#like.. i think his ribs would be like so awesome
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exponentialb-zukas · 11 months ago
Do i make pizza or ribs for dinner? Actually should I be even asking. I cant cook by myself with one arm.
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giddlygoat · 4 months ago
hater has disturbing reoccurring dreams about wander crawling inside his ribcage that always have him waking up in a cold sweat [they just feel too real and hater can’t place why]. wander has reoccurring dreams of hater ceremoniously destroying him with the Disaster Blaster and it’s the one dream he doesn’t eagerly blab to sylvia about because he doesn’t know how to tell her that it never feels like a nightmare. soooo is anyone else sick in the head or is it just me
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ccl-c · 2 months ago
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i procrastinated on this for months and it didn't even take that long to finish lol things got very bad at work this year and i just didn't have the energy but i'm really happy with how it turned out!
(edit: thank you so much to everyone enjoying this piece! i'm so happy there are more people thinking about his prosthetic leg.)
some of my favourite details and long self-indulgent ramble below the cut.
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as much as i love the unicorn leg in the show i really wish they gave izzy an actual post-amputation swordfight scene, which probably would imply a more practical prosthesis because honestly that candle scene looks very painful and pretty difficult to adapt in combat. so basically i wanted him to have a prosthesis that could work.
for the poses i mostly just took basic right-handed cavalry sabre movements that would need lots of force and/or mobility from the left leg (actually all of them do otherwise he'd lose stability which is a big no but well i did not consider the basic steps nor special ones such as the palestra because they're not very clear to draw. i included a flèche though because i just really, really want to see him do flèches (no more modern rules aha!!); i doubt he'd like it since it's very risky but it would be so fucking awesome. imagine him just darting full-speed at the opponent and passing through them sliding the sabre right between their ribs. the sabre isn't a pointy weapon especially since his is quite curved which makes piercing trickier than slashing (it would be a lot easier with a rapier or an épée; i like to imagine that stede prefers the rapier and makes every opponent who believes rapiers aren't fit for combat reconsider it) but hell that would just look amazing. although looking at it again i probably drew the footwork more like a pass forward …). now thinking about it i should have included a salute because he'd absolutely do that and make everyone do it in unison at the start of training sessions and it's just a cool series of gestures (i haven't gone through the historical documents yet but the salute our historical fencing club do consists of two appels (striking the ground with the forward foot which in izzy's case is the right foot), then raising the sword to the sky, then pulling the guard of the sword near the jaw with the tip pointing upwards, then pointing the sword down forward, usually a bit to the exterior for single-handed swords. this is the short version; we did the complete version of that salute precisely once and i seriously cannot remember either the year it was formalised or how it was done exactly. i think it was somewhere near the end of the 18th century and there was half a step forward and maybe a step on the spot at the beginning. if i ever find it or we ever do it again i'll update here). also i feel like the dagger doesn't really look right ever since i saw the daggers and little swords at the exhibition about knights in nantes … anyway.
the prosthesis is loosely based on those 16th-century moveable leg prostheses by ambroise paré (on a side note, he made hand prostheses too and i think they're good references for spanish jackie's hand), douglas bly's above-knee prosthesis in the 19th century and modern running prosthetic legs (for the need of explosive force typical in lunges) as well as historical fencing and buhurt (full-armour medieval combat) gears. although i'm horrible at physics and have forgotten what little ergonomics i learned at university so it probably won't work in reality lol.
the text is in french simply because i learned fencing in french and didn't want to make mistakes in the vocabulary. the small words from left to right top to bottom are: motion (movement?), knee (front), knee (back), ankle & foot, locked, flèche (as in fencing; the word itself means “arrow”), unlocked (middle french spelling because i like it and it's not completely anachronistic i guess), lunge, en garde position in tierce (i somehow can't find any fixed way to say this in english; it's just the basic stance with the third hand position). the text on the left is probably quite awkward honestly but i can't not put it there because it's fun lol it reads “leg and foot prosthesis designed for first mate hands, by doctor roach with the assistance of frenchie, realised (built? made? constructed? manufactured?) by black pete and wee john feeney and the entirety of the crew of the revenge under co-captains stede bonnet and edward teach, illustrated by lucius spriggs”. so yes any mistake in there is theirs and not mine lmao (no). the font is very loosely based on my memory of jean jannon's regular and italic typefaces. i adore his italics; it's the prettiest, most delicate italics i've ever seen.
i still have other drawing ideas for ofmd but i'm also into a lot of other things now … i'll probably get to them a few months later.
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teddylifts · 1 month ago
New Follower
Brian felt his phone vibrate - he pulled it out to check the notification. New Follower. 
Opening the app, he checked to see who the new follower was. A private account. The account name read "Fitguy8585." Lame. The profile picture was of an attractive looking guy, but he couldn't tell much more than that. He was about to put his phone away when he noticed that Fitguy had sent in a message request.
Opening the message he read, "Hey bro! I just wanted to reach out! I noticed your recent posts from your trip to Cali, and seeing as I live in the area you visited I just wanted to say hi!"
Brian felt a smile come on his face. He often got message requests, but they were usually just bots. Clearly Fitguy had taken the time to actually check out his profile. Brian accepted the DM request.
"Thanks man! I appreciate it! I love being able to travel to Cali! Maybe next time I'm out there we'll have to hook up."
As Brian was about to lock his phone to put it away, the message was marked as seen, and Fitguy started to respond.
"That would be awesome bro! Let's make it happen! Any chance I can get the follow back?"
Brian laughed. "I mainly just follow accounts that I know - maybe if we get to know each other..."
"Haha, fair enough! I'm Ty, from California. I'm kind of a gym addict."
"Haha, nice to meet you Ty - I'm Brian."
Brian decided they knew each other well enough. He sent over a follow request, and Ty almost immediately accepted. Brian scrolled down through Ty's feed, and his mouth dropped. Ty clearly worked as a model or something, because his feed was filled with artful nudes of himself, mixed with selfies at the gym, and smiling pics of Ty. Brian felt himself growing hard at the pics of Ty's firm but round ass, and his chiseled abs and pecs.
"Dang man! You're jacked!" Brian sent.
"Haha, thanks man! You're pretty cute too ;)"
Brian blushed.
"I mean, cute for a chubby guy."
Brian frowned. He looked down at his trim body. It's not like his ribs were showing, but chubby?
"What do you mean 'chubby guy'?" Brian asked.
"Well, look at this picture." Ty DM'ed one of the pics from Brian's California trip. Brian remembered the picture - he was standing on the pier, leaning back, arms folded as he smiled. This was not the picture he had uploaded, however. In this picture, Brian's stomach strained against his shirt - a size medium, but it was clearly at least one size too small. His pants were even unbuttoned to allow for his fat to pour out, pushed low under a curving belly. Brian stared in horror at the picture, then looked back to himself for comparison. Brian's belly swelled out, and filled his shirt. Firm and round, it pressed against his shirt. Brian gaped in horror, but then found himself remembering being embarrassed when they took that picture. He had gone straight to the hotel and changed his shirt, and he remembered buying new pants after the trip, particularly because of this picture. Brian was embarrassed. What had he been thinking when he posted that picture?
"Don't get me wrong," Ty sent, "some guys rock a little fat on their bodies, but you kind of look like a pig - just look at this picture." Ty sent another picture of Brian - this time at the beach. In the picture Brian was laying on his side, striking a sexy pose, which would have been fine, except that his huge, round, white belly spoiled the effect. Brian's smile looked strained in the picture, and you could tell that he was uncomfortable with the pose. Brian frowned. That was definitely not right. The man in the picture weighed well over 300 pounds, and Brian knew that he couldn't weigh more than 190.. 250? No, the last time he had weighed himself he had been 298. Since then he had avoided scales, so it was definitely possible that he weighed 300 pounds. Brian frowned a little as he looked down at his obesity. His stomach jutted out in front of him, but drooped at the front, splitting into a kind of upside down heart shape. He unconsciously pushed down at his shirt that was riding up on his belly, exposing a sliver of pale flesh.
"I guess it's been a bit since I've been to a gym," he responded lamely.
"You've been to a gym?" Ty responded. "That's a surprise. I mean, just look at this picture." The picture Ty forwarded was of Brian, sitting at a table of food. Brian's face was vast and round, and you could see his shirt clinging to the rolls of flesh under his pectorals and along his love handles. Brian was fully seated in two chairs, one ass cheek per chair. Brian wanted to throw the phone away in disgust - the man in that picture weighed well over 500 pounds, but as he inspected the picture, Brian remembered the moment, and the shame when the waiter brought over the second chair, afraid that Brian's weight would break a single chair. Brian's body swelled behind him, pushing out from his body, and drooping as gravity pushed on his fat.
"You know what man? I don't think this is going to work. I thought you were a cool guy, but it turns out you're just another fat fucker. Still though - if you're in the area hit me up."
Brian stared\~at his phone as the notification came through that Fitguy8585 had unfollowed him. He scrolled down through his feed. Pictures of a 500+ pound Brian smiled back at him. Something wasn't right, but Brian couldn't put his finger on it. Grunting noncommittally Brian wandered off, his fat jiggling as he waddled away to find a burger restaurant. He couldn't ever remember being this hungry before...
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darkficsyouneveraskedfor · 5 months ago
Just Friends: Sleepover
My warnings are not exhaustive but be aware this is a dark fic and may include potentially triggering topics. Please use your common sense when consuming content. I am not responsible for your decisions.
Character: Bucky Barnes
Summary: Bucky sleeps over.
It’s giving
As usual, I would appreciate any and all feedback. I’m happy to once more go on this adventure with all of you! Thank you in advance for your comments and for reblogging ❤️
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“Should be good as new,” Bucky sits back on the footstool and rubs his neck. “Don’t know about me, though.” 
You lean on the counter with a sheepish smile, “I told you, I’d call the landlord.” 
“Uh huh? And try to light this thing in the meantime? You’d set yourself on fire,” he closes the over door and stands. “I like you unsinged, dreamy.” 
“I have a microwave,” you roll your eyes. 
“Oh, you mean the one that sparks and sounds like military tank?” He challenges as he packs up his toolbox. 
“It makes the food hot,” you rebuff. 
“Uh huh. Maybe the radiation is getting to ya,” he teases as he puts the box on the counter. 
He stretches his arms and as he brings them down, he yawns, covering his mouth. He turns his other wrist to check the time. 
“God, it’s late,” he says. 
“Is it--” you choke on your words as you see the time on the stove. “Oh gosh, Buckyyy.” You whine. “You shouldn’t have stayed so long.” 
“And let you burn this place down? You’re going to give me flashbacks. God, I think it was... 1938. Steve was living with his ma still, taking care of her, and he left some newspapers by the stove...” 
“1938...” you echo. “Right, I’m not going to say it.” 
“You better not,” he pokes you in the ribs playfully. “Well, I guess I shouldn’t waste any more of your time. You know, I’ll be just fine walking through the dark. I might get overtime pay if I can wrangle in some hoodlums--” 
“Oh, stop,” you huff, “I’ll get you a blanket and a pillow. I know the couch is a bit small.” 
“Ah, doll, you don’t gotta--” 
“God, you sound like such an old man. ‘Doll, you want a lozenge?’” You mock as you throw your hands up. “Can’t anyone do something nice for you?” 
“What? What do you mean? I’m joshing ya,” he follows you as you spin and march out of the kitchen. 
“Sure, I know. Always a joke with you.” 
“What is this about? The date?” He asks. 
“Well... I thought you’d be more excited,” you shrug. “I was really excited for you. Now I feel like I’m forcing you.” 
“You kinda are,” he leans again the wall as you open the closet, the door blocking him from your view. 
“Forcing you to go out with a sophisticated, gorgeous, woman? I know, it’s torture.” 
“Trust me, I know what torture is. It’s not a joke,” he crosses his arms. You blanch. 
“I-- sorry, I didn’t mean--” you stutter as you kick the door shut. 
He laughs, “got ya again.” He taps the end of your nose then takes the blanket from you. “Relax, I said yes. I’ll put on a tie and comb my hair. Look human.” 
“Awesome,” you smile and he squints. 
“Mm, and you always do that,” he accuses. “Those puppy dog eyes.” 
“I’m more of a cat person,” you giggle. “There’s a pillow on the back of the couch and—oh, want a hot chocolate. I usually have one before bed.” 
“Hot chocolate?” He repeats as he goes to the couch and drops the blanket on top. 
“Sure! I got the oreo stuff.” 
“Nah, I’m good,” he sits and rolls his shoulder. 
“Well, you snooze, you lose. More for me,” you tilt your head and skip back into the kitchen. You flip the kettle on and sweep back into the living room. 
“What about you?” Bucky asks before you can leave him. “You still coming? You find someone?” 
“Oh, I’ll be there but I’m still looking for a date,” you say. “Don’t worry, I got a few ideas.” 
“Right, lined up the block, huh?” 
You stick your tongue out and flit into the bedroom, “whatever.” 
You close the door behind you and change into your pajamas. The fluffy pink shorts go perfectly with the tee with the bunny on the front. You step into your slippers and go back out. 
As you come out, Bucky pushes his hair back and groans. He has his shirt off as he sits back and pushes his arms wide. He cracks his neck again as your eyes meet. 
“Last call for hot chocolate?” You offer. 
“No thanks,” he says as he leans forward. 
You smile and scurry into the kitchen. The tension rises with the steam of the kettle. You weren’t expecting to see him like that. Well, it’s just his chest and his abs. Abs? He has abs. Holy moly.  
You look down and poke your pudge. Maybe he can give you some tips. You peel back the lid from the canister of chocolate powder; a start would be cutting down on the sweets. 
The hardwood shifts and his footsteps circles around to the kitchen door. You glance over as you spoon the mix into a mug. You put the lid back on and shove the can back into the cupboard. 
“Water?” He asks. 
“Sure, fridge,” you point. 
The kettle clicks and you take it of its heater. You pour and glance over as Bucky pulls open the fridge. He bends to search the mostly bare shelves. You’re overdue for a shop. 
“The jug should be--” the water laps over the side of the mug and hits your fingers. “Ow! Ayeee!” 
You slam the kettle down and shake your hand. Bucky’s so fast, you squeal as he grabs you and spins you to face the sink. He flips the cold water on and shoves your hand under the flow. You whine again at the frigid splash. 
“Ah, Bucky, I’m fine. It’s just a little water,” you tug but he keeps a hold of you. 
“I told you to be careful,” he huffs. “You should pay attention.” 
“I was trying to help,” you say. 
“And I’m tryna help you stay outta trouble,” he reproaches. 
“I’m okay. Really, it’s nothing.” You shut off the tap and wriggle free of his grasp. “See?” 
The burn stings but it’s nothing you can’t handle. You’re more affected by his suddenness. You can feel his hard strength throbbing in your wrist. If he didn’t want to let go, he wouldn’t have to. That thought needles behind your ears. 
He drops his shoulders, “sorry, dream. Really. I was just... you scared me, you know? I hear ya make those noises and I get a bit... uptight.” 
You exhale and give a small smile, “no, I... appreciate it. I mean, you can’t turn hero mode off, can ya?” 
He chuckles and the air thins, “yeah. Guess that’s what you can call it.” 
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leqonsluv3r · 7 months ago
Hello Queen Bee :) Your blog is awesome and Leon is BAE! :D
If you're still taking requests, can I please request headcanons for RE2!Leon falling in love with an older female cop who's of a higher rank (Sergeant or above) and confessing his feelings to her after he saves her from being attacked by a suspect?
guilty as sin?
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—re!2!rookie leon kennedy x sergeant!cop reader, a headcanon list 
masterlist taglist prompt game
an: sorry i’ve been so MIA, i suck balls ik. i love you all though for being patient and loving me anyways. this shit was so sweet to write it gave me diabetes ngl. pls reblog and like, yk the drill pookies <333
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rookie!leon who notices you the first day at his police academy training, he doesn’t notice that you seem him staring. you think it’s endearing and it’s been a while since anyone has looked at you like that. you decide to let him stare, what’s the worst that can happen?
rookie!leon who enjoys the way you always bite your lips when your worried, when your trying to have a debriefing, he knows your probably worried because of all the pressure that’s on you. but he always makes sure to give you his undivided attention and respect. it’s the best he can give you. for now.
rookie!leon who makes sure your doing okay when you work late hours, he always stops by your office to check on you. sometimes you let him come into your office, sit with you, talk a bit. something about the passion for the job in his eyes, it puts you at ease, makes you feel better. like being a sergeant was worth it at the end of the day.
rookie!leon who tries to make sure he has no problems with issuing complaints to you. he doesn’t like putting more stress on your shoulders but it’s the least he can do, you have a big and stressful job. he just wants to make it easier for you. even if it’s only a little bit.
rookie!leon who tries to deny after four months that he has feelings for his sergeant, he knows he shouldn’t. he knows you probably don’t feel the same way. but after months of getting to know you and being close to you…it was so hard but it was equally as rewarding at the same time.
rookie!leon who goes on his own patrol for the day, hearing over the radio that your taking a 10-64 (a crime in progress) which wasn’t unusual for you as a sergeant. but still, he worried even though he shouldn’t. he knew you were a strong and capable person but things still happened, things that weren’t always in your control.
rookie!leon who hears you call for backup when he stops for gas. you barely ever called for backup, but he jumped in his car as fast as he could (like he normally would’ve for anyone else) and copied on the radio. he had never driven so fast in his life with his sirens on and weaving in and out of cars like his life depended on it.
rookie!leon who makes it there, but it’s too late. you’ve been shot in the shoulder, kicked and beaten like you had gotten into a fight. he calls for EMTs and medical, holding your beaten body close to him. your in and out of it, trying to stay awake and leon does what he can. he even tries to crack those corny jokes that you swore you hated.
rookie!leon who holds your hand when the paramedics come, you hold it back with whatever strength you have left. despite the situation and the immense worry he has for you right now; his stomach flutters. he would jump in front of a bullet for you, he has a feeling you would do the same.
rookie!leon who helps you recover and heal, offering to stay with you on leave while your shoulder and bruised ribs heal. offering to do whatever and help as much as he can, he swears he’s not in love with you, but…he can’t fight the truth much longer and neither can you.
rookie!leon who rubs your back and plays with your hair when your sleeping on your couch, it’s a miracle you finally got into a comfortable position. it’s weird to think that your his sergeant, that he’s supposed to be at your beck and call but your not even strong enough to lift your shoulders. he doesn’t mind, he swears it’s platonic despite the butterflies that swarm his stomach when your around.
rookie!leon who takes you to your chiropractor and your physical therapist, desperate to help you heal. he needs you to be better again so that he can be better again, he needs that more then he needs air (he believes).
rookie!leon who keeps trying to deny it, same as you, that you both have fallen in love with each other. so when he invites you over for dinner, making his famous pasta (it’s really spaghetti), your thrilled and you accept. he’s convinced that he’s doing all this because you’re better and because your healing. but that’s his mind just trying to deny what his heart wants.
rookie!leon who cooks the dinner, watching as you arrive maybe an hour later in a beautiful little sundress. he’s never seen you dress that way, it brings color to his cheeks and makes his heart race. he doesn’t know how to react or even think straight. the scar on your shoulder from the attack is healing, reminding him that your brave and that you survived something terrible. but despite all that, your still here with him.
rookie!leon who serves you both dinner in his tiny apartment kitchen, serving you both wine and spaghetti. he tries to fight down the butterflies long enough to eat the food he spent so long on. but it’s impossible with you smiling at him like that across his small table, your eyelashes fluttering and your face cast in a warm glow. he feels so damn lucky right now to just be in your presence. even if your not aware of it.
rookie!leon who manages to eat, making small talk with you and laughing at your jokes. but when you laugh at his, he feels like the entire earth has been tilted in an axis. he’s so happy, so in love with you and it sucks because he knows you don’t feel the same. you couldn’t feel the same, your his superior, his boss.
rookie!leon who is oblivious to your touches on his arm and the way your looking at him like you want to eat him alive. he’s the cutest thing you’ve ever seen, the sweetest man you’ve ever let into your life and you feel like your heart could escape your chest whenever you look at him. especially now, when he’s talking so adamantly about his passions and things he enjoys outside of the station. it’s like he’s coming to life in front of you in a way you’ve never seen before. and it makes your heart palpitate.
rookie!leon who doesn’t stop you when you move his small little chair closer to his at his tiny kitchen table, sipping on your wine and keeping eye contact with him. your just listening to him talk, share his story and his life, something that hasn’t happened yet.
rookie!leon who swallows when you lean in and press a kiss to his lips, his brain freezing and whatever stupid story he was telling dying in his mouth. he has a more important matter because your lips are touching his. they’re soft, they’re moving slowly and gently against his like pillows. he doesn’t know if he can get his brain working fast enough to kiss you back.
rookie!leon who kisses you back a little when you try to pull away, his hand gently coming up to hold your jaw as he moves his lips against yours. his brain and his heart cheering in succession that he’s finally getting something he desires and deserves.
rookie!leon who flushes after you both pull away from the kiss, not quite knowing how to react. your both adults here but the situation causes both of your cheeks to heat up like little kids with crushes. he has no choice but to confess his feelings, explaining things carefully incase you regretted the kiss. he just doesn’t want to have his heartbroken again, he wants you, he needs you. he’s convinced.
rookie!leon who is shocked when you confess that you feel the same, your hand moving to hold his and sooth his worries. the doubts circling his mind like water down the drain. he doesn’t mind now, now he’s got nothing to worry about now that your here. now that your telling him you feel the same. he swears he could die happy.
rookie!leon who makes it official with you two weeks after the dinner. taking you out on an official date. you both go to dinner and he drives you home. another kiss is shared on your front porch, not the first but the second and it’s even sweeter. leon is convinced he could never get tired of kissing you.
rookie!leon who’s not really a rookie anymore, after five years. he’s made a name for himself at the RPD with you by his side. the only difference now is that you both wear rings to signify your love and your carrying his child. he got what he deserved and what he wanted most and he swears that life with you is the best it could get. and he can’t wait for the rest of it.
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yeetus-feetus · 10 months ago
Duke is a much smaller Duke one day, he's lost all his memories beyond the young age he is now and he's scared and confused.
He doesn't know where is. But then there's Tim, his Robin! And suddenly everything is ok.
The bats have no idea what's going on, but Duke refuses to go to anyone but Tim. He's also a little ball of energy bouncing off all the walls, and Tim is SO tired. "Robin- Tim, come play tag with me!"
One night Tim ends up passing out at his desk, a sleeping Duke cuddling into him on his lap.
Except when Duke wakes up Tim is small too.
And he doesn't remember who Duke is!!
So Duke reintroduces himself and Tim let's himself be dragged downstairs to the actually Batcave!
Bruce is looking at them in absolute astonishment, they're so small!!
Damian laughs at Tim's smallness and Tim gives a cold glare. Maybe age can't change some things.
"where are Nightwing and the new Robin?" Tim asks.
"I'm Robin."
"no, I meant Jason!" Tim huffs and crosses his arms. Ah, he's so young he still believes Jay is Robin.
Duke is still clinging to him, but Tim can't bring himself to mind all too much.
Bruce doesn't know how to handle these boys, between a hyperactive Duke and an absolute menace Tim.
Dick tries to help, but even he can't keep up with the mischief and shenanigans they get up to together.
"dick pick us up!"
"yeah! Pick us up pick us up! And swing us around until we get dizzy!"
It's time to bring out the big guns, and by that they mean calling Jason over to the manor.
Tim settles immediately, but Duke remains overly weary around the large man with guns strapped to his thighs. He's kinda scary.
But Tim likes Jason well enough. At some point he ends up cuddled up with Jason who's stretched out on the couch, and Duke is just a little bit jealous.
"hey stop hogging him! Tim is mine," Duke pouts.
Jason raises an eyebrow at the boy, and Tim tilts his head. "You know there's enough room for both of us up here, right? Jason is a lot bigger than he used to be."
Duke considers this. "Mm okay, but only because you're up there". And he climbs up into Jason's lap to cuddle into Tim's side.
It's calm for a moment, until Duke starts to fidget, not able to stay still for too long. Jason let's put an annoyed noise and looks at them over the top of his book. "Would you quit it I'm tryna read here".
"what are you reading?" Duke asks.
Tim scrunched his nose up. "Why are you reading that?"
"I like it. Reminds me of school", and Tim catches something in his tone that Duke absolutely doesn't.
"it sounds silly. Will you red it to us?"
Jason looks at the both of them for a very long moment before signing. "Sure, but you've gotta stay still, your knees are already in my ribs."
The three of them all end up falling asleep like that, tucked into the lounge and curled up together.
Except when they wake up in the morning, Jason is scrawny little boy, even smaller than Tim and Duke.
Tim explains what he can to the tiny Jason as Duke sneaks some snacks from the kitchen cupboard for them.
Cass catches them stuffing their faces with junk food and squeals. "Three baby brother's now!" And scoops them all up as the quick and try to squirm away.
"gotta tell B"
"wait who are you exactly?" Jason asks.
"big sister", Cass smiles and pets his curls.
"no way! Really? That's so cool, I've never had a big sister before", he exclaims.
Cass carries all three of them down to the Batcave because she's so strong and awesome! And Jason can't believe he ends up with such a cool sister.
"Batman!!!" Jason shouts in pure excitement, and Bruce turns around and almost cries.
Because look how small!! Oh baby Jay lad!! So precious and smol!
"I think the de-aging syndrome may be contagious", Tim speaks up. "You should have us all properly quarantined until you can find a cure."
quarantine is fun, for Jason and Tim at least (tiny Tim is plotting revenge on whoever caused this, Jason is reading and occasionally shouting at the characters). Duke can't stand having to stay still in the same one room for so long.
idk where this is going, but consider this awesome 3am idea of mine
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absolutebl · 18 days ago
This Week in BL - I'm treading water and so is BL
Organized, in each category, with ones I'm enjoying most at the top.
Feb 2025 Week 1
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Ongoing Series - Thai
Your Sky (Sun iQIYI) ep 12 end - I love this show so much.  So sweet. I adored it when Rak (FINALLY!) took the initiative! 
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As pulps go this is right up there with my favorite if all time, My Ride, but for different less complex reasons. This is a relatively simple, old school, endearingly soft story of a fake relationship between a sunshine sweetie and an older reserved rich kid who slowly fall in love. Its soft gentle low-stakes leans into everything I personally love about Thai BL. It’s a warm fuzzy robe of a show. 9/10 
ThamePo (Fri YT) ep 9 of 12 - Thame is the poutyest of pouty babies. I love the ribbing that he got from his group the next morning (that wasn't). That said when we got a kiss it was a VERY GOOD kiss. This is a very me truly great show that I’m enjoying so much. 
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The Boy Next World (Sun IQIYI) ep 5 of 10 - I really can’t fault the chemistry with this pair. From kissing to making out they're awesome at ALL OF it. I like the twist (that there is not parallel world jsut the edge of insanity). It's delusional and sus and obsessive and very "seme who missed his meet cute with his uke" and is being forced by a narrative to fast forward. So 90s yaoi. Can Mame push this edge in the right way? Doubtful. But BossNoeul will make it fun for us to watch no matter how questionably messy it gets.
(Yes, there IS a "right way.")
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The Heart Killers (Weds Gaga) ep 11 of 12 - fun penultimate episode.
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Perfect 10 Liners (Sun YT) ep 15 of 24 - It's fine. Even cute. I think I like PerthSanta better than ForceBook but I really want the next pair the most. 
Sangmin Dinneaw (Sun iQIYI) ep 6 of 10 - Enter my least favorite trope of all time, the amnesia trope. Also random doctor couple. This show is nothing if not erratic. 
Flirt Milk (Sat YT) ep 3 or 10 - ugh
Ossan‘s Love Thailand (Mon YouTube) ep 5 of 12 - Is this punishment for how good Cherry Magic Thailand was?
Gelboys (Weds iQIYI) ep 1 of 7 - it started but I didn't realize so I'll catch up next week.
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Ongoing Series - Not Thai
When it Rains it Pours (Japan Thurs Gaga) ep 5 of 10 - I adore them so much, these two sad desperate horny cheating boys. Lube! Argh. Please! The stark lack of affection in this show is about as dry and painful as the sex must have been. But, its all very tense and I kinda love it's minimalistic angst. 
Eternal Butler (Taiwan Fri Gaga) eps 8 of 12 - what a pity, just throwing away that cute color matched BDSM set. Ever 4 is SO CUTE when he smiles, but he would have been cuter smiling and holding that red bullwhip.
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Heart Stain (Korea Weds IQIYI) eps 1-2 of 8 - I like it! It’s Korea doing its all-time favorite trope, the love triangle, but an interesting take. One boy is in love with his teacher but his best friend is in love with him. Let the drama commence.
Impression of Youth (Taiwan Weds Viki) eps 5 of 9 - Such a great brother relationship! My goodness the courage on that kid. Also, they jumped into the sack fast, even for Taiwan.
Fight for Love (Vietnam YT) ep 1 - A new VBL that is actually quite fluffy and charming. It is extremely lightweight but I’m enjoying that aspect. I like Vietnamese comedy more than Thai, I think.
Checkered Shirt (Korea YT) ep 1 of 8 - From the same people sho did Seoul Blues. I like it but this studio isn't vested in HEA so I'm wary. 
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FC Soldout (Korea Thurs iQIYI) eps 1-4 of 8 - Huh. Interesting. The premise is kinda fun, even if (you know me) I never like obsessed fans. Creeps me out. That said, everyone is surprisingly gay for a KBL - like gay GAY. I know that’s a weird thing for me to say in a BL, but Korea is usually awfully het about their BL.
Anygay, of course I already like the side couple best. The gruff team captain and the pretty idol with a sad past win. WIN WIN. Give me an entire show about them please.
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Teenager Judge (Vietnam Sat YT) ep 18 of 20 - (the end is in sight, but sheesh!) it was OK because mostly it was all the friends over at the house and doing stuff together. But still not a lot is happening.
It's airing but......
I Will Turn Back Time (China Gaga) 6 eps - It’s Chinese, no idea if it will end well or not. But it’s the stepbrothers trope. Still, I’m not gonna watch it until it’s done.
In Case You Missed it
End of year wraps are here!
2024 Trend Report
MY BEST & WORST BLs of 2024
Best Kisses (and sex scenes) of 2024
BL's 2024 Quirky Awards
2024 Awards - Quick Picks
Next Week Looks Like This:
Like last week we already in the middle, I promise I should be back on schedule soon. You'll get you calander image then.
2/14 Exclusive Love (Taiwan Gaga) trailer - Shy aspiring singer inherits funeral business.
2/14 The Last Time (Thailand WeTV) trailer - from 2024, not sure about this one, looks dark.
2/21 Bali Hai (Thailand ????) no MDL listing, only rumors, unsure on deets.
2/27 Secret Relationships (Korea iQIYI) - Stars Wei's Kim Jun Seo. Adapted by Cradle Studio (Kakao). About clever and resourceful Daon who has worked hard to overcome being poor. His cheap ways annoy his coworker, Sunghyeon but after “an incident�� with his parents, Daon grows closer to him. But Daon also has feelings for his former tutor. This has the signs of a classic Kdrama all over it: Office setting, love triangle, lead suffering for his self-actualization. I’m optimistic about a longer treatment.
2025 Line Up
BL Announced for 2025 - PART 1
BL Announced for 2025 - PART 2
20 BLs Announced for 2025 That I'm Really Excited About
GMMTV 2025 Line Up - My Totally Biased and Wildly Flawed Feels
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Such beautiful surrender (Your Sky).
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Yeah all the build up for some great payout, thanks ThamePo.
(last week)
The tag BLigade: @doorajar @solitaryandwandering @my-rose-tinted-glasses @babymbbatinygirl @babymbbatinygirl @isisanna-blog @mmastertheone @pickletrip @aliceisathome @urikawa-miyuki @tokillamonger @sunflower-positiiivity @rocketturtle4 @blglplus @anythinggoesintheshire @everlightly @renafire @mestizashinrin @bl-bam-beyond @small-dark-and-delicious @saezurumurmurs
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arc-misadventures · 6 months ago
MFK Jaune but instead of Kill its Enslave: High Elf Winter, Dark Elf Cinder & Wood Elf Pyrrha
Jaune: MFE
Nora: Hey, Jaune?
Jaune: Yes?
Nora: Wanna play a game?
Jaune: No... The last time I played one of your dwarf games I broke three ribs.
Nora: Nononono! We won't be playing such games! The others said they would punish me again of I did...
Jaune: Oh, that's good. Okay, what is this game?
Nora: MFE! It's like, MFK, but instead of killing someone you enslave them!
Jaune: Enslave?! Nora, I am a holy paladin of the, Rusted Knight Order1 You know how I feel about slavery! We have gone out of our way many times to kill slavers! Do you think I would allow such a thing, let along play a game with such a thing?!
Nora: Relax, relax, relax! You're not actually going to do such a thing! You're just saying of the three woman I give you, which one would you do it to.
Jaune: The hell is the difference?!
Nora: Okay, just think about it as kinky roleplay, no slave markings, and things like that, okay?
Jaune: Grrrrr! Fine! We'll play your stupid little game, if only to get you to shut up.
Nora: Awesome! Okay, your choices are! Our wood elf friend, Pyrrha Nikos!
Pyrrha: M-M-Me?!
Nora: Our lofty queen, the high elf, Winter Schnee!
Winter: I am considered a form of royalty among the elves, Nora.
Nora: And, our mysterious dark elf of the party, Cinder Fall.
Cinder: MFE? Hmmm... This should be fun~!
Jaune: Elf's? You want me to play a game where I have to 'enslave' one of the players, and they happen to be an elf?!
Nora: Ya!
Jaune: Nora?! Do you have any idea how many slave rings I've broken up that didn't have at least one elf slave in it! I immediately assume that an elf is a slave of some sort if she has any brandings, and chains on her!
Cinder: Ohhh! So that's why he was so worried about me when we first met. I thought it was because I was a dark elf.
Winter: It is nice to see that he cares so much about us. In his own strange way,
Pyrrha: I think it's nice that he cares about us so much even if it's a little strange.
Nora: Yeah, so?
Jaune: WE are going to have some serious words after this, Nora...
Nora: Okay...
Jaune: I'm gonna do the 'enslave' part first to get it out of the way. So I will 'enslave...'
Jaune: Cinder...
Cinder: Oh? Can I ask why?
Jaune: Do I have to...?
Cinder: Please?
Jaune: ...
Jaune: Haa... Considering you're a dark elf, and you have a habit of tying people up in various ways, and quite quickly at that! I thought you would be the least upset at being... enslaved.
Cinder: Upset about being enslaved? Well, if I was enslaved by someone like that Cardin, or Mercury fellow's we arrested the other day. I would have been quite... furious. But, if it was you, Jaune~? If it was you who enslaved me... Well, I think I would quite enjoy it, Master~!
Jaune: Y-You would?!
Cinder: You, binding my hands, wrapping a collar around my neck, dragging me through the streets for all to see that you own me. And, to see that all I was wearing was some rags that barely covered my body. You taking your searing hot rode, and reshaping my body to perfectly fit around you? Oh, I would quite enjoy that, Master~!
Pyrrha: I would like that too!
Jaune: You would?!
Pyrrha: I would worship the ground you walk on, Master! I would be your foot stool to rest your feet upon! I would allow you to take your frustrations of dealing with, Nora's antics upon my body as a badge of honour! I will beg to receive your disciplinary touch, and allow me to use my body as your personal toy to relive your bodies stress! I am yours to us as you please, Master!
Jaune: W-W-What?! Winter! Help me!
Winter: Help you? You think I would dare help you enslave my country men! You think I would help you hold them down, to strip their bodies bare, to hold them in place as you forcefully penetrate their cores, and desecrate their chastity! To help you prepare their bodies as your brand them with your mark. Only for you to take me, bed me, fill me with your declivous, heavenly seed, to raise you child~!
Winter: Ahhh~!
Winter: No! I wouldn't like that at all!
Jaune: What the fuck?!
Nora: Ladies, ladies! Come down, you're scaring our darling paladin.
Pyrrha: I'm sorry!
Cinder: I'm sorry, I just wanted you to understand I was okay with you enslaving me.
Winter: My apologies, I let my... bodily desires get the better of me.
Jaune: What the hell?
Nora: You see here, Jaune. These find elven ladies each are in love with you, and all have a slave kink that the will only have with you, Jaune as their master~!
Jaune: She's kidding, right guys?
Cinder: Oh, I am completely head over heals for you, Jaune. And, the thought of being your slave sounds... oh so intoxicating~!
Pyrrha: I've loved you since I first met you, Jaune! It doesn't matter where, or what we do, so long as we do it together.
Winter: Your reaction to dealing with my father's behaviors. Made me understand what actual affection, and love was like. And, I want to continue experiencing that love with you.
Jaune: You, you guys really feel that way..?
Pyrrha: Yes!
Winter: Of course!
Cinder: Always~!
Jaune: Guys...
Nora: So that's how you're going to do things fearless leader?
Jaune: What am I going to do, Nora?
Nora: You're going to marry all three of these beautiful elven woman, and you're going to enact their enslavement fantasies when you fuck them! That's how it's going to happen, right ladies?
Jaune: I should do all of that?!
Pyrrha: Marrying, Jaune~?!
Cinder: Mrs Cinder Fall Arc~? Oh now that sounds lovely~!
Winter: Marrying the man I love, and pissing off my father in the process; What better gift could I ask for? What do you say, Jaune~?
Jaune: ...
Jaune: Well... I wouldn't really mind it... if it was you three.
Pyrrha: YES!
Winter: That's wonderful!
Cinder: Then let's consummate the marriage at once then!
WP: Yes!
Jaune: What?
Cinder: Let's go ladies!
Jaune: Whoa hey?! Nora?! Nora help me!
Nora: Wait!
Jaune: Ahh! I'm saved!
Nora: My payment?
Jaune: Payment?
Winter: Here you go, as we agreed upon: One bottle of sacred elven tree syrup for your help.
Nora: I thank you for you business. Have a nice day.
Winter: Oh, we will~!
Jaune: What?! You sold me out for a bottle of syrup?! You traitor!
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leonw4nter · 7 months ago
hi! so i was wondering if you could do hcs for re2r leon who is dating a nurse? also i wanted to say that i love your writing!! it’s literally some of my favorite on this app 💗 thank you!
RE2R!Leon Headcanons on dating a nurse…
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RE2R!Leon x GN!reader
You two had met when officer Rayman had to send him to the ER for stitches on his side after a physical encounter with a car thief on crack. You had been at the ER just passing time, occasionally attending to other patients if they needed any help.
You had already thought that the young officer was already attractive, but you didn’t pay his face much attention and rushed to help him with the cut on his side, as blood seeped through his white inner shirt and into his navy blue uniform. He was already used to being shirtless with a bunch of other officers in the locker rooms of the RPD but somehow, he felt flustered being topless in front of you.
“Gosh, your body is just goals,” you comment as you finish up the last of his stitches. Warmth floods his head, sending his brain swimming in all sorts of happiness-eliciting chemicals. “It’s so good, actually. What’s your workout routine?”
“Oh it’s– um…–” he stammered. Pistol squats, weighted squats, glute extensions, weighted calf raises, thirty-second sprints, leg swings, cat camel, crab reaches, and some kicking. It would’ve been easy for him to share his gym regimen and tell you its intervals but with you looking up at him with doe eyes, all words melted into goo before they could leave his throat. “Oh– it’s just, you know– squats, calf raises, some running. That stuff… I think– I mean, yeah! Just these um… exercises, yeah. Right.”
He wanted to kick himself and never come back to that ER again but you didn’t seem to notice his awkward stammering (or did really well that it looked like you didn’t notice it).
You gave your number to him in case he had any questions or needed help with tending to the stitches just below his ribs and since Marvin had given him 2 days off to recuperate, he took the time to call you and asked if he could send you some donuts during one of your lunch breaks soon.
“I was wondering if– if you’ll be okay with me dropping some donuts off at your work during your break. It’s just my small token of thanks,” he said. He wished that he prepared a script ahead and practiced a handful more times, unconfident with the trembling in his voice and the small voice crack he hoped the phone didn’t pick up.
“Oh! Of course! That’d be great! Leave it at the front desk, to a certain Nurse Joyce and I’ll pick it up,” you gleefully say.
“That’d be awesome. So uh… see you soon, I guess?”
“See me soon? Are you implying that there’s going to be more than one occasion where we’re going to see each other–”
“Goodnight, nurse!”
He didn’t mean to sound rude or come off as a sourpuss but your words coming back to him when he thought it would stay only in the form of thoughts in his mind scared him, he just had to hang up.
After several dates and 5 months spent together as friends, Leon bashfully asked if you would want him as a boyfriend because he felt ready to be your boyfriend if you were ready for the commitment. His poor hands were gripping the bouquet too tightly, wrinkling the plastic wrapping around his large hands. His eyes looked comically round and almost puppy-like, especially with his dilated pupils. You nodded and said yes to him, gently taking the flowers and giving him a big hug. Before you went inside your door when he sent you home, you pressed a kiss to his cheek and blew him a kiss before going inside. Poor Leon stood frozen in front of your steps, pleasantly shocked as a wide grin made its way into his baby face. You stayed behind the door for a bit, listening to him. You swear you heard a giddy laugh and a silent “Yes!” from the other side.
Watching medical shows became a regular thing between you two. You pointed out some of the medical inaccuracies and explained what should actually be happening as Leon looked at you with hearts in his eyes. It was also vice versa: you watching a cop show with him and him breaking down the mechanics of how investigations are done while you nod and hum in agreement while silently swooning over the increasing animation of his hands as he went over the laws and breaches in ethics.
“Whew, that was so smart of you.” You say as you scooch closer to him and lean against his shoulder. This confused Leon at first.
“Huh? Why– what’d I do?” He anxiously asked, worried he did something wrong even though that didn’t seem to be the case.
“You really got into the nitty gritty of it and went into hypothetical scenarios with different outcomes of the situation. You know, I heard that you graduated at the top of your police academy.”
He blushed, rubbing the back of his neck nervously.
“Uh, yeah… I did but it’s nothing, really. You’re really smart too, you know.”
Before you, Leon used to simply wash his cuts with water and anti-bacterial soap and not place a bandage over it. Now, he’s immediately asking you for band-aids whenever he has one. Sometimes, the band-aids look ridiculous: bright yellow band-aids with rubber ducks, Disney princesses, cartoons, or cute animal doodles but he doesn’t mind, it’s like a small piece of you that he carries into work, a small reminder of you keeping his wound guarded.
Leon’s now a regular at the hospital, you a regular at the police station. At the hospital, the older nurses and doctors like to grill him about you and how he’s treating you. Back at the police station, the officers like to share stories about all the times Leon embarrassed himself by accident or when he started out as a rookie. They loved to bring up how fast Leon managed to solve the puzzles they set up for him when he had his first day on the job, recommending challenging puzzle kits as a gift for him. What both your coworkers had in common was scrunching their nose and feigning dislike for your mild displays of affection like hugging and kisses to the cheek.
If Leon needed to request for a leave due to medical reasons, he considered himself lucky that you were qualified to be able to write up a medical certificate to present once he got back.
“Officer, I don’t think I can accept this.”
“Why not? It’s written by a medical professional, a licensed one too.”
“We don’t accept certificates coming from–”
“Someone we’re legally associated with? Yes. That includes parents, siblings, and spouses but they’re not my spouse. Well, not yet at least, so I think I’m free to go. Nothing in the handbook indicates that I can’t have my unmarried partner make my certificate.”
“... consider yourself lucky, officer. Fine, I’ll take it.”
He does consider himself lucky– more than lucky, in fact.
One time, he got curious and decided to ask to see the needles you use on patients. On a particularly silly mood that day, you decided to exaggerate a little bit. You took the needle meant for an epidural, a needle around 6 inches, and explained that this went into the spine. He had gone pale, the rosiness and pinkish tint of his face vanishing as you demonstrated how it would be used. You showed him the needles used for intramuscular injections and he adjusts the collar of his clothes, a little queasy at the thought of these scary devices being used on a near-daily basis.
There are some days where you’d come home completely silent and drained, feeling blue from the events that had gone down in the hospital. If Leon got home first, he’d be welcoming you with a beaming grin and open arms but once he spots the puffiness of your face indicative of crying, he pulls you in for a hug and immediately asks what’s wrong before listening to you and offering words of comfort or the solace of his presence with you.
Back then, he simply relied on fruits and the occasional vegetable for his vitamins but after dating you, you decided to slip some vitamins after meals into his diet. He particularly likes the gummy vitamins though you remember to remind him to take them out of the car so they won’t melt and turn into one cluster.
NOTE - Thank you so so much to the anon who sent this, I hope you liked it <3 I've been having writer's block for a bit so it took a long time to complete a request like this but I'm glad that I managed to get this done for you :) I didn't format this post like how I usually format it (w the dividers and text gradients) bc there's a major weather disturbance from where I live and it's affecting the signal and connection speed of the internet so I'll probably make this look pretty once the storm passes us. School starts again in like... a week so requests getting done will prolly take some time so I'll do my best to post everything before everything goes tits up in terms of academics. Anyway, that's it and thank you for reading my fics!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I <33333 UUUUUUUUU!!!!!!!!!!
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andillneverbethesame · 1 year ago
hi! my first req so i apologise if it's incredibly awkward >.< saw you were looking for ts x hp requests and i would love to see 'mine' with james, if possible? tysm!! <3
❥ pairings; james potter x fem!reader
❥ summary; after a failed marriage of your parents, your views on love are pessimistic. however, a certain handsome waiter makes you believe in it again.
❥ warnings; muggle au
❥ a/n; this is so bad n short but i have a writer's block so i'm sorry yall :(
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"and what can i get you?" the waiter turned to you and gave you a smile he didn't give your friend.
you weren't stupid. you knew this boy— james — was flirting with you. you knew this since the very first time you walked into this café and he was there. but you had to act clueless. you didn't want to give him a chance just to get your heart shattered.
"cappuccino would be good," you said with a small smile. it was the kind of smile that shouldn't get his hopes high.
he nodded and winked at you. "i'll be right back."
your friend dorcas elbowed you harshly in the ribs and you let out a groan of pain.
"what was that for?"
she placed her hands on your shoulders and started shaking with you.
"wake up! that bloke's totally into you!"
you slapped her hands away. "well, i know that!he's not being really secretive about it."
"then why aren't you flirting back? he's really handsome, i'd totally go for him if he was a girl."
you rolled your eyes. "he probably just wants to get into my pants anyway."
"he's been flirting with you for weeks! if he really only wanted to sleep with you, it would already happen."
you didn't respond to that because james was back with your order.
you looked up and thanked him and he gave you that smile again, not even bothering to glance at dorcas before walking away.
when he was gone and dorcas started talking about her new job, you noticed a piece of paper on the small plate under your cup.
you furrowed your eyebrows and read it.
call me;
his number was scribbled bellow.
mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine
when you got home that day, you placed the piece of paper on your bedside table and stared at it. you wondered all afternoon and evening if you should call him and give him a chance or not.
as you were lying in bed, trying to fall asleep with that handsome waiter in your mind, you thought about it all.
you hated to admit it but your heart did in fact skip a beat when he smiled or winked at you and you really wanted to see that more often and not only in the café.
before you knew what you were doing, you propped on one of your elbows and reached for the piece of paper and your phone.
you dialed it, your heart beating fast and your palms getting sweaty.
it was only after one ring you heard his voice.
you opened your mouth but no sound was coming for about a second before you managed to stutter, "h-hi..."
he must have recognised your voice because the next thing he said was, "thank god, i was already thinking i made a complete fool out of myself!"
you let out a small laugh. "no, not at all. i'm sorry i'm calling this late but i had a lot of things to...consider."
you imagined him nod even though you couldn't see it.
"no, that's completely alright. i'm very glad you called. . ." when you didn't say anything, he continued, "this is the part where you say your name."
your eyes widen. "oh, right! sorry. my name's y/n."
"y/n," he repeated. "pretty name for a pretty girl."
it was cliche and you knew it but it made you blush anyway.
"i was wondering if you wanted to. . maybe grab a coffee or go to the cinema or something."
you smiled. "i'd like anything."
"okay! it's a surprise then. how about i pick you up tomorrow at four?"
you quickly thought if you have any plans for tomorrow at four but you knew if there were any, you'd cancel them.
"yes, sounds great. i'll text you the adress."
"awesome!" even though you couldn't see him, you swore you heard a smile in his voice. "all settled then. see you tomorrow, y/n."
"see you, james. goodnight!"
mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine
the next day at four, just as he promised, james's car was outside your flat building.
you practically ran out of the door and soon regretted to giving into dorcas pleads to wear dress when it was almost autumn already but you didn't want to go back to change now that james saw you.
he got out of his car and like a true gentleman he opened the door for you.
"hi!" he beamed when you reached him. "you look beautiful."
blood rushed into your cheeks. "thank you. you don't look bad yourself."
to say james was good looking would be an incorrent statement. he was so goddamn beautiful with his black curls in his eyes and you didn't regret anything.
you got into the passenger's seat and james got into his driver's one.
"ready to go?"
you nodded.
mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine
the whole way to wherever james was taking you, you both spend it by saying the most basic things about yourselves. you found out he's a college student and he plays rugby and that he'd like to be a professional rugby player in the future and at that moment you decided you were going to watch his nearest game to surprise him.
you yourself talked quite a lot during the care ride which was unusual because you only talked a lot with people close to you.
you arrived at a lake you haven't been at before. it was surrounded by forest and grass. as you were looking around, james pulled out a blanket and a picnic basket out of the car. when you turned back to him, the blanket was laid on the grass by the water and james finished pulling out all the food he brought. you suddenly realised that he must have remembered everything you ever ordered because that's what was lying on the blanket; all your favorite donuts, croissants, ice creams...
"wow," you gasped quietly.
you started to believe for the first time.
mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine
"can you believe it?" you said, looking up at james from your place on his chest.
you two were lying on his couch in his flat just minutes after your first fight. it was a silly one, you knew it but you still were surprised it didn't end up with you slamming the entrance door of his flat.
he chuckled. "i do." he pressed his lips to the topof your head and intertwined his fingers with yours. "we'll never make your parents mistakes."
that was the most comforting sentence anyone could ever say to you and you thought, i can see it now.
mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine
flash forward and you and james were taking on the world together. you two went so far that you started sort of living together (you spent most of your time at his place and you couldn't remember the last time you were at yours).
your relationship with james was sky-high. you told him everything and you started to think he may already know you better than you knew yourself. it was scary at first but you soon realised it could be the best thing you had ever done.
however, even the best things come to end.
or so you thought.
you still remembered it. 2:30am, screaming at james because of something stupid but he didn't even raise his voice at you. he was completely calm and that was maybe what made you so angry.
you ran out crying out into the streets and the realization hit you harder than ever. James was trying to talk things out and all you did was shout and then ran out without giving him a chance.
you could feel an ache in your heart that you knew so very well.
was he going to leave me now?
your hands began to shake, the rain mixing with your tears as you began thinking of the worst scenarios ever; a future without james.
but that's when you saw him; he was running towards you with his hair wet and his shirt glued to his body.
he stopped in front of you, breathing heavily. he brought his hand to your face and you didn't flinch. you knew you didn't have to. he got some of your hair out of your face and looked straight into your eyes. he knew what you were thinking. he always did.
"i'll never leave you alone."
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jq37 · 9 months ago
Would it be possible for you to briefly outline the gist of the Bad Kid’s relationships to each other in terms of individual pairs (i.e. Fig and Kristen, Riz and Fabian, Adaine and Gorgug, etc)? And if that’s too much, maybe specifically the Fig ones (I’m trying to get a sense of her friendships because they are so important to her).
This is SOOOOO late but I didn't have the time to write it when you sent it and then I figured I might as well wait till the end of the season to get a full picture and give the best answer. Hope it was worth the wait!
Fig and Fabian: Fig and Fabian are the two that most closely fit the classic "cool kid" archetype (though obviously we know Fig is mainly a big sweetheart and Fabian is a loser no matter how high he rolls). As far back as S1 they were playing the party faces and schmoozing Penelope together. I think their friendship now is exemplified by the fact that when Fabian wanted to threaten his banker, Fig was there as his first mate to help out, no questions asked and no payment required. They're each others, "I can count on you to do this bullshit with me," friends.
Fig and Riz: I think Fig knows she doesn't necessarily have as much in common with Riz naturally as she does with some of her other friends but she obviously respects and deeply cares for him. The main reason she started taking her classes seriously Junior Year is because the whole party passing together was really stressing him out and she spent some of her very limited downtime sending Riz a, "Thinking of you" not to lift his spirits (though she signed it from Gorgug because she can't help being chaotic). Similarly, I think Riz obviously cares a ton for Fig even though he finds 70% of what she does crazy. Think about him following behind her to clean things up as she pretended to be a doctor and had to do surgery in Freshman Year. But I think she's helped him lean into his chaotic side a bit more as well--I always think about their side mission to hell in Soph year and her going, "Hiss at her litigator!" And at the end of Junior Year, he comes to the conclusion of, "I gotta let her do her own thing and not pressure her to live by my standards." So lots of mutual respect.
Fig and Gorgug: Fig and Gorgug have been besties and bandmates since Freshman Year. I've always had the sense that Fig has some big sister style protective feelings towards Gorgug since he's often the gentle giant of the group and this season, she hyped him up a ton with his Barbificer stuff. I would argue that, besides his parents, Fig is Gorgug's biggest cheerleader.
Fig and Adaine: Fig ALSO has sister energy with Adaine but it's less "protective older sister" and more "odd couple playfully clashing". Think them burning spellslots to fight for the best rooms in Mordred in Soph year and Adaine foaming at the mouth to get info about her crush on Ayda. They're living under the same roof so we have to assume they have a lot more interactions that we don't see and I feel like Adaine probably really enjoys that she gets to have closer to a normal sibling relationship with Fig since her blood sister is Aelwyn and that relationship is intense and meaningful but nothing approaching normal. The teasing is there but so is the genuine love--remember how devastated Fig was when Adaine was taken to Falinel in Soph year despite their best efforts? And her long hug during the Baron fight this season even though they were VERY MUCH on the clock. And Fig was Wingwomaning hard (along with the rest of the Bad Kids) to help her notice Oisin. Also think about Fig having a whole crisis of self during The Last Stand and turning to Adaine for reassurance and Adaine just going, what? Girl, no you're awesome and painting an arcane bullseye on her target so she could smite like crazy. Despite the playful ribbing, they have very supportive sister energy. "Absolutely my king, whatever you want."
Fig and Kristen: I think Fig and Kristen have two big things is common. One is they're both very chaotic people and the other is they have both gone through kind of intense rebellious periods spurred by or resulting in family trauma. Because of that, I think they likely get each other a bit better than the others might (and we can see that Fig followed in Kristen's footsteps a ton this season god-wise). Fig also decided to take on the protective, German Shepherd role over Kristen this past season which I think is partially for the bit, partially about personal development, and partially about just how much she genuinely wants to help protect Kristen.
Fabian and Riz: Classic jock/nerd friendship. The original Bardy Boys. The kind of friendship that is made special by the absolute lack of obvious commonality between the two parties. "The Ball" is a friendly nickname now. Oh how the turns have tabled.
Fabian and Gorgug: Fabian started out the series by attacking Gorgug for no good reason while he was being gifted a tin flower and midway through this season he was like Gorgug, you're quitting Bloodrush? I'm gonna miss you :(((((( even though they're still fully in a party together and spend so much time together. The bro energy has completely solidified. It's also funny that Fabian texted Gorgug like, "Congrats on making it with Mary Ann!" and Gorgug was like, "You do know I've had sex before, right? I come from an extremely sex positive household and I had a steady girlfriend for two years who also came from an extremely sex positive household." Fabian has all the aesthetics of a cool kid but Gorgug is actually about that life, lol.
Fabian and Adaine: This is another pair that I think has serious sibling energy (and not just bc they both have posh high elf backgrounds). I'm thinking about Fabian yelling for Adaine's help during The Last Stand (even though she was like why am I the one you're calling for help right now???). I'm also thinking about Adaine being like Fabian hit me :( during the Baron encounter and Fabian being outraged at the thought that he would ever hit her. I think if you asked Fabian, he'd say his best friends are Riz and Adaine (which is really funny considering they're the nerds of the group).
Fabian and Kristen: Bad decision buddies with no game who are still somehow getting their kisses in.
Riz and Gorgug: I think that Riz was one of the Bad Kids who realized how smart Gorgug really is the fastest. He's always like, "Nice one Gorgug," when he offhandedly comes up with a connection that helps solve the mystery and I feel like they have to work on gear and gadgets together. I think the fact that Riz believed Fig's lie that Gorgug wrote him the encouraging note says a lot and the fact that Gorgug immediately made him a real present (the Medal of Wit) also says a lot.
Riz and Adaine: Party nerds, investigation buddies, voices of reason with specific things that get them unreasonably angry. They are the only ones who were excited that there was an academic portion of The Last Stand. Riz made Adaine a folder with nothing in it at the beginning of Junior Year to say, "I'm not worried about you but I want you to be included anyway." Adaine in a conversation to I don't remember who said that she knows that at the very least she and Riz are going to college together. When everyone was wasting questions questioning Bakur, Riz told everyone to shut up except for Adaine and himself. They are the braincells of the operation and they have party nerd solidarity.
Riz and Kristen: I think Riz has a similar relationship to Kristen that he does to Fig. This season he was her right hand man with campaign stuff but ended the season like hey, do you. I don't want to put pressure on you. And Kristen in turn I think appreciated his efforts a bit more by the end of the season. I feel like it's easy to feel like their relationship is unbalanced but I think Riz is a lot like his dad and he not only feels weird when he's not working but also shows his love by working so it's more symbiotic than it may seem at surface level.
Gorgug and Adaine: Gorgug and Adaine don't interact the most, but I feel in my heart that they have a lot of chill, lo-fi study time together. This is me extrapolating a bit but I think they kind of inherently balance each other out. Gorgug being mechanically big and full of rage but really sweet. Adaine being small and polite but full of so much rage. In-universe you know she spends a ton of time standing directly behind him and casting spells while he soaks damage. That's gotta give you a special kind of camaraderie.
Gorgug and Kristen: Whenever I think about Gorgug and Kristen, I always picture them in Sophomore Year, Going Through It with their girlfriends at the same time, lol.
Adaine and Kristen: I think Adaine and Kristen's whole relationship is best summed up by three actions. (1) Adaine casting Friends on her to make her go to school so she won't fail and then Kristen giving her the Help action to be charmed. (2) Kristen making the effort to be mean-nice to Aelwyn because presumably Adaine told her she likes that better. (3) K2 being sent way and Kristen being like, "I did enjoy having a sister" and Adaine immediately going, "I'm your sister." (Which, from her history, you know isn't something she'd say lightly). I think Adaine is often exasperated by the insane shit Kristen does (see eg: ribbon dancing) but she was also right there hyping her up and helping her cover during the "Passed the test to give me new spells" fiasco at the food trucks. At the end of the day, Kristen respects the hell out of Adaine and Adaine is ride or die for Kristen.
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resident-gay-bitch · 1 year ago
This is inspired by this post :))
“Padfoot?” Harry asked, scrambling up to the table beside Sirius. He slapped his grubby little hands up on the table that was taller than he, and peaked over it to get a look at what Sirius was doing, “What’s that?”
“These are taxes.” Sirius said calmly, reaching down to grab Harry by the waist and hoist him up onto his own lap, “It’s things adults have to do with money. It’s very boring.”
“Do you have to do writing?” He asked, poking the page with a… green finger.
“Yes, a little bit.” Sirius said, grabbing Harry’s hand to get a good look at it, “Why are all of your fingers different colours, Bambi?”
“I wanted to be a rainbow!” He exclaimed, poking Sirius in the face, “Just like you!”
Beside them, Remus snickered, covering his mouth with his hand.
“Just like me, huh?” Sirius asked.
“Yeah.” Harry giggled, “Like you and uncle Moony.”
Sirius laughed and nudged Remus in the ribs, “Hear that Moons? It’s not just me.”
Remus rolled his eyes and shook his head, “You’re trouble, Harry.”
Harry giggled and smiled up at Sirius, “Do you get to do colouring on taxis?”
“Taxes, Sprout, they’re called taxes.” Sirius corrected, running a hand over Harry’s unruly hair, “And no, it’s so boring. No colours allowed.”
Harry poked out his tongue and blew a raspberry, “Can I help you? Maybe I can make it fun.”
“You can absolutely help me if you like, Remus has to help me too because I’m not much good at this stuff. I reckon you’ll be pretty good at it though, don’t you think?”
“Yeah! I’m good at everything.” Harry nodded, “Mummy says I’m the best ever.”
“Well, your mummy is right. Isn’t she, Moons?”
“She’d probably hex me if I said she was ever wrong.” Remus agreed, “So yes, your mother is always right, Harry. You are the best ever.”
Proudly, Harry grinned and stuck his hands up in the air. Sirius tugged him into a big hug and kissed the top of his head before they settled comfortably in their shared chair.
Harry listened carefully as Remus explained each step to Sirius, and together they figured out how to do Sirius’ taxes.
Once that task was done, Remus left for work and Harry followed Sirius through their little house towards the laundry.
“Can I help, please, Padfoot. Mummy says I’m so helpful.”
“Absolutely you can help me, Harry.” Sirius grinned, opening up the washing machine and pulling out all the wet laundry. “I’ll carry this basket outside because it’s very heavy, but maybe you can help me hang everything out, how does that sound?”
“Okay!” Harry shouted running off in the other direction, “I’ll go get your sunglasses!”
“They’re beside my bed!” Sirius called back, chuckling to himself as he loaded up the basket.
He met Harry by the back door, and the little boy was huffing and puffing from his run throughout the house, looking for Sirius’ sunglasses and his own pair that had gotten lost in the mess of his own little room for sleepovers.
They both put their shades on, looking super cool and awesome in them together, and went outside into the summer sun to hang the laundry.
Harry was very helpful, as he said he would be, and handed Sirius each individual item from the basket so he could hang them out. Harry wanted to help hang things up too, because he said it looked fun, but he was too short to reach the clothes line. Sirius did put the boy on his shoulders at one point to hang a few of his own little socks and undies out.
Harry was very satisfied to be helping. Sirius finds it’s adorable how Harry just wants to hang around him all the time, even when he’s doing perfectly mundane things like laundry and taxes. But he supposed he used to be the same with James.
When they were younger, Sirius would follow James everywhere, and he’d watch when James wanted to do extra homework, he’d watch when James polished his broom, and he’d hang around when James wanted to read his magazines. They were best friends, of course Sirius wanted to spend every waking minute with James.
It fills him with so much pride to be that best friend to little Harry. It makes him so happy to know that Harry likes to plod around behind Sirius, doing the most boring of things, simply because he enjoys Sirius’ presence.
Sirius and James may be the best of friends, but they’re nothing compared to the friendship Harry and Sirius have created. They’re together as much as they possibly can be. When Harry was really little, he’d often get confused and call Sirius “dad”, which only made James extremely happy of course.
After the laundry was hung out, they popped back inside for a spot of tea and muffins before getting ready to head out for the day. Harry put his favorite t-rex shirt on, and the boots Sirius bought him for his last birthday. Sirius also wore his boots, and his T.Rex shirt so they’d sort of match.
They both took their leather jackets and wore their matching “cool guy” sunglasses.
Sirius isn’t allowed to take Harry on his motorcycle without adult supervision (James does not count as adult supervision), so they walked down the street, hand in hand, to the bus stop to head into town.
Harry had a wonderful time on the bus, as he always does. He likes to press his face up against the window and watch the world zoom by. It fascinates him how they can move so fast without feeling the wind in his hair or anything, unlike flying on a broom. He thinks it’s brilliant.
He also had a lovely chat with an older lady on the bus. Harry likes to talk to strangers, which became a bit of an issue a few months ago when he’d just wonder off with them. Luckily none had been of the evil sort and helped him find his family again, but it was certainly a problem. He’s better now though, only talking with strangers when someone he knows is also there.
So when an older lady sat across from them on the bus, Harry got chatting away. She told Sirius he was such a lovely boy, and that he should be a very proud dad. Harry and Sirius both had a bit of a giggle about that, and Harry corrected her by calling Sirius his “bestest friend in the entire world and also my uncle”.
When they finally reached their stop, Sirius had to pick Harry up and carry him away because all he wanted to do was chat with the lady. He was very upset to get off the bus, but Sirius bribed him with a lollipop later, so Harry calmed down.
“What’s this place?” Harry asked as they walked through the double doors of the optometrist.
“It’s where you go to get glasses.”
“Oh…” He furrowed his brow, “Did daddy have to go here?”
“Yep.” Sirius nodded, “He has to come back every so often, too.”
“Why are we here?” Harry asked, skipping along beside Sirius as they walked up to the counter, their hands intertwined.
“Because Moony thinks I need glasses, even though I think he’s wrong. But also… you might need glasses too.”
“Like daddy?”
“Yeah, like daddy.” Sirius smiled, “We have to get a little test done, but don’t worry, it’s not scary, just a bit weird. And I’m gonna be there the whole time.”
“Okay.” Harry shrugged, “Can I get glasses like daddy?”
“You can get whatever glasses you want, if the eye doctors say you need them.”
“Okay!” Harry grinned, jumping on the spot.
When the pair were finally called in for their assessment, Sirius went first to help calm some of Harry’s rising nerves. He sat in the chair and confidently named all the letters the optometrist pointed out to him. Once all his tests were done, and Harry was squirming in his lap, excited and ready to take his own tests, the optometrist delivered some shocking news.
“Yeah, you really need some glasses.”
“Bad word!” Harry gasped, “You’re not allowed to say that.”
“Bullocks, then.” Sirius corrected, “Bloody Remus, why is he always right?”
Harry was very brave through the bulk of his tests, it was only when the optometrist had to get up close to his eyes did he grab onto Sirius and squeeze his wrist so hard that he has little half moons indented in his skin from Harry’s nails.
Nevertheless, Sirius was proud of him, and he told Harry so much. Together, they wondered through the store, hand in hand, and picked out their glasses.
Harry picked a pair similar to his dads, round, black wire frames that were almost bigger than he was. He loved them though, and thought he looked amazing in them, and Sirius thought he was too adorable to not let Harry get them.
Sirius picked out some semi rimless tortoiseshell glasses that suited his face well, and didn’t draw too much attention whilst still accentuating his eyes. When he asked for Harry’s opinion, Harry just said, “You look really smart!”
Sirius looked back at his own reflection and realised he did look pretty smart, and decided he should buy them because Remus would probably find him really attractive.
Once the glasses were bought and they both stepped out wearing them, they headed down to the store to buy some groceries. Tonight, Harry wanted to help cook dinner with Sirius because they were having a big family tea. Lily and James were coming over, as well as Uncle Wormy, Aunt Mary, and Lele (or, Marlene, who refused to be called an aunt because she did not feel responsible enough for that title. Harry calls her Lele, and is the only one allowed to do so, because when he was smaller he couldn’t pronounce Marlene, or Marls, or Marlie, so he automatically shortened Marlie to Lele).
Harry got to sit in the trolley as they wandered around the store, and he was very helpful when grabbing the food they needed and putting it all in the bottom of the trolley in a very organised manner. All the cold things were on one side, all the not cold things on the other, all the big things at the back, and all the little things at the front. Sirius was very impressed with his organisation.
“What do you think, Bambi?” Sirius asked, stopping by the meats, “Would you prefer roast chicken, or roast lamb for tea?”
“Uhm…” Harry thought, tapping his chin as he inspected the meat isle, “Lamb because it’s bigger and I’m so hungry.”
Sirius giggled and grabbed the lamb, handing it to Harry to organise in the trolly, “Careful, muscle man, it’s heavy.”
“Woah!” Harry wobbled as he took it in two hands, carefully crouching down to put it where he wanted it to go, “It’s okay, I’m getting really strong.”
“Yes you are.” Sirius grinned, beginning to push the trolley again, “You’re almost stronger than I am.”
Harry giggled, very giddy on the compliment. Sirius adores how easy it is to get Harry in a giddy state, he gets so adorably flustered anytime anyone gives him a compliment, Sirius can’t help but compliment him all the time.
Honestly, it’s probably a little selfish of him, but he supposed it’s a good thing anyway, that he wants to dote on Harry all the time. He never grew up understanding what it felt like to be loved, he never had the adults in his life compliment him, or encourage him, or help him when he got things wrong, so he does all these things double for Harry.
It makes him so incredibly happy to know that the little rascal is growing up with such a loving environment around him, and with so many people who care about him so viscerally. So who gives a fuck if it’s selfish, at least Harry gets to feel pure happiness every single day, and gets tucked into bed at night with forehead kisses and story times, and at least he knows what it feels like to be loved.
He can’t help himself when he leans over and scruffs up Harry’s hair, and honestly, darn Remus because now he can see the twinkle of admiration in Harry’s eyes even better. Sirius flicks him on the end of the nose, which makes Harry giggle, and they spin around the corner to continue with their shop.
“We need to remember to get some mint when we go back past the vegetables, so we can make some mint sauce. Do you think you can remember that, smarty pants?”
“I will try my best.” Harry smiles, standing up and facing the front of the trolly to point Sirius in the right directions, because he’s in charge here, that’s the rules, according to Harry. “Can we please get some pudding?”
“I think that’s a great idea.” Sirius smiled, “What are you thinking? Maybe some icecream? Or something warm?”
“Icecream with lots of toppings!” Harry shouted, turning back to look at Sirius, “Can we have strawberries and grapes?”
“Ooh, that sounds super yummy.” Sirius grinned, “And chocolate sauce and sprinkles too?”
Harry giggled, “Yes please.”
“Lead the way, captain!” Sirius bellowed out, and Harry turned to point him in the wrong direction, and they spent the next ten mineuts getting lost in the store.
By the time they got to the register, Sirius realised he’d forgotten the mint.
When Sirius raced back to the front of the store, to find Harry standing there anxiously with fully packed bags and an impatient cashier, he panted out a quick apology, scanned through the mint, and rushed Harry out of the store with their shopping.
“Sorry, Harry.” Sirius grumbled, switching the bags around in his hand to get a comfortable grip on them, “I know you hate being left up there by yourself.”
“She didn’t even want to talk to me!” Harry pouted, carrying a whole bag of shopping by himself. He looked like he was struggling with it, but when Sirius asked if he needed a hand, he promised he was strong enough to carry it himself.
“Well, she must have sucked. Some people are so boring, aren’t they?”
“Yeah.” Harry moped.
“But, if it’s any consolation, I bought you a giant sized lollipop like I promised.”
“Giant?” Harry asked, bewildered as he looked up at Sirius.
“Giant.” Sirius whispered back, like it was a wonderful secret, “It might even be bigger than you.”
Harry laughed so brightly, almost tripping over his own feet he was so distracted by it, “You’re so silly, Paddy.”
“I know, I know, I’m just the silliest.” Sirius laughed along with him, “You can eat it on the bus, if you want. But you won’t be allowed to eat it when your mum and dad come over, or they’ll get me in trouble for letting you have so much sugar.”
“Okay, I’ll keep a secret.” Harry whispered, absolutely delighted by the thought of keeping secrets from his parents.
“Good boy.” Sirius grinned down at him, “Come on, we’re almost at the bus stop.”
On the ride home, Sirius started up a game of I-Spy, which Harry roped a couple of teenagers on their way home from school into playing. They were two girls, each with hair bigger than their backpacks, who giggled whenever Harry said something adorable.
Sirius only stopped giggling with them when one of the girls made a comment about how Harry had a really cute dad too. Which of course, Harry didn’t pick up on and only corrected them the same way he had that old lady earlier today, but Sirius very pointedly didn’t continue any conversation with them out of pure discomfort.
On the short walk back from the bus stop to Sirius’ house, Harry started to struggle even more with his shopping bag. The big day had started to catch up with him, and the little boy started to get tired, tripping over his own feet and going unnaturally quiet. Not only that, but carrying an entire shopping bag whilst also trying to eat a jumbo lollipop seemed to be a very hard task.
“Oh, Harry, would you be able to grab my keys out of my pocket? I’ve got my hands full.”
“Me too!” Harry groaned. He had a tendency to get grumpy when he’s tired.
“Yes, yes, just put that bag down for a second- here, hand it to me, there you go.” Sirius nodded, taking the bag from Harry, “And hand me your lollipop- good boy.”
Harry reached into Sirius’ pocket and pulled out the house keys, finding the right one to stick in the door, “Got them.”
“Great job.” Sirius smiled, handing the lollipop back to Harry, but keeping the bag, “And there’s all your things back, good job. How about some I-Spy?”
“Okay.” Harry shrugged, too distracted to notice that Sirius had kept the shopping bag. It wasn’t very heavy, it just had a loaf of bread, the mint, some crisps, and a punnet of strawberries in it, but that was a lot for such a little boy. Sirius knew he wouldn’t give the bag up willingly, not wanting to look weak in front of his cool Uncle Padfoot, so Sirius has to get smart about these things.
Luckily, Sirius knows his nephew well enough to do these things smoothly.
They played a lazy game of I-Spy the rest of the short walk home, and Harry cheered up a little without the extra weight in his hands. He was pretty happy to be the one who unlocked the door when they got there, and ran inside to greet Libby the lizard.
Libby was a bearded dragon Sirius had purchased on a whim one afternoon about two years ago. He and Harry had been out on a walk and popped into the pet shop so Harry could look at all the puppies and kittens, and when he saw the lizard he thought it was so hilarious and cool that Sirius brought it for him.
When Lily found out, she was furious. James was laughing his arse off, just thankful it wasn’t a cow, because Harry had previously been asking for a pet cow and he knows how easily Sirius bends to Harry’s will, especially when he pulls out the puppy dog eyes.
Lily said Harry could keep the lizard if he wanted, but it had to live at Sirius’ house, so of course Sirius agreed. At age three, Harry had a pet lizard he named Libby because there wasn’t much else he knew how to say, and Sirius took care of it for him.
The pair quickly unpacked all the bags, gave Libby her dinner, and then had a little break after their big day of walking around. Sirius made them both some tea and biscuits, and Harry did some colouring whilst they chatted.
Sirius got started on the dinner preparations whilst Harry continued to do some colouring, still too tired to help out just yet.
In the lounge, they had Led Zeppelin playing on the record player, because they were one of Harry’s favorites. Immigrant Song is Harry’s favorite, he likes to sing along to the “Ah ah aahhhhh ah” part.
Mindlessly, Sirius chopped up the vegetables for roasting, singing and dancing along to the tunes vibrating through the house.
After flipping the record, very carefully, as he had been taught by his uncles, Harry pondered into the kitchen and stepped up on his little helping-out-stool, and layed all the veggies out on the tray and covered them in oil and seasonings.
“Very good job, Harry.” Sirius smiled, taking the lamb out of the packet, “Go wash your hands again and you can help me season the meat, yeah?”
“Okay.” Harry grinned and skipped off to clean up.
Whilst waiting, Sirius turned the oven on to preheat and washed his own hands at the kitchen sink. When Harry returned, they got to smothering the meat in seasonings together and plopping it on the rack over the vegetables.
“Now, whilst that’s cooking we’ll make up the mint sauce, and then that’s all done.” Sirius smiled, “Should we prepare dessert now as well?”
“I think so.” Harry nodded, “Then we can be more fancy, like a restaurant, when everyone gets here.”
“Right you are, Sprout.” Sirius winked at him, grabbing the mint out of the fridge and instructing Harry on how to help.
They pottered around each other, and Harry did a very good job of stirring the sauce as Sirius quickly diced up the strawberries for dessert. And once everything was done, they got started on setting the table.
Remus came home about midway through their process, smiling at the inviting smell of a roast dinner. The full moon was approaching, Remus was even more appreciative of a good lamb roast than ever.
“Hi, love.” Sirius smiled, wandering over to kiss his partner hello.
“Hi.” Remus melted, kissing Sirius’ cheek back, “I see I was right?”
Sirius groaned, “Shut up- don’t Harry and I just look so flash in our new glasses?”
“Oh, look at you!” Remus smiled as Harry started to show off a bit, “Two very handsome men, you are.”
Harry giggled, hugging Remus’ leg, “Thanks, Uncle Moony!”
“Now, go shower and change.” Sirius said, shoving Remus towards their room, “We’ve got dinner to cook and guests to greet. Go, go.”
“Cute apron.” Remus smiled, backing away, “Pinks certainly your colour.”
Sirius flipped him off, one hand subconsciously smoothing over the frilly apron James had jokingly gifted him one Christmas.
Harry dragged Sirius back into the kitchen just in time to pull the roast out of the oven, and it smelt delicious. So delicious in fact, that Harry actually started drooling as he stared at it.
Sirius laughed his arse off, quickly wiping the boys chin before it dribbled down his shirt.
Once they had both calmed down a little, and Harry’s embarrassment had subsided, they got to cutting up the meat and plating. Harry was very helpful in this process, using the little tongs in the shape of dog paws to dish out all the vegetables into serving bowls, as well as transferring the cut off slices onto a platter for easy serving.
Once the table was all set and ready, and Harry was satisfied with how everything looked, he rushed over to put on some good “eating dinner” music as their family started to arrive.
Together they all sat around the dinner table, Harry at the head with Sirius right beside him at his request, and shared a lovely meal together.
James was almost rendered to tears when Harry told him he picked the glasses that looked most like his dads. Sirius had to hold his hand whilst he sobbed over his carrots.
Once the meal was done, Harry begged for another sleep over at his Uncle Pads because they had the best time ever doing big people things tomorrow. Sirius, of course, agreed, and the both of them begged James and Lily for another sleepover. Besides, Sirius had more mundane things to do tomorrow, and Harry always finds a way to make those things fun.
☆ ★ ☆
Anyway, I love Sirius and Harry’s friendship and I also love the marauders just doing normal people things so I thought why not?
This was great because I haven’t been able to write in ages cause some personal shit happened and my mind has been mush ever since and I’ve had all these writing ideas but no motivation or energy to write so this was really really fun. I didn’t put too much energy or effort into it, you know, it’s a pretty basic fic but I still think it’s fun.
Thanks for taking the time to read! I’d really appreciate reblogs and comments, they always make my day <3
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cakerybakery · 21 days ago
Dinner was going well. Charlie was a bit surprised. Since Lucifer came to live at the hotel and Adam revived almost six months ago, nearly every meal had been a battlefield.
Alastor picking a fight with Lucifer. Lucifer and Adam at each other’s throats. And that was on top of various dramas involving overlords and sinners.
But things were settling down.
Even when Alastor was trying to get under Lucifer’s skin, Adam seemed to have taken over calming things down. If calming things down meant, telling Alastor to quiet his ass up and for Lucifer to sit his ass back down, then interrupting Alastor every time he tried to make an excuse with a, “kid, I told you to shut up.” Alastor usually vanished after that.
Alastor had left for the night when Adam asked for someone to please pass the salt.
Lucifer handed it to Charlie, “please pass this to your mother, would you, darling?”
“Sure— what did you say?” Charlie blinked as several people started to choke on their drinks or food.
“ADAM!” Lucifer gave a hysterical fake laugh. “Slip of the tongue! I forgot for a moment, we— that. It’s I— Adam! Help me out here.”
“Fuck, no!” Adam wheezed between laughs. “You’re on your own, daddy.” He teased.
Lucifer shot Adam a dirty look as Husk tried to dislodge a piece of chicken from Angel’s throat.
“You might as well tell her.” Adam said still trying to get his breath back.
“Tell me what?” Charlie asked, glaring accusingly at Lucifer, who still fumbled over his words.
“It’s— well. Uhhh. Charlie, darling.”
Charlie pulled away as Lucifer reach for her hand. “Don’t tell me you two are dating.” She wanted to be supportive but that set Adam off again and the colour drained from Lucifer’s cheek marks.
“NO!” Lucifer glared at Adam. “I was going to tell her when I was ready! Asshole.”
“Seriously. Tell me what?”
Lucifer reached for her again but pulled away and fiddled with his cuffs instead. “The divorce is finalized. We signed the paperwork this morning. I’ve been a little distracted, thinking about your mother. Adam had been helping me the last few weeks to get up the nerve to sign everything.”
Adam winked and shot her a finger gun. “Not my first divorce. Been married and divorced six times now. Figured helping him rip the bandage off would net me some of those good karma points or whatever.”
“Oh.” That was all? She knew this was coming. Lilith took off all those years ago and Charlie often told herself Lilith was doing something important, but there had been all the fights, and her mom stormed out, and the divorce papers in the mail.
She knew. But her heart kind of hurt anyway. Things were never going back to normal. To how they had been when she was a kid.
“That’s good news!” She did her best to put on a happy face. “You guys weren’t happy anymore. It’s better than being miserable together.” She tried to remember some of the “So your parents are getting divorced, Champ” pamphlets she’d read when the divorce papers first showed up.
Stuff like, ‘It’s not your fault mommy and daddy aren’t together,’ didn’t seem applicable right now, but, “Sometimes people just grow apart, Dad. And it’s better if you two can move on and find happiness again.”
“You’re taking this better than I thought.” Lucifer smiled softly at her.
“Told you.” Adam had settled back in the eat his food. “She a tough kid. You did a good job with her.”
Lucifer flushed gold. “I—uh, thank you?”
“No problem.”
Dinner settled back down and Adam got his salt, getting plenty of ribbing about Lucifer slip of the tongue in.
Charlie started to clear the table, it was her turn that night, and Adam and Lucifer gave her thanks before leaving and looking closer than they used to be.
“Daddy up for a movie?” Adam teased, jostling Lucifer’s shoulder as they left.
Lucifer snorted. “You’re not going to let that go are you?”
“Turn about is fairplay, mommy.”
She could hear them as they went down the hall.
“Bitch, you think that bothers me? I’m too awesome to care. Now answer the question.”
“Depends on if mommy wants to watch that crappy Titanic movie again or something good.” Lucifer teased.
Adam faked a gasp. “That movie is a classic! It’s cinematic perfection!”
They wandered too far for Charlie to hear anymore of their conversation. But it left her wondering. She shouldn’t assume, but it seemed funny to her that it took someone new in her father’s life for him to move past the divorce at last. Maybe they were just friends.
But the mommy/daddy thing was weird, right?
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rius-cave · 1 year ago
What about Luci wanting to increase Adams feelings for him through psychology, not manipulation.
Humans form attachments to things that make them happy. So, what if Lucifer used Adams favorite music, food, and drink to transfer those positive feelings to him?
Adam: Ha, good luck with that.
Lucifer: We'll see. *Turns on rock music*
Adam: Rock music? Best there is.
Lucifer: I also had ribs made the way you like them. With a drink on the side.
Adam: I don't like to drink alcohol with dinner.
Lucifer: I know. What about a slushie?
Adam: No fucking way. *Takes a sip and it's his favorite*
Lucifer: Dig in!
Adam: This is fucking awesome, we should do this more often.
Adam: ....
Lucifer: :D
Adam: Uh oh...
One note: There's no way that Lucifer would let him know what he's trying to do LOL.
But yeah, Lucifer is probably like, really old fashioned when it comes to romance. I can't confidently say how many partners he's had in his life, but I really imagine him to be romantic but like, almost in a cringy or even obvious way haha. He'd be the type to give surprises, make little gifts, and just put thought into details that he thinks his partner will try. He's also just sooooo smitten every once in a while. I have a feeling that with Lilith he would just stare at her for too long and then say "Have I ever told you that your hair shines more beautiful than the golden streets of Heaven?"
That wouldn't happen with Adam until much later, but the part about making little things and gifts for him, yeah that does lol
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bullet-prooflove · 4 months ago
Halloween Bingo Card 2024: Scary Movies - Sam Carver x Reader
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Tagging: @kmc1989 @mckinleysbones @wnbweasley @saturnsdevilz
Companion piece to:
The Evidence Locker - Sam realises his feelings for you might be reciprocated.
Scars - Sam thinks his emotional scars are too much for you.
Playing For Keeps - Sam regrets what he said about your first night together.
Big Heart - Sam takes care of you after noticing you're in pain.
Five Stars (NSFW) - Sam's realises his handyman skills do a little something for you.
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You don’t realise horror movies aren’t Sam’s thing, not until the two of you are sitting on there in the dark watching Halloween in honour of the upcoming holiday. You’re tucked in against him on the couch, his arm wrapped around your shoulders, when you start to notice his muscles tense everytime Mike Myers appears on the screen.
At first you think it’s just a fluke but it gets worse and worse as the movie goes on until you pick up the remote and pause the stream.
“Sam…” You say softly because his eyes are closed and his jaw is clenched but it’s like he can’t hear you in that moment, he’s trapped inside his own head re-living whatever nightmare he endured at the hands of his brother.
You shift into his lap, your fingertips ghosting lightly over his cheek as your forehead comes to rest against his.
“Sam baby.”  You whisper and his eyes flicker open, his field of vision filled entirely by you. Your hand slips down to his heart and you can feel it beating wildly underneath your fingertips as you look into his eyes.
“What did he do to you?” You ask and he swallows hard, his gaze never flinching away from yours.
“You’ve seen the scars.” He says, his voice raw and you know he’s not talking about the burns up his left shoulder. He means the four slices just underneath his ribs, the ones that look like a hashtag. “He watched this movie, got a little inspiration. My parents went out to a party, thought we were trick or treating…”
He trails off then, his eyebrows furrowing into a frown.
“He wore the mask.” He tells you and you think in that moment your heart skips a beat because no child can be as fucking evil as Nathan Carver. “He wore the mask the whole time he was cutting me.”
 “Why didn’t you say something before the movie?” You ask him as his hand covers yours, keeping it clasped against his chest.  It helps sometimes, having you pressed against him like this. Already he can feel his panic starting to subside. “We didn’t have to watch it.
“It’s your tradition.” He says quietly. “I didn’t want to mess that up for you.”
This man, this bloody minded stubborn man. He would do anything for you, even if it is to his own detriment.
“Oh Sam.” You murmur, your nose bumping against his. “I don’t want it to be a tradition if it hurts you. Fuck Halloween, we’ll watch Rocky instead, or Casablanca or The Lego Movie if it makes you smile.”
“The Lego Movie.” He huffs a laugh, his fingertips tucking a strand of hair back behind your ear. “How do you always know how to make me smile?”
“Because I’m fucking awesome Sam.” You whisper, your lips brushing over his. “And so are you.”
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