#loki like OKAY FINE and lets him eat from the spoon
babygirlthor · 2 years
thor sitting in loki’s lap and stealing his food
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darlingofvalyria · 1 year
❝I have these two great friends called Birth and Control.❞
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part 06 | it's called a love bug, lovebug
chapter summary:
[ Sunday dinners are actually made for confessions. As Alicent braves it with a wine and a blush, you brave it too. With a boy and a view. ]
[ 2,963 ] [ series masterlist ] |best friend's brother!aemond targaryen x f!reader, ft. cregan stark x f!reader & aemond targaryen x alys rivers,
contains— angst - hurt/minimal comfort(?) - no kings, no martyrs, no betas.
a/n— alexa play it's all coming back to me now by celine dion. it might read a little stilted, i struggled a bit with this chapter as i wrote it in different times. ps. i didn't translate aemond's valyrian with intention. hope it still works? comment, reblog & like at will, mwa ♡
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You had never heard of a more reverbrating sound than Helaena's smack to a poor, traumatised Daeron. "You toe licking, armpit looking, ugly garbage can!" Healeana shrieked, promptly dragging her youngest brother further away as you and Aemond scurried deeper into the safety of the darkness and shame, folded defensively onto one another, laughing your asses off.
"Oh my god," you exhale. "I am never going leaving this maze. I am going to live here, eating brambles and shit, and die here. Leave me now and prevail, Aemond. I will be fine. I'll haunt you in two to three business days."
Aemond chuckles from below you, unseen from your gaze, the mesmerised adoration he held as he can still feel his lips tingling from your desperation, still feel the curves of your body, the soft skin— he clears his throat, holding you steady by your hips before moving around until he's hovering over you as you adjusted your dress, eyes fluttering his with pressed lips trying not to laugh.
"I have a feeling dinner is ready."
"I also have a feeling your mother and grandfather knew exactly what we were doing minutes before and I fear I'd rather die here than face that."
He laughs, offering his hand and you take it regardless. "Then my mother would be glad. She didn't exactly feel the new bliss of couples between us."
You scoff. "Only because you treated me like you were cosplaying a Frost Giant." At his raised eyebrow and choked, surprised laugh, you blush. "Oh, get off with it. Your sister really likes the idea of Jotun!Loki and I am not one to kinkshame."
He strangles a laugh, peeling stray twigs from your hair. "I wouldn't dare assume. Let's go eat."
You tighten your hold on his hand, worry crescent on your forehead that Aemond straightens. "And talk?" As good as that felt, as perfect as puzzles sliding in together, you were past the age where burrowing it deep with the good parts and ignoring the pressing talks that need to be addressed.
And Aemond deserved better than that at least.
"Okay." He nods, swallowing. "Later, please."
"Okay." You try and reassure him with a smile and that seems to appease him, if a little.
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Once Aegon had made five jokes concerning Daeron's loud rant— he was promptly shut up by his sister smacking him in the back of the head as soon as their mother was fretting in the kitchen and their grandfather's phone pinging for his attention, spoon on his mouth that might have been a medical nightmare — dinner went smoothly.
Daeron had successfully refused to look at your general direction, or his brother, or both since you sat together, churlish in giggles, in chatter and light arguments. Aemond kept taking the nicely marinated baby potatoes on his plate to yours once you finished up your own, and exchanged it with shuffling green beans to his plate because he loves them— it's nice.
It's more than nice. It's everything you could hope for when you think about dinner with your boyfriend's family. It's a softened thought that brews to yearning. You want this. You want be sat next to Aemond like this again, making jokes, piling food onto each other's plate, ribbing with his brother until he blushed then standing up against him when it got too far— seeing the smile he sends your way, endearing, loving, and for a moment, for this one realised moment built on lies and chuckle-fuckery ease, you let yourself indulge.
You joke about spoon feeding him dessert and blush as he envelops his soft lips over the spoon, Daeron and Aegon mimicking gags while Alicent is blushing, unable to stop a girlish giggle, a sound so surprised to her own person that she hiccups.
You are with him and you give yourself strength to break his heart.
Dinner finishes off with a lazy flick, Alicent and his father descending into business talks that usually included Aemond and though you tell him you can go hang out with Helaena— Daeron and Aegon deciding on playing The Last of Us in the game room because Aegon said he needed a good cry but also to shoot things — Aemond who had taken your hand sometime ago and has been brushing his thumb over your knuckles in a soothing gesture, implores you with a look.
You swallow and give a nod, trying for another smile that fails, noticing the moment Aemond sees it fail, his brow curling, lips pursing but doesn't say anything.
As he moves to lead, he pauses, turning back to you. "Where—?"
"Your room?"
Just as he nods, Alicent's soft and embarrassed, "Keep the door open, please," pulls you both to a blushing stop.
Otto— and Helaena rifling through ice cream in the kitchen — crow simultaneous, "Alicent," and "Mom!" as Alicent raises both her hands, the wine in her right sloshing. Though she is pink-cheeked, she maintains eye contact with her son while Aemond is struggling.
"I know you're old and smart enough, young man, and you are such a lovely girl," Alicent says to you, "and I would no doubt adore the grandchildren you will provide me—"
"Oh my gods," you stifle your giggles as Aemond makes a discordant sound in the back of his throat, like a cat hacking a saw. Otto is laughing into his wine while Helaena is making gagging noises in the background.
"— but I hope to have them when Aemond's at least graduated, so that he can provide well for you." Alicent nods, blinking. You can tell that the wine is catching up to her. "He's a good boy so I'm sure he'll do right by you. But I at least want you both to be married, of course, I would prefer if Aegon or Helaena got married first but—"
"— and that's my cue to stage left, folks," Helaena says, making a face as she grabs the entire tub of cookies and cream. "If anyone needs me, I'm in my room trying to find a husband so my baby brother can get married, gods forbid he carries on with bastards from his beautiful girlfriend— whomst, by the way, is my best friend, dunno how we're forgetting my credit in all of this."
Aemond shakes his head. "They're not sleeping here, mom, and providing you grandchildren is not in my agenda." He tugs your hand, smirking as he pulls you close only to whisper playfully, "Not tonight at least."
You shiver, laughing under your breath. "I dunno if you know this, but I have these two great friends called Birth and Control."
He breaks into a laugh and that, at least, eases the tension until you round up in his room, trying to give Helaena a meaningful look but you don't think she understands it with how she salutes you with her spoon, winking audaciously.
"Here." Aemond flicks the light on and his childhood bedroom brings a smile to your face. It's cerebral, the faint blue of his textured wallpaper, the perfectly lined books, even the framed achievements. But there's also the Oasis poster, the little figurines that you know is part of some Old Valyrian battle replica he collected when he was younger, even his old fencing gear and an exact photo of it alongside his club master, his grandfather, and family friend, Criston Cole.
"It's been a while since I've been here," you tease lightly. "It's kind of funny of your mom to think I'd be the first hot girl to christen your childhood bed."
He hums, turning away as he closes the door. When he turns back, he's rolled back his bottom lip between his teeth as he looks at you with sincerity.
"It wouldn't be much of a competition to beat. You were the first hot girl I'd ever got inside my room."
"Ahh. Right. Teasing you before your growth spurt was the highlight of my week."
Aemond let out an aggressive sigh as you laugh. "I was a senior in high school when I met you, riña, this is getting ridiculous. Borderline paedophilic since I had you moaning an hour ago."
You heave, slapping his arm. "Okay, stop, you made it weird now. Gross. Eugh."
"Promise you'll stop now?"
"Fine, I promise."
An awkwardness settles before Aemond nods at the double French doors. "Wanna talk on the patio? You've always liked my room's view than Lae's."
"Yeah," you grin.  "'Cos you got the only view of the lake."
"You can barely see it with the trees. And this darkness." Reason out all he wants, but he opens the door for you, and the cool air is crisp and nice against your warm skin.
You hold out on the ledge, squinting your eyes so you can see peeks of luminous bounce of the calm lake between dark sways of forest. Once in a while, it glitters and glimmers, making itself known.
"It isn't fully true though."
"What is?" Aemond fixes his elbows, warmth pressed against yours as he stares at a fixed point of nowhere. But you can feel his tension, feel his questions he's trying to be patient to keep in. You're glad for it. Grateful. Because it gives you enough courage to confess.
"I hung out in your room because I liked hanging out with you," you admit. "Teasing you was the highlight of my day."
"Gee. Thanks."
"I was more surprised you kept letting me hang out with you when I did nothing but annoy you."
"Why do you think that is, ñuha riña?" he asks softly.
"Because you're sweet?"
The way he's looking at you... it makes you breatheless. Especially when he moves to turn fully toward you, taking you by your elbows, and you close your eyes when he leans in expecting his mouth on you, your heart dancing in the palm of his hand because it feels so, so easy to trust Aemond with it, instead he presses his lips underneath your eye, nuzzling against your nose. It shatters and remakes your heart, making you hold onto his shirt for some semblance of comfort.
"Because I've always liked you," he whispers against your skin as if it's his best kept secret. "Because I'm weak when it comes to you. Because you," he breathes against your mouth, taking your bottom lip between his teeth and giving it a tug, "make it easy to want you."
A weak laugh escapes your lips and his mouth follows the sound as if he wants to swallow it, but you press a palm to his chest. He growls.
"Easy there, tiger, that didn't sound much like a compliment."
He pulls back, holding your face. "Sorry, shit, I didn't mean— I'm not good at this. I meant... you're unattainable. Not just as Helaena's best friend but... you're cool, you're fucking gorgeous and incredibly hilarious."
"Ñuha jorrāelagon." He breathes care into the word. The word is lost on me and I force my brain to pocket it like a love letter so I can search it up. "I never thought I could be here, touching you like this." Without warning, he moulds his lips to yours in a harsh, deep kiss. It's quick but it leaves you breathless, his voice coming up ragged. "Kiss you like this. It feels like I'm in a dream and I'm struggling to let go of it. So a while ago... after..."
You nod, pressing your forehead against his, unable to look at him in the eye. You focus on touching him, your hands sliding down, making him shiver when you go underneath his shirt, skating his side until you warm your cool fingers with his spine.
"That's the thing, Aemy," you whisper. "In your head, by your words, I'm always a version to you."
 He calls your name, leaning back and you're forced to see the confusion on his face.
"Helaena's best friend. Past that, an unattainable crush. Now a fake girlfriend. Someone you use to get Alys' attention, and who better than the unattainable crush? It's a pedestal, Aemy."
"It's not like that, that was a bad, convoluted—"
"But it's the truth, it's how I feel. And though that sucks, I understand." You take his hands as you step back and he's frowning harder, the lines deepen and his jaw is tight. "I knew what I was getting into, you know? But things change because I've changed."
 "It's Cregan, isn't it?" he snarls, tugging his hands away.
"Oh, you jealous idiot, it's you! We've gone over this, you incredible dumbass!"
"Me? How the hell is this about—"
"— because I love you!" you shout. Then stop, inhale. Blink. Aemond copies it. It's almost hilarious. "Or I know I can be."
He works his jaw, turning away. "I don't understand."
"Okay, here it is." You inhale. "Just listen and breathe for a second, okay? Okay? Don't turn away from me." You pull him back by his chin, smiling faintly at the pout you form. "Say you understand."
He sighs, taking your hand. "Yes, I understand."
"I can't compete with someone you've loved for so long," you start softly, staring at your conjoined hands wondering if this is the last time you'll get to hold him like this. "Without you showing you can love me for more than that. I can't compete with your own ideal happy ending if I'm not part of it. I won't. I refuse." Your smile is wry, it's heartbreak and it's strings. You wish you had the energy to scream, to act like a brat and demand his heart, his promises in gold-ink and pink-veined hue. It's what your heart wants.
But you're of big age. You've seen love in its spaces, how it takes root in people, how it affects the world around you.
And you know you cannot love him if he does not make the effort to love you in the same way.
Your heart is in your throat but the words come out anyway. "Because I love you, Aemy. And I know I can fight for you. I can fight for what we have. I can wake up tomorrow and choose to love you with the same degree, if not fiercer, if I could. And I could do that again and again. That's how love works. You have to wake up tomorrow, see me, and choose to love me all over again."
You smile gently, sadly. "I can't allow myself to be loved in halves. I've done that before, I'm not doing it again. Not even for you."
You bring yourself on your tip toes— damn tall, beautiful rat bastard — and brush your lips on the corner of his. His eye closed. "I'm not going to pressure you for an answer. Alys was... Alys is a big part of what you know is love, and I respect that. I understand that it'll be hard, but I need to know if you're willing to let go of it for me. Because I can promise you I can love you. But I won't. Not without assurance that you can try for me."
"What are you asking me?" he asks softly, straightening. There's a hard line going into his body, like a dutiful student given an assignment.
"I'm asking you to think if you can see past the little statue you've made of me. See me breathing. Alive, just like this." You press a hand to his face and retrieve it back before he can hold it. He shots you a look of betrayal. "I'm going home with Hel. You know how to message me, okay? Bye, dōna zaldrīzes."sweet dragon.
His eye flick upward, shock and heartbreak and confusion moulds and twists into such a beautiful blue, mouth agape trying to find words he can't find— and you smile wryly, turning away and leaving.
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You get to Helaena's door quick, knocking soon after.
 "You're either getting choked by a robber or masturbating, and really Hel, I need you to make two grunts to tell me the former so I can bust down the door because I don't want to see you bust a—"
The door swings wide, Helaena's face in a comical irritation.
"That is so fucked up, I hope you know— hey, hey." Her irritation sweeps into a frown as you fail to contain your watery eyes. "What happened? What's wrong? What did Aemond do? Oh, that little twerp—"
"— it's not him, it's not him, chill, I just wanna go home, yeah? Get our cakes and go, please?"
Hel's frown deepens, eyes darting back to Aemond's door.
"Please, Helaena," you beg. "I'll tell you when we get home. I'll make us special drinks."
She takes your hand, determination wound tight with concern. "Sure thing, babe. Let's go."
When you make your hasty departure to her grandfather of all of them, Alicent already in bed and the other boys still in the gaming room, cakes in hand, you tow over Helaena's baby blue buggy— she leans over at you with a hand on the ignition, whispering as if she was afraid, "You— are you meeting Cregan tonight? After, I mean." Her eyes widen. "I'm not judging, I'd never—"
"No, no, I understand. You'd never judge me for that, I know. But no. Just you and me tonight."
She smiles softly. It's not like Aemond's but they don't look that apart that it still stings. "Love you."
"Love you too, lovebug."
Loving Helaena isn't hard.
Just as you know loving Aemond wouldn't be, despite it all. But it isn't you that has issues that needs handling, and you've put everything in his court now.
And yet you can't deny your hope.
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TAGGED: @snowprincesa1 @gemini-mama @fan-goddess @snh96 @valeskafics @opheliaas-stuff @tempo-rary-fix @fantasticpeaceharmony @diannnnsss @iamavailablesstuff @spinachtz @at-a-rax-ia @bespinnn @tsujifreya @moonlightfoxx @kemillyfreitas @joyouart @bananzaa @honey-on-mars @alexa4040 @cinnamonbambii @wintrr13 @wxb-slingrr @astroswift @queenofshinigamis @helaenaluvr @kaetastic @jxdgodfrey @laniii-on-your-left @watercolorskyy @microwaveallthedemons @kazuyatokue @herfantastyworldd @averyyreads @urmomsgirlfriend1 @bellstwd @jiminie-08 @ttkttt @nockerin @backyardfolklore @random-ocity @hc-geralt-23 @vendettasblog @cicaspair418 @malynn @anehkael @schadenfreude-and-sarcasm @honey132
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lokisprettygirl · 2 years
Build me Up, Break me Down (Loki x Female Reader)
Read chapter 15 here // Series Masterlist
Chapter 16
Summary : He protects you from everyone but he hurts you himself. Why did you even entertain the notion that you could ever hold his attention for long?
Warning : Sex but nothing graphic, mentions of past abuse, loki is toxic very toxic, loki is going to crush our little hearts,
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As Loki took you to the kitchen since you have not had anything to eat since morning, Steve approached you two. You looked at Loki and then you looked at Steve hoping he wouldn't come talk to you but that's exactly what he intended to do
"Y/n how are you?"
"She's fine, you don't have to concern yourself" Loki spoke without even looking in the direction of you two, he was pretending to read the labels on the cereal box he was holding.
"I'm okay" you mumbled and Steve nodded
"I just wanted to apologise for not standing up for you out there"
"It's fine I didn't expect you to" that was the truth, you didn't expect him to take your side, you didn't expect anything from anyone, not even Loki.
Steve didn't think he was in the position to say much so he left soon after and you walked over to Loki
"Let's eat this, whatever this is" you smiled as you took the box from him, you poured the cereal out in two bowls, took the milk out of the fridge and added the sufficient amount of it
"Let me know if you'd want more, I don't like too much milk in my cereal"
"Milk? Like, is it human milk?" He raised his eyebrow and you looked at him horrified
"Do you ..want it to be human milk?"
"Nooooo no..I am asking you, for knowledge"
"I'm sure it's cow's milk"
"An animal?" He asked you
"Just so you know on earth, human milk is consumed by human babies only..as long as they are babies"
"Huh..so cow milk should be consumed by cow babies, why are you mortals drinking it?" He said while chugging a spoon full of cereal that contained the milk. He had a point but you didn't have an answer
"Not everyone does, it's a choice"
"Mortals are weird"
You had so many questions about gods and how they are fed as babies but you kept them all to yourself to not make this conversation go from weird to downright creepy.
Once you both were done eating, he was called in for a meeting so he dropped you back to the room and asked you to not go anywhere without his knowledge. You turned the tv on and they were broadcasting his speech on every channel, then they were debating over your involvement in hydra, you couldn't believe this shit. It was weird seeing yourself on tv like that, god you didn't look good, that reminded you that you had to request Loki so he would buy some makeup products.
You turned the tv off as soon as he came back, you didn't want to upset him anymore.
"What is that? They gave you a phone?" You walked over to him and he handed it to you,
"I'm supposed to use it for communication" you opened the camera and clicked his picture, then you showed it to him
"You're so photogenic"
"It can take a photo too?"
"A video as well, record sounds, play music, you can watch anything, research anything but if you need any help just ask me" you swayed your body left to right as you said that. It wasn't your phone but it excited you
"Well you can use it to do all that if you want darling" your eyes twinkled, you would love to listen to music
He took the phone from you and tapped on the camera icon
"Smile for me" you smiled as he said that and he clicked a picture of you,
Butterflies in your belly had a field trip after that.
That night you both laid down on your separate beds of course, that's usually the plan. He was tired from the sleep so he fell asleep pretty quickly, you took a little longer but sleep did come for you. However, your subconscious mind wasn't so kind to you tonight, you had a nightmare. You saw your ex in the bedroom, the bed you shared currently with Loki, he had you tied on your bed while he was fucking some other woman, a memory from your past was playing out in front of you as he taunted and insulted you, as he humiliated you that you would never be a woman who could please a man like she did.
He was cruel and the nightmare intensified when he was swapped and Loki took his place, when he insulted you the same way as he fucked another woman right in front of you. He could have anyone, why would he want you?
Loki noticed you whimpering in your sleep and he knew what it was. He quickly got up and turned the lights on, he magically put his clothes on as he didn't want to scare you then he sat down on the edge of your bed as he tried to wake you up
"Darling wake up" he mumbled softly as he caressed your head, he called out to you two more times and when you opened your eyes you looked around and took a deep breath. Just a nightmare, it was just a nightmare.
"Sorry did I wake you?" You sobbed and he shook his head, he got next to you and wrapped you tightly in his arms to comfort you
"You're safe darling I promise you" you held onto him tightly as he said that. He turned the lights off and the darkness consumed you both, he peppered soft kisses on your forehead as he tried to lull you back to sleep. Just a nightmare, loki could never be so cruel with you, not anymore, that's not who he is.
"When did you put the clothes on?" You tugged on his shirt. He always slept naked
"Just now"
He did it for you, you knew that, he did that so you won't be scared. He didn't need to but the thought warmed your heart, nobody has ever been so thoughtful for you. You placed your hand under his shirt so you could feel his skin and your head between the crook of his neck, inhaling his sweet comforting scent all night, you didn't have a nightmare again.
Next morning you woke up before him for a change, you showered, changed and instantly went to the kitchen to make something for him. Pancakes, eggs, his cup of tea, you prepared it all and as soon as you stepped inside you were met with his angry face
"Are you out of your mind?" Maybe you shouldn't have left without informing him first
"I just wanted to prepare the breakfast" you mumbled meekly as you placed it down on the dresser
"I'm trying to protect you from people out there, but you just love getting yourself in trouble don't you?" He walked closer to you, you instinctively took a few steps back as his angry form scared you a little
"I just wanted to make breakfast" your eyes teared up and he walked closer to you
"Well then I hope you're capable of saving your own fucking ass next time" he walked past you and went straight to the bathroom.
You just wanted to do something nice, maybe you should have informed him, he feels responsible for you
As soon as he got under the shower, he punched the wall in front of him in frustration, that's why he can't be the man or whatever you want him to be, he's too temperamental to treat you right. He can only fulfill one need of yours and that's physical, anyone can do that, he will find a man who will fulfill all your needs. Who'd treat you so tenderly you'd never have to flinch again. Who'd love every little piece of you because you deserve it more than anyone else he has ever known, his life wasn't easy but he was privileged, your life has been a curse until now and he was going to change that.
When he didn't find you next to him he was scared, he thought they took you away and he slept through it, he felt as if he had failed you again. He just wanted to protect you and keep you safe. When he stepped out he found you bundled up on your bed, sniffling. His eyes glanced at the tray of food and he felt immense guilt as he noticed how much effort you have put into it, you just wanted to feed him.
So he grabbed the tray and walked over to you then he placed it on the bedside drawer. What was he supposed to do now? He had no fucking clue
"It's all cold now I'll go warm it up" you sat up on the bed and he sat down
"No need of that..I can use magic" you looked at him as you realised he was being serious, he placed his finger on every plate and it was all warm again, you could even see the smoke coming out of the tea cup
"That's awesome" you smiled and the corner of his mouth curved into a smile
"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have yelled, I..I was worried, I thought they took you"
He tucked your hair away from your face and behind your ear as he spoke
"I should have informed you, I am sorry too" you mumbled as you passed him his plate
"Did I scare you?"
"No" he didn't scare you, you knew he'd never hurt you, not after everything he knows about your past
"Did I hurt you?"
"A little" you mumbled so he nodded
"How do I fix that?" He asked you and it made you smile, his clueless expression made him look so adorable
"You can compliment the breakfast" you told him as you took a bite of the pancakes you made
"It's good, it's scrumptious, you are good at this thing, cooking I mean" you smiled as he said that. You made your first pancake all by yourself at the age of 7. Then you made it for 4 people without any help and didn't even get to eat any
"Thank you"
After breakfast he gave you his phone so you could teach him how the device works, you taught him how to save contacts, make notes, and how to Google search for every information. He seemed confused at times but he was smart enough to get the hang of it
"You can use it to entertain yourself darling" he gave you the Phone and he could see how your face lit up
In evening Thor knocked on the door, and when you opened the door he had his eyes closed, he was scarred by the previous incident it seems
"Ummm Mr Thor?" You called out to him and he opened one of his eyes then he opened them both
"Oh thank the norns, I keep getting images of my brother's bare buttocks in my head, that incident shall never occur again and hence this precaution" he smiled as he finished his sentence and you invited him in
"Did you find something else?" Loki asked him and he shook his head
"Stark is having another party, he wanted me to inform you so you'd be present on time" Loki rolled his eyes and groaned
"How many celebrations does this man have in a week?"
"At Least two but that's just my experience, get ready on time" Thor patted on his shoulder and he was about to leave but he remembered something
"Oh lady y/n you are invited too, Natasha asked me to tell you that if you needed help with anything you can contact her" he told you before he left. You are invited? On the top of it black widow wants to help you get ready? What was happening?
You decided that you didn't need any help and just picked a dress you had in the closet already.
Parties meant models and models meant Loki was going to have sex with atleast one of them. The thought burned you with jealousy, and you could feel your insides churning, it already made you feel nauseous. As you two stepped out to head towards the lounge, you saw Natasha walking towards you two, she looked amazing in the black dress she was wearing. How did she have such a stressful job and still managed to have the most flawless skin?
"We need to fix your face, come with me" she told you and then she looked at Loki
"She won't go anywhere without me, I do not trust anyone here to keep her safe, besides I think she looks fine"
Natasha huffed as she glared at him and they both just stood there glaring at each other
"Fine ten minutes and I'm staying outside the door" the three of you walked towards her bedroom, and then she took you inside,
"Just yell for me if you need me alright?" He told you and you nodded.
You did feel intimidated by her, she haven't exactly been friendly to you since you came here, she did get you all these clothes though so that was nice of her
"Well I don't have your shade but we can do your eyes and lips at least" she told you and you nodded
"I'm sorry I hope I'm not being a nuisance Miss Romanoff". You mumbled and she shook her head
"You have attractive eyes" Did black widow just give you a compliment? You felt your face flushing, compliments always felt better when it came from a girl for some reason
"Thank you so much"
"So what's going on between you and Loki?" She asked you and you shrugged
"Nothing absolutely nothing" you gulped as you said that, but wasn't that the truth? There was nothing going on between you two
"You have got the notorious God of Mischief on the door waiting for you so there must be something" she smiled as she finished with your eyes and then she gave you a lipstick to apply, dark blood red, not something you would have chosen but it went with the dress
"He's just being protective that's it" you looked at yourself in the mirror and for a change you felt good about yourself, she did a smoky eyes for you.
As you stepped out Loki's eyes widened as he looked at you, you didn't need that stuff for it to make you look pretty but it accentuated your natural beauty and he didn't mind that either, how would he keep his hands off you tonight? Well He knew exactly how, he just needed to find a distraction
"So umm this looks okay?" You asked him as you two walked towards the lounge,
"Yes" you wanted to hear more than just yes but that's alright.
As you stepped inside the venue, it was already blitzing and blasting with music, drinks were flowing all around.
"Stay close" he told you and you nodded, he was dragged away by Tony stark but he kept his eyes on you, Loki realized that he can't be around you all the time and that give him an idea, he had to create a charm for you, a protection charm, something that would protect you if someone is trying to hurt you, he could think about that later, he directed his focus on the woman in front of him, she was a beautiful tall brunette and very much interested in him.
Your eyes teared up as you looked at him, he had his hand around her waist, fingers running slowly on her sides, you tried to look away but you couldn't, you liked hurting yourself it seems.
He looked at you and he noticed your sad face, he clearly told you that you and him can not happen, he can't be feeling awful about you getting all mopey as soon as he have another woman by his side,
He needed to cut you off, he needs to stop sleeping with you and he definitely needed to stop filling your head with a possibility of you and him
He walked over to you and you stood up from the couch
"Look alive mortal, why are you staring at me like that?" He asked you and you looked at the woman he was with just a minute ago, she smiled and waved at you so you returned the smile otherwise it would have been rude
"I just.. "
"I'm taking her back to the room with me, but I want you safe, so can you just stay in the bathroom while I'm with her?" He said it nonchalantly as if he was making a business deal, did he not realize how hurtful and humiliating it was for you? You perceived him to be more thoughtful than that
"Whatever you want"
"Follow me"
You followed him and then he grabbed the girl's arm as he walked her towards the bedroom
"Hi I am Penny" she turned around to introduce herself
"Hello" you smiled at her, you couldn't help it, she was being nice to you what were you supposed to do?
As you all reached the bedroom, you excused yourself to the bathroom and they were onto each other as soon as you were out of sight
"So ummm oooh okay" she giggled as she took his clothes off and he undressed her
"What's with the girl? What's happening there?" She asked him and he was taken aback, she was the first one to enquire about you, normally they didn't care that he had another woman hiding in the bathroom
"Do you not watch the news? He asked her as laid her down on his bed
"I do actually, and I need to know if I'm wrecking something, that's not who I am"
He was surprised again.
"She's under my protection, we are not together" he mumbled hurriedly as he just wanted to be done with it
"Okay, since I do watch the news I just want to tell you that I'm really sorry about whatever happened to you" he was surprised again.
As he fucked her, it was different from the women he have fornicated with before, he felt something, something he haven't felt for any of them, except you
"That was amazing" she told him as she dressed herself up
"I'd like to see you again but I can tell you don't want that" she told him and he sighed
"I'm not what you're looking for darling" he told her as he buttoned his shirt
"How do you know what I'm looking for?"
He smiled as she said that.
He took her and you back to the party, you didn't want to cry and ruin the effort of Miss Romanoff but watching him with her, you just knew it was different, he never seemed interested in any of the women he was fucking before but you could tell she intrigued him.
And that broke your heart, because you could never compete with her, not for his heart because it never belonged to you.
Taglist @michelleleewise  @el-zef   @mcufan72   @xorpsbane   @christineblood   @asgardianprincess1050   @123forgottherest   @ladymischief11   @elenaysusneuras   @daddylokisqueen   @xpixiedevilx   @dopeqff   @lokischambermaid   @unabashed-lover-of-fictional-men   @evansabove1981  @lokisgoddessofwar  @disneyismyworldforever  @multifandom-world8  @snigdha-14 @nixymarvelkins @froggiecky @multifandom-boss-bitch @keegansakura @accio-peach @catalina712 @lokiprompts @chaotics17 @yourmajesty13
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Mum Friend
Hey Besties <3 this is the last post of the day :) Hope you enjoyed them all and feel free to have an amazing day or treat yourself because you deserve it. enjoy :)
Summary: Caring in the little ways
You would 110% be described as the mum friend of the team 
You made sure Tony and Bruce ate
“Tony! Bruce! I made you both some pasta” you called pushing the door to the lab open with your back “no thanks kid we’re too busy to eat right now” Tony muttered waving his hand dismissively not even bothering to look up from his work bench as Bruce nodded in agreement. “Jarvis activate ‘Make time’ please and thank you” you said to the AI as the men made noises of protest but still sat done and waited for you to give them the food.
You kept Nat company as she spent hours in the training room
You watched as Nat pummelled the punch bag, grunting at the impact “Nat take a break and grab some water you look like you're a walking corpse” you spoke from the bench worry evident in the scrunch of your eyebrows knowing she tends to overwork herself when she is stressed “I’m fine Y/n just 10 more minutes and I’ll be done”, one thing Nat always tired to do when she was stressed was brush of your concern by lying straight to your face “you said that an hour ago, come on let’s go watch a movie yeah?” you said walking out the room knowing she’d follow after you.
You looked after Thor when he was upset
You put the Pop-Tarts in the toaster as the man sat on the couch with a numb sort of look on his face, the kind of look you wear when you have lost all hope. You wouldn’t have one of the strongest and kindest men you knew give up. “Hey you know when I first met you I knew we would be good friends and I’m just realising that I never said thank you for everything you did for me, well continue to do for me so thank you” you said plopping into the empty space next to him, you knew he wouldn’t answer and that was fine as long as he knew he was cared for and had a positive impact on someone's life.
You made sure Loki was okay even though he claimed he didn’t need help from a child
You had always sat with Loki when he was reading in the library Stark had invested in (something you made sure happened for Loki’s sake) and it was something he found annoying (-ly enjoyable). “Why do you always have to sit with me when I’m reading? You do realise i can take care of myself” he muttered eyes glued to the page “oh I’m not doubting that I just think it’s nice for everyone to have someone and I want to be your friend. Anyway you’re the one who keeps reading out loud to me” you replied happily as he turned the next page and with that he carried on reading.
You helped Sam make food for family BBQ’s (you were always invited as well)
You counted the number of bread rolls Sam had packed making sure there was enough for everyone to have at least 2 “Sam did you eat 2 of these?” you asked moving to pack a toy for the youngest kiddies coming as you knew you would be on babysitting duty as the closest in age “what noooooooo” the man denied unconvincingly “good thing I told Sarah to get some spares, she says to tell you to not make me do everything for you because you’re not paying me it technically counts as child labour” you quipped
You helped Steve remind Bucky why he continues to help him
“Steve was telling me that last week you asked if maybe Tony would let you get a cat” you said holding a box behind your back as Steve and Bucky gave you a quizzical look “sooooo I asked if I could get a cat and we all know how bad he is at saying no to me and basically what I’m trying to say is I got you a cat, meet Alpine” you slowly handed the box to Bucky as he opened it with teary eyes “Thank you so much doll” the man spoke as he held the kitten with so much care. You didn’t just do this to make him happy, you knew that if Steve knew Bucky had something to comfort him when he couldn’t do it himself then he would also be happy. “Ahh it’s nothing, just make sure I get your legendary pancakes tomorrow morning and we’ll be fine” you called over your shoulder as you walked down the hall back to your room.
You helped Wanda and Vision cook for everyone
“Okay and then we add this?” Vision questioned as the both of you held spoonfuls of spice, heads tilted to the sized and eyebrows scrunched. You looked exactly the same and the witch made a mental note to get Jarvis to rewind the security cameras and get a picture of that. “Y/n yes, Vision darling no” she giggled at the man’s face as you fist bumped the air and whispered “suck it metal man”. It was times like this she was glad to have a kid who cared enough to play some sort of family with the two of them.
So yes you were the youngest of the team
But you were also the most caring and the one who took their time with people even though you had better things to do 
You would 110% be described as the mum friend
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beyondspaceandstars · 3 years
hello writer!! i was wondering if you could do a fluff arranged marriage loki oneshot with the prompt “can we makeout now?”
thanks for considering!
Dating and Marriage
Relationship: Loki x Reader
Warnings: N/A, just fluff!
Word Count: 1.9k
A/N: alright i hope this is okay and ended up well i love the arrange marriage AU and i thought i was gonna be better at putting this together but maybe its clunky or something idk i still like it so i hope you do as well!
It had taken you a while to get somewhere in your relationship with Loki.
When the two of you were informed you had already been promised to one another before either of your births, you weren’t too shocked. As both of you came from royal standings, arranged marriages were far too common for a variety of reasons. In your case, it was to cement a peace treaty.
Sure, at first, you and Loki were very annoyed with the decision, especially since neither of you was ever even given the chance to be in on the conversation but that annoyance wasn’t allowed for very long. You two were adults now and had to take on your royal responsibilities as such. That responsibility included following through on the outlined marriage.
Loki didn’t seem to harbor any malice towards you and you never held anything against him. But, still, it wasn’t like you two were in love. You were tolerating one another.
And for a while, that toleration was enough. As a couple, you were quite poised in public. Sometimes you thought maybe it was hard for others to believe it was an arranged marriage based on how much you seemed to accept each other’s company. It was okay at times, you felt like you had a friend. Being a royal in a whole new palace could be lonely. Loki at least would spare you some time to sit and chat.
But this unusual friendship you two had started after the wedding was growing into something else for you day by day. And as much as he probably wanted to deny it, you could see something shift within Loki. He’d look at you differently. Reach for your hand when out of the public eye. Even began inviting you to spend his leisure time with him.
There was no avoiding the fact you two were headed on a different course than originally planned in this arrangement and despite its prevalence, you two didn’t speak about it. But you were growing greatly tired of ignoring it.
"We should go on a date," you suddenly said one afternoon. You and Loki were sitting in the library. He was in his favorite chair, consumed with some fairytale while you were seated on the couch across from him, in the process of knitting…something. You didn’t know what — you had only taken up knitting because you had heard other princesses did it. Making scarves had become all the rage.
You could feel Loki eyeing you suspiciously as you tried working on another stitch.
Eventually, he placed his book to the side and spoke. "A date?" Loki echoed.
You shrugged, not taking your eyes off the yarn. "Yeah, a date. You know, just the two of us. We could go out or — or maybe make some dinner here. I’ve been having the kitchen servants teach me about cooking."
"I know what a date is," he sighed. "What I meant is, why should we go on a date? We’re already married."
You felt a bit defeated with that response. You set your yarn on your lap and looked at your husband. He was watching you quite intensely, waiting for your answer. You shivered under the icy stare.
"Y-You don’t want to—"
Loki cut you off abruptly. "I didn’t say that." He glanced down then back at you. "It’s just that… Dates are for wooing, yes? Why would I need that when I can already tell you’re taken with me."
Your heart dropped. You blinked at him, stunned. You hadn’t expected him to just…admit he knew what was working up in your mind. There was some pride in his eyes at your reaction but behind it, you could make out a hint of fascination.
You tried shaking off your pounding heart. You promptly picked back up the yarn, continuing your hopeless scarf, as you responded, "Have you never considered that maybe your wife still wants to be wooed despite the status of her interest."
"So you admit," he chuckled, "you have fallen for me."
You scoffed, "Don’t act all high and mighty. I’m well aware of how you look at me."
You heard Loki lean back in the chair as the leather of it creaked. You could feel his eyes roaming over you but you didn’t know in what capacity. Whatever was in his eyes now you were ignoring as you frantically tried to focus on knitting and not your love confession.
"Okay," he eventually said. "We’ll have a date."
It was impossible for you to hold back the smile forming on your lips.
After minimal deliberation, Loki agreed to let you cook for him. You had heard that the Midgardians used food as signs of love and were fascinated with trying to learn some dishes. You studied with the servants for days trying to perfect a meal. They were always a little uncertain about letting a princess in where servant frequented but once you explained this time you were cooking to please your husband, they giggled like schoolgirls, excited to help.
Once you felt prepared enough, you informed your husband of when you wanted the date. You may have had to do some rework of both your royal schedules but it was fine. Meetings are forever, love can be fleeting.
You were preparing the food when Loki hesitantly entered the kitchen. You had explained that you two would be eating at the kitchen table. It was just a little table where servants usually sat to eat meals or relax in between shifts.
Loki had originally protested this saying he was not of such low status. You assured him that there was no intimacy to be found at the grand dining hall. It was far too big and annoying for two people. He didn’t argue further, just mumbling that he’d be there at the time requested.
And, luckily, he followed through.
"Hi, honey," you smiled, watching the stew simmer above the flame.
Loki took his seat gently as if he was going to catch something from the table. "This is really what you wanted to do for our date?"
You nodded. "I’ve had so much fun learning this meal and doesn’t it smell great? I think it’s going to be nice. I ever have bread baking." You motioned towards the stone oven. Loki followed your gaze but didn’t look impressed yet.
"We could’ve very easily had someone make this for us," Loki pointed out. "We have that luxury, darling."
You rolled your eyes, turning back to your bubbling stew. You could feel your anger bubbling in the same fashion.
"That’s not the point, Loki," you said, the tone in the kitchen shifting as you spoke his name. You rarely ever did. He perked up as you continued, "The point is that I, your wife, like you and would like to express my adornment through a freshly cooked meal."
Loki fell silent with that, something that was so rare for him. You didn’t push any further, though, and instead killed the fire under the stew and presented your bread from the oven. You divided it out into individual portions then placed each on the table. Still with an annoyed, sour look, you sat across from your husband. He was watching the stew, you were watching him.
"It—It looks delicious," he said
"Thank you," you mumbled. You two dug in then, this date now turning out a bit more awkward than you had planned. Neither of you spoke for a while, instead filling the kitchen with the slurping of soup and chewing of bread.
Loki soon began looking between you and the food like he was working up the courage to say something which was absolutely ridiculous to you. Your husband was one of the most outspoken people in the realm.
Eventually, you just decided to look up at him, your eyes begging for him to say whatever he wanted to say.
"This meal is lovely," Loki eventually said. "Th-Thank you for…doing all this."
You smiled, a faint blush creeping up on your cheeks. "You’re welcome."
Loki finished his stew then asked, "What else should we do on this date?"
Now you were really blushing. While taking your little cooking classes, you asked the servants what else goes on on dates. They seemed like lovely girls and you were curious. You had heard stories before of dancing and parties but you wanted something more intimate and you had never actually been on much of a date before. You spent time with boys in your youth and the night before your wedding you and Loki had talked for a little bit but nothing was ever of such fashion.
One servant had informed you, quite shyly, that she and her boyfriend always finished their dates by making out. You had gasped, amazed at her bluntness but then remembered these were servant girls. They lived far less controlled lives than you.
You were partially envious but then you realized, technically, you had a husband. A husband who was capable of making out with you even if such actions and beyond were typically reserved for very a calculated time — heir bearing, such intimacy only happened during the time when potential conception was at its peak.
"Well," you said, running your spoon through your bowl of stew, "one of the servants that helped me said her and her boyfriend end their dates with make-outs."
"Making out?" Loki repeated, brows raised in surprise. "But it’s not—"
"I know."
He looked away. You could practically see the gears turning in his brain. "You want to make out with me for fun."
You giggled at his shock. "Is that so unbelievable? I thought we already established I am into my husband."
"Yes, but you, well, neither of us, have never been so bold before."
"But it’s not such a bad thing," you shrugged, "to be so bold."
Loki hummed in agreement as he eyed you. There was something in his expression you couldn’t quite put your finger on but you definitely knew something between you two had shifted. It had already been shifting, sure, but your newly expressed desires opened the dam walls.
"Alright, dear, I think I can indulge you."
You smiled at his excitement which he was certainly trying to hide. But you maybe wanted to take a moment to maybe mess with him a bit. "Hmm," you glanced around at the dirty pots and pans, "after we clean up."
Loki’s jaw dropped. "What?"
"We can get on with our date once we clean up."
"You’re kidding me, right?" He pointedly asked. You shook your head. Loki huffed, "When did my wife become such a tease?"
You stood up, collecting your bowls and plates, bringing them to the counter. "I’ve always been like this, honey," you said. "Maybe you just have to get to know me a little bit more."
Loki began stalking towards you as you pretended to be fooling with the dirty dishes. "Well, darling," he said as his hands came upon your hips, "there’s something you must know about me and it’s that I don’t like to be kept waiting."
"I can maybe leave all this for later if you ask nicely."
He scoffed. "Are you asking me to beg?"
You shook your head. "I’m just asking you to ask nicely."
"Fine," he sighed. "Please, can we make out now?"
You sighed, leaning into his hard body. His arms moved to wrap around your waist now. "Yes, your majesty."
Loki chuckled lowly, dangerously, in your ear. "Thank you, princess."
He leaned his head around and within seconds, your lips were captured with his, getting more and more lost in one another as you two become a miss of kisses and touches.
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yourstruly-caycay · 3 years
Father’s Approval
Part 2
Loki found his daughter, Hel, has been mumble something while writing. It's the first time he see her being this serious. He silently approach her, then hug her from behind.
"Oi dad, what are you doing?"
"I just want to hug my daughter, duh."
"Whatever you say." She roll her eyes as Loki chuckle.
"So, what are you writing?"
"Just plotting a prank for my boyfriend so I can see more of his expression."
"I see- what?"
"What?" Hel kinda regret telling this to her father.
"What did you say? Boyfriend?"
"Forget of what I said."
Immediately she run as fast as she can from her father, he'll not only interrogate her. She know that telling this to Loki will be the end of peaceful life for her boyfriend.
"Hel, wait up!" Loki chase her as she race faster and find a hiding place. As she hide, Loki is searching for her. "Oi Hel, what do you mean by boyfriend? You better give me an explanation, young lady."
Yeah, an explanation then he'll plot a prank for her boyfriend, and it'll not be harmless one either.
"You already know that she have a boyfriend? Why didn't you tell me earlier?" Loki complain to Y/n as she try to explain.
"I would like to tell you, but Hel doesn't allow me too." You let out a small laugh as Loki pout.
"Do you know about her boyfriend?"
"Not much, but I think I ever saw them having a date together."
Once you have explain it, you see him having an irritate expression. He sure doesn't like any boy that come after Hel, what if the boyfriend someday cheat or dump her, or maybe being toxic, or....
You're patting Loki's back to calm him, "She’s an adult now, she can take the responsibility, just chill.”
“Does the boy even worth to be with her?” He’ll try to find out more of her boyfriend.
After that, Loki turn himself into butterfly and watch on where his daughter is going. He finally able to see Hel with her boyfriend, the guy is pretty tall, and a bit buff.  He observe the boy as Hel cling into his arm, and oh my, the amount of irritation Loki have when Hel obviously flirting with him, but he give no reaction nor say more words surely remind Loki of Thor; and it pissed him off. “what a boring one.”  Loki already annoyed at the boyfriend’s expression, himself didn’t know on how Hel fall in love with that stoic guy, he’s clearly the polar opposite of her. 
When the couple are having picnic, Loki shift into a bird. He stand on the branch, and watch the couple eating together — kinda remind of the day when he date you, but still doesn’t change the fact that he’s frown seeing his daughter being with a stoic boy, having surround by stoic men (Odin and Thor) already feel suffocate by their serious face and lack of humor, another carbon copy of them will stress him out.
“Say ‘aah’.” Hel offering him a dessert, and as he’s about to eat it, Loki immediately fly to them and grab the dessert. Hel become panic, yet irritate at the bird for ruining the moment. Loki hide somewhere and turn into himself, secretly eating the dessert that his daughter make it, he really love her baking. “That damn bird-”
“It’s okay, Hel.” Her boyfriend try to calm her.
She sigh and give up “Oh fine-” He suddenly spoon her some food in it. 
“Let’s just enjoy this date.” For once, Hel see her boyfriend let out a small smile at her as he remove her hair to see her clearer. Although, her face suddenly turn into a tomato and mind try to process what just happened.
“Hel? Are you okay?” Her boyfriend become worried, without realizing that Loki been watching them while fuming inside. 
“That damn boy.” Loki thought, hiding behind among the bushes and tree — he still have no like toward him.
Suddenly, Y/n out of nowhere suddenly behind Loki, and pinch his ear. “Ouch, who the hell- Y/n?” 
“Are you planning a prank on them?” Loki didn’t answer your question since he can already tell that you know it judge from your eyes glance at the dessert that he eat it. She sigh as she sit next to him, “Don’t ever think of pranking that poor boy, unless you want to make Hel upset at you.”  
“But what if-” 
“she can just beat his ass if he did something bad to her, easy as that sound, hm?” She chuckle as Loki roll his eyes with a slight laugh. 
“So... are you gonna accept-”
“No.” He said with a smile, as he’s about to eat the dessert, Y/n immediately eat entirely of the dessert from his hand. Loki become panic and glare at you, but not serious at all.
“Just accept the fact that her boyfriend is like this.” You playfully pinch his cheek, Loki still got annoyed at their date plus Y/n eating the dessert. Although, he come closer to your face and lick the crumb on her face. 
“There’s some leftover crumb on your face.” He smirk, but he receive a hit on shoulder from you as he laugh quietly.
“You can just tell me instead of licking it.” You’re blushing, although you notice that Hel and her boyfriend are a bit closer than usual, as if they’re about to kiss.
You peek at them as you’re silently happy on the inside. “What a cute couple.” You close mouth to hold your squeal, Loki look up to where you’re gazing.
Hel and her boyfriend are close — maybe too close — so close to each other that they’re about to kiss. 
“Oh you motherfucker-” Loki about to rush into the scene when Y/n hold him back.
“Do not ruin the moment.” Y/n glare at him, but he ignore it as he turn into a crow and fly away from you. Their lip are inch closer when suddenly Loki block their way and peck the poor boy. Hel try to stop the bird, but the bird a.k.a Loki, is too stubborn to fly away from them.
All that Y/n can do is watch the scene in a silent irritation and facepalming, Hel is definitely fuming as she try to get rid of the bird. You can’t do anything about it either, a big possibility that you’ll be the one who will beat him up instead of Hel.
To be continue ~
Get ready for Poseidon because.... he’s the scariest out of the four. 👁👄👁💧
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The Cold Never Bothered Me Anyway (2/?)
Loki Laufeyson x Reader
Summary: You are a mutant with the powers of ice and cold and you have never been able to be touched or touch anyone without making them uncomfortable, or worse, hurting them. You’ve always desperately wished for physical affection, and it isn't until a new silver tongued Asgardian moves into the Avengers tower and takes an interest in you that anyone really dares to try to be physical with you.
Word Count: 1.5k
A/N: This is some drama to push them to the next level- no warnings yet, just some of Y/N getting hurt and Loki coming to the rescue! Warnings apply for the next chapter! Part 1 Ever since Loki showed you he was the only person in the universe that could truly touch you, life went on in blissful closeness with him. He started spending more time with you outside of the library, the two of you eating together and watching movies together, even hanging out with you while you were with Wanda and Nat. Wanda didn’t like it at first, (she was very untrustworthy of new people) but Nat just knew. She knew from the start and didn’t push at first because she knew things would develop over time. But even Wanda figured it out- it wasn’t hard, watching you become more and more at ease with touching him and him touching you. You had never let anyone do that, and the fact that he could meant a lot. So she stopped giving you a hard time about having him around, enjoying how his presence changed you for the better.
The rest of the team started to notice it too- and each time someone would start to give you a hard time, Nat shut it down very quickly. As weeks went by, you had both started falling asleep every night in the library, the living room, the hang out room- wherever had a big enough space for you both to fall asleep wrapped around each other. You were both too afraid to ask to go to sleep in one anothers room.
You were currently on the couch in the living room with Loki, practically in his lap with his arm wrapped around you while he read a book and you scrolled Tik Tok.
“Team, time to suit up. We have a situation in Georgia that needs our attention. We’ll debrief on the plane. All hands on deck for this one. Avengers- Assemble.” You heard Steve’s voice, and you groaned, grumpy that you had to not only leave the safety of your home, but mostly the safety of Loki’s embrace.
It was a gruesome mission- a high profile organization was trying to steal some very dangerous equipment from a location in Georgia, and a lot of people got hurt trying to stop them. Including you. The problem was that you had hit your head after getting shot, and you wouldn’t let anyone come too close, so you were attacking anyone and everyone who came to try to help you- Nat and Wanda included.
Nat was desperate. “Where’s Loki?” She screamed into her com- but Loki’s had fallen off in battle, and he was still in combat with some bad people. “Tony- get eyes on Loki and get him over here right now!” You were bleeding out, and no one could touch you to get you onto the plane.
“Friday, locate Reindeer Games- Elsa’s hurt and she needs true love to heal her-” Tony sing-songed, flying up and over the plant, and when he located Loki, he sent shots out to hit all the men circling the God, swooping in and picking him up by the back of the shirt.
“HEY!” Loki screamed, which Tony ignored, flying him to where Nat was with you. You were starting to lose consciousness, and Nat was trying to keep you awake without touching you. He dropped Loki unceremoniously on the ground beside you, the God’s anger rushing out of him at the treatment the moment he saw you. “Y/N? What happened?!” He yelled back at Nat, crawling over to you.
“They got her, she’s got wounds all over and she won’t let anyone touch her, and anyone who has gets one of these burns-” she showed him her arms, covered in icy patches. Loki basically threw magic her way to melt the ice off, putting all of his focus on you.
“Hey, popsicle, it’s me. I’m going to get you on the ship and we’re going to get you better, okay?” He went to pick you up, paused, and then looked around at the avengers surrounding him. “Please don’t look- please.” He asked, and Nat stared them all down until they turned around. He picked you up bridal style, and immediately felt a wave of ice shoot through him. His whole body changed as the onslaught came- so cold it affected him. The pain shot through his blue limbs, red eyes focused on getting you to the ship a few yards away. Nat was ahead of him, climbing in and turning the machine on. He could feel the eyes of the team on him, and he tried to ignore it. That was easy considering all he could focus on was the pain coursing through him, and getting you safe. Finally, he got you in, and Natasha was already flying the three of you away. He placed you down and cupped your face. “Darling, look at me, please keep your eyes open.” You looked up at him and groaned in pain.
“Please, Loki…” You cried, your voice strained in pain. “Please…”
He placed both of his hands on your wound, trying to ease the bleeding, the pain of ice slowing down as you started to lose consciousness. “I’m sorry, Loki…” was the last thing you said, and the last thing you saw was his beautiful blue face contorted in pain as you slipped away from him.
You woke up days later, confused and afraid, unsure of what happened or where you were. What you were sure of was a hand in yours... and when you opened your eyes you saw a messy head of black hair asleep by your hip, the hand holding yours under his head. You squeezed it, jostling him from his position enough to wake him.
“Y/N?” His sleepy voice croaked, blinking rapidly and rubbing his eyes with his free hand.
“Where am I?” you asked, trying to sit up.
“Hey, don’t move too much, you’re still healing.” He stopped you, hand on your chest to keep you down. “ You’re in the ICU at the Tower. You’ve been out for a week… we had to keep you out because you kept accidentally hurting the doctors. I had to do a lot of the physical touching because you couldn’t hurt me as easily…” His cheeks turned pink and he looked away from you, and you realized what that might have meant. Loki had seen you in a lot of unflattering, very intimate ways in the last few days, by your estimation.
“Did I… did-”
“No, popsicle. Everyone is fine. I was able to use my magic to heal their ice wounds- I would have healed you too, but your injury was a little too complex for me to trust myself.”
You breathed a sigh of relief. You couldn’t have forgiven yourself if… “Did I hurt you? Did the rest of the team see you- in my favorite form?” You asked, eyes worried for him. You knew how he felt about his Jotun form.
“I… asked them to look away. They all did, but once I wasn’t looking, they definitely looked. I’m pretty sure Natasha beat everyone up that did, since they all apologized after. Dr. Green didn’t, and I don’t think Spangles did either, because they’re the only ones that Natasha is currently speaking with.” He said, looking down in what you could only assume was shame.
“Loki, no one will judge you for it, it’s your base form, and you put yourself at risk of ridicule for my safety. They will all respect it.”
“I think you’re right, but it’s not my favorite thing to know that they’ve all… seen me like that. I liked that you were the only one. It was something special.”
You smiled at him, squeezing the hand still holding yours. “You’re still the only one able to touch me, Loki, I think that’s pretty special.”
His eyes found yours and the look in them lit something up inside of you, making you ache for him to be closer and touch you more than he had before. He took a deep breath, before breaking eye contact. “I’m going to go get the doctor so he can check you out, and maybe you can get out of here today and be back in your room tonight.”
After a thorough check up by the doctor, he deemed you healthy enough to sleep in your own bed that night. After giving you pain meds, Loki helped you there, and by the time you were in your bed, you were a little silly on the meds. “Loki?”
He had just put you to bed and was about to leave, but turned back around and sat down beside you. “Yes, popsicle?”
“Stay?” You reached forward and took his hand, tugging on him a little, trying to get him to lay down. Without saying anything, he did as asked, and climbed into bed beside you, pulling you to him. You fell asleep thinking about how perfectly you fit in the curve of his body as his little spoon.
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loving-all-for-loki · 3 years
Voiceless Love Chapter 7: Missing You
Loki x reader, Bucky x reader
Word count: 2166
Warnings: swearing, sad reader, Bucky fluff
A/N: Okay, so for anyone who’s reading this as their introduction to this series, Loki is not in this a ton. I have a little, but if you didn’t read chapter 6, this is going to be very confusing. As for the series, this is the last “base” chapter meaning there are going to be two different options: the Bucky route and the Loki route. There may be three to four more chapters on each route until the end, I’m not entirely sure, but the choose your own part of the series starts after this chapter. I will be posting the next chapter for each route at the same time so the schedule is still continuous. Also for my tag lists, I will be tagging you in both. If you’d rather not be tagged in both and just one, please let me know. <3 Other than that, thank you for all the support. Remember the tag list is still open if you want to get tagged in the upcoming chapters. Back to the heart wrenching story.
Tag List: @caffeineoverloadandstudying @zizzlekwum @daddysfavoritesexkitten @buckylokisimp @magicalpieex @lokiyoulittle
You’re not sure how long it’s been since Loki was taken back to Asgard. Someone could tell you it’s been an hour or two months, but it wouldn’t make a difference. The outside light has not seen your room since. Your heart has not felt joy. The Avengers have not been blessed with your presence. 
Bucky started to get really concerned for you days ago. They haven’t seen you come out of your room for food or even the bathroom. Tony teased the thought of you being dead, but nobody found it funny. Bucky even yelled at him for the insults about Loki still, knowing if you were to hear them by any chance, you’d go ape shit.
He’s tried to make contact with you, but he fails every time. Leaving food by your door, sliding notes underneath, even knocking and begging you to talk to him, but he’s always faced with deafening silence. His heart has not been the same since you locked yourself away. Steve complains about him no longer being a good spar partner and replacing him with Sam. He’s been left out of two missions for not being focused enough or being too chaotic. One time our of pure anger, Bucky ignored Cap’s orders and almost got himself killed.
“Bucky this isn’t the time to play around. We need you in the game. Don’t screw up again.”
“I’m sorry, Steve, but I-” “There are no buts in war and I think you’d know that. I understand your concern for Y/N, but you need to let it go. She’s not coming out. Leave her be. Focus on the missions or else I’m going to have to bench you.”
Bucky knows Steve is right, but there’s nothing he can do to stop his brain from thinking about you all day long. Every time he passes the library, he longs for the time where you would spend all day there reading stories about love and adventure. He longs for when you’d sneak into his room and spend all day in bed with him, asking him to read to you. He longs for your writings on his skin again. He feels so empty and boring without your scribbles all along his arm.
He sits around the living area ll day, drinking coffee and staring out of the window. The tower feels so quiet without you and Loki running around giggling, baking, reading, etc. It doesn’t feel like home even if home involves Bucky watching someone he loves love someone else. He misses your touches and glances. The way you’d offer for him to join you or taste the cookies you made. He even misses the occasional times Loki put too much salt in the cookies and made him eat them. 
Bucky walks over to the door to your bedroom solemnly. He slides down the door and sits there with his long legs blocking the whole floor of the hall. He slowly rolls his knuckles on the door, knocking and hoping to get your attention yet he gets no response.
You’ve been under your blankets crying for so long, you don’t know how time works. The only thing reminding you that you’re alive is the times when Bucky comes and tries to talk to you. You have no energy to get out of bed due to the consistent crying you’ve been doing. You feel like you’re getting weaker every day. It’s the same feeling as when you healed Bucky from almost dying. Moving becomes a chore and you can’t fathom doing anything. No one is really sure how you haven’t eaten or peed for this long, even you. Sometimes you like to think it’s Loki’s magic allowing you to mourn the loss of him working. There are moments where you feel him around you.
You miss his cold touches, sending chills down your spine. His bedroom has become a place of pain and you refuse to go near it. Because he isn’t around to pick you up, you haven’t drank or taken a bath either. You completely ignore taking care of yourself. There’s no point in taking care of yourself if there’s no one to admire you. 
Bucky comes up to your door again and starts knocking. You see his body block some of the light coming from under your door, showing that he’s sitting there. The sound surrounds you in the quiet room and drowns out your sobs. 
“Y/N, please talk to me. We’re all concerned for you and want to help you.”
You ignore his voice, turning over to look at the wall opposite of it. Pulling the blankets over your head, you try to fall asleep but Bucky keeps talking to you through the door.
“I remember when I fell off the train back in… actually, I don’t remember when, but I woke up and was surrounded by Hydra. For years, I felt alone. I would black out at times when they controlled me and I didn’t know what was happening. Then Steve found me and told me he knew me. I was confused and scared. I was a soldier with no memory. For months, I was with someone who knew me, but I felt so alone. There was so much I was missing and didn’t know. Everything terrified me and made me alarmed. I was on the edge of my seat all the time. What I’m trying to say is I know how you feel. You miss someone you care for and I missed a whole part of my life I longed for again. I felt the loneliness you’re going through and I isolated myself, too. It was a terrible time and I want to help you. I don’t want you to deal with the feelings because I remember how it felt. Please, let me help you.”
At the end of his long speech, you felt yourself get up off of bed, still covered in your blankets. You open the door and look down at Bucky sitting with his legs out. He looks up to you with a pity smile as you stare down, still with tears running down your face. Bucky stands up and pulls you into him, holding you in a tight embrace. 
“I know I said some… unkind things and I’m sorry. I’m also sorry you don’t have Loki here. We’ll get him back.”
You don’t believe him when he says they’ll get him back. You’re aware he’s only saying this to make you feel better, but your heart hopes his words are true and honest. The warmth of his body against yours makes you miss Loki even more, wishing it were his body. You squeeze tighter, imagining Loki in your head with his long hair, blue eyes, and strong hands. Bucky squeezes back, rubbing his hand up and down on your waist. 
“You’ll be okay, doll.”
You back up from Bucky’s hug and adjust your blanket. He takes your hand and leads you down the hallways to the living are where Nat, Sam, and Steve are sitting. They quiet down their conversation as you walk in. Nobody looks your way or makes any comment about you leaving your room. Bucky has you sit down at the kitchen counter as he scrummages through the fridge.
“I’m sure you’re hungry. Do want anything specific?”
You shake your head and the way you don’t speak doesn’t go unmissed. Bucky nods, knowing the progress with you talking has gone away and you’re back to square one. He pulls out some leftovers and give them to you. You pick up a spoon timidly and start eating, but Bucky thinks you look weak. Your hand is shaking as you bring it to your mouth. It’s as if you had healed him again. 
“Are you feeling okay?”
You shake your head no which alerts him. Bucky immediately takes the food from you and picks up you bridal style.
“Bucky, what ARE you doing?” Nat asks.
“She’s not well, I’m taking her to med bay.”
Steve gets up and follows Bucky and you. He watches as you keep dropping your head and waking up as if you can’t stay awake. Steve then looks up to his best friend and sees how tired he looks as well. Everyone’s aware of Bucky’s feelings about you and he knows nothing will change that, even your own love for Loki. Sometimes Bucky’s obsession and attachment to you scares him. He’s worried he’ll lose Buck in his pinning for you, his longing, his jealousy. He’s seen Buck in hard times, but sparring with him for the last two months while you were with Loki was rough to watch. Bucky was rough, sporadic. He was irresponsible during missions, reckless. It was like he had a death wish. 
“Buck,” Steve says once he sees you fall asleep, “we need to talk.”
“Not until she’s being taken care of.”
“That’s the thing. Your attachment to her is unhealthy.”
“Steve, I know you lost your love years ago and I’m sorry, but my love is here in my arms and she doesn’t even know who she is to me. If I can do something, I will.”
“I have nothing against you helping her, but you need to detach from her a little bit. I’m scared for you.
“I’m fine.”
“No, you’re not. You’re going to get yourself killed if you stop stressing over her all the time.”
Bucky doesn’t say anything, knowing that Steve is right. He doesn’t dare to argue against him because a) he doesn’t want to wake you and b) he knows nothing he says will change Steve’s concern for him. He’s right, though. He had been reckless, almost dying even after the first time. He’s hid his injuries from the other teammates, but looking down at you, he can’t help but think how it’s worth it. If he doesn’t have you, he has nothing. As long as you’re around, even if you’re not his, he’s happy.
“She’s all that matter to me now.”
“I understand that.”
They arrive at the Medbay and keep you there. 
Weeks go by and you finally return to the team. Everyone welcomes you back with some drinks and games, trying to get you to warm back up to them. You appreciate the sweet gesture, give into their advances, and stay out there with them. Bucky’s heart jumps with joy seeing you smile and enjoy your time with the Avengers. A couple drinks in and Tony decides to play truth or dare with everyone which makes you roll your eyes.
“Really?” Clint complains.
“What? It’s fun!” “It’s childish, Tony.”
“Yeah, seriously, can’t we play something else?” Steve complains, too.
“How about drink or dare?” Nat offers.
“I like how you think, Ksenia Onatupp.”
Confused, Nat looks to Steve who is equally confused and shrugs. Tony grabs a large bottle of Vodka from the kitchen and sets it on the table.
“Alright, since he made fun of me, I say Legolas goes first.”
“This is so dumb.”
A couple rounds go by and everyone is a little tipsy. You end up sitting on Bucky's lap with your legs across him. He keeps a protective arm around your waist as his metal arm rests on your thigh, rubbing his thumb up and down. Steve keeps looking over to see you two cuddling, disapproving the way Bucky has been ignoring his advice and keeping some distance. He visited you every day while you were recovering from everything.
“Y/N, I dare you to dance.”
You furrow your eyebrows at the lack of music and direction. Tony looks incredibly proud, but as a more sober person, you know how dumb that dare is so you take a drink. Tony groans at you, but everyone else is just drunk enough (beside Thor who could chug three whole bottles of Vodka and feel nothing, lucky duck) to not care. You turn to Bucky and yawn, which is his signal to pick you up and carry you to your room.
You wander to the bathroom in your room to chance while Bucky waits in your room. He looks around at all the new things on your bookshelf. There’s a little stuffed snake which he’s sure Loki got for you as well as a lot of photos of you and him in frames. There’s one of you two during a movie night, you on his lap, and one of him kissing you while dancing. The smile on your face is wider than Bucky has ever seen. He knew you were happy with Loki, he just refused it.
Bucky walks back to your bed when you stroll in. You lay down as he tucks you in and kisses you on the forehead. Before he walks away, you grab his arm and dig through the table next to your bed. You grab your pen which you haven’t used in awhile and write ‘thank you’ on his arm.
“Of course, doll. I’ll see you in the morning.”
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lailyn · 3 years
This Magical Journey Called Multiple (Chapter 3)
“Tony, help me get all the equipment away,” Stephen urged as he darted forward, hands glowing with magic. He had always known that this day would come, when he would finally catch a glimpse of Loki’s true nature. He only wished he had been more prepared for it. 
But this was still Loki, and right now, Loki needed his help. 
Stephen thawed the frost surrounding Loki’s bed with his magic and raised the Mirror Dimension around them to contain Loki’s once-dormant ice magic from overspilling into the real world.
Amid the swirls of vapor where ice met fire, Loki stirred.
“Loki,” Stephen heard Tony exclaim and felt his heart begin to pound. 
He was forgetting something, something very, very important. What had Thor told him once?  
Then he remembered. “Don’t touch him, Tony!” 
Loki let out a low moan, and either Tony did not hear him or chose not to, he watched in horror as his husband reached for Loki all the same. 
A magic lasso lashed across the room and seized Tony’s wrist just in the nick of time. 
“What the hell did I just say?” Stephen barked. “Do you want to lose your fingers?”
Tony stared at the shackle around his wrist for a second before shaking it loose. 
“I’ll apologise later,” Stephen said grimly, nodding at the figure on the bed. “I think he’s coming around.”
“Loki, wake up,” Tony commanded. 
“Tony?” Loki mumbled. His eyes opened to reveal pupils as red as rubies. 
Tony uttered a gasp but quickly reined in his astonishment but it was too late; the hand Loki was already extending toward him froze in mid-air.
“Loki…” Tony wanted nothing more than to take the outstretched hand, as blue as it was with its gleaming onyx nails, tapered and razor-sharp. “Loki, don’t freak out.” 
Loki raised his hand to the level of his eye. He studied his skin intently.
"I don't understand," he finally said, voice wavering. "Why is this happening?"
Stephen braved a step closer. “Can you shift back?” 
Loki frowned at the absurdity of such a request. At the speed of thought, blue bled away starting from the head all the way down to the feet, leaving in its wake the milky complexion and bright green eyes their lover was renowned for.
A palpable relief fell over the room but it was short-lived, for almost instantly, Loki’s hand flew to his stomach. 
“Is the pain back?” Stephen asked.
Loki nodded with a great wince. “What is happening to me?” He tried to sit but it proved too difficult. “Ah.”
“Well, change back,” Stephen urged. 
Loki shook his head slowly. “No.”
“Loki, shift,” Stephen ordered. 
Loki ignored him and turned to his other lover standing silent and stricken by his side, face stricken with anguish and fear.
Was Tony afraid of him? 
Ignoring the invisible blade knifing his stomach with every breath, Loki pulled himself up into a sitting position. 
All Loki could think of was the hand Tony would not take...with good reason too. Loki could not bear the thought of hurting Tony, or Stephen, or anyone. 
Tony, Loki implored with his eyes. He could live with this pain, he had felt worse. This was nothing. Maybe if he stayed just like this…
“Tony,” he whimpered and it was the pain in his voice that broke Tony free from his trance. His husband rushed forward and gathered Loki to his chest, hugging him tightly. 
“It’s okay,” Tony whispered in his ear. “We’ll figure this out together, I promise you we will.”
“There is nothing wrong with me,” Loki cried.
Tony could not agree more, and to emphasise, he pressed a fierce kiss to Loki’s temple. “There is absolutely nothing wrong with you. But you’re hurting, and I need to get you better.”
Loki allowed the change to come over him again and the relief was instantaneous, his limbs relaxing with the cessation of pain.  
Stephen and Tony took a few involuntary steps back as the Jotun prince vaulted off the bed, seemingly possessed of as much grace as his Aesir form ever displayed. 
In this form, Loki’s hair was longer and straighter and as he cast a curious eye at what the rude awakening of his ice magic had done to the room, he almost seemed like a different person. 
“Is the damage extensive?” He queried. 
“Don’t worry about it,” Tony said, guarded. “Everything’s insured.”
Loki hummed dispassionately. He directed his next question to Stephen. 
“Are you ever letting me out of here?” Carefully avoiding eye contact, Loki needled him further. “Or are you keeping me here till the baby comes?”
Stephen could not take the Mirror Dimension down quickly enough judging by the displeasure on Loki’s face, and as he fumbled with his sling ring, Stephen could not help but ask. “Are you okay?”
When Loki blinked, the film over his red eyes deepened in colour. “I wish to sup.”
Tony blinked in confusion. “Sup?”
“Something light will do. I will take my meal in my room.”
Stunned, they could only watch as Loki stepped out of the Mirror Dimension and stalked out of the medical bay without so much as a glance.  
“That’s a bit anticlimactic.”
Stephen closed his eyes and shuddered. “Tony, can you please try not to jinx us?”
“Sorry. Count your blessings. Got it. Coz it could be so much worse, you’re right. Of course you’re right.” Tony exhaled loudly through his nose. “So what are we doing about lunch?”
 In a vain attempt to return to normalcy, Stephen and Tony found themselves in the kitchen shortly after, with Stephen taking the helm to prepare a light meal, seeing how he seemed to be the only one remotely functional. 
Tony sat at the counter, unable to bring himself to help, for there were simply too many questions hanging over his head. 
Was Loki really pregnant, or was he simply ill? Was it an affliction, bearable only in Jotun form? And if so, was it a fleeting or a chronic condition?
Why couldn’t Tony touch him? 
Staring down at his hands, Tony could not help but wonder what would have happened had he given in and touched Loki like he wanted.
He could not keep from touching Loki forever, could he? That was simply not possible. 
“Is he really pregnant?” Tony finally asked when he could no longer bear the silence. 
The sudden stiffening of Stephen’s shoulders was the only indication that he had heard him. 
“Why didn’t you look inside him?” Tony pressed. “I know you wanted to.”
Stephen finally turned around from the stove. “Without his explicit permission? And after what he said?”
“You know he didn’t mean that,” Tony said weakly. 
The spatula dropped from Stephen’s hand. “Oh my god. You think I did this to him too.”
“I don’t know!” Tony lashed. “I don’t know what to think, Stephen, hence why I am asking!”
“How long have we been together?” Stephen demanded.
“Come on, let’s not do that.”
“No, no, I’d love to hear why my partner of ten years would think I’d stoop so low that I would force something like this on someone?”
Tony’s eyes narrowed dangerously. “You are putting words in my mouth.”
“Only the ones you don’t have the balls to come out and say.”
“Oh, you want to talk about balls?” he growled. “How about this. How about you stop pretending like everything is fine and freak out for real?” 
“What does that even mean?” Stephen asked, sheer frustration bleeding from every pore in his body.
“We’ve talked about wanting children one day. Maybe it was unintentional, you know that happens all the time,” Tony pointed out. “And why are you so certain it was you anyway?”
“Excuse me?”
“I’m a healthy, virile man. Me and Pepper had a few scares of our own when we were still together,” Tony said, spreading his arms out. “So why couldn’t it be me?”
“Really? That’s what you’re concerned about?” Stephen’s voice rose. “What the fuck, Tony?”
Tony banged a fist on the kitchen counter. “I don’t know, okay?” 
Stephen reared his head, clearly taken aback. “Tony…”
“I don’t know what’s happening, and honestly, I don’t really care.” His eyes began to water. “I just want Loki to be okay.”
Stephen sighed, feeling some of the tension drain away at the sight of the tears on Tony’s lashes. 
He walked over to where Tony sat and gathered his husband’s fingers into a fist. “Hey, hey. Nothing’s going to happen. Everything’s going to be fine.”
“I wish I could believe you.”
Stephen searched his husband’s face. As unpredictable as Loki’s moods were, Tony could be the more difficult to read sometimes. So much for being fellow humans. “Tony, what are you trying to say?”
“It’s not important,” Tony said finally, pulling his hand out of Stephen’s grasp gently. “I think you and Loki need to talk.” 
Stephen shook his head, adamant. “No. I know you. You’re upset about something.”
“Me? Upset?” Tony pasted a big grin on his face. “I’m ecstatic. We’re finally going to be parents, just like we always wanted.”
“Tony…” Stephen said warningly. 
“Just go see to Loki, okay?” Tony pushed himself off the bar stool. He needed to get out of the kitchen, he needed to be alone. “I got shit to do.”
“Where is Tony?” Loki asked when he saw Stephen standing alone at the door.
“He thinks we need to talk, just the two of us. So do I.”
The staring contest dragged on for a full minute, before Loki became the first to drop his gaze. 
“If we must,” Loki sighed, and let him in. 
Stephen figured asking the easy questions first would pave the way for harder ones, as well as help him gauge just how willing Loki was to talk. “How are you feeling?”
“I am feeling fine.”
Stephen nodded at the bed that had clearly been slept in. “Did you have a good rest?”
“Somewhat,” Loki said softly. “I am hungry.”
“Come on. Let’s have lunch.”
Loki took a seat at the very end of the long table and watched Stephen ladle out something from the tureen he had brought into a bowl. 
Stephen brought it over and held out a spoon. "Dig in. It's your favourite zucchini and potato soup. You scored some nice ones at the market today."
Loki was about to sip his first spoonful when he realised that Stephen was not eating. “You will not join me?”
“I’m happy just watching you.”
“Anyone ever told you that you’re very strange?”
“More times than I can count,” Stephen said. “Mostly by you.”
“It is a compliment.” Loki shrugged. “Most of the time.”
They spent the next fifteen minutes sitting in complete silence as Loki ate.
For someone so used to being watched, Loki seemed unusually self-conscious, fidgeting with his oversized dressing gown every few minutes to keep it from slipping down his shoulders.
Stephen refilled Loki’s glass to the brim with ice water, trying not to stare at the swirls of lines on his husband’s once-pristine skin. “Would you like some more? I made extra.”
Loki shook his head, looking uncomfortably full despite having had only a small serving of broth. 
“Go have a rest.” Stephen started clearing the table. Cleaning staff would have done it but he needed it, if only to give him a moment to think. 
Loki on the other hand was only too happy to be out of his way and do as he was told.  
Once he was cleaning up, Stephen walked over to the couch but before he could sit, Loki stopped him. "No. You are too close."
A hollow pit formed in Stephen's stomach. "You don't trust me."
Loki looked away. "Not you."
Stephen swallowed down most of the hurt and let the rest wash over like water. He was about to turn to leave and do this another day when an almost inaudible whisper reached his ear.
Blood rushed to his head. Like a stone, Stephen dropped onto the couch and lunged, gathering his husband in his arms. 
All life returned to the silent form and Loki gasped. "Stephen!” He flailed in a flurry of blue limbs as he pushed Stephen off of him in a panic. 
“What the hell are you doing?" Loki berated. When Stephen did not speak, true panic coloured his voice. "Did I burn you? Show me!”
"It's fine, I'm fine!" Stephen showed Loki his hand, intact and unblemished. "See?"
Loki’s red eyes scanned Stephen from head to toe in bewilderment. "You're unhurt?"
Stephen shook his head. "Not a bit."
"How?" Loki’s mouth fell open. "Is it because of your magic? It's protecting you?"
"Your ice didn't hurt me earlier so I took a gamble."
A beautiful fury flushed Loki's face into a ruddy sangria. "You took a gamble."
"I had to. I didn't know how else I could get you to talk."
"Does this mean Tony could - ?" Hold me too? The unspoken question was unmistakably loud. 
"I don't know. Not yet," Stephen said quietly.
“Oh.” Loki’s shoulders slumped with a devastation Stephen knew too well. 
“Are you ready to talk?” he asked quietly.
Loki did not answer but instead of pulling away, he inched closer. With overwhelming relief,  Stephen took the chance to wrap an arm around his back. He could feel the coldness of Loki’s skin through the thin silk of the gown and unconsciously began to rub a hand up and down Loki’s arm. 
“I know you’re scared,” Stephen murmured. “I’m scared too. More than you know.”
Loki shook his head slowly. 
"I wasn't avoiding you. I was...trying to process." A blue hand rested over a stomach as flat as a board. "Still processing, in fact. I had my suspicions of course.”
Stephen frowned; this was news to him. “When did you first start noticing?”
“The unbearable heat? A few days ago.”
Stephen gaped, but Loki remained blithely insouciant. “This morning at the market, it just got a bit much.”
“We should go see someone. You know, just to confirm.”
“No.” Loki shook his head. “There is no need.”
“Loki,” Stephen tried again, but an icy glare stole his words and breath both.
“There is no need,” Loki repeated flatly. 
“Okay, Loki,” he relented, despite his heavy reluctance. He had gotten Loki talking now and that was an achievement in itself. “I just wanted to make sure you’re alright.”
“I understand,” Loki said. “I thank you for your concern.” 
Still, his voice wavered as his resolve faltered. “I don't want anyone to see me like this. I am not ready."
"Will you believe me if I tell you that it doesn't matter how you look?"
"To you, maybe. To the rest of the world? Never." Loki closed his eyes and saw Odin, lying on the staircase to the vault that fateful day on Asgard. “There is no universe where a world exists that does not demand perfection.”
“Noone knows that more than me,” Stephen said, a haunted gauntness descending on his suddenly haggard features. “I can only see the world as it should be. Any imperfection, any deviation from reality...it stands out.” 
"And that is how you see me," Loki said bitterly. 
"No, you misunderstand. I seek imperfection, but at the same time, I fail to see imperfections in myself.” Stephen decided it was time for another gamble. He reached for Loki's hand. “Maybe you were right. Maybe this was my fault.”
Loki visibly hesitated. “About that....I think I misspoke earlier." 
“What do you mean?”
"Remember that night we spent together?"
"Just you and me or - ?"
Loki shook his head. "The three of us, on our anniversary. When I showed you both my other form?"
"Go on," Stephen said warily. 
"That night when we slept, I...may have neglected to reinforce my wards."
Stephen must have heard him wrongly. "What?"
"Contraceptive charms aren't a one-size-fits-all,” Loki mumbled. “Apparently I have to cast a new spell everytime I shift."
"And you didn't know this?"
Loki was furiously blushing now. "It slipped my mind, alright? It's been a while!"
"Oh God." Stephen could not stop himself in time from echoing Tony's words from earlier. "This is a nightmare."
Loki recoiled, as if slapped. "You don't mean that."
But Stephen was barely listening, his headspace catapulted to a time when a few too many drinks were had and the taste for the exotic followed them out the restaurant door all the way to their bedroom. 
Loki's female form was every bit as alluring and irresistible as his preferred male; to say that Stephen was besotted would be an understatement and he dared say that Tony too had felt the same.
The sudden drop of temperature in the room brought him out of the reverie and into the present, bringing with it a horror the likes of which he had never felt before.
Stephen swallowed hard. "Loki…"
"I thought you wanted this."
"I did. Babe, I still do," Stephen implored. "I just don’t think I’m ready."
"To be a father?"
A vehement shake of the head. "No, that I'm sure I can manage somehow. I can't imagine it'll be easy but with help...lots of help, and mistakes I’m sure, but it’s not impossible.”
“Then what is this fear I am seeing in your eyes?”
Stephen heard the fear mirrored in Loki’s voice and knew there was no going around it anymore. It was high time he brought his deepest, darkest fear out into the open.
“I fear not being able to help you," he confessed. “My knowledge and my skills only go so far.”
“Because I am not...human, you mean?”
Stephen’s silence provided Loki with all the answers he needed.
“Stephen, everything will be fine,” Loki said. “I will be fine.”
“You don’t sound so sure.”
"You have to make peace with not knowing everything, Strange." 
“Makes my job harder when I don’t.”
Loki leaned into Stephen’s shoulder and sighed, "So young and already so burdened.”
Stephen rested his cheek gratefully against the top of Loki’s head. "Sometimes I forget you are so much older than me." 
His heartbeat picked up pace at the thought of asking what he had to ask next. "Is that why it's so difficult for you to trust me?"
"Don't take it personally, Doctor. I don't even trust myself." The contrast between his blue skin and Stephen’s tan was jarring and it took everything Loki had not to pull his hand away. "I am the embodiment of chaos and yet here I am, with you."
"Then you wouldn't have liked the old me. I was a committed hedonist. Work hard, play harder."
"Urgh. A hedonist and a perfectionist." Loki made a pained face, the disdain all too familiar but for the faint heritage lines fringing the hollows of his cheeks. "We wouldn't have lasted a day."
“Ouch.” But Stephen had to agree. “Yeah, we would have been too similar.”
Loki remained quiet for a while. “I have said terrible things to you.”
“You do that all the time,” Stephen soothed. “It’s music to my ears.”
At the sheer gentleness of Stephen’s voice, Loki’s eyes filled. “I have hurt you.”
“I’ve had worse. Remember our first trip together, the three of us?”
“Please, don’t remind me.”
“I still have the scar from that.” 
Loki studied the sinewy lines of Stephen's hand. Even with the old scars, it was beautiful to his eyes. "Poor Stephen. Why does the world always hurt you?" 
"Better me than anyone else," Stephen said, patting the back of Loki’s hand placatingly. “I’ve got tons, what is one more? They all tell a story.” 
Just like the lines on your face , Stephen thought. He longed to trace each of them with his fingers first, then his lips. 
Catching his husband staring, Loki suppressed the urge to turn away. “How can you stand to look at me?”
“You are the most exquisite thing I have ever seen.”
“Liar,” Loki whispered. 
Stephen shrugged. “You didn’t believe me the first time I said I love you either.”
“You do not find me...unsightly?” Typical Loki, he simply had to ask what deep-down inside he already knew, “You love me still?”
Stephen kissed Loki’s lips gently. “I never stopped.”
But Stephen was far from done. “I can’t do words very well...but I’d take a bullet for you, Loki.” He grasped the cold fingers and clasped them against his chest, just as he had done on their wedding day. “And if there's a child, for them too."
Loki's eyes blurred. 
“I can’t do words either,” he sighed, leaning forward until they were forehead-to-forehead proper. “Nor do I understand Midgardians’ courting gifts, but my Brother said you should accept them if the feeling is mutual.” 
“So...thank you.” Loki finally smiled his first genuine smile in days, bittersweet albeit a little watery. “I’ll make sure to stand behind you at all times.”
Stephen chuckled. "Yeah, you do that."
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just-the-hiddles · 4 years
Fic Teasers | October 7, 2020
Happy Wednesday, happy peppy peeps.  Another set of teasers.  Two more stories.  More stories to come.  These were both requests.  I have taken a small break from finishing up the remaining requests to write some of my own ideas.  I am starting to make plans for December and for 2021.  Yes I am that kind of lunatic. 
 But anyways,  first up on Thursday we have a very different story for me.  It is not going to be a story for everyone.  There are discussions of abuse as a child. It starts off with a depiction of abuse.  I will be tagging it.  I am not sneaking that portion of the fic.  But I want to be very upfront. It does have a happy ending.  And then on Saturday to pull back up on the happiness scale, a fun and fluffy Tom fic.  
Tag lists are open.  Please let me know if you wish to added.  
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How Could You Have Known? | Loki & Gender Neutral Reader
“Hey, Sparks, how are you feeling?” Tony sat down beside you in the cafeteria.
You didn’t bother looking up from your food. “You know my body contains enough volts to kill you, right?”
“Yeah, but it’s so cute how your hands spark when you get upset. You didn’t answer my question.” Tony reached onto your tray and grabbed your Jello and started eating.
“Can you repeat it? I wasn’t caring.” He shot a glare at him out of the corner of one eye.
“How are you feeling? Sleeping okay?” Tony finished your Jello and reached for your chips, only for you to shock his hand with your fingers. “Ow. That smarts.”
“Hands off the food. Sleeping fine. What are you, my mother?” You regretted the words as soon as they left your lips. Tony stared at you, eyes locking, both in a state of panic.
“I’m going to get you more Jello. You need more Jello.” Tony fumbled as he stood and headed off to the food line.
You sighed and returned to your food, only for Tony’s seat to be occupied again.
“I thought he would never leave.”
You glanced up to find Loki grinned like a cat who caught the mouse.
“Did Sam tape a sign on my back that says ‘talk to me, I’m friendly’ because if he did, call the police. There is about to be a murder.”
Loki’s brow furrowed. “There is nothing on your back.”
You sighed, rolled your eyes and stood, taking your tray with you. “Go away, Loki.”
Loki hustled to catch up with you. “I just wanted to talk about… the upcoming mission. I wanted to know what you thought of our gallant Captain’s plan. I think it leaves us vulnerable.”
You suspected Loki had ulterior motives, but you spied Tony beelining his way to two of you, an entire tray of Jello. You grabbed Loki by the arm and headed to the exit.
“Can we talk and walk?” You pushed both of you out the door and into the hallway.
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Best of Friends | Tom Hiddleston x Female Reader
“Scarlett! Come here!” Ruffalo hissed as she walked by the trailer on her way back from lunch.
Her shoulders slumped as she marched to Mark. “What are you even doing in Tom’s trailer?”
Mark waved her forward. “Just come here and check this out.”
Scarlett poked her head into the doorway. She spied you and Tom asleep on the couch. You snuggled into the curve of Tom’s body and his arm wrapped around your waist. Both of your face settled into contented smiles.
“Are you sure they aren’t…” Scarlett made a rude gesture and Mark rolled his eyes. “sleeping together?”
“They say no, but come on, friends don’t act like this.” He jabbed a finger at the two of you.
Scarlett leaned against Mark. “Awww, Mark, you wouldn’t spoon with me?” She batted her eyelashes.
Mark shoved her with his shoulder. “Only if you asked nicely.”
The two of them giggled and Scarlett tugged at Mark’s arm. “Come on, let’s leave the two lovebirds alone to their nap.”
“Sure, just one moment…” Mark whipped out his phone and snapped a pic of the two of you. “… there, now we can leave.”
Scarlett’s brow furrowed. “What are you planning to do with that?”
Mark pocketed his phone. “Right now, nothing. But you never know.”
You groaned as you woke from your after lunch nap. When you tried to sit up and found yourself held back by something. And by something you meant Tom’s arm wrapped around your waist. You didn’t remember Tom lying down with you, but it didn’t surprise you. Tom was your best friend and the two of you have been attached at the hip since meeting on the set of Avengers.
“Tom.” You pushed his shoulder to jostle him. “Tom, wake up.”
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arrow-guy · 4 years
The Lighthouse (8/??)
Summary: The town is sleepy, the people are nice enough, but life gets turned upsidedown when the God of Thunder literally falls out of the sky.
A/N: I know it won’t be enough, but questions will be fully answered soon enough! But until I can get around to that, please have this! A couple of idiots and more Loki
Pairing: ThorxReader
Word Count: 2.7k
Warnings: None
Part 7
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“How did you know where he was?”
I shrug and grab the cereal from the cupboard. “I heard a voice that told me to get up and when to stop driving. Everything else was just a gut feeling.”
“Was it Heimdall?” Thor asks.
“No, he said as much last night. But he heard the voice too.”
Thor sets bowls on the table and moves to get spoons. “Did he feel the same pull?”
“I don’t think so.” I grab the milk and take a seat at the table. “He didn’t seem to feel any compulsion.”
“But he was much further away from Loki’s location than you were.” Thor sits and pours himself a bowl of cereal. “It would make sense that you were the one guided to Loki’s location.”
I laugh. “I don’t know if I’d say I was guided. It was more like being dragged along behind a horse. I didn’t know exactly what was going to happen until the end. Even then, it wasn’t exactly pretty.”
He hums. “You did scare me half to death.”
I nodded. “I know, and I really am sorry about that.”
“I know you are.” He shoots me a reassuring smile. “You don’t have to apologize anymore, (Y/N). I understand why you kept it from me.”
“I know. I just still feel bad about the whole thing.”
“I know.”
We eat in silence and I nearly doze off at one point, but Thor reaches across the table and takes my hand. I shake my head and squeeze his hand before going back to my cereal. Thor finishes before me and waits till I’m done before taking my bowl and doing the dishes.
“When do you think he’ll wake?” Thor muses.
“I’m not sure. It took him weeks to crash land, and even then he showed up weeks after I found you.” I shrug. “I’m not even sure he showed up in the same fashion as you did.”
“Heimdall and I were talking about why he bounced around so much while we were looking for him. My guess is that, whatever it was that messed with your memories, might’ve knocked him off course when Heimdall sent him away.”
“What does Heimdall think?”
“Heimdall doesn’t really have much to go off either. Everyone that I’m in contact with is just as informed as I am, which is to say, we know jack shit about the situation right now. But, if this is anything like when I found you, then it might be a few days till he starts to wake up. I had you here two before you woke up, but I don’t know how long you were out in those woods before I found you.”
Thor nods. “Then we can only hope that he’ll wake soon.”
“Do you have any plans for the day?”
“Just working. New assignments have come in and we slept through most of the day, so I’m getting a late start.”
“Ah, sorry.”
“It’s no big deal, we both needed the rest.” I get up from the table and move across the room to kiss his cheek. “If you’ve got any ideas for dinner, let me know, okay?”
“Of course.” He smiles and gestures for me to go. “I’ll come get you for a break in a few hours.”
I grin and head for the stairs. “I’ll look forward to it.”
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Thor quietly slips into my office and slits on the floor beside me. Daisy trails in shortly after and plops down beside him. She huffs when he doesn’t immediately scratch her ears.
“I take it you checked on Loki, then?” I ask, not looking away from my work.
“Any updates?”
He shakes his head and rests his forehead on my thigh. He sighs when I comb my fingers through his hair. “Nothing so far.”
“I’m sorry.”
“He hasn’t even moved.” His shoulders slump and he leans a little more heavily against me. “It’s only been two days, but I can’t help being impatient.”
“I know. You’re worried about your brother. It’s only natural.”
“It’s strange, though,” he says. “He and I have always been at odds. We’ve fought countless times, but I’ve watched him die twice. I’ve had to mourn his loss twice. I’m not sure that I can go through that a third time.”
I push away from the desk slightly and take his face in my hands. “I’m sure that everything will be fine. He was out there for a long time, and we don’t know what kind of energy he expended.”
“Right.” He covers one of my hands with his. “I’m sure he just needs to rest.”
“He’s strong, Thor. I’m sure he’ll be up before we know it.”
“Thank you, (Y/N).”
“It’s nothing to thank me for.”
“You sell yourself so short,” he says softly. “I’ll make you recognize how wonderful you are one day.”
He smiles. “But that won’t be today.” He hauls himself up from the floor. “I’ve distracted you for long enough, I’ll let you get back to work.”
“I’ll be done in half an hour. We can talk more then, if you want?”
He stoops down and kisses my forehead. “I’d like that.”
Thor pats his leg to get Daisy’s attention and gestures for her to follow him out of the room. She shoots me a tired look and I laugh as she trots out to the stairs after Thor. I do my best to finish with work, but it takes fifteen minutes longer than I initially expected. When I finally manage to make it downstairs, I collapse on the couch beside Thor.
“I had to talk them out of concussion induced pyrokinesis,” I mutter.
“I have no idea what that means,” Thor says.
I scrub my hands over my face and curl into his side. “Because it’s something that shouldn’t reasonably exist, even in fiction.”
He laughs. “Did you succeed?”
“Eventually. I just have to hope they don’t try to sneak it in somewhere else later on.”
“I’m sure you’ll prevail in the end.”
I shake my head. “I appreciate your optimism.”
He hums and kisses the top of my head. “We should talk.”
“I agree.”
“I don’t want to force anything on you,” he says. “We kissed two nights ago, but that doesn’t have to mean anything.”
“I think it should. After the time we’ve spent together and what we’ve been through, I know that it’s not just some schoolgirl crush. I actually like you. Especially when I get to think for myself about it.” His brow furrows. “Heimdall likes to meddle sometimes. But no one’s had to convince me that I like you.”
He smiles. “It looks like our roles have switched, doesn’t it?”
“It certainly does.” I take his hand. “But I meant what I said that night. My feelings for you are real. I’m not going to be shy about it, especially when I’m this comfortable with you.”
He sighs softly. “I’m glad to hear you say that.”
I reach up and brush my fingers over his cheek. “You said I was wonderful earlier, but I don’t get how you can’t see how much light you put out into the world.”
“Maybe it’s just reflected back at me,” he offers.
“If that’s the case, then maybe I need to put you in front of a mirror. Reflect some of that energy directly back into you.” I push myself up from the couch and attempt to drag Thor up with me. “Come on. I’m hungry and I think we’ve still got stroganoff leftovers in the fridge.”
He laughs and allows himself to be led into the kitchen. “Do you always think with your stomach?”
“Not always, but you’re certainly one to talk!” Thor tries to look offended, but only succeeds in making himself laugh harder. “Your appetite is astounding.”
“I am a big man, (Y/N),” he says. “And beyond that, I am a god. Sometimes I need to eat more than a human does.”
“I know,” I dig around in the fridge for the leftovers. “I’m just poking a little fun.”
I glance back and find him leaning against the counter, arms folded, small smile playing at his lips. “I know you are.”
I pull the leftovers from the fridge. “You wanna try this the way my grandfather liked to eat it?”
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Walking past Loki’s room a couple of days later, I heard a quiet shuffling. Thor hadn’t mentioned any kind of change in his brother when we talked earlier, so I open the door just a crack and peek inside.
Loki is sitting up in bed, rubbing his eyes. I almost step into the room, but I stop myself short, realizing that he doesn’t know me. I don’t want him to panic and not have any way to calm him down.
Instead, I run out to the back yard to let Thor know that Loki is awake.
“What?” he yells back.
“He’s awake!” I holler. “Come inside, I’m gonna need your help!”
He calls out his confirmation and I head back inside. I grab a glass of water for Loki before I go back upstairs and very, very slowly open the door.
He sits with his head in his hands, and I can’t tell if he’s heard me come in. I gently knock on the door to get his attention and his head jerks up at the sound. I wave and step into the room.
“It’s good to see you awake,” I say. “We were starting to think you’d be out forever.”
“We found you almost five days ago.” I cross the room to hand him the glass of water. “You didn’t even move until today, I don’t think.”
“Who is ‘we’?” he asks.
“It’s just Thor and I.”
“Thor?” He perks up slightly.
“Yeah, he should be here soon.”
“Where is he?” He shoots up from the bed and I stumble back when he reaches out for me. “Tell me, woman!”
I drop the water and throw my hands up to shield myself. Loki never makes contact, and it takes a moment for me to realize that there’s a semi-visible barrier between us. I stare at my hands, surprised.
“Where is my Brother!” Loki yells.
He pounds against the shield and I stumble over my own feet and fall to the floor. The shield flickers briefly, but I manage to hold it steady. This only serves to further infuriate him and I cringe each time he slams his fists against the shield.
“Heimdall, what do I do?!”
“Hold the shield and wait for Thor.”
“That’s it?!”
“What is it that you expect me to do, (Y/N)?”
“I don’t know, I’m freaking out, here!” I yell for Thor, and hope that he can hear me. “Stop punching the shield, you’re just gonna wind up hurting yourself!”
“Drop the shield, and I’ll show you just what the meaning of hurt is,” Loki hisses.
“You know what, I don’t really like the sound of that.”
 He pushes harder, and I can feel the shield straining under my hold. I can faintly hear Thor’s heavy footsteps in the stairwell, and I push all that I can into maintaining the shield. Just as cracks start to spiderweb across the surface,Thor steps into the room. Loki sees him and stops his assault against my magic, relaxing enough that I can let the shield go. I lie back on the floor, one arm flung over my face, taking deep heaving breaths.
“(Y/N), are you alright?” Thor asks.
I nod and point at Loki. “Put him in a bubble till you could get here.”
“You put him in a bubble?!”
“He moved faster than I expected. It was the first thing that popped into my head.”
“Why are you on the floor?”
“He punched the shield and startled me.”
I hear him shift towards his brother. “You tried to attack her?!”
“You say that as if I’m supposed to know who she is or where I am.”
“You shouldn’t have to know someone to know not to attack them.” Thor crouches down beside me and helps me sit up. “I’m sorry, (Y/N).”
“It’s fine, he doesn’t know where he is.” I feel Loki’s eyes on me and I glance up at him. “What?”
Loki snorts and turns his attention to Thor. “Really, brother? Another human?”
“Excuse me? You’re in my house, in my bed. If it weren’t for this human, you’d probably be choking on sand right about now.”
Loki’s brows pull together and he looks to his brother for confirmation. Thor just nods.
He looks at me with an almost pained expression. “Well then. I apologize.”
He nods and immediately frowns when his hand makes contact with his chest. He pinches the fabric between his fingers and pulls it away from his body.
“What in Odin’s name am I wearing?”
“My clothes,” Thor says.
“Your clothes?”
I lift my hand. “I made them smaller. They’re clean, I promise.”
“Yeah, the magic was relatively easy compared to what I was doing to track you down.”
He blinks rapidly, looking genuinely surprised. “And how did you learn this magic?”
“It’s a bit convoluted,” I explain. “Heimdall did what he could to help, but I essentially just had to force the magic to do what I wanted.”
"And you've been privy to this training with Heimdall, have you, brother?"
"As much as I can be," Thor says. "I've only been able to speak with Heimdall once since I arrived, and it's solely because (Y/N) acted as a bridge."
Loki scowls, unsatisfied with the answer. "Explain. Now."
Thor obliges and explains everything. I occasionally interject, filling in anything that Thor misses.
“Why would you spend all that energy on finding me, though?”
“(Y/N) believes that you may hold the key to understanding what happened to us,” Thor says. “Our memories were tampered with, and you’re the only person I can think of who wasn’t accounted for.”
“I see...” Loki stroked his chin. “And you truly remember nothing?”
“Have I any reason to lie to you, brother?”
“Of course not.”
“Do you remember anything?” I ask.
“Everything, actually.”
“Yes. I believe that I can restore Thor’s memories as well, but it won’t be pleasant.”
“Do it,” Thor says. “I need to know what happened.”
“Hold on a moment,” I say. “How do we know you won’t just make things worse?”
“Why would I do that? He’s dumb enough as is. If anything, this would be an improvement.” I glare at him and he lifts his hands in surrender. “I don’t want to make things worse. Just to share the knowledge.”
Loki shuffles closer to Thor and places his hands on either side of his face. Only when Thor nods does he close his eyes. The familiar hum of magic fills the room, but it's different from when I cast. The sound is concentrated near Loki's hands, and I can only assume that it's because he's far more skilled than I am that the sound doesn't fill the entire room.
The magic courses through Thor's body and I nearly lurch forward when his spine goes rigid. I stop myself halfway when I realize that whatever Loki's doing to restore his memories will most likely drain him of whatever energy he previously had. I sit back and fold my hands in my lap and force myself to just sit and watch. I have to remind myself to stay put when Thor begins to make small pained noises. He wanted to go through with it, and interrupting the spell could be dangerous.
Loki's eyes snap open with a flash of green light before his hands fall away from Thor's face. Thor's shoulders relax momentarily as he slowly remembers where he is, and he recoils and scrambles away from his brother. My first instinct is to move to help him, but when I reach out to him and he flinches away from my touch, I start to worry.
"He's in shock," Loki says. "Barely anything that he saw was happy. In spite of how optimistic he is most of the time, he’s experienced many hardships, as of late."
"Tell me what happened on that ship." He hesitates and I frown. "How am I supposed to help if I don't know what happened?"
"You truly want to help?"
"Of course I do."
"You know what we are. Do you understand the dangers that follow us?"
"I'm well aware of the trouble you get yourselves into."
"I see." He sighs and shifts uncomfortably on the carpet. "I'll tell you what happened, then."
Part 9
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Okay, concrete answers next chapter, I promise. But hey! Loki’s back and he’s actually awake this time, so that’s progress!
As always, if you liked this chapter, please let me know! LIke, reblog, comment, or shoot me an ask and tell me all about that shit, because I always wanna know what you guys are thinking!
If you’d like to be tagged in future chapter, please let me know!
Tag list:
@ghostlyhamlet, @claws-of-vibranium, @creaturefeatures101, @buckysendoftheline, @imagine-assembling-the-avengers, @ptprocrastination, @1950schick, @amayasymone23, @arfrona-and-marvel, @ek823, @fanaticfangirl001, @furrywerewolfcollector, @kissofvenom922, @dawn-phantomhive, @fangirlwithasweettooth, @mairhof1, @starryeyesbadguys, @trap-house-homiecide, @buckywhitewolfbarnes, @kaepm981, @howdoesoneadult, @pcdmesamidala, @thefandomplace, @sian22redux, @skeletoresinthebasement, @lady-thor-foster, @jazzcutie, @gaytonystark, @geeksareunique, @nyxveracity, @breezy1415, @feelmyroarrrr, @darling-loki, @lemonadeorange73, @princess-unicorn124, @hermionie-is-my-queen, @tofeartheunknown, @queenoftheunderdark, @avengerscompound
This fic:
@chelzwwefan, @claire-of-the-country, @sunflowers-and-swear-words, @heystucky, @annathewitch, @thebdelliumlady, @myfuturisticallysteadycollector, @inumorph, @slitherysneke​, @bojabee​, @givemethatgold, @shynara51​,  @lokis-high-priestess/ @bluestaratsunrise​
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ragnarachael · 4 years
Hi! Are you still taking requests for Peter? Your Parker!Reader verse is ssooooo Good!! Can I request one where before Morgan is born, Tony sees Reader taking care of Peter who's Idk sick or something? And he finds it really cute and fluffy cause you're cuddling cause Peter is a cuddle bear and then Tony's like lEt's hAvE kIdS. You don't have to tbh 💙💙
Pairing: Peter Parker x Sister!Reader, Tony Stark x Parker!Reader
Word Count: 1,508
Summary: Peter's sick and barely singing along to Mamma Mia. You take it upon yourself as Peter's sister to try and make him feel better. Tony helps the best he can before he’s off to a meeting. Later in the day, he accidentally brings up a topic you've yet to discuss in your relationship.
Author’s Ramblings: i went a little wild with this so... whoops. i really should put this series in order, but i’m far too lazy to even think about that at the moment. after this i’m posting the last 3 wip guessing game asks and then going back to work on THE fic! (also i’m trying out this new formatting for when i write whole oneshots instead of drabbles, don’t mind me)
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Peter was sick. Peter Benjamin Parker, who proclaimed that he never got sick—which was frankly a lie, due to your family’s history of shitty immune systems—was sick and whining as he lounged around on the couch of the Avenger’s Compound.
He was leaning on Thor’s shoulder while he kept two separate tissues up both sides of his nose, Mamma Mia blaring on the flat screen in front of them. Thor seemed to be enjoying himself, his head moving along with the rhythm of the song that had been playing. You observed them both as you sipped on your coffee. Peter was quietly mumbling the lyrics to the song that was currently playing, sounding like he was in some weird state of delirium.
That’s what worried you. When you watch Mamma Mia with your brother, he’s electric. Usually, he’s up on his feet, doing most of the choreography, singing the male vocals almost perfectly; he’s never not sitting and barely bopping to the music.
“Hey Pete,” you said gently from where you stood near the kitchen island, moving a bit to let Tony get by you to grab a mug, “you okay?”
All Peter did in response was hold a thumbs up over the edge of the couch.
You sighed, placing your coffee mug down on the countertop before slipping past Tony and dodging Steve as you headed to where Peter and Thor were sitting.
There was no hesitation in your laughter when you saw how Peter solved his nose dripping problem. It’s exactly what you do and you completely get what May meant when she said the two of you were almost the same person.
“Peter,” you started, squatting down to meet his eyes, “did you take some medicine?”
“Yeah,” he huffed out, feeling around to his left to grab his bottle of water he had with him. “I took some.”
“How long ago?” You asked, reaching a hand up to press it against his forehead. You clicked your tongue. He had a fever for sure and with his luck, it’s probably rising.
Peter shrugged as he kept watching the TV screen, resting his chin on the top of his bottle.
You glanced over at Thor with a questioning look. Thor returned it just as the music to the scene that was playing stopped.
“Were you awake with him when he took the medicine, Thor?”
“No. Loki and I returned from Asgard just over an hour ago.”
You nodded and gave him a smile, turning your gaze back to your baby brother. Emphasis on the baby.
“How’s about I take you to your room and I’ll make some soup for you? That sound good, bubba?”
Peter didn’t even have to say yes or no because you were gently pulling him up from the couch with little struggle, slinging his arm around your shoulders so you could guide him back to his room. 
He was groaning quietly the whole way, mumbling stuff about Mamma Mia and Thor being comfortable. Just before you could get into the hallway with Peter, you nudged your head into the hall in Tony’s direction to get his help.
You continued trying to hold all of Peter’s weight yourself before Tony was coming to your rescue, throwing the other arm over his shoulders.
“Don’t worry champ, we’ve got ya,” he said reassuringly, a hand splayed in between his shoulders.
Eventually, you got Peter in bed and instructed Tony to get all of his things he brought out to the couch while you got on making the soup you mentioned earlier.
Part of you wished May was back in town so you didn’t have to care for Peter like this, since you couldn’t always handle how whiny your brother gets when he’s sick, but another part of you didn’t care that much. You weirdly enjoyed doing this as of late, and you couldn’t place it.
Once the soup was done, you got a bowl and spoon together for Peter and carefully navigated your way back to Peter’s room, telling whoever you passed that there’s soup, if they wanted any.
Tony was lounging in Peter’s bed, staring at one of the walls that seemed to have Star Wars projecting on it.
Your heart skipped a beat when you saw how soft Tony looked with Peter in this moment. Even though Tony was still dressed up for a meeting he had within the next hour, he looked so cozy.
“Hey,” you said, kicking the door open wider with your foot, “I got the soup. You’re free to go.”
Tony’s eyes were still on the projection of the movie as he replied with a grunt.
You couldn’t hide your chuckle as you placed the bowl of soup down and gently tug his rolled up sleeve. “Mr. Stark, you’re needed elsewhere.”
Tony immediately looked at you thanks to that title and gave you a pout.
“It’s the best part!”
“It’s literally the opening credits. You’ve got a meeting,” you replied sternly, trying not to let the way Peter looked when you started to gently peel him from Tony’s chest pull on your heart strings.
“Fine, fine! I won’t have Pepper call it off,” Tony relented as you kept trying to get him to leave as he dramatically resisted to get Peter to laugh. You could hear your brother laughing the same time as you when you finally got Tony to the doorway.
“Behave, Tony.”
“What’s in it for me if I do?” He asked, raising a brow as he lowered his vocal register. You knew what he was doing, and you weren’t going to let it work.
“Go, Tony.” You pressed your lips to his and pulled away before he could grab you and pull you closer. “Or I’m going to break some of your tech again.”
“Can you take this away from me?” Peter asked loudly, with a bit of energy. You turned to look at him, raising a brow.
“You’re supposed to be sick, y’know.”
“I am,” Peter heaved, starting to reach for the soup you left on the nightstand, “doesn’t mean I can’t talk. Now can I please have someone watch Star Wars with me?”
You sighed and rubbed a hand over your face, giving Tony one last look for him to get lost before turning back around and quickly passing Peter the bowl of soup he’s still reaching for. 
Tony stayed in the doorway for a moment, watching you walk away before letting a dramatic sigh out, starting to slink down the hall back to the main living space.
Peter actually ate all of the soup, to your surprise. Although he did sip at the broth during the first Star Wars movie before actually eating the noodles and extra things you put in that you knew he’d eat. But he still ate it, and that’s all that mattered.
When Tony came back to check on the two of you after his meeting, he caught the both of you dozed off as the third movie started to play. Peter’s head was resting on your shoulder, his face smushed into your collarbone while your head was resting against the pillows. Your arms were wrapped around him protectively while it looked like Peter was trying to make his body morph into yours.
He had his legs tangled with yours, almost like you were playing twister. It was then Tony remembered that Peter liked sleeping in weird positions like that.
The kid was weird, but he loved him anyway.
Tony couldn’t place why his mind was going haywire over the fact of you cuddling with your brother, it might just be because it was so cute. Both of you were adorable in your own rights, and it was tugging some thought from the crevices of his mind.
“Tony?” You questioned with your sleep filled tone, sitting up slightly, only stopping when Peter shifted his face on your shoulder.
Tony didn’t hold back the smile he had for you and carefully walked farther into the room, leaning down to press a kiss to your forehead. “Hey, dear.”
“How’d the meeting go?”
“It went,” Tony replied, not at all thinking before speaking, “you’re great with kids.”
You tilted your head in confusion, pulling one of your arms from Peter to rub at your eye. “Kids?”
Tony shook his head instantly, not wanting to get on that topic right now. With Peter in the room? It’s a dangerous shot to take.
“Forget I said anything, you’re dreaming, this is a dream,” Tony recovered quickly, which caused you to let out a quiet laugh.
“We’re talking about that later, Stark.”
“What? Talking about kids? What’re kids?”
Tony cut you off again, continuing to pretend you weren’t asking questions about what he said, gently moving to sit on the emptiest edge of the bed possible as you tried to smother your laughter.
Finally, you decided to play along, just so he could join you and Peter in bed for a nap. However, you’re definitely pressing on the whole “kids” topic later.
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sserpente · 5 years
24 little kinks | Door 23 🎄
“You remember that chocolate advent calendar I got you for December?”
“I do,” he chuckled and pressed a tender kiss to your temple. “You made me display it in the kitchen so I would not eat it all at once.”
Your smile widened. “How about we get another one?”
Loki raised an eyebrow, only now paying proper attention to the sex toy ad. Then, he frowned. It was an odd mixture of disgust, genuine curiosity and even a hint of arousal flashing in his blue eyes.
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“Good morning.” Smiling, you kissed the tip of Loki’s nose.
“Good morning, my sweet.”
“How are you?”
His wound had almost completely healed. Only some yellow bruises remained, his strength almost fully restored.
“Good, very good.” He replied. “Ravishing you over and over again works wonders on a god’s body, so it seems.” You giggled.
“I have a surprise for you. An early Christmas present. But only if you’re feeling fit enough.” Loki raised an eyebrow at you, a mischievous sparkling in his blue eyes.
“That depends on whatever activity you have in mind, my sweet.”
“It involves chocolate.”
“Oh, yes. Always yes to chocolate.”
You grinned. “Alright then let’s get dressed. We’re going to a chocolate factory and when we get back, we open our calendar.”
“Hmm… I don’t know what I’m looking forward to the most.”
Once your tickets were purchased and both Loki and you were equipped with some small plastic tongs for trying all the different chocolate, you slowly made your way through the factory, learned about how the chocolate was made, what ingredients were used to make it so delicious and even saw a chocolate fountain as tall as Loki.
You had never seen his jaw drop before. It truly had been an amusing sight.
“Hmm…” Now, he had just devoured another spoonful of that caramel chocolate he was so fond of, making you shake your head.
“Loki, you’ll get a sugar shock.”
“I believed that was the whole point of this experience?” He had even liked the 100% chocolate fountain, before any sugar or other ingredients had been added to the mixture. When it came to chocolate, he really was a sweet tooth. No… he was insatiable. You had been full for an hour, unable to eat any more chocolate even though the best part—a Running Chocolate Sushi—was yet to come.
It had been a good idea to take him here, to take your minds off things for a bit. You needed something normal and fun to recover from the damage the Chitauri had caused and you wanted to distract Loki from the emotional wounds they had ripped open.
“Do you still have those empty glass wine bottles lying around in the kitchen?” He suddenly asked.
“I do, why?”
“We could fill them up with liquid chocolate, from the fountain…” He licked his lips.
You laughed. “Loki, you’re not allowed to do that!”
“Whyever not? No one will ever know. Have you forgotten what I am the God of again?” He pulled you close, kissing you on the lips gently. He tasted like chocolate. Purring, you leaned against him.
“Alternatively, I could simply pour it over your quim and lick it all up with relish…” He whispered in your ear, both his words and hot breath sending pleasant shivers up and down your spine. An image of Loki and you massaging each other with liquid chocolate flashed before your eyes, stirring not only your hunger for chocolate again but also your arousal.
“Okay, fine. But make sure no one looks.” Fortunately, the impressive illusion Loki created so no one, not even the security cameras could catch you, drowned your initial suspicions soon enough. Once he had materialised an empty bottle from your kitchen, he filled it up, making your mouth water—it wasn’t because of the liquid chocolate. It was because of the things you two meant to do with it.
You hid it in your bag for the rest of your trip through the factory, which, after a few more stations including the Running Chocolate Sushi which Loki loved, ended with your arrival in the giant chocolate store where you could buy all of the chocolate you had earlier tried in the factory.
Loki grabbed the jumbo package of the caramel chocolate before you could even open your mouth.
“Loki, wait, I don’t have this much money with me!”
“You will not need it. I have my own.”
You raised an eyebrow. “Ah? Did you secretly start a job at a reindeer farm?” You grinned evilly, making him narrow his eyes at you in a taunting manner.
“I did not. I took it from Stark.”
“What? Loki!”
“He will not miss it. You told me yourself he has more than he could ever spend.”
“True but… oh, fine.”
Loki wasn’t wrong. Tony was a billionaire. A few hundred bucks, which Loki seemed to magically pull from his pockets were nothing to him—but they were a lot to you, especially if you got to buy tons of chocolate with it. Shrugging, you took one of the shopping baskets and handed it to Loki.
“Have fun then, Trickster.”
“That I will, my sweet.”
It was late in the afternoon when you finally returned home, with two paper bags full of chocolate. Your feet hurt and you craved a glass of water after all that sugar. In the meantime, Loki disappeared in the bedroom to open the advent calendar. He returned with yet another device whose function he did not quite understand.
“Explain this to me, will you?” He handed it to you. When you took it, you gasped.
“Oh my… holy shit.”
“What? What is this?” It looked a little like one of those modern thermometers, those which you stuck into your ear. Only it wasn’t.
“That’s a womanizer. It’s a female sex toy. These things regularly cost you around hundred bucks. I’ve always wanted to have one of those.”
“I see.” Loki looked intrigued. “How do you use it?”
“See that opening? That’s where the clitoris goes. The toy gently sucks on the skin and massages the clit with air pulses. Women swear on it, apparently.”
“Interesting…” You were curious. Curious as to whether it could really work and make you experience multiple orgasms. Technically, you did not need this toy. Loki made you experience multiple orgasms already, sometimes pretending to do so against your will. Your pussy clenched upon the very thought.
“Well then…” He purred. “Show me.”
“Show me.”
“You want me to use this on me… right now? While you watch?”
“Yes.” He insisted, his blue eyes filling with lust.
Biting your lower lip, you looked up at him, innocently. You had never done this before. There was nothing you felt ashamed of when you were with Loki, of course, yet masturbating right in front of him was so intimate it intimidated you, especially since you knew how much it would turn him on.
“Now,” He urged you on, waving his hands to make your clothes disappear. “I want to see it.”
It was like a direct order, one you could not object to. Your whole body was heating up from nervousness, arousal and desire as you sat down on the sofa and slowly spread your legs for him, revealing your glistening pussy so you could position the unusual vibrator directly on your clit. You already knew you wouldn’t need any more lubrication than your own lust had already provided you with.
“Oh fuck…” You moaned when you switched it on, the air pulses catching you off guard completely. It felt like being pleasured orally and yet… yet it felt entirely different. Now this was the kind of toy you would be using if Loki would ever be too busy to tend to your aching quim… you shivered, switching the air pulses to a higher setting.
In front of you, Loki was panting, blue eyes fixed greedily on what was happening right between your legs as you threw your head back in pure bliss, imagining him suckling on your clit instead.
Oh, he did enjoy this sight and he was unwilling to give it up to sink his hardening length into you and fuck you, not just yet. Instead… instead another idea came to his mind.
Unceremoniously, he materialised the masturbator, eyeing it suspiciously before freeing his already aching manhood from his trousers.
Your eyes widened when you realised what he was up to. Oh heavens… were you going to watch each other pleasure yourselves with toys until you couldn’t take it anymore?
Gasping, you watched him sheath his cock inside the masturbator, his lips slightly parted. It did not nearly feel as good as your warm, wet and tight walls clenching around him but for the moment, it would have to do. He had to admit he had been rather curious to try the toy as well… and it was rather enticing.
You fell into a synchronous rhythm soon enough. Whenever you increased the power of your womanizer, Loki quickened his strokes. Your eyes locked, invisible sparks flying between you and igniting the air. He didn’t need to ask if you were close. He knew you were.
He stilled when you began to squirm and moan loudly, watching your every move as you came undone before his eyes. He could see your muscles contract, every inch of your body filled with pleasure which, upon his greedy gaze, seemed even more intense than usual when you were masturbating.
“My, what a wonderful show you have put on for me, my sweet. Good girl…” You swallowed thickly.
Growling, he tossed the masturbator away, ready to devour the meal so willingly spread before him on the sofa.
“Let me tend to that lovely quim now and give it what it so desperately craves.”
You moaned when he buried himself deep inside you to the hilt.
A/N: The last door, door 24, will be opened tomorrow, on Christmas Eve! ♥
Check out my blog to find more Imagines and take a glimpse at my first (to be) published novel! Also, if you enjoyed this story, I would appreciate so much if you supported me on Kofi! ko-fi.com/sserpente
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yespolkadotkitty · 5 years
The Apple of My Eye, pt 1/2
written with the amazing @hopelessromanticspoonie​ 
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“Darling. Would you consider…” Loki paused, staring out at New York from one of the balconies of Stark Tower.
“My dearest love. Perhaps you might…” He groaned at himself. Silver-tongue indeed. What good was being the God of Lies when you never wanted to lie again, at least, not to her.
He opened the little pocket of reality and drew out the apple. The glossy red skin gleamed in the sunlight, tempting and crisp. The gold leaf atop it promised his kitten a life as long as his own. If she would take a bite.
Loki let the apple hover there for a moment. “I did not mean to keep this from you, however - no, that shan’t do. Seven hells.”
Pacing back and forth, he tried several more opening gambits, but none seemed quite right.
“Kitten, you recall that sojourn to Asgard? Well whilst there… Norns, this is hopeless.”
“Well, nothing’s entirely hopeless,” a voice said from behind him.
Loki turned to see Steve Rogers, probably the Avenger he - most liked? Least hated? - most tolerated, leaning against the open French doors that led to the balcony. He scowled.
“What could you know about hopelessness, mortal,” he sneered, not really meaning it, but lashing out from the fear that Spoons would refuse him. Refuse the apple. Choose to leave him alone, heartbroken, for near eternity.
“Getting beat up for being too small? Always feelin’ like a kid on the outside, palms on the window but there’s no way in?” Steve’s Brooklyn-accented tone was casual, but his words and steady stare held gravitas. “I know a lot about hope, and living without it. And,” he added, nodding to the levitating apple, “I know what that is.”
Feeling helpless and frustrated, the two emotions he detested most in the world, Loki all but growled. “If you know so much, then tell me what to say. How to convince her.”
Steve shrugged one large shoulder. “You ask me-”
“I hardly see any other mortals on this balcony,” Loki snapped.
Genially, Steve merely raised a brow. “You ask me, I saw you both at your party. No way she wouldn’t lay everything she has on the line for you.”
Surprised by the nakedly honest response, Loki turned away for a second, unwilling to let the other man see his emotions. Norns, he could barely stand to experience them himself, let alone have another witness them.
“Thank you,” he managed, turning once he felt sufficiently composed once again.
They stood in companionable silence for a moment. “There was a girl, once,” Steve said at length. “But hey, you’re probably not interested.”
Loki hesitated. If he and Spoons were to make a real life out of this, he had to realise that the inhabitants of Stark Tower were, in fact, the closest he had to friends on Midgard. Anywhere in the Nine Realms, for that matter. “I find, to my horror, that I am,” he drawled, but let a smile colour his words.
Steve smiled back, a little. He shoved his hands in the pockets of his jeans, stared out at the spires and peaks of the New York skyline, iconic, busy, ever-changing. “If I had the chance for a do-over, at any point in time, knowing there’d be no major consequences for the rest of the world, I’d grab that chance with both hands. And I’d just say what was here.” He tapped his heart with one hand. “I mean, I assume you have one.”
Loki chuckled, recognising the joke. “For a time I feared it no longer functioned,” he murmured. “And then…”
“And then,” Steve agreed, a faraway expression in his eyes. For a moment, his face was lined with grief and regret, and Loki had to look away for the naked truth of it.
The shrill ringing of Loki’s smartphone interrupted the moment. Loki jerked in surprise, still unused to Midgardian technology. The phone was useful for contacting Spoons as she went about her daily business. They often exchanged flirtatious messages if they were apart, and of course, he was able to use the clever little machine to enquire as to her well-being.
He pressed the “connect” button. "Okay Reindeer Games.” Stark’s disembodied voice floated up through the small speaker. “Don’t freak out, but Spoons is on her way to the ER.”
Loki knew enough to know what the ER meant. Where it was. What could be happening right now. He dropped the phone. The apple winked out of sight.
“Loki? Rock of Ages. You still there?" Stark’s voice was tinny out of the speaker.
Steve snatched the phone up and spoke briefly to the older Avenger. Loki didn’t hear anything that was said. He was already halfway down the staircase, taking three steps at a time, channeling out anything that wouldn’t help him get to her the fastest.
“Wait. Damn it!” Steve yanked at his arm, and Loki’s first instinct was to lash out, but the expression on Rogers’ lean, charismatic face -  warm concern - gave him pause. “Loki. Breathe. I’ll drive us. No one knows this city like I do.”
Loki forced himself to nod, ignoring the clamouring, crushing panic threatening to eat him from the inside out. “That would be best,” he heard himself say. “I should not drive.”
“Like Tony’s letting you within a hundred feet of any of those Ferraris,” Steve quipped, and the brief moment of levity made Loki able to step back, just a breath, from that terrifying precipice of fear. Or what if she isn’t fine. Or, what if I lose her.
The drive seemed to take an eternity, and Loki’s heart was lodged in his throat for every second of the journey.
Permanent taglist: @just-the-hiddles​ @nonsensicalobsessions​ @vodka-and-some-sass​ @polireader​ @brokenthelovely​ @myoxisbroken​ @wiczer​ @amarisyousei​ @magnitude101999​ @lotus-eyedindiangoddess​
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buckybarnesbingo · 4 years
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BBB Discord Party Round Robin
What started out as simple summary, one prompt and one sentence per person, ended up being so intriguing that we went all-out and created a fic!  Each person was given about half an hour to write up to 300 words, and the option to cross off one of their bingo squares, and this is the glorious result!
window cleaning
potato salad
cat stalker
sharing a bed
Summary: To say that Bucky had been surprised when a FREAKING DRAGON showed up at the summer BBQ at his beach house would be an understatement. How should the ex assassin have anticipated a dragon, who seemed to have followed his cat to the BBQ? It didn't seem to be dangerous as of yet seeing as the two were happily sharing potato salad.
When Tony showed up late, he nudged Bucky, "Hey Buckaroo - I brought - WHOA! I didn't know you had a... cat."
Sure, it’s the cat that surprises you, Bucky thought, but Tony was still talking a mile a minute around the cookie in his mouth, “So, anyway, I brought that- fuck, is he your window cleaner, he’s gorgeous!”
"Window cleaning is just one of the many services I offer," the dragon said swinging it's head around to stare unblinking at Tony.
Bucky jolts back and stares at the dragon as he recognises the sound of that voice, then quickly pulls his phone out to text Steve... "where exactly are you right now?"
Steve doesn't answer his phone, obviously, but a telltale notification sound pings from somewhere inside the dragon's belly, audible through the slightly open mouth of the creature, and Bucky has to rub the base of his nose, muttering, "of fucking course you do this reveal to me after we've been sharing a bed for weeks."
And you can find the rest of the fic under the cut!
Tony, another cookie in his hand, held up a finger. “Um, excuse me, I hate to be nitpicky about weird details when Steve has apparently turned into a dragon, BUT…” he pointed at the dragon.  “Did I hear a cell phone in there? How did you manage to SWALLOW A CELL PHONE?”
Steve turned his large, scaly head in Tony’s direction, and it was amazing, he actually managed to have an extremely Steve expression on that reptilian face. “Classified.”
Tony snorted and dipped a plastic spoon into the potato salad. “You’re a lying liar who lies. And you’re going to need some very intense tech support for that phone by the time it gets… out.  And oh, ew, all of the options for how it gets out are just disgusting.”
Bucky, who had been standing there fighting the temptation to call Steve (he wanted to see what happened when the swallowed cell phone started vibrating and ringing), dragged himself back to the conversation. “Steve, I think you might wanna tell us exactly what’s going on.” He glanced at the cat that was now sitting next to Steve and very daintily licking its paws. “Maybe start with the cat?”
The dragon remained stubbornly quiet, a strange fiery blush spreading across its face.
Bucky waited him out for a full minute before he threateningly pulled out his phone and began to dial... 
"Ok, OK!"  Steve caved in as the first riffs of ‘Holding Out for a Hero’ echoed around inside of him and Bucky’s eyes widened, then narrowed dangerously as he mercifully ended the call while Tony coughed up cookie crumbs from all his cackling…  great, thanks Nat!  One more thing he would be having to explain later in excruciating detail.
Raising his huge snout skyward with a big defeated sigh, Steve let out a little spurt of fire before starting on some ridiculous explanation about how he had wanted to look good for the BBQ, so Nat suggested he go to a day spa she knows, but he had nobody to leave the cat with and so he took him along since they offered pet day care services... 
He trailed off as the laughter of everyone around him burst out in a crescendo and he leveled his steely gaze back down on them, now irritated beyond embarrassment. 
Bucky was the first one to compose himself, once Tony started making hot stone massage dragon jokes and he quickly recalled what was most pertinent here. 
"Steve, can you please get to the part where you're a dragon and if this is something you've been keeping from me or a temporary mishap?"  Bucky was not exactly sure what he'd prefer, since, well, dragons are pretty magnificent and he wouldn't mind having his own. His mind began to wander into the possible perks of a dragon boyfriend and whether Steve could fly now.
Dragons can scowl - that was a thing Bucky knew now.  
Steve harrumphed and glared, trying to work through his embarrassment.  “So I never actually made it to the day spa. I went to bed last night and the cat I adopted when you got Alpine - d”
“Inky?”  Bucky asked.
“No, I called him Beetle,” Steve said with a puff of steam.
“Still say Beetle’s a dumb name for a cat,” Bucky mumbled.
Tony nodded in agreement and helped himself to another cookie. “I’m gonna start the grill, okay?”
“Yeah, that’s fine Tony,” Bucky said and then tried to turn the conversation back to the dragon boyfriend issue. “So you slept with the cat and now you’re a dragon? Or were you a dragon before?”
“No. I’m not a dragon… well, I wasn’t,” Steve sighed. “So Beetle slept with me, sneezed… and turned into a guy named Loki. I freaked out, he got mad, and turned me into a dragon.”
From the grill, Tony said, “So where’s this guy now, Steeb?”
“I wish I knew,” Dragon Steve said miserably.
“Meow?” Alpine interjected himself and twined between the dragon’s toes and Bucky’s legs to situate himself at Tony’s feet. He looked up with wide blue eyes.
Steve turned his gaze to the cat. “I know, I know,” he said. “Food will be ready for you soon.”
Bucky’s eyebrow arched up. “If you tell me that you can talk to animals…”
The fiery blush somehow deepened on Steve’s dragon face. “Uh, not all animals. But cats… I think they speak a dialect of dragon, somehow, because I kinda understand them now.”
Instead of answering, Bucky decided it was a good time to stuff his mouth with two cookies at once, lest he let out a scream of excitement.
Alpine jumped on the table, and started to rub his face to Steve’s scales. He kept this up, right until Steve started to breathe heavily, and with one final tickling of his full body, Alpine threw himself off the table and ran under the cover of it.
Steve sneezed.
Several times.
With violent force.
The table turned out to be an inadequate hiding place, as it was blown away by the wind of the squeeze, along with most of the BBQ supplies, including the plates, utensils and napkins.
Tony was saved thanks to Bucky’s quick reflexes, who dragged him out of the way of a flying pitcher that was full of hot water to become Bruce’s tea later.
Steve was sniffling and scratching his snout. “Sorry,” he said nasally, then he stared at the ground. “Uh. I think the phone’s out.”
Bucky didn’t want to know. But he kind of did. “How did it get to your lung? Or is a dragon belly connected to sneezing somehow?”
Alpine slowly walked back into the scene, stepping into the dragon snot with delicate disdain, and poked the phone with his nose. He meowed a few times.
“He wants us to look at it,” Steve translated. “He says something about messages. Or notes? I’m not entirely sure. I’m not fluent in cat yet.”
My boyfriend the dragon isn’t fluent in cat yet, Bucky thought. How is this my life?
“Well, go on, then,” Tony encouraged, wafting his hand at the phone as Alpine curled into Steve’s side again, seeking warmth despite the fact that it’d been far too goddamn sunny all day.
“I would,” Steve said, raising one clawed… paw? Hand? Strangely enough, Bucky had no idea what the anatomy of a dragon is. “But there’s this whole no opposable thumbs issue at the moment.”
Tony looked at Bucky. Bucky looked back at Tony. Neither of them moved to pick up the phone.
“He’s your boyfriend.”
Tony scoffed. “And that means you get to be the one playing with the phone he ate, duh.”
“I hate you,” Bucky said. “I hate both of you. And whoever this Loki jackass is, I really fucking hate him.”
Steve made a bizarre snarly noise, maybe a draconine laugh, maybe a growl, then nudged the phone in Bucky’s direction with his nose. “You know the passcode,” he said, baring a whole load of pointy teeth at him.
Dutifully, Bucky picked the disgusting thing up, wiped the slime coating it on his jeans (well, those were being burnt now), and tapped out his own date of birth to unlock it.
“Ha!” Tony said when it unlocked, peering at the screen over Bucky’s shoulder. “Stark Tech. Can’t beat it. I’d like to see an iPhone keep working after spending time inside a dragon.”
“Do we know a Valkyrie?” Bucky asked, ignoring Tony’s bragging to look at the long string of messages Steve apparently received over the last three hours. “Because she sure seems to know you, and boy is she unhappy.”
“Never heard of her,” Steve answered. “What’s she say?”
“Rogers,” Tony read, “be careful, Thor’s brother is
on the loose and looking to cause trouble. Not sure what exactly but he is looking for mischief. Well that can't be good."
"Obviously not seeing as I'm now a dragon," Steve snorted in annoyance, a small puff of smoke escaping his nose.
"So how do we fix this," Bucky inquired as he sent back a text explaining the situation as it was before setting the phone down to not have to deal with the slimy mess for a moment. As the three discussed options and people they thought might be able to help, Alpine let out an angry yowl as he seemingly started floating away from where he'd been napping.
Steve let out a low rumbling growl, "don't touch him Loki or I'll eat you myself…"
Loki appeared, holding a fighting Alpine by the scruff to protect himself from claws and teeth. "Now is that any way to speak to an honored guest?"
“An honored guest my ass,” mumbled Bucky, pointedly ignoring the snickering coming from Tony.
“My my, so rude the company you keep, Anthony.” Loki drawled, still holding Alpine and only slightly being turned towards the three heroes. “I was just hoping my gift was well received.”
Tony sputtered at that. The assassin turned towards the other brunet, a questioning eyebrow risen. Tony, though, ignored him and started to ramble at Loki, “Serious? I hate that name. Stop calling me that, Reindeer Games! Why are you here? And what’s going on with Steve as a dragon? I mean sure, dragons are pretty cool and he’s quite a beauty like this but c’mon, Lokes, usually your mischief is directed against Thor not Steve.”
Sure, Bucky could say something about Tony obviously eyeing his dragon boyfriend up- and what a mess that was- but he was more interested in what the heck really was going on. Maybe after they figured out Loki's motive, Bucky could think about why Steve preened under Tony’s compliments.
Also, Bucky wasn’t sure what was going on at all between Loki and Tony, but by the look of it Steve had an idea. How Bucky could interpret his boyfriend’s limited facial expressions at the moment, was another mystery to be shoved in the ‘to never investigate’ box.
Before Loki could answer, the dragon rounded on him. “I told you to let him go!”
Steve’s hiss was threatening and Bucky didn’t blame Loki for gently putting Alpine back done and backing up a bit after that. “Fine. The good captain was collateral damage in my attempt at wooing.”
Everyone froze at that. 
‘Wooing? What the…?!’, Bucky thought disbelievingly. 
The first person to recover was Steve though, and cautiously the formerly blond asked, “Wooing who?”
“Isn’t it obvious? Anthony of course!”
There was stunned silence as everyone gaped at Loki, then Steve started huffing, little bursts of flame spouting from his nostrils.
"Are-are you laughing at me?" Loki demanded haughtily. 
Steve shook his head. "The look on Tony’s face!" he chortled. "It's like he doesn't know whether to be flattered, insulted, or just plain horrified."
They all looked at Tony, who made an immediate attempt to control his face.
"Flattered," he said hastily, "definitely flattered but, er, I'm not sure how Pepper's gonna react."
Loki drew himself up. "It was her suggestion," he said. 
"Pepper suggested you turn me into a dragon as a courting… gift?"
Loki nodded. "She assured me you have the ego to pull it off."
Steve began to huff again and this time, both Loki and Tony glared at him.
"What?" Steve asked.
"She's not wrong," Bucky interjected in an effort to save his boyfriend from all the attention. "Also, she may have mentioned to me last week that dragons are her favourite mythical animal," he finished.
"Indeed," Loki said, smirking. "She told me she always wanted to ride a dragon."
Bucky's laughter joined Steve's draconic huffing and Tony’s expression changed.
"Really?" he asked.
"Of course," Loki replied. "It is a most exhilarating activity."
Bucky stopped laughing as an idea slammed into his mind. He turned a speculative gaze in Steve's direction. Steve must have felt the weight of Bucky's gaze as the giant head turned to look at him.
"Something on your mind? Steve asked in a surprisingly quiet voice.
Bucky nodded. "That riding a dragon thing," he said.
Steve's eyes glittered. "You wanna try it out?"
They looked at Tony and Loki who were now standing much closer together and seemed to be deep in some sort of negotiations. 
"Climb on," Steve said. "Before Loki remembers to change me back."
Bucky scrambled up Steve's outstretched leg and settled himself in front of Steve's wings.
"Ready?" Steve rumbled, and without waiting for an answer, launched himself into the air.
Bucky whooped as they climbed. This had undoubtedly been the best BBQ ever.
Title: BBB Round Robin Fic Collaborators: Rebelmeg, Fightingforcreativity, Ladydarkphoenix, Psychiccatpanda, Dreaminglypeach, Ibelieveinturtles, Liquidlightz, Menatiera Squares filled:
Rebelmeg: Y2 - tech support
LiquidLightz (LLightz): B3 - spa day
Menatiera: U4 - hot water
Dreaminglypeach: B1 - sharing body heat
Ladydarkphoenix: U5 - "Don't touch him!"
Fightingforcreativity: B4 - Collateral Damage
Ibelieveinturtles: K2 - Whiplash
Ship: Stucky, hinted Stony or Stuckony, Pepperony, pre-FrostIron /FrostPepperony Rating: Gen Major Tags: round robin fic, dragon Steve, animal transformation, Loki shenanigans, cats, multiple ships, hijinks and shenanigans Summary: To say that Bucky had been surprised when a FREAKING DRAGON showed up at the summer BBQ at his beach house would be an understatement. How should the ex assassin have anticipated a dragon, who seemed to have followed his cat to the BBQ? It didn't seem to be dangerous as of yet seeing as the two were happily sharing potato salad.
When Tony showed up late, he nudged Bucky, "Hey Buckaroo - I brought - WHOA! I didn't know you had a... cat."
Sure, it’s the cat that surprises you, Bucky thought, but Tony was still talking a mile a minute around the cookie in his mouth, “So, anyway, I brought that- fuck, is he your window cleaner, he’s gorgeous!”
"Window cleaning is just one of the many services I offer," the dragon said swinging it's head around to stare unblinking at Tony.
Bucky jolts back and stares at the dragon as he recognises the sound of that voice, then quickly pulls his phone out to text Steve... "where exactly are you right now?"
Steve doesn't answer his phone, obviously, but a telltale notification sound pings from somewhere inside the dragon's belly, audible through the slightly open mouth of the creature, and Bucky has to rub the base of his nose, muttering, "of fucking course you do this reveal to me after we've been sharing a bed for weeks." Word Count: 2300
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TITLE: Bonds
CHAPTER NO./ONE SHOT: Chapter 3 / ?
AUTHOR: brightsun-and-darkmidnight
ORIGINAL IMAGINE: Imagine Loki assuming your nephew is your son. He’s not totally wrong, though, since you’ve been the boy’s legal guardian for a couple of years now. Plus, you do play a convincing “mother” role. (more to the imagine in link)
RATING:  M (Swearing, maybe some violence and MAYBE some smut)
NOTES/WARNINGS: I don’t want to give too much away but obviously adoption takes place. Talks of abandonment. Angst. 
AUTHOR'S NOTES: Sorry for not much Loki again, BUT I am hoping to have more interactions soon!
My Ao3: brightsun_and_darkmidnight
LENGTH: As usual I will try to keep to my 3,000 words per chapter.
*FINALLY..Read the warnings. Once you agree you can handle it...
 ~ ~ ENJOY  ~ ~
Raelynn helped Travis pack a bag, as she promised John's mother. 
Travis was a bundle of excitement. 
Raelynn a mess of nausea and tangled nerves. 
On the car ride there, she let him talk about how excited he was.
Once pulling into the driveway Raelynn wanted to pull out and go home. 
Swallowing down her fears, she put on a brave face.
All of the children were excited and hurried to hug Travis, stating how surprised they were that he was able to hang out with them. Raelynn made a quick exit before she could snatch her nephew up and take him home with her. 
Her heart raced, the watch making sure to warn her. She tapped into the watches and everything was fine with Travis, however the ache in her chest and the thumping in her head was bringing on one hell of a headache. Tears pricked her eyes once she was home. She noticed her hands shaking as she fumbled with her keys, dropping them at least once before succeeding. 
The trip to the kitchen was more difficult than she expected. She bumped into nearly everything on her way to get a glass of water. With her hands shaking, drinking the water was difficult, spilling some on herself. She threw the plastic cup in the sink with a frustrated yell.
The tears poured down her face as her lip trembled.
Unwanted memories of her younger self breaking into her mind, visiting, since a long time ago.
She was alone in a barely livable apartment.
Abandoned by her family at the age of 13. Thrown out of their lives, besides what could bite them in the ass. Her basic necessities were met: roof over head, food and water to sustain her, clothes that made her look like a normal and loved child. The “apartment” was the little shed in the backyard, if anyone asked, it was Raelynn who wished to live out there.
She was cursed with magic.
Her ability to communicate with electronics, shamed.
There was a sound that was pulling Raelynn from her worst nightmares. 
Focusing on the sound, desperately attempting to get out of her own mind she felt something as well.
It was her phone, ringing loudly and vibrating in her pocket.
She scrambled to answer the device.
It was Natasha.
Raelynn swallowed and answered, “Hey.”
Concern obvious in Natasha’s voice. “I’m outside.”
“I think it is unlocked.”
Then Raelynn heard the door open, the phone hang up and Natasha rushing through the house. Natasha hurried to put the few bags on the table. Raelynn noticed Natasha was taller than normal, then she realized she was on the floor, sitting in the fetal position against the cabinets. 
Natasha’s face softened but she hurried to get down to Raelynn’s level.
“Breathe. I know you have a million things going on in your mind, but I promise everything will be okay.”
The words were meant to comfort but it was just a flashback to the moment of Loki’s confession. The ache in her chest of having the chance of her dreams but not allowing it due to the new responsibility of a child. She could not drag anyone else into that responsibility thrown on her.
“THAT is what you said before, on THAT day.” Raelynn grit her teeth as she groaned.
“I know. I know.” Natasha sighed heavily. “Ya know… Loki seemed to be in a good mood yesterday when he came back from his walk…”
Raelynn’s heart fluttered, shaking the ache away momentarily. “It doesn’t matter. I can’t bring him into this life I have now. I have to take care of Travis.”
Natasha made herself comfortable on the floor, sitting in front of Raelynn. “I completely understand your worries… But look at you right now. You get a break from your duty of guardian and you are crying your eyes out.”
“I DON’T WANT A BREAK! -I need to take care of Travis.”
Natasha took Raelynn’s hands. “Sweetie… You are NOT abandoning him right now. He is having a healthy time away, socializing with friends. I know you will bring him home the first chance you get. You are not going to leave him to figure out things for himself. You have taught him so much already and he is a GREAT little boy. Very polite and caring. He has the best person to watch over him but you need to take care of yourself too.” 
Raelynn gripped Natasha’s hands. “I just want him to know he is loved.” Her voice broke, “And W-wanted.”
The firm grip returned from Natasha, “I promise you, he knows he is loved and wanted. Everyone around the two of you KNOW you would do anything, give that boy whatever he wished, and would not hesitate to defend him. That little boy appreciates you more than you know. Everything you have done, has been with him in mind. ….Now. I am here. I bought ice cream because I had a feeling we would need it. ...It is probably melting.”
Raelynn laughed a little. “I guess we should eat it all then.”
Natasha got up to get the ice cream with a smirk. 
Raelynn’s phone and watch went off with a message. 
From Travis: 3:16 PM. “I am having fun. Thanks for letting me come. :)”
Raelynn smiled. The message helping ease her mind a little.
She accepted the carton of ice cream and spoon from Natasha before Natasha took her spot on the floor again. “Travis just checked in. Said he is having fun… Thanked me for letting him go.”
Natasha smiled, “That’s great. Did it help you? Because if you don’t think you need that ice cream…”
Raelynn clutched the ice cream to her chest. “I still need this.”
Natasha laughed a little before shoving ice cream into her own mouth. Raelynn grinned as she took a spoonful, then sent a message back to Travis.
Sent to Travis: 3:19 PM. “Happy to hear that Kiddo. You are welcome.”
Raelynn set the phone on her thigh. 
She sighed spooning the melted parts of ice cream. “I still can’t believe how much my life changed with one phone call. I mean… I love Travis with all my heart.” Natasha confirmed quickly. “I know that.”
“-But he was four Nat… All because of my family’s damn curse he was abandoned. He talked to his pets and they actually listened to what he said. Scarily clearly did what he said and that was it. I was tracked down and my damn sister threw her own child at me… Or threatened to put him in the system. He cried constantly.. He didn’t understand who I was, he hated me for taking him away from his family.” Natash pushed the liquid around in the container. “I know… It was extremely difficult in the beginning.” Tears welled in Raelynn’s eyes once again. “I wonder if he still hates me.”
Natasha quickly replied, “He appreciates you. He is old enough to understand what he needs to. He knows you love him and will not hand him off. Trust me Rae. He does not hate you.”
Raelynn sighed, “I just hate the day when I have to tell him that his family threw him out because of something he loves so much.”
Natasha pushed her lips together. “Kids are smart. Maybe he already knows?”
Raelynn’s face fell even more. “He is just 7… That was hard for me at 13.”
Natasha offered a smile, “He has you, he has me and Clint. -His friends. He is not alone. You take him to the park to let him play with animals all the time. You are encouraging his ability, not trying to make him hide it.”
“To a point. I don’t just let him tell people he can SERIOUSLY communicate to animals. Just like I don’t tell everyone I can make electronics do as I say.”
Natasha rolled her eyes, “Well duh. I don’t tell everyone I am an assassin and work with SHIELD.”
Raelynn laughed slightly. “I guess…”
Raelynn and Natasha ate the melting ice cream. However, Raelynn laughed after a few slurps.
“This mide as well be soup!”
Natash grinned. “Lets try to make milkshakes.”
Raelynn hurried to get the blender out, but both of them laughed when there wasn’t much solid parts left, they added some ice cubes to help the situation a little more.
Natasha sipped her milkshake as they sat on the couch… “Are you constantly checking on Travis?”
“That’s what the watch is for, right? My peace of mind and breathing room for Travis?” Raelynn rose an eyebrow at Natasha.
“Well yes, but you could take a break. ...We could talk about you and Loki yesterday.”
Raelynn smiled a bit, “It was nice.” Then she took a long drink from the milkshake, looking away.
Natasha waved her hand towards herself, trying to coax more information out of Raelynn. “Give me more. He was in a really good mood when he got back. -Ofcouse Thor had to comment on Loki’s mood which made Loki bitter.” 
That made Raelynn giggle, “Sounds like nothing has changed.”
“Not really much has. -Tell me about yesterday.”
“I had Travis at the park, I sat on THE bench again, Loki showed up. And… It was like we have been friends all this time. It felt like we never forgot the other. We reminisced a lot and occasionally we would talk about Travis. Loki was… Happy when he realized Travis could talk to the animals -like I can talk to electronics.”
Natasha grinned, “Did you exchange numbers?”
Raelynn rose an eyebrow and asked, “Why would you ask that?”
“Oh ya know… Loki looking at his phone more than usual.”
Raelynn pushed her lips together… “Well… We did. I just do not know what to say.”
“Ask him to hang out.”
“It is not that simple anymore.”
“Okay. I will take you to the tower, you and Travis. He would love to see all the Avengers. AAAAnnnd you and Loki could hang out that way.”
Raelynn scrunched up her nose… “I don’t know about that.”
“It would be fine, and fun. He would be surrounded by the powerful protectors of Earth. He would be completely safe.”
There was nothing she could do but to sigh. “I’m just still not sure about dragging Loki into a relationship with me-even as friends. He was the one to suggest being friends again, and he KNOWS about Travis but…. Would it even work?”
“Only one way to find out Rae.”
From Travis: 5:48 PM. “I am having a lot of fun. Just ate some pizza with pineapple on it, weird but good. Going to watch a movie soon.”
Raelynn smiled, “He is having fun. Do you think I should let him stay the night?”
Natasha shrugged, "up to you. Would you want me to stay the night?"
Raelynn shrugged, "I don't know."
To Travis: 5:50 PM. "That does sound a bit weird lol. Enjoy the movie Kiddo."
Natasha offered a smile, "I see the new games. Wanna play?"
Raelynn grinned, "think you could win?"
Natasha held her hand out, “Only if you don’t use your magic.”
Raelynn grinned, shaking her hand. “I am still going to kick your ass.”
After playing a few rounds of the games, Raelynn got a call.
Immediately diving for her phone, she answered.
“Hey Kiddo. Everything okay?”
Travis sounded a little worried as he spoke. “Yeah. I think so.”
Raelynn sat up. “You sure?”
“Well… Everyone is wondering if I can stay.”
Raelynn bit her lip for a moment, “Do you want to?”
“Kinda… My tummy is upset though.”
Raelynn smiled a little. “Are you nervous?”
Raelynn smiled slightly at Natasha. “You sound a little homesick. Do you want me to come get you? Or do you want to stay?”
Travis sighed, “I don’t know. I wanna stay, but will my tummy still hurt?”
“It might, but just play with your friends. Enjoy your time if you want to. If you want me to come get you then I will. You just need to let me know.”
“Do you want me to stay?”
Raelynn’s heart melted and broke at the same time. “I want you to have fun, Kiddo. But I would not mind at all to come get you. I do miss you already.”
“I miss you too.”
“Is Johns mom there? Can you let me talk to her?”
“Yeah hang on. … Here she is.”
The mother’s voice was friendly, “Raelynn?”
Raelynn got a little more comfortable on the chair. “Yes, um. I was wondering, is Travis okay. It sounds like he is a little homesick. Or is something wrong?”
She seemed to chuckle a little. “I think it is a case of homesickness. We all asked him if he was staying and then he seemed to get a nervous belly. If he wants to stay he is more than welcome. I have some ginger ale and crackers I could give him.”
Raelynn pursed her lips. “Yeah. Give him that. If he wants to come home at any time, just let me know and I will be there.”
The mother seemed to be smiling, it carried through her voice. “I will definitely let you know. Here is Travis back.”
Travis spoke again. “Hey…” Raelynn smiled slightly at his worried voice. “Hey Kiddo. She is supposed to get you some stuff to help with your tummy. You just let me know if you want me to get you, Okay?”
Raelynn could hear noise in the background of the other children getting excited.
“I guess we are allowed to watch another movie.”
Raelynn laughed, “I heard the excitement.”
“Can I stay?”
Raelynn looked to Natasha who nodded. Biting her lip but then sighing, “Yeah Kiddo.”
“Thanks Rae Rae. ...Can I call after this movie?”
“Absolutely. I’ll talk to you in a few hours.”
“Okay. Bye Rae Rae.”
“Bye Kiddo.”
Raelynn watched her phone light up, letting her know the phone call was ended.
Natasha grinned, “Come on.”
Raelynn watched Natasha get up and walk to the dining room. “Where are we going?”
Natasha shrugged looking innocent. “Well, I need to go pack a bag. We need to go to the tower.”
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