#like.. i think his ribs would be like so awesome
exponentialb-zukas · 3 months
Do i make pizza or ribs for dinner? Actually should I be even asking. I cant cook by myself with one arm.
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breedtheseed · 30 days
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Eden Adam wanting to have Lucifer’s baby is just too adorable to me.
So the idea goes like this.
Eden Adam sees the animals start having children of their own and Adam gets baby fever basically but Lilith doesn’t want to have a baby with him (this is a AU in which Adam and Lilith treat each other as good siblings) which makes him really sad. However Lucifer, who is already in love with Adam, tells Adam he could help. Adam is super excited and can’t wait to have one, but first Lucifer must court him doing his little bird mating habits. (Cuz I like the idea that angels find their partners like birds and mate for life)
When they are finally intimate it’s next to a tree while the stars shine over them, it’s heated and passionate and Adam tells Lucifer how he feels. Both confessing their feelings while they make love.
Adam gets pregnant but he doesn’t know it’ll him and Lilith are snacking together.
Lilith: Adam you are eating a lot
Adam pouts and puts his fruit down: I’ve just been really hungry that’s all
Lilith tilts her head and feels his belly: is not soft
Adam looks at her hand that is touching a slight bump on his stomach, he places his hand over hers: you think it’s a baby?
Lilith shrugs her shoulders and sits back to finish her meal but Adam is still feeling his stomach, he blushed thinking about the nights him and Lucifer were together. Lucifer hadn’t visited the garden in two months, he had gotten in trouble for visiting the garden but the angels didn’t know he and Adam had slept together.
When Lucifer did come back Adam was already showing, he was around six months and to Lucifer he looked beautiful. Lucifer had to keep their visits short but he always made sure to bring Adam things and continue his courting even if he had already considered them mates.
Lucifer was obsessed with Adam and would constantly be near the two humans, usually singing with Lilith while also laying in Adam’s lap. He loved how Adam would play with his hair or make him little flower crowns, he grew even more excited when his precious Adam felt the baby kick and was crying to him on how thankful he was. Lucifer felt prideful and envious that the angels assumed the baby was Liliths, but he knew better than to tell them.
One day however Lilith told lucifer she had eaten from the tree of knowledge and wished to be freed from the garden, at first Lucifer was against it but he felt remorse for the woman. She was Adam’s wife and he couldn’t just let her be punished, so he agreed. However before they left he begged Adam to join them to hide till the angels weren’t mad but Adam refused gently telling Lucifer he had to stay for his baby.
They said their goodbyes and Lucifer promised to be back for Adam.
While Lucifer and Lilith hid, Adam enjoyed the rest of his pregnancy. Soon the angels had realized the child wasn’t Liliths due to Lucifer’s disappearance, they told lies to Adam that Lucifer had abandoned him that he didn’t love him. Adam didn’t believe them after all they were going to have a baby why would Lucifer abandon him when he said he loved him.
After the child was born Adam was so happy, the baby had dirty blond hair and Lucifer’s pretty face. Adam loved his baby but he needed help. The angels took pity on him and created Eve from his rib (they took his pussy and gave it to her leaving him with the dick) Eve was Adam’s new wife but Adam didn’t see it that way. He saw Eve as his friend someone to help with his baby and keep him company.
Eve admired Adam’s strength and his ability to calm the baby so quickly, and how happy Adam would get when telling her about Lilith and Lucifer. Even telling her that he wanted to be Lucifer’s husband.
Adam: he’s so amazing Eve you need to meet him when he comes back
Eve: he does sound fucking awesome I bet he’s going to be so happy when he sees you and Cain
Adam blushed and smiled down at his baby who is suckling his milk: yeah I can’t wait for him to be back
However when Lucifer and Lilith return it’s in the night, Lilith is the first to enter Adam’s home. Her eyes widen when she sees Adam in their bed with another, both are holding hands while sleeping on their side acting as walls for the baby between them. They were sound asleep, Adam looked happy and she felt disgusted.
Adam replaced her.
She quickly exited and grabbed Lucifer’s hand pulling him away from the hut.
Lucifer: what’s going on?
Lilith spoke with a coked sob as she pulled him: he fucking replaced us
Lucifer ripped his hand away: he wouldn’t replace us Adam loves us
Lilith glared at him and pointed to the hut: then go see for yourself
And like Lilith, Lucifer’s heart shattered at the image of Adam and Eve. He bit his lip as tears began to roll down his face, his mate for life had replaced him. Instead of waking his Adam he chose to leave, his heart hurt too much and if it was true he wouldn’t be able to bare it.
Lilith was the one who came up with the idea to trick Eve into eating the apple, it was revenge for replacing her. So she asked Lucifer to give it to her.
Lucifer: hello Eve
The angel spoke so kindly and all Eve had heard about him was he was Adam’s friend, Eve smiled as she waved and approached the angel.
Eve: hello Lucifer
Lucifer offered the fruit: here I got this for you
She happily thanked him and took a bite not knowing she was damning herself, Adam and Cain. When she realized what was happening it was too late, Adam had ran to her and Lucifer Cain strapped to his back. Eve apologized to Adam and said she didn’t know that Lucifer offered it to her.
Adam: Luci why? I thought—
Lucifer was pissed how dare Adam take her side he was supposed to be his mate: I hate you!! You never loved me and I can’t stand to look at you
Adam was so hurt as Lucifer screamed at the three of them, Cain had begun to cry when the angels came down. They had to separate a very angry Eve from Lucifer before passing judgment, damning Lucifer to hell.
Before the devil and Lilith fell eve yelled at them: ALL HE EVER DID WAS LOVE YOU!!
The words never left Lucifer even as Lilith continued to believe Adam replaced them.
And same went for Adam, Eve further convincing Adam that Lucifer abandoned him.
A very large misunderstanding
When they meet back in hell after Adam has become a sinner it takes a long time before they are actually talking again (I want them together so let’s just say they fixed things up when they found out it was a misunderstanding)
The end
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andillneverbethesame · 9 months
hi! my first req so i apologise if it's incredibly awkward >.< saw you were looking for ts x hp requests and i would love to see 'mine' with james, if possible? tysm!! <3
❥ pairings; james potter x fem!reader
❥ summary; after a failed marriage of your parents, your views on love are pessimistic. however, a certain handsome waiter makes you believe in it again.
❥ warnings; muggle au
❥ a/n; this is so bad n short but i have a writer's block so i'm sorry yall :(
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"and what can i get you?" the waiter turned to you and gave you a smile he didn't give your friend.
you weren't stupid. you knew this boy— james — was flirting with you. you knew this since the very first time you walked into this café and he was there. but you had to act clueless. you didn't want to give him a chance just to get your heart shattered.
"cappuccino would be good," you said with a small smile. it was the kind of smile that shouldn't get his hopes high.
he nodded and winked at you. "i'll be right back."
your friend dorcas elbowed you harshly in the ribs and you let out a groan of pain.
"what was that for?"
she placed her hands on your shoulders and started shaking with you.
"wake up! that bloke's totally into you!"
you slapped her hands away. "well, i know that!he's not being really secretive about it."
"then why aren't you flirting back? he's really handsome, i'd totally go for him if he was a girl."
you rolled your eyes. "he probably just wants to get into my pants anyway."
"he's been flirting with you for weeks! if he really only wanted to sleep with you, it would already happen."
you didn't respond to that because james was back with your order.
you looked up and thanked him and he gave you that smile again, not even bothering to glance at dorcas before walking away.
when he was gone and dorcas started talking about her new job, you noticed a piece of paper on the small plate under your cup.
you furrowed your eyebrows and read it.
call me;
his number was scribbled bellow.
mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine
when you got home that day, you placed the piece of paper on your bedside table and stared at it. you wondered all afternoon and evening if you should call him and give him a chance or not.
as you were lying in bed, trying to fall asleep with that handsome waiter in your mind, you thought about it all.
you hated to admit it but your heart did in fact skip a beat when he smiled or winked at you and you really wanted to see that more often and not only in the café.
before you knew what you were doing, you propped on one of your elbows and reached for the piece of paper and your phone.
you dialed it, your heart beating fast and your palms getting sweaty.
it was only after one ring you heard his voice.
you opened your mouth but no sound was coming for about a second before you managed to stutter, "h-hi..."
he must have recognised your voice because the next thing he said was, "thank god, i was already thinking i made a complete fool out of myself!"
you let out a small laugh. "no, not at all. i'm sorry i'm calling this late but i had a lot of things to...consider."
you imagined him nod even though you couldn't see it.
"no, that's completely alright. i'm very glad you called. . ." when you didn't say anything, he continued, "this is the part where you say your name."
your eyes widen. "oh, right! sorry. my name's y/n."
"y/n," he repeated. "pretty name for a pretty girl."
it was cliche and you knew it but it made you blush anyway.
"i was wondering if you wanted to. . maybe grab a coffee or go to the cinema or something."
you smiled. "i'd like anything."
"okay! it's a surprise then. how about i pick you up tomorrow at four?"
you quickly thought if you have any plans for tomorrow at four but you knew if there were any, you'd cancel them.
"yes, sounds great. i'll text you the adress."
"awesome!" even though you couldn't see him, you swore you heard a smile in his voice. "all settled then. see you tomorrow, y/n."
"see you, james. goodnight!"
mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine
the next day at four, just as he promised, james's car was outside your flat building.
you practically ran out of the door and soon regretted to giving into dorcas pleads to wear dress when it was almost autumn already but you didn't want to go back to change now that james saw you.
he got out of his car and like a true gentleman he opened the door for you.
"hi!" he beamed when you reached him. "you look beautiful."
blood rushed into your cheeks. "thank you. you don't look bad yourself."
to say james was good looking would be an incorrent statement. he was so goddamn beautiful with his black curls in his eyes and you didn't regret anything.
you got into the passenger's seat and james got into his driver's one.
"ready to go?"
you nodded.
mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine
the whole way to wherever james was taking you, you both spend it by saying the most basic things about yourselves. you found out he's a college student and he plays rugby and that he'd like to be a professional rugby player in the future and at that moment you decided you were going to watch his nearest game to surprise him.
you yourself talked quite a lot during the care ride which was unusual because you only talked a lot with people close to you.
you arrived at a lake you haven't been at before. it was surrounded by forest and grass. as you were looking around, james pulled out a blanket and a picnic basket out of the car. when you turned back to him, the blanket was laid on the grass by the water and james finished pulling out all the food he brought. you suddenly realised that he must have remembered everything you ever ordered because that's what was lying on the blanket; all your favorite donuts, croissants, ice creams...
"wow," you gasped quietly.
you started to believe for the first time.
mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine
"can you believe it?" you said, looking up at james from your place on his chest.
you two were lying on his couch in his flat just minutes after your first fight. it was a silly one, you knew it but you still were surprised it didn't end up with you slamming the entrance door of his flat.
he chuckled. "i do." he pressed his lips to the topof your head and intertwined his fingers with yours. "we'll never make your parents mistakes."
that was the most comforting sentence anyone could ever say to you and you thought, i can see it now.
mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine
flash forward and you and james were taking on the world together. you two went so far that you started sort of living together (you spent most of your time at his place and you couldn't remember the last time you were at yours).
your relationship with james was sky-high. you told him everything and you started to think he may already know you better than you knew yourself. it was scary at first but you soon realised it could be the best thing you had ever done.
however, even the best things come to end.
or so you thought.
you still remembered it. 2:30am, screaming at james because of something stupid but he didn't even raise his voice at you. he was completely calm and that was maybe what made you so angry.
you ran out crying out into the streets and the realization hit you harder than ever. James was trying to talk things out and all you did was shout and then ran out without giving him a chance.
you could feel an ache in your heart that you knew so very well.
was he going to leave me now?
your hands began to shake, the rain mixing with your tears as you began thinking of the worst scenarios ever; a future without james.
but that's when you saw him; he was running towards you with his hair wet and his shirt glued to his body.
he stopped in front of you, breathing heavily. he brought his hand to your face and you didn't flinch. you knew you didn't have to. he got some of your hair out of your face and looked straight into your eyes. he knew what you were thinking. he always did.
"i'll never leave you alone."
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yeetus-feetus · 2 months
Duke is a much smaller Duke one day, he's lost all his memories beyond the young age he is now and he's scared and confused.
He doesn't know where is. But then there's Tim, his Robin! And suddenly everything is ok.
The bats have no idea what's going on, but Duke refuses to go to anyone but Tim. He's also a little ball of energy bouncing off all the walls, and Tim is SO tired. "Robin- Tim, come play tag with me!"
One night Tim ends up passing out at his desk, a sleeping Duke cuddling into him on his lap.
Except when Duke wakes up Tim is small too.
And he doesn't remember who Duke is!!
So Duke reintroduces himself and Tim let's himself be dragged downstairs to the actually Batcave!
Bruce is looking at them in absolute astonishment, they're so small!!
Damian laughs at Tim's smallness and Tim gives a cold glare. Maybe age can't change some things.
"where are Nightwing and the new Robin?" Tim asks.
"I'm Robin."
"no, I meant Jason!" Tim huffs and crosses his arms. Ah, he's so young he still believes Jay is Robin.
Duke is still clinging to him, but Tim can't bring himself to mind all too much.
Bruce doesn't know how to handle these boys, between a hyperactive Duke and an absolute menace Tim.
Dick tries to help, but even he can't keep up with the mischief and shenanigans they get up to together.
"dick pick us up!"
"yeah! Pick us up pick us up! And swing us around until we get dizzy!"
It's time to bring out the big guns, and by that they mean calling Jason over to the manor.
Tim settles immediately, but Duke remains overly weary around the large man with guns strapped to his thighs. He's kinda scary.
But Tim likes Jason well enough. At some point he ends up cuddled up with Jason who's stretched out on the couch, and Duke is just a little bit jealous.
"hey stop hogging him! Tim is mine," Duke pouts.
Jason raises an eyebrow at the boy, and Tim tilts his head. "You know there's enough room for both of us up here, right? Jason is a lot bigger than he used to be."
Duke considers this. "Mm okay, but only because you're up there". And he climbs up into Jason's lap to cuddle into Tim's side.
It's calm for a moment, until Duke starts to fidget, not able to stay still for too long. Jason let's put an annoyed noise and looks at them over the top of his book. "Would you quit it I'm tryna read here".
"what are you reading?" Duke asks.
Tim scrunched his nose up. "Why are you reading that?"
"I like it. Reminds me of school", and Tim catches something in his tone that Duke absolutely doesn't.
"it sounds silly. Will you red it to us?"
Jason looks at the both of them for a very long moment before signing. "Sure, but you've gotta stay still, your knees are already in my ribs."
The three of them all end up falling asleep like that, tucked into the lounge and curled up together.
Except when they wake up in the morning, Jason is scrawny little boy, even smaller than Tim and Duke.
Tim explains what he can to the tiny Jason as Duke sneaks some snacks from the kitchen cupboard for them.
Cass catches them stuffing their faces with junk food and squeals. "Three baby brother's now!" And scoops them all up as the quick and try to squirm away.
"gotta tell B"
"wait who are you exactly?" Jason asks.
"big sister", Cass smiles and pets his curls.
"no way! Really? That's so cool, I've never had a big sister before", he exclaims.
Cass carries all three of them down to the Batcave because she's so strong and awesome! And Jason can't believe he ends up with such a cool sister.
"Batman!!!" Jason shouts in pure excitement, and Bruce turns around and almost cries.
Because look how small!! Oh baby Jay lad!! So precious and smol!
"I think the de-aging syndrome may be contagious", Tim speaks up. "You should have us all properly quarantined until you can find a cure."
quarantine is fun, for Jason and Tim at least (tiny Tim is plotting revenge on whoever caused this, Jason is reading and occasionally shouting at the characters). Duke can't stand having to stay still in the same one room for so long.
idk where this is going, but consider this awesome 3am idea of mine
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jq37 · 15 days
Would it be possible for you to briefly outline the gist of the Bad Kid’s relationships to each other in terms of individual pairs (i.e. Fig and Kristen, Riz and Fabian, Adaine and Gorgug, etc)? And if that’s too much, maybe specifically the Fig ones (I’m trying to get a sense of her friendships because they are so important to her).
This is SOOOOO late but I didn't have the time to write it when you sent it and then I figured I might as well wait till the end of the season to get a full picture and give the best answer. Hope it was worth the wait!
Fig and Fabian: Fig and Fabian are the two that most closely fit the classic "cool kid" archetype (though obviously we know Fig is mainly a big sweetheart and Fabian is a loser no matter how high he rolls). As far back as S1 they were playing the party faces and schmoozing Penelope together. I think their friendship now is exemplified by the fact that when Fabian wanted to threaten his banker, Fig was there as his first mate to help out, no questions asked and no payment required. They're each others, "I can count on you to do this bullshit with me," friends.
Fig and Riz: I think Fig knows she doesn't necessarily have as much in common with Riz naturally as she does with some of her other friends but she obviously respects and deeply cares for him. The main reason she started taking her classes seriously Junior Year is because the whole party passing together was really stressing him out and she spent some of her very limited downtime sending Riz a, "Thinking of you" not to lift his spirits (though she signed it from Gorgug because she can't help being chaotic). Similarly, I think Riz obviously cares a ton for Fig even though he finds 70% of what she does crazy. Think about him following behind her to clean things up as she pretended to be a doctor and had to do surgery in Freshman Year. But I think she's helped him lean into his chaotic side a bit more as well--I always think about their side mission to hell in Soph year and her going, "Hiss at her litigator!" And at the end of Junior Year, he comes to the conclusion of, "I gotta let her do her own thing and not pressure her to live by my standards." So lots of mutual respect.
Fig and Gorgug: Fig and Gorgug have been besties and bandmates since Freshman Year. I've always had the sense that Fig has some big sister style protective feelings towards Gorgug since he's often the gentle giant of the group and this season, she hyped him up a ton with his Barbificer stuff. I would argue that, besides his parents, Fig is Gorgug's biggest cheerleader.
Fig and Adaine: Fig ALSO has sister energy with Adaine but it's less "protective older sister" and more "odd couple playfully clashing". Think them burning spellslots to fight for the best rooms in Mordred in Soph year and Adaine foaming at the mouth to get info about her crush on Ayda. They're living under the same roof so we have to assume they have a lot more interactions that we don't see and I feel like Adaine probably really enjoys that she gets to have closer to a normal sibling relationship with Fig since her blood sister is Aelwyn and that relationship is intense and meaningful but nothing approaching normal. The teasing is there but so is the genuine love--remember how devastated Fig was when Adaine was taken to Falinel in Soph year despite their best efforts? And her long hug during the Baron fight this season even though they were VERY MUCH on the clock. And Fig was Wingwomaning hard (along with the rest of the Bad Kids) to help her notice Oisin. Also think about Fig having a whole crisis of self during The Last Stand and turning to Adaine for reassurance and Adaine just going, what? Girl, no you're awesome and painting an arcane bullseye on her target so she could smite like crazy. Despite the playful ribbing, they have very supportive sister energy. "Absolutely my king, whatever you want."
Fig and Kristen: I think Fig and Kristen have two big things is common. One is they're both very chaotic people and the other is they have both gone through kind of intense rebellious periods spurred by or resulting in family trauma. Because of that, I think they likely get each other a bit better than the others might (and we can see that Fig followed in Kristen's footsteps a ton this season god-wise). Fig also decided to take on the protective, German Shepherd role over Kristen this past season which I think is partially for the bit, partially about personal development, and partially about just how much she genuinely wants to help protect Kristen.
Fabian and Riz: Classic jock/nerd friendship. The original Bardy Boys. The kind of friendship that is made special by the absolute lack of obvious commonality between the two parties. "The Ball" is a friendly nickname now. Oh how the turns have tabled.
Fabian and Gorgug: Fabian started out the series by attacking Gorgug for no good reason while he was being gifted a tin flower and midway through this season he was like Gorgug, you're quitting Bloodrush? I'm gonna miss you :(((((( even though they're still fully in a party together and spend so much time together. The bro energy has completely solidified. It's also funny that Fabian texted Gorgug like, "Congrats on making it with Mary Ann!" and Gorgug was like, "You do know I've had sex before, right? I come from an extremely sex positive household and I had a steady girlfriend for two years who also came from an extremely sex positive household." Fabian has all the aesthetics of a cool kid but Gorgug is actually about that life, lol.
Fabian and Adaine: This is another pair that I think has serious sibling energy (and not just bc they both have posh high elf backgrounds). I'm thinking about Fabian yelling for Adaine's help during The Last Stand (even though she was like why am I the one you're calling for help right now???). I'm also thinking about Adaine being like Fabian hit me :( during the Baron encounter and Fabian being outraged at the thought that he would ever hit her. I think if you asked Fabian, he'd say his best friends are Riz and Adaine (which is really funny considering they're the nerds of the group).
Fabian and Kristen: Bad decision buddies with no game who are still somehow getting their kisses in.
Riz and Gorgug: I think that Riz was one of the Bad Kids who realized how smart Gorgug really is the fastest. He's always like, "Nice one Gorgug," when he offhandedly comes up with a connection that helps solve the mystery and I feel like they have to work on gear and gadgets together. I think the fact that Riz believed Fig's lie that Gorgug wrote him the encouraging note says a lot and the fact that Gorgug immediately made him a real present (the Medal of Wit) also says a lot.
Riz and Adaine: Party nerds, investigation buddies, voices of reason with specific things that get them unreasonably angry. They are the only ones who were excited that there was an academic portion of The Last Stand. Riz made Adaine a folder with nothing in it at the beginning of Junior Year to say, "I'm not worried about you but I want you to be included anyway." Adaine in a conversation to I don't remember who said that she knows that at the very least she and Riz are going to college together. When everyone was wasting questions questioning Bakur, Riz told everyone to shut up except for Adaine and himself. They are the braincells of the operation and they have party nerd solidarity.
Riz and Kristen: I think Riz has a similar relationship to Kristen that he does to Fig. This season he was her right hand man with campaign stuff but ended the season like hey, do you. I don't want to put pressure on you. And Kristen in turn I think appreciated his efforts a bit more by the end of the season. I feel like it's easy to feel like their relationship is unbalanced but I think Riz is a lot like his dad and he not only feels weird when he's not working but also shows his love by working so it's more symbiotic than it may seem at surface level.
Gorgug and Adaine: Gorgug and Adaine don't interact the most, but I feel in my heart that they have a lot of chill, lo-fi study time together. This is me extrapolating a bit but I think they kind of inherently balance each other out. Gorgug being mechanically big and full of rage but really sweet. Adaine being small and polite but full of so much rage. In-universe you know she spends a ton of time standing directly behind him and casting spells while he soaks damage. That's gotta give you a special kind of camaraderie.
Gorgug and Kristen: Whenever I think about Gorgug and Kristen, I always picture them in Sophomore Year, Going Through It with their girlfriends at the same time, lol.
Adaine and Kristen: I think Adaine and Kristen's whole relationship is best summed up by three actions. (1) Adaine casting Friends on her to make her go to school so she won't fail and then Kristen giving her the Help action to be charmed. (2) Kristen making the effort to be mean-nice to Aelwyn because presumably Adaine told her she likes that better. (3) K2 being sent way and Kristen being like, "I did enjoy having a sister" and Adaine immediately going, "I'm your sister." (Which, from her history, you know isn't something she'd say lightly). I think Adaine is often exasperated by the insane shit Kristen does (see eg: ribbon dancing) but she was also right there hyping her up and helping her cover during the "Passed the test to give me new spells" fiasco at the food trucks. At the end of the day, Kristen respects the hell out of Adaine and Adaine is ride or die for Kristen.
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rius-cave · 4 months
What about Luci wanting to increase Adams feelings for him through psychology, not manipulation.
Humans form attachments to things that make them happy. So, what if Lucifer used Adams favorite music, food, and drink to transfer those positive feelings to him?
Adam: Ha, good luck with that.
Lucifer: We'll see. *Turns on rock music*
Adam: Rock music? Best there is.
Lucifer: I also had ribs made the way you like them. With a drink on the side.
Adam: I don't like to drink alcohol with dinner.
Lucifer: I know. What about a slushie?
Adam: No fucking way. *Takes a sip and it's his favorite*
Lucifer: Dig in!
Adam: This is fucking awesome, we should do this more often.
Adam: ....
Lucifer: :D
Adam: Uh oh...
One note: There's no way that Lucifer would let him know what he's trying to do LOL.
But yeah, Lucifer is probably like, really old fashioned when it comes to romance. I can't confidently say how many partners he's had in his life, but I really imagine him to be romantic but like, almost in a cringy or even obvious way haha. He'd be the type to give surprises, make little gifts, and just put thought into details that he thinks his partner will try. He's also just sooooo smitten every once in a while. I have a feeling that with Lilith he would just stare at her for too long and then say "Have I ever told you that your hair shines more beautiful than the golden streets of Heaven?"
That wouldn't happen with Adam until much later, but the part about making little things and gifts for him, yeah that does lol
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resident-gay-bitch · 4 months
This is inspired by this post :))
“Padfoot?” Harry asked, scrambling up to the table beside Sirius. He slapped his grubby little hands up on the table that was taller than he, and peaked over it to get a look at what Sirius was doing, “What’s that?”
“These are taxes.” Sirius said calmly, reaching down to grab Harry by the waist and hoist him up onto his own lap, “It’s things adults have to do with money. It’s very boring.”
“Do you have to do writing?” He asked, poking the page with a… green finger.
“Yes, a little bit.” Sirius said, grabbing Harry’s hand to get a good look at it, “Why are all of your fingers different colours, Bambi?”
“I wanted to be a rainbow!” He exclaimed, poking Sirius in the face, “Just like you!”
Beside them, Remus snickered, covering his mouth with his hand.
“Just like me, huh?” Sirius asked.
“Yeah.” Harry giggled, “Like you and uncle Moony.”
Sirius laughed and nudged Remus in the ribs, “Hear that Moons? It’s not just me.”
Remus rolled his eyes and shook his head, “You’re trouble, Harry.”
Harry giggled and smiled up at Sirius, “Do you get to do colouring on taxis?”
“Taxes, Sprout, they’re called taxes.” Sirius corrected, running a hand over Harry’s unruly hair, “And no, it’s so boring. No colours allowed.”
Harry poked out his tongue and blew a raspberry, “Can I help you? Maybe I can make it fun.”
“You can absolutely help me if you like, Remus has to help me too because I’m not much good at this stuff. I reckon you’ll be pretty good at it though, don’t you think?”
“Yeah! I’m good at everything.” Harry nodded, “Mummy says I’m the best ever.”
“Well, your mummy is right. Isn’t she, Moons?”
“She’d probably hex me if I said she was ever wrong.” Remus agreed, “So yes, your mother is always right, Harry. You are the best ever.”
Proudly, Harry grinned and stuck his hands up in the air. Sirius tugged him into a big hug and kissed the top of his head before they settled comfortably in their shared chair.
Harry listened carefully as Remus explained each step to Sirius, and together they figured out how to do Sirius’ taxes.
Once that task was done, Remus left for work and Harry followed Sirius through their little house towards the laundry.
“Can I help, please, Padfoot. Mummy says I’m so helpful.”
“Absolutely you can help me, Harry.” Sirius grinned, opening up the washing machine and pulling out all the wet laundry. “I’ll carry this basket outside because it’s very heavy, but maybe you can help me hang everything out, how does that sound?”
“Okay!” Harry shouted running off in the other direction, “I’ll go get your sunglasses!”
“They’re beside my bed!” Sirius called back, chuckling to himself as he loaded up the basket.
He met Harry by the back door, and the little boy was huffing and puffing from his run throughout the house, looking for Sirius’ sunglasses and his own pair that had gotten lost in the mess of his own little room for sleepovers.
They both put their shades on, looking super cool and awesome in them together, and went outside into the summer sun to hang the laundry.
Harry was very helpful, as he said he would be, and handed Sirius each individual item from the basket so he could hang them out. Harry wanted to help hang things up too, because he said it looked fun, but he was too short to reach the clothes line. Sirius did put the boy on his shoulders at one point to hang a few of his own little socks and undies out.
Harry was very satisfied to be helping. Sirius finds it’s adorable how Harry just wants to hang around him all the time, even when he’s doing perfectly mundane things like laundry and taxes. But he supposed he used to be the same with James.
When they were younger, Sirius would follow James everywhere, and he’d watch when James wanted to do extra homework, he’d watch when James polished his broom, and he’d hang around when James wanted to read his magazines. They were best friends, of course Sirius wanted to spend every waking minute with James.
It fills him with so much pride to be that best friend to little Harry. It makes him so happy to know that Harry likes to plod around behind Sirius, doing the most boring of things, simply because he enjoys Sirius’ presence.
Sirius and James may be the best of friends, but they’re nothing compared to the friendship Harry and Sirius have created. They’re together as much as they possibly can be. When Harry was really little, he’d often get confused and call Sirius “dad”, which only made James extremely happy of course.
After the laundry was hung out, they popped back inside for a spot of tea and muffins before getting ready to head out for the day. Harry put his favorite t-rex shirt on, and the boots Sirius bought him for his last birthday. Sirius also wore his boots, and his T.Rex shirt so they’d sort of match.
They both took their leather jackets and wore their matching “cool guy” sunglasses.
Sirius isn’t allowed to take Harry on his motorcycle without adult supervision (James does not count as adult supervision), so they walked down the street, hand in hand, to the bus stop to head into town.
Harry had a wonderful time on the bus, as he always does. He likes to press his face up against the window and watch the world zoom by. It fascinates him how they can move so fast without feeling the wind in his hair or anything, unlike flying on a broom. He thinks it’s brilliant.
He also had a lovely chat with an older lady on the bus. Harry likes to talk to strangers, which became a bit of an issue a few months ago when he’d just wonder off with them. Luckily none had been of the evil sort and helped him find his family again, but it was certainly a problem. He’s better now though, only talking with strangers when someone he knows is also there.
So when an older lady sat across from them on the bus, Harry got chatting away. She told Sirius he was such a lovely boy, and that he should be a very proud dad. Harry and Sirius both had a bit of a giggle about that, and Harry corrected her by calling Sirius his “bestest friend in the entire world and also my uncle”.
When they finally reached their stop, Sirius had to pick Harry up and carry him away because all he wanted to do was chat with the lady. He was very upset to get off the bus, but Sirius bribed him with a lollipop later, so Harry calmed down.
“What’s this place?” Harry asked as they walked through the double doors of the optometrist.
“It’s where you go to get glasses.”
“Oh…” He furrowed his brow, “Did daddy have to go here?”
“Yep.” Sirius nodded, “He has to come back every so often, too.”
“Why are we here?” Harry asked, skipping along beside Sirius as they walked up to the counter, their hands intertwined.
“Because Moony thinks I need glasses, even though I think he’s wrong. But also… you might need glasses too.”
“Like daddy?”
“Yeah, like daddy.” Sirius smiled, “We have to get a little test done, but don’t worry, it’s not scary, just a bit weird. And I’m gonna be there the whole time.”
“Okay.” Harry shrugged, “Can I get glasses like daddy?”
“You can get whatever glasses you want, if the eye doctors say you need them.”
“Okay!” Harry grinned, jumping on the spot.
When the pair were finally called in for their assessment, Sirius went first to help calm some of Harry’s rising nerves. He sat in the chair and confidently named all the letters the optometrist pointed out to him. Once all his tests were done, and Harry was squirming in his lap, excited and ready to take his own tests, the optometrist delivered some shocking news.
“Yeah, you really need some glasses.”
“Bad word!” Harry gasped, “You’re not allowed to say that.”
“Bullocks, then.” Sirius corrected, “Bloody Remus, why is he always right?”
Harry was very brave through the bulk of his tests, it was only when the optometrist had to get up close to his eyes did he grab onto Sirius and squeeze his wrist so hard that he has little half moons indented in his skin from Harry’s nails.
Nevertheless, Sirius was proud of him, and he told Harry so much. Together, they wondered through the store, hand in hand, and picked out their glasses.
Harry picked a pair similar to his dads, round, black wire frames that were almost bigger than he was. He loved them though, and thought he looked amazing in them, and Sirius thought he was too adorable to not let Harry get them.
Sirius picked out some semi rimless tortoiseshell glasses that suited his face well, and didn’t draw too much attention whilst still accentuating his eyes. When he asked for Harry’s opinion, Harry just said, “You look really smart!”
Sirius looked back at his own reflection and realised he did look pretty smart, and decided he should buy them because Remus would probably find him really attractive.
Once the glasses were bought and they both stepped out wearing them, they headed down to the store to buy some groceries. Tonight, Harry wanted to help cook dinner with Sirius because they were having a big family tea. Lily and James were coming over, as well as Uncle Wormy, Aunt Mary, and Lele (or, Marlene, who refused to be called an aunt because she did not feel responsible enough for that title. Harry calls her Lele, and is the only one allowed to do so, because when he was smaller he couldn’t pronounce Marlene, or Marls, or Marlie, so he automatically shortened Marlie to Lele).
Harry got to sit in the trolley as they wandered around the store, and he was very helpful when grabbing the food they needed and putting it all in the bottom of the trolley in a very organised manner. All the cold things were on one side, all the not cold things on the other, all the big things at the back, and all the little things at the front. Sirius was very impressed with his organisation.
“What do you think, Bambi?” Sirius asked, stopping by the meats, “Would you prefer roast chicken, or roast lamb for tea?”
“Uhm…” Harry thought, tapping his chin as he inspected the meat isle, “Lamb because it’s bigger and I’m so hungry.”
Sirius giggled and grabbed the lamb, handing it to Harry to organise in the trolly, “Careful, muscle man, it’s heavy.”
“Woah!” Harry wobbled as he took it in two hands, carefully crouching down to put it where he wanted it to go, “It’s okay, I’m getting really strong.”
“Yes you are.” Sirius grinned, beginning to push the trolley again, “You’re almost stronger than I am.”
Harry giggled, very giddy on the compliment. Sirius adores how easy it is to get Harry in a giddy state, he gets so adorably flustered anytime anyone gives him a compliment, Sirius can’t help but compliment him all the time.
Honestly, it’s probably a little selfish of him, but he supposed it’s a good thing anyway, that he wants to dote on Harry all the time. He never grew up understanding what it felt like to be loved, he never had the adults in his life compliment him, or encourage him, or help him when he got things wrong, so he does all these things double for Harry.
It makes him so incredibly happy to know that the little rascal is growing up with such a loving environment around him, and with so many people who care about him so viscerally. So who gives a fuck if it’s selfish, at least Harry gets to feel pure happiness every single day, and gets tucked into bed at night with forehead kisses and story times, and at least he knows what it feels like to be loved.
He can’t help himself when he leans over and scruffs up Harry’s hair, and honestly, darn Remus because now he can see the twinkle of admiration in Harry’s eyes even better. Sirius flicks him on the end of the nose, which makes Harry giggle, and they spin around the corner to continue with their shop.
“We need to remember to get some mint when we go back past the vegetables, so we can make some mint sauce. Do you think you can remember that, smarty pants?”
“I will try my best.” Harry smiles, standing up and facing the front of the trolly to point Sirius in the right directions, because he’s in charge here, that’s the rules, according to Harry. “Can we please get some pudding?”
“I think that’s a great idea.” Sirius smiled, “What are you thinking? Maybe some icecream? Or something warm?”
“Icecream with lots of toppings!” Harry shouted, turning back to look at Sirius, “Can we have strawberries and grapes?”
“Ooh, that sounds super yummy.” Sirius grinned, “And chocolate sauce and sprinkles too?”
Harry giggled, “Yes please.”
“Lead the way, captain!” Sirius bellowed out, and Harry turned to point him in the wrong direction, and they spent the next ten mineuts getting lost in the store.
By the time they got to the register, Sirius realised he’d forgotten the mint.
When Sirius raced back to the front of the store, to find Harry standing there anxiously with fully packed bags and an impatient cashier, he panted out a quick apology, scanned through the mint, and rushed Harry out of the store with their shopping.
“Sorry, Harry.” Sirius grumbled, switching the bags around in his hand to get a comfortable grip on them, “I know you hate being left up there by yourself.”
“She didn’t even want to talk to me!” Harry pouted, carrying a whole bag of shopping by himself. He looked like he was struggling with it, but when Sirius asked if he needed a hand, he promised he was strong enough to carry it himself.
“Well, she must have sucked. Some people are so boring, aren’t they?”
“Yeah.” Harry moped.
“But, if it’s any consolation, I bought you a giant sized lollipop like I promised.”
“Giant?” Harry asked, bewildered as he looked up at Sirius.
“Giant.” Sirius whispered back, like it was a wonderful secret, “It might even be bigger than you.”
Harry laughed so brightly, almost tripping over his own feet he was so distracted by it, “You’re so silly, Paddy.”
“I know, I know, I’m just the silliest.” Sirius laughed along with him, “You can eat it on the bus, if you want. But you won’t be allowed to eat it when your mum and dad come over, or they’ll get me in trouble for letting you have so much sugar.”
“Okay, I’ll keep a secret.” Harry whispered, absolutely delighted by the thought of keeping secrets from his parents.
“Good boy.” Sirius grinned down at him, “Come on, we’re almost at the bus stop.”
On the ride home, Sirius started up a game of I-Spy, which Harry roped a couple of teenagers on their way home from school into playing. They were two girls, each with hair bigger than their backpacks, who giggled whenever Harry said something adorable.
Sirius only stopped giggling with them when one of the girls made a comment about how Harry had a really cute dad too. Which of course, Harry didn’t pick up on and only corrected them the same way he had that old lady earlier today, but Sirius very pointedly didn’t continue any conversation with them out of pure discomfort.
On the short walk back from the bus stop to Sirius’ house, Harry started to struggle even more with his shopping bag. The big day had started to catch up with him, and the little boy started to get tired, tripping over his own feet and going unnaturally quiet. Not only that, but carrying an entire shopping bag whilst also trying to eat a jumbo lollipop seemed to be a very hard task.
“Oh, Harry, would you be able to grab my keys out of my pocket? I’ve got my hands full.”
“Me too!” Harry groaned. He had a tendency to get grumpy when he’s tired.
“Yes, yes, just put that bag down for a second- here, hand it to me, there you go.” Sirius nodded, taking the bag from Harry, “And hand me your lollipop- good boy.”
Harry reached into Sirius’ pocket and pulled out the house keys, finding the right one to stick in the door, “Got them.”
“Great job.” Sirius smiled, handing the lollipop back to Harry, but keeping the bag, “And there’s all your things back, good job. How about some I-Spy?”
“Okay.” Harry shrugged, too distracted to notice that Sirius had kept the shopping bag. It wasn’t very heavy, it just had a loaf of bread, the mint, some crisps, and a punnet of strawberries in it, but that was a lot for such a little boy. Sirius knew he wouldn’t give the bag up willingly, not wanting to look weak in front of his cool Uncle Padfoot, so Sirius has to get smart about these things.
Luckily, Sirius knows his nephew well enough to do these things smoothly.
They played a lazy game of I-Spy the rest of the short walk home, and Harry cheered up a little without the extra weight in his hands. He was pretty happy to be the one who unlocked the door when they got there, and ran inside to greet Libby the lizard.
Libby was a bearded dragon Sirius had purchased on a whim one afternoon about two years ago. He and Harry had been out on a walk and popped into the pet shop so Harry could look at all the puppies and kittens, and when he saw the lizard he thought it was so hilarious and cool that Sirius brought it for him.
When Lily found out, she was furious. James was laughing his arse off, just thankful it wasn’t a cow, because Harry had previously been asking for a pet cow and he knows how easily Sirius bends to Harry’s will, especially when he pulls out the puppy dog eyes.
Lily said Harry could keep the lizard if he wanted, but it had to live at Sirius’ house, so of course Sirius agreed. At age three, Harry had a pet lizard he named Libby because there wasn’t much else he knew how to say, and Sirius took care of it for him.
The pair quickly unpacked all the bags, gave Libby her dinner, and then had a little break after their big day of walking around. Sirius made them both some tea and biscuits, and Harry did some colouring whilst they chatted.
Sirius got started on the dinner preparations whilst Harry continued to do some colouring, still too tired to help out just yet.
In the lounge, they had Led Zeppelin playing on the record player, because they were one of Harry’s favorites. Immigrant Song is Harry’s favorite, he likes to sing along to the “Ah ah aahhhhh ah” part.
Mindlessly, Sirius chopped up the vegetables for roasting, singing and dancing along to the tunes vibrating through the house.
After flipping the record, very carefully, as he had been taught by his uncles, Harry pondered into the kitchen and stepped up on his little helping-out-stool, and layed all the veggies out on the tray and covered them in oil and seasonings.
“Very good job, Harry.” Sirius smiled, taking the lamb out of the packet, “Go wash your hands again and you can help me season the meat, yeah?”
“Okay.” Harry grinned and skipped off to clean up.
Whilst waiting, Sirius turned the oven on to preheat and washed his own hands at the kitchen sink. When Harry returned, they got to smothering the meat in seasonings together and plopping it on the rack over the vegetables.
“Now, whilst that’s cooking we’ll make up the mint sauce, and then that’s all done.” Sirius smiled, “Should we prepare dessert now as well?”
“I think so.” Harry nodded, “Then we can be more fancy, like a restaurant, when everyone gets here.”
“Right you are, Sprout.” Sirius winked at him, grabbing the mint out of the fridge and instructing Harry on how to help.
They pottered around each other, and Harry did a very good job of stirring the sauce as Sirius quickly diced up the strawberries for dessert. And once everything was done, they got started on setting the table.
Remus came home about midway through their process, smiling at the inviting smell of a roast dinner. The full moon was approaching, Remus was even more appreciative of a good lamb roast than ever.
“Hi, love.” Sirius smiled, wandering over to kiss his partner hello.
“Hi.” Remus melted, kissing Sirius’ cheek back, “I see I was right?”
Sirius groaned, “Shut up- don’t Harry and I just look so flash in our new glasses?”
“Oh, look at you!” Remus smiled as Harry started to show off a bit, “Two very handsome men, you are.”
Harry giggled, hugging Remus’ leg, “Thanks, Uncle Moony!”
“Now, go shower and change.” Sirius said, shoving Remus towards their room, “We’ve got dinner to cook and guests to greet. Go, go.”
“Cute apron.” Remus smiled, backing away, “Pinks certainly your colour.”
Sirius flipped him off, one hand subconsciously smoothing over the frilly apron James had jokingly gifted him one Christmas.
Harry dragged Sirius back into the kitchen just in time to pull the roast out of the oven, and it smelt delicious. So delicious in fact, that Harry actually started drooling as he stared at it.
Sirius laughed his arse off, quickly wiping the boys chin before it dribbled down his shirt.
Once they had both calmed down a little, and Harry’s embarrassment had subsided, they got to cutting up the meat and plating. Harry was very helpful in this process, using the little tongs in the shape of dog paws to dish out all the vegetables into serving bowls, as well as transferring the cut off slices onto a platter for easy serving.
Once the table was all set and ready, and Harry was satisfied with how everything looked, he rushed over to put on some good “eating dinner” music as their family started to arrive.
Together they all sat around the dinner table, Harry at the head with Sirius right beside him at his request, and shared a lovely meal together.
James was almost rendered to tears when Harry told him he picked the glasses that looked most like his dads. Sirius had to hold his hand whilst he sobbed over his carrots.
Once the meal was done, Harry begged for another sleep over at his Uncle Pads because they had the best time ever doing big people things tomorrow. Sirius, of course, agreed, and the both of them begged James and Lily for another sleepover. Besides, Sirius had more mundane things to do tomorrow, and Harry always finds a way to make those things fun.
☆ ★ ☆
Anyway, I love Sirius and Harry’s friendship and I also love the marauders just doing normal people things so I thought why not?
This was great because I haven’t been able to write in ages cause some personal shit happened and my mind has been mush ever since and I’ve had all these writing ideas but no motivation or energy to write so this was really really fun. I didn’t put too much energy or effort into it, you know, it’s a pretty basic fic but I still think it’s fun.
Thanks for taking the time to read! I’d really appreciate reblogs and comments, they always make my day <3
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wardenparker · 4 months
Hello my love! You DESERVE ALLL THE LOVE!!! Can I request Javi G? And “Wait! Please don’t leave!” For your AWESOME mini fic celebration???
Regency!Javi Gutierrez. 867 words. "Wait! Please don't leave!" Co-written with @absurdthirst
Because we all need a little Darcy moment after the treat we got at the SAG Awards
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"We should not be alone." He knows that. Everyone knows it. Even young children learn that being alone together is something only for the grown and married. Or your siblings. But certainly nothing else. So why Mr. Gutierrez is standing in your library now with mud on his boots and no waistcoat is beyond you. You certainly did not send for him, and neither did anyone else in your household.
"The day is early." Javi glances out the windows, almost surprised to see that the sun still has not quite cleared over the horizon. The night has been long, spent pacing his own library as he wrestled with his feelings. Unable to leave things without a resolution, he hadn't even stopped to dress properly, or saddle a horse. Walking across the cleared fields that separated his own estate from your father's. "No matter." He glances back at you and is overwhelmed by your beauty. "I have a matter of importance to speak with you about."
"Then surely we should ring for my mother, so that you may speak to her as well." The great supper at the palace had lasted long into the night but surely your mother would be rested enough by now to be a suitable set of surveying eyes in the room. Goodness only knows what she will say if she wakens to her breakfast tray to find out you have been entertaining a man alone at daybreak. "Please wait here," you instruct him as politely as possible, making for the door. "I will go and fetch her myself."
"Wait! Please don't go!" Javi strides forward only to stop after a few steps, afraid for a split second that if you walk out the door he will never see you again. He cannot wait to tell you. "I love you."
Freezing in place does not stop your heart from leaping into your throat and pushing a distressed sort of squeaking sound out in the process. The fluttering in your belly is nearly violent as your mind races to catch up with the pounding of your blood in your ears. If you were a more delicate woman, you might have swooned where you stand. "You..." Slowly, or just as fast as your body will allow which is a near-glacial pace, you turn again to face him. "I must not have heard you correctly."
“I love you.” He repeats breathlessly, feeling like his heart is about to leap out of his chest. “As inconvenient a truth as that might be, I have found that I cannot spend another moment outside of your presence. I yearn to tell you the mundane things about my day and inquire about yours with little regard to your lack of family fortune or your prospects, I have decided that I cannot live without you.”
"How very generous of you, sir." It is nearly a hiss when it comes out, and all the giddy tension through your body evaporates as quickly as it came. "'With little regard to your lack of family fortune or your prospects'? I cannot think who taught you the syntax of romance, but they did you a hearty disservice if you were attempting to pay me a compliment."
He frowns in confusion and he shakes his head. “I am merely trying to express the lengths that my heart sings when you are near.” He protests. “I have no need of a dowry or a presence in society, merely your heart and hand in marriage are all I hope to have.”
“I may not know much of the world, Mr. Gutierrez, but even a country gentleman’s daughter knows it is impolite to remark on a lack of prospects when making a romantic overture.” The very idea that he is making an overture seems ludicrous, all things considered, but you must admit that in all the ways you have been thrown together lately there has been a…a string connecting you. It seems to be tucked deep inside you. Perhaps tied to a rib and tugging each time he strays a little too far away.
“I—” his mouth is agape as you call out his rude manners and he realizes that all of the jumbled thoughts that have been rambling around in his mind have come out. “My sincerest apologies.” He bows slightly and sighs. “Perhaps such an early audience was not wise.”
“Sleep has a way of soothing the thoughts.” The small touch of advice is kindly meant, although your hands shake with it and your heart pounds. He had not meant to insult. He simply spoke too quickly. “Perhaps you would rather return at teatime? To speak to my father?”
“Perhaps.” Javi sighs softly, aware of his blunder and more than certain you will reject him if he were to return. “Good morrow to you, then.”
“Good morning.” That pounding of your heart is there too fully to ignore, but not a word can be said about it. All you can hope is that he returns — and that when he does, he does not fumble in front of your father. If he does, the poor string tied to your rib may snap, and you would be adrift forever.
Master Tags: @pixiedurango @chattychell @winter-fox-queen @lady-himbo @artsymaddie @princess76179 @paintballkid711 @missminkylove @pedrosbrat @ew-erin @sarahjkl82-blog @sharkbait77 @justanotherblonde23 @lv7867 @recklesswit @mylittlesenaar @f0rever15elf @gallowsjoker @steeevienicks @athalien @sherala007 @skvatnavle @thatpinkshirt @jaime1110 @girlimjusttryingtoreadfanfics @goodgriefitsawildworld @greeneyedblondie44 @littlemousedroid @harriedandharassed @churchill356 @ajathegreats-blog @haylzcyon   @beardsanddetectives @kirsteng42 @ladykatakuri @adancedivasmom @madiebear @tanzthompson @emilianamason @bigsdinger @xocalliexo @pedr0swh0r3 @avaleineandafryingpan @charlyrmv @avidreader73 @iceclaw101 @loveslide @elegantduckturtle @becsworld @julesonrecord @its-nebuleuse @itsrubberbisquit @mikeyswifie @guelyury @lizzie-cakes @for-a-longlongtime @vabeachazn @purplerain04 @weho2kcmo @madnessofadaydreamer
My Masterlist!
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rottingpirate · 2 years
TF-141 w/ M!reader with a deep voice
Warnings: some suggestive themes but no smut, just fluff
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Your voice is deep. Somewhat like a baritone, but with a soft twist to it, like melted butter.
Deep like the feeling of looking into vast waters below you in a lonely ocean. It rumbled in the chest and tested the foundations of your ribs.
He first got scared of your voice a little after you were recruited into 141. It was 0500 and you were making coffee, so you also decided to make your Captain a cup as well.  He seemed to be so focused, too focused to not notice you walk in.
“Mornin, Captain" Your voice was rough and scratchy in the morning. Scared the shit out of him.
Called you a 'Fuckin demon' after muttering a thank you
 Would be surprised, especially if you don't seem like a person with a voice like that
Finds it relaxing when you read books to him
Your laugh and giggles make his heart flutter
Always bites back a laugh when you, Soap and/or Gaz decide to pull pranks on other people
Once dressing up as a grim reaper, while yelling at Ghost that it's his time to go or dressing up as some scary monsters and scaring the rookies
He thinks your voice is hot
Finds himself falling in love with your voice
Makes you read books and repeat stuff to him. 
“I love you” “again” “I love you” “again” "I said it 50 times already." "So? Again." “I love you, Johnny” goner
Will make you say some random words just for fun
"Bubbles" "Cupcakes" "Defenestration" "Kerfuffle"
If you have an accent then he loves it even more
Gets a mini heart attack everytime you creep behind him and whisper in his ear
Doesn't forgive you for the rest of the day
One time he let out a super high pitched scream. His body jerked in fear and he punched you right in the gut. He was very embarassed after that.
Loves pulling pranks with you
Be it dressing up or just creeping up on others and scaring the living hell out of them
Price would ground you two if he could
His voice is deep, so he wasn't exactly startled when he first heard you
That was the first time he heard that deep voice, sure he had heard scary deep voices before, but there was something in this one that made it different, it had a calming tone instead of a threatening one.
Your voice is not that kind of deep. It flows like honey, so sweet. It's the definition of calm and collected
Lowkey records while you talk, so that he can listen to your calming voice
It actually helps him sleep
Finds you quite intimitading when you’re mad and the voice makes it 100% scarier
You might not be able to get him scared, but you can get him flustered
Finds your groans and whimpers hellishly hot
Really felt like his entire self just crumbled
If you're insecure about your voice, them he's gonna comfort you and try to show you how awesome it is
Practically forces you to love it too
What. The fuck. Was that.
It felt like an utmost electrical shock
He was just cleaning his gun one day when someone started talking in his ear with this sinister evil devil voice
Felt like someone visited him and told him secrets he'd rather not hear
Really wants to put a damn collar bell on you so that he hears you coming
Starts calling you "Batman" And that he's your Robin
Ah shit, your voice should be illegal
Your morning voice sends him to cloud nine
But he also finds it hella cool
He would pay some real money for you to read the dictionary into his ear
He just finds it so soothing and relaxing when you're not mad
When you're mad, then he's terrified of your demonic voice
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dailydragon08 · 5 months
headcanon post idea: everyone’s reactions when you tell them you’re proud of them (ex. after a tough mission or bc they’ve been having a hard time mentally/emotionally)
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Although she’s used to the spotlight from being royalty and a revered leader in the rebellion, Leia isn’t very used to genuine praise. She’s usually the one praising someone else (or yelling at them, more likely) and the most she’s gotten in the last few years is a quick “good work” when she delivered the plans for the first Death Star before the Battle of Yavin. So when you first make her look you in the eye and genuinely tell her that you’re proud of her, she freezes for a minute. The last time she really heard that from someone who meant it was her parents, so it hits her a bit harder than she expected and she doesn’t completely know what to do with the feeling. She’s so used to being the rock for everyone else – and keeping her inner thoughts a secret was part of her job and how she stayed safe for a long time – that she takes a while to show any sort of big emotion in front of people, and even then will only do so in private. She gives you a small smile, nod, and quiet thanks before redirecting the attention to you, how much you helped, and says how she’s proud of you. But she will concede to an “I’m proud of us” before giving your shoulder an affectionate squeeze.
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Luke also hasn’t heard a genuine “I’m proud of you” in a long time (not that the OT gang isn’t proud of him, they just typically don’t say it in words), but he tends to be a bit more emotionally available than his sister on a more regular basis. He can’t keep the emotion off his face and for a second, you’re afraid you said the wrong thing as his big, blue eyes start getting glassy. It means the galaxy to him, especially from someone who knows everything that happened with Owen, Beru, his father, and the emperor, not to mention all the weight on his shoulders in regard to rebuilding the Jedi Order from scratch. He collects himself soon after, but still gives you a warm smile and “thank you” before wrapping you in a tight hug. He tells you he’s proud of you as well and there isn’t anyone else he’d rather have on his team, holding the hug for a bit longer than you expected (but you, of course, would never be the first to let go).
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Han pretends to be affection-averse, even though he isn’t – but, hey, he’s got a reputation to maintain. He splutters for a minute before recovering and saying something along the lines of, “Yeah, I am aware how awesome I am, kid, and I’m glad you’ve finally realized it, too. Ya know, I’m gonna remind you that you acknowledged my greatness next time you get on me for somethin’ – in fact, here,” he holds his comm right in front of your mouth and hits record, “why don’t you say that again so I have some proof?” You bat the comm away and tell him how insufferable he is before you both go back to what you were doing before. But, when he thinks you’re not looking, you can see the dopiest smile across his face.
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Lando takes it the most in stride. He looks surprised for a minute, before smiling, thanking you, and putting a hand on your shoulder and giving it an affection squeeze and light shake. “You’re not so bad yourself,” he says before remarking on how you two make a great team, even going so far as to list specifics of exactly why you work so well together. He wraps his arm around your shoulders as the two of you walk back to base, a new spring in his step that you can’t deny is adorable.
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Chewie (platonic) immediately says something in Shyriiwook that you think (hope?) sounds happy before enveloping you in a bear hug that almost crushes your ribs. You hang on for dear life, half laughing and half struggling to breathe, patting the Wookiee’s back before begging him to put you down before he accidentally crushes you. He mumbles something that almost sounds like the cadence of an apology in his language before setting you down and affectionately petting your head.
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R2D2 (platonic) chirps, whistles, and wobbles on his two outer legs happily and is then adorably glued to your side the rest of the day. Han and Lando tease you about how you’ve found yourself your own personal servant, but Leia and Luke think it’s adorable, and even Luke comments on how much R2 loves you when he’s out of earshot. C3PO translates at some point, telling you how much R2 appreciates the compliment and that he enjoys working with you before the astromech is zipping away again to refill your water bottle for the third time.
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C3PO (platonic) gives you a surprised “oh, my” before thanking you profusely. He even gives you a little bow and says, “You’re too kind. I enjoy our work together as well and you do a marvelous job at everything you set your mind to.” You give him a smile and a thanks before turning back to what you were previously doing, laughing quietly to you overhear him walking down the hall going, “Oh, Master Luke, you won’t believe what just happened!”
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goatcheesecak3 · 8 months
Could you possibly write something small about a beach date with Rodrick 😍
Rodrick x reader
Sorry this took so long! Me mam tried to sell me to one direction so I was slightly preoccupied 🙄
Anyways enough jibber jabber, here's a lil fluff about a beach date with Rodrick :^)
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The heffleys had invited you on a trip to the beach, since you and Rodrick had been together for some time now, it was pretty much routine for you to come along to family events at this point.
You and Rodrick drove in his van separately from everyone else, truth be told, you were relieved. You loved the heffleys but you weren't so keen on the music they played in the car.
"You excited babe?" Rodrick turned to look at you
"Can't wait! I was looking up the beach on Google, there's quite a few rock pools so we might see some cool sealife!"
Rodrick's face lit up at this
"Like a crab?!" He asked
"Yes honey, like a crab" you smiled at your easily amused boyfriend.
"Awesome. I fucking love crabs" he said.
Upon arrival Susan and Frank were happy to see the pair of you, they both approached to greet you, when seemingly out of nowhere Greg appeared, flinging his arms around you.
"Hey lil dude! Nice to see you" You beamed down at him
"Great to see you too! I've got all the stuff set up!" He replied excitedly
You were confused for a second, before looking just past him and seeing an abundance of different sized buckets and spades. You finally remembered, last time you'd seen the Heffleys you'd promised Greg you'd be on his team against Rodrick for a sandcastle building competition.
"Rodrick I love you, but you are so going down" you said, playfully poking him in the ribs before running off to the equipment with Greg.
"Hey no fair! You guys don't get a head start!" He called after the two of you.
The sandcastle competition was definitely pretty tense, you and Greg had opted for a "bigger = better" strategy, and had come up with a 3 storey castle.
Rodrick's, while much smaller, was more detail oriented. He'd decorated it with little stones, and even carved out little battlements.
When the time was up, the three of you went to get Susan and Frank to judge, but when you'd returned only one castle was left.  It would appear that Manny had decided that Rodrick's Castle was the perfect race course for one of his toy trucks, and in the few seconds you were all gone, he'd reduced it to rubble.
"Ha! We won!" Greg jeered.
You looked at Rodrick, who seemed genuinely disappointed.
"Aw baby," you stroked his arm, "I think your castle was Manny's favourite at least"
He smiled slightly at this, but still seemed slightly miffed that all his hard work was ruined.
Never mind, you knew exactly how to cheer him up
"How about we go check out those rock pools?" You asked.
Rodrick grinned excitedly, immediately forgetting about the sand castle, "oh yeah! I hope we see something cool!" He beamed, grabbing your hand and eagerly pulling you in the direction of the rocks.
You carefully climbed onto the glistening wet rocks, made just that bit more treacherous by the odd bit of seaweed and sharp barnacles. You held onto Rodrick tightly, fearing that his clumsy self would slip and accidentally keelhaul himself.
(A/n if you don't know what keelhaulling is, look it up at your own risk. It's pretty gnarly).
"What are those things?" Rodrick asked curiously, pointing towards tufts of purple sticking out from the sides of the rock pools.
"Sea anemones! Be really gentle and touch them, see what happens" you encouraged him.
Rodrick looked slightly nervous, but he trusted you. He dipped his finger into the shallow water and felt the tiny tentacles grip his finger. He giggled high pitch and very amused, before pulling his hand away and shaking it dry.
"It was like, sticky?" He said
You laughed at his reaction, he was adorable when he was confused.
"That was it trying to eat you! It thought your finger was a little fish!"
"That's so funny," he bent down to look at the anemone, "you're no match for me little bro" he said cockily.
You were unsure as to whether he was joking, or if he was genuinely proud of not being eaten by a gelatinous blob the size of a penny. Probably the latter, knowing Rodrick, but either way you find it endearing.
You spent quite a while trapesing around the rock pools, Rodrick seemingly fascinated by everything- particularly the little clusters of sea snails. He likened their pointy shells to his studded bracelet, affectionately giving them the title of "most metal animal he'd seen all day". His day was made, however, when you called him over to a tiny pool right at the edge of the rocks.
"Baby, come quick!"
He rushed over, abandoning the clump of seaweed he'd been popping like bubblewrap, and turned his attention towards what you'd been pointing at.
There, nestled inbetween a few tufts of seaweed, sat the tiniest little crab, it's body not much bigger than the tip of a pinky finger. As Rodrick kneeled down to get a closer look, his face was graced with a wide, goofy smile. He looked between you and the crab for a few seconds, before blurting out "it's a little baby!", his voice high and girlish.
You let out a chuckle at this, watching your boyfriend's eyes grow in amazement and glee at the sight of such a small crab. His attention was fixed to it for as long as it sat there, until the crab must have decided that staring back at the squealing Rodrick had become tedious, and scuttled away under some pebbles.
Rodrick finally stood once again, and reached out to hold your hands.
"That was so cool," he said, his eyes twinkling and his smile somehow even more loveable than ever.
"You're so cute," you replied, unable to contain your adoration any longer. You placed your arms over his shoulders, while instinctively, Rodrick held your waist.
You leaned in and planted a delicate kiss on his lips. Sometimes it was hard to remember he was a hardcore punk guy with a big beat up van, and an affinity for moshing. At times like this, all you saw was an innocent, precious sweetheart. You just wanted to hold his face and pepper it with gentle kisses, while showering him with compliments like "my handsome boy," and "you're the cutest thing in the whole world". You probably would later, but not right now. He'd never live it down if his family saw him being such a big softie.
You allowed yourself to get lost in his big brown eyes for a moment longer, before you heard Frank calling the two of you to come and get some food.
I love you, you thought to yourself as Rodrick carefully guided you down the rocks. As if he could read your mind, he threw an arm round your shoulder and whispered in your ear
"I love you, y/n"
A/n requests are open! I write hcs and short fics for a couple characters, check my pinned post for details! :^)
(Pls request something I need ideas lol)
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unnoticed-poison · 4 months
𝚈𝚊𝚗𝚍𝚎𝚛𝚎! 𝙳𝚊𝚛𝚔! 𝙷𝚊𝚣𝚋𝚒𝚗 𝙷𝚘𝚝𝚎𝚕 𝚅𝚊𝚛𝚒𝚘𝚞𝚜 𝚇 𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛 °【 𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝟑 】°
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【 𝕿𝖗𝖆𝖎𝖑𝖊𝖗 𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕 】
【 𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝟏 】
【 𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝟐 】
【 𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝟑 】
【 𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝟒 】 𝕻𝖆𝖗𝖙 1
【 𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝟒 】 𝕻𝖆𝖗𝖙 2
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So I forgot I explained the situation in my other yandere fic but not this one so I'll do it now so everyone will know.
The reason some girls are genderbend is because I can't exactly write yaoi or yuri cause of my religion, the most I could do for them is turn them into males so they can be romantic yanderes, hope you guys understand.
Also because I like to write genderbend as well.
The treatment Valentino gives Angel Dust will be mentioned of course, and not all the girls will be genderbend, it depends on how the story will go.
So anyways enjoy the chapter ❣️
˖๑‧˚꒷꒦₊꒷꒦︶︶₊꒷꒦˚‧๑˖𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 ˖๑‧˚꒷꒦︶︶₊꒷꒦₊꒷꒦˚‧๑˖
Things were not going so well for Charles at the meeting.
"And then I went ahead and invited her to my place-"
This 𝘧𝘶𝘤𝘬𝘦𝘳 won't stop babbling about useless stuff and avoiding the topic at hand.
"- I failed to seduce her since she's so oblivious, but I can always try again next time," Adam said nonchalantly, taking a bite out of the rib as he glanced at him. "So what did you do this weekend?"
"Sir." The exterminator standing behind Adam looked less than thrilled while listening to his boss's chattering as well. " There's only a few minutes left for the meeting."
"Really? Oh well, you can start talking then."
Fucking finally.
Charles stood up after clearing his throat, holding up his papers as he started explaining the situation at hand.
"So I'm sure you're well aware of the overpopulation issue we're currently facing, I would like to suggest-"
Adam interrupted him. "OH that's not a problem at all! we're taking care of that just fine, Lute!" He called out as Lute stepped closer to him. "How many demons did you kill this year?"
The exterminator's voice was blunt as he answered. "Got a good 275 sir."
"275!? Badass! Awesome job danger dick." They fist-bumped as he said this, making the demon frown.
They're proud of that..?
"You know those are my people, right..?"
Adam laughed. "Of course! And that's what makes it even better!"
Resisting the urge to roll his eyes, Charles continued. "As I was saying, all our problems will be solved if we rehab those sinners and cleanse all their souls so they can join you guys in heaven and the extermination won't be needed anymore!"
He explained as fast as he could while holding up each paper. " The redeeming process will take place in my hote-"
"That's enough."
"But I haven't finished yet-"
"I've heard more than enough, if what you're suggesting is letting those miserable fuckers climb up the ladder then you can forget about it, that's the dumbest idea I've ever heard in my long, loooong life."
"Everyone makes mistakes! They can redeem themselves-"
"They had the chance to do that when they were 𝘢𝘭𝘪𝘷𝘦, now that they've earned damnation, it's no one's fault but their own," Lute spoke in a scornful tone, his eyes narrowed in disgust. "And for your information, angels 𝘥𝘰𝘯'𝘵 make mistakes."
Charles narrowed his eyes at him in return. " You really think so."
The man smirked. "I 𝘬𝘯𝘰𝘸 so."
Adam, visibly annoyed, slammed his hands on the table, making them both stop. "Alright that's enough!"
He rose to his feet and made his way over to Charles until they were standing face to face. " Look here pal, hell is forever and there's nothing, and I mean absolutely 𝘯𝘰𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨 you can do about it, so I suggest you give up now, and I'll pretend I never heard any of that bullshit."
A sneer of contempt crept over his face as he towered over the boy, he looked too much like his father, just looking at him made him 𝘴𝘪𝘤𝘬.
"You should consider yourself lucky that damned snake gave you a pardon from the extermination or else you and your hellborn kind would've been dead a long time ago."
Charles could feel his blood boil, his face flushed in rage as he scowled at him.
This damned bastard-
Before he had a chance to respond, the angel suddenly stepped back.
"And now that I've got your and the audience's attention, I would like to announce that we've made a determination!" With a triumphant smirk, Adam turned his head to stare directly at where the camera was.
Confused, Charles turned his head to where Adam was looking.
There was a camera?!!
How come he didn't notice it!
"-To move up the next extermination."
"Wait a second that's not-!"
"I can't wait a whole year to slaughter those little cunts, I know the day just finished, but we'll be back in six months!" Taking hold of both the drone and Charles's hand, he sent a menacing smile to the camera. " Enjoy those next few months dear sinners! Cause they might be your last."
Once he said that, he roughly threw them out of the room and returned to his seat while bursting into a fit of laughter.
"Wait!" The demon exclaimed, papers scattered around him as he tried to enter the room again. "Hold on a moment!"
"Now where is my favorite angel-" was the last thing he heard Adam say before the door slammed shut in his face.
Frustrated beyond words, his face scrunched up in anger as he slammed his fist into the door.
This was not how this was supposed to go!
He made things WORSE.
He then heard a voice come from the small drone.
"Looks like Lucifer's brat fucked things up for us all! What a shocker, I'm sure your father will be 𝘵𝘩𝘳𝘪𝘭𝘭𝘦𝘥."
He squeezed his eyes shut, letting out a deep sigh as he dropped his head, feeling defeated.
"Excuse me, are those yours?"
Charles lifted his head and looked over his shoulder.
Despite the woman being out of uniform and wearing a simple dress, he was certain that she was one of the angels with the wings and halo.
Moreover, the giant hammer in her hand, still dripping with blood, served as a stark reminder of her rank.
Her other hand was holding the papers he drew at the hotel, with a basket hanging from her wrist.
Was that an egg?
Despite being a little disturbed by the sight, he couldn't help but be drawn by her looks.
She's pretty...
Charles snapped out of it, a flush spread across his cheeks when he realized he'd been staring too long.
With a sheepish nod, he stood up and brushed off his clothes as he went over to you.
"Oh yeah they're mine!"
With a nod, you extended the papers. "Here you go then." You said, handing him the papers, some were stained with blood.
He looked at the stained papers for a moment before taking them off your hand. "Am.. thanks."
"No problem, have a nice day."
With that being said, you walked past him and towards the room he just got kicked out of.
His eyes followed your back for a moment, letting out a heavy sigh and turning around to leave when he suddenly paused in his tracks.
𝘚𝘩𝘦'𝘴 𝘰𝘯 𝘩𝘦𝘳 𝘸𝘢𝘺 𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘦
𝘐 𝘧𝘢𝘪𝘭𝘦𝘥 𝘵𝘰 𝘴𝘦𝘥𝘶𝘤𝘦 𝘩𝘦𝘳
𝘞𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘦'𝘴 𝘮𝘺 𝘧𝘢𝘷𝘰𝘳𝘪𝘵𝘦 𝘢𝘯𝘨𝘦𝘭?
Perhaps you're the one that arrogant prick was talking about?
Maybe it wasn't too late yet!
If he could convince you of his project then maybe...
Perhaps you could help change Adam's mind as well!
Or at the very least move the extermination back to once a year like usual.
"Miss! Please wait!"
Turning back, he quickly headed over to you.
Upon hearing that, you paused and turned back to him with a raised brow. "Do you need anything?"
"I'd like to speak with you about something urgent."
You silently glanced back at the door and then back at the blonde, you had arrived just in time to witness him get thrown out by your boss.
So you had a pretty good guess on why he wanted to discuss with you.
"I'm sorry but my boss's words are final, I have no say in them, so whatever you spoke with him about I can't do anything."
That was mostly a lie, but the blonde didn't need to know that.
"Please! I beg you, it will only take a minute."
Gazing at the sheer desperation on the man's face, you couldn't help but feel a pang of sympathy for him.
You finally let out a sigh. "Go ahead, I can't promise anything though."
Charles's face lit up with happiness as he gave you a beaming smile.
"Thank you!"
Despite your visible disinterest, the man excitedly explained his entire project to you in detail.
There might be hope to clean up the mess he made after all.
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Hope you guys liked the chapter!
I really need to focus back on my Yandere Animation Studios fic, that thing only has the trailer chap posted 😭
Anyways until next time ❣️
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dr3c0mix · 1 year
Hiii! Could you please do a scenario where the reader is gushing over a fictional character and saying stuff like how hot they are and that they (reader) want to marry them (fictional character). And then the reaction of your characters to all that (specifically darik and hallow I think were the names) thanks!!
When Their Darling Simps For A Fictional Character
My OCs x GN Reader
hey silly billys !! ill be on a little hiatus for a bit because ill be visiting family <3 thank you for all the love yall have given me and my characters!
Adrian sees you on your phone and smiling at...a cartoon character??
Over the course of the week, he teases and makes fun of you for it, but quickly goes through the stages of grief over how he's not getting your attention as much as before.
At first, he denies that he's jealous of a fucking picture, but that denial is soon forgotten once he hears you comment about how hot they were and he's fuming.
He'll try any way to get you to pay attention to him, slap your phone out of your hand, throw balls of paper at you, anything to make you stop ogling over that dumb character and be with him!!
"Stop looking at that stupid fanfiction and pay attention to me!"
⋆⁺。˚⋆˙‧₊☽ ◯ ☾₊‧˙⋆˚。⁺⋆
Brandon is not hiding the fact that he's jealous.
I mean he's trying, but you can clearly see he has beef with your fictional husbando.
He goes home and does research on the character, asking you all casual sounding what you like about them and change a bit of his style depending on your answer.
If you like how masc they are, he's gonna show off his muscles more during training, take off his shirt drenched with sweat in front of you, anything he can think of to make you think he's more manly and therefore more worthy of your love and attention.
"Hey (Y/N)! Check out my new haircut! You know, it kinda reminds me of that character you like right?...right?"
⋆⁺。˚⋆˙‧₊☽ ◯ ☾₊‧˙⋆˚。⁺⋆
Valeth brought you a few books to read and he notices you taking a liking to a certain character in one of them.
You tell him how dreamy and attractive the character is and how awesome they are, and he's trying not to grab your little book and throw it in the fire.
He would never want you to hate him for destroying something you love but goddAMN would it be satisfying.
He makes sure to note what characteristics you like about them and see if he can display them himself.
The big orc would even try to hide your book in a high shelf so you can't read it and pay attention to this fictional character instead of him :(
"Duckling? How about you put down that book and we prepare dinner together? I've missed spending time with my love~"
⋆⁺。˚⋆˙‧₊☽ ◯ ☾₊‧˙⋆˚。⁺⋆
Bo hates it. But he stays quiet about it, there's no way he can tear apart something that doesn't exist...
He's really salty and a bit whiny about it, begging you to compliment and love on him instead.
"Why settle for some fake when ya got the real thing right 'ere darlin'?"
Ribs is tearing apart anything that depicts the character. Say goodbye to your comic books or magazines.
He just throws a little pouty tantrum because you love someone that isn't the horde.
"You're our mate! Now please come here so I can hug you!" >:I
Soda is sitting across from you as you ramble about how cool this character is and he's not listening at the slightest. Fuck this guy, who even are they???
After you're done, he crawls up to you and pulls you into a tight cuddle.
"Thats nice...can we go back to kissing now?"
Screw just thinks you like the merch and not the character so he collects anything with your favorite character on it.
However, the others get mad at him for it and explain. Screw then takes it all away and hides it somewhere you'll never find.
"mmm I think we're cooler.."
⋆⁺。˚⋆˙‧₊☽ ◯ ☾₊‧˙⋆˚。⁺⋆
Wolfie isn't happy. He takes whatever thing you have of your character, and he rips it to pieces.
You run after him as he has your treasured item in his mouth and you hear his muffled laughing as he shakes his head around, ruining it..
He makes it his mission to jump in your lap whenever he sees you gushing about your little character, or pawing your face so you can look at him and love him now. It's been 5 minutes (Y/N)! It's his turn!
⋆⁺。˚⋆˙‧₊☽ ◯ ☾₊‧˙⋆˚。⁺⋆
Dorik's eye twitches as he watches you smiling and giggling over some picture. What's so good about it anyway?
He tries to get your attention on him by being extra obedient, making your favorite food, turning on your favorite movie for the both of you to watch, running you a hot bath, anything to make you praise him and not that stupid little image!
He almost settles to whining and begging for your attention, asking why and how you like this drawing and not him! He's your loyal servant after all!
"Master! They don't deserve someone as wonderful and perfect as you! Let's just eat dinner together and forget about them!"
⋆⁺。˚⋆˙‧₊☽ ◯ ☾₊‧˙⋆˚。⁺⋆
Kalva is a bit like screw and supports your interest in the character, but only if you praise him for finding little trinkets and stuff of them.
He loves seeing you happy, even though he hates the fact that you talk about them like they're your mate or something, but that's nonsense, he's your mate!
There will not be anything of that character in your shared bed/nest. You have a personal space for them, but your bed is special to only you and him.
He coos to sleep next to you, mumbling about you possessively while he huddles close to your warmth.
"Cute mate, my little mate, you're my mate! My happy little darling!"
⋆⁺。˚⋆˙‧₊☽ ◯ ☾₊‧˙⋆˚。⁺⋆
Jasper wouldn't really care unless you directly tell him you like them better than him then he's committing a war crime.
If he hears you saying you want to marry them, he's stealing all your merch of the character and burning them.
He might distract you with Jonesy like pushing a glass off a table and framing it on the cat so you could stop paying attention to your fanfics or whatever.
"H-hey, Jonesy's on the table again...maybe you should switch apps...take some pictures.."
⋆⁺。˚⋆˙‧₊☽ ◯ ☾₊‧˙⋆˚。⁺⋆
Viktor tries to stay cool but deep down, he's very very jealous of how much you like this character.
He's one of the only ones to actually confront you about it and he's adorable whilst doing so.
"M-my dear, maybe you should read some other books? I-I know how much you love that one but maybe uhm..we could read one together?"
Garrick doesn't even hide his hatred towards them, he insults and belittles them every chance his gets.
Why be interested in someone like them when you got 3 supernatural men hopelessly in love with you?
"Oh they're strong? Bet I could beat em in a fight. Can they turn into a bat? Probably not..I can though!"
Silas ignores it, he's sure it's just a little interest that will go away sooner or later.
But if he hears you talking about wanting to marry them, he's sitting you down and asking you why you'd want to do that. He hints a lot about him being a better pick.
"Darling I'm sure you can do better than them..I mean..you sure theres no other..attractive..intelligent and interesting people in your life?.."
⋆⁺。˚⋆˙‧₊☽ ◯ ☾₊‧˙⋆˚。⁺⋆
Baron has to keep his cold exterior from breaking every time you ramble to him about your favorite character. He's read the books you've read because he's a creep because he wanted to know you better and he can't help but find some similarities between him and that character of yours.
He wants to speak up about it but he's scared what he might imply. A bit of him is a bit flattered that you find people like him hot, maybe he should show off those characteristics more often around you.
"They're uhm..interesting, Boss..sounds a lot like someone I know..."
⋆⁺。˚⋆˙‧₊☽ ◯ ☾₊‧˙⋆˚。⁺⋆
Caspian is a whiny bitch when he finds out your liking to that character, he'll try to guilt trip you into dropping your interest in them because 'he should be your only love!'
He'll try his best to get you to look at him instead of that ugly little book.
"You love them more than me don't you? You're so very mean sometimes my treasure!"
⋆⁺。˚⋆˙‧₊☽ ◯ ☾₊‧˙⋆˚。⁺⋆
Hallow is hiding the book, no ifs, ands or buts. He's not letting some big strong hero protagonist person take up your attention. If you try finding it, he's ripping it up and disappearing for days.
He'll be extra cuddly to you from then. He'll make sure he's the one who makes you happy, not your other little friend.
"I'll give it back to you doll, if you give me a kiss~"
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Would you write Adam x reader... 👉👈🥺
Something Sweet (Adam x Reader)
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Word count: 2407
CW: alcohol briefly mentioned. Overall, nothing too bad! No smut, lightly suggestive towards the end but that’s it.
Summary: mostly flirting, small talk, teasing, and kissing at one of Heavens party’s.
“So, anyway, then we fucked, and it was awesome. What'd you do this weekend?” Adam asked, eating another rib. We were at a party in Heaven, and he’d come over to make small talk. Had no idea why, considering there were other, far more interesting people to talk to than me.
“Oh, you know, the usual. Nothing special,” I said casually. I was still trying to figure out how I got in this situation. “My life’s not as interesting as yours.”
He took a swig of his drink. It was something alcoholic, for sure. Probably an angel's choice.
"Yeah, I bet."
He leaned against the counter with a satisfied smirk on his face.
I was dressed in something that made me feel elegant, with a look that I hoped left an impression. The atmosphere demanded it. I had done my makeup to cover blemishes, adding eyeliner and lipstick for a polished finish. This was a party in Heaven, after all. I wanted to leave a mark. I made myself look the part as I sat, listening to Adam talk. Being polite.
For some reason, Adam's eyes kept wandering to my chest. I tried not to think too much about it, but after a minute, he spoke again.
"So...that outfit is pretty hot," he said bluntly, not even hiding the stare.
“Thank you, I find it to be quite lovely,” I said with a smile. It accentuated my features. “I find it matches the rest of the look perfectly.”
"Mm yeah, it fits perfectly on you. It just enhances...everything," he said as he looked around the room a bit and then glanced at me again. His eyes ran over me before he cleared his throat.
"So, uh, do you have a date for tonight or something?" he asked with yet another smirk. "Don't tell me you came here alone."
“I did come alone,” I said, raising an eyebrow slightly. “Is that a problem? I came for a good time, you know. I think it’d be hard to do that if I had to keep track of my friends all night.”
He raised an eyebrow at that and took a sip of his beverage again. He looked a little surprised or maybe even offended.
"Hmm. That's quite bold of you," he replied. He then smirked again and let out a small laugh. "So does this mean you're...single?"
“Yes,” I said with a nod.
He raised an eyebrow before leaning forward closer to me. His voice was a little lower, more flirty now.
"So...you're telling me that you're single and beautiful and you came here alone?" he said as he raised an eyebrow and let out a soft chuckle. "You know you're flirting with disaster, right? Because there's no way you're gonna stay alone for the whole night..."
“Didn’t plan to,” I said, taking a sip of my drink.
He leaned back and smirked. "Mm, I see," he said as he sipped his drink again.
"So, who's it gonna be, huh? You gonna go for one of the guys here? Or..." He paused, his brow rising. "Or you got someone else already picked?"
His grin grew a little bigger.
“Lute is pretty damn cute, but she’d probably punch me. She doesn’t seem like the sociable type,” I said, gesturing to where she stood in a corner, across the room, glaring at anyone who came near her. “Cas is pretty, but I don’t think she’s interested. Molly is adorable but she’s dating Vincent, so that’s a no-go. Jamie looks nice tonight, but I see he’s already flirting with Rose, per usual. Plenty of cute people, but I’m not particularly interested in any of them.”
"Well damn, you really thought this through, didn't you?" he said with a small chuckle. "You even took all the options here into consideration."
He took another sip of his drink, staring down at the glass and then back up at me with a smile. "So if none of these guys are your type, what kind of person are you into?"
A small smirk appeared on his lips as he waited for an answer.
“I don’t really have a type,” I said with a shrug. “Just a generally decent person is fine. We’ll see where it goes from there, whether it works out or not.”
He chuckled a little and nodded. "Fair enough," he said as he leaned back against the counter again. "Just a generally decent person. I like that answer. It's straightforward and easy to understand. So basically, you're not into assholes."
“More or less, yeah,” I said with a nod.
"Good to know. And...since when is a girl like you single?" He raised an eyebrow.
“Since I want to be,” I said, looking away, a light smile on my face. “Since when is a guy like you single?”
He let out a small chuckle and then took in this information for a few seconds. "Wait, wait...sorry, I'm just making sure I'm hearing you correctly here...so you’re single, not picky about who you’d date...but you also wear dresses and makeup to a party and look really pretty. You know that's...well...confusing, right?"
“I can’t help it if people aren’t interested,” I said with a smile. “Besides, I dress how I like. I don’t care if it’s feminine or masculine, if I like it I’ll wear it.”
"Right, that's fine," he laughed a little bit. His eyes ran over me again. His tone grew a little more teasing. "But you know what I mean when I say it's confusing, right? Like, you say you don't dress up for anyone and then you show up to this party looking absolutely gorgeous...and I wouldn't be surprised if you had guys all over you by the end of the night."
“I think they see you and immediately back off,” I said, gesturing to the severe lack of people around me.
He laughed a little. "Yeah, maybe."
He took another sip of his drink and then let out a sigh and looked around the room. "To be completely honest with you, though..."
His gaze met mine again and he let out an amused chuckle. "If I were a guy here tonight, I wouldn't even bother talking to any other girls here. I'd be too busy looking at you."
“Is that why you’ve been going on and on with stories of all the people you’ve fucked?” I asked, raising an eyebrow. “Trying to keep me locked in conversation and away from the others?”
He let out a loud chuckle. "I won't lie, you're not entirely wrong," he said, raising an eyebrow. "But I'm just...trying to have a nice and flirty conversation, see where it goes."
His smile grew wider as he raised his eyebrows flirtatiously. "And hey, I must be pretty decent at it because you're still talking to me. You could've run off to one of the cute guys and flirted back with them by now, but instead, you're still right here.
“You’re a cute guy, too, you know,” I said with a smile.
He leaned forward again, his grin growing a little bigger. His eyes were fixed on me. "You think so? You honestly think I'm cute?"
“And endearing,” I said with a nod. Especially right now. The way he leaned in and his eagerness for me to confirm it? Adorable.
His grin grew to a full smile after hearing my words. "You think I'm endearing?" He let out a small chuckle and then took another sip of his drink. His gaze stayed on me the entire time.
"And here I thought I was just being a cocky douchebag."
“I mean, sort of. That’s kinda part of who you are,” I said with a small laugh. “I just like you despite it. You’re cool, you know that?”
His eyebrows raised slightly at my words. "You like me, huh?" He said, his grin growing even wider.
"So you think I'm cute, endearing, cool...anything else?" He chuckled a little. "Because if I was in charge of the dictionary, I would've put your description as the definition of flirting."
“Oh, these are just compliments,” I said with a grin. “I’ve not gotten around to any actual flirting. Gotta warn you, though; I’m a bit of a tease.”
"Tease?" He laughed. He smirked and let out another chuckle as he leaned back against the counter again.
"Okay, now you've got my curiosity. Show me how much of a tease you can be."
“I’m not sure this is a good place,” I said, gesturing around us. I leaned in a little. “Perhaps if we went somewhere a bit less crowded, I may not have to worry about ruining your reputation…”
He raised an eyebrow again and his smirk grew wider. "Is that so?" he said, his playful voice getting even more teasing.
He took another sip of his drink, letting out a satisfied laugh. "You know, being a little flirty is one thing...but now I'm starting to believe you're trying to seduce me."
“*Seduce* you? Now, why would I do that? I’d say you’re just about impossible to tempt,” I said slyly. I took his glass from his hand and drank from it, my hand lingering on his for a moment before I pulled away. I leaned against the wall, now holding his drink, a playful smile on my face.
He raised an eyebrow as he watched me take his drink. He watched the way I leaned in against the wall, a light smirk gracing my lips. He watched my hand linger on his for just a few seconds longer than it needed to. His grin grew a little bigger and he let out an amused chuckle.
"I see I wasn’t wrong about one thing. You’re a tease for sure," he said with a playful voice. His eyes wandered over me for another second before he spoke again. "So...what now?"
“I’m thinking of trying something new,” I said, casually. I gestured to his drink, which I was still holding. “This isn’t quite as satisfying as I thought it would be.”
His grin grew bigger and his gaze moved back up to look at me. I was still leaning up against the wall, the way I was standing so casually yet confidently made his attraction to me grow even more.
"Oh yeah?" he said with a smirk. He watched me carefully as he tilted his head to the side. "And just what is this 'something new' you're thinking about trying?"
“I don’t know,” I said, resting a hand on his waist and pulling him close. My gaze lingered on his lips before I looked back up at him again, keeping my playful attitude. “I think I’m looking to taste something sweeter.”
His breath hitched as my hand gripped his waist. His gaze ran over my lips, which now stood out even more thanks to their glossy color. He let out a shaky breath and a small chuckle, trying to hide away how much I was making him shiver. My playful attitude was hard to resist and he had to try his best to keep himself from grinning too much at it.
"And just where do you plan on tasting this sweeter thing?" he asked as he moved his body a little closer to me, almost as if he was leaning in for...a certain something.
“Maybe now…” I said, my lips brushing against his for a moment before I pulled away. “…or maybe later. Somewhere a little more private?”
He swore under his breath, his breath once again hitching in his throat. Even just the brief touch from my lips made his heart skip a beat. He stared at me as I pulled away, a sly grin on his lips.
His gaze ran over me once again, his eyes lingering on my hips for a moment longer, before finally making their way back up to my face. He swallowed hard and nodded, his eyes staring straight into mine.
"Later, huh? Lead me to this...private spot."
I led Adam through the crowd, my hand still resting on his waist as we navigated past groups of angels and other partygoers. We slipped out of the main hall and into a quieter hallway, the noise of the party fading into the background. The atmosphere here was different, more intimate, with soft lighting casting a warm glow on the marble walls.
We walked a bit further until I found an alcove, partially hidden by heavy velvet curtains. I glanced back at Adam, his expression a mix of curiosity and anticipation, and pulled him inside. The small space was cozy, with a low table and plush seating that invited closeness.
I let go of his waist and turned to face him, leaning casually against the wall. "This is more like it," I said with a smile. "Now we don't have to worry about any unwanted interruptions."
Adam stepped closer, his eyes never leaving mine. "Much better," he agreed, his voice low and almost a whisper. "So, where were we?"
I took a moment to appreciate the proximity, the way his presence seemed to fill the small space. "I believe we were talking about trying something new," I said, my tone playful. "And you were about to show me just how good you are at flirting."
He chuckled softly, stepping even closer until there was barely any space between us. "Oh, I think you're the one who's been doing most of the flirting," he said, his gaze dropping briefly to my lips before meeting my eyes again. "But I'm more than willing to see where this goes."
I reached up, brushing a stray lock of hair from his forehead, my fingers lingering for just a moment longer than necessary. "So, Adam," I said, my voice dropping to a whisper, "are you going to kiss me, or are we going to keep talking all night?"
His eyes darkened with desire as he leaned in, his lips brushing against mine with a feather-light touch before he pulled back slightly, his breath warm against my skin. "I think talking can wait," he murmured, his voice thick with anticipation.
I closed the distance between us, capturing his lips in a slow, lingering kiss. His hands found their way to my waist, pulling me closer as the kiss deepened. There was an electric charge in the air, a mixture of excitement and desire that made my heart race.
When we finally pulled apart, both of us were breathing a little heavier, the space between us charged with unspoken possibilities. "Not bad," I said, my voice teasing. "But I thought you said you were good at this."
He laughed softly, his eyes sparkling with amusement. "Oh, I'm just getting started," he said, his hands sliding up my sides. "Trust me, there's plenty more where that came from."
I smiled, leaning in for another kiss. "Good," I whispered against his lips. "Because I'm not planning on going anywhere anytime soon."
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cosmal · 1 year
hii how are you?? i hope finee
i was wondering if you could write smth with james; r got hurt and feels the urge to cry but doesn't want to bc she's embarassed to, but james know that shes hurting and comforts her. just pure fluff.
i know its basic but i just recently got a black eye because i was hit with a metal bottle (bc i play fighting w a friend) and im too embarassed now that i have a bruise. if you could write something like is, it would be awesome; if not, feel free to change whatever you'd like!!
i love your work sm by the way!!
car door
summary — you hurt yourself and get embarrassed.
content — james potter x fem!reader
note — thank u baby!! i hope ur eye is okay now :(
You're laughing about something stupid with James when you do it. Distracted, smiling at him over the top of his car, you close the door on your hand.
It slams over three of your fingers and bounces back open when you flinch backwards. You gasp and hold your hand to your chest, squeezing like somehow it'll distract you from the inevitable pain. Like hopefully, nothing will happen at all.
You slam your eyes closed and suddenly you can feel James's hands on your arms. He's so close so quickly, you hold your breath and hope you don't cry. You feel embarrassed for hurting yourself whilst having a good time with him, worse for feeling the urge to sob.
"You okay, lovely?" he asks, hands a distracting heat over your skin. You blink up at him and try to smile. You know it's crooked, trembling lips and pinched brows. "Christ, did you shut the door on your hand?"
"Yeah," you try to say. It comes out all pitched up, voice shaky and quiet.
He takes your sore hand into his own and checks it over. Fingers pushing up your palm and up to your knuckles, just below the source of grievance. It's already throbbing, your beating heart worse in your ears.
He's saying something and you're struggling to listen. You bite down so hard into your bottom lip you worry it'll end up worse than your hand. Your eyes sting, you can feel the beginnings of tears building up along your waterline. You steel yourself and try not to cry.
"Sweetheart," his voice comes in quick and worried, like a splash of cold water to the face. You blink back your daze and your eyes blur with tears you don't want to shed. "Hey, take a deep breath."
You don't do as he says and he worries even more. He drops your sore hand gently in favour of squeezing your shoulders, ducking his head to where you've got it pointed to the asphalt. You can't look him in the eyes. You stare at his lovely nose instead.
"Hey, what's the matter with you?'' He's gentle as he talks to you like he's trying to keep his own panic hidden from his voice like he'll spook you. "Breathe, lovely."
You let out a big, shuddering breath, mainly on his behalf. It comes in quick and it startles you how upset you've suddenly become. You feel hot with more embarrassment, prickling up your chest and neck.
"God," you sniffle, "I'm sorry. Sorry,'' you say once more.
You think James knows what's going on. He rubs a knuckle under the soft skin below your watery eye. "Do you need a cry?"
"You look like you're about to explode." He's half a breath away from laughing. You half want him to, expecting it to make you feel better. "I don't want you to cry, but if you need to, you can."
The first tear is hot as it spills down your cheek.
"Oh, baby," he says suddenly. Quietly.
He's quick to take you into his chest, arms tight around your back, fingers digging into your ribs. You rub your wet face against the fleece of his jumper and tremble with quiet cries. The kind that steal your breath and come out quick and staggered.
The kind that feel good.
"Shit," you mumble into his neck. He squeezes you closer. "I'm sorry. God, this is so embarrassing."
"Hey, it's okay," he says quickly, hands rubbing up and down your back to keep you close. You melt under his warmth, leaning all your weight into him. "As much as you're breaking my fuckin' heart, darlin'. It's okay to cry."
"It's just a sore finger," you grumble.
"Did it hurt?" he asks firmly.
You nod with a wet sniffle, happy he's made your tears slow. "Yeah."
"Then it's okay.” He kisses your head, right into the material of the beanie you promised you'd wear to keep yourself warm. "Even if it didn't hurt, you can cry. I'm sure it was scary, yeah?"
"Yeah." You pull yourself back from his chest to smile. It's wet and a little sad, James beams just the same.
"Can I see your fingers again?" He asks.
You lift your hand between the both of you and hope he kisses it. You're more than relieved when he does. Kisses over your knuckles and fingertips, much more gentle than he needs to be.
He looks at you while he does it. You feel like you could pass out.
"Feeling better?" he says and drops your hand down but doesn't let go.
"Yeah," you lie. It's not serious though you know he'll worry more than he should.
He smiles something lovely at you and throws an arm around your shoulders. “C'mon, let's get you inside. Do you want a tea?"
You smile back at him and feel the urge to kiss him. You might later on when you're out of the cold, in the cafe still feeling lovesick. "And a croissant?"
"That's a silly question," you laugh.
"I'm a silly man."
You roll your eyes. Your hand feels better already.
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icycoldninja · 2 months
May i request dante, vergil and nero with a gn!reader who is depressed and has negative thoughts about themselves? (You can ignore it if you feel uncomfortable with it though ^^❤️)
I'm not uncomfortable with it at all! Very comfortable, actually. In fact, I had planned to do this for some time now. Enjoy!
Sparda Boys x Depressed!Reader headcannons
¤ Dante ¤
-Dante's a man who's experienced with depression. He's been very depressed many times throughout his life, to the point that he once considered suicide.
-He knows you're in pain and wants to do his best to help you, so he introduced the coping mechanism he's most familiar with: alcohol.
-You two drink until you're both heavily drunk, then you cuddle on the couch, revealing your deepest secrets to each other. Though it's likely you won't remember much of what you said, Dante will.
-The next morning, he addresses everything you're depressed about, including your low self esteem. He reassures you, telling you you're not worthless, that you're an amazing, strong person, and that he's always going to love you.
-"Look, I know how ya feel, I really do, but you don't need to feel down. Ya know why? Cause you're a badass, capable of pushin' through anything. You can get through this no problem--and I'm gonna be here for you the entire time. I love ya, baby."
-After that, it's loving kisses and warm cuddles all the way until you fall asleep, and then more hugs and kisses until morning.
■ Vergil ■
-Vergil understands your pain, remembering a time when he once thought darkly of himself because of the death of his mother.
-Vergil then decides to do something he'd never do normally: initiate physical affection.
-He scoops you into his arms and holds you, without saying a word. He tightly clasps you to his chest, running his fingers through your hair while rubbing circles into your back.
-After a little while you start confessing your worries to him, breaking down in tears in the process. Vergil holds you and listens to it all, wishing there was more he could do for you. Then an idea pops into his head: He would motivate you.
-"Do not allow yourself to be troubled by such trivial matters. There's no reason to think negatively about yourself when there is nothing negative about you. If others are to blame for your current mood, then give me their names and addresses and I will deal with them myself."
-His words really were motivating, and made you feel better very quickly. When you tried to get off him, he held you down, letting out a small grumble in the process. It seems you're going to be trapped in his arms for a while--better make the most of it.
□ Nero □
-Nero's been through his fair share of emotional crap, so it's safe to say he relates to what you're going through.
-He won't be giving you a pep talk anytime soon, but he will give you as many hugs as you want, as well as listen to anything you might want to get off your chest.
-He doesn't want you to feel like you're worthless or unimportant, or anything negative like that, so he'll be sure to pepper your face with kisses the entire time you talk to him.
-If you start to cry, he'll internally panic because he isn't the best at comforting others verbally, so he'll just squeeze you really right until you stop crying, regardless of whether it's because you're cheered up now or he's crushing your ribs.
-"Alright, I'm not the best at this, so I might sound mean, but you got nothin' to worry about, ok? You're feeling depressed for a stupid reason. I think you're awesome, and you should too. Now c'mere and lemme hold ya."
-And that's just what he does for the rest of the night, snuggling you in an effort to make you feel better.
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