#literally all i do on neo rn
eiwly · 2 months
me at literally any given moment: sorry, can't talk rn, gotta go play kou-jong
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anothersuperstition · 4 months
new comprehensive (long, so sorry) commission post!! i lost my job a couple months ago (turns out the office manager is literally evil and she set me up to get fired on purpose :D) so commissions and my freelance work are my main source of income rn and every single extra comm helps!!
i’ve also been trying to take advantage of my free time and use it to grow as an artist and practice things i normally don’t so i would love to try some more nonstandard comms alongside tattoos!
as always line art only tattoo designs are $50 flat (*edit to say line art only FLASH tattoo designs), full color tattoo designs and everything else offered (portraits in any style, illustrations, posters) are all unique and prices will depend on content so if you’re interested or if you’ve got an idea and you’re not sure i can do it, feel free to shoot me a message for more info!!
examples of my work! (please open the images for full view i’m bad at formatting) ⬇️
posters! from show specific, to movie posters inspired by your fave albums or songs! (does not have to be mcr i just have brain worms)
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tattoos! from small flash designs to full scale, neo trad or line work or anything in between!
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illustrations! full page, comic-inspired, small and stylized (gerard way style inspiration optional!), you name it!
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portraits!! these are my favorite to do and i never get to do them! pencil or painting, if sketchy and painterly are your thing i can do that! if cleaned up and smooth are your thing i can also do that!
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so sorry for the novel length post, i hate doing it as much as you all hate seeing it, but a girl’s gotta pay the bills! tumblr is where i first found my footing as someone who was taking commissions and i’m allergic to social media these days but tumblr still feels as comfy as it did back then and i appreciate everyone who has been kind and supportive to me here over the years!! even reblogs help, thanks y’all!!
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lesbyers · 7 months
Dawn (or Nymphia) should have won that challenge my god like I actually cannot rn. Q’s look was not goth. It was costume-y and made no sense. Hair, makeup and outfit were all impressive but it looked kinda stupid all put together and it really did not fit the “neo-goth” design criteria at all it was literally just black and white. Meanwhile Dawn CONSTRUCTED a chandelier dress with her ENGINEERING DEGREE. She fully understood the assignment of goth from her dress down to not just the colour but the shapes of her makeup all while making it fit to her brand and personality. Nymphia’s look and presentation was absolutely gorgeous she absolutely embodied goth with every detail down to the way she walked the runway. Morphine should not have placed low either she was goth and gorgeous, she gave the Morticia Addams fantasy in her style and made it drag. No clue what Q was trying to do with all that good lord.
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monscrow · 23 days
intro post, i guess!!!
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⚠️flash warning for blinkies at the bottom⚠️
free gaza, free palestine, stop genocide. you don't agree? block me.
i go by both mons and crow.
pfp by 00violens !!! tysm for drawing my child orion as party poison 😭🫶🫶🫶
my pronouns are they/them, he/him and any neos/xenos that you think would fit either comedically or off of vibes.
i'm a minor !!!
aroace, something like that; qprs are sick asf and all hail relationship anarchy.
super amazing pretty boyfriend !!!<3 🍎
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audhdcd (asd + adhd + ocd 😻😋) and hEDS. i use tonetags.
bday is oct 7. 🎉🎉🎉
i'm mexican!! i speak both spanish and english.
timezone is cst/utc-6.
i say slurs i can reclaim (mainly the f and t queer ones) and swear a lot, though if that makes you uncomfortable please either block me or lmk so i can try to tone it down when around you.
i love interacting!! feel free to tag me in stuff, send some asks (be it on anon or not), or message me! moots can ask for my discord even if we've never actually talked before. though i suck at keeping consistent, nothing personal i promise</3 /gen
i tend to spam-reblog so do with that information what you will.
some tags you might see me use here and there:
#mons rambles ← just my thoughts, ideas, opinions, and whatever i feel like throwing into the tumblr void.
#ask a crow / #anon asks ← askbox replies.
#crow draws ← doodles and drawings, though i might make an art blog in the near future.
#save / #art save / #fav ← these are more for myself, but yeah they're pretty self-descriptive. just in case you get curious or anything.
#🍎 ← beloved.
hyperfixations/interests/things i'm passionate about !!! i guess, kinda
→ mcr (+ most of the members' solo projects)
→ killjoys (california + national anthem, but mainly calif and fanon)
→ demolition lovers lore (i have literally written like at least three different essays about it for school help me i'm so serious)
→ emo/alt/diy culture
→ will wood
→ bandom in general
→ graphic design, arts and crafts, illustration (that's right y'all graphic design IS my passion 😔)
→ fnaf
→ cosplay/costume-making
→ d&d
→ crows (no way, crow, really???)
→ australian shepherds
→ the umbrella academy (s4 isn't canon in my heart + currently reading the comics !!! )
→ gravity falls
→ neurodivergencies/psychology/disabilities (this one's pretty meta ngl)
→ lgbtqia+ identities (emphasis on the aroace-spec ones + relationship anarchy)
→ politics/activism
→ linguistics + conlangs
→ fantasy in general (high fantasy, magic, vampires, tieflings, you name it)
→ boardgames
→ uhhhh there's more but i don't remember rn, i'll keep adding as i see fit (probably... maybe..... perhaps....... quizás........ puede ser..........)
terfs, transphobes, anti lgbtqia+, exclusionists, ableists, racists, you know the drill. this blog is run by a very neurodivergent, mentally ill, mexican, transmasc, aroace faggot, and any kind of hatred will not be tolerated.
proshippers/anti-antis, irl gore, pro-israel, pro-ai generated "content", pro-nft, non-critical media consumers, classists, ed blogs, sh blogs.
also, i'm aware that dnis tend to not be effective and i probably will still get shitty ppl in my inbox so i can and will block. though im p chill as long as you're chill so we vibin'
blinkies made with blinkies cafe !!!
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pssst btw, before you go, if you read my intro post i'd heavily encourage you to like it, so i can at least know!!! :] (/nf though!)
last updated 25/september/2024
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factual-fantasy · 8 months
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No problem! And when it comes to showing your support? The absolute best way that will make me the most happy is comments.
It doesn't have to be a reblog or an ask like this one. Although it can be. It doesn't have to be a thought out comment complimenting a specific thing in the art piece.
Comments like "I love this!" or "💖💖💖!!" or things like "AKSKAJNCSDJNKVJN" or even "EATING THIS ART RN" are wonderful. You could leave the same generic comment on all of my artwork and flood my notifications, and I would still love and appreciate that more than getting fanart and ending up uncomfortable.
It doesn't have to be thought out, it doesn't have to be on every piece. But if you want more art from me? Remember that the #1 thing I look forward to when I post art, is reading the comments.
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Now make no mistake! Foxy IS basically the big brother out of the 6. When it comes to his personality and his relations with the other animatronics.. he was always seen as the cool older brother that always knew what to do and how to cheer you up.
Foxy just gets picked on for being the "little brother" becuase he is shorter and significantly lighter than everyone else. So even little Chica was strong enough to pick him up and swing him around XDD
Also I have no idea how old the animatronics would be.. 💔 I just imagine that Foxy would be one of, if not the oldest!
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(Post in question)
Well of course! Cici is indeed also the little creature of all time! The mic was just simply not offered to her- <XDD
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oooo!! :00 Noted! Thank you very much for the info!! :DD
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I have not seen the new chapter, no.. :(
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aaaa I don't know! <:0 I've never played the games so I'm unfamiliar with those characters. Are they well known characters..? Are they evil? Are they friendly? I assume if they're not a threat my crew would be cordial with them..? <:D aaa idk! Sorry!-- (Though speaking of squid ink cookie I have drawn that one before..👀👀)
As for Papyrus, here is the initial post about him that I made.
Then at the bottom of this ask post there's a chunk of important Papyrus lore..
There's another chunk of very important Papyrus lore in this ask post..
There's a couple nuggets of good lore in this post as well..
Then there's this post I made about Frisk finding Papyrus :00
And a few Papyrus nuggets sprinkled in here! Not to mention I discuss more of his story further down in this post! This is all the info I could find on poor Papyrus, I hope this was helpful! :}
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XD I'm glad you like him! And I'm sure he wouldn't mind a hug! Unlike the canon version, my Funtime Freddy is actually safe to hug!.. For now-
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:DD Thank you so much!! :}}
As for all the Bibi stuff. You can find everything about him or the rest of the fam under the "#bibi" tag or the "#factual fam" tag on my blog. There's also the "#my ocs" tag and the "#my original stuff" tag :0 though I don't think the latter has much attached to it-
I've been meaning to make a master post for all the Bibi/factual fam stuff but I don't have the headspace to do all that atm-
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I thiiink you can eat them?? Probably yeah. I think the lore from the games is that they are literally, actually, living cookies. And they probably taste like the thing they're based on.
Soooo the only one that would taste good is Coconut XDD
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XD She is very proud of him
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Its all extremely vague, but I kiiind'a have an idea..??
Seafoam and Octo obviously met as little kids. They grew up side by side and when Foam wanted to get a ship and become a pirate? Octo followed him and became his first mate.
At somepoint after they picked up Ellie and Louis. Thiiinking that they knew Ellie before they got the ship and she joined them..? Not sure about Louis..
Now when it was just the four of them. They got caught in a great storm while out at sea. Blue Beauty saw this ship clearly struggling and in danger so she helped guide the ship to calmer waters. It was her help alone that prevented the ship from sinking. She probably secretly followed them around for a while before making herself more known and officially joining the crew.
Uhhhh Pinwheel, Coconut and Tuna were all troubled youths that were taken under Seafoam's/Octo's wing. Not really sure about Spider Crab..? But I'm thinking that he's the medic of the crew. Also not so sure about Cuddle or Urchin.. Though I'm thinking that this isn't Cuddles first rodeo. She could be an experienced pirate that somehow indebted herself to Seafoam..? Maybe once she paid her debt she stuck with the crew because they were neat? Though she seems like the crafty type.. She seems like she'd rather slip away undetected instead of staying to faithfully clear her debts.. Not sure about that one--
And Red is Seafoam's great nephew. He lost his mother/crew in some kind of tragedy which resulted in Seafoam taking him in.. Poor Red :((
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XD I did something similar once-
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The Afton's do exist. All of them. They are a core part of the AU. :00 Just like in canon! But as for their roles or where they are now or what happened to them... alas, I cannot reveal such things.. :(
As for the Sister Location AU tho--- I'm thinking that William Afton is alive and well and he runs the Circus.. 👀👀👀
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Oh man, she dreams of doing so. But Sadly, she is much too large to give him a kiss :(
Unless.. 🤔 If Seafoam somehow grew or she shrank? hmm..
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(Post in question)
Yeah, its was interesting.. but not for the reasons you'd think.
Papyrus recognized Seam and Jevil. He addressed them by name. He didn't approach them, seeing as Seam was very tense..
He said that he was happy to see them again. Explained how he worried about them, and was glad to see that they were both ok.
Seam and Jevil both looked like a deer caught in the headlights. If Jevil had the strength to do so, he might have just retreated with a mirror..
Sensing all this, Frisk tells the group Papyrus' story. Some of the group is skeptical, for the same reasons Seam was all that time ago.
But Frisk grantees the group that Papyrus is genuine. She says she has never met a kinder soul before. That no matter what timeline she may choose, genocide, pacifist, neutral.. Papyrus was always full of kindness to his very core. And that she believes his story 100%.
Grillby and River Person back this up. Saying that the Papyrus from their worlds was a very kind soul too..
Jevil is too exhausted to really process this much. But the horror of the situation settles on Seam. Realizing that Papyrus was actually a victim. They had the power to free him all those years ago. And they ran..
Its not addressed right away.. but eventually its brought up again. They both feel horrible for what they did. Leaving him to suffer alone for so many years..
But of course,, Papyrus's kindness never ends. It never broke or faltered after all this time. He forgives them. With all his soul he forgives them. He says he was never angry at them, he fully understands now why they left and he does not blame them. He's just glad to see that they're ok. And he's happy that he's not alone anymore. :}
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I'm not sure if he has Polar Madness.. correct me if I misunderstood, but Google seems to say that Polar Madness is mostly about being sick of the people around you. Being with the same people for months would drive anyone crazy and make them super irritable.
It also talks about developing sleep disorders due to the strange night and day cycle. It mentions anger and depression too..
I'm thinking that the main two issues, sleep and irritability towards coworkers, aren't a problem for Natquik. For 1 he doesn't have any coworkers- but also he's an Arctic fox! He grew up in the Arctic. These strange night and day cycles are nothing new to him, in fact he was designed to live with these cycles! So I think he's safe there.
Now the depression part.. due to the extreme loneliness he must have felt eventually.. that could be a problem. But hey at least my version of Natquik has Marsh and Jack to keep him company XD
..oh wait, the Everglades. I wonder if Natquick would develop some kind of.. Florida Madness trying to deal with those different night cycles and living with those two morons for weeks XDD
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(Post in question)
OH YEAH!! I can totally see it! XDD
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(Sorry for the late reply! I am unwell-😢)
Aww, 🥺Perhaps they do. They're all doomed 💖
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(Sorry for the very late reply, things really got away from me-)
I'd like to imagine the 5 of us all sitting down and I spawn/draw in a bunch of food for everyone to try and pick their favorite.
Bibi picks chicken nuggets. Jangles picks bowtie pasta with cheese cubes and Miracle whip. Every time Cici tastes something new she claims its her favorite, so she hasn't really figured it out yet- maybe strawberries??
Gerald's favorite is celery. Mind you I did not draw any celery, and he has never tasted it before. But he has a very strong feeling that it is surly his favorite.
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torchvic · 4 months
fuck this *flicks my little magic wand* your obey me cast is all transgender. here are my personal headcanons for that (putting this under a read more because this is A LOT)
the brothers r first because i was thinking abt this for one billion hours:
asmo is genderfluid and i think he'd use she/he pronouns. (we could also argue bigender asmo because that'd be cool also)
he/they transmasc mammon. literally they/them'd in a call and i saw a transmasc mammon headcanon and i think abt it all the time now.
it's been discussed here before but levi is nonbinary transfem. she uses they/she pronouns and i will die on this hill. also uses some type of neopronouns. gamer girlfailure /j (might be femcel. idk it might be the amount of times they use "normie") (i'm in love with her)
belphie is too tired to give a shit about gender. he says "no" if asked. they/it/he maybe. probably uses star/starself neos too cuz that stuff rocks (agender belphie anyone???)
beel uses any pronouns and doesn't rly label his gender i don't think. never really gave it much thought probably but i don't think he cares. love them lots. :3
i don't think satan really cares about gender either BUT i think he could identify with catgender (he/cat pronouns (maybe more) he'd use cat-centric neopronouns this has to be canon)
nonbinary lucifer is canon on my SOUL. they use they/she/he pronouns because they can and will.
then we got the silly goober dateables + small child luke:
diavolo got that demiboy swag and once he discovers neopronouns it's gonna be awesome. he/they/prince pronouns (or any other royal-centric ones)
barbatos is agender. bro is a time master lord guy they do NOT give a shit. they/them and maybe it/its depending on the day
solomon uses them all. every single pronoun. they've lived so fucking long that they just said "fuck it" or something and claimed all of them. he made the genderfluid in his cauldron and promptly drank it. uses neos too but there's a lot that fit here. maybe it's all of them too. i do think xe/xem (and other variations) are used though because i said so
i don't know if angels have a concept of gender or not. they/he simeon though something about him is nonbinary af luv u simeon
i'm not sure for luke because he's like... 10... but again idk if angels really have the gender concept at all (probably not they're supernatural beings. they all are actually). might be a mainly he/him user but doesn't mind it when other pronouns are used. idk the gender because hes a child but maybe he'll figure it out later in life cuz rn he's worried about baking really good treats for michael
last but not least the characters they refuse to add to the system (please im in love with thirteen please PLEASE):
mephisto got that bigender swag idk something about them screams it. i do think they use they/he pronouns though (maybe she/her also, but it depends on the day lawl)
thirteen is transfem i feel it in my bones. she/it/they pronouns. i love her so much. it's my favorite character ever look everyone. obey me devs add thirteen to the intimacy system NOW PLEASE.
raphael is agender bro does not care they will rain their spears on you and then eat solomon's cooking right after to make you physically ill (/lh). uses they/xe :)
thank you for coming to my ted talk and im sorry for the intense rambling <:)
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thickenmyblood · 10 months
maca this chapter was insane i was kicking my feet the entire hour I took to read it!!
but can I just say as much as I was team damen in the beginning cause I didn’t fw laurent’s whole approach to the breakup…..I don’t get why damen was so upset with laurent abt the needing a lawyer reveal when he immediately recognised that it was obvious that laurent continued to stay with him because he genuinely loved him.
Don’t get me wrong I definitely love that you took that approach cause your writing is so REAL and Damen recognises he’s being an idiot sometimes!!But I didn’t expect Laurent to not push back abit in some sense like he was just a traumatised kid barely a year older than nicaise is rn when they met (if i got the math right on that).
anyway I think I just wanna hear more about your thoughts on Laurent’s headspace if it’s not spoiler-y ofc. Thank you for such a brilliant chapter and happy holidays ♥️♥️
hello! i was actually talking to @savoytrufflephd about this the other day. this is terribly long but we're reaching the end of the fic and i will never get the change to speak on these things again, and so i hope this answer guides your reading experience and helps clear any doubts you might have going into the last chapter.
about damen:
during their argument, damen is gutted to find out that laurent approached him because he needed a lawyer and money, and, indeed, damen doesn't have an absolute "let's berate laurent" meltdown right then and there, but i wouldn't say he "immediately recognized" anything.
there are three main emotions at play during the reveal scene.
sadness: damen feels deeply hurt by laurent's confession.
There is nowhere to go. There is no other sound in the world but Laurent’s voice, tearing him open.
They should be doing this in the kitchen, Damen thinks. For old times’ sake. For symmetry. There must be a reason why Aimeric keeps picking kitchens as his bleeding spot.
anger and/or self-righteousness: damen makes comments to hurt laurent and express the hurt he's feeling himself and how he feels cheated and wronged.
(...) Was a live-in nanny so expensive that you had to spend the next four years forcing yourself into bed with—”
“You were nervous. Before. I remember the—was the bathroom break so you could vomit in between—”
(...) So you stayed up all night, going through that—that shit, and you had ten liters of coffee this morning so you could be brave enough to sit here and tell me that I was your pimp for a while. (...)
“I wouldn’t blame you,” Laurent says, “if you—” “Don’t play the martyr card.” “I’m so—” “Fuck you,” Damen says.
defeat: damen slowly realizing this is the worst case scenario. there can't be anything worse than this, and so it's almost a relief to hear it because he 1. didn't have to ask 2. can't imagine any other blow hitting him harder (which... i mean, he did have a heads up from nikandros). now what he wants is to understand how this happened and why.
Something is leaking out of Damen now, except it isn’t blood. He feels it by its absence, by the relief it leaves behind. This, he thinks, as he looks at Laurent. This is everything they have done to each other. There is nothing left but this: the wound, drained; the wound, re-dressed. This is what he wanted to know, what he asked for. This.
He might as well lay down on the table and pass Laurent the knife.
He wants to feel stupid and can’t, wants to lather himself up in hatred to slip away from this with ease. He can’t. He’d thought in those first months at Nikandros’s that he knew what hating Laurent was—annoyance, mostly, and contempt, slightly—but now he knows that wasn’t hate. He could never hate Laurent. Maybe he could learn, could train himself to do it, but he doesn’t want to. He wants to understand. He wants—
damen is not the best when it comes to understanding his own emotions. later on, when analyzing this argument with neo, this happens:
“I don’t know how it made me feel,” Damen says. “I was angry yesterday. At him. And I know I should be angry now, or earlier when he said—when he told me.” “But you weren’t.” “I wasn’t sad either. It was like…” “Like?” Damen smooths over the sheets beside him. The bed is cool and neatly made on that side. “Like I’d been waiting for him to say it for so long, that when he did, it wasn’t… I don’t know.”
he did feel all those emotions in the argument, but when asked to talk about them, he holds onto defeat instead of anger or sadness. i wrote him this way because i wanted a version of him that was tired of arguing with laurent, that didn't want to do that anymore, that wanted things to be fair between them. plus, i wrote very early on that he's just not very creative when it comes to (active) cruelty. it just doesn't come naturally to him.
now, about laurent:
i agree that this laurent reads very passively. he doesn't strike back, doesn't argue that he was desperate, that it wasn't his fault, etc. this is because:
he's being self-hating. this is him basically telling damen "look at what i did and hate me for it. i don't deserve the way you've always helped me, the way you're STILL helping me. i'm not a good person. i'm not who you think i am." this is why, in this fic, laurent also allows nicaise to treat him like shit. it's the reason laurent did not tell agnes about the verbal abuse he was being subjected to. he thinks he deserves it. it's the reason he tells damen having sex with maxime was a chore and still he kept doing it.
like damen, he's also tired of arguing. in fact, i would say he's MORE tired than damen. he's getting the worse of nicaise's ire and has been for months. he knows damen is upset with him bc of that 10 minute conversation he had alone with nicaise in ch18. the day before, damen looked him in the eye and told him it was all his fault, that everything wrong that happened with nicaise was on him, that he was to blame because he was too busy having fun and being stupid to take care of the one person he was supposed to look after. he's emotionally drained. he spent the entire night looking through nicaise's phone, analyzing dates and punishing himself for everything that happened. after almost 400k words of fucked up situations, he's finally reached this strange limit of "whatever, just let it end".
the self-fulfilling prophecy aspect of his relationship with damen. in a way, laurent never dared to hope what he had with damen would be forever. in fact, he believed in order to keep damen, he had to sacrifice many, many, many things and aspect of who he was and is as a person, because otherwise damen would not and could not love him. things like his mental health, his own abuse, his views on sex... but also small, stupidly vulnerable things, such as letting your partner know that you fucking douche!!!!!! letting him know you do things every other human does. laurent wanted damen to love him, but he didn't think damen ever could if he showed him all his cards and baggage and whatever you want to call it, and so he made himself palatable. and this was, ultimately, the downfall of their relationship (along with damen's obvious ignorance, emotional issues, repression, etc.)
this is all i can say on laurent's end. ch20 will give you some more details to help you look at his actions and thought process throughout the fic in a different light. i hope this answer made sense and wasn't just me babbling for seventeen thousand words.
thank you for your time!!
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the-puppet-bracket · 10 months
Spamton propaganda:
"You know someone had to do it.
This guy's whole thing is not wanting to be a puppet anymore, but uh-oh-spaghetti-o! Dude now has physical puppet strings!"
"Making a [SPECIL] deal by placing his [#1 SALE SYSTEM] into a [CLASSIC!] body, Spamton believed he could be more than [HYPERLINK BLOCKED]. But the strings told him otherwise. He lunged at Kris in [LIMITED TIME OFFER], trying with all his [50% OFF!] to be more than a puppet."
"Spam email bot who was exposed to something that drove him mad and he spent the whole rest of his existence trying to cut his strings, only to die (maybe?) when he finally manages it."
"He is the most tortured dumpster man alive. Also, not literally a puppet, but metaphorically!!! There's some mysterious outside force controlling him and limiting what he can say and god, he desperately wants to break free, trying to kill the protagonist (his only friend in years) for the chance of ""being let loose from his strings"". In his secret boss battle, he thinks he'll be free after getting a new body but he isn't, as his new powerful body has literal strings attached. You fight him, because he thinks your soul (long story) will gain him access to freedom. During the pacifist route of the battle, you cut his strings until there's one more left, he's ecstatic, being able to break free from the narrative of the confines of the game. He decides to break his own last string, and he falls to the ground into pieces. It turns out he relied on the strings after so long, and couldn't recover without them. Afterwards, he's deshevaled, hung up by vines in the dark basement that resemble his old strings and he says ""It seems after all I couldn't be anything more than a simple puppet."" This ties back to how Kris, the protagonist of the game is feeling the effects of being controlled by the player and really shows the core focus of the game and it's characters. And that's why I entered him into this poll!
Also he is genuinely so fucking hilarious bro just play Deltarune already what the fuck are you doing the chapters that are out rn are free dawg (play Undertale first though, it's like ten bucks or something you'll be fine)"
"Spamton best blorbo. Very good blorbo. Exquisite blorbo even. He's sad and adhd and insane and weird and I love him and you should too. Pipis"
"he spamt"
"he's living in a goddamn garbage can. let the big shot win. it'll be funny. does he deserve it? that is up to viewer discretion. but he is our beloved tumblr sillyman and as such we need to pay him respect in some manner. <3
(iirc spamton is a puppet? probably. oh well if he doesn't count ignore this i'm not read up on
my deltarune)"
"frankly i'd be surprised if he's not one of the most submitted. anyway his whole Deal is about being a puppet and having other things control him and so he seeks to regain that control through either manipulating the player into murdering half the city or to take the red soul and use it to become a god. yet in his super powerful NEO form he still has strings attached to him (that he won't even notice if he succeeded in the player manipulation thing) and in either case he ultimately becomes an item you use just for stats. guy really isn't a fan of puppetteers"
"you propably knew this was coming lol
Tumblr's favorite awful little puppet desperately fighting to get rid of his strings
the pinocchio references are strong in this one
OR... so... I... thought.
"Tries to become a real boy, ends up as another puppet look guy. He's shady, he's a scammer, he's got cringefail swag and I love him"
"He's just a little fucked-up little guy"
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the-interidiot · 6 days
[tosses my LIB designs + headcanons at you] /
Part 1/2 because I was too lazy to draw them all rn :(
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In humanoid form, the design is combined of elements from the plush + Curts human design.
One of the only LIBs who eats food, despite not needing it.
He had Sniggles at some point, but whenever he got mad he would randomly put them in his box and now they’re all gone.
Has a super textured jacket with tons of notches.
Makes dolls sometimes, but usually gets impatient halfway through painting and discarded them.
Finds it easier to turn humans into dolls.
He isn’t dumb at all - he’s probably the most technologically intelligent of all the lords, but his temper works against his social intelligence.
He creates the alternate timelines for his brothers, so they all occasionally come to him to try and get a new timeline.
He tried to crochet with Pokotho sometimes, but due to his refusal to form normal hands instead of hooves or claws can’t hold the needle.
He hates being in a fully human form, and will literally refuse. Even in NPMD, he kept some of his inhuman elements such as his horns and teeth.
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The only lord who NEEDS food, due to always being in a semi-mortal form.
It can use a more inhuman form, but he likes having a body because he likes how it feels.
Xe can cook really well - and it’s probably the one thing it has patience to sit down and do consistently.
Likes making other people food.
Likes roller skating, skateboarding and any other quick moving activity with a risk.
Doesnt process pain as a negative feeling, and in fact is excited by the idea of it.
Cannot spell. Xe can READ fine, so it’s odd he can’t spell. Everyone has tried to teach him.
Wears birthday sashes a lot and claims today is his birthday, despite not technically having a birthday. It just really likes presents.
Hates Christmas for some reason.
Actually really likes his sniggles, and treats them as good as it can.
Xe don’t really understand humans that well though, and unintentionally kills sniggles a lot, then gets really upset.
Could he just revive the Sniggles? Maybe. But it doesn’t even consider that.
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sunset-synthetica · 4 months
also don't russians consider themselves white? isn't there a massive pro-progrom The Nasty Jews Stole All Our Money movement in russia? i know that ukraine is full of neo-nazis but then again i've seen white supremacists over here say that irish and spanish and greek people aren't actually white so maybe us nazis are just imagining putin is holding up some sort of great bastion of whiteness in the savage orient crap
it's. a fucking mess. like tldr and as we all hopefully know, race and particularly whiteness is bullshit and the latter changes its definition like every 5 seconds.
The Russians I've spoken to overall do consider themselves white or white + Slavic, and that's the funny thing. You have white supremacists in Russia claiming themselves to be the bastion of crackerism, and you have white supremacists in Czechia or Ukraine or fucking Germany saying Russians need to be exterminated or whatever the fuck because they're all evil Asians apparently, but also not the Cool Asians™ where they try to interfere with elections or spy on us, but the Barbaric Asians™ where they don't know what a toilet is.
It's basically just a bunch of artificially divided groups of Slavs going "that bitch 20km away from me across the border isn't white" while looking literally identical.
Nazism in Europe and particularly Eastern Europe is a whole fucking topic that I'd rather not get into rn because I'm tired as fuck, but tldr from my lived experience, it's given popularity by the staunch anti-communist mentality in post-Soviet countries. The USSR is the Big Bad and was literally the worst thing ever (paraphrasing) and it feels like as a result, Nazism and fascism overall gets not only dismissed, but elevated to a status where its opposition to communism is its saving grace. Communism and fascism are also the same apparently, which does not make sense, but when have reactionary beliefs ever been coherent?
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lesbianneopolitan · 1 year
Last night I innocently uploaded the pic of Neo and Ruby gaming on Twitter, but I got pretty much replied by people who were very much judgmental and passive-aggressive about being shocked, etc, etc (lots of them minors), lost some followers, etc
I am very affected by those situations because at some points it feels like harassment for something so stupid (I've seen wishes of death towards me before for old Fallen Petals stuff), no one ever takes the moment to even talk with me about it, nor try to understand the development and process that made me ship it in the first place- that it's actually a pretty innocent wish of building up a cool ship to have fun with my friends.
I have very bad anxiety from PTSD and I don't have access to meds rn, so things that get out of hand can really affect my mental and physical health, like, people don't keep in mind that the major part of the time, the people they accuse are people with problems like me, that are dealing with irl stuff or trauma and simply want to have some positive fun on the internet, to escape a bit from it all- art and writing has been a good coping mechanism for me to not practice self harm, and my therapist was actually proud of me for it, so I don't want that taken from me, specially when I'm mindful and tag things properly. And when honestly, discovering RWBY and messing around with some ships helped to make me happier. Because I think it was about time.
RubyNeo isn't even following all canon details, Ruby's more practiced and slightly older, and honest to God, I don't see what's wrong with building an AU with headcanons when we aren't doing it for the sake of, what?? only having them fuck?? or oversexualizing them?? the people that literally oversexualizes Ruby and only do lewds or only smash her against another character so they fuck is something that pushes me SO back because I personally find it disgusting (and if I'm in a mood I can have am anxiety attack for it, same for other dynamics, like incest, etc etc).
So for the love of everything, blacklist, block me or whatever, but understand the kind of person I am or the building for the things I do or the things I draw before I'm labeled as things I'm not. Because I'm sure you wouldn't want it to happen to you.
Treat me like a person, not like some kind of idealized artist that has to be perfect.
Show some empathy, try to be understanding, not everyone that ships 'x' is going to be a super evil person that did it with the most malicious intent in the world. Sometimes we're simply playing with them like they're Barbies, to create stories, angst, wholesome moments, independent timelines, etc.
Like I mentioned I myself deal with PTSD, there are so many things that despite being presented in good faith could throw me off the edge because of triggers, but I simply take care of myself and tag stuff, I blacklist and in the worst case I block, specially if someone is specially harmful and toxic to real people.
So please, just, let me be, I'm just a nerd trying to live life alongside friends to be as happy as I can because I've had enough abuse already.
Be kinder unless the person in question is GENUINELY harming real people and are potential real creeps, please, I'm tired.
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buwheal · 9 months
what are personally your favorite spamton headcanons?
OOooooh this was the wrong thing to ask me if you hate lots of letters on your screen. Get ready!!!!!! Here's my list :-) Its not organized by least to most btw im just typing everything i like lol :
puppetification theory.. AAUUUGHHH!!!!! this one is so much fun for so many reasons.
he's got a BJD (ball jointed doll) body
He's kinda an asshole
While a good chunk of his glitching is from puppetification, way more of it is from malware he's collected over like 20 years on the streets of cyber city
He absolutely feels and is aware of his glitches but he's so used to them it doesnt really bother him anymore. scratch that, it 100% does bother him that his body is actively defying him. but what can you do? :shrug:
he's like 5'1. I HATE HATE HATE seeing him the size of a toddler both because you can literally see his world sprite is the same height as kris, which is a teenager (His proportions just are unbelievably fucked up because of puppetification) and because thats just kinda weird. Something about making him so so small feels weird to me but im not sure, really. take it with a grain of salt.
He was an Email Addison. You see it everywhere. He was like a mailman or something.
He wasnt like four foot or something throuhghout his whole life, but i do imagine he was only slightly smaller than an Addison, which doesnt sound that bad except when you realize everyone else is normal height except him. Maybe it was a manufacutring bug, or maybe it was intentional for his job.
Addisons are like weird organic robots kinda. Cause everything in cyber city is made of code i imagine they are like basically sentient AI.
They (addisons) physically do not age unless their code is damaged. (Guess who's code is fucked up) They were "born" physically and half-mentally adults, and count their age based on their manufacturing date. I say mentally half because it quickly develops soon after while they do things like advertise. Their personality develops a time after.
HE IS OLD!!!!!!! HE'S AN OLD GUY!! HES GOT LITTLE WRINKLES N SHIT!!! HES GOT A GREY STRIPE!!!!!! Not really because of physical aging but its more of like a glitch tbh lol. Like a chunk glitch in minecraft. Whatever happened as his code got progressively more beat up caused a patch of his hair to register incorrectly and show up slightly wrong.
His hair is natrually white. He dyed it in his big shot era ofc, but it faded out. He keeps it colored currently with car oil and shit. Whatever he can find that will color it. It will and does wash out partially when he's drenched in the rain.
He completely refuses to acknowledge his physical changes. Glimpses he sees he ignores or passes it off as he's seeing things.
He prayed to the Neo robot because he saw the beginning of puppetification. He was praying for forgiveness or another chance. He believed it was a divine punishment because he had no other explination. He doesnt believe he changed much more than the very very early stages, and he thinks he's forgiven in his delusion. Which is why he wants the robot so bad.
When he gets mad he turns kinda red and steam comes out the side of his head in short bursts, train whistle sound effects and all. looney tunes type junk.
He has lips... but they're stretched so far because of his huge fucking brick ass teeth that it doesnt really matter at that point.
He's got a scraggly ass mullet.
he has little bitty dot eyes. Every other addison does too but they keep them closed for visual appeal. Theyre robots and shit they dont really need them to get around, even though they help a lot.
Thats about all i can think of rn!!!! ^_^ hope you enjoy that brick of text lol.
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madeofvoid · 1 year
Like I've GOT to hamner it in how FUCKED Neo is rn.
For starters, Ruby's weapon and fighting style gives her a disadvantage in close-quarters combat. Its big, its clunky, and hyper lethal.
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She cannot swing at a human being like she would a random monster. This kills the man. (She learned this by hitting random mobsters full force btw) Admittedly, being reduced to a fine red mist by "One of the most lethal weapons ever designed." Would likely be a quick and painless death, but Ruby is a Good Guy. She can't just kill people. Which is why She Holds Back.
Seriously, think about it-- when has she ever shot someone with her gun? Like she means it? She can literally mlg 360 noscope headshot a moving target from 100 yards or more. She can do this While She Is Being Flung By The Recoil. She can do this Consecutively with little to no loss in efficiency or K/D/Shot ratio.
Her best solo matchups are against:
Groups of baddies
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Literal monsters
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Or people that she Really Doesn't Like
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All of this is to say that Ruby Rose is not a Fencer. She is not a Ninja. She is not a Boxer. Ruby Rose is a Blender.
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So trust and believe me when I say that Neo is effectively dead. She dies a quick and hyperviolent death at the hands of a hyperlethal emotionally ruined child who has no more fucks to give and nothing left to lose.
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aquamarine021109 · 5 months
Introduction (because I actually haven't done one surprisingly)
Name: not sharing my real name, but you can call me aquamarine or aqua for short
Age: 15
Pronouns: I use any/all pronouns including neos
Sexuality: biromantic aegoromantic fictoromantic nebularomantic aegosexual
Gender: agender/apagender with alot of xenogenders
Otherkin: I am kinfluid, and my kin types are a demon, crow demon, black cat, dragon, wolf,
my otherlinks: all versions of c!wilbur (from dsmp), toga (from MHA), angel dust (from hazbin hotel), inosuke (from demon slayer), bakugo (from MHA), denki (from MHA), shigaraki (from MHA), the TBH creature, leonardo (from TMNT 2012),
I experience phantom limbs and the ones I experience are: black horns on my forehead and sometimes black feathered wings on my back and very rarely a wolf or dragon tail.
Things I do support: LGBT+, furrys, therians/otherkins, wilbur, (you can put in the comments the stuff I forgot)
Things I DON'T support: homophobic/transphobic people, racist/xenophobic people, ableists, pedophiles, zoophilia, abuse, animal abuse, people on Twitter that try to cancel people for no reason, shubble, nihachu, caitibugzz,
Fandoms im in: dsmp, MHA(literally my fav anime rn), ddlc, BATIM, cooking companions(I literally love that game), sims4, Helluva boss and hazbin hotel(I LOVE THOSE SHOWS), backrooms, marvel, the boys(love that show), AOT, fnaf, demon slayer, tokyo revengers, TMNT 2012,
Some fun facts about me: im autistic, my two Hyper fixations right now are dsmp and mha, I have a auditory disorder(which means I have a really hard time reading subtitles and focusing on the visuals/story at the same time), I have generalized anxiety disorder, I prefer to watch anime in the eng dub than sub, I have arachnophobia(fear of spiders) and a little bit of thalassophobia(fear of the deep ocean), my fav mha characters are denki and amajiki, im a multishipper, my favorite dsmp characters are c!wilbur and c!jack, my fav colors are blue and purple, my favorite lovejoy songs are warsaw, portrait of a blank slate, and normal people things, I recently got into anime a few months ago with the first anime being my hero academia,
Unpopular opinions of mine: I liked thor love and thunder and thor the dark world, I liked she-hulk and s2 of Jessica jones, I liked avengers age of altron, I liked mha s5 more than s4, I liked ironfist s1 better than the entirety of luke cage, I like dub way better than sub in anime, I find anteaters cute(yes I know dont tell wilbur that iykyk), my least favorite lovejoy songs are perfume and taunt, my fav ycgma songs are losing face and your sister was right, my least fav ycgma song is im sorry boris,
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dritbail · 4 months
omg presentation blog im so lazyyyyyy
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'Bout me
Hi, I'm DritBail, but I also go by various nicknames such as; Icker/Ickerbear, WorkerZero/WorkerAtZeroSpeed, 4le516, PlasticKilla, DritBailX (on questionable places) etc.
19 y/o
Spanish/English speaker, trying to master english
All pronouns, but I prefer gender neutral/neopronouns
Enby Genderfluid Transmasc GNC, Demisexual Trixic (Attracted to female individuals basically :])
Afro-Latin, Mexican
BYF!!: Autism, ADHD and schizophrenia, please take that in note if you wanna interact with me, sometimes I'm very explosive and/or I can get confused with somewhat amibiguous messages
I'm also a sh (s3lf-h4rm) user, please don't get upset with me if I do references or direct representations of sh, that's because it's my way of dealing with it and feeling better about myself. I don't seek to glorify it or make it look like something good and quirky. Likewise, whenever I include something of this type, I'll mark it in case you want to avoid seeing it!
I'm a freelance digital artist, and I'm also kinda a 3D artist! I make those works on MagicaVoxel and Blockbench
I'm a BIG fan of The Black Eyed Peas, they're my favorite group and I love (almost) all of their songs in all of their phases (ATBAN Klann, BEP pre-Fergie, BEP4 and BEP)! Including the Urbz soundtrack they made (I'm listening those rn lmao). I always refuse to do art of real life people but they're the exception, also they literally help me a lot with my daily struggles and even they're a part of my identity! (The BEPgender is for everyone). Also, I'm a big fan of MySims (and the Sims saga in general), it's my comfort saga but also has everything I could ask for; cute chars, simple gameplay, belic scenarios, political conflicts, social critic, etc., I even have an AU but its like fucked up and edgy and different dude its so unique
I told you the important things and so, here are some random extra things that nobody cares about
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I'm also a fan of JSR/F, Bomb Rush Cyberfunk, THPS, Bethesda games, Saints Row, Cooking Mama, Hi Hi Puffy AmiYumi, Just Cause, Cyberpunk 2077, Sunset Overdrive, Mirror's Edge and some other media
I have a Wii and a Xbox360, and I'm a mega fan of those consoles, and a big fan of Mii's and Xbox Avatars (Underrated as hell). Some of my OC's are freaking Xbox Avatars lol
I have some projects goin' on so expect updates of those if you are interested, my main goal is to mod the BEP to BRC, all from scratch and done by myself
I'm also modding some items and chars of MySims to L4D2 wit a friend
I'm open to play games with people, my PC can handle almost all games! but I won't buy nothing new just for playing and much less if its an multiplayer only experience. Anyways, I got a lot of games on my Steam acc so we surely can find a fun game to play together, my Steam acc:
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williamrikers · 7 months
okay, breaking my silence rn. negativity under the cut, don't read on if you liked this show.
honestly? i hated cooking crush. by the end of episode 12, i despised it with every fiber of my being. i gave this one a worse rating than step by step because step by step was at least good for 9 episodes.
i am utterly baffled at the reactions to this show. i could not even watch this on normal speed, i had to dial it up every week because it was just so hard to get through it otherwise (and it still took me ages to get through every time because i had to keep pausing and psych myself up to keep watching). the writing and storytelling were underwhelming, inconsistent and made uninteresting decisions at every turn. my main problem with this show is that it was just so fucking boring. there were so many interesting and amazing concepts in there and they didn't do anything with ANY of them. at so many points i was like, if they do something with this storyline, this could turn into a really good show! but they just never got there. i am especially angry at this show because all of the ingredients and ideas and concepts were so good and had so much potential and the show just never fucking lived up to that potential.
this could have been a fun campy romp in the spirit of tonhon chonlatee, but they didn't commit to the comedy. this could have been a really deep look at these characters' trauma and relationship development in the spirit of abaab, but every single thing they set up as things to overcome for the characters was resolved basically instantly with zero effort.
also, characterization who? please tell me one (1) character trait that prem has. gun was literally samefacing throughout much of the show. he was just standing there. prem might as well have been a cardboard cutout for much of the story, and to get gun fucking atthaphan to phone in his performance like that is a feat in and of itself.
the kisses looked fucking terrible. i never want to see offgun kissing again tbh. it was that bad. standing around with their lips pressed together for half a minute? no. never again, please. also gun is an absolutely terrible kisser, off was at least trying most of the time.
justice for neo and aungpao, who tried so goddamn hard to make something out of the nonsense they had to work with. when will neo FINALLY get a role that matches his talent and that isn't part of a complete disaster of a show? at this point, we can only dream.
also, making samsee fall in love with a woman was a CRIME—
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