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Random thoughts regarding Caleb #2
Seventeen's Your Choice album fits Caleb as a character rlly well, imo.
Some vague-ish spoilers for his anecdote, and HW cuz I'm rambling about his character and I don't rlly have a concrete grasp on LaDs lore like I want to.
I'm listening to Heaven's Cloud rn and I'm getting super emotional from it, it sounds like some of the Old Days cards between MC and Caleb. I don't remember the lyrics rlly well but I know they're very fluffy stuff.
Fluffy song is immediately followed by Ready to Love... which is sort of like his inner demons regarding whether to pursue Mc or not (it works for the sanitised eng localisation approach TOO) although with the mv lacking some concrete direction it's more of an interpretive thing based on the things we do know from the mv, such as the telephone boxes, lover one in pink and friend in green if I remember correctly. And mainly the lyrics, such as the parts where they're like 'let's runaway to the edge of the world', 'you give me purpose', etc. (IM REMEMBERING THEM BY HEART SO TAKE SOME SALT WITH THIS).
THEN it's followed by Anyone, which while it doesn't take after Caleb's personality in HW 100% it does highlight it with a slight shift in vibes. THE LYRICS STILL FIT THO cuz yk how he's like all about freedom, and that whole idea of him being able to go away from everything with MC works here. I think. I DON'T REMEMBER THE LYRICS FOR THIS OUTSIDE OF THE 'WE MAKE THE RULES' PART and how nothing will stop them.
And then there's GAM3 BO1, I haven't rlly understood this song lyrics wise outside of the 'I don't need new buddies', but I think it works to reflect his uni/DAA and Old Days characterisation rlly well. That idea of him being distant from others who aren't MC.
This is then followed by one of my all time favourite songs from the album. It works rlly well with the idea of freedom that is explored AGAIN. But unlike Anyone, this also got those forbidden nature and can be more intrinsic to caleb rather than focusing on the calebmc dynamic. (Maybe I should try making a how would lads LIs sing it HAHAHAHA vid, not ai cover)
Album then ends with same dream, same mind, same night. This is also a song that goes over my head lyrics wise, but it's comforting, and I think this works well for Calebmc dynamics, the theories regarding them having telepathy, that scene in... I forgot what that memory thing was called TwT the one where you doze off in the attic. THIS SONG SCREAMS THAT MOMENT AHAHAHA.
Thanks for listening to my meh rant about this. I rlly like this album and Caleb as a character, honestly I'm invested if he dies again for real this time.
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Apparently the dialogue in Japanese during the "Leonard's lament/hunger" is a lot more explicit about his inclinations, would you know anything about this? I've heard that the fairy explicitly tells him to do the nasty to the fallen child soldiers but I've seen no confirmation of this
What WAS Changed from Leonard's Hunger to Leonard's Regret - Drakengard Analysis
//Hey anon! I assume you're talking about the game, right? Because I actually DID translate the full script from the World Inside 10th Anni box for the Leonard's Regret/Hunger chapter a while back (It was the only translated part of an unfinished project to do the WHOLE script that likely won't be finished), but that has in-game comparisons between the NTSC-J and NTSC versions as well! I'll link it here if you're interested. Note: This covers only the EVENTS in the game, and not actual in-game dialogue, as I haven't translated that. Sorry! For ease of access, I'll also provide a hopefully adequate summary below the cut detailing the differences between the original script (Later edited into what would be the NTSC-J version of the game), the Japanese version of the game, and the English localisation! Believe it or not, there was actually more cut content between the script and the Japanese version of the game than the Japanese and the English (Which certainly does have it's blunders, but nowhere near as steep.) And of course, if you have any other questions about this, feel free to reach out to my Discord at barnabism or just send another ask! :) Here's the info, strap in for a LONG post ahead:
So to start with the first scene in Leonard's Hunger, there's a couple points of interest right off the bat, actually!
Pointing Out Leonard's Survival
While it was toned down in the Japanese and toned down even further in English, when the Faerie points out the conscripts in the script it was actually an intended jab towards Leonard's absence "Hiding under the trees" which led to his unintentional survival!
(NTSC) "Hark you, hark! Look in the shadows of the trees. The ones hiding away are probably fine." "......" (NTSC-J) "Hey, hey, look carefully through the shadows of the trees. The ones who hide beneath them might be alive and well! Ahahaha!" "...Kgh!" (SCRIPT) "Hey, hey! Look carefully through the shadows of the trees. The one who does that might survive alive and well! Ahahaha!" "...Kgh!"
I wouldn't chalk this up to "censorship", however (At least not in the case of the English), it honestly kinda reads like a bad game of Telephone which is something you'll see a LOT with the English translation. Where the Japanese seemed deliberately toned down to give more "Insinuations" at best or just to outright write around it at worst, the English seems like its trying its best to pick up on that nuance without... Actually knowing where it's coming from? Without that base point of reference (The script), it seems like there was a lot of grappling around in the dark for those poor English localisers to do. :( *That said, there are some instances where things are explicitly written in Japanese but unable to be fluently translated, like Furiae's confession scene, or sometimes... They ARE just outright changed, like the infamous "You smell very nice" line from Ending D. The Drakengard fanbase DOES commonly assume that the latter is the case all-around, but there's a lot more to it than that! Moving on, here's an example of something that was VERY intentionally taken out from the NTSC-J release to the NTSC release.
"Something Else" - Deleted Snippets From Changed Lines
(NTSC) "Oh, it smells fishy. What will you do? Doesn’t it feel dangerous? Are you shaking? Over here! Here! Here!" (NTSC-J) "It smells fishy. What will you do? Can’t you sense it? Isn’t it dangerous? Hahah! Oh? Are you trembling because you’re scared? Or is it something else…? Ahahahahaha! Here! Here! Look here!" (SCRIPT) Faerie (Maliciously): "You can’t see them, but you can smell them, can’t you? Can’t you? That lively scent is your favouriiite~! Right? A large army of smooth, pallid, soft legs is here!"
So as you can see here, the bit from the Japanese - "Oh? Are you trembling because you're scared? Or is it something else...?" was taken out in the English release, but this original Japanese line that appears in the game is COMPLETELY different from what was written in the script!
And if that edited line in the NTSC-J edition of DOD wasn't clear enough as to what the Faerie was hinting at, here's something that's DEFINITELY more explicit. But unlike the English completely removing it over concerns to content, here it seems toned down as a result of differences in writing systems.
"Inexperience" - Pay Attention to the NTSC-J Line
(NTSC) "Right, right! Young soldiers right out of training, gutted like fish!" (NTSC-J) "Right right, ahaha! Still just sweet little things, lacking and inexperienced!" (SCRIPT) "Right, right, ahaha! Boys, boys, beautiful boys! How appetising~!"
Putting aside the Script's description of the young conscripts as "Beautiful" and "Appetising" (Hard, I know lmao), the edited NTSC-J version VERY cleverly used Katakana to it's advantage to make a point that... Honestly, if you ask me, is even more direct than the Script counterpart. Here's a look at what I'm talking about:
(NTSC-J Original) 「そっ、そっ、ウキャキャ! まだまだケツの青い甘チャンばかりだぜ! 」
I've bolded and coloured the Katakana referenced here with the whole article bolded itself, "Ketsu no Aoi", which as a whole can mean "Inexperienced" or "Lacking in x" (Skill, in this case). The interesting thing here is the use of Katakana on "ケツ" here, which, typically when written like that, is used to refer to someone's bottom. So it CAN be taken as "young and inexperienced" or quite literally, "Their ass is inexperienced" which... *Cough* Yeah. This, of course, is a VERY particular use of Katakana, so I honestly can't blame the English localisers just going "Fuck it" and making it their own.
Scrapped Ideas
An added note before we go onto the next scene, which I believe isn't EXACTLY what you're looking for but something I thought you or anyone else reading this would be interested in. There's also something interesting to mention about the "Garrison" that was brought up here ("If the garrison is here, then the prisoners should be, too."), and that's three things:
This WAS originally going to be a type of "Side-quest" where you go save your Union allies from the garrison and defeating the "Monsters" (I believe subhumans) guarding them, and THEN the conscripts begin to attack you in desperation. Unfortunately, it looks like this sidequest was scrapped, though I question what circumstances led to such a specific line pertaining to the quest still remaining.
At one point, it actually WAS thought that items could be used and included - Particularly "Crystals" and "Smokebombs", though looking back, I wonder if these "Crystals" mentioned here were later saved for the crystals you use to find your path in Drakengard 2....
Remember that one conscript that summoned a ghost at the end of the chapter? All conscripts were originally planned to do that. For better or for worse, it didn't go through.
Necrophilia Jokes
As the title suggests, when you mentioned the faerie explicitly goading him on to do it with the dying/dead conscripts, there actually IS something like that not in the NTSC and certainly not the NTSC-J games, but in the script! You'll find a pretty clear example in the very first line!
(NTSC) "Hey, hey! What’ll you do about the bodies? Stab them again?" (NTSC-J) "Hey, hey! What will you do with the bodies? Hahah! Is your torment growing?" (SCRIPT) "Hey, hey! Are you even lusting after corpses? Ahahah! Aren’t you pent up!"
Which of course is it's own can of worms, but shines MUCH more brightly paired with the Faerie's next line, after Leonard states his commitment to give the fallen conscripts a proper bruial:
(NTSC) "You have time for such luxuries? Well, do you? Do you? Do you?" (NTSC-J) "Hahahah! Is this the time for such a deliberate process? Hey, are you listening to me-? Hey, hey!" (SCRIPT) "Ahahaha! This isn’t the time to be toying with corpses. Hey, are you listening to me-? Hey, hey!"
Of course, the Faerie teasing Leonard about necrophilia can and WILL go even worse into the active goading of "Do it, buddy, I dare you" it will give later on, but I want to intercept that with something the Conscript here does in the scripts that really caught my attention - The Conscript, under the influence of Red-Eye, using the weakness of his inclinations to their own advantage.
The Conscripts "Manipulation"
I'm not gonna lie, when I first detail it really brought me back to this fucked up little fanfiction I saw on Pixiv where this conscript ends up seducing and subsequently disemboweling poor Leonard. As you might be able to tell by my mentioning, it's kinda stuck with me. Pixiv is a fascinating place.
(NTSC) "I’m afraid." (NTSC-J) "I’m… I’m afraid…" (SCRIPT) CONSCRIPT (Alluringly): I’m… I’m afraid…
Through the script, there are different dialogue tags to denote the tone in which that particular line is spoken. While this tidbit in itself isn't much, I figured it very worth mentioning just for its role in the general topic of "More controversial things that were snipped out of either the NTSC-J or NTSC versions of Leonard's Regret/Hunger", not to mention the implications it has on the wider nature of Red Eye Disease as a whole! Think about it - Taking into consideration that the script implies the Conscript "Knew" about his inclinations enough to use them to his advantage, Leonard mentioning that this conscript share's his brother's voice is a detail that definitely catches my attention now. I wonder if it was just tragic coincidence, Leonard being unable to judge correctly in his grief, or perhaps RED allowing the conscript to mimic his brothers? Which is an actually TERRIFYING thought, but hey, I absolutely adore it. There is a plethora of writing material and silly thoughts to have from that alone, which, as an RPer, is probably among the best things I can have. XD
The Faerie's Goading
Back to the faerie, there's a final detail in its teasing for this scene:
(NTSC) "Oh? Oh-oh-oh-oh? Feeling pity? For the enemy? Can’t start wavering now!" (NTSC-J) "Oh? Oh-hoh-hoh-hoh-hoh? Are you just happening to feel sympathy right now? For the enemy? Now’s no time to tremble. Hey!" (SCRIPT) "Oh? Oh-hoh-hoh-hoh-hoh? Are you getting ideas already? For the enemy? I wonder if you’ll go all the way? Just as I thought! Ahah!"
As is the recurring theme here, the script is MUCH more explicit than either, where the NTSC opts for snipping out a couple more details, which in this case is the line "Now's no time to tremble". There's nothing special I have to say about this outside of jesus fuck, of course so we'll wrap it up with the final event scene in Leonard's Regret/Hunger real quick!
Another Note
Just to add, Beholders and Gargoyles were among some of the enemies planned to be put into this level, along with... Treants! It's a popular bit of folklore across Germany, particularly in regard to the Black Forest (Though it came from France) that scared the crap out of me as a kid, so I was pleased to see them here and VERY upset they didn't make the final cut :(
The Final Scene - Leonard's Botched Confession
GOD, from the first time I saw this scene, I was so disappointed. All that tension, all those hints and build-up for Leonard to finally break and be asked "What's going on here? Why are you acting like this?" You'd think you'd get something better than "It's a secret." You just know that this was a scene that got rewritten last second, and it turns out that in the NTSC-J version, it's the same exact case - but in the script? We finally get to see what was intended to be put there (And my years long grudge against that scene was finally, kinda, put to rest.)
So, when Leonard falls to his knees and asks for forgiveness, and Angelus asks (Or perhaps Caim) asks "Why this wasted pity?", the faerie responds for him (Which, keep in mind, Leonard responds to this by immediately begging for Caim to kill him right then and there):
(NTSC) "He won’t say! He’ll never say the truth! It’s a SECRET!" (NTSC-J) "He won’t say! Haha! He’ll never talk about that. It’s! A! Secret! Heehee. Ahahahaha!" (SCRIPT) "He won't say! Haha! That boy was too cute for him to say. He wanted to hold him, among other such things. Heehee. Ahahahaha!"
To add to the bit "He wanted to hold him", the exact word used is "抱きたい", and while it DOES typically mean "To hold, to embrace" among other things in certain ~contexts~ (Like Furiae's confession scene, where the same word is used) it can also mean "To have sex with". The rest of the scene actually doesn't have next to anything changed outside of a tiny added "...You can't." when the Faerie addresses his wish for death that got trimmed from the script, though I will add for context an interesting thing in the same quote a detail added that wasn't originally in the script, similar to a couple other things we've seen so far, is a distinction that can only be seen in Japanese:
(NTSC) "Huh? What did you say? Helloo! You couldn’t die, could you? Just gave yourself a little nick. So sad. Didn’t you make a promise to live with me, big brother? I can’t survive alone anymore, you know. A pact. We made a pact. Don’t forget." (NTSC-J) "Haah-? What are you saying? Helloo? You couldn’t die then, could you? Just gave yourself a small little scar! …You can’t. Didn’t you make a promise to live with me, big brother? I can’t live alone by myself anymore, you know. The pact, the pact! Ahahaha! Take care to remember!" (SCRIPT) "Haah-? What are you saying? Helloo? You couldn’t die then, could you? Just gave yourself a small little scar! …You can’t. Didn’t you make a promise to live with me, big brother? I can’t live alone by myself anymore, you know. The pact, the pact! Ahahaha! Take care to remember!"
It's actually indistinguishable in either translation, so I'll highlight the Japanese text here:
(NTSC-J Original) 「はあ? 何言ってんのお? もしもーし? アナタ死ねなかったんですよねー? ためらい傷バリバリ! ……やだなぁ。俺といっしょに生きてくれるって約束したじゃないですか、お兄さん。俺、もうひとりじゃ生きられない身体なんですよ。契約ね、契約。フヒャヒャヒャ。 おねがいしマッス。」 (SCRIPT Original) 「はあ? 何言ってんのお? もしもし? アナタ死ねなかったんですよねー? ためらいバリバリ! ……やだなぁ。俺といっしょに生きてくれるって約束したじゃないですか、お兄さん。俺、もうひとりじゃ生きられない身体なんですよ。契約ね、契約。フヒャヒャヒャ。 おねがいしマッス。」
Again, it'll be hard to find a difference through all that, but you'll see the game actually added a term to the script's "ためらいバリバリ" - "A hesitant nick", with "ためらい" meaning hesitant and "バリバリ" standing for a small little cut or scar! Together it really is it's own term meaning "A shallow (hesitant) scar" The game, however, added a character - 傷 - which on the surface, doesn't seem to add much, as by itself the character quite literally just means "Wound". HOWEVER, put together with ためらい this creates a very specific term, ためらい傷 (Tameraikizu) which quick literally means "Hesitation wound", and stands as an exact term for the wounds left over when someone who attempts suicide fails and is left with lasting (Usually permanent) scars because of it. And recalling Leonard's failed attempt to slit his throat in his introductory scene... You know, I honestly wondered how permanent that scar was. Either way, I hope this post has the answers you're looking for! I really enjoyed writing it, and of course, if you have any questions, feel free to message me (Via asks, DMs, or Discord!) and I'll be happy to get back to you! Thanks so much for sending this in, just being able to talk about our boy is a treat, so again, I really enjoyed it~ :3> Again, thank you, and I hope you enjoy! :)
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On connaît tous ce moment de panique : on cherche son téléphone partout, et impossible de mettre la main dessus. Avant de retourner la maison ou de céder à la panique, sachez qu'il existe des solutions simples et gratuites pour localiser votre précieux téléphone gratuitement. Ce guide est là pour vous accompagner pas à pas, avec des explications claires et des astuces utiles, que vous ayez un Android ou un iPhone. 1. Localiser un téléphone Android La plupart des téléphones Android récents sont équipés d'une fonctionnalité intégrée très pratique : "Localiser mon appareil". En effet, cette fonctionnalité permet de retrouver facilement votre téléphone s'il est perdu ou volé, de le faire sonner, ou même de le verrouiller à distance pour protéger vos données Voici comment l'utiliser : Prérequis : Votre téléph... https://www.funinformatique.com/localiser-un-telephone-gratuitement-le-guide-complet/?_unique_id=679b9eff52921
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███ - BlueEngland (Madeon Borealis? At this time of year? In this part of the website? Localised entirely within this pull?) 06 - Bubblegum Telephone (Electropop)
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Israel begins ground offensive in Lebanon
Israeli ground troops entered southern Lebanon early Tuesday morning, marking a significant escalation of the offensive against Hezbollah militants and opening a new front in the long-running war against its Iranian-backed opponents, Israeli media reported.
The IDF announced the start of a ground operation in southern Lebanon
The incursion follows weeks of heavy Israeli strikes against Hezbollah – including an airstrike that killed its long-time leader Hassan Nasrallah – and is aimed at increasing pressure on the group, which began firing rockets into northern Israel after the Gaza war began.
Israel and Hezbollah last engaged in ground fighting in 2006. In a brief statement, the Israeli military said it had launched “limited, localised and targeted ground raids” against Hezbollah targets in southern Lebanon. The statement said:
“These targets are located in villages close to the border and pose an immediate threat to Israeli communities in northern Israel.”
There was no word on the duration of the operation, but the army said soldiers had been training and preparing for it over the past months. Israel said it would continue to strike the group until displaced Israelis from border communities could return to their homes.
Ahead of the Israeli announcement, US officials reported that Israel had launched small ground raids inside Lebanon and that Israel had declared three small border communities a “closed military zone,” restricting access to army personnel only.
Shortly after Israel ordered residents of three homes to evacuate, smoke rose from the capital’s southern suburbs, where Hezbollah positions are strong.
Meanwhile, Lebanon’s Hezbollah resistance movement attacked an Israeli base in Metula.
Hezbollah announced that it had launched an artillery strike on Israeli army positions in Metula. Hezbollah also claims to have shelled IDF troops near the localities of al-Odaiseh, Kfar Kila and Shtula.
The number of casualties is rising
Israeli strikes in recent weeks have hit what the military says are thousands of militant targets across much of Lebanon. More than 1,000 people have been killed in Lebanon in the past fortnight, nearly a quarter of them women and children, the health ministry said.
A total of 95 people have been killed and 172 injured over the past 24 hours in Israeli airstrikes on various parts of Lebanon, Lebanon’s Health Ministry said Monday night. According to the ministry, 16 people were killed and 48 injured in the Baalbek-Germel neighbourhood, while another 16 people were killed and 55 injured in Nabatiya governorate.
In addition, four deaths and four injuries were reported in Beirut, as well as 52 deaths and 43 injuries in the southern governorate. In the Bekaa region, seven people were killed and 22 injured.
The world community is expressing concern
On Monday, Prime Minister Narendra Modi in a conversation with his Israeli counterpart Benjamin Netanyahu stressed the need to avoid escalation in the region, two days after Hezbollah confirmed that its secretary general Hassan Nasrallah was killed in an Israeli bombing in Beirut. Modi posted on X during a telephone conversation with the Israeli Prime Minister:
“Spoke to Prime Minister @netanyahu about recent developments in West Asia. Terrorism has no place in our world. It is crucial to prevent regional escalation and ensure the safe release of all hostages. India is committed to supporting efforts for an early restoration of peace and stability.’’
Hours after Israel launched “targeted ground raids” against Hezbollah, US Defence Secretary Lloyd Austin offered Israeli counterpart Yoav Gallant support in “dismantling the attack infrastructure” along the border with Lebanon.
Lloyd Austin also warned Iran of “serious consequences” should it directly attack Israel in response to their attacks on the Tehran-backed militant group. Lloyd Austin said in a statement posted to social network X after speaking with Gallant:
“We agreed on the necessity of dismantling attack infrastructure along the border to ensure that Lebanese Hezbollah cannot conduct October 7-style attacks on Israel’s northern communities.”
UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF) Executive Director Catherine Russell on Monday expressed concern over the deaths of children in Israeli attacks in Lebanon. Russell said on X:
“I am deeply concerned by the rapidly deteriorating humanitarian situation in Lebanon. Over the last week, at least 80 children have reportedly been killed in attacks, while hundreds more have been injured.”
Citing government reports, she said the number of people displaced from their homes by the violence exceeded one million, including more than 300,000 children. She also said:
“Thousands of children and families are now living in the streets or in shelters; many having fled their homes without essential supplies and belongings. Humanitarian conditions are growing worse by the hour.”
Stressing that UNICEF and its partners are working on the ground in Lebanon to provide children and families with the assistance they need, she said teams are delivering drinking water, medicine, mattresses and blankets, as well as hygiene and baby kits. She said, calling for an urgent cessation of hostilities:
“We are providing health and nutrition, child protection and psychosocial support services for children. But as the violence intensifies, so do the humanitarian needs. Any ground offensive or further escalation in Lebanon would make a catastrophic situation for children even worse. Such an outcome must be avoided at all costs.”
Meanwhile, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan condemned on social media platform X Israel’s “brutal” and “inhumane” attacks that killed many Lebanese, including children, and called on the international community to “act swiftly” to ensure global peace, stability and security.
Earlier on Saturday, the Tunisian Foreign Ministry condemned the “brutal aggression” against Lebanon, and called on the UN Security Council to adopt a “decisive and firm position to stop the bombings against the Lebanese people and put an end to the violation of their sovereignty and the threat to their security.”
In a post on X, Jordanian Foreign Minister Ayman Safadi expressed his country’s “solidarity with Lebanon and its people,” reaffirming “support for Lebanon’s sovereignty, security, stability, cohesion, and peace.”
The United Arab Emirates expressed its deep concern over the developments in Lebanon, as well as the consequences of this dangerous situation and its impact on regional stability.
The UAE reaffirmed its unwavering position on Lebanon’s unity, national sovereignty and territorial integrity, emphasising its unwavering support for the Lebanese people during this difficult period. In this regard, President His Highness Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan ordered the urgent delivery of a $100 million aid package to the people of Lebanon.
In a statement, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs affirmed the need for concerted international efforts to halt the escalation and prevent further loss of life. The ministry emphasised the importance of ensuring the full protection of civilians in accordance with international law and treaties.
Jean-Luc Mélenchon, leader of France Unbowed (LFI), wrote on X:
“Catastrophe. The invasion of Lebanon has begun. Lebanon has the right to defend itself against Netanyahu. And countries that support international law should provide it with the means to do so, as they did with the Ukrainians. Solidarity and brotherhood with the Lebanese.”
Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez has condemned the “routine massacres” occurring in Ukraine and the Middle East, urging the international community to break its silence.
Speaking at an award ceremony hosted by La Vanguardia newspaper on Monday, Sánchez emphasised the need to uphold international law and promote peace in both regions. He said:
“If the international community remains silent, we will raise our voices even more to defend international law and peace.”
EU is “very concerned” about situation in Lebanon
Earlier, EU diplomatic chief Josep Borrell, following an informal meeting of EU foreign ministers, called on Israel to refrain from invading Lebanon so as not to aggravate the humanitarian situation. He said:
“Any further military intervention will only exacerbate the situation, it must be avoided. We are very concerned about further escalation of this conflict.”
A number of countries have expressed concern and alarm over Israel’s invasion of the sovereign state of Lebanon, but unlike what was done to Russia, no one is imposing sanctions, suing Israel in international legal bodies, or imposing restrictions. The EU and the US have once again demonstrated double standards in understanding international rules in the world.
Read more HERE
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On connaît tous ce moment de panique : on cherche son téléphone partout, et impossible de mettre la main dessus. Avant de retourner la maison ou de céder à la panique, sachez qu'il existe des solutions simples et gratuites pour localiser votre précieux téléphone gratuitement. Ce guide est là pour vous accompagner pas à pas, avec des explications claires et des astuces utiles, que vous ayez un Android ou un iPhone. 1. Localiser un téléphone Android La plupart des téléphones Android récents sont équipés d'une fonctionnalité intégrée très pratique : "Localiser mon appareil". En effet, cette fonctionnalité permet de retrouver facilement votre téléphone s'il est perdu ou volé, de le faire sonner, ou même de le verrouiller à distance pour protéger vos données Voici comment l'utiliser : Prérequis : Votre téléph... https://www.funinformatique.com/localiser-un-telephone-gratuitement-le-guide-complet/?_unique_id=677d635f6ce00
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L'astuce est basée sur l'emplacement IP et avec des outils gratuits, c'est ce que vous pouvez faire. Ne vous plaignez pas que vous ne pouvez pas localiser exactement ou localiser l'emplacement. De toute évidence, vous avez besoin de plus d'accès et de meilleurs outils pour atteindre un tel degré de précision. Dans cette vidéo, vous lérerez: Suivre l'emplacement d'un numéro de téléphone Tracer l'emplacement d'une personne Suivre l'emplacement de toute personne utilisant Whatsapp Suivre l'emplacement à l'aide de Facebook et Facebook Messenger Suivre quelqu'un sur Tinder Suivez n'importe qui via Instagram, Twitter, e-mail, SMS.
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Des documents récemment publiés ont montré que le CDC prévoyait d'utiliser les données de localisation des téléphones pour surveiller les écoles et les églises, et souhaitait également utiliser les données à de nombreuses fins non liées au COVID-19. https://ns2017.wordpress.com/2022/05/08/des-documents-recemment-publies-ont-montre-que-le-cdc-prevoyait-dutiliser-les-donnees-de-localisation-des-telephones-pour-surveiller-les-ecoles-et-les-eglises-et-souhaitait-egalement-utiliser-les-d/
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Write-up Information.
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Selective Electrosynthesis For Late Stage Peptide Functionalization: A Green Chemistry Strategy.

Nevertheless, it pays to do your research study when it comes to vitamin C skincare, as formulations on the market differ hugely in regards to concentration, strength as well as stability. ' Vitamin C need to be made use of for skin care in focus of approximately 20 per cent. Higher percentages can possibly trigger even more inflammation,' claims Dr Mahto. What's even more, the item you select demands to be effectively stabilised to make certain maximum absorbency right into the skin.
At what age should you start retinol?
Begin in Your Mid '20s or Early '30s "Your mid-twenties are a great time to start using retinol," says Ellen Marmur, M.D. "Many patients who have used it for years swear by it."
So, leeches evolved a healthy protein called hirudin, which potently hinders thrombin. The total evidence-base connected with collagen supplements is restricted.
The peptides have applications in tumor imaging in addition to in cancer cells treatment by means of targeting of payloads and also practical inhibition of ɑvß6. ɑvß6 plays several regulatory features in tumors consisting of TGFß activation, cell proliferation, MMP production, cell intrusion and survival.

Exonucleases, they damage the phosphodiester bond starting from one end of the chain. The ester link is a very high-energy bond releasing an incredible amount of energy upon hydrolysis. Like the rest of the bonds talked about earlier, it is additionally broken down by including a water particle. It is a modified kind of ester linkage in which the oxygen bridge is utilized to attach a carbon atom with a sulfur atom. It is developed as an outcome of the reaction in between the carboxylic group of one particle as well as the thiol group (- SH) of another particle. The carboxylic team sheds the oxygen as well as hydrogen while the thiol group loses its hydrogen and also a thioester bond is formed.
Article Details.
CRPS is a chronic problem connected with joint injuries, which brings about unpleasant and also inflamed joints, as well as adjustments in skin colour. There is additionally sign up now! that collagen supplements might assist in the therapy of rheumatoid joint inflammation; which is an inflammatory type of joint inflammation that brings about swelling as well as discomfort in the joints. But this proof is mixed, and there is much stronger proof to sustain well established clinical therapies for rheumatoid joint inflammation, such as the medicine methotrexate.
A small number of human studies have actually additionally found that taking collagen supplements might assist to maintain and also enhance bone mass. Nevertheless, comparable to the research studies associated with muscle mass, we can't eliminate that the positive influence of collagen in these studies might result from a boost in total protein consumption, instead of a details benefit pertaining to collagen. Consequently, supplementing with vitamin C might be useful for joint wellness in those who have a reduced consumption of this vitamin. There is additionally some evidence which recommends that supplementing with 500mg of vitamin C each day for 50 days may decrease the threat of establishing complex local pain disorder after a wrist crack.
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The ability of radiolabelled variations of the peptide to precisely localise to ɑvß6-expressing xenografts in vivo, consisting of bust as well as pancreatic, has actually been demonstrated by PET DOG as well as SPECT. Human MHC class I molecules are encoded by a collection of genes-- HLA-A, HLA-B as well as HLA-C (HLA means 'Human Leukocyte Antigen', which is the human equivalent of MHC particles located in the majority of animals). These genes are extremely polymorphic, which means that each person has his/her very own HLA allele set. The consequences of these polymorphisms are differential sensitivities to infection and also autoimmune diseases that may arise from the high diversity of peptides that can bind to MHC course I in various individuals. Also, MHC class I polymorphisms make it practically impossible to have a best cells suit in between contributor as well as recipient, and hence are in charge of graft denial. The normal procedure of antigen discussion via the MHC I molecule is based on a communication between the T-cell receptor and also a peptide bound to the MHC class I molecule. There is likewise a communication in between the CD8+ molecule on the surface of the T cell and also non-peptide binding areas on the MHC course I molecule.
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Hydrogen bond is created as in between a hydrogen atom as well as a very electronegative atom like oxygen or nitrogen. When a hydrogen atom comes within the electron affinity of a very electronegative atom like oxygen or nitrogen, electrostatic pressures of attraction among the proton of hydrogen and the single set of electrons in oxygen or nitrogen. Endonucleases, they can damage the phosphodiester bond even from within the chain of nucleotides.
Careful Electrosynthesis For Late Phase Peptide Functionalization: A Green Chemistry Technique.
It strongly hydrates skin for 24 hr, in addition to visibly restoring and also firming skin. Infused with Olay's Vitamin B3 & Peptides, its moisture-binding formula passes through up to 10 layers deep right into skin surface & assists optimize surface cell revival. It highly moistens skin for 24-hour, visibly restores & companies skin. Especially designed with SPF30 to assist safeguard skin from damaging UVA as well as UVB rays.
How do you make homemade peptides?
The overall process goes like this: 1. Remove the FMOC protecting group from the amine side of the amino acid. 2. Add the next amino acid in the chain and coupling activation reagents. 3. Repeat step's 1 and 2 until the sequence is complete. 4. Cleave the peptide from the resin.
A glycoprotein is a substance consisting of carbohydrate covalently linked to protein. The carbohydrate may remain in the type of a monosaccharide, disaccharide. oligosaccharide, polysaccharide, or their derivatives (e.g. sulfo- or phospho-substituted). Proteoglycans are a subdivision of glycoproteins in which the carbohydrate devices are polysaccharides that contain amino sugars. Infused with Olay's Vitamin B3 & Peptides, its fragrance-free moisture-binding formula permeates as much as 10 layers deep into skin surface & assists optimize surface cell renewal.
A few little researches have actually found that eating collagen, in the type of gelatin, may bring about a decrease in cravings. It is worth keeping in mind that each of these researches included less than 25 individuals, as well as none determined real adjustments in weight.
Bioactive Peptides
Hence, peptide presented in complex with MHC class I can just be recognised by CD8+ T cells. This interaction belongs of so-called 'three-signal activation design', and in fact stands for the initial signal. The next signal is the communication between CD80/86 on the APC as well as CD28 externally of the T cell, followed by a 3rd signal-- the production of cytokines by the APC which totally activates the T cell to provide a details response. In order to can involving the key elements of adaptive immunity (uniqueness, memory, diversity, self/nonself discrimination), antigens have to be refined as well as provided to immune cells. Antigen discussion is mediated by MHC class I molecules, and also the course II particles discovered on the surface of antigen-presenting cells and certain various other cells. The carboxyl team of the muramic acid is frequently replaced by a peptide having residues of both L- and also D-amino acids, whereas that of L-talosaminuronic acid is replaced by a peptide containing L-amino acids only.

The toughest evidence is connected to skin health and decreases in joint pain from workout or osteoarthritis. As one of the most bountiful healthy protein in the body, collagen serves a number of vital architectural features. Dietary collagen is more difficult for our body to absorb, as compared with hydrolysed variations. It is also essential to keep in mind that collagen supplements are usually stemmed from fish-- for that reason any person who has a fish allergic reaction must avoid this sort of supplement. Vegan collagen supplements are readily available, which are made from genetically customized bacteria and yeast.
Retinoids should be your initial port of telephone call, according to the professionals. They're often described as the gold criterion in skin care, many thanks to their capacity to motivate cell turnover at warp speed. In other words, clinical research study showing the results of collagen drinks on skin is lacking, so if you seek a more tried-and-tested means to enhance your skin wellness, you might be better spending your money in other places. Happily, there are a handful of alternatives verified to enhance the skin's collagen degrees when applied topically. Study the research subjects of 'Introducing chemical performance in fmoc-peptide gels for cell culture'. Gelatine is a substance originated from the collagen of pets such as chickens, cattle, pigs and fish.
' Eating a well balanced diet plan with appropriate protein-- either plant based or pet-- will certainly improve collagen manufacturing,' says Griggs. What's more, vitamin C is located in abundance in most fruits and vegetables, so make sure you're obtaining your 10 a day. Of course, rubbing on the skincare isn't the only way to top up your collagen levels.
Kind I collagen is vital for skin flexibility and stamina, and a loss of collagen in the skin, which occurs naturally with aging, can bring about wrinkles. It is also one of the most bountiful protein in the body-- bookkeeping for about 30% of our total protein web content. Collagen is an important part of connective tissues-- which give assistance, framework as well as protection in our body, as well as binding with each other organs or various other tissues. The coiling of RNA chain onto itself occurs by means of hydrogen bonding.
Multi-weight Hyaluronic Acid hydrates as well as plumps, while sophisticated Prebiotics balance skin's microbiome to make sure maximum skin wellness.
provensarms.com from communications in between electrons of the dual bond of the carbonyl team and also those of the C-- N bond such that the latter gets partial (about 40%) double-bond residential properties.
This ultra-hydrating formula integrates the most up to date age-defying technology to proactively deal with the look of expression lines and lessened volume.
This then clears the means for the other Peptides in the facility to permeate the skin, such as Matrixyl 3000 and also Argirelox.
Linus Pauling, in the 1930s, used X-ray diffraction to check out the nature of the peptide bond developed between two amino acids.
He reported that the peptide team (Carbon Monoxide-- NH) has a stiff planar structure.
All kinds of gelatine for use in medications are manufactured under strict hygiene and safety and security guidelines. Hence, venom-based insecticides can assist deal with the 1000 or two insect pests that minimize the world's crop production by an approximated 10-- 14%. The cone snail-- the world's most dangerous snail-- causes hypoglycaemia to sedate fish prior to capture.
One more little study located that taking a day-to-day collagen peptide supplement for 6 months brought about improvements in nail toughness as well as development. However, this only consisted of 25 participants, as well as there was no sugar pill team-- which decreases the stamina of this evidence. There is some emerging evidence which recommends that taking hydrolysed collagen supplements may help to lower creases and improve collagen degrees in the skin, along with skin hydration and also skin elasticity. However, there are issues with several of the researches in this area, for instance some are really tiny, as well as do not use a control team. Additionally, even more studies are needed in connection with the possible use of collagen supplements in skin disease like eczema. In fact, collagen is thought to comprise around 75% of our skin's dry weight.
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