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Quality is a habit for successful businesses
Quality is not an act, it’s a habit. It is a habit which makes a business successful and sustainable for a longer term. It is rather more important than the quantity itself. It helps an organization win happy customers, hold a bigger market share, reduce business costs and earn a good name for itself in the market.
Benefits of Quality control in a business are as below:
Quality is equivalent to consistency: A business should welcome inconsistency only when there is an improvement in the product manufactured. Otherwise, a business has to make sure it provides a consistent experience to its customer for repeated and long term associations. We are what we repeatedly do and excellence is achieved by making it a habit and not just a onetime act.
Customer satisfaction: Customer loyalty is priceless and it can only be won through quality products. A satisfied customer is the best business strategy and the bigger is your basket of happy customers and the further your business would grow.
Reputation: Benjamin Franklin once said, “It takes many good deeds to build a good reputation, and only one bad one to lose it.” Quality control would make sure a business adheres to quality standards at all times and does not risk its reputation in a much competitive market.
Cost effectiveness: Poor quality increases the manufacturing cost. Improper products would incur further costs of checks and improvements. Many times defective products result in full scrapping of the project and a business facing huge losses on the investment. Quality processes make sure industry standards are followed at every small step and a sustainable product is developed as an outcome.
Wonder Cement, one of India’s leading cement manufacturing companies has successfully indulged this importance to quality in their work culture which further showcases on the quality products they have been delivering to the people. The company has manufactured high class cement by making huge investments in state of art manufacturing units established through technical collaboration with ThyssenKrupp and Pfeiffer Ltd. of Germany. The company has a great mix of young and experience leaders in its top management complimenting each other to keep innovating while not flying too high and also concentrate on the small things.
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OPC and PPC types of cement
The type of cement to be used is based on the structure you are trying to build. While there could be multiple varieties of cement that are available in market OPC & PPC types of cement are the most commonly used. In general, Portland cement is made by heating sources of lime, iron, silica, and alumina to clinkering temperature to create a powdered form cement.
There are three things that define the difference of one form of cement from another:
· The composition of raw materials
· Characteristics of cement manufacturing plant
· Finishing processes in the form of grinding, blending etc.
Wonder Cement, one of India’s leading cement manufacturing companies, produces OPC and PPC types of cement, the most widely used compositions across the world. Wonder Cement uses world class technology at its manufacturing plants in Rajasthan to produce OPC & PPC cement and give the nation the strength and its people a perfect beginning to a textbook life.
Ordinary Portland Cement(OPC)
This is the most widely used cement. The cost of producing it is low, raw materials are readily available giving a high-quality cement that does not charge the pocket much. At Wonder Cement, OPC is produced by using a fully-automated dry manufacturing process with the help of a ROBOTIC(POLAB) system. OPC is available in two grades which are OPC-43 and OPC-53.
OPC is most widelyused for high rise buildings, heavy defence structures, roads, runways, bridges& flyovers.
Portland Pozzolana Cement(PPC)
PPC is produced at Wonder Cement using a fully automated dry manufacturing process with strict quality assurance at all stages using a ROBOTIC(POLAB) system. Well burnt OPC clinker is grinded with gypsum and pozzolanic materials to produce PPC of high quality. PPC finds its ideal application in marine work, mass concrete work, residential construction etc.
In general, PPC is expected to sustain more numbers of years than OPC justifying its higher price than OPC.
Whichever type of cement you use basis you construct needs, make sure the cement is from a reputed brand that has been known to deliver high quality cement. Wonder Cement is off course one of them.
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How Wonder Cement contributes to society
Wonder Cement, India’s leading cement manufacturing company, has over the years made constant efforts to contribute towards the society. They have made “Commitment towards people” a part of their work culture and made positive efforts towards corporate social responsibility activities. The employees have a desire to contribute to the society and the company has its intention to constantly keep contributing and not making it a onetime activity like many others.
What has Wonder Cement done?
The company has made sure that its manufacturing plants do not harm the surroundings and has incorporated latest environmental norms, pollution control equipment at its plants. Other than this, it has also contributed towards the society in many other ways, some of which are as below:
Contribution to Education & Health: Education would take the nation ahead. Wonder Cement understands this. With an aim to improve the nation’s literacy rate, the cement manufacturer has adopted various schools in villages, supported schools with financial assistance and provided essential facilities to the students. They have joined hands with the state government and together worked towards organizing various health camps, family planning programs and other initiatives that could improve the state of health and education facilities for the poor.
Contribution towards Women Empowerment: Women empowerment is very crucial to a sustainable development for the nation. Women carry a different perspective and their growth is a key factor for the development of the society. Wonder Cement understands this to the core and has made visible efforts towards this. They have trained women through initiatives like Sewing Training Centres, and women & child development programs and helped connecting them to income generating activities. They have tried to build a confidence amongst poor women that they could also earn and live a life with a high head.
Contribution towards Infrastructure development for the needy:Infrastructure is a basic need to development in villages. It is also a key factor for economic development. More than half the population in our country lives in villages and most of them are still waiting for basic amenities like roads, proper drinking water, sanitation facilities etc. Wonder Cement has made contributions towards building community centres, drinking water arrangements, sanitation programs under SwachGaonNirogiGaon Program and multiple other initiatives.
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Buy or build a home - what would you do?
It’s a puzzle everyone faces, whether to buy your house or take a land and build your own home. Home is a place which enlightens your whole family and brings a ray of smile on their faces. Building it on your own provides you the benefit to mould it as per your needs, preference, and choices. This choice, however, can be expensive.
Buying an existing home can also get you quick possession without waiting for months to get it ready to move in.
Key elements of a healthy home
While we keep it for you to decide whether to buy an existing home or build one, below are key elements that constitute a healthy home you are looking to dwell into:
Relationships between family members: A family grows together, sharing the same beliefs and values. A cordial relation between all the members dwelling inside the house lays the foundation of a happy and healthy home.
The houseitself:Good health of a house is also dependant on its inner strength. Inner strength is dependent on the resources that were used to make it. The most important of those is the cement that is being used while construction. While this is a decision your builder would take, companies like Wonder Cement have attached themselves emotionally with the people, made them know the importance of a perfect beginning in a new home and the contribution of cement in it. They have combined this with a high-quality process that is used in their manufacturing plants in Rajasthan to produce high quality cement for adeveloping nation like ours.
The outer atmosphere: The wall colours, the kitchen setup, the bed room design, each of them contribute to the way you perceive your house. Good design goes to heaven, bad design goes everywhere. If you want to make your home a living heaven, make sure it is designed perfectly creating a positive atmosphere all across. As they say, create a positive atmosphere in your life and good things will happen.
Each of us is different and so are our priorities, but make sure you keep all the healthy elements a part of your home and make a perfect beginning to the new phase in your life.
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Wonder Cement – A company for the people and by the people
Wonder Cement is one of the top manufacturers of cement in India. They live by their ideals and values and have stayed true to them at all stages of the growth of the company. The values of quality, trust and transparency are some of the corporate pillars of the company and Wonder is also enriched by the heritage of R.K. Marbles.
Wonder uses eco-friendly techniques to manufacture cement with fully automated technology. The advanced equipments used are all imported and produce least amount of dust. They care about the environment and therefore do not cause pollution around the areas of the plant.
Wonder has also been doing great work in the social scenario. They have opened schools for children of the villages of Rajasthan. They are also into water harvesting and have built up plants for the same. They try and help the rural women by making them participate in training courses for stitching to earn their livelihood.
The company’s profile is upgraded by the management that runs the company. Wonder’s success is proportionate to the ideals and values of the management that derives the business of the huge company. Some of them are mentioned here:
Ashok Patni – Chairman
As the chairman of the company, Ashok Patni promises to build a better place for the youth, their families and nation at large. He believesthat Ek Perfect Shuruat affects our lives in the same manner as a perfect choice of cement helps in building the best foundation of the building which can be home, school or an office. He had also setup R.K Marble in 1989 which is the parent company of Wonder with the vision of making it a number one player in the industry. His leadership qualities make him a true visionary and aspirational figure for the youth.
VimalPatni- Vice Chairman
VimalPatni has always had the zeal and enthusiasm to grow the family business and therefore he took full responsibility in the diversification of the cement production. He has been solely responsible in constructing the factory infrastructure which was made after consulting Ernst and Young who helped him with the blueprint. He also aims at creating job opportunities for the youth and always works to achieve the same.
The leadership team at Wonder is known for the values they endorse and this has been the reason for the success of the company. A good team always ensures growth in the company and prosperity in the long run. To know more about them, visit the website.
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Plan in advance for important things in life
This is the fastest growing phase a human has ever experienced since the time evolution hit us. With digital rocking our lives, we are ageing at a brisk pace as time just flies off. When things are moving so fast, sometimes we do not recollect as to how many moments of happiness we have missed in our lives. This is happening because we are so busy working late hours and getting up the next day and rushing again for work. What we do not give importance to is our family and friends. We are just missing out on so many valuable things in life in order to keep pace with the fast moving technology.
All we need to cope up with everything that goes on in our life is planning. Planning helps ease things up instantly. We need a detailed course of action for everything we do. Be it our professional or personal life, we need to have a plan for when we want to get married, when we want to have a kid, when we want to buy a new house, when we want to invest and many such major events in our life.
Similarly, it is also very essential for us to plan when we are thinking of buying a house or constructing our office. We need to plan and consider many factors that play major role to make this decision. The kind of property available in the market is one major factor we need to consider. Once we know how much money we have to pool in then only we can think of finance and loans for the same. Once the finance is decided we need to hire a good architect for the project who will let us know how the infrastructure can be planned keeping in mind are requirements. Once the map is ready we need to think of raw material.
Major raw material that goes into while constructing a house or an office is undoubtedly cement. We get confused as to how much quantity of cement will go into constructing a particular room or the entire house. Well this worry is taken away by Wonder Cement who have come up with an amazing cement calculator which lets us know exactly what quantity of cement would be required for a particular task.
Go check their calculator and worry no more.
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Journey of things we use everyday
Human mind is full of curiosities. We have so many questions about things that happen around us. This is the prime reason for lots of inventions that happened over time. What if curiosity was dead in our minds and had no origin whatsoever. If that would not have been the case, you would not have been able to read this article.
Even the languages that we speak and read are originated out of the curiosity to know other person with the help of communication. It was a gradual process that started from sign languages, symbols to communicate, script and then a totally developed text which was termed as language. Now we have thousands of languages all over the world which are used by different races and cultures to communicate.
Mobile phones also derive such fascination and curiosity. Earlier we just used letters to communicate, then came telegraphs, telephones, fax, emails via computers and then came the most amazing invention of the times, the mobile phones. Our lives totally revolve around our phones these days.
Similarly the food we eat also fascinates us. Early age human beings used to eat raw meat, did not know how to grow vegetables and fruits, cereals or pulses. Now is the time when we eat so many cuisines and some of the dishes are even hard to pronounce. Such is the beauty of human mind that consistently worked to create different breeds of vegetables for us to eat and enjoy.
The houses that we live in also fascinate us. There are huge buildings with hundreds of floors around us. Nowadays, these buildings are built in very less time and these spectacular creatures just stand in front of us in a matter of some days. We always wonder how it must have all started. Well earlier, people just used to shade themselves with leaves and stems. After this, people used bricks and mortar to build their houses. Cement was found at a very later stage. This concrete miracle is the foundation of all the infrastructural developments that you see these days.
Wonder cement also put heart and soul to make the cement for their end consumer. They have two types of cements: PPC and OPC which are made in different ways and have different proportion of minerals. The types of ingredients used to manufacture these and the ideal usage of both the types are well explained on the site of Wonder. Please visit the page to know what goes into the cement for your next construction project.
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From limestone to cement- Amazing facts
Wonder Cement is one company that has consistently believed in the ideals and values that they have set up for themselves for years. ‘Ek Perfect Shuruat’ is the tagline of this company and we believe that everyone follows it once a while in their lives. Wonder believes that there needs to be a perfect start for everything in life. Therefore, they also know that every infrastructure can only be best if there is a strong foundation. Cement is that foundation for our houses, our offices and all the places that we visit. This is the reason that a lot of care is taken while manufacturing the cement by Wonder.
Producing cement is a cumbersome process and wonder cement has listed down the detailing of this eco-friendly technique on their website. However, there are some amazing facts about this entire process that we want to share with you.
1. There is a reserve of a total of 330 Million tons of limestone in Bhatkotari mines and to fulfill the installed capacity the Wonder cement Nimbahera plant requires raw material of 6.75 Million tons every year.
2. Wonder cement has introduced first time ever in India an online quality control system which is the world’s best CBA plus CNA technology.
3. The vertical roller mill that is used for grinding the limestone is supplied by Pfeiffer, Germany which is global competitor in cement technology. This grinding table has a capacity of 550 tons an hour and rotates at 21 rpm.
4. Alite and Belite are the most critical minerals that are responsible for providing the strength to the cement while mixed with water. These are created via chemical reactions in the rotary kiln of Wonder.
5. A closed circuit grinding process is used to obtain very finely grained cement. This process helps in hydration of the cement and also ensures strength when mixed with water and later strength when applied.
The whole process is so intriguing and shows how Wonder Cement is a very transparent company and shares each and every detail with their consumers. You can visit the website for more details on the process.
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Excellent result undergoes detailed processing
We are always taught as students that lots and lots of detailing in the way we learn for examinations helps us retain stuff. This retained stuff simultaneously helps us give better answers during exams and results into excellent performance in examinations. If we follow a certain procedure and execute itsystematic, the kind of outcome we will see would always be remarkable.
Similarly, if we are working at a big assignment at work, we follow a systematic flow of research, planning, executing, deriving results, and then controlling the deviated results to improve the quality of the performance we get. If any of the steps is missed the entire process goes into pit.
Wonder cements also works on the same ideology. The kind of detailed processing the raw material undergoes to produce the final cement only proves that this company can never come up with an inferior product.
Wonder understands that the foundation of every house is cement and they never forget it and keep in mind that this integral product needs to be prepared with intricate care. The process listed down with its steps here will help you understand the effort that goes into manufacturing cement.
Limestone Mining:
First of all limestone is extracted from earth using the eco-friendly blasting technology. After this the limestone is put into dump hopper for further crushing.
Limestone Crushing:
The crusher makes sure that limestone is crushed to raw mill feed size. This fine limestone is extracted from Chittorgarh area of Rajasthan which is known for its superior quality.
Limestone Grinding:
Under this, a vertical roller is used with a grinding table that acts like a cyclone separating finer particles from heavier ones that go for further grinding.
Under this step, “Clinker Minerals” are formed through extreme heating process which is a 6-stage thing where mixture reaches its burning point and undergoes chemical transformation.
Cement Grinding:
This is the final stage where gypsum is mixed with the mixture to get the final product which is passed through a roller process turning it into a fine powder.
Cement Packing:
High accuracy electronic roto packers help packing the cement stored in silos which is then sent to the final consumers though transportation.
This beautiful process is carried out with undivided attention so that the consumers can have a “perfect shuruaat”.
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Why it is important to know what you are buying?
How many times have we just picked up stuff from the super market and never had a look at the ingredients? How many times have we ordered food items in a restaurant with fancy names without checking what those are made of? How many times have we just bought tickets of an awful movie without checking the review? How many times have picked up clothes online without reading much about it in the information provided?
Yes, we cannot count the innumerable times we must have done such a mistake. We do not realize while ordering or purchasing but once are money is debited and the consignment is in front of us, we often end up repenting of not having did background check. This is true in all kinds of situations as mentioned above and many more that I will not bore you with.
We surely can avoid such trivial mistakes in our day to day routine but what about giant projects and assignments? We ensure that we check for all the loop holes while working on a big presentation for a client and make sure that we are ready with all answers that the former might have in store for us.
Similarly, all the construction projects are very important for the engineers, architects and builders involved and these are so risky that the parties involved have to take care of every small detail like quality and kind of cement that you use.
Well, Wonder Cements have made this very easy for the target audience. They have two types of cements as mentioned below:
PPC- Portland Pozzolana Cement:
This is generally addressed as “Product of Future” which is prepared via fully automated dry manufacturing process and is ideal for Marine Work, Mass Concrete Work, Residential Construction and Plaster and Brick Work. It has many advantages such as higher durability and resistance, better work ability, high fineness, lower water cement ration and better surface finish.
OPC- Ordinary Portland Cement:
This cement is also processed under dry manufacturing with the aid of “Robotic (POLAB)” system. It is ideal for the construction of high rise buildings, commercial/industrial complexes, roads, flyovers, runways and highway defense structures. This also has many advantages like high durability, sound concrete, corrosion resistance and saving in cement consumption.
Thus, Wonder Cements lets the man at work know what exactly they are buying for which project along with all manufacturing details of the products. Go visit their page to know more.
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Situations when you can’t make a proper decision
Human as a creature is so confused. No kidding here. We are the most evolved creatures on this planet and yet are the most complex of all. It is also because of the great amount of responsibilities on our head all the time. We are so engrossed in worldly connections be it our family, friends or colleagues. We have to take so many decisions in a single day that pave the way for forthcoming events of our life.
Sometimes while deciding what is needed at an exact moment we are so jinxed in head that are not able to take a decision. Here are few situations when this happens.
Mode of travelling
We are to reach somewhere in time but cannot decide to take our car or public transport and end up confused and late at the same time. Quick decisions sometime are difficult to be taken in the stance of a situation.
Place of vacation
We are to plan a weekend getaway but are not sure where to go. We mix and match all possibilities but still end up confused and no final place in mind.
We people are so confused that we cannot even decide what to eat for breakfast, lunch or dinner and end up fighting with our family and friends as we do not arrive at a united choice.
Well when it comes to going out somewhere, we cannot decide what to wear. We stand for hours in front of our wardrobes without deciding what to wear that night and thinking at the back of our head that we surely need to go shopping this time.
While we always remain confused picking on little things in life, how difficult it would be to decide on bigger purchases while building an office, a shop or our own house. We do not know how much raw material that goes into constructing the same. We do not understand which cement brand would provide the best foundation to a sturdy and powerful construct. While at least this is made simpler by Wonder Cement which has a cement calculator made for you and lets you know what quantity of cement is required to construct a specified area along with nearby dealer details. One of the largest cement manufacturers in the country, Wonder Cement is a trusted brand providing us the perfect shuruaat we were looking for in our life.
So, not all confusions in life are so difficult to solve after all.
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Moments in life where you need a right shuruaat
We have been reading proverbs all our school time and one we still remember, ‘Well begun is half done”. We keep on remembering all of these by heart to score more in our English exams and seldom do we realize as a child that these proverbs mean a lot more in real life.
Our parents ask us to prepare well for all things in life as the right start sorts the following journey. We take so many important decisions in life in various stages which decide how we will live in the situations that follow.
Choice of subjects:After our board exams, we decide to go for Medical, Non- Medical, Commerce or Arts. This is a basic step that decides our future education journey and career path. The right start that suits our personality will decide the life we will lead professionally.
Choice of College:Our parents struggle a lot to get us in the perfect college for our masters because the placements matter a lot on the institution that you choose. The right college is one right shuruaat towards bigger achievements.
Choice of Job:Getting into one of the best colleges might open gateways to lot of job opportunities but choosing the most correct option again decides the entire professional life for you.
Choice of Life Partner:Judging the person by clothes that he/she wears, the house that he/she lives in and the kind of lifestyle he/she has are not the correct pointers to be kept in mind while deciding the right life partner. Morals and nature of a person play a great role in making decision to choose your future spouse.
Choice of Investments:When you start planning your future financially, it becomes very important to choose a right mix of instruments to pool your money in so that your life after retirement is sorted.
Similarly, advertisements of Wonder Cement tell us how a right start would only bring good things life for and how wonder cements also plays on the same ideology and understand how much this matter in a person’s life. Making cement an emotional product, Wonder Cement has tried to achieve
a different position in the consumer’s mind and not just become a product not cared about much and left to the decision of construction people.
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Build a company that cares
Building a company that cares for the society brings out happy customers and loyal employees. An engaged organization, both internally with the employees and externally to the customers contributes brightly in the company’s success.
A company must build a culture to create a sustainable business. Below are some of the wisest things happy organizations do to create a happy environment inside and outside:
· People are important: This include your employees, customers and family members. They all deserve respect from you. Treating your people with respect and dignity showcases long term results.
· Contribute to the society: This has dual benefits. Doing things that benefit the society while also helping the business to grow. Companies should find ways in which they can do their bit to make life better for the needy. One thing to keep in mind is not to do this just to showcase to the world that you care. Instead, build a deep understanding of the benefits both you and your society accrues from the CSR efforts.
· Hire smart employees: You might find people who have the capability to work for your organization but would still not fit into the culture you company proudly believes in. Follow the motto of,” Hire the attitude and train the skill”, while recruiting new employees into the company.
· Recognise the effort: Let people know they matter to you. Praise your employees for every small reason and sense the positive impact it creates to the overall output of your company.
Want to build a company full of mindless drones or a family which cares about the company and its customers?A company like Wonder Cement is an example to many who want to know where to start. Not only has Wonder Cement built a culture of positivity and customer centricity but has also contributed to the society through its corporate social responsibility measures taken from time to time. The company has helped women in villages find knowledge and opportunities to earn money, helped poor children get the right education, organized many sports events in villages and contributed in many other areas for the betterment of our society.
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Understand your corporate social responsibility
As part of their corporate social responsibility companies contribute their bit towards society by taking many initiatives that may help making the life of people better. Companies work towards broad categories like taking care of the environment, philanthropy, treating employees in an ethical way and last but not the least, volunteering for specific causes that have hit the society.
Why is CSR important?
We talk a lot about sustainability of life on earth, for people etc. A business must become sustainable too. And the pursuit to sustainability is rooted in optimism and being responsible towards the society. A sustainable business is efficient in using the resources, respects the environment and takes care of its people.
Also, the consumers of today have become responsible and know more about the social issue that have plagued the society. A company that gives back to the society is where a consumer would want to shop from. Secondly, people would always want to work for and join a company which is socially responsible. And, hence, CSR is becoming part of the core strategy of companies today that would help them create a business model of value for both their business and the society collectively.
Wonder Cement has already been doing its dream job of making India beautiful and strong by delivering world class cement through its cement manufacturing units in Rajasthan. In parallel to this, it also contributes to the society by creating an atmosphere of motivation, inspiration and happiness inside the company and bring a smile on the faces of people who need help. Below are some of the initiatives that the company has taken to give its bit to society:
· Towards the society: The company has done 20 school adoptions since 2012 under the Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan giving financial assistance of 1 lakh per school. It has also organised Family planning programs and health camps for the needy people in villages.
· Environmental conscience: Their cement plants have been designed on the latest environmental norms and use state of the art pollution control equipment. It has also developed a green belt of around 1,15,000 trees, shrubs and herbs around the mining and plant areas, nearby schools, townships etc.
Woman Empowerment:
There is no tool better than empowerment of women in the country and Wonder Cement understands this to the complete. It has provided sewing training to women & girls in the villages. It has also helped in the renovation of Anganwari centres and assisted in providing better playing & learning materials. Self-help groups of women have also been made to connect them with income generating activities. �F��a9��4[س
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That’s how Cement is manufactured at Wonder Cement
Cement is not just a six world letter. But, it has been the reason to millions of strong and big smiles. It has been the basis of our buildings, houses, dams, apartments and so much more.
A company as big as Wonder Cement is a proud manufacturer of this commodity and also commands to be one of the biggest manufacturers of cement in India. They have constructed multiple production plants in Rajasthan, made production setups on world class technology and has also created a culture of passion and pride within the organization. Its employees are proud of being a part of India's success and carry the value Wonder Cement has strengthened in them. They manufacture cement both with their mind and heart. And, that is when the best outcomes draw out.
Does the Cement manufacturing process matter?
It very much does. The process would then define the quality of output. It would govern the strength of our buildings, houses, offices and dams etc. and ultimately express the forte of our nation. Process can never be ignored, nor taken casually. It has to follow the strictest rules that bring a high quality cement as its yield.
At Wonder Cement, it is done the following way. It involves mechanical processes that are followed as part of Cement manufacturing process.
· Step 1: Limestone Mining- Cement is typically made from limestone and clay. Limestone used is extracted from earth buy using NONEL eco-friendly blasting technology.
· Step2: Limestone Crushing: In this step, limestone is crushed to small pieces to make it ready for further processing.
· Step 3: Limestone Grinding: Grinding is done using vertical Roller Mill. This mill has been taken from Pfeiffer, Germany and is used for grinding purpose and achieve the required particle size
· Step 4: Pre-Heating/Pre-Calciner Clinkerizaion: Setup for this step has been taken from Polysius Thyssenkrupp of Germany. The heating temp. in this step is around 1400-1450 degrees Celsius and helps in the decomposition of the raw materials.
· Step 5: Cement Grinding- Gypsum is added to the clinker to make the final cement product.
· Step 6: Cement packing- High quality cement produced is stored in the four silos which are then packed by eight consistent high accuracy electronic roto packers.
Supported by a mix of young, experienced and educated management, Wonder Cement has been delivering high quality Cement to the country. It sees a vision to continuously improve its standards and take the nation ahead in the coming years. �.V
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Cement quality brings the strength. Which cement to use?
Not every building is construct the same way and not every construct is made for the same purpose. However, cement is most important raw material used in the construction work. Which cement to be used, depends on the construct.
Now, you might think, a cement is a cement, when does this have a variety too. It does have a lot of it. Cement of varied types and grades are available in the market. To go back to history, cement was discovered by an Englishman named Joseph Aspdin, in the year 1824. It was named as Portland cement by him, for its resemblance to limestone found in Portland.
In general, the most commonly used varieties of cement are OPC (Ordinary Portland Cement) and PPC (Portland Pozzolana cement(PPC). These two cement differ in their composition and hence are used for different purposes. PPC is a blended cement produced by inter grinding of OPC clinker along with gypsum and pozzolanic material. There are grade 43 and grade 53 available for OPC cement. These grades differ because of the compressive strength of the cement.
The grade 43 of OPC is the most common cement used in the country and finds its application in civil engineering construction, plastering, flooring, making blocks, roads, runways etc. PPC is used in marine work, mass concrete work etc. PPC is expensive than OPC because of its composition and the way it is manufactured.
Now, that all is said about the cement types and grades, what about the cement quality? Below are few steps that should be used to check the cement quality
Check the date of packaging: Cement strength reduces with age. Checking the date is thus important.
Colour: There should be uniformity in the cement colour. A difference in colour is an indication of wrong composition.
Lump detection: If you find lumps in the cement, it means setting has taken place. These are signs of a low quality cement.
Rubbing: Rubbing the cement should feel smooth. Roughness would mean, it has been adulterated with sand.
There are other simple ways to check the cement quality and determine its suitability for the purpose. It is recommended one uses these simple ways. A cement of high quality would bring strength to the construction being made and also increase its age.
Wonder Cement is India’s most famous cement manufacturing company, building dreams of millions of people in this country. The company manufactures both PPC and OPC cement and has his manufacturing plants located in Rajasthan.
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Buying cement? Check these things
Cement is the most important construction material used in the world. Unlike a concrete or a mortar, it has a powdered form and is used as a binding material in the construction of various structures. The origin of cement and concrete goes back to 1756 when a British Engineer John Smeaton made the first modern concrete by adding pebbles, powdered brick into the cement. However, in 1824 an English inventor Joseph Aspdin, first created the true artificial cement by burning ground limestone and clay together. He later also invented Portland cement which has been dominating the modern construction for many years now.
There are certain things a consumer should check while buying the cement.
· Which cement type you need- Portland Pozzolana Cement(PPC) or Ordinary Portland cement(OPC). This would depend on the type of construction you are making.
· You should know how much cement you need: If you or your builder is confused in this, ask an expert. Who better can it be than Wonder Cement. The company has made a calculator for your approximation on the amount of cement that would be used for the construction. Below are few simple steps you would need to do:
Step 1: Choose the type of construction you are making. For ex., brick masonry stone masonry, cement concrete etc.
Step2: Choose your measurement unit, metre or feet.
Step3: Define the measurements of your construction i.e. length, breadth and width.
Step4: Set total quantity of work in cubic ft.
Step5: Ask your builder, and set the mix ratio of sand and cement.
Step6: You re all set to know the approximate amount of cement that would be required.
· Buy cement only from reputed brand: Wonder cement is a company you can heavily rely on. The company has setup production units in Rajasthan with technical collaboration of Thyssen Krupp and Pfeiffer Ltd. of Germany. They are the known world leader in cement technology and Wonder Cement has partnered with them to become the number one cement manufacturer in the country.
Check the compressive strength of cement which has been stored for more than 90 days of its day of manufacturing. Y�xD7 B4���S
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