#little Nestor
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marak00 · 24 days ago
Запись №5
Маленький Нестор снова вещает (я скоро в новостной канал превращусь)
Пруссия решил очень подробно окунуть нас во все прелести тевтонского образа. И у него это получилось очень интересно кстати. Такой формат, оригинален, как глоток свежего воздуха среди огромного количества простых и коротких реблогов
Австрия по примеру Японии, впал в культурный шок. Австрийского аристократа сломало понятие о "мужской беременности"
Россия и Япония (Возможно даже мистер Пруссия) готовы заключить дружественный союз. Кику предложил Российской федерации укрепить их дружественные отношения, на что Иван Брагинский отреагировал очень положительно, что не может не радовать, ведь на сегодняшний день увидеть хорошие взаимоотношения между странами – большая редкость
А с вами был маленький Нестор, всего прекрасного вам
Little Nestor is broadcasting again (I'm about to turn into a news channel)
Prussia decided to plunge us into all the delights of the Teutonic image in great detail. And he did it very interestingly by the way. This format, original, is like a breath of fresh air among a huge number of simple and short reblogs
Austria, following the example of Japan, went into culture shock. The Austrian aristocrat was broken by the notion of "male pregnancy"
Russia and Japan (Perhaps even Mr. Prussia) are ready to make a friendly alliance. Kiku proposed to the Russian Federation to strengthen their friendly relations, to which Ivan Braginsky reacted very positively, which can not but please, because today to see good relations between countries - a great rarity
And with you was little Nestor, all the best to you
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epicthemusicalstuff · 3 months ago
Love how in The Horse And The Infant we see a bunch of the Greek soldiers and big names from the Trojan war- and in Epic they are just never mentioned again. (All the more reason Jorge should do a Iliad musical…)
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the-delta-42 · 7 days ago
Snippets #2
Penelope: *In her room glaring at her guests* Diomedes: *Leaning towards Teucer, whispering* I think she's happy so see us. Teucer: *whispering* I think you're wrong. Helen: Pene-- Penelope: You broke an oath to the Gods and started a war that claimed the lives of many of our friends and is the suspected cause of my husband's absence. Helen: ... Menelaus: ... Penelope: Opening me up to 108 pigs disguised as men trying to claim my hand in marriage and threatening my son's life. Neo: ... Nestor: ... Lil' Ajax: ... Penelope: The same men who are loudly planning to murder Telemachus, force themselves on me and then, presumably, kill me. Guard #1: We can still evacuate you, my Queen. Penelope: A Spartan doesn't run. Guard #8: *Bursting through the door* There's a beggar killing everyone! Penelope:... All her guests: ... Penelope: How? Guard #8: He hid all their weapons and strung the King's bow, he's fighting like he knows these halls like the back of his hand! Penelope & Guests: ... Penelope: *Fiddling with her hair* This Beggar, how tall is he? Guard #8: He comes to your shoulder, I think. Penelope: *Takes a deep breath* Did he mention building the palace? Guard #8:... Penelope:... Guard #1:... Guests:... Guard #8: Oh shit, he's the King. Penelope: Everyone leave, and don't come back for three weeks.
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vint-knight · 5 months ago
The Greeks whenever Odysseus yaps about Penelope in a non important meeting during the 10 years of Troy:
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dootznbootz · 1 year ago
Diomedes: Odysseus! I need your help! Nestor's in trouble! Odysseus:
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(Book 8 of the Iliad)
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sol-thorne · 2 years ago
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When the war becomes too tiring and the men become too weary, it is up to the kings to lighten up the mood. Thus stands Odysseus, once again recounting the story of his scar. Everyone knows it by heart, but still they listen. It will be a long day tomorrow.
I've been wanting to draw my designs for the Achaeans in one full illustration for some time now, finished this in like twelve hours with barely any breaks because I'M OBSESSED. I love these broken men.
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Hope y'all like them, because I'm still gonna draw them everywhere. x)
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tastytoastz · 2 months ago
Commissar Yarrick 🤝 General Nestor 🤝Captain Varrow
Being an orks "favourite humie"
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quichecat · 1 year ago
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hire this pawn for more fun facts
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kismetconstellations · 2 months ago
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Though, Rudolph, I just love you, I know you'd want it said, Nestor's ears are lovely as A reindeer's nose is red So children, if you're happy When you trim your Christmas trees You might thank a little donkey Whose ears hung to his knees. Look at little Nestor, He's got ears that drag the ground They shouted as they praised him, And his friends all gathered around. Nestor's heart was happy And his eyes held no more tears. Now all the world knows Nestor for his laughter, And his ears.
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littledeathlittleghost · 23 days ago
I loooveeee blankgameplays I love blankgameplays I love blank gameplay s I love blank g I love blank.
Expect art of him soon.
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neonmetro · 8 months ago
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some designs of the achaeans + helen and paris
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taylorshope · 1 year ago
A Dark Pictures game is not complete without a slightly pathetic Silly Little Guy™️
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egotank · 4 months ago
Hi, Celine! Can you write something for Unus? With the anniversary being today/tomorrow, I figured he could use a bit of comfort. Please and thank you! -Mark
Four Years Is Too Long
Unus lays down a black rose upon the black and white coffin.
Four years. Four years ago he and Annus came to exist as egos. Four years since he first filmed with Annus.
Four years too long.
He pouts thinking to himself he hadn’t even realized he was regressing until Annus arrived laying his white rose upon the coffin.
“It’s okay Angel I got you.”
Annus spoke enveloping Unus in a hug when had Unus begun to cry he didn’t know but it felt good to be in Annus’ strong arms again.
“Missed you.”
Unus whines into Annus’ chest.
“I know Angel four years is too long but you always got me don’t you ever forget it.”
Annus spoke, giving Unus head pats.
Sorry for how short it is but I wanted to keep it very soft. -Celine
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the-delta-42 · 6 days ago
Snippets #4
Telemachus: Diabetes Diomedes: Telemarketing Agamemnon: Arch-hiles Achilles: A game on Odysseus: Nestor, what are they doing? Nestor: Well, Penelope's Bitch, they're going over their code names. Odysseus: *Realises what Nestor called him* Hey! Teucer: He's not wrong, you do ask Penelope's permission to do anything. Lil' Ajax: You didn't build the horse until you got her permission. Odysseus:...That doesn't mean I'm her bitch. Penelope: Yes it does Odysseus: Yes it does
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lnfours · 2 years ago
you leaving ur stuffed animal at ethan’s place and he wont let it go 😁
an ethan request 🥺 u know me too well
also this concept is something i will absolutely 100% die for.
blurb night!
you had made the mistake of leaving one of the stuffed bears ethan had got for you at his place one night. you were rushing to get back to your apartment to beat the traffic, hence leaving mr. snuggles (yes he had a name) behind.
little to your knowledge, he had been sleeping with it every night ever since you left it. it was soft and it smelled like your shampoo mixed with a little bit of your perfume. it was like he was sleeping next to you whenever he held it, bringing him the most amount of comfort you could ever imagine.
you didn’t know that he had been sleeping with the bear until one morning you walked into his bedroom to find him still fast asleep in bed. spencer was at his feet, his head shooting up to look at you as he wagged his tail.
“hi spence,” you giggled, giving the dog a little scratch behind his ear, “daddy’s still sleeping, huh?”
you looked over at ethan’s sleeping state, noticing the brown stuffed bear tucked under his cheek. he had ended up sleeping on top of it, treating it like it was a pillow. you smiled softly, giggling to yourself as you walked over to the boy. you shook his shoulder softly, enough to stir him awake.
“babe, i have breakfast and coffee in the kitchen.”
he mumbled something incoherent before pulling you down on top him on the mattress. you sighed, acknowledging the fact that you weren’t going to be leaving this bed anytime soon.
“you stole mr. snuggles?” you giggled as you laid your head on top of his chest. he nuzzled his face into your hair.
“it’s not stealing if you left it here.”
“okay, but you sleep with it?”
“yeah,” he lazily admitted, “smells like you.”
you smiled softly as he dozed off back to sleep, debating to yourself on whether or not you were going to “accidentally” leave it at his house again this weekend.
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holy-mother-of-whumpers · 2 months ago
Chapter update for what was The Nasty Iphigenia Business but in this work of the series is approaching more toxic non-con Aga/Ody ^^'
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How do bad things happen? When good people, or people in power, are
Looking away.
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...except the concussion I suppose. But, to be honest...
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I might take it a little slower on the next updates because that part needs a little more editing.
Or not, every time I try to work at my other fic I procrastinate by working on this fic instead (the writers and artists and adhd people know what I'm talking about) 😂😭
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