinked, before laughing softly. “you’re literally so dramatic.”
“i am not,” he mumbled into the fabric, voice muffled.
“you are. like, so dramatic. like—oscar-worthy dramatic.”
jisung lifted his head just enough to glare at her, though the way his nose scrunched up made it less intimidating. “okay, miss i-just-kissed-my-best-friend-and-now-i’m-still-here-for-some-reason—why are you not freaking out?”
y/n tilted her head. “do you want me to freak out?”
“no?” his lips quirked. “maybe?” he groaned again, flopping onto his back, staring at the ceiling like it held all the answers. “i just—wow, okay, so we really did just kiss. that happened.”
she rolled onto her side, propping herself up on her elbow, her fingers playing with the loose threads of the blanket. “do you regret it?”
jisung turned his head to look at her, and for a moment, he didn’t answer. he just looked.
his gaze trailed over the shape of her nose, the way her cheek was still slightly flushed, the way her hair had fallen over her shoulder, a few strands resting against her collarbone.
then, he whispered, “no.”
her breath hitched.
jisung swallowed, his adam’s apple bobbing slightly. “do you?”
a beat of silence.
another stretch of quiet, but this time, it was softer. like a shared secret, like something that no longer needed to be questioned.
then, jisung shifted, reaching up lazily, fingers brushing against the ends of her hair. “okay. so. now what?”
she huffed a small laugh, flopping back onto the pillows beside him. “i have no idea.”
“that makes two of us.”
they both stared at the ceiling for a long moment, the sound of the laptop’s fan whirring quietly in the background.
jisung turned his head toward her again, watching the way her lips pursed slightly in thought, the way her fingers absentmindedly traced shapes onto the blanket.
slowly, carefully, he reached out, resting a hand against her arm. “can we—just. stay like this? for a bit?”
she turned toward him, eyes softening. then, instead of answering, she simply curled closer, letting herself nestle into his side, the fabric of his tee brushing against her cheek.
jisung let out a slow breath, his arm naturally slipping around her, his fingers resting against the dip of her waist.
she was warm.
he could feel her heartbeat, steady against his ribs, in sync with his own.
the scent of her shampoo filled his senses—something sweet, something vaguely floral, something hers.
the sound of their breathing intertwined with the faint music still playing from the laptop, a mix of their favorite songs.
jisung sighed, letting his cheek rest against the crown of her head. “you’re kinda dangerous, you know?”
yn hummed sleepily. “oh? why’s that?”
“because i don’t think i’ll ever want to sleep without you now.”
she smiled against his chest, eyes fluttering closed. “good thing i’m not going anywhere, then.”
and for the first time that night, jisung felt like maybe—just maybe—things had fallen into place exactly the way they were always meant to.
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