#loki god of lies
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giltandgreen · 1 year ago
Iron Man: Are we sure this guy wants to be a villain? He's had tears in his eyes every moment we've seen him.
Loki: [visibly teary-eyed] I have not. Thor: It's fine, Man of Iron. My brother has always been crying as far back as I can remember. Iron Man: And no one ever thought that was weird?!?
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lokidbadguy · 3 months ago
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neerbear · 14 days ago
2018 vs 2025
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I like to occasionally look back on my old art, just to see how far I've come (if I've improved at all)
I think it's safe to say Loki looks a LOT better now
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storiesfromtherealms · 1 year ago
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True magic is the imposition of a narrative upon reality. It is telling a story to the world... and making the world believe it. 
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anonymousfiction211 · 2 years ago
You just have to believe: 14
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You just have to believe masterlist
A/N: Sorry for being a bit inactive at the moment. I struggle sometimes with my energy and still haven't found a good way to balance everything going on in my life at the moment. Hope you enjoy :)
14. Back to normal The next days they forgot all about Rachel snooping around in his office. Loki went back to the gentlemen he pretended to be. He knew the type of guy she liked, and he sure was putting on a good show, he might actually believe he could be like that for real. Still, he had other plans to worry about.
Loki disappeared a lot, and Rachel didn’t know quite where he went every time. Still, she knew better by now to question it. A god was actually into her and the only thing she did was see red flags and mistrust him. She really tried to ignore the red flags that she had created for herself. She figured since he wasn’t portrayed as a ‘nice guy’ in the Norse Mythology and he is the God of Mischief, she subconsciously would think the worst of him.
Rachel and Kate went shopping again. She was getting used to having this kind of luxury in her life, and if felt like ages ago that she was homeless and barely surviving on the streets. This time she actually got something for Kate too, figuring Loki really wouldn’t mind. A green necklace that made her green eyes pop. It suited her perfectly. When they got back, Rachel put on a movie in the living room and made herself some popcorn. Little did she know, that the guy she was in love with, was just in a room below her.
Loki was in his office in the basement. It was just a room, and it would be really easy to spot an access. Had he not put a spell on it that made people not want to look at it, make them forget the door was even there, like it was a monster they couldn’t look into the eye. Since Rachel was the only one that was actually forming a threat to his scheme, it did the trick.
He always came here to work on his actual plan, but for that plan to start working, he needed to win this stupid campaign. And at the moment it wasn’t going as well as he hoped. He hoped to be ahead with a landslide, but he was actually second in the poles. The difference was very close, still it wasn’t good enough for Loki. He wanted to secure his victory, he needed to win this. I’m not going back in chains he thought to himself. He couldn’t, for him it was life or death.
The problem he faced most is that his opponent was playing the ‘he is not human, he is not from earth, he is not like us’- card. A trick that had worked a long time with different human races, so Loki wasn’t surprised that it worked for Gods who aren’t from this planet. Little do they know how much I actually influenced their history, he thought through gritted teeth.
He needed a plan, something grand, something that would secure his win. He needed to be seen like he was like them, Midgardians. That he had their best interest in mind, which actually wasn’t a complete lie. He thought long and hard about it, and he knew what the grand gesture had to be. He needed to marry, he couldn’t get any closer to being a ‘normal guy’ than being married to an American wife.
He didn’t want to marry Rachel this soon, but he thought it didn’t matter. They would end up marrying sooner than later. Still, if he asked her he wasn’t convinced that she would say yes. So, he had to make sure she would say yes. He wanted to do it the honest way, that would make their honeymoon time a lot easier. But if not, he had other means.
By the time he got back up he saw that Rachel had fallen asleep while watching her movie. He watched her for a moment, he hated how it warmed his hard to see her so peaceful. He was tired from a long day’s work and did something he rarely did. With everyone gone, he let down his guard for once. Taking a deep breath, replaying the events in his head, and opening his eyes to see her still laying peaceful on the couch. He walked towards her and scooper her up in his arms, bringing her to their bed. She woke halfway through the journey to the bedroom, smiling sleepily at him and putting her heard against his chest.
He laid her down on the bed. He couldn’t help it, he kissed her. Softly, on her lips. She started to move her lips with his. When he wanted to stop, to let her sleep, she didn’t pull away. She actually grabbed his neck and started to kiss him quicker. He wasn’t strong enough to pull away at this time. He needed this. He needed her. Still, he needed to be sure that she was on the same page as him.
‘Rachel, if you don’t stop now, I won’t be able to’ he whispered in her ear, resisting the urge to bite her earlobe and drag his tongue against the sensitive part of her neck. Hoping to feel her shiver underneath him.
‘Make me yours’ Rachel whispered back, hoping it might take away her doubts about the relationship. Not sure how to define that relationship.
‘You are already mine’ he grabbed her wrists and pinned them above her head. He kissed her deeply and let completely go of the little resistance he had at first. Little did she know how much she was already his, and how quickly that would be permanent.
@benaddictcumberbatch @joyful-enchantress @harlequin-hangout @eleniblue @misunderstoodself @lokisgoodgirl @noideakitten
Story taglist: @assemblingavenger
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karolinapkarolina · 3 months ago
A litter of Jeff's and the original god of lies
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my sister and me having a great time...
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giltandgreen · 2 years ago
Iron Man: What's wrong with him? Was he dropped on his head a lot as a baby?
Loki: Bold of you to assume I was ever held.
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rosemilo · 9 months ago
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lokichaoss · 2 months ago
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storiesfromtherealms · 2 years ago
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❝ This universe prefers old patterns, old cycles. It would prefer me in an old shape. These files — these stories — have a gravity that pulls at me. That would crush me back into what I no longer am. Away with them, then. I did terrible things to be Loki — things that haunt me, crimes that cannot be forgiven — but I am Loki. And more than that — I am myself. ❞
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sacredfixation · 15 days ago
[Headcanon] Loki is Over-the-Top Dramatic when he’s sick, and Mobius is too old for this
Loki never admits to being sick, but when he finally does? It’s the end of the world.
Mobius comes back to find Loki in a dark room, dramatically sprawled across the couch like a dying Victorian noble.
Mobius: Loki, it’s a cold.
Loki: I am fading, Mobius.
Mobius: You’re literally fine.
Loki: I require a healer, a silk robe, and possibly a eulogy.
Mobius sighs, makes him soup, and turns the TV on to distract him. Loki watches five minutes of a soap opera and suddenly has new inspiration for his suffering.
Mobius: That man just got shot in the chest and is still standing. You have the sniffles.
Loki: I am a god, Mobius. My suffering is far greater.
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bin4ry0ld7ree · 2 months ago
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Florida deity trying to wash an alligator:
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starlord-the-endless · 11 months ago
"The world kept pushing me away. My family kept pushing me away. Forcing me into this box, into donning a mask of who they wanted to be. And I really became nothing more than the god of lies. For that was what I was forced to be, by what the world made of me."
Loki Odinson stated, his green eyes dull from the metaphysical chains wrapped around his chest.
An introspective point of view by myself (Jaytheen)
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Don't get lost~
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radyoaktif-ghostt · 2 months ago
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the book was so good!???? 😭
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little-red-fool · 3 months ago
I don’t really know anything about the Dragon Age franchise as I only played a little bit of Inquisiton and I’m only just over halfway through Veilguard but is Solas based off Loki from Norse mythology because I’m seeing a lot of similarities.
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taw-k · 4 months ago
For science purposes is it ever stated in where mischief lies what year it is on Earth, and if there was any overlap between Peggy being born and Theo bell being alive?
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