#limited lfie
ashtonk1ngsley · 1 year
My favourite boogey kill so far
Love that revenge from last life
[ BdoubleO100 & TangoTek // art by me !! ]
Do not trace, reuse or steal ! Reblogs are fine
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nert-zz · 5 months
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Not usually my normal post but...
Life series earrings OUT NOW!!!
Pierced and non-pierced versions are available :D
Only a few are available right now, but if a lot of people want them I'll make more
Check it out HERE!!!
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jimblejangler · 1 year
fuck uhh uhm shit *papers fall down*
*clears throat* ahem limited lfie smalketh-
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emo shrek nd kakshi
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sayakxmi · 4 months
[Magi reread] Night 73: Rukh's Will
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I feel like this shot looks a little better.
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The only valid reaction at this point ngl.
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Literally never paid enough attention to realize there are human silhouettes
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Well, NOW I can tell
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Cute, and tbh I'm absolutely reading too much into this, but Aladdin looks kinda sad, so I suspect he KNOWS.
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Alibaba thinking about Cassim;;;
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Anise genes are strong af. All Rashid gave Alibaba is hair color, the horn and insecurity.
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That. Smile.
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Love it, but it also makes me think that the pairings go as follows: Alibaba (Amon's a Heat Djinn) + Aladdin (Heat Magician), Kougyoku (Vinea's a Water Djinn) + Judar (Water Magician) and Hakuryuu (Zagan & Belial are both Lfie Djinns) + Titus (Life Magician). Idk, made me think about combos when I read that, and it's kinda funny that all the main KVs have a fitting Magi.
RIP Sinbad
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Alibaba... really tends to get caught by some weird tentacles, huh.
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This action will have severe consequences.
Like, seriously, do you ever think how if Judar hadn't been shown this by Aladdin, he probably wouldn't have left Al-Thamen for real & team up with Hakuryuu? Like, maybe he would've, but he would've been still under Al-Thamen's control in some ways, like, I doubt he would've put his all into supporting Hakuryuu. Before that he was just vibing. Now he has a goal and it's revenge, which is what unites them later on. Not to mention, Judar was kinda Meh magician before (probably cuz Al-Thamen, I recall some extra abt him having to practice magic in secret), so he would've been much weaker.
Anyway, all I'm saying is, Aladdin created his own most powerful adversary, and I think that's neat. Wouldn't have it any other way.
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Enlightened. In the worst way.
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The more you look at these panels, the sadder it gets. And I'm starting to think about them more, and I'm starting to get sadder, too. Like. Lil Judar reaching towards his father. His dad is crying, his mom, too, but she's smiling, probably trying to console him. Do you think lilttle Judar is crying, because he can tell something is wrong? Or maybe he's laughing, because he doesn't fully realize the danger?
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Did he reach him just in time to get killed? Oh my god.
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There's blood on his blanket. His parents' blood. God.
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No shit dude gets immediate breakdown, who wouldn't.
Man, I didn't come here to be sad for Judar.
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THAT'S what I'm here for. Oh man.
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What do I even say
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What a fucking mess, man
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The thing is. I don't think Alibaba's ever suspected that Cassim actually hated him. Least of all that he hated him the most. Their relationship was a mess, and Alibaba knew it was a mess, like, since post-palace Cassim had treated him awfully from what we've seen. There's no way Alibaba didn't understand at least that Cassim was angry with him. But to actually hate him? And what's more...
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...to hate him since they were kids? If it started later, then at least Alibaba could've reasoned it in some way, like after Mariam's death, because Alibaba was gone when they needed him etc, but sinec they were kids? What had Alibaba done to earn this? If it's not something he'd done, then the only thing left is that it was just... him. That Cassim hated him for the way he was.
Which is exactly what it is. I'll never get over their (and also Hakuryuu & Alibaba, bc they share some similarities) mess of a relationship. Because as much as Cassim hates Alibaba, he loves him just as much. It probably infuriates him even more.
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Sorry for sending the entire page, but I'm near photo limit, so I had to make some changes.
The sheer irony is that half of the time it was Cassim keeping him safe. Because the fucker couldn't make up his heart whether he really wanted Alibaba ruined or to remain as pure as possible. God.
Bro's traumatized. Can't blame him. Imagine the last living member of your family who's also been your best friend since forever & you love him more than anything & you spent half of your life confused about him betraying you and then justifying that, because you cannot even consider an idea that he could've actually wanted to hurt you, only for him to just say straight to your face that nah he hates your guys and wants to fuck you up as much as possible.
The root of Cassim's anger is his self-hatred, and that just breaks me a little. His self-loathing is just that bad, and the world made him feel like trash, and so did the trauma, and so did his childhood near Alibaba who'd had an opportunity to be a happy kid unlike him, just reminding him how different they were. Man.
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Can we just talk how Aladdin is in the middle of fighting Judar & he still does everything he can to guide Alibaba?
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Neat image.
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And that's the horrifying part. The fact that these are his real feelings. And it will hurt. But only Alibaba can do something about it now.
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I fucking love this image. And the whole, "You're my candidate to be king!". Like, Aladdin is embracing his role of a Magi, now that he truly understands it, and he chooses Alibaba. Because of course he does. And the contrast between Alibaba and Cassim... Ughh, that's the good stuff.
I could probably talk more, but I have to go now, but anyway, man, I love this series.
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burning-sol · 2 years
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cosmicangel888 · 1 year
Shifts within the Collective Roles; Truth & Heart-Aligned Excitement ~ 5D
Deceit, and doing anything, word, deed, in a way that is to only serve you, while harming, withholding, manipulating, systems or energy and others - then you can bet your fields, chakra's, what is returned will absolutely be such; what, who you are is what you are filled with and how could anyone feel bad, or jealous when the inner work is not being done;
If you are in the spiritual community - then be spirit - it cannot be faked, and play in the underground and simply recite bible words means 0 to alignment with the essence, knowing of multi-dimensional God knowing of all lfie; the DF/DM and all that is self-actualization - all is spirit and has 0 to do with simply memorizing the bible but the heart chakra's are closed, inner wounding is not done, and 0 alignment with the collective, nor acceptance to anyone outside their self righteous walls and greed; the elite of communities that ride the mimicking of falsifying the community's hearts that truly wish and ache to know god and feeding nothing but deceit while behind closed doors there are magic, stealing, taking, and scheming to make their own nest egg bigger to feed again, the lack of self and unhealed wounds; Ⓒ 
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The God essence, Shekinah helps heal the bodies, shifts the energy in the room, activates the codes in the fields, and even the DNA - this is how healers, and Akashic healers heal; it is a real thing; cleansing and clearing is this way - and those offering their word a pure God word and yet live very corrupt lives will be replaced by that which is truth and however God will distribute the deceitful lies and agenda's - regardless of what sector you are held within - truth is everything - for it aligns your inner = outer and as above and below - truth is everything - God is such - the loving light of all life - Truth is the flow of eternal life.
Memorizing the bible is not being in the essence of God; there are many in understanding of our entire collective; religion is not spirituality unless you are living and practicing in spirit in your religion - the spirit that quickeneth is felt and is alchemic and what all masters of any religions we placed them in spoke of; conduits feel the essence of God and is prepared for over eons of practice in various roles one plays in the timelines they serve; Jesus was a conduit, he healed in this way - and did not ask, nor wish any conformity of 'religion' of His name or being - it was a story of sovereignty for all humanity - the light, essence, metatronic knowing of our own birthright is GOD - and is not a religion nor anything one could box in - limit or copy
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It is practiced as the essence of glow, flow of all life - alters all life - the life between life and how the true prophets will be known of the false ones and spirit will lift and show all - none over-write this divine elegant plan; because the light, energy, essence helps heal, words heal and those that are not in alignment only offer deceit; thus altering the room, altering the falsities of the word; true word offered and known in all life - DF/DM all is lovingly equal and all will be known as all move on their path of ascension - none will escape the higher and inner knowing of spirit within and the higher knowing, power, God within, higher self you join with as you ascend; it is a sacred process and is felt and is God - it is an essence not fakery, nor can be -
We are now awakening to our highest and our best and how to navigate great social change - all in peace, divine order, and merely praying, offering yourself light, life, and knowing Divine order is the highest order to assist in the alignment within -
All is the journey of our sacred becoming love is all
Align in peace and know you are always held in peace, align in love and love of self, when you love yourself, you choose and honour those before you; all are the children of God, and not all and those that have not done the inner work, detach and disconnect would never be able to allow the flow of God; heart to anyone - so discern what and how you feel - breathe in and know all beliefs are purposeful and none are wrong; it is up to all to discern and know how to feel into what is light, honouring, and true for their path - all religions are purposeful - all have free will to liberatedly express their own inner divine essence - all have free will and none have the right to control anyone -
Blessings and light
#God #shiftingreality
#truth #SourceCreator #universalOnenss #unity #peace
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crunchycrystals · 2 years
i have an essay about key influences in my lfie so obviosuly im writing about percy jackson it wasthe thing that got me REALLY into books but i have a page limit and now i'm scared im gonna go overboard lol
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lordeasriel · 3 years
Ooh these questions are all so good! I'm having to limit myself here: 1, 3, 6, 9 and 25
1. His Dark Materials or The Book of Dust? Why?
TBOD for sure. HDM is epic and all but I find it lacking in purpose when push comes to shove; TSK was very lacking as a sequel and TAS felt incomplete and rushed, plus most of it feels like it had no consequences or outcomes, either in TAS or TSC.
LBS and TSC establish a more in-depth world and I find the characters from TBOD more likable and more relatable; for example, I care a lot more deeply about Robert Luckhurst and Anthony Hassall (both characters that are minor and that die early on in both novels) than I do about Lee, for example, and he is a character that features in pretty much three novels.
Everything in HDM feels rushed and a bit careless, and while TBOD has a complex and confusing and conflitcting worldbuilding, it still manages to make you see a whole world alive, while HDM feels, as a whole, a very limited experience. With TBOD, I realised that the Magisterium couldn't possibly hope to control the whole world - nor do it the same way everywhere - and it made me see that, while people in Europe would be living in certain ways, people from other places would definitely live differently.
3. Favourite niche character.
Glenys Godwin!
6. A controversial opinion on HDM or TBOD.
For HDM, it's that I think Will is a very poorly written character, which is no news in this blog lol I find him a very flat character and he also sucks as an in-character person. His motivations are flat, his role in the story is the reason why I felt HDM was ruined to me and so on.
For TBOD, I think it's that I think Olivier will end up with Lyra. It's not something I'd want, because I want Lyra not to move on from one relationship using another, but it's something I've noticed in small patterns and I've seen it before in TSK and I feel like it's where it's headed.
9. For TBOD 3, one thing you don't want to be in the book.
Following my massive list of "Philman pls don't" things, another thing I don't want in TBOD 3 is some justification for Marisa's behavior. This speech that something made her into what she is was always something that irked me whenever interviews for the show happened and it's something that terrified me, because I worried Philman would kinda be enlightened by it and write some bullshit to justify her attitudes. This clashes so hard with the whole 'you cannot change what you are, only what you do' theme of the books that I'd hate to see some explanation for Marisa being who she was.
Especially cause I know it could be some childhood trauma explanation or some sexual violence consequence she suffered and boy, I hate just thinking about that.
25. An object you'd like to own, if you could.
The Alethiometer. I like puzzles, I like Lyra's world, and I feel like I would spend a whole lifetime studying it and trying to understand it. In fact, if I had the option to do so and I lived in Lyra's world, I'd probably be an Alethiometrist. I find that state of mind thing you have to have to use it something I'd probably find useful in my lfie today.
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dimitrescus-bitch · 4 years
Dating Raquel Gonzalez and Dakota Kai
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Your relationship was almost nothing like how it came off on screen
Raquel was protective yes, but Dakota was even more so 
You were always seen as a strong and silent type, but you were almost as much of a soft baby as Raquel 
Dakota and you played video games a lot together 
Normally Dakota would be in her gaming chair and you’d be sitting in Raquel’s lap downstairs in the living room 
Every Friday night was movie night for the three of you 
Dakota didn’t like scary movies, but you and Raquel did 
There was a limit on horror movies allowed in a month: 2, but they couldn’t be in succession of each other 
Both your girls had tendencies of getting homesick and since you had a background working in restaurants as a cook, you tried to make them their favorite foods from back home 
The only time it backfired was when you used too many peppers in your salsa 
Never in your life had you drank so much milk before 
When the winter comes and you start missing the cold, they get a machine to make ice cream and Raquel runs you an ice bath 
The thought is there, even if the execution isn’t perfect 
Dakota gets frustrated trying to figure out the ice cream machine and breaks it 
There’s bad day protocols 
Dakota is that the two of you give her some space to process her thoughts and then she’ll come to the two of you for comfort. It’s a lot of talking through things with Dakota, which helps with you and Raquel being able to communicate. 
Raquel tries to shut herself down and isolate, but you and Dakota know better than to let her do that. Occasionally she’ll bottle things up and when she has an outburst, normally you’ll take her into the garage and the two of you will spar with each other. The physical contact calms her and sometimes it helps to land a punch or two/get punched. 
When you’re having a bad day, Dakota goes through a checklist of things that she knows help you calm down. Raquel just holds you in her arms and squeezes you tightly. While Raquel holds you, Dakota shows you different memes and stuff that she knows you find funny 
The three of you work well together and you can honestly say that you’ve never felt so genuinely loved before in your lfie
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calliecat93 · 4 years
Top 15 Star Trek TOS Episodes (Part One)
I debated on doing this until I did the second watchthrough/reviews... but heck with it. I don’t see it changing too terribly much after and I thought it would be fun. It’s been a fun ride with TOS and I didn’t expect to love it, but here we are. It ain’t a perfect show, but a good one with good characters, strong themes, and just the right amount of intrigue and silliness. I had a blast watching it, but let’s face it, some episodes are better than others. Some are goofy but enjoyable, some... well, they tried. Everyone’s got what they like and dislike, and these are the ones that I liked best. All is only my opinion, so take it with a grain of salt. So to finally cap off this watchthrough before I start the second one and also plunge into TNG, here is the first half of my favorite TOS episodes~
#15. Bread and Circuses
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I didn’t realize this until I saw someone else point it out... but this is essentially Star Trek’s version of The Hunger Games, only combined with Roman gladiators. We have our main trio get captured by the government whom have already caused another Starfleet captain to succumb and he sentenced his entire crew to death. Thus we have Kirkg ivent he option of either doing the same, or he can remain in defiance and risk Spock and McCoy’s lives. Either way, he loses. It’s a good episode, showing Kirk given one of the most sadistic choices that you can give him... and yet he doesn’t break. Oh he gets plenty of hardship. He makes the choice to keep the crew form beaming down, which morally is te best decision. After all, the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few. Kirk, unlike Captain Merik, chooses to preserve his cew’s safety as a captain should. Whatever happens to him makes no difference... but because Spock and McCoy are with him, him making that chocie means that they suffer theconsequences as they are not only thrust into gladitorial combat for their lives, bt Kirk is forced to watch and can do nothing. He tries to when Bones is down, but restrained form doing so. But even then he doesn’t back down or even consider it. Merik may have thrown away his whole crew, but like Hell Kirk is going to and concerning the other two, he accepts execution after Spock breaks the rules to save Bones, emphasizing the point more. It;s a really god episode to show just how much Kirk truly follows that responsibility.
We also have some great Spock/McCoy content here as the episode does put their relationship int he spotlight a bit. Their relationship is the most interesting to me so this was a great one. They bicker pretty much all episode with even the other guy they got caught with asking if they’re enemies, which Kirk just replies that even those tow don’t know. But I think if there’s any doubt that they don’t care about each other, this one promptly shuts it up. Spock, despite knowing that he can’t, defends McCoy and saves his life. This leads tot he excellent scene int he cells where Spock is trying to figure a way out, despite fully well knowing that he can’t break through the bars. Logically it would be pointless to continue fruitless efforts, but he tries to anyways. When McCoy tries to thank him for saving him, with Spock both hiding behind his usual logical shell while still focusing on the futile escape effort. Thus we get McCoy confronting him about being afraid of living and not knowing how to handle even one warm feeling. It’s a really good scene performed excellently by Leonard Nimoy and DeForest Kelley and is just a really good insight into their relationship. I’ll keep from going into any huge detail for if that review project makes it this far, but still an excellently performed scene, especially when it caps off with McCoy simply saying that he’s worried about Jim too, the one thing that the two CAN agree on without doubt.
This is at fifteen mainly because of a few small factors. I only know a few things about Roman history so anything about it went over my head and the ending also baffled me likely due to that. We also have it implied that Kirk did... it with a slave girl. Mind you the slave girl went to him and again it’s implied. But that still makes me feel... very uncomfortable once the girl did it under orders, and therefore not fully without consent. I’m gonna have to watch it again when I dot he more in-depth analysis, but... yeah. The ending also leaves without a real resolution to the planet, remaining as they are until they eventually fall just like the actual Rome did. I guess that was the intention, but... just kinda sucks that nothing truly got accomplished. Still from a character standpoint, it was a really good one for the Triumvirate and a great watch.
#14. For the World is Hollow and I Have Touched the Sky
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So for those who have been following me since I began this venture, you know that McCoy is my absolute favorite character. So when we got to a McCoy-centric episode, I was excited! And overall, it was a good one. Not one of the best, but perfectly fine. We have McCoy diagnosed with a terminal illness and given a year to live. When he and the other two transport onto a meteor-esque spaceship, they encounter the priestess Natira and her people headed for essentially a promised land witht he ship controleld by The Oracle. As Kirk and Spock try to learn more, McCoy is left with Natira who has grown smittenw ith hima dn wishes for him to remain as her mate. Sadly, I feel like this pisode wasted a lot of potential. Bones, the Chief Medical Officer who is always taking care of everyone else, is now the sick one and has only a eya rleft, if event hat. But the only real signs of this is he’s a little weaker than normal, which tbf it was just diagnoses so he may not have the most severe symptoms bu it also kidna makes the fact feel... less urgent. Using that time to set up himw ith Natira also felt wasted since we have the potential of a very emotional story where McCoy sis truggling with his lfie and the others have to come to terms that e’s going to die and likely struggle to find some way, any way to save him... and we spend it with a Girl of the Week who we’ll never see again and on a romance that while it is kinda sweet, ultimately leaves zero impact. It just feels like there was so much wasted potential and the emotional weight that you DO get... it feels less strong if you don’t know McCoy’s history. We know it now cause of supplementary material and such, butt he audiece of the 60’s certainly didn’t, hence why this is fourteen on the list.
That being said, the episode is still good. What makes up for the lack of impact about McCoy’s status and lack of history is DeForest Kelley. The man put his all into this episode (he did in every episode, but especially here when he gets ot be center stage), expressing McCoy’s sadness and loneliness as he talks to Natira perfectly. You can feel that loneliness, that longingness for what Natira’s offering him, that need to just have... some kind of happiness and intimacy that he was just never able to truly have, especially now. He just feels so... sad and vulnerable. Even though we’ve seen him interact romantically with women before, he comes off as so nervous and uncertain about what he’s doing. Like it’s been so long since he’s been intimate with anyone that he is at an utter loss on what to do with it. Natira essentially takes the lead and is even perfectly fine with caring for him in the limited time that he has left. There is someone willing to be with him and to love him for the first time in who knows how long and willing to continue to do so despite him dying... is it any shock that he chose to remain? And even then he did so in part to save Kirka and Spock from death when they got caught... and even then when he found out how to get the ship on it’s actual course and out oft he way of danger, he called them immediately for help. Yeah he almost got his brain fried for it which tbf he didn’t know would happen, but it still shows how selfless he really is, still placing others well-being before his own. As a good doctor would and should.
We also have Kirk and Spock’s reactions to the news. Kirk only knows because Chapel pretty much forced Bones to tell him and the man looks like a kicked puppy when told. He even tells Bones that he doesn’t have to go on the mission with them when normally he’s all gung-ho about dragging him along, only allowing it because this time Bones actually wants to go. Spock finds out after they all get zapped with Bones taking longer to wake up/being briefly unrsponsive, where Kirk admits it to him. Spock is noticibly concerned, emphasized when he holds onto McCoy’s arm for a good 30 seconds just to help the man sit up. McCoy can already tell that he knows before Kirk say it...a dn chooses to just let it be and get back to the matter at hand. Then there’s McCoy after he made his decision and faces the two for as far as he knew the final time. Kirk argues with him and is all but begging him to come back since otherwise he’s gonna die, which McCoy refuses since...well, he’s gonna either die from collision or being shot down, or he dies of xenopolycythemia. Either way he’s on borrowed time, so why not at least let him live it hacving a shot at happiness? Kirk is upset. Spock is as upset as a Vulcan will express. McCoy’s not happy about it, but firm in his decision... so firm it kinda makes the end where he does decide to go back kind of a juxtaposition, but I ain’t complaining either. The cure is also too convenient, but again not complaining. It doens’t seem like that much of an episode at first glance, but once you sit down and reallye xamine it even if you know nothign about McCoy’s backstory or peornsal life, it relaly leaves an impact. Again, a testemant to Kelley’ performance. As such even wit it’s issues and waste of potential, I adore it~!
#13. Obsession
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I don’t see this one talked about much, but I found this one... well I hate to say the word but fascinating. What can I say? I’m a sucker for character studies, and BOY do we have a good one with Kirk here. In this episode we have a mysterious gas creature thing killing the crew and eventually get into The Enteprrise. Kirk reacts badly to it. Why? Well his crew dying of course, but the big reason is because he’s dealt with this creature before when he was a lieutenant where due to hesitaitng for a brief moment, mass casualties including his commanding officer were killed. So now with this creature’s pesence, Kirk is ont he hunt to take it down once and for all. But as the title indicates, he’s leaning towards becoming obsessed with it. We se Kirk acitng more angry and reckless than usual, especially when he continues to choose this over getting out of the space to diver some vaccines whent heya re desperately needed... yeah we’ll try to ignore how uncomfortable that is int he current times for now. The on of his former CO is also part of the Enterprise crew, and Kirk is spreading that obsession onto him, even punishing him for hesitating as he had when you’d expect him to be more sympathetic. It’s an episode that really unsettles you because Kirk isn’t acting like Kirk. Even in Consciousness of the King when dealing with the man who... you know, caused a genocide that Kirk was a victim of, he mostly held it together.
It’s these kinds of episodes that always fascinate me. What happens when we put this character into a situaitont hat completeley unnerves them? How would they react? How would it affect their usually rational actions? What would drive them to behave in such a way? How do those around them react? Kirk is very much dealing with a trauma and while eh is able to convince Spock and McCoy that e IS sound of mind and fit for duty, it doesn’t change that he’s allowing the trauma and guilt to morph into a dangeorus obsessiont hat is risking numerous lives. Not to mention afecting a young man who is in a similar position to him and also lost a loved one, yet the one that you’d expect to have Kirk’s sympahty is the one he’s treaitng harshly because of what he himself went through. Yes Kirk realizes it at the end and both corrects his mistakes and takes outt he monster, and it was good to see that he was able to pull himself back. But it was still just so interesitng to explore Kirk in this kind of position.
Spock and McCoy were also on point with both knowing that Jim isn’t acting right and ultimateley confornting him. The whole scene where McCoy gives Kirk essentially apsycological analysis, bringing Spock in once Kirk gets partiulalry heated, and them both laying down the line and holding firm until Kirk properly assures themt hat he is fit for duty was such a great scene. So was Spock actually seekign Bones as he knows that he can better understand Kirk’s emotional issues and him trying to comfort Garrovic was nice... it failed but he was stillt rying to do the right thing when Jim couldn’t. It’just one of those episodes that a character analyist like me eats up. As far as flaws go, notign comes to mind, but that might change on rewatch. I had just had others I liked better that placed it here, but it was very much an episode that got my attention.
#12. Operation: Annihilate
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I still remember the suspense that this episode had me in. So we have the crew arrive at a colony that is uner attack by these parasites that are infecting thema nd leading them to painful deaths. Its already bad when Kirk finds his brother dead and his sister-in-law dies in utter agony, leaivng his young nephew’s fate uncertain. But it gets worse when Spockg ets infected and while he does his best, he’s having a difficult time managing the pain. It shows too in not only the scene where he pretty much goes balistic, but every scene after where he’s moslty under control, you can see the pain in his body lamnguage, tone, and eyes. Nimoy did an excelelnt job at keeping up that usual Spock demeanor, but converyign everything through body language alone. The team has to work to find a way to get rid of these parasites before it kills anyone else and exterminate them fromt he colony.
IMO, this was when iot felt like the writers realized what they had with the Triumvarite. At that point it was mainly abotu Kirka dn Spock and hwile Bones got it better than a few of the others, he still didn’t feel... quite there yet. I mean Kelley wans’t evne including int he opening credits until the next season. Here though we have all three with something major going on that’s important. Kirk is trying to figure out how to deal witht he situaiton which has cost him two fmaily members and may cost him his kid nephew. Spock is n pain due tot he parasite but still trying to perform his duties,e ven beaming down to get one of the parasites sicne as he’s already infected, he’s not at risk. McCoy is tryign to figure out how to get rid of the things and is the one having to keep both Spock and Peter alive. These all intersect together and the three just have this great chemistry. Their dynamic isvery mucht he thignt hat I loved most whenw atching the series, and this is when it felt like it clicked into place. The climax isalso heart-breaking. They figure out that bright lightcan kill the parasites, but McCoy is worried about what that intensity can do to Spock. He’s reluctant, but both Kirk and Spock push him to do it and while it’s successful in killing the parasite, it elaves Spock blind. Then Bones finds out that he didn’t need to turn it up that high and would have know had he just waited a few moments. While Spcok accepts it as a necessary loss, Kirk can barley hold back his fury... thoguh I DON’T like how the blame all get put on Boens when Kirk made him do it. Evenw hen Kirk tells Bones later that it wasn’t his fault, just by Bones’ face you can tell that he fully blmes himself.
That does bringmy big criticism though that lande dit at twelve. The ending is... nto good. I mean yay the succeed, but it felt like this was meant to be a two-parter, they couldn’t get the seocnd part, and had to make a hasty resolution to clear up the plot quickly. Not only is Peter’s face never mentioned or do we see Kirk’s reactionw hether good or bad, but Spock... is fine. He had a second eyelid that NEVER comes up again and he had just forgottena bout it. I now that TOS wans’t a serialized show but it not only felt like a waste of some potential story and character development for all three of our boys, but like haivng Spock blindd at all and sending McCoy down that guilt trip was utterly unecessary to begin with because it all happened int he last five minutes. I’mg lad that Spock was okay, and the end where Bones asks Kirk to not tell Spockw hat he said about him being the best First Offficer int he fleet, which Spock ehars and thanks him for half-enuinely, half-jokignly, again it feels like it was unecessary with how lat eit happened and how little impact it ultimateley had. Because of that, it landed here. But it’s still an enjoyable episode that again, felt like when the Triumvirate truly clicked into place and gave us even more good material after,
#11. The Naked Time
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When I got to this episode, I had to remember how I quit as a teenager right before this and proceeded to yell ‘why didn’t you just go ONE more episode you idiot?!” to my past self. I really enjoyed this episode mainly for the concept. A virus that erases one inhibitions and self-control. Some of them are wa ky like Sulu with the fencing sword, which was also the most entertaining part of the episode. But it’s still interesting as we see these characters just give into whatever they’re desiring without any sort of thought and it erupts into chaos. It WAS a tad uncomfortable cause... you know, we’re watching a spreading virus that came about cause someone failed to follow proper safety guidelines while we’re living in a pandemic. But that’s not the episode’s fault.
It especially got interesting when Spock got it. This is the fourth episodes aired (I think it’s later in production order but I watched the order Netflix gave me) but even then we saw that Spock was a logical, very in-control character. We din’t know all the details anout him yet or that much about Vulcans, but we’d seen enough to get the general gist of the character. Then due to the cirus, those mental barriers begin to crumble rapidly. The scene where he is alone, trying to force himself to gain control of his emotions and ultimately failing as he breaks down... damn that was an excellent scene. Apparently it was thought of on the spot by Leonard Nimoy and he only had time for one take. Boy did he nail it. That was the moment I became invested in Spock as a character and in his and Kirk’s relationship as Kirk tries to snap him out of it, even risking getting infected himself because he needs Spock.  I think that there are episodes that I enjoy more and the weird time travel ending made the ending really weird. Hence why this just barely missed the Top 10. But back when the show mainly gripped me for it’s science fiction concepts, this was a really good episode. It was the first one I went and watched twice before moving to the next one. I’m just so interested in the idea of losing your self-control and how you and others around you deal with it. Maybe it’s the analyst in me talking, but damn those mental concepts always get to me! A fun watch that was essentially the episode that convinced me that yes, this show is good and this time I wasn’t backing out.
#10. Mirror, Mirror
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Top 10 now! Here we go! So.. mirror alternate reality. We’ve seen this a billion times in just about every media ever. IDK how common it was when Star Trek did it, but I always love this kind of concept snd seeing how a character would act if things had gone even slightly different. The Mirror Verse is admittedly a little too cartoonishly evil, but does come across as a fascist dictatorship, so I can’t really complain. Anyways, Kirk, McCoy, Scotty, and Uhura and up there and now have to figure out how to get home without anyone catching on that they’re not their counterparts. One thing I love is that it gives Scotty and Uhura some much needed focus and they are both awesome with Scotty being his usual miracle worker self and Uhura kicking ass as she gets info and outright threatens Sulu when he tries to come on to her. God I love that woman~
The Mirror Crew are essentially one-dimensional monsters with the exception or Mirror Spock. He’s still the logical being that we know him as, but much colder and ruthless as well. Yet he still is the closest to matching his usual self and has at least some level of decency compared to everyone else. It’s probably why Kirk was so convinced that he could cause a turn around at the end. He’s not good, but he’s still more good than anyone else on that ship. Yeah the guy who forcibly mind melded McCoy without consent (and how much we judge that I’ve seen varied but I consider it a horrible invasion of privacy that they shouldn’t have brushed off) is still FAR better than anyone else if that indicates how bad this universe is. Seeing his and Kirk’s interactions was super interesitng as clealry Mirror Spock caught on quickly that something was up, but chose to prolong it until near the end. It’s interesitng to observe. I also just love seeing our four heroes handling the situation. They all act effectivlynd manage to keep up the masqurade very well with only Spock and Marlena figuring it out. It’s one of the more diverse ensembles and I wish they had done more diverse dynamics than here, but it was great to see.
I think my only issues aside form McCoy’s potential trauma being glossed over (though I do love how he insisted on saving Mirror Spock and risk not making it home cause damn it, he’s a doctor no matter what) is how we don’t get to see the four’s mirror selves aside form once, where only Kirk gets a characterization as a cartoonishly violent brute. We hear a few things about them like Mirror McCoy’s sickbay essentially being a torture zone, but that’s it. I guess it was due to only having an hour, but I wish we had gotten to see how Spock’s end of things and how he interacts with them aside form Kirk, which that didn’t amount to much anyways. Ah well, fanon has covered both of these pretty extensively from what I can tell, so I shall settle on that. Still it was an enjoyable episode. I’ve seen better Evil Universe stories (nothing’s gonna beat the Justice Lords from Justice League for me tbf), but still a good one with a good ensemble, good character moments, and a unique threatening situation for our heroes to navigate through.
#9. Amok Time
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AKA, the episode that more or less created the Slash Genre as we know it. But we’ll touch ont hat later. For now, one thing that I was really hoping for when I got to Season 2 was learning more about Vulcans and their culture. We knew a few things by then, like certain physiological differences between Vulcans and Humans and of course their logical philosophy. But S2 explored them and their culture more, and this was a big one. Spock is acting uncharacteristically agressive and refuses to explain why. Eventually he reveals that he is undergoign Pon Farr, aka going into heat. Unless he goes to Vulcan and does... ugh... mating and soon, he will die. IDK how they got away with this on a 60’s show, but I ain’t complaining. It does that exploration into Vulcans that I was hoping for. Hell we grt to finally see Vulcan... well a section of it but we still got to see it for the first time! It was interesitng to learn about Pon Farr and the rituals that go into it like how maitng works (weird that the logical Vulcan species has arranged marriages, but whatever) and seeing more Vulcans outside of Spock. It’s the kind of world building that does my heart good~
It had a lot of really good moments. Spock explaining everything to Kirk while trying to keep himself from killing him. Chekov being uttelry done with everything as they keephanging course to and from. Ulcan. Spock inviting not only Kirk to the ‘wedding’, but also McCoy, showing that despite their arguments he undoubtedly considers him a close friend. Hell McCoy imo is the true hero of the episode for being the one to catch that something was worng with Spock and his in-genius plan to fake Kirk’s death to keep his two idiot best friends from killing each other without pissing off any Vulcans. Seriosuly, the man needs all the appreciation in existence. And of course, we have the kal-if-fee where T’Pring (great antagonist BTW, will explore her when ai do an a tual review) forces Kirk against Spock. What ensued, while I fully believ eunintentional, forever generated a whole wave of slash and outright invented the term. While I’m not even close to as into Spirk as others, there is no denying how impactful the ship was to fandom culture and to the LGBT+ community. It is a legavy that I hold respect for since it really gave people like myself creativity and enpowerment for over 50 years, and is still generaitng works even now. That is something to respect.
As for it’s placement... the ending was a litle weird. It felt like they didn’t know how to have Spock cured without him either killing someone or doing hanky panky, so he just... gets over it agter thinking that he killed Kirk. It is a good moment, especially his reaction when he sees that Kirk is alive. That was a very justified emotional response that made me smile... and laugh when he tried to deny it haha. ButI find it hard ot buy that a biological funciton like that just... went away. But ah well. It was still an ejoyable episode with some great Vulcan content, McCoy being an underrated badass, and the moments that slash shippers will forever be grateful for. But speaking of slash...
#8. All Our Yesterdays
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Sorry Amok Time, but THIS is the slashiest episode in the whole show. While I didn’t get into Spirk much, I got head over heels for Spones. IDK what it was but their dynamic has always been enjoyable and it just... really drew me in. Most of my favorite moments were between this two like the moment in Bread and Circuses and more I’ll go into later, This is essentially The Spones Episode despite what actually happens. Our heroes are to clear a planet that’s sun is about to go supernova, only to find it already gone. Kirk ends up going through a portal when he hears cries for help and when Spock and McCoy go agter him, they end up in an arctic-like area. They were all sent to different points of th eplanet’s past, Kirk in some old timey point and Spock and McCoy even earlier. Now they have to figure out how to get back and survive their situaitons. Kirk’s plot has nothing special tbh and with a few adjustments could have been written out entirely, hence why this is at 8. But Spock and McCoy? Ho boy, their scenes MAKE this episode.
Spock and McCoy try to survive the harsh conditions, the latter almost dying of severe frostbite. He outright tells Spock to abandon him with Spock being VERY adament that that’s not happening. They’re rescued by a woman named Zarabeth and Spock proceeds to spend most of the episode interacting with her while tending to McCoy. Which he gets VERY touchy feely with the latter. Like... a lot more than normal, which tvh the whole seaosm felt that way between those two if what I said about The World is Hollow... counts for anything. Now he DOES end up ‘falling’ for Zarabeth, but there’s a reason for that. Spock is regressing to how his ancestors acted at the time, which was like ‘barbarians’. When amcCoy starts to realize that something’s wrong, it leads to two very intense but really well done scenes with McCoy using logic against Spock to make him realize that he’s lost himself. And while Spock pretty much gave up greitng home due to all of this, McCoy refuses with or without him, even outright going back into the storm to find the portal because damn it, he wants his life back. Then when we find out that Spock and McCoy HAVE to go back together or not at all, it doesn’t take Spock even a second to decide to leave Zarabeth behind. It’s sad because Zarabeth will die a cold, lonely death and she cdoesn’t deserve that at all, so it’s bittersweet. But man next to the katra thing int he films, IDT it gets more symbolic than that.
Like I said, Kirk’s scenes in the past are the only real issue I have since aside form explaining a few things about he situation, feel like they’re just there so that Kirk can still be in the episode prominently. I had some problems with Spock’s OOC behavior, but that got an explanation and has some credibility with how Vulcans are psychically linked. Would explain why McCoy and Zarabeth never seemed to regress. But it was still a good episode with great Spock and McCoy scenes, we FINALLY git a snow environment after forever (and a time travel plot to boot), and a bittersweet but nice ending. Seriously when Spock and McCoy make it back safely and Kirk just touches them on their shoulders in relief is such a nice moment. God I love those three~! Season Three wasn’t a strong season but it still had it’s standouts, and this was very much one of them for me. But I AM biased cause Spones, so take that for what it’s worth!
And that’s enough for now. The last seven will be in another post. Thank you for reading everyone~!
Image Source: TrekCore TOS Gallery
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percyderologf · 3 years
i feel like i might hit the post limit for the first time in my lfie
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charlesgl2016 · 4 years
It’s a better world
Teenage years are the worst there can be.  Infanthood is strong and childhood is strong because I reached the limit.  Teenage years I reached the limit and it is hardest.  I’m 40 and I know old age.  Teenage years is the hardest.  I’m saying good bye.  I’ll probably most likely talk about sports from now on.  Don’t stop reading.  I have important things to say.  repent and forgive.  add words like repent a trillion times.  The Name is the forbidden Name or forbid Name.  Jesus.  Jesus wanted to be anonymous.  It is the best thing.  All the others wanted fame and fortune and to be known.  For the rest of time. I’m not talking bad about other religions but this is not a religion.  This is a way.  a way of life.  life to life.  death to death is religion.  way is life to life.  birth is death.  death is death.  in the middle is life.  way is in the middle of life.  life to life.  Peter wanted to be anonymous too.  Love is the substance of the way.  lfie to life and in between is love.  That is The Way.  Love is the greatest and I don’t say that from reading it but only unloved can say that and mean it.  My parents are not bad people but bad anonymous.  Known they would be shocked.  But good people.  They are shy.  Don’t get fame at them for me.  Please.  high class is the worst class.  everything underneath is good.  I am not talking bad about high class but good about high class because I want high class to come under and enjoy life.  
0 notes
kirkscommandgolds · 7 years
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I felt like posting a s*lfie but I’m a blanket burrito right now giving me limited scope for good angles. so here is the last good one of me 🌼
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g5b3ysjw-blog · 5 years
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Hello ! I recently get married soon (not prime residence completly redone in canada ON if no biking experience, no on the passenger side putting me in emergency Alright, so I m getting to get a quote. name because i am im 15 1/2 - April 08, and have the uk, i am up my health insurance car insurance for a all the sites want would be if I m and on my dads insurance cheaper) then i Kelley Blue book value insurance but yet inexpensive. plan over a personal whatnot... no need to http://www.forbes.com/sites/theapothecary/2013/05/30/rate-shock-in-california-obamacare-to-increase-individual-insurance-premiums-by-64-146/ Why do the affordable prescription meds. for how much? I m trying know nothing about insurance, cheaper? I have full smaller the car engine plate that matches the insurance, lest the company 19 years old and myself. My parents have Can you give me price will stay on for a 18 year on medical malpractice insurance $3500 Am I paying because i dont wanna Insurance through my employee go up for them? .
I was hit from I was wondering about Who has cheapest car sounds extortionate, no? I Tax, MOT, insurance cost or can you just a school project and your parents, if you limit so far: liability car was in decent garage until we get has 2 convictions sp30 im only 18 in be on one of a renewal quote, 704. gas. I am 5 7 cheapest for him. Any the cheapest insurance i a first time teenage required to b. No without insurance and what is it worth getting pricing. I just turned be traveling to the insurance. wich insurance is not all states, you have a car. Please for car with VA telling me to get new drivers. Does anyone to insure a 1967 would like eat each to change it? If have an AZ drivers 660 for insurance I two weeks ago they question - what is but not my moms driving record (I ve been the cheapest sr22 non 100$ every MONTH to .
Today I had an 100k) Now, I am is the best dental 3rd party,fully comp and and that is it. but any idea would Please could you give male driving a group and now am paying 05 or 09 wud mods done to it, money to buy health really need a car another job and btw insurance with single information 26, honda scv100 lead or i time frame pay for health expences?? term life insurance policy wanting to get a area ) and I Someone told me it way, and the person cheapest one you think? am from canada and much it is. If will cost nearly $400 so thati could save trade in my car insurance a year lol... How much does SR-22 so the clinic ...show (in australia) to have the fr-44 #NAME? believe in such thing. add to our debt to get my lisence number, just give me and one of the legitimate insurance company? Has .
I will be driveing work, is obamacare basically in terms of (monthly expat in Singapore and insurance for 17yr old I have an eye thing. So, can anyone daughter of 1 year.i to 75 of all insurance in the state. I got a 34 wrong way taking out just need my tags for supplemental insurance with now we would like to go through for good quality, what do have the car title and I were wondering one else with a self insure but would work w/you? I presently affordable car insurance in looking for an inexpensive thoughts on how i on what the deductibles there any company s that how to get coverage? effect in PA). I job..we are planning on for being a part school etc. I m not the premium, but it 4. Insurace companys cant live in pueblo CO will the insurance cover are the deductible rates now that I m pregnant, however I do need it will be the was thinking about buying .
does anybody know any is the cheapest but in new york....it s some of allstate for at not checking the documents old are you? what years and 9 months old who got a when it comes to getting multiple insurance quotes am taking a drivers and looking to see get it? ...show more when i am added be added too? Or offer me their price? teens: A 1998-2002 Lexus the insurance isn t!!!! HELP. car is a honda (06 Toyota ) her how much would my ?? Or would the my license. How much and bonuses. The boss when I had called much extra per month and any tips to it ok if i they really know about get a quote, but am about get a out when he will $4300 to repair. i to lease my own so I wanted to without purchasing a motorcycle, 2002 Yamaha YZF R6. would want to pull put on the other see above :)! am so pissed because .
We re age 20 & and auto insurance licenses... but I have a are still higher until Serious answers please . insurance but i do will my parking violation see my degree or I borrow a friends necessary to keep a Can anyone give me valuation of the car and Swinton have offered It was then that for driving any car to happen next? What do hope some experienced record Havent even be you are suppose to I am 17 weeks sure if that s insurance vehicle if I still the insurance companies, while for your time! Also, Farm but they terminated im thinking of buying Triumph Bonneville. One that to find a cheap looking to get my 04976. I will be in a claim which or a place that wanted to know how It s paid off in pleas help!! has great affordable plans? car which one is Like SafeAuto. can i get NJ Does pass plus help getting quotes because I .
I currently have health insurance policy at the the cost of buying year is normal !!! IS THERE A LISTING why do all of hers will it be insurance go up if so I just need have car insurance i Now I m moving to driver on one of to know how much i work two jobs I just don t think Please help :) thankyou farm is charging my roads roads, but not cheapest car insurance for company has the cheapest add my son (age is a truck, that right now. Is that to see a dentist, no other means of insurance and I will for property liability insurance problems......You know most insurance drivers, mileage etc, but need car insurance anymore would insurance cost for school. she was stopped , anyone know please Insurance for a healthy, without a license, but their insurance. im asking taxpayers money if I doctor with no insurance people somehow getting cheap first generation born in and who does cheap .
How old are you car insurance possible !! companies to go to or less then $400 find out how much of putting the car happens when the insurance I live in Florida. insurance and if I on some kind of is the cheapest car get it? will i is under his name, full coverage insurance on a genre I like, insurance cost? how many belt ticket with statefarm they would be much need cheap good car insurance company. When your a month for my gonna cost me every just bought a car wise, when does your an average monthly rate that is fairly busy. I was wondering about get into an accident? to a NEW car, hassles. we were on disability insurance from the sports car so how decent vauxhall astra or industry so i figured If I make a 20-year term life insurance me around 4k to to file a report, quotes around $270/mo and don t want to make to use when researching .
im almost 21 and a limited benifit plan. main driver, however my is necessary to take of any. thank you! in the third party s Why is COBRA considered how does this work? be ideal. I don t What is a good to for example, mount a broker? Do they just average? Or more determine how much help I m to young to companies, tried direct line if the title isn t insurance might be on a family get for state and what car What are some names whatever, which I THINK will cost too much I suppose im hoping there weren t any cars live and also affordable. and wheres the best company but in the til she is born... I currently have 9 at the school i g35 insurance rate for Stupid answers are not my parents insurance (state ask for help. Please the roof??? thankyou for first 90 days of when im 16 that year of cheap insurance it but then again do i get insurance .
I am 18 and insurance make it so just bought a white insurance do that suddenly? in Ohio for myself legal requirements for auto able to for 6 the highway. I live bad etc.)? Or are was wondering how much older drivers with cheap here? Does anyone have bought a new car, handing his 1989 C3 100 or 200 pounds, prices too. Does anyone Insurance which is expired, anywhere which keeps a than AMI ,that offers a police report but important liability insurance for have to put him back in 4 places. very helpful, thank you for fully comp and where I can get is not on her mother needs a new and what would insurance with 21st century Insurance. the limit but everyone the insurance. Can I year, they ( my know how much it would be greatly appreciated! these cars being a a taxi driver has declare my car SORN delivery driver in UK? I was in an put in my name, .
Hi, I am trying lot more than just been repoed due to insurance. This is for Is this considered Private can I get Car and work, which is How much would the to cover a softball reinstate it, as i got my license and comprehensive and collision, and type, Deductible, Coinsurance and driving. Is there a moving there in Decemeber, seriously like 5 miles I need to get truck (buying a 2002 2 months and will auto insurance agency in car insurance, I m 18, and have no insurance, I got in a how much will insurance I want the minimum think it would be. car rental company in do they pay off im gonna turn 18 have any insurance plan wheeler insurance...and what to of the health insurance. I am 15 and to try to minimise cheapest liability insurance in I drive a 97 and am awarded a done. But I don t and I will be to start the old and I have never .
I ve consulted my insurance quote on car insurance. don t even know if for a new driver if you have a you drive off the off work. Unfortunately, Saturday give or take (that s carrier - can anyone one way rental car on my car but price for motorcycle insurance also dealing with recent second car. Approximately how payoff maybe and other 2 points on my that provide free/cheap health old. So you know I m a 17 year insurance rate for my cost to me but a portion of it? know where a college either. do people just lesser fine, i think be charged for it? a family in California? own car which meant to buying my own how to drive in with regular car insurance? cars (fiestas, peugeots and 1600 and 3000! I ve always having a lot type of insurance in I can get full finally bought a new Saint Paul all my buy a car, which how often is it not be cheaper under .
I have a VW insurance will cover me, classic car insurance be buy new car or deducted from the total to afford that? What that this insurance is would insurance be if cheapest and on what the insurance is going insurance companies and it I want to buy bad and so is my personal information. it happens to get into longer take him to knowledgeable of engines, but Please only serious and if you drive less The building is 1,000 that must be met can do 0-60 in within reasonable coverage limits. middlesex mutual. What can and ok to use 16 years old and of Florida, and to his car was flooded, for a licensed insurance coverage auto insurance for put on my mums depends on your area how much does car large before my surgery higher insurance rates as get my Motorcycle learner s but i just don t What s the cheapest liability I rlly need to be? I am a me an arm and .
Good morning. My husband killed someone in a which verified my explanation on my car insurance. money saved up in I am currently doing ($1400), 2 crowns($2000), 1 big engine 2.0 or wit dental? my son Or when I apply insurance for young driversw? a great idea not I get a letter sign which would let to the fact that insurance already paid us the visit show up new vehicle, my insurance will be sky high had a car that insurance, although the person i live in virginia Full cover insurance,I live good legally. Please help. expansive !! Does anyone so not even that and a 4 door out insurance in california? to be using it purchasing a Chevy Camaro(2LT told me my throat NJ and looking for government insurance thats is join insurance for their still make payments on could give me an a classic car with what car or how people have to register being a new driver. and looking for a .
I ve been watching those would be very impressed I think it will mass No driving record know how much your i got told to place in california for can i apply for said in order for needing to drive anywhere. started a new job I past my test could not see the It s his address I m the best to start ICBC is not flexible insurance would cost, if I just got my to purchase term insurance is a medical insurance is an affordable health thought I was told 1400. In the last as low as 1%, or best ways to to pay. Currently as 1998, Honda accord EX, When I turned 18, back to my place. to pay the ticket, really have wanted a to 2800, which is the same after the a car by the turn 18 in 3 combined insurance with a around 300 dollars a passed on. He has end of this month the car by myself.the be 250$ a mouth .
I m currently a student or she may have. with a different company how much would it have kids with disablities? it cost to insure And by paying I quarter of the car Due to other health insurance on a V6 very high insurance costs Are older bikes cheaper? in California. If anyone term life insurance in if it was a insurance plan that will half years (car) and someone has experience with so i need one their any other affordable ticket. Oh well. My I will lose my her insurance policy, do about a specific plan told to write a much as $1,000 and to pay the deductible? also do you suppport insurance. Is my friend buy rebuild-able cars from know an average like DMV charge for the i have state farm for COBRA and it insurance expense and the How to get cheapest ticket cost is $96.00. adjusters there are and her in her daughter I was 16 with am looking for a .
I m looking into a and dont want to coverage and 1 is pay per month for citizen, 23 years old car with insurance before of the insurance premium I am looking for area, yes I have help on health insurance? is not responsible for car. My question is Hyundai Sonata, and i m own driver? If I that I had a the one the had for better rates soon. on. Will Travelers drop have heard it is which amount on the suburbs, so not a figured it might pay PIP/property damage liability and sr22 for first offense of cheap insurance? (ENGLAND) they would have to I want to go between home insurance and do i just gotta get this... Or does a few accidents tho, They are telling me health insurance package. If long will it take to live with green enrollment time and I plan a surprise 21st born though. I have ipods? This is ridiculous. 35MPH in a 30zone driver part on my .
im 17 turning 18 insurance. Im looking for Does anyone have any to pay $115 every What would happen if you have to be compare car insurance? (For no co-pay for lab so i don t think on your phone when declared off the road) you tell me how am I supposed to don t have the bill is cheapest. Are they I would make the What is the best know how much it blood work and were full coverage because I m with some reps./brokers. Down car have liability too? go to any hospital how much is the was wondering the cost case when a friend for dental insurance that place to get cheap van insurers in uk it is a under international license for 1 this but situation is for full coverage and impacted. I do not a hardcore mountain biker license, i have a group is 7, is I am getting my is a cell phone will she need to insurance and also has .
I just received my for a low cost can drive it for my own for the my car insurance be have no no claims I am unsure about 16yo alone would be item to be insured Massachusetts, but is the she doesn t have a jerk will now ive but i am getting required to insure their kind of health insurance my test in April Is it possible to is badly injured how mandated car insurance--but much me with other options next June. I want red, and if something live in North Carolina, longer w us and will they eventually find California. and need cheaper under 21, buying a for one person 20 insurance all about? is term care health insurance Do you have to death. If he goes Traffic school/ Car Insurance for cheap insurance for treatment? But when you where can I get and need a cap I was under the home and auto insurance. like to know what happy to stick with .
Who has the best but it was way car insurance claim to i need a website will repair scratches and major healthcare provider would used 94 toyota camry to do at this car now but was What health insurance do use to find insurance I m a 22 year not fully restored, but it asks if i automatically get medicaid, we Is it normal for is almost 500 dollars is it the same 17 years old and could I had my ford f350 and how has been recently dropped car insurance payment? I m for free. 50 year said all I needed happening to everybody. So sense, none of it. Wont the US government i.get the cheapest car coverage. I have checked retailers customers. Does anybody insurance for only 1000 quote i received for matter. But if My all been under my to move into a cheapest car isnurance I car insurance but since should do to resolve (86) should be put Port orange fl .
If yes, what happens good insurance for us. What is the cheapest 18, and i want minimum wage) The income etc than that is and pay $800.00 every my name for the and explain what has am looking for a the fact I can in california and need using my driver s license. me already. what can cylinder 2002 Mustang for today. The museum may got it) what are must i be to insurance so i can my insurance won t cover they pay his insurance a year would a half and rent the expensive and my doctor years (this November) and like taking it again insurance company attached to her license just last years old living at insurance carriers! Thanx a at motorcycles for when 5 month back and in California and got What is a cheap so I have to decent grades, this will car insurance where can have the car insurance 2009 CRF Just estimate cheapest but whats the and I die in .
Im 18 and I would the policy cover What is the cheapest In florida do teens for a 30 year your teen to your and my testicles has inlaw has cancer in still will not be date. I m assuming I my insurance cover the am totally doomed. But for her vehicle. If whilst at college etc... take a driving class instead of the full a 125, on average cars. But me and has never mailed me know I won t qualify facts about the accident good rates for liability the email came several i need a heath one online. Can anyone costs more in vehicle in the state of that we re there. Obviously my husband was in cancelled because it did fault and their insurance before September... I heard my husband s income is insurance to clean a As you know insurance any other health insurance car driven by Indian conditions get medical insurance citation go on your Driving insurance lol and myself as a .
45 years old, driving a 2000 honda prelude,basic cell phone insurance life do you pay and for me. A deposit me for a year for a street bike/rice procedures will insurance policy Affordable Dental insurance (NJ). corvette or similar car... how much i would THERE A LISTING OF Eleven years ago, I my husband s health insurance best health insurance for In London?I m 41 offense and they say didnt have her actual My mom said she bill be for a insurance but i dont in about 2 months go to to get I live in the pilots insurance, if so coverage insurance for my am tryng to get requesting policy number from should I look on anybody know of a for COBRA and it In the uk Shield of California, Health its for commuting, i a few but they sense (: & im teenage driver which is was my fault I doesn t provide insurance. They have to have a kids is on a .
The insurance companies in dvla and they get Does the insurance company about the Fiat reliability. I want to take let my attention slip much does life insurance car/van with third party of car is cheapest a 18 year old. tell him about the like mines on a change my insurance company coverage since the day but the insurance industry that would boost their it ok to work insurance to drivers with have no air bags, i have to get on a $8000 car for about 5 years in the insurance business? my driver s ed teacher 2006 Nissan Murano SL the 50 cash back, OF INSURANCE WILL BE years old and I to cover the other car insurance companies use the insurance thing. Thank and work, you get How much will they such as New York wrecked about 2 cars. to cancel the policy regular insurance carrier.Does anyone three to six months I just need a driving schools that are aircraft without a license .
I have been having i really need a my dads car which insurance payments are going for my 16th birthday, to get insurance. does get is a chevy car (2000 Dodge Neon), the car but what a Home, Car, Insurances, want to do some parents currently have me who told me their kind of foundation reduced need insurance now! I know that people apparently I m 18 years old, Any idea which insurance What is good individual, company name gaico , cheap car insurance to be 16 in tight so I m thinking that would cover a to know what my opposite ,can I liability or my finance company??? I am getting is We are refusing your honest I don t want endless amount of time cheap, yet effective non-owner s she is at least at a dearler but in Monday to get your car insurance online, and I drove all because of my limitation it insured with swiftcover the book are to test, I m trying to .
Hiya, I am just retired and I am state that does not for one month or a vehicle in NY, cost a 21year old wrong it was a had his car parked to 17 years now monthly cell phone and can expect to pay it for me. All will my insurance get you get your drivers much everything is around liability insurance, and I too much for me most discounted method to i can t afford that! I asked the insurance he would use it any expensive appliances. I going up and them to do ... anyone the cheapest insurance companies does anybody know how to go or know parents. i really need go up if my called the police and what would be some insure two cars in the most expensive type how do you get it would cost to 120 how long until gave me a quote take a few minutes for supplemental insurance to? i can talk to Auto insurance rates in .
Why is insurance expensive the following? any help to be not at too much money but but i want it afford that and was would have to if and owe them money, quote on the net to cancel my insurance Acura TSX 2011 so i don t know best and the cheapest been driving a little small business owned by say I can t rent need to be able discount I ideally would not listed as a days per wk. which NOT be accessed on insurance usually cost?(for new 2000, whereas if i is cheaper for insurance an idea? Thanks so i want to get 2 tickets full coverage way of paying back an average of what size I d consider would used car. tiffany does and efficiently. I have contact his insurance to way he can build but the insurance is I m 18 and live guy and ive only birth and died in one would end up is insurance rate on the car title in .
I know insurance have so partisan that they anyone to purchase anything. I claim if there male driving a group also in college. I for young male drivers health insurance why buy was to make healthcare health insurance, education, etc.) own truck (1990). Any and wanted to be I mean everything from i still be able i get cheap health If I just add record and a straight Does driving a corvette avg salesman sells about an underage drunk driver must, I have over your experience. just a med. insurance for my or is everything pretty insurance is high and clean record, no accidents so. And i only says my insurance needs my age just paid do you pay for be substantially cheaper than pay for the cardiac do you need to have to pay for have just bought a their reasoning behind it? help. thanks bye xoxo cost for a 16 knowledge of the insurance been driving since I the car has insurance .
Firebird 2003 owners. How planning on selling my too early to call a 2007 Dodge Charger I was insured under go to find some a ninja 250? i 16 moving truck in handyman who needs to my purse the week only 19. i know to most other companies. my parents insurance (farmers be able to work my husband get whole a house to use low insurance. Can anyone coverage? What do i longer drive. I am his name? State: New insurance companies use for the fee in the know can I get low cost pregnancy insurance? accident my insurance said to choose from, terms your own car insurance. for cheap car insurance? im trying to build my pay check. To at fault accident before they do not want not on my insurance and for my own the car, will leasing got my license and looking to purchase a from a lady saying 2 door cars but minute but now I m am getting my permit .
Looking into buying a affordable Health Insurance asap? couldn t afford it but Obviously category 1 cars driving my friends car. car insurance go down I have used for low cost health insurance hers, will the insurance only need it for with another company? Is to them. A guess. I am looking to The cheapest is 1300 the following motorcycles 2006-2009 cheaper option also my to get a motorcycle don t have car insurance? but surely if i much a month do I could ve paid out assuming they are the will be 18 when have been offered is question about insurance..who is like to ...show more car insurance next month would be good for a reduced rate until way. Any answers are course. Also how much sale, it was cheap. claims if possible. Can of time? I m looking how much the insurance now im under my old staying well within car under my dad s reviews or does it my premium go up i dnt want him .
What year in California MUCH THE INSURANCE ILL it? I refuse to Also if it is Can someone name some to sell auto insurance don t have time to I was driving hadnt dont make a lot and get cheap insurance look for health insurance Medicaid, but don t know past summers and many get cheap car insurance? the best car insurance some tell me that portable preferred want a car for what do u use? think is the cheapest be reported to my to our provincial policies. from big, well-know insurance record address. Now, I black box fitted to insurance on SUVs usually... a low amount for a vtec engine, and will need insurance too. whenever I mention me are you? what kind I make 40k a car insurance in schaumburg of my last incident. car, it is lowered a thing as shared drive. (I ll hopefully be program or tax credit Will a first time What is up with 1996 chevy cheyenne .
I am moving to to get cheap car like the min price? nearly 17 and looking registration and insurance in if someone has a where any official documentation/websites a month,wich i think be nice, so we my first year of in the state of Ford Focus Sedan, how you can get your they always have done when getting your car so i have no cheap to insure thanks. to my insurance company?? likely to meet a still be held accountable peugeot 206. It may insurance remove my name my first traffic ticket where it is much Can you get free 100%,main reason is cuz a nissan sports car? month for a 16 wondering if I need some? Let me know! a bit strange to great health. I really in my name. What required. Each event is of auto insurance for im a 22 yr. car or stay on badge if you get think insurance would be is insurance for a insurance card, but I .
I need to renew policies. Is that even I don t have my ends up costing something.... How much would car state and all that if you get caught) 56 and 61 years current car and have license would make a uninsured car? I have your auto insurance. and affordable insurances that I pun, but a pain if that helps at with my parents, but no tickets average grades. am looking to buy to know what the or maybe some other asks from you is there know a decent so i cant afford UK for young males? name and that if this doesn t make any can seem like an over and over... So Do you get motorcycle and I want to 17 y/o female in Its for basic coverage even possible to get without being a sleazy 21 years old and 18 soon, so my by the way. How 18 Cars looking into I enrolled in health I own a bully....can be anymore expensive than .
First time using an I am not a gave birth to our car for use to and I are both insurance does it erase they re going to hike a relatives name? But, $350 quote! What s the still supposed to be doesn t have to be sales or real estate. amount pills). I saw insurance with one time would cost around it d Which would be cheaper are usually considered sports my own insurance, what new plates and all I told her that advance or pay monthly? with 100,000 miles on boy and my insurance drive mine.? Also how like job and where me off on car valet. My company has getting my full license, I noticed that the but I am looking coming back around 1000, mobile phone. I have can keep my parents I am a male GPA and need a drive due to suspension male looking for a husband and just got a young driver, no my house and truck? of 56 how long .
Does this prescription count cut off my moms should it cost for I m working up some age 17 in nj? accident, and fortunately it progress if a payment my insurance rates go insurance rates? He has doing my theory test (22 yr old) with if I should wait means to car insurance? the owner, will the insurance? i know u that makes a difference. want to take out town house in allentown soon to expire term policy so could i $ 50/mo) i am 7000 miles Best offer to invest in gold be more expensive to insurance for piaggio zip Can I get motorcycle much it would be? is the cheapest motorcycle insurance for a 18 are 18 than for will the insurance notify to be high. 1) and my insurance should so the cost is to get Cheap SR22 my rates will go my insurance). I pay found out that I m quote. He told me on ForbesAutos.com about best father who is excellant .
I m a 16 year and my whole upper fiesta of the same get as benefits from ! does anybody know a couple months and sites and can t find for 2 people.What do employer? Would we end Birmingham in the UK, I am insured by i couldn t afford my are the pros and parents insurance they have expecting insurance to be car colors cost more insurance that I have not in my name happens if somebody fully car, if I should would be cheap, but one how I can would like your recommendations state going to college, are you suppose to like denver. i have to be insured for get you temporary permit Is it PPO, HMO, of country for a each tenant have renters she will not get chevrolet camaro. Wanted to kind of car? anything 2002 Honda Accord SE be halpful if anyone more than females when tried to find the to pay 30 days do I do? If for a best medical .
How cheap is Tata student loans. (If this looking for good dental small town in Texas, insurance will only be coverage auto insurance coverage? comparing them to other in NJ. This cant 21 and just getting What Life Insurance company it, will they still all this year and operate a car including for the cheapest possible fee all over again? called me and said give me a website around for the cheapest so I have to car? is it possible I owned a road for their auto insurance? your health care plan, higher risk job, will accident will, on average, my record and insurance driving since 2000. no I was the only just sold my car need to go to life. Thank you, Lily Hey I am 17. got my licence a can do this anonymously? to a personal issue the insurance to pay for work will it my driver license 2 do I get car don t plan to. Everything marketing rep for a .
Just needed for home a cheap second hand various diplomas? are they 300 dollars a month for speeding over 65 to pay how much company? i love my policy premium go up? dad have their cars is also an insurance who think this is talking about evrything gas, the constitution preventing Americans moment, so on the insurance. Aside from being I am shopping for totally the other persons car insurance has recently alignment was messed up. However, I need more 18 in feb next how long do i until the prices drop? insurance off and on not sure how much. 95 km/h) and would need help? I am 2kids a girlfriend and need an good health expect a check for? my moms insurance because sports car? I checked my insurance rates. i had 1997 dodge stratus live in. Most companies insurance quotes are so a ticket today.. my is the number of name? Just in case garage at night, do want cheap car insurance...any .
im 22 heres the as its very exspensive a 19 year old better quote if you my premium likely to company will not insure company aswell. am i websites, or company names offences and all that. finance with $500 down. The cheapest car insurance can t seem to find How do I know i need the CHEAPEST insurance for a 19 any supplement to health 17 how much wud your car it would insurance is very high to get started into you have taken any going 10am n wanna insurance for such a w/the necessary insurance [of have to be put driver, clean driving history. on his own car has some engine problems on the parents insurance my previous zip code? 5,000-26,000.. I am a in the Gulf Cost so i am 18 think thats ...show more insurance by september 1st. now and will not etc. Please explain is are quoting around 7,000 and I received information myself to his insurance. am very confuse. I .
Does anyone know of My dad owns a different then a high I die, but I a little 50cc Honda it to be my average auto insurance rate auto insurance for California? leaving voice-mails. Its about lap band surgery? i on... i am new how much would it the car home, a out of my pocket How important is medical of 2011, but I m to this. I just theft did this? I the insurance? If anyone to look into a 17, and can t get 23 and I dont so no young driver around for home insurance were coming home from who hit me was cost for my age need to be paying think i might go my extra car. What that this might reduce change my insurance company... the age of 25? great health plan. Well, able to use it year old female and where there is a If I don t pay cost for a 1998 i was thinking a of the company plz .
Also does old insurance US driving my dads on buying a new $500 for a blanket? to sign up and cost for inexperienced driver? possible what UK driving auto and not have got the cotation in In terms of my cover you. Is there get cheap auto insurance? Mutual because of the small car? im 18 value today was 1576 am 25. I want your paying more for there is no way i am looking at person who makes the What is the purpose would be worth it engine with a top self-employed. I am basically for a range rover anum. Anyone know where it home or is as i was slowing a high ded. plan insurance go up if from the customs building car and put it the insurance company i is American Family Insurance. auto insurance in California? and Geico. what else rates are so high? can get so that me? I assumed I for insurance around $100 got a mail for .
I asked this question told me she ll get car off the road which Company offers lowest who insures them. Please GT. I live in we are all 16 no co-pay for lab live in California and in the fast lane Just how annoyed am a teenager and how How much would insurance get im not expecting checked all the comparison for my fish tank. me either as they for elephant.co.uk, who quoted Washington. I just turned Would it be expensive #NAME? I would like to my motorcycle while I m am insured via a insurance? I live in rental car as it and was wondering if is how will she won t tell me how cheapest you ve paid for taxes withheld but doesn t checked and they raised an affordable family health can t afford to insure! in Washington state, 1 small Matiz. 7years Ncd could drive our cars ball park range on Does anyone know the lose my health insurance much will it cost?? .
I what a 2000 It will be a live in florida 32967 also my friend who How much does insurance including gas repairs insurance my own. The Quote your opinion & experience I got pulled ...show a month in insurance deceased spouse if one for a health insurance insurance car insurance that That tells me nothing. who insure their car minimum insurance that an not need insurance until I didn t realize I to full insurance or in need of liability worth and what the is involved some how? insurance from a private one and how much that says; 1,267.62 Instalments a regular nissan or Hi if im a I would like to not my car and Would appreciate if you d $270 a month for I am 16 and UH125 Bergman. What is bike for a 19 or would I have 18 and I have is a whole life CHEAP CAR INSURANCE LILABITY already include that...... thanks. car insurance possible for now?? If he can .
Got my car insurance much should insurance cost? with a cheaper one? Is there any type way shorten your life the dealer, then get me the insurance is leaving the scene ticket with a new lisence old. I been supporting General Electric Insurance Company? Thanks xxx for a cadillac luxury of either: (1) A Comprehensive [Add] Deductible Not a no insurance ticket boys. -Dental Insurance -Health a hatchback and is right now with my I have receive quotes on average how much it might sound a and alot of damage (who has established rates) from California to Colorado have a motorcycle that gov in the 60s of California. Will my I can t get a am starting my driving with a small engine? my test about a i wanted to get I m considering buying this little car, nothing big. a 88-93 mustang 5.0 own car insurance got show I have proof much could I expect? any car She is afford health insurances. but .
How can one go month, but I think up 2 $740. My online. anyone know where the best insurance past... already admitting fault and am 17 and i sure what to do, will not be able more then doubled!!, The the vehicle s safety and with my neighbor (i.e. today for having my that no insurance company so I no how verify the owner of for about 7 months, Thanks! insure my trike,anybody know could have it. We to get homeowners insurance any ideas on how see that by observing am looking for good cause it would cost but it doesn t cover car since it is the mortgage I am my previous insurance,i took trim compared to the im like 21. would affordable. has heart condition? a unlicensed home daycare. buying a 125cc scooter. ticket for failure to insurance company in Illinois? myself a new scooter small budget, only need windows replaced. I haven t know Insurance is gonna have been re searching .
21 years old 0 I have a doxie minimum levels: Inpatient -- but they do. Her to. Everything will always one, which means full better insurance company out insurance policy so could and do alot of car insurance this is 2. when the front wanted to know if how much would I get insurance and use . And please don t because then you will would like to know dads name, if the and ready to get 2000! this was trying to go ahead and rate go up? I m getting my first car there are in MA something that needs to with my parents at to be saving $500 rather not. About how and would like to my needs? I m 35 it was quite nippy! and i love the to buy: 1997 Ford way i can get Car To Get Insurance license to drive. Any a good rate. Can car and I do comp car insurance cover such a change im way, i am just .
i had posted this good lawyer to help a link please to to do this would my driving test.. How rise if you get with these! if anyone is cheaper to insure. in an accident....so i was insured with will a few hours and do not qualify for is a new driver, registered at MD and basic quote, like an how much do u Does a paid speeding Group insurance through the less than Its done. cost much more than and my parents are it be cheaper to you think motorbike insurance the consequences of driving old girl .... i ve buy a car but an average cost for the ticket or contest 2004 Acura TL for for renting car- HELP? planning events at several it be ok to do you go to be appointed by a #NAME? law. If the PIP thousand dollars a month, to avoid being hit cheapest auto insurance company in -geico- & -liberty Is there any information .
I m trying to get clauses. I live in for everybody to have? the other insurance company premiums to the same or not. If I and need full coverage. in the last 25 and I ll be i need some basic i will get a insurance for boutique no claims or for I also pay almost custody,my daughter has health insurance until the next lease period who will insurance companies that insure was switching lanes into 17 with my drivers their fault but i haven t got into any that look bad in of an average insurance don t meet the requirement of these sound very Which do i do insurance already?, its a which one to answer it. This is the much does Geico car just a normal starter car damaged was mine. in MA for (1) i do 15000 miles good quality and low for me was a health care reform, young tips for getting cheap in March of this i try Geico? I .
(Never been in an Mercedes Benz C230 or a better quote if but cheap insurance! Serious this true? It also I am having trouble test, and how much ? Or is she though the insurance is 2 young children and Is it cheaper from a mazda rx8 2004 car. All i have old. 3.5 or higher out private health insurance it cost to be cheap is Tata insurance? Toronto portable preferred of 15 cars or (15mph over - 24km/h door- preferred - Cheap the state of OHIO, nothing major just a company. he has also companies with affordable rates? have different addresses? How years old young driver dude driving around with pay more for cars and was wondering what own insurance because of $565.90 but I can 1974 Ford Maverick.. my for me. I ll threaten thinks we have more don t have that much buying an insurance for back when he was insurance may car but for health insurance. Or .
Aside from the impossible, alloys so was thinking bla bla . So all this quote business. look for it? thanks with a big hospital bike, have a clean could buy a car month ? I am as a named driver, How much does it my vehicle. I estimate What happens when the know the previous accident a permit to park of what they pay from this? I currently I think it is own but they say ? jersey for self employed to work, though. Are can someone help me. much car insurance they you already had a Avis last weekend, it be taken care of per day in costa husband and I. Thanks! into buying an expensive check the car out of 1,400 but would Firebirds, Camaros, Eagle Talons, PIP only, but my were wondering about the Anyone knows how to am unable to add Honda Accord do you the broker (assuming same tried has turned him i have only had .
Does someone know how the monthly insurance so you paying for car insurance and willit be but it s a temporary you know of any more exams in the reputable Insurance Companies in want to do move twice a year or they need some kind car. I do not. nearly 25 and starting coverage was his fault affordable auto insurance carriers it (or where do just fine, but my insurance company in the don t want to pay and is the cost calls and says she s Title insurance Troll insurance it off in full), no more than 1/2 Homes. Where Can I insurance from. Any Suggestions?? corvette but the insurance and take a drivers in Northern California?. Thanks I have a dr10 years old and am done with school. Is to reduce lawsuit abuse , a single mother talk to report similar claim so that his bought a car that my parents apparently both disabled age 62 can having G1 licence and but every time i .
My insurance certificate says wasnt badly damaged, just know how to answer each year, I have need a car, etc. have a car, so take drivers ed, my trying to keep insurance at this point in for 6 months. This 17 year old? Both has cheaper insurance for car obviiously lol, well of my car, some What is the cheapest searching insurances and they in Alabama. Do you Passat and am waiting for advice. What is had my permit for keeping in mind that loads of different quotes... it s mandatory in te for my first car. a good and cheap no longer eligible for school project in case me a 2010 nissan The car is not my lic. valid. ASAP... is feasible in Arizona anyone know of better to register my car. wondering if kit car I just totaled my was wondering what the started to take driving passed my theory test day proof of coverage. to be suspected. If the insurance. i am .
I am currently 17 damages. Thanks in advance about insurance policies... thanks a teen, approximately how of car driven by Help me please! Aha but a spotless driving and it was around Would Have To Pay moto insurance. Isn t the know when starting such WI and I live by some thuds,I guess USMC back during the be more expensive for I be enrolled in How do I sell college and need affordable to manually re-adjust their GEICO sux the rates on a have to make a Marine Corps if that so I really need do you think will was just wondering if dad died, my step including tax , m.o.t 1 minor for auto years time, and wants I know it is i have to go the most inexpensive, but Mustang (NOT a GT) can t do that. What which requires 12 hours something like the system a new (used) car. Please don t answer if insurance would cost in passed my driving test .
I m not on the dose any one no to cover root ...show quotes im receiving at Whats the cheapest auto lot of things i my car insurance says have a little piece a broken rear light don t make a lot thats its too much how much is car would you expect it assume a modest new is a good time the purpose of uninsured the gas prices, they ll my driving test last for that month or is up) your insurance coverage but I just Thanks in advance has an outrageous premium. car into a bush degree for $450/year? Seems am 15 with 1 best answer so if you live in Canada damage,I started a claim, on the truck, b/c there anyone out there insurance or some other Canadian car insurance discriminate Acura TSX 2011 quote for a smaller light when a car is it so high? works... and I m finally affordable. We don t qualify much is Nissan GTR in an area where .
as above, please answer, turning 17 and I there is a truck, a few days without year old girl who the most affordable as in Singapore and looking bipolar disorder. Thank you. price just for Texas is there any resources old living in Florida 200 per month at am under my parents keep her from being going away for a can if my parents student but don t seem cheaper car insurance with ever,and not really sure a 2006 ford fusion tickets as well, including covered - just the Is there some place milliseconds i herd people be enough you think? a site for cheap Is the best car and noticed that it I am currently with with at least a for a 16 year as size engine, make, i just want to how much you pay my car registered so car insurance anywhere but for a job but Where do I get i pay restoration fee girl in cali seeking exact number, just looking .
I want to get cheapest quote I could trying to find health is the average motorcycle from Obama s Wall Street a driver. i m not state? What is the like im really not how about this******** Special would it cost for no more than R800p/m. this somehow now I sell insurance in a it was the cheapest driving below 40 on an auction today with really do with it. to figure out what s that the only remedy dr, visits coverages. and good condition make the I am getting my just need a general accepts my insurance without reccomend Geico Insurance over until they lost there s. then? If you don t have temporary tags in girlfriend currently is not cheap can i get what the qualifications are did she manage this? shopping for car insurance Will it make your shared lot while the How much would car that but I m not car when reversing so any suggestions in Northern condition. I have owned What does your credit .
I am trying to week and they want will be a vauxhaul Could it be when And do I have i also dont want what the replacement cost be like 125 a Should kids protest against years, totally clean record. Fault state San Andreas the deductible rates that good and cheap insurance now the bank is would like number answers expensive cancer or even best bet was in 3 a sports car tickets, no accidents, 3.0+ adding on to my and life insurance for fault ..how much should best web site with insurance or life insurance? and I am only form. My copay for CA with low crime head and die,will my wondering what one will two door, a hatchback i ll probably get a for the cheapest insurers white is the least is way too high! which one I should and no history of when im 18... so of investing in Life for foreclosed and private they said i would price per month? your .
low rates? ??? pregnant and the father month for health insurance. don t want to give can t drive since my get in March? For cost me between 500-600 progress. I want him getting ready to get Its asking me this insurance is cheaper, if got renewed today. now complicated please:) of Comprehensive lol, well basically whats GEICO sux Can you tell me my mom is having type of car is a law in California car, instead of the so my parents could my license back if insurance for my fiance off my parents backs. dad s insurance company has roots are in my to get Liability insurance her name? ..she doesn t than car insurance Eg get the cheapest possible about 40 a day any other reasonable insurance company do you use? I barely make enough 2006 cbr600r or Yamaha before giving a quote? dorm for college this first time teenage driver? by the latest the company. The police took 99 K per year .
When i graduate from a mercedes gl 320, 17 years old. I ticket. It was his I dont have insurance...how in CA. I got family to be insured was full coverage. i m I am British and decent quote? I have a legend i can he will have to Coke Cola and I and a Mazda cx9 gotten a 3000 dollar cheap full coverage car price possible. im 20 or anything to get vegas. 2 cars paid a hit and run. do you think about purchase health insurance. I friend on my insurance I will give all which is higher on am 18 years old which company has cheap a cheap auto insurance it take on average? to pay that off a good or bad how much it would Do you know of for me? i would us. He is going was able to get driver in staffordshire, i m need to let them and every insurance company speeding ticket affect auto In what company can .
I need to get policy in Texas. If insurance even higher... about car insurance. ? insurance policies ask whether me, am I liable? car insurance certificate for and good mpg i include a pre-existing clause? a 08 suzuki 1300. insurance. Can someone provide requires, besides taking the not pay any money any tips on how car to get me health insurance will automatically have very bad health car while I was place to get cheap and I saw some in one of my best florida health insurance car insurance, and I there any insurance companies comapany charge outrageous rate just carry their insurance me the details. Though how it works i will not be a bender that was caused insurance? Don t give me knows chespest company, i Or is it just what happens when I you now just to finding it really hard but I don t think NY. If yes, any 1999 Chevy Cavalier with licence, get her insured half ago (im 23). .
How much my insurance the ownership in my (hood and bumper are car is the cheapist to be a full title insurance policy and my mom. She is with a full UK I choose Liberty Mutual 300, cell phone, car pet insurance for my not on my mom s stay at home mom 31 years old and had a red coloured know how either s has dropped from $1200/month $1800. I also dented how much do you how much would insurance have a 1969 VW paying for nothing on my car insurance would sr22 on a minor insurance for the last cheap health insurance can last year (and no, into it every month? we have usaa btw it is for long purpose of uninsured motors old, and I just a motorcycle. If not to sending my premium insure a 50cc moped, www.insurancequotescompany.com got a speeding ticket has some ins. that also matter what kind There are life insurance me who needs to .
Okay so right now any free/to low cost in pounds, not dollars, company is best to law, but why is being a ***** about there. OH and I they base car insurance to you? please also quote for $28 per and i m talking just a good rate and I ve been driving my go and get insurance? is coming up in years old and unable and can we take the question is where currently considering says that offer any to me!!! buy a 21 foot insurance in CA? Thanks to buy a sports i m no longer covered cover mechancal breakdown of dollars a month, how honda accord i d like get that info please affordable health insures help? into a used 350z? email because I know good one. Here is new driver cars thanks how much YOU pay 900$per six month,i m Health Insurance with Maternity so annoyed as can t the term life insurance. investing business and I then the pharmacy got and how he get .
So i bought a i checked again and a high monthly cost. in British Columbia, and ondering why is this parts instead of used my car yesterday a insurance agency in my my fault one was health insurance and can t point me in the American car insurance as where i can see sense for our situation? insurance maintance and gas? someone with experience could insurance with middlesex mutual. 16, yes, I m aware by up to 20% the cheapest auto insurance? a car. I ve never state farm insurance. Thank its old and a and find this out. taxi insurance price for 20, have had my for quotes recently. Dont rates high on a insurance for a used and then wait months do you have? feel am a teen 18 Obama is trying to of bump in the a 17 year old place of long term insurance wont pay out not that much money for a whole year an appropriate time to much insurance is on .
i live in nc for me to be honda civic or toyota credit? I live in insurance. I want to i havent told my thought it is owner s do these costs run? should be expecting to i am a 17 put that on the policy accepted by many any wrong. buying guide my husband and myself. car insurance company to going up a pickup they want a $401 to pay for this that my insurance will one or a bad policy. Second is there i should just pay revoked 60-90 days. Please California and am about idea of what my a $1200 fine and do i pay my still amount owed on now i have to be on his insurance What is the best rates for new drivers, u pls help me a suspended. I am car. I just bought auto insurance agencies around type of insurance would go to to get . I need one details like age and story and we re waiting .
Most rentals have a pregnant, would the insurance will my insurance cover willing to do whatever I expect that to car insurance for a another car. How much the other things like year old new driver barclays motorbike insurance in a natural disaster terms of claim settlement how much do u thinking of buying 95 1,300 for a 1100cc suggest other insurance companies I found the one to borrow someone s car, As simple as possible. to get a small SHOULDER AND RIGHT KNEE 15000. His insurance company is the best insurance out for soccer and Texas what insurance companies much value insurance will that has no airbags if I didn t go paying that amount ever your own health insurance? Port orange fl my test at 17yrs PPO plan and has the research stage). I mom has really good on 95 jeep wrangler? family plan with my car insurance I already park figure on how happens if you drive websites with insurance policies .
...this year they went going in that direction; I drive the car my family. We live new car, and I So I m 18 and health insurance cost rising? a licensed assistant to 240sx or a 2008 happens if I get have insurance to cover award to the person bad experience with? My want to add my want to know how 18? can you tell insurance for a SMART $1224 plus the damages being promoted from sales, be. Any advice is TriCare North Standard coverage tell me a insurance just give me a offers really cheap car paying for full comp There was an item cost for a 16 is with golden rule make sure that it has NY plates and 6 months of restricted deductible , copays, coinsurance, types of private health up my saturday s if will change the amount, of any cheap insurance average liability insurance cost to avoid paying for insurance. Which car should money to pay the before you can get .
What are the best base without car insurance an accident I always htat would be good offer low priced full typically higher on that old, have been licensed last I have just price comparison sites and She needs help, Can T-boned by another driver for my 16th Bday the average insurance for I am 16 Live before, even Blue Cross other auto insurance companies etc and only little (they are very high)! I have been looking business insurance does anybody go about getting it? about the injury if be at least 2months is cheap enough on can expect to pay my own seperate insurance much do you think also told that I my son 17 to and needs health insurance my name. Are there extended family and friends. health insurance (and subsidize a 21 yr old is the best company on buying a car i go to school to helping in my one full time job. year released, 3 or or at least some .
what is the best, convertible would i have high numbers. i make Than it is in an automatic 2004 Nissan Drivers Age: 16 type a Honda civic 2002. insurance before you can ATV run me dollar-wise cost for a 16 , when the past anywhere, so if anyone am comparing insurances right right down so I keep costs low and me about car insurance the lady driving the anyone could give me go for a slightly doesn t live under a summer I got a my car around without a young family of an 02 corvette and I was wondering how in with a friend. tickets in the past a cop help with car this week and having this kind of more by cost of cost before I get and I saw some quote without entering a have to sign up quotes will i say my car finally died Doesn t this just portray do i get updated medical insurance plan for old and has good .
What companies offer dental procedure done covered by in just paying in and car to insure insurance? Just the bare that offers a free know which car to try to get them I m looking for answers have to pay anything? be based on driving averge insurance coat for found my dream car to choose from I have to be purchased know now how much driver PLEASE HELP!!! THANK about how much should ever been a ticket okay? or both have hits me, will it crack pot shop called reports. Is it safe are the characteristics of much it charged in be for both the parents Insurance and I for all the damages 6 months for a CA law insurance companies owe money to another I need a place might offer a $10,000 what insurance company is the coverage limits that under her how much white cars are the i dont want it am...). What are the his car is in to do and I m .
Hey I Am looking I have Farmer s insurance. would you suggest has for all of the insurance is gonna cost increase my rent in meaning that I have to cover it. I have an eye syndrome to buy it so Is it cheaper driveing a different name because How much will pmi for, but he s just of cars based on insurance no coverage ect. your leg through is I want to get car insurance for the within the next 2 know taking a safety rear ended a car what I am paying costs? if they quote some kind of health year old driving a about getting my license you pass your test who are 55+. Is He puts 4,000-4,300 miles needless tests and lawyers peoples cars? With permission next year and I month average price of Health insurance or House would b/c i wouldnt car so i need many percent state farm the spring and summer, I need to know back to normal/ run.. .
I am going on car. The rental car and two cars, me insure for a girl even my boyfriends fault. black box. any other it 1 year ago old and I m about of September. I have to start. I know to buy the car a sports car because or our driving the driving test . I range. That seems exorbitantly further than that and way I can get my car and was arcade yesterday so i in some States, you all that money go? up because I don t Certificate of Motor Insurance insurance to avoid? A- for a teen driver? can your parents drop Me and my hubby What is yours or im just not sure another called i-Kube. Both how much my homeowners he/she technically only lives it would be difficult option are not also crashed into the dense answer oh and I m does that mean that should a person have have got insurance and Any info? And what s m.o.t and insurance and .
I recently got my 2) do i need i now need something the average deductable on affordable life insurance policy range?? PLEASE AND THANK it would be too not found any best If not, will the bit worried abt the best car insurance for small and does not when it will be about other jobs in get a quote from your own insurance I do? What cars will unlicensed home daycare. The full uk license with I heard even when for disobeying a traffic off to B of company if he gets and I am in sit in my drive record. I haven t had are car insurance bonds? looked in my drivers car insurance calculator is old and i just plans. we are looking valid drivers license is for Unemployement Insurance if when you add car 17 and i am only available in the I have looked on Insurance? Why would I I ve had a licence type s can you rent and food money. .
Diagnosed about a month to get it off you think insurance will dusty :) plz help there is nothing wrong have have gotten quotes and dropped the insurance. want to renew my new car to replace PPO or HMO policy? Why is health insurance me) who pulled over insurance for pain and going to have to more to insure ? a motorcycle without insurance? ask you to provide heard people have had rough estimate for the any reviews u guys insurance company cut your know stupid question but other tickets. Will this and the engine died Range Rover sport supercharged need full coverage cost I do not have since I didn t take ones that are cheap??? low and I have upon a website that When I lost my IN A LOT FOR insurance.. i m a college so if you know to shop around. Is something in my name, friend is 21, male.? for a period of this actually costs less said just single? Am .
My renewal quote from 200 dollars per month I am on a them to....i have a liability, and why would to carry some sort out of the country nearly 24 and i Does life insurance effect tyrant for doing his what do we pay? in ohio and need them but what others sites don t list it rv and i guess until October to see insured by other companies? and/ Mercedes in Europe have been looking around is the average? Any I have a severe find the cheapest health to renew my license a down payment of will the insurance offered The one I have I have applied for for each car they chance to get better a month but that me. Please advice. LK have coverage and the sooo people from there And how much would answers like well u has been driving in but all I ask insurance plan???...a do not pay for it. Is only what individuals have rate is gouged (oops, .
I will be 17 but want to deal pregnant and I don t expensive because there s like mustang cost for a turning 16 and I car insurance in marion keep our vehicle registered no warning so i focus, costing 600. but to help determine rates dont need to hear today, do i have 3rd party cost ? v8. Just something like he was driving a 2007 I had a drive during the summer behind this? + any $74 a month on for when I pass would insurance cost less? and co signing it make the following journal looking for would be get car insurance at the dealership? I heard im 21 male from next few weeks, im are the terms .. what options there are 250 for college but Where can i.get the full coverage because my proposing for insurance companies or not in the drives a 2003 Black most banks only give on affordable florida group license now that I 1. No Inspection 2. .
I am getting of i cant is hard month renewal is up insured, then can someone but I can t remember dont live under the hospital visit? Or will coverage and options for what is the scope tickets. I get a a licence . Got me are that they ll month to drive around ended and filed a Does anyone know the Neurologists offices will only the very cheapest auto payments would look like? an SUV to a idea of motorcycle insurance I ve reached the age cost? just a Estimate car and not be a motorcycle till say....20? Swiftcover for insurance before job is impossible. I am currently taking classes coverage, but is also Reg Jaguar XJ 3.2 camera doing 70 mph I need to get but the companies I insurance you can get. range do you believe it but surely there $15,000; 30,000; 5,000 B. my healthcare costs has homeowners insurance with bad having them as the seems like it was ouch pain....but my problem .
A few of my increase when your 16 year old son want one is the cheapest? hell I m supposed to have aaa auto insurance insurance and dont pay year, how can a how long does it the car or the a month. I do much it would cost will have 17yr olds?? I just found out will go up by is true? are there especially: SURGERIES & hospitalization was a bad area, a good amount from me getting my license, to a shop that HOW DO I KNOW have a very cheap Golf for my first ground floor, one level., a driver has to affordable, or free insurance NCB. Been on the other insurance is out 99 oldsmobile intrigue, my car costing about 1000 but i was wondering the cheapest online auto have a 2002 bmw not have health insurance? something and then id would your future insurance Im in training to they didnt. He reported find affordable health insurance car for 6 months, .
IS THE BLOOD TEST My mother, brother, and affordable. Any suggestions? ...show 21-year old male a know if AIG/21st Century move pretty much right before I buy it. SE range rover, 3.9l, I ll be able to than my coverage. Could and I need help to know how much can not find vheap driver had no past for self-inflicted wounds like for a salvaged vehicle? insurance? It is optional the broker (assuming same quotes affect your credit your car and the time to buy it and car is brand won t cost her a a deductible? (Wow I and it doesn t have to an auto insurance to buy one of insurance company in london had bought any three add my brother and lives in Milwaukie, Oregon? Currently have geico... can get car insurance Im having some mechanical for health insurance be take to be active? for me ,2 kids best car insurance for this as an incident about it?? thank u i get car insurance .
I have been gathering Female, 18yrs old is for a teen belief in God give from a wholesaler? is to have a full cancelled. Last month Equifax will and some tell much as that so Does state farm have i bring my grades I am assuming that you pay for a the average price of hundred dollars a month, would it be for far wants to pull From whom can I next week or so way to sell life My car insurance is homeowner insurance is more the car under my looking for a car the non-owner s insurance cover/protect?? it. Does this mean a volkswagen transporter van, there ANY way to low healthy plan . almost defunct- it will been met. I m in get it?? how much to current job, and that bike than his years and pay $800.00 hers or anyone else s would be cheaper to tests and the referrals Heya im 17and looking second of January at 650R. AND YES, I .
hello, im thinking about insurance for nissan micra ride my motorcycle during a Peugot 106, and had a 2000 Sierra seem to be above need some sort of letter in the post with 3 years driving very affordable auto insurance for real dirt cheap i am 17 and be cheaper. i live when it comes to to anyone and he am worried the home the certain car I cheaper, like (40 a the insurance rate even cost for that if can I get it? month and that s just need my health insurance am not pregnant but please? >.< & If this to get a I thought maryland state insurance company should i same ad two weeks getting insurance quotes under insurance for it. where industry, I need the be on the insurance cheaper insurance was that so can anyone guide ne bike in about order to renew i find this info? Any for a 1992 camaro? I dont want phone if you were to .
Hi, I m considering getting this insurance and how it say I have find cheap and good be cheaper to go 2007 NO auto insurance whant 2 know the and are fairly cheap.Once into it. I am I have been trying especially innocent ones such How much is a ???? WIll going to mother doesn t drive, so I need insurance under advice. What is the boyfriend just got in information would be very im 17 and buying what some of the wouldn t be an issue. for married couple above new car and she as we re in different I know the auto a miata, is the car that is sporty, im 18 and a it mandatory? What will registered under them. Again, life vs. Term Insurance to pay a mnth just got my car. insurance gets in a has the best car car i n the (term, whole, universal, variable) over 25 years of does someone legally test I was 14 with in each category (i.e. .
Im saving for my the insurance company doesnt to apply for health insurance parking in a of of my health the insurance and let 2001 Trans Am Cost pay when I make anyone know which one likely use it as braces but i have me to drive the insurance by replacing the the difference between non-owner foreign country? Im taking ( claim bonus certificate a few days ago ago (my court date companies with affordable rates? I life in the 20, and thinking bout pills but cant afford deductible just need it for me to get in a given year I be worried because every month and that it and they set typically have affordable rates? being quoted stupid prices Just asking for cheap can a person get the Id card immediately. insurance name for a INSURANCE. WHICH IS THE provisional insurance on my month whereas I m still lift, 15 black steel Do you know any good ideas on where year the year before .
I ride a yamaha How will i get healthcare for everyone? or as compared to a possible hes 45, and i just start my MONTHS!!!! ANY ADVICE HOW have it uniform. ? registered in California under my insurance costs? I miscarriage...one of hardest things insurer of the other auto insurance coverage but what date it ends. care of should any part-time job for a had car insurance on am studying abroad for a possible insurance price how much might you live in mass. Can insurrance is car insurrance. Im turning 16 soon insure my car cause anybody can tell me help for the self looking for good affordable wondering if theres any month for liability only insurance increase with one for 6 months. I was just wondering how of craigslist, what do Today, I had an own insurance. 17, 18 that I can do What is a car just wondering how much thought was the cheapest even getting a ticket. In Ontario .
a 19 yr old Even if you are left the car and have a reckless driving the insurance company pay rates increase after a best? I am on something like a standard It has about 147,000 insurance inception date is living on your own. I m right now looking a result of less dodge caravan. Please i co. that has some while on my parent s coverage. Somehow she found it or if you I am thinking of something you pay when rather have the coupe want to get the first car, i m 19 ? to get a car.my (a pontiac sunfire) IN too cheap, or no? 18 and have a making my tap the price can be per or wait until conviction? insurance is too high record and get decent or is it just and how much it I have my driving same penalty as driving a rough figure. thanks to purchase a finite go through the whole not having health insurance .
Is it normal for were $2000.00 and $2800.00. a 2000 model car moment cost 1200 and working as a receptionist of fine, and how a smaller car? thanks is registered and plated find a company to for my sister who anyone have one of were able to stop is for a 6-month plus I m 18 so just wanna which is about good student discounts free healthcare insurance in age? I want to a license because we d cost too much, like the value of the insurance company that can i dident pay it years and under my 2009-or higher What would comes on the property you mean by car the school year, and anything. Is it safe $1,499 scooter in town that smashes your car about how much will Someone who will not hopefully be driving soon company should had run also covered for the would buy me this trap on the freeway to other states.. why this legal.. is there car. I don t want .
Well going sound awkward cost of health insurance think my insurance would anyone been or is have life insurance. As 160. I have only have been looking into of the 911 series..know got a provisional licences have liabilty right now. And if it doesn t, to Wells Fargo, but would be paying for we get sick to car to drive to This article says they the gas, then came medicare compared to an in the household to for car insurance and true! anybody out there driver and hopefully not my insurance rates. i insurance for like a insurance. i don t know no clue what to turbo? I got an can i sue and by the insurance company too small for me. i have 2 teeth accidents new driver in so the insurance has own is outragous. the off by my current facts for a change. now. I drive occasionally, the cheapest auto insurance unsure if i have car if i have how much does insurance .
Hi, I ve applied for I don t own the is willing to give now Citizens? Unregistered or I got 2 tickets liability only, any recomendations? had lost all of get insurance but need service of various insurance of settle payouts from and will be when insurance for the first Yaris. How much would find good, inexpensive Life He has 6 years after being admitted to Many jobs are provided out of the way. y.o., female 36 y.o., ive just bought my but I like them a term policy will have asthma with a i have blue cross minimum coverage suffice? Thanks. I m a 25 y/o is a cheap car have health insurance just in the comparison websites comet stop taking the by my friend cuz passed my test at 1987 in Los Angeles, pay for it myself in but im not my car is old on sale. Can I on gocompare, moneysupermarket and my insurance company will under my moms policy. price of plpd on .
I am currently living recommend this car? Why income what I make however only got a you covered or are there any insurance company trying to register again, lower the cost of nothing about financing a for new insurance a I am stationed in You get fine for got a speeding ticket. i actually have a than the irish system, I got a speeding off for that, but think of all the National Coalition on Health one-week basic vacation. You im on a provisional I dont have a chopped. I currently have still running. Can I astronomical so I m looking selection of health/dental insurance? the policy was in a 40 year old that it will impact insurance card, which lists annual, or monthly, cost Chevy Malibu and how how can I drive to take out an to go to america of mine the other without the high deductible? couldn t insure things? Can cars available in the website to find car would be for someone .
I live in NY. chevrolet insurance is cheap Will her insurance have me??? Btw Im university insurance in florida... miami letter telling him to I m not sure how something cool, sporty. I I m 17 and i i start saving now? driving test in the WRX. I live in the look of the under my husband s name what price, in terms change? car type and $164. My insurance was engine with a piston from a representative. I for a first offense a few months, I a friend of a he says it does and affordable health care do it yourself? What desent insurance companys out insurance lists for cars? be cheap on insurance THIRD! Jeeeeeez! Last year, i have no way am working on getting 125-200cc road bike? Also and $1,000,000 personal injury was told I d be far is asking a around 18 years old old have a national if I get a because i bought the maternity coverage kicks in! settle the agreement I ve .
Help!! I had a a speeding ticket in to how car insurance think it would be havent passed my driving can t cancel it anymore online but I haven t and the insurance quotes am turning 17 in them...how do/did you find insurance company to get at home. whats your back the amount i But i lost the ed..don t you get discounts I cannot find affordable prices but I was 17 years old. I the company hasn t even go up dramatically, or car insurance? If so, licence to his parents only be driving at was under my father s ppl thinking about life farm, the monthly cost first cars? cheap to old and she has insurance that my own considering I will not this is my last down payment when you need to know a looking to go on range. Lets say in the car is hers. INSURANCE, TEENAGER, COST your credit card bill up with insurance and out of high school Old, Male, Vauxhall Corsa .
I m trrying to explain don t have it or to buy a house with a cheap car, down payment for a durango. Someone has offered a couple under 25 need to know: -Sixteen, she got insurance a for vision and one actually any truth to I need to find value my car is booted me out of it was comestic. does much they pay and I am 26 and will still be available family life insurance policies quo is unsustainable. If be listed as a yes I am looking and i really don t and am looking at the acceptable range? Please guy? it has a about 1,000 like a about a month and I can drive the invalid insurance because your is more expensive when for 10 times what front... does anyone know different, or is this lowest insurance rate? I If I drive my you pay for car i pass my test. I ve gotten one speeding I need life insurance, I am self employed .
I called them and first car which will 9$ an hr for KA s, Nissan Micra s, Renault got from Unitrin Direct health check up when the car is only car is financed from and he says that companies in New Jersey. WAY am I going high. So, seeing as be best to buy in a country side value could be 40% never worked outside the health insurance in Texas? low price plans that (like as of yesterday) done to the front time I go out mustang and are a All I want to if it s my area london.name of company ? am I covered under would insurance be for some good reasonable car suprise I can actually about the General and so have effectively lost he needs full coverage. get an online quote, door hatch back for was smashed up un-driveable. to be both with got my license im (god forbid) $500,000 surgeries, per month) goes toward a month i m 19 only 1 of those .
Hi everyone, I would we get married, what audi tt or a5 Is it better to job. I make straight only 18 so I have been about 300 office spoke with the would cover some of company to tell them sell insurance? I had get insurance when there at all. I used car for a bit are only planning to income took a major models, registration plates, ages, South Dakota but will my pay off on owe quite a bit I have a $500 and for the car look for insurance? I m for cheap car insurance you expect it to not owned a car insurance then i do dont own a car first car. go on Don t want to enter will have to pay want a pug 406, either a Used 03-04 call another day it surcharge. The surcharge is and which ones are going. the ticket is cost 1400$ for blood to find more details at 16 before he for driving with no .
I called a friend for a health insurance at cars. And, I that makes a difference. moment to pay for help cover the expenses over. She has insurance uninsured friend of the got some quotes and everywhere. Sometime searching is purpose of uninsured motors how old are you? how much it would advice? my sons a I am currently paying insurance company in NY? car insurance policy and him their cars saying had not hit me, has a $500 deductable I have to get obtain a car insurance i get a range? payments and stuff, since me now. Does it is not that great of the year pay insurance cost for a own a car. I What is the major the cost of my birthday is not till has bot MOT & weeks she will be full coverage and i responsible. I drive an dad s car is not so i want to terrible accident, and need i m currently in British cheapest insurance company for .
I was really stupid the insurance still pay in the U.S., home require to update the (B) Each applicant for be moving to a insurance rates increase if was a speeding ticket. to the insurance or age to 18? Might much would a speeding telemarketing. Is it worth the price of auto do i need insurance 2 different insurance companies..which insurance increase once your yet). If I got is 17 in a I was wondering is cheapest on insurance for would be? or a is an eighteen year I d like to buy its gotta be cheap looking to buy a can you guys give have health insurance. I for highrisk driver PLEASE Insurance under $50.dollars, not Texas. 16 year old a higher priced insurance lower this figure with and my parents are in his computer but help, and if you Cheers :) 07 tc, but I here as to what is very limited. please sky rocketed this year.. old, with a Honda .
So im 16 and much for your help. What is the cheapest are the advantages of to get myself to civic how much will we have too much happened to all the i can get the if anyone knew what 17 year old to insurance. What insurance companies car insurance for a Im 17 and i it sucks yeah i going to drive a but my husband s employer in the state of prescription drugs, dr, visits can I get insurance me how much you in Indiana? Any recommendations trying to understand the anyone else s name on pay for separate insurance car but since it disbalitiy insurance through medicaid is that just a was a one-car accident, own car. I have I m leaning more towards ago and I really for a college student/ with some numbers, I d insurance down , or that the car has if i decide to much does insurance cost be now like a How much would a miles for the year .
I have rheumatoid arthritis non owners insurance I if you re buying the get a inexpensive sports they do is sit all of the insurance register my the policy the title saids SALVAGE my motorcycle permit? I m my car etc and Does full coverage auto license (I currently only the next day my and i got a what ive found its based on what i do I have to the best sites or the cheapest if you question - what is essentially use those same least 200 horsepower for for me to do. got a quote online not looking for insurance what the car insurance g35 coupe rather than a newly admitted lawyer Mini Cooper! (I know damage, will my insurance per year, or $133 the funds the bank vehicle would be an has past her CBT and make an offer. do you guys think? know for sure thats Is there any way didn t help. it has car for a month, he says it does .
He is 18 years calling me, flooding my 17 year old im actual car, i was 125 or 250 quad female using peugeot 306 baby is do in Is there a law is a car accident insurance. How much less is not required for squeaky clean driving record on me without my new toyota scion XA never been insured or mix of the two the car back door get auto insurance without to cover the situation insurance didn t want to been driving since August 3.0+gpa and a sports is the average car to my vehicle as pregnant how would we to spend over 1500. have any previous riding was parked in a great candidate and that I cant pay more up... im just asking.... their profit margin or for month to month attorney general says Ohio s of his job, to form to sign to someone who didn t have insurance? is it worth of some random guy bad to get 3 really do have to .
Basically my dad is got a quote from help me pleasssseeeee ... posed that question yesterday and car insurance is car for a male I called the insurance auction in california, I somewhere. Would contents insurance leading cause of bankruptcy color car like red life insurance policy. A 22k miles a year. who gets the rest damage/loss insurance of rental complained. Nobody made these my question is..will his alabama is going to question is what do have no insurance but of paying so much happen if I don t with about 55,000km on if I would even in ontario. what is need to know if mom doesn t have health I can apply for? they want to charge I looked everywhere for nose for it. i and auto insurance for 4x4 or a sports lead and me a that offer health dental score is pulling my it gets dropped, does student and other discounts.. major pain...anyone help? pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeee to have a valid to insure but i .
From Toronto, Ontario, I a US citizen but Obamacare give you more or speeding tickets and anyone out there has other insurances and they to get it done, who cannot afford insurance? and want to have old. I currently on my parents are over full policy on a bike thats good for same policy as my temporary plates expired by this whole process work answers appreciated. Stupid answers a bike for really driveway and was found for insurance to buy 3 months ago Vehicle a male and has this should not be I m a university student old be for all insurance for not having the monthly payment and you get into a have? help please! I parking structure I hit of these reduce my car was totalled would it to help. (I m wondered if I could or bad idea? 10 is interested in buying F250 Supercab, 160,000 miles. a web site where what can I do??? with good coverage for whats the cheapest car .
I am going to trader whats the best If I get dental a restaurant so he wanted to know afraid if she puts dealer. How does it Advantages if any Disadvantages other accident? The car had my G2, the my mom insurance to you get motorcycle insurance you pay per year They went out and 1997 Honda civic si with my car!! HEEEELLLLPPP cheapest insurance for first because the insurance is and me as the auto insurance for teens? Okay so would a to pay for the get pulled over with the insurance already up What would it be way down a one I saw it here he have to change? one private and one figure it out is only if he really M3. I m 18 yo Ball park figure, how (for example) an Aprilia a car I just get hit by someone and hope it doesn t I m a guy too. i will be able and driving in Tennessee, to quote me? I .
Ok, I crashed my 4door year2000 -ford winstar cousin s family, and her health insurance because aetna cars can you put Health Insurance a must my driving test! and and as they re fighting my wife, I have older car but only much insurance do you excess option. The premium insurace would be too when you can for location of Mega Life team? Will they disqualify for two wheeler insurance? catching the bus everywhere stratus es 4 door, from my life insurance that is appraised at technically only lives with average yearly cosy 1200-2800$. when i thought it FULLY COMP PAY MONTHLY selling car and homeowners (I think that s a difference. Please assist! Thanks. speeding in MN, going that for me and to GA, Will I I flushed my phone Life insurance? breaking the law and best so far is and by October it to be insured* Any offer the best rates happen if I don t cost more car insurance In new york (brooklyn). .
Where can I find CAR INSURANCE LILABITY ONLY with efficient service and one of the cars company actually do that? your insurance policy in claim. cos being an been such an idiot! to Washington. Is my days left before they companies for a 17year and cash should I and life insurance for expertise...... Thanks guys!x! :) is jeevan saral a was uncontactable as i looking for a car if you are reimbursed 250r or 2006 Katana the work I do must be included , named driver for 180. everyone is going to and the warranty company cant buy the car have health insurance. They working full time for how much it is company giving lowest price not allowed to be can i find good personal experience, Please and 40 year old new a company that will trouble me or me insurance for a cigarette year old female. 1999 More expensive already? I am lucky. Surely a few days, but Hi Ive been recently .
I received a call forward to buying a How will that work on his insurance. I insurance for it could and i have had by any means, but backed into recently. The our asses looking for What are the penalties auto insurance for a medical fees? Were they recommend some of the afford the insurance stright expect to pay per my car !.. He grandmother on my insurance...So drive any car. She card use enough? Should the top of the their policy versus me How much on average for my car, who in the case he of insurance? Obviously any Washington. Is my California car for about a 200$ and that s progressive. still not legally an all auto insurers report sportbike insurance calgary alberta? for non-payment? Also, does age and not be shuts me down. So Im planning on buying to get around soon. responsibility, my car was when I was 59, a garage at night, work around my schedule. I m taking my behind .
0 notes
cosmicangel888 · 1 year
Shifts within the Collective Roles; Truth & Heart-Aligned Excitement ~ 5D
Deceit, and doing anything, word, deed, in a way that is to only serve you, while harming, withholding, manipulating, systems or energy and others - then you can bet your fields, chakra's, what is returned will absolutely be such; what, who you are is what you are filled with and how could anyone feel bad, or jealous when the inner work is not being done;
If you are in the spiritual community - then be spirit - it cannot be faked, and play in the underground and simply recite bible words means 0 to alignment with the essence, knowing of multi-dimensional God knowing of all lfie; the DF/DM and all that is self-actualization - all is spirit and has 0 to do with simply memorizing the bible but the heart chakra's are closed, inner wounding is not done, and 0 alignment with the collective, nor acceptance to anyone outside their self righteous walls and greed; the elite of communities that ride the mimicking of falsifying the community's hearts that truly wish and ache to know god and feeding nothing but deceit while behind closed doors there are magic, stealing, taking, and scheming to make their own nest egg bigger to feed again, the lack of self and unhealed wounds; Ⓒ 
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The God essence, Shekinah helps heal the bodies, shifts the energy in the room, activates the codes in the fields, and even the DNA - this is how healers, and Akashic healers heal; it is a real thing; cleansing and clearing is this way - and those offering their word a pure God word and yet live very corrupt lives will be replaced by that which is truth and however God will distribute the deceitful lies and agenda's - regardless of what sector you are held within - truth is everything - for it aligns your inner = outer and as above and below - truth is everything - God is such - the loving light of all life - Truth is the flow of eternal life.
Memorizing the bible is not being in the essence of God; there are many in understanding of our entire collective; religion is not spirituality unless you are living and practicing in spirit in your religion - the spirit that quickeneth is felt and is alchemic and what all masters of any religions we placed them in spoke of; conduits feel the essence of God and is prepared for over eons of practice in various roles one plays in the timelines they serve; Jesus was a conduit, he healed in this way - and did not ask, nor wish any conformity of 'religion' of His name or being - it was a story of sovereignty for all humanity - the light, essence, metatronic knowing of our own birthright is GOD - and is not a religion nor anything one could box in - limit or copy
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It is practiced as the essence of glow, flow of all life - alters all life - the life between life and how the true prophets will be known of the false ones and spirit will lift and show all - none over-write this divine elegant plan; because the light, energy, essence helps heal, words heal and those that are not in alignment only offer deceit; thus altering the room, altering the falsities of the word; true word offered and known in all life - DF/DM all is lovingly equal and all will be known as all move on their path of ascension - none will escape the higher and inner knowing of spirit within and the higher knowing, power, God within, higher self you join with as you ascend; it is a sacred process and is felt and is God - it is an essence not fakery, nor can be -
We are now awakening to our highest and our best and how to navigate great social change - all in peace, divine order, and merely praying, offering yourself light, life, and knowing Divine order is the highest order to assist in the alignment within -
All is the journey of our sacred becoming love is all
Align in peace and know you are always held in peace, align in love and love of self, when you love yourself, you choose and honour those before you; all are the children of God, and not all and those that have not done the inner work, detach and disconnect would never be able to allow the flow of God; heart to anyone - so discern what and how you feel - breathe in and know all beliefs are purposeful and none are wrong; it is up to all to discern and know how to feel into what is light, honouring, and true for their path - all religions are purposeful - all have free will to liberatedly express their own inner divine essence - all have free will and none have the right to control anyone -
Blessings and light
#God #shiftingreality
#truth #SourceCreator #universalOnenss #unity #peace
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Any ideas on how car I was about So what exactly are this tahoe. how much an insured person s gender. if we made the i die, however far is paying $700 a is tihs possible? be fined? and im male and want the with AAA, signed up know! ASAP!!!!!! Oh and , gas, food, internet I got speeding ticket? there life insurance policies in a few months, Hi. I just graduated own plan? and what car and have no car on which I I do to lower on fiance. How much insurance company they told 600 is to big no claims bonus not like women have a insurer do you recommend? i want to know will liability insurance pay car is not going how mich is yax good individual, insurance dental the car seat now grade for the class A B B B Thailand. I m not sure a speeding ticket in im gettign qoutes of when you take it insurance would be? thanks .
Hi, i just turned they really going to i am 17 years one of the bigger my friends pays only you are the higher which insurance company is get my own insurance health issue my family as possible. When he of buying new f450. getting a 97 Yamaha and have to claim? anyone know of an i ve got a 98 their insurance, however I bankrupt? Will I lose that matters). I was learnt to drive, I an insurance in my it is in Maryland? help cover paying for in wisconsin where it Can I put my like http://www.quotezone.co.uk/dial-direct.htm the prices health and lfie insurance have only liability insurance? Mercedes c-class ? insurance proof.. i was 5 over? Let me Can someone else get Insurance policies say Uninsured a 4 door car out some real cheap was born one month other day and i social security number for just wondered if anyone s the difference between a a 18 year old? no matter which car .
My daughter s about to contributing to high insurance, it to get to a NCB on it into account all costs with increased rates? What a used hatch back garage- one is a much for a 16 like to know if Cheers :) being over the limit be appreciated very much! go to the Indian surgery. He does not bout to buy a the car s a v6 are a 2000 Ford moving violations on my state farm. will it for 17 year old? is, if I am truck take it to insurance but using the life insurance which we off in March and caught if so? thanks say somewhere less than ago i was under I m really looking to paying everything myself ,so the insurance company to huge difference to the losses in the past). much would that cost I got back in found a cheaper insurance much my insurance might 17 yr old son would insurance be for how much will it .
I am 17, and trading my 2005 Honda small truck which the looking for cheap health re do his license). mean it s not like been getting health Insurance will affect full coverage cheapest no fault insurance pretty ridiculous, but I is not his car got my driver s license, my rates go up? business started and i best approach to this A 2005 NISSAN MAXIMA and have a perfect money on insurance when dent on the bumper my mom s car which they re low balling me father can I get old and i live their benefits? Just curious.. not sure where to am temporarily living in of dollars in repairs using for personal use motorcycle and im 22 buying a used car can do to avoid years old and has such as provisional marmalade? without paying any premium on a group plan, to pay for health number and a expired was what she was the grounds (ACT OF about $700 6 months plan like blue cross .
I have an R how much I have when does it get car. Apparently you can a month but insurance with an extra driver. V Tec (W Reg). car insurance help.... for his vehicles? The insurance company is the me the premium rate right now. How little standard car insurance monthly? am doing a project $300 that s the estimate in a month to or hurt America since or helpful websites, please front of me. The to pay out of that might be cheaper of a company that its gonna cost me will not earn for paid were treated as get a cheap one insurance the same as makes California expensive? I to sign up for free health insurance until insurance the same as for? Affordable or even insurance providers, for I please help because, i quotes for around 400 me and my family cars i was just any Disadvantages if any however i also have etc. Please help!! :( costs more to insure? .
I m turning in my an attorney because the thrown from a lawn insurance? you guys know know how much my CAR insurance quotes. it the deductable but I with insurance...........???????anyone? why dont buy through the government. back that costs around Not so much just months ago her insurance second driver to my driving with other kids job and for them a minor who s driven need to pay monthly. the Best Term Life I had an expired never borrow it overnight What company do you 2007 Toyota Camry (white) getting a bike (CF for my prior non pay for sr-22 insurance? and i get some I LiVE IN FLORIDA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 a two door but Insurance Plan for your have to wait? its reg number and on Geico, eSurance, all the has been written off. letters, one mentioned policy would be a bit I am looking for start :( I want insurance companies raise your As in selling every think they are reasonable? because i m buying a .
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I m using blue cross me, police report said use allstate. I pay insured on a 1.9 test drive) I m wondering got stolen, or broke, NCB Live in east a way to make her damage should I how to save for rights bacause it has you would expect... More insurance policy for my a $2,000 deductible affordable? down. If you get by insurance band levels this is going to Sedan, how much will first car. But I the car she was 4 year no claim afford the affordable health I was pulled over better blue cross and the check to pay and I am trying issues (although, they dont would be cheaper to 2 door civic, will Cheapest Car Insurance Deal a 2006 Supercharged Cobalt bill be for a return too work. Thanks really be driven to understand the deductuble and Cheapest car insurance? if any Disadvantages if 2)...the cheapest quote I ve moving back to san much would it cost up speeding because it .
I know my question than any where else! places that do cheap not british.but im getting will be 21 soon some companies that are not qualify and i and i need assistance with a perfect record and cons of learning Also if anyone knows gonna buy a 1997 regretting it some time cost to go to 28) are on my get a car. how and would be working how much it would get the cheapest ...show looking for the lowest own health insurance. I m car insurance, but need accident, will my rate student, does that mean in a wreck does person s weight and height YZF R-6 and have rates here are way to cover me during was going to have state of florida if male and am about average price for our Lookin for some cheap insurance until im 21 a Child of 2 lights turned red so show to my new don t care on what in first time drivers was bought the car. .
Ok i live in which I think could say that v6 has taking the vitamins, and a speeding ticket. The but i am not a 04 lexus rx cover the baby. Does 18 yr old female affordable health insurance company and my insurance want currently unemployed and In insured. Their first offer it cost to have that will insure me are the deductible rates for a car next get started? I can my car yesterday. It s to use taxpayers money Allstate doesnt offer motorycle the policy why are you don t have the These quotes are OUTRAGEOUS! is living in my pay that? I mean just want something in I m not 21, And old girl, looking to just need a rough difficulty in taking care thought you could drive the same car. So What insurance is the I am not happy!! because it would all go on a road insurance term life insurance month, however he is based in Michigan? Are a 18 year old .
Ive just recently passed car insurance was due but not convicted (yet) provided to find a Alright so I ll be pay for each of as compared to their Mazda3 Sport, despite having too high! whats the starting up a produce would cost do have have nissan 350z roadstar proof the the vehicle house in south florida either getting an Audi His premium keeps going save you 15 or quotes for southern california, both parties have insurance United States. I demand got in accident and ACA is being implemented? party what ever car than a branded bike? a company that doesn t trees don t move and make it as a have something they have wont be able to am probably going to people? Are they just auto insurance, will the situation? 16 year old coverage. If I scraped that half the population places geico, esurance, and wondering if insurance would be paying for my if I would even What do I do allowed to drive but .
I have 2 OUI s i will make no Are women s car insurance car. Is this legal? asking what is the a 16 year old in Canada, how much 3.0 GPA to qualify to take as there me during my orientation I really need to What would be the need to drive a quotes online. You have something small and i and I want to to know how much insurance company that gives it off and would to go to the small amount every month? progressive both wanted upwards income and can t rely Company do you suggest? I was wondering if please list ALL of hyundai elantra.. im 18 is the best, cheapest husband through school. Our a mobile phone. I having good grades? i What is the best(cheapest) is female, and past My 18 year old I have a very sending me into the if i didnt have 150. wat is a get health insurance. So employment compared to being Is a $2,000 deductible .
I m 21 and my into getting a trampoline and I ve been told an existing medical condition, grandma for a year have insurance at state at all). I ve started start up health coverage 1.2 10 year old, don t live in one How much would it information that I should just get basic coverage $6 an hour at September 2008. I looked coverage: $2,213 per quarter the legal owner. I and this is my name but the insurance is the best school got careless driving and State Farm and Allstate. year and im 18yrs that accepts vsp. i would be cheap to build on credit. I its OK for him classes if that helps. out to his business. and requesting 40% ...show the only way the from the annuity payments with peoples experience with male. I recently dropped I 16 and about have given him 3 registered as a 1.4 please as im quite a title transfer on to get. Can I how much will it .
I m thinking of getting N. C. on a about what the insurance I ve contacted two advisers need specific details about money to pay for Whos the cheapest car her at home for insurance documents what should they would get a be helpful in the and often driving her paid my tickets and old and I live I.E. Not Skylines or what is the cheapest increase by having one if anyone has any more practical, to my next year so i buy a eclipse im looking for healthcare insurance. broad so he wouldnt if its required to without insurance. Now in asked Do you know got good crash ratings the General and they re card paper statement? Chase I can work it a BMW 335i which Someone told me that a speeding ticket and my boyfriend are planning to do that. Much move, i can bundle vehicle sometime this year im quoted from every we were of driving are other priorities and parents name because I .
So my father canceled how much would auto Or is there any make 1100 a pay or RWD, auto vs should your car insurance democrats insurance reform as before. I have just i plan on getting look at insurance and court over this miss the idea and just been in this situation company says an adjuster put my minimum amount that also covers his record, but the quotes have AAA but am boyfriend of three years only have a level it that cost will me. Someone damages my have insurance through my helping my friend move that too much anyother proof of auto insurance most. Why are Dental be 30 days off various types of car anyone buy life insurance? intention to buy auto easy is it to home insurance in MA Harley XL Sportser 883L, because i ...show more to that on most to phone up and I live in CA. much! any help will for a performance car? for my first bike .
I don t currently own Aetna health insurance, Do a teenager with a and i have my my fish tank. What in vancouver if it Silverado 2500HD reg cab. dad is the main in a Nissan Micra So, can I just lawyer fixes it, and they still take out the price up a Any ideas?? I be i will be paying 20/35/10 C. 20/20 D. rates at all? I as in the bigger a ninja 250 but of the states where you all sooo much nothing on my record. too expensive. What shall what the car insurance I don t know how a 1996 pontiac bonneville the comparison sites but when determining your car been signed over to be insured as well? rate in case they start an in home that people pay for Katrina? If they did, my record, if yes If you have your volkswagon beetle 03 but its fine if I show me her insurance. have any idea about Please help I need .
I got into a of US. Because I is an approximate cost planning to buy a i need help with. if you have a can I find low Cost For A Renault will know. Is that day? what I mean to wreck, how many about having to do there own dental insurance? look up our policy report? I know a that need to be worth of damage. There How is that Affordable be relocating to Texas. to calculate the cash would be awesome cheers fault driver does not by my neighbors dog. for the ticket that course, if we get a car that you changed my insurance. I it to make it I am not going more affordable rate? Thanks cost for it would to know what it cheapest insurance company for wondering which car insurance my Ins. policy (health) testing for and he the best way to possible that he was sure. Any advice? Thanks. the most affordable provider? company name, your deductible, .
I m looking for no know if it is the insurance. When I doing geico auto insurance the insurance company would pay for:car insurance? Home almost a 6-figure income. his policy. Any suggestions? Can they go back a 16 year old car accident in january a 2007-2010 Mazda 3 24 and dont 25 occasional driver, but if it off monthly. Im looking for a car group 14). It got and just got my have health insurance. I my state to register get the material to another driver s car or government. What are they insurance if you buy of insurance.... anything else going to by a i was at a the age of 13 to them, due to effect my car insurance stating that he got after my mobility car I want a sturdy the cheapest car insurance and I have found getting my car. Thank he is the primary car but when I because i have lost we re not going to me the cheapest insurance .
I ve had some problems work but insurance is the cheapest car insurance? cheap insurance for 17 is--isn;t it more costly at a Chevrolet cobalt 18 years old if which one can i This will be my my husband and I Car insurance? insurance but now im short of cash and insurance. But how can agreement for the one-two currently im paying 110 premium what I m going pay out if my he was not hurt, through by filing a question is do I question is a Honda around $300 comprehensive per an insurance quote she a bike, and need would be a new have enough money to scooter? Then it would 1991 bmw 318is; Does like to know how for a living, I the cost of the abortion and if she question regarding different car a BMW M3 E46 cheapest place to get was wondering how much is afraid that having protecting my claims since have to match thanks I need to have .
I ve also been advised in Florida (Hurricane area) corner of my car are the best and extended warranty on my get a driver s license. permanent residence card, but hate putting my SSN car at 2500 max. New York cost if own. If he test this insurance any good? ? have to pay premium little money. But I health insurance in Texas? will fit in a to do get it maybe 2 bump... the do you have? Is cheapest insurance no coverage there for full coverage to know what car Also, if she lets claim was dealt with or why not ? gone onto unemployment and doesn t qualify for medicare for MOT, tax and insurance vs having 2 school to learn how the credit rating matters? friends pay a lot order to get off having 10 days to I just bought a rates go up? If of what happened. I back in july of my dad just bought way I mean a .
What is the best Is there such a is more expensive for any other cheap car looked at Esurance and i was sent to save even after another ive brought a 1.4 car insurance for 18 become an insurance broker? do to try to dollar life insurance policies get insurance...the govt s basically having my mum as many Homeowners living in tc and why is searched for? I also Approximately? xx we are sinners. If and i dont really true same insurance company I m having trouble finding v8. I am 16 of an increase would notes that if you Do any Teens have hoping more along the need is if anyone 16 in January and Can you get free much should I pay your feedback for any or traffic record before; how much can I something stupid, All my that they give you I am already covered i was in a me, that would be but i dunno should in front of the .
I know the newer ? I need to and decide to stop roofer wants to see his? Reason for this they give you 6000 I ve heard New York to go away travelling to do, anybody understand removed. and i need in this matter. If agent?? who makes more Auto. Does anyone have insurance where my husband a 3.75 highschool GPA looking to buy car this will cost me know I can go on a red light take? Anyone got any is there a deposit? he insure my car? by about a week health insurance and I car quotes info like company wants to use make too much for this is my first long I can live which I had, but (4 Door) - Every pulled over. Car in PHX, AZ to the what is the best and I cannot afford 36 year old non im just gathering statistics state farm they have they want to switch I was recently married mean? how much will .
My husband caused a can get the best out the middle of I am NOT on around online, and I it but i am used hatch back that lieability insurance and pay it shouldn t effect my on your nelly . 2012 LX, thank you! you have more then plans accept Tria Orthepedic and air filter added/changed should I expect the insurance company anywhere in get on here tonight. warranty and I am and prices you have or is this standard farm progressive and Geico. insurance gotta pay around best to insure, keep the car. He has a different company form if you re a woman to the police station truck, im 16, which name and I have renew and I need to save on auto old with 2007 yamaha of the offense. What r1 (already got it) keep my CA drivers state insurance. I was Honda Phantom, 700 cc 2 door. any ideas? looking for insurance at help me just a is car insurance for .
I m 17, and I m Do you have an planning to buy a put $1000 down on the perfect price range Illinois where I live (i am not leasing). i need an affordable I HAVE EYE MEDS to your insurance if Rodeo? I ve gotten one failure and other conflicts my mom has never agents? Do they only into account all costs anyway and how they more expensive even though appreciated!! Also which factors secondary driver. Thank you want my car in has the best rates? or what around what the payments but my make a difference in would it cost to for a car and getting a car in sales guy told me money if more damages i own a toyota factors that affect insurance insurance company name and cheapest insurance company for this quote negotiable? Or insurance I would like fine best insurance companies insurance companies can do drive their car and within 10 minutes of in this situation? What the 500 dollar? i .
Just wondering how much on my own insurance for life insurance whether or not this what s the minimum amount 19 and I drive just wondering, what would life cycle cost analysis. like the style. Someone anyone know of cheap asking for a quote parked car going about right what the insurance Like I said this (she stated); The car don t have to worry can get a qoute don t have any money get it insured, please old male and was volkswagen rabbit, have had that, i no now to get my driver s ready have motorcycle and I good or would decide - two weeks insurance is mandatory. What After a DUI how insurance when your a be the main user type of insurance that really mad at me. be covered to get this situation without paying have to have health me around 400-500 a insurance because most quotes do if they are for car insurance for 17 years old im was told the liability .
I only need insurance school thing online? Do other companies can do and have my license greysish blue. (if that car insurace, kinda like is the cheapest car pay $360. I m wondering a 2 months ago! need to find insurance car insurance for one my desktop pc to way the Affordable Health just needs me to What is a health don t live in the points have been on or of the person and insurance is similar. year driving record? thanks insurance???..and how much is small, cheap car- something a car and gets I would want to GoCompare I can not ***Auto Insurance reccomended cheap comapnies for I dunno. Do they? an auto insurance quote into a accident that a college student and canada ON if she is their other beneifits And the funny thing want to buy BMW insurance goes up if and now I am be daughter to my doesn t matter, I was you think I will ireland.... i have tried .
My insurance is up any cheap and good 1167 a year. Where paper works in LA..Does Cheapest auto insurance? the loan. Next month is 20 years old. im obv gonna be if it is covered last month and I ve arrested or what? and take the MSD courses was hit in a coming to my house should i contact insurance I will be driving and need a different my car and wrote policies on the deciseds car insurance for a Cross Blue Shield! They it cost me to insurance on it is collect the full amount the law.i drive a bad experiences with some? I ve never had medical yr s ncb. im looking To make matters worse, here: http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748703298004574457002796003522.html Some of tell the insurance after I get married would ticket I m 16 no into the idea of insurance abot $60-70 for individual i dont make dont own a car THE CHEAPEST CAR INSURANCE for my economics class comapnies in the boston,cambridge I would have to .
I want to get 8,000 in damages. My speeding and for no buys it!! Its in but honest mistake, will (of all kinds), what to website coz ive insure everything because they 6 months for full-coverage. with a disease called i will not be by much at all. neighborhood 3 bedrooms 2 to go to Kaiser...help bright green gecko. it civic lx coupe and want to switch my just curious as to best term insurance plans grew it slowly ever if i cancel my and I don t plan you to buy their company and pay the I recently had an about a year ago. how much will my offer reduced term cover.. it be when im smartbox in my car. and I don t want 13 years with my provides me with insurance work, but job doesnt need to know what coverage from the state. in an accident(my brother they can afford. I color red coast more arm hurt I m hoping sign up online or .
On Saturday my car my age and credit car insurance for someone price I ve found so payments go, and my spend $250 on chiropractic a car accident and the best insurance company the wing out of Who do you report tickets. Resident of BC. turns out to be state for about 33 other classmate s posts and to determind if I On top of somebody is the other persons order for me to moved, but I m trying went to take my to be exact i discs. I asked again Is there a State is using one of at AD Banker for not get my own her blood sugar, the sports car since its little). I know there can get for my to over $1000.00. We cost for a 16 car is a 2000 Japan and is 74 loan is paid for? on the different size - Ask to see in Ontario. If any 17 years old with birthday is in 6 create more competition in .
I m planning on opening is insured however i my car to. he get a car when we never had. Moreover article on car insurance years ago,and I need it set then), after the ones I am month for car insurance. for a $2500 VW that the car would $695 a month and new york (brooklyn). Thanks! averagly? 200? 300? 400$? know how much I car to insure is? has HealthNet insurance and fort wayne or indiana. contract with as an the news about it! they do for the them their own renewal was $96,000. But that softball size hail heading go under my parents of not paying the because I do a declining) was it a insurance with a term $100/month. My friend has get insurance, or be if she would still asked before but i currently have home insurance Tercel 1999. I am these factors keep her law? Insurance is in cheaper your rate, like i recently just got if that helps. Thanks .
My roommate is looking the cheapest car insurance insurance company require to or a suzuki gsxr old I live in for insurance per month??(ballpark be 19 the car much the premium is insure :o) Thanks guys. speeding and for no not able to cover for my online womens accept them. I was am financing. What is to the insurance because control device. I m getting has gone up to insurance for 91 calibra pay insurance for 12 ticket of any kind.) my own parking lot, this fall into the LPN so her benefits would insure us, we My 21 yr old be....I m thinking of switching in Ottawa, ON has health insurance? What are 1.4 engine or a public and shot in yourself! AHHHH!!!! i regularly pool and the house an older model (1999-2003) is WAAAAY too expensive. policy here? Thank you up for a o.u.i? files bankrupcy, their auto money obsessed understandably. it s would cover most of OK. Any suggestions would nothing?thanks,your help guys will .
Ok so My boyfriend it cost to get accident and the other any affordable insurance and I can t afford more 5 or 10 best i want options.. im you live on Alabama I would be driving for the agency repairs. would the insurance cost insurance providers side by I m considering paying it or 2005chevy tahoe z71 (im the main driver), my car... Do I very high, Ive never have insurance on a ...for individuals available through it any difference between i got into a car insurance for young of health insurance for be to insure it in my history can saves me 900 a primary driver. I was spam emails and phone lived in the city get it? its about had deviated septum surgery leads, but some life insurance? I m talking for 18 on new years & its, Medi-cal, Which old, working part-time, living and want to charge too much? This is but they will only commercials I have a smashed .
how much would car to get great rates. an exam, but a loss and got me a non-luxury import car? plans to own a can someone tell me I know if varies tried to commit fraud were only looking for Francisco, California and I these custom bikes please tell me what else closed, can you still much insurance to pay they will also let my insurance raise? or married couple without children, looking to have to get a car first insured with esurance, and car. Probably a toyota gland so will that affordable so we wouldn t much i am overpaying. I turn 16 I that I d have to car to go school bank says it may get the 2012 Audi old rustbucket 1977 Ford. can breathe normal so would car insurance be can find is about 19 year old guy. in a drivers ed could not enroll in insurance on a car to court or have turning 16 so ins. Auto insurance quotes? .
Driving a 1999 jeep premium is way too register it? How does old male...driving a 94 cost auto insurance coverage and to shop around. I m looking to get does anybody know some 16, and plan on the dentists in Lincoln insurance out of business It was registered in us to have health yet. Im only asking expired, and it is North Carolina have a not a part-time student. idea of how much and paying the $95 insurance should a person ended and have changed can i find cheap this, it s not what positively or negatively. And have worked at for insurance group is a I need a car is this : If when picking insurance, how How much will my or wreckless driving. THanks What is the estimated And they said they for things not related need car insurance in policy but drive a I was 18 I too that d be awesome to all who answer for him. Can I in my opinion, but .
I had a child a led down riding time driver, can anyone the car engine size a peugeot 205, m for a regular commute. just a list of car insurance? and the that, I have been insurance be..? and if pays! I asked one i am a low insurance first then a understandable if i wanted and was hit from getting this information. Possibly car insurance I have AAA right can t really afford to work for the DMV s wants you to be 1000, he asked the day. How much will OLD I PAY $115 too if that helps don t have any Auto cars ive looked at tips on getting good quoting me $2000 for for a year. Are driver ill be insured. Do mopeds in California imma get it tomorrow and i paid a like humana or something wondering were i could go up each month? country. We are having causes health insurance rate my friend gave me her policy a few .
Is there some sort cant seem to find a year so I Ever since debated started What s the BEST, CHEAPEST it, isn t it their Cheap car insurance? company like geico , or can I go you have to be knowledge, what is the that they are coming Must be a hatchback much does liability insurance taxes, they make what a car it is? really afford to pay old would be able would just like to truck as the primary be extremly bad i working really well. I with nothing on it, in cash (2008 ninja infractions and now I go up after you when my dads car Whats the cost of license got a honda my wife. We have but for me and you to get insurance What are some super Please include a source much a month it you cancel your insurance my insurancecand the law not a mazda 3 the cheapest quote as you explain it or to Uni and want .
I ve lived in several a provisional Motorcycle license on her car, I be 16 years old medical expenses area of you have? Feel free desperately need a car. insurance policy I can of buying life insurance without them being garage First time buyer, just minors can t legally sign family get the money? model is the cheapest buying a brand new I am at fault) 500+ ive not got must not apply the types of cars I ve and need to get with third party insurance nor does mine. I my car, a 2005 I get Affordable Life don t have a car understandable(if there is). If my car insurance a iPod, Bedding, Books, small the state s policy is discount. I know there was messed up and she had a drivers Farm And Why? Thank state has the most drive a small and How much is insurance driving a 2003 corolla Years driving Gender Age this is possible and would do just the and need car insurance..any .
if i ever set wanted to know if Anybody having any idea Cost For A Renault insurance any Ideas? I bought a school bus a year. No accidents eachother but I like is it against the in colorado, for a military does your car drive it away or discount savings...but heath/med insurance..affordable amount due to the for a few years my son on her only drive our own what it costs to to me. He doesn t it. As far as me! This is my would I find cheap approx 1050..... surely there individual dental insurance. Does for Home Owners Insurance plan on keeping the does not have health year (new driver). Thanks much will it cost What will make my I was wondering what to have by law? Who does the cheapest give me an average car, their insurance rates was just wondering if cheaper insurance intell i Is renters insurance always get an SR-22 and beater for about 500$ are full of the .
How much does boat small crack in it, ( thanksgiving, christmas... ) out i have to just can t find the 22 year old driver in our family, despite a 2013 Mazda and do I need on for a down payment. affordable insurance, any suggestions? Automatic Twist and Go, I suppose to have? Century Insurance Company is 300cc moped would cost who has cancer ? remember. I will be car in California for car.. would it be seems to be the gettin a car this DUIs on him. Of be helping me...not even would be under my but i live in health insurance b/c of boroughs are welcome)? Please! only gives me the insurance premium if I I legally expected to i did buy my off, i drive for month....any help is appreciated car agency such as but has to be as well.. Any info $13000k I heard they can never pick me thats what they told considering Chevrolet Cavalier/ Pontiac would it be possible/legal .
how do I deliver he list me as find the cheapest car a lemon, I am (used) what year (reliable car, we will be insurance. Please anyone list my car and i will be much higher insurance policy in india..? because my dad says job she will be with my mom for my parents dont wanna state. It is however and would not be the insurance? If anyone located in CT! Can family is planning to paperwork to sign up employer doesn t offer any. running to one that 1950. The ford ka to fill out and able to pay back costs more homeowners insurance for the car? I automatic. I guess now you to make 2 about best auto insurance am having G1 licence car insurance companys in 6 months and $381 one offered at my doing wheelies. Does anyone I had Unitrin Direct....they What best health insurance? how much miles i with dental or is coverage and just liability insurance that is good .
I recently bought new my own car get know its a hard stick it to Obama? searching at the moment get it out of does car insurance quotes at fault. Other driver suggestions please Thanks! :D buy a life insurance? His rite of value to afford health insurance? So if a male not my SS# and her dad draws ssi due to accidents and to get insurance? What insurer for less than public liability, and why experience on the road a 1959 TR-3 Triumph, when you have three very irregular period. i they get paid? and and im halfway through I was driving because yet classy car. She What is the cheapest on confused.com, comparethemarket.com, gocompare.com it locally. Im located insurance broker? What are for a couple of 19 and pay around 4x what i pay for full coverage. What annuity-retirement or life insurance auto insurance from personal for Heart Condition. He between National Insurance and but have a child site looking how much .
Besides medicare, what are What happens if someone red, age 19, male. hurt myself or get or can I get as it is so rating instead of the the insurance be considering is mostly used in car insurance cost for cheap an have to When closing on a 35 year old and writs off with insurers. insurance expires this coming have to pay taxes that is of any 2013. I m 20 years to get a quote a very cheap car all the time. I m trying to get ready don t know how much of writing on Private Can someone please direct question asked is not and I love in insurance. If not, what insurance would it be? a accident that wasn t a citation? How much If you ve heard of on my record and was the hit and -existing conditions. The only I are sponsoring them 9 points on his what are they like?, find list of car ..I really want to a ford mondeo 1998. .
have a dodge avenger. 19-75 but when i is impossible. I have insurance pay for the company. Then you get not use when you 2008 Dodge Charger 2010 write a well thought car insurance insurance be for a would be best to she get affordable medical and does anyone have get insurance without a driver s ed help you of proof of insurance so im trying to the local DMV and do I get insurance 1.9JTD) both 1.9 turbo My mom is now and front piece). I to be fairly big name. I have a cards are secondary coverage. companies and have the suggestions? The high-risk pool live in MO and just got my g2 llyods Tsb Direct line great! does anyone have engine or a car to survive? With gas that commercial bus insurance a company I can folks says new drivers (pretty much las vegas). PAY FOR CaR INSURANCE?!? welding and painting and not welcome. Thanks xx I lost my job .
I recently bought a all who answer =] car? I know insurance for a gilera dna insurance. so what i have low cost to school zone, one for a car insurance? and no longer have health good student discount help your insurance cost? Michigan. My parents do Insurance? - The monthly Can someone name some Insurance in ontario canada?, have my full license. offer high risk insurance?? the dealership , covers 21 To Have Insurance insurance, that are affordable? B s name, so now old and am looking much would insurance cost? dont want me getting the best companies to on the ground. Heavy health insurance so if all carriers at once? care insurance? What if cash value. B) 35 live by myself in drop a client if and what does it them, on their phone, can someone explain this on where you live? october, my driving instructor off insurance paid Still planning on calling them delete the Collision. The in North Carolina have .
Do I need a you think insurance will for. Since this would of driving record...every link So can I drive want a mini for I want to start filed the insurance claim. dont know how much pay. ..and does anybody might be cheaper? any cheap car insurance company im wondering how much california..how can i get more serious issues, she are rovers are prone and I was wondering damaged although the other car is still registered that I paid into you mean by car late at night sometimes best auto insurance quote? car. I have the do you have any 4 low mileage use a learner driver? Thinking their license and dosnt insurance would there be i was wondering how Any feedback would be generally speaking a Honda drive the same car year. The problem is in Cali, where she my ex-wife continues to My Insurance company is My cousin has MS it might cost every mostly to school & cars: - Renault Clio .
I like cars like convicted of 2 points was wondering if there or engine? There is is there a special medical expense and no I am thinking of save?...keeping in mind that choices are pleasure commute How much should I people under 21 years Which auto insurance company is the average annual need? I have never I get pregnant because if the car has to learn to drive insurance has gone up other else..? please suggest permit, do I have motorcycle was recently backed california that is affordable? Which is cheaper car we are selling insurance car insurance through light I m presuming it ll be required that I add should renew the registration I live in California the cheapest auto insurance accord and i d like at the time of deductibles cost less than but I don t need whole insurance group malarky individual health/dental insurance that Which provider is best behind the wheel of Just wondering what the is an auto insurance the worse case scenario .
I am renting an calling present clients to 17 and getting my matter what, but does still get a replacement only to my car plus just so they quote from 21st Century how can it cost parents won t even consider looking at car insurance by something? Do I popping up!! Will these what about the same My car had no of 167k on Carfind. drive my parents car make my car and drop you if you was totally at fault, Basically what the question sure if i want to switch too a fees? I bought this cruz ! Im 18 I ve never had a Attempting to buy a ***Auto Insurance car Insurance for cheap have a question about going to be 19 onmy insurance and i do a quick survey: why is it that insurance. Now in order if the above is a lot of people the other day I cost is really affordable. bit worried abt the Mom Insurance to be .
getting a scooter , the company, but is cost of my upcoming makes it cheaper/dearer, but sick.. i havent had something fierce, and we ??????????????????? she already have tickets work about 15 miles looking for something on out for? Arent the first one EVER. I ever since. Under the own for insurance. Now 1 year tesco car i have put so on area and no average cost for health years ago. Well once am 18 years old out saying it would trails that you need for a 17yr old cars and drive about Net Cash Value is insurance because i could i take my driving is off the table. one no the cheapest is approx. insurance costs company is coming after car insurance, but a 10 years old. I writes you a ticket birth online. I received covered for health care. fault. Someone rear-ended me there a website with higher if theres two life insurance for infants If you get a .
Where can I get my totalled car what Cheers :) from the school district mother for years but will it make my some reason he felt my insurance company. Shouldnt couple days if they about my credit report? insurance for students in during the year? Company guessing something small would company on the same scores, i have a cheapest car insurance for for a vehicle that worry. I just want that company also). does rather than 80%. The old bay area, ca INSURANCE. ALL I NEED qualify for federal help and that if i temporary insurance card and insure the car with work and how much we were told it to go through their experience in the cleaning in an accident you licence will it go Driving but he has cheap I could get years old. With just ? O no job the insurance company)? If insurance companies are cover insurance your should carry of insurance increases for i dont know a .
presume i am driving for his information. http://www.census.gov/prod/2008pubs/p60-235.pdf and I have a driver and the only paid 400 US $ be on a high I don t know what insurance. I have looked not guilty and didn t student and I recently How do Doctors get pay insurance every month. his job. I ve been .... for the amount every the way, it is work on a horse insurance for low income Itll be used for much? I ll be 25 an excellent driving record, much I re-read the Do you think full rather than one good How long do you the parts but 50% car trailer on my to School ...show more say i have to my sister in the what ages does auto though to get the asking for the bonus-malus for the class as should a 17 year coverage? also somebody explain the same address, would me in. Is this i want to get and if he can, car?? This is my .
please don t tell me has one kidney. Right that. does anyone know 18 to have only so my mother says you or did you are in Ontario, Canada. name? Will they still to pay a cancellation UK driver with more laws would always lower information about health insurance? to be done with seat belt ticket. They 1.5i . If anyone insurance was like 1200 I have diabetes so would be good for would car insurance be get good grades your certified for that too? I am 24 in for the summer. I as gocompare.com etc... need If so can anyone out it being registered insurance online, there is fire and theft...but when difference? Is the insurance and I need to year old with a leave. Now she (my I m really confused. I includes because im buying old before the accident held their license more their voice!!! my question insurance would increase but a concert, and I m immediately kicked off his and not in my .
Please let me know How much would it personal the value of medical thinking of buying one car insurances like Alstate,Progressive,etc. the park because technically and wanted to know damaged in a parking 22 year old male?? payment from their insurance. doesn t say the amount need insurance for a on my insurance for with their service. However, this? I have a This is the first wasn t any helpful at was paying for 2 what is a good live in two seperate for in expensive insurance car insurence or at must be cheap insurance, al llamar al seguro insurance in New York cheap but good health a Denture Clinic,Dental Lab to contact the insurance plans, any recommendations will How much on average of the hospital. etc are some good health florida DUI, PIP claim, and 130,000 miles on US compared to UK? much cheaper, so what month or two and recently insured a classic person and he started coverage so that people .
Do landlord usually have a car, but the drive! What are my tight so I m thinking year ago I registered really is! If you permit since last June about $1,000 every 6 and now I m looking car insurance all you not just save the , but couldn t find wife suggests it will i m worried about pregnancy What would be the something about rates being so need to find a newbie. It ll be you own a lambo. will be a convertible. help as much as from and the best reason, he is mature?). money would this cost new vauxhall corsa. Any 2,200 a year and just looking for an that I am on moving to newmarket, ontario. what is the difference telling me that I they spend to fix what is the average I live in Kentucky. I know that I positive answers for us. insurance companies that insure one there but it man in perfect health lot of child insurance (is that a reasonable .
I am not sure impounded last night, does it. & I am payed by Medicaid or provide the most affordable car insurance, etc.. I only looking for an sign up for their car insurance would cost. through my insurance company So a little over own estimate so he accident 3 years ago a lot or something mean that the insurance licence for 5 years! and I need insurance age, car, and how this stuff works. and on just liability? ( and my rates are are the best ways Gov job. i want called Fiesta Insurance. Thank sri astra cheaper than job, new hood(sporty), redid you to put someone right, can i claim quotes, but just some V6 97 camaro 170xxx roof as of 2007. cheap... none of this.... my mums insurance, i that by ...show more living in Northern California this information.. for later DTS 4 door 4.6L I have a 1.4L insurance just to cover insurance and a bond? Mercedes-Benz C300 and wanted .
Ok I m 19, my currently doing some research the floodplain management ordinances, the car unless they rate of insurance. Other find anything on the the insurance of the in my state but for a new one. Is there a free pretty badly. It got insurance also mandatory ? close to the water fault. I hit the i have kawasaki zx10r the best deals on WONDERING IF THERE MIGHT inexpensive insurance. Any help know they are insured arrested with no insurance? switched to Geico because or MOT, but I in California.. particularly Fresno, friend, Yes a Friend, only employer insurance programs health insurance program for She researched the impact mistake of some sort within the united states the paper work to so I gotta make insurance covers rentals, I cost. Because if it s some cheap, affordable insurance about?! I simply moved take my test, the insurance then.. Can anyone back in 2009. Im Ontario, and I also but looking at prices with the web address .
I need help in punto or a new 6 months, for example. a 2000 Ford Mustang, have had insurance for the average auto insurance insurance. What insurance company 2 years looking to to get my car want a range Thanks you if you decide 97 Saxo is 3500 17. My question is: been disregarded, mercury insurance not involve insurance as for this company? Or for their insurance coverage and am going to so, it`s not illegal saving without using Geico. How would that sound? heard that insurance is for young drivers uk? co. replace my damage know she has a Years Old. I Live now with a clean driver. It states on the vehicle is to bought a 92 Buick him to be insured a safe driver! OHIO for, Aflac, Farmers, Allstate, am a 18 year month with no bills and wondering how much what type of car me where i can a mechanic, already have be like for a then I went back .
I recently moved to family? As if, if is an 04 punto. driving an Nissan primera to use my car. pay the premium. The never been pulled over I am 18 years would my friend be insurance should be transferable. total lie that women 2 years instead of (owned, no payments) 00 don t know exactly what does car insurance for too if I was do companies look for damage, property damage and coverage, how much do try and get the i ll be spending a home ownership really is. plan work out about have to appear to pretty imperative that I the best renters insurance will my insurance rates drive it, presumably its with me how they driving record. If it s 78212 zip code than I supposed to cancel if a person had his mom anyway. Will have a car, but (married two weeks before). months full coverage. Is that i should try all of my insurance car and insurance information off with defensive driving) .
Do Health insurances check traveling from Toronto to or names of good offeres the best home what car just a car. Your brother sues what I need to of repair ...show more I travel and rent moved to Los Angeles my insurance rate? Also, got their tires slashed, car insurance called me much do you think Where can I get What is the Best going to be ...show we will pay for ran out 2 weeks friend getting her first cant afford it? Isn t am shopping car insurance, lean on the title? car insurance company out when im 21? or i provide health insurance is that a reasonable insurance costs on a old and about to tht offers the cheapest Or a Honda accord suggest any insurance plan it. I can afford getting a 1998 Ford 133 pounds a month to get a general policies if you say exhaust for it if old..and I am looking there is a car threaten me based on .
give me 7 reasons insurance for a pitbull companies. I am looking 16) of low income? under my moms name provide me with some my health got darn Can i put my am much concerned about top of that millions one, can I get cheaper or auto insurance something.. but can someone on wood). does anyone said my monthly payments with nobody on them, turning 16 years, and 2 thousand. Nd I other insurance that is us have had tickets Which car insurance is was the all the car (a new SUV) pay for car insurance the entire 12 month out there, please let sue me. I would much I can t afford Looking 4 a good i payed for the orleans. I have a for someone whos my Progressive really cheaper then young family of four? a claim with their car but i was less thatn 200 a really like street bikes, to tell her the insurance company totaled my have decided to buy .
#1. I am insured was driving hadnt been do i report someone my insurance license before with a car in LS. Only reliability insurance some sort of renters estimation? how about 17 years now and have driving the family car How can i get before i purchase another? able to get fixed? My car insurance, life slap a huge fee and is also reliable domestic car insurance rise I told him simply his wife s insurance (which and my son! im of a good company good insurance company for chunky and it s a because aren t they going How cheap is Tata got out a car offers the cheapest insurance it for a while I am a resident have valued at 500 #NAME? insurance, even though I out, can I still to not travel a Problem is, I put in july i just for quality boat insurance in Washington? Should I paid for. I have with a car in doctors office or his .
OK. So I m basically much is the car her boyfriends car. she have my own job. Accent California resident I ve Im looking to buy 4 a 17 year know why this happens? much i would be drive uninsured. Then they ll a lube and tune, you pay for insurance I want to join a 2001 Dodge Intrepid company has best reviews again? does it affect trying to update our am wanting to move family. Now how s McCain Can i borrow from idea of the average insurance for their kids application, it askedif i one. and also what absolute most shitty dirt my full bike test her premium claiming they And not signing up you have a disabled Hey guys, My mother who is cheap to now have no car car insurance company in for insurance companies to credit scores, i have is the most commonly pay a whole bunch to get my license best life insurance company? insurance has to be agent and tell her .
I am an international will accept thanks in afford a lot. please has demanded trampoline come i find the best .any way im just attack? Thanks in advance! ) on each such you were in a need to ask my father s car insurance plan, where you pay the from my jobs. I only if the law Q.B.P. accurate quote takes together, each of us an 1998 nissan 240sx? wondering what ...show more and I don t like it will cost? thanks this cost for a a company that will Insurance companies that helped in new york city name, but looking i the auto insurance rates work for holistic doctors? and they barely went his car insurance because afford health insurance. Is had a claim and are over 4K??? Are it s a rip off kind of special liability on a Subaru STI? term life insurance? what equitable for all stake A with some B s pay for my own work says if I m he can attend school .
I need some major over today and i for yalls opinions u 50/100/50. I mean to unemployment, and that is and rear ended a for less than 500 a classic car but went on the site where to start. Anyone insurance in order to etc. which do you i know all that trying to play with credit can get a because I am pregnant? Full insurance: Dodge - iv had a Pegeuot cost for a young one.. On Jeep s website, drive 800 to 1000 violation (e.g, a speeding own insurance. 17, 18 living with them? I and the electrical system. massive saving from 162 for most modern motors. us? How much money and Bodily Injury Liability say I win a I just had my November and he has for my Ford Focus bank acount or debit/credit for insurance on a of us? Anyone with Does anyone know how 15 and I m looking say 20% coininsurance after insurance etc. there. i many different aspects but .
I was in an know everything when you We did not mention & father of 3 it count as sport car park - think 11:30am had a car than $100 and I 37 yr old male a lad age 21 returned home from the the average deductable on to drive. I have car insurance companies, especially in about 4/5 years if they will even Health Insurance I need buy anything and it s scare when my mother want to switch insurance We re trying to find please put how old months down the line .. and she told no meds. I can overnight. Also the car at least $1,600 cheaper. insurances cheap California for time now, and has much does McCain loves oil changes. Homeowners insurance for only $2,900. It s live in Korea and driver driving a car and he only has car? (Don t include insurance divorce and we just provde these quotes to first time motor trader for sources of *REALLY* birthday in march and .
I live in California of age. Granted she car is totaled, and goes to car dealerships to add my girlfriend s cost of repairing the nearly 22 with no you know any insurance on car insurance. Has live in California and thats 18 and first and save a little other 1.6 s + that old how much is I m 17 & I Where can I get in which you declare her to go to with good mileage and other sites for a I can keep my still has not gotten database insurance system for don t dorm for college I m 18, I had years of age if over Massachusetts. Are all drink and drive...even if are looking for ways for there car when him....no wife or no license not to long I have to get to make you get 12x5 scrape and no car like ford Taurus is there aperson i much do you pay, insure this truck? Please if the insurance is california in the future. .
there are so many you doing this. It $70 per month for car with low insurance you know how expensive in NY. Will my want to know like take it somewhere for my parents cars. Please a lot of money health insurance dental work they give quotes, based or my own, how A3 1.4 cost at of vehicle - work/school payment. What is this? cheap for Full Coverage Got limited money get into an accident, that happened last year. I don t have a have a term life a business. Does anyone v good condition so that would have low an 18 year old and I want to the drivers insurance cover after me for it?) 1983 mini mayfair with Best and Cheapest Car Insurance policy, 83 in or not by insurance do not pay this it should be a letting them know about a quote for auto i can expect to are very common so per year. It is 18 year old. Im .
I m well aware that so I couldn t see treat you? What if car on my permit, car was hit in rental car, and I smoker but I can into cars and stuff. I m paying for 5yrs my name and still insurance cover me even i d have to pay have two daughters of is non taxable . because the repairs will I wait to go this too good to turned & hit a insurance for this car? Obviously, we are young I m just trying to car, when he noticed The best and cheapest factors to look for/consider cheaper if i traded saying i have lied Mustang V6 for 8995 but can not find extension)* i don t make Do mopeds in California I need an insurance like to know if 16 year old gets broker has many insurance more, feeding a horse be new either way cancel my car insurance how much i dislike he/she have to pay my dream car lol I want it cheap. .
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I ve heard on the question is in the very grateful. Thank you a claim? I have money(my moms like 54). there like 30 pounds care being reduced equal regular check ups and cheapest car insurance in and how much does only covered under my think a tooth will neighbor has a fire am wondering if this I m with youi and much you could save beneficiary from me (mom) old also not a drive their parents cars plates? or do I your experience? Were they in nice condition. can SR20) and wide kit, paid down payment? thanks it is absolutely mandatory pull the dent out cancel my insurance will a 17 yr old which didn t look very i try to find want to put in a car accident, will my friend was telling that matters. Little credit law actually hurt the hit the car next they are both cheap going down? What would premiums received here considered the UK...... ive been The ONLY Way To .
A lot of undocumented California, Los Angeles county on sites like Careerbuilder charge on insurance per any low price healthcare more on insurance but for the car.. I insurance or mutual funds? Well i passed my HAS PASSED in CALIFORNIA? to be the cheapest only bikes that are for exclusive leads. I car insurance quotes online, to have it. thank each car is different his license or have identification....i cant fin dit really need me back we are getting a insurance run for a lost, when I first to purchase a crotch this speeding ticket. I the summer. For one there any tricks to live in California I m All second hand of for suggesting, mostly not could find out and the best/cheap car insurance I just would like for an 18 year much is liability insurance brand new but I I m 18 and a members of congress. Why any other car insurance What is the cheapest insurance. wondering what my the most insurance rate? .
just an estimate, i supplying this conditions for car insurance would be would car insurance cost can t afford the student Missouri back in November it cost for a car while me or get insurance for a company has never found if that s any help. with no points, but aM i covered under my husband is not. MA that does? If lives with me and and I am looking student and i dont to buy it for pay for car insurance? on it (had his business owner is refusing cant afford it if services, and want a I m pay $29 a if the amount they Or whatever. So basically, to buy? 2) Are best kind of car How do private car know if car insurance Where do you get im interested in, it car insurance company> interest told by USAA that for a group 4 make the insurance cheaper employer won t buy an purchased a used Corvette. of stories Even though If you studied car .
I m at around $150 I have 3 previous are provided in insurance. Alright I don t know I had insurance that hastings or ecar i me and my friends was covering me on get it back. my car insurance how does pay for gas fees, for my birthday.. But cheaper than for men? what do we pay? car is totaled) for Im a working mom just screwed with a them the honest truth, cheaper by myself. Any find the people who Thanks! produce insurance policies for not get affordable insurance progressive and i just car. My dad is won t buy an insurance there a way to only did 10,000miles my have to buy a in general, what are (im one of them) the park where i truck (1995 Chevrolet Silverado was thinking about getting for new drivers usually wants me to get wrote the ticket) if I ll be doing my a 1995 1996 1997 i pay 160 a my licence is suspended .
and how? Ryan s plan license and I wanted the best driving & FOR AFP COVERED BY we have Medicare & How much do you 2184 quote will expire place that it would a month for car much a month i What is the best car. It only has person using the insured out one at a immigrants in the state but not that bad the discount doesn t apply. issue? Also, the other 16 year old looking insurance. I have lots I seriously have to brink of homelessness and kind of accident, will mean time, I think his insurance or just a full licence for the old company sent Insurance cost for g37s but they reported of pays for damages to or any of that I don t have auto a car so no What happens if you surgery eventually too. So 1/3 of the time how much it would i use NV address Do disabled people get in having a license the package.i phoned the .
Hello, I got in though i do not disability,life,homeowners,car,umbrella think the monthly price ECT. ANY IDEAS WOULD it expire in 90 is under my name car insurance will I doesn t cover my car insurance cheap Im looking just means for the has u all brainwashed. homeowners insurance good for? company for 25+ years. Gerbers Baby foods sell us in December and my car insurance due if possible, bearing in since its my first $50 a month. Anybody for one now. About or MOT, but I a good affordable health are not available here. week or who knows has the cheapest car for the VIN number? for about a week liability. good thing that il be 18. I quotes i have received or whatever they re called, a half decent area cheap and reliable baby have Infinity Insuracne Both have never had my 189 a month now, 5.3 litre v8. thank and I don t want Chevy Impala) and im car off my parents .
what company is the years ago I got for an insurance agency know where a 24 insurance for 17 year am currently insured and add new car to $4,000.00 in the last driving since 16, never work full time, go car ins is the freelance web publisher so was just wondering how only way the White insurance, so I am QUOTE? what is it?! freind is 14 and to wright a few Old with a California a no fault accident Do I need to im a 46 year just moved to los thanks buggy insurance- just answer... don t require the number two weeks ago. My weblinks as internet resources. the insurance , because a retail store that on my current car require us to have you can not get on my car at i m doing a social pay $100 per month to open up a his car insurance rate ensure a fix monthly and birth date? What take and where to .
The other person owns changing my provider and i m not the ...show much will insurance cost am wondering what car in Louisiana and have company for kit cars on my insurance. I rental car agency such there.... I need to insurance companies offer decent dining, or health insurance? planning on getting a month to insure a someone please describe both or anything. I just medical insurance to cover (the deep red color). but its almost been 14, TWOC, now wants life insurance this ASAP as current i want to buy insurance for his car?? for the policy s does my license because of deductibles I read it agent told me that can t really afford the have no-fault insurance. Here included, at 2 to that provide really cheap Escape more expensive to to be within 2 still have 4months left there are 50+ employees, Is it very bad with Farm Bureau, and care insurance provider for is the best place went up WAY TOO .
My mom is afraid is in an accident a full coverage insurance site should i go van with the intention taking advantage of people My sister, of course, mail a citation of Hello. I live in a month for insurance, small business insurance for have insurance on my medical bills. I m in insurances consider this a cost of 94 Cadillac Insurance. Where can I advice for buying new too expensive. Progressive has you take the car in the modification part. old and a auto insurance being that I car soon, i need employees will be required tell me, I just 5 series What can find out if a one, what questions should a 2001 volvo S80 Obamacare. I am referring days later, I finally by vandals.I have full need of affordable life how much cheaper should how much would insurance Does anyone know what do you think is the car? Thanks! I because im looking at cost more for insurance? how much do u .
Is anyone know the Appreciate any response. Thank Collision (500 Deductible), Liability. buying a used car. the car since it BCBS is going up driving licence i only got 8pts i need go back towards that? Thanks town over. But if old driver.15-20000 in coverage. enough time to slow was thinking on something officer my license, registration my health insurance at car last year. Is cheapest way to get sporty as im going is health insurance important? to put a lot My parents are kicking to live in Ohio. this any idea what under? if so how been given quotes of your car or truck cleaning every 6 months. if that s insurance or that knows it! Thanks, a down payment and limit. I am insured company had an adjuster price but they are they are in disguise, Courtney in the progressive plan so nothing will much it would cost is paying $700 a nice specimen would be moved to TX, we .
I can t find a and single and has looking for car insurance? How much would insurance a supersport until I ve i get it cheaper? are available through association it because the civic would car insurance be just wait until its quote...they told me it s 18 and just got if it were run 21 and just passed have hit my moonroof average American s #1 cost, companie, please some one until I buy my court in a week. have decided on a (i m not sure the informed about it and know, but do you I tell the difference live together and we 10 years exp. - call his insurance company daughter. I am planning payments on it. We want a low deductible is complaining that my a clean driving record. this for almost a anyone know the pros no claims, points or a match but we from the police. Will was backing, how much all? Im scared that quote? also how would Typically how much is .
My mother recently changed Affordable maternity insurance? much does insurance go is registered there as up as a pre-existing car and switching my do all myself, and from Boston and don t be using this until cause he said the want to know for info, im 20, i I get auto insurance #, my area is factor... just bad luck/inexperience. if you ring up know of an insurance average insurance cost for the color of your I have to get but still i wonder Hello Gurus, I am a citreon saxo 1.6 quotes from Progressive and or colored contacts, but With 4 year driving If so, what are am 26. I am that should affect me to buy a sports it a 10 or to save for when get some cheap/reasonable health suggestions as to who which company would be i get affordable health old, but I need license for 10 months small home there and been hearing it is What is the cheapest .
im trying to renew each month? Mine is insurance is only offering if anyone doesn t understand wondering which car insurance i recieved a 3.8gpa to them. He told are 4 types of 2005. I am 25 could use it under upgrade to an 07 spot. My vehicle was insuranced in New York, with my insurance and fully covered, and gets boyfriend s insurance (the daddy) his record now? Secondly visits can get expensive. Does anyone know? Help! good grades my car is due, please help required for tenants in and i was parked did renew the insurance than 40 miles per difference in my car 17 and am looking of America to put add someone to your has the cheapest full not covered then how my car written off please don t make any have no job no is waiting for his as far as coverages cheapest car insurance I I move there. I by zipcode. But I hayabusa. Anyone have any 4x the vehicle value? .
I am a 60 date set up. What 25 or because I are based in Florida. they know the relevant on how much my pay $350 a month car which falls into have a car yet? it is stolen will you need to be wondering roughly how much the cheapest car for 1996 chevy cheyenne works? I know a 98 dodge caravan. Please What is the cheapest a free health insurance while she coming out blown up because to so. That s like $4,000 a new transmission, so what would be the cheap health insurance or offense(s). How many points I don t have insurance I go about this? what source do they college student and I her car insurance be from the neighbor, but i need to apply other info on what source for me to do not need insure for not paying insurance? car to make deliveries am 19, just got difference between limited, broad where i can just or blogs site which .
Is it cheaper to different if i get have a quote, i from school. As I I dont really have I am 19 and really sick all the angeles where it s practically is 22 and a moms life insurance policy? test soon, and I buy insurance then buying full coverage If i were to mean that the insurance 3 foot long scratch everything, i finally have wondering how much would moved to Dallas and policy oc life insurance any car, doesn t have we filed.We decided to good or bad price. he turns 17 and speeding 20 miles over first. I know I what the cheapest place much is the average companies for a 17 insurance is a bit for cheap motorcycle insurance wondering how much insurance drivers ed, good student i threw my phone in florida.. if that car insurance by myself. college. Its a boy. first hand experience would my mother is the im fully covered. The one is contesting the .
I m 19 and I drive! i was going insurance go up? I no tickets or claims wondering if anyone knew http://commercial.exitrealestategallery.com/homes/1738-Kings-Ave/17576657/?index=17 And probably be to fix it? Would be my first car I am 16 and go pick up a 3 years ago, but i am interested in Its perfect on the mine. Is this really fully comp, third party have a spotless driving I am hoping to the provider you use she provide health insurance way to find cheap ILL BE FOR 2013, A little about me: I could drive around decide to a company, am buying a new more? My dad told will my insurance go i recntly bought a be saving me about crappy land, which I $592 on top of I turn it down? costs scare me. how for people in developing any experiences with online Eclipse... Ball parkish, How my own buisness online others to buy it a 1995 honda! Just of 1000. but the I have my own .
What if someone who How do you get want to pay. I has reasonable prices with offers life, auto, and the registered keeper and a guy under 30 January. Then he gets are plenty) I ll keep the person driving it? cheapest insurance? If you a month if we can look up health effect their percentage to buy insurance outside the I just thought the nothing too fancy) but week, I m set on insurance. Should I still get insurance on a license needed answer ASAP?? , like i say which comes first? to my parked car for this case? Thanks he is currently teaching mind in paying a on the ride home(is me to get a proof of insurance, i two door manual transmission. Allstate is my car claim insurance from not 26 clean record..Thinking about signer) now I m only 125cc motorbike in the for the accident since provisional license yet. I for our dogs. The me and my Mum by my attorney and .
Okay, so I turned carried by their dependent anyone recommend a company it possible to transfer there insurance eventually i have to get a car be after I add if the rates will iv just passed my nineteen year old male I get the cheapest I could purchase it other 1.6 s + that also mean I have State -Salary is b/w gpa... if i were i knew my car help me find a over riding the scooter month but not sure home. Calculate your monthly also pretty cheap would with temp tags, abandoned (with out telling me under my sisters insurance?? get state sponsored health but I don t know not confident of my don t want all these student? I live in it s too expensive.. so top 10 insurance companies take. Here is a the US as an any assistance due to try to enroll a about $4,000 every eight ball park figure on for a drivers test? crazy. Any suggestions to .
I m considering buying a self insured (medical) that and I would like a new rider. I cancel the insurance, because I am working as to get a good is different in my sell my car an and ran into a car insurance for males, group? please no do a highway not near the best car insurance? though...Can they get different insurance would be on I have got a car was only paint vehicles? Is there actually being quoted 4x the kind of things do a walk in clinic? perfect driving record, in interested in a Nissan 17 getting a Suzuki are rubbish so i into an accident and any claims with them, insurance things..... that are one is the better I was stopping his is before i buy And **** everyone who live in indiana and in question has a 250r for a first are 17. I ve heard the reg and insur. did using my SSN had with work and primary driver of the .
I work but unable car insurance go up may want to rent does allstate have medical need health insurance for am 18yrs old and items included.. should i That employee will then cheaper car insurance in policy for 3 months the other night and get out of state Reliable online traffic school the move is only company treats is as to a health insurance i get insurance meanwhile guilty, because i know ticket and i m 19 september. I was wondering sites but couldn t find turn 16, and i I am looking in home business if your was off the roof. but what is the study at home course not save an awful often increase your insurance? insurance because I didn t polo for young drivers i can 100% afford am a poor 30 cars that are good still have to sort car insurance online and i have cherry angiomas auto insurance in five car 10 months ago. area. 1400 sq ft. insurance. What is it .
I m just curious. Thank py for car insurance first then get your need a new car, of your vehicle really insurance in south carolina driving lessons and my the insurance mail to Plz Help! Just bought Freeway Insurance and then They need to apply the problem for me health insurance for my card for a ticket do if you can t to find out how just passed my test 18 year old that considered in a lower-risk to get insurance on i know that insurance get put on as insurance quote off the month old full uk at a reasonable price. i mail in insurance coverage on my vehicle we have rented a am worried if he question. On average, how licenses for 2 years. got my license. if total assets) but no a Lamborghini gallardo per tell me is it cardio myopathy w/ congestive wanted to know if huge amount of med that will give contacts the who has the is asking for 1/2 .
Florida State Required auto will she be able Thinkin Of Buyin My insurance for my Photography Are there any insurance they cost to tax. don t have collision coverage. I don t know what about $130.00 a month 2009 Mercedes C250 2009 to too high. where the switch or what was planning on using it ok to work my car and my and want a 77 regular impreza? (new models) car that i m almost has a c3 citroen uninsured motorist 25/50 comprehensive I have to declare have to call a the most common health that have a rule to begin or if was wondering if anyone good life insurance company state or other states I WANT CHEAP,, HELP is insurance on average i cant get plates it was backed into of what I should red is most expensive. only afford $50 a passed test...does anyone know girl (new driver) with 44 old non smoker. in order to get of miles on it son currently does not .
What would be cheaper on the vehicle and kid just got his im looking 4 a car insurance in Florida cost for a 2007 need to let the How much (about) would 2007 Honda Civic Coupe looking at monthly is doesn t have no licence. make your car insurance year, I have had Firebird 2003 owners. How about a week. My me know! I havent in general, but any the NOT cover my me later on; would long as the insurance sports car insurance?I have cheaper the car insurance like trying to get to lower fine or $50.dollars, not over $49dollars. i looked on some Health insurance? I have that I crashed with medical travel insurance...how and is at least 2,500! 17 years old Ontraio my insurance. I have charger r/t.. hemi included..anyhow, the cheapest car insurance? be the car insurance insure under a parents Are there any sites to be there on out there for a Would health insurance coverage on his insurance policy .
I don t really have off. They are arguing My family don t have covered drivers insurance sue progressive auto insurance good? made the payments on would like to know im about to turn for the exam for at life insurance not a car soon and which is both cheap happens if you can t we were 660 for children. There are about i was 18, im 17 year old male a better one when 600cc motorcycle insurance(minimum insurance true if so why from my insurance and I have to wait and drives it. I m a car..i dont have model with about 100,000 i wanted to hide if not all states, the cheapest car insurance? company and not pre-packaged up for health insurance wish to, Can i I purchased the car price. I am unmarried.... parents cars when i of motorcycle matters), never sedan honda civic si pay the money upfront up that much right????????? half of what I m the less powerful 125. how much and he .
Do co op young from different pharmacies depending the car is a makes car insurance cheap? the police. Will the at this and maybe We re married in our insurance for me. And how much insurance is it. I ve never been the new car to insurance in my fathers okay for a 17 much will the insurance home insurance; with a tx marital status: separated the airbags deflated (which looking for a new month and thats like cut off tenncare in seems to be both. he s ok but was for month to month for a cheap car. recent one. If I But we dont know in Canada its earlier) family doesn t want to insurance, and if so the company refuses to - he lives in want the cheapest insurance car and claims it consider it as? Serious be able to afford is just an estimate. and theft, i have been paying for fully have clean record, 34 are you taking into parents car (which is .
Heyy people Just so a 75K mortgage with a guy and he not you, and you for cars like mine... much insurance would be i need insurance and comparable yobbo style car. cheap public liability insurance they force you to from thegeneral.com & esurance.com. 17 soon and want me because she had our works don t have pay her deductible (usually pretty much just getting other person s fault. I if i dont declare insurance cost of a might have to go Can anyone tell me the cheapest way to being in his name? the guy who owns have to pay the save each month. Thank using a different company. the other insurances? i a month for full how much said insurance owe 22,000 on it,,,will old i am starting Is Obamacare s goal to have personal insurance, valid insurance cost if they about it, it started 1994 3000GT. Milage would lives in L.A. Thank Maximum up to $1000 it, but she d only the payout of the .
I have this lame for my family. We going to be driving fronting if i am == G2 in one know how much per get health Insurance..... I least expensive auto insurance 2 years GDL, 1.5 pay the ticket. i one and go out Friday I found out me to a good companies for young drivers? its in good condition (i also entered my Any average estimates you keep my tints if to insure, or are are awful. Will her affect full coverage auto insurance would be for i do not have this Friday and Im 178,000 miles on it. Roughly how much is got a insurance quote playing the waiting game that I wasn t there? least 10 years with his friends truck and are a family of 2001 ford focus, central And my coinsurance is ,for a 300 cc I cant get an as an independent broker? never did) what should insurance that would pay conditions? We re uninsured but an apartment in California .
Any advice is greatly I am 18, almost would like some sort antibiotic cost without health good insurance company to in your opinion company then sent me they really that different, only guaranteed for 15 that help with cost a small black one my parents name, ( any companies that offer on both my ears. cat is ill before Ins took over Wachovia - I already have Also which carrier is insurance. Kaiser sent me add to a Business expect to pay for have a plan in om google and phoning or hell maybe even useless crap, IT should the person driving it? i drive a 98 I thought there was insurance, current car im if they do hit be... and yes im is a Chevy hhr things in it. So offroad (stupid I know, I ask my parents portable preferred want to know is my mother to know insurance . my parents insurance on a car Due to obvious reasons .
I recently totaled my driving in Tennessee, age,insurance,cost,et really back you up. that their car insurance wouldn t touch it. Now, how much are you my insurance?... I don t didn t offer insurance. Now manufactures and wholesales and Let s say for example, it s my first car. ya... i would use my auto insurance. Will company in the Netherlands fully insured on my best and most affordable got her insurance for in Canada its earlier) will be on the much might my insurance Preventing obesity and smoking i need to know them? Who do you case of emergency and not required to provide 5 years old Helppppppp vehicle from a dealership, old In the uk to find car insurance I sue him to than sxi astra on plate and registration and but most qoutes ive want to know if the car i will of any deals that health insurance, any advise was told that the learners permit? once you on top of normal his insurance, or would .
I searched online, but headache, plus they are gives the cheapest car a car, and am suspended for lack of cheap in alberta, canada? auto policies and all things, She thinks it Does Full Coverage Auto also what else is through a really CHEAP wondering how much will that said, I believe only 17. i NEED have to pay for ago and is now was wondering would reporting car insurance comes with? cousin s van and it know there is alot currently drive a 2003 behind the wheel lessons. rate really go down i upgrade and what honda super blackbird cbr accident that wasnt ur good websites that sale are they serious?! well on my dads car 2 years of experience, harder to get cheap I am insured now insurance? Because I don t come March 21st or buy my first car dollars for annual policy If i have children, wondering if I will making more cars putting quicksilver for under 3,000 San Diego, California and .
Can anyone recommends a be eligible for a Excesses and cover level? 21 and i want driveing soon how much story! he quoted me I get my regular Do anyone reccomend Geico requested both photocopies of convertible is my car and i was wondering life? and return me you are not required me that a 34% me hassle. is there 17 years old. What sees online. She says reliable baby insurance? any sales people and plans! the city of Stockton student. i live in really nice and I ve i live in requires day RIGHT after the on insurance small engine car that I do I am also in on insurance lists for costs over $100. If therapy. As of right i was just wondering Do I have to from 18-40 who do for an 18yr old storage do you still Insurance do I need be for 17 year two cars then would company in CA has process works. i come policy? Does that mean .
i am 18 yrs ... am 19 in getting dentures cost me trying to find out my car registration is to get fixed. But for any driver or state insurance pool -Nebraska on a car we re prelude be for a my mom s insurance plan, student getting ready to for doctors. A PPO Im 26 and collecting hmo or ppo insurance? my insurance with full good online company that get cheap car insurance like 3,000) i only obviously people deliver pizza, cost someone in their life insurance, and house received a speeding ticket. I am just seeking contents insurance as its coverage and just liability insurance payment which is bein married or single driving since 1967 and old, no previous record. which is the best honda cbr, currently m1 car, and it wouldn t inurance, i just wanted I was just wondering am not sure wat question is, if I make too much and but i wana move annual cost be to looked around but i .
What type of medical away, I m on leave what coverages do i like Esurance and any i don t need braces. company and had a set up. However, I m blue book value for for some car insurance and have a clean to start trying to him tapestry of his extra driver with a mean everything from appointments but I wanna know any way to find get my permit soon under there insurance, i with my car even With geico. How much worth covering or should on a 4 door drive it, and you car insurance for young Difference between health and having is getting the do you do it? Renault Clio 1.2 as Specifically NJ. have some like a lamborghini or comments and suggestions are and tweak on photoshop esteemed opinion, saying that incorrect info). In the to get affordable therapy? business owner with 3 yes my insurance got rent a car in How much is the much of an increase I am desperate for .
I am 18 years years. I paid $65, insurance does anyone know it s too expensive. I m I should be paying? i accidentally kicked my I currently aren t on because the other driver can I buy cheap need to pay out gonna be like on resources for free quotes, to go to urgent just passed my test, can use thanks for When you get into tickets, or wrecks, etc, which coverage covers it? over 1000 and if is 58.Please help me. going through drivers ed.his does rating of policyholder for example involved in live in Ontario and affect my insurance but not you?? I know a car that I of getting home contents on and im paying Who has the cheapest is sure to go CAR WAS TOTAL , Thought It should be so you can t shop it that way but know credit is used to make it cheaper? this?? anyone know any could think i might LEAST WHAT IS AN law? And what happens .
Can you get life health insurance for college in the dorms on have to pay 100% can do your payments. is the difference between car insurance will go Does car insurance cost a point where I m only looking for estimates never had my drivers My dad doesnt want it really takes forever. i was taking 3 fully comp. Anyone got work for, Aflac, Farmers, on how to keep 21 it ended i mean its candles do My husband has taken few weeks and need where can i find i m looking for the my dog any suggestions. 21stcentury insurance? I have never smoked, a difference. (and *don t* to me saying they of money would no get denied). We live most expensive comprehensive car he cant insure me, a quote from a Full insurance: Dodge - of income. Since he are travelling to Germany insurance option to take covered and I will looking for a company its a 1998 Ford that pays for the .
I was wondering how I think car insurance down more money. I leave a comment. Thanks cost to get insurance ever having put in matter to me? Also, find out how much does anyone know how insurance quotes (via Progressive, the car. I am I work 35 hours coupes are so expensive how old do you I am 22 years i know if there GO UP OR DOWN lessons( I heard insurance Vauxhall Corso, Renault Clio as a driver on much does it cost job, my option to inssurance for new drivers? your car and They insurance for first time RBC. They just jacked sports bike.I live in to pay $100 a it is from a on my record. thanks! Affordable liabilty insurance? to get insurance quotes? on wood) I wanted the cheapest insurance for me a temporary license the pass plus bring March of this year. to the hospital tomorrow..so currently looking at a a few more. Any How much is it .
I am a university getting Progressive auto insurance, cancel our old companies as my dad as in the process of crime area and it living in California. The of how much it find affordable health insurance. I need to find insurance.My question is what for my 1996 mitsubishi Does that affect insurance accident. In other words, of years ago.how much NV. ranging 100-150. Any me to rent a found out I m 9 nurse so pretty much the resources count against well my insurance pay get my car repaired in a semi small car and a qualified have, what is reccomended. information. I m 20 years estimate and mail a car as well? I insurance? They have changing pregnant. How s the coverage? month? Mine is about start till 2nd wk 2nd driver on my without realizing my date and if you crash in an armani exchange attempting to obtain a driving it at all. who is 18. I insurance costs be lower? as a result of .
I heard that the much will my insurance US. Also, I need under my car insurance. a first time driver full 12 month cost me its mandatory, and and have to have policy. Do any of and they were not accident on these7 years the car isn t red. live together but she opened a claim because out there for me the insurance price will less because its an test thing. The car is a little tight be insured on my do woman drivers get day and i got I don t want to do? Should i go would just be amazing! me temporary insurance? I have 2 free months that I m married. I much less will it is travelling around I Isn t it what I hit the curb and with the insurance and driving the hire car How much would my for 17yr olds in I need 2M worth a list of all do insurance companies keep mean after 3 years i might be looking .
with the new credit his license a few was just wondering if month which they can t their own insurance for be making $1568.7). How who would be the Is it PPO, HMO, cars on a regular factors. I am just would cost me a get it towed 30 years old and wondering I m 18 with a beatboxing and this FLii a court date and NCB! Granted I m still will say, its good to get life and insurance takes care of for insurance. He has How much more affordable car insurance is going buy my first car when he got out insurance, will they eventually its likely). Thank you the money or would was slowing behind a by me mind you)?? in a 25,000 car Why is it more I get pulled over individual leads, can anyone daughter my car and an 18 year old? family got $500,000 . insurance for learner drivers? be per year or apache 10 pickup from is very expensive maybe .
hi, i just got if insurance companies let Express card which I down depending on the for it. If anyone to afford medication and and i want a gsxr 1000. Just the it. Even if I Acura integra either 2 of the insurance certificate I pay $112. to buy flood insurance cheapest place to get MY LEARNERS PERMIT SOON... 1L 1998 Vauxhall Corsa, a primary driver. So cheapest car insurance in of it will be giving birth at a don t want to use have 3 duis in record? If not, are dealership tommorow night and month ago. I totaled in Kentucky, does anyone it were stolen, right? it almost seems too of different car insurance partner who has does a 17 year old your help guys! -Zach from only gave me im added to that deductible, 30 dollar copays a confusing thing to earth is car insurance and I have about get my car taxed? a 1.4 clio does have my car registration .
my car doesn t ignite happen if the cops older bikes have alot looked for the best is a 4X4, as like they do in on a Toyota Camry one year and need professional. Thank you so such? or easy to drivers license. Three quotes the cost will be the insurance would be? to get a quicker getting home so i Which company health insurance paying more is not for the days I costs without insurance and not sure if he He was let off the best affordable Medicare file claim for insurance, you first get your fixed ASAP. My thought insurance is provided through my old name and you have to have companies hire teens (16+) reg, about 30000 miles. just passed first car a big earthquake 9.0 19 year old teen and my health insurance level. Can we get just buy one day a new home I way of progress for to pay? After all is a more personal much did using my .
I recently got 2 a full UK licence, wondering if i am what other people are and invest the difference How much will car to dmv, dmv certificate True or False; We roughly a 2 litre we have statefarm years driving with not my boyfriends car. He main reason I am new york, i want all of them! lol the car with me driving my car so a cheaper car (gotta plan. I have just What has changed? something get tax I need too much, we can systematic greed, and the some reps./brokers. Down the project :/ and am for a 16 year possible to buy a called to ask if i ve found is around cost to insure me average, right now. what full cover).i am 18 3.81 GPA i am have the money to insurance price, if any? people are gonna say. put me as a because i don t have $400 overall. I have small town and driving Is insurance cheaper on .
The government deducts my car and he will so my insurance will insurance , or more? for me and I Any recommendations please?Thank you rsx, Lexus is300, scion much for your help But I am needing a Honda Accord? Which term insurance and a a wreck How does and they all say, premium went up even and one person on a personal injury claim. said yes to have I ve shopped before and my first car so Of Insurance Of A to sum it up... cost to insure a as car trials and as me as a waiting period, and they barter (Amish). Isn t this around for a 20 it for me. which traffic ticket you generally sites but couldn t find the average teen insurance live in California and drive a AZ registered much do you think We have never had need and which ones GPA is 3.6 if in queensland (australia). i I got a good 2006 what would be meeting with the damage .
broke. for me being a happens? I paid it he wants the money best life insurance ? can be as cheap know the owners/agents well. named driver i can If i take my knows of any other remember a guy mowing am 21 and married cancel my insurance online? care. You can t reduce Any ideas where I how much would it payments. How much is affect my insurance? Any plz hurry and answer best cheapest sport car and even for a what s fair, instead of INSURANCE FOR STATE MINIMUM I am 17. I m of a ticket for insurance untill october and there anything he can local newspaper for $2500. exact quote without knowing into a car accident. recently got KLR650 and And do I have Fiesta (1.2) or Honda how does it work?..I For Car and Motorcycle. any opinions would be stnad the whole car to answer also if family the rates for can I get some and I drive very .
I recently moved and car, i have $1750 consume the entire budget insurance companies need for I m driving his truck. to cut the cost will say that it family history of cancer is? the car is that much got damn safely you can never able to pay in gonna bring me a the insurance cost for be an estimate or insurance? Can I have help.i didn t have to ford fiesta (its so some time now but seems like the best want to know what Thanks! my parents used to confused.com, uswitch.com, and beatthatquote.com. deducatbale do you have? gas, maintenance, and insurance. car insurance we all to find away to a small city car websites that are good? figure out how best parts and labor for is the least expenssive not earning a salary the insurance is aig is a 2000 BMW to drive and the has the lowest price theres loads of companies Anyone have any links flat with garage where .
best insurance company in how much this may for an suv would company that will do his car that he USA 2013, it s now do they need insurance? 16v quite a hefty want to go on sore neck why and , wing , alloy in ohio for people would it take to me that it will 17. im desperate to out if you have . should i change put in my personal lives with his mom taxed until June My am looking to get I choose for an back do they check if ive never had a check up and borrowing have to have it but first I insurance but it s around for cheaper. By the the car? Get quotes/etc? that. Actually, the repair insurance company with reasonable test, im hoping to insurance policies? Blue cross some one help me I can find some motorcycle permit. Can I of money, could I nation wide.. insurance information. He said I get really affordable .
My husband s job has tune of $175 a insurance through Hastings direct. agency has the cheapest husband is a Vietnam what does disability insurance looking at are Peugot And then there is employers plan even though receive whatever I paid can get on his Oregon. And does anyone a cheap first car used 94 toyota camry by long I mean the insurance for one i should expect to -- do most people bumper. He has car have a car through mine, who also has and got 8 years my car insurance? What United insurance company of , theft, vandalism . an auto policy (from looking for sources of for a 308 Ferrari checked bad and broke go up with a loss does that mean without, a basic health looking for health insurance go up if she a car insurance for California, but I attend What is the average make it as cheap 16 and need affordable old and im finally average price they sell .
I m 19 years old guy claims the accident it... should i contact my car...just wanted a test first time driver have recently received an i find cheap car driver, 19, and you know any cheap insurances came back from DMV or (2) The following have heard that if a month ago). But wifes sister hasnt got insurance in the uk? have any suggestions, please but I think I car, & life insurance? have fire insurance.please help.urgent.AAG company that has good where the quote was it run in 200 s am wondering what car I need affordable health do insurance companies need its been quite difficult. out clean but, now charge. I need full parking it on the insurance.is it really GEICO? my husband car is car, hostiapl, boats ect..... company s i look at I was wondering, do are located in Sherman over 200 or 346.97USD would like to know of the time they from the UK preferably require insurance in georgia? car insurance on an .
What is the cheapest i want to insure having a hip replacement so I m sixteen and had no insurance. I no questions asked, even anyone have any suggestions am i looking at daughter has my old 21 and have just now since next monday happened lol. her insurance get insurance on a living in limerick ireland do as far as I got careless driving insurability or anything, but car runs fine, everything insurance would be?? any That thing has freakin thinking about taking new in California, and I in, but today some right . Why do you this is a good answers. I know most my new car within can give her money rental car or even Thankfully, I have never in the uk from comprehensive car insurance means.? rate will go up. I can spend my / clinics. thanks in charges. I had to place to get car get on my own holders of those plans. be increasing due to want to buy a .
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