#loki is the love of your life
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daisybell17 · 1 year ago
you need a break — Loki hc’s:
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“ok you need a break”
You don’t even reply to his words
“Darling, I said you need a break.” He said now with a warning tone
“Love what do you want…” You replied, clearly tired as hell. You just wanted to finish this group, more like individually done group project, all carries by you
“Darling you’ve been at it for almost 6 hours now and with no break…you need to walk, stretch, get some food…wait when was the last time you had a sip of water?”
“Don’t know Loki, too busy, too into it, i’m almost done, i just have to re-check everything and…and…and…”
“Ok enough of that” he physically pulls you away from your desk making your papers fall to the ground
“Ok i did not intend that but now you get my point! You look exhausted and it hurts me to see you like this…and you just don’t deserve this!”
“I don’t have a choice ok?! This is my final shot at a decent mark and my groupmates are kinda just shit!” You were beyond done at this point, just absolutely beyond your level of patience
“Loki please let me get back to this…” you pleaded in exhaustion, just wanting to get this over with and crash into bed
“Love…” Loki goes away for a moment and comes back with a glass of water, handing it to you. “Drink up”
You look at the glass of water and grab it immediately, drink it all up in one go
“See?! Look how thirsty you were! Love you need a break”
You scoff and fall back onto the chair, accepting defeat
“Ok…fine…but only for 10 minutes”
“No 20!”
“Too long! 15?”
“15 is…alright” Loki agrees too.
He spend those 15 minutes praising you for all your hard work “my good girl is working so hard…” “what amazing work you’ve done my love…” “i’m so proud of you darling”
He massaged your shoulders and kissed the side of your neck and cheeks
He grabbed you a quick snack so that you had more energy once the break was over
Lastly he forced you out of your chair and onto the couch so that he could wrap his arms around you and into a warm embrace “I love you my darling…in all the nine realms…you’ve claimed my heart forever”
Leaning into his embrace you rested your head onto his chest “I love you too…my sweet boy, you care so much for me and I am so grateful…so damn lucky” You looked up, catching his gaze and pulling him into a loving kiss…
You continued to rest your head against his, accidentally falling asleep…which was Loki’s plan all along…don’t worry about the project though, he had scared the shit out of your other group mates to do their work and used magic to finish up on what you needed…anyone that dare hurts his sweet darling obviously will face some kind of consequence!
(a/n): just wanted to get something short and sweet out…enjoy!
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ekkoh · 1 year ago
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I want my friends back. I don't want to be alone.
LOKI 2.05 Science/Fiction
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mobius-m-mobius · 1 year ago
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LOKI APPRECIATION WEEK 2023 | for @dailyloki Day 2 : Favorite Episode : S02xE01 - Ouroboros
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dummyminded · 2 months ago
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https-kiipxyz · 1 year ago
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I've been obsessing over them for a while, and just the amount their relationship has grown is crazy. Loki used to not trust mobius and wanted to get away from him and the TVA, but now they are so close with each other. They have soft spots for each other, the way they look at each other, their eyes are always filled with such warmth and fondness it really gets me. Loki has learned to always keep his defenses up and to not truly trust anyone, but i think he lets his gaurd down with mobius, mobius is the only one who can make him really laugh and smile and i just cant deal with how cute they are and aND I JUST AGHJDKOHHSISJKAKZNSDNJDOAPQEKNDJDOSMANEJDOANEKFOSJWJRUGICOODMWNWQPSKXNNDN 😭😭
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feral-sylki · 2 months ago
I know we make a big deal about s2 Loki telling Sylvie to enchant him and see what he’s seen when in s1 he was all “are you trying to enchant me? it won’t work. my mind is too strong” but he very much did also ask her to enchant him that very same day so he wouldn’t have to walk himself
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hooliganarachnid · 1 year ago
Hey, so with the Loki season two finale airing in like four days, a show featuring a currently heavily implied romance between a dark haired immortal being who played a role in human history searching for his purpose and a just some blond guy—I feel like marvel has the opportunity to do the funniest thing ever, three years and four days after destiel was made canon and promptly executed on live television.
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the-bi-fangirl-biatch · 1 year ago
the entire season they've shown sylvie perpetually being okay to just walk away from the fray and getting no consequences whatsoever. which would be ok since she doesn't rlly care about them like loki does. but in the end she just moves on so fast after she watched loki isolate himself and go off JUST to fix her mistake.......
meanwhile mobius is there, frozen in that time, left behind by the person he's an "expert" on not only bc of his job but bc of their friendship, him quitting the job that was his entire life, because loki has left and his previous purpose didn't have loki anymore
it's just fucked up how everyone else got their happy endings (good for them) except for loki and mobius. they're apart, separated once again, looking miserable in their last shots. just like last season.
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liedownquisition · 5 months ago
Today I am once again and eternally haunted by the connections my brain makes between:
“Over all the millennia, only you have ever loved me, Thor. Only you have ever looked at me with affection in place of condescension. Why, then, am I killing you, and not the others? Because you stopped.” ~Loki #4, Robert Rodi
"Bruce, I forgive you for not saving me. But why? Why on God's Earth is HE still alive? Ignoring what he's done in the past. Blindly, stupidly, disregarding the entire graveyards he's filled, the thousands who have suffered, the friends he's crippled. You know, I thought… I thought I'd be the last person you'd ever let him hurt. If it had been you he beat to a bloody pulp, if he had taken you from this world, I would've done nothing but search the planet for this pathetic pile of evil death-worshiping garbage and sent him off to Hell. … I'm not talking about killing Penguin, or Scarecrow, or Dent. I'm talking about him. Just him. And doing it because… because he took me away from you." ~Batman#650/UtH#13 Judd Winnick
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worstloki · 1 year ago
Tom Hiddleston once suggested Sif's actress Jaime Alexander could have played Loki instead of him.
Do you think your feelings about Thor 1 and 2 would change in any way if Loki were cast as a woman? (if the plot stays exactly the same or minor differences)
I feel like it absolutely would change my thoughts about Thor 1 and 2 but hear me out because the gender change in the context of what I understand of Asgardian society would mean Loki starts out as a younger sister thanklessly expected to mediate Thor’s violent tendencies and by the end of the movie she’s turned into what is basically Hela
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sharks-sharks-sharks · 1 year ago
Mobius: "The TVA is my life, not where ever I'm from on the timeline, so I'm not gonna look"
Loki: *leaves*
Mobius: "Well time to go see where I'm from on the timeline"
Lokius in this season... I'm just saying if one of them was a woman they would be canon
I knew this was gonna be queer baiting and that I was just disappointing myself by expecting anything else but still.. fuck Disney tbh
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daisybell17 · 1 year ago
All eyes on us — Loki
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What are the odds that a prince such as Loki would even notice a low status princess from a dying nation?
What are the odds that a prince such as Loki would even bat an eye or start a conversation with you?
What are the odds that a prince such as Loki would come up to you after the ball.
And what are the odds that a prince such as Loki would invite you to stay the night with him?
Actually you had unbelievably amazing odds.
People and beings from all over the realms and galaxy often criticised Loki for dating such a low status princess but the god had fought and defended you time and time again. Until this day you still never understood why he chose you but he says to not question it too much.
At first people thought it was a ruse, a trick, a way to shock the public, hell even you bought into the rumours, alas Loki had proved his love for you over and over, professing it to the heavens high. Needless to say it was difficult not to fall for the charming prince who knelt to you and only you.
Even years after dating, no one could truly believe the prince’s choices, but he never once regretted or had a second thought about you…and soon enough the love between you grew
An Asgardian ball was to be held again and of course you were Loki’s date…
“Darling you look absolutely stunning in that dress”
You turned to you your charming prince by the frame of your door “I didn’t hear you come in…Were you trying to get a peek? But thank you my love”
He let out a chuckle at your comment “Well perhaps” teasing back with a wink.
He made his way towards you, placing his hands on your waist…then lifting his hand to your chin
“May I?”
“You may” You say with a smile and he pulled your lips to his. God you melted every time he kissed you
Pulling away, you wrapped your arm around him and you both made your way out to the ball
It was…magnificent to say the least
So many prince’s, princesses, guests and more, all dressed in the finest Asgardian collection the land had to offer.
Perhaps it was your own nervousness or your insecurities fuelling your mind…but its as if all eyes were on you…judging you
Your gripped tightened around Loki, signalling you weren’t comfortable
“Love are you ok?” He asked with a display of concern
“There’s…so many eyes…on you…on me” Your throat closed up as your anxiety started bubbling up
Loki took a peek around and you weren’t wrong.
There were some princesses passing whispers to one another, looking at you and laughing.
Turning around he saw a group of men pointing at you…that pissed him off
Another glance and he was met with the sight of his father talking to another royal family, specifically to a princess Odin wanted for Loki
He looked back at you and was met with his darling, shaking and panicked
“Honey look at me” He said with a stern tone
Immediately your eyes met his “Y-Yea?”
“If everyone is going to stare we might as well give them a show hm?”
“W-What?! Loki are you serious?! It’s obvious not many people like us together, or at least they don’t like me”
“So? I like you…Darling I love you…you really think I care for the opinions of others?”
“No? I just…hm…this is making me uncomfortable”
“Perhaps you would like to freshen up? Cool down? I wouldn’t want you to miss this ball” Loki has insisted
Giving it a thought it seemed like a good option…just a moment to breathe and then back out to this…nerve wrecking event
“Yea…I would like that” You smiled at him, your grip loosing up
Loki smiled and started to lead you back to your room when you were both stopped by the princess Odin had been talking to
“Ah! You must be Loki…Prince of Asgard? God of Mischief?” She asked
Loki responded to her and engaged in her conversation. It was awkward for you just standing there, so you slowly removed your arm from his and took a couple steps back
She was…gorgeous to say the least and it was clear she was trying to lead Loki to her…Was this it? Was Loki really going to leave you? You were just some low status princess…he was going to leave eventually
But as she moved her body closer to his and placed her hand by his jaw…you felt this rage erupt within you
You had no idea what came over…a confidence you couldn’t explain…but that simple action caused you to walk back to them and tugged harshly on Loki’s arm
“Love…I would really like that dance now” You smiled looking at Loki.
The princess was stunned.
Loki has smirked at you, proud and unintentionally turned on by your sudden confidence
Your hand travelled to his chest, forcing the woman to retract her arm and body. Your other hand rubbed up and down his arm…claiming him as yours
Soon Loki’s attention was all on you “Then let’s dance my darling”
Leaving the princess to her own defeat, Loki had led you to the middle of the floor and started dancing to the beat of the music
Your eyes fixed on him, Loki leaned into your ear “Suddenly my love has become so confident…were you jealous my darling?”
Biting back a chuckle you whispered in “I don’t like other people touching what’s mine”
Loki let out a laugh at your comment “Darling i’m yours just as much as you are mine…don’t forget that…”
You both kept the rhythm, matching each beat perfectly
“I must admit, seeing you gain a sudden confidence turned me on…you should be more like that…it’s good for you”
“Perhaps…although I would need some time to work on that”
Loki smiled and twirled you around as the song came to an end
Loud clapping had emerged from your graceful performance
“Darling look…all eyes are on us”
You looked around the room and they were…but now you knew they couldn’t do anything about the love you and Loki shared. No one could break the love between you both.
Loki then lead you back to your quarters and spent the night showing you just how much he loved you…
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magnusmodig · 6 months ago
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ovo whispers menacingly abt his grandstanding .
#(you can grandstand and be impulsive and prone to violence and have a terrible temper without being arrogant thanks)#(the closest he ever gets to saying he's above anyone else is w/ the jotuns if you really squint at it and he only ever said-)#(- that he wanted to use /force/ aka /violence/ to get them to submit to his rule bc otherwise he views them as DANGEROUS)#(based not only on historical /fact/ but cultural differences boogeymanning and seeing firsthand how they-)#(-MURDERED SOME OF HIS PEOPLE???? AND BROKE INTO HIS HOME???? ON CORONATION DAY????)#(he doesn't act like heimdall or the warriors or sif or even loki is below him. he wouldn't /ask them/ for permission otherwise)#(he even asks the humans-he-just-met for permission a la jane and then respects their decisions and apologizes for being rude abt the mug)#(and the one time he says 'know your place' to loki is when loki is actively bUTTING INTO A CONVERSATION that thor is being ridiculous abou#(bc to thor it's about /winning/ the argument with laufey and he's totally losing track of his goal to try and figure out wtf the jotuns)#(were doing ///in asgard inside the palace IN THE VAULT on CORONATION DAY///.)#(arrogance is specifically thinking you are inherently better than anyone else bc you exist)#(thor very clearly demonstrates selfish desires that translate to poorly thought out deeds)#(eg: taking it directly to laufey instead of trying to take a step back and figure it out in OTHER WAYS before a direct confrontation)#(and he also demonstrates overblown self-confidence.)#(eg the “i have no plans to die today” / “none do.”)#(that's being overconfident in his own abilities that's still not arrogance.)#( ooc . ) — stories that leap from the page .#( salt to taste . ) — in this house we love the actual main character . crazy i know .#tbd#(thor expresses boastfulness and pride similarly to his whole culture of over-exaggerating ur war stories)#(his vice is letting that vanity get to his head and fueling increasingly impulsive and stubborn decisions)#(out of the sheer and desperate desire to prove he's good enough to take up such a heavy mantle as the crown of asgard + nine realms)#(but he doesn't just look at other people and go 'oh yeah i'm so totally better than you just because i exist')#(he's also not a lightning mcqueen who actually DOES see himself above the rustees cars and the route 66 cars)#(goes out of his way to make that abundantly clear and wants actually nothing to do with any of them in pursuit of his own gains)#(only to finally figure out he's not all hot shit and slows tf down to understand and enjoy life as part of society not above it)#(he literally flies of the handle because he fully believes the jotunar actually plotted an entire elaborate scheme)#(SPECIFICALLY in the effort to exploit him as the green thumb weak link as Newly Instated King who Doesn't Know What He's Doing)#(And therefore will OBVIOUSLY do a terrible job because he's not odin and can never be odin but he /needs/ to be like odin bc odin is stron#(HE doesn't know it was loki's plan. he doesn't know it was /loki/ who timed it to the coronation.)
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mobius-m-mobius · 1 year ago
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liking a male character like... (insp)
LOKI APPRECIATION WEEK 2023 | for @dailyloki Day 4 : Favorite Character or Variant : Mobius M. Mobius (ft. Don 😘)
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laufxsons · 1 year ago
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[WIP] Maybe the glorious purpose was the (boy)friends we made along the way.
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moe-broey · 1 year ago
*pulls out a crumpled up piece of paper*
My transfemme Fire Emblem Headcanons. Include:
> Rosado, transfemme non-binary, most likely to use neopronouns or multiple sets of pronouns (fae/faer, she/he, never let 'em know your next move)
> Forrest, has been on estrogen for years but still says "I'm a prince" if asked and insists on using he/him pronouns (may be closeted, may be in denial, may do so out of a sense of obligation, may be a case of pronouns being "indicative of but not exclusive to gender identity", may also just have an exceedingly complicated relationship with the gender)
> Loki, a shapeshifter, chooses to look Like That (and she's so based for it)
> Gullveig. Just. Everything Seidr/Heidr/Kvasir and Gullveig have going on. Is so transgender. To me
And on vibes alone
> Triandra
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