#and joel my beloved <3< /div>
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chelseasdagger · 1 year ago
Okay, so I think you've seen that ask game at Chelle's... that was me 😝 and I thought that you might like it too, so I made a version for you:
Joel Miller or Sam Rossi?
Frank Castle or Julian Kaye?
Rahul Kohli or Mads Mikkelsen?
Robert Pattinson or Richard Gere (ofc 1990)?
and something extra because I thought of too many characters:
fuck/marry/kill with Hopper, Matt Murdock and Father Paul
again, I tried to make it difficult, you're welcome <3
- 👽
I SHOULD’VE KNOWN IT WAS YOU!!!!! causing chaos but from a place of love CJSKSKSK
oh my GOD you broke my heart with this one. how do i choose between my two cowboys?! what?!
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LOOK AT THEM!!!!!!!! i love them so much 😭😭 okay okay i guess i’ll have to answer. if we are talking joel from the tv show? then sammy HANDS down!! but if it’s joel from the games i… i don’t know i seriously don’t know how to choose 😭 i think… I DONT WANNA PICK my brain hurts i love them both so so much
now frankie or jules?
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okayyyy so i know i talk a big game about jules being my boyfriend aND HE IS!!! but whenever i feel so sad and just need a TRUE comfort character? its always bearded frankie. soooo i'm gonna go with my big bear of a man please n sank youuuu
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rahul or mads!! i thought this one was going to be difficult but then i realized just how long i've loved rahul and ALSO me personally (ik the mads girls are gonna kick me out for saying this) but mads isn't consistently it for me? like sometimes he doesn't look hot but i feel like rahul ALWAYS looks good no matter what he does CJKDSKSK rahul just has one of the best looking faces ever and i'll stand by that CSLKDLKS
robert pattinson or (1990s) richard gere?!
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(the hold that robert photoshoot had on me 😵‍💫)
why put two beautiful men against each other 😭 if you had asked me in 2020 at the HEIGHT of my robert pattinson phase i would've immediately said him with no second thought. but........ richardddddd and the greyssss and i just... he's so pretty. his features remind me of jon's and i love him so i'm going with him :3
OKAY SO THE BONUS ROUND WAS SO UNCALLED FOR. how do i... i don't even... how do i even BEGIN to choose i—?!
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jesus i've had to think this one through quite a while. and i... i think i'm gonna go with fuck matt, marry hop, and... kill the priest!! i don't mean to and i feel like my decision on marrying hop or matt will chance depending on who's show i most recently watched CKSLDSL cause part of me wants to say i'd rather marry matt but... hop's a big boy and i need him to absolutely crush me in bed soooo PFFF!!
this was absolutely some of the hardest decisions i've ever had to make in my LIFE so thank you SO SO much my love!!! this was the most fun i've had in a while so thank you!!! i'm giving you a BIG kiss and i hope you're having a good day/night!! 🩵✨
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floweroflaurelin · 11 months ago
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I’m trying to get back into the swing of painting, so as a warmup I made this!! Morgan the dog belongs to my friend @theminecraftbee and is the bestest girl <3
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unclewaynemunson · 2 years ago
Thanks to a conversation I had with @frankenstein-ate-my-left-shoe and @stevesbipanic about this post by @piratefishmama about Scott Clarke helping middle schoolers with sexuality crises I wrote a lil something :)
Scott Clarke has been worrying about Eddie Munson ever since the boy first set foot into his classroom. He was tiny for his age and thin on the verge of being scrawny, with big, scared eyes in a pale face. With his long, dark curls he was the kind of boy who would unavoidably be called names for being too much like a girl, and Scott wasn't surprised that it only took one week before the boy came in with his hair all buzzed off, pulling even more attention to his expressive eyes instead.
Scott was known for worrying about the nerdy kids, and even though it wouldn't be obvious to everyone right away, he immediately noticed that Eddie was one of those. He wasn't the kind of nerdy kid who would sit in the front of the classroom, hanging onto Scott's every word while avidly scribbling down the secrets of the universe that Scott liked to share. No, Eddie was the other kind of nerdy kid: the kind who would often be called dreamy, or imaginative, or quiet, or lazy. The kind who would retreat to the back of the class and get low scores on their tests because they were spending their time sneakily reading comic books underneath the table or staring out of the window with their mind completely elsewhere for hours on end.
Middle school wasn't an easy place for kids like Eddie, as Scott knew all too well. The only thing he could do, as a teacher, was try to make it a little bit more bearable for him. He was glad when the boy took him up on his offer to spend his lunch breaks in the science classroom instead of the cafeteria or the playground. Soon, it became a habit that Eddie would be on the other side of Scott's desk reading his way through some big book while Scott was grading papers or preparing his next lesson.
Scott knew that with patience and kindness, all kids like Eddie would eventually come out of their shell and start trusting him. So he asked about the books Eddie brought first, proceeded to topics like music and games he liked to play later, and eventually could ask him about his home life.
Whenever he'd talk about his books or his music, Eddie's eyes lit up and his smile widened. Scott soon found out that, when Eddie was at ease, he could talk a mile a minute and bounce around the classroom, caught up in his stories with all kinds of excited hand gestures. At those moments, he was nothing like the quiet boy with the haunted look in his eyes who Scott met two months ago.
But Eddie never disclosed much about his personal life. He didn't mention his mother even once and he didn't tell Scott much more than that he was living with his uncle in Forest Hills because his dad was “unavailable” to take care of him.
Scott doubted whether Eddie was much better off living with his uncle than with his father. Judging from the meager lunches he brought with him, the shabby and ill-fitting clothes he wore, and the fact that the man never once came to drop Eddie off or pick him up at school, Scott was skeptical, to say the least.
He started worrying even more when one day, Eddie lingered in the classroom after the last lesson of the day, saying he wanted to ask him a “science question” with a certain dread in his eyes that Scott had never seen there before.
“There's nothing I love more than a good science question,” Scott quickly reassured him. “Tell me, what is it?”
“The other kids,” said Eddie, “Brendon and Mark and, you know... They call me names.” His voice was soft and his eyes were aimed towards the ground as he spoke. “Queer. And fag. And...” He shrugged. “Y'know.” He raised his head up again, big scared eyes meeting Scott's.
“I – I think they're right,” he said, almost in a whisper. “How can you stop being gay?”
And oh, this was a conversation Scott had experience with. He had been a teacher at Hawkins Middle School for almost two decades and there had always been kids he worried about, who would open up to him about this exact topic.
So he sat Eddie down at his desk and patiently talked him through everything the boy needed to know; God knows his trailer park uncle most certainly wouldn't. He told him all about science and nature and feelings and, most importantly, being perfect the way you are, no matter who you love.
More than two hours later, Eddie finally left the classroom with relief in his eyes instead of dread. But Scott kept worrying: Eddie's uncle hadn't so much as called the school to inform where Eddie was. Who was looking out for him after the last school bell rang and the kid rode his bike out of Scott's sight?
Not long after that conversation, Scott finally got to meet Mr. Munson for the first time. He was one of Scott's last appointments of the yearly parent-teacher evening, and Scott half expected him not to show up. But he was right on time, even though he looked almost comically out of place when he walked into the science classroom.
He was exactly what Scott would've imagined of a man living in Forest Hills: washed-up jeans and a worn-down flannel, cigarette dangling from the corner of his mouth, and a gruff frown hidden underneath a faded gray trucker's hat. He walked up to where Scott was seated behind his desk in a few big strides, and Scott couldn't help but think that there was something almost intimidating in merely the way he carried himself. Not exactly the kind of man who radiated safety for a boy like Eddie.
They shook hands and Scott felt rough callouses press against his own chalk-stained fingers.
While Scott talked Mr. Munson through Eddie's grade list – a list that at this point was barely enough to get him into the next grade – Mr. Munson didn't say anything. Only when Scott asked him if he had any questions, he opened his mouth.
“How're the other kids treatin' him?” the man asked him in a thick southern accent.
“It's not easy for him,” Scott answered in all honesty. He wondered how much Eddie told his uncle about what his days at school usually looked like.
Mr. Munson bowed his head. “I know,” he mumbled.
“Eddie is a sensitive kid, he –”
“I know what kinda kid he is,” Mr. Munson interrupted him immediately. It sounded sharp and Scott wondered if he should be worried about Mr. Munson having a temper.
“Of course,” he cautiously retreated. “I just assumed, since I've never seen you at the school before, sir, that you might not be aware of what exactly he has to deal with in here.”
“Maybe you should do less assuming, then,” Mr. Munson answered bluntly. “You think I should be at the school more? Drop Eddie here in the mornin', come pick him up in the afternoon, all that?”
Scott wondered if Mr. Munson was mocking him.
“Well, I think it might be good for Eddie if –”
“You know why I ain't never at the school? 'Cause I'm tryin' my damned best to keep that boy's stomach filled. When should I be at the school, exactly, between my day shift at the quarry and my night shift at the plant?”
“I – I'm sorry,” Scott backpedaled. Suddenly, the frown lines in the tired face of the man in front of him had gotten a different meaning. “I didn't know. You're right, I shouldn't have made assumptions.”
“Look, I dunno how much he shared with you, Mr. Clarke, but I know he looks up to you. So I think you should know that he's the kinda kid who got in trouble at home for bein' “too sensitive.”” He shot Scott a meaningful glance. “Boy was cryin' to me on the phone, 'cause of what his daddy did to him, so I picked him up and drove him here and I made it my mission, as his uncle, to protect him, to shield him, and to take care of him as best as I possibly can.”
Scott had always prided himself on being a good judge of character. He wondered if he had ever been more wrong about somebody before in his life.
“I know he thinks highly of you, Sir,” Mr. Munson continued. “And I'm very grateful that you're keepin' an eye on him when I can't. But at some point, he may trust you with some very personal information about himself, and you better have his back when he does.”
He knows, Scott realized with a shock. He tried to give Mr. Munson a reassuring smile, but his heart was beating in his throat with what he was about to tell him.
“I was a sensitive kid, myself, Sir. I promise you Eddie is in good hands with me.”
Scott wondered whether Mr. Munson caught the message in those words while a long silence stretched out. Their gazes were locked: Mr. Munson's eyes were bright blue, completely different from Eddie's but just as expressive. His gaze softened while the seconds passed and underneath his graying beard, his mouth twitched.
“I was a sensitive kid, too,” he eventually said.
And Scott's jaw nearly dropped to the floor. This man, with his big calloused hands and his trucker's hat and his undeniably manly demeanor?
His feelings of astonishment must have been visible on his face, because Mr. Munson chortled softly.
“Didn't see that one coming, did ya?”
Scott laughed, too, making the last bit of residual tension between them disappear. “I'm sorry, Mr. Munson. I had no idea.”
“'S okay,” Mr. Munson said. “'s good to know that Eddie has someone lookin' out for him here. Um –” He scraped his throat. “I um...” He abruptly averted his gaze back to his lap again, where his fingers were nervously fumbling with the cap he was holding between his hands.
“I always make Eddie dinner,” he finally said. “'S one of the few things I can do for him, y'know. It'd probably be better for me if I took a quick nap 'tween my jobs, but it's the only time of the day we got together. I'm not much of a cook, but I try to get him to eat somethin' healthy and warm, and we talk about stuff, whatever it is he wants to talk about. So um... If you ever wanna join us – that is, if you don't mind comin' to the trailer park... We don't have much, but I'm sure we can fit another chair 'round the table. I think it could be good for Eddie.”
Scott could barely believe what was happening. To think that only a few minutes ago, he had been worried about this man having a temper or being neglectful towards his nephew...
Wayne Munson was shy and soft-spoken and he loved Eddie with a passion that sparked a fierce protectiveness. And after having Scott judge him based on the way he looked and a bunch of false assumptions, he showed him nothing but genuine goodness.
He felt his lips bend into a smile more authentic than he'd been able to give in a while.
“I'd love to join you sometime,” he told Mr. Munson. “For Eddie – but I also wouldn't mind getting to know you better,” he added in a sudden spur or braveness.
And he could swear that something suspiciously like a smile matching his own was hiding beneath Mr. Munson's beard.
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ceres46 · 1 year ago
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losing my mind i need them to interact again NOW
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chiimiraa · 2 years ago
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glass-clown · 2 years ago
joel encounters the gears event (edited so its easier to see)
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psycairotrist · 2 years ago
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the spooky scary dulladan
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clairenovaking · 2 months ago
¹²⁾ tipsy, semi-public sex after sneaking away from everyone else at the rooftop pool party + tessjoel bc this one just screams them
The sounds of the party fall away as Tess and Joel stumble outside the Tipsy Bison, the back door shutting with a sharp snap behind them.
Tess laughs, breath billowing out in the chilly air before her. They’re both far from sober, Maria having challenged them to a drinking game earlier that they’d failed miserably, and the whiskey was catching up to them. Soon enough they’d have to stumble home down the snow-lined streets, and Joel would have to try to build a fire despite the double vision he was sporting.
For now, though, Joel crowds Tess up against the brick wall of the bar, cold hands cupping her face as he kissed her sloppily, drunkenness making him uncoordinated. Tess kisses him back just as messily, hands tugging at the buttons of his shirt.
“Mm, Joel,” Tess moans into the kiss, hands sunk into the back pockets of his jeans as she pressed closer to him for warmth. She’s dressed in one of Maria’s long skirts, stolen years ago, and a white blouse she’d embroidered with blue and purple flowers on the collar and sleeves, hours spent painstakingly pulling needle and thread through fabric.
Joel’s hands slide down her body to hike her skirt up, the blue fabric gathering in his hands until he can skate fingertips over the soft skin of her thighs. Tess shudders, whining, and spreads her legs to allow Joel more room to work- he cups where she’s warm and wet and lacking underwear. Two fingers sink into her with ease and Tess’s breath hitches in her chest as her head smacks back into the bricks.
“More,” she pants, desperate, and doesn’t care that they could be walked in on. Wants them to be watched, almost. Let others see. Let others catch a glimpse of the way they move together, if they were so desperate.
Joel’s thumb slicks over her clit, hot and wanton, and she snaps as her orgasm plunders through her, rocking her to her core as her cunt spasms around his fingers. Joel’s name is ripped from her throat on a cry and then he’s kissing her quiet, silencing the explosion of noise from her throat.
Tess’s thighs shudder around his wrist in aftershocks as she pants for air, cheek pressed to Joel’s when he pulls away, gasping for air. He slowly tugs his fingers from her cunt, wiping his damp fingers against her inner thigh, and Tess whines, achingly empty.
She’s adjusting her skirt, Joel sucking the last of her juices from his fingers, when the back door of the Tipsy Bison opens, and Tommy sticks his head out. He catches sight of them, and a look of annoyed disgust crosses his features.
“They’re doin’ last call. C’mon, Maria wants to do a toast,” he says, jerking his neck back inside. “And fuck at your own house for the love’a christ, god dammit.”
Joel just grins at his little brother, twining his fingers with Tess and pulling her towards the open door.
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bluebblurry · 2 years ago
e!Joel gets pegged
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freelancearsonist · 11 months ago
our dusty dad
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how could i not use this gif 🤭🤭
oh god pls that gif 🫠
OK. SO. ellie's always making fun of him for stinking. they find an abandoned mall and she thinks the packaging for this one is so fun that she makes him take it home.
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he tries on the most wanted parfum once and is surprised by how sexy it smells. he starts getting the Look in the tipsy bison. he knows he should thank ellie but he's a man of few words 😌
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2ndstar-ontheright · 2 years ago
I just gotta say something real quick, 2023 is THE year for pathetic men in movies/tv. I’m sorry, I don’t make the rules here. My brain does lmao
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mediocre-megs · 2 years ago
funniest comments left by ridi (@steelycunt xx) while they beta’d the first half of my fic:
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yes, this is the same steely cunt who writes the gut wrenchingly wonderful r/s fics… she’s sooooooo multifaceted you guys don’t even understand
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im-a-loaf · 2 months ago
@ghostertoasted ALKJKGALHJSKF
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... car
#THIS IS THE FUNNIEST SHIT TO ME OKAY#BECAUSE. RIN. EVERYONE ELSE HAS ASTRONOMICAL SYMBOLS (1. yes grian has the sun and 1a. SHUT UP). BUT JOEL. LONG STORY BUT HE HAS THE CAR.#A CAR. YES A CAR IN THE MIDST OF SUNS AND CRESCENT SCYTHES (i hate that word my GODS) OF MOONS AND STARS AND MARS AND EARTH AND PLUTO.#something something fast and furious something something joel (don?) toretto idk man i only watched joel's finale episode LMAO#anyways i headcanon the watchers (these god-like beings that were a part of an smp grian used to be in + they may or may not run the life-#-series) forced saturn to be joel's symbol but he refuses it so much to the point where he's like 'saturn what saturn? i only know my sweet#-beloved dear car. my sweet beloved dear CAR is my symbol i dunno what you're talkin about with SATURN'#anyways i saw from someone hoping that etho would win the next series cause so far everyone who's won have been double life soulmates-#-(grian + scar/cleo+martyn/pearl+scott) and etho and joel were soulmates :3#okay anyways that was a long rant lmao that felt good#grian#scott smajor#pearl#martyn inthelittlewood#gtws#zombiecleo#joel smallishbeans#don't even get me started on how joel was alone for the last life and third life and getting paired with a sort of unwilling etho in double#-life and then that bond getting severed in limited life by etho even though joel thought they were still close and joel finally getting a-#-strong team in limlife (grian + jimmy) and how he vowed to give jim all his time so jim wouldn't get out first (again) but jimmy getting o#-ut before he could do it and how c!joel's arc throughout the life series is like he was alone at the beginning and slowly made close bon-#-ds and learned the value of family (whether by blood or by bond) and winning wild life with a laugh and grin and hilarity rather than with#-the sorrow that the watchers want and need and destroy to get and uh i started mySELF on a rant there hoo boy#anyways. i am very normal indeed <3#✦ my idiot brother's here
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raindropren · 1 year ago
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hannnsh · 1 month ago
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ooo joelscar wizards be upon ye 🪄🪄🪄
i’ve had this au for a while but havent rlly thought abt it a lot … i just want my joelscar content tbh. im also gonna mix in grian to the group later bc i alrdy have a role for him (crazy bird guy w an obsession w eyes) dont ask, even i dont know, i just need them tgthr again okay, i miss my 100 hardcore trio 😢 life series teamup when ????
i dont have much lore but joel is sick and is on a journey to find the ingredients for the cure of said sickness, he is technically a witch ig not a wizard, he alrdy graduated wizard school idk. scar is a wizard that does tricks and stuff, he also graduated wizard school a few years earlier than joel. he tags along w joel to find the ingredients w him for some reason i still dk why, and they go on crazy journeys tgthr :3
they travel via scar’s wagon and does shows lol, for money and scams people. along the way they meet a weird bird man, who had tried to steal scar’s (?) eyes, but they made a deal and whatnot and then grian tags along w them. joel occasionally steals eyes for grian :3 (gribeans my beloveds)
i think thats it for now, i should rlly stop drawing and start studying lmao 😭😭 im working on a smalletho au with aquarium worker joel and florist etho lol, im slowly building the au
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wintrwinchestr · 1 year ago
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i am so fucking bad at video games. but he’s in there. and i have to see him. I Have To
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