#loki eating ice cream and thor just staring
babygirlthor · 2 years
thor sitting in loki’s lap and stealing his food
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 4 months
Have you ever tried or heard of the "Buldak Spicy Noodles Challenge?" Its made in Korea and it has many different spice levels & flavors, ranging from 1920 SHU to 10,000 scoville units. What would it be like if the reader (Replacement Fighter) who enjoys eating it without breaking a sweat, introduced the noodles to the RoR characters & made them eat it? Who would be just fine & who would immediately tap out, grabbing a bucket of ice cream or milk? (You can add in other characters too)
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Gods: Odin, Thor, Hades, Poseidon, Loki, Rudra, Shiva, Buddha & Apollo
Humans: Sasaki, Lubu, Tesla & Leo
I love Buldak! I’ve tried the normal spicy and I will admit that it is very spicy, but also refreshing in a sense and I love eating it. I will not be trying the death by spicy one, as I like my mouth not being burned away, lol.
-It started off with some curiosity, as they had seen you eating a thing of pot noodles, they were bright red and a specific scent seemed to hang in the air, something spicy.
-When you turned, still slurping up the noodles, seeing them looking at you with curiosity on their faces, you stood up and walked over to your pantry, “Sorry I forgot you guys were coming. Want some?”
-As you asked this, you opened your pantry, revealing more of the pot noodles, as in your whole pantry was stuffed with them. A few had to question how you were so healthy if you ate instant noodles all the time, but you ignored them, just starting the kettle again.
-Once the noodles were ready and everyone was sitting around the living room with you, you continued eating, after making yourself a second helping, to eat alongside everyone else.
-A few took a sniff of the noodles, Poseidon, Nikola, and Apollo, who all were instantly coughing, smelling the intense spice.
-A few had worried looks on their faces, sending panicked glances to each other before they all dug in.
-SPICY!!!! Immediately choking and rushing to the sink or trash can to spit it out, coughing from the intense spice, raiding your fridge for drinks, anything they could get their hands on, including just ice cubes. How could you eat that with a straight face!!
            -Poseidon, Apollo, Nikola, and Loki
-Okay this is really spicy, manages to get through the first bite, but not the second, as their face was quickly turning red, and quickly joined the others in the kitchen, demanding your ice tray to suck on some ice as well.
            Odin, Buddha, Hades, and Kojiro
-Isn’t going to be a bitch and wimp out, he is going to finish this challenge and prove that it’s not that spicy!! By the time he finishes, his face his bright red, his tongue is out as he can’t feel it and is pretty sure he’s burning from the inside out. Accepts your ice cream, after you finished yours, with panicked haste.
            -Leonidas, Lu Bu, and Thor
-This is really taste and is able to casually eat it like you. Yeah it’s spicy, but it’s doable- it’s quite refreshing actually. The others can only stare at you and them with horror on their faces, as you pulled out the three times as spicy one, asking if they wanted to try it. To everyone’s horror, the three of you eat that one no problem, but admit that this one is spicy. Ya’ll a bunch of freaks.
-Rudra and Shiva
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ashdreams2023 · 1 year
Can you do Loki with a transmasc reader who's upset about his body? (Loki comforting him). :]
Love yourself
Loki pronounces used: he/she
Some days were better than others, that’s how you’ve life been from day one, it just got worse after the surgeries.
You may not look like your old self anymore but there are many times we’re you cringe when you look at a mirror and see your own reflection.
Others who were born that way had it easy, there was an envy in your gut whenever you see men comfortable walk around in tank tops or shirtless at the beach, you could do those things but it wasn’t the same.
And some days you wanted to drown yourself in your own tears and let the ugly thoughts eat you up from the inside out.
"And why do you think locking yourself in your room will solve whatever issue you’re having?" Of course loki wouldn’t need a password to come inside, he had his ways.
"Just leave me alone…you wouldn’t get it"
Loki raised a brow at you "I’m the one to decide if I do or do not get your problem, so be my guest and tell me what’s the matter because I’m not leaving otherwise"
Stubborn as always, loki eventually will get what he wants "fine….I don’t feel good about my body, it doesn’t look right, I feel like I stand out in the wrong way….I wish I was just born in the right body instead of having to deal with this. You have it easy you can shift to whatever you feel like and it would look right, unlike me"
Loki stared at you for a minute then sat down on the bed beside you "do you truly believe I have it easy?"
Loki sighed "well if it makes you feel any better I used to hate my entire being because I didn’t what I wanted to represent myself as permanently…some days I want to be her and others I want to be them and I felt conflicted, and some days I hated looking in the mirror all together because I knew I wouldn’t like what I saw, I envied Thor for picking something and sticking to it, while I felt like an…"
"Exactly." he placed his hand on your back, rubbing small circles with his thumb "moral of the story, I had to learn that it doesn’t matter, it really doesn’t, I’m doing what I’m capable of it, I should accept what I want to be seen as, even if it’s not the closest thing to the perfection in my head"
You sniffed "you mean to tell me I need to stop comparing myself to others and just try loving myself as the way I am?"
"We’ll look here you actually have a brain!"
"Loki!" You pushed him playfully away from you.
"Ow! You men too rough sometimes" her voice softened, those long black locks complimented her face.
"Forgive me princess I don’t know my own strength" you teased.
She huffed folding her arms over her chest "buy me an ice cream Sunday then we’re even" she grinned.
"Whatever you want"
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blackypanther9 · 2 years
The Spook - Loki x Reader (Marvel x Fnaf Crossover)
Part 6 – Investigation starts
“Why are you still awake ?”
Loki jumped at the voice.
“Can’t sleep…”, Loki replied.
Destiny hummed in understanding.
“You ?”, Loki asked.
“I am thinking about a lot… As soon as everything is quiet, my thoughts run wild in my head and I can’t sleep. I always have the TV on, in Avengers Tower, so my thoughts leave me be.”
“How late is it ?”, Loki asked.
Loki’s eyes widened.
“We aren’t even here for that long !”, he said.
“I forgot to tell you, right ?”
“Tell me what ?”
“Here the 6 hours are a lot different. They pass by like a few minutes. At least it feels like it. The outside world has already 3 real hours behind itself too. This building plays with mind and time. The spirits let them pass by like seconds, but we really have been here for longer than it feels like.”
Loki was silent and stared into the darkness.
“Why are they trying to kill us ?”, he asked.
“Because they are outraged spirits.”
“Why did they kill innocent guards ?”
“Because they thought they were their murderers. Or maybe they wanted to spook them away and as that didn’t work, they killed them.”
Loki was still very quiet.
“Are all the dead children here ?”
“No. They are separated. In every Location are some.”
Loki was silent, scared now.
“And there are no Safe rooms…”
Loki gulped.
“Why are we going to these places ? To what purpose ?”, Loki asked a bit shaky.
“Because we NEED to find their dead bodies, the murderer and we need to find the very owner of these locations. We need to help the kids to move on. They are stuck here as ghosts, because they are forced to stay. They didn’t stay willingly.”
“How will we get answers ?”
“Easy. Tomorrow Dominic will have all the equipment we need, to communicate with them. And it only works at night. We surely will get answers.”
“And die.”
“NOT die.”
Loki wasn’t sure about that, but kept silent.
After the clock chimed 6AM, they left the Safe room and the building all together. Then they went away from the building and to a blue van. Dominic opened the van and they all jumped in.
“What do you want to eat, guys ?”, he asked.
“How about some McDonalds ? I need some fries and a Burger.”, Destiny said.
“What is McDonalds ?”, the Asir Brothers asked.
“Just a place to get food from.”, Dominic said and drove off with them.
“Hey Loki ?”, Destiny called.
“Yes ?”
“Is it true that you like eating fish ?”
“It varies from moment to moment.”, he said simply.
“How is it today ?”, she asked him.
“I would like some fish.”, Loki answered.
“Well then Loki gets a Filet o fish menu. Thor, what about you ?”
“I don’t know…”
“Get him a Big Mac menu and 2 double Cheeseburgers.”, Destiny said casually.
“Noted. You, Dest ?”
“The usual. I want a Mc Flurry with chocolate sauce, an 8 shrimps box with cocktail sauce, a Mc chicken menu and Fanta. And don’t forget the extra curry sauce !”
“Got it.”
With that they soon reached McDonalds and Dominic ordered the whole food, then he payed and got the food soon after. With that they drove back to the place the van was parked at before.
“Dig in guys, because today will be rough again at night.”, Destiny said.
“I hope you all enjoy !”, Dominic said and digged in.
The rest did too and Loki and Thor quite enjoyed their food to be honest. Later Loki looked at Destiny as she had her shrimps, Mc Flurry with chocolate sauce and fries, with curry and mayonnaise sauce mixed, left.
“What are you staring at, Mischief ?”, she asked him.
“Can…can I try a bit of your stuff ?”, he asked carefully.
She chuckled and motioned for him to take something and taste it. He did instantly with the sauce and fries. He liked it and hummed, stealing more fries and sauce, which made Destiny chuckle. Then he stole a shrimp and dipped it into the cocktail sauce, humming at the taste and last, but not least, he tasted her Mc Flurry with chocolate sauce.
“This is heaven.”, Loki moaned at the taste.
He loved her Ice cream. She laughed.
“Maybe next time we will get you one too.”, she said and Loki was happy with that.
The whole day Destiny and Dominic were teaching Loki and Thor how to use the equipment and what is to be expected and what not. They made them see videos about the stuff and read books.
They knew now how to use and how to read the equipment properly. They knew how the EMF Reader worked, the Spirit Box, the Candles, the Flashlights…everything and what to expect.
Four hours before Midnight they walked in and then all walked around with the EMF Readers. As they neared the Animatronics, they went off to a straight 5. They all put them down and only Loki’s EMF Reader was still on.
Then Destiny activated the Spirit Box.
“Before we start this, I wish that you know, that we are not here to harm you in any way. We search a way to set you free and to find out what happened to you all these years ago.”, she said loud and clear, so the spirits will hear her clearly.
Freddy twitched and soon did the rest. Loki stepped back cautiously. But more they didn’t do. They twitched for a sec and then everything was quiet.
“My name is Destiny.”, she said pointing at herself.
“This is Loki.”, she said and pointed at Loki.
“That is Thor.”, she told them and pointed at Thor, who waved.
“And this is Dominic.”, she lastly introduced them to.
Freddy laughed friendly. The rest didn’t do anything.
“I need to know… Can you communicate with us over the Animatronics’ voice box or can you communicate by manipulating the device I am holding to talk with us ?”
Freddy and the box in Destiny’s hands replied loud and clear with…
Loki only stared at Freddy in horror. Thor was scared shitless and Dominic and Destiny tried to keep their cool.
‘Welp that went well so far….’
Masterlist Here !
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imagine-loki · 2 years
Mischief and Magic
TITLE: Mischief and Magic CHAPTER NO./ONE SHOT: 12/? AUTHOR: nekoamamori ORIGINAL IMAGINE: Imagine you are a descendant from a kitsune, a fox demon. You have a mischievous streak a mile long. One day, after Thor gets tired of your antics, he throws you at Loki demanding that you annoy Loki for awhile. RATING: T (for now) NOTES/WARNINGS: Also on AO3 here
Morgan took Loki’s hand and dragged him out of the tower, treating him more like a favorite stuffed animal than a terrifying powerful god. Clearly, Loki had lost his touch, at least when it came to this little mortal Starklet, but somehow he couldn’t find it in himself to mind.  She was treating him like her best friend, like potentially more than that when she was of age to consent to such things, and Loki found that he liked it.  He’d never had a friend like her before, or friends at all.  Thor’s friends were idiots and Loki was too different on Asgard to be accepted.  Somehow… somehow Morgan didn’t mind that he was different and dark.  She kept finding and pulling out the light in him.
Loki flinched when they left the tower, expecting some alarm to go off, some weapon to attack him for daring to leave without an approved guard or babysitter.  For daring to leave without permission.  He was astonished when no attack came and when Morgan just kept dragging him along like nothing strange occurred with him. She led him out onto the street, chatting with him as they strolled along.  Loki listened intently as she told him about the city and the shops, as she told him about Midgardian life. It grounded him, seeing how similar and different this realm was to his home. 
People stared at them as they walked.  Morgan ignored them, used to being in the spotlight, used to all the attention.  Her father was famous and her looks made her distinctive, especially with her arc reactor glowing through her shirt.  Loki noted with satisfaction that she wore a repulsor, hidden as a watch, and was proud of her for not going unarmed, even if he was perfectly capable of protecting her.  
Loki also knew that some of the stares from the people on the street were for him.  Even without his distinctive helmet, it was common knowledge that he was back on the realm and living at the tower.  Seeing him with Morgan wasn’t terribly unexpected.  Though he heard some mentions about some mortal named ‘Tom Hiddleston’.  He made a note to himself to ask Morgan about that when they were safely in private again.  
As they made their way to more densely populated shops, Loki felt the need to speak up, to spill a secret before it blew up the hard way.  It took more courage than he wanted to admit, afraid of being rejected like he had been all his life, but he finally got the words out: “I should warn you that cold things turn me blue." He said the words in a rush.  It was the only way to get them out.  Did she know what he was?  Did she understand what the cold would do to him?  Would she see him as a monster?
Morgan paused in her stride and looked up at him, giving him her full attention with a small adorable frown.  She resembled a kitten trying to figure out how to properly pounce on a hoppy bug.  “Oh… do you want to go somewhere else?" she didn't want to make him uncomfortable and clearly didn’t quite see what the problem was or how to fix it. 
Loki shook his head firmly. He really did want to try the treat.  “Not at all. There are ways to avoid it being an issue. For example, simply taking the treat to the tower and eating it there." It wasn’t the ideal solution when the god wanted to spend time outside of the tower, but would be less traumatizing for all involved. 
Morgan considered that and Loki could practically see the gears in her head spin as she recalculated her plans for their day out. "Then we'll head to the bookstore first and get ice cream on our way back,” she suggested easily.  She was planning on surprising Loki with a trip to the bookstore.  Now, they would just do it in a different order.  
Loki lit up in absolute delight; he was always in the mood to adopt some books!  Books needed homes and he was glad to give them all a loving home.  Morgan giggled and led him down a few shops to a little bookstore crammed full of book-friends to adopt. Loki seemed to be in his element the moment he inhaled the scent of the books. "I thought you would like it here,” Morgan said at his reaction.  
Loki nodded and beamed and went to prowl along the shelves, hunting for new books to adopt. He soon returned with a massive stack of books and puppy eyes, begging for his new friends to come home with him. Morgan had wandered off to her favorite section of the store and had her own stack of books when they met up again at the register. Loki set his books on the counter, surprising the clerk with the size of the stack.  The clerk was just as surprised at the stack Morgan sat next to it.  Loki was just glad Morgan wasn’t telling him that he couldn’t adopt all his new friends.  
Loki looked between Morgan and the books on the counter and realized he didn’t really know how money worked on Midgard.  As she was digging in her wallet, he produced a wad of cash that he'd transfigured from some slips of paper.  That was legitimate currency, right? He tried so hard to do things the right way.  It was adorable.  Even if it was completely wrong.  Morgan shook her head. “I’ve got it" she reassured him and handed over her dad’s credit card to the clerk. It wasn't like her dad couldn't afford it.
Loki nodded. "Alright,” he relented easily, watching the transaction with interest.  It was all new to him and Loki loved learning new things.
Morgan bought all the books and smirked at Loki. "Can you put the bags in one of those fancy dimensional pockets?" Carrying heavy books around didn't sound appealing.  She didn’t abuse Loki’s magic, but trading favors with a friend was totally acceptable.  Loki nodded and vanished the books with seemingly no effort.
Morgan grinned and took his hand to lead him to the ice cream shop. She got distracted on the way, though, and dragged him into a stuffed animal store. "They have a new plushie in the Avengers collection!" she told him excitedly.  Loki had been surprised at the sudden stop, but relaxed when he found himself surrounded by plushies.  Jotuns loved cuddly toys.  He still didn’t know all that much about his culture, but he’d learned that much from what research he’d been able to do and from his own experiences.  
Morgan went to the Avengers display and beamed at the Loki plushies. They were clearly new and the store had quite a few of them. She picked out the best looking one and cuddled it close. "I doubt you want a plushie of yourself…” she gestured around the store in invitation for him to pick out a plush friend to adopt.  
Loki looked at the plushie cuddled to her chest (and tried to convince himself that he wasn’t jealous).  "They made one in my image??" He demanded incredulously.  He was a villain! Why would they make a plushie of him??
Morgan nodded and grinned up at him, clearly amused by how incredulous he was.  There was mischief and fun in her eyes, which Loki definitely respected, being the god of mischief. "When your brother announced that you'd be joining the team, the company decided to make one. I've been waiting for them to come out. I have the rest of the collection,” she told him.  It was no surprise that she had the collection.  The Avengers were her family and it was comforting to have plushes of them around.  Clearly the one of Loki was the best, though.  Especially in Loki’s opinion. 
Loki smiled in return.  He couldn’t help it when she was beaming so brightly.  She was like a little sunshine.  But unlike Thor’s light that he kept for himself and kept Loki in the shadows, she shared her light with everyone around her. "Do they have a Lady Morgan?"
Morgan shook her head, surprised by the question.  She was just Tony’s daughter, a no one, not compared to the team. “I’m not an Avenger..." she said softly.  There was no reason for her to be represented.
Loki tilted his head and considered. "Well then, we’ll just have to find something that represents you."
Morgan relaxed and her sunshine returned as the pair hunted through the store until they found a suitable plushie. It was a fox instead of a bear like most of the stuffed animals.  It was the same color as her hair, and just seemed to fit.  They dressed it up to look like Morgan, including a little arc reactor from the Iron Man section. Loki smiled. "Perfect." It reminded him so much of her, though he hadn’t quite placed exactly why.  
Morgan grinned “You think so?" she liked that he wanted a plushie of her, liked that she meant enough to him for it. 
Loki nodded and thought through his words before he explained further. Morgan had noticed that he always tended to think before he spoke, unlike his oafish brother. “You're clever, like a fox. The red color matches your hair and the arc reactor matches the one you have."
Morgan beamed at all the praise "Perfect indeed,” she agreed and paid for their new plush friends.  
Once that was done, they finally they made their way to the ice cream shop. Loki looked at her as they walked. "Thank you for taking me with you on your outing," he said warmly. He'd needed the fresh air and break from the team and the tower.  He tended to get stabby when he was cooped up too long.
Morgan grinned up at him. "Thought you could use some time out of the tower. And ice cream,”
Loki chuckled, though there was worry and concern in his words. "Hopefully, my Jotun form won't be too frightening."
"It won't be,” Morgan replied and led him into the shop properly. She showed him all the different flavors of ice cream on the menu board. “You seem like you'd like mint chocolate chip,” she said after he’d had a minute to look over all the choices.  He’d seemed overwhelmed, so she offered him an opinion. 
Loki nodded. "It's in my colors," he observed.  Mint sounded pleasant and he loved chocolate, so it seemed a good fit.  
"That's true,” Morgan agreed and ordered their ice cream for them. She got the chocolateist thing they had and ordered the mint for him. Loki carried the tubs of ice cream in a bag so they wouldn't turn him blue in public.
Morgan led him back to the tower, holding his hand the entire way.  She was closer to him physically than she had been, walking next to him instead of dragging him like a plushie. She’d taken his hand automatically, hers warm and soft in his.  
He’d allowed her taking his hand without question, without thinking about it, and that realization warmed his heart.  It just felt so natural and perfect.  Fresh air, sunshine, and the little sunshine walking next to him, showing him such natural affection.  He’d only experienced unforced affection, physical affection, from one other person in his life: his beloved mama.
And this experience, this feeling, was so very different from the one he shared with Mama Frigga.
And wasn’t that interesting?
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getlostsquidward · 3 years
The gaps in your hearts
Lou Miller x fem!reader
A/N: This fic is very personal to me. I couldn’t think of a fic idea for Lou then I thought what better way to write something than from getting it from own experience lol. There’s A Star is Born and Thor and Loki reference ahe
(reread the first cut after you’re done reading the last part <3)
Content: Angst. Some fluff. Angst. Emotional cheating (I think that’s what it’s called.) Angst.
Summary: You were haunted by a ghost in Lou’s life.
Or it’s deja vu by olivia rodrigo but in reverse
Part two
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“Yes, Y/N?”
“I just wanted to take another look at you.”
She turned to you and stared at each other’s eyes for what seemed like an eternity. She gave you that warm smile that was only reserved for you, or so you’d like to think. Those eyes that you thought lost their shine glimmered in the dim lights of the loft. It’s the day, after all. She’s been waiting for this for the past week. Lou couldn’t even contain her excitement last night.
“See you later, baby.”
Just like that, she was out. No kiss, no hug, no looking back. When you heard the car’s engine fade away you let out the tears that have been threatening to come out since this morning. You don’t know how long you bawled your eyes out until there are no tears left. When you calmed down, you went around the loft to reminisce all of the memories you shared, before going up to your and Lou’s shared room. Save the best place for the last, right?
You only packed some of your clothes and stuff so she wouldn’t notice. You checked the lowest part of the closet if there’s something you missed, but instead, you saw the pink and purple unicorn onesie that Lou had gifted you on your birthday. Seeing it made you almost cry again as the memories of you and her wearing that ridiculous outfit flooded your mind. It was the best birthday of your life. Shaking your head, you cleared your mind and took a last glance at the closet, and your sight landed on the hot pink hoodie Lou only wears inside the loft. You gave it to her and remembered how she scrunched up her nose and said the color wasn’t part of her aesthetic but wore it most of the time anyway, said it was comfortable. You brought it to your face and Lou’s scent clouded your sense of smell. It was the last thing you took and stormed out of the loft you’ve called home since you moved in with her.
You were leaving with the hole Lou dug in your heart.
Lou was your first girlfriend. She was everything you could ask for a partner. Despite her hard and cold demeanor, she was a tender lover. She was perfect in every way and it made you think if you were the same for her. She said you were, and she couldn’t wait to spoil you rotten and check more boxes on your bucket list with her.
Of course, there were the hard times, with Lou being a club owner, alongside some hustles. You were fresh out of college and you were out most days to find and apply for jobs. Lou said you didn’t have to work and she would provide for the both of you, but you always wanted to be a woman who doesn’t have to rely on others so you declined her offer. Besides, you didn’t want to waste time on the loft doing nothing.
When you come home from work, it was time for Lou to go to the club. Sometimes you come home to an empty loft. You see each other in passing; you were lucky if you woke up with Lou by your side. There are times where she falls asleep sitting on the coffee table and you would always get her unfinished mug of either tea or coffee to the sink where you, on the other hand, will make new ones. When you are free, you go to her club; when both of you are free, you would go on dates; may it be a walk in the park, get ice creams, eat take-outs, movie nights at the loft. There were times where Lou would invite you to join her side hustles. That was enough for you. As long as you can still spend some leisure time with your love, you were fine.
The good became bad, the bad became worse. The twice-a-week dates became once or twice a month. You couldn’t even tell if Lou still goes home. To you. It was like college again, where you barely see your roommate. You’re in luck if Lou texts you to update if she was going home, or even a random text. You couldn’t even remember the last time you had physical contact or a proper conversation. If you manage to catch her in her free time, you make sure it’s worthwhile.
The thought of Lou cheating on you had crossed your mind. You shook your head from that thought. Lou wasn’t that type of person. Lou had a lot on her plate already and you didn’t want to bother her anymore with your antics. You just keep it at the back of your mind and be grateful to spend time, no matter how little with your girlfriend.
When you got a promotion at work, you headed straight to Lou’s club to surprise her and celebrate. She wasn’t there. The bartender who kept you company was apparently one of Lou’s long-time friends. He tells you stories of her when they were younger, how Lou got into the con world, how she met her hustle partner for almost every job, how they broke the partnership apart, how this person was in jail now because she didn’t listen to Lou, how heartbroken Lou was because of her. Debbie Ocean.
You knew most of that story except for the last part. It only dawned on you now how Lou always talked about Debbie. On the first hustle Lou brought you, was their last at that bingo hall in New Jersey. The songs you danced to on the loft was Debbie’s vinyl collection. Hearing it from another light gave their relationship a whole new meaning to you. You always thought that Debbie was just her best friend. Everyone has one.
An eyebrow raised at the mention of the word heartbreak. “Of course she’d be. Who wouldn’t be when your friend gets in trouble for not listening to you?” You nonchalantly replied before gulping your drink in one down. “Because that’s just not it. Lou was clearly in love with Debbie. Everyone could see that. She was so ready to go out of her way to kill the guy who framed Debbie. A friend would’ve just, I don’t know, punched him.” The newfound knowledge brought shivers on your whole body that he noticed. “But that was a long time ago. I don’t even hear her mention Debbie anymore. You need not worry, Y/N.”
“Don’t I?” You gave him a sad smile and asked for another drink. “A strong one, please.”
The conversation you had with Matt was always replaying in your mind. You tried talking to Lou about that, how she left out that detail about their relationship, but every time you bring Debbie up she always changes the subject. She’s pretty good at distracting you with her touch so the topic was always dropped, but not on your mind. You tried after that, but each time always ends up the same. Lou asleep beside you, unanswered questions, and troubled heart and mind.
To clear your head, you busied yourself at work. At home, you would clean every corner of your home so you wouldn’t overthink. It worked until you entered the unused room in the loft. It was mostly just old stuff and broken appliances. You cleared most of the things inside, stacked the boxes accordingly so you could save space then more things can be stored in this room. While arranging the items, a black shoebox caught your eye. It was at the corner and now that you could see everything in the room, the colour was out of place. It was probably Lou’s high school or college memorabilia’s. You smiled at the thought of Lou in a school uniform. You didn’t want to be snoopy, but you were curious.
You wish you hadn’t opened the box.
The box contains old pictures, some of Lou, her and Debbie, their other friends, but what got your attention was a piece of paper. It was a long handwritten note addressed to Debbie. The handwriting was messy, but you know it was Lou’s, probably tipsy when she wrote. The letter’s contents… was Lou pouring her feelings out. Clearly, she can’t say it out loud so she channelled it onto writing. You didn’t realize that you were already crying when your eyes were getting blurry and couldn’t make the words. The letter was dated two months before you met Lou. You were in a relationship for ten months now.
Curiosity killed the cat.
Confronting Lou unexpectedly would be the only way to get a straight answer from her. If you subtly dropped hints, she would notice and then she would steer the conversation away again. She was mindlessly flipping the magazines with her leg perched on the table when you approached her.
When you didn’t respond, that’s when she looked at you. She probably sensed that this was going to be a serious conversation so she set aside the magazines and sat straight.
“What’s wrong baby?” You internally scoffed at the endearment. Pain, sadness, and anger pool in your chest.
“Please be honest with me, Lou.” Your voice broke. “Please.” You hadn’t even begun talking but tears were already forming in your eyes. She didn’t answer, but you took it as a yes.
“Do you still love her?” Her brows furrowed as if she didn’t know who you were referring to. “Debbie. Do you still love her?” No answer. Your patience is thinning but you didn’t want to lash out at her.
The silence was deafening and the only thing you can hear is your heart crushed into pieces. You didn’t need to hear her say it. Lou’s eyes tell it all. That’s when you broke down and slammed your head on the table, not feeling the ache because it’s nothing compared to the excruciating pain inside.
Lou knelt to your side and pulled you for a hug. Your shoulder was getting soaked. She was crying too. None of you dared to speak until you composed yourself again. Still in Lou’s embrace, “You never stopped loving her, didn’t you?” She only nodded in response.
“What about me?” Lou pulled away to look at you, “I did love you. What I felt for you, that was real. I love you, Y/N.”
“If you still loved her then why the hell did you get in a relationship? Did you use me just to forget her? Oh yeah, sorry, I wasn’t useful since you weren’t able to get over Debbie.” You almost regret the sarcastic retort that came out but maybe she deserved it.
“It’s because I thought I don’t… feel anything for her anymore.”
“Clearly, you still do. So what now? Do you want to break up?”
“No! Y/N, no. I-” “I don’t. Please.” “I just… need some time to figure my feelings out.”
Your love for her outweighs the anger in your heart. “Okay. I’ll- I- I’ll give you some space. Take your time. I’m not rushing you.”
Even though the risk of Lou picking Debbie over you was high, you still held on to the low chance that it’s going to be you. After that conversation, you packed most of your things and moved out of the loft, despite her insisting that she’s the one who will go out. You check on her sometimes through Matt. Once again falling into the routine of busying yourself at work; getting a new hobby; barely using your phone so you wouldn’t bombard her with texts that you know would do; and you were constantly out with your friends drinking and getting high somewhere, everywhere except Lou’s. Some people shoot their shot at you, and sometimes you flirt back, but once you look at their eyes, you walk out. It’s not the pair of ocean blue eyes you love. This was your pattern for almost two months.
You were yet at another bar in some alley you don’t remember, drowning yourself in bourbon and scotch. You were alone in your booth, so there were people who ask if they can share, and you casually wave your hand to let them. Drunk people came and go without you caring to take a look at them.
“Is this seat taken?”
“Nah. Go ahead.”
You called for another drink and that’s when you took a peek at the other person’s face. They’re looking at you, and you stare back.
“You look like someone I know.” You slurred.
“Who’s this someone?”
“You even sound like her!” Through blurry eyes, you try to make out the features of this person. “Same hair, though yours are longer. I wonder if hers are that length too? Damn, you have some sharp cheekbones. Did I say your eyes are the same too? Oh I could drown in those eyes… Hey, I like your biker outfit, by the way.” You were a very drunk blubbering mess, but the stranger doesn’t seem to mind.
“Is she your girlfriend?”
“Girlfriend? Yes- No, she isn’t. Is she? I don’t know either.” You hiccupped, “L-let’s toast to that!” Downing your drink in one go, you smashed the glass and shouted, “Another!” You tried to stand up to get your drink but almost fell to the ground. The stranger has caught your limp body just in time.
“You’ve had too much to drink. Let’s go home, Y/N.” Despite your fuzzy sight and the blinding lights of the club, you squint your eyes to see their face clearly. “Lou?”
“It’s me, baby. C’mon, let’s get you home.”
“H-how did you- find me?”
“I asked your friends. You’re tired, aren’t you? Let’s go.”
You nodded tiredly and followed her outside. “I didn’t think you’d be this drunk so I just rode my bike. I won’t call you a cab because I don’t trust them, are you okay with that?” Lou softly said handing you a spare helmet.
“I guess.” With that, Lou hopped on the bike and you followed. “Hold on tight, Y/N. Don’t let go, baby, okay?” She waited for you to get settled before grabbing your arms and wrapping them on her waist. You instinctively leaned forward and hugged her tight. You missed the smile that crept up her face hidden behind the helmet.
You didn’t know how you kept your balance on the bike despite almost falling asleep on Lou’s back. The familiar sight of the loft welcomed you after a relatively long drive. You waited for Lou to unlock the door before navigating the loft as if you didn’t move out. You didn’t notice that you were already on the door of your Lou’s room; tired body and a small part of your sober self battling if you should just enter or take more steps to the guest room. Lou chuckled as she saw you staring blankly at the door like you were a reprimanded dog.
“You can use our room, Y/N.”
Lou followed you in and gave you a glass of water and painkillers. “You’re going to have one hell of a hangover tomorrow, baby. Drink up.” Knowing she’s right, you took the medicine and water. “Can you- Can you get me some fresh clothes? I’m feeling sticky.” You shyly whispered. Lou only smiled and gave you that oversized band shirt you always steal from her closet.
“I’ll be downstairs if you need anyth-”
“Stay?” Your voice was so small you didn’t know if she heard you. “Okay.” You scooted over in your side of the bed so Lou can take hers. You didn’t think she would until the bed dipped and her familiar scent clouded your senses. You felt her press a kiss on your head and whispered good night before you drifted to slumber.
If you can choose to not wake up the morning after, you’ll definitely not. The pounding in your head was unbearable, and the thought of talking to Lou frightened you. However, you weren’t given a choice when your stomach decided to throw up all of its content. You tried to hold it in until you reached the bathroom. When you were done hurling your guts up you went into the kitchen to grab a glass of water where you see Lou cooking some eggs and bacon.
“How’re you feeling, Y/N?” You took a glimpse of the woman beside you, her hair is still messy and looked like she hadn’t got some sleep last night. “Better. You look like shit.”
“Thanks. So do you.” “Hey, uh, I need to talk to you, baby.”
Taking a deep breath, you nodded. “Sure.”
“I’m so sorry, Y/N.”
Well, shit. That’s that. It’s over. Maybe you’ll go back to that bar tonight and drown yourself again, and maybe get high so you would forget everyone and everything-
“Please come home.”
-everything that happened to you and start a new life somewhere- What?
“Come back home to me, baby.” You broke out of your inner ramblings and opened your mouth to speak but words were stuck in your throat. Did you hear that right? When you didn’t answer, she continued. “I’m sorry. I know what I did to you was unfair, and you didn’t deserve it. Please let me make it up to you. I missed you so much, Y/N. This loft seemed too empty without you here. I need you, baby. I love you.”
To say that you were dumbfounded was an understatement. You thought she would finally dump you. “Uhm, I- what? Sorry, I- I need a minute.” A minute is certainly not enough to process what Lou has just said. You rushed to get outside and without thinking you had grabbed the leopard coat Lou always wears. The breeze of the sea welcomes you as the fresh salty air hits your face. Listening to the sound of the waves hitting settled a quiet calm inside your head.
You ponder the events that happened over the course of one year- already? So much has occurred that time passed by in the blink of your eyes. You had missed Lou so much, the thought of coming back to her arms without hesitation, without doubt, was incredibly tempting. The rational part of you though was reluctant. It was telling you to think about it first, over and over again, analyze the words she said and consider the circumstances of your relationship. The amount of emotional and mental exhaustion you would suffer from the latter option wasn’t very ideal to you, so the first option it is.
The rumble on your tummy gave you a signal to go back inside where your girlfriend was waiting for you. You didn’t officially break up, so it’s just right to still call her yours. You found her on the poker table with her head resting on her hand while munching slices of bacon. A snort slipped from you interrupting her moment. Her eyes never leave yours while you sit across her and getting food on your plate. The domesticity of the moment leaves you aching for more. “Hmm. This is good.” You said, beaming at her. “You could be a chef, you know.” Talking while chewing, “I’ll bet a hundred bucks you’ll look so good in a chef’s uniform.”
“Honey, slow down. I don’t understand unicorn language.”
“I said,” you cleared your throat, “I think you’ll look good in a chef’s uniform.”
You talked with Lou after that and she went with you to your rented room to fetch your things. Everything goes back to how they were before, if not better. She made sure she’d spend time with you every day, and you with her. Your days off work were spent hanging out at her club, helping her with management duties if she was out for some hustle or watering down well vodka.
Things were going so well between the two of you that you ignore the snarling voice inside your head telling you that this isn’t going to last long. You paid no heed to those warnings and believed that she wouldn’t pursue you back if she didn’t love you more. She wouldn’t do that just because she hates seeing you gradually destroy your life because of her, right?
Yet, these past few days., her eyes have been different. Her touch feels different. You ask her if she was feeling sick if there were problems at the club if one of her hustles have gone wrong, but she said everything’s alright.
You were hanging out at the club, with Matt teaching you to mix different drinks. He’s been teaching you for a while now and said you were getting good at it that the more you hang out here he’d be replaced and fired one day. When no people were approaching the bar you popped him a question. “Do you know if something has been bothering Lou lately? She seems off.”
“Really? None that I know of, no.” A pause. “Oh right. We heard Debbie would be out one of these days. She got paroled.”
“Oh.” The snarling voice in your head was getting louder. “That’s good.”
At the corner of your eye, you see a certain blonde strutting towards the door. You debated if you should follow her out. Maybe she would just get some air, so you decided not to. You took your eyes off her and helped Matt wipe some glasses. A little while later, she approached both of you and asked for a drink. You observe her movement, the hand swirling the glass of wine, and the flash of something you can’t decipher in her eyes.
“She’s out. I’ll meet her at the cemetery tomorrow.” You didn’t need to ask who she was referring to. The hint of excitement in her voice was evident but she was keeping it down. You didn’t miss it, though. Gulping hard, you said, “I’ll take it she’ll be staying at the loft?”
“I guess. She sent me a credit line so something must be planned in that stubborn head of hers.”
“I see.” You hate to admit it, but the snarling voice was right. It had hit the final nail on your coffin.
Sleep didn’t come to you that night. Many things have been swarming your mind and kept you up all night.
What went wrong? Is there someone new? There was no one new. You were just waiting for her to come back. You could’ve told me because I don’t know what I did wrong. If I did something wrong, you could’ve told me and I’ll change it. You could’ve told me so I didn’t assume that there will still be us at the end. You could’ve told me so I didn’t open my heart for you. You could’ve told me and I would’ve let you go.
You could never fill the void Debbie left in her heart.
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anagentinwriting · 3 years
Lifeline - Part 15
Summary: (First Responders!AU) Moving to Los Angeles and living with your brother, Thor, was never part of your plan nor was being a 9-1-1 dispatcher, but plans change when you are faced with your own emergencies. In your case, it was leaving behind a relationship that wasn’t as perfect as it seemed. Will this be the fresh start you were hoping for or will your past find a way to catch up with you?
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Odinson!Sister Reader
Word Count: 4800+
Warnings: Fluff, angst, language, fighting
Lifeline Masterlist / Main Masterlist
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“Okay, girl. Let’s move onto your two-three combo, and then you are going to come at me with a right hook as if it was your ex’s face,” Val instructed, holding up her mitts.
You dropped your hands, looking at her. “I’m not doing this because I want to kick his abusive ass. I am doing this for me. To build up my confidence and get stronger.”
“Yeah, yeah. You just want to look good naked for Rogers.” She wiggled her eyebrows, and you started punching the mitts. “Thata girl, I knew I could hit a nerve,” she chuckled to herself. 
You completed a few more rounds, then Val decided it was time for a cool down. You nodded, breathing heavy, and stepped out of the ring. You wiped the sweat from your brow with your forearm while Val came over to help get you out of the gloves. 
“You’re killing it, YN. Like, if someone ever decided to jump you, well, I think they would lose a hand.”
You chuckled at Val’s compliment. “Thanks, I do feel more confident in my movements, and my punches feel like they have more power behind them.”
“They do,” she agreed, “but it’s not hard enough to make me need to ice my hands or anything, like some of the coaches have to do when M’Baku is practicing.” She raised her eyebrows, shaking her head. “Men always have to be the strongest, but they’re not always the smartest.” She let out an annoyed sigh, rolling her eyes. “How are things with Rogers?”
You smiled as she started to untie your other glove. “He’s good. I think we’re good. Why, what’s the gossip at the station?”
“There’s not much. He tends to keep to himself about you, but there are times when he does get all flustered, blushy, and red when we pick on him about you. It’s cute,” Val smirked, eyeing you over, feeling yourself have the same reaction as him. “Have you two kindled the flame yet?” She wiggled her eyebrows, making your face heat up even more. 
“Wouldn’t you like to know,” you chuckled, shaking your head. 
“Don’t tell me then,” she winked. “When Carol and I talk about you two, we think you two look good together, and from what you both have been through, you both deserve a win, and I’m happy you two found each other.”
You smiled, undoing the hand wraps. “Thanks, Val. Speaking of Carol--” you peeked up at her, watching her closely “--how are things? Have you told the crew yet?”
“Not yet, but I am sure most of them already suspect something is going on?” Val shrugged, taking a sip out of her water bottle. 
“I wouldn’t be so sure. I mean, they’re men,” you chuckled, rotating your wrists back and forth.
“Good point,” she laughed, tilting her water bottle at you. “They can be a little slower at picking up hints.”
You sat on the couch folding laundry, following a developing armed robbery happening downtown at the Ideal Federal Saving Bank. 
“Christine, how are things looking there? Have any of the robbers been identified?” Megan Henderson asked from the KTLA studio to Christine Everheart at the scene. 
“Yes, Megan. We know two of the assailants at this time, Jack Rollins and Jasper Sitwell. They are two notorious criminals who have been involved in numerous robberies throughout the state of California, Nevada, and Arizona. We are still unsure about the three other associates assisting with this robbery at this time…”
The monitor by the front door started buzzing, pulling you away from the screen to see who was there. You smiled at the screen, seeing Thor waving at the camera with his hands full of groceries, and you buzzed him in. 
You walked over to grab the remote, seeing the film crew circling the bank in a helicopter, and switched off the tv. You would need Thor's full attention when he helps you make your mom's chocolate chip cookies for fire safety at the station tomorrow. 
“Sister, I come bearing gifts,” Thor shouted, somehow being able to open the front door with his hands full. “And did you see that robbery hostage situation--” he pointed in the direction to downtown LA “--Nat and Clint have their hands full with this one.”
“Yeah, they do,” you agreed, leading Thor to the kitchen to drop off the bags on the counter. You furrowed your brows at the multiple bags of groceries. “What did you all get? All I needed was flour, chocolate chips, and eggs.”
“They were having a sale, and I couldn’t resist.” He lifted up a six-pack of beer, smiling like a child on their birthday.
“Well, that’s not going to take you long to finish,” you smirked at him, pulling groceries from the bags.
“No, I got this for us to drink while we bake mom’s cookies,” Thor added with a sincere smile, scratching his beard. “You know brother-sister bonding. I also grabbed snacks, so we are less tempted to eat all the cookies.” 
You grinned, staring at him in awe. “Sounds like fun, let’s get these cookies started.”
“And I’ll open a beer for you and supervise,” Thor added, going into the drawer to get the bottle opener, and you narrowed your eyes at him.
“Are you sure you’re doing it right?” Thor watched over your shoulders while you started creaming the butter and sugar together. “I don’t remember mom using one of these fancy mixers. She did it with one of those hand mixer thingies.”
“It just makes it go quicker,” you replied, rolling your eyes. “And you can do a bigger batch.”
“They’re not going to taste the same.”
“This is how I’ve always made them. You have literally watched me make these cookies with this machine before.”
“Oh well, I noticed they tasted different.”
“You’re insufferable, Thor,” you stated, turning around and pushing him to the other side of the counter. He laughed, taking a seat on the stool across from you.  “Do you want to find my cookie scoop? You’re scooping once I have everything mixed.”
“Finnneee,” he dragged out, complaining. He went over to the drawer and pulled out the scoop, and returned to the stool. “How have things been going with Steve?”
“It’s been fun,” you smiled, adding the eggs to the mixer bowl and turning it on.
“I’m glad. I’m the one who told Steve he could date you.”
“Wait,” you narrowed your eyes at him, “did he ask for permission?”
“No, I just told him that if I had to choose someone from the station to date you, I’d pick him.”
“Oooooh, so you picked him for me?” You scoffed, eyeing him while you added the dries in a little at a time.
“No, no, nothing like that. You can make your own decisions, but you’re a good person, and I wanted you to be with a good man. Besides, Steve is an old fashion guy, and with Dad not around anymore to ask, I figured I was the next best choice since I am the eldest.”
“And Loki was okay with your decision.” You scraped the bowl, adding in the chocolate chips and turning the mixer back on. 
“Well...I didn't ask him per se, but I think he would agree with me on this,” Thor stated, taking a sip of his beer.
“But, when have either of you agreed on anything...ever?” You turned off the machine, taking the bowl off, and started scraping the dough off the paddle. “Besides, you know I can make my own decisions right. I’m an adult.”
“Yes, of course,” he chuckled, playing around with the cookie scoop until it flew out of his hand and skimmed across the kitchen island. “Of course.” He nodded. 
“Says the man child, playing with a cookie scoop,” you snorted, shaking your head.
The last batch of cookies was in the oven, and the rest were cooling on sheets of newspaper. It wasn’t uncommon for you to get a few stares when you made cookies with an audience, but every time you made them with your mom, she’d use a spatula to get them off the pan and then place them on newspaper. You didn’t want to break that little tradition you got from her. 
Thor plopped down on a stool at your small island. “Why did I have to scoop them all?” Thor asked, taking a sip of his beer. 
“They’re for your job, I’m not going to do all the work,” you sassed, shaking your head, forcing him to crack a side smile. “Now you wash, and I’ll dry.”
“Do I have to? I just sat down,” he asked with a slight frown.
“Yes,” you stated as he groaned, standing up and making his way to the sink. 
He let out a loud sigh, turning on the faucet, and narrowing his eyes in your direction. You stuck out your tongue at him while you continued to put ingredients away. He sighed loudly again, and you gave him the side-eye as he leaned against the counter, watching the suds magically appear in the water. “I’m happy for you.”
“Okay?” You replied more in a question than a statement. You narrowed your eyes at him, not knowing where that came from. 
“It’s nice to see you smiling and having fun again. You know, putting yourself out there. It’s nice having the sister I grew up with back. I’ve missed her.” He stood up straight, cracking a child-like smile at you. 
“Me too,” you smirked, leaning against the counter. 
He turned back to the sink, placing a few dishes in, and started washing them before placing them on the drying rack. It was weird to watch him do civilized things because he never did them when he was younger. When he left New York, the annoying older brother you grew up with started taking responsibility for his actions. While most actions not involving his nightly escapades. You take a sip of your beer, grabbing a clean cloth to dry, and start putting the dishes away. 
“I filed for divorce yesterday,” you mentioned, hearing Thor drop what he was washing into the sink.
He placed his hands on the edge of the sink, clenching his jaw at the sudsy sink. 
“He’s going to know where you are. Are you okay with taking that risk?” He inquired, scratching at the short beard on his face, turning to you.
“I know it’s a risk, but the only way I am ever gonna feel free of him…is to be free of him.”
He nodded, clearing his throat. “Are you going to feel safe here? Cause I can take the couch and stay for a few days. I can take work off and…”
“Thor, Thor,” you interrupted, placing your hand on his upper arm. “I’ll be okay.”
“I know, I just… I want… I want to make sure you’re safe.” 
“I know, and I will be,” you smiled at him, giving his arm a reassuring squeeze.
“Is Steve gonna come and stay with you?” 
“I don’t know, maybe.” You shrugged, keeping a close eye on your brother; his bottom lip trembled as his eyes darted in all directions. “Is everything alright?”
He nodded his head aggressively. “Yeah, I’m fine. Totally fine,” he stated in a high-pitched voice, laughing it off.  “But um…I think it would be better if someone stayed here with you, so I know… so we--we all know you’re safe,” he stumbled over his words, wringing his hands together. “Have you at least talked to Loki? What does he think? Does he want me to stay with you?” He asked, rambling on in one breath. 
“I was going to call him tonight and let him know,” you informed softly, trying to calm him down. “Thor--” his worried-filled eyes connected with yours “--I’ll be okay. Okay?” You gave him a reassuring nod. “I know after what happened before...that you blame yourself or you feel like you failed, but you didn’t. I don’t blame you for what happened because it wasn’t any of your doing. I put myself in that situation, and I continued to go back.”
“But, I could have gotten you out of that situation. I am the eldest, and I should’ve done a better job at protecting you, or at the very least, listening to you. I shouldn’t have taken Billy’s side, and for that, I blame myself,” he sniffled, clearing his throat. 
“Thor--” you rubbed his arm, making him look at you “--Billy is and will always be a master manipulator. We all fell for it…”
“Loki didn’t. He saw right through the man,” Thor tried to reason, raising his eyebrows. 
“But he didn’t stop me from going back to Billy. I mean, he tried, but Billy already had me wrapped around his finger.” You paused, biting your lip. “There is no sense in playing the blame game when the only person we should be blaming is Billy.” Thor opened his mouth to say something, but you continued. “You’ve helped me more these last few months than you will ever realize. Don’t think about the past and how you could’ve helped me, but think about right now, and how you did help me. I still don’t know how to thank you for it.”
“You can thank me by letting someone stay with you for a couple of weeks.”
“Wow...we’re still on that,” you scoffed, forcing a trembling chuckle out of him. “I know open communication was never our family's forte, but I love you, brother.”
“Love you, too, sis,” he smiled, leaning towards you and pulling you into a hug. 
You walked into the station through the open garage doors, noticing the spotless, shiny red trucks glistening in the sun, bringing a sense of ease over you and a smile to your face. This place felt like a second home that came with a family that you didn’t know you needed. You spotted Steve helping a few guys set up chairs in front of a portable tv while others set up tables for interactive activities for the kids to participate in. There were even goody bags with plastic red firemen hats and the treat table that continued to grow. 
“YN, I see you got talked into making something, too?” You looked over to see Nat, holding a pan of brownies, and you lifted your two containers of cookies. “I swear these boys wouldn't survive without us. I mean, Val and Carol would be safe, but the boys.” She shot you a tight smile, shaking her head. 
“Agreed,” you chuckled.
“And there is my nerd now, I’ll be back,” she winked, walking over to Bucky. She handed him the brownies, and he leaned down and kissed her ever so gently. 
“It’s disgusting, isn't it?” You looked to your right to see Sam with his arms crossed, rolling his eyes. 
“I think it’s kind of sweet,” You chuckled, rubbing your lips together and glancing at them one more time. Steve caught your eye, and a sweet smile broke across his face. “You’ll find someone, Sam. You’re such a catch.”
“Uh-huh,” he grunted.
“Would some cookies help?” You offered, handing him the containers. 
“Yes.” Sam grinned his gap-tooth smile, taking the container. “Thank you, YN. This is why you’re my favorite.” He took a bite out of one of the cookies, walking away, holding it up in the air. “The best batch yet.” 
Steve shook his head at a grinning Sam, walking over to you, and pulled you into a hug. You giggled into his chest, wrapping your arms around your waist, and he started swaying back and forth. You rested your chin on his chest, staring up at him. He leaned down, giving you a quick peck on the lips. 
“How did Bucky and Steve get girls like that?” Sam asked Val at the treat table.
“I guess some people just get lucky.” Val shrugged, and Sam angrily took a bite out of another cookie.  
“Want some ice cream?”
“Yes, I want all the ice cream,” Sam added, following Val to the break room. 
“Question--” Steve stopped swaying and pulled away from you “--do you have any plans for tonight?” 
“No, why do you have something planned,” he teased, shooting you his signature smirk.
“What are we doing?”
“I’m afraid that is classified, but I have something for you.” You reached into your purse, pulling out a manila folder, handing it to him. 
Steve narrowed his eyes in curiosity. He opened the folder, his eyes scanning it over. “Divorce papers. This is a big step, YN,” He smiled at you, but it quickly dropped to concern. “Billy is going to know where you are.”
“I know, but I feel like it is time to put the past behind me and move on with my life.”
“Okay, as long as you’re ready, then I’m here for you with whatever you need.” 
“I know,” you smiled shyly.
“Isn’t it amazing?” Thor clasped a hand on Steve’s shoulder. 
“Yeah, I’m proud of her,” Steve winked, making your smile spread wider.
“As am I,” Thor smiled, squeezing Steve’s shoulder. 
You shake your head at them. “I better get to my shift, but Sam has the cookies, and I want my containers back ASAP, or I am going to hurt you, Thor.” You stated, walking backwards.
“I’ll make sure they are in your possession tonight.” Thor saluted, making you shake your head.
“Have a good shift, YN. I’ll see you tonight.”
“Just know this, Steve, if you hurt my little sister, we will have more than words,” Thor stated, squeezing Steve’s shoulder a little harder watching you walk out of the station with Nat by your side.
Steve nodded, turning to him. “I don’t intend to.”
“Good man.” Thor patted him on the shoulder, giving him a closed-mouth smile. “Before she met you, she was lost in her own little world. Fighting the beast, invading her dreams, and trying to tackle her own troubles. She thought she could only rely on herself to make the important choices but soon realized she had supporters, like you and me. So, thank you, Steve, for helping bring my sister back.” 
Steve nodded to Thor as the tall man went back to help the group set up.
“Did he threaten you?” Bucky asked with a breathy laugh, coming over to him.
“Ahh…yeah…sort of….I think.” Steve's eyebrows knit together, trying to figure out what exactly just happened. “But, I’m gonna make a quick call.”
“Do your thing, pal?” Bucky patted him on the shoulder and went over to help the group finish up.
Steve took out his phone until he found the name he was looking for; He brought it to his ear as soon as it started to ring. 
“Hey, Steve. How’s it going?”
“I’m good. Listen, I’m not going to be able to play pool tonight. I got a...I  got a date,” Steve smiled at his own words, scratching at his beard.
“Oh, is this the one you have been kind of seeing?”
“Yeah, YN.”
“Good for you, man.”
“Thanks, but I gotta get back to work. I’ll see you later.”
“I have a feeling we’ll see each other soon. Have a good night, Steve.”
“Bye, Jig,” Steve smiled, sliding the phone back into his pocket, and headed over to finish getting everything ready for fire safety.  
The team stood by one of the open garage doors in anticipation for the first group of young students and their teachers to arrive. The workout room was transformed into a small teaching area, complete with fold-out chairs and a roll-away tv. Snacks and goody bags were also waiting for them with a welcoming banner hanging from the second-story loft. 
Steve let out a deep breath with his hands on his hips, eyeing at what they were able to accomplish.  It looked very welcoming, but he didn’t know what was going to happen. He liked kids but wasn’t always great at talking to them, but Carol reassured them that the first group of students might not go as planned, but they had another six to make up for it. 
“First group approaching,” Sam shouted, going over to the door to greet them. Sam shook the teacher's hand, flashing her his famous gap-tooth smile. 
Bucky scoffed beside Steve, gripping his shoulder. “Don’t be nervous, pal. Just avoid swearing or talking about anything too scary. Kids think we are badasses, and they look up to us. We are heroes to them.”
Steve swallowed, nodding at him. He rubbed his hands together, taking in the twenty little kids, grabbing snacks, and taking their seats while Carol stood in front of them with a huge smile.
“How’s everyone doing today?” Carol asked, earning a group of students shouting while others remained silent. “I’m glad to hear it. My name is Captain Carol Danvers, but you can call me Ace, and I am in charge of Station 107. Those wearing the dark blue shirts around you are my teammates.” She pointed to Sam, who then introduced himself as they went around the room. “Now that you know my team, what are your names?”
The teachers introduced themselves before the kids went around the room saying their names. Steve stood off to the side, nodding his head, trying to remember every kid’s name. His eyes stopped on one familiar little girl, Morgan Stark. She caught his eye, and she waved with an exciting smile on her face. He nodded at her, mimicking her expression on his face. Steve noticed she also waved at Sam. Seeing her brought back the memory of his first encounter with YN and losing his dispatcher cherry while saving Morgan from the electrified pool in the process. 
“Do any of you know the number to call in case someone needs help?” Danvers asked, bringing Steve's attention back to the present. Hands flew into the air, including Morgans. Danvers pointed to one of the students, and he replied with 911. 
Steve zoned out as Danvers continued to talk with the young kids. His eyes traveled around the room, noticing how some of the teachers would catch his eye but then quickly look away. He smirked, realizing Thor and YN weren’t kidding when they said the teachers would flirt with them. Thor winked at one of them, and she blushed, unable to keep the smile off her face. Steve shook his head at them, returning his attention to Danvers.
“....when you dial 911, your call gets directed to a dispatcher, and they use a system called CAD, which is a computer-aided dispatch. They punch the address you give them in, and the dispatcher can figure out what unit is closest for them to send help. Now, how many of you know your address?” A few hands shot up, and Carol nodded. “It’s okay if you don’t just go home and talk to your parents about it. They love to watch you learn and would be more than willing to help.” She nodded, clasping her hands together. “We are going to watch a quick safety video and then break off into groups and do a few different activities and see some cool things. How’s that sound?” She got a few cheers from the students while the others kept quiet. Danvers smiled, switching the tv on and pushing play on the DVD player, before stepping off to the side. 
The kids broke off into four smaller groups; Bucky and Steve took their group around, showing them different trucks, and explained their purpose. Steve couldn’t help but smile when the kids’ faces brightened up upon seeing the inside of the trucks. They did their best to explain what some of the equipment inside was, but most of the kids seemed too excited to listen. According to Bucky, kids like seeing the trucks and could care less about the other activities they had set up.
The first group's time was coming to an end, and the team could see the next class approaching in the distance. The team handed out gift bags, and all the kids were smiling and putting on their red plastic hats. The teachers told the students to say thank you, and they did so in unison before they retreated towards the door.
Steve stood by the entrance waving goodbye to the previous class, awaiting to greet the next class. He felt a tug on his pants, and he looked down to see Morgan smiling up at him.
“Hey, shouldn’t you be up there with your partner?” He leaned down to her eye level, resting a knee on the ground.
“She is waiting,” she pointed to her, and Steve smirked, seeing her waiting impatiently. “Besides, my teacher is still talking to the tall one.”
He glanced over to see the tall one was Thor, and he was doing the thing he always did. “Look at that, you’re right.” He nodded. “What can I do for you, Morgan?”
“I wanted to give you this--” she handed him a homemade card “--the tall one helped me make it at the coloring table.” She rocked back and forth on her feet and blushed.
“Aww, thank you.” He opened the card, reading: Thank you, Fireman Steve, for saving me, and it was an image of her in a pool with him on one side and Sam was on the other. “You’re welcome. I like it. You are quite the artist.”
She smiled. “I gave one to Fireman Sam, too.” She pointed at him with a smile.
“I’m sure he loved it, too.” Steve smiled at it. “I'm going to have to put this on my fridge at home.” He chuckled, and in an instance, the little girl wrapped her little arms around her neck and pulled him close. He patted her on the back and pulled away. “Stay out of trouble, and don’t get into any more electrified pools.” 
She shot him a funny look. “You too,” she smiled, running over to her partner.
Her teacher passed by him, folding a piece of paper and sliding it into her pocket, which Steve could only assume to be Thor's number. He shook his head, looking back at Thor to see him staring at her retreating figure. 
Thor caught Steve's eye, and he shrugged. “What? I like women, but you know, not in a creepy way.”
After the first class came through, the rest of the groups were easy; having got the lay-of-the-land and knowing what to say. Although towards the end of the day, the older kids, the 2nd graders, asked more daring questions, in which Steve tried to keep it G or PG.
“And with that, class is dismissed,” Danvers stated, plopping down in one of the fold-up chairs, sighing loudly. 
“Hear, hear,” Sam nodded, plopping down next to her. “It’s the repetition that gets me. I could go home and fall asleep right now. Who knew kids could be so exhausting. I praise the teachers cause I know I couldn’t put up with their shit all the time.” Everyone murmured in agreement.
“How are you all tired?” Thor asked with his hands on his hips.
“We weren’t at the coloring station. We were explaining and answering questions trying to keep things kid-friendly.”
“Well, you should’ve been. In my opinion, it’s the best station.”
“No, the trucks are, the arts and crafts station is the boring table. The kids were talking about it,” Bucky added, folding up a few chairs. 
“Doesn’t matter, I got a few numbers. And...” he walked over to the snack table, taking the last of YN cookies “--I got the last cookie,” he chuckled, taking a bite.
“Let’s quit complaining about what activity was better and remember it was about teaching the kids,” Danvers stated. “Now, let’s get this cleaned up, so the crew can do their job tonight.” Everyone mumbled, nodding in agreement. 
Thor snapped the container to your Tupperware shut, shoving the last bite of cookie in his mouth. “I could drop off the Tupperware tonight if you’d like. I’m meeting up with her after her shift,” Steve offered, packing up the leftover snacks. 
“Yes, I suppose you could, but if they go missing and she doesn’t get them. This all comes back to me, and I don’t need that on my conscience right now.” 
“Probably a good idea you do it then,” Steve chuckled. 
Standing in front of the mirror, you try to get your hair to do a thing, but it isn’t doing the thing, so you decide to leave it as is. A buzzing sound at the front door brings an excited smile to your face. You trotted down the stairs, seeing Steve and Cosmo at the gate. You buzzed them in and went into the kitchen to grab two wine glasses and a bottle from your stash. You set them on the kitchen island, hearing Cosmo barking on the other side of the door. You smirked to yourself, walking over to the front door, remembering Steve mentioning how much Cosmo missed you. It was utter nonsense, but you couldn’t help but smile. You opened the front door, and your smile quickly disappeared.
“Hi, honey. Did you miss me?”
AN: Thanks for reading part 15! Those pesky cliffhangers! Where did Billy come from? Has he been watching her this whole time? Hmmmm....any theories?! And of course, all of this had to happen when things between her and Steve were finally going forward. It's almost like I planned it! Muwahaha! And speaking of Steve...what could’ve happened to him and Cosmo? Besides the ending, did you like Thor and her little chitchat, the brother-sister bonding sesh. We did learn that Thor clearly still blames himself for what happened way back then, but maybe now after their little chat, he will finally start forgiving himself, but who knows with the current revelation happening! 😬 And Val and Carol, did anyone guess that happening?! Also, did you enjoy fire safety day?! I thought it would be a good throwback to the first chapter and bring Morgan back, and I thought it would just be cute seeing the team trying to keep things G/PG when talking about their job. Haha! Better prepare yourself for the next couple chapters, cause things are going get deep! As always thanks for reading, comments always welcome! 
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anonymousfiction211 · 3 years
Loki's Game: 17
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Executing the plan Staring in the mirror you had to admit the dark green dress looked good on you. It reached until your knees with a deep v-neckline. The skirt was a bit looser, but the upper body was hugging your curves tightly. You put on the golden necklace and the matching earring after that. Letting out a deep breath in the hope to calm some of your nerves, you wondered if this would work. Wouldn’t he know that I don’t want to go with him? Maybe he would once he saw you, but it was worth a shot. If he is distracted and sees your willingness, he might make a mistake or try less. It would give Natasha, Steve, Thor and Tony their best chance to catch Loki. And after that I will never see him again. Would Thor keep me updated on how he’s doing in Asgard? Do I even want to be updated?
You looked over the schedule Natasha had given you earlier. The morning was very much the same as every morning. Breakfast in the kitchen with the rest of the team. After that you would go shopping, because you had some ‘errands’ to run. The shops would look random if you didn’t know, but there was actually an entire route planned out. Stores where you would go in and actually buy some things, stores where you would go in without buying anything, even stores where you would just look at the window. There was even a timetable how much time you spend at each store. The team that knew about it had certain posts where they would stand hidden or in disguises. If Loki would show up somebody would be nearby to stall, and the rest of the team would come and apprehend him. At the end of the day, you would get an ice cream and eat it in the park. If Loki hadn’t shown up by then you would return to the Tower.
Your nerves calmed a bit during shopping. But they fired up again at the end, when you were getting your ice cream. You hadn’t heard Loki in your head all day or even had a sign that he was going to come. You were seriously doubting if he would even show up at this point. You realized that you would actually be angry and disappointed he didn’t show. And you were hating yourself immediately after for being so conflicted about everything. To cheer yourself up a bit you got two scoops of chocolate ice cream and walked towards the park. The sun was setting and there was a beautiful orange glow over the park. You sat down on the bench and put your bags on the ground. You looked around, but the park was almost empty. Just some people cycling buy and a guy who was walking with his dog. If you were here under any other circumstance, you would enjoy it very much.
‘I like the outfit’ Loki said. You were startled by his voice and suddenly he appeared next to you.
‘LOKI’ was all you could say and you could see the twinkle in his eyes whenever he played a prank on someone.
‘How are you doing, kitten?’ he asked.
At this point you were not really sure what to do. You knew that Tony would be on a roof somewhere to keep an eye on you, but he hadn’t come yet. The best thing you could do was to stall, you thought. ‘Not great, you left’ you coldly said.
‘And yet here you are, wearing that’ he teased.
‘Can you just be serious for a second?’ you asked.
The smile disappeared from his face and the twinkle in his eyes dimmed. ‘I didn’t mean to leave you, I just didn’t have any other choice’ he said.
‘Loki, what happened? Why did you do.. all that’ you asked.
‘So, you saw’ was all he said.
‘Yes, I saw’ you answered, still wondering where everyone was. It shouldn’t be taking this long right?
‘I had my reasons’ he was starting to get more irritable and defensive you noticed.
‘What were your reasons?’
‘You don’t have to know’ he said back. ‘I thought you trusted me’
‘I DID! But you vanished with no explanation and then you kill all these innocent people’
Loki just scoffed ‘And I told you that I would be back for you, so why the trap?’
‘Trap?’ you tried to play dumb, even tough you knew that lying to Loki was almost impossible.
‘You’re cute when you try to lie. But the trap was obvious, of course’ he said.
‘I don’t know what you are talking about’ you said while looking the other way.
‘They are not coming, just so you know’ he said.
‘What did you do?’ you asked, this time looking him straight in the eyes.
The smile that appeared on his face was sends shivers down your spine and you knew that you were in trouble. ‘Let’s say that the widow is a worthy opponent and I think the rest is kind of preoccupied at the moment’
‘What did you do to her?’ you asked in horror.
‘Just a simple enchantment spell, she will be fine. You don’t need to be worried about her’ Loki half laughed.
You didn’t know how to respond, you just kept looking into the direction of the park exit. Waiting, or more hoping, for something to happen. ‘You know what we will do now?’ he asked you.
‘I don’t know anything, because you are not telling me anything’ you snapped a bit at him.
‘Anger doesn’t suit you’ he said. ‘But I’ll ignore it for now. I think you are a bit more excited, but I’m taking you to Asgard!’ and Loki genuinely looked excited when he told you.
‘What? How are you even allowed into Asgard?’ you asked. Apparently, the wrong question, since the smile from his face disappeared again. You didn’t know what was going on, but Loki’s mood was strange and switched the whole time. He always was quite unreadable, but now you really were at a lost.
‘I rule Asgard, obviously’ he said. ‘And I want you by my side’
‘I- What? No’ you answered.
Loki’s mood changed from irritable to anger, which was very obvious at this point. ‘You accepted to be by my side’ he said.
‘Yes, when I thought it was going to be like.. a normal relationship? Or at least pretty normal?’
‘(Y/N)!’ you suddenly heard Steve call for you. He was running past the entrance of the park, looking dirty and bruised. Natasha really did a number on him, he was sprinting towards you looking guilty and sad. You wanted to get up from the bench, but Loki grabbed your arm and pulled you back. He put hand on the side of your face and leaned closer. His lips almost touched yours, but instead of kissing you he said ‘You are coming with me’. A green glow surrounded you and you became extremely nauseous. It became black before your eyes, and you vaguely felt yourself land on soft material before you drifted off completely.
Permanent taglist: @delightfulheartdream @theaudacitytowrite @pescadoavocado @theestorm @justacripple @taurusbeing
Story taglist: @rahne85 @mrsdarcyinlovewithbuckybarnes @not-your-bitch @justasecretwriter @offgoodluck
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moonlit-imagines · 4 years
Headcanons for being Jane Foster’s child
Jane Foster x child!reader
Thor Odinson x Foster!child!reader
a/n: no not a foster child, jane foster’s child 😌 also im so super glad you liked those!!! hope these are just as good!!! and im genuinely so sorry these took so long
prompt: anonymous: “Hey! I just read the Tony Stark x Potts!child!reader HC and I loved it! Would you do the same but with Thor and Jane? ❤️”
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no babysitter = go to work with mom
dr. selvig gave you a rubik’s cube to keep you entertained
“fuck that! here, y/n, you can play my DS” -darcy
“can you not swear in front of my child?” -jane
you thought tonight would be boring, but then your mom and darcy collectively hit a homeless guy with a car!
“holy crap, we’re all going to jail!” -you
“don’t say ‘crap,’ y/n! we need to get him to a hospital!” -jane
ngl this dude was kinda funky
darcy used her taser and your mom covered your eyes, but you still peaked ;)
ride to the hospital
“don’t touch him, y/n”
“sorry, doc”
and the very next day you guys stole him 💕
“mr. thor, where are you from?”
“i am from asgard! it is much different from this realm, but your’s is adequate, i suppose”
you could see the way your mom looked at him, though
he ate all the pop tarts >:(
she gave thor her ex boyfriends clothes
“yeah, donald was a real ass—” -you
“don’t say ‘ass.’ darcy curses too much” -jane
“sorry, mom...anyways, donald forgot to pick me up from soccer practice like, a dozen times. he sucked” -you
“this ‘donald’ doesn’t seem like a very good man...also, what is ‘soccer?’” -thor
you grabbed a soccer ball and tried to show him how to play but there was some other stuff the *scientists* had to take care of
you were a regular at izzy’s diner (well, mom was) and they always made you cute pancakes in different shapes!!
“ah, it’s a smiley face! that’s adorable!” -thor
“yeah! they like to surprise me whenever i come in. they’re pretty awesome” -you
*your mom literally beaming at how good thor is with you already*
you and thor were drawing on paper placemats
and then he broke a glass and you started giggling hdhshshs
but he had to leave
“no, thor, please don’t go!”
“i hope to meet you again one day, little one. hopefully fate sees it through”
no time to be sad bc ur mom’s lab got hijacked by the government
“hey, no fair! that’s my diary!” -you
“sorry, kid. there are constellation drawings we have to observe” -coulson
“aw, you draw constellations? wait, not now. you can’t just take all our stuff. especially that! that belongs to a child!” -jane
“sic ‘em, y/n!” -darcy
“don’t listen to darcy, y/n” -selvig
chilling in the trailer and missing thor bc he was the most interesting thing to happen to you and your mom in a while
and you wanted her to be happy even tho he was kind of crazy
“hey, mom? do you want to watch the stars tonight like we used to do? we could make s’mores?”
“that sounds like a great idea, baby! i’ve gotta go take care of some science stuff, so i’ll pick up some s’mores stuff while i’m out. love you!”
yeah she went to go see thor and he kinda got arrested but your mom came back home so you could watch the stars!
“so, do you like thor?” -you
“what? what makes you say that?” -jane
“it’s cool if you do, i think he’s awesome. a little weird, but at least he’s nice”
then thor and selvig came home and selvig was drunk as a skunk
*poking him while he giggles and tells you about thor*
“i wish your grandfather could have met that guy! he would have loved him...i wish you met your grandfather, too” -selvig
thor inviting you back outside
“i’d like you to teach me more about this ‘soccer’”
by the time you guys were done, it was 3am and you were too pumped to go to sleep
so thor told you stories of his home and battle and family
you didn’t want him to stop, you were fascinated by it all
and uhhhh yeah then earth kinda had some vikings show up
they told you that you’d “make a fine warrior one day”
and then yall got attacked by a ????? a what??? a destroyer???????
“get y/n out of here now! they shouldn’t have to see this!” -thor
you were still nearby and saw thor become thor again
after he was done fighting the destroyer, you ran to give him a hug
“that was awesome! can i hold your hammer?”
“maybe someday, little one”
then you didn’t see him for 2 years
which upset your mom a good bit, you had to help her through that episode. lots of sitting on the couch and eating ice cream together talking about how he wasn’t worth her time even tho you missed him too
but he came back! and then your mom sent everything flying bc she had an “infinity stone” inside her and thor took you two to asgard
“y/n! you’ve grown so much, i almost didn’t recognize you!” -thor
tbh you really digged the outfit they gave you, but also you were on another planet? thor insisted on giving you a tour (by flying you around)
“i do hope you’re having fun, little one!”
worrying about your mom simultaneously bc you overheard she was sick
but asgard got attacked and you and jane were confined to a room in the palace, which sucked because you wanted to see it all
but thor sent guards to bring you anything to keep you entertained
“maybe we’ll skip the mace for now, thank you” -jane
after several events that count as child endangerment, this chapter came to an end and your mom and thor finally made it official
loki called you a rodent and then saved your life so you were kinda iffy about him
about a year or two later, your mom had to travel a great deal in order to get some work done, so you were left in the care of thor, who took you to avengers tower
“oh, my girlfriend’s child is an angel! and they’re so intelligent, just like their mother!” -thor gushing to other partygoers
“yeah, thor, your ‘angel’ is sneaking drinks from the elderly” -tony
*sipping his beer* “they’re a growing teenager”
you did have an amazing time interacting with the avengers
and once they tried grabbing the hammer, you knew you had to get in on it (but you failed like the rest)
“don’t worry, my y/n, you have to be eighteen years of age to be able to lift mjölnir!” -thor
“oh, that makes sense!” -you, while thor aggressively shakes his head at the other avengers. he just wanted to make sure you didn’t feel bad you weren’t worthy yet :(
more child endangerment but really what did you expect?
thor went off world and your mom split it off w him but you did have his email so you were still in contact with him
swearing you saw odin on the street once or twice (fast forward)
and then your mom dusted and thor found you as soon as he possibly could, it was so good to see him
he took you in since you were alone now, you moved to new asgard and became prince(ss) of the new land by relation?? makes sense right
basically you and valkyrie made all the calls while thor grieved for years
but he still took care of you
“y/n, would you like to play video games with me? i think it may be a good bonding experience, what do you say?” -thor
uncle korg made you help him with fortnite while thor was asleep
you wished to wield stormbreaker one day
showing thor earth media! his favorite star wars character is r2-d2 dont ask why
he taught you asgardian recipes and you taught him...earth recipes?
when he was drunk he’d ramble on about his childhood and battle and enemies and jane and loki and hela and frigga and literally anything that came to mind
“y/n, could you please get me a beer? and get one for yourself, too” -thor
valkyrie most definitely gave you some battle training so you you blow off some steam, you were glad she taught you how to fight like a true warrior
thor wanted to teach you battle tactics so you could fight alongside him, but he never got around to it
a raccoon and bruce banner visited later on, proposing a way to get your family back, thor was an emotional wreck
his debriefing on the reality stone was tense when he started crying about your mom and everyone stared at you
“hey, don’t look at me. i don’t control the god, i just keep him company”
ending up waiting 1 second for the avengers to come back from their mission, resulting in you being stuck in the middle of a very heavy battle
“y/n, get out of here!” -thor
“don’t worry, thor! valkyrie taught me a few moves!”
“you make me incredibly proud, little one!”
“i’m not so little anymore, am i?”
“you will always be my little one, y/n. blood or not, that will not change!”
victory, but at what cost? it was a rough ride, you needed to get patched up, but your mom was finally home and thor...he decided it was time to leave earth again
“don’t worry, my y/n. i will see you again.” *tearing up* “i’m so glad i got the pleasure of raising you these past few years. i love you dearly, now go be with your mother”
you straight up wanted to bawl your eyes out right there
“well, y/n, you’re next in line for the throne of new asgard. what is your first command?” -valkyrie
“actually, i think you’d make a much better ruler than me. i’ve got to spend some time with my mother now that she’s home”
“you’re so much like him, you know that?”
staying with your mother, who was diagnosed with cancer not long after returning from the soul stone (a/n: jane getting cancer is canon in the comics and confirmed for thor 4)
“i missed five years of your life and now i’m sick, that’s just our luck, isn’t it?” -jane
she was understandably upset, but she also felt guilty
“mom, don’t beat yourself up. everything is okay, we’re still together right now. i won’t be going anywhere, i promise”
taglist: @alwaysananglophile // @rorybutnotgilmore // @locke-writes // @sweetheartliz07 // @queen-destenie // @natasha-danvers // @lokihiddles // @frostedgiantfavs // @emygirl // @lotsoffandomrecs // @johnmurphyisbisexual // @teenwaywardasgardian // @pappydaddy // @captainshazamerica // @freya-xo // @ravenmoore14 // @purpleskiesstorm // @ofthedewthesunlight // @canarypoint // @zoeyserpentluck //
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wolfish-trickster · 3 years
part 6
Loki x female!reader
Word count: 1,3K
Warnings: angst, typos, anxiety, drunk godly bros™
Tag list:@gaitwae @lucywrites02 @hard-to-be-the-bard @birdgirl90 @laramoonworld @belovedadam @mascaracoffee @serebrum @myworldgoesboomz @lokis-leah @nickkie1129 @getyoutmoon
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It seems like the whole eternity passed since you sat on a big white couch with the perfect view on the usual Bifrost landing place. It got dark outside, moon shone brightly from behind dark clouds. Rex fell asleep in your lap. Your eyes were glued to the piece of balcony with Asgardian runes burned into metal. 'Any moment now. Please.'
Right after you let those ugly words out of your mouth you ran after Loki, but when you opened the door he was gone. Teleportation, most likely. You searched the whole party deck, armory, gym, library and even the labs but couldn't find him.
After searching for nearly an hour you finally saw him and his brother going on balcony. You ran towards them, screaming for Loki, but he was already engulfed by the rainbow beam. All you could do now was wait for him to return. You didn't know how long. A day? Two? A week? A whole month? You didn't care, you just wished he was back already.
'Then what?' asked the little voice in your head that has been tormenting you ever since you got into puberty. 'You literally told him you regret being his friend, do you really think he'll forgive you just like that?' it's nasty tone whispered.
You covered your ears, but that didn't make the ugly thought go away. It made it louder instead. 'You're selfish. He does everything in his power to make you believe him, always does the first step to make up with you and what do YOU do?'
"Shut up," you whisper to yourself, "just please shut up."
"Who are you talking to?"
You looked up to see Natasha in her tight uniform standing infront of you. You leaned back and looked away. "No one."
"You know I can tell when you're lying, right?" she asked and sat down besides you, one hand softly scratching your waking pup.
You rolled your eyes. "Yes, I do."
"Then why trying?"
You shrugged. "To try if I got better at it?"
"Okay, something is going on with you. Care to tell me what?"
Maybe it was just your mental state, but the way she asked sounded like you were just another mission for her, not a friend she was concerned about.
You turned your head away from her and crossed your arms over your chest. "No, I just want to be alone again."
"You're alone a lot these days. That's not healthy."
"Well, I like it that way."
"Liar," she remarked.
You stiffened. Such a small word, such an impact. You started to hate it.
"Don't you have a mission to be on or something?" you quickly changed the subgect and pointed to her uniform.
"No, we just returned. Didn't you notice?" she gestured behind her back at the rest leaning on the counter either drinking or pushing an ice back to parts of their sore bodies. Every Avenger was there. Well, minus Thor and Loki. And you.
"Wait, when did you guys leave?"
"Around 3 hours ago. You really didn't notice?" she asked bewildered.
No, you didn't. They left around that time when you were looking in every dark corner of the giant library. There was no way for you to know they were leaving. Unless...
"Why didn't you tell me you were going? I could've helped!"
"We didn't want to stress you. You seem like bundle of nerves lately and we didn't want to make it worse," she said carefully.
"But I really could've helped! And I also needed some distraction! I can take a little stress you know? I didn't become Avenger for nothing!" you said kind of desperately.
"Yes, yes. We know. But still. You don't look in shape for fighting yet. Mentally I mean," she tried to calm you down, but your mind was already in move. Did they think you were too weak?
"Do you think I am too weak?"
"What? Of course not! It's just.... listen, you are in a really dark place right now and I can see it. You're walking around like a ghost, not talking to anyone, hardly eating anything. The last time I saw a genuine smile on your face was over a week ago! Trust me, fighting is the last thing you should do."
"She's right," Clint walked up from behind you. "Look, there's enough of us to finish the job. You just lean back, take some rest for a week or two and when you're okay, and I mean REALLY okay, then you can come and work. But for now, rest," he brushed some of your hair from your face and layed his hand on your shoulder, squeezing a little.
It warmed your heart to know they care about you. But you still couldn't fight off the thought. 'They are trained from birth, geniouses, biologically enhanced and what are you? Yes, they care now, but what about tomorrow? A day after that?'
You forced the thought away and nodded. "Okay, I'll try."
Both Clint and Nat smiled. "Great! Now come, I remember a certain Captain loosing a bet and serving us all ice cream," he pulled you to your feet and with Rex trailing behind you lead you to join the rest.
You looked over at Natasha, silent question in your eyes. She chuckled and whispered: "Tony and Steve made a bet who will infiltrate the Hydra base first. He said it's a good motivation to finish it as fast as possible."
You chuckled and sat down on one of the tall bar chairs. Steve gave you a bowel with the most amount of ice cream and fruit. He said you looked like you need it the most. And true enough, when you looked behind him into a mirror you saw your new depressed resting face.
You slowly ate the frozen treat and watched The Mighty Avengers play with your puppy like little kids. Bucky fell in love with him the most, he always secretly gave him treats and peaces of meat when he was in the kitchen. It's only a matter of time until he asks to take him out and play with him for the whole day.
You knew Sam and Bruce always say they are cat persons, but even they couldn't resist and were throwing him one small pillow after another and watched how he battled it. Sam even pulled out his shoe lace and dragged it infront of the small dog and chuckled when he was trying to catch it.
Even through the soft chatter around and the ease atmosphere you still felt like something, or someone was missing. You gazed down at your bowl, a green ball of apple ice cream was there along with some blueberries. Green and blue. Colours you associated with Loki. You really started to see him in everything, didn't you?
You sighed and checked the balcony once more. Nothing. No one.
As you were going to tell your team you're going to sleep and to return Rex back into your room when they're done with playing a loud dull crash echoed through the room. Two Asgardians were sloppily leaning on eachother on the balcony, both covered in dirt from head to toe. Thor had some small flowers sticking from his hair as well as Loki. Everyone was staring at themwith a shock, surprise and some with amusement in their eyes.
Brothers got stuck in the doorway momentarily (they both refused to let the other enter first) but when they finally made it through Thor tripped and fell on his face. Loki started to laugh, but not with his deep velvety laugh. It sounded.... off. Only drunk people laugh that way.
But you've seen him drunk, this wasn't how he acted.
When he stopped his laugh he straightened his back, stretched out his arms in his iconic T pose and shouted. "DOES ANY OF YU MOTAL ANTZ KNOW, WHEREAS IS THE LADY UNIVERS?"
He wasn't drunk. He was completely sloshed.
And you were kinda affraid of what was about to come.
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gotta say I’m particularly pleased with Loki using magic fireworks to show off, because I literally put that in the Steve/Loki fic I wrote for @veliseraptor​ a few years ago, where they sort of grow up together as childhood friends because of handwavey time-travel shenanigans:
Loki shrugs, looking down. After a moment he says, “We Aesir live such long lives that we mark such events differently as we age, or at least that is the common practice. Young children’s birthdays are celebrated every year; later, perhaps the day is marked in small ways but is truly celebrated once each decade, or once per century for adults and those nearing adulthood. I am approaching that age myself, so it is not as though I expect a regular, lavish celebration or anything of that sort. It is only…”
“Thor gets a bigger party?” Steve guesses.
“A feast of some kind, most years,” Loki says, his voice flat. “It is good for our warriors’ morale, you see. When he turned 750, the festivities lasted nearly a fortnight, and he was gifted with Mjolnir, a weapon of great power. So I thought…well.”
“Yesterday was your 750th too,” Steve says (it still feels unreal to him to measure someone’s lifespan with numbers that high, but when he does the math in his head, he’s pretty sure that’s about equivalent to 15, so basically Steve’s age).
Loki looks down again and nods. “In truth, I am not sure anyone remembered this year was anything out of the ordinary.”
Steve and his mom have never had much, but she’s always managed to make Christmas and his birthday special in some small way, taking extra shifts to afford an art book for him or ingredients for a cake. He’s been a little jealous sometimes of the stuff other kids’ parents can afford, but he’s never, ever felt forgotten. In every other way, Loki’s so much richer that Steve can barely comprehend it, but—
“Well,” he says, “I can’t throw you a feast, but I can take you to Coney Island for ice cream or something.”
“Ice cream,” Loki says.
“Yeah, haven’t you—no, of course you haven’t had ice cream, that’s my fault. I don’t really want to spend money on the rides right now, but just walking around is fun, and I can at least do ice cream.”
“I would like that,” Loki admits.
“Here we go, this vendor doesn’t charge extra for toppings.”
Loki balks again when Steve pulls out his wallet. “You needn’t, truly.”
“I know,” Steve says. “But it’s your birthday, and I want to.” He buys them both double-scoop cones with chocolate sauce and hands one to Loki as they head down the boardwalk. “Careful, it’ll melt and start dripping if you don’t eat it fast enough. Uh, but don’t eat it too fast or you’ll get a headache. You just lick it.”
Loki smiles sidelong at him, looking faintly amused. “I think I can manage.” He licks at the ice cream once, delicately, and then his eyes widen a little and he returns to it with a lot more enthusiasm.
“I guess you like it,” Steve says, grinning.
“This is good. I wonder if the cooks at home could make something similar.” He catches a drip running down the side of the cone. “How is it made?”
“No idea. I bet we could look it up somewhere, though. I think it’s milk, ice, and sugar, mostly.”
“Mm.” Loki’s almost reached the cone already—maybe Asgardians just don’t get ice cream headaches—and is finally slowing down. “Well, if you can find me a recipe, I will see what can be done.” He neatly sidesteps a child running between them and smiles at Steve in a way that makes his heartbeat pick up. “Thank you, my friend.”
Steve ducks his head. “Glad you like it.” His own ice cream is starting to melt, and taking care of that keeps him occupied for a few minutes. Then Loki hops up to sit on the boardwalk railing, facing the beach and the water. Steve scrambles up next to him a lot less gracefully, but he manages, and for a little while they just watch the boats and beachgoers, with the Wonder Wheel standing sentinel overhead.
“When is your birthday?” Loki asks.
“July 4, actually. Just a couple months away now. There’s always…” His lips twitch. “My mom used to say the fireworks were just for me, like the city was wishing me a happy birthday too.”
“I am afraid this is another custom with which I am unfamiliar.”
“Right, yeah, of course. July 4 is America’s independence day, since back in—well, actually, that’s not important. Everybody celebrates with fireworks, they’re like colorful little explosions, and we don’t have a great view but my mom started taking me up to the roof to see better.” Steve laughs a little. “I think she felt bad after a while for telling me the fireworks were for me, but I’d already figured it out, and honestly I didn’t mind. I’m nobody special, I know the city’s not going to celebrate me, but it’s still nice feeling like everyone’s celebrating with me.”
“Well,” Loki says, “to your assertion that you are ‘nobody special,’ I would be inclined to point out that you are almost certainly the only living human to count a prince of Asgard as a friend. Which…focuses on me rather more than I intended.”
Steve snorts. “That was pretty much luck anyway, right? You could’ve stumbled across anybody.”
“True enough. But I met you instead, and I am glad of it. If either of us has cause to be grateful for that luck, I think it would be me.” He darts a glance toward Steve and then away, studying the shoreline, and Steve is suddenly struck by how beautiful Loki is. He’s noticed before, but not quite like this, with the breeze ruffling Loki’s hair and the sun highlighting those fine, sharp features Steve is always itching to draw. He doesn’t just want to draw Loki now, though; mostly he’s wondering what it would be like to kiss him.
The next time Steve sees him, it’s slightly more than two months later and he’s sitting on the roof sketching the skyline when Loki pops into existence next to him. He’s doing a terrible job of trying to hide a self-satisfied grin, so whatever his latest prank was, it must have gone well. Before he can ask, Loki says, “Your birthday is soon, yes?”
“Last week, actually.”
“Damn. I’d hoped to find you on the day itself, but—well, nothing for it now. I wanted…” He reaches into a satchel, hesitates, and pulls out a small wooden box. “I brought you a gift. A small thing, but—I hope you like it.”
Steve sets his sketchbook aside and takes the box, intrigued. The top opens on a hinge; inside, cradled in a nest of straw, is a black crystal ball about the size of Steve’s two fists, with a polished wooden base. When he pulls it out, flecks of color glint across its surface wherever the sun hits it. It’s pretty, but he can’t think why Loki would give him a fancy paperweight, and he’s not sure how to ask without sounding ungrateful.
“Put your hand on the sphere,” Loki says, his voice still full of suppressed excitement, “and think of your fireworks.”
Steve does. A tiny spark of light shoots up from the base of the globe and bursts under his fingers, then another and another, red and blue and gold and green, spiraling downward and fading out before exploding again, and his confusion turns to wonder as he stares at it. It’s like a snow globe but it’s full of little fireworks instead, fireworks that look just like the real thing in silent, miniature form. He turns it in his hand and the lights follow the motion, sinking back to and shooting out from what’s now the bottom, in spirals and spiders and starbursts.
“Fireworks in a jar,” Steve says. “This is incredible.”
Loki grins. “It is, isn’t it? I didn’t make the globe, of course, I bought that, but the enchantment is mine, built from scratch.”
Steve turns the globe again, marveling at the tiny little world in his hands. “I thought you didn’t know what fireworks were?”
“As it happens, they are a very old invention—as Midgard marks time, anyway—so I was able to observe some myself at a celebration of some kind in China, and I replicated those. So…now you have fireworks that really are just for you.”
The globe is slightly warm against his palms, and Steve closes his hands over it. “This is—way better than anything I gave you.”
Loki looks at him with a crooked smile. “I suppose that is a matter of perspective.”
I mean, I guess I was wrong about fireworks not being a thing on Asgard, but still, it’s fun. :)
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ashdreams2023 · 3 years
Devil’s nightmare 10/55
Summary: the avengers are assigned to watch over a prisoner….you
Pairings: Avengers x Reader { mainly Loki and Bucky }
genre: comfort, found family, hurt to comfort, trauma recovery, romance
Warnings: blood, mention of abuse, 18+ content
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Children ran around the village, laughing and playing with each other.
Their life was easy, they had no responsibilities and only had to follow one strict rule.
Act like you don’t exist.
You licked your dry lips, following their bodies moving all around.
The chain on your throat felt a little tighter than usual for some reason that day.
“It’s spoiled now!”
“Then throw it to the animals” the mother told her son.
He was older than you.
He looked annoyed carrying the hot pot over to the pigs.
Or at least you thought it was for the pigs.
Instead of dropping it to them he stop in front of you with a disgusted look on his face.
“You’re the real pig” he said.
He flipped the pot and let the food spill on to dirty grown in front of your bare feet.
“Eat it.” he said
You cried as he pushed your face to the ground forcing you to consume some of it.
You struggled to breath but no matter how many times you screamed nobody even bothered to look your way.
You were all alone…
“Hey…wake up…HEY!” You inhaled sharply as Clint shook you up awake.
“Hey, hey…are you ok?” You blinked at him before realizing your face was wet.
You were crying.
Clint didn’t buy that shit.
“Look that might work on everyone else but I don’t like riddles young lady”
“I’m older than you…” you said
Clint rolled his eyes.
“And you look as old as nat so that makes me older than you!”
You stared at him silently for a few seconds before giving in.
“It’s just a nightmare….from the past” Clint nodded.
“You know, when my kids have nightmares I usually sneak out with them to have ice cream”
Ice cream?
By the look on your face he can tell you’ve got no idea what means
“Ok, let’s make a pinky promise” he grabbed your pinky with his own.
You looked even more confused.
“This is a pinky promise ok, we have to do this promise no matter what ok?”
You nodded slowly.
“Let’s make a promise that, when you get better and we can get out of here, we will go and buy some ice cream together. Do you promise?”
Out of here…yes.
“I…pinky promise?”
“That’s the spirit!, now seriously come eat they’ve been fighting over the stove for hours and I’m starving, and don’t look at me like that you’re not some wild animal”
Hard to believe but whatever suits you archer.
For the first time in…ever you were served colorful food.
Like actually something that looks like it has flavor in it.
“Dig in, me and these two troublemakers worked hard on it” Natasha pointed at herself then Loki and Bucky.
“True, even though I’m still suspicious about those plants he used” said bucky
Loki huffed, crossing his arms over his chest.
“For your information I spent a fair amount of time in our kitchens when I was younger” Thor snorted after that making Loki glare at him.
“As punishments brother”
“I like to learn from my surroundings”
You licked your lips looking at your plate.
It was just mashed potatoes with grilled steak and salad on the side.
It looked way better than the boiled things you were used to consuming.
“All of you stop, I would’ve gotten us burgers but all of you insisted on something homemade and I-” tony stopped talking when he saw you covering your face with your hands.
Bruce, who was sitting next to you notice the tears sliding down your cheeks.
“If you don’t like it we can always go with-”
“No!” You stopped him “I’m just…I don’t deserve this”
Loki sighed, he lifted his knife and fork towards his plate being the first one to dig in.
“Food should not be earned, food is something you need, either being a god, a vampire or even…a witch. We all need to eat and it’s not wrong for you to enjoy the taste of what you’re having.”
Sniffed a few, with soft rub on your back you removed your hands.
Bruce gave you a kind smile before removing his hand away.
“Thank you…” you said
Tag list:
@purplekitten30 @there-goes-my-sanity @teardropcup @icelyn @baebeepeach @440mxs-wife @poptartpoppyy @buckylokisimp @azariussummers @that-little-zebunny @raven-reyes-wife @stanmixtapes @prettysbliss @buckybarneslefthand @kaaashie @austynparksandpizza @impoeticbeauty333 @grxvitye @i-have-no-life-charlie @ashadash0904 @multifandomlesbianic @navs-bhat @frostironfudge @happypopcornprincess @smokinserious @sylum
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amerrierworld · 4 years
Babysitter (pt 8)
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Thor (Ragnarok) - fanfiction
Pt 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7
Characters: Hela x fem!reader, Tony, Nat, Thor
Word Count: 1,474
Warning: angst angst angst angst
You don't know how long you stood at your shattered window for. Your fingers were numb from gripping the windowsill and it had begun to rain. 
A warm hand covered your own and pulled you gently away before you caught a cold. Natasha sat you down in the living room and Tony set to work on your window. Thor handed you a cup of tea, and you could taste a shot of something had been added, but you welcomed it warmly.
“Should be fixed in no time, Y/N,” Tony was the first to speak up. Natasha sat next to you on the couch, staying quiet. Thor was pacing back and forth, impatiently.
“We have to find her,” he growled.
“No, we don’t,” Nat retorted. “Wherever she is, it’ll be a waste of time tracking her down.”
“She may know something about Thanos!”
“I doubt that, big boy,” Tony sighed. “If she knew something about Thanos, you  really think she would’ve waited here with Y/N until we all came looking for her? If I’d been her, I would’ve fled ages ago.”
“You don’t know my sister, Stark.”
“Well, clearly you don’t either.”
“If you knew what Hela was capable of-,”
“Please, be quiet,” you said, softly. The two men ceased their bickering and looked at you. Tony crossed his arms and sighed.
“Wanna tell us what happened?”
“I- I don’t know, okay? She.. we became close, that’s all. I liked her. I think she liked me too.”
“Y/N, she’s a merciless killing machine,” Thor spat. “She cannot be trusted!”
“She didn’t kill me, did she? She had plenty of chances, but never killed me. Nor did she ever run away even after she was free.”
“And why exactly did you free her?” Natasha asked. 
“Because I trusted her. I trust her still. She didn’t hurt any of you, nor me. She’s just protecting herself.”
“And then she ran off and left you alone. Very trustworthy.”
“It’s not that simple!” You slammed the cup on the coffee table, angry tears streaming down your face now. “It’s not fair. You guys can’t just come in here and- and fuck everything up!”
Startled, the three looked at you, quiet for once. 
“She- she was wonderful. Better than anyone I’d ever met! And then you fucked it up. And now I’m alone, again, because you guys refuse to ever talk to anyone!”
You were gasping for breath as you cried, and Nat hesitantly drew your into a hug. You slumped in her hold.
“Instead, you just come in here with weapons ablaze, and scare the shit out of both of us. I thought.. this time, I really thought...”
You blinked more prickly tears away.
“We’re sorry, Y/N. But it’s over now, and she’s not coming back,” Natasha said. “You think she’ll come back after what’s happened?”
“She wouldn’t just... leave. She has no where to go.”
“I doubt that,” Thor interrupted. “She has plenty of places around here she can fit right into. Maybe a goth band.”
Natasha threw a pillow at him.
“Y/N, come with us. Your place needs to get cleaned up. We’ll get you sorted out, and it’ll get better, okay?” Natasha cooed you quietly. “But you can’t think about her right now, nor can you trust her.”
“She killed thousands of people without a second thought, and almost killed me, too,” Thor said. “If it came down to it, she would kill you too.”
You felt numb. Part of you screamed outrage at what they were saying, but you felt like you had no other choice. You had no idea what was going to happen next, and now you were alone again, unsafe and vulnerable. At least the Avengers stuck around, right? Maybe Hela really was just waiting for a wait out.
You heart ached and you felt tears welling up again, but you quietly nodded. Natasha helped you pack a bag and Tony set the security locks for your place before you shut everything off and locked the door behind you.
Hela’s lungs were on fire from gasping for so long. Not because she was out of breath from running, but she was out of breath from crying. Cold tears stung her cheeks as she finally came to a halt somewhere deep in the city. Car horns and chatter sounded all around her.
She paced on a stretch of sidewalk for a few moments, trying to gather her thoughts, trying to keep your scream out of her head. The way you pleaded, cried out, struggled to help, was burned into her memory. It hurt more than all the memories of people she’d killed, all the blood she had spilled, and her heart broke over and over again.
Her eyes shifted to glance behind her every few moments, expecting a hammer-wielding God or a man in armour to come charging at her at any moment. The idea of being blamed for Thanos’ work or having to face him or the grief of your friends terrified her. Thanos was not something she could face, at least not in the state she was in now. 
Her body ached from the sudden exercise and adrenaline coursing through her veins. She wanted to eat something, Hela decided. Not that she needed to, but she wanted to. 
Snatching a hotdog off of a lonely vendor, the man shouted at her at first, but one glare shut him up. There was a kid with a hotdog staring at her as she devoured it, mustard dripping on his shirt that depicted a star surrounded by  white and red rings.
“Are you an Avenger?” he asked, gawking. She looked at him, incredulous, wondering if you would’ve been mad if she killed this kid on the spot just out of spite. Instead, she raised her foot and nudged him until he stumbled and dropped his hotdog. Amid his sniffly cries, Hela grabbed another hotdog and marched away, fuming. 
She could no longer feel the impending doom of the past few days, and she realized it really had been a sign of Thanos’ incoming attack. Her mind ached with worry, something she wasn’t used to. She was worried about you and your loved ones, and even the Avengers. Even her asshole of a brother who tried to kill her multiple times. 
She’d become soft and caring, Hela realized. She snorted despicably at the sensation, but it ached with a need for comfort as well. Your comfort. She wanted to be back in your home, with cozy heating and food for days. But if it meant you being in danger, she’d have to hang out here in the slumps of the city, in secret, until she could figure out how to protect you and what to do next. 
Hela passed an ice cream shop. She had learned what shops were here, how they worked, and what to do, but she con’t be arsed at the moment to follow any of the etiquette you had advised her on.
Stomping inside, she demanded the largest portion of green tea ice cream they had. Their diner TV was on, news of the ‘Blip’ keeping all their attention.
“Unusual flavour!” the worker at the cash register commented, clearly flustered by a customer acting normally for once. “Extra large then?”
“Give me the whole tub,” she ordered, eyeing the container that a co-worker was scooping ice cream out of.
“Sorry, ma’am, we can’t do that, you’ll have to order a size-,”
Hela lifted her leg and smashed the cash register, bills fluttering in the air. “Now.”
Trembling, they did as she asked, and she took the ice cream scoop that came with it as well. On the way out, she kicked the door hard enough that the glass in it shattered too. 
You had once told her, humorously, how many people your age would binge-eat ice cream and other sweets when heart-broken. Now, Hela understood why. 
She wasn’t worried about the Avengers fighting her. Clearly, they were more concerned with you and half their population disappearing than with tracking her down. 
People took no notice of her, they seemed accustomed to people walking down their streets with horns coming from their heads and carrying a freezing cold tub of ice cream. 
Hela walked far enough until she reached the supermarket you had taken her on her first trip out in New York. She bunkered down next to a homeless fellow sitting by the front door. He had a little cap on the ground with a few meagre coins tossed in it, and he was clearly startled by the angry goth woman coming to sit next to him, chomping ice cream. 
She offered him some, he refused, and so she kept eating in silence, glued to the spot, despite the cold weather and stares.
And that was how Loki found her. 
A/N: cliffhanger teehee !
taglist: @midnight-lestrange​ @cheerfullyvenomous @germansarechill @gaylorrds @amii-nyc @waitingfortheendtocome @novakitten0901 @marvels-writings (pls let me know if I’ve missed you or want to be added to the tag list!)
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Loki x reader (Percy Jackson's sister! Reader x Loki)
Warning:smut minors don't interact,cursing, bondage, degradation,light choking, knife play, orgasm denial, daddy
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I've been with the Avengers for about half a year I think? Just to be clear I'm here fully because as peace treaty S.H.I.E.L.D find out about the mythology worlds and now I have to stay with the Avengers as a diplomatic immunity so hooray. But otherwise they're nice Tony and Bruce are good talking science (read: help with my homework (read: do my homework)).
Wanda and Loki help me with magic (read: Wanda helps me with magic because Loki never shows up (which I am disappointed by because he's kind of hot),
Steve adopted me few months before my 1947th (18th? Honestly I don't know how much that is in human years because diamonds can live forever) birthday (despite the fact that I'm not moral Poseidon still cannot keep me on Olympus (read:doesn't want to)),
Me and Peter are besties (which Tony was not happy about),
Clint is a prankster along with Loki (just that only the later still has the balls to dare prank me),
Thor has an unhealthy obsession with pop tarts (which I have no right to comment on because same),
Nat trains with me which is normal since we have similar training.
Mine and Wanda's powers are pretty similar just that I have some additions.
Anyway the team was on a mission I was holding the fort. Because I thought I was alone I was only in my yoga pants and shirt because all my other clothes were currently in the washing machine because it did not time that well so I only had basically see through white shirt. I was in the couch peacefully eating ice cream (straight out of the box cuz why the Hades not). When I heard a strange noise. I grabbed my daggers and hide behind the door. When the person walked through the door I quickly pulled the knife to them throat.
Only to realize that it was Loki.
They did not look one bit intimidated that son of a bitch.
"Loki!" I said "you scared the shit out of me what the fuck person"
"Person?" they questions.
"I didn't ask for your pronouns yet." I said. "What are they?"
"he/him" he answered."my,my darling I must say that you look ravishing" he says stalking towards me.
I laugh and push him away and turn to leave."don't mess with me"
I went to the gym and started training then I noticed him staring at me again I ignore him and start bouncing on the bouncy ball.
"Darling if you want to bounce on something I got something you can bounce on" the blush sure that I heard him wrong.
"I beg your pardon?" I said."go on keep begging I like it" he said. "Stop making fun of me" I answered unable to accept the fact that he is flirting with me.
He wrapped his hands around my waist "darling I would never let me prove it to you. I know you like me I saw the way you stare at me when you think I can't see you" I freeze.'Oh shit he knows'.
"Will you allow it? Is it okay? Just let me take care of you darling" he said as he starts kissing my neck. I do a sharp intake already feeling my panties getting wet.
"are you sure it's okay?" I nod. He wraps his hands around my neck choking me lightly.
"use your words Pet. Do you want me? Tell me that you want me. Will you be a good girl for your King." I found myself even more turned on with him asking for permission.
"yes." I say. "yes what?" he says. "Yes I want you please...fuck I need you" I give in. "Good girl" he says. "But there's no way I'll let you rule me" I answered him. "We'll see" he says goes straight to kissing and biting my neck.
"let's take this to my chamber shall we?"in the poof of green smoke we're in his bedroom. He threw me on the bed and started sucking and biting my neck leaving marks. "Yes my darling. I've wanted you for so long" I moan. His kisses went south and stop at my shirt. He conjures a knife and cuts it off.
"my shirt" I whine. He grabbed my neck again. "Shut that mouth or I'll gag you and then fuck that brat out of you"."you don't have the guts" I retorted but he only smirk and cuts my pants and panties along with it. "Let's see how wet you are" he puts the blade in between my folds and pulls it out quickly. The blade is covered with my juices and he licked it off. That erotic gesture turned me on even more. He lowered himself onto my clit and blew some air on it I took a sharp intake. He then took a lick on my clit. I gasped as he continues to eat me out. I let out a loud moan. He stopped and looked at me.
"I did warn you" he said conjuring a ball gag and putting it in my mouth he conjures some chains and secures my arms above my head."Are you comfortable?" He asks serious. I nod. He starts sucking on my clit and slips a finger in. He moves it in and out at slow but hard tempo. But then suddenly... He stops which I am very annoyed by because I was just about to hit my release and takes the gag out.
"beg" he says.
"sorry?" I ask
"if you want to cum beg me" he says
"no" I say deciding to be a brat.
"you can't cum until you beg" he adds another finger but starts moving excruciating slow.
"fine!" I break
"fine what?" he asks
"please!" I say obediently
"please what?"
"please fuck me"
"that's a good little slut" he said going faster. I moan at his degrading. But just as I was about to cum he pulls out again.
"no you slut don't you dare cum. I want you to cum around my cock" he said misting away his clothes. I gulp. Dear gods he's enormous. He looks at my look of discomfort and he looks at me:"darling if you don't want to do something you have to tell me". "No it's fine it just your really big" I say. He chuckled:" don't worry Pet I won't hurt you"."what if I want you to" I sass back. He smirks and aline himself with my entrance but then he has a look of realization on his face. He gets off me and went to his drawer. He looks for something and finally he polls out a condom and puts it on. "Good thinking" I say. "Well.." he slips into me. I moan. "I crave for you to bear my child but I think we're not that far yet" he says as he waits for me to adjust and then slamming into me. I scream in pain that is mixing with pleasure. He slammed into me in a ruthless pace taking me fast and deep. Every time he hits that little spot that I can never reach on my own. I can feel that I'm close. "Fuck daddy!" I yell in pleasure but then realize what I just said. "Sorry I-"I said embarrassed but he only smirks. "Oh no Pet I want you to address me like that from now on" something in me seems to snap at his words and I come with overwhelming feeling of pleasure. But he doesn't stop. I slip into oversensitivity but luckily it doesn't last long before it starts to be pleasurable again. I scream:"fuck daddy! yes! I'm-"I can feel him coming close too. "Yes Pet. Let's come together" something in me snaps and he comes a moment after. "You came before me. That asks for a punishment" I gulp. This is going to be a long night.
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linh-song · 4 years
Marellinh Headcanons (Assorted Variety)
I was feeling sad so I came up with some Marellinh headcanons to make me feel better (it worked)
The two are best friends before they start dating
Marella is the one who holds Linh and lets her sob into her shoulder every night after Tam is kidnapped by Gisela
And when people scream at Marella for being a pyrokinetic and tell her she’s worse than the prisoners in exile, Linh is there, her normal calm and serene demeanor replaced with eyes burning with hatred
People learn to not talk bad about Marella, because Linh is somehow always there, listening, and ready to yell at them for 40 minutes about why they’re wrong and why Marella is an amazing person
So the two slowly start to fall in love with each other, but don’t even realize it, thinking those weird butterflies are just “oh I just really care about my friend because they’re awesome”
Then one day they’re training their abilities together and Linh just sweeps Marella up into her arms and kisses her
Linh blushes red and is about to apologize when Marella pulls her into another kiss
After that, they’re both like oh, so that’s what those feelings are
They never really tell the rest of the gang that they’re dating, and instead just constantly hold hands and stare at each other affectionately
The squad kind of just assume that the two are together, and they are indeed correct
On a dare they get matching tattoos on the inside of their wrists
(Keefe did them)
Linh’s is a little ball of fire and Marella’s is a ball of water
Whenever they’re apart they just look at the tattoos and smile
It becomes a bit of a habit for Linh to rub the tattoo whenever she feels stressed or sad, and Marella likes to wear shirts with shorter sleeves so that she can easily see it throughout the day and be reminded of Linh
When Marella introduces Linh to her parents, her mother ends up having an episode and Linh calms her down by humming softly and creating water animals in the air
Marella knows that she’s wholeheartedly in love with Linh after that, her heart belongs to Linh and only Linh
And after that Marella’s parents basically adopt Linh as their child, she’s a part of the family now
Linh has a lower body temperature and her hands are almost always cold to the touch while Marella, because of her pyrokinesis, runs a higher temperature than most elves
This dynamic is perfect for hand holding and hugs and kisses and all that jazz
(Linh sometimes compares being around Marella like sitting next to a warm, crackling fireplace on a cold winter night, and Marella says holding Linh is like the cool refreshing ocean breeze on a hot summer day)
little spoon!Marella and big spoon!Linh just hello it’s too cute??? And Marella curls herself into Linh and falls asleep the happiest person in the world?
Marella and Princess Purryfins are probably BFFS okay you can’t tell me otherwise
Like, Marella will be like, “I’ve got a date tonight!” and everyone’s like “Cool tell Linh I said hi” and then Marella’s like “What no I’m pet sitting Princess Purryfins tonight. I bought a cool new laser pointer and we’re gonna have a blast-”
Linh’s brain short circuits every time she see’s Marella cuddling her murcat
And them bonding over their powerful elemental abilities?
Like, they go to the beach one day (or something) and Linh has a panic attack because even though she’s proved she can keep her ability in check time and time again, a tiny part of her brain still hears the call of the water and remembers all those times when she was younger and lost control and she’s so afraid
Marella also has nightmares where she’s consumed by the fire and can’t do anything as she watches herself call down Everblaze and she’s shaking and curled into a little ball and Linh just wraps her arms around her and just holds her rocking both of them gently back and forth
And Marella just leads her away and they lightleap to Fluttermont where they eat tubs of ice cream together in a pillow fort and Marella reminds Linh of all the amazing and wonderful things she’s done and how she saved Atlantis and thousands of people from drowning and Linh calms down and thinks that maybe there is a little truth to Marella’s words
Movie dates-
They probably snuggle up together with blankets and popcorn together every Friday night and watch movies together
Whenever it’s Marella’s turn to pick a movie, she always chooses a comedy because Linh’s smile is the most breathtaking thing she’s ever seen
Sometimes they stay up really late watching movies and Marella falls asleep curled on the couch with her head on Linh’s lap and Linh just sits there stroking Marella’s hair and Marella looks so beautiful and at peace and Linh feels drunk on happiness
Also- what if... like you know how Thor in Age of Ultron (I think?? Or was it in tdw-) has a strand of Loki’s hair braided into his?
Yeah so that but with Marellinh
They both get a strand of the other’s hair in a little braid so that they’ll always be together even when they’re apart-
Ajlfhlahdkkaajhdkahfhkqhslha I love this ship so much okay byeeee
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loveisnotadagger · 3 years
Love Is Healing - Chapter Five
Chapter 5/?
The next day Arianna focused on healing Loki's burns since she hadn't been able to the night before. Arianna knew that Frigga and Thor had to leave that day, so she let them stay in the room with her as she worked. Plus, she didn't want to be alone with Loki. He had gotten under her skin the night before and she was still a little irritated with him.
Loki had been right about one thing, however, and that was that she hadn't been able to draw power from the Tesseract the night before because she'd been too tired. She had since slept and was using it fine now.
She worked on Loki for a few hours before leaving him, leaving the tower to go out and see how much destruction had actually been done.
"Oh my God," she said as she stepped out of the building and into the world outside.
She hadn't really seen everything the day before. There were buildings still smoking from yesterday, and there were piles of rubble on the ground from the buildings and the streets having been hit. Seeing as this wasn't a residential area, most of the buildings were businesses and restaurants. It hadn't lowered the death count or the amount of people that had been hurt.
Police were still out, so she wondered if they were still searching the ruins for victims.
"Let's go," Natasha said from behind her. "Tony has a helicopter waiting for us. We'll go to the closest hospital and work our way out."
They had to cross the street and use the helipad there because the one on Tony's tower had been destroyed. As they walked Arianna began to feel as if she were in a movie about the end of the world. The apocalypse had come to Manhattan.
She felt like crying, but tears were for victims and people who had time to cry. Arianna, however, had a job to do.
"We've got clearance, right? No roadblocks?"
"We should be good." ----------
When all was said and done, the injured were numbered in the hundreds, as were the dead. Arianna healed in a logical, systematic way, starting with the most injured and ending with the least.
She spent about two hours each day with Loki and by the end of the week his burns and lacerations were completely healed. The only injury he had left was his broken ribs.
She brought him meals each day – breakfast, lunch, and dinner – and he was now able to eat solid food. She noticed he had quite the sweet tooth when she brought him some ice cream and a small piece of pie for dessert once. He's asked for more and had neglected his dinner.
It made sense when she found out that Asgard didn't really have any sweets. The sweetest thing he'd ever had was fruit, so she hoped the extra sugar didn't make Loki sick.
On the day Fury was supposed to come and retrieve Loki Arianna brought Loki pancakes for breakfast. He didn't know what they were, but he enjoyed them. Arianna had basically drowned them in syrup. Loki was able to eat only one, but Arianna ate the rest.
"Those were mine," he said, though Arianna could tell he really didn't mind.
"I made them," she reminded him.
"They were quite delicious."
"Thank you.
"So . . . Fury is supposed to come today. I'm not sure exactly what that means. He'll probably take you away and lock you up. I don't think he'll put you with other people, so you'll be safe at least."
"Or they might just torture me some more.," Loki said quietly. "Even mortal I have much information that could be useful."
"Then don't let them know."
Arianna didn't know why it made her almost want to cry at the thought of Loki being hurt further, but it did and she had to take a deep breath to steady herself.
"Pretend you have memory loss if you have to, but don't let them know you know anything that they don't unless you intend to tell them."
Arianna was under no delusions of thinking SHIELD was all good. It was a government agency and, therefore, could get away with a lot of things nobody should be allowed to do. They would torture him if they found need of it.
"Would you like to go outside? If you don't today, you may not be able to for a while."
Loki considered for a moment before smiling weakly. "That would be nice." ---------- Loki didn't know what he had expected, but being allowed to go out of the building without any restraints wasn't it. He hadn't expected the other Avengers to let Arianna go out alone with him either, but there they were.
They'd just stepped out of Stark Tower and onto the sidewalk, and Loki suddenly wanted to go back inside. Things outside were horrible. Buildings had been destroyed and roads had been turned to rubble. The costs of the war he'd brought upon this city . . .
He really shouldn't have left the tower. What if someone recognized him? They would probably try to kill him. Try and fail. He knew Arianna would never allow harm to come to him while under her watch.
"This isn't what I want you to see," she said. "But we need to cross the street to get to the helipad."
"We're going to fly?"
"For a little bit. Low enough so you can see things. I don't know if you should be walking around outside."
Loki couldn't help the relief he felt at Arianna's suggestion. He shouldn't walk around outside.
Once they had reached the helipad and the helicopter and were in the air, Loki felt a freedom he hadn't felt for a long time. He'd learned to fly when he was just a boy – not a helicopter, of course, but they did have machines that could fly in Asgard.
Arianna was silent for the most part until they had been in the air for a while. She didn't even seem to be enjoying the view, and what could be seen now was beautiful.
"May I ask what is bothering you?" he asked.
"I hate this," she said immediately. "This . . . us giving you up to Fury. I mean, no, you're definitely not the most upstanding citizen, but you were pushed into this, pushed into coming here and trying to take over. You would've been tortured if you hadn't. Most people would've done the same as you have."
Loki stared at her. Arianna had this way about her that made Loki feel as if he was cared about. His heart craved it and rejected it at the same time. If he was being honest with himself, Loki knew he craved affection from someone who could love him for what he was. He was nowhere near as bad now that Thanos wasn't playing with his mind, but he was far from what a normal person would consider good.
Arianna could accept him as he was, but he also had to admit that such open affection wasn't completely welcome. Feelings got in the way of other things.
Besides, right that instant he was feeling only gratitude. This girl had done more for him in a week than many had done in his entire lifetime.
His thankfulness wasn't misplaced. ---------- Fury was already at Stark Tower when Loki and Arianna got back. Arianna came to a halt and she felt Loki run into her before he stopped as well. He'd barely touched her back and she barely moved.
Fury stood between two agents, both of whom had a gun. Tony was there, as were the other Avengers – minus Thor, who, along with Frigga, had left days before taking the Tesseract with them.
"Are the guns really necessary?" Arianna asked. "He's in no shape to put up a fight."
"The guns aren't for him," Fury said, firm but also somewhat uncertain. "It's to ensure that you don't put up a fight."
Arianna was honestly confused about this. She wasn't a threat to anyone.
"Yes. My superiors are not happy about you siding with the man that attacked this city. Consider this a warning. You were dangerously close to treason."
"I was doing what I knew to be right."
"Not to mention, she'd promised Loki's mother that she would take responsibility for his healing," Tony said. "Who knows what would've happened had she refused?"
"Indeed," Fury replied. "I wasn't finished. Agent Grace is a valuable asset to this team. One I don't wish to lose. The Council and I agreed that she could very well help the Asgardian acclimate himself to our ways."
"In exchange for information Loki can remain free. He'll be under constant surveillance, of course. Agents Barton and Romanoff will be watching him. Everyone will remain here, and –"
Tony interrupted. "I think everyone keeps forgetting that this is my place."
Fury ignored Tony's words. "If you are amenable," he directed at Arianna, "I will alert the Council and things can proceed as usual."
Arianna looked at Natasha and Clint. "Guys? Are you willing to give up time to do this?"
Arianna already knew her answer was yes, but it wouldn't matter unless the others went for it as well.
Natasha agreed, but Arianna knew it was only because Fury had asked it of her and not because she had any real desire to do so. Clint agreed because Natasha had agreed.
Arianna turned to him now. This was his home. He could turn them all out at any time and Arianna wouldn't blame him.
"You guys haven't been too much of a nuisance," Tony quipped. "You can stay. But no touching my stuff."
Arianna grinned. "Seeing as to how I don't know how to use most of your stuff, that won't be a problem."
She then looked at Loki, who had been strangely silent throughout the entire exchange, only to find that he'd wrapped his arms around himself and was staring suspiciously at Fury and the two agents with him.
"Loki?" She touched his arm gently. If he'd withdrawn into himself, she didn't want to alarm him. "What's wrong?"
"Why?" he asked. "Why not lock me up?"
"Information," Fury answered. "As long as you cooperate . . ."
Arianna tensed, as did Loki, though each had a different reason for becoming tense. Arianna was angry but not surprised that the people she worked with would stoop to threats to get what they wanted. She was also furious that Fury and his superiors were no better than the monster named Thanos.
Loki had tensed because of the threat itself. It had reminded him of the words Thanos had said about him failing to conquer Midgard and failing to bring Thanos the Tesseract. There would be pain. He was in the same situation now with another enemy.
"Loki, just say yes and you can stay," Arianna said. "Don't make this harder than it has to be."
"Okay," he said. "I accept the arrangement." ---------- That night Arianna made plans with Tony to have someone get her things from her apartment in Washington D.C. and to have them brought to the tower. She also needed to break her lease, which she was going to get Fury to take care of since it was his fault she had to relocate in the first place.
She talked Tony into giving Loki an actual room, which really just meant that Loki would be able to have more than just the bed and closet space that he had at the moment. He would eventually be able to have things in there.
Loki still had the room next to hers, which she didn't really mind. He actually was fairly harmless at the moment. She could probably do more damage than he could right now.
It was true that she had healed him almost completely, but he still wasn't at a hundred percent energy-wise.
That first night, Loki caught her before she could make her way into her own room.
"Agent Grace?"
His voice stopped her. He'd never said her name before, had never even shown that he'd thought to remember her name, but here he was using her name with what could only be described as respect.
"Yes, Loki?"
She turned to him. He was standing in his doorway, his posture a little slouched due to his still injured ribs. He didn't have any hostility in his face or eyes, so she assumed it was safe to approach him. When she reached him he grabbed her hand, which she hadn't expected at all, but he was being gentle and careful so she didn't pull away.
When he set his lips upon the back of her hand for a few brief seconds she froze. Heat traveled up her neck and settled upon her cheeks. Loki obviously noticed because he smirked slightly before lowering her hand back to her side.
She would have been angry, but she couldn't see a hint of an ulterior motive in Loki, and she would've felt it from the skin-on-skin contact if he'd had a negative reason for kissing her hand.
"Thank you," he said. "For everything you've done for me. For what you're still doing. I don't quite understand why you're doing it, but I don't think I have to. My mother said I should befriend you because you have a good heart. I do believe she was right."
Arianna had no clue what she was supposed to say to any of this. No one had said such things to her before without wanting something in return. What did one do in a situation like this?
"Um . . . thank you?" She sounded unsure to her own ears, so she had no idea what Loki would think. She told herself she didn't care.
"There's no need to be nervous. It's just a thank you."
Loki gave a small but genuine smile, and Arianna answered with her own.
"Well, you're welcome," she said sincerely. "And you can call me Arianna. Good night, Loki."
"Good night . . . Arianna."
@smallangryandpink, @purplekitten30
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