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m-cristiny · 10 months ago
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Winter soldier wallpaper
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dumdolphin · 2 months ago
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Some Marvel and DC characters 💕
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bright-gallery · 3 months ago
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catherinnn · 8 months ago
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scar-lie · 2 years ago
My Wife [Natasha]
Summary : Y/N the adoptive daughter of Clint Barton got rejected multiple time by the Black Widow, the best friend of his dad
 Pairing :  Natasha Romanoff x Fem ! Reader
Warning : Cursing, depression
Word count : 5059
No one has permission to repost my work anywhere, if you see it please let me know.
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"Here she is....AAAAHHHHH HERE'S MY WIFE." You beam while jumping up and down a little bit once you get up from the couch, pointing to Natasha, who just entered the living room from her room.
A series of laughs, especially from your father, Clint, who is happy to see you with this enthusiasm just by Natasha walking into the same room as you are, already gives you so much joy that it hurts to think to himself
"Arghh........please Y/N, I'm not your wife," Natasha groaned, going to the kitchen that's attached to the living room and getting a glass of white wine.
Pfff, yes, you are, even though I haven't put the ring on those beautiful, slender fingers of yours. You're my wife already........I know it," you said with a giggle, then ran to her.
"Stop, please, Y/N, I'm not your wife nor your girlfriend; for god's sake, I'm way older than you." You just ignored her sentence and hugged her from behind. Since she's taller than you, you cuddled your face on her back.
"Y/N," she sighs, taking your arms around her and pushing you gently.
"Come on, don't make your wife sad and pouty." You pout and give her puppy eyes, but she just rolls her eyes. She's already annoyed and already at her limit, but she just controls herself so she doesn't snap at you.
Natasha is already pissed and stressed by the paperwork. Fury gave it to her yesterday, and she still has one pile of it that needs to be done by tomorrow. This makes her beyond pissed, so your teasing and calling her wife makes her irritated, and the teasing by the team didn't help.
"Come on, Nat, don't make your little missy sad and pouty. Tony teases with a smirk and wiggles his eyebrows when Natasha's eyes and Tony's meet while you look over your shoulder and wink at them. That makes me giggle more.
"Nat, don't make my daughter, or should I say your wife, sad and pouty; you're going to regret it," Clint, your father, teases while drinking beer, and Natasha looks at him in disbelief.
'Seriously, you're pairing your daughter with me, your best friend, who's 15 years older than her?! ' Natasha asked herself and huffed.
Seriously, Clint, that's your daughter for god's sake," Natasha said in disbelief, and the team laughed while you just smiled at her innocently, hands held together in front of you, swayed your top body from right to left, and looked up at her eyes, and she scoffed.
"Argh....I don't have time for your bullshit," she spat, and she just left with her PB&J and her white wine, going back to her room.
"Another time," you whisper to yourself, a little hurt, then go back to joking with the team.
You're brushing your hair in front of your mirror on the vanity table while drying it. The only thing that's covering your naked body is your undergarment underneat the towel wrapped around your chest down to your mid-thighs when there's a knock on your door.
"Come in!" You shout with one closed eye, drying your front upper hair. That's when you saw Natasha enter your room in her black sexy dress, revealing her upper boobs and hugging her figures.
This makes you smile widely. Seeing your wife—well, not technically, but for you, she's your wife—wearing this beautiful dress and coming to your room here in the compound makes you flutter, so I put down the hair dryer, then turn around my chair, flashing her my wide smile.
"Arghh......will you cut that fucking grin of yours? You look creepy," she spat, but you ignored it and stood up, still smiling.
"Did you dress for me? Awww, you should inform me that we're going on a date." You fake pout, then run to her and hug her.
"Argh, get off of me, and no, I'm not going out with you; I'm here because I have something to tell you." Then she pushes you away, then crosses her arms across her chest, which makes her boobs get bigger, so I smirk and wiggle my eyebrows.
"Aww are you going to confess to me? That's sweet, but no need; I told you you were my wife, so it's—" she quickly cut me off with a harsh tone.
"No, and I'm here to tell you to stop calling me your wife; I am not, and stop going around and telling people that you're my wife because that's a lie," she said with gritted teeth and piercing angry eyes, looking at your soul.`
"I'm. Not. Your. Wife...............I don't fucking like you, your just a young woman who seeks attention to everybody, you're ruining everything, even my date, you little shit, just accept the fact that I'm not into you, you little attention seeker, she spat, the anger of her now spilling out, and this makes you shrink.
"You're out of my league; for God's sake, I don't need nor want a burden like you in my life, so fucking stop, you people's pleaser, bullshit!" she screams and gets out of your room, slamming the door shut on the way.
You just stand there, looking at the wall in front of you where she was previously standing, and a single tear falls down, followed by another tear. You're breathing heavily, and the towel around you makes you feel like it's trapping you tightly.
So you take it off, throw it away somewhere in your room, and start to claw your throat down your chest, crumble down on the floor, and crawl backwards until your bare back gets contact with your bed.
"Air... air...I-I....ne-need air," you rasp out, breathing heavily. Your neck and chest already have an angry red line, and you keep kicking the floor and squirming in your seat.
"Air......" Tears stream down your face as you try to get as much air as you can, but then there's another knock on your door.
"Y/N/N? Honey, are you alright? I heard some noises." Your Dad knocks, waiting for your response, but that didn't come; instead, a series of noises like someone keeping banging the wall or floor
"Honey?" Clint grows worried, so he quickly opens the door and finds you on the floor, gasping for air.
"Honey, oh god, breathe, baby, breathe," he said, taking you in his arms, holding you tightly, and putting your head on his chest.
"Listen to my heart and follow my breathing, baby," and Clint takes deep breaths while rubbing your back until your breathing is back to normal. Because of what happened, your body gives up, and you fall asleep in your father's embrace.
After what happened, you still call Natasha your wife, and this makes Natasha pissed off every time; even seeing your face already pissed her off. Of course, your father, Clint, didn't know what happened that night; all he knew was that you had a panic attack.
You don't want to cause any trouble between your Dad and his best friend, slash your ultimate crush—no, you've fallen for them—so you just make excuses and lie about the panic attack almost every night so you wouldn't cause any chaos on the team.
"Are you ready?" your father asked you when you came into the living room, bags in your hands.
"Yeah, I think all of my things are packed." You give him a sweet smile, so he nods.
"Ok, let's go; we're heading out now, guys. Bye." You two said your goodbyes to the team and waved at them. You turned around to go to the Quinjet but stopped when one voice bid them farewell.
"See you next week." You both looked back and saw Natasha just entering the living room.
"Yeah, see you next week, my wife." You wiggle your eyebrows again, and she instantly rolls her eyes, already pissed.
"Just get out of my hair for god's sake," she mumbled to herself, which no one heard, but you read her lips, so you just smiled at her.
"Don't miss me too much, ok? I'll just be gone for a week. Now be careful, my wife." You bid your good-bye with your father to Natasha and go to the quinjet, going home to your family that you missed.
A week and days go by, but Clint still hasn't come back to the compound with you, but the team understands when Clint informs them that he or you two can't come back just yet.
Well, you're not really a part of the Avengers (Your father didn’t let you just yet), but you grew up with them since Clint adopted you when they saw you—a 14-year-old girl trapped in a cell of a Hydra facility—so they took care of you, and Clint and Laura adopted you.
"Clint?" The two married couples look at the doorway when they hear a knock on the door followed by Natasha's voice.
"Nat? What are you doing here?" Clint asked once he opened the door, stepping aside to let Natasha get inside his house.
But Natasha quickly frowned, and then she got greeted with pure silence; not even Lila, Cooper, and Nathaniel greeted her, especially you, who show enthusiasm when you see her, but no, it's a complete silence, like only Clint or Laura are the only people in the house.
"Nat," Laura greeted her with a hug, and she returned it.
"What are you doing here? Not that I don't want you here," Clint said, and they sat on the couch while Laura made coffee.
"I'm worried; it's nearly two weeks and you and Y/N still haven't stepped foot in the compound." Clint looked back over his shoulder at his wife, and they exchanged looks.
"What? What is it?" Natasha quickly asked, knowing that something was definitely wrong.
"Clint." Laura nods at Clint as her husband sighs.
"It's Y/N." Then he stands up.
"Follow me." Natwsha quickly stood up, and she followed her best friend with her heart pumping.
"I don't know how you will react, but hold yourself together," Clint said, and with that, they opened your bedroom door, and there you are, laying in your bed, back facing them.
"What about her?" Natasha asked, seeing that there's nothing wrong but you're just lying down in your bed.
Clint nods at Nat towards you, so she walks around your bed just to find you, looking at the wall blankly, eye bags under your eyes; you're smaller, and now you're skinny as she last saw you, and you didn't hold a single emotion; it's all blank.
She gasps at it and steps her foot back, shocked at what she saw—the once-held beauty of a beautiful smile and the spark in your eyes every time she sees you are long gone.
This isn't what she expects when she steps foot on the farm. The first time she steps foot on the Barton's resident, she feels something isn't right.
Because every time she would pay a visit, even if she was far away, you could sense it and quickly run to her and greet her with a warm hug.
She should know better to know something is definitely wrong from the first time she feels something's not right, which was a week ago, two days after that night.
"Hey...Y/N?" Natasha whispers, slowly walking towards you and crouching down to your level.
Natasha bites her lower lips when she doesn't get any reaction or a single move out of you; you're just there, laying down, looking into nothing.
"Y/N/N... he-hey...please look at me," Natasha whispered, softly touching your arm, but still nothing. She bit her lips harder and looked at Clint, and the couple just shook their heads.
"Clint, tell me, Natasha begged, walking towards them, so Clint pulled her out of the room and closed the door.
"I don't know Nat, I-" Clint sighs, closing his eyes. It breaks him to see his daughter like this.
"It's just one day she's like that," Laura continued, eyes full of worry and sadness.
"When we got home, she was so jolly, and then after two days, she's just like that. I should have known that something was wrong the first time I noticed she was so jolly." Clint holds his wife's hand tightly, and Laura squeezes it back.
"What? What do you mean, Clint?" Natasha grows so anxious that she starts to rub her hand on her jeans.
"She has depression, Nat; she always has." Natasha gasps at hearing the new information and looks back at your closed door.
"It's my fault," she whispered to herself, tears running down her cheeks.
"I want to stay.......here?" She looked at the couple and wiped her tears.
"Until Y/N is better.....please" She clenches her hand with her nail digging into her palm, and the couple sigh, nodding.
Since the day Natasha knew about you, she has stayed by your side and refused to leave you. She will tell you how beautiful the weather is or how beautiful the night sky is. She will also tell you stories and read books while she lies beside you, but mostly she's hugging you tightly. When the night comes, once your eyes are closed, her tears run down, wetting your pillow, and she quietly sobs while hugging you tightly, telling you how sorry she was.
"Y/N/N, I have some of your favorite Y/F/S," Natasha beams, entering your room, and she sees you there, sitting up on your bed, which makes her stop.
Y/N-," she quickly runs to you, puts the snacks on your bedside table, and helps you up because she knows you always lose balance.
"Going to the bathroom?" You just shook your head and pointed to the window.
Out," you whisper in horse, and this surprises Natasha, because after weeks of trying to make you say a single word or a letter, you finally spoke, but she quickly gets out of her trace and nods happily.
Ok." With that, she helped you go out and sit in the rocking chair.
"Wh-what do you want to do?" Natasha asked carefully, looking at your side profile.
You didn't answer back; instead, you just looked at the dogs playing in the field—the three dogs you love, and one of them is the one you saved from the explosion.
"Ok, I'll just get us snacks and drinks." With that, Natasha left with a little smile on her face.
You've been improving for over 3 weeks; you've improved a lot more than the first time she saw you; you've been eating at least 2 times a day, even if it's just a few spoonfuls of food; you've been starting to acknowledge your surroundings, answering them with a nod or shook of your head; your pale skin is now gaining color; and now, you want to get up and go out to look outside, which is a kind of big step in your stage.
"Ok, here are the snacks," Natasha said, resting the snacks and drinks on the table. You look at her and nod.
Thanks," she smiled, nodding at you.
"You're welcome" and means that you start to eat the snacks little by little.
"Ca-can..." you whisper and grab a drink. Natasha waits until you take a sip of water.
"Can...you tell me a story?" She smiles and nods, happy that you're finding some comfort in her stories.
"Of course." With that, she starts another story of her life before they meet you and rescue you.
In some point you're loving the stories she's telling you, specially when she tell you the stories of her sister Yelena in the Red Room, you even request it to her to tell you stories with Yelena in Red Room, you don't know but knowing someone suffer the same pain and having a similar backstories/past is bringing you comfort, that your not the only one who go through it all
But for Natasha, she doesn't want to share it; she still struggles to open up about her past. It's hard for her, but seeing you wanting to know it and the feeling of getting it out without judgment feels too good, so she learns to open up to you and let herself be vulnerable.
Slowly, you're getting better, and sometimes you're smiling too. You're joining them at the dining table and listening to their jokes. You even join them on movie nights. Either your siblings will cuddle you or Natasha.
"Dinner's ready!" Laura shouts, smiling that her eldest daughter is starting to go back to them again.
Hey, dinner's ready; do you want to eat now or later?"Natasha asked, looking at your side profile while you looked up at the calm night sky with various stars and your eyes sparkling while watching.
"Let's go." You look at her and nod, so you two go to the dining table and see everybody already sitting there, waiting for you two.
"Sissy, look, it’s your favorite," Lila said with a smile and pointed to the dish, so you smiled at her.
"Yeah, it is, thanks mom," you smile at Laura, and she stops herself to shed a tear and nod at you.
"You're welcome, my sweetheart." With that, you all pray and start eating while joking around.
D-dad," you giggle for the first time, and all of them look at you with shock and a smile on their faces.
"Yo-you..." you smile and point to his chest.
"You have crust on your chest," you say, and he looks down and gasps dramatically.
"Oh, silly me, hahaha.......I'm such a clumsy person," he mocks one of those girls in the movie who acted in such a precious move, and this makes you giggle more.
"My wife's giggling." Natasha can't help but miss how enthusiastic you are around her, especially when you call her your wife. She misses it, and deep down in her, she likes it—no, she loves it; she just doesn't want to admit it.
But this causes your smile to drop, and you look down on your food and take a small bite. With this, they all look at you, and Natasha grows worried, already regretting what she said.
"I'm not your wife," you coldly reply, and Natasha's heart clenches, so she just nods and tries not to show how hurt she is.
Now she knows how it feels to be rejected, and now she knows that this feeling is always lingering on her every day, hour, or minute, and it hurts her like hell.
"Oh...so-sorry-" she said, getting cut off when you stood up to leave.
"Wait, where are you going, honey?" Clint asked, standing up and going around the table.
"Up to my room." You refuse the help of your father and go up to your room by yourself.
This makes Natasha shrink in her seat, look down on her food, and clench her hand that's holding the utensil.
I-I. I'm sorry, Clint.....I-I fucked up again," Natasha whispered, and she quickly stood up to leave before anyone in the family could say a word.
"Nat wait—" Clint got stopped by his wife.
"Let her be for now, Clint; she needs space." Clint looks at his wife, worried. They both know how guilty Natasha is of what she had done before, and Natasha thinks she deserves to be blamed even though the couple didn't blame her.
She just needs something to hold on to to blame, and that's what she chooses; that's her way to cope up and fight for you, and the thought that she fucked up again didn't sit well on her mind; it keeps messing with her head.
Now, you're sitting in your chair, looking out the window, while Natasha takes a ride on her big bike, going as far away from you as she can. She just can't stand to be near you right now, so while she's driving, she keeps wiping her tears until she's out of town and parks at the nearby gas station.
She looks at the empty street and the night sky. She sighs before going inside the store and buying a pack of cigarettes, a lighter, and gum.
"Why do you have to be stupid and ruin the best things in your life, Natalia? she hissed to herself once she got out of the store.
going far enough in the gas station with her bike and lighting her cigarette, looking up at the night sky, who shine with the stars
"It is really beautiful," she whispers to herself, only appreciating the night sky now. At first, she doesn't get why people, or specifically you, love looking up at the night sky. Even in the compound, she always finds you at night on the rooftop, laying down with the blanket on the floor and looking up, or at the edge of the building, feet swinging back and forth while looking up.
Now she knows why the silence, the calmness, and the beauty of the night help you and calm you down in times like this and especially make you realize some things you are constantly denying and what you've done and make your mind clear.
After a few sticks of cigarette while looking at the night sky, she starts to feel a raindrop starting to fall down and a thunder sound can be heard in the place, so she quickly steps on the cigarette.
She hops on her bike to go back to Barton's house before the rain gets worse, or at least she wishes, but she's so wrong because she's just driving back for over 5 minutes when the heavy raindrops start to fall down, soaking her wet.
Once she got back, she was drenched from head to toe inside her boots, and it was cold as hell, so she quickly got inside, taking her boots and jacket off.
"Nat?" Natasha stops and looks forward to seeing Clint, Laura, and you sitting on the couch.
"So-sorry about the floor," She whispers, and Laura gives her a towel.
"That's ok, go and dry yourself." She nodded and went upstairs to take a quick warm shower and change into her pajamas. Once she got out of her room, Clint was waiting for her with a crossed arm. At this point, she understands if he wants her to go back to the compound tomorrow morning.
"Clint look," she started, but he cut her off.
"I trust you, Nat; I trust you with Y/N's life; I don't know what I'm going to do; I can't read her; and she refuses every help we offer her; she just wants to be on the couch." Clint looks up at her with pleading eyes.
"Please....try Nat," he said, Nat looking at him hesitantly.
"It's not your fault, Nat; trust me when I say It's not your fault." She shook her head, not believing him.
"You're her light in her dark mind; you're keeping her alive. She saw something in you that saved her. You saved her so many times in any way you could possibly save her." She looked into his eyes with teary eyes.
"I want my Y/N back, the jolly one. But you're the only one who can bring her back. Please, Nat '' Nat plays with her tongue on her right inner cheek while nodding.
"I'll try..." With that, she composes herself and goes down where you are, passing Laura on the way.
"Hey...Y/N/N?" she asked softly, like the first time you look over your shoulder for a second and go back looking at the movie playing in front of you with the lowest volume, so she sat beside you.
"Can you tell me your story again, the one with Yelena?" you asked, still looking at the TV.
"Yeah, ok." Natasha sighs and starts to tell you her story of how the Red Room is programmed and how she needs to fight for her and Yelena.
"What happened to Yelena?" Natasha can't find a word, not a single one; she just shuts her mouth. She doesn't know how to answer your question.
Even though she and her sister are reunited and in a good relationship, she just can't accept the fact that she escaped the Red Room without her, so she just leaves Yelena alone.
"I-she..." she said, looking down on her hand.
"Did you leave with her?" She could feel your gaze on her, so she closed her eyes and shook her head.
"No," Natasha looked up to you, but you shook your head, going back to watch the movie. Natasha thought it was her cue to leave you alone, so she stood up and turned around to leave.
"I am her," you said while still watching, and Natasha looked back at you with a frown.
"What?" She waited for you to talk again, now facing you.
"I am Yelena," you whisper, fidgeting your hand, so Natasha sat beside you again, looking closely at your side profile.
"I was left behind too..............by my older sister," Natasha gasped, biting her lips.
"She left me behind the four walls of the cell in Hydra...............she just used me to get her way out there." You look at Natasha for a second and go back to the movie. Natasha is shocked to learn this story.
No one on the team, even your parents, knows this; all they know is that you're the only one left alive from the Hydra experiments; they didn't know that you have a sister.
"Wh-what happened to her?" Natasha wants to hold you, but she doesn't know if you want that.
"I don't know, but one day when I'm in training, they just throw her dead body in front of me, telling me that I will end up the same as my sister if I try to escape." You stand up and go outside on the porch, so Natasha follows you behind.
"I don't know what I should feel.........I'm-......I'm not allowed to feel anything." You start to go down the stairs of the porch.
"Y/N, wait, no, you're going to get yourself soaked." Natasha tries to get you back to the porch, but you're already down on the grass, where your body is starting to get soaked.
"I didn't know that I was bottling it up..........I don't know what feelings or emotions are." Natasha doesn't have any choice, so she follows you.
"Until I meet you and the team..........you all show me what emotion is." You stop in the middle of the field, 30 feet away from your house, and the fact that you're starting to shiver makes Natasha notice it, so she grows worried.
Y/N, you're going to get sick; please let's get back." She stands beside you. You smile, looking up and letting the raindrop fall on your face.
"And I hate it............" You look at her with teary eyes and a smile.
"At first, because that's where I start to feel the grief, betrayal, guilt, sadness, loneliness, depression, and how much of a monster I am—" your tears start to roll down your eyes, but even if they're running down your checks with the raindrop, Natasha knew you're crying.
"Y/N" Natasha is going to hug you, but she stops when you talk again.
"But I am grateful and happy because... over my entire life, I finally know and feel what happiness is and what love means." That's when Natasha hugs you, rubbing your back.
"But it's too much......I don't want to feel it anymore. It hurts." You sob on her shoulder.
Natasha's own tears roll down her cheeks while she shushing you, holding you, and comforting you while you sob, letting go of every emotion you bottled up.
"Let it all out, baby. Let it all out. I'm here. I'm not going to leave. Just let it all out." Natasha whispers in your ear while you hold on to her shirt tightly like your life depends on it.
"I hate it." Your sob subsides a little, and you tuck your head on her neck, already tired, and keep whispering, 'I hate it.
"I know...shhh, I know. I know, love. I know," she whispers, running her hand over your hair.
"Help me," you whisper, looking up at her eyes, so when she meets your eyes, she smiles and nods, happy that you're opening yourself to her and letting her in.
"I will.....I will be by your side every step of the way. Ok, cause I love you so much. I'm not going to leave you, ok?" your lips starting to quiver while looking up at her eyes.
"You love me?" A spark in your eyes didn't go unnoticed by Natasha, and she smiled, nodding.
"Of course, I'm your wife, and I'm going to put a ring on those gorgeous fingers someday." Natasha kissed your forehead, and she saw Clint running in your direction with two towels and one umbrella.
"Now let's go inside; you're shivering. You're going to get cold." You again buried your face on her chest while shaking your head, making her chuckle.
"But I like the rain," and that's when Clint quickly put the umbrella under your heads.
"Oh my god.......I thought something happened to the both of you!" Clint exclaimed, putting the umbrella he's using between his shoulders and checking while wrapping the towel around the both of you.
Dad," and you hug him, so he hugs you back tightly; it's been a while since he's been able to hug you.
"Let's go home now, sweetheart." With that, Clint wrapped his arm around your shoulder and led you and Natasha back to the house.
Since then Natasha always with you, she still read you book, tell you stories and help you every ups and downs on your life, she even take you for a ride every now and then, going into different places where she knows you will love and she even give you flowers even if she just steal some on the garden of your parents or someone else
With the help of your now-lover and your family, the team is constantly visiting you, and you've healed from a big rough patch.
Hey, you leave me for a sec there? "You snapped out of your thoughts, looking at your girlfriend for over 6 months now, who's been lying beside you in your sahred bed, in your shared bedroom; it's actually Natasha's bedroom, but she insists that you should move in, so every time you're in the compound, your room is Natasha's.
"Sorry" you whisper with a shy smile.
"That's ok, my love." She smiled, then started to tickle you.
"It's a tickle monster," she said, and she started to tickle your stomach, which made you squeal and try to get out of her grip.
"St-stop Natty... please," you laugh out loud, pushing her hand away.
"What? I can't hear you!"You scream when her fingers start to tickle your most ticklish spot, which is your armpit.
"NAAATTYYYY!" You scream, and she suddenly stops looking down at you, and you pant heavily.
"You ok?" she asked, taking a deep breath to get some needed air.
"Yeah," you look up and giggle, then her dementor changes; she looks like she is thinking deeply while examining your face structure.
"Nat?" you whisper, putting your hand on her right check. She sighs and leans on your hand.
"You look like an angel, my darling, and I really love you so much," she whispered, kissing your palm and laying down beside you, pulling you in so now your back is facing her, cuddling, her being the big spoon and you're the small spoon.
"And I really love you too, my big bear," You whisper, hugging her arm that's wrapped around your waist.
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sixtsposts · 5 months ago
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CW: female!reader, fight in a couple, mention of Steve's death, mention of Rebecca, sad Bucky, past trauma, from angst to fluff?
"You're not even trying!" You were pissed off right now. Like a lot, to the point where you are pacing around your shared bedroom with Bucky staring at you.
It's been about thirty minutes that Bucky and you are arguing and your starting to loose it. You just didn't understand him right now.
"I'm just asking you to come to the cinema with us! Seriously Bucky, what's the matter here?" You shout again but with an undertone of curiosity in your voice.
Bucky look up in your eyes and it hurts him to notice the worry in the frown of your eyebrows, "There's not matter, okay?" He sighs and rub his face, turning slightly away from you.
"So you just don't want to spend time with me, that's it," you reply harshly, with a hurt expression.
"That's not what it means doll, you don't understand," Bucky sighs and try to take a step closer to you. Though you take steps back refusing to lean in.
"And what should I understand Bucky? You've been gone on a mission for two months, you're back since a week and all you do is meeting Sam to prepare new missions. And now, you even refuse to spend few hours with me and our friends?" You yell at him, "You're right, I don't understand," you cross your arms in front of your chest, you're so upset you could cry.
Bucky put a hand on his hip and rub his forehead with the other, "That's not- you don't get it," he says with whar looks like a tired expression.
"Indeed," you point out with a cold demeanour.
"I'm not trying to hurt you doll!" He suddenly turns to you with a sincere expression.
"But that's what you do though!" You reply back, taking a step closer witha frown.
"I'm scared doll!" He shouts suddenly and your angry expression flatters, "I can't handle this and it makes me scared, okay?" He repeats with a quieter voice. He turns his back to you, his arms fold against his chest almost in a protective manner.
You bite your lips, the way that his voice slightly broke not going unoticed by you. You sigh by your nose, starting to feel slightly guilty for your behavior. You walk to him slowly and gently put your hand on his back, stroking it softly in a soothing manner.
"You can talk to me babe, I'm sorry. You can always talk to me," you say quietly with a soft voice tone. You want him to feel safe around you as much as you feel safe around him. But you just failed.
"I could handle loosing my mind, my arm, my self-control because Steve was here. But now he left me and... I just don't think I can handle it, so I try to keep myself occupied," he starts to explain, the plain pretty clear in his voice. You don't interruped him but you wrap you wrap your arms around him back, holding him warmly in your loving embrace.
"I didn't mean to hurt you doll, I'm just so weak since he left," you shush him and stroke his torso with your thumbs.
"I know Buck it's okay, you're not weak," you mumur with a soft voice, holding him closer and tighter. He puts his hands above yours on his torso.
"The cinema it's just... I didn't do that since 1942 doll," Bucky keep explaining, his tone no more harsh at all. Your expression softens even more as he turns to look at you. "Going to the movie theater, it was always with Steve or... Rebecca," you look up in his blue eyes and grab his hand gently in your. If Steve was a hard topic now, Bucky's little sister completly taboo most of time. You understand that he's really opening to you right now. Your thumb stroke the back of his calloused hand in a soothing manner.
"I don't wanna bring up bad memories or force you into anything baby. But maybe it's the right moment to try things again? You can't stop doing all the things you did in the forties," you tell him with a soft voice.
Bucky sighs one more time, squeezing your hand gently.
"I'm scared- I don't want to go and find out everything is different. It'll remind me of Steve and her but at the same time prooving me they're both gone for real..." he pass a hand on his face again and you can see his internal conflict mixed with this sadness in his eyes.
"It's okay baby," you say as you put your other hand on his cheek. "I know you're doing your best and you're doing great."
You try to catch his gaze and when his eyes meets yours you smile warmly. "What do you think about staying here instead and cuddling in front of a movie with Alpine?"
Bycky chuckles slightly, his eyes full of tender and love, "Sounds good to me doll," you got on your tip-toes and leave a small kiss on his lips. He squeezes your hand again and lean in for another kiss, deeper this time.
"I love you doll," he mumbles as he put his forehead against yours. Your smile widen, "I love you too Buck."
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ashdreams2023 · 1 year ago
Hello! Can I please request headcannons for avengers (+ Loki as bf) x reader who’s very sensitive and how they would react and handle her on the days she’s especially sensitive? :)
Avengers x sensitive reader
Everyone got their experience with how sensitive you are, some didn’t go as well and others well…they learned
For example tony learned to keep it down with the sarcasm, he knows you can take a joke every once in a while but sometimes it just hits harder than it should
Thor learned to be not as loud because you get startled easily and with the amount of daggers Loki has thrown his way he was bound to learn his lesson
Bruce is your favorite to chat with after Loki though, he’s always soft spoken and his little commentary makes you smile
Wanda and Peter are the only two Loki trusts completely around you, Peter is too nice and wanda is overprotective of you
No one yells at you, like literally you chose death if you do
"Why are you upset? Who hurt? I’ll make hulk crush them!" "No!"
Loki finds it endearing when you get emotional over happy memories or something you’re so invested
"What’s wrong, the character in your book having difficulties?" "Yes…"
Natasha shares some of her extravagant only her can touch chocolates with you on a practical emotional day
Loki likes to pamper your face with kisses till you feel better
Sometimes whenever in around they all settle in the sitting area and cuddle against each other with you in the middle
Bucky gives you alpine when he’s around because he knows you like playing with it
One of Steve’s methods to burn the negative emotions with you is forcing you to go on jogs with him
"Let all the negativity energy out!" "I don’t think I’ll have any type of energy left by the end of this!"
Loki tickles you, like it’s damn annoying but it always ends up with you laugh/crying in the best way possible
That’s all I got but hopefully it’s good enough!
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jhonwickxv · 1 year ago
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cactus-cuddler · 9 months ago
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Peter Parker
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◇ You met in the library, he was there for research with Ned while you had to study;
◇ When he saw you he stared at you the whole time and Ned couldn't make him come back with him from the cloud world;
◇ You felt uncomfortable, you had to study but you couldn't concentrate because every time you looked up he was there. You texted your friends to say there was a strange but cute boy who kept staring at you and they advised you to talk to him;
◇ You got up and went to talk to him. You introduced yourself and he apologized because he seemed like a stalker, you laughed sweetly and left him your number. You went back to studying and that evening he wrote to you:
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◇ You talked all night, you had a lot in common and he was different from everyone you've met. It is extremely sweet;
◇You chatted for days but he never had the courage to ask you a date, you had to ask him and he thought it was extremely cute;
◇ If you ask him: what is the thing you like most about me? He will answer:
your eyes when they are on me
your lips when they are on mine
your hair when you let me caress it
the tip of your nose when it rubs with mine
your neck because I like to kiss it
your hips because they are made for my hands
your arms when they hug me
your legs when my head is resting on them
your hands when they touch me
I can't say anything else because I'm ashamed of what I might say
◇ He texts you every hour to ask if you are okay and if you need a "Peter hug";
◇ You asked him to get engaged because he never found the right opportunity, he wrote you a letter in which he confessed all his feelings and gave it to you on your anniversary saying: "with this I wanted to ask you to get engaged but you have more balls than me";
◇ He checks that your cycle is regular, he even created an application that acted as a calendar and predicted when your period would start and when you told him that it already existed he made this face:
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(He worked there for two months)
◇ When you are late even just a day he is more anxious than you! He wants to become the father of your children but would like to plan it calmly
Y/N: calm down I'm only two days late!
Peter: if it's a boy I want to call him Tony if it's a girl May, if it's boys twins Tony and Steve! It would be so fun but I want a daddy's little princess
Y/N: we have never had sex!
Peter: no daddy's princess?
Y/N: no!
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(looking baby's photo)
◇ When you're on your period he always buys you your favorite sweets and gives you belly rubs to relieve cramps;
◇ When you don't have time to be with him he still asks you to be on a video call together so he can see you;
◇ If you don't answer him within two hours he panics and clogs Ned with messages:
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◇ When you're sick it becomes a walking pharmacy and makes sure you get the best care and that you get the right amount of rest;
◇ He loves when you make him feel special with phrases like: you're an idiot but I love you anyway!
◇ When someone looks at you him don't have toxic attitudes but he smile and tell you: you are so beautiful that everyone looks at you, I almost feel sorry for them because only I can do this [he takes you on the hips and kisses you];
◇ He lets you go out peacefully with your friends, he trusts you blindly but would like you to wear a sweatshirt that says: I'm happily engaged to Peter Paker (it have him face on.);
◇ He likes it when you steal his hoodie and shirts, when he buys a new one he asks you first to consult him to decide which is the best one to buy and the size;
◇ His favorite dates are Netflix and chill with pizza;
◇ He wouldn't let you win at video games on purpose and when he loses he uses the excuse "I let you win" (You know the truth);
◇ He's not jealous if you say that a character in a series/movie is hot, he helps you look for fan fiction and you read them together (maybe he writes some if that character has few but he would never tell you);
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Sorry for any mistakes, I tried to do my best! I hope you like them!♡
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darkdemeter · 3 months ago
⚤ Wanda Maximoff x Werewolf! GN/Female/Male Reader, (Platonic) Avengers x Werewolf! GN/Female/Male Reader Some fluffy content — bit of angst and mystery — depiction of mutilated animals ✎ 2.6k Your recovery and vacation was always a short lived paradise. One way or another, you were to get dragged back into the fight. Ghosts and monsters are long since thought gone... until they aren't. Prepare to face your past a second time.
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Darkness. Another night has settled over the valley. But it wasn’t like those ominous nights the team spent waiting… wondering when the enemy pack would strike. Now the nights are calmer. There’s no threat in the woods that calls for them to remain harboured inside after the sun’s gone down. 
A pack’s mentality, drawn to embrace the fade of winter and to ensure that you remain just as safe as you make them, your pack mates wander outside, soon enough coming to stand by the lake’s border as they stare up at the mountain where it all happened. Those who were there will have to carry the burden of that memory, the stain of seeing you almost lose your life protecting them. 
Those who weren’t there have only reverence to guide their wayward staring, only having to wonder the marvel of the strength you had to keep fighting on to bring their teammates back to them. 
Wanda stands at the pier’s end, a hot mug held close to her chest with a steady line of steam rising over the dark, swirling beverage. Hugged nicely and warm in the comfort of oversized clothes that smell of you, she fondly gazes up to the mountain’s peak, reflecting as her lips pursed contently as she sips her drink.
“To think that there’s no monsters out here anymore,” Sam says from behind her, coming to stand at her side. He nods, his eyes drawn to stare over the lake’s surface. The last of the icey planks are a dispersed race of colder times, a moment of danger. 
“I know. But it’s good to know that it’s because they’re up there, watching over us.”
Along the winding curve of the mountainside, you traverse through the thickened scape of snow that sinks beneath the powerful stride of your pawed limbs. The wind tousles your fur, musing it like the graceful entanglement of Mother Nature herself reaching out for you. You stand atop the final ridge, paws padding and claws hatching at the stern, hardened stone as you take watch over the valley. Your gaze is aimed down, your head stooped low and you know you find Wanda’s eyes. The aura that tingles within your scarlet eyes pulses with a knowing glow, a tethered connection that beats as one. Lifting your head back and arching your chest, you proudly take your widened stance and bellow a howl into the air. Under its powerful reverb, they are assured by your presence. By its thrumming song, they feel its heartbeat as it matches theirs, aligning them further under the notion that together, you stand as a pack. 
Mother Nature herself shivers from the sound and the ground beneath you rushes you, shooting up through your legs and settling as a quiver in your bones. The sound bounds off the heavens above and parts the clouds and the bloom of the borealis. A flourishing colour of victory, an unquestionable announcer to your claim as the valley’s ever wisened and ever present guardian. Her finest design of a protector of the pack.
Forged in the trials of your bonds, you have come out scarred and victorious with a habit that is yours and has made your will unshakable. Mother Nature’s will.
Your head bows slightly as the remnant shout of your howl falls into an echo, taken to be swept down the mountainside as a claim over this territory, shedding the fluff of snow off the pines with a rustled shift. Encouraged to stand tall as your father did, you keep your head high but your eyes find them below, watching in awe. 
You blink out the streamline of sun that pours through the curtains. Morning has come over your home and your dream is naught but a foggy recollection of some estranged memory. You're learning to get back on your feet. Everyday you test your limits despite Wanda’s caring protests. Rolling over, you check the time on your phone and grumble to yourself, suppressing an irate sound. Several missed calls from Fury.
With a shake of your head, you dismiss that. Not when the smell of your mate fills your nose upon your next breath, sighing with a grim expression turned up into a smile. Wanda’s form is laid beside you, her head rests on your shoulder, her face a charming vision of contentment. She brings this essence to wash over you.
You blink suddenly as she stirs, a soft moan escapes her as she stretches alongside your body and you roll onto your side, her body encompassed by the larger of yours. Your hand smooths down her side and you smirk. 
“Morning,” you rumble, voice laced heavily with sleep still fresh in your system. She smiles at the sound of your voice that greets her and her eyes peel open with a slim viewing of green. 
“Good Morning, Wolfie,” she whispers and arches her neck to plant a loving kiss to your chin only for you to chase her for a proper one, laying your lips against hers, she moans deeply and her fingers trace the line of your face until they comb through your hair. 
You groan with each softened mewl she makes, deepening the kiss until air is needed. You pull away to see the tinge of pink in her cheeks, a giddy smile on her face. “What’s the occasion?” 
“I’m just happy to see you,” you reply, still smiling. Your nose then buries into the crook of her neck and she lets out a chorus of giggles. 
“How’re you feeling, you’re okay after last night?” With a kinked raise of your brows and wolfish grin, she holds back a bubbly laugh. 
Her voice assures you with that soothing, accented verse, “I’m good.”
“I didn’t… hurt you or anything? I wasn’t too rough?” 
Ah, that shy wolf of hers with the red ball is pulling its ears back, abashed and flustered, she can see it. Wanda presses several kisses to the tip of your nose and she swears if your tail were present, it’d be wagging back and forth with a fanning force. 
“No,” she coos, biting her lip ever so slightly. “You were perfect.” Her eyes are more open now and she lets her sights drink in whatever she can of your body, feeling the rest of it flush against her.
Your lips find each other again, absorbed into a passionate exchange, moans and softened breaths mingling together. You hold her against you, thumb gently caressing her hip in tandem with each playful lick of your tongue against her bottom lip. 
But before your feverish hunger can go any further, noise brings attention to the lively bustle of the others downstairs. Pulled away again, Wanda kindly offers a toothy smile. “It’s pancakes for breakfast.”
“Mmm, pancakes,” you purr lowly. Rolling your weight over until it hovers over Wanda, her shrieks of protest are smothered by your own argumentative growls and rumbling whines, far too occupied with suffocating her with kisses and deepened inhales of her scent that you can never get enough of. The sweetness of rose clouds your senses. 
“Wolfie!” Her cry to admonish you fails to do so when she cracks with a laugh, a sound that enlightens you with a refreshed mood every time you hear it. The foggy dream is forgotten. You’re here, in the now with her and you don’t want anything to tear you away from it. Your head drops fast at the neck, bending low with an airy, snorted huff, she knows you’ve given in. “Alright, let’s feed the pack.”
Downstairs, the den breathes with a refreshment like a heart with a renewed essence of life. You no longer come to bristle with guilt when you feel the lingering of your mother’s eyes following you with that kind, tender smile in her eyes from the kitchen, or the way you pick up the long-since vanished scent of your siblings as they rush through the hallway; through you. 
They’re not lost to you. They’re always here with you and that is enough to keep you moving forward and embracing your pack. It’s what made you keep standing up even when you were knocked low by the alpha. 
You were not a bad monster. You were an Avenger. They made you great. 
She made you greater. 
In the kitchen, it’s you and Wanda. The combating chef team to Natasha and Clint, with Sam, Bucky and Steve coming in last as an unsynced trio. Wanda took charge in preparing the mix, adding that secret little recipe of hers that gave it that extra touch of love, or maybe just her scarlet magic, not that you could tell. A love-sick pup, you were. She could burn the chicken roast and you’d still find it delicious. 
Meanwhile, you stand at the stovetop flipping the crispy, golden brown plates of soft goodness, back occasionally brushing against Wanda’s and every so often, she’ll turn and put the new batch of mix at your side with a hand lingering on the bulge of your muscles. You can feel the way she’s got her eyes on you with that adoring sultry, you growl lowly in warning over your shoulder when her hand slides down your back, her nails scratching that particular itch along your spine that has the wolf bristling in want. 
“A new batch of mix, babe,” she coos gently, lacing her lips with a ghosting kiss to your shoulder and her words crossing your path as a low whisper. You only rumble deeply, a sigh of disappointment when she then turns her attention elsewhere. 
Her voice addresses Peter next. “So, what was that school paper you were doing again?” 
“Miss Sinclair wants us to do a report on species and the mythos that were influenced by those animals.” By the wavering tiredness in the voice, he sounds pretty exhausted. 
“She didn’t like your draft?” You ask and you can hear the way he shakes his head. 
“No, she said to do something else.”
With a poised raise of the wooden batter spoon, the creamy froth of the mix dripping in slow, doughy globs, Wanda perked up like a fox rising out of the den. Her eyes shining with that enlightened spark. How you could kiss her adorable nose over and over. 
“What if you did a report on wolves?” Both you and Peter look at her in your shared evident stun and she clarified with a casual roll of her hand, “You could write a report on wolves and the mythos of werewolves. And you even have an expert in the field.”
She means you. You give her a kind, shy smile and it’s one she returns with an added bonus of a peck on the lips. “You know… that’s not actually a bad idea. H-hey, you’d be cool with that, yeah? If I did my report on that?”
Your body moves closer to the countertop where you drape your weight through the muscle of your arms, leaning forward on them. You shrug. “I don’t see why not. There’s a lot of misconception about werewolves, though the…” Your lips press into a thin, mouthless line and Peter awaits your next word before you dismiss it, shaking your head with return. 
“I’ll help you out with it a little later, Pete. Now go on, eat your breakfast.” 
You turn around quickly and don’t see the shared look between your mate and Peter, but the young one pushes out from his seat at the kitchen bench, the glide of the plate sliding off with him as he goes to join everyone else over at the dining table. Their voices provided a peaceful ambience, one that filled the home with that life. But it also gave Wanda and you a chance to speak a little privately though through hushed whispers. 
“You’re okay with him doing that, right?”
“Y-yeah, I am… I just… mm, it’s hard to explain, Wands.” 
‘We’re supposed to be a myth. Not real.’
Her head then leans against the muscle of your arm and your chest drags with a large exhale. Her link with your own mind has a fluttery affect, like a gentle caress. 
‘I know.’
But enough of that. You both finish up the rest of the pancakes and begin to head over to join the others but something stops you. The buzz of their conversations weaving together like a lightly plucked chorus of a guitar. It was a peaceful noise. One that lit up not just the house itself but also your soul. You needed this. For so long now you have been denied the comfort of that family and now you have it, right in your grasp. Yet there is something that calls for your attention. The voice of that mother is telling you something yet you cannot place it. 
“Wolfie?” Wanda’s voice is laced in her concern though she does her best to conceal it on her face. “You coming?” 
“I have something to check on first.” Your reply comes at the cost of her gaze lowering slightly and your heart sinks. Your souls that are now intertwined tug. You lift up her chin up and your lips connect with a searing, passionate kiss before you pull away, whispering, “I’ll be back shortly. Enjoy your breakfast. I saved the best pancakes for you.”
She hums with a smile at the playful note of your words and she watches as you then head out, watchful over you. Worried as you brave the outside world seemingly for their sake again. 
She has to remind herself that there are no monsters out there anymore. They’re gone. 
So why are you still chasing ghosts and monsters? 
The scent of blood clinging to the snow sears like a bad omen. What’s worse is that you can smell the stress of the kill. Whatever it was had struggled in a brutal fight that purposefully wasn’t merciful. And through the canopy of trees, your wolf form trudges with a forceful gait that pushes the pine leaves aside, scratching and brushing through your fur. You come to a sudden, jarring pause, your ears pinned back and your muzzle wrinkled into a snarl. 
‘What… the fuck is this?’
You circle around the corpses. A doe. Her fur, a striking silver hue, a rarity… a stag with an antler snapped off and punched through its abdomen. And little ones, young fawns each of an age far too reminiscent to be mere coincidence. No, this attack was done with a twisted purpose. A sick mockery of a tribute that was meant to be found by you. 
That’s what made it worse… It was a warning for you. Something did this to let you know that the ghosts of your past and the monsters were not done with you. And now you have to be sure. 
By the time you quickly returned to the house, shuffling your way in quietly as the others were still in the kitchen area, their chatter blocking out the sound of the door, you headed upstairs and to the room you and Wanda were staying in. It wouldn’t be a bad thing to call it your room now but there was still a need to adjust to that term. 
On the bedside table you find your phone. Rushing over to it, you pick it up and immediately call Fury back. The droning tone of the ring was a raspy gargle like claws on a chalkboard. It only ran once before the call went through. 
The voice you hear on the other end chuckles and your skin bristles, riddled with an unnerved chill and your eyes widen. You haven’t heard that voice in years. Your grip clenches the phone tightly that your knuckles turn white. 
“Y/N. Long time since we last talked. How’s the mated life treating you?”
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mapis-putellas · 2 years ago
What we left behind.
Pairings: Natasha x you
Words: 2053
Warnings: talk of death. Vormir. Guns
Summary: Natasha was gone. At least, that's what you'd been told. She’d sacrificed herself; died to save everyone else, to bring back her family. If that was really the case, then who was at your front door?
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The familiar sensation of a tear streaming down the side of your face breaks you from your thoughts as you stare up at the whirring blades of the fan. The wetness tickles your skin, but you couldn’t quite find it in you to wipe it away.
It had been nearly six months now since you’d lost your girlfriend, and that same old numbness still remains. It sits heavily on your chest like a blanket, except, this blanket wasn’t at all comforting. It was suffocating; restricting every single movement you make like a straight jacket.
The only thing you seem to know how to do anymore is cry, and even then they were pitiful tears, barely enough to warrant actual cries. It was almost as though you’d cried so much that all of your tears had simply run out. You’d all dried up.
Your eyes flicker almost subconsciously around the room. The only light came from a slit between the curtains at the window, the feeble brightness barely enough for you to make out anything other than the fine dust littering every surface. The sight of it brings you back to the last time you’d cleaned. It was over five months ago low, the day Natasha was supposed to come home.
Through the blip, neither you or Natasha had managed to find it in you to really keep your shared apartment tidy. You didn’t see the point, and Natasha just simply didn’t have the time. She was too busy with being team leader to what was left of the avengers.
But that had all changed when the plan of her going to vormir with Clint was put into action. She’d bring Yelena back with her, her mom and dad, and you’d share the first dinner in over five years with your girlfriend and family.
But then Clint had arrived back alone with the soul stone in hand, and a deep sense of unease had held you rigid until he’d shaken his head telling you she wasn’t coming back. That was when your whole world had fallen apart right in front of you.
You remember not being able to breath. You remember crying so hard you had physically made yourself sick. You remember the arms that had tried to wrap around you, and you remembered pushing them away in disgust. They weren’t Natasha’s arms. They weren’t allowed to touch you.
You remember leaving the compound and making your way back home to the empty, clean apartment you’d spent so long making perfect for her.
You remember the feeling of dread that had settled unceremoniously into your stomach. It remains there to this day as a constant reminder of what you’d lost. You remember everything about that day so vividly you want to erase it from your mind forever.
But you couldn’t.
Natasha was gone. She’d made her choice, and now you had to find a way to live with it no matter how badly it hurt to try.
And try you did. You woke up everyday despite never wanting to be conscious again. You went to work and pretended like seeing everyone was a blessing when in actual fact they brought you pain. You even managed to befriend Yelena, one of the hardest things you’d ever had to do.
She was a constant reminder of Natasha, and it was hard to differentiate the two in your deep stage of grief. You were sure you weren’t easy to be around for her either, but together you somehow managed to level one another out. It wasn’t perfect, and most days you fought like cats and dogs, but you were all each other had so you’d learnt to make it work.
It was on a normal Tuesday did all of that change.
There was a knock at your front door, the strength behind it both hesitant and wary. That, and the fact you weren’t expecting anyone raises the fine hairs on the back of her neck, and as grab your gun from it’s place in the locked drawer, you try your best to shake of the fear that had suddenly begun to run though you. Safety off and finger on the trigger, you reach forward and grasp the door handle before cautiously pulling open the door.
Absolutely nothing could have prepared you for the sight that greets you on the other side. You stand there, body rigid; trembling in complete and utter terror as your eyes burn with the familiar sensation of tears. It was her face. Her hair. Her clothes, her body. But it couldn’t be. She was dead. She died.
This wasn’t her, no matter how badly you wanted it to be.
An immediate feeling of dread creeps up from the pit of your stomach, and your pulse beats in your ears so loudly it blocks out all other sound. You go to raise your gun; because how dare this person torture you by pretending to be the love of your life -but raised hands promptly stop you in your tracks. You look at her, eyes wet with unshed tears desperate to fall.
She eyes you cautiously as she takes a small step closer, hands still either side of her head. “It’s me.” She seems to desperately plead, and at the sound of her voice, you feel the tightness in your throat grow a tenfold. It was her voice. This person had her voice too.
You try to say something; anything, but when you open your mouth, you come to find that even words had deserted you. It leaves you to release a choked sob despite your best efforts to stifle it, and you press your lips together in a futile attempt to prevent another from escaping as you tighten your grasp around the gun.
Your hands were noticeably trembling and unsteady, but the implication was there. You weren’t afraid to pull the trigger, and this person had to know that.
“P-prove it.” You somehow manage to choke out, and she nods, her throat bobbing as she looks away for just a second before speaking. You hate that your stomach clenches at the sight of the tears in her eyes.
Natasha used to show her emotions so rarely that each time she even came close to shedding a tear it would break your heart.
“We met just after my defection to shield. We didn’t like each other at first, because you thought I was too stubborn and hardheaded and I thought you were a self centred know it all.” She starts, and you hate the hope that begins to build in your stomach.
You were forced to remind yourself that this wasn’t hidden information. If you were around back then, you would know that Natasha and yourself never used to get along.
She seems to know this, because after a short moment, she continues. “You hate chocolate. The one time I got it for you for Valentine’s Day you waited until I was out of sight to give it to Peter. You hate the movie Up because it makes you cry. My sweater, the black one with the zip is your favourite because it’s oversized and smells like me. You…you used to wear it when I went on missions because it made you feel close. You used to sleep on my side of the bed when I wasn’t there because my pillow smells like my perfume,” she chuckles slightly as she uses one of her raised hands to wipe away the single tear that manages to spill down her cheek.
By now, you could feel your guard beginning to drop. Nobody knew this stuff. Nobody but Natasha. But it couldn’t be her. She was gone. It was a soul for a soul and she was the sacrifice. There was no other choice. She was dead. She was gone…wasn’t she?
“You think coffee is gross,” she continues, seemingly under the impression that you still weren’t convinced. “But you still kiss me even when I drink it. You call it the ultimate sacrifice.” At that part, your lips quirk up at the corners. It was an inside joke when you’d first gotten together. She’d make fun if you for not liking coffee and you’d kiss her just to shut her up.
“It’s our five year anniversary in two months. I was going to propose. I bought the ring and it’s in my underwear drawer underneath my socks. I wanted to spent the rest of my life with you, but then thanos…”
You drop the gun to the floor with a loud clatter and all but throw yourself against her body. Hesitant arms move from their raised position to settle gently around your waist, and you feel the tip of her cold nose nudge against the skin of your neck as she pulls you close to her.
“It’s you,” you choke out as you tightly fist the material of her jacket in your hands. You feel her nod against you, her hands fighting to grab purchase of any part of your body they could. She was shaking almost violently in your hold, whether that be from the cold or something else entirely. It forces you to tighten your grip around her, your hand rising to cup the back of her head.
“It’s me.” She whispers, voice trembling with emotion, “it’s me.”
You don’t know how long you remain in the threshold of the front door holding on to one another. It could have been seconds. Minutes. Hours. All you knew is that you never wanted to let go.
You never thought you’d get to hold her again. Feel the weight of her body in your arms and take in her intoxicating smell that had once brought you so much comfort. She was everything and you wanted to remain in this moment, right here, right now, for the rest of your life.
“Let’s…” you swallow heavily as you reluctantly pull her away from you and bring your hands up to cup her cheeks. Your thumb trails softly over the skin; just as soft as you remembered despite the tears staining it. “Let’s go inside, okay?” You whisper with a tender smile, and Natasha nods as she gently grasps your wrists in her hands.
Her wary eyes flicker down to your lips, and your smile becomes a little more genuine as you lean forward and place them tenderly against her own. They were warm, and soft; a feeling you’d missed dearly.
She gasps softly at the sensation of your lips against her own as her hands move from your wrists and down your back until they come to rest on either side of your waist. Her touch litters your skin with goosebumps, the caress of her hands on you for the first time in months an indescribable feeling.
Her bottom lip slots perfectly in between your own, an action that lingers as you trace the tip of your thumb over her jawline before reluctantly pulling away and resting her forehead against her own.
Her soft breath hits your lips as she clings to the shirt either side of your waist, and you feel your eyes fill with tears all over again as you pull her body into your own before closing the door behind her. Now that you were encased in the privacy of your own home, you watch as Natasha finally allows herself to break.
It starts off small. Quiet, hitched breaths as her unfocused eyes fill with tears. But then slowly, gradually, it gets bigger. Her chest heaves, her breathing intensifies, and she lets out a loud, unstifled sob as she falls defeatedly into your arms. Your own bottom lip trembles as you pull her body flush against your own, hands slipping beneath her jacket to desperately clutch at her shirt.
You were desperate to feel her skin against your own.
“It’s okay. I’ve got you. You’re okay.” You attempt to sooth, knowing no words would ever be good enough but desperate to try. “You’re back. You’re safe, and I love you. More than you could ever imagine.”
Part 2?
@goldenempyrean @mywitchy-assassin @romanoffsbish
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m-cristiny · 10 months ago
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Hawkeye wallpaper 🏹
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zip2-2-8 · 1 year ago
The Chair
Natasha enters the kitchen and sits down while the others speak she sees Y/n grinning like an idiot
Natasha: What's so funny Dear?
Y/n: nothing..
After breakfast
Natasha: tries to stand up but the chair is stuck onto her
Natasha: Y/N!!!!
y/n laughs like an idiot and runs away the others laugh before helping Natasha
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sssupchikkk · 5 months ago
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encisthings · 1 day ago
Avengers: Doomsday | Now in Production
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bright-gallery · 5 months ago
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