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#yogahollis . . Me, Myself and I … meditating. . . Live-Streaming Yoga Practice, 12 noon: Monday/Wednesday/Friday 11 am: Saturday Contact for info . . . . . . . #meditation #yoga #livestream #livestreamyoga #livestreamyogaclasses #yogapractice #onlineyoga #yogaonline #meditate #breathe #instayoga #instayogi #homepractice #homepracticeyoga #menofyoga #menwhomeditate #yogateacher #lifeofayogateacher https://www.instagram.com/p/CS3gq1jLE_7/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Namaskar Ihr Lieben, In dieser gerade stressigen Zeit, mit dem verstärkten, verlängerten Lockdown, Homeoffice, Homeschooling, Single sein, Kinder Betreuung zu Hause sowie eine ungewisse Zukunft besteht die Herausforderung auf seine Gesundheit zu achten. UND natürlich vergisst man das im Alltag ganz schnell wieder, vielleicht hast du dann körperliche Schmerzen, bist unkonzentriert, fühlst dich gestresst oder du wirst sogar krank. Jetzt stell dir mal vor… … du würdest dich rundum wohl, gesund und ausgeglichen in deinem Körper und Geist fühlen … du würdest beweglicher, Körperliche Schmerzen lösen sich auf ... du würdest konzentrierter und gelassen sein Dann könnte das folgende Online Event genau das richtige für dich sein. Online Yoga Days - 100 % kostenlos ausprobieren - Vom 01.02.- 04.02.21 kannst du meine Yoga @ home Einheiten 4 Tage kostenlos & absolut unverbindlich per Zoom- Livestream kennen lernen. Yoga @ home 01.02.21 | MO | 18:00 – 19:00 Uhr | Hatha Yoga | Basic/ Medium 02.02.21 | DI | 18:00 – 19:00 Uhr | Yin Yoga | Frauen 03.02.21 | MI | 18:00 – 19:00 Uhr | Ayur Yoga | Vata 04.02.21 | DO | 18:00 – 19:00 Uhr | Yin Yoga | Rücken, Nacken und Schultern 100% KOSTENLOS AUSPROBIEREN! Was erwartet dich .... In den 4 Tagen lernst du unterschiedliche Yoga Stil Möglichkeiten kennen, die deine Gesundheit stärken, deine körperliche sowie geistige Entspannung fördern sowie Blockaden, die durch unterdrückte Emotionen, wie Wut, Traurigkeit, Frust, Angst oder Stimmungstief entstehen zu lösen. Facebook 👇 https://fb.me/e/14tD8dYCi Jetzt Anmelden - Begrenzte Teilnehmer Anzahl - 👇 [email protected] Mehr Infos auf meiner Webseite 👇 https://lakshmi-ayuryoga.com Ich freue mich auf dich! Om shanti Deine, Nadine P.S. Sharing is caring. Wenn du jemanden kennst der/ die bereit ist für ihre Gesundheit 2021 dann sende diese Nachricht gerne weiter und teile das Event. - Ich weiß das er/ sie es dir danken wird.#yogalove #yogalivestream #liveyoga #onlineyoga #onlineyogaclasses #onlineyogateacher #onlineyogastudio #livestream #livestreamyoga #yogalove #healthy #yogapractice #meditation #hathayoga #ayuryoga #yinyoga #rückenyoga #homeoffice #homeofficeyoga (hier: Lakshmi life ayurveda yoga) https://www.instagram.com/p/CKRm-DRHyU3/?igshid=83w60ap3gbst
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Catch me on a Reolay @kulayogaproject via @chooseunion Kula Flow 1/2 and select 9/29 for today’s “hips activation and mobility plus a sweet prep for Side Crow #ardhabakasana #senecalake this was yesterday so@beautiful and sunny #yogawverywhere #livestreamyoga ##journey #yogaontheroad 🙏🎉⚡️💕🙌 (at Seneca Lake, Finger Lakes, NY) https://www.instagram.com/p/CFvWr2Mj4uX/?igshid=1i1g13zv2bdkt
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🧘🏽♀️ONLINE CLASS SCHEDULE 11 May – 17 MAY🧘🏽♀️ I will teach a limited number of online classes next week, as I’m planning to spend (finally) some quality time with my family 🥰 That week will be probably the last week I can spend in Hungary for who knows how long 😢 🦠 It’s time to return to Germany soon and resume teaching live - including aerial 🤩 Classes can be booked on the link in bio ⬆️ ✨MONDAY✨ VINYASA DEEP & SLOW CET 19.30 @elementsofyoga (English) ✨WEDNESDAY✨ FLOW & RESTORE 17.00 @blissyoga_muelheim (German/Deutsch) YIN YOGA CET 19.30 @elementsofyoga (English) ✨THURSDAY✨ YIN YOGA CET 17.15 @your_yoga_now (German/Deutsch) ✨FRIDAY✨ YIN YOGA 17.00 @blissyoga_muelheim (German/Deutsch) #donationbasedyoga #onlineyoga #onlineyogaclass #onlineyogini #practiceyogaathome #yogaathome #onlineyogawithliz #greenomletonlineyoga #livestreamyoga #yogini #asana #yogapose #yogalife #yogateacher #ryt450 #certifiedyogateacher #yogainstagram #yogadaily #yogaprogress #yogainduisburg #yogaduisburg #yogaindusseldorf #yogadusseldorf #igyogacommunity #iloveyoga #myyogalife #practiceyoga #yogalifestyle #yogaliving #yogamakesmehappy (at Békéscsaba) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_7PZjNjZ1B/?igshid=1nl7rcytsawwc
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EASY ACCESS LINK IS IN OUR INSTAGRAM STORY! * Lonely in quarantine? Join Sam @leighace1313 and our favorite yoga app DownDog this morning at 8am on our YouTube channel for a friendly and helpful yoga practice. * * * * * #spintronix #spintronixguard #thanksspintronix #yoga #yogapractice #livestream #livestreamyoga #liveyoga (at Spintronix Color Guard) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_2OEjBlC8i/?igshid=1v3c9whu1i7hi
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Find me on Facebook this Sunday evenings at 7pm for a complimentary Yoga Lounge Livestream. Go to https://facebook.com/sandy.gola, turn notifications on. This evening’s focus will be on renewal and living with a sense of wonder. Some call it having a beginners mind. Playlist for tonight, Yoga Lounge 18: On Apple Music: https://music.apple.com/us/playlist/yoga-lounge-18-30-minute/pl.u-VyA9Uj07bW , On Amazon: https://music.amazon.com/user-playlists/389acbf6224c454087c045516b96964esune?ref=dm_sh_RCKV4k5tKK7esW4zGaQ2Qpu9Y, On Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/4UDwCseYbJu4TRuGsLUfXD?si=bDEpsQaYTnuZ5NLfBmJp7Q #yogalounge #amethystprojectyoga #thestudio108 #livestreamyoga (at Bloomfield, New Jersey) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_LR9lujROQ/?igshid=1xns42v3cvbhu
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For those that want to join, I’ll be live streaming a 10 minute yoga sequence every Monday morning at 7am starting on 13th April. I’ll be live streaming on my Yourube challenge at www.youtube.com/c/Cycletrekkers or you can visit my website and follow the link from there :) #30dayyogachallenge #youtubechannel #yogachallenge #morningyoga #10minuteyoga #dailyyoga #yogachallenge2020 #yogawithkelly #bristolyoga #homeyogapractice #beginnersyoga #morningstretch #morningyogaroutine #challengeyourself #goodhabits #livestreamyoga #aprilchallenge (at Bristol, United Kingdom) https://www.instagram.com/p/B-rItwyJJRM/?igshid=1jbovry1iahp
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Namaste & welcome to my page. Here I will be sharing with you my yoga journey. I'm sure you must have heard the phrase “one for the kitchen, one for the soul”. Likewise, by profession I am an Architect and Yoga is my passion. I got my passion translated to a Certificate on the wall from an 103 yr old institute in Mumbai. Now, I teach Yoga daily(online & offline) and really enjoy every practice which I share with my students. Watching them grow and excel just answers this one question that always popped up in my busy work life. Most of us always come across this question, “What is my purpose in life?” Whenever I was struck with this question, I found myself sitting alone on my mat, listening to Pink Floyd, Bob Marley, John Lennon, etc. Just grooving to the good music, I was in love with the union of the lyrics to the movements of my body. When I did my teachers training course, a great emphasis was given to the word “Self Awareness” & “ Consciousness”. It was about diving deep into your true self and exploring the darkness, bringing light to it and blooming. I'm on this journey. Come join me! . . . . . . . #yogateacher #yogastudio #yogainstructor #yogateachertraining #yogaforall #yogastudent #yogaforeverybody #yogateachers #yogaworkshop #yogateacherlife #yogatraining #onlineyoga #yogaonline #freeyoga #gentleyoga #liveyoga #yogalive #virtualyoga #onlineyogaclasses #yogaworkshops #zoomyoga #yogainstructors #kidsyogateacher #yogateacher #yogateacherintraining #yogateacherslife #livestreamyoga #yogawithvalanni (at Mumbai, Maharashtra) https://www.instagram.com/p/CMm8Uc8IU8p/?igshid=1hg7xktyfle4m
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Yoga every hour - 108 Sun Salutations Challenge from YogaEveryHour on Vimeo.
108 The number 108 is considered a sacred number in yoga, why? 108 = a number that symbolises wholeness of existence. 108 = the number of prayer beads you will find on a mala or garland, these beads sit on a string with an additional ‘guru bead’ by which they rotate around – just like planets orbiting the sun. Beads are counted during mantra chanting – 1 bead is counted each time you recite your chosen mantra. 108 = the number of sacred points there are on the body in Ayurveda, these points are seen as vital for giving life to living beings, it is at these points that consciousness and flesh intersect. 108 = the distance between the sun and the earth is this many times the suns diameter. 108 = the number of sun salutations that are traditionally complete to honour change, for example the changing of seasons. This Sunday – 21st June is the first day of summer, it is also international yoga day. At 12pm BST on Sunday 21st June we will be going live on the @yogaeveryhour Instagram page to complete 108 sun salutations. Challenge yourself, join us for the whole 108 sun salutations or just for a few if you like as we welcome the summer together. Be sure to tag us in your efforts and use the hashtag #yogaeveryhour Here is to a summer full of warmth kindness and happy memories. Namaste, The yoga every hour team! @the_strong_yogi @calisthenicsgenetics @_koyomy_ @gemini_on_hands. #yogaeveryhour #yoga #YEHchallange #108sunsalutations #summer #live #livestreamyoga
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Guess what? ❤️Live stream yoga tonight! ❤️6-7pm ❤️Sign up at simplyyogaindy.com ❤️Link will be sent about 30 minutes before class! ♥️♥️♥️ . #kiragrace #amazingkiragrace #kiragraceyoga #livestreamyoga #showupforyourself #shinebright #goldengemini #goldengeminiyoga (at Zionsville, Indiana) https://www.instagram.com/p/B-HfMyjjpD0/?igshid=qrx7gpepg4mi
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Wish I could teach my class from this deck. I will bring the water and air energy for tomorrow: kula Flow 1/2 at 10:30am @kulayogaproject via @chooseunion - I may be inside because the weather says “rain” but will definitely think of the sun, the lake and the beautiful air. #senecalake #yogainspired #water #air #livestreamyoga https://www.instagram.com/p/CFr55FFjbtz/?igshid=143n7gw21cji1
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ONLINE CLASS SCHEDULE 4 May – 10 MAY Book on the link in bio above ⬆️ ✨MONDAY✨ EVENING FLOW CET 18.00 DONATION BASED (English) VINYASA DEEP & SLOW CET 19.30 @elements of yoga (English) ✨TUESDAY✨ MORNING FLOW CET 10.00 DONATION BASED (English) ✨WEDNESDAY✨ FLOW & RESTORE 17.00 @Bliss Yoga (German/Deutsch) YOGA NIDRA CET 18.30 DONATION BASED (English) YIN YOGA CET 19.30 @elements of yoga (English) ✨THURSDAY✨ VINYASA DEEP & SLOW CET 19.30 @elements of yoga (English) ✨FRIDAY✨ YIN 17.00 @Bliss Yoga (German/Deutsch) FLOW & RESTORE CET 18.§0 DONATION BASED (English) ✨SATURDAY✨ STAY HEALTHY NATURALLY WITH ESSENTIAL OILS - FREE ONLINE CLASS CET 18.00 (English) #donationbasedyoga #onlineyoga #onlineyogaclass #onlineyogini #practiceyogaathome #yogaathome #onlineyogawithliz #greenomletonlineyoga #livestreamyoga #essentailoilclass #essentialoilworkshop #introductiontoessentialoils #yogini #asana #yogapose #yogalife #yogateacher #ryt450 #certifiedyogateacher #yogainstagram #yogadaily #yogaprogress #igyogacommunity #iloveyoga #myyogalife #practiceyoga #yogalifestyle #yogaliving #yogamakesmehappy Photo by @antoninaaxyli 📸 https://www.instagram.com/p/B_o2CyAD9fz/?igshid=jw06zd7jbepk
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Lonely in quarantine? Join Sam @leighace1313 and our favorite yoga app DownDog tomorrow morning at 8am on our YouTube channel for a friendly and helpful yoga practice. * * * * * #spintronix #spintronixguard #thanksspintronix #yoga #yogapractice #livestream #livestreamyoga #liveyoga (at Spintronix Color Guard) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_1F5LiFJMx/?igshid=1sz6bwleum969
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🤸🏽♂️YOGA CLASSES🤸🏽♂️ Great to be back in studio and gym, and there are still a couple of online classes available on my schedule. I’ve had a few requests for a full schedule so here goes: 🤸🏽♂️MONDAY 6pm Hatha in studio and online @thezensheduk 🤸🏽♂️WEDNESDAY 6:45pm Yoga @davidlloyd_worcester 🤸🏽♂️THURSDAY 9am Online Flow @yahra.uk 🤸🏽♂️FRIDAY 7:30am Meditation Online @yahra.uk 🤸🏽♂️FRIDAY 10:30 Mobilise & Stretch @davidlloyd_worcester 🤸🏽♂️SATURDAY 12:30 Yoga @davidlloyd_worcester 🤸🏽♂️SUNDAY 9:45am Rise & Shine in-studio and online @thezensheduk I look forward to seeing you in class! #shashaspiritledlife #onlineyoga #yogastudioclasses #gymclasses #davidlloydgyms #seeyouinclass #yogaworcester #worcsyoga #livestreamyoga #timelapse #yogaschedule https://www.instagram.com/p/CDdkA0HDQl1/?igshid=1gln6dab7gzmg
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Curious to know how fitness trainers are training people during pandemic? #livestreming #livestreamingnow #livestreamingfitness #livestreamingtips #livestreamyoga #mobileappdevelopment #mobileappdevelopmentcompany #livestreamworkout #livestreamfitness #livesessions #livestreamer #livestreamclasses #onlinefitness #onlinefitnessclass #onlinefitnessclasses #onlinefitnesscoach #onlinefitnessprogram #onlinefitnesstraining #ottlivestreaming #smallbusiness #SME #entrepreneur #entrepreneurs #startup #startups #appdevelopers #appdeveloper #businessideas #businessidea #businesstips
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[ Living Yoga Sadhana Online ] One week@ a time. #stayhomeConscious . Being self-luminous You cause everything to shine; Delighting in your form You fill the universe with delight; Rocking with your own bliss You make the whole world dance with joy. - Utpaladeva, Hymn 13-16 Shivastotravali . Join me live every day and build a Sadhana to reveal the highest expression of yourself as you move through this period of change and uncertainty. . https://app.namastream.com/#/irana-jian-anapnoe-yoga/product/6891 . Contact me on WhatsApp if you need more info: +30 6937 375694 . #yogaonline #stillnessinmovemet #consciousness #revealwoman #yoga #stayhome #meditation #essence #yogalifestyle #anapnoeyoga #liveyoga #yogateacher#yogaparos #yogashala #woman #yogamandala #iranajianyoga #integralyoga #healigmovement #transformationalyoga #findyourcenter #alignwithyoursoul #BeProfessional #RealYoga #stopDestroyingMotherNature #consciousliving #livestreamyoga (at Awakening Yoga Retreats & Trainings) https://www.instagram.com/p/B-mFPfjKXTG/?igshid=mwrj8ep9ihui
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