#loki is great man
https-kiipxyz · 11 months
Sylvie is loterally loki if he never met mobius.
That saying.....those 2 old guys should kiss 👍
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paper-star-ships · 8 months
Y’all ever had a crush on a character from a source you’ve never seen or is that just me
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andi-o-geyser · 2 years
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Oh, I cannot fucking wait to see this prick get the dressing down of the century.
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existential-labrador · 11 months
Episode 4 can end how it likes, I haven’t forgotten this from the trailer
(Spoilers below cut)
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unityrain24 · 8 months
hate how all "genderfluid"/genderswap loki fanart is like this:
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lunaetis · 9 months
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[ probably no writing today bc i'm catching up on the things on my watchlist. i'm going to be out during 31st & 1st and i'd already have to be back to work on the 2nd so i want to get as many things on my watchlist done as possible ! hope you guys are having a good day / night on your end ! ]
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koroleva-nazyalensky · 11 months
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Loki said fuck it, I'm the loom
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why is everyone discussing the tumblr sexyman when Brendan Fraser is not just the obvious, but also the only true choice
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magnusmodig · 10 months
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||. Thinking quietly about Thor and his friends. How they all filled a space in him and outside of him that Thor needed fulfilled... The most obvious being in the group's battle formation, but even outside of that too.
Volstagg with his jolly nature helping Thor keep morale up, being the glue that keeps the warriors together, especially when it comes to making group compromises and hard decisions. Hogun with his straight-laced practicality , the way he'd be able to offer an outside perspective to Asgard's ways — something invaluable to Thor. Fandral for all of his apparent womanizing likely keeping up with the courts of Asgard and so Thor would be in the know in a much more close manner through what Fandral knows, and what he's able to find out in Thor's stead. And he's quite personable, in a manner much more suited to crowds than Thor... so that makes the finding of information that much easier, and quicker to relay. (Thor may be a prince, but he's also got Homeschooler Energy out the wazzoo.) Thinking about Sif and Thor being something of childhood friends... Or as close to childhood friends as someone like Thor can have, when you live in a palace your whole life and are largely confined to its walls with your tutors and your parents and your brother for company keep. But Sif would be the exception, I'd imagine, if indeed she is of noble birth the way I'd suspect it.... and Thor and Sif would have gotten along splendidly, especially once he finds out her desire to become a shield-maiden, and then that leads into learning about the Valkyrie, and of course then Thor would want Sif to be HIS Valkyrie, because of all the people who are mighty and brave and compassionate, and who would then deserve to be his esteemed commander of guard, surely why WOULDN'T it be Lady Sif?
And of course there's Loki, who completes many of Thor's loose ends and falterings in plenty of ways, but that's it's own story and its own post for a different time.
Thor picked his warriors well and he picked them wisely. There's not a single quest or mission they can't overcome because each of their strengths buoy the other's weaknesses. Together, when in sync, they're all six of them a well-oiled machine, and it's really no wonder that they, together, become "Asgard's Finest", and it's really no wonder that they were all to be Thor's council as King. (If only all of them lived...)
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mobius-m-mobius · 11 months
Hey let's not focus too much on the Greek tragedy of it all for one second and remember how Loki's time slipping takes him where (or who) his heart points to. And now remember when he just SLAMMED into Mobius at Mach speed in Ouroboros after spending who knows how long in the past... Like what did his heart want in that moment, I wonder.
Absolutely love how we've collectively agreed this is indeed a tragedy to pick ourselves out of and thankfully the power of fix-its makes it a little easier as each day passes 😂💖
You're so right anon and even though it was beyond satisfying to see Loki time slipping closer and closer to Mobius for obvious reasons (even saying his name while he did during several moments), tbh I'm still a little bummed crashing into him didn't become part of the deal too?? Would've been a nice callback to how they forget anyone else is in a room and can hardly move without standing so close they're practically on top of each other anyway, plus if other TVA employees were already 👀👀 at them having conversations just imagine the talk around the office when Mobius continually gets slammed but doesn't miss a beat before making sure Loki's okay and whisking him off as if nothing happened or even poor Don wiping out on his jet ski model when a hot emo stranger crashes out of the sky 🤣
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auxilioooo · 11 months
i’m watching the marvels tomorrow, i finished loki (HOLY SHIT IT WAS AMAZING) and The Maybe Man Album by AJR came out just a bit ago!!!! I’m also finally understanding my Physics class, I turned it a really good essay (i think) i did really good on my AP US History class and i’m so happy!!!! THIS IS MY WEEK
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snake-shifter · 11 months
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Marvel is too good at queerbaiting us.
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Mission: Great Responsibility, part 2
Spider-Ham: Thanks, Loki.  I feel a lot better after relaxing and having fun. Loki: You're welcome.  Follow me, my swine disciple, our journey has just begun... Spider-Ham: Yeah, I don't think so. Loki: What do you mean? Spider-Ham: I'm not like you, and I'm definitely not anyone's sidekick.  I'm a hero, and it's about time I proved it...
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thot-son-of-odin · 2 years
“Oh my poor little meow meow was never loved as a child and that’s why he finally acted out”
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lady-of-the-lotus · 1 year
wait you don't like novel xy? why not? 🤔
I should probably say I don't like the parts of him I've actually read or seen excerpts of.
I simply don't jibe with him.Much as I love me my villains, I don't wholeheartedly embrace all shapes and forms and draw the line at certain crimes and threats for personal reasons. Also, I actually usually get really into villains who are more along the lines of Loki, Magneto (#Magnetowasright), Erik (Phantom), Count Fosco (The Woman in White--one of my all-time favorite characters)--and from what I've seen of novel!XY, he's even further from my usual type than the cql version.
In short, there was some "that's too much for me" and there was no emotional clicking to compensate. I might like him better if I read the I-assume-better-translated version of him in the official novels. I very much rely on writing style and realistic dialogue when it comes to books, which is why I find it hard to connect to anyone in poor translations, no matter how good the original work. I recently gave up on The Man in the Iron Mask halfway through to wait for a different translation to come into the library as the one I was reading (from a major classics publisher!) was so poor as to be distracting. (Still bitter about how that one got published.)
I'm sure people have great reasons for liking novel!XY and am glad he made enough of an impression on readers for him to get the screen time he did in cql!
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tyrannuspitch · 1 year
on one hand on principle i want to support alan taylor in his doomed battle against the marvel machine. but on the other hand i've already imprinted upon the mess we actually got and when i hear about 90% of what alan taylor originally wanted to do with it all i can think to say is. sorry alan. that sounds bad
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