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cosmicangel888 · 1 year ago
Understanding the BLESSING of KARMA
How this works, and purely soulfully purposeful for all to move through
* acknowledge, accept, allow - all maturation of soul growth all move through the cycles and none escape it, none can transfer it to someone that is not due your choices and backfire - anyone that thinks, tries, and does spell work to force others to take their poor choices on will simply add even greater karma and darkness
* there is spiritual laws, spiritual court - when you do not follow Universal Laws and the basic 10 commandments, there is karma - what you put out, intend, will return and all must walk through it so that all souls can see, experience, explore, express, that you are the creator -
YOU ARE the gift ~ If you have gone through the pain, struggling, suffering long-or short term, you climbed your way out of the pit others threw you in, covered you up, left you for dead, and began the path of erasing you from what you had created and built, ~ if you stood up for yourself every time someone projected hate, and your lack and ached for you to break, feel less than, and their relentless attempts to swipe what you manifested and created and in the honour of surviving what most would not -
Never allow any person, regardless of what they think they are to you, or what term, word, whatever earthly word is placed on any experience - you are the one that infuses anything into everything -
Never wait, never rely, never give your power, life, energy, time to any that simply is not awake - give what Spirit offers to be the test, spoke of the wheel, and what is needed for the growth for all - and move on - Never put your life and energy in companies, groups, circles that compromise your light, work and practice of creational reality
~ Karma teaches every soul their own unique offering, genuine expression, and power to navigate and be new,
~ Karma teaches all the various stages and ages of change, evolution, and shift the direction of life and direction of energy and how important it is to always work within - the outer is the past, the inner is the future 
~ karma teaches to be all spokes; to be student, to be silent, to be proud, to lift others, to allow others to receive and be blessed and can you be happy and joyful for all stages and phases - ©
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Karma shows you what your wounding is and how deep you are to move on and move through it all - you must face all of what is before you -
BLESSINGS are the gift of knowing you are worthy of making new ways out of poor choices, and clearing the disrespecting lack of self, harmful beliefs 
Because we are far more than any gave us credit for - we get up and we keep it moving, creating, bringing new light to who we are - in every way - creative expression is everyting - let no others projections tell you less than - that is where they sit - it is not you - you are profound and make it so 
None have the right, nor will be allowed to be a part of your blessings, when they were the ones to put you in poverty, when they degraded, defamed, and derailed you every day their hateful chants and their limiting nothingness intentions sent in their spells and withholding of truth, rights, mail, monies, and doing what is right ~ If they were not there in the lifting you up in your darkness's and soul transformations, they will not be allowed to be at your table - all must carve their own way -
It is spiritual initiation and none can navigate the path of conquering your fears and lower sub-conscious beliefs but you - you chose it all, therefore you have to clear it and face it all - that is mastery - None will do your karma for you - that is how you learn to move through, over, and up
None will surrender their blessings to any that simply did nothing but disregard, disrespect, take, steal, spell cast, and deceive to manipulate selfish gain and narratives while throwing you to the dirt - - do you see the patterns we are all choosing with self loving knowing
- WE ARE WORTHY of treating ourselves and others better None escape karma
- What you put out will return - clout chasing, actions and intentions of degrading, superficiality, and chasing the stuff, false sense of self, and ego - boosting, puffy chest, and looking how you look and others will see you - time to grow up - karma is and will miss none
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Self love If you love yourself, you will choose loving and honouring energy, people, places, homes, and roles, - you make it all
- Detach from the corruption of no integrity - we are SACRED
Bring this to the table and see what happens
The atrocities to the sacred and innocent will be accounted for and there are reasons why those that brought pain and suffering to those that simply offered unique light, will not be a part of their blessings
- None will swipe, take, steal what is meant for those that have done what few could and nor would do - it is way of showing - there are ways for all to enjoy and this is not judgment - this is the truths and point blank ways of the heavens to that which is always available -
None see our suffering but they judge it so quickly when they simply do not even know None see the 24.7 work with density, darkness, and work of constant transmutation that we are, do and offer - none care, they simply want to impale your uniqueness and shine - so be it, and move on
- Be generous with those that Spirit guides
Not all care, never will care, never will return,
Not all want good for you, and not all will ever have your back, nor will stand and do what is right - therefore, always be truth - as you awaken it is vital that you know everything is energy and it will affect you - energy is entanglement - the mixing of energy, intention, direction, focus - those that play with and abuse energy will make things even more confusion, harmful, and why knowing yourself is so profound to remain healthy and balanced regardless who you allow in your energy - life, and share your life force with.
~ Karma is karma - it is the will of you, uniquely, bravely, regardless of the all around you showing you less than, and conformed violence, disrespect, corruption - be more! You are the way shower - your karma is the path being constantly laid before you - and it is never easy, always challenging, because you choose this for yourself to be loving no matter what, and share the blessings that is eternal life, honour of sacredness and the gift of God in all moments - it is never easy - the most loneliest times is when you truly know
The akashic records are sacred stories of your growth and only to you - Your records are pure and precious between you and GOD none have the right or authority to mess with - your records are for you!
Be discerning and continue your inner work, threading, and practice.
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- GOD IS and that is all you need 
Heal thy wounds 
So they do not become another's and know
For private sessions, webinars, classes or consulting
~ Email me at
DONATIONs; PayPal link here; paypal.me/JoannaLRoss
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Eternally YOU, Eternally LOVE
Good morning dear golden ones, Are you ready? Are you ready to play and entangle, to dance, and to awaken the essence of the infinite within? Truly it is you ~ would you like to engage with the Divine of All that Is, and the ISNESS of you awaits you as well ~ Truly it is you. 
Join us this morning at 11:00am MTN as we bring forth a few weeks of loving inspiration, catalyst of light and pure Divine entanglement as the Heavens, the councils, and the brethren gather in your honor to commune in our weekly soul tribe gatherings.
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11:00am MTN ~ KCOR Ascension, Human potential, Earthly Ascension, Galactic embodiment, Christed Embodiment, and a new experience to self-love and self-honour within it all ~ Join us if you so desire to dance within the vibrations of pure love.
Blessings and great joy, Joanna #consciousness #enlightenment #awakening #awareness #love #selflove #ChristedConsciousness #UniversalUnity #Ascension #JapanAscension #JapanMeditationAscension #JapanAscensionEvents #ascensionevents #ascensionbooks #MotherFatherGod #God #Pleiadians #Sirius #Arcturus
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mariajoseabelho · 9 years ago
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cosmicangel888 · 1 year ago
New Higher Order ~ 3D Control is BREAKING ~ Transmute away dear master
3D Manifesting vs 5D Allowance ~
Welcome to NEW EARTH
Ego - thinks it knows who you are, what you want, need, if you are not doing the inner work, and becoming united with spirit, soul, God, you will manifest patterns of old beliefs for you are choosing to look at yourself, your beliefs and you are choosing to not see yourself as more; thus then, you manifest the same energy and same reality -
You cannot manifest a higher vibrational life if you are sitting in low vibrational beliefs - you must do the inner work to alchemize thought, word, deed;
Alchemy is alchemy and why those that rely on others, spell work, manipulation learn a lot of valuable lessons and waste a lot of money trying to control what is NOT MEANT TO BE CONTROLLED and why disease, illness, imbalance will be PROOF enough to change thy ways
Everything in CREATION is vibrational - even if your thoughts are to damage another person to be on your level - there will be profound karma - to stop, switch, change, delay anothers growth is one of the more undeniable 'charges' for negative Karma
Be accountable for change to occur - - FACE YOU! FACE YOUR BELIEFS, ACTIONS & DEEDS - thus you can choose to change - alter your reality with wisdoms rather than wounded denial - so learn the lesson, stop what you are doing, acting, jumping, forcing and breathe, think,
drop to your heart - ---> RIGHT USE OF FREE WILL & NON-INTERFERENCE
--> if you choose to do so in any way; mentally, emotionally, physically, spiritually and know and bet beyond all reason that GOD, your own soul will ensure others will bring this same to you -
Coven leaders, and voodoo practitioners and those that think they protect their life with protection spells while taking money and fooling, tricking, others to think you are above Universal and Cosmic laws because in 3D you were never seeing and experiencing karma - the space, bedding of cosmic ascension, planetary consciousness and our entire planet awakening and aligning with 5D cosmic oneness - every aspect of life, person, being is being called, seen, known for who they are and will be called out -
Liberation of humanity is #1 priority for all Creation
and bet there are billions of energies and beings on behalf of the heavens Working on this in this, ground crew and so on -= none will write the path of Gaia and our collective and regardless of title and false sense of power, abuse of power, there will be justice, balance, and knowing of higher laws, and higher order always
any body, group, cult, coven, government that chooses to continue to suppress and repress humanity or sects of people or deny equal rights on every level - make sure it will crumble and can be done through alignment and learning and grace, or it can be done in whatever equal measure their own controlling energy thinks they own, control, dominate another -
NONE CONTROL any period.
God will assure such plans, measures, for the liberation of all humanity and know that all has already been decided in the ethers and watch great liberation between now and the end of the year -
Governments all over our planet will change, shifts, and alter its face of denial and hiding from the people and make transparency a #1 foundation for integrity and new ways - alignment of light and processes of evolution, growth, self care, self love, and if this is known and lived with leaders - you know this is a fabric intent for the people
Is this not what should already be? ©
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* I am governed by higher order period.
--> The Heavens is my jurisdiction and there are teams, beings, councils, within the Multi-Verse that walk with me in protection of this for I am a light bearer of alignment laws, order for humanity to enter new gates of evolution - period.
* we are meant to harmonize, unify, and bring all that is into alignment of greater cosmic, galactic, universal multiversal governing bodies of evolution to higher dimensions of which none in 3D know of - therefore higher order, and higher consciousness is mandatory - ascension is a real thing and we are in it now -
* All fear-based, controlling, domineering systems and leaders, and those creating and living in such power over others will have free will to choose who they wish to be - all will move through soul awakenings and how to transmute and harmonize without injury or harm to another is all possible - those that refuse, fight, deny, rebuke oneness and light will be shifted - *
this is not a punishment - this is merely the mechanics of law of vibration - we enter new space every turn of our planet - and none write the ascension story that God does and this is not a religion - it is our divine evolution -
We are spirit creating matter and there is much misunderstandings, misguidance, controlling and dogmatic incorrectness of our entire planet and we have become so separate and in the denial of spirit within and placing everything with names, titles and definitions and boxes; the running of our planet is left to never dealing with the healing and suppressing and further creating anger, animosity, and fear ~ this is healing now -
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Liberate and let go - there are far better ways and we must write it - in alignment and alliance with Light, is all that is needed and step by step - we move forward with true 5D leaders prepared beyond all 3D rhetoric that simply is and was created to serve the elite false leaders that have no clue of energy, consciousness nor the greater good and only serve their own agenda's - we will not perpetuate numbness and dumbness to spirit, what is within and what we exist within - it ends today.
even the most abhorrent that control, dominate, manipulate, take, steal - will manifest the exact same lifetime, timeline, return of what they intend for any other - leader or not - human rank means nothing to spirit and the ethers - all will face their deeds against liberation and the sacredness of life - and it will be shown in every inch of our glorious planet - period.
GOD IS patient, kind, graceful, filled with compassion for everyones wounds - however when damage has been done again, again, again and there are innocence continually being taken, harmed, souls of creation are forever changed to darkness - there will be divine intervention and I am here to state so for the liberation of humanity and all of planet earth life -
This is a truth ~~~~~~~ HEAVEN IS FOR ALL
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The Multi-verse is very logical and beyond understanding and no 3D book writer, preacher, or stated one that thinks they know reality - they do not -
We are always students - always and to humble oneself to think you make laws or order and higher knowing - you do not
There is creational law - and what is intended is what you call and none will be missed - humanity is liberating NOW
What will make you laugh and cry, when you release the ego's limited perspectives, you all will recognize that you had a far grander version of you, Gods plan for you is undeniable more profound that any 3D title or thing, or stuff or changing of your body or name, or way to 'fit in' to what is nothing but conformed dumbness - so why not let go?
Control = disease and illness -
If you do not allow light to flow and grow - there will be disease. Earthly or mental, or emotional, spiritual - all is energy - you choose it!
Are we now listening and aching for a new reality - deny and lie, and continue the power games all you want - it is now - and you know, the energy of your intentions, actions are on your own tail - why it all must be released, faced, healed, loved, accepted and then choose anew;
Reality is your making - so choose anew - to manifest anything - harm to none and taking of none is needed - this is the new knowing - this is law
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Humanity is liberating and corruption on every level and every dimensional thread is being called - unity and oneness is our destiny - all are being asked - GO WITHIN AND HEAL
* Crime, violence, and corruption is not necessary and those that do lead people now, has been, have been the most corrupt - for they know what they do and continue doing it - any level of tactics against free will is damaging - we will re-write - heal thyself - know thyself - God is
* Those that have done, tried, all are in karma now - and why - - > stay in your lane - I am here for the advancement of Creation, new bedding, healing, teachings, offerings, and knowings in alignment with the Systems of Light, and light evolution - there is no person on this planet that will fool the Creator nor the beings and councils I work with
~ We are here to transcend every system of control and uplift, bring hope and promise of light, eternal life, and joy for all creation - there will no longer be a have's and have's not - all will be in spiritual abundance and mastery of who they are as God - these are the new orders - liberation is our destiny -
Getting what you want - has nothing to do with the souls lessons and what is truly needed for each to look at beliefs, perspectives, and life choices -
One cannot step into oneness and how one affects the all - until accountability, acknowledgement, acceptance, allowance - there is a path, cycle of ascension and healing must be done to transmute old patterns, and old systems within -
Ego getting, wanting, means nothing to what MUST be learned and grown within - Why no one outside of you will ever ever ever be the answer
- Co-dependency is thinking something and someone is your answer or you are theirs Simply not true and why your soul will bring ego-death and take what you hold on to and what you think you want
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- For all any one truly ever really needs is self love, true deep knowing God, Source, will support and if the energy, direction, focus is placed here - within - - > then all unfolds in perfect harmony Manifesting is about honouring, respecting, valuing, and allowing HARMONY - it is never forcing, spelling, casting, conjuring to the point of utter illness, disease, taking stealing, spying, and copying another to think you are manifesting -
Status quo is killing humanity - are we ready to awaken now? Who are the true leaders? All life is sacred!
manifesting is being purely aligned with Creational flow - period.
And so be it,
My word this day,
Blessings be and praise of a new promised land,
For private sessions, webinars, classes or consulting
~ Email me at [email protected]
DONATIONs; PayPal link here; paypal.me/JoannaLRoss
HEALING DIVINE FEMININE #HealingDivinefeminine
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cosmicangel888 · 1 year ago
Ascension News ~
Updates on Cosmic Bedding The new realities sensing, it is big,
Those awakened will sense it right away and what will occur is more human experiences will be so evident that even those not awakened will know
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'something is truly going on'
We are in new galactic bedding now and thus, a new sector of space that will be closer to the Source, Creator, veil is thinning by the day, and all those that even rolled their eyes at your dreams, knowings, visions, and prophesying will see the truth that is
~ All is energy and there is processes for evolution, healing, expanding, and honouring new earth and aligning with the grids, and new potentials Galactic communities for the attuned can be heard, and can be known, and how you are able to - for the front-runners ~©
SYSTEMS need to be re-written and you are and will be a part of it and your alignment, knowing of our new bedding, and potentials need to known
* create and begin as if the new systems are already there
~ natural medicine, monies moving and flowing to the people without the red-tape 5% elite rhetoric and pilfering to those that are not in alignment with Source, care not to be, care not to be within care of humanity, nature, waters, air, or the children, or elders that are the embodiment of all family -
ie - ONENESS will prevail and we will have to converge in every way on this aspects -
* all affects the all - why all will be beginning in this re-write - harmonization of what was, this is alchemy, Gods divine plan is entering a new phase of collective transformation and there will be those moved out of and from their posts due to ill-action, corruption, and warped intentions - 
CHOICES = YOUR REALITY ~ all have been moving through various testings for the past few years - and now the shifts will be the results of those personal choices, free will to choose ones path, now there will be the results of creational reality laws;
REALITY is vibrational
*** intentions
*** focus
*** Direction
Creational reality is such energies, how we believe and create reality -  if you are wounded and not growing at a soul level, evolving, you will manifest = reality
*** And thus, if ones intentions, regardless of who, what, title, or 3D rank, means nothing to that of the Creational Karma Board, your soul, guides, teams that have been instigating, offering, reminding, offering dreams, and those before you that offer what is 'the creational play' / all play their role, part, to offer the highest level of soul growth -
We deserve truthful and honest people, leaders, and those that are in alignment of divine order and plans for leading into promised lands
We deserve a safe and honouring planet that we are living in partnership and symbiosis and sacred becoming - this is the era of oneness and there is no way around having the power, divine knowing that you can face your shadow, and you can heal whatever is within, and before you; Thank you God
SOUL GROWTH is why you are here - your wounding is the portal to your greatest light, healing, transcending all that was; we are eternal
It is and never was about superficial false importance, status - energy is energy and those that read, know, sense, offer in alignment with Source, will be known, it cannot be copied, and all will have their unique offering of it;
* We are writing new ways, new foundations of equality, fairness, and balance - DF / DM must balance within each person, for the light body to be activated in any and all ways -
* DF and all life - all is equal and balanced
Sacrificing and bidding systems, underground corruption, crime pyramids, and black magic, will be shown again, again, and if you draw it out - will always impale and destruct itself - at every level and none will be missed -
This is my word
ONE --> Women are equal leaders, women are equal healed, women are equal decision makers, women have equal and full ownership and rights to their bodies, mind, spirit, soul, as to all children, life, nature, wildlife - these are new laws - and those will be moving through such testing, soul growth experiences that show you your own themes of healing, expansion, and oneness
ASCENSION --> NEW PROJECTS --> 5D Leadership & Breaking New Cosmic LIMITLESS
Work My work is taking on new perspectives and offering within the galactic bends and neighbourhoods specifically designed to help, assist and uplift humanity to cosmic, galactic homes;
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* Agenda Agents - be prepared to have light shake up the selfish and corrupt agenda's - none will be missed and why that within Gods Divine Plan will and has greater design - and we will offer such potential, wisdoms, love that will uplift and heal 'less than' and I will be placed at the forefront of the wave, ground crew, and enlivened earthly systems to meet our higher realms -
* business, corporations, governments, medicine, learning and education, and preparing Gaia and nature for our cosmic, galactic energies for upliftment, healing, transcending disease, transcending corruption and re-writing laws, complete over-haul with all imbalanced, unaligned and misguided directors, dictators, and leaders that have not done the work, not healed, and live from an ego-arrogance, wounded space should not be world leaders - ©
* all are given opportunity to reach out and align, heal, make new, and such too will be equal falling of what is not vibrationally matched - this is simply vibrational quantum creational reality - all is an equation -
* I offer creative consulting sessions, Classes, webinars that are all channelled and aligned with the Systems of Light, 12th Dimensional Creators, Gods Divine Plan, (NOTHING TO DO WITH RELIGION) but how to unify, and transcend all separation, depressions, suppressions, subjugations, and disharmony and imbalance upon earth - all is being realigned and I am a consultant of such - at all levels -
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* To create a unique contract of service, healing, activation, and preparing a vocational alignments for higher 5th dimensional co-creational experience, email me, and we will set up a zoom; in-person face to face webinar -
I only do sessions via face recognition on zoom
~  * I have no agents, I have no others that offer my sessions or my work on my behalf - * PayPal -->-->
DONATIONs; PayPal link here; paypal.me/JoannaLRoss
* My ascension work, 3 ascension books, content, illustrations, those that have taken my work, and have taken ownership while given me not 1 penny, not 1 credit for my work;
* taken monies, work, content, ideas, and warping of ownership will always be returned to the vibration in which it was birthed and breathed -
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~ none, no one will or can copy a conduit - period - so be discerning - conduits tap into collective stories, ills, ailment, epidemiology, at any moment of the Divine Plan and why we are sent as Creators, crystals to break old programs for new light, new codes, and changes in every new moment - thus cannot be copied -
All work created and made by me, will be found and returned, all monies equal to ~ falsified signatures, corrupted paperwork, and slight of hand, and paid officials, corruption within systems to suppress and depress DF and those that actually speak truth and are aligned with Source, those that suppress their friends, ex partners, to ensure they will not move on, or be seen, known, and suppress, enslave, and control every part of their life for their own selfish benefit -
~~ be it group harvesting of light, energy, and content while they falsify it in their false masked business and call it their own, and then do spell work on all involved to keep false narratives going
~~ those that hide what they are doing, those that hide and sneak, send others to speak with you, spy on you and act in the immaturity and unhealed manner -
What you think you are hiding is already known; bubble burst and was told to all years ago -
God merely gave and offered as the graciousness of God does, offers all their own souls growth to make right and bring your own karma records to be healed and made balanced ~~~ those that use and abuse energy, or people to force outcomes, narratives, and results will require much healing
I will not join, be a part of any covens, cults, or groups that live in these energies of manipulation and deceit ~ cloning and human testing, all is the false in copying and will not prevail, will face blocks, loss, and destruction for this is not the natural flow of creational allowance -
What earth are you manifesting - controlling, dominating one or healed and liberated - all get to choose
~~~ 5D leadership is transcending 3D wounding, and thus, why ascension is so key to all evolutionary aspects of becoming and facing all shadow, facing all shadow-devil tendencies, patterns, habits within any all places - thus the true unification is and can be and upliftment, and alignment is possible Sovereignty is Period
The past is done, over, and timelines are shifting away
- Allow those that want to play in wounding, to play in wounding - let them sort it out
~ encourage, empower, inspire all to do the inner work - all that is done, affects the all - all is all - none are held more high, or more better, or more important - all is equal - this is our journey -
~ if you want to be held as sacred and most sacred; you must do this within yourself - heal your wounds - what you think is another's blame is the energy, wounding within you are in need to give you heal you - acceptance - you will not always 'get your way' and force outcomes - that is not Gods plan, your soul will take it all away until the lessons is embodied -
~ you are meant to be all parts of the wheel, learn all lessons, humility, honour to uplift another, honesty and show others the way to their honesty as you live in your own - the soul aches for more than 'winning' the moment all face consequences - they immediately see, 'it was never worth it; the games of selfishness, ego, wounding, to harm, take, revenge on another - is never ever worth it, and why corruption will always show itself, implode to itself'
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You are not responsible for any persons path of ascension or to make or force any to be truthful; simply move on and know Source will make right, bring fairness however it may come; gifts, talents, skills, and honour of the all dimensions;
We are shifting - let go let go let go
Blessings and good will for all
DONATIONs; PayPal link here; paypal.me/JoannaLRoss
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cosmicangel888 · 1 year ago
The profound new role all women, young girls, children have right now
Shaping New Earth Begins every day
you claim more of yourself for yourself SELF LOVE is everything in vibrational return - rebounding what is truly meant for you
You are valued, worthy, divinely destined for a greater and more honouring, sacred love; When you tell the universe in action, word, deed, you build your own sense of character and energy and worth, and knowing when there is one experienced passed up
-- > been there done that - abusive cycles and blame, and sick outcomes of imbalance that only leave you again at torment loss and having to heal yourself from those that simply take - that is their role
--> It takes YEARS to heal, transform and no man, no person can do such over night, nor do it while still in entanglement with the toxic tribe they walk with - for every energy is energy and ways are patterns, habits, wounding, and needs years of dedicated self love for PROOF that people have changed;
I would rather be broke and authentic than superficial and false that is not longevity, is not health, and is not pure of heart -
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All readers, healers, will be asked to level up -
Readers that reverberate book statements, not going into the stories of the cards, the portals of energy - where you vibrate at will be where you learn from - grow or stay in ego and arrogance to think that copying, mimicking is how you stay 'not you' all will be bathed with light to know - YOU ARE MEANT TO BE FULLY GENUINE, AUTHENTIC and NEW in you and you only - heal the wounds that make you believe that giving false and not aligned readings is 'ok'
You are taking responsibility for your offering - false or in alignment - God will humble and your guides will turn off any gift you may think you are using to bring in money - when you simply do not learn the souls lessons - none will be missed!
Someone that does not love themselves - will never ever ever give you the time, effort, energy it took to heal from the damage they caused - you learned your lessons, shut the door!
You can say NO with joy and sacredness that all you have learned, grown, accepted, and owned your part in it all and move on to those that can honour you and be along for the healing journey with devotion and commitment not degradation to see how much they can take from you this time, and fill their 'I am better than you' boat - let them prey on others and suck the life out of others -
You can move on and stand in your power that love is meant to be sacred and balanced,
You don't have to be the runner or chaser You don't have to take any person back even if you are a healer and can heal them You don't have to listen to another story of manipulation for them to sneak their way back into your field, or life, or force into your dreams, to sway your life and energy, and choice -
Those that live from the constant forcing, making, manipulating and deceit is the exact warping of human spirit, soul and is the corruption - you can say no and be on your higher ground / regardless of how unhappy and unstable it makes another - allow them the chance now to level up and actually do the healing -
Women and DF are reshaping our entire 1000's of years of history as being 2nd place, after-thoughts, and yet we are the ones cleaning up the after-math and putting things back together after unhealed and poor choices of those that simply choose not to heal and focus on taking, or surfing off of others good deeds and hard work -
Karma is karma and as you learn the lessons, move on and keep moving -
There Is no wrong path, all lead to God, but you don't have to fix everyone on your path, you are not meant to - surrender and see what life and God brings you - ego will not be the driver
You are not their karma clean up crew
You are not their last ditch effort which they clearly made you in giving all of you, your energy, money, ideas, to the devil and bid your name, your spiritual prowess to the cults of clout sacrificial chasers while claiming they are the righteous ones in court documents ~
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Karma is karma and when you say no, you shift our entire reality on worthiness and stories from here on out for all young girls, their potential, how they should be treated, and care for, and brought into safety and honouring, and valued, all life is sacred and we have dearly missed the boat;
Children are not to be used, abused, and neither are women Lightworkers, healers, empaths, conduits, crystal children, women, are leaders, and healers, and we are every part equal creators, and leaders and meant to now take our place -
All life is sacred I for one am tired, so very sick and tired of the toxicity and imbalance that comes with poor choices and those staving off what is falling before them and then expecting that you will simply come and pick up the pieces because for generations, that was the game; run, chase, come fix, and start over -
You can say no Fix it yourself - your choices, your beliefs, your taking, your plans to plot and bring another down, falsify and degrade sacredness - see where that gets you -
Respect all as equal or see the karma feel the karma - none are missed and why those that operate underground will be brought up
light is this way
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All from the past will be blocked,
There is no re-start, there will never be a re-start -
It takes YEARS to heal from co-dependency and sick ways that amounted to what I survived from, It takes years of devotion to self love your way into a new realm and potential;
You cannot heal while there is entanglement with the same energies and contracts hidden with the same underground shit ~ ~
HUMAN TESTING, HUMAN UNDERGROUND PLOTS, FOR LIGHT WORKers and the innocent will have a voice, and I stand for this -
All involved are being called - 50+ involved in years, years of my life derailing - spell work of torturous levels - barely making it through and spirit offering --> 4 times had to bring me back to life
entanglement, quantum co-creation is a thing - cords are cords, and no healed woman, that loves herself would never allow herself to be a part of such when it took everything, and the multi-verse to help her survive the past go 'round.
Codes, Christic vibrations in our fields, and what we offer - I know who I am and what I offer - I know who I am -
#vibrational knowing and intelligence is key to ascension - not all battles are worth it - wisdoms must prevail and God is the guide - never pretend and play God - God is, for you will be humbled, wisdom will always prevail
I will protect my peace, balance and how much fucken' work it took and to barely make it out alive,
Made my life living HELL - there is no return, leave me be.
There is no return of any of the past PERIOD
#calgary #CorruptioninCalgary #forgiveness #healinghumanity
All is forgiven I need nothing but what was stolen, taken, and the time, energy, damage to my soul, bodies, fields, will never be returned and nothing any one can do, this is up to the specialty teams to help me correct and heal - and I forgive myself for every allowing such to mess, deceit, and manipulation to continue when it kept showing itself to me;
Trust your inner knowing
Trust your inner self and God self
When God says, 'get out' it means 'get out' Some simply will never care nor care for you when cannot do this for themselves - all must level up if they want to be a part of your life - set new standards -
Heal the wounds that make you want to plot, plan, stop, or seek revenge - karma is very real -
Ridiculous ploys, and bringing on water works, and charming plots, means nothing to the mess and reality that is
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******* Through self loving new habits, patterns and releasing every person, thing, behaviour that does not respect you -
You can say no and if you love yourself and remember the torment that others so jokingly sent to you daily, relentlessly impaled with no care the damage it incurred - nor did they rush to your door to see how you were as you lay on the floor from voodoo, and constant suicide death wishes;
The thing about the underground; through the energy and intentions it was built within - all will turn on each other and there is literally 0 loyalty to that which is dark; it will be dismantled - this is the way
That is not care,
That is not friendship, it is abuse.
And you do deserve better and there is no way within creation, that another cycle with any of the past will continue It will be done with meditation, council, and legal representatives, for the deceit, games, plots, lies of manipulated stories defamed, deconstructed me and none cared not even an ounce for how I felt, what it caused me to loose, delay and derailed - ©
They only care now that their lives are falling into what they created from years of black magic, lies, deceit, torment to another - as universal law is - blame the light workers all you want for calling out debauchery or corruption -
It is your actions to do relentless controlling dominating spell work to think this is 'ok' and to dominate someone and harm their very soul to control and be what you want or stories of old will not be a way of the now or future for women
I am the voice for new humanity and women, children
We will not be tormented by any means; mentally, emotionally, spiritually or physically -
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Our words and voices, all matters We are sacred and equal as leaders, teachers, and healers -
There will be no further chaser-runner situations and we can give new meaning and standards for the whole TF and soul mate knowing and meaning -
Choose to play with those that have done the inner work and can match you to carry collective stories, missions, and expansions; Allow some other light workers to level up by taking on those that are the most challenging,
You can choose to want a more refined and sacred path with those that will pay you for your genius, and be in honour to be in your presence -
This is the new way,
This is the new thing
Welcome to 5D
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Divine feminine writes new creational stories - and by God, we have earned it It was not on a silver fucking platter or through sex that we made our way -
We survived abuse and became smarter and more self loving to never repeat past cycles
I STAND In this
My signature, my word, my life is my saying - none speak for me, none write for me, and there has never been ever been collaboration to and with anyone to use, take, do classes, or be an agent - no approvals, no permissions ever given - I have not signed anything on any level of legal, business, personal affect other than Legal Divorce proceedings - other paperwork done with my signature is false and fraudulent -
None have ever had permissions or authority - I will press charges for discrimination, harassment, pre-meditated death, harm, neglegence and fraud, copyright - there is no working together - or collaborating - ever has there been any discussions - ever - therefore all is corrupt; and I will apply for full retribution ~
I have earned every moment God blesses me
I owe none
All past cycles stories with all are done, closed, period.
This is my word,
DONATIONs; PayPal link here; paypal.me/JoannaLRoss
I know who I am
#God #Source #5DNEWEARTH
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cosmicangel888 · 2 years ago
The Truth of 5D - You Gotta Heal & Transcend Degrading Beliefs
Let's make this very clear dear ones, we are entering 5D, and if you still connect with collective, social energies and what role models are now being shifted out due to the heart, the spirit, the soul, the Universal alignments and pure at divinely aligned humanitarian evolutionaries;
Women are not here for the tool, playtime, and waiting on, being in the shadow's of, the DM - the DM across the global communities that are obvious, evident that need healing; when you are a player, the narcissist, on all levels, ages, sexes and races; we are a human - spirited beings; we are multi-dimensional; the abuse stops of degrading, judging, separating, bringing any aspect of life below anyone that thinks, believes they are ABOVE any other -
The power, control, ego harm, arrogance, and inner child wounding must be healed to move any level of vibrational healing and ascension - all must be faced; for you affect the all - sitting in wounding, affects the all -= fight, flight, affects the all - heal and move in compassion, self love, self respect; all is the story within you to go within and heal - go within and heal; go within and reconnect - CONNECTION is everything - Go within - heal the wounds, so that your wounding does not affect another -
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Healing, anything you choose manifest from here on out - will need to understand universal laws, inner divine gifts, skills, and talents so that you understand the natural laws and how to NOT disrespect, disregard, and place yourself, or others in harms way due to the 7 sins, the wounding, the inner child wounding, that simply is each responsibility to claim, account for, and be responsible to the entirety of Creation that one affects;
Every thought, word, deed, actions, intentions, focus, direction; all that you are as a multi-dimensional being affects all that is; the God outer, the God inner - Micro-Macro
* You are this, This is YOU - God is all life, the grace of all life, all life that is spared, for us to awaken and deepen within - it is not outside of you - GOD IS all life, all universes
All are to heal thyself - own and claim what you, who you, all that you are and heal what is out of alignment of the God knowing; God knows of your greatness in all ways; this is balance and harmony of all activations within; chakra's fields, and so on all is within each to claim, take loving commandmentship of to recreate anew; ©
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God always offers new opportunity to change, shift, all is all - One
None have authority or command, power, entitlement and any other schemes, wants, greed, envy, jealousy of action over any other due to the lack of healing, lack of sense of self, direction, focus within - any outer you focus on - is misguided and return to the wholeness within - when you do so with joy, fun, devotion, God will let you know there is God in all things, all beings
All before you is GOD - God is not religion - we are not religion, we are beyond the beyond - truth is, integrity is, healing is; this is the new way; all else will be burped, purged, to and for all to clear out and re-write corruption - we have warped our own sense of self, degraded humanity, erased divine feminine and all other cultures, to remain stagnant in ego arrogance, oligarchy of the imbalanced DM ways of control, greed, political and superficial prowess that mean 0 with who you are as a spiritually and vibrationally enriched soul - living as a soul
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All is of the making within - this is our new awakening and remembrance - we are divine and we are sacred
Karmic and toxic beliefs and stories of DF waiting on behalf an imbalanced and misaligned man, women that feel they have to shake, jiggle, and place their body parts for approval and attention; we have been degraded, discriminated, and disenfranchised for the waiting on the attention and choice, and approval of anyone- these are now disappearing and dead
We are alive and aligned with God within and our world is awakening for the new humanitarian, unified leaders that understand energy, universal laws, and those that have moved through infinite dark nights of the soul; in healing, attention to remain in atonement with higher order, higher laws, God, the Universal energies that we are made of  ©
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We are the children of God; We are the divine - Divine Feminine are leaders, teachers, and unifiers - we are the steps of all growth and I speak on behalf of billions of women, children, elders, abused, disenfranchised and killed undeniably in crime, violence and disease that is all UNNECESSARY - IT IS TIME TO FACE the shadow, beliefs, inner child wounding and being the compassion of love and grace and heal -
We are 5D - it is time to be of true and loving divine voice, choice, standing in your own story, writing your own story, being of fullness and joy in your own story - and surrender to none; you are the power of you and all you need is the Alliance with Light ©
Spirit, realms, planets, universes, you come in many bodies, forms, beliefs, races, colours, preferences - all is unique, blessed in such;
Ask yourself; you are here to be of good will and offering of your inner light to the all - be of joy and liberation, re-writing and evolving of all life, systems, collective paradigms;
why is it that children in the earliest of grades know, act, behave sexually - pornography, trafficking, bullying, games that are sold, making billions of dollars a year, that 'play' with nothing but degradations, defiling, deconstructing all that is sacred; the blowing up and defiling of human sacredness  ©
why is it that we have corruption in every system that we have built; what makes corruption - the inner realm at every level, every home, every person; --> we are our community, our services, our homes, our social webs
*** The inner realm of each creates our world; when you love yourself, care and create a loving honouring, sacred and respectful world within, the inner realm is the outer - all are responsible for the reconstruction, healing, re-membering of all that is within - integration of all within - ***  ©
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Abundance in the 5D is not what it was in 3D - corruption - is the lack of self and lack of direction, lack of respect within, lack of the direction we have been given, of the inner realm and our values, morals, connection with all that is spirit; all is spirit, energy and all is alive with God = this is our Oneness
None have power over any other - none - regardless of old 3D monies, titles, false sense of self through status, abuse of power in such communities, the corruption built on falseness and superficial dictation and eons of degrading treatment of humans with humans, humans with earth, and nature, wildlife, our oceans, air; we affect the all - and it is seen at all levels, with every family ~ light is bathing all life, nothing will be missed; there are wounds that need acknowledgement and healing - all are responsible - all will face their accountability to heal and make right - all paths, all timelines, all realms, all universes are affected by your own light.  ©
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Truth is
Compassion is
Healing is
Unity is
All have a choice --> Choice = Reality / so do the inner realm work, do the alchemy, do the healing
Blessings and light
For private sessions, webinars, classes or consulting ~ Email me at [email protected]
Human - omni- evolution, re-writing all aspects of our co-creative experiences through love, light, harmony of all that is sacred, always been sacred;
World Ascension Healing Classes, Intuitive Sessions, Healing Sessions, Ascension Books, Healing Systems, 5D human-socio-altruistic re-write ~
Donations are always appreciated -
DONATIONS - see our PayPal link here; paypal.me/JoannaLRoss
#healinghumanity #healing
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cosmicangel888 · 2 years ago
Something NEW - 5D Scribe
My morning exercise with God, Divine, All beings of light, my soul - the energies in the field can be felt, sensed, and when you set up your own permission slips, of your own access with God, Source, Creation, you can tap into the ALL -
This is just one portal of potential I use; then bring in the highest wisdoms of the ages, and express in your own unique manner - all are unique - so play
* Song; Ariana Grande, Lady Gaga; Rain on Me; this is my go to song for creating * Coffee shop - somewhere in Starbucks land - Channel - the Christ Consciousness song of the all - you can read this on our Tumblr account - link below and what was Brought in
* Love and light and blessings Joanna #channelling#healinghumanity#creativeexpression#God#source
March 22, 2023 Joanna © (philosophy)
There is the connection of all life, in the song of life, why parables and stories have been offered; for there is grand purpose - for each to discern, connect, read, interpret in their own unique way; for the way of the Creator is uniqueness, individuality for all unto ITs own.
All are living songs, unto the grander song, the similitude of all life, the song, the human song, the creational song, and all are within the creational breakfast, the beginning to which all life jumps from, and such all to interpret and dissect and be of joy within; there is a hum, vibrational movement within all life and all that breath is all life within life;
The experience in an of Itself is god
The expression in an of Itself is God
The exploration is all God, and so too all Moments if the expression fo God within God, and nothing is missed; all is recorded; the Akash is truly beyond what one could imagine, it is the eternal essence of God in all expressions; beyond what is a human expression - it is all expressions, all moments;
the delicate expression of the most high in all that is the divine and the sacred, all notes of the grander song of Creation, the knowing that all is the song; the unimaginable of all life and so be the experience of the divine and blessings of life.
And Jesus knew of the movement of god within all moments, and connection, co-relation of such; why the treasure of His frequency gift is within the earth, and all life - it is a representation of the Christ Consciousness which there was divine purpose for Him to leave in every breath - for you are now in the awakening and being of this;
And so be it
* Awaken to Oneness ~~~~~ Donations and sacred offerings, please see our PayPal link here; paypal.me/JoannaLRoss
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cosmicangel888 · 2 years ago
Accountability, Responsibility & Shifting to 5D - Timelines of Oneness & JOY
When and as you awaken, the realize very quickly how much your old life was overruled by ego, wounding of the inner child, rejection, the lack of pure creative spirited liberation, freedom;
All desire liberation, freedom of expression, playfulness and joy with energy and spirit - this is the way that our planet is meant to be enjoyed; we are meant to be be in joy of our own presence, essence, and however it may each awaken to such; the world of all abundance is within - Spirit God Source Creator - God is such - beyond the beyond and in our DNA, our consciousness the fields of light and song, of greater realms there is an essence, the feeling and information -
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Ascension - individual & collective; micro-macro - all aspects of God, Source; all and each have gifts to express, and practice and our lessons as we heal the inner child, ego, shadow; we allow for the great return of all we have offered -
One cannot steal, or take, or claim ownership to or account for what is not theirs vibrationally - be it matter form, like a home, business, people or health -
All is vibrational - every offering is vibrational - if you are not the claiming of good and loving health, balance, wellness / which is not working out at a gym and then living in negative toxic environments - it is a mismatch and spirit will show you via tower to emanate and choose anew -
The Lesson of Dopplegangers, The Unjust & Unfair Taking - The damages of the ego affect the all - the ego shadows truth and reality creation - thus the towers are such
Tower moments are your own proof and validation of energy and how to work within; without
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The vibration of ones work, offering, is the spirit within being a song of unique vibration and cannot be owned by any other - and spirit will assure that what is meant to be for those of pure passion of the creation will be matched -
None that have boundaries, with themselves or others, will choose to act from ego; spirit creates boundaries for it sees he value of self the value of conserving energy and discerning what is good will and what is untruthful -
Manipulations that some live in will be the most challenging that all have to navigate around while keeping your own sense of self and boundaries - while holding all accountable for how their choices affect others - affect the all and empowering each to hold equal ownership of their own life
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Discern the environment and what you receive in any engagement - if it is chaotic, messy, dramatic, non-integris, non-transparent, all must hold accountability to do what is right Within to hold oneself at the most high - that is it -
None can ever hold obligation or entitlement or ownership of what is not theirs; none can own any other - in any way - not their work, not their vibration, not their destiny -
Sort the wounding out if any such depraved issues occur - this is a red flag of healing that each can choose to take ownership of
you are not responsible for anyone outside of you - so be protective of yourself when others begin to fight back for the continued cords and attachments when you leave dysfunctional and unfair situations - peace is our birthright
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You are here to carve your path and none others - fix nothing for another - that is their job - never rob someone of their right to their own alchemy and mastery - let them suss out mastery -
none are responsible for the outcome of another - All hold 100% responsibility of what is within, before each
Anything, or anyone of a shady intention, greedy, envious, jealous, toxic, mean, corrupt, and misguided energy will not be a vibrational match of spiritual and higher vibrational work - it is a mismatch and that being/person cannot carry the work - it will fall and fail and falter - spirit will assure of this -
A run down vehicle with bad tires, wrecked body; will not vibrationally carry a top high end octane engine - there is not a match - tower moments teach us to evolve and shift our beliefs and perspectives and offer new choices -
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Our reality is MULTIDIMENSIONAL - so too are we and so too will all that is be harmonized into greater life cycles;
Ego will present choices and decisions and if not heart centred then continued cycles of karma unveil; you will choose similar faces people contracts to play out the issues, beliefs and wounds to transcend and be new - enter into new light patterns of infinite
Spirit Creates and Builds - infinite flow of spirit and essence in all life
Ego Competes and destroys - for it will choose on fight-flight survival and all unnecessary when it becomes so patterned and greedy that crime and violence become normalized
conduits, empaths, all are feeling more and more juice, or essence within essence; FEELING MORE - this is the light working in your reality - the God living with you - in 3D it was just words and that most were unaware or awake to - yet as we enter 5D - those on the path, focussing on healing expansion - the shifts are profound
Taking Command of Your Own Story & Life ~ The Universe Converges to What you Resonate as - Intention, focus, direct
Responsibility and Accountability is the only way you take one phase of a business/operation/ is a micro-macro of your own independent and sovereign business (thy vessel of spirit and commandmentship of thyself within thyself) is no different than a business of presence, offering a vibration, offering a choice to be new and co-create with others ©
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When you choose to make life miserable and challenging, or play with others emotions, mental space of confusion and you have to ask; am I ready to receive such chaos and mess from the Universe - when I choose to place love on all - I receive it - same too with all other vibrations - and actions, choices - none are responsible for your life, how it unfolds but you - only you - this is mastery - either own it or be carried by it - either way. lessons will be and none are void of such
A business, a vessel will not survive without divine connection; with life, nature, essence, earth, others - the business will fail and so too - our knowing, our ability to work with all diverse energies and beings, others - to bring forth a divine foundation of greatness and infinite possibilities and how too is all in life?
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Foundations of all life is a simply key, simple and dynamic treasure;
honesty and integrity ~ the communion with life is benevolent and anything against such; violence, unhealed wounding that causes all imbalance, sickness, disease, and failing of all structures - is the blockage and not flowing with spirit - to own, be accountable for who you are, what you exist within, and the oneness that is all life showing you of such oneness - the more there is denial, the unrest, the separation, the judgment, lacking, diminishment and fear or control - will only result in loss and failure - for it is not a vibrational match of our natural reality
Collective Wounding - Karma for all to transcend for all, lineages
Discrimination, racism, misogyny all are such beliefs and behaviours of the core lack of self, lack of acceptance, lack of self design, and so on - when healing of such is the key to inner fulfillment, enrichment with spirit and all life - which is the equal to all life offering directly to you the potentials; limitations, breakages in oneness, separation, judgement, gang stalking to suppress or depress, or control energy, voice, expression, will only = the direct limitation **
Choice = your reality & how the universe reads you - all is vibration and spirit, the universe sends you responds to who and what you resonate as
--- >. Heal thy wounds, so they do not become another's ©
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Positive Thought forms, and Harmful thought forms, all create - it is a vibrational pulsation and affect all matter; the cells if fed enough hate, lack, limitations of self and not fed with intention of spirit and nourishment of love; there will be disease - the dis-ease of not flowing in spirit - self love and self care, self devotion and self honour and value - all is the health of thyself -
Souls work in groups based on what each choose to sign on and assist lineage, the collective, the all and future programs; all soul groups have soul leaders - and each mean nothing like what we know of a 3D leader - it is based on light; for the upliftment and emanations to the all of the soul group - where, why, and how some feel connected to certain people of information and guidance and not others - it is a DNA, soul, celestial vibration - all is felt and why the inner 'thing' 'gut knowing' is key -  ©
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Tetrahedral - soul leader hypothesis - energy is energy and such clusters of energy create - the cluster can be smooth, loving, caring, neutral and or not -
Battlefield or peace - each have to choose what is the highest and best within - self ownership and responsibility; accountability for what you create - harm, hate, challenge and trauma for yourself or others - know your cluster will bring it and show it to you - return tenfold - so too is kindness and compassion -
Ego competes; the wounded inner child - ego competes, destroys
Spirit is flow and honouring - creates and builds
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We have been offering for years - when something of darkness and damage is done to the soul leader it affects all instantly - even those that you find the most challenge and anger with, are the very ones you are meant to find peace with for they hold the light and codes for your future health, life and inspiration that is meant to flow and feed in a natural manner - for the greater good
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All is a level and vibrational quotient of emanations and all affect the all - in any environment affect all life within that environment and beyond - spirit is spirit - whether it be a negative expression of spirit or neutral or positive for all is the ever-moving flow of evolving life song - all must transmute to be, to receive, to experience what one desires -
The Universe is the equal match for each level of perspective, belief
so that when you choose to open for the Greater Good - the spirit realm, the Universe which is benevolent and supportive of all life and sacredness - will offer freely to that which is of all-focus
5D Creational Realities; timelines; *** love and passion of who you are - express, explore, experience is the souls code for all that one wishes to experience and be fulfilled within - it is not complex and simply let go and trust spirit will provide the rest in the most profound manner - miracles are a way of life  ©
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My book has outlined such synchronicities which are you very validation and proof you walk with God, Source, the Universe
Blessings and light for your own highest accountability for the life you desire - and means you and Spirit - period - the clarity, the simplicity and truthfulness of spirit is
I am a messenger - my work speaks for itself - none have ownership of me or my work, I have no partners and no boss - spirit is my guide and God is my essence of healing for all work all offerings - this is Gods gift to me, and I am my own leader of IT;
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And so be my offering for humanity - permissions and legal contracts must be drawn for any and all potentials - no more taking freely of what is not earned or learned as within - so without -
I know my work and those that have taken from me - there will be no further dealings -
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cosmicangel888 · 2 years ago
New 5 D Divine Feminine Standards of Self Design ~ Hold Yourself High
I am not a babysitter to anyone
My time, my energy has been so grossly taken advantage of, my kindness, my good will, my wisdoms and talent have been so grossly taken advantage of ~
Self love is everything - you need not to look to any other for value, worthiness, declaration of importance - you are the only being and energy that gifts this -that is when you begin to build and create a work of art;
Divine feminine - the Art of life is the art of you -
Constant recreation of you - every day, every hour, you get to master you own unique and authentic expression,
Life is not a competition, it is a journey of creative expression, exploration, experience - life is art
You are art - how may you begin each day with new colours, textures, ways, and symbolism, depths and widths of what is divine and sacred;
You are of the heavens - when you look around your world, reality - are you seeing, feeling, sensing, healing and hearing sacredness? Why not?
Truth is everything - Truth is the healing of your fields, bodies, balancing of our multi-dimensionality that can only enhance and uplift as you claim your genie within - the artistic genie that is the God creation - you are blessed every day with new gifts, talents, skills; and each are responsible to work within and practice; this is being mastery and benevolence to the grace of the eternal life that is sparked within - God is such; beyond the beyond
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Whatever anyone outer wants of you - use it in your art - use it to your benefit - you are the only one that chooses how to use all energy - - you can be the master transmuter of all energies - God is such; all is a gift ~ devoted to God, Creation, human evolution - God is; truth is and so too will our hearts forever be entangled to create and master ourselves in the journey of song-filled art ©
And when my light, my truth, my colours, my core authentic offering triggers a darkness, a wound, a pondering, then go within - honour it, seek it, face it; heal thy wounds so they do not become another's - life is an art - you can begin anew; this is the eternal gift of God.
Art is
Creativity is all and everything to the soul - creative expression heals, offers new to the universe, multi-verse ©
All is
Blessings and light,
God will assure that all will know you of your light - do you believe of such; Gods grace is soft, honouring, blessed with the grace of God; it is sweet, powerful and divine - when you know there are legions of light working behind the scenes to assure you are given what is due; for those that have for eons made your life living hell; just to test and take, and demolish your art - for God is, and maintain yourself in loving prayer; God is
God and the Creator of all that is; God is art -
It is light, honouring, sacred to all life
The aura of light and rainbows - #understandingenergy #understandGod #understandinguniversallaws #5Dearth #God #Source #heavens #healinghumanity #ascension #ascensiontools #ascensionbooks #healingdivinefeminine #divinefemininerolemodels #creativehealing #creativeexpression
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cosmicangel888 · 2 years ago
5D Balance, Laws of Balance, Multi-D Justice - God is, Truth is,
My work, my illustrations, my offering, my channels are of the divine preparation that I have done, been, moving through in all timelines and it is of my property for the means and purpose of human evolution - it will not work, nor bring abundance to anyone that misuses and abuses, and take, steals, copies = all is coded and those not aligned will inevitably fall into their own trap - I am the secret of all making of my work - that is called unique copyright - and what each mean and how to move beyond and thread from -
If you do not believe karma - what does your life look like? Life is constantly showing you the vibrational emotions, emitting you are;
Out & About Sessions ~ Healing With Humanity ~ MultiD Justice
#5Dearth #5Dnewearth
Saboteurs will be their own sabotage - it is just the way our world, new templates, energy works; how do I know .......I am speaking and seeing what your higher selves are planning for you with Source, God, your teams; for it is time to come into alignment and all have been given years to adjust and re-align to benevolence - do you not think that God, AAMichael is not 1000 steps ahead of a 3D person stuck in ego and trickery - do you see the logic of it all?
Eternal all-ness is such; it is bendable light and not stagnant darkness - of which we have offered and now being shown, proven, be it Trump court cases, and what we gave honour, value, power to, and what is truth and pure in its beauty - what is 5D beauty - it is pure truth and alignment of sense of self, inner knowing -
Honouring of who you truly are - the ever escalating being-ness of your soul - expression, healing, interpreters of new information and new codes, and light, the integration and processing of new light; our systems within systems -
Joanna goes out and about - where will she be next? Healing with humanity - the codes of the Divine - come and play - heal, express, expand, play - celebrate our new earth -
#healingsessions, #intuitivereadings
#newearth #healinghumanity #5Djustice #celestialOneness #God #SourceCreator #Pleiades #Galacticfederation
Blessings and light
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cosmicangel888 · 2 years ago
Love is - Sharing is Caring ~ 5D Unity
Use your story to help another
You are here to use your life, story, creations, expressions to simply be more you - and in doing so being so you allow all others their own energy to do who, what they are -
The challenges you move through, how you transcend the pain, struggle and blocks and hurdles of abuse and trauma's
you are a divine being and all will be affected by your self loving release - all is the blessings we offer one another -
Use your life to assist and offer new light and care to all of Creation - this is our birthright -
And so be it,
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cosmicangel888 · 2 years ago
Celebrate what you broke - 5D Healing
All is breaking for the remaking - all have a choice and what is offered and what is meant and intended - is what is
Be it body, mind, heart, soul, all is the 'in-tention' and what reality shows in return -
Every day - Release the past - never stay there - honour it all - honour the beings, forgive the beings and celebrate all that has been offered - offer them all light love and forgiveness
For those entering new earth;
Seek out the Law of One
Seek out the inner realms & your own higher self; it is the kind and loving voice within - anything that is not, is what needs to be loved and healed -
Seek out the unusual for healing, colour, sound, light, caring tribe
Seek out what is uplifting light, kind, compassionate
Understand the quickening in our oscillating fields of God; what you put out and intend, will intend it to you immediate - There are legions that are assuring of such that have been doing nothing but harass those that have done the work, are intend peace and grace for humanity - earth is our bedding - earth is our home -
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Depraved souls; when you have chosen to remain in separation of itself, depraving yourself of thyself; soul fragmentation is the wounding that as we spiral in the all - if one is not healing, the soul, the personality, the person becomes and lives fragmented; living in the only the past self version, stories, and will refuse to change, alter beliefs, and become stagnant and ill, degrading others and itself of change and only stay to itself in old versions; will become ever more fragmented as earth spiral in ascension and quickens; psychosis and mental bending in personality - for it is not being harmonized etherically and spiritually
The soul is calling for all to heal all soul fragments - call it in through love - our video below offers such a healing - understand ascension, cycles, and healing
Know that your story is the offering for the healing of all timelines and all creation - celebrate it - Celebrate what you broke, own it, be real with it - and know with God, it is and has NOTHING to do with anyone outside of you - All is the healing within - God within that will bring you peace, harmony oneness and healing of it -
Seek the mother and father within - be a friend, ask, be humble and give, cycles of creation are give and take and if you are always on one side of cycles - know the universe will make it a clean swipe and make it so - for there will be balance
There are cycles for a reason - release yourself from all that drain, take, and steal and copy, mimic, all that play on you, attract wounded souls that choose not to do their own inner work, and knowing all for healers is a part of the path - all must do their inner work, inner knowing, inner path with Spirit and all will be sent and reminded as many times as possible - go within -
Go Within - go within - all anyone needs or is blessed is within - God is within - it is not religion - GOD is within -
All is the blessings of who you are - it is not any of another - it is within -
Blessings and light
Essence and spirit is everything - energy is everything - light is everything
Everyone has their birthright to be and live in peace -
Peace is everything and all have their rights to move away, move from, and stay away from the distractions of the greedy and neglectful - they only want to see you and be around you when you are in receiving mode - deceit is sensed well before it occurs
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Regardless of how much you do for some, it is not never enough - narcism is like this and deep wounds take lifetimes to heal and you have the right to say no and place boundaries, protection orders, and whatever restrictions you need, with spirit, and authorities to maintain your peace, health and safety - none have the right to keep harassing you, siphoning and degrading you energetically and abusing their space of simply knowing you or of a past version of you - as clout to make mess and chaos - you have your rights; so be of wisdom and speech and knowing and keep moving - you have your rights to maintain safety, balance, peace and harmony -
The devil, such entities do such, behave such, to distract you and take you off course; such cults and such activities do so to take you off course - so know it is part of living in healing humanities duality - polarity - healing will always be the way; spirituality is not competitive nor is any level of self actualization - it is a wound. ©
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You have your rights to be at peace and speak it, know it, and set boundaries and guidelines; have all go to their own professional people, clear the entities that inspire and ignite malevolent behaviour, working with spirit, and higher healing guides to heal entity attachment from cult-activity and dark, black magic activity -
All deserve peace and healing; such cult activity is abuse, it is harassment - set profound boundaries and send them to go and heal - God will support you -
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No means no; cycle closed means cycles are closed; Have Arch Angel Michael and all other masters and legions support you in your self loving path - all at some point must go within and heal the wounds and issues that anyone feels is anothers to take blame, and punishment for - heal thy wounds, so they do not become another's
Donations are appreciated
DONATIONS - see our PayPal link here; paypal.me/JoannaLRoss
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cosmicangel888 · 2 years ago
The Power of Self Love - Emotions
When you allow yourself to experience such divine emotions;
Loss, grief, happiness, envy, greed, jealous, joy, sacred self happiness whatever it is that is within you and before = is the pathway for you to accept it all and allow it to move you into new space and time
Emotions are what move you to new levels of you -
Emotions are the manifestations of anew
Emotions can break and shake you to bring forth new levels of your soul, your gifts, your wisdoms, and your intelligence
Just because you let go of those you love and have loved, but allowing the emotions to move you and know that there is always internal oneness - All are One -
None have control over any other and all spirit is liberated - we are only honouring our human exploration and what is needed
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All explorations are necessary and what is needed to heal what is within - your choices and parents help you see where you need self loving healing and self loving direction - none are your answer - and when you sort this out - true heavenly mates appear - magically -
Be happy to releasing - for it is the door way to let go and be free in knowing all is liberated to new life and new timelines -
All are meant to live in liberation - carry none with you - empower all to heal -
Blessings and light
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Human evolution, re-writing all aspects of our co-creative experiences through love, light, harmony of all that is sacred, always been sacred; World Ascension Healing Classes, Intuitive Sessions, Healing Sessions, Ascension Books, Healing Systems, 5D human-socio-altruistic re-write ~
DONATIONS - see our PayPal link here; paypal.me/JoannaLRoss
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https://patreon.com/JoannaGalacticTut... *
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cosmicangel888 · 1 year ago
When the dust settles, New BEGinnings
When Source calls, there is a variance of imbalance, make no mistake Spirit, God, ones own guides, ones own soul, will call in the legions to make right what many, all were given heeding oftentimes over years
My business, all my offerings, for over 16yrs have not received anything, yet, when you look into a few things, the youtube channel, the back end, tons of emails asking questions, concerns, on how my channel over 6 years not grown an ounce when I am the only person offering what I do on our planet and is the only channel that I promote daily on various platforms and all that came into my lane, and yet received not a penny - ~ but those party and take, steal, and not one ounce ever returned and given to me when I have been calling this -
Many paid off, many silenced - all have opportunity to make right their karma - all have choice -
When you need to bring balance - the best option is to ground, center, and breathe to choose from your heart and always do what is right - right for the greater good and what was meant to be intended -
The unnecessary pain, suffering that is caused through the unsealing of woundings, is never ever ever worth the karma and those that have to pick up the pieces after the dust settles and will mean ore healing =- in all cases; the healing has to be done and none escape it - karma is karma and misses none and always always - whatever and why ever, the money, title, whatever and why anyone would intentionally harm another - is never ever worth the actions -
Spirit said to be years ago ' they are stealing from your' and every avenue I looked, there were no answers, none helping me look into the discrepancies, and years, years of black magic, confusing, slight of hand, spying, stalking, people being paid off and fake clients - there is always a return - I am not sure what I did to deserve the damage and suffering done, caused - #healing
It is our human healing ~.
The children and the future timelines of all that choose to harm, will never ever deserve to keep cycles of pain, suffering, lack, when it doesn't need to be -
Know that truth, integrity and always living in your own truth, live in your truth - and never let anyone say that 'sacrificing' or black magic is a way ever a way to achieve - it will always backfire and leave all involved in DEBT;
There will always be collection for those that have taken, thieved, and those which have not received will be opening - that is the balance and learning the lessons of the soul that all must learn - all must go through the cycles, the wheel, the integrity that is your own soul - why daily self care, doing the inner work, and honouring yourself - shadow banning, the pushing and pressing on those meant to serve, will be those called by spirit - we have earned it - God writes our grander divine design - none others -
Source is -
Blessings and light,
DONATIONs; PayPal link here; paypal.me/JoannaLRoss
#ascension #shadowbanning #healinghumanity #ascensionbooks #joannasbook #God #source #healingourchildren #5Dearth #5D #healingcorruption #healingcrime #lightworkers #christConsciousness #karma
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cosmicangel888 · 1 year ago
5D Entertainment ~ What it takes
What does it take to be a star?
We are aligning to a 5D grid, templates, and light that is bathing the planet - the breath we breathe is shifting every new hour -
If you are not aware of who you are - if you are not aligned and tuned in, you will not know collective buzz, collective potential, collective ails and ills, and how to infuse, how to bring forth what is needed and desired from those that don't even know what it is
There is a shift dear loving ones,
The difference is connection - can you create connection = or is it separation and distancing to make someone look good, another look better, and another look bad - that is lack of self, scarcity, and poverty in either your own energy, your own soul, your own spirit -
When you leave a place, do you, and are you told; 'we miss your energy, we miss what you bring' be it positivity, good news, promise, new ideas and divine escalation, eternal youthful tips, and connection to the all -
Business, make no mistake about it, any business, if it is not connective - if it is all about you - it will fail -
CONNECTION - Source, spirit, the essence that is altering our entire worlds, realms, galaxy and what is purging all corruption out to be seen; light is pulling out - what is and needs to be - seen, to ignite pondering for self knowing, self activation, self invitation -
Various Energy Stars -Know Energy - and all psychics are unique and meant to honour their uniqueness - there is no judgment - there are conduits, empaths, psychic, mediums, and all play a unique part - honour what you are good at and go deep on it - there is enough for everyone - stay to what you know, excitement is everything for your star resides in there -
Why you do what you do is so key - just because - it is who I am and it is simply me - the energy of you and the essence of you is your art - it is your craft - have fun, joy, vibrancy of being you - that is enough to start with -
All is the access of light, life, and knowing who you are -
Can you connect with energy in any way all ways and bring something that no other can bring ? that is why it is so key - go within, know thyself and see who you are and how -
Know energy -= tap in tune up align - 5D is God essence, Source essence and it speaks - it brings connection, co-relation, magic -
God is, All is within and you feel magically a part of multi-verse songs that is the creative genius within -
Blessings and light
~ DONATIONS - see our PayPal link here; paypal.me/JoannaLRoss
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#joannaswork #ascensionbooks #multiverse #universe
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