#little!clint barton
danny-likes-sharks · 5 months
i feel like when they're both regressed they're pretty much siblings, of course clint is natasha's big brother.
nat's really little sister coded in general and clint is just happy to look out for her.
he's the only one who can calm her down when she gets scared and she's the only one who can calm him down when he gets overstimulated from hearing.
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Could I ask for a little clint moodboard?
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Absolutely!!! I hope this is the vibe you wanted!!!
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incorrectquotesmcu · 7 months
Kate: I just kept talking, I couldn’t stop!
Clint: Isn’t that, I dunno, life for you?
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to-be-a-dreamer · 20 days
I do acknowledge that the Marvel writers were, to a certain extent, trapped in production hell when it came to adapting Clint Barton into the MCU and I do appreciate the glimpses of his comic personality that they managed to sneak into the MCU. Some of my favorites include but are not limited to:
“Look the city is-is flying. The city is flying. We’re fighting an army of robots. And I have a bow and arrow. None of this makes sense”
When faced with a completely unknown opponent who’s clearly some kind of enhanced the middle of a fight: “We haven’t met yet, I’m Clint.”
“Nobody would know. Nobody. Last I saw him an Ultron was sitting on him. Yeah I miss him already that quick little bastard.”
“Unfortunately, he’s still Barton” “Oh that’s terrible” Because he’s a little SHIT
“You’re no match for him Cap.” “Thanks Barton”
Hits a bullseye on the dart board half a centimeter from Tony’s face with absolutely no warning just because he can
In THE maximum security prison getting lectured by Tony Stark: “Blah blah blah…”
Actively lying on the floor after getting his shit rocked by a child: “Yeah you better run.”
Smugly, towards the aforementioned child: “What? You didn’t see that coming?”
Doesn’t tell his teammates that he’s taking them to his secret farmhouse in the middle of nowhere where he has a secret family. Also does not tell his wife that he’s bringing the entire Avengers lineup to her house. Because he’s a dramatic bitch with abysmal communication skills.
Does a stupid little dramatic flourish just to shoot an arrow into the fucking wall in front of literally no one but Wanda. Just for funsies.
Is played by Jeremy Renner, who I can’t Google without learning about his latest life-threatening injury. On brand.
Turns his hearing aids off at a bad musical
“Good thing they call you HawkEYE and not HawkEAR” “Hahaha. Block. Delete.” (100% did not block and delete)
Casually boards the subway after a whole entire car chase
“And the Challenger gets wrecked anyway!”
“How’s my apartment?” “…crispy”
“Sorry Santa!”
“You rely too much on technology” “Well my weapon of choice is a stick and a string”
“I’ve been taking karate since I was five” “Oh so last year?”
“Oh hey… I know you” Casually hands over the most powerful weapon in the universe.
To an actual literal chipmunk after he just jumped out the window of a skyscraper and landed in the Time Square Christmas tree “…hey”
“Clint where are you?” “I’m in the tree!” “What? Which tree?” “THE three!”
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melaclintbartoncorner · 7 months
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natashaslesbian · 5 months
We Saved Each Other (Part Seven)
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Summary: Your mom starts to notice some differences in your behaviour and she’s not the only one. With the help of Maria and Clint they figure out the next steps
Word Count: 1.9k
Parings: (Natasha x Daughter!Reader) (Natasha x Clint) (Natasha x Maria)
Warnings: Crying, panic attacks, talks of autism symptoms/diagnosis (written from personal experience with my own autism)
A week ago, you and Natasha moved into Clint’s barn. It had been recently refurbished so it was the perfect place for you and your mom to take residency in. There was a cozy fireplace in the living room and the windows held a beautiful view of the wide fields. Although you were excited to have your new mommy and be living next door to your uncle, auntie and cousins, you were having a hard time settling in. Natasha was starting to notice some differences in your behaviour, the way you reacted to light and sounds and the subtle ways you were a little different to Lila. The young Barton was the only example Nat had of a normal upbringing for a child and in the months you’ve been with her it was obvious you weren’t developing in the same way. Natasha just thought it was your red room upbringing, they didn’t exactly care about the well being of their widows.
The interruption to your routine once again had Natasha’s suspicions on high alert. You were seeming to thrive at the tower but this big change was taking its toll on you. It was yet another restless night for you both, you were again taking residence in your mamas bedroom. “Come on sweetheart, just close those pretty eyes and I’m sure you’ll be asleep before you know it” Natasha whispered “I don’t like the sheets mommy” you whined. Your mom had brought seven different sets of bedsheets by now, both for your bed and her own, but you seemed to hate them all. “I know baby, I promise I’ll go and get our old ones in the morning” Natasha said as she gently stroked your head. You were desperate for your old bedsheets, they were so soft and comfy, they felt like heaven. You continued to fidget a little longer until the exhaustion finally caught up with you and you finally fell asleep.
Breakfast was the next mountain to climb, there had been no time to grocery shop so the cupboards were filled with little to nothing from the Barton’s pantry. Every morning you had coco pops, but since moving in all there had been were cornflakes and you hated them. They went soggy in the milk and got stuck all around your teeth. Natasha has tried to offer you other alternates including pop tarts but all you wanted were your coco pops. “You won’t grow big and strong if you don’t eat your breakfast y/n” Natasha cooed in the hopes today would be the day you would actually eat the cornflakes (or anything else for that matter). “I don’t like it” you mumbled as your eyes became watery “oh sweetheart don’t cry” Natasha said as she came to your side “how about mommy takes a trip to the store after I pick up our sheets okay?” She suggested “yes please” you said.
You begged Natasha to take you with her to the tower, you couldn’t bare to leave her side. Your mom explained that there was work being done and it would most likely be very busy but still, you refused to let go of her as she tried to pass you into Clint’s waiting arms. “I think I’m just gonna have to take her with me” Nat sighed as she adjusted you on her hip. “You need a ride?” Clint asked “yeah that’d be great actually” Natasha smiled, grateful for the extra pair of hands. You fell asleep during the journey, giving your mom a few minuets to finally get a little rest of her own. “Somethings wrong Clint I can feel it” the redhead muttered as she looked down at your sleeping form. “Is she sick?” Clint politely asked, “no, no something else is wrong” Nat sighed “it’s something else, I just don’t know what”
As soon as Natasha stepped foot in the tower you bolted awake as the sound of drills invaded your head. You cried loudly into your mamas neck and wrapped your hands tightly around your ears. “Shhh sweetheart it’s okay it’s just some construction work remember” Nat cooed in an attempt to calm you down. “Let’s get up to your room” Clint suggested, leading you both quickly to the elevator. You calmed slightly when the doors finally shut, opening your eyes to blink up at your mama. “See you’re okay baby” she whispered. When the three of you arrived at your desired floor, it was apparent that the work being done wasn’t just confined to the lobby. You shrieked at the sudden appearance of hundreds of workers, all of them men and racing past you in every direction.
You squirmed out of Natasha’s hold and crashed to the floor in a panic. “It’s alright y/n, come on let’s go get our things” Nat said as she crouched down to lift you back up. “No!” You yelled as hands attempted to pick you up off the floor. You found your feet and they took you running through the forest of tall legs around you. “Y/n!” Natasha called after you, the fear of loosing you setting in quickly. She began to run after you, swiftly followed by Clint. The two bumped into every worker as they tried to keep their eyes on you but soon enough you were out of eyes reach. “Y/n!” Natasha called again, throwing a builder to the floor as he crossed her path. She came to an abrupt stop as the crowd around her dispersed and she was met with the many hallways leading to different parts of the tower.
Clint came crashing into Nats side and managed to stop them both from hitting the floor. “Natasha take a deep breath” he said as she met the widows eyes “she can’t have gone far we’ll find her” he assured. “Clin- Clint” Natasha stammered “I can’t- breath- Clint” she mumbled as she tried to take a breath. “Natasha, hey, look at me, you need to breath for me, like this ok” Clint said as he began to take deep breaths encouraging Nat to do the same. The red head didn’t know what was happening to her, sure she’d had many panic attacks and breakdowns before but they had never been this bad. By now, Clint had learned how to best help his friend when these moments arose, he led Natasha a few feet down one of the several hallways where it was slightly quieter.
Nat pressed her back against the wall and gently slid down to the floor. “Natasha” Clint said as he crouched done next to the redhead “deep breaths okay, in and out, you’ve done it before you can do it again” he calmly spoke. Natasha was just starting to regain control of her breath when Maria came running down the hall “Romanoff” she called, the widow immediately turning off her emotions when the agent appeared “it’s y/n she’s in your guys room” Maria said, out of breath from her small jog. Natasha didn’t waste a second as she stood to her feet and sprinted wildly down the corridor. She almost crashed into the door but managed to stop herself before she could burst in and scare you even more. “I’ll be here” Clint said from a few doors down, giving Natasha the space to comfort you.
“Y/n baby” Natasha quietly called as she slowly pushed open the door “are you in here?” You peaked your head out from under the covers when you heard your mothers voice. Her eyes landed on yours and she softly walked over to the bed “what happened sweetheart, did you get scared?” Natasha asked, you nodded your little head as you reached out to your mom “too loud mommy” you whimpered. Natasha didn’t hesitate for a moment as she came to scoop you up into her arms “oh baby I’m sorry, I should’ve known it might upset you.” She cooed as she wrapped you up in her embrace. You let our soft whimpers as your mama gently rocked you, the motion slowly lulling you to sleep. “You have a nap baby girl, I’ll get us home okay” Natasha whispered.
A soft knock on the door brought Nat back to reality “come in” she quietly said. “How is she?” Clint asked as he peered around the door “asleep, the noise scared her I think” Natasha said. “Can I talk to you? Can we talk to you?” Clint said, pushing the door wider to reveal Maria stood beside him. “What’s wrong?” Natasha said in a fearful tone “nothings wrong I promise, it’s just, well we wanted to talk to you about y/n. About maybe getting her tested for a learning disability” Clint said. “What” Natasha said, gritting her teeth. She gently placed you down between the sheets and ushered the two agents outside. “What the hell are you talking about?” She said frustratedly. “Well” Clint began “this morning in the car when you were saying that you thought something was wrong with her” he said “I didn’t say something was wrong with her” Natasha cut him off “she’s not stupid” she bit at the pair. “No ones saying she is” Maria said “she might just have some different needs” she finished.
“Are you calling my daughter special needs Hill?” Natasha questioned angrily. “Natasha calm down we’re just trying to help, we’re concerned and I know you are too” Clint said. “I guess she is different I just- figured it was because of the red room” Natasha said sadly “but it’s not is it” she sighed. There was a moments pause before Maria spoke up again. “I noticed a few things when we were at the store a few weeks ago, when she got lost. And Clint said he’s noticed some stuff to” she said. Clint cleared his throat “she obviously doesn’t like loud noises and crowds are defiantly an issue for her” he said “there’s other things as well like her delayed speech and her reaction to light. I’m worried it might be autism” he finished. “Autism” Natasha questioned. She had heard of it before but remained unsure of what it actually looked like, if any girls at the red room where found to have any kind of disability they were executed.
“So what do we do?” Nat asked, all she wanted to do was keep you safe so although the circumstances made her nervous she knew she would do whatever it takes to help you. “We can get a shield professional to asses her” Maria said “they’ll look at her behaviour over a period of time and then make a diagnosis” Natasha let out a nervous sigh “okay” she whispered. “Whatever happens we’ll be here for her, and you” Clint said. “Will they take her away from me?” Natasha asked, keeping her tears at bay. “No of course not” Maria said “Natasha it’s not your fault” she continued when she realised the root of Nat’s worry. “Hey look at me” Clint said “nothing will ever change the fact that she’s your daughter. This will just allow us to help her.” He said. “Okay” the redhead sighed “I’ll set everything up” Maria smiled, excusing herself to get back to work. “Why don’t I take you both home” Clint said.
The journey back felt longer than usual. You stayed soundly asleep in your mamas lap as she gazed down at you with love. Natasha was battling with the thousand thoughts racing through her head. Would people look at you different if you had a learning disability and how would you cope with another issue on top of the mountain of ones you already had. The widow pulled you closer into her chest as you began to squirm “shhhhh you’re okay, mamas here baby” she cooed. “Mommy” you whispered “bad dream” you whimpered. “I’m sorry sweetie. Mommy’s here okay. I’ll always protect you” Natasha said as she gently kissed your forehead. She meant every word, she would always and forever look out for you.
Finally the next part of WSEO is here! Sorry it’s been so long🩷
@saraaahsstuff / @dannipotatoo / @tobiaslut t / @a-simpfortessa-lesbriean / @marvelnatasha12346 / @yelenasdiary / @mousetheorist / @ashadash0904
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dylan-hart · 2 years
peter: do you need help, mister loki sir?
loki: no thanks. i’m god.
(y/n): …
avengers: …
tony: (y/n)…don’t…
(y/n): …
steve: (y/n)…
(y/n): hi god, i’M DAD—
clint: [flips table] jUST ONE DAY OF PEACE IS ALL I ASK FOR—
yelena: [cackles in the distance]
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izzy140105 · 5 months
Totally unrelated to my usual stuff... But I just want to say... I miss them </3
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beah388love · 5 months
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Marvel Masterlist
🧡= Little!Reader Fics
💛= My Fav Fics
* = Smut/Nsfw
Bucky Barnes
< Emotional >
- summary: Your emotional because of your period and Bucky comforts you
< Night hallucinations > 💛
- Summary: Bucky’s little wakes up alone and has a night hallucination whilst buckys in a meeting
< Hide and seek >
- Summary: Bucky has a mission so Tony looks after you and he loses you…
< Silent Treatment >
- Summary: You give Bucky the Silent Treatment…
< So soft… >
- Summary: your thighs are buckys weakness
< No More Pain? >
- summary: you have healing powers…
< Insecurities >
- summary: you’re insecure and Bucky reminds you how beautiful you are.
< Beach day took a turn >
- summary: Beach day took a turn and you got hurt…
Steve Rogers
< Language! >
- summary: Sam and buck accidentally teach you some new words…
< Promise? >
- summary: Steve accidentally scares you
< Never scare me like that again >
- summary: Steve’s been accidentally ignoring you
Tony Stark
< Meanie >
- Summary: One of Tony’s men is mean to you
Thor Odinson
< Too quiet…? >
- summary: someone says you’re too quiet for Thor and too different to be together
< Concussion >
- summary:
Loki Laufeyson
< Bad Daddy… >
- Summary: you have a bad nightmare about loki…
< You get Lost… >
- summary: you get lost…
< Night Terrors >
- summary:
Peter Parker
< Arachnophobia >
- summary: you have arachnophobia…
Sam Wilson
Natasha Romanoff
Clint Barton
Bruce Banner
< Green Daddy? >
- summary: Bruce turns into hulk….
Peter Quill
< Teething >
- summary: you are teething…
< I don’t feel good… >
- summary: you get stung by an unknown plant
< Bird-Fairy! >
- summary: you make Sam fairy wings!
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iloveslasher · 11 months
I need help with finding a wattpad book on avengers x little!reader.
So I once read this fan fic of the avengers team which included: steve rogers, bucky barnes, Tony stark, pepper potts, Bruce banner,Thor odinson, natasha romanoff, wanda maximoff, vision, Clint barton and sam Wilson as the reader (who's named violet) caregivers.
Because Violet was used and abused so the avengers saved her and she at first felt nothing of her physical wounds but then the avengers told her that's not normal and got her looked at by bruce. And got her off the painkillers that her captor put her on.
One chapter has a protocol that she can't use the bathroom bc she is hurting her self by not being little so they kind of have to pressure her into being little.
Then loki and stephen stranger baby sit in one chapter. Which reveal that loki is also a little. Then there is carol as a little.
And another chapter where wanda and vision give violet schoollessons (bc she was capture really young and doesn't know hoe to write or read). Then they discover that Violet has dyslexia by telling her to go right and she takes a left, off of visions suspicions.
Also Steve and bucky are a pair and later violet starts dating Natasha and Natasha helps violet through her first period.
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haveihitanerve · 3 months
peters class going on a field trip to Avengers Tower and Peter doesn't want to go but he has to and obvi Sam and Steve and Bucky and Tony and everyone takes the day off so they can be at the Tower together and honestly Peter doesn't even mind because he hasn't seen Sam and Bucky in two months and his teacher opens the avengers doors and they file in, looking around in awe, Flash already opening his mouth ready to ‘out’ peter for not telling the truth that he had an internship, when Peter spots Bucky and Sam chatting with Steve at the front desk and he just lights up and lets out a strangled “winter falcon?!?!?” And the two turn and grin and before his teacher can stop him Peter flies at the two men and they laugh and ruffle his hair and Steve grins and gives him a quick hug ‘hey pete’ and peter demands they take him out to dinner and catch him up and sam rolls his eyes but promises and then peter runs back to his class, blushing and apologizing to his teacher and his classmates are staring at him wide eyed and then as they continue to tour it keeps happening, Nat kisses his forehead as he passes, Clint tousles his hair and asks if he’s ever gonna return the bow he let peter borrow, thor literally picks him up and gives him a hug, bruce asks him to stop by before they leave to help him out with some numbers that aren't clicking, and finally, after everything, they meet Tony fricking Stark and Pepper Potts-Stark, and Tony immediately belines for Peter and wraps him in a hug. And just. Yeah.
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ketzpart · 2 years
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lesbianbanana · 10 months
i LOVE that Kate was recruited by Kamala first because even though Steve was the First Avenger, Clint was probably the First Avenger. Clint knew Fury the longest out of the original 6, and Kate was recruited by Kamala, the legacy of the woman who inspired Fury to create the Avengers Initiative in the first place and it's just such a small detail that I love
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lynlee494 · 10 months
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I love this little shit so much. One of my favorite lines in the MCU:
Clint Barton: [Draws his bow and points it at Pietro's back] "Nobody would know. Nobody. The last I saw him, Ultron was sitting on him. Uh... yeah, he'll be missed. That quick little bastard. I miss him already..." [Jogs after them]
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bobbimorses · 4 months
last week, on clint watch:
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edge of spider-verse v4 #4 confirmed that spider-verse jess's baby isn't clint's, but they still had a thing, as per 616, acrobating around and whatnot. this slightly harkens back to when some people were theorizing on whether 616 jess drew's baby was clint's, since their relationship was in close proximity to that storyline
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natashaslesbian · 1 year
Mommy’s Got You Now🤍
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Summary: Y/n has a fall while staying at the Starks cabin. Natasha rushes back from her mission to take care of her little girl.
Word Count: 770
Pairings: little/kid reader x Natasha Romanoff , little/kid reader x Morgan Stark, little/kid reader x Pepper Potts, Tony x Pepper (mentions of Clint and Kate)
Warnings: mention of injury(broken arm and nose bleed) brief hospital mention(no details of medical procedure or instruments)
“Morgan! Morgan! Look how high I can jump!” Little y/n called to her bestest friend. The two 5 year olds were competing to see who could jump the highest on the bed, Tony and Peppers bed…
…Y/n had been staying with the Stark family for 3 days while her mother, Natasha Romanoff, was on an intel mission along with her uncle clint and auntie Kate…
“No y/n, look I can jump higher than you!” Morgan said. The girls laughter filled the woodland cabin, all the way down to Pepper’s office. There she sat, listening to the joy echoing through the walls.
“I’m gonna touch the ceiling Morgan! Watch me watch me!”
Y/n used all her strength and bounced up to touch the lampshade, and she reached it - but as y/n began to come back down, she caught her foot on the bedpost and starting diving head first towards the wooden floor. “Y/N!” Morgan cried as she tried to reach for her friend.
The cries and screams (and the rather loud thud) had Pepper bolting straight out of her office and up the stairs, there she met little redhead y/n bundled up on the floor.
“Oh y/n! Come here sweetheart, it’s ok.” Pepper cooed as she cradled y/n in her arms, her little throat screaming out in pain. “MOMMY! I WANT MAMMA!” Y/n cried. “I know sweetheart, I know” was all Pepper could offer as she reached for a tissue to wipe the blood running from y/n’s nose, it seemed she’d managed to land on the left side of her body and right side of her face.
“I’m sorry mom! We were just playing and she fell” Morgan began to also cry hysterically. “Oh honey it’s ok, it wasn’t your fault, do you think you could be a big girl and go find daddy for me?”
Mr. Stark came running up the stairs, following his crying daughter. “Y/n fell” Pepper said “I think we need to take her to the hospital…her arm Tony” Pepper said, whispering the last few words. Tony looked towards y/n’s left arm, bent the wrong way and purple with bruises. “I’ll get the car”
As soon as Clint pulled into the car park, Natasha was out the door and running to find her daughter. 3 hours ago Pepper had called and said y/n had fallen over, she hadn’t had an update as to how bad it was yet.
“Excuse me!” Natasha called to the receptionist “My daughter was brought in a few hours ago, Y/n, y/n Romanoff” the blue haired lady began aggressively typing as Natasha noticed a little brunette running towards her “Aunty Nat!” Morgan.
“Hey little bean” Natasha said as she picked up young Morgan. Tony soon followed behind her “Hey Nat, she’s ok, she’s with Pepper, come on I’ll take you”
“Ugh, wait a minute you can’t all go!” The receptionist called….too late.
Y/n laid wrapped up in blankets holding her new hospital bear, Sally. Tears gently slid down her cheeks as she looked over her pink cast. The pain was wearing off little by little but poor y/n was still very shaken up. Her nose yet to be cleaned of the dried up blood.
The curtain was pulled back and y/n shot up. “MOMMY!” She cried as Natasha ran to scoop up her toddler. “Oh baby it’s ok mommy’s here, I’m here now.” She whispered into y/n’s ear as she gave a small wave to Pepper. “Natasha, I’m so sorry” Pepper began. “It’s alright, these things happen, I’m just glad you were there” Natasha almost cried.
Y/n pulled back and looked up into her mommy’s beautiful green eyes. “It-it hurts mamma. Wanna go ho- go home” her little sobs broke Natasha’s heart, she wishes more than anything she could have been there to protect her little angel. “I know princess, you’re so so brave! Mamma’s here, we’ll get you home soon, get you curled up in bed with all the snacks.”
Natasha’s words did not disappoint, 2 hours later little y/n was laying in her mommy’s arms in her mommy’s bed. Toy Story 2 quietly played in the background as Nat stoked her fingers through y/n’s curly locks. “Itchy momma” y/n whined. “Oh darling I know, it’ll go away soon I promise” Natasha said.
Before long the events of the day forced
y/n’s tired eyes shut, empty bottle of milk still between her lips. Natasha swapped it out for her daughters favourite paci and pulled the duvet over them both. She kissed y/n on the head and got a little hum in response.
“Sleep well my angel, mommy’s got you now”
Ahhh my first time writing little reader! I hope you enjoyed! Soft mamma Nat is my fav<3
- Star🌷
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