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cosmicangel888 · 1 year ago
because we are divine
All affects the all
higher consciousness is
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Lenticular Clouds
Altocumulus Lenticular clouds are stationary clouds that form mostly in the troposphere, typically in parallel alignment to the wind direction. They are often comparable in appearance to a lens or saucer. Nacreous clouds that form in the lower stratosphere sometimes have lenticular shapes
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cosmicangel888 · 1 year ago
UNDERSTANDING 'sacrificing' Low Vibe Control Tactics ~ Reclaim Your Godly Connection ~ #5D
Common Sense Reconnecting Spirit, Source, God Care and Love into every day
* anyone advising, asking, telling you to sacrifice any sacred life for something is not aligned and is sitting in entity attachment, given their mind to entities, control of their life to what they think is the feeding sacrificial belly
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* sacrifices are falsies
* as you buy into or = give your power and free will away to any such be it pyramid spiritual bidding program, elite political bidding programs, purse-strings and how and who pay to keep the buying into the feeding of the belly of 'degrading humanity' the disconnecting of your choice, voice, spirit with all physical reality by selling you a thing, a title, a placement, or something is utter FALSE
* Sacrifices are that which you are not understanding the creational reality and show you in its return, backfire, in higher light will be YOU SACRIFICING YOU IN SOMEHOW AND SOMEWAY IN WHATEVER WAY GOD WILL SHOW YOU WAS UNNECESSARY TO GIVE YOUR POWER TO ANY OUTSIDE OF YOU
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* MIND CONTrol, fear based tactics, enslavement, entrapment, cult-like groups that base their entire operations on intimidation, sacrifices and humiliation rituals, blood rituals, are all nothing more than degrading, furthering trying to experience yourself in separation of your own godliness, and your reality - due to wounding
* there is a breaking up of all 3D templates and the energies are scattering
- the consciousness levels will continue to raise, the light will continue and this will not stop, no 1 light worker being 'taken out' will not stop ascension and again why the corrupt elites, purse string pullers and those that live through dominating, controlling, and enslaving humanity will fail, fall, to their own demise
** - for it is not the fault of 1 seer, light worker, healer, that light will bathe our planet due to the collective heart pulsations of equal quantum light that says 'ENOUGH of the SICK GAMES' of control and enslavement
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- we deserve light, unity, peace, and healed children and happy earth with higher vibrational leaders that care about being sacred and living sacred
* Gods, Source plan for our multi-verse ascension is far grander than the $Trillion dollar elite programs of subjugation slavery, and debauchery - no title on earth, or taking away of 1 light worker will stop the multi-verse ascension
- it simply is - and we are worthy, deserving, and ready for a new earth with love as our focus and care and connection as your foundation - enough of the wars
Enough of the warped and sick, toxic so called 'officials' that care and voice for the people - they have shown you they do not care - the people are sick and getting sicker - they choose to enslave and keep humanity stupid, numb and turned off - is that a higher atuned and caring leader?
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* what systems will create if we choose to not change ?
* see any of Whitney Webbs videos, and the others that show truth and what only 1 light worker reads in our collective as energy -
* there is no need to fear - all have a voice, choice as to what they choose to take and experience as karma
* none will be missed and all are being watched for their own inner desire to do, be, pulsate what is right and for the greater good = your conscience, your consciousness, all is being affected by hate, disconnection or love and peace and unity ©
Will you support the lack of liberties we should have - or will only the rich elite men that dictate and lead in corruption be the only ones with a voice?
What will you choose
Reclaim your light, energy, and consciousness - life is so very sacred - we have forgotten and disconnected from this truth
You are sacred - this is truth
You are in a sacred experience - this is truth
What will you choose?
You will return and what you choose now is how you will return - love or disconnection?
And so be it
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This is my word
More on Creational Realities;
Paradigms Shifting of Consciousness ~ Perfection of the Divine Plan for all life;
For private sessions, webinars, classes or consulting
~ Email me at [email protected]
DONATIONs; PayPal link here;
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5D - #ascension #enlightenment
#God #discriminations
5D - #ascension #enlightenment
#soulmates #twinflame
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#ascensioninrelationships#ascension #ascensionbooks#healinghumanity#healingourchildren#sensitivechildren#crystallinechildren#empathicchildren#indigochildren#healingreligioustrauma#healingabuse#healingtrauma#worldleaders
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#blackmagic#healingvoodoo #LGBQT#GAyrights#lesbianrights#genderrights#humanrights
#personalitydisorders  ©
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cosmicangel888 · 1 year ago
The world shifting, Ascension and healing IMPORTANT HUMAN HEALING - SOCIAL HEALING, Entity ATTACHMENT, Programs for humanity ~ MASTERY!
ALL IS HEALABLE - what you will see, notice, and then choose to create anew - you create reality!
Violence, corruption, corrupt behaviours, and damaging vibrational behaviours - black magic, spell work, all is an elixir for destructions, and at this pace of our new shifting reality
- We are seeing that those that are not choosing to heal, face their inner wounding, living in a true self loving path of healing, wanting to level up in soul growth, the experience of taking yourself from pain, suffering, confusion, to a state of utter self confidence and self design, self knowing, not being taken advantage of, not being stolen, taken from on a vibrational level, consciousness level, and to speak that of truth, pure truth, regardless of what others do with that truth; it is their consciousness, they have to work through what they must
- truth is truth and must be called out for the breaking, healing, and bring new light, life to the all TRUTH is the only way through Nothing can be hidden any longer - 
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There will continue to be towers, loss, until all is faced, brought new light and balance, honour and respect,
- is brought to what was toxic, deceitful, damaging, and 'hidden' and all are given the opportunity to do 'what is right' and what their own spirit, soul are calling them to do - regardless of another's blackmailing entrapment plan, or illusions
- the spirit is invincible and will blow away what any corrupt person states, or says, will be intimidation that the devil always works with - the devil works with entrapment, blackmail, paying people off, that is how the devil works;
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UNDERSTAND DEVIL ENERGY - all must navigate it and it breeds within every leader and especially those that choose to detachment of consciousness and not go within to seek, to know
The devil is not healed, it is the shadow, of the wounding, the not facing, the not bringing truth; for then all will be known for who they are
- but what if, those that choose to be their spirit and do what is right - is that very break through that alters all of creation and liberates millions
- would you not want to be known in this, then believing in the 'devils' plan of blackmail' which is always spoken from a low vibrational wounded 3D very hurt person, and not spirit and usually such beings, if they are speaking like this, acting and behaving in rage, envy, jealousy, they have entity attachment -
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* entity attachment - rage, anger constantly on any and all actions, demoralizing, abusive, degrading of the sense of self for you to surrender so they can take from you, make you their pawn, it is all about control, domination
* entity attachment - requires you engage - that is why they spur drama, chaos, confusions, spell work, spinning false narrative when people wake up to truth, they are confronted and then more spell work, more confusion, more projections, more deflection, blaming and until no one knows what is going on - it is a mess - that is what the devil spins and until utter destruction
* choose to step away from all such people and behaviours - most experiences belong to addictions, obsessions, trying to feed the entity, attachment, or abuse not being healed - why underground activity is rampant in such
* if someone has mental instability or disorder, due to other psychic, empathic, telepathic gifts going misdiagnosed, misunderstood, plus the toxic dark play of magic, human testing, it is an elixir for utter destruction, damage to everyone in the situation and great loss
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* there are no social structures dealing with any of these issues and not only that dear amazing human; there are the elites that have billion $$$ programs to perpetuate such 'race for survival' and elite organizations, secret society bullying online tracking, watchers of the elites to ensure that certain people are studied, herded into their programs, and how to use the sensitives for nefarious agendas ©
* Every leader of our world has no idea nor practices consciousness in alignment of the heavens, that has nothing to do with religion, and all are hoping none catch on, and most stay, remain asleep to your own power, what the Christ offered, what every master offers, 
* to herd you - and many are being used, as pawns in the living experiment for much gross ways for humanity to awaken to what, how much you give your energy, power, light, and gifts away to superficial debauchery -©
~~~ I offer private, group, business sessions of enlightenment and activation to 5D new earth, soul purpose, destiny, paths of the higher realms - in pure alignment of the divine plan for all - Source Creator, God beyond all 3D religions and social patterning, social beliefs that are wounded, blocked, steeped in limitation, illusions - truth and light is our destiny - all is our divine evolution
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CONNECT For Divine healing, intuitive alignment to your souls purpose and akashic stories for healing, transcending
the only way through is truth of who you are
The only way through is reclaiming who you are and working with many tips, techniques of what we have shown you  this is a new earth revolution - in which you are your own God of love, compassion, and standing fully in your voice, choice, and discerning what is before you in the breaking of those that have not done the work, hidden lifestyles and entities that can no longer be hidden in false politeness, because the light will agitate, and anger, bring rage to those entities that cannot face and be integrated with the light of the awakened one, who has reclaimed their Christ light, energy, consciousness ©
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- and some, depending on their wounding, choosing to suppress, not heal, none telling, showing the way on our multi-dimensional all-ness - will only behave from their level of consciousness and level of wounding - and will act out - unfortunately - - there were those tested upon that act out and harm others - many children are being tested on - and many disasters occur - there is testing going on on many levels of our social collective 
* healing of the distorted DM is built on ©
* competition, reward for behaviour & has become warped and twisted, and thus created many underground cults, sects, covens, and so on - reward for bad behaviour and belonging warping the sense of self, morals, values, and detaching from spirit, soul - all karma 
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* every person on our planet, must look at and acknowledge, accept, heal, through self harmonization to allowance of all lineage, akashic, human social, multi-verse experiences from
3D - 5D at a total of 51% of karma's explored that did not align with universal laws The 2 most important that we offer every day - and all must be healed for all is the portal to Oneness, unity, and return to Source,
5D~~~ Right USE OF FREE WILL. & NON INTERFERENCE #1 ~~~Law of Balance #2
* Distorted DM - role, title, money, status, placement in society - again why now the underground is so deep and rich as it is ©
- all make their choices and why entity attachment is such in these levels of creation - all must choose their path, their soul, see their wounding on why any choose to do what they do and if these wounds not healed, any mental imbalance, instability not being healed and 'harmonized' soul fragments, it will create greater psychosis, detachment of morals, values, and rage - dangerous and reckless behaviour - no sense of self care, and thus destructing from the inside out
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- and affecting everyone involved - all will be seen, thus, discern how to heal, make right, and create anew
* refer those that behave and act this way to authorities and move out, on away from them; sever all ties, cut off all contact, do not engage -
* whatever occurs on their end, their actions, their behaviour - is their karma - you cannot control how, what another does, acts, that is their karma - their entity - refer them to outreach programs, refer to authorities for the safety of the children, and those involved and begin seeking information within, meditation, presence, building inner self love and self loving connection with your guides, teams, God within - 
Connect with Joanna ~ [email protected]
( look up any video with Whitney Webb) ~ discern what stocks, funds you invest in and energy you give to, what power, choice, voice you give to and is it the alignment within? Elitism programs - investigative journalist
Whitney Webb Whitney Webb
* when you act in the 'right' greater good - doing what is right - you will be supported by the heavens - period.
* blackmail, entrapment, any co-hersive and forcing, manipulations, deceitful scams, schemes will equal KARMA
* this lifetime or the next - you will have to face, move through, be the victim of and transmute
* all elites right now - are facing their dark truth - no money and no title ©
* be it vaccines, be it banking and be it those that are awakened and fully claimed with God within - are being watched and tracked by every secret system so that we do not reach too many people to throw off their false and fake programs -
#elitism ASCENSION VIDEO - healing humanity & claiming your creative highest potential World healing
~~~~ All of our offerings CAN HEAL any and all violence, corruption, disease, wreckage, all is not necessary - what has been is the illusion of the wounding - all have free will © billions is being spent on such programs and what will make or break your own manifestations, life, health, will be the equal measure you place importance on who you truly are - facing every shadow, and reclaiming the light within every challenge - 
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Your reality is shifting - you get to choose - there is no more fence  There is nothing out in our reality - nothing - that will offer, heal, bring enlightenment and truth that way that our teachings offer
- it cannot be missed and so very obvious and why I have been shadow banned, hidden
- Please share our videos; share with the kids, allow the videos to play as you get breakfast and dinner ready - allow them to hear higher vibrational wisdoms for them to softly see, activate, new realities that are beyond the forcing, conformity, and illness of what is being purged and seen now - and why - it is normal part of ascension
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These are all deep human densities that must be purged, faced and every 'family' on earth - will see the wounds all have carried, and how to move through with grace, love, and compassion - for what we have allowed to be created - and how to heal it and transcend it - Todays leaders have no clue
Religions will not get you through this ride - there is corruption within it all - you get to choose who you are and from a higher perspective 5D - you will have seen exactly how powerful you are to call it all out - face it, heal it - accept it all - that is where mastery resides
- ©  Heal the anger in loving ways - techniques to deal with anger, release every toxic, dramatic person, environments, activities that perpetuate such beliefs and energies - 
Truth is Light is Love is Forgiveness is Compassion is this is the only way through ascension - this is the journey of the soul Blessings and light Joanna
More on Creational Realities; Paradigms Shifting of Consciousness ~ Perfection of the Divine Plan for all life;
For private sessions, webinars, classes or consulting
~ Email me at [email protected]
DONATIONs; PayPal link here;
#ascension #ascensionbooks#healinghumanity#healingourchildren#sensitivechildren#crystallinechildren#empathicchildren#indigochildren#healingreligioustrauma#healingabuse#healingtrauma#worldleaders#3Dpoliticians#healingelitism#healingsocialabuse#abuseofpower#humanrights#earthlylaws#5Dnewlaws#5Dnewearth #Epstein #musk #brainchipprograms #eliteprograms #worldslavery#humantrafficking#healinghumansystems#5Dhumanhealing #energyhealing#healingmentaldiseases#entityattachment#blackmagic#healingvoodoo #secretservice #corruption #corruptleaders #corruptprograms #galacticfederation #lightcouncils #god #source #arcturians #sirius #celestialwisdoms #5D #noreligion #healingwars #5thdimensionalintelligence #newworldleaders #5Dleadership #lighthealing #christconsciousness#ascensionclasses #ascensiontraining #joannashealingprograms #joannasleadershipprogram #angelics#spiritguides#healingwiththemasters#selfmastery#enlightenment#consciousness#sentiency
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cosmicangel888 · 1 year ago
CELEBRATE the BREAKING ~ 5D God knows what God is doing & what you are truly worthy of
If you think you have to control something from breaking - you are living in fear, illusions of what is safe
Celebrate the breaking
Oftentimes, spirit will rip everything down for you to rebuild - to show you what you refused to see, heed, and know that red flags are for you to alter-course
When you are one of the ones that learns this way - you are a master and you can rebuild -
Nothing is beyond you©
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Look at your beliefs that keeping a secret, 3D fear-based life, what beliefs, and what patterns did you cling on to
* what people did you cling to - look at everything that is binding, or bondage and how healthy is this and if you refuse to be sovereign and interdependent with God, your guides, then it will be ripped down -
* 5D is taking away all that is attached and bonding bindage - -time to clear out the clutter and what you think you have to have or keep - you need nothing -
* clear away all those relationships that are 3D steeped in unhealthy devil-indulging ways - heal the wounds that continue to repeat such lifestyle - there is nothing wrong with it - it is simply the immaturity and exploration of the soul - it all is valid and perfect for the lessons learned - accept and face every shadow
* cut ties with everything that limits, tries to take and define, and make you their story - all must define within - be the main character yourself and never rely on any to fix what you chose -
* foundations built on deceit, manipulated ways, falseness, wearing masks - corruption - WILL FALL -
Either heed spirit and alter course and heal - or God will bring it down - via your own highest self -©
Celebrate - you are being re-aligned to your soul purpose and destiny - and oftentimes, you have to see the breaking to remake it with a true self loving sense of self - none can do this work for you - only you and God create your sense of self - celebrate the breaking - it must come down -
Nothing good will last if it is built on lies, falseness, and black magic - spells and illusions - none want to remain in such falseness - ill health and imbalance - what is important to you - is meant for you to heal and explore and respect everyone in their own way to explore and experience life -
You are here for you and healing of you -
Release everyone that is not in respect, and honour of your healing, expansion, and self loving expressions
Set higher standards for your life -©
God will take down what needs to be seen - there is nothing hidden -
More on Creational Realities; Paradigms Shifting of Consciousness ~ Perfection of the Divine Plan for all life;
For private sessions, webinars, classes or consulting
~ Email me at [email protected]
DONATIONs; PayPal link here;
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cosmicangel888 · 1 year ago
5D Reparations ~ New Earth
Those wanting to make right, those wanting balance, clearing karma ......the multi-verse will weave - balance is balance and it is a universal LAW
Those that have been messing with my platforms, my emails, my life,
* I have not received any emails, offers, invites, nor monies
* I have never ever given permissions, approval, nor signatures to any of my work, ever
* I have never seen any offers in any way ~ for work, partnerships, and there are many that have had their hands, 'the Truman show' in my life - the whole human testing, thinking that because some know who I am, they have entitlement to bid against me to make money, keep my monies, and keep truth, information, falsify policies and paperwork to erase me and have lesser false prophets not even awakened to be, do what I offer
There are many diabolical games, schemes played with my life - it is now over
I have been the only one of the communities of #calgary - any government and body involved - that has brought truth - no other knows me, can ever speak for me, nor have I ever taken any doctors or assessments - for there is no need -
I am fully honoured, capable, wise, intelligent beyond any test that would ever challenge me to know me - the tactics, tricks, and selfish games are now falling - all will be pulled out and seen for their part - that is the clearing and learning of the souls lessons
- why any would think any was an answer - needs to go within and do the inner work - 
* if you are plotting - you are not aligned 
* if you are scamming, tricking, forcing, spell casting to get your way - you are not aligned, do the inner work
* if you are creating false paperwork, texts, hiding, changing paperwork, falsifying anything to seem, look, switch karma before the ball drops - too late - God knows and sees all and again - do the inner work - have no right to get their selfish fingers in my life due to what any one person thinks they can take, have or under my umbrella
- Everything is vibrational, all that is my work, my offering, my inspiration over many many lifetimes, will be returning
- None have any right to think they play God on my life and whom I walk and work with I will not work with any that plays such, and why God will vet every intention and game, scheme, scam - no tolerance policy now - PERIOD
- another's will is not greater than my will
Those hiding, making fake texts and policies, emails, pretending anything is only what will be equally returned
- None hold my vibration, experience, nor energy and none will hold my life in stagnancy for selfish games of control and dominance
- I will never be own, claimed
- I have not heard from any person offering work collaborations - there are those that have hacked - meaning that they have had knowledge access to do so and again, criminal - harassment, discrimination, fraud, and pre-meditated and all know the parts they played -
My lawyers email with regards to what I have received and not received -
******* SHE KNOWS HOW TO CONTACT ME in those that hold the highest intention and those that have done the most to take the most and scam, lie, spell cast, confuse, and degrade what is my blessings
~~ Contact my lawyer for information, things that have occurred, your part, place, and intention
- My email is on all my video's however there are those, corporations, big and small that have shadow-banned in the game of 3D matrix and pretend 'freedom of speech' and liberated expression - so perhaps some may not truly know the real me - but the fake one, fake channels that false spiritualists targeting me, other readers, and again, all karma now returning - but all need to share, and give our videos; to those that need help healing, claiming their light and life purpose from such corruptions
- my email is everywhere - but again, who knows how much hack is involved and false, fake poisoning of those in #calgary to get their way
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PayPal link here;
My PayPal has never received any repayment nor have I received mail, nor letters, nor any other documents about me of me
- I have signed nothing, I have nothing to do with any other person, never agreed, never met, never even had discussion - but many have their controlling plots including many
- all are now falling down - corruption will not stand in this light
- I will not stand down! © 
I am Joanna L ROSS - I am alive, real, and very much continuing my work with multi-verse evolutionary programs of light for all species of God, Source, and I will not be played
~~~~>.   Lessons of discernment and holding your own light, life, will of intention 
Blessings for all 
More on Creational Realities;
Paradigms Shifting of Consciousness ~ Perfection of the Divine Plan for all life;
For private sessions, webinars, classes or consulting
~ Email me at [email protected]
DONATIONs; PayPal link here;
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cosmicangel888 · 1 year ago
Ascension is the making of breaking away from what was BREAKING away and rising up into new embodiments of divine becoming ALWAYS new
Always exploring
Always experiencing all the ways in which you are able to seek, to know, to be, and to choose - that is your birthright to be, live, Cleanse what is not serving; food, drink, environments, people, roles
You get to choose your life, light, potentials Judgment on the False Prophets and Those thinking God will be 'ok' you fooling the public with what is not love codes or light codes - that is what a conduit does, is work is my work 
God knows the purity of your heart, to heal, to change, to know there is better, you deserve love, and be respected and honoured
- Trust in the balance of creation - 
Monies withheld - is meant for me - and all will continue to experience blocks, towers until all is balanced - the multi-verse has been out of balance for 10yrs due the abuses done to me - withholding and non-balance - so now we bring balance - I am due what I am due!
Women are key, women are meant to be heard, seen, and known! I have been on this path for over 16yrs, in this lifetime, and all of my books, my content, is fully written in the moment of my alignment with Source
There have been those shown to me, spirit has offered 'they are stealing from you' and those from the #calgary area that have chosen to create false spiritual businesses and mask what they do as community, and human service and while the facade may appear to be 'all in God' it is not
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~ Vibration is everything - copying someone, taking their work, calling it their own, mimicking word for word, copying styles, hiring people to look like me or behave like me is not 'being aligned' nor would even occur, because your highest self daily message is 'love who you and go within' you are perfect as you are and your gifts are not another's and nor will those that are awakened believe, buy in to that which is false - awakened beings will not be fooled - vibration is vibration
* those that have declared my work theirs #corruption and #calgary - then we can plan to stand on stage side-by-side and show our oneness and both bring our unique gifts and all being valid, true, and righteous - the vibrations will be - one that is aligned and true and in truth or one that simply has money, title, elitism that picks on what is unusual and wants to target to degrade and defile for clicks and gang approval ~
So I ask you - sense of self is knowing who you are and offering it fully - Without apology or compromise - and being in truth
My work is a vibrational match as all timelines, lifetimes of my training, preparing with God My teams, Gaia and my guides of ascension, masters and so on 
~ I do not council from any I do not go to any for private sessions, besides the 2 top channellers that I trust and offer energy healing. From here on out
- 4D 5D Any offering that is not authentic and not genuine of what is truly within will be known, sensed, and understood in its offering to those that are ready, aligned, and equal match
- there will be those triggered and is also beneficial - all is perfect
From here on out - you cannot hide who you are, what you offer - the gift is that you seek it
- God will never allow any to think, or to fool the collective of shady, harmful, hateful people that hide behind a false religion, or names, words of religion and simply fool people they are aligned and are offering something they are not - the monies, the work, the knowing, the intentions are everything
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---this is CREATIONAL REALITY Conduits roles are to dive within the threads of vibration of creational reality and offer for higher vibrational pondering - those that claim my work and content theirs is lying
- I channel as I write and I write as I channel - they are thieves and have no idea what they are doing, why they rely on spell work and confusion spells to manipulate those that are not aware or tapped into their own consciousness and owning of it
- therefore once again oh spell caster that stands behind the door throwing stones - face me - we will have all before us see what channelled wisdoms come forth -
* Intention to create in joy is not taking and stealing and calling it yours
* you receive what you intend and what is truth - a truth to steal and make others think it is yours, or that you are defaming an earth angel to look good to take money and not pay what you owe that earth angel rightfully 
And of course .....- will be equal to the karma
- God is and has had enough of the games played on my life and my work What you do you receive - there were a lot of people that made money of pretending and fooling the public God said enough 2 yrs ago - and thus my channellings and offerings began to coach, guide, and offer those in darkness another way to manifest and seek within and truly earn abundance
- they all began targeting even more; creating more lies, more blaspheme and daily weekly, monthly rituals and testing on every level - simply because they refuse to go within and face what they have been hiding, pretending, depressing, suppressing is not there -
My work, my 3 books, my content over the past 17yrs IS MY WORK and none have been given authority, permissions, approvals, and if any try God to pretend any legal or actions or further degradation on me, after surviving the torment of the past 8 yrs, there will be great destruction to all that so choose to test me, God, and what is meant to be a divine sacred human offering of being masterful and higher vibrational.
There has never been any collaborations with any other person, no meetings, no nothing - there were very jealous and angry people wanting to 'get me' prove me wrong, prove me nothing and prove me to not be who God has offered I am - all get to choose
- I need not prove myself not validate however I will absolutely stand with those that say my work is not my own, or those that have taken what is clearly and obviously my work of devotion and we will tap into a channel state and see what occurs
- I will stand and have offered every video - 'face me'
My light vibrations codes will pierce that which is false and untrue Practice and pretend, and mimic and pretend some more and do more spell work to trick and confuse and delude any you wish
- I walk with legions by the millions and they will veil with light and love so that
- FREE WITH - RIGHT USE and NON-interference
And for that think they know God in the entanglement of my work; Conduits tap into energy and visions, threads and codes of what is activated by God, your teams, DNA and how clear your chakras and fields are - you can read, add, and expand, grow on every illustration, and book, content offered
- A true conduit will be the word of God on any sentence and expand in 5D higher potentials - in any direction in any way - that is GOD - those aligned will and can - every illustration is coded - those that claim such and are not aligned as an aligned person would not steal and create such chaos and havoc - so those aligned can those aligned will not - and every illustration is coded, every book is coded - Christ Consciousness is this way - and whatever the Christ Consciousness of our planetary ascension wants to offer the collective in need at that moment will be what comes forth
I will not Stand down - I deserve to be me - I WILL BE ME!
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- so face me, stand with me and we will go through what is who 's is who's You all #calgary forced you way into my lane
- I am just coming to life now after years of abuse - so be sure my light is on point
~ I know what I am owed - you all know what you owe and the ancestors, legions, God will assure of my return
- I deserve what I have earned. God is God I know my work. You do not. #calgary and affiliates
That is God I will not be denied who I AM - look within and begin the journey of knowing who you are
- That is your role - not focussing on others - focus within - my work is my work and I will stand in pure knowing truth of such and the heavens will strike every person and deed that has ripped my life apart due to selfish games of corruption ©
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- This is our planet and we deserve peace, light, truth and sacred reveal - Heal and move on
And so be it
Those that wish to donate to me and my work
- I appreciate and thank you - I am stronger now - due to surviving years and years of defiling spell work and manipulation and human testing
- I know who I am - my refinement more now than ever and with each day
- Leave me be to create - that is my birthright
Stay in your own lane and do what is within you - create from within and all will be abundant - that is my word
Blessings and light
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More on Creational Realities;
Paradigms Shifting of Consciousness ~ Perfection of the Divine Plan for all life;
For private sessions, webinars, classes or consulting
~ Email me at [email protected]
DONATIONs; PayPal link here; ©
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cosmicangel888 · 1 year ago
New Earth, New World DF / DM
Divine is divine
Sacred is sacred and all will be shifting into the gentleness and softness of allowance and becoming
When you trust in the divine so much so, that you know when someone is taken from your life it is needed, due, and vibrationally perfect
When you stand in your truth, in your divinity ~ your truth is powerful and in the story with God to bring you what is soulfully matched, needed for your equal growth, and what is also matched on a soulful level for a mate, that can inspire, celebrate, and empower you to be your best while you empower them in their best ~
They will not want you to sit and do nothing or be nothing
They will not force you be nothing - oppression and suppression - is not a 5D thing
You can have a gentle and luxurious life, but you are meant to explore and offer your life and light to all that is
Divine feminine will not be held in place, or sit at home waiting for their man, or partner, and do nothing with her grace and intelligence -
Divine feminine will be leaders, and healers, and makers of new lands -
Divine feminine will not quit and sit down - we will rise in gentle and knowing power, and never succumb to a bowing space of that which is happy to see her down ~ being a master to another - no thank you
We are nourishers of all life - not of the service to a man
We are creators of wisdom and teachings, and books and new spaces of healing - and any person that wants you to be still and do nothing - is one that suppresses your god sense of exploration -
Our souls only ask that we stand true to all that is soul growth
* explore
* express
* experience
You can be gentle and in luxury - but you can be also a leader, be of human services and be of human growth and evolution - never surrender to doing nothing - have your days of rest - and your days of exploration, and days of expression, you are a legacy to the heavens and that is divine growth and soul growth -
You are writing new DIVINE CREATIONAL STORIES and women are involved and characters in this heavenly story
Welcome to new earth!
#5D divine feminine
NEVER make another small - it is a grand and noble thing to lift all before you - that is true leadership;
Saying you are 'for the people, all about the people' yet do very degrading, defaming, and withholding, controlling dominating work behind the scenes of cheating another out of their light, destiny, and human rights - is nothing but absolutely 0 sense of self and abusing power, information, energy to 'have one over another' to make yourself feel bigger and better - that is not true nor authentic and nor sincere in being a true leader
No 5D king or emperor or leader will behave in such ways - DO THE HEALING DM
Counterparts will NOT SUPPRESS YOU
COUNTERPARTS will not make you small and take the God or destiny out of you -
They will uplift and celebrate you - and they will never want you to stop being you -
Equal empowerment - never squashing of their own insecurities nor need others to satisfy©
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When any try to be authoritative over you, claim you and bound you - juggle you and expect you drop the world for them - you are here to be NEW DIVINE FEMININE in a 5D world - it is EQUAL RESPECT and intelligence of all realms -
If they have done the soul work, their souls are equal and expression of growth
Never suppress another - it is so unattractive and lower vibrational soul experience
None will claim and bind another - get out of the 3D harmful patterns of ownership - that is enslavement not liberation
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Be on the watch dear ones,
Divine feminine will rise, do rise and offer more as we are -©
Blessings and light
More on Creational Realities; Paradigms Shifting of Consciousness ~ Perfection of the Divine Plan for all life;
For private sessions, webinars, classes or consulting
~ Email me at [email protected]
DONATIONs; PayPal link here;
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cosmicangel888 · 1 year ago
Gods Word of the Day ~ 'Of Heavenly Things' ~ Welcome to #5D
Gods Word for the Day ~ 'HEAVENLY THINGS' 
'born of the northern star & cosmic skies
Books unwritten & songs unsung
She was a zephyr of magnetics spinning, spiralling seeking a touchdown,
Brazen in her song of Gods delights & vast compasses, canvases Sought to dance with, listen to;
The elixir of the heavens'©
Be soft in your step, for Gaia knows you deeply, richly, sacredly and you create ripples of profundity in all ways, through all creation in such,
Be wise in your council, and celebrate with each passing day, night, 
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Know this earth is a sacred jewel for you to dance and sing with, for she is in step with your heart and all that you chose to become together 
Be of loving and gracious hearts for you are One my children, 
You are all vast cosmic dust and angels from heavens you have not been taught of
You are my sacred children, and I bow to your existence, 
I was in joy in your creation, and my only hope and love for you is in your knowing and living in this sacred heavenly joy of all life 
Many have walked before you, but none walk like you 
Take heed in what this means and the sacred pulse that is within this, 
You are of a delights of the heavens and portals open in your wake,
Speak and create sacred land in your travels, 
Offer your children higher knowing of what was all beyond your past, and into the future you will be guided,
Lift up and be of good will and good cheer, 
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There is promise around all corners and for this is a truth of Creation I bless to you 
We are equal and in all measures you are free
You have always been free
You were born in liberation, and I will take you in liberation
Offer yourself kindness and love in every moment you are 
For I AM 
In this sacred elixir I wish all life sacred life and you are in this of this 
OF GODS beyond all that was stifling you to be less than and think you were learning of me otherwise
I AM of you, YOU OF me
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We are in oneness dear sacred child of light
Dance and step in love
Sing and create in new
Liberate from all tendrils of fear and sacrifice 
You need not sacrifice
Life is free
Love is free 
You are always liberated, for I breathed you in this sacred joy
I wish you well dear children of this new earth 
She is your gift and take care for her and she will you 
Dance with jubilation and the heavens meet your trumpet 
Sacred dance with the Arch Angels blessing your ground and your tables 
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This is the feast of many lands and many loves 
Our hearts have always been one
In this we dance 
All Children will be loved and held safely 
All children will be fed of good fruit, and good will
All lands will be lush and rich, 
All time will release and into itself I will be 
Harm to none and peace to all; this is my word
The song of forever more is within and we bless this new place with heavenly matter and heavenly spice
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In your hearts of love
Love is my song
Explore your new land, explore you new heart - we are ONE
And so it is 
This is my word
More on Creational Realities;
Paradigms Shifting of Consciousness ~ Perfection of the Divine Plan for all life;
For private sessions, webinars, classes or consulting
~ Email me at [email protected]
DONATIONs; PayPal link here;
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cosmicangel888 · 1 year ago
DM ~ BE Still & HEAL ~ #5D Healing for the Masculine
Rule #1 for DM moving through 3D ascension
* You must leave ego at the door - check it
* You cannot expect to treat women like an option, dirt, laugh at them, defame them, withhold, and make their life challenging, struggle and in poverty and then think they will open the door for you * You need to know - you will not dominate and own any woman PERIOD
* Any man, any person that beats, abuses, and defames someone they say they care about is dysfunction and toxic and requires deep healing of childhood abuses not acknowledged; beating and abusing God life is not sacred nor a 5D behaviour - healing what was and what is within to know you are able to transcend into a unity vibration and oneness vibration
* Controlling, fear-based tactics, intimidation, spying, stalking, and spell casting, or holding money over someones head - regardless of where another sits is not an evolved practice but lower vibrational wounded state of being of emptying your own soul - when you treat another this way - you are offering the vibration of control on your own life and limitation and subjugation ~ and that energy - the very same people you step on, will be those arising beyond what was so that all will learn, be seated, and humble before the Lord of all lessons
ALL LIFE IS SACRED - abuse none IF you are a diviner
- GO WITHIN AND HEAL - never diminish yourself or others - uplift and empower all to walk away from any that treats you less than to make another feel comfortable in their lack - abuse of any kind is not ok
~~~ Karma is to each on how all handle EVERY single moment of unfolding - when you are shown, known, hear, or are a part of the collective unfolding, in your home, community, or world, you are brought what you are for your souls reconciliation
~~ walk by faith and knowing God is with you step in step and see what unfolds - you need fear nothing - God is & it takes practice for we have been entrained to fear, to be less than, to follow, and to people please - be weak in this - bow to false leaders and false prophets - no more - stand and be counted
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No man that beats his wife is Godly
No woman that beats a man or child is Godly
Never hide behind old false religions that would ever dictate lesser laws - for that is a lesser god and written by 3D misaligned old ancient dogmatic fuels that were in that era of understanding of what life is to be - God is the creator of all life and all life is sacred
- walking by abuse, doing nothing of abuse, and being numb dumb to abuse is not ok and will be equal karma or others walking by you when you need it
- all must learn the lessons of ONENESS We are ONE Corruption will no longer hold up in this light Every lie, deceit, manipulation will be known, sensed, and corrupt lawyers, corrupt officials that know the slight of hand, and payments, silencing, when the innocent are being harmed and held back all will face the karma of what equal damage and harm caused
- this is not punishment - this is the lesson of ONENESS - your soul will call equal energy back LIVE, SEEK those that celebrate you - not tolerate you - for if they are treating you this way, they do not love themselves
All women, all men, we are here to be better, higher, more evolved and loving and compassionate than our forefathers - more tapped into our soul, our vastness and our spirit that is divine and cosmic, alien, and universal - this is how eternal you are - never fall to what you saw in your homes - your father and how they treated your mother or what went on -
Be rich in spirit - be vulnerable, be kind, be sweet, be loving, be honouring, be valuing - soften your soul and see what occurs -
#5D is rich in spirit - manifest from here rather than old outdated wounded spaces - see what unfolds ©
Your life is your proof
And so be it
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Self love = wise choices
Self mastery is self love
Empower and Inspire, and encourage
- Blessings be
Joanna L Ross
More on Creational Realities;
Paradigms Shifting of Consciousness
~ Perfection of the Divine Plan for all life;
For private sessions, webinars, classes or consulting
~ Email me at [email protected]
DONATIONs; PayPal link here;
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cosmicangel888 · 1 year ago
FALSE & ALIGNED - All get to Choose ~ 5D Human Light Service & Leadership
FALSE PROPHETS - KARma is here....
* readers that do not care nor follow universal or karmic laws, rules 
* readers that do not get permission or give energy readings on any other than those before them
* readers that do not align in their higher self - to know you are giving 'higher and best' not a personal agenda for greed, selling another out, or buying vibrationally your way into a community or placement, of ego want need; ----> DO THE INNER WORK 
* any being, pastor or preacher, or church, entity, that wants you to continue to bow, put them on a pedestal while you are left in less than, is not a diety or aligned 5D leader nor will ever have your highest and best at heart
* any person that does not empower, inspire, encourage you to be your fullest, grow expand and explore, and seeks utter independence and sovereignty in all and every way of your growth with SOURCE as SOURCE, God - is not aligned and living from a lack, co-dependence state ~~~ readers, healers will be tested to let go of those 'regular' clients that simply are not doing the inner work and not growing into ones own inner strength and confidence with Source
- clients should never rely on you - but simply enjoy and be activated, uplifted, and healed through your vibrational offering - and those clients that are in alignment with their own inner growth will always feel to the healer as reciprocal and that the healers always get something out of the sessions
Healers do receive - - portal opening, wisdoms, information and so on - you test your skills with all clients, to know your gifts, test and stretch BUT TO NEVER TAKE From your CLIENTS and this is a fine line and that many readers, healers have done, continue to do; be it from lists, subscribers, or patrons  © 
intention, focus, direction of energy is pivotal and takes lifetimes to learn prepare for as a master and why if you are aligned competition and wanting another's path or gifts is not in self love
* all paths and gifts are unique - be you and explore you so that you can know you and thus offer from an authentic genuine space, place of vibration - God will support and heal and give from this inner loving space and desire to explore and be you -
- this is deep and weighted karma -  
*** This is why your soul, teams will test you - if you want more information on this, and you truly are here to serve in your gifts with benevolence and want to do so - you can make an appointment with me for a session on vocational alignments
- you have a deep desire to serve and be of service - this is constant inner prayer with God and God knows your readiness for new gifts, and new challenges  SOUL GROWTH - GIFTS, TALENTS
- your guides will test you for very profound and human reasons - for the abuse of such is what and when gets turned off, and towers occur
- all have been given much warnings and our journey is oneness - this is not any individual groups agenda for human control and feeding selfish pockets
All must do the inner work - we are on new levels of spiritual growth and development - only within is your alignment - period - if you do not work with your chakras fields, and inner realm - you are not aligned and thus should not be deeming yourself a healer, or reader for guiding any - 
* working with your guides, gifts, higher self - teams of the celestials, and working with your teams, beings of light, will help you discern the infinite gifts you have and how to offer - and the rules of engagement and rules of discernment
- WHY WORKING WITHIN and your specific TEAMS is paramount - NONE outside of you have your answers
THESE ARE NOT JUDGMENTS - these are merely what is creational laws, reality and how you manifest what you do and what is still within each to connect and engage with - higher self is higher self - it is the GOD OF YOU
* readers and astrologers that do not honour permissions, nor accountability and feed false stories and narratives when not all are present, feeding the vulnerable stories to serve selfish purposes and take money for it  © 
* healers and or practitioners that use people's information, abuse information, energy and gifts of God for personal gain, agendas and schemes to plot, plan, and take thieve - build false businesses or call in those by examining charts without information or have and pay for people to recruit and groom falseness for personal gain of ring-coven leaders or false gods
* sacrificing and paying homage to that which is false, feeding entities and dieties that take, ask for life or blood or any other aspect of sacred life - - understanding universal laws, multidimensional being, what and who you are will not feed into corrupt entanglements
~~~~ All is necessary - but choices = realities If you allow yourself to be fooled and tricked, the outcome will be and you will learn either way - I have learned in the most harshest and tragic ways to show, uplift, and empower all to see their way through what is deceit and manipulation of false agendas' and what is truly spirit  © 
- Either way - all great soul lessons and all will move and navigate to some degree - some it will eventuate in great loss and destruction for the need, greed, envy, jealousy is not being healed and why some will choose to not heed the higher self and do the above
~ heal or manifest from shadow - = shadow / vibrational match simply is
- 5D - we will not need to take, steal, thieve nor sell children or do underground debauchery - self love is not this
~~~~ Heal the inner wounds - so they do not become anothers'  ©  #falsespiritualists #calgary #corruption
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~~ There has been great damage done by those false council that provide nothing but false stories to serve personal selfish narrative and steal, thieve and fool the innocent - they are facing karma now of the numerous beings taken from, held in lack, abused, used, and vibrationally raped and take from beyond what any is deserving of
- I will call you out - you came and continue to come into my lane without doing the 'righteous; thing and healing and getting over your own wounds - and thus affecting all around you
- you are not aligned with Source
- ~ spell work affects everyone in damaging ways and all will feel the backfire for all to choose anew - Is this the highest way to achieve self love, self respect, self honour
- cut your losses and get away from such people that behave and act in such ways - sacrificing, chanting harm and curses to another will only implode and are not spiritualists = they are thieves to take, feed off those that buy into their agendas'
No different than the governments of censorship, vaccines, and whatever other 'green or blue' agendas sound like human service but are not - degrading to our planet and spirit of God and our birthright to be fully sovereign and free in our land, life, and essence of heart  © 
What you put out, do or not do, is all the souls ways to test you, for you to be your fullest and most rich with God, no other - no other entity no other being will provide what God, Source Creation does
- it is not a religion IT IS LOVE Horrible karma for false spiritualists that create false stories, narratives for their own benefit and how humanity will have its most profound healing, and dynamic self loving lessons in all the corruptions that will unfold is to know thyself and know what is true loving soul connections, and what is karmic and dense, and playing with agenda's and entities that need your life-light, energy and ideas to survive in the matrix 
My offerings and healing sessions, vocational alignment sessions help you return to you, call in guides and beings working with you for you - they are there for you, support and love you - no other 3D person that works in selfish unhealed energy is not offering you your highest and best - certainly those conjuring the devil and negative dark occult
- they conjure to take, and do not work within balancing of natural flowing Source, Creational laws
- therefore karma is everywhere It is vibrational law dear ones and is very simple;
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IF any are not aligned, not working with clearing, honouring the inner, chakra's or fields - they can offer what is the equal measure - blocked chakra's cannot offer pure Source light - conjuring the devil cannot offer pure loving source light - it is vibrational law
Break the bondage of giving your power, light, life away - your choice, voice, energy is all that GOD is in human-spirited form 0 you can transcend the patterns of limiting beliefs and know you are a sovereign being of life light - spirit is expansive infinite
Blessings and light
More on Creational Realities;
Paradigms Shifting of Consciousness
~ Perfection of the Divine Plan for all life;
For private sessions, webinars, classes or consulting
~ Email me at [email protected]
DONATIONs; PayPal link here;
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cosmicangel888 · 1 year ago
THE PARADIGM Shifting DF / DM energies of what has held all of humanity in submission are now being broken One aspect that conduits must take on, why one must be prepared, coded, and designed in the unique way we are, for we take on collective broader themes to dive within, and deconstruct and it is not anything any person in superficial ego of wants, needs, thinks they would nor could immerse themselves in and even begin to understand * we are given experiences, for a collective, meaning that I feel the energies which are more like 'storylines' of energetic bandwidths that move through me, for the transmuting ~ and it is not pretty, nor it is what any person could understand nor put into a constructive template for healing, dialogue and then bringing to new light
* to know how to heal, to know the path all walk in, to know compassion, to know the enveloping of all life on earth - you must truly KNOW IT - can you walk in the shoes of those that are in 'underground' and then show how to get out, transcend, heal 
Why conduits are faced with all energies - there is no cut off or no energy that is off limits - we have to be the inter-face for God, Source, Heavens, all life light potential and how the darkness, darkest can transcend into ultimate liberation, freedom for all 
* the very dense, very dense unhealed DM old 3D templates were the very depths of distortions each is embedded with to varying degrees based on the soul blueprint and arrangement to transcend,
* soul blueprints carry the dynamic to your own unique lineage, systems of stars you come from, and holding to the knowing all carry the divine god seed spark within that is our ever-alignment and will be the only thing that carries you through tower moments of moral, value, integris mis-alignment, deconstructions, however due to the earthly separative, dogmatic patterning, imprints, entraining, it is a true challenge for any to stay true to the path of self transcension and heavenly embodiment
- why masters and star seeds like myself are brought here for the break up of human collective bandwidths of darkness, matrix encoding of greed, envy, submission of the DF and suppression of the true inner child and creative expression on all timelines causing gross negligence, and de-evolution on a multi-dimensional scale.
The DM templates this week will break ~ eons of holding in controlling dominance over all social aspects of life on earth and we will begin to be reborn into a neutral balanced, homeostasis of all having to very rawly look within and face the corruptions of both DM / DF at a Godly perspective and then bring forth what you choose within you and daily practice to embody anew; 
* open conversations about the era of DM and how it has been felt, projected, known, experienced in our collective and all systems and what is in need of objectivity, compassion, upliftment, healing for the true Christed DM to arise
* open conversations about the era and distortions of the DF and what is felt in every child when the children do not have their mother, their only light source and guidance that is reliant upon intuitive way-showing and how can we uplift and bring balance in new 5D guidance systems of higher learning, exploration, and expression 
* doing quick, fast, cheating, copying, for the quick superficial rise to fame; is that power, is that pure sense of being, self, and does any of false actions to happiness, soulful peace, soulful fulfillment is this what superficiality is?
When you awaken, you cannot take the God out of who you are. None can take the God out of who you are.
None can copy the God in you, nor steal your essence nor take and / or switch destiny's
None of those that say, act, do such, work tirelessly to block, stop the divine in any will break, it will fall, it will be destined for destruction as many are now seeing now - dense karma, bad karma, and all paths will be blocked on any level of what any thinks will be successful - common self love and respect, honour for all life
- that is being divine, sacred, there is a true DM and we must see the false DM to know what the true DM is
~ All DM / All DF have the opportunity to alter course - but will the ego, wounding, and arrogance for greed, taking, controlling, dominating be the breaking of what can be a healing and new ground
~ False people that choose to only break you - will be moved - the DIVINE IS THE DIVINE and I will be this role model, I will be this energy and I will never stand down; this is my birthright and all must truly understand creational reality - what makes up a human body, mind, health, and all that is - energy does not lie, the people and masks will show you who is lying
* You cannot fool the awakened one - the past energy and past people - they are not true soul mates, not TF, or any other - they are simply corrupt and remain corrupt
- NONE CAN LOVE YOU IF THEY DO NOT LOVE THEMSELVES ~ domination is not love ~ control is not love ~ spell work, voodoo, and schemes to control someones life and how they are seen, known, is not love ~ #calgary
~ I am calling all out for their corruption and how they behave and create false stories, defamation, treatment of pure divine beings placed before you for higher learning and growth - but all chose to control, take, copy my business, and call it theirs, while creating underground systems to fool others, and bring nothing but darkness and ultimate danger, death ~ that which does such, is not in spirituality - are not leaders in spiritual knowing
~ All past voodoo, black magic, now causing mental imbalances, illness, diseases, and harm backfiring to the innocent - all of this was called out 2 years ago; all had infinite chances to offer change, kindness and reparation to bring truth and bring good will - these are not true community leaders
- I call all out and all will be known; for their corrupt community deeds. false lies for none have ever spoken to me; they are not aligned with spirit, not even aligned with their higher self - they have no clue and are not spiritual and do not read energy - they read their own corrupt dark disconnected energy
- all are called JUDGEMENT - you will not have take what is not yours ALIGNMENT is everything - darkness manifests darkness How you look is nothing to what is on the inside - soul, spirit is everything - paying people to say, do, falsify is thievery and corruption
- ALL ARE BEING CALLED OUT - #calgary corruption
- I call you out - all is known.
Your foolery, lies, deception, withholding, greed, scams, plans - you are thieves and now spirit, God is bringing karma specifically to each ~ spirituality leads you to peace, centring, honouring, uplifting, truth, honesty, non-competitive, unity, non-controlling, non-dominating God shows me what is needed to call out what has been done to the heavenly ones offering healing to a planet in need
~ All must break up the past patterns; control DM dominance must be broken - all will break, fall under new energy, and new codes, balance, fairness, and flowing for healing of eons of subjugation and suppression of universal law, karmic rules, and DF voice for all peace to all
The DM on this planet in general and in over-all is in need of taking a backseat for deep healing
The distortions and how much power we as a collective have simple given over to most of what is corrupt, even the most upright man, being blackmailed for swaying, for the levels of corruption feed through every portal of social services our planet - that is NOT OK
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What is a true DM ready for ascension and ascension leadership, new earth look like, feel like embodies?
* aligned, sacred, understanding and living in sacredness of all life, compassion, devoted to the evolutionary growth, exploration, expression and experience of ones family and legacy of such heavenly alignment
* honouring of earth, stars, and all breath held therein, devoted to services to the human, services to the earth and stars - unity, oneness, and release of all ego, misogyny and dominance or controlling of anyone, or any thing,
* release of what power means - and begin utterly again - power is a soulful experience and is not 3d understanding of power - power is creating - not destroying
* truth of all timelines - who you are within all cycles of growth and escalating with positive enlightenment Historically, there has been the ignorance and non-existence of DF anywhere in our social leadership make-up and this is seen everywhere; the separation of spirit, alignment, intuitiveness, inner guidance, and nourishment of compassion is a hard find
THE TRUE DIVINE MASCULINE is a divine service & aligned not false, masked, and corrupt to the divine ~ All are seeking alignment of sacredness once again - it is never easy, we must see what we have manifested and desire anew - we are altering all 3D paradigms and requires we call judgment and call forth anew.
self worth
Self value
self honour of all life
- while the dominance and oligarchy, better than less than, and fear-based for control is everywhere top heavy and bottom saturated in poverty and never being heard, seen, nor justice in any way - on a whole, we are all in deep need of a planetary time of silence and truly go within
- for there will be grand global rumblings this week for all DM to face themselves in the mirror and seek what is means, feels, is experienced as whole, christed, soulfully awakened and then one-by-one, sort out the wounding - 
Blessings for human service,
Blessings for the balancing of our collective
Blessings for the sweet, kind, balanced ones,
A true DM would never ever try to suppress his mate
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A true DM would never work from controlling, scams, schemes, spell work and reputation
These are 3D false patterns and wounding and needs to be broken - God cannot be fooled
- Words mean nothing - when what is within is what God sees'
God is, Light is Work with IT or be brought back in the wounding - one way or another - all return to GOD,
A sweet ride when you choose it,
More on Creational Realities; Paradigms Shifting of Consciousness ~ Perfection of the Divine Plan for all life;
For private sessions, webinars, classes or consulting
~ Email me at
DONATIONs; PayPal link here;
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cosmicangel888 · 1 year ago
NEW LEVELS UP ~ 5D Humanity Awakening to what has been hidden - buckle up
New Level UP
Joanna's on to new ground, new visions, new dreams, new beginnings
I had an incredible light ship dream last night - they are the feeling of home to me, I feel the vastness of space, and the fluidity of multi-dimensional energy that simply is the feeling of 'awe' within your belly to soak in the vibrations and joy of love, expansiveness and dream-to-reality
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This is so creative and so inspiring ~
All are being offered on new levels;
* new levels you cannot take from the past but wisdoms, all else stays ~ consciousness is a real thing, it allows you to know information, worlds, energies, see beyond, see the invisible, and why all have to do the work to expand, and be reality flexible
* dense behaviour, satanic rituals forcing energy, forcing spells, forcing, controlling dominating is and will keep you stuck - period. Control controls you therefore you are stuck in control and control stops and it stiffs to bind; therefore when you control, and spell another to bind to you and that is what occurs
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The Past has shown daily, when simple quick helpful, kind things can be done, they simply do not; they commit to lower vibrational satanic harmful, damaging ways, people, and do nothing to be in truth, honest, but to live in toxicity
* I have brought daily sharing on such, and nothing being done by any and therefore, the karma, the tower, all will sit with there they all chose.
( I will not fix what I did not chant, sacrifice, or spell cast into oblivion, nor steal, take, but only offered unconditional loving higher vibrational ways to heal, to see and ponder within, and new life potentials)
Secret agenda's to control my movement, my space, my life force, and none consider how it feels to be me for even an hour with many pulling on my energy, my life, my chakra's and then on weekends and full moons, doing so with utter disgrace, disrespect, with sexual orgies, partners, and intentions and agendas to take and force my life to a level of darkness and submission to play with them to simply be a pawn in a polygamy experience of coven and cult like mentality of corruption ~ which I have said, stated, with politeness, accuracy, truth, and honesty, on many levels so all could sit at a table and draw out where they are at - and seek healing, seek healing charts and journey and to do so without me;
Seek help - professional and healers that understand entity attachment
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Seek help - addictions and dysfunction - for the levels of focus, gaming on me, would mean that if there are children in the home; there is neglect - this amount of energy and attention on me, my life, there is none going within and none to the children, or home - at what point of destruction is it evident to be truthful; see that and how, what satanic hate controlling stealing thieving, spell work is NOT working for the damage, sacred people simply leaving, and timeline, futures, altered forever due to the selfish disregard for life, human rights; when a person says no and stop it means no and stop.
The past will not have access.
Any form of 'truth' or apology at this point as stated 100 times before means nothing
Vibrational raping of me, my life while I struggle and ration food and money while you all gather and impale more hate and spell work to bind me and my blessings as is the hate you are within knows anything about true world global service or healing, helping others - corruption in this community is proof of their own energy and all had opportunity to change, alter, and shift - all were given infinite chances and opportunity
Compassion, higher knowing, higher healing all for free - NO ACCESS
* I will not be your bedding to lay the destruction nor 'no place to go'
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* all has been said offered for over 8 yrs - there is no alignment, I am not the babysitter for narcists that choose to not heal nor the satanic elites that do nothing but theive for more stuff to fill the voids, the drama, the chaos and infinite lies when none - 
* literally none have spoken to me personally besides the 1 fake client sent to spy and get information from me so it could be fed back to the sick toxic, ring-leader for more human testing -
* you cannot force someone to be a part of very toxic and sick environment, of lies, games, tactics, immature and petty corruption and harm to many many people and the over all collective vibration
* there has been much sneaky, criminal activity go on and I have done everything on every level to sever ties and release these experiences and there is nothing but waking up to more and more stories of their games and more spell work to take and steal from me 
* if this is not harassment, mental instability, corruption, discrimination on any and every level, absolutely not honouring my rights on any level and they all know what is said, done behind closed doors - is not ok and tormenting to a sensitive and healer, and conduit.
ALL NEED TO not gather in the groups any longer - it is a cancerous cesspool at this point and filled with nothing but disease and disorder and chaos - very dangerous
* all need to go within
* stop all addictions immediately
* begin working with spirit independently and with a plan from each own guides - none will help you - you have to do this on your own - you are all adults - and why codependency is why, all are in the situation all are
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Don;t rely on any to make your life right - damage has been done
None have access to me
~~~~ Universal Law and all the timelines, eons I have served and working through completing my 52% of karma - as I cleared even some darkness from those continuing to impale me -
I deserve to receive
I deserve to be seen and known and to shine
I will shine
I will be seen known and I will have a true divine counterpart that creates and treats me with love, honour, respect and would never ever ever ever ever do spell work to bind, break, and torment me into being nothing ~
God determines what every single soul deserve based on EQUAL MEASURE
If you do not love yourself, daily self care, work within - then GOD WILL RETURN ALL YOU ARE
#calgary #Falseprophets, spell casters and envious, competitive unhealed people have been punishing me for simply calling out what is corrupt to change and not have our children be affected by such hate - I was punished for walking away from such, and not wanting to be a part of such games, I was punished for speaking higher truths and ways, and tapping into a god that is our multi-verse and all that is grace, beauty and sacred -
I was punished for simply being me and not wanting to conform or be less than or a slave to ridiculously dark and vampiric grotesque living that hidden behind the 'fancy stuff' is empty, dark, and diseased with no sense of self and affects all -
The damage has been done,
Thank you for the soul lessons,
God will not, the legions will not, the ancestors, even of those that harmed me, will not allow me to be harmed any further - I have done my part and then some
Spirit has showed me;
The truth of my journey
* none has been nor would have survived what I did and do every day
* none would have remained offering the high vibrational teachings, headings, information for as long as I did
* none would have continued in any way with absolutely 0 giving to me and not only not giving, which is what they all wanted - for me to sit in dark desolation so I would run back and be a part of their dark desolation - can you tell the level of deep wounding here and few would have made it through .
.......and I am a conduit - meaning I feel the hate more and on more levels than an average person
* none have been the vast multidimensional conduit, thread of channelled potentials I bring for new humanity and still none #calgary chose to do the right thing, bring truth years ago when it was called and uncle was called for the damage done to my soul, spirit, body, and timelines - but the games and thieving continued - monies withheld while I struggled in their impalings that God said few would have survived
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It WAS TORTURE ON MANY TIMELINES OF HATE FROM ancestral curses, trauma, abuses to the gifted, and how it stretches many lineages and realms -
* I continue to bring new wisdoms, light, connection with our celestial realms for that connection many get triggered and I am then again punished for the wounds within each they have suppressed and depressed and why I have given the healing, how to's and all to take accountability
* strategizing to harm another is not normal behaviour - it is criminal and so too is relentless spell work and creating mass confusion to who a person is and not to ensure that the thieving continue and the crime continues to benefit the dark and disengaged from spirit and those that simply warp everything natural, flowing, spirit, and divine
and sacred
I am sacred.
There is no access to my space, energy, life; none of the past will be allowed; they will be referred to the authorities to work on what needs to be worked on - stop the hate, stop the spell casting - all are being affected.
I AM AN ANGEL and cosmic being of great talent for healing, and helping humanity through ascension -
I have been nothing but abused. I am not a victim, and spirit will ensure all to be re-routed.
Ascension will continue - this is the cycle of purging, releasing and then remaking - rewriting 
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- that is healing that is expansion
All must do the inner work
this is truth
I love humanity
I offer unconditionally
There will be no further cycles nor discussions of what has been here, in emails, charts, and videos for over 8 yrs of the same message - go within, do the inner work, seek help and leave me be.
Friends do not steal, thieve, spell cast nor harm to the depths and widths I have been.
All need to go within and sit with this level of torment, what would ever make any think any of what occurred is humane treatment?
#1 Universal LAW - RIGHT USE OF FREE WILL & non-interference
No community official, no leader now, no person doing human testing, spell work to see how the sensitive are powerful or not, fake or not - all is not right, not ok, and blatant inhumane, abuse, criminal.
Governments, or secret groups, exes' or cults in the community - the damage is beyond what any know, think, for they simply care for taking, controlling - damage will be seen - for that has been their intent.
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My story is a micro-macro story - how 1 family and 1 person was ripped apart by organized cult, covens, secret corrupt games, schemes, that is the underground and how many in our professional world are the very buildings, money, oath-takers, that which are to support our justice and fair righteous systems for health, healing, and divine becoming - it is a joke to what corruption, control, dominance programs that are literally here on this planet and none see it until it hits your own home;
And the husband you think is going to get groceries is not going to get groceries -
And what damage a simple lie does, and years years years of deceit, games, and manipulations to make you look wrong while the entire worlds needs the exact story I am offering to survive and evolve.
All can alter the destructive outcome I have gone through - all can sit up and begin calling what is really going on and get working on within - so you can trust your intuitive sensing, knowing more than the absolute abuse of power and abuse of systems that so many sacred, angelic, divine hybrid celestial children and women get abused within and by -
All monies were intended for me to not to have any option but to stop speaking offering spirit
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All aspects of my life were impaled for me to be less than, loose my voice, life, beauty, sense of self, and anyone to see me, look at me with love, or love me - these were the intentions #calgary and the hate, voodoo, spells daily for me to be bound by such - on top of the usually ascension purging I have to do, and do for the collective;
None have - from Calgary given a dime for the pain, suffering and damage done to my life
- I have had to fight for my voice, life, and rights - and at every stage there is red tape and delays due to the ones holding secret power, paying people to silence, paying people to photoshop and derail my justice, my truth, while their corrupt programs to copy me, take from me, pretend to be me, take my destiny, (like God would ever give any my gifts that do such) and have not proven any level of care to any -
My story has benefited what can be a fix for many of our human inner issues that become outer - and who will listen and take heed?
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this is a daily pressure and pressing on me that none would nor could survive and I am saying what I say every day for this is what the matrix is and how underground corruption is held within those with titles, making the most money, and saying the 'right thing' but are surely so not doing any level of care for humanity or human life on any level.
They are wounded and they thrive to thieve to feed their wounds; there are organizations and groups, for such and my story is one of many that died and not making the story heard, and how underground corruption affects what use to be a normal sub-urban family and what occurs when 1 person chooses to not get healed for the wounds within and reaches to spell work, cults, covens, groups of dominance for competitive power, title, or purpose to prove a person less than, or not face what needs to be faced;
* be it sexual confusion - underground sex trafficking and infinite sexual abuse wounding not being dealt with and no systems to house multi-dimensional healing
* be it trafficking of human life for slavery -
* be it drugs and alcohol - false people in power, false systems supporting and run by corrupt groups cults, and all is healable
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I will not change who I AM with Source
I will never stop nor cease being me
I will create I will offer
That is my multiverse birthright - human right that our entire planet has seen, will see, what is corrupt and not upheld on any judicial level
The daily fuckery is non-stop and people are simply not doing the multidimensional work to bring order, clarity -
- the corrupt judges, medical staff, community officials that all know, knew, and did nothing - how their so called 'reputation' was so much more important and how this will be exactly what God, Source will put in front for all to see and know - any business, masked corp, using my work, my videos and shadow-banning me to the world will be blocked, stopped and Brought to equal measure of what God deems 
-my message helps save a world from utter inner outer destruction - every video offered it; still not one person making right the damages done; this is the level of care for life on this planet -
If the years and years of kind, polite offering of healing to alter course is not taken heed - then spirit shall play tit for tat as they so relentlessly came for me.
Return the monies owed and taken.
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There is not amount of money that will be even close to being equal measure for what I experienced and have to protect every full moon and new moon -
The disconnect from spirit, the disconnect from morals, values, and the ride for greed, false title, and not being aligned in any way to the higher self - this is what life is for those doing everything to make it away from those that simply chose to take, hate, steal on the innocent.
And so it is
More on Creational Realities; Paradigms Shifting of Consciousness ~ Perfection of the Divine Plan for all life;
For private sessions, webinars, classes or consulting
~ Email me at [email protected]
DONATIONs; PayPal link here;
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cosmicangel888 · 1 year ago
THE DIVINE PLAN ~ Consciousness is Preparation of the ALL ~ Multi-Dimensional ~ 5D is dimensional bandwidths, 3D is a bandwidth;
The Divine is the Divine God, Source is in the cells, brain functioning, and spirit, your own guides, your ancestors, all that God is designing, that is orchestrating, there is the unknown for all that think they control life over God, control or dominate or think they have writing of another, to own someone and control their movement, life, energy
- ~ God will work in miraculous ways; like turning on a 'truth spell' when you are doing everything in your power to lie and twist others, and manipulate others for your own selfishness pettiness to feed off of the chaos .....
God will work, Source, your own ancestors, for the not heeding of their call to do what is right, for you delay them, in their growth, expansion, and all have been given more than any other timelines to make right; they will turn off the lights when you need them on, the car won't start when you need it to go, the forgetfulness, will be turned off, for remember you have guides that work with every ounce of your physical matter; brain, cells, and body matter and all must think...........
* is the money, false title going to be worth whatever God, Ancestors will direct in those being told to leave me and light workers alone and return monies, justice to that which was raped for eons;
God works in the forests, oceans. life beyond, between life and the knowing, justice, making rights, will be created and all is the all in movement and motion, and what the underground corrupt have not taken any care, time to understand is energy and the creational laws -
The laws do not turn off, as the energy of the Christ is still here - energy is energy and always - it shifts, moves, amends, bends - darkness does not - therefore - all have a choice chance to course correct - truth of Creation and our planet is now in new cosmic bedding and no corrupt underground crime family, pockets of money have no say on where our cosmic galactic bedding will be and the light bathed on in around our planet - billions of sentient beings, supporting Gaia - our planet, our life design, divine plan - conscious beings, of all forms, non-form ~
Are you getting it now dear lighted ones,
#love #selflove #healingcorruption #healingcrime #healinglackofself #ascension
* is it logical to think, continue to go into light workers lanes, and do the damage done, for what is on its way in any way that Source chooses for karma to unravel and the timelines all will return to?
* creation never forgets - all have an opportunity to alter course and live in truth; free will is #1 law
* all get to choose - the unnecessary ridiculousness and damage to many for the arrogance of corruption and greed
~ God is, Source is and even your ancestors, and billions of legions that support free will, universal law, and releasing of the timelines of pettiness and really poor playground play
~ The disregard hit overkill levels and the door is disappearing, All must think, ponder ~ is the money, false title, false sense of self, saying you are a 'winner' worth what will come in what is karma and then know you are the one that is piling such darkness and stories on your children for them to work through - 
Noble?  All have a choice 
And so it Is
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All will return and whatever timelines each step into is the equal darkness each chooses not to clear and heal
More on Creational Realities;
Paradigms Shifting of Consciousness
~ Perfection of the Divine Plan for all life; For private sessions, webinars, classes or consulting
~ Email me at [email protected]
DONATIONs; PayPal link here;
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cosmicangel888 · 1 year ago
#5D manifesting - FACE IT ALL
DOPPLEGANGERS, KARMA & Light worker JUSTICE,  ~ Old systems, Old Leaders, The Elite -
All CRIMES & Energy Harvesting Being Brought Fully DOWN
This affects every human on earth
Those that to do on children, take from children, know they do this with intention, plans, and tells stories of false inner realm - telling stories that are false, taking another's stories and saying it is theirs, another's work as theirs and all is so deep in karma - and all that all walk into in the next timeline, life
They transfer karma to their children
All deities that is not of Source, God in inner alignment - will collect -
God does not collect, God offers,
Satan, false gods take, and always will come for the sacrifices - all for money, greed, to have what they are not, yet would have been in alignment of a more refined inner truth would and could have been better, higher
Creation is cyclical and evolutionary -
The elite will not always be elite - they must learn pure and grounding lessons - what good is money and wealth and title if you do nothing but harm, and corrupt the innocence - done and gone - judgment called.
- those that stole and ripped my heart, soul, spirit and affected the entire community, false stories, and false narratives ©
What this person thinks they are God in writing the stories and fooling entire worlds of peoples, just know honey, there are legions of consciousness in every situation you stand in and returning, alchemizing, and bathing light on what is truth so your intentions, and turned-off gifts will never work - you have no clue the number of beings I walk with and species, and Gaia energy working on my behalf
-  There are some of us that God has prepared and placed where we are to be truth, show the way, shine on those which are doing harm and falsifying for their own pockets; there are those of us that are trained and prepared for the showing of pure truth, higher ways, higher intelligence and every generation we have masters born - all choose, all can choose and none write what and how God is shifting all Creation for higher light programs
-  Corruption is the warping of who we truly are and the leaving out of what exists within and what we exist within and it is time passed on getting off the superficial fence and grow up - spiritual maturity is that all is one; light workers express various perspectives of light, God, Source, living in more peaceful ways and some come with a grander collective mission; and this challenges the darkness, the biases, the blatant lies told by the very old and warped texts and re-written bibles and those that stand and speak something and have no clue what love, peace, unity, oneness, and God is
- they have no idea about entities of love, light, consciousness that move through rooms offering goosebumps in their wake
-  TIME TO WAKE UP humanity - what is before you is GOD
  I will not stand down
I will not silent 
I know who I am and why I am here and I will not be small or submissive to any 
Those have chosen their loyalties and their choices - they chose the devil and sacrifices rather than doing what is right and bringing truth and the many suffered - and that is the story they must sit with, reflect, observe and alchemize
My story is my story - #false deceit is the density you make on yourself - the only way to clear density is to own it all - that is how you alchemize
I called every lie and deceit, and sick demented manipulative story - they denied it all - they continued to scam, they continued to defame and fraud, and degrade everyone around them to ensure their false criminal stories were not unveiled - truth is truth and not all will want to be loyal to those that have done noting but steal - karma is karma and none get away from it - it will follow all - every lie, every dollar any person took to uphold false stories -
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All know who I am now - for God will assure all are touched that time and time again Brought their hell into my life to take my life, my story and my work, my light anything that was earned through timelines of continuing to help the same energies and people that simply care only for money to see as their importance -
Where is the lesson dear ones - are you awake yet - is money all you care about - title, then the lesson is now
I called those that purgered themselves on legal, court, investigative process - none will want to carry this karma - deceit is deceit and karma is karma - all will meet what they create and force, make, and deny any other - heal thy wounds or face the maker of your deeds - none escape this
GOD IS USING ALL AS COLLECTIVE LESSONS of the corrupt that occur in every community #calgary / #calvary and there are not enough paying off to silent, fix paperwork and photoshop, or manipulate the ones in oaths to protect the public and bring peace, and order
NONE WILL TAKE another ounce of my life, light, source essence period - all were banished months ago - and there will be NO MORE TAKING FROM THE INNOCENT
I will not bow to lesser corrupt Gods and dieties that think putting micro-chips in human divine sacred flesh is ok, or leaders that spend billions on war-heads or idiot politicians that think they can control how any child shall desire to explore express and experience themselves as a part of divine sacred creation
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-  MY GOODNESS HUMANITY WAKE UP - how much damage and carnage has to occur before you seek the healing all know they need -
* if you are doing black magic to force, make, manipulate and deceive others, to get what you want - you need help 
* if you are trying to control a child from being, believing, or achieving, or receiving light and higher wisdoms, in whatever way they seek it - you need help and healing 
* if you think you are better because you are a man, or you think your bank account is who you are, if you think where you live and what title you carry is who you are and you abuse power, clout chase, and use money for abusing others - in any way - you need help and know this, judgment is called and it will be taken from you
-  Judgment is a real thing Human treatment is a basic concept and the levels, depths, and avenues of corruption on this planet are immense - all play a part - if you sit by and watch while crimes are being done and do nothing = you earn karma 
* God shows you what God shows you to test your soul and readiness for Oneness
* What you do, and not do is karma or doing what is in alignment of Oneness, good will and unity
* If you are a part of a ponsi-pyramid, gang stalking, stealing, those that deceive and spy, and take, plot, plan, scam, scheme on monumental basis and do nothing - do not bring truth; absolutely that same disregard, and taking will done on your life and soul at some level  #ascension #ascensionbooks #healingourchildren
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* you are here to stand for what is right, true, and loving ~ ASCENSION is everyone acting 5D
* putting up with crime, violence, and stealing, taking, deceiving while the innocent suffer is not ascension 
* who do you claim yourself to be - you are not ready for ascension if this is the case and every new spiral of new dimensions - calls for all to take action, be at peace and trust you will be loved, cared for, and supported
- Stop waiting for the handful of light workers to make it all happen for you
-  Density within each is cleared by going within and doing what you know is right 
Making another suffer, be thrown off, being taken from, being denied, being buried in superficial and deceitful voodoo and magic for money scams and inheritance taking - all will have their equal - for your soul knows you know 
* when you cannot sleep at night is a sign
* when you are faced with the same issues, stories daily - what are you not doing, not resolving, not acting on and not being a part of change ----> karma is held within all things that allow you to bring your full power from within and Be a GOD 
As Jesus said; 'do not follow me, you are me' and so too you shall be fed
You #calgary and any that knew and did nothing - watched, waited and took notes on how much I changed and did the spell work take, were all the corrupt forcing, stole, took, ripped, raped from the wrong person and why;
God was showing all creation - all before you are the children of God - so treat all as such
All had millions of opportunities to be truthful and treat and show the Universe you can take accountability for your falseness, schemes, plots of stealing, taking, harming, forcing, manipulation of others, blatant lying to steal while the innocent are left raped by your vicious selfishness
- If you do magic to get, harm, take - you are not leaders in any way - you are merely thieves and very very wounded and all were given so much grace to heal, and to change #false prophets, false businesses and churches, and those doing spell work to get what you want, to take, force someone to feel your pain, and while not healing you are merely bending what will always return
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These are basic universal truths and laws of creation, how life is created - and these are the basic rules, laws that moving into Oneness we simply must get You are born with your unique story - and all gifts, talents, wisdoms reside within you owning, loving, nourishing, accepting this - nothing more is needed outside of you Crime, corruption, violence, doppleganger, the many that were taken from, lied to, the children that you manipulated, the children you denied of their mothers light, and the karma you lay into your children for your selfish fucking choices when you could have honoured your elite, titled status and got the healing, and done what was truly right for all that did not deserve to live in poverty and feel their souls ripped from them on a daily basis
- You are selfish and I will call you out
Leaders that do not align with their higher selves nor practice universal laws should not be in any title, or power PERIOD!
How many children must be lied to, swaying their inner truth and their inner knowing - manipulate and be the king, queen of narcism all you want - your karma is building in every moment you don't face the damage and pain you cause by living in lies and not accepting yourself - it IS THAT SIMPLE
When you do what you do for stuff, false title, and fake who you are, for not healing the jealousy, wounding, of lack of self, self rejection, abandonment
The affects on control, dominance, black magic fuckery, and forcing, deceiving affects our bodies, minds, fields, brain tissue - and the monies spent on spell that could have been spent on healing humanity, healing yourself, and the light workers that most live under the basic poverty levels - struggling for their platforms to be seen, heard, and selfish elite taking for more, wanting to be more - while not doing the healing offered on a million occasions
- All are now receiving what they have put out and done, and may God hear the prayers of all - Years, years, lifetimes of the same selfish cycles - greed, title, power, control - at what point will humanity go within and know all is one - you are a gift as all others - seek it
- GOD IS - God is not a church or a book that is copying saying, memorizing - God is the essence of simply being love God is a song a movement, a truth of all that simply and clear Doppleganger, scams, schemes to copy, taking others stories when there there is simply the veil to cover up who you truly are - thus swashing the spirit and soul - which is the only way to healing, light, ascending,
Divine light is divine light and deep deep karma for all those that HARVEST LIGHT, harm children and trafficking such to play false scams for selfish selfish gain for false appearances - vibration is everything and truth is truth Source and every persons higher self - would never ever ever tell, advise any one to take another;s life, light, because all Source is within Manipulation is deceit and self denial period
#calgarycorruption #falseelites #trafficking #healinghumanity #ascension
All atrocities to the innocent will be accounted for.
The Hand of God is. And so be it
For private sessions, webinars, classes or consulting
~ Email me at [email protected]
DONATIONs; PayPal link here;
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cosmicangel888 · 1 year ago
Understanding the BLESSING of KARMA
How this works, and purely soulfully purposeful for all to move through
* acknowledge, accept, allow - all maturation of soul growth all move through the cycles and none escape it, none can transfer it to someone that is not due your choices and backfire - anyone that thinks, tries, and does spell work to force others to take their poor choices on will simply add even greater karma and darkness
* there is spiritual laws, spiritual court - when you do not follow Universal Laws and the basic 10 commandments, there is karma - what you put out, intend, will return and all must walk through it so that all souls can see, experience, explore, express, that you are the creator -
YOU ARE the gift ~ If you have gone through the pain, struggling, suffering long-or short term, you climbed your way out of the pit others threw you in, covered you up, left you for dead, and began the path of erasing you from what you had created and built, ~ if you stood up for yourself every time someone projected hate, and your lack and ached for you to break, feel less than, and their relentless attempts to swipe what you manifested and created and in the honour of surviving what most would not -
Never allow any person, regardless of what they think they are to you, or what term, word, whatever earthly word is placed on any experience - you are the one that infuses anything into everything -
Never wait, never rely, never give your power, life, energy, time to any that simply is not awake - give what Spirit offers to be the test, spoke of the wheel, and what is needed for the growth for all - and move on - Never put your life and energy in companies, groups, circles that compromise your light, work and practice of creational reality
~ Karma teaches every soul their own unique offering, genuine expression, and power to navigate and be new,
~ Karma teaches all the various stages and ages of change, evolution, and shift the direction of life and direction of energy and how important it is to always work within - the outer is the past, the inner is the future 
~ karma teaches to be all spokes; to be student, to be silent, to be proud, to lift others, to allow others to receive and be blessed and can you be happy and joyful for all stages and phases - ©
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Karma shows you what your wounding is and how deep you are to move on and move through it all - you must face all of what is before you -
BLESSINGS are the gift of knowing you are worthy of making new ways out of poor choices, and clearing the disrespecting lack of self, harmful beliefs 
Because we are far more than any gave us credit for - we get up and we keep it moving, creating, bringing new light to who we are - in every way - creative expression is everyting - let no others projections tell you less than - that is where they sit - it is not you - you are profound and make it so 
None have the right, nor will be allowed to be a part of your blessings, when they were the ones to put you in poverty, when they degraded, defamed, and derailed you every day their hateful chants and their limiting nothingness intentions sent in their spells and withholding of truth, rights, mail, monies, and doing what is right ~ If they were not there in the lifting you up in your darkness's and soul transformations, they will not be allowed to be at your table - all must carve their own way -
It is spiritual initiation and none can navigate the path of conquering your fears and lower sub-conscious beliefs but you - you chose it all, therefore you have to clear it and face it all - that is mastery - None will do your karma for you - that is how you learn to move through, over, and up
None will surrender their blessings to any that simply did nothing but disregard, disrespect, take, steal, spell cast, and deceive to manipulate selfish gain and narratives while throwing you to the dirt - - do you see the patterns we are all choosing with self loving knowing
- WE ARE WORTHY of treating ourselves and others better None escape karma
- What you put out will return - clout chasing, actions and intentions of degrading, superficiality, and chasing the stuff, false sense of self, and ego - boosting, puffy chest, and looking how you look and others will see you - time to grow up - karma is and will miss none
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Self love If you love yourself, you will choose loving and honouring energy, people, places, homes, and roles, - you make it all
- Detach from the corruption of no integrity - we are SACRED
Bring this to the table and see what happens
The atrocities to the sacred and innocent will be accounted for and there are reasons why those that brought pain and suffering to those that simply offered unique light, will not be a part of their blessings
- None will swipe, take, steal what is meant for those that have done what few could and nor would do - it is way of showing - there are ways for all to enjoy and this is not judgment - this is the truths and point blank ways of the heavens to that which is always available -
None see our suffering but they judge it so quickly when they simply do not even know None see the 24.7 work with density, darkness, and work of constant transmutation that we are, do and offer - none care, they simply want to impale your uniqueness and shine - so be it, and move on
- Be generous with those that Spirit guides
Not all care, never will care, never will return,
Not all want good for you, and not all will ever have your back, nor will stand and do what is right - therefore, always be truth - as you awaken it is vital that you know everything is energy and it will affect you - energy is entanglement - the mixing of energy, intention, direction, focus - those that play with and abuse energy will make things even more confusion, harmful, and why knowing yourself is so profound to remain healthy and balanced regardless who you allow in your energy - life, and share your life force with.
~ Karma is karma - it is the will of you, uniquely, bravely, regardless of the all around you showing you less than, and conformed violence, disrespect, corruption - be more! You are the way shower - your karma is the path being constantly laid before you - and it is never easy, always challenging, because you choose this for yourself to be loving no matter what, and share the blessings that is eternal life, honour of sacredness and the gift of God in all moments - it is never easy - the most loneliest times is when you truly know
The akashic records are sacred stories of your growth and only to you - Your records are pure and precious between you and GOD none have the right or authority to mess with - your records are for you!
Be discerning and continue your inner work, threading, and practice.
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- GOD IS and that is all you need 
Heal thy wounds 
So they do not become another's and know
For private sessions, webinars, classes or consulting
~ Email me at
DONATIONs; PayPal link here;
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cosmicangel888 · 1 year ago
LIGHT WORKERS Path is The Darkest ~ 5D
5D REALITY What do you think your life will look like when you conjure demons and devils and entities and sacrificing?
What do you think your life will look like when you arrange yourself with those for superficial beings, people and those that live in constant deceit, manipulation and spell work, schemes, scams, plots,
The mess you make on the wounding you choose to live within
The past 8 yrs of my life has been the most incredible mess of others decisions, and choices, forcing themselves and energy on my life with binding, and toxic scams and schemes and plots to have me, put me in their mouth and competition and create false stories, false narratives to bind a light worker, healer that has said for 8 years enough is enough, done is done, no is no, and for some reason, even going to legal lengths, there is still the thought, ideas and plans to force me into lives and stories that I am not writing,
The darkness a light worker has to transmute and face every day for she is not only clearing her own 51% of karma - she is there as a pillar, a light, a guide, for all others and is taken advantage of even when the most staunch of boundaries are placed -
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I would never write, and are not my doing, and not my consciousness and simply those forcing energy, using abuse of tools, lower vibrational tactics to take whatever God has for the light workers that have survived karma, and doing the work; and call in their own higher path -
For years, years, of those in communities doing all they can to stop, block, hide, stagnate, and discriminate, harass, and plot for the death, harm, derailing, delaying, and hate to my life ~ these are hate crimes, occult crimes, and is criminal
there has been 50+ involved in daily relentless tracking, spying, and taking from me on every level without knowing the answers are held within their own life, healing their own wounding, and karmic dense patterns and false, fake people that think money, title, and sacrificing with sex orgies, and animals, blood rituals, is a thing that will bring positive inner self transformation
~ ~ ~makes no sense what so ever and is obvious of the healing needed, assessment needed, and the pain, suffering, loss, and PtSD and harm done to the innocent that do not deserve the constant degrading treatment, the darkness and entities conjured around innocent children, lives and sickness, diseases and imbalances brought through 1 intention to make me disappear - or 
FORCE THEIR WAY on my life
I WILL NOT partner with any from the past
I have no boss
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I have been celibate and on my own path of ascension with God for over 14yrs devoted to this process of ascension and healing abuses, and trauma's ~ being crystal, conduit, empath, and psychic - it is a very challenging and overcome the impossible from the intentions and sick agenda's - that all were entirely 100% unnecessary
THE PAST IS not healed, Not accountable and NOT balanced
The past is negative and will not be allowed to enter into my space
The damage, the abuse, the destruction, the taking, the loss, the poverty, the utter disregard for life, disrespect of life and all 50+ involved in the lying, slight of hand, paying to be silent is an utter joke that any DF healed would ever think is ok to step into after years of showing, aligning, offering, freely and none take accountability for their gross neglegence and expect the one they abused to come and heal and fix their group corruption and mess that affected the entire collective - this is beyond imagining and beyond gross
Go within and heal your issues patterns, and lack of self that makes any think it is ok to spend 80% of ones day forcing harm, hate, and spell work, manipulation, lies, and deceit, forcible games of fuckery on anthers life - and to think someone is entitled to anything - you have abused me for over 8 yrs to force me to be in any's life through domination control, games, and messy messy occult crimes and coven abuse - to the collective that is struggling to move beyond matrix, and their own shadow -
These karmic groups will have to understand and learn -
* truth is the only way to heal ones karma
* healing your own wounds is the only way to heal karma
there is never apology, accountability or repayment and the light-workers are exhausted of the selfish degrading treatment by those entrenched with entity attachment and defiling lifestyle of the rich and famous and elite that only impale and harm, degrade, and destroy Gods perfection with malice and intention
* a healed DF will not be any's answer to the darkness and damage done and intended for years years at a time
There is no level to the unjust and unfair treatment and corruption - done to me
Human testing, and divine intervention saving my life - from the darkness and Hate impaled due to wounding of jealousy envy, no sense of self, and narcism beyond what is obvious to all - and none do, say, to create change to make better - how may such disrespect and attention to outer - brings such mess - to so many and such harm to so many - the waste of time, energy, life, sacredness and the entire community, collective pays for the selfish selfish non-accountability -
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None play babysitter
All must GO WITHIN
Billions of videos, billions of times offered, do the inner work - get help, seek help, the damage is not necessary
WAKE UP and heal.
The past is not my future
LEAVe me be #calgary is corrupt, false, not my future and the wounding, damage and pain, suffering must be healed and accounted for - return monies stolen, stop using my work, and stop putting my name in your mouth -
I owe none - your years years years of black magic and satanic rituals, and sacrifices - how do you think your life will look like with such hate and forcing those that have said NO - human rights and spiritual rights will be upheld -©
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None of the past have access to me
Love is not abusive
Love is not taking advantage, siphoning another's life from them on an hourly basis
Love is not pathological lying, scams, plots to derail and suppress what is pure truth and love and light
ALL MUST GET RIGHT - none will do the work for you
Your choices, your beliefs, your life, your karma - must be healed and transmuted by you
HeAL the shadow and integrate it
I deserve my human rights - I deserve to be liberated and am living in such, divorce is divorce and will be
I deserve to be left alone and to explore, express and experience who I am without daily constant energetic warfare simply because I am who I am
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Discrimination and harassment, defamation of character, invasion of privacy, fraud, all in my one life story of those trying everything and God showing all -'leave my daughter be' and all still do what they do - spitting on the energy and love of God, me and my lineage - while none doing anything to heal and take accountability and repayment, make right - only to plan more plots how to bind and take from me and slither in while God blesses me;
God will be taking each and every person that intentionally and worked very hard for years of torturous abuse to me and my life - lineage and the collective as a healer that I am - the atrocities to the sacred will be accounted for.
I am baffled at the level of disconnection; the only drive is taking, getting, clout chasing, same ego wounding, entitlement, opportunistic sick degrading of a sacred being all children innocent of the darkness created - how much damage and destruction before truth is Brought -
Not my mess
Not my choices
#ascension is a sacred process, perhaps all go within, seek help, and get right
More on Creational Realities; Paradigms Shifting of Consciousness ~ Perfection of the Divine Plan for all life;
For private sessions, webinars, classes or consulting ~
Email me at [email protected]
DONATIONs; PayPal link here;
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cosmicangel888 · 1 year ago
HEALING, Transcending Pain, Suffering, Stepping into Your Divine Path ~ 5D SESSIONS now open
~ NOW BOOKING for October 
Book now!
DONATIONs; PayPal link here;
~~> Healing Sessions, Activation Sessions, Intuitive Readings and transmuting & harmonizing the shadow, density and facing any dark night of the soul with confidence and self ownership
~~> Transcending deep dark, low vibrational lack, no sense of self, abuse and trauma inner child work, and bringing forth your best life beyond the sadness, beyond the disconnection, beyond struggle and not belonging 
~ HOW TO Bring a new life, reality, timeline into being.......
Get connected - we are now taking appointments and know these are multi-dimensional sessions to activate you as a soul - for that is exactly what you are!
You are cosmic
You are a star
Genuine and authentic and you deserve to be included in this sacred divine ride of reunion and creative grace.
Every family, every person is their own destiny 
None outside of you make your life - you do ©
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You are here to now reclaim your power, light, energy, consciousness and intentions for who you truly are at a soul level
* The soul is who you are - how do you live as a soul?
How do you heal as a soul?
How do you bring forth gifts, skills, talents, and remembrances of the realms beyond planet earth for a new 5D earth experience?
~~~ I do not offer 3D questions and love questions on any other person than those before me; our sessions are of the self, healing the self, and about no other than those before me; 
* be advised that when you go to any reader, healer and tap into others energy, and life, purpose, you are degrading your own life, and you are simply taking on more karma to clear and heal
~ We offer the teaching, offering, activating, remembrances of higher vibrational soul recognition and it is NOT ABOUT ANY OTHER ~ ~ ASCENSION SESSIONS
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* $70USD ~ 30min channeled recorded session ~ 1 question
* $200USD ~ 90min channeled recorded session ~ tap in with your guides, teams, where you sit now vibrationally, and what blocks, what hurdles, akashic reading, tips, techniques, sound, tones, light language for clearing and transcending the energies, pattens, and beliefs that hold you in less than - you are here to transcend what your ancestors and families could not - healing is a multi-dimensional process and it requires multi-dimensional processes and actions, self loving care ~ spiritual guides, healing teams, God, Source, angelic's, celestial, cosmic and alien connections, councils, and federations for the anchoring of your life and destiny with new earth
* $500USD ~ 4 x 45min sessions ~ Vocational Alignment Sessions ~ Designing and stepping beyond 3D into a 5D experience - the culmination of your soul, healing, activating, working with spirit on a more higher vibrational cleared path for your skills, talents, gifts, offered and blessed into a human-celestial, cosmic 5D offering
* we offer weekly practices, techniques, tones, light language, and higher vibrational entrainment to step up into new 5D behaving and inter-relationship work with Source, God, Your Higher Self
~ Once payment is made, I will send out dates, times, and our session links will be sent
~ All sessions are only done through me, of me, in and via zoom, face recognition ~ there are no others that offer nor take my sessions on my behalf and I have not agent, nor partner nor boss
~ I am the only one offering my conduit, 5D alignment, vocational creation, and healing sessions that are and have been my work for over 15 yrs ~ and other lifetimes ©
- LETS EXPLORE CREATION! Business, self-employment transitions are very important in the transition from 3D - 5D And it requires higher vibrational knowing, manifesting, receiving, and it is not the 3D focus - every new cycle there are new higher vibrational practices to heal the shadow, honour the shadow, and releasing, cleanings, patterns, projections, and expectations of others, social dogma, others obsessions, and imprints
Book now for a closer, deeper, more intimate loving path of self exploration,
You are One with the Creator - and you are meant to create as a master
Blessings and light Living in 5D
DONATIONs; PayPal link here;
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