#like you know the recent study done on irritator and they found that it could open up the base of its lower jaw wide
zestyderg · 1 year
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tigreblvnc · 1 month
Your match is...
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— Mikage Reo
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✦ Wow, thanks for all this information.
✦ I could almost immerse myself in your life.
✦ I only had to think about it once because I'm sure Reo IS the one you need. For many reasons.
✦ First of all, the whole series has shown us that he is perhaps one of the most loyal characters out there. Even though he tends to get attached to something (or someone *cough cough*) out of interest at first, his attachment is real, almost a bit naive, though very possessive.
✦ I like to think that this temperament is related to his zodiac sign, Leo. They are known for their leadership, determination, and passion. I find these traits well-represented in Reo, and he uses them wisely. We see it, for example, during the first selection: he manages to motivate his group and create cohesion. It's somewhat similar to what Isagi does, but in a more straightforward and dynamic way.
✦ With Reo, you wouldn't have much to worry about in this regard. Once he gives his word, he sticks to it.
✦ "I’m quite calm most of the time but can get irritable if I’m hungry or tired especially." I will elaborate on this later, but Reo is typically the kind who is super attentive to others' needs (not only because it can serve his interests but also because, well, he genuinely cares about people in my opinion). He would instantly detect when you need something. To eat, for instance! He buys you whatever food you want.
✦ Interested in the new restaurant that just opened? He'll take you there!
✦ He even buys you the trinkets you want.
✦ He's the first to widen his eyes in surprise when you tell him about your sports background. What sports have you done? Have you won any awards? How was it? Will you take it up again someday??? So many questions. It's a common point between you, and if possible, Reo will motivate you to take it up again.
✦ Even though he understands the love for studies. He's a smart guy too.
✦ "I also love building Lego" (I don't really know why, but this sentence reminded me of Nagi -- and I can only imagine Reo taking you to Lego stores to buy you those super expensive models inspired by movies like Star Wars.)
✦ In fact, I think he would give you a whole room in his house just for Legos. Mountains of Legos.
✦ "Either way now I’m a lot more sure of myself I have a lot more self-respect and backbone but I think that’s definitely a positive it’s helped me be able to talk to people better and stand up for myself and what I want." That's awesome, and Reo is officially more attracted to mature people. I think—no, I'm SURE—that your ability to assert yourself and have confidence would make him proud.
✦ He'd grab the collar of anyone who claimed otherwise.
✦ (I can so imagine him fighting to the end for the person he loves!!!)
✦ The boy has the unfortunate habit of considering people as his "treasures"…
✦ ...And you are definitely the most precious one he's found.
✦ He'd even divert his eyes from Nagi for you (!!!)
✦ Isn't that the ultimate proof of his love?
✦ Someone please give back to this purple-haired boy...
✦ You can reciprocate with gifts since that's one of your ways of expressing affection. He's very into business, so books on economics, entrepreneurship, and how to grow his business interest him greatly. He has this ambition that always pushes him forward, and he appreciates that you're very organized. It allows him to rely on someone other than himself. Even though he sometimes struggles to let go and accept that he can't do everything alone.
✦ Honestly, all your last paragraph reminded me of Reo. It's him, in words. We know he's confident (even if some of his recent misadventures have shaken his confidence *cough*), very positive and motivating. He always has full batteries and loves leading the group to its goal. I find you form a very complementary tandem, and even though not everything can be explained by this, INTJs and ENTJs are known to work very well together.
✦ The guy is 185 cm tall, so I suppose he passes the height test with flying colors 🙌
✦ Unless his pride is hurt, I find him very talkative and frank. Sometimes even blunt. But I think these are qualities in communication because it ensures he's sincere with you. Honestly, I don't see him loving someone who can't talk, can't reassure him if he thinks something is wrong. He also needs someone who knows how to express themselves and isn't afraid to do so.
✦ We remember all the misunderstandings due to Nagi's lack of communication…
✦ … Really, Reo hated it.
✦ Aside from his goal of winning the World Cup, I like to think that his dreams are quite materialistic as well, and he doesn't shy away from his bourgeois origins, even if he tends to want to defy his parents' wish to take over the family business. To me, you have a comfortable future assured with Reo. He loves and knows how to recognize luxury and beautiful things. With his generous nature, he constantly showers you with gifts.
✦ To the point where it can sometimes be overwhelming.
✦ You need to know when to put a stop to it too.
✦ When he loves, he loves at 200%.
✦ What else?
✦ He is the one who corrects the flight attendant when she serves you a dish containing an ingredient you don't like.
✦ "She asked for no pickles."
✦ Because he's always adorable with you, even if it means being unbearable to others.
✦ Remind your lion to respect others, and he will strive to do so.
✦ Maybe.
✦ And you'll come to see him at his next match, right?
✦ He would love to see you in the stands, and he'd give you that starry-eyed look, just like in the manga.
✦ "This goal is for you." Oh Jesus.
✦ (Imagine he misses his shot)
✦ (Hahahahahahahaha)
✦ (Shhhhhh)
✦ "Surprise date"? Say no more. Tomorrow, you're off to the Swiss Alps.
✦ (It's a super beautiful place, honestly)
✦ (The mountains…)
✦ (Switzerland…)
✦ With Reo, it's one day and forever.
✦ Will you invite me to your wedding?
✦ In fact, I see Reo wanting a child. Several. He has too much love and motivation to give.
✦ That might be a topic for future discussions…
✦ But first: the wedding.
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A word about your match: To be super frank with you, when I read the "I’d love to get flower bouquets, he pays for dinner and going out" part, Kaiser just popped into my mind. Dunno why; he's surely not into these things, but.......... Oh, well. Reo is so much better for you anyway. Enjoy your little rich pocket lion!
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Hi I loved your most recent alpha rhaenyra x omega sister and was wondering if you could do a part 2 for it(maybe rhaenyra uses her sister as a power play and makes her sit on her lap in council meeting while she fingers her or something) completely up to you tho if you don’t feel comfortable writing it
𝖕𝖆𝖗𝖙 𝖎
hi anon it's been a little while so i hope i've done the right fic and just in case not, I tried to leave some elements vague in case but let me know if i'm wrong once asks are back open or if you would prefer a different one!
𝐑𝐇𝐀𝐄𝐍𝐘𝐑𝐀 𝐒𝐓𝐑𝐎𝐊𝐄𝐃 𝐇𝐄𝐑 𝐋𝐈𝐓𝐇𝐄 fingers over her dear omega's thigh, squeezing it when her pout deepened. "If Alicent wants war then I'll give her one. We already have more dragons than she does." Y/n tried to ignore the smirk on Daemon's face and the words her aunt spoke so viciously. Rhaenys narrowed her eyes. "Rhaenyra, they don't only have dragons, they have Vhagar." Unconsciously, Rhaenyra dug her nails into her little love's thigh. Y/n bit back her hiss and bit her lip. Her eyes squeezed shut but Rhaenyra didn't take notice. "Vhagar is also a war-dragon." Rhaenyra stated. "She is uncontrollable. No one listened when my father said that the dragons have more control over us than we but if I intend to take my rightful claim then I will prove this. Which I do. Vhagar killed my son as much as Aemond and I shall have her head for it." Rhaenyra spat, venom dripping from her. Rhaenys shared a glance with Baela who stood to her side. She looked back at Rhaenyra. "I swore myself to you for many reasons. One is that I trusted you to listen to your council and not the twitterings of those untrustworthy. Desire is what kills, your grace." Rhaenyra boiled but instead of biting back this time, she took a hard grip of her sister and roughly tugged her onto her lap. Her fingers twitched in irritation but they soothed themselves as she nervously fiddled with her darling's hair. She brushed through it with her hands and unravelled the knots to her ability. Her council gaped and exchanged glances with one another though Rhaenys waited in patience, she was not unused to public displays of affection. Y/n swallowed before taking a deep breath and raised a shaking hand to Rhaenyra's. She offered a squeeze. Rhaenyra's eyes traced her face like a map until she found her eyes and softened. Her fingers paused and then squeezed back even tighter before settling in her sister's lap. With one arm wrapped around Y/n, the Queen proceeded to wrap the other to join it.
Y/n squirmed in her hold. Rhaenyra started to slowly tap against the table until a sudden understanding passed her. Her head jolted up. "There's one dragon that neither side has a hold over." All eyes turned on the young princess, the one not in green nor black but crystal blue like the clarity beseeching them all. Y/n shrank in her seat, Rhaenyra's gaze studying her. Her hand slowly slithered up her love's dress. Her fingers skimmed over her skin, leaving goosebumps as they walked. When they reached Y/n's inner thigh, she extracted a jump from her. "But we have their rider." Rhaenyra's words were spoken with pride and a sly tongue. Her eyes twinkled as her index drew figure eights. Baela frowned and tilted her head. "With all respect, your grace," She began, her tone still and poised. "green blood flows in her veins. How do we know we can trust her." Rhaenyra's eyes didn't stray. "We don't need to trust her. She has been claimed and for that it is not her decision whether she intends to rebel or not. By mark alone she is mine." A shocked series of murmurings bellowed through the table, Baela's eyes widened in shock as she looked at her younger cousin. A claim is far more meaningful than to steal your enemy's child, to lay a bite upon an omega and prove yourself worthy of them was an entirely different act. Baela's inquisitive stare turned cautious as it turned on you, the silent plea for answers. You had been close before the war and now she was worried not only for herself but now you. Two weeks and she had yet to be given approval to speak with you, she was itching for it. Rhaenyra turned to look at her, following your longing gaze for your once friend. It reminded her of when she looked at Alicent and a jolt of poison spilled into her veins at the sight. She clenched her jaw as her fingers took a leap to your cunt. Rhaenyra denied you of your smallclothes so that she could view your perk nipples at all times and she was grateful for it as she threaded a lone thumb over your clit. She rubbed pointedly at it and revelled in the low whine you tried to hold back. Rhaenyra smiled at the growing confusion on Baela's face.
"Rhaenyra." Rhaenys began with a scathing stare. "Was that quite wise. You have no limit to heirs." "Well found, aunt." Rhaenys' jaw ticked. Rhaenyra's middle finger slithered itself inside your cunt with all the reluctance of a lion feasting its new meal. "I understand the..." She narrowed her eyes as she searched for a respectful word. "desires of a young woman but would we not find Y/n more useful when–" "Her uses have no bounds, Rhaenys, I promise you." Her tone is more powerful than before, one emotional now calculating. She didn’t have to think any longer to stop lingering over the slick she's created in her darling's cunt. She thrusted a sudden second finger inside her. Y/n let out a guttural groan, her breathing shallowed as she bent her head over and furrowed her brows. Baela jumped and almost rushed to her cousin's side. "Are you okay, princess?" She asked, remembering herself and her presence, she straightened but her feet still twitched in eager to join Y/n. Y/n's teeth bit even harder into her lip and shook her head. A flash of red catches Rhaenyra's eyes and despite her longing to nurture the girl, she feels a swell of pride. She draws her finger outside of her omega's cunt–presenting the wet finger to her court as it pressed against her little love's lip. She pulled it back so the council could see. She grinned smugly and tilted her head. "It appears my sweet needs some time to retire." Her devilish beam brightens. "She must not be used to such matters, such stress." She dipped the finger in her mouth and encouraged her with a light tap to suck it tentatively until it disappeared against her tongue. Y/n couldn't help but feel her stomach twist as the condescension left her alpha's lips. She lifted her chin with her other hand as she removed it. Rhaenyra stared into her darling's eyes. A growl emitted from the Queen's throat, raspy and husky. "Good girl." She moaned. A sphere of isolation circled in on them as they stared at one another. Y/n felt like a traitor as her heart clenched. "I will be escorting her and we may continue this discussion tomorrow." Rhaenyra bellowed and a new flush of shame flew over the princess' face. As she spoke she made eye contact with Baela, noticing the wash of realisation begin to run over her eyes.
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underforeversgrace · 1 year
title: the walls you hide behind (I saw the truth inside the real you)
words: 2,142
Story Summary: Jazz is tired of the ghosts, tired of her parents not doing enough, tired of Phantom's recklessness and her brother's persistent exhaustion. When she yells all of her frustration at her parents after nearly getting killed by a ghost, she gets sent to Vlad's mansion in Wisconsin for the weekend - where she's offered a chance. She could have the ability to fight back, protect her brother and her town. Jazz leaps at the prospect. When she returns to Amity Park at the end of the weekend, it's with abilities and strength of her own, and she's fueled by anger and disdain. And she's got her eyes, first, on Danny Phantom.
Chapter 5 of 10: Same Black Holes and Black Mistakes
Tumblr Chapter One
Tumblr Chapter Six
Beta by: @probably-dead
(Also, check out the AO3 link for some really awesome art by @englandamericaitaly!)
“My grades are fine!” Jazz shouted, pushing herself from the breakfast table and standing.
“Jazz, yes, technically they’re still good, but -“ Maddie started and Jazz’s jaw clenched in anger.
“I don’t have a single grade below a 95! Seriously?” She asked, crossing her arms defiantly over her chest.
“You used to be consistently over a hundred,” her father pointed out. She glared at him and he withered slightly. He’d never been able to handle Jazz when she was angry, and Jazz was furious.
She wanted to scream at them for all of the sudden remembering they had kids, that they needed to give their kids attention. Why did they have to decide to start paying attention now, when Jazz was getting used to balancing her normal life and the life of a vigilante? She already was irritated she’d felt the tug of a ghost recently and hadn’t been able to go chase it!
“High school is harder than middle school, okay?” Jazz lied. In all honesty, she found them both to be child’s play. The lowered grades were more due to her running out of class so often and homework assignments being done, just not done with her previous Type A personality kind of work.
“Jazz, you’re in eleventh grade. You did wonderfully in ninth and tenth grade. I just don’t understand what’s happened this year. Danny’s grades have fallen as well.” Maddie said, worry aging her face.
Jazz glared at her mother. She had to fight to keep the nanobots from reacting to her, even as they burned up her back, vibrating in tune with her rising mood. “I don’t know, Mom. What happened at the start of this school year?”
The parents shared guilty looks and Jazz knew she’d won this conversation.
She sighed, letting some of the anger dissipate, the tech in her skin cooling down as she did. “It’s time for school. I’m going to go get Danny.” Jazz spun on her heel and marched upstairs, taking down her ponytail and redoing it in a braid to give her hands something to do as she went through some slow, meditative breathing. She knocked on the door with her elbow so as to not lose her place with her braid. “Danny!” She yelled. She wanted to have a talk with Danny about how he wasn’t in class yesterday, but it was the Violet Trapper who saw him, not his meddling older sister, and she wasn’t willing yet to confess her secret to her brother.
When Danny didn’t respond, she groaned, tying off the half braid she’d managed. “Danny!” She yelled again, pushing the door open. “It’s time to go!”
Silence met her again and Jazz’s face scrunched in confusion as she realized his bed was empty. At that moment, her phone buzzed in her pocket and she pulled it out. Sometimes she swore Danny had some kind of psychic powers - like now.
From: Danny
I left early 2day 2 meet up w sam n tuck for some studying. C u @ school
Despite the reassurance, she frowned. When had Danny left? Her and her parents had been in the kitchen for over an hour and she could’ve sworn she’d heard Danny roll over in his bed when she first went downstairs. How had he gotten out without her seeing or hearing him?
She shrugged, she’d see him at school and he - unlike her - actually needed to study. She didn’t wish her parents goodbye as she left the house, getting into her car and heading to school.
She wished she could just fly to school, if she was being honest. It was exhilarating. Even if she ever grew to regret the ghost hunting, she didn’t think she’d ever regret the nanobots that allowed her to soar above Amity. She had almost told Danny a few times, just so he could fly too - she just knew he’d love to, he’d always had his head in the stars. But she couldn’t - not until the ghosts were handled, not until she was sure she could fly without being attacked.
Jazz yawned as she made the short drive. She’d been woken up four times by ghosts last night, and then the conversation with her parents this morning just had her exhausted. Still, she had a meeting with Lancer this morning, one he’d requested.
The fact she was who he reached out to with concerns over Danny instead of their parents spoke volumes about her family. But he sounded worried and Jazz was not fighting ghosts on a nightly basis just so her brother could continue to fall behind. Not with all the scrapes and bruises she had so often, not with the injuries that should’ve had her out of commission for weeks and instead healed in hours, courtesy of the technology in her veins. No, she was not letting her own life fall to the side just so Danny’s could do the same.
So she headed straight to Lancer’s office once she got to school, grinning at the banner above the entrance proudly proclaiming Spirit Week Centennial: 100 Years of Casper Spirit. Again, she debated telling Lancer the truth - he was the vice principal, and her grades had started to fall, plus she knew he wouldn’t risk telling her parents news like this, as studiously as he avoided them. If anyone could get her the accommodations she needed, it would be him. She honestly didn’t have a good reason she wasn’t telling him. She knew the reason she kept it was childish, but still, she held her secret close.
So what if the only reason she didn’t tell Lancer was because it was fun being a superhero with a secret identity? Her other goals were noble enough, she was allowed her fun, too!
His door was already open when she arrived, but she knocked politely anyway.
Jazz wasn’t sure what she was expecting from her teacher this early in the morning, but it certainly was not her probably-in-his-fifties year old teacher hopping around the room with pom poms, chanting the spelling of Casper.
“Jasmine!” Mr. Lancer said with a grin when he saw her, setting his pom poms down on his desk. “Sorry, I was just getting ready for Spirit Week! I do love it so much. The pomp, the circumstance, and especially the spirit sparklers! Did you know I was a cheerleader when I attended Casper?”
“Really? Uh, no, had no clue. Anyway, you wanted to speak with me about Danny?”
“Ah, yes, young Mr. Fenton,” Lancer said, his tone shifting back to one of a bored English teacher. Jazz had to hold her tongue to keep from fuming at him. Danny was continuing to be bullied and the school was doing absolutely nothing about it - it didn’t help that Danny had apparently been right that first night she got back and his bruised nose had healed by morning. “Can you walk with me, Ms. Fenton? There is someone I’d like for you to meet.”
“Sure thing, Mr. Lancer,” she said, following the balding teacher out of the classroom and down the halls.
“Now, Jasmine, I do want to talk to you about your brother. I taught him in eighth grade last year, do you remember?”
Jazz nodded. “Yeah, this is your first year at the high school.”
“Correct. Now, I do remember your brother. He was quiet, didn’t get into trouble, was quite intelligent when he applied himself. He’s changed, noticeably, since then. I will admit, Jasmine, I am worried for him. Sudden behavioral changes like this… well, it’s raised more than a handful of red flags, you understand?”
“What’re you saying, Mr. Lancer?” She asked, frowning.
“Is it possible your brother has gotten involved with… illicit substances? I hate to even ask, but I am at a loss. Normally I’d bring my concern up to the student’s parents…”
“But my parents are as likely to blow up a wall as they are to talk to Danny,” Jazz sighed. As they walked, her ghost radar went off, pointing in the direction they were going. 
Lancer smiled apologetically at her. “Ah, unfortunately. I decided perhaps you were best to talk to, at least first. You see, we’ve finally got a school guidance counselor and -“ He opened the door and paused, his calm demeanor morphing into one of shock, the ghost she was sensing rapidly disappearing.
Jazz’s jaw dropped as she took in the scene - her brother, surrounded by destroyed furniture and damaged equipment. He stared at them like a deer in headlights.
Danny facepalmed. “Good one, Fenton. You let him get away, you idiot!”
Jazz rubbed her temples as Lancer began to lay into her brother. “Mr. Lancer,” she finally spoke up when her headache showed no signs of abating. “Look at this. It had to be a ghost attack. We’ve had enough of them by now. That desk is still smoking.”
“Yeah, Mr. Lancer, it was a ghost!” Danny added, looking at her in relief.
“But,” she continued and Danny’s relief wiped away to betrayal the more she talked, “if we’re getting a guidance counselor, I do believe Danny would benefit from seeing them.”
“Jazz!” Danny said indignantly. “I don’t need a shrink!”
Jazz was interrupted before she could snap back.
“Oh dear, what has happened in here?” A red-haired woman said as she walked into the room, immediately dropping the temperature from Cold to Colder. Jazz saw Lancer and Danny shiver and she mimicked them, despite not feeling the cold anymore. She felt a slight buzz in her chest, but it wasn’t focusing in any one direction. Jazz frowned. That was the feeling of her ghost radar, why wasn’t it solidifying?
“Ah, Ms. Spectra, welcome,” Lancer said, holding his hand out to her. “Apologies, there was a bit of an… incident this morning.”
Spectra smiled warmly, seemingly completely unbothered. “No worries, Mr. Lancer, it happens!” She said cheerily. “And who are these two?” She added, gesturing to the teens.
“This is Jasmine and Daniel Fenton,” Lancer said, gesturing to the two of them as Spectra tidied up some of the wall decorations. “Jasmine is an exemplary student, I was actually going to ask her to do the spirit speech at the assembly next week. This is her brother.”
The look on Danny’s face told her he didn’t miss how Lancer sang her praises while barely acknowledging him. He seemed sad - hurt, even - but he quickly smoothed his face back to one of irritation.
“She’s also a fink,” he grumbled, glaring at her. Jazz did her best to ignore it - if only he knew how hard she was trying.
“That is enough, Mr. Fenton!” Lancer admonished. “Get to class now. We’ll let you know when your first session will be.”
Danny scowled at Jazz, stomping away with a huff.
“Anyway, Miss Fenton, what do you say to being the keynote speaker at the spirit-a-thon? Ms. Spectra has already agreed to handle the preparations for the assembly, so you can come to her with any concerns.”
“I don’t know, I’m busy with homework, and my college entry papers…” Jazz said, resisting the urge to rub her chest as it felt like she had irritated bees in her rib cage.
“Don’t worry about it, Jasmine!” Spectra said with far too much cheer. “I’m sure we can find someone else with more school spirit!”
This woman is a licensed therapist? Jazz wondered. While there was nothing technically wrong with what she’d said, it rubbed Jazz the wrong way. Still, Jazz pretended to smile. “Thanks, Ms. Spectra. I’m sure there’s other students who are just as capable as me.”
“Not a problem!” Spectra said, patting Jazz’s shoulder once. A frown crossed over the woman’s face for just a moment, gone so quick Jazz wondered if she’d imagined it.
“Are you sure, Miss Fenton?” Lancer asked. “You really are our best and brightest.”
“I’m sure, Mr. Lancer. This ‘best and brightest’ student is focusing on college right now.” And ghost hunting.
He sighed sadly but didn’t push. “Certainly. Go ahead and get on to class, then, Ms. Spectra and I will get some sessions scheduled for your brother.”
Jazz hesitated before she left, studying the new counselor. Technically, Jazz didn’t have any reason to dislike her, the woman had been perfectly friendly - maybe she was just too friendly and that’s why Jazz felt off about her? She was sure Lancer and the school board had thoroughly vetted Spectra before hiring her, after all. So despite her reservations, she nodded. Danny needed help that her parents couldn’t give and that he would never speak to her about.
He could be mad at her later, she determined as she left the office, Lancer and Spectra’s conversation muffling as they closed the door behind her.
The buzzing didn’t settle down until several hours later, and her discomfort with Spectra was forgotten.
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Henry Danger Reader Insert | Captain Man x Reader: SEASON 1
Episode 24: Henry & the Bad Girl, Part 1
It had been a tough time for Swellview's crimefighters lately. The police and Captain Man had been plagued by a pesky criminal gang know, as 'The Wall Dogs', who found their kicks in defacing countless buildings, statues and other structures around the city. They were relentless, annoying and slippery, which was making Ray's life extra difficult.
The large man was sat upstairs in the store, (y/n) by his side as per usual, and they were both studying some images of the graffiti done by the gang. Their most recent hit had been on the library and the desperate police had even offered a $10,000 reward for the gang's capture. The sight of their work made Ray wretch, so the woman rubbed his back soothingly.
"Take it easy. I can look at them if you don't want to." She told him, taking a second to admire his jazzy shirt. It was one of her favourites, probably because of how it stretched over his broad shoulders and revealed the way his biceps flexed under the smooth skin on his arms.
"No, no, I can do this." He grunted, flicking through more of the photos. He had a lot of hate for these guys and their crimes made him sick to his stomach. He kept groaning even as Henry and Charlotte entered the shop, his stressed mood making him angrily check his watch as they smiled at him and (y/n).
"You guys are late for work." He snapped at the confused teens, who were barely late. 
"It's only 3:31," Henry said, checking on his phone just in case they had made some mistake.
"We're one minute late," Charlotte told him, puzzled as to why he was so tetchy.
"Yeah. You know how much crime can happen in one minute?" Ray asked them.
"How much?" The teens replied in tentative voices, not wanting to upset him further. (y/n) sighed as she followed him over to where the kids were standing; she knew he was frustrated with himself and the lack of The Wall Dog's capture, but that didn't mean he should take out his anger on Henry and Charlotte.
"Literally none." The woman answered, trying to keep a lid on his temper.
"But none of us are going to rest till we catch these dang Wall Dogs." The man growled. (y/n) could agree with that, these assholes were ruining the town with their 'art' and she wanted them to face justice.
"Okay, chill out," Henry told Ray, not seeing why he was getting so worked up. They had gone up against loads of irritating criminals before, why was he letting the Wall Dogs get to him?
"It's just a graffiti gang," Charlotte added, the kids walking to the back so they could ditch their backpacks.
"Oh god, don't set him off again." (y/n) muttered to them, as Ray began to titter next to her. Yeah, she wanted him to catch them, but she'd heard enough of his moaning and complaining over the past couple of days. 
"Yeah. And graffiti is a crime." Rau seethed.
"Are you okay?" Charlotte asked him timidly, seeing that he was upset about the gang.
"Because we don't get why you're this upset about graffiti," Henry explained for the two of them and the young woman put her hand on Ray's shoulder as he tensed up. She had watched his body language, picking up his tell-tale signs of sadness and seeing him so stressed made her upset too.
"Do you wanna know? Do you?" The superhero turned away with pained eyes, not wanting them all to see his weakness, especially (y/n). It would only make her worry and he tried to limit her sources of anxiety as much as possible. 
"I don't know." Charlotte stuttered, feeling like she stumbled onto a sore point.
"I really don't care either way." Henry shrugged. He was less attuned to picking up on other people's feelings, but Ray ignored his tone and started his story.
"It was thirty years ago. It was long before I was indestructible. Oh, that day." He whispered, tears collecting the corners of his eyes as he remembered that fateful day. 
"Yay. Yay. What a great day this is." A four-year-old Ray exclaimed as he ran around his yard with a hobby horse, a huge grin etched on his face. His shirt flapped behind him, the vibrant pattern of the same splendour of his shirts as an adult. 
His fun was interrupted as a group of mean, older-looking kids kicked open the gate and waltzed up to him.
"Hey. What's up?" The ringleader said, his face twisted into a sneer as he looked at all of Ray's toys scattered across the grass. 
"Oh, hi. My name's Ray. Do you guys wanna play?" The soon-to-be superhero smiled cutely, but his toothy grin made no difference to the gang's stern glares.
"We want to play." The leader hissed, as his friends snatched the hobby horse from Ray's little hands and threw it into the bushes. They restrained the poor kid, who cried out as they treated him so cruelly.
"Do his playhouse!" The meanest kid ordered his friends and they began to spray paint on his pride and joy. It was a gift from his father and it was her favourite thing to play in. Seeing it defaced and ruined broke his little heart.
"No! Not my playhouse! No! Don't! NO GRAFFITI!" He shouted at them, watching helplessly as they continued to paint crude symbols and words on the plastic.
"This is something I'll never forget!!!" He cried out and the destruction of his playhouse became a key point in his childhood, cementing his hatred of The Wall Dogs and their graffiti forever.
~End of flashback~
Ray finished his story, (y/n) hugging his back with her arms around his waist. The story always made her upset. She'd heard it a million times and he always worded it the same, which had gotten a little boring after seven years, but the emotion was still there. Hearing about little Ray's anguish made her heart break and she wished she had been born a few years earlier so she could have stopped it.
"I never forgot it." He said sadly, his hands stroking the arms that had encircled his waist. She was always there to comfort him as he was for her and it warmed his insides to know that she cared so much for him. If only he knew the extent her care for him went.
"Okay, well, don't worry, man. We'll find the Wall Dogs and we'll stop them." Henry reassured his boss as he took a seat on the little couch in the store. He pulled (y/n) onto his knee, craving the scent of her shampoo since it was like a safety blanket for him. It meant that she was close and he wasn't alone, so he relished its fruity fragrance.
"But they say there's a bunch of them. How are we gonna stop them all?" Charlotte quizzed, knowing that rounding up an entire posse of artistic criminals who all had each other's backs was going to be an enormous task.
"Easy. You wanna kill a snake, what do you do?" (y/n) looked at the kids, a devious plan forming in her head. She was trying to ignore the way Ray was nuzzling her hair since the smell of his cologne and hot breath on her ear was making her dizzy. His nose brushed the curve of her ear and her hair stood on end as she held in a delicate whimper. 
'Children in the room, best friend behind you!' She blinked, her screaming mind being the complete opposite of her calm face.
"Get a shotgun." Charlotte nodded, thinking that if she came face to face with one of the slippery reptiles, she'd not take any chances.
"No, jeez." (y/n) frowned, standing up from Ray's lap and looking at the kids. The large man stayed behind her, choosing to wrap his arms around her tummy so she'd stay near him. He was feeling particularly clingy and he couldn't help but rest his chin on her head.
"I meant, to stop the whole gang, we just have to capture the leader of the gang. Y'know, go for the head?" She hinted and they all nodded as they finally understood her. Charlotte gave her a minuscule smirk, nodding subtly at how Ray wouldn't leave her alone and the older girl flushed slightly.
"Yeah. Let's go." She nodded at Charlotte, untangling herself and stepping away from the needy man. Ready to get to work, the females walked to the elevator together, leaving Ray and Henry to chat amongst themselves for a few moments. 
"So, uh...you getting cosy with (y/n) there?" Henry mentioned to his boss, a knowing smirk working its way onto his face. He had seen the way Ray hugged her and nestled into her neck, how the man didn't notice her pleased shivers blew his mind. 
"What?" Ray asked, not seeing how intimate the two of them had been. That was normal for them, the true sentiment was dulled by their fear of rejection and a life of loneliness. 
"You guys are so gross." The boy shrivelled his face up, thinking about how lovey-dovey the couple were.
"We are not!" His boss exclaimed, a blush creeping up past his collar as the words sunk. He couldn't help it if the young woman was so damn irresistible.
"Dude, you're disgusting." Henry teased, walking away from Ray so he could follow the girls downstairs.
"We're just friends!" Ray spluttered, but it was the same excuse as always and it was starting to wear Henry and everyone else down.
"Lies!" Henry laughed, knowing that as much as Ray denied it, he was completely in love with his helper and she was utterly devoted to him.
~Down in the Man Cave~
"There." (y/n) turned the PearPad around so the teens could see. It had taken her a few minutes to find the right villain and she couldn't help but notice as she searched the databank, Ray was keeping a respectable distance between the two. It stung her a little bit and she wondered if something had happened whilst she had made the trip down with Charlotte and he was with Henry. 
"Yikes." The dark-haired girl cringed, looking at a man with a top hat and mask. He definitely had strong bad guy vibes and he gave Charlotte the creeps.
"Who's that?" Henry asked, squinting as he studied the criminal.
"Van Del. Watch," Ray growled and swiped the video onto the computer's monitor so they could watch it clearly. He had taken Henry's words to heart, thinking that he was invading (y/n)'s space too much and probably freaking her out by his nuzzling and wandering hands, so he decided to take a step back from all his cuddling. He didn't want to leave her soothing arms, but he would rather suffer on his own than be the source of her discomfort, even though she could never be unhappy in his embrace.
"I am Van Del, pack leader of the Wall Dogs. We are not criminals. We are not animals." The villain onscreen said, making the adults scoff in bemusement. 
"Could've fooled me, asshole." (y/n) muttered, folding her arms to replace the ones that were previously around her. They were no substitute, but they'd do; she'd survived years of pining so far, loneliness was a familiar enemy.
"We are artists. And these...these are are our weapons of artistic destruction. Prepare to be sprayed." The man said ominously, a can of spray paint poised to spray the camera lens, but his speech was interrupted by another, more motherly, voice.
"Vanny! You left your wet laundry in the washing machine!" The voice yelled, irritating Van Del.
"I'll move it in a minute, mom!" He shouted back, annoyed that his big moment was ruined by his mother's scolding.
"Edit that part out." He sighed, looking behind the camera as (y/n) paused the video.
"All right, we know he has a mother and a lazy editor," Henry commented, his observations not really helping their investigation. This was going to be a long process.
~Later that night~
Ray and Henry had been staking out the Big Putts golf course for over two hours, their eyes peeled for any sign of the Wall Dogs. Choosing to hide behind the golf ball washer, they peered through their night vision goggles for any sign of criminal activity, but so far there was nothing.
"I don't think the Wall Dogs are coming here," Henry said to Ray, who was leaning over the hedgerow and taking a sip from his large soda.
"Schwoz said they are." The superhero replied, slurping his drink so he could get the caffeine he sorely needed to stay awake.
"Come on, it's after 2:00AM. Let's go." Henry complained, feeling fed up with the whole thing. 
"No, until those disgusting Wall Dogs show up here and we catch them, neither one of us leaves this spot." Captain Man told his sidekick firmly, but he was starting to feel the effects of the vast quantity of soda he'd drunk.
"Now, wait here. I gotta go pee." Ray added, waddling off to use any bathroom he could find, much to Henry's annoyance.
"You just said we can't leave this spot." The boy reminded him, but he really should've learnt by now that Ray Manchester just makes stuff up as he goes along. 
"I've had a gallon of soda. What goes in must come out." The man whined, his voice strained as he crossed his legs.
"Ugh, now I know why you have (y/n) as a babysitter." Henry joked to himself, but Ray had already left in search of the nearest place he could pee. Feeling bored, he put his gloved hand in front of his goggles and began to use it as a hand puppet.
"Braw! I'm the hand monster, grrrr!" He giggled, his childish actions taking his mind off the dull, yet perilous task he faced alone.
"Ah, it's fun to pretend." Kid Danger sighed, but his relaxed moment was quickly cut short as he heard voices coming from across the golf course. He ducked down into the shadows and watched as the Wall Cogs crept across the lawn. 
"Hey, come on. Let's tag the windmill." One of them said, all of the criminals agreeing. They each took out a can of spray paint and began to deface the large windmill on one of the holes. 
Sneaking out of his hiding place, Henry stepped out into the light, intent on catching the scum and bringing them to justice.
"Freeze, Wall Dogs!" He yelled at them, trying to be intimidating. They all halted, their fingers poised on their canister's nozzles.
"All right, now, I only have this one pair of handcuffs, but Captain Man's gonna be back in a second and he has more handcuffs. So, until he gets here—Hey, wait! Hey, hey, hey!l" Oh poor Henry, the poor kid really should've waited for his larger, more powerful, more experienced boss. He didn't stand a chance against the whole group and he was quickly swarmed by them. 
"Ha! Gotta, dude!" He managed to pull one to the ground and yank off their mask, but to his surprise/delight, it wasn't some rough and tumble guy, it was a very pretty girl.
"Woah, you're a girl dog." He breathed out in shock as the cute teen squared up to him.
"Thanks for noticing. Get 'im, Reeko!" She yelled in a distraction attempt, trying to take him down with a kick, but Henry was stronger and he managed to wrestle her onto the grass. Twisting her arm behind her back and locking his arm around her neck, he tried to immobilise her, but the girl was strong for her size.
"Let me go!" She yelled, her energy being sapped by the minute as she struggled against the teen superhero.
"Where's Van Del?" Henry grunted, as she escaped his grasp and they engaged in a heated fight.
"Who's Van Del?" The girl feigned ignorance, knowing that loose lips sink ships.
"You know, your leader," Henry said, trying to keep up with her blows.
"Never heard of him." Girl Dog replied, smirking at how she'd never tell Kid Danger her secrets.
"Oh, don't lie. You guys have been running around all over Swellview messing up buildings. Now, put your hands behind your back." Henry ordered her, his grip on her wrist like iron. The only question on his mind was, where the hell was Ray?
"Ugh. You're such a Herbert." The girl complained, hating how law-abiding he was.
"I am not a Herbert! What is a Herbert?" Henry gasped, resenting that she'd even suggest that even though he didn't understand what it meant.
"A dork. Someone who's lame. Someone who doesn't understand what the Wall Dogs stand for, which is artistic defiance. Herbert!" She snapped at him, baring her teeth in an animalistic snarl.
"Or maybe, you're just a punk who runs around town at night, wearing your dark clothes and dumb mask. Spray-painting stupid stuff because you're a loser." He countered in a harsher tone. He felt shocked at how strong his words were and his heart sank to his stomach when the girl began to sob at his words. Oh, shit, he made a girl cry. 
"All right. Oh, I'm sorry, no. I didn't mean what I said. Okay, hey..." Henry thought he'd really screwed up and he inched towards the girl to calm her down. However, when his fingertips touch her jacket, the girl flipped his wrists behind his back and put his handcuffs on him. Henry struggled as she locked him to the ball washer, smirking as she secured him in place.
"Dang it!" The boy exclaimed, knowing he had let his guard down stupidly. How would he explain this to Captain Man?
"So, I got to go now. Try not to miss me too much. Or this handcuff key." She smirked at him, tossing the key away into a nearby pond.
"This isn't over! You can run now, but sooner or later, I'm gonna find you." Henry told her, his hands writhing against the handcuffs in an attempt to get free, but without the key, it was futile. (y/n) and Schwoz had designed them specifically so they'd be nearly impossible to wriggle out of.
"Well, I'll make it easy for you. Meet me tomorrow night, midnight, right under the Swellview sign. Come alone." She said in a sultry voice, making Henry gulp silently.
"Alone?" Hey, what are you—No, you better not, please don't—" Kid Danger stuttered as the girl moved towards him and placed a soft kiss on his lips. Well, that had never happened before. 
"Isn't that more fun than fighting with me?" She teased him, looking very pleased with herself.
"No! Maybe. Kid of, I can't be sure unless you do it again." Even though she was the enemy, Henry was still a teen boy and teen boys like kissing girls, so he threw all morals outta the window for this girl.
"Maybe I will tomorrow night if you come alone." She insisted, hoping he'd fall for her honey trap. If she could get Kid Danger on the Wall Dogs' side, then Captain Man would be no problem for the gang.
"But I..." Girl or job? Girl or doing the right thing? It was a dilemma and Henry couldn't choose between his heart or his head.
"Bye, Herbert!" The girl said goodbye to him and ran off into the night. Typically, Ray jogged over just as the last criminal got away and Henry groaned. He was gonna be in so much trouble.
"Hey." Ray greeted his sidekick, feeling so much better now he didn't have a gallon of soda in his bladder.
"Hey," Henry replied timidly.
"I'm done peeing." The man smiled as if he'd accomplished some great feat. If only he knew Henry had let all the Wall Dogs get away, had kissed one of them and was going to meet her tomorrow night, he wouldn't be smiling then.
~The Man Cave~
So, not even the great Captain Man had the strength or knowledge to free Henry from the handcuffs. No key meant no freedom, so the man had had to cut through the ball washer and carry it all the way back to their headquarters so Charlotte and (y/n) could figure out a way to free him. 
"Will you guys hurry up and get these handcuffs off of me? I've had an itch for an hour and I can't scratch it," The boy said in a snappy tone, feeling achy after being in the same position for so long.
"Where's your itch?" Charlotte asked as she, (y/n) and Ray walked over to the kid so they could help him out.
"We'll scratch it for you," Ray told him, prepared to do anything to stop his complaining.
"Eh, I don't think you wanna do that," Henry replied, making them all cringe in disgust.
"Oh my god, you're an animal." (y/n) frowned at him, to which Henry only responded with an eye roll.
"Hey, give me one of my gumballs." He said to Ray and the man clumsily shoved one into the boy's mouth so he could get out of his icky uniform. He wiped his hand on Henry's shoulder as he looked at his best friend.
"Let me guess, you want me to try and pick the lock?" She knew that he had no clue how to help his sidekick, so she sighed and walked over to her toolkit so she could find something suitable for the job. Henry took the opportunity to turn back into his civilian self, breathing a sigh of relief at how much more comfortable he felt.
"Okay, try to unlock me." He said to the waiting girls, Charlotte having decided to learn from the best in the art of picking a lock. 
"Y'know, I don't understand you." Ray suddenly spoke up as they began to fiddle with the lock. 
"What I'd do?" Henry glared at his boss, feeling too tired to receive a scolding.
"You let all the Wall Dogs get away." The large man said, making (y/n) peer around the boy's body so she could see him.
"You can't say anything, you were off peeing, god knows where" She sassed him, but quickly returned to her work as Charlotte made a small breakthrough.
"Hey, I caught one. Till she tricked me and handcuffed me to this ball washer." Henry complained, but his words intrigued the females behind him.
"She?" Charlotte asked, stepping back from the lock for a moment as her friend stopped working. 
"You never said she was a girl." (y/n) pointed out, watching Ray's face frown in thought. She had a bad feeling about this.
"Well, she was. And she was really tough. And pretty, she had these...eyes...and this face." Henry slipped into a dreamy smile as (y/n) shared an amused look with Ray. Ah, young love...
"She had eyes and a face?" The man sassed his sidekick, thinking that he'd let himself get distracted.
"Well, at least we have a description of her." Charlotte jumped in, as the young woman next to her looked at Henry's flushing face. Wait a minute. She noticed something funny about him, something off, hold on...
"Why you looking at me?" Henry gulped nervously as the woman studied him, Ray coming over to look too. Sadly, he wasn't as observant as her and it would take her pointing out the subtle difference for him to see.
"What's on your lips?" She asked, recognising that they seemed a little too shiny and soft for Henry's lips. The boy paled as he suddenly felt very, very small.
"I don't know. Lip skin?" He stuttered, but (y/n) wasn't stupid and she could see through lies when she needed to. She ran her thumb across the boy's bottom lip and she didn't need to be a genius to know what it was. 
"Well, it's sticky, strawberry-scented and exactly like this lipgloss that pretty much every girl in Swellview is wearing right now." The young woman held up her own tube of strawberry cheesecake shine, knowing that if she was to compare its contents to the substance on Henry's lips, it would be a perfect, chemical match.
Ray looked at her in disbelief. He had loved seeing her soft lips all dewy and honey-like, it made him want to see if they really did taste like real strawberries as they said in the commercial, but now he felt sick to his stomach. If that's a girl lipgloss and it's on Henry, oh my god...
"Did you kiss that girl Wall Dog?" The superhero asked in a squeaky, hurt voice. His sidekick and the enemy? No!
"No!" He replied, making them sigh in relief, but the moment was short-lived.
"She kissed me." He added on the end and everyone groaned in annoyance, especially Ray.
"What?" The boy looked at his boss, wondering what the big deal was.
"You let your guard down and you let a criminal escape because the criminal happened to be a pretty girl?" Ray exclaimed in shock, thinking about how the kid could've been so careless. 
"An extremely pretty girl." Henry clarified as (y/n) and Charlotte finally cracked the lock. The boy sighed and rubbed his wrists as he straightened up.
"And that is how you get a dumb boy outta some handcuffs." The woman told Charlotte, swallowing when she saw her best friend's devastated face.
"Ray, I'm sorry. I really did try to catch the Wall Dogs." Henry reassured him, but (y/n) could tell that it didn't carry a lot of water.
"All right, I just wish we had more information," Ray said, letting his anger calm down before he could lose his temper.
"Like where their hideout is or where they're gonna strike next." (y/n) said with him as he refrained from pulling her into him, wanting to stay 'professional' like he thought she wanted. She wondered why he seemed so distant from her, thinking that he was upset with her.
"Did the girl that kissed you say anything that could help us find them?" Charlotte quizzed Henry.
"Or find her?" Ray added, folding his arms so they seemed less empty since they couldn't find the person they loved to hold most.
'Meet me tomorrow night, midnight, right under the Swellview sign. Come alone.' Henry remembered the girl's words, and he knew he had a choice to make. See her again (and kiss her again) or take her and the Wall Dogs, down. 
"No, she didn't say anything." He lied, his voice wavering as the words slipped out. He wanted to feel those lips on his again, so he couldn't help but lie to his friends, even if he was betraying them and his moral compass.
"Really? 'Cause, it looked like you were thinking about something." Ray told him, ignoring the way his skin tingled as (y/n)'s arm brushed his.
"Yeah, I smell bullshit." She looked at Henry suspiciously, sensing that he wasn't telling them something.
"What were you thinking about?" Charlotte asked, making the boy flounder for an answer. 
"Pizza." The kid answered lamely, making them look at him weirdly. Henry just shrugged and wandered over to the auto-snacked to get some of the cheesy Italian food, but his friends were still very suspicious.
"He's lying." (y/n) stood on her tiptoes and whispered Ray in Ray's ear. He shivered at the contact but kept his cool and he analysed his sidekick's body language.
"Yeah." He replied, knowing that something was coming and it left a unnerved feeling settle in his stomach. 
~The next night, midnight, behind the Swellview sign~
Henry just couldn't help it. He had to kiss that girl again, he just had to. She was intoxicating, her bad girl persona drew him to her like iron to a magnet. Donning his Kid Danger costume, he had made his way up the hazardous and gruelling mountain on which the Swellview sign was illuminated.
"Hey! Hello? Uh, girl?" Henry called out into the night, after jumping down from a rock with a thud.
"Uh, here, girl dog." He tried, whistling like you would for a puppy. It was not his best idea, given the fact he was trying to find a pretty girl, not a dog.
But, it seemed to work, as a figure, clothed in black, did several black flips and cartwheels up to the superhero, shocking Henry at how she chose to make her entrance.
"You know, you could've just walked up to me." He told her, thinking that all her flips and spins were a bit of an overkill.
"You came here alone, right?" The female Wall Dog asked him, looking around the surrounding shrubbery and mountainside to see if Captain Man or the cops were waiting to pounce.
"Yeah, I'm alone," Henry replied, which made her smirk.
"Good to know." She smiled, leaning in for a kiss, but Henry wanted to play a little hard to get first.
"Hey, I don't even know your name." He said, leaning back despite his yearning for her touch.
"Then why don't you guess? Here's a hint. It's Veronika." The girl told him, making the boy suspect that being teasing and playful was part of her personality.
"That's a pretty specific hint, Veronika." Henry smiled, glad that he could finally put a name to her lovely face. With the boy asking no more questions, Veronika leaned in, and they shared a sweet kiss. When she pulled back, she threw a can of spray paint into Henry's hand, which greatly confused the kid. She didn't expect him to....did she?
"What's this for?" He asked although he had a sneaking suspicion of what she wanted him to do. Grabbing his wrist, she pulled him over to the large glowing sign behind them.
"Let's go to work on the Swellview Sign." She said, shaking her can in preparation.
"What? No! Are you crazy?" He stopped her before she could do any damage, terrified of the consequences if Ray, (y/n) or Charlotte found out what he had done. He'd already withheld information from them, lied to them, sneaked out under their noses and now this? Oh, hell no.
"Are you really going to be a Herbert?" Veronika asked him in an annoyed voice.
"I am not a Herbert. This sign is the property of our city, and I'm not gonna let you do something illegal to it." He scolded her, but she really didn't care.
"Oh, you think that just because something is illegal means it's wrong?" She stated, clearly having different beliefs to the crime-fighting teen.
"Well, yeah," Henry replied.
"I'm an artist. The Wall Dogs are artists. Don't you like artists?" She ran her fingers up his chest in a teasing manner, hoping to use his teenage hormones against him.
"Sure. But why should everyone in Swellview be forced to look at your art?" He asked, gesturing to the huge sign that looked over Swellview for everyone to see.
"Why am I forced to look at giant billboards advertising things I don't want to buy?" Like diapers and lawyers?" She pointed out, even though her argument was really the same. Advertisements were meant to be in the places they were and they weren't being done against the owner's consent.
"Maybe some lawyers need diapers. I don't know." Henry said, sighing at how frustrating their argument was.
"Maybe we should just kiss again." He suggested, preferring the idea to them arguing over who was right and who was wrong. They kissed again, but Veronika pulled back with a frown on her face as the whir of a helicopter flew over them.
"A police helicopter? You called the cops on me?" The girl looked at Henry with a mix of terror and betrayal, but Henry looked just as surprised as she did.
"No, I did." A new voice entered the conversation, a voice belonging to none other than Captain Man.
"Captain Man?" Henry looked at his boss in shock.
"You said you came alone!" Veronika cried at her crush, thinking she had been set up.
"I thought I did. How'd you find me?" He replied, looking back and forth between the two like he was choosing between his heart and his head.
"I think you know that I have a very smart helper. She helped me follow you. Then I hid in those bushes and watched you two kiss." Ray revealed, having tracked his sidekick through the city with the help of (y/n)'s expertise. God, he loved her.
"I know that sounds weird, but it's my job." He added on the end to stress that he wasn't some weirdo that spied kids from the bushes.
"Captain Man, look! We're up here! We're in the helicopter!" A voice yelled over the police helicopter's megaphone, even though it was pretty obvious that the cops had arrived, what with the noise, lights and wind.
"I know!" Ray snapped, hating how incompetent Swellview's police force were.
"You shouldn't have come here..." Henry glared at Ray, tensing his muscles as he prepared to battle with his boss. Yes, battle.
"And you shouldn't have lied to me. One of us has to protect the city from trash like her." The older man replied, pointing an angry finger at the boy. He glanced at Veronika, his eyes brimming with hate and anger.
"All right, don't call her trash. Or...or I'll call (y/n) scum!" Henry spat, infuriated how rude and offensive Ray was being to the girl he fancied.
"Trash!" Ray bellowed at the Wall Dog, Henry's words about the woman he loved fuelling his temper like logs on a fire.
"She's not trash! And you're not taking her anywhere...old man." Henry insulted Ray with one of the worst things he could have said. The man was extremely touchy about his age, probably because he was getting on a bit, and he was still no closer to the life he had envisioned as a younger man. Married to (y/n), kids with (y/n), a house with (y/n), just anything but the lonely existence he was putting up with now.
"How dare you. You know I'm sensitive about my age." Ray hissed at his sidekick, the boy knowing all of his secret heartache on how he thought he would die alone, (not that (y/n) would ever leave him).
"By the way, I'm only 34." Ray quickly mentioned to Veronika, just in case the girl thought he was like 50 years old or something.
"Now, She's going to jail." Captain Man pushed past Kid Danger and took out his handcuffs so he could take her in. He grabbed her wrist and tried to force the cuffs on her, enraging Henry.
"Get off of me!" Veronika yelped as Captain Man clasped her hand with an intense grip, her crush surging forward to come between the two.
"Leave her alone," Henry shouted, smacking Ray's hand and pulling him into a shoulder throw in an impressive feat of strength. Henry panted as his boss stood up and dusted himself off, shaking from both his rage and his disbelief at what his sidekick, his friend had just done.
"That was not okay." He growled before Henry charged at him with a battle cry and tackled him. They pushed backwards and forwards as they struggled to outmatch each other's weight and strength, but Ray won in terms of muscle density, so he threw the boy to the floor with a grunt. Quickly getting to his feet, Henry tried to kick Ray, but the seasoned fighter grabbed his boot and used that leverage to pin the boy back to the ground. The police and Veronika watched in astonishment as the superhero duo wrestled in the dirt.
Getting back up, they gasped for air and threw several punches before Ray grabbed Henry's arm and picked him up in a fireman's life, chucking him onto a boulder. The rock's harsh surface made Henry's bones ache and he groaned in pain for a second as Veronika jumped onto Ray's back, not being able to bear the sight of the kid in pain. After the shock of the surprise attacked drained away, Ray swiftly wriggled free from her clutches and slapped her away with minuscule swipes, not wanting to fight the girl and injure her too badly.
Returning to his brawl with Henry, Ray clambered onto the boulder and engaged in a heated struggle as both males competed to topple the other one off the side. Henry blocked one of Ray's lunches and seeing that the superhero was distracted, Veronika grabbed the heel of his boot, allowing the teen boy above her to push Ray down the mountainside. The kids looked at each other in shock, their adrenaline still rushing through their veins.
"I'm okay!" Captain Man's weak voice could be heard as he fell down the mountain, letting Henry know that he wasn't injured or anything. Of course, he wasn't, he was indestructible and that fact allowed Henry to safely continue their devious plan. 
"You just pushed Captain Man down a mountain." Veronika gasped to Henry, her voice wobbling as she took in what had just happened.
"Well, I couldn't just let him take you to jail. Come on, we gotta go." Henry told her, getting down from the huge rock and leading her by the hand so they could flee the scene.
"But the helicopter has lights. They'll follow us" The girl pointed out to him. Even the Swellview police weren't so bad they couldn't track two criminals with their searchlight.
"Not if I put out their lights," Henry replied, smirking as he took out his remote. He felt a small pinch of guilt in his heart as he continued to hear Ray's grunts as the man began to hit the ground. He'd be okay, but man, it had to hurt.
The boy fired a laser at the helicopter, but his eyes were fixed on Veronika in an attempt to be cool and aloof, but of course, his cockiness meant that he missed completely.
"Ha! Missed us!" The police officer yelled at him gleefully, causing Henry's cheeks to burn in embarrassment.
"Maybe you should aim." The pretty Wall Dog advised him, caring less about how cool he looked and more about them getting out of there. Taking her advice, Henry looked at the searchlight on the helicopter and fired another laser, this time hitting his target dead-centre.
"Ah! He got it! Fly away!" The police officer growled over his tannoy and the cops backed off, leaving the teens alone on the mountainside.
"So, how does it feel being bad?" Veronika smirked at Henry, glad that she had turned him to the dark side.
"Feels gooooood." Kid Danger told her, the pair of them sharing a kiss before running off into the night, leaving Henry's allegiance and morality behind.
~Back in the Man Cave, some time later~ It had been a very long, anxious wait for (y/n) as she waited nervously for Ray to return. It was never good for anyone to sit and wait for news on whether their friend had really turned traitor, but for her, it was agonising. The last she had heard from her best friend was that he had confirmed Henry's location atop the mountain, but she hadn't received any contact since. Her worry had started to set into her bones, she twiddled her thumbs and bounced her knee in an attempt to distract herself from letting her mind wander. 
'He's not dead, he's fine, Henry's fine, you're fine, everything's good.' She told herself, trying to get it into her head that the superhero duo would return with the news that the Wall Dogs had been captured. But her hopes were tarnished as a tube came down with a lone figure, Ray, who was dusty, battered and downright fed up.
"Holy shit, what happened? Where's Henry? Are you okay?" She ran over to him, helping him to the couch as the questions tumbled past her lips. She had learned from experience that asking loads of questions as soon as he got back never ended well, him being exhausted from kicking ass, but she couldn't help it. The lack of his sidekick made it painfully obvious to her that something had gone wrong.
"He's not here." He groaned, accepting a glass of water that she had prepared beforehand. He felt like crap, despite his lack of physical injuries and his knowledge that his plan was going swimmingly. It didn't sit right with him that (y/n) had to be left into the dark from their schemes, but he knew it was strictly a Captain Man and Kid Danger problem, so he continued the lie.
"Please tell me he went home and the Wall Dogs are in jail." She said in a small voice, a small shred of hope peeking through her despair.
"No. He, uh...he and that Wall Dog girl through me down the mountain and got away." He sighed, trying to make his voice seem as depressed as he could. His heart broke as he watched a tear slid down her cheek, the bitter taste of betrayal sitting on her tongue.
"He went...with her...and you...mountain." She couldn't comprehend that the sweet, helpful, considerate, funny, good-as-gold Henry Hart that she knew would turn on Ray, turn on everything they had worked together to fight against, just for some crush he had on a girl.
"Don't worry. I can handle it." He reassured her, seeing how she fell apart at the thought of Henry becoming a Wall Dog. He felt terrible; he knew that she loved that kid like he was her brother, she had told him her secrets, her feelings, her beliefs, her knowledge and now he had left, for what?
"So he's betrayed us. After all this, he's joined them." He wasn't sure if she was talking to him or herself at this point, her reaction being much more severe than he ever could have expected.
"In the morning, we're gonna find them," Ray told her, his warms hands holding hers as if they were the only thing keeping her on the ground.
"I suppose you and Charlotte will need help." She laughed bitterly, hating the ironic idea that she would have to hunt down the boy she had trained with the same skills she would utilise. 
"You're my helper, sweetheart, I always need you." He whispered into her hair, letting her head fall to his shoulder. Personal space be damned, he needed her as much as she needed him, they were each other's lifelines and they would track Henry Hart until the ends of the earth, always together.
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sadcatinapartyhat · 8 days
Dorcas Meadowes headcanons developed (mostly) in the void
Hey Marauders Tumblr! I'm pretty new here, but I've seen people making lists like this of their headcanons, and as somebody who has never really interacted with fanon, I thought it would be interesting to share some of mine to see how they compare to what other people have come up with. I’ve had these for years, and my inspiration for them was literally just a few pieces of art on Pinterest (so, interestingly, the ways in which my headcanons are most similar to popular fanon tend to be in the characters’ appearances), the canon books, and my own overactive imagination. I'm starting with Dorcas, because from what little I've gathered she, Marlene, and Mary seem to be the characters for whom my interpretations are the most different from what's already out there (although it's fascinating how close they actually are sometimes).
Please do lmk what you think!!! I've put the list below the cut so as not to annoy people who just want to scroll ↓↓↓
First things first: like I said, I developed these before interacting with fanon much, so I am a Gryffindor Dorcas truther (I know a lot of people have her in Slytherin now, sorry 🙃)
“The weird and offputting one” (said with love)
One sibling. A brother, two years older, in Ravenclaw
Intelligent and creative. Would have been in Ravenclaw with her brother, but adamantly refused, as at the age of 11 she found him deeply irritating and could not stand to be in his presence
Very emotionally level. Difficult to excite, difficult to anger, difficult to deeply wound
Fatal flaw: stubbornness
Patronus: tiger 🐯
Acquired something of a reputation for casual meanness throughout her school years (though, importantly, not for cruelty). It wasn’t that she didn’t always think before she spoke; rather, it was that she cared more about what she thought than the feelings of those around her
Fashion-adventurous. As a child, enjoyed bright colours, patterns, and loose cuts; as an adult, enjoyed black, jewel tones, and artfully distressed items (would likely have enjoyed the goth subculture, but alas, ‘twas after her time)
Mastered colour-changing spells in third year so she could match the beads in her braids with her outfit, nail polish, and mood
Along with James and Lily, one of the few amongst her friends to have a happy upbringing
Would have done well in art school (mixed-media sculpture)
Did not dream of labour. Worked occasionally as a professional duellist, and won nearly all of her matches when she did, but devoted most of her time to the Order and her portraiture (which she hoped to one day make a living from, though she was unwilling to sacrifice her abstract, vivid style to satisfy her more traditional customers)
Genuinely confident in herself from an early age, including in her sexuality (asexual biromantic) (because gosh darn it this fandom needs some ace rep)
Figured the ace part out when she kissed her first boyfriend and hated it, but still wanted to know his mind and hold his hand; figured the biromantic part out when Marlene went on a date with her first boyfriend (which, in Marlene’s case, was comphet) and Dorcas also hated it
Confessed her feelings to Marlene straight away when she realised, but only to get it off her chest; never expected her feelings to be returned. Proceeded to date around a bit, and was pleasantly surprised a short while later :)
Had one Muggle grandmother, with whom she was very close. Passed away the summer between Dorcas’s fifth and sixth years (just after Dorcas received an ‘O’ on her Muggle Studies O.W.L.)
Took the maximum four out of five supplemental subjects after second year, mostly because a Ravenclaw bet she wouldn’t
Proposed to Marlene the night of James and Lily’s wedding, privately, in a dark corner of the dance floor after the newlyweds had left
Siouxsie and the Banshees #1 fan. Tragically too busy avenging her recently-murdered fiancée to listen to Juju, although she did hear “Spellbound” once or twice on the radio
Also an enjoyer of the B-52s
Anyway...I think about my version of Dorcas a lot (could you tell lol), and I'm pretty invested in these headcanons because they form the basis of her characterisation in the fanfiction I write, so I probably won't be changing my mind anytime soon, but it's always fun to hear what other people think! Seriously, please let me know :)
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lady-wallace · 2 years
Lost Voice: Whumptober Day 25 (JJBA)
A JoJolion fic for today’s @whumptober prompt! I just love Yasuho and Gappy and I have wanted to write something with them for a while. Just a cute fluffy sick fic today.
Prompt: “Silence is Golden” (lost voice)
Fandom: JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure Part 8
Character: Josuke (Gappy)
Read on Ao3
Read on FF.net
Yasuho sighed over her textbook. University and studying just seemed so much less exciting—so much less important—after everything that had happened the last few months. Maybe she was still just in recovery. It had all been…a lot, after all.
Still, she had promised herself she would go on like she had been and she was doing okay. It's just…sometimes there were nightmares, and sometimes it was hard to go back to a normal existence after fighting an enemy with almost incomprehensible powers.
Her phone buzzed and she glanced at the text alert, frowning when she saw it was from Paisley Park.
Front Door it read.
"What do you mean, front door?" she asked her Stand before there were several rapid knocks heard from the direction of said front door. Yasuho sighed, but was secretly glad of an excuse to take a break from studying, and went to open it.
She was a little surprised to see Josuke standing there—not because it was Josuke, he had been coming over more and more recently, but because he was looking around frantically with a worried expression.
"Josuke, what's going on?" Yasuho asked, now also on the alert for an enemy Stand user or bracing for some kind of bad news.
Instead of answering, Josuke simply pushed past her into the house, and hurried toward the desk she had previously been studying at, picking up her phone and handing it to her.
Yasuho stared at him. "Seriously? Josuke—"
He pulled out his own phone and started tapping out a text. Her phone pinged as his message went through.
Something's wrong. I can't talk. I think Soft & Wet somehow took my voice away.
"You…" Yasuho looked up with wide eyes as Josuke stared back at her, looking on the verge of panic. "Why on earth would he have done that?"
Josuke typed another message.
I don't know! And I can't figure out how to get him to give it back!
"Were there like, bubbles floating around or something?" Yasuho asked. "That's how he works, right? If you found the bubbles, couldn't you just swallow them again and get your voice back?"
Josuke shrugged helplessly and texted, Can't find anything! And when I manifest him, Soft & Wet just stares at me. What am I going to do?
Josuke sniffed and Yasuho thought for a minute he might be crying, but then she noticed his nose was red. Josuke reached up to rub it against his sleeve, sniffling again before he let out a hoarse-sounding cough.
"Josuke," she inquired. "Have you been sick?"
Josuke shrugged and texted. Felt a little weird since yesterday.
"You just coughed, shouldn't that mean Soft & Wet didn't completely take your voice? I mean, if he did, you probably wouldn't be able to make a sound at all." Yasuho stepped forward. Josuke watched her cautiously as she reached out and touched his forehead. His skin felt too warm under her fingers and she sighed, relieved.
"Josuke, I think you just lost your voice because of a cold."
He stared at her a second before he typed out, A cold?
He hurriedly turned away, covering his mouth as he sneezed and then sniffed again, eyes wet and irritated, looking miserable.
Yasuho instantly felt bad for him and hurried to grab a box of tissues before Josuke could wipe his nose on his sleeve again. "Here, take these. You sound pretty sick. Why don't you go sit down on the couch?"
Josuke nodded, looking like a lost puppy and Yasuho felt her heart melt a little. She might have seen Josuke at his scariest, fighting off enemies, but to her he was still just the sweet, awkward and, yes, rather strange, man she had pulled out of the mud under the Wall Eyes.
She grabbed a blanket from the back of the couch and laid it across Josuke's lap as he slumped down. "Here, you're probably a little chilled. How about I make you some tea for your throat?"
Josuke nodded eagerly and curled up under the blanket, pulling his knees up to his chin. Yasuho smiled to herself at how adorable he looked and then headed to the kitchen.
She put the water on to boil and then rummaged around until she found some fever reducer. Josuke didn't seem to have too bad of one, but she didn't want it to get worse either. Considering what had happened the last time they had been in a hospital, she wasn't exactly keen to go back to one any time soon.
The tea finished and she made sure to add a bunch of honey and lemon into it for his throat. It might still be a couple days before he could talk again, but she was pretty positive it had nothing to do with a malfunctioning Stand power.
Josuke was blowing his nose, looking more miserable by the second when she got back to the living room and Yasuho presented the mug to him.
"It's a little hot still, so just take small sips," she told him. "Also, take this medicine to help with the fever, okay?"
Josuke nodded dutifully and accepted the pills she handed him.
Yasuho sat down on the couch as well, watching as Josuke cradled the mug of tea in his hands, sipping it carefully.
"Does your throat feel any better?" she asked him after a while.
Josuke considered and then held up his thumb and forefinger close together. A little.
"It will probably be a couple days before you get your voice back," she warned him. "But it's normal, so don't freak out or anything. I've lost my voice before too."
Josuke offered a small, relieved smile, then set his mug down for a second to pick up his phone again.
Yasuho glanced at the text he sent. Miss talking to you tho.
Her heart fluttered slightly and she couldn't help the smile that spread across her face, or the blush that tinted her cheeks. "You can still text me; it's almost talking," she assured him.
Josuke smiled at her more softly this time and Yasuho had to look down. She still wasn't sure exactly what they were, didn't quite dare call them boyfriend and girlfriend, but…maybe getting closer to that.
"You want to watch some television?" Yasuho asked him, pretty much deciding to give up on her studying for the day. After all, she had a sick boyfri—sick friend to take care of.
Josuke nodded and Yasuho grabbed the remote, trying to find something good to watch.
Josuke finished his tea and curled up further on the couch, going through several more tissues as they watched TV together. He looked pretty exhausted, and started edging closer to Yasuho until finally he leaned over just a little bit and rested his head on her shoulder.
Yasuho's heart tripled its beat and she blushed at the contact, but Josuke was also so adorable she had to keep herself from letting out some kind of embarrassing sound.
She hadn't realized Josuke was on his phone until she heard her text notification.
Thank you for taking care of me
"Of course, Josuke," Yasuho said, shifting closer to him so he could rest more comfortably. "Any time."
Yasuho was probably going to get sick too at this rate, but, honestly, she didn't care all that much. Besides, then it would give Josuke the chance to return the favor.
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frogtanii · 4 years
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the beach was beautiful.
kuroo always liked the water and the salty, cool air spraying over his heated skin. he welcomed the bright sun and seagulls overhead — a welcome change from the tense atmosphere of the house.
ever since the dinner sakusa, atsumu, bokuto, and kenma had thrown for you, meiko had been more... irritable than usual.
it was like kuroo couldn’t say or do anything right — it was always, “go away kuroo, i’m busy,” and, “fuck off, i don’t want your perfectly homemade fudge brownies.”
kuroo took a deep breath of fresh air, the sound of people laughing echoing in the distance as he fell back into thought.
meiko just wasn’t the same as she was when he’d originally met her. he had first seen her in the window of one of his favorite cafés with this faraway look in her eyes — like she belonged somewhere else.
as cheesy as it was, kuroo was enamored by her, love at first sight if you will. he’d never believed in it before, instead choosing to depend on science to explain how people found someone compatible enough to spend the rest of their lives with.
but with her... it was different.
there was no explanation, no chemicals releasing, just meiko. she was everything he wanted and more and even though he had to fight 10 other men to get to her, he was happy with what little part of her he had.
at least up until recently.
he loved her, he was almost sure of that but... seeing bokuto and even kenma, two of his closest friends, leave meiko behind had him thinking that maybe, just maybe, something was up.
the van ride was even more enlightening. he’d sat all the way in the back beside bokuto, with you and atsumu in the row in front of them and sakusa and kenma in the driver’s and passenger’s seats.
you had asked if you could have the aux after a few minutes of awkward silence and of course, sakusa agreed. your playlist was eclectic, filled with anything and everything, from frank sinatra to tame impala to nct and you sang out every single song with so much bravado that everyone in that car had a smile on their face.
it was strange. meiko had continuously spouted about how horrible and cruel you were but like this? kuroo couldn’t have even imagined that the stories she told were about you.
now, he felt he was at a bit of a crossroads. kuroo hadn’t hung out with meiko in what felt like months and his connection with her was all but gone. on the other hand, there was you who he’d had maybe one real conversation with but his friends seemed to trust you.
kuroo let out a loud groan, running a hand through his hair with his face turned towards the sun. all this thinking was giving him a headache. maybe he should go to the cabana to get a drink.
as he trudged through the sand towards the rest of the group, he spotted you holding your phone with a concerned look written on your face.
kuroo’s brows furrowed as he studied you type furiously before bolting to the rooms. he couldn’t stop his reactionary movements as he raced after you through the hotel building and to what was looking like... bokuto’s room?
his footsteps slowed down as he gradually came closer to the doorway, eyes slowly trailing over kenma, sakusa, and atsumu standing outside worriedly while you gently crept into the room.
“i- i can’t, please,” bokuto’s quiet whimpers could be heard in the all throughout the narrow hall, your pacifying comments only barely drowning them out.
at the sound of his friend’s distress, kuroo pushed through the group until he was standing right in front of the two of you, bokuto sitting on the floor with tears streaming down his face and you, holding his hand on your chest as you took exaggerated deep breaths.
despite him having followed you all the way here, meiko’s warnings began to echo through his mind. “what the fuck did you do?” he muttered.
you chose to ignore him, instead continuing to talk bokuto down from his apparent panic attack. kuroo opened his mouth to protest again when kenma’s small hand found its way on his chest and pushed him out the room.
“what the hell kenma? what did yn do to him?” he asked indignantly. kenma rolled his eyes and pulled him further away from bokuto until they were both back out on the beach.
kenma sighed, turning his face towards the sky as he debated on what to say. “yn is helping him, ok?” the younger boy muttered, his eyes fixed on the clouds above.
kuroo scoffed at shook his head. “then why was bokuto on the ground in tears? hm? meiko always said—“
“shut up, meiko doesn’t know shit,” kenma spat, sharp eyes narrowing menacingly. kuroo felt the familiar wave of confusion overtake him as he studied his old friend.
the hurt, anger, and rage was ever present in his golden irises, showing that meiko must have done something so horrible, so egregious that kenma couldn’t forgive her.
kuroo wanted to know what it was — he missed his friend and, truth be told, he’d been neglecting his platonic relationships since meiko had come into the picture.
he needed to know what kenma and bokuto had gone through, if it was the last thing he did. he wanted his friends back, now.
“tell me everything.”
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℗ poker face
tell me everything
series masterlist
an - THIS CH SUCKS MAD BOOTYCHEEKS IM SORRY it took me 10 years to write and it still sucks i’m UPSET anyways let’s just ignore and / or give me feedback hehe <3
taglist - if your name is in bold, i cannot tag you
@boosyboo9206 • @geektastic84 • @elianetsantana • @trashy-simp • @infinitebells • @6mattsun9 • @suhkusa • @sazunari • @kotarosbabygirl • @fucktheworlddude • @insomniacwreck • @calumsfringe • @saltylettuce • @chai-blu • @al3x1ss • @hawksyoongi • @syndellwins • @jooleuuh • @amberalisa • @kissungjae • @liberhoe • @tetsurocore • @animeoverdosee • @duhsies • @saikishairclip • @afire24 • @premiyagi • @kit-kat428 • @doctorspencereid • @daphnxy • @kyomihann • @maer-333 • @sinoflust19 • @peteunderoos • @peachiikichu • @iidanotlida • @yongboxerrr • @kac-chowsballs • @tanakaslastbraincell • @memorableminds • @ris-illustration • @starry-magicshop • @sugavwara • @smuttyanimeslut • @kiwibirbs-library • @haijkk • @airybnb • @babierin • @iwaisa • @decaffinatedtealover • @notameera • @kawaii-angelanne • @rintarovibes • @urlocalsimp
the rest of the tags will be in the replies!!
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pan-fangirl-345 · 3 years
For You, And You, And You
Summary: As if falling in love with three people who are already in a relationship isn't bad enough, you start coughing up flowers a few months after you figure it out. Now you have a decision to make, but you don't think it's really much of a decision anymore.
TW: Blood, vomit, unrequited love (not really unrequited), angst, hurt (there is comfort!), swearing, mentions of overstimulation (not the s*xy kind), and mentions of panic attacks. These sound bad, but there is a happy ending, I promise.
A/N: I know that I have other things that I need to be working on, but this has been running around my head all day and it seems like a good idea.
Side notes: Sign language usage, hard of hearing Bakugou, ADHD Kaminari
If I have forgotten anything, please let me know!
YOU WATCHED AS Bakugou corralled Kaminari and Kirishima towards his room so that they could study together, laughing when Kaminari threw you a look that practically screamed, 'SOS'.
"What are you laughin' at, Princess?" Bakugou snapped, glaring at you. "You're comin' with us!"
"All my homework is done," you informed him, glancing at them over the top of your book. "I don't need-"
"You're coming," Bakugou repeated, grabbing his blond boyfriend by the collar of his shirt when he tried to escape, practically dragging him.
You stood, knowing full well that Bakugou was not above dropping his boyfriends in his room and coming back for you the way he had for Kaminari.
"Fine," you grumbled, stretching with a sigh when multiple parts of your body cracked and popped. "Just let me grab my things."
Five minutes later you were leaning against the wall of Bakugou's room, right next to the door.
You were, according the Bakugou, guarding the door in case his boyfriends tried to escape for whatever reason, but you were pretty sure that he knew that you were sitting there so you could make a quick getaway.
You didn't mind studying with Bakugou and the boys, but it was awkward for you, given the circumstances.
Bakugou, Kirishima, and Kaminari had been dating since the break before your second year of high school. Halfway through second year and they had settled into a rhythm of sorts after many failed attempts and a lot of backtracking.
It wasn't their relationship that made you uncomfortable though, it was the fact that you spent so much time with them.
Normally, spending time with them would be an honor, but being in love with them made things complicated.
Especially when they seemed hellbent on spending as much time with you as possible.
You propped your book up on your knees, finding your spot before you pulled your headphones on.
They were low enough that you could still hear the boys talking, in case they needed to get a hold of you for some reason, but still loud enough that you could hear the beat and the lyrics.
Two taps on your shoulder had you looking up.
Bakugou tapped his ears twice.
It had been a code you had worked out.
Because of your quirk, you sometimes needed to keep your headphones on as training, and when they boys tapped you twice and then tapped their ears they were asking if you needed them on or if you could take them off.
Good thing about being friends with Bakugou was that he taught you sign language, so you had a way to communicate with the three of them if you needed to keep your headphones on.
"What's up?" you asked softly- just in case Kaminari was still sensitive- as you pulled your headphones down around your neck.
Kaminari had fried himself during training earlier that day, and his senses became sensitive after he regained himself, not that anyone had figured it out until recently because he refused to be any kind of burden.
"Can you help Dunce Face?"
"Always," you said, scooting over to see what Kaminari was working on, careful to avoid contact. "Hey, Kami, what do you need help with?"
When he pointed you in the right direction, you started working with him once you made sure Kirishima was understanding what he was working on too.
Bakugou tended to work by himself and then check on the others when he needed a break or once he was done with his own homework.
There were times when he would help them if they asked, but Kirishima and Kaminari were both stubborn and thought that they shouldn't need the help, so they tended to wait until Bakugou took a break.
It was one of the reasons Bakugou kept you around when they had these study sessions.
You were almost always available when they needed the help and he couldn't break his own concentration.
You checked on Kirishima once Kaminari was on track again.
He had been making leaps and bounds when it came to his classes after these study sessions had started being a regular thing. Kaminari had too, simply because Bakugou kept them on track and he was able to teach them in a way that they would remember and could understand.
They still weren't high in the class rankings because according to Kaminari and Kirishima, "Todoroki, Bakubabe, Midoriya, Iida, Momo, and you are all some kind of mutant geniuses," but they were doing better than Mineta and Aoyama were.
Bakugou had earbuds in, and he was nodding his head along softly to whatever he was listening to.
You had made a collaborative playlist with everyone in your class except for Mineta, and they always added their favorite songs, or ones they thought you might like to it occasionally.
You now had a playlist over 60 hours long, and you were constantly being surprised by who added what. Not only had it been a good way to get to know your classmates, it had also been a good way to irritated everyone when you blasted it through the dorms.
You had separate playlists with Tokoyami, Bakugou, Kirishima, Kaminari, Midoriya, Jirou, Mina, Uraraka, and Shinso.
They were the ones that listened to music the most, and their interests aligned with yours more than you thought they would.
Shinso, who was going to be replacing Mineta- much to everyone's relief- was someone you had come to know through Kaminari, and you had never regretted a thing.
Kaminari tapping on your shoulder brought you back to the present, and you turned your attention to him, explaining a concept he didn't quite understand yet.
Bakugou was at his desk, and Kaminari was spread over his boyfriend's bed, while Kirishima sat near the head of the bed, leaning against it as he worked.
When Bakugou stood from his desk with a stretch, you finished up your explanation, making sure Kaminari understood.
You scooted back over to your spot when Bakugou sat down near his boyfriends.
You shut your book, leaning your head back against the wall as you listened to one of your favorite songs.
When the song was over, you glanced at the boys.
They seemed fine, so you stood and exited while they were distracted.
You shut Bakugou's door quietly, heading for your own room.
A tickle in the back of your throat had you pausing to cough into your hand and clearing your throat a couple of times.
You knew that if Bakugou thought you were even the slightest bit sick he would kill you, and harshly nurse you back to health with a lot of yelling and cooking.
You really hoped it was just a small cough.
NOT JUST A SMALL COUGH, you thought-panicked- as you stared at the three different flower petals in your hand.
Your cough had gotten worse over the last couple of weeks, but no one else seemed to have noticed, not even Bakugou, who was known for knowing when someone was sick even before they did.
You had heard of this.
Hanahaki, a disease born from unrequited love. A disease that would grow inside your lungs until a) you confessed and the feelings were reciprocated, b) you got the surgery that would take away the flowers and the feelings you had for the person(s), or c) you didn't get the surgery and the flowers slowly started to block your airway and injure your lungs and throat until you choked to death or died of malnutrition and dehydration from the damage to your throat.
A) seemed like the best option, but there was little chance of that happening.
You sighed, tucking the petals away in your suit pocket.
You knew you would have to tell someone about the problem soon, especially if they started to injure your lungs, which they likely would.
But for now, it would be your dirty little secret.
You had been going to the library after training, checking out books on flowers, trying to figure out what kind of flowers you were coughing up, since it might tell you who you were in love with.
You had a feeling, but you really hoped that you were wrong.
With further investigation, you found that you weren't wrong at all, quite the opposite in fact.
All three petals, despite being different colors were sunflower petals.
The red ones symbolized energy and passion, and while that one could have been for all of the boys, you knew that petal meant one of the people you were in love with was Bakugou.
Normally, people associated red with Kirishima, and while that was also true, you had a gut feeling that the red petals were for Bakugou.
The orange ones must have been for Kaminari then. They symbolized high spirits and happiness, and while Kaminari had his bad days, he could make you feel better even when he was having one of his bad days, and you loved him for it.
Which left the yellow ones for Kirishima. Goodness, truth, and endurance were definitely something you associated with Kirishima, and the brightness of the petal was a reminder as well.
You let out a shuddering sigh when the realization set in that you either had to confess and hope for the best, or get a surgery that would erase your love for them permanently.
"There you are Princess," Bakugou snarled softly and your jerked upright at the sight of all three of them standing there, looking worried.
"Hey, what's wrong?" you asked.
"You aren't in my room, for one thing," Bakugou said, eyes roving over your little workspace. "Taking an interest in botany?"
"Sort of," you said. "Someone's been leaving me flower petals, so I was wondering if there was a specific reason."
You had prepared the lie in case of something like this, you were just hoping that Bakugou bought it.
"Is that so?" he inquired, eyes sharp as they took you in.
Kaminari and Kirishima locked gazes over Bakugou's shoulder, some expression crossing both of their faces for a few moments before they went back to normal.
"So what are they?" Kaminari asked.
"Red, orange, and yellow sunflowers," you admitted.
You gave the boys a run-down of what they meant, but you noticed that Kirishima and Kaminari continued to share looks with each other, while Bakugou seemed to be scrutinizing your every move and word.
"I'm sorry that I missed your study session," you said after a few minutes.
"Don't worry about it," Kaminari said. "It's not like we're forcing you to go. We understand that you have other interests sometimes."
You noticed that he used the words 'we' and 'we're' and you wondered if that meant just him and Kirishima, or if that extended to Bakugou too.
"Still, I should have-"
"It's in the past," Bakugou interrupted. "Just make sure that you're at the next one."
"I promise I'll be there," you told them, smiling brightly, ignoring the urge to cough out more petals.
The amount of petals that you were coughing up continued to rise every week, and it was getting harder and harder to hide as time went on.
You knew that pretty soon, you would start coughing up full flowers instead of just petals, and that was what scared you the most.
You knew that you would have to go to the doctor soon, just to see how long you had before you were in serious danger, but you wanted to hold on for a little bit longer.
You wanted to hold onto the feeling of being with them for just a little while longer, before all that was left was the memory.
Despite his normally disinterested nature, he had grown attached to your class in the time he had you.
You may have been problem children, but your class were his problem children, and he had made a habit of checking in on all of you at least once a week.
"Who is it?" he asked as soon as you sat down across from him.
He had called you into an empty classroom, and you knew what he was asking as soon as he said it.
You pulled the petals out of your pocket- cleaned and pressed, because what were you, an animal?- and said, "Take a wild guess."
"I thought I raised you better than this, (Y/L/N). No loud blonds and no problem children, but two of those three are all both of those things, and the other might as well be!"
"I know, but the heart wants what it wants," you murmured, taking the petals back.
"What are you going to do?" he asked.
"I have a doctor's appointment on Monday, after class, so that I can see how long I have," you confessed. "After that, well, I guess the only option I have is to schedule the surgery. It's my best chance, even if it's gonna put me out of commission for a while, and there's a chance that it'll come back, everything considered."
"Have you tried telling them?" Aizawa asked.
"No," you admitted, shaking your head softly. "I don't want to burden them with this, and they want to be heroes, they would try to save me even though there's nothing they can do for me."
Aizawa nodded his understanding, but then sighed.
"In between your appointment and the surgery, if you need someone to talk to, Present Mic would be your best bet. He's gone through this before, and he's honestly better at talking with people about their feelings than I am."
"What happened?"
"In his scenario, he didn't need the surgery. I didn't need it in mine either."
Aizawa fished a ring on a chain out from under his capture scarf, and gave you a small smile.
You couldn't help the smile that spread across your own lips as you realized what this meant.
"I'm glad," you said honestly. "For the both of you."
"I want you to at least try to tell them," Aizawa said. "It couldn't hurt."
"I respect the hell out of you, Aizawa-sensei, and the same goes for Mic-sensei, but I'm going to have to say 'oh fuck no' to this one," you told him. "I really don't think that's a great idea."
"Well, I can't force you to do anything, but I really think that they at least deserve to know."
"I've started writing in journals," you admitted, pausing to cough petals into your hands before you continued. "I'll have someone give them out when before I get the surgery. Midoriya probably, he seems like the most trustworthy. Todoroki is another option. I want someone who isn't going to look through them."
Aizawa nodded, but he looked sad.
He laid his hand on your head, and it was comforting.
"I was hoping none of you would have this problem," he admitted softly. "I remember how horrible it was."
"I'm sorry."
"I'm just surprised that it was you, and a little disappointed."
"I'm sorry," you said again and Aizawa shook his head, removing his hand.
"You have nothing to apologize for, (Y/L/N), this kind of thing can never really be helped."
"I'm still sorry to have burdened you with this knowledge though. This kind of goes without saying, but . . . can you keep this on the downlow? I don't really want anyone fussing over it. The other teachers are fine, and they probably need to know, but I really don't want anyone other than that knowing."
"Are your parents aware of what's happening?" Aizawa asked.
"I told my mom, and she told Dad. He threatened to come, but I told him that it wouldn't do anything other than make things worse. They know about the appointment and the surgery since I'm a minor and I still need my parents for certain things regarding insurance and the like."
Aizawa nodded again, standing.
"You're free to go, and I promise to do what I can," he told you.
"Thank you Aizawa-sensi," you said, shaking the hand that he offered you.
"You don't have to thank me for this," Aizawa told you, looking for all the world like he would do anything to make the situation better.
"Still, thank you," you said.
He nodded, and you could feel his eyes on you as you walked away down the hall.
"I heard that you have a doctor's appointment later," Bakugou said when you walked into his room for the usual study session.
"Yeah, I've been feeling a little bit off lately, and I was need of a physical soon anyway," you said.
"Are you okay?" Kaminari asked, taking your face in his hands to look you over for a moment.
"Kami," you murmured, putting your hands on his. "I'm fine. Just weirdly achy, it's nothing, I promise."
"It's enough that you're going to the doctor," Kirishima argued.
"You boys worry too much," you teased.
Your heart clenched at the sight and knowledge that they were worried about you. They worried about everybody, but this was a new level that you had unlocked recently.
"You're getting paler, and you've been coughing a lot lately," Kaminari argued.
"And you're getting slower during training. You took a hit from Racoon Eyes that you should've been able to dodge," Bakugou chimed in.
Damn, they really must've been worried about you if Bakugou was joining in.
"It's a cold," you said, exasperated. "It'll be gone in a few weeks."
"Drop it," you snarled.
Kirishima and Kaminari flinched, going quiet, but Bakugou's eyes narrowed and he took a step towards you.
"I'm sorry," you murmured, curling in on yourself, immediately regretting the outburst, "but you guys are making a huge thing out of nothing. So I haven't been feeling so hot lately, but there's not a lot you can do. Besides, like I said, I'll be fine in a few weeks. At the worst it's a virus that I have to fight off on my own."
Bakugou's eyes narrowed further, and you could still see the hurt behind Kaminari and Kirishima's eyes.
"I'm sorry I snapped at you," you told Kirishima and Kaminari. "I get bitchy when I don't feel great. That's not an excuse though. I shouldn't have taken it out on you. Come here."
Both boys moved to hug you, and you smiled at them.
"You want in Bakugou?" you asked when you noticed he was still watching you.
His face flushed pink and he snarled, "Not a fuckin' chance."
"Come on Bakubabe," Kirishima teased, opening his arms, and Kaminari followed suit.
"I have no idea why I'm in love with you fuckers," he muttered, but he walked over and let his boyfriends bring him into your little hugging circle.
"Thank you, guys, for being worried about me, but if there were something really wrong, I would let you know," you promised, hating the way the lie felt on your tongue and the way your eyes stung with unshed tears.
You let yourself soak in their warmth for a little while, tucking that feeling away, making yourself memorize the way it felt, before you let them go.
They weren't yours, you reminded yourself. They weren't your boyfriends, as much as you wished that they were.
"Let's get this show on the road," you told them, smiling brightly.
"Miss (Y/L/N)," the doctor said when he stepped into the room.
"That's me," you told him.
"So I understand that you're here because you've recently gotten Hanahaki, is that correct?"
"And, please correct me if I'm wrong," the doctor said with a wince, "but you've been coughing up three different colored petals?"
"Yes, one for color for one person," you agreed.
"Well, that's a problem," the doctor said, going over whatever was on his clipboard.
If this guy was going to be one of those assholes that had a problem with you loving more than one person, you were going to-
"When someone is coughing up flowers for more than one person, that dramatically decreases their time frame," the doctor said. "Loving one person means it's easier to avoid them until a decision has been reached about what they want to do. Two people is harder, but doable. Three people is hard, and given your current schooling situation . . . I'm sorry to say that my hopes aren't high."
You took a deep breath, or tried to, and let yourself take a moment to despair what was coming next, to think of worst case scenario before you steeled yourself.
"So what do we do?" you asked.
"Well, we have to do some tests on your lungs," the doctor said, "maybe a scan of some sort. I will also need to know the nature of your relationship with the people you are growing the flowers for, and their relationship with each other. It may affect the plant growth, and could sway any decision you make on your treatment plan."
"I'm getting the surgery," you told the doctor. "I made that decision before I even made the appointment. I've made the decision that I'm going to be selfish about this. I'm in the hero course. I'm going to graduate, and I'm going to help the people that need it. Not even Bakugou goading me into anything is going to get me to change my mind about this."
"Bakugou," the doctor mused, "is that . . . ."
"One of the guys I'm growing my flowers for? Yeah, he is. The other two are his boyfriends. I have a fucked up taste in partners apparently," you joked.
"Ah, you're one of those patients," the doctor said.
"You make jokes to help cope, and to try and put someone else at ease. You don't have to do that here. I am a Hanahaki specialist, I see a lot of people like you."
"Okay," you murmured.
After testing your lungs, and doing some scans, the doctor took you back to the original room.
"So, given the fact that you live in close proximity, and you have to spend a lot of time with all three of the various reasons, plus estimated rate of growth and your training routine . . . I'd say you have about a month left before you start heading towards red territory, meaning you have about a month before it starts becoming exceedingly life threatening."
"If I go into the red area," you began, "how likely is it that the surgery is going to be successful?"
"Depends on how far into the red you go," the doctor said. "Until about the halfway point, there are still high chances that it will be successful and that you will make a full recovery. Any further than that and the chances start decreasing dramatically."
You nodded, taking all the information in, processing it, tucking it away, applying it to situations that might happen.
"I can practically hear the gears turning in your brain," the doctor told you, giving you a small smirk.
"Sorry, habit," you said with a wince.
"You're taking this extremely well," he noted.
"I'm in Class 2-A," you told the doctor. "I've dealt with some bad people. Things like this don't faze me for long anymore."
"Fair enough," the doctor replied. "There's not a whole lot we can do for Hanahaki, even this early, so you just have to live with it until you set a surgery date."
"I have a vacation coming up," you admitted. "I'm assuming I have to go somewhere else for the actual surgery?"
"That's correct," the doctor said. "We aren't equipped for that here, we're just the starting point."
"I can give you the number for the hospital you can go to to get the surgery, and you can set everything up there or give them a phone call."
You nodded, taking the piece of paper the doctor handed you.
"I noticed that you came alone," the doctor said.
"Yes, I thought it might be easier this way. My parents aren't taking this well and the only people I felt comfortable bringing with me for this kind of thing are going to make it worse if I spend time with them, so my best bet was to come alone."
"I see," the doctor murmured. "Do your parents know that you're getting the surgery?"
"I told them, they know," you said.
"How did they take that?"
"Mom cried a lot, and Dad got mad and stormed away. They have mixed feelings about the whole thing. On the one hand, they're happy that I fell in love, they have reservations about it being who it is, but they could get over that, and they're upset that I have the disease in the first place. There's also the fact that getting the surgery has so many major side effects and they're skeptical. In the end though, they know that it's my decision, and I think Aizawa-sensei might commit murder if they don't let me make my own decision, and he made that very clear to me."
"So you have a support system?"
"Yes, quite a big one everything considered."
"Then you're free to go, but please give me a call if something changes."
"Thank you."
He nodded, sending you on your way.
When you got back to campus, the boys were there waiting for you.
You smiled when you spotted them, jogging over.
In the end, your routine with the boys didn't really change. You still trained with them, still studied with them, but when they started asking you to join them places, you refused.
First of all, you weren't going intrude on their time together.
Secondly, as much as you would have loved to spend time with them, the plant growth was something you had to take into consideration.
You had started journaling for them more, the red one was for Bakugou, the orange one was for Kaminari, and the yellow one was for Kirishima.
You had decided that Tokoyami was your best bet for getting the journals to the boys before your surgery. He likely wouldn't snoop, and he could be trusted to get the journals to the boys when he was supposed to, not before when they had a chance to try and stop you from doing what needed to be done.
You had yet to talk to the boys about the side effects that the surgery might have on your mindset towards them, but you figured you still had time to find a way to broach the subject with them.
You were pushing it with your training as it was, and while you were getting stronger, your lungs were getting weaker and weaker as the flowers got bigger and bigger.
"You're pushing your luck," Aizawa said, frowning down at you.
"I'm fine," you growled. "Put me in the fucking brackets. I'm getting the surgery next week, I want to get in as much training as possible before I'm put on leave."
He frowned, and he was glaring at you enough that anyone else might've backed down, but you were going to hold your ground on this one. There was absolutely no way you were missing this opportunity because your body decided that it was going to be a bitch.
"Fine," he grumbled. "Bakugou, you're going up against (Y/L/N)."
"Bring it on Princess."
"Don't hold back Blasty," you teased.
"Do I ever?" he replied.
"No," you said. And that's one of the reasons I love you.
When you both climbed into the ring, you knew it would be a good fight. You had so much stored frustration that you could take out on Bakugou without fear of harming him.
Without use of your quirks, it was almost a fair fight.
As soon as Aizawa yelled, "Start!" you were flying at each other.
Blow and block, block and blow.
It was like a dance, and things were going well for the both of you, but then Bakugou got in an unblocked blow to your stomach.
Had that been with the added force of his quirk, you would've been on the other side of Gym Gamma, but without his explosions, it just made you roll to just inside the boundaries.
You struggled to pull yourself up in between the coughing, but you were having a rough time with it.
You managed to push yourself up with your arms, but you still couldn't breathe.
You couldn't hold back the torrent of flowers that spewed from your mouth from the force of the blow. You hadn't been coughing, so there was quite a build-up in your lungs, throat, and mouth.
Bakugou launched himself, seeing an opening, but a hand held out by you had him stopping.
"Is she puking?"
"Is she alright?"
"What's going on?"
You heard Kaminari and Kirishima rushing to your sides as Aizawa ended the fight, but you waved away their help.
You were still coughing, but you managed to push yourself to your feet, though you swayed dangerously into Kaminari's side.
You were panting by the time the flow of flowers and petals stopped, and you were leaning heavily on Kaminari.
"(Y/L/N), get to Recovery Girl," Aizawa ordered.
"No, I'm okay, I can still-"
"Go!" he ordered.
"I'm fine," you argued.
"Fine?" Kirishima whispered harshly. When you turned his eyes were dark and he looked like he might burst into tears. "Fine?" he asked, voice rising. "Fine? (Y/F/N), you just threw up like, fourteen full-sized fucking sunflowers! Not to mention the number of petals too! That's not fucking fine! That's having stage three fucking Hanahaki!"
Everyone in Gym Gamma stopped at that and swiveled their heads to look at you.
You blinked as Kirishima continued his little tangent. He was swearing almost as much as Bakugou, which had you worried.
"You should have told us," Kaminari murmured, voice tight with restraint. "Why didn't you tell us?"
He was crying, you realized when you turned your head to look at him. There were tears streaming down his face, and he looked devastated.
Bakugou was eerily silent, and when you turned your attention to him, you winced.
"It's not your fault," you told him.
You hated that pinched look on his face, warring between guilt, worry, and something you hadn't quite figured out yet.
Kaminari wrapped an arm around your waist, lifting your arm over his shoulder so that he could support you.
"Bakugou, listen to me," you ordered, clearing your throat a few times. "Katsuki," you demanded when he just looked at you with those glassy eyes and pinched face. "This is not your fault."
He nodded, dazed, clearly not comprehending what you were telling him.
"Problem children two through four are free to go. Get her to Recovery Girl," Aizawa ordered. "And don't bother coming back to class today."
Kirishima took you from Kaminari, carrying you bridal style, and you leaned into him gratefully, letting your body relax, sucking in as much air as you could.
"Why didn't you tell us? We could've-"
"Could've what, Denki?" you asked quietly, letting exhaustion take over. "What could you have done? My body has decided that it's going to grow flowers to try and get my love interests to notice me that way. It's growing flowers for emotionally unavailable people and there's nothing I can do except get the surgery."
"You still could have told us!" Kaminari cried, sniffling and furiously wiping his eyes. "We could've taken you to your appointments and tried to talk some sense into whoever it was and-"
He broke off into sobs and you reached out to lay a hand on his head.
"Come on Kami, if anyone should be crying right now, it's me," you said, having to take more breaths to get through the sentence.
"We should have- no- I should have noticed," Kirishima said softly.
"I didn't want you guys to notice because I knew you would worry about me. I didn't want you guys to have to worry about me. Besides, I had my decision made by the time I coughed up the first full flower. I'm going to be selfish and get the flowers removed so that I can keep saving people."
"It's our job to worry about you, (Y/F/N)," Kaminari sobbed. "We're your friends, we love you, we want to know about this kind of thing even if it's not killing you from the inside out."
"Sparky's right," Bakugou grunted.
Your head lolled to look at him, and he looked some kind of devastated.
"Never thought I'd hear you say that," you said breathlessly, giving a small chuckle.
"You should've told us."
"Next time I'll let you know," you told them, closing your eyes as you leaned your head on Kirishima's shoulder.
As soon as Kaminari opened the door to Recovery Girl's office another fit started.
"Get her on the bed and give her a bucket," she ordered. "Unfortunately, I can't do anything for this. And in her current state, a kiss isn't going to do much. I'm sorry dear."
"It's alright," you choked out, coughing more flowers into the bucket Bakugou handed you.
Kirishima patted your back softly while Kaminari held your hair back.
"Who is it?" Bakugou demanded.
"Babe, now is not the time-"
"Who is it?" he asked again, much slower and softer.
"There's no point," you told him when the overflow of flowers stopped.
The boys helped you get comfortable and you closed your eyes, wishing the bed would eat you.
"They don't need me, they don't want me."
"Have you even tried confessing?" Bakugou snapped.
You realized with a small start that he was desperate and snapping because of it. He was mad because he felt helpless and he didn't know how to handle it.
"There's no point. Three different colored flowers."
"Three different people," Kaminari realized.
"It doesn't matter if two of them love me, if the third doesn't that means that their flowers will still grow. It might give me some time, but the end result is still the same."
It was quiet for a few minutes and you relaxed into the bed, trying your best to breathe through the flowers.
"(Y/L/N)," Bakugou eventually remarked.
"What's up Blasty?" you asked.
"I'm going to ask you a question," he announced, and you cracked an eye open to glance at him, only to find realization breaking over his face. "And you know I'll know if you're lying when you answer."
"Give it your best shot Blasty," you told him, closing your eyes again.
"It's us, isn't it?" he demanded.
"Ding ding ding," you sang exhaustedly, "we have a winner."
"Wait, what?" Kaminari asked.
"The flowers that I'm growing inside my lungs, they're for the three of you. Like I said earlier, emotionally unavailable."
It was quiet again before Kirishima whispered, "So . . . we did this to you? We did this?"
"No," you snapped, sitting up to glare at him. "This is not your faults. None of this is because of anything any of you did. Hanahaki is a result of a gene mutation."
"Can you . . . explain more in depth, please?" Kaminari asked.
"A long time ago, there was this clan of people who could control plants with their emotions. It wasn't a quirk, since they didn't exist back then, but it was more of a connection with the earth or something. Anyway, rage, anger, love, hate, it all fueled their powers over nature."
"Great, plant manipulation," Bakugou grumbled.
"Then they started marrying outside the clan and all that jazz. It's a recessive gene, but it was a big clan. Anyway, a lot of people have the gene, but they don't have the right circumstances to make anything happen because of it. Because it's a recessive gene, both parents need to have it before it becomes much of a threat. Only a few unlucky bastards will ever even have a chance of getting Hanahaki. There are other less deadly variants though, but Hanahaki itself is rather rare.
"Because of the gene, when my feelings got as intense as they did, it started growing the flowers for you. The way Recovery Girl explained it, my body grew them to try and convince you guys of my feelings or something. It's hard to explain when I don't completely understand what this is either. But in short, the flowers are for you and they'll only go away when you all love me romantically or I get the surgery and forget about you."
"So you're one of the unlucky fuckers that has both recessive genes?" Bakugou asked.
"You win again Blasty. Normally, when it's only one person, it doesn't progress as fast as mine did. They can be easily avoided and it can take years for it to get this far."
"But there are three of us," Kaminari jumped in. "And we all have to live together and train. You couldn't really avoid us, meaning it got worse faster than normal."
You nodded, swallowing harshly.
"I'm sorry," you whispered. "I didn't expect it to get this far, and I certainly didn't want you finding out about it until after the surgery."
"But, now we can help!" Kirishima cried.
"No, Kiri, you can't," you told him. "I'm sure you've heard, but Hanahaki is only cured when the feelings are returned. Even if you wanted to help me like that, it wouldn't work. Besides, I would never ask that of you, of any of you."
"But-But that means that you have to get the surgery and forget about us."
You opened your eyes and cupped his cheek softly.
"You'll make friends with me again," you assured him. "Even if it seems like I don't want you to. Even if my attitude towards you guys changes, I'm sure you'll somehow find a way to draw me back in."
"There has to be something we can do," Kirishima whimpered, eyes welling with tears. "We love you, we can't lose you like this."
"It's okay," you murmured.
"It's not!" Kirishima cried, sobbing.
"Hang on," Kaminari said, getting that considering look on his face. "What if we said we wanted the flowers?"
"Huh? You lost me," you admitted.
"You said that your body was growing these flowers for us, right?" Kaminari asked, then continued when you nodded. "Well, I want mine. I want to take all the flowers that you're growing for me."
You were about to tell him that that wasn't how it worked, but the flowers in your chest decided that now was the perfect time to eject themselves from your body.
You coughed and choked as a torrent of orange petals erupted from your lungs.
Just as one wave ended, another began.
Tears stung your eyes and your throat felt like it was being ripped apart from the inside out, and your chest was constricting so much you thought you might pass out.
Suddenly, something much bigger was being pushed out of your lungs and up your windpipe.
Bakugou was shouting for Recovery Girl and the other two were panicking and trying to assist.
There must've been a stem this time, you thought deliriously.
You couldn't get enough air in.
Just as your vision started to go fuzzy around the edges, someone was easing the flower out of your throat.
You hacked and coughed and sobbed as leaves and roots tore up your throat, but then there was air in your lungs and you could breath better than before.
You choked on the amount of air flowing into your lungs again and slumped over the side of the bed, panting.
You spit blood into the bucket by your bed.
"Um . . . this definitely isn't natural," Kirishima whimpered after everyone realized that you weren't dead and that you were no longer in danger of choking on another plant.
You managed to crack your eyes open enough to see that Kirishima was holding a sunflower plant almost as tall as he was.
The base was stocky and thick, with a wide system of roots.
It branched off into at least six different stems, each with an orange sunflower at the top.
You forced yourself to swallow and managed to croak out, "Kami said," before your voice gave out.
"That's right!" Kirishima cried. "Kami told her that he wanted all of the flowers that she was growing for him."
"I didn't think it would actually work though!" Kaminari cried.
Bakugou settled you back against the pillows of the bed, brushing hair away from your face as the world stopped spinning around you.
"Can we try it too?" Kirishima asked.
You knew that the question should've been directed at Recovery Girl, but he was looking at you.
You mimed writing something and Recovery Girl handed you a paper and a pen.
Maybe later, you wrote, I think if we tried it now I would die. I was barely able to stay conscious this time. More back to back and there might be permanent damage to my throat and/or lungs.
Kirishima nodded, but there was something shining in his eyes that made you wonder what he was thinking.
Think a kiss would help now? you scribbled out, showing it to Recovery Girl.
She gave you one, and you relaxed into the pillows, letting the boys ask her questions.
YOU FELT BETTER WHEN you woke up, though not by much.
Bakugou was asleep by the side of your bed, arms crossed under his head. His arms were pillowed by your thighs and you wondered how long he had been there.
You shifted a little, reaching a hand out to run your fingers through his hair.
"Hey Princess," Bakugou murmured, shifting to look at you, grinning softly.
"What time is it?" you croaked, wincing at the sound of your own voice.
"Little after five in the morning," he admitted, sitting up. "That one kiss took a lot out of you. Eiji and Denks went to bed at about one. I couldn't sleep so I thought I would stay down here in case anything happened."
"You mean you had a nightmare and instead of waking them up you came down here to feel useful in some way."
He didn't say anything but the blush on his cheeks gave him away.
"You didn't have to stay you know," you told him. "Just because of the whole Hanahaki thing-"
"It's not because of the fucking feeling flowers," he grunted. "I would've done this whether it was my fucking fault or not."
"I already told you guys," you snapped, "this is not your fault. You couldn't've stopped this."
"We should've told you sooner," he whispered.
"Should've told me what sooner?" you asked. "If you guys aren't comfortable being around because I'm in love with you, then you don't have to stick around."
"No, it's not that," Bakugou told you.
"What Katsuki is tryin' to say," Kaminari slurred, stumbling in, looking more exhausted than you, "is that we love you too. And we had been talking about asking you to join us."
"We were talking about approaching you about being our girlfriend, but then you suddenly started not wanting to go places with us and we were worried that we were making you uncomfortable," Kirishima added, rushing to make sure that Kaminari didn't crash into your bed.
Kaminari forwent the chair at the side of your bed and instead climbed onto the bed next to you.
Kirishima rolled his eyes fondly, sitting next to Bakugou.
"Yeah, what they said," Bakugou grumbled.
"You guys don't have to force yourselves to try and care about me like that," you said, frowning. "It doesn't do anybody any good and hurts everybody involved."
"How can we show you that we care about you like that?" Kirishima asked. "Please (Y/F/N)."
"Do I really seem like the kind of guy to lie about his feelings like this?" Bakugou interrupted. "And do you really think I would let these morons do something like this?"
"Kind of," you admitted. "You all care about people enough to try and do that. Besides, I thought you were all gay."
"Demi," Bakugou grunted.
"Pan!" Kirishima chirped.
"Bi, obviously," Kaminari murmured from where he was burrowing into your side.
You blinked, processing this new information.
You were about to respond but Recovery Girl waddled in.
"How are you feeling, hun?" she asked.
"About as good as can be expected I suppose," you said.
"I contacted the doctor that you originally spoke to and he said that the only way the flowers would've come out of your lungs would be because the person you were in love with said that they wanted them and because they were in love with you when they said it.
"That being said, these other two want to give it a try. We would need a small space between flowers of course, since they did a lot of damage to you on the way out, because of how far along you are, but it should work, if you're up for trusting them."
You glanced between the boys and sighed.
"Alright, let's give this a shot," you agreed. "I still have the surgery scheduled, so if it doesn't work I can still go in."
"It'll work. And when it does, will you believe us?" Kirishima asked.
"It'd be hard not to," you told him, "the facts are right there."
"Good. We can start whenever you're ready," Recovery Girl told you.
"Let's start now, I want this over with as soon as possible," you said.
"Understood," she agreed, grabbing three pairs of medical gloves, handing them to the boys. "You boys might need these."
Roughly nine hours later and you were panting as Kaminari gently lowered you onto the pillows of your bed.
"How are you feeling?" Recovery Girl asked.
Like I just threw up my intestines, but they were covered in thorns, you scribbled out. But I can breathe if that's what you meant.
"A few kisses and you'll be well on your way," she said, not seeming to mind your snark.
Bakugou snorted and Kaminari looked like he was trying not to laugh.
"Do you want us to stay?" Kirishima asked.
You can if you want to, but I'm not going to force you to stay if you don't want to.
"Do you want us to stay?" Bakugou asked, exasperated.
You hesitated for nearly a minute before you glanced down at your lap, nodding.
But you can go back to class if you want to. I know you guys have been here for forever and that you have classes to catch up with, you scribbled out quickly.
"We ain't goin' anyway Princess," Bakugou said, flopping down into one of the chairs next to the bed.
"Besides, Aizawa gave us a pass this morning," Kaminari added.
"You want us to stay and we'll stay," Kirishima told you.
You were in the middle of writing something but Bakugou snatched the pad out of your hands.
"Just accept that you're stuck with us darlin'," Kirishima said, tossing it over his shoulder.
Kaminari hummed his agreement, crossing his arms over your legs so that he could lay his head on them.
"When this is all over, and you're good to go again, we're taking you out, for real this time," Bakugou told you, mimicking his blond boyfriend and the position you had found him in early this morning.
Kirishima followed suit and you ruffled their hair before you nodded to Recovery Girl, who have you two kisses.
You were out like a light.
"Darlin'," Eiji called over the din of the party that was going on around you. "Your mom wants to see our party trick!"
You laughed, handing the cookie platter to your little cousin, who giggled, trying to look inconspicuous.
You weaved through the people mulling around and found all three of your boyfriends talking with your family.
"Are we going to have to do this at your parents' house too, Katsuki?" you inquired, hands on your hips.
"Probably, the hag loves this stuff," he muttered, but his tone was fond.
"What are we doing at Katsuki's?" Denki asked, moving to drape himself over your back.
"Our party trick," you said and he laughed.
"I don't see a problem with it," Denki chuckled. "I think it's pretty hot."
"It is, but that doesn't mean that he should have to do it every time we go somewhere," you argued.
"I don't mind darlin', really, I think it's kind of fun," Eiji said, grinning.
"I find it humiliating," Katsuki grumbled.
"That's because you can't lift Eiji yet," you teased.
Katsuki's palms crackled but his eyes were soft when he looked at you.
"Are we doing this or what?" Denki asked.
Denki, Katsuki, and you all walked over to Eiji.
Katsuki was on Eiji's left while you and Denki were on the right.
Eiji then scooped all three of you up in his arms and your family cheered.
You giggled, wrapping your arm around Eiji's neck to stabilize yourself.
When he set you all down your little cousins, and even some of the older ones, were begging him to see how many he could lift at the same time.
"Why don't we try it next time?" you suggested, getting pouts and cries of injustice. "Think of it this way, the next time we see you all, he'll be even stronger and he'll be able to lift more of you than he can now!"
That soothed them for the moment, but some of the older ones glared at you, seeing through your compromise.
"You just want to keep him all to yourself!" one of them said as the others dispersed.
"But he's my boyfriend," you argued, "so I know him better than you do."
"But you have two others!" your little cousin retorted. "It's not fair."
Denki was crying from laughing so hard in the background, leaning on a chuckling Katsuki.
"They're definitely related to you, darlin'," Eiji teased, wrapping an arm around your waist and kissing you softly.
Your little cousin whined in disgust and disappeared into the fray and you sighed in relief.
"You must remember what that was like when you were little, (Y/F/N)," your mother teased. "You were the same way."
"I was not!" you cried, cheeks heating up. "I only argued because people kept telling me 'that's just the way it is' and I wanted a real reason why."
"Aw, imagine how cute little Lightning Bug was," Denki cried and you glared at him.
Soon all three boyfriends were on you about it and you groaned.
"You're all so mean!" you whined.
"But you love us for it," Bakugou argued.
"I hate it when you're right," you muttered, sending them laughing.
It had taken a lot to get to this point, but it was worth it, you decided. They would always be worth it.
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hyogonokitsune · 4 years
blush -- suna rintarou x reader
here’s some soft suna smut, go fetch!
edit: here’s pt 2 and pt 3
virginity loss, slight praise kink, oral (f receiving), whoops! rintarou has feelings
4700 words
You were not quite sure how you all ended up on this topic, but it didn’t surprise you one bit that Atsumu was the one to bring it up.
“So how old were ya when ya lost it?” he asked with a grin on his face.
Suna glanced up at the sky as he thought about his answer. “Fourteen, I guess.”  
“Ugh, man! You beat me!” Atsumu groaned in annoyance. “I was fifteen.” It was slight, but you caught Suna giving him a self-satisfied smirk. Atsumu turned to his brother next. “What about you, ‘Samu? I don’t think I ever asked.”
“Pfft, like hell I’d ever tell you,” was the only response he gave.
The four of you were walking through Inarizaki’s dark campus together after the team’s evening practice. It was early autumn, and although the days were still warm, the temperature at night was beginning to dip lower and lower. You shivered as a crisp breeze blew past, digging your hands further into your jacket pockets.
“What about you, y/n?” Atsumu asked, peering down at you. “How old were ya?”
You had hoped he’d forgotten about you, but now that he had directly asked you could feel your cheeks reddening slightly. “I, uh, I haven’t done it yet,” you answered sheepishly.
“What, seriously?! You’re a virgin?” Atsumu’s eyes widened in surprise, but they quickly squinched shut when Osamu smacked him on the back of the head.
“Yell it a bit louder, why don’t ya? I don’t think everyone on campus heard you, dumbass.”
“Ouch, sorry,” Atsumu muttered in apology, but your blush had already deepened. “I’m just a little shocked to learn that our precious manager is a virgin.”
“It’s not really that big of a deal, honestly,” Suna said, his voice low. It was a little unusual to hear him defend anyone, but you were grateful for it all the same.
“Ya know, y/n, if ya ever wanna lose your virginity, I’d be happy to help out,” Atsumu said, giving you a salacious smirk. You rolled your eyes at his offer, a small laugh escaping from your lips as you flicked him on the side of his head.
The path split then, and Suna turned left to continue on by himself to the campus dorms. He waved goodnight to the three of you, and you noticed that his eyes lingered on you for half a second too long before he turned away.
 Click, click, click
Your thumb pressed repeatedly on the end of your pen as you stared hard at the words in front of you.
“Hey, knock it off.” You looked up at the sound of Suna’s voice, his irritation plain on his face. “It’s annoying.”
The two of you were sitting on the floor of his room, Suna propped up against his bed and you leaning against the opposite wall. Loose sheets of paper and an open textbook were on the floor between you as you both studied for an exam the next day.
“Sorry, I didn’t even realize I was doing it,” you muttered, turning your attention back to Suna’s notebook on your lap. You were reading through it, checking that there wasn’t anything he had written down that you had missed in class. In truth, you were finding it hard to concentrate on the notes, as something else was nagging at your thoughts. You hadn’t been able to shake the conversation you’d had the other night, and despite Atsumu’s suggestion, he wasn’t the one you had been thinking about since then.
You had heard rumors around campus, and stories from some of the girls in your classes. At first it had made you a little uncomfortable to know such personal details about someone you had to see every day, especially since he wasn’t aware that you knew, but over time you gradually got used to it, and you were beginning to wonder about what it might be like to experience that firsthand. You were sure that it wouldn’t get out. After all, those rumors that you had heard had come from the girls themselves, never him; if you didn’t tell anyone, no one would ever have to know about it. Besides, after two and a half years spent on the same team, you two had grown rather close. There were few people that you could trust more than him, and, in your opinion at least, that was the most important factor influencing your decision.
You just had to think of a way to tell him.
Suna’s low voice cut through the silence in the room. “Maaan, I’m beat. What time is it?” he asked, stretching his arms over his head.
You glanced at your watch, sighing a bit when you saw how late it was. “Half past ten.”
“Fuck.” He rubbed at his eyes. “I think we’ve crammed as much as we possibly can for tonight.”
“Yeah, you’re right,” you replied as you stood up. The two of you started tidying up his room, and you gathered your books and pens into your bag.
“You want me to walk you to the bus stop?”
“No, I’ll be alright.”
You had your hand on the doorknob, ready to leave, but you found yourself unable to turn it.
“Hmm?” he hummed, and when he turned to look at you, you felt an unexpected surge of confidence well up inside. If you didn’t tell him now, you didn’t think you’d ever be able to.
Dropping your hand from the doorknob, you angled your shoulders to face him head on, willing yourself to look him in the eye. “I want you to take my virginity.”
There was a slight widening of his eyes, almost imperceptible, but you caught it before his face fell back into its usual indifferent mask. There was a moment or two of silence, and you tried to keep yourself from panicking; maybe he was just trying to gauge how serious you were.
Eventually he spoke, the corner of his lip quirking up into a cheeky grin. “You sure you don’t want Atsumu to be the one?”
You couldn’t stop your eyes from rolling. “I think I’d rather die, if I’m being honest.”
Suna laughed then, short but genuine, and you felt the tension ease from your shoulders. “I’ll do it, if that’s really what you want.”
You gave him a quick nod, hand reaching towards the door again.
“Come back here tomorrow.”
 You knocked twice on Suna’s door and it opened almost immediately. He must have just recently gotten out of the shower because his hair was still damp, a droplet of water clinging to a lock of hair next to his cheek as he stared down at you.
“I was half-expecting you not to show up,” he said, a slight smile on his lips.
“Why wouldn’t I?” you asked as you squeezed past him to step into the room; he offered no response.
You dropped your bag and blazer onto his desk chair, and when you turned around Suna had moved into the center of the room, within arm’s reach.
“Are you sure you want to do this?” There was an uncharacteristic note of concern in his voice that made your heart melt.
You gave a slight nod, a small smile on your face. “I’m sure.”
Those two words were all he needed.
Suna closed the gap between you in one step. His left hand came to rest on your waist, his right moving up to cup your cheek as he leaned down to place his lips on yours. His kiss was unexpectedly soft, and you couldn’t stop a tiny gasp from escaping you in surprise. This wasn’t a Suna that you were familiar with; this was a Suna that was unbelievably tender with his touch, but you could feel a more passionate side simmering just beneath the surface by the way that his fingers ever so slowly applied pressure to your waist.
Unconsciously, your hands moved first to his shoulders, then to the back of his head, where your fingers buried themselves in his damp hair. Your touch encouraged him to draw you in closer, his arm snaking around your waist to press you against his body. His kisses were becoming firmer now, deeper, more urgent, his tongue slipping past your lips to brush against yours.
A feeling of warmth was in your chest now, spreading down throughout your body, and with it came a sudden feeling of uncertainty. Suna broke away from you and stepped back to sit on the edge of his bed, and the sight of him there suddenly stole away all the confidence you had felt earlier.
“Come here,” he said, his voice barely above a whisper. The sound of it made your legs feel weak, but you forced yourself to step towards him. His hands moved to your hips, intending to pull you closer, but you put your palms on his shoulders to brace yourself.
“Wait a minute,” you said, a little breathless.
“You okay?”
“Yeah, I just…” Your voice trailed off and you swallowed hard. “I’m just a little nervous.”
You were embarrassed to admit it, but to your surprise Suna smiled, and the gentleness on his face was reassuring. “Yeah, I think it’s normal to be a little nervous.” One of his hands left your hip to move to your elbow. His fingers dragged lightly down your forearm and wrapped around your wrist, so that he could lift your hand and press it against his chest. “I’m a little nervous, too.” You could feel his heart against your palm, beating a little faster and harder than normal. The proof of his own anxiety made all of your apprehensions disappear, and you leaned down to kiss him. Before he could deepen it, you broke away again.
“Could we turn the light off?”
“Of course,” he grinned, leaning over to switch off the lamp on his bedside table.
The room became dark, but the sun had only recently dipped below the horizon and your eyes quickly adjusted to the cold blue light coming in through the window. Suna’s body was outlined against the bed, his features hazy in the dim lighting, but his eyes were clear as he gazed up at you, imploring you to come closer.
He guided you down onto his lap, one of his hands on each of your thighs to place them at his sides. His kisses were needier now, almost hungry in the way that his mouth moved against yours. His hands slid up to rest on your hips once more, and when he slowly tugged them closer, dragging you over his hardening cock, you couldn’t stop the moan that bubbled up from your chest. You could feel him grinning against your lips, but you couldn’t find it in yourself to be embarrassed, not when the feeling of his body under your hands was causing that heat to grow in your core.
“Does that feel good, baby?” Suna asked, his voice breathy and low. A blush crept up your face at his words, the tone of them so much more intimate than anything you’d heard before. You grinded against him again, causing him to moan lightly into your mouth.
Your hands slid down to press against his chest, fingers clutching at the fabric of his shirt. He paused kissing you just long enough to take his shirt off, tossing it onto the floor before grabbing your waist and drawing you in even closer. Tentatively, you brought your hands back to his chest. The heat of his skin, the pounding of his heart, his heavy breaths emboldened you, prompting you to explore more of his body. Your fingers traveled lightly over his chest, across his collarbones, onto his shoulders, across the back of his neck, down to his shoulder blades; every place you touched gave way to growing desire.
Suna’s hands wandered up your stomach and over your breasts to undo the buttons of your blouse, but he couldn’t undo them fast enough for you; you suddenly couldn’t stand another moment with the fabric between you, you needed to feel your skin pressed up against his now. Your fingers moved to the bottom of your blouse and quickly worked their way upwards, meeting his in the middle before tearing the shirt from your body.
His eyes roamed over you and he whispered something that you couldn’t quite hear. Before you could say anything, his head moved to your neck, pressing hot kisses into your skin, down the column of your throat and over your collarbones. The top of his head tickled under your chin, making you giggle; his lips left your shoulder with a wet sound as he turned his face up to look at you, but you dug your nails into his arms and whimpered at the loss of his touch.
“Please don’t stop,” you breathed.
Suna gripped you tightly around your waist to lift you off of him and shift you so you were lying down on the bed, his body leaning over you. Pulling one of your legs up so that he could position himself between them, he resumed kissing your neck, his warm breath tickling your ear. His hands worked their way down your sides, a trail of goosebumps left in their wake, to come to rest at the waistband of your skirt. He lifted his head to kiss you on the lips briefly before carefully tugging your skirt down over your hips and off your legs. His eyes lingered on your purple lace panties, moved up to your matching bra, and finally to meet your own gaze.
“These are cute,” he said with a smirk, one finger lifting up the band of your panties and letting it snap against your skin.
“Shut up,” you groaned, covering your blushing face with your arm.
“Did you match these just for me?” he teased.
“I said shut up, Rintarou!”
You heard a sharp intake of breath, and lowered your arm to see that the look on his face had shifted into completely unconstrained desire. He kissed you then, tongue forcing its way into your mouth, greedily swallowing your moans. You could feel yourself getting wetter as he pressed his cock in-between your legs; the sensation was becoming almost too much to bear.
Suna pulled away suddenly, and a thin strand of saliva briefly connected your mouths, glinting in the low light. “Hey, do you want me to wear a condom?” he asked, rubbing his thumb slowly over your bottom lip.
“Oh!” You were lying in his bed half naked, and his tongue had just been in your mouth, but for some reason that question made you feel shy all of a sudden. “You don’t have to, if you don’t want to. I’m, uh… I’m on the pill,” you told him, feeling your cheeks heat up again. He only nodded once before leaning in to kiss you again.
One of his hands slowly slid up your side to your breast, his thumb rubbing over your nipple through the fabric of your bra. When he broke the kiss to move his lips to your neck, you leaned forward slightly to unhook your bra, tossing it on the floor with the rest of your clothes. Suna sucked in a breath at the sight of you, gazing at you almost reverently before placing his lips back on your throat, letting his hand blindly fondle your breast. Moving slowly, he made his way down your throat and over your collarbones, planting sloppy kisses every few inches, until his tongue was swirling small circles around your nipple, feeling it grow harder at his touch. At the same time, his other hand was pressing into your hip, fingers digging insistently into the soft flesh. That hand now started moving down over the outside of your thigh, pausing almost at the knee before running back up along the inside.
You gasped when he touched your clothed pussy for the first time, his fingers brushing against your clit through the fabric. You would have felt embarrassed at the wetness you felt seeping through your panties, but the feeling of having him touch you in so many places was too good for you to care. He was rubbing circles around your clit, causing a knot to form deep in your stomach. You reached with both hands into his hair, gripping the back of his head tightly as a pitiful whimper escaped you.
“Oh, Rintarou…”
“What is it, baby?” He leaned forward to plant a kiss on your cheek, his hand still working slowly between your legs. “What do you need?”
Another pitiful sound left your mouth and your nails dug into his shoulders. He sat up straight, his free hand coming to rest on your leg as his other continued to draw soft moans out of you.
A new feeling had settled in your chest, a need that you had never experienced before. It wasn’t enough to have him simply touch you; you needed to feel him inside of you.
“Rin, please,” you practically begged him, reaching towards the waistband of his sweatpants.
He gently pushed your hands away, a low chuckle rising in his throat. “You’re not ready yet, baby,” he told you in a soft voice. “I don’t want to hurt you.”
Groaning, you fell back into the pillow, your breath coming out harder as he started kissing the inside of your thigh, slowly, painfully slowly, moving closer to where the heat was pooling between your legs. Both of his hands now hooked under your thighs to rest on top of your hip bones, pinning you in place. He kept his eyes on your face as his tongue ran almost lazily over your panties.
“Oh my god,” you gasped, head tilting back and eyes squeezing shut.
“You’re already so wet,” he murmured, and you could hear the smile in his voice. He was still licking you agonizingly slowly, relishing the way you squirmed around him. “Do you want me to taste you, baby?”
“Mm hmm,” you answered, a little too quickly in your eagerness to have him touch more of you. He moved one of his hands to hook a finger under your panties, pulling them to the side to reveal your glistening pussy.
His mouth was on your bare clit now, and the sensation was overwhelming. It was different from all the times you had pleasured yourself; this was warm and wet and achingly soft, and it was causing the coil in your stomach to rapidly tighten. He hummed lightly, the vibrations running over your clit and causing you to practically scream. When he lifted his face away from you, you nearly cried. He slid your panties down your legs and tossed them on the floor, leaving you completely bare before him.
Suna leaned back down, tongue running up and down your folds, swirling around your clit, kissing all over your pussy. Every single contact made your back arch, made your hands grip the sheets a little more tightly. He traced a finger along the edge of your pussy, gathering up the wetness before slowly pressing it into you. You clenched around him as his finger curled up to press into the soft spot within you, the spot that made your breath catch in your throat. You opened your eyes to look down at him; his mouth and finger were still at work on your pussy, but his gaze was trained on your face, sage-colored eyes glinting in the dark.
The coil in your stomach finally snapped, your orgasm falling over you in waves of intense pleasure. Your toes curled, legs tensed up around his head, hands reached down to wind into his soft hair.
Suna kept his face pressed into your pussy, sucking gently on your clit as you came around his finger. The overstimulation was becoming too much, and your breath was coming out in labored sobs.
“Rin, p-please, stop!”
Immediately, he pulled away, crawling over your body to kiss you hard on the mouth. “I like the way you taste, cutie,” he sighed into your ear, nuzzling at your neck. “And I love the way you moan for me.”
You were panting, still coming down from your high. Suna’s hand came up to caress your face, thumb rubbing gently over your cheekbones. He waited for your breathing to even out before sitting up to remove his pants. You couldn’t help but stare at the way his cock looked; you had no reference point, but you were pretty sure he was above average.
He lazily stroked his cock with one hand as he shifted your legs with the other, positioning himself close to your entrance. He dragged the head over your pussy, coating it with the wetness there.
Suna was looking straight at you again. “Are you ready?” he asked, his voice breathless.
“Yes,” you told him. He leaned down to plant one more kiss on your lips, before slowly pressing his cock into you.
All the time he spent pleasuring you already ensured that you were relaxed enough to take him, but even so, he went slow. He sank in a few inches before pausing, allowing you to adjust to his size as he peppered your face with kisses, before giving you some more. It took a full minute before he completely joined his hips to yours, a soft groan escaping his lips.
“Are you okay, baby?” he asked, his voice impossibly soft.
“Yeah.” You gave him a small smile, hands running up the backs of his arms to rest on his shoulder blades. It felt so incredibly good to finally have him inside you, to fill you up completely. There had been a slight pressure when he first entered you, but that was subsiding now, and you could fully enjoy the way his cock stretched you out.
Suna pulled his hips away from you, his cock dragging slowly along your sensitive walls. The loss of him drew a soft whimper out of you, turning into a moan when he pushed back in. His pace was unhurried at first, but with each breathy sigh you made he increased his speed, pulling out a little further each time.
“Rin, oh, oh…”
“God, you’re so fucking tight,” he moaned, lips capturing yours in a wet kiss. “You feel so good, baby.”
He bent down to take one of your nipples into his mouth, rolling it between his teeth with just enough pressure to make your spine arch, fingers gripping his shoulders tightly to let him know that you wanted more.
“Rin, I-I… oh god-”
He straightened back up so he could look into your face, his thumb and forefinger continuing to play with your nipple. “Does that feel good?” he asked in a low voice. You nodded, eyes squeezed tight against the pleasure, and another soft whimper left your throat. “You’re taking my cock so well, baby,” he murmured; you could feel the knot in your stomach tighten at his praise. “Do you want more?”
“Yes, please, please…”
He quickened his pace even more, hips snapping into yours hard enough now to apply deliciously pleasant friction to your clit. You couldn’t have stopped the sounds leaving your mouth even if you wanted to; every thrust of his cock made you come undone a little more. The pleasure radiated throughout your entire body, making you feel slightly lightheaded.
Suna placed both hands on the backs of your knees and lifted them, pressing your legs towards your chest. The new angle of your hips allowed his cock to press into that spot inside you that made your breath burn in your lungs. The feeling was unbelievable; you had never felt pleasure like this before.
Your eyes snapped open. Suna was staring down, watching his cock sink repeatedly into your dripping wet pussy. When your hand gave his shoulder a small squeeze he looked up, eyes locking with yours. His face was etched with determination, all of his efforts going towards making you feel good. His cheeks were flushed pink, and his eyes contained something that you couldn’t quite place.
“Are you gonna cum for me, princess?” His voice was husky, gaze burning with desire.
“Yes, Rin, please don’t stop,” you breathed out between gasps.
He kept his pace consistent, hitting that sweet spot over and over and over again. Your nails were digging into his back, leaving tiny crescent-shaped indentations in his skin. The knot in your stomach was tightening, tightening, tightening—
“Rintarou!” you cried out as the second orgasm overtook you, breath catching in your chest. Your legs trembled under Suna’s hands as he kept fucking you through it, groaning as your pussy clenched around him.
He could feel himself getting closer. He slowed his pace, leaning over to press hard kisses into your neck as you came down from your high. When your breathing started to even out, his lips moved up over your jaw and to your mouth. You kissed him greedily, hands moving to entwine themselves in his hair.
“Where do you want me to cum?” he asked, voice slightly hoarse. He was still moving against you, cock pumping slowly in and out of your pussy.
“Ah… oh,” was all you could manage to squeak out.
“Hmm?” He nuzzled his nose against your neck, warm breath tickling your skin. “Where, baby?”
“Inside… I want you to cum inside me,” you whispered.
With a groan, Suna started thrusting into you harder again. The wetness between your legs was audible with each stroke of his cock, and the sound of it only made him come closer to the edge. The sensation against your clit was pushing you into overstimulation, tears springing up in the corners of your eyes from the sheer pleasure. You reached down with one hand to grasp at his thigh, nails digging into the muscles working to join him to you, desperately trying to pull him closer, closer.
“God, I’m so close…” he murmured, face held so near to yours that your noses bumped each time he pounded into you.
“Oh, you feel so good,” you moaned.
“Can you say my name, baby?” His voice was hardly above a whisper.
“Rin,” you sighed, and his hips snapped into you almost urgently. “Please cum, Rin, I want you to cum for me…”
He buried his face in your neck, groaning deeply as he came. “Fuck.” You could feel his cock throbbing inside you, hot cum spurting deep into your pussy.
He was still for a moment, breathing hard against your skin, before slowly pulling out and rolling over to lie beside you. You felt some of his cum drip out of you, blushing at the sensation. The two of you were silent for a while, your panting breaths the only sounds in the room.
“How was that?” Suna asked eventually, turning onto his side to face you. You suddenly found yourself unable to look at him, pressing your face instead into the crook of his neck and humming contentedly. He chuckled softly and wrapped an arm around you, pulling you closer to him. “I wasn’t too rough with you, was I?” he asked, an uncharacteristic note of concern in his voice.
“Not at all,” you told him. “I liked it.”
You fell silent again. With your body pressed up against his, you could feel the beat of his heart, slowly steadying from its rapid pace. His skin was so warm, and you didn’t even mind the slight sheen of sweat covering both your bodies. You took a breath, inhaling his scent; you couldn’t describe what he smelled like, you just knew that he smelled good.
You weren’t sure how much time had passed, but you must have been lying there for at least a quarter hour. You lifted your head to look at him and saw that his eyes were closed. Did he fall asleep?
“Rin?” you asked tentatively.
“Hmm?” His response was a low rumble in his chest; you could feel the vibrations against your palm. His eyes were still closed.
“Why were you nervous before?” You wriggled in his arms a bit, trying to get a better view of his face. “I mean, it wasn’t your first time.”
He opened his eyes, only to glance at you briefly before turning his head to look up at the ceiling. “It was my first time with you,” he mumbled, so soft you almost didn’t catch it.
With your hand still on his chest you could feel when his heart started beating faster. Peering at his face in the dark, you could have sworn you saw Suna Rintarou blush.
➣ masterlist
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wiypt-writes · 3 years
Consciousness Of Guilt
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Chapter 1
Summary: It’s a year since Ransom was murdered, and you’re settling well into your new life in Boulder. It hasn’t just provided you with a fresh start-it’s brought you a new sense and purpose, an appreciation for the things you took fore grated, and the friendship of a former ADA…
Warnings: Bad Language, allusions to past abuse (Non Con/Dub Con) but nothing explicitly described in this chapter.
Disclaimer: This is a pure work of fiction and classified as 18+. Please respect this and do not read if you are underage. I do not own any characters in this series bar the reader and any other OCs. By reading beyond this point you understand and accept the terms of this disclaimer.
W/C: 5k
Consciousness Of Guilt Masterlist // Main Masterlist
A/N- So, here it is! The sequel to Murder, He Wrote . This is the last time I’ll post this note, however, please be aware that the prequel is a Dark series. Whilst this is not, it will contain flashbacks and themes as we progress, however nothing will be as dark as MHW. Chapters will be clearly labelled with appropriate warnings. If anyone is uncomfortable with the themes of a certain chapter, I will be more than happy to post/provide abridged versions which will not deviate from the storyline.
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Sunrise. You used to hate the coming of each day. It meant another monotonous day in your young adult life. A 'depends on the day' type of job at the paper in which you got your start, it meant earning little for the slave work you put into each piece or research. It meant another day you'd woken up in fear, not knowing what was coming next. Then, for a little while, sunrises were okay. They were a soft glow across the room, illuminating hard lines and soft curves, whispering words and lingering kisses. And then, they became fearful again, bringing the unpredictable nature of a life in which you were trapped.
But now, over the last few months, since taking up your new hobby, sunrise had become a beautiful thing. The feeling of peace and comfort washing over you like a warm rain, bringing the redeeming nature of a new day as vibrant watercolours paint the new-born sky. Whether you caught it from the East side of your condo; your master balcony and study or your garden, or even your hikes, you appreciated every, single sunrise as if you were seeing it for the first time ever, each and every day.
For this morning's sunrise, you were perched along Boulder Creek Path, a trail that runs from the foothills to across town, a typical recreational getaway for many locals and tourists. You looked out over the bridge as the creek flowed beneath your feet. You were lost in the serenity of it, the bubbling water lulling your mind into a deep mediation that washed peacefulness through your entire body.
A year ago today, your life changed and you were freed. Free of the nightmare that had plagued you, robbing you of nearly a year of your life. The months that followed weren't so easy, but once things settled and the fires were extinguished, you found peace.
You found you.
Your phone buzzing in your pocket brought you back from your reverie, pressing your thumb onto the screen to unlock it. You opened your messages tab and tapped the most recent incoming text.
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A smile flicked on your face as you slipped your phone back in your pocket. It didn’t escape your knowledge how Andy didn’t need to even ask what coffee you wanted. But then again, this wasn’t the first time you’d had breakfast in the small, independent coffee place not far from your home and place of work. You knew when you arrived that a large caramel vanilla latte, with an extra shot would be waiting. But no food, your order varied depending on your mood.
Twenty minutes or so later, you parked your sting-grey Jeep Grand Cherokee SRT 4x4 back in your garage to your condo at the corner of 9th and Pine Street and set off on the short ten minute walk to your designated meeting place, centred near the town square, not far from your office which was a gorgeous old red-brick building on the corner of 16th and Walnut Street.
As you approached, you didn’t spot Andy’s black Audi TT in any of the spaces littered around but it didn’t bother you. Barber was reliable, if he said he was going to be there, he’d be there.
And sure enough, as you walked along the side of the cafe you, spotted him at your usual, preferred table by the large window, overlooking the street. He saw you approaching and smiled, giving a small wave.
The smell of roast coffee beans, baked treats and other delicious aromas hit your senses as you opened the door. You approached the table and Andy stood up to great you, smiling. A light grey tee sat exposed under a partially zipped up light weight blue leathered hoodie whilst dark and crisp denim covered his narrow hips and long legs, his go to well-worn black work boots on his feet. His hair was styled and soft looking, his beard always trimmed and neat. He gave you a strong, yet gentle hug, a juxtaposition he managed effortlessly before he turned and waited for you to sit first before he took up his previous seat, nodding to your waiting drink.
“Thank you.” You beamed at him, taking a quick sip. "Of course." He smiled as he took a drink of his own coffee, straight black, before he leaned back a little. His left arm rested over the back of the booth bench, the platinum of his wedding ring catching the early morning sun which streamed through the window. You momentarily glanced at your own hand, bare of the heavy rings which had been taken in the ‘mugging’. Mind you, you wouldn’t be wearing them even if you still had them. Your story was a lot different to his.
“So, where'd you go this morning?" his soft baritone drifted across the table and you glanced back at him. "Fiddled around down Boulder Creek Path." "You seem to be getting around better now." "Yeah, thank God for GPS. Did I tell you that last week I was looking for some store Amber vaguely told me where about it was and ending up like thirty minutes down the highway towards Denver." He laughed, his whole body smiling, radiating genuine amusement. "You have more faith in GPS than me, when I first moved here I got pulled over for going the wrong way down a one way street because it told me to.” You grinned as he shook his head. "And that annoying voice! I want to wring her damn neck." You gave a chuckle but before you could reply, the middle-aged woman, who owned the café, interrupted you both with her usual familiar greeting and the smile she reserved for Andy. “Hey Patti, how are ya?” He smiled back. “Same old, same old.” She winked back. “What can I get you kids today?” “Y/N?” Andy looked at you and you smiled. “Can I get an almond croissant and a granola pot, please? With the blueberry compote.” “Sure honey, and for you Mr Barber?”
“French toast please, all the trimmings.”
A fizzing filled your ears as you were suddenly back on a clinically clean, modern kitchen, nervously scouring a fridge and cupboards for something to make your captor breakfast with. You swallowed, taking a deep breath, counting backwards from five as you always did to keep the memory from swallowing you.
“Hey,” a gentle touch to your hand jolted you back and you looked at Andy who frowned. “You okay?” "Yeah, no, I mean yes, I'm okay. It just…it dawned me this morning that this was the best thing I could have done for myself. Like there's just a newfound peace that's settled with me, you know?" He just smiled as he squeezed your hand before slipping his away. “Yeah, I do.” No more was said about it, and Andy didn’t press. He never did. In the eight weeks or so that had passed since you’d met him that Friday evening in the bar, the pair of you had struck up a friendship that was based on a mutual understanding. You both carried a heavy burden of a traumatic past on your shoulders, but you had an unspoken rule. He had never mentioned Ransom. And you, in turn, never broached the subject of Laurie or Jacob. You understood you were both moving on with your life, both wanting to heal from the past and you wanted to spend the rest of your life never in fear again. Instead, a simple chatter always flowed between the two of you, and today was no exception. You barely stopped to thank Patti for dropping your order off at the table. Current work was never a topic of conversation, although office gossip featured on occasion, but mostly it was always about happenings around town, him asking about you, your parents and your old job, the two of you talking about your favourite places in Boston. You never missed certain facial and eye cues Andy gave off at the mention of certain things, but when you saw them, that sag in his smile or the far off look his eyes would give, you'd change the subject. You ate in comfortable companionship and after another coffee, Andy asked for the bill and then pulled out his card to pay. "Next one is on me, you paid for the last two and coffee all this week." You gave him a stern look as you headed towards the exit. “Well, if you wanted you could grab us a beer later.” He shrugged, pulling the door handle to open it, allowing you to step out before him. “I gotta nip into the office for a coupla hours but...” "Breakfast AND drinks?" You smiled as he fell into step beside you. The July day was starting to warm a little now, the slight chill of the early morning all but gone. “If I didn't know any better, I'd say you actually like hanging out with me." “Well, I wouldn’t go that far. I just find you slightly less irritating than everything and everyone else.” He teased and you laughed. “So... Happy hour?" "Yeah." You nodded “It's a date." Andy confirmed and you quirked your eyebrow, trying not to laugh at the look on his face as he realised what he had said. “A date?” “Well, I don’t mean a date date but...” You felt the heat in your neck a little, so to save your embarrassment and his blushes, you smiled, "it's a date-not-date. Say Oskar’s, 6:30?" "Oskar’s." He confirmed. "I'll save you a tall, cold one." “You’re an angel, you know that?” "I wouldn't go that far. My halo is held up by horns” “Even Prometheus was an angel at some point, Y/N.” He replied as you reached the corner of the street where you would part. Him towards the office, you back home. You rolled your eyes and shook your head. "I'll see you tonight." At that he gave you another quick hug, his hand rubbing your back over the top of your light jacket before you headed your separate ways.
You enjoyed the walk home. It gave you the perfect chance to just mellow out and walk off a bit of your breakfast. You tucked your hands into the pockets for your vest, your white thermal keeping your arms covered. You headed down Pearl Street, watching as the little shops and boutiques began to set up their patios and side walk spaces for their Saturday. You took in the clean fresh mountain air deep into your lungs and allowed a warm smile to cross your lips. 
From Pearl to 9th you went, hooking a right up 9th until you walked to the corner of Pine, and onto the porch of the nice and spacious condo you closed escrow on just weeks ago. 
That deep feeling of home greeted you as you stepped inside, wiping your boots on your door mat just before kicking them off and setting them by the back door you’d come through. The cream walls invited you in, the oak furniture and fixtures, a feature that reminded you of home, the decor you grew up with, a safe place. 
You'd bought the condo outright with the money you'd inherited from Ransom's untimely death and subsequent estate. You knew before you'd even stepped foot into the property initially, that it'd become yours. The week you closed escrow, you and your parents moved you into the three bedroom, three and a half bath condo, never looking back. 
The open floor plan and panoramic views had stolen your breath and it was then, the first night your parents had left you alone, too anxious to sleep alone, you had fallen in love with the sunrise, seeing it from your front garden patio, bundled up with tea and a wool blanket. All three rooms in the space had no adjoining walls and their own en-suites. The master bedroom, your room, was massive. An en-suite with walk in shower, soaking tub and Jack and Jill sinks. Two walk in closets that you knew you'd probably never fill completely, an Eastwardly view and balcony. The two spare rooms, were separated, one on the second floor down the hall from yours where it's balcony looked West, as it were above the garage and the third on the top and final floor with its own balcony. That was your office space, a spot for you to work and to breathe in the fresh air. 
Everything in that condo was yours, down to the logs you'd put in your fireplace and the silly little amenities you'd given yourself from knickknacks to the colour of your dishes. There was one space however you left untouched. And only your parents had been inside to pack away your unused things as storage space. That room was your basement. You didn't need to go down there, you figured if you needed something from there, you'd go buy it anyway. All that was truly stored down there anyway were things from your childhood your mother insisted on you bringing along.
As if her ears were burning, your phone buzzed from your back pocket, revealing your mother calling. 
"Hey, Mom." You answered. 
"Hi, honey. I was just calling to see how you were doing. Check in on you." You could hear the worry in her voice and you couldn't help but smile. 
"I'm really good, Mom. It’s been good here." "You still hiking every day?" She sounded hopeful now.  "Lately it's just been on the weekends. I've been really busy at work, which isn't exactly a bad thing either." You had made your way to your room, looking for some lounge pants to change into while you continued your conversation.  "Well, busy is a blessing. Do you have anything planned for today or...."  "Uh, well I just had breakfast with a friend from work who I'm also meeting for drinks later." You smirked at the thought.  There was a joyful sigh that poured into your ear from the ear piece, "Oh, this friend wouldn’t happen to be the mysterious Andy you’ve name dropped the last few calls would it?"  You hesitated, "y..ye...yeah." Then you heard the tell-tale sound of your mother's chuckle. “We’re just friends.” "I'm not saying anything." You could picture her with her hands held up in defence. "You sound happy." “I am. I feel okay, more than okay even. I’m good.” "Alright. Well, don’t waste your day. Enjoy it. Your dad and I will talk soon." “Yeah, listen Mom, why don’t you come over for a few days in a couple of weeks? You’ve not been since the week you came to help me move in. It would be nice to show you round now I’ve got my bearings.” "We would love that. I'll have your father look at booking some time." “Okay just let me know. Tell Daddy I said hi.” "I will, sweetie. Love you, bye.” "I love you too, Mom, bye." The seventeenth of July, a date that you hope one day will come to mean nothing and be like any other day. But for now, it was a sting that reminded you of all that had happened. Not unlike Halloween, a day in which you'll forever hold in a fearful anxious place in your soul. It served as a reminder of the moment your life had taken a very dark turn, a darkness that you were still, in a lot of ways, finding your way through. Ransom. His name still tasted sour on your tongue. But left a sadness over your heart like a sheer curtain. You had truly hoped he wasn't going to revert back to the beast that held you captive. But you were wrong, and post the revelation of the real reason he had taken you, he’d been far more brutal and cruel than he had with you before, something you’d thought was impossible. And he’d broken you for a second time, or so you’d let him think. Desperate to escape his clutches, you’d done the only thing you could- you’d killed him. Whilst you may not have held the knife, you’d arranged it all. And, even though it had been an absolute last resort, you’d be lying if you said there hadn’t been a satisfaction to watching him bleed out and choke on his own blood. The realisation that had clouded his arrogantly handsome features as he came to understand it was your doing would be forever etched into your brain. That said, it made you feel a little bit queasy when you thought about how taking someone’s life could make you feel a sick sense of pleasure. The nightmares had plagued you for months after. The torture which sleep brought you only ceased around the time things were settled within the system between you and his parents. With a deep sigh and the need for distraction, you set about some spot cleaning in between loads of laundry and by early afternoon you had settled in on your couch with a beer and your latest box set binge. Not two episodes in and your phone pinged next to you.
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With a smirk, you snapped a photo of your beer bottle in your hand and a few moments later his response came through.
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The angel made you laugh, a direct reference to his teasing before. But before you could reply, you got another text with simply saying “fuck it” along with a picture of a tumblr of whiskey on his desk. With a snort you replied
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With a smile you tossed your phone down onto the seat beside you, and resumed your watching.
***** Andy was kidding when he playfully said he'd be there by 6:45, fully intending on their agreed upon 6:30. But, he was late. He'd been so involved with his brief that he'd lost track, and for the first time since meeting her, was late for a meet up with Y/N. She was fully understanding as he'd text her apologizing for the time as he'd rushed out of the office and quickly headed for Pearl Street. He'd gotten very lucky with close parking and literally stepped inside Oskar's Taproom promptly at 6:45. He found Y/N sitting at the bar, her hair down, a nicely fitted black tee and skinny denim jeans, her foot tapping against her bar stool in waiting. Next to her was an empty stool and a full, cold looking tall pilsner on the bar, saving his space.
"Hey," he said as he leaned into her, a gentle hand on her back, getting her attention.
Y/N startled a bit but realized it was Andy and grinned, "'bout time! I was going to get started on yours without you." She nodded to the cold beer.  “I’m so sorry.” He shook his head, “I just got caught up.” "Well, you haven't stood me up yet, so I trusted you'd show." “And I did tell you 6:45 before. You know, on account of you being a cheeky little shit.” She rolled her eyes at him, "whatever." She smirked. He slid onto the stool next to her and took a long pull of his beer, damned it tasted good. He gave an appreciative sigh and turned to her. “So, do anything much this afternoon?” "I did absolutely nothing, well nothing of importance. Talked to my mom, did laundry, you know nothing exciting." “To be honest, sounds like a pretty good afternoon.” He chuckled. “Sometimes there’s nothing better than laying in front of the TV with no where you have to be.” "Cheers to that," she raised her glass to him. He clinked his with hers and returned the smile she had. The blues band that was set to play happy hour was starting to tune up and it gave Andy an idea. "What do you say we find a spot in the patio, little less noise." “Sounds good.” She nodded. Andy flagged the bartender down for another round to take with them. But before Y/N could pick up her glass, Andy took it for her and gestured with her head for her to go on in front. She looked a little surprised at his act of basic good manners, and not for the first time. He'd often seen her look at him in a similar way when he held doors open for her or helped her with her jacket. It made him wonder what kind of asshole Drysdale had been. But, then again, he got the impression it hadn’t been a particularly happy relationship to start. Not that it was any of his business, nor was he one to talk. The last seven months he’d been married to Laurie had been as strained as they'd ever got. They found a spot at a two top near the corner of the patio at the gate that separated it from the sidewalk. Andy waited for Y/N to sit before he set their glasses on the high top table and took his own seat. "So...much better," he leaned in across the table. "Love this place, but it's not always the best for conversation." “Yeah but it has a good atmosphere.” She smiled. “I like it. Not the type of place that-“ she stopped dead and took a deep breath. “Doesn’t matter.” He half smiled, "you know, I've been meaning to tell you, it's okay to talk to me about anything you want. No pressure, no strings. Just a friendly ear." She smiled. “I know, thanks. And the same goes for you too.” For the first time, an interesting silence came between them. They each sipped their drinks in an almost a mirrored like fashion and chuckled when through. "I think that's the first time we've ever not had something to say." Y/N shrugged. He nodded, and then she took a deep breath. “I was just gonna say its not the type of place Ransom would ever have taken me. He’d have thought it beneath him.” "I think that's the first time you've ever mentioned his name." He pointed out. "Yeah, I try not to. It's uh," he watched her as she struggled to start her story, playing nervously with the earring in her ear. "Complicated." He leaned on the table, his forearms crossed and supporting his weight. He wanted her to know she had his full attention. “Well, from what I know about him, which granted is only what I saw on the news or heard around Boston, he certainly enjoyed the finer things in life.” "That's one way of looking at." She chuckled dryly. "It wasn't an easy marriage, despite how short lived." "Well, I was with Laurie since law school and we still had our ups and downs. I don't think marriage is easy in general." Andy admitted. "I was with Ransom less than nine months before we got married. It, uh, lasted three weeks."
Andy paused, “okay, so granted Laurie and I were a whirlwind what with her falling pregnant so fast but... I’ll give you that one.” “A whirlwind?” She asked and Andy nodded. “Yeah, we hadn’t even been together a year when she got pregnant with Jake. Not gonna lie, I shit myself but...” he sighed, swallowing. “Well, he was worth it.” "I'm sure he was." She nodded. Andy cleared his throat. “He was a good kid, despite what he, well what he was accused of.” “I can’t even begin to imagine how that felt, for any of you.” She said gently. “Fucking shit.” He said bluntly. She blinked and then the pair of them laughed quietly. "I'm sorry, Andy. And I mean that in all sincerity." He sighed and gave a soft little smile. “Thanks. You know, for the most part it’s just happy memories. But then sometimes it’s hard...” he trailed off shaking his head, “but of course you’ll know that.” “Suppose so.” She shrugged. “I doubt our marriage was anything near as loving as yours. I, uh...well, Ransom was mentally abusive, very controlling. Getting married wasn't exactly what I'd wanted but, I felt trapped in a way." She paused as he listened intently. "I guess it's harder to explain than I thought." She bit her lip and then shook her head. “Then the asshole went and got himself killed.” "I hate that you had to witness that." She shrugged and her finger swiped at the condensation on the outside of her half empty beer glass. “It was a year ago today.” “Jesus fucking Christ.” Andy shook his head in shock as he took a deep breath. “I’m so sorry.” “I’m not.” She sighed. “And I know that probably sounds awful but... I don’t mourn him, I can’t. Not after everything. I’m just glad to be away and out of it. Fuck, that makes me sound like a really cold hearted bitch.” She scrunched her nose and chuckled a bit. Andy cocked his head to one side, studying her face which was, despite what she said, laced with sadness and he took a deep breath. There was more to her story than she was telling him, he could see that, but he had his own secrets too. And he found himself realising he didn’t care. Moving away post the accident that claimed Jake and later Laurie’s life had been a way for him to leave all that shit behind. And she was trying to do the same. “Okay, let’s make a deal.” He leaned forward. “No reverse gear. We look forward and not back, at least not at the hard stuff.” It took a moment for her to process it, and Andy watched her expression behind her eyes as he did so. Then she smiled, "deal." Andy smiled as she reached for her beer. He watched her pretty face as she drained her glass, setting it down in the table before she leaned towards him. “Have you eaten? Because I’ve suddenly got a hankering for something greasy and very bad for me.” “Sounds like someone I used to work with.” Andy shot before he could stop himself and Y/N threw her head back in a loud laugh. “Lawyers for you.” “Hey, not all of us are jerks.” He pouted and she shrugged. “Jury’s out.” She winked. At that Andy raised his brows, downed the rest of his pint and then stood up. “Something dirty and greasy that isn’t an attorney coming up, I’ll grab us a menu.” They each ordered a greasy, filthy cheeseburger with all the fixings and two smaller beers a piece to go with it. They moved their conversation away from their pasts and talked music as the band played some songs they were familiar with. Y/N finding the perfect moment to joke with Andy again about his age versus hers, despite it being maybe seven or eight years. Neither seemed to mind.  Again, when the bill came, Andy slapped his card down before Y/N even had a chance to grab her wallet, which caused him to laugh loudly at her pout. “You’ll just have to get it next time.” “Oh," she smirked, "so that’s your game? You paid, so I owe you a next time?” He shrugged. “Would that be such a bad thing?” She bit her lip and grinned with a shake of her head. “No, not really.” “Good, I’ll hold you to that. And, as a lawyer I feel obliged to tell you that’s a legally recognised verbal contract.” “Uh, I’m sure there’s a rule that a social agreement made between friends is done so without an intention of being enforceable.” Y/N shot back and Andy felt his mouth curl up on a little surprised smirk. “Therefore no intent, no legal comeback. Your move, Counselor.” He laughed and shook his head. “Nope, I got nothing.” “In that case, I call recess.” She grinned. “Oh faahk off with the legal puns!” Andy snorted and once more she laughed as they stood up, their night at an end. He walked behind Y/N with a gentle hand on her back as she weaved through the tables on the patio, eventually ending up on the sidewalk out front.
"Thanks, for breakfast, dinner, drinks," Y/N shook her head, feigning annoyance. Andy smirked, "thanks for meeting me. You're not walking home are you?" "I can, it's not far." She replied, folding her arms over her chest.
"Absolutely not, I'll take you," he nodded his head in the direction in which his car was. He gave a small wink when she accepted his offer. He held the door open for you as you slid into the passenger seat of his Audi TT. You quickly realized that this was the first time you'd been in his car and the very first time he would see your doorstep. However, the thought of both those things didn't bother you one bit. In fact, you found yourself more comfortable than you'd expected.
All in all the drive was no more than five minutes, and if he hadn’t been going that way already, you’d have felt like a complete fraud, but he assured you it was on his way.
You helped yourself out but Andy waited for you around the front hood and walked you to your doorstep, lit by the lantern porch light your Home Owners Association contract insisted be up. "So, this is me," you sighed. Andy had his hands tucked into the pockets of his jeans and he rocked a little on his heels as he waited for you to open your front door. When you'd opened it, he scratched behind his neck and said, "so I'll see you Monday?" "Yeah," you agreed. He turned to go but you called out to him, "Hey, Andy?" He quickly turned back to you, his one foot on your stoop, the other the next step down, "yeah?" In a sudden moment of courage, you stood on your toes and placed a soft kiss to his cheek. His smooth cheek and the slightly rough yet softer than anticipated scratch of those dark whiskers, intermittent speckled with auburn, felt amazing against your lips. And fuck, did he smell amazing. Which you knew already from the tight and friendly hugs he'd seemed to start giving you. The first hit of his aftershave was always the same, dominated by a white-out of bergamot and pepper, a bright flash of sweet, dewy citrus that is both crisp and clean, underpinned by a freshness that was both light and gentle and completely different to the heavy sandalwood based fragrance you’d grown so used to. It was brief, but when you pulled back, you gave a content huff, “Huh.” “What?” He was clearly puzzled. “Your beard. It’s kinda soft.” “What? What the hell did you expect?” He laughed. “I dunno, maybe a toilet brush type bristle.” “You kiss a lot of toilet brushes Y/N?” “Try not to.” She winked. “Thanks again, Andy. I enjoyed today.” He chuckled and shook his head as he watched you turn back to your door and finally stepped inside your home. Before you closed the door, you turned back, noticing he was watching you go in. "Bye."
"Goodnight, Y/N."
**** Chapter 2
403 notes · View notes
eloves-writes · 3 years
a failed attempt to hate you
(tristan dugray)
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a/n: i can only apologise if this writing is terrible, i wrote most of this in the middle of the night hopped up on medication for my disgusting cold. i hope it makes sense. anywho thanks for reading, enjoy, mwah <3
screw mr medina for making you help tristan study. you knew he knew from rory your inherent disdain for him, and it wasn’t your fault he was falling behind therefore not your responsibility to help him (as you had told mr medina last tuesday, with no effect). it was now sunday morning and you held little hope he would actually show up this time; he had somehow managed to cancel on your little study date 6 times already and it had only been 5 days since you were handed this apparently mammoth task. honestly, you didn’t expect him to show up at all, especially not anytime before noon- for which reasons you had made the decision put on your usual lazy sunday morning reading in bed get-up, which included (but was not limited to) an oversized rock concert shirt rory’s friend lane had given you in an attempt to clear her closet of non-christian attire, nothing but underwear underneath since you wouldn’t plan on leaving the comfort of your bedsheets for many hours, and a loose silk scrunchie you accidentally stole from rory keeping your hair out of your eyes. 
your book of choice today was ‘harry potter and the goblet of fire’ , the most recently released chapter of the boy wizard’s adventures at hogwarts. the clock beside you read 9:15 as you comfied yourself for a morning of magic and adventure, which naturally was ended a mere 8 minutes later at 9:23 when the doorbell rang downstairs. you assumed your mother would answer it, but when it rang a second time you remembered your parents had both gone out to watch your sibling’s soccer match and you’d have to get it yourself.
it didn’t even cross your mind to put pants on, or that it may not be the postman at the door, until you opened it to see your very favourite chilton student whose eyes had hastily wandered to your bare legs. typical high school boy, you thought to yourself before your brain actually grasped the situation and kick started into action.
‘tristan. hi.’ you said with a slight shock in your voice.
‘erm, hi. i hope i’m not interrupting anything,’ he smirked, glancing down at your thighs again.
you rolled your eyes so aggressively you hoped mr medina could hear it from wherever he was spending his day, irritating boy-less and free to do whatever he wanted with his time.
‘you’re not,’ you quipped. ‘i just didn’t expect you to actually show up this time. and early may i add, i’m sure we said 11.’
‘we did, but i’ve got plans later so i thought i’d come by earlier and get this over with.’
‘how did you know i didn’t have plans? i might have been busy before 11.’
he pulled a face of amusement and you could swear you saw a hint of sarcasm shining through his eyes too. ‘right. are you done talking now or can i come in?’
‘you can come in, i guess,’ you sighed, closing the door behind him and showing him to the kitchen table. ‘wait here, i’ll go and get my books.’
‘grab some pants whilst you’re at it.’
‘stop talking,’ you called as you walked upstairs.
you came back downstairs a few minutes later fully-clothed and carrying your english notes to see that tristan had wandered from the chair you specifically remembered telling him to sit in, and was instead tracing a finger along the bookcase that stretched across the far wall of your living room. for a moment you just watched him nosey into your life; the framed certificates, the family photos, the 5 tapes of ‘beauty and the beast’ stacked atop of each other because it was your favourite film when you were 9 and practically every living relative had bought you a copy. beside those was a picture of you dressed as princess belle at disneyworld with chocolate ice cream smeared from cheek to cheek, a huge smile plastered between. tristan picked it up and turned to face you.
‘thoroughly adorable. seriously, you should go for this look more often.’
‘ha ha,’ you grimaced, snatching it off him and placing it back on the shelf. ‘are we studying or reminiscing on my past fashion choices?’ 
‘oo, someone’s in a good mood this morning huh,’ he teased. you pulled another face, once again silently cursing mr medina for completely ruining not just your day, but in fact your whole week. by god this boy got more irritating the more time you spent with him- it had only been 10 minutes, but it was 10 minutes longer than you ever previously had or ever wanted to.
 ‘can i get a drink before we start?’ he asked, redirecting the conversation and walking past you back into the kitchen. he began opening various cupboards, searching for a glass. ‘where’s the-’
‘why yes, tristan. you can have a drink,’ you snarked, opening the cupboard behind him with a dramatic flourish. he raised his eyebrows at you and reached forward to grab a glass, leaning over you as he did so. you caught a whiff of his cologne and almost forgot to dislike him for a moment.
‘there’s, um, soda in the ... fridge,’ you told him, voice unwillingly faltering as he looked down to meet your eyes. he had pretty eyes. pretty, blue, sparkling, stupid, annoying, asshole eyes. 
you found the thick tension sickening. you refused to be another girl at school who simply swooned over him when he walked past your locker. you didn't like him. you were here to teach him english. because he was dumb. and actually, his eyes weren’t that nice.
he grabbed a soda out of the fridge and you both sat down at the table and began reading through your analysis of ‘to kill a mockingbird’, adamantly pretending not to see him staring at you the whole time. 
why? he had had every popular and pretty girl in the whole of chilton, how was he ever so starved of female attention that he would look at you so admirably when you liked to make it clear you despised him? in fact, you enjoyed making a special effort to flip him off, or pull a face at him when he walked by, or kick his chair extra hard in spanish, or... oh shit. you had seen it from an outside point of view now, and it was glaringly obvious; maybe you did like him, just a little bit. shit. rory owed lorelai 10$ and a cheeseburger from luke’s, though you didn’t want to have to admit she was right when she’d said you were like a kindergarten boy pulling a girl’s ponytails because he thought she was pretty.
‘hey tristan,’ you started, breaking the comfortable silence between his questions and suddenly nervous to talk to him. stupid, it was still the exact same boy you’d been complaining about all week, nothing new. 
he looked up from your notes. ‘what’s up princess?’ 
that was definitely new.
‘don’t call me princess’ -he smirked irritatingly- ‘do you need to stay much longer? i mean, is there anything else you want help with?’
‘trying to get rid of me?’
‘no! no. i just thought that you’d only stay and pretend to listen to me for like, half an hour then vanish. it’s 11:30 and you’ve been through my whole binder.’
‘it is? time flies.’
‘i do care about my grades, you know. and you’re a good teacher, i might have a chance at an A.’
‘why didn't you show up the last 6 times we planned then?’
he put down his pen- your pen, actually. it had pink sparkles on the lid. ‘got to keep up my street cred.’
‘ha ha. funny,’ you replied as blankly as possible, pulling back a smile you could feel in your stomach. you made eye contact again and, like every other time since you’d sat down and started studying, you held each other’s gaze for longer than necessary. funny how realising you like someone makes you suddenly act like it.
‘i should get going then right,’ he said, picking his jacket from the back of his chair.
you felt weird, almost as if you didn't want him to leave after praying earlier he wouldn't show up. alas, your parents would be home soon and you would be willing to bet money that tristan would have some interesting jokes about your being home alone that would not slide with your dad.
‘yeah. i hope you get that A,’ you said, accidentally smiling as you walked him to the door.
tristan turned to lean on the frame of the now-open door and put on a face of mock surprise. ‘my, my, y/n. was that a kind comment and a smile? you’re spoiling me.’
‘shut up, i hope you fail.’
he smiled back. ‘you really mean that?’
‘i guess not.’
there was yet another beat of heavy silence.
‘see you monday.’
‘see you monday.’
you closed the front door as he walked down the drive, but noticed tristan’s car keys still sat on the kitchen table. a porsche, of course. you picked them up and reopened the door to his fist poised to knock. the two of you laughed awkwardly for a second.
‘i forgot my-’
‘you forgot your-’
another awkward laugh. jesus christ this was uncomfortable. you passed him the keys, and with absolutely no warning at all, your lips were suddenly met with his. they were soft and confident, and his free hand held your face as you tried to process the new situation. you quickly melted into the kiss, letting him take control until he pulled away and smiled that sparkly smile you didn't hate as much as you tried to.
‘didn't see that one coming,’ you said breathily, brushing some loose hairs off of your face.
‘i knew you didn’t hate me.’
‘ever the arrogant twat.’
‘hey, does this mean you’ll stop kicking my chair in spanish?’
‘absolutely not. in fact, i think i’ll kick it harder.’
‘as long as you let me do that again.’
tags: @leossmoonn for inspiring me to start writing again, @account123445 & @lmaoidekanymore6 for asking me to post tristan fics! (couldn’t figure out how to make the tags work but if you read this, you know ✨)
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topazy · 3 years
Unspoken lies
Paring: John Murphy/reader, Clarke Griffin sister x reader
Chapter: 1.03
Warnings: swearing, mentions of blood
“Mind if I walk with you?”
You turn to see Octavia smiling at you. “No, not at all.”
She nods her head, and you both start walking around the perimeter of camp. You had volunteered to help look for any weak spots on the outside. Luckily, there weren't many.
You smiled, watching the way her face lit up when a flock of birds flew over you. “It’s beautiful, isn’t it?”
“Better than living under the floor.”
You thought back to what Harper said when you first arrived on earth, “Is that where your family hid you?”
“Yeah, I actually liked it better than my cell. At least I had my mom and Bell. My mom got floated when they found out about me.”
A tiny part of you felt envious. Her brother and mom did everything they could to keep her safe, even though they knew the risks.
“Clarke’s my sister. Our dad got floatated while I was locked up.”
She turns to you with a sympathetic gaze and asks, “Did you get to say goodbye?”
"No, I didn’t even know he had died until a month later." Octavia’s eyes widened in shock, and you let out a sigh. “In all fairness, Clarke got locked up and couldn’t tell me, and our mom hardly ever came to see me.”
Jasper's moans filled the air as you both stood at the main gates of camp again. “Hey,”Octavia drew your attention to her brother. “What are they doing?”
“Practicing their aim poorly,” you snorted.
Murphy glared at you before turning and saying something to Bellamy. You couldn’t hear everything he was saying, but you were sure it was something about Jasper yelling. Slowly, you made your way closer, trying to listen in.
You overhear Bellamy saying, "He’s not going to last much longer. Better think of a new excuse." Before trying to show off by throwing his ace into the tree, the smug look on his face was irritating. Bellamy hasn’t done anything to you, but his cockiness just rubbed you the wrong way.
"Come on, O,” you sighed. "We should go check on Jasper."
She nodded. Once you were near the drop ship, she leaned in closer to you, like a giggling school girl. "So Murphy, what’s his deal?"
"I dunno," you shrugged.
She nudged you playfully, "I think he likes you.”
You glanced over your shoulder to see him and Bellmay still throwing axes. Octavia smirks when she sees you looking back. You shake your head, “he doesn’t like anyone."
"You’re mad. Hey, Lav!" Finn called as you entered the dropship.
"Hello," you say, shifting your gaze between him and Clarke. "What’s going on?"
"Tell your sister she’s mad!"
Clarke frowned. "I’m not mad. If you want to think Jasper’s a lost cause, go ahead. You’re wrong."
Finn signed, "I hope I am."
You stood beside Jaspers, and noticed how ghostly he looked. You hoped he lived. You looked at your sister, who was studying the red substance from his poultice. "What is that?"
Clarke shook her head. "I’m not sure. Whatever this stuff is, it has to have antibiotic properties."
You opened your mouth to say something, but closed it again when Wells approached. "Let me take a look. Before you refuse my help, remember who aced botany in Earth Skills."
You watched silently as Clarke, Wells, and Finn discussed the best place to find the seaweed she needed to help heal Jasper's wound.
Clarke stopped and turned to look at you before leaving. "Lav, are you coming with us?"
"No, I’ll stay here to keep an eye on him while you're gone."
"Good idea," she said with a soft smile.
An awkwardness washed over the room for a moment, as neither of you knew what to say. “Clarke, the grounders... they have a much higher advantage than us. Be safe out there.”
“You too.”
“Dad, you promised!”
“I’m sorry Lavina, but it wasn’t possible this time.”
You pouted, upset that your father hadn’t brought you anymore books like he said he would. Usually you get Clarke’s old school books and clothes, but recently that has stopped.
“When’s Clarke coming to see me again? I miss her.”
Your dad looked at you through his tired eyes and said, “I don't know when she’s next coming. But I know she’s missing you as well.”
Sulking, you sat back on the bed. “My mom's stopping her from visiting me again, isn’t she?”
You cut him off. “Don’t just don’t. I can’t hear any more excuses.”
You were jolted awake when the sound of rushing footsteps began echoing around the ship. You quickly climbed down the ladders to see the other delinquents piling inside, many of them continuously coughing. “What’s going on?”
A boy whose name you didn’t know said, “The air got thick, everybody’s skin started burning.”
Octavia began to panic, “Monty, my brother’s out there.”
“So is Clarke!” You added “She left with Finn and Wells about an hour ago.”
Monty gave you both a reassuring smile. “They will be fine. We’ll all be fine.”
You hoped he was right.
As Jasper’s moans of pain continued you could hear the others below start to become restless. You and Octavia made small talk, while trying to distract yourself from the possibility that your sibling was in danger. The hatch door suddenly swung open, startling both of you. “Monty!” You gasped. “What’s wrong?”
“Murphy’s going to kill Jasper!” Monty tried to close the hatch behind him but Murphy pushed against it.
You and Octavia both try to help push Murphy back but it doesn’t work. You make a mental note of how strong Murphy must be. You manage to kick him in the face, giving Monty the chance to slam the hatch down.
“I’m gonna kill him!” Murphy called from below. “Let me in! Let me in, Monty! Uhh!”
“Help me!” Monty pants. “The lock’s on the other side. We can’t let him in.”
You sit on top of the hatch beside Monty while Octavia looks for something to lock it with. She grabs a pipe and rushes towards the hatch. “I got it! Move it!”
You and Monty move back to let her jam the pipe in while the shouting and banging from below is contained. “You better open up this hatch right now!”
“Shut hell up Murphy!” You spat. “You touch Jasper and I’ll end you!”
You heard a muffled ‘fuck you griffin’ before the banging stopped. Murphy was gone and Jasper was safe for now.
"Was that a dream or did I get speared?"
You chuckled as Jasper looked around the room, dazed. It didn’t surprise you he was confused, hell you weren’t the one who was attacked and were still left wondering what the hell was going on. It was a rare moment of joy, your sister had managed to save a life. Unfortunately Atom died on the hunting trip because of the poisonous gas, but it was still a night to be cherished.
You watched smiling as the horrid tasting alcohol passed around the room. You sat down beside Clarke, "you had me worried. I'm glad you guys found somewhere to hide."
She smiled. "Me too. Luckily we found the red seaweed before we had to take shelter."
"Must have been so awful being trapped in a confined space with two boys who are both crushing hard on you."
"I- I don’t know what you mean," Clarke said as her cheeks started to blush.
“Hmm sure,” you chuckled. “If I was you, I’d pick Finn.”
She swatted at your arm playfully, “yeah right. Octavia told me how you guys protected Jasper today. Dad would have been proud.”
“I hope so,” you stood up, causing Clarke to stand as well with a worrier expression on his face.
“I didn’t mean to-”
“You didn’t,” you smiled. “It’s just been a long day, and I’m tired… but when the madness has stopped, you think you could tell me what dad was like? I only ever got to see a tiny glimpse of what he was like.”
Clarke blinked away tears and hugged you, “of course. I’m really glad you're down here Lav.”
You pulled back and made your way down the ladders with a feeling of butterflies in your stomach. You weren’t sure if it was the alcohol or hugging your sister for the first time in years, but a warm fuzzy feeling started to take over as the idea of things not being so bad played in your mind. The warm feeling was quickly replaced by a burning anger when you exited the drop-ship and saw Murphy storming into his tent.
You stormed towards his tent and shoved the flaps of it open, “What the hell is your problem?”
Murphy glared at you. “What are you doing in my tent?”
“Asking you what your problem is!”
He let out a scoffing noise, and tossed his jacket onto the cot, ignoring what you said. You stepped towards him and said, “hey, I’m talking to you.”
When he brushed the hair out of his face, you noticed the swelling forming above his eye. Guilt started to nag at the back of your mind until Murphy opened his mouth. “You're just the same as Clarke! You're storming in as if you own the place. Another entitled princess!”
“There’s nothing entitled about me!” You hissed back, offended by his comment.
“Daughter of a council member who’s a doctor, I’m sure that was really tough for you!”
You stepped back as if you’d been stuck. It was a fair observation, but it still stung to hear. “Fuck you.”
“What’s wrong?” Murphy stood in front of you, “hard to hear the truth.”
“I grew up in a cell!" Murphy raised his brows, surprised. "I wasn’t brought up like my sister. I hardly even know her. Or my mom. I don’t even know what my dad got hanged for! So fuck you and your assumptions about me.”
You turned to walk away, but Murphy grabbed onto your shoulder, preventing you from walking away. "Wha-"
"You kicked me in the face."
"You tried to kill Jasper. I-"
Murphy cut you off by pressing his lips against your own. His lips were surprisingly soft. You felt yourself leaning into him, until common sense came rushing back. You shoved him back, "I came in here to yell at you."
"I think you just wanted a reason to see me," he said, a smirk tugging at the corner of his lips.
"I need to go... just stay the hell away from Jasper."
You walked out of Murphy's tent and let out a deep sigh. That did not go to plan. You went into his tent with the intention of confronting him and making sure he stayed away from Jasper, but instead you ended up kissing him. Luckily, nobody else seemed to be hanging around, so nobody saw you leave. Why did you care anyway?
Letting out a sigh, you started to head towards your own tent when you saw Wells leaving camp.
You thought about all the rumours you’d heard about how he was responsible for your father getting floated, but you didn’t believe it. You didn’t know Wells, but you could tell he cared a lot about Clarke, so betraying her wouldn’t make sense. After pondering what to do for a moment, you decided to talk to him. Find out what he knew.
You walked cautiously, trying to keep an eye out for any signs of danger. The forest had an eerie feel to it at night. The feeling of eyes on you, without ever seeing the silhouette of a face in the shadows.
"Oh god!" You gasped as you walked into someone.
A young girl stood in front of you, shaking and crying.
"Hey, hey, it’s alright." You said it softly. "My name is Lavina, and you're Charlotte, right?"
"Your Clarke’s sister?" She asked, in between sobs.
"Yeah," you patted her down gently, looking for any cuts or injuries. "Are you hurt?" Charlotte shook her head. "We should go back to camp."
"I can’t," she cried. "I can't go back."
She rejected your hand that you had reached out to her with. You didn’t understand, and weren’t sure what to do. Charlotte was being too loud, and grounders could be nearby. You kneeled down in front of her and said, "what happ-" You stopped talking when you noticed something unusual. Even in the dark, you could make out the blood splatters on her shoes. "Charlotte, what’s happened?"
She looked at you through bloodshot eyes and said, "I’m sorry."
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kingpreciouswrld · 3 years
We'll Be Okay
Request by @jess4yuu: Can I get a Miranda Priestly imagine where the reader is Miranda’s gf and she hurts the readers feelings then Miranda does all she can do to earn forgiveness from the reader
Pairing: Miranda Priestly x Reader
Word count: 852
Warnings: lil angsty, hopeful/open ending
A/N: I love this request so much! I love reading works where Miranda hurts Andy so to be able to write a little imagine where she hurts US? Yes. Yes, you can get a Miranda Priestly imagine. I hope this is what you were looking for? ;-; Lmk! <33
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Miranda let out a frustrated sigh as her call went to voicemail for what seemed like the 100th time.
You two had a big fight and the editor may have said some things that she immediately regretted once they left her mouth.
You left the townhouse two weeks ago and she hasn’t heard from you since. Even Nigel and Emily haven’t heard from you. ‘Probably because she knows they’ll tell me,’ she thought.
Oh how she hated herself for that night.
Miranda had gotten home after a horrid day at the office. The photoshoot was pushed back two hours, three models called in sick, the new second assistant spilled coffee on the new mockups, it was an endless day of wrangling incompetent workers. She was hungry, irritated, and exhausted, and she just wanted to eat and go to sleep, but she still had the book to work on.
You came into the study and stood behind the lounge chair she was seated in. She felt your hands on her shoulders as you tried to give her a massage but she shrugged you off with a huff, “I don’t have time for this Y/N.”
With her back turned to you, she didn’t see the shock pass over your features before it turned into concern, “You always liked to get a shoulder rub while you work on‒”
“Don’t you have work to do?”
Miranda wasn’t thinking clearly. She was too irritated from today and going over the book made it worse.
“I don’t have time to give you the attention you seem to always need. I have real work to get done unlike whatever it is that you do at your job. What I would really like is for you to leave.”
"But Mira‒"
"Leave. Go."
And so you did.
She didn’t mean to last out at you. You of all people didn’t deserve that. She didn’t know what she was thinking, she wasn’t thinking.
And now she was here.
Over 20 missed calls and multiple texts that were left unread.
Miranda had called your friends on multiple occasions and she was always met with a dead-end. You had told your friends what happened and they were happy to cover for you for the time being. The editor even tried your parents but it didn’t surprise her when they said you don’t tell them anything anyway.
The only thing that gave her hope about contacting you was when you’d return all the gifts she had sent to you.
After the first few days of sending flowers and gifts to your workplace, she found hope when she received a package herself. Granted, you were sending back the new Donna Karan line she had sent you, but you still thought of her and when she saw your handwritten note on the package, her determination grew.
Over the next few days she had sent you everything you’d ever need and want. The clothes you sent back that day were hand picked by her personally. She worked together with Donna to gather pieces she knew you would like. When you sent that back, she tried to send jewelry and watches. Both the jewelry and the watches were custom pieces designed by Miranda herself but even then you sent those back.
A few days of back and forth turned into two weeks.
The most recent gift was flowers that she wanted to deliver personally. Well as personally as she could deliver them.
She knew it wouldn’t be the best to show up to your workplace so she sent the next best thing: her first assistant.
As a lover of flowers and their meanings, she sent you the best bouquet that could properly convey how she felt:
Iris’ to symbolize her hope. Gladiolus’ to represent her sincerity. Dark red Carnations to represent her love and affection. Yellow Pansy’s to symbolize her thinking of you. Many white Peonies to represent her regret and apology. And many purple Hyacinths to symbolize her respect and gratitude towards you.
The flowers were dropped off two days ago and she hasn’t heard from you since.
She was losing hope. She didn’t want to lose you, she couldn’t lose you.
The returned gifts gave her a spark of hope that she could fix things but after the repeated attempts she couldn’t help but to doubt herself a bit.
As she was rubbing away a headache, the new ‘Emily’ set down a bouquet of flowers on her desk, “These came for you Miranda.”
The woman waved the girl off as she took the flowers and set them on the windowsill behind her. She leaned back in her chair as she looked over the bouquet. There were only two kinds of flowers.
Canterbury Bells and White Lilies.
One symbolized that you had received her gift. Together they represented faith, rebirth, and commitment.
Miranda held her breath as she gently opened the given card.
Suddenly, she slapped a hand over her mouth to stifle a sob. The few words on the card had her feeling a wave of relief and guilt and sadness washed over her.
“We’ll be okay -Y/N”
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robininthelabyrinth · 3 years
Curse-breaker (Chapter 4/4)
- ao3 -
“You know him, right?” Jiang Cheng asked Lan Xichen. He was trying not to appear as nervous as he felt in asking, but he was pretty sure he was failing. “Nie-gongzi?”
Lan Xichen smiled. “I do. And thank you for calling him that, he prefers it.”
There were those that had started calling him Curse-breaker, as if it were a proper title; Jiang Cheng had heard it said a few times, and while he didn’t personally disagree with the moniker, which seemed appropriate, he also knew better than to just drop it into a conversation.
Luckily. He was trying to make a good impression here.
“What’s he like?” Jiang Cheng blurted out, then immediately wanted to kick himself. “I mean – it’s just – I didn’t see him much when he visited the Lotus Pier –”
He was making it worse.
It was only that he’d never quite met anyone with so much presence as Nie Mingjue: taller even than Jiang Cheng’s father, with that strange eye that seemed to see everything and anything. His features were generally set in a neutral expression that made him seem almost unworldly, like some god untouched by human concerns, but which sometimes softened a little when he approved of something – or someone.
Jiang Cheng could feel his cheeks going red, and tried to suppress it.
“Mingjue-xiong liked you,” Lan Xichen said, and Jiang Cheng lost the battle at once, his whole face heating up until it felt unbearably hot. This was worse than the time that Nie Mingjue had come to the Lotus Pier and told his parents to value Jiang Cheng more or else, and then his father had come in with a smirk and a snarl and somehow made them do it. “He said so.”
“He did?”
“Oh, yes. He said you were talented and faithful, with a good heart, and that we’d see great things from you.”
Jiang Cheng was going to die.
“That’s nice,” he said, with an effort. “I thought very highly of him, too. He’s…great.”
Wow. ‘Great’. Was that really the best he could do?
Lan Xichen studied him for a moment, then nodded. “He really is,” he said, and sighed. “I had the same reaction, you know. He’s…a lot.”
Jiang Cheng felt seen. “I know,” he said effusively. “He’s just – you know?”
“I do,” Lan Xichen said. “Just –”
He waved his hand in the air. Not even making some sort of gesture, just a meaningless sort of wave, but for some reason Jiang Cheng understood him completely.
There really just weren’t words sometimes, when you wanted to describe things or people that inspired feelings that went beyond the merely describable. Nie Mingjue was one of those – Jiang Cheng had known that Lan Xichen would understand, and sure enough, he did.
And to think that Wei Wuxian liked Lan Wangji better!
Really, his shixiong might be more talented than Jiang Cheng in many ways, ways that were often a matter of jealousy, but Jiang Cheng clearly had better taste.
“Oh, there you are,” a voice said, and Jiang Cheng tensed and turned to look – but it was only Wen Qing, so that was fine. “Lan-gongzi, Jiang-gongzi, I was sent to spend some time with you.”
She probably meant that she was sent away so that the adults would have time to talk about issues they thought were too sensitive to involve the younger generation, or else they just wanted to start drinking earlier in the afternoon than usual and didn’t want her judging them from a medical standpoint. Either might be true – Wen Qing was widely acclaimed as one of the most talented in their generation, as terrifying with her needles as other people might be with their sword, from more or less the first moment she’d finally been allowed to join the rest of them on equal grounds.
They greeted her, trying to stand up to be polite, but she waved them down irritably and took a seat instead. “What are you two talking about?”
“Nie Mingjue,” Lan Xichen said, and Jiang Cheng nodded. “We were just commenting on his many admirable qualities.”
Jiang Cheng nodded a second time, even more emphatically.
Wen Qing looked at them both with that critical eye of hers for a long moment.
Then she sighed in a huff. “He’s really all that and more, isn’t he?” she said.
“He is,” Lan Xichen said.
“He’s just –” Jiang Cheng tried the same gesture as Lan Xichen earlier, and was gratified when Wen Qing started nodding herself in total agreement. “Right?”
Nie Mingjue was aware that many people liked to stare at them, but they had assumed it was because of how unusual they were – even putting aside the eye, which was their most obviously not-normal feature, their behavior was not always in line with regular people’s. They didn’t show their emotions on their face as easily, being more naturally inclined towards sternness, and their manner was both sharp and incisive, straightforward and blunt; they had missed critical years of social development while lost in what amounted to seclusion, too busy solidifying their sense of self, consolidating their we into an I.
(They were still trying to figure out gender, a process complicated by the fact that it hadn’t made much sense to either of them to begin with. They were starting to suspect it would be better to just give up on it entirely.)
It turned out, according to Nie Huaisang, that that was not why all those people were staring.
“When you say they like me…”
“Sexually or romantically attracted, usually both,” Nie Huaisang said. “You have a lot of would-be suitors. Lan Xichen, Jiang Cheng, Wen Qing, Wen Ning, Jiang Yanli –”
“I don’t think you’re supposed to use their names directly like that,” Nie Mingjue said, though they weren’t sure about that. They’d forgotten more etiquette than they’d ever learned. “Also, isn’t Jiang Yanli getting married to Jin Zixuan?”
“He’s another of your admirers. As is Meng Yao…no, sorry, Jin Ziyao. You know he secretly thinks that you killed Jin Guangshan for him, right?”
They’d killed Jin Guangshan because he was rotten through and through, and he didn’t even have a qi deviation or a tormenting heart demon to blame for it. He just thought of people as things, even the ones he supposedly liked, and acted accordingly…they hadn’t really thought through the consequences of killing him when they’d done it, having long ago forgotten the concept of political considerations, but it was really amazing what could be covered up or excused if multiple sect leaders put their minds to it while the rest just breathed a sigh of relief that Jin Guangshan was gone.
“That seems like too many people,” they said. “They can’t all be my…admirers.”
“You think that’s it? I haven’t even gotten to Lan Wangji, Wei Wuxian – both at once, if that’s your preferred flavor – and even that feral child Jin Ziyao found in Kuizhou…you know just the other week, he loudly declared that you were better than sweets and the entire room sighed all at once in agreement?”
“Don’t be ridiculous.”
“I’m not. There are even rumors that say that Sect Leader Wen might be interested…”
They shrugged.
Nie Huaisang squinted at them. “Da-ge. Did you know about that one?”
“Sect Leader Wen is not subtle,” they said dryly. “But if it makes you feel better, his interest is purely a matter of cultivation, and also our father has already hit him for even making the suggestion.”
Nie Huaisang didn’t look impressed. “Are you sure it’s purely a matter of cultivation? Would you be able to tell if it wasn’t?”
Nie Mingjue considered how little they’d recognized any of the other people who were purportedly interested in them. “No,” they admitted.
“Hmm. What about Teacher Lan?”
“What about Teacher Lan?” they asked, suspicious.
“Nothing, nothing. Just something I read somewhere…”
Probably one of those spring books that he was always sneaking around, they concluded.
“Though…you have been going out of your way to meet up with Teacher Lan more often recently…”
“He’s helping me figure out some of the bureaucratic intricacies of changing succession,” they said. “He’s had the most experience, having to do it twice – once to get his brother out of the line of succession, and another to get him back in. He’s a good teacher.”
He was, too. For all of Nie Huaisang’s tall tales about Lan Qiren’s strictness and overly-rigid insistence on orthodoxy, the man himself had a very calming presence, still and tranquil. It made them think of a musical instrument and, using the Nie cultivation method as a base, start to think strange thoughts…
Though not the sorts of thoughts Nie Huaisang had in mind.
“I mean, I guess. Even I learned eventually, and – wait. Why do you need to know about how to change succession? You’re already the heir.”
“That’s the problem,” Nie Mingjue said. “I need to figure out how to abdicate my position in your favor.”
Nie Huaisang gaped at him.
“No, I’m not joking,” they said, because they knew their little brother. “I’m not suited for politics. I don’t think I ever was, and after everything that happened, I’m even less suited.”
They really weren’t. Too blunt, too sharp, too concerned with justice, too inhuman – they were good at fighting, in the sense that they knew how to be a saber as well as a human and could wield sharpness in the same way, a slash from their fingers being enough to cleave a man in half, but that wasn’t what being a sect leader was about.
No, Nie Huaisang would be much better at it.
“Da-ge, you can’t do this to me!” Nie Huaisang wailed. “Do you know how much work it’d be? Anyway, you can’t – our father’s already promised all of Qinghe Nie to your future spouse! So there!”
“Then I just won’t ever get married.”
“What?!” Nie Huaisang waved his hands wildly. “You can’t do that! You – you – do you know how many hearts you’d be breaking?!”
“So you’ve informed me,” Nie Mingjue said dryly. “It’s all right, Huaisang. I rather like the life Teacher Lan has made for himself, traveling all around and coming back every few seasons to teach something. I want to fight evil, and there’s a lot more evil out there than there is in here.”
Or, at minimum, there was more evil of the sort they were allowed to just stab. That was apparently frowned upon, in politics – there was a reason they said they weren’t suited for it.
“You’re not suited for fighting evil with a blade,” they added while Nie Huaisang was still spluttering. “But you can do wonders with people, if you’re given enough time to plan it. Being sect leader will put you in the position that will let you fight evil best, in your own way.”
“Not everything is about fighting evil, da-ge!”
“Isn’t it?”
Nie Huaisang didn’t seem to have a good answer to that.
After a while, he finally said, “…you really think I’d be good at it?”
Nie Mingjue pulled their younger brother in for a hug.
“You’ll be magnificent,” they promised.
They liked travel, just as they’d suspected they would.
People always recognized them – the eye was very distinctive, and they were also very tall – and immediately rushed over to share all their problems. They were very happy to help. Some of them they could fix personally, generally the ones that were stabbable, while they had a wide enough set of acquaintances to deal with many of the others: those who needed healing to go to the Lan sect or Wen sect, depending on whether problem was mental or physical; those that needed advancement to the Jin sect or Jiang sect; mysteries to be solved to the newly established Wei sect over in Yiling; and anyone with anything more abstruse than that over to Nie Huaisang personally to sort of.
Their little brother liked a good puzzle.
As for Nie Mingjue’s part, they liked fighting evil, and they liked helping people, too, if they could manage it, so it all worked out quite well. The road could be a little lonely at times, all alone with no one around, but it wasn’t really that bad. They were welcome at just about every cultivation sect and most of the other places they’d passed by, so it wasn’t like they were lacking for company if they wanted it.
It was only sometimes that they wished that there was someone else who might want to share this type of life with them.
It was a difficult life, always roving and never satisfied, intent on fighting evil for an eternity and prizing the doing of it over normal things, everyday things; they knew that they couldn’t ask someone else to take on a mission so absurd as stamping out all evil in the world, and so they didn’t. Who would be so foolish as that? Not everyone could leave behind all their responsibilities and ties to the world the way they did, passing instead through their beloved one’s lives by chance like a leaf tossed in the wind – nor should they, if those ties gave them joy.
Take their current mission, for example. One of Nie Mingjue’s earlier trips had taken them from Yiling to the Baixue Temple, with the highly unorthodox Wei sect’s equally unorthodox head disciple, Xue Yang, tagging along with them so that they could – in Wei Wuxian’s words – beat some sense into his head, and it had been on that trip that they had met Song Lan, who was thoroughly charmed by the idea of a sect established on principles of brotherhood rather than blood.
He'd also been rather charmed, they thought, by Xue Yang himself, and the interest had been mutual.
(They were getting better at recognizing that sort of thing.)
So Song Lan had gone off with them, with Nie Mingjue dropping both him and Xue Yang back in Yiling, and when he’d gone back again another time they had seemed very happy. But Song Lan had been thinking about his master and martial brothers back at home, and he’d asked if Nie Mingjue would be willing to carry along some letters that he didn’t dare trust to the post.
Nie Mingjue, suspecting a request regarding marriage was involved, had readily agreed. Sure enough, once they’d dropped it off, the entire Baixue Temple had all but exploded in excitement – they’d barely managed to make it out of there in time to avoid being dragged into all the fuss.
And now they were wandering around nearby, shaking their head in amusement at all the noise they’d left behind, looking for something more interesting to do. Some evil to fight, or something like that.
They found both.
“Well, that was exhilarating,” they commended to the cultivator in white that had worked together with them to defeat a rather astounding number of evil creatures in an effort to save some rogue cultivators who’d gotten in over their heads. Nie Mingjue’s reputation was already ridiculous, and was only going to get worse, they knew, but really this was a lot even for them. They wouldn’t have been able to manage it without help.
“It was,” the cultivator said, and smiled at them. “My name is Xiao Xingchen, disciple of Baoshan Sanren. Who are you?”
“Nie Mingjue,” they said. They thought they’d heard of Baoshan Sanren before, but they weren’t entirely sure – they had a tendency to forget things that weren’t that important to them. They thought it might be something to do with Wei Wuxian’s mother –something to do with the immortal mountain, and a doom that fell on those who descended from it…?
“If you don’t mind me asking, why did those rogue cultivators call you Curse-breaker?” Xiao Xingchen asked.
They thought about it for a moment, then shrugged.
Xiao Xingchen laughed.
It was a warm sound.
“Where are you going?” Nie Mingjue asked. “I can escort you, if you like.”
“Don’t you have things of your own to be doing?”
“Not really,” Nie Mingjue said. “I want to eradicate all evil in this world, a task that’ll take me a lifetime – and evil can be found anywhere. Why not with you?”
Xiao Xingchen ducked his head. “I don’t have a destination either,” he admitted. “I came down from the mountain because I wanted to help save all the people in the world.”
Nie Mingjue blinked. That was nearly as stupidly idealistic a goal as theirs.
“Well, then,” they said, and smiled. “In that case, why don’t we go together?”
It would be nice to have company, unrestrained by any obligations tied to the mortal world, and in return they could show Xiao Xingchen everything there was to see – introduce him to all the people, eat all the food, fight all the battles. And if in the end it turned out that that doom people talked about in regards to the mountain really was a thing…
Well, they’d see about that.
After all, Nie Mingjue had a bit of experience with curses like that.
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burnedbyshoto · 4 years
good little omega
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— He was an alpha, you were an omega. Can I make it anymore obvious? He was a crime boss and you were a movie star. What more can I say? Oh, he wanted you, really wanted you, but you swore you would never, ever need an alpha.
pairing: alpha!shigaraki tomura x omega fem!reader
warnings: 18+, smut, abo/omegaverse, chad alpha!shiggy, virgin celeb!reader, kidnapping, drugging, sex slave auction, biting/marking, belly bulge, knotting, sex toys, heat, implied murder (lol rip shigsters last omegas), mind break, breeding, degradation, finger fucking, fucking in front of a crowd, modern world!au
word count: 6,174
a/n: this goes out to my shiggy stans. I never understood you until recently and now I blush like a schoolgirl when I see him. mondays are so busy, are they not? ive been home for 6 hours today wtf????
kinktober day 12 main kink: abo/omegaverse | kinktober masterlist
You sat before the mirror, your eyes intently staring at your reflection. The people around you running around, chaotically bringing brushes and pencils to your face, the smell of chemicals in the air, tickling your overly sensitive nose. 
“Are we ready?! Is Y/n ready?! I don’t think she’s ready?! We need to be out of here in five minutes, people, let’s hurry it up!”
Breaking your gaze from your reflection onto your agent in the background, you sighed softly at the growing sour and distressed omega pheromones. Oh, you realized suddenly, your nose unable to keep from scrunching at the mildewy detergent scent, they were really stressed out.
Today was the night of the biggest award show one could attend as a movie star celebrity in Japan. The Motion Picture Awards gave only the most prestigious and prodigious actors and actresses their due. A night of fashion, alcohol, and nervous pheromone pumping alphas and betas in a single room to reveal who was the best this year. Working in an industry such as your own, you had become quite the living legend already at the mere age of twenty-two.
As an omega, you grew up in a society that banned you from enlisting or attempting to join the ranks of the best in just about every field of focus or study. So that even included the area of acting. Casting Directors had always said the same thing each and every time you were forced to present your secondary gender to them all when being called back for auditions.
‘Omegas can’t be movie stars, your heats are too often and too long, they cause rifts in filming schedules this project cannot afford.’
‘We have too many prime alphas on set. Our film's projected main character is an alpha, we wouldn’t want to be caught up in a lawsuit should she find you to be too… fertile.’
‘Omegas can only be good, suitable nurtures and well, mothers. This movie just seems a bit too intense for a little omega like you!’
Omegas can’t do this, omegas can’t do that. Alphas, the pride of society, couldn’t be made to hold themselves back to your alluring scent and occasional heats. Betas, the majority of the population, didn’t feel a challenge when working alongside omegas. Omegas? Well, if there were any that actually existed within the film industry, they were for sure never heard from, or seen of.
At the age of eighteen, you had nearly given up on your long aspiring desire to become the first omega actor or actress to ever grace the scene. But just as you were ready to tell your agent that you were tired of all of the same, repetitive bullshit, a gentle alpha had approached you with an exciting role in mind for you.
Movies and cinematic films had always showcased omegas as sweet, nurturing individuals. For the most part, you agreed that that’s how you omegas were. You enjoyed hugging your close friends, scenting them softly as means of a small pack you had created as none of you were mated this young, yet didn’t ever wish to be bothered by self-righteous alphas or betas. Through many, many biology courses revolving around your secondary gender, you knew that the hormones that made you an omega also affected the brain to accept and view things in a… softer light. But unlike what they taught in school, and unlike what the alphas in society knew about omegas as they could never honestly watch an omega in heat while alone, was that omegas weren’t always the most nurturing or kind.
The week before your heat, the week of, and the week following your heat, you were always irritable, angry, almost cold. You’d flash your small fangs at anyone who dared to approach you with a scent you hated, your heat room never once escaping with everything torn to shreds, and you definitely did not wish to seek any fiber of soft love.
So when the alpha male sat in front of you, a single fang poking out of his lip as he exposed his neck in a motion of vulnerability and conceding to you — the omega — you knew he was serious.
He explained to you his plan on creating a more realistic movie surrounding the brutal truths of what being a single omega was like. Films had, after all, had always depicted omegas as being mated the moment they presented and going as far as saying that there were others means to be coupled to other alphas without actually being marked. It was atrociously wrong of the omega lifestyle, and it always made your stomach curl to see that it was an alpha or a beta actor putting on the role.
But he wanted to focus on the realities. The anger, sadness, and horrors you could face as a single, unmated omega. The director raved that you were the face for that movie and had a soul that made him come seek you out. And without so much as consultation from your agent, you agreed on the spot.
The title of the film had been an ironic one. Good Little Omega was what it was called in the end.
All in all, the movie had done poorly in the eyes of the critics. Many individuals — namely alphas and betas — claimed that the depiction of omegas within the film had been horribly wrong. Omegas were never sad, never homeless, never abandoned by society! That’s what they had all cried the moment the trailer flashed with bright letters:
Still, the movie made billions as many went to watch it because they ‘needed to see how horrible the movie was.’ They wanted proof that omegas weren’t cut as movie stars because how could someone who was out of commission for a week every two months be proactive on set. But all they got was a cinematic masterpiece.
You had taken a claim in the industry, one while small, that hadn’t hurt that much because you were much more focused on the fact that you now were a household name. Well, that is until you were nominated for the awards ceremony you were currently about to attend, only that it was the one from four years ago.
You were the first omega actress and now the first omega nominee. You hadn’t won, but that had solidified the step you had in the door. After that, the interests to hire you in omega roles came pouring through the door.
But you were brought back to reality when the setting spray splashed against your face, your eyes fluttering when they covered your scent glands with the flesh-colored band-aids they got for you. Alphas could never complain about you being a distraction if you smelled the same as betas. 
Rising to your feet, you smiled graciously to your makeup and styling team, thanking them profusely as your agent placed her hand at the small of your back and began pushing you towards the exit.
“Thank you!”
Shigaraki glared down the table of averted eyes, and his hands brought up under his chin twitched at his annoyance.
“Are you going to say anything, or are we going to remain silent?” he asked, his voice quiet yet heavy in all of their ears as they flinched. “Don’t think you’re going to get away without giving me an answer.”
The sour smell of fearful alphas should have corroded Shigaraki’s nose. It should have done something to unsettle the way that the young head sat on his black leather seat. But as a matter of fact, the young alpha had to resist the way he wanted to bare his teeth in a bloodied smile, his red eyes slit in his cruel lust for fear.
“O-Of course not, a-alpha!” croaked one of the smaller alphas down the table. Shigaraki snapped his eyes towards the yellow-haired croony, his neck exposed for the alpha, eyes refusing to look at his leader. “I-It’s just that, um, I — I mean, we don't know w-what happened to your mate!”
“I thought I gave clear and distinct instructions that you were supposed to have found them by this meeting,” Shigaraki stated, his voice somehow growing colder, meaner yet never once changing as his hands dropped from his chin to rest on the arms of his chair. He tilted his head, watching the pathetic alphas quiver like some scared, stupid omega. “Useless. Get out of here before I change my mind on killing you all where you sit.”
The crowd of alphas left quicker than Shigaraki could blink, leaving behind the reeking smell of scared alpha pheromones. 
“Tomura-kun, you killed your mate,” came the singsong giggle from behind him, and Shigaraki didn’t bother turning around, his nose and ears sharp enough to pick up exactly it was behind him. 
“They’re all a bunch of pissy lackeys,” Shigaraki simply stated, his eyes rolling as he slowly fell to the back of his chair, red eyes meeting golden ones that shone with mirth and joy. “What do you want, Toga?”
Toga leaned against the leather armrest, uncaring that Shigaraki hated his personal space invaded. The young female was an alpha, much like most of the people within this gang group, but unlike the others, she had a distinct, almost terrifying way to change the way she smelled. She could smell like anyone or any secondary gender. She often preferred to smell like an omega too. 
“We have a guest visiting us today!” Toga chirped, her fingers clasping together. “I wanted to introduce him!”
“Bring Giran in,” Shigaraki snapped, his eyes narrowing with no real malice for the alpha next to him who simply pouted at the surprise — not a surprise — being ruined. Giran reeked of cigarettes and cheap body sprays that, when wafted with his distinct omega pheromones, made Shigaraki want to throw up. “Hurry up.”
Shigaraki’s mouth was set in a firm line, his eyes watching as one of his most trusted allies walked to the table, and taking a seat in the abandoned chairs as Toga purred in happiness, sitting on the armchair of Giran’s chair, arms enveloping him. 
“Shigaraki, how are you doing?” Giran smiled, the cigarette that seemed to take a permanent residence in his teeth moving with his words. “I came bearing some great news.”
“What do you have for me?” Shigaraki simply states, his eyes focusing on the letter that is unpocketed from Giran’s pockets and placed onto the table. “Don’t tell me you’re trying to sell me your omega niece again.”
Giran chuckled, looking at Toga, who was smirking softly, “I guess he still hates that joke, huh?”
“Absolutely livid!” Toga laughed.
Shigaraki growled, his mind and his inner alpha snarling at the lack of respect to the command of his question. He outranked them, outpowered them; they needed to respect his orders. 
Giran took a deep inhale of his cigarette, sliding the card over to Shigaraki, his eyes averted, but his stance still firm. “I know you go through omegas faster than a teenage boy goes through a pack of tissues, but I think this can answer the pleas you have at night.”
Observing the card in his hand, Shigaraki scowls, unsure of how to feel about the print on the invitation. 
“Say the word, and I’ll get you a seat,” Giran whispers, like a sinister god begging a mere mortal to sign over their life for something completely worthless. But Shigaraki knows his worth, and more importantly, he knows in this game he outranks Giran, who would never betray him. In the slightest. He huffs, his back hunched, and his eyes looking with subdued excitement. 
“Who else is showing up?”
Giran knows the seat will be wanted that instant.
“No one who could hold a candle to you, alpha.”
“Don’t make me regret this.”
“Of course not, my liege.”
The award sitting in your hand feels almost fake as if the entire night was nothing more than a heat-driven fever dream. You had won, had actually won the most significant award of the night that an actress could win!
“Oh my gods, okay, okay,” your agent muttered beside you. Her eyes glued to the shiny gold statue between your legs. “Well, I know your heat starts tomorrow, and I’ll leave you alone for a week. But I swear, y/n, as soon as your mind isn’t a full-blown lusty heat brained bimbo, we’ll reconvene, and we will make sure you are nothing but the greatest!”
“Yeah,” you breathlessly state, eyes transfixed on the prize that felt like it could melt away any second right now. “That sounds wonderful.”
The car you were in pulled up to your front door, and you felt meek excited the car in nothing but a silk robe and slippers. The dress you had worn that night had already been put back into a plastic bag to be returned to the stylist who had offered to style you for the night. You waved with an almost transfixed look in your eyes as you closed your front door behind you, your heart hammering as adrenaline still coursed through your veins as if you had just been declared the victor of the category yet again.
Placing the trophy onto the table, you sighed in a wondrous, dreamy way.
You had done it.
You had won.
Fuck all those directors who had ever said anything different.
Still deep in your thoughts, you almost missed the knock on your door, and you figured that you must have left something in the car. Walking back over to the front door, your nose curled at the lack of scent, was it a beta?
Opening the door, you don’t remember seeing faces or even a scent of a pheromone. A single cloth wrapped over your head, and before you could send out your painful, fearful moments-from-heat omega pheromones, you were knocked out.
Cold and lifeless, you sunk against their arms, bile rising up to your throat as you know exactly what was going on. You were being kidnapped. 
No… please not… not after all of this had happened.
You wake up to the sound of moving feet, sneering laughter, the feeling of coarse, hot, hands on your ass and wet, simmering tongues on your lubricated cunt. The sense is vivid. You can feel the very littlest touch on your body, the layer of scented pheromones on your glands, and slick from alphas — you know it's alphas imprinting themselves on you as a mark of a claim.
You knew about this from high school; it was an extremely outdated and frowned upon version of mating and claiming as it simply turned away any sort of pursuer who wasn’t the thick pheromone individual. You also knew it was frowned upon because if multiple individuals sought mateship with the typical omega individual, it would result in a massive, unsolvable death match. But these alphas, even with layering their scent on you so thick you thought you were turning crazy, didn’t attack. No, they took languid stripes of your fresh, intoxicating slick and growled to you, maybe, how that was how slick was supposed to be. 
You wanted to move, to kick the stupid, demeaning alphas in the snout before running away, but in a twist of horrible realization, you soon figured out that despite your alert mind, you couldn’t move your body. Couldn’t shift it even the smallest of bits. 
“I hope all you wonderful clients have been able to taste and smell your potential mates out here!” A loud, commanding introduction voice echoed from somewhere where you couldn’t see, his voice vibrating into the straps of your legs, but you couldn’t make a sound or even open your eyes. “As you know, we have such an arrangement for you all, the best of the best, really! We don’t wish to rush, but as always, all of these events are incredibly time-sensitive, so if you would, please alphas, please come and sit down, and we’ll begin bidding on our first of seven beautiful, fertile omegas tonight!” 
The words sounded foreign in your ears yet at the same time, something so familiar because this was something you omegas were always warned about. This had to be some sort of omega mate auction, and by the stench of alphas who smelled like they owned millions and killed millions, you were in no doubt somehow caught up in one of the worst ones imagined. 
Two long, completely hardened fingers suddenly entered your cunt, and as if for a single millisecond, your mind and your body were able to work in tangent, your hips bucked at the sweet feelings. Oh, your eyes tried to flutter, enjoying the way the two fingers circled the walls of your long lonely cunt.
“Please, alpha, please refrain from touching the merchandise for now, please join us so that we may begin!”
The two fingers buried within your cunt as if it was their right, slowly withdrew out of your pulsing walls, and you heard the sound of sneakers against the hardwood floor and felt relaxed and sickened at how you sort of liked it.
Heat brain, you reminded yourself. Just your stupid, horny heat brain.
You were a celebrity, you mantra, a dignified star who didn’t need a beta or an alpha unless you saw it fit. Right now, as you had repeated many times to the countless amounts of reporters who had asked, you had no interest in someone to share your heat with.
“Alright, and to start off our night in a rolling go! Please, everyone put your hands together for the fertile and beautiful thirteenth in-line the Princess of Cabodia: Dayanara!”
This auction was insane, all six omegas before you all sold from a price that ranged from 198 hundred million to the one right before you who sold for one billion dollars. You were a prideful omega, and you saw worth to your abilities, smell, and looks, but were you even worth anywhere in that range?
The entire time you had been set up in who knows what, the small, overwhelming pound of your heat sinking into the depths and pores of your body was becoming heavy. You couldn’t move a single muscle still, your body still refusing to respond to the call of your body, but the seep of your slick running down the innards of your thighs, undoubtedly beginning to pool on the ground, must be embarrassing of you. 
Suddenly someone spread the skin below your ass out, and you couldn’t react as something sharp and prick stabbed into your flesh. You howled in the surprising pain, and you were fast to find that whatever they had injected you with had allowed systematic movement within your body. Your eyes fluttered open as two, impossibly huge alphas grabbed you by your forearm and hoisted you to your feet. 
Your neck was far too weak to carry the weight of your head, so your eyes were transfixed on the white silk of the slutty dress they dressed you in. It showed off your cleavage with no regret, and by the feel and look of it, it barely passed the bottom of your ass. Your vision swam, the alphas all over the room distorted and melting within one another as you stepped onto a stage, the spotlight on you feeling deliriously hot and melting your skin.
Your hormones, already going crazy with your heat, seemed to intensify at the small of so many capable, potent, possessive alpha pheromones that suffocated the room. Handcuffs slapped onto your wrists, and you moaned pathetically at the sting of cold metal on your skin, and you obediently followed the command of one alpha to go on your knees. 
A nail slammed between the metal links of the handcuffs, practically stapling you to the wooden floor, and you whimpered at the feeling of a stuffed pillow mount being placed beneath your lower stomach. You were in a forced and easily accessible mating position with your slick and cunt exposed for all the alphas to re-smell and see. 
Moaning, you shifted against the mount, your body not able to have the full movement you needed to ward off that building, insufferable heat in your core, but nothing you could do seemed to satisfy it.
“And for our biggest prize of the night, we have the one, the only, the beautiful sensation Y/l/n Y/n!” the auctioneer roared. His voice echoing in your ear as he walked over to you, exposing your dripping cunt to the crowd of alphas who had all gotten a sweet taste of your essence already. His hand came down to slap your ass with a chuckle. “Where do we start the bidding on this one, alphas? She needs no introduction, and none of you better be pussies because we know this bitch of an omega won’t take any tiny cocks as her alpha! She needs to be broken in, fucked to submission. No one likes a trailblazer… someone needs to remind of what fucking trail she’s supposed to be on. Besides, the bitch is in fucking heat, and if you don’t claim her, I just might do it myself!”
“75 million!” someone started the bidding.
You stiffened.
“75 to the man in the back!”
“90 million!” someone challenged.
“We’re up to 90!”
“125 million!”
“Do I hear another offer?”
“250 million!”
“250 million!”
The number climbed and climbed, the same voices coming to challenge each other until finally, they rounded out to a quantity that sounded bizarre even to you. 
“950 million!”
If it had been possible for your knees to give out, you would have been collapsed onto the floor, the pool of slick that continued to lubricate your cunt without a doubt drowning you as you craved the need to be fucked by someone with undoubted alpha pheromones and cock in this room. 
“950 million?” the auctioneer repeated, his voice for sure carrying a shark-like grin. “Going once, going twice—”
“Five billion.”
The gasp in the crowd was undeniable, and the omega in you crooned, knowing that this alpha valued you and your omega to be the price of five billion US dollars. 
“Fuck!” screamed the man who had presented the 950 million deal. 
“Wowee, five billion dollars, everyone! Anyone think they can beat that?! Going once! Going twice!” The crowd remained in silence, and you shook against your restraint, the heat emitting from your cunt almost demanding to be seen and fucked through this heat week. “SOLD! The virgin celebrity, Y/l/n Y/n sold to our own Shigaraki Tomura!”
The cheers of amaze weren’t nearly as loud as the smell of reeking petty alpha.
“Come and pay up, alpha, and then you can show us… a demonstration of how you’re going to break this omega.”
“Shut up.” Shigaraku growled, his footsteps heavy in your ear as you feel him climb up the stage, and you weakly tilted your head to look at the white-haired alpha boss hand over a simple credit card before walking over to you, his eyes unreadable as he looked you dead in the eye.
He reached out a finger that raised your chin up for him to study your face, moving and tilting your head as he pleased as a small, sinister smile pressed to his lips as he dropped your head. A sharp, uncomfortable pain fell on your chin as it crashed to the floor, and you shivered at the feeling of his calloused and rough fingers running down your exposed back.
“You’re such a small omega, still stupidly tiny. I bet you’ve never thought your first knot would come from someone like me,” Shigaraki laughed, his fingers and voice ice cold. His words were soft, spoken in a way that had your omega stupidly cooing for having secret conversations with your alpha who promised to fuck you till you were carrying a litter of pups. “I hope you realize that this is real life, that I will break you, and no hero in this world will be able to fucking save you.”
“Fuck the omega!” someone from the crowd screamed, and Shigaraki glared upwards. Still, you shivered in the thought of this alpha who spent five billion dollars to make you his claiming you, fucking your stupid heat brain into mush in front of these smaller, irrelevant alphas. 
“I’ll do what I fucking please,” Shigaraki snapped, but the fingers you remembered to have been the last ones to enter your slicked crazy walls seemed to be his. They moved deep within you, curling and spreading your tight, sopping wet cavern apart, letting your pathetic, chirping cries echo powerfully in the room as lusting, near rutting alpha pheromones filled the room. “For fucks sake, omega, your pussy’s fucking tight as shit! Don’t you have any real knotted toys?”
You couldn’t respond back, your body on the road to a complete shut down at the feeling of something other than silicone deep within your body, fingering and dragging against your pheromone soaked walls.
“Alpha, y-your fingers feel so good!” you gasp, your hips thrusting backward, enjoying the way his fingernails press onto your warm velvet walls. “So good, you make me feel so good already.”
“I’ve seen you all over the news,” Shigaraki growled low into your ear. “Talking about how you didn’t want an alpha, how you never needed to feel the tightness that a fat knot could bring you, and look at you now. I’ve barely touched you, barely begun to make you mine, and yet you’re already begging for me, omega.”
Your arms tug at the handcuffs, pathetically wanting them off. Exasperatedly seeking more friction from your newly bought alpha. You can’t think straight, can’t come up with a single response except the stupid apologetic, “I’m so sorry alpha, I didn’t know i-it would be y-you!”
“Don’t be shy on her, Shigaraki! Fuck the slutty omega already! Fucking knot and claim her in front of us, I want to hear the omega whore scream. It’s always hotter when it’s the first claim ever!”
“You better learn how to shut the fuck up, or I’ll kill you for interrupting my fucking session here,” Shigaraki seethed, his red, smoldering eyes ripping from yours and glaring at some loser alpha behind you. You couldn’t care. You only wanted what looked like the growing cock in Shigaraki’s pants; you wanted to feel the cock fill up your cunt, and his knot to lock you both in place.
You drooled at the thought, your loud, whimpering cries unable to keep from pouring out as the slick from your core seemed to pour endlessly from your pussy, demanding attention and a knot. “Breed me, fill me with your pups,” you begged fingers taking in his dirty fingers in your mouth, tongue wildly and uncontrollably flicking across his fingers in hopes it would be a sinking prayer of your promise to be good. “I want your knot, alpha, I want these stupid alphas to know you’re so much better than them~!”
Shigaraki’s once snarl fell when he looked at you, a slowly growing smirk falling on his face as his lips spread into a cruel smirk, one that had you moaning around his fingers as he pinched the pink muscle in your mouth before disappearing before you.
“I smelled your distress when I put my fingers up your sloppy little cunt right before the auction happened; I could tell even with your growing heat that you hated the feeling of my fingers up your pretty pussy. But look at you now, I haven’t even set you on my goddamn knot, haven’t stretched that tiny cunt to its max. You’re smelling better than a bitch in heat,” Shigaraki growled in your ear. His clothed chest pressing deliriously into your exposed back, the huge cock outline in his pants grinding incessantly into your wet core, undoubtedly leaving a damp patch where his cock ground into you. “You’re an actress, aren’t you, little omega? I bet you just needed this audience cheering your name to break your mind over this. How. Pathetic.”
And the pressure on your tongue is gone, the drool and saliva sticky and cold on your chin as you whimper for your alpha. You promised that it wasn’t right, it was just that you had been scared before, but your alpha was so strong, his pheromones so scary and mean, he could protect you and fill you up with so many pups you couldn’t help but to be excited now.
The smell of Shigaraki seemed to brighten, and you moaned when his hands pressed the white dress up, allowing for your naked ass to be seen by him and everyone who stayed to watch. Shigaraki squeezed your asscheeks away, chuckling at the way your small asshole clenched in your embarrassment and pain at how your hormone-driven heat demanded that he fuck you and knot you now.
“So fucking wet,” Shigaraki observed, his fingertips tracing the slick on your folds before a small pop told you that he licked you clean from his fingers. “Such sweet slick too, you really are a prime omega, little one.”
You whimpered, ass shaking for him to continue to touch you, to continue to fuck you more. 
“I don’t think you’re ready for my knot, precious omega,” Shigaraki taunted, and his words were a sealing deal in your lusting mind. Your hips knocking backward in some sort of desperation for more.
“She won’t,” commented the auctioneer.
“I will!” you scream, eyes filled with painful tears that could only be resolved with your alphas knot and claim. “I can take your knot, alpha!”
Shigaraki makes a small noise, and you choke at the feeling of something huge, nearly monstrous, shift into your cunt. You were a virgin, but even you knew that it was merely the head of his alpha thick cock, not enough for you to be satisfied, not far enough in you to breed or fuck you properly. All the moans in your throat were slightly painful, and the tears in your eyes continued to fall as you rocked your hips backward, trying to sink yourself further on his cock, wanting him deep in your womb.
You craved him.
“Ah, good, you can take more,” came the airy, almost insane driven coo of Shigaraki, the lack of humor making your cunt flutter against his thick, long cock. “Cry for your alpha, little omega.”
With that, Shigaraki slammed into you with no mercy, his cock bottoming out into you with a powerful, edging thrust. You screamed in pain, tears leaking from your eyes, and even with the pool of lubricating slick, his cock was far too big, incredibly thick that you felt your inner walls splitting in two as he fucked you as if you weren’t in delirious pain.
Drool and tears covered your arms, your painted fingers digging into the floorboards with crazy strength that you clawed scars on the floor as Shigaraki rutted deep within you.
Shigaraki commanded you with every thrust he gave, and soon the omega in you was cooing, howling for more, the pain of having your virginity ripped from right under you having become bubbling, glowing pleasure. You screamed in pleasure, Shigaraki grabbing onto your rolling hips to slam you back onto his cock, allowing for his thick cock to hit deep within you over and over again. The angle and power he possessed with every thrust were almost inhumane, nothing your lonely heat filled nights could ever dream of recreating ever. Shrill moans and pleas drowned out the annoying commentary of your onlookers, Shigaraki’s chest still flushed against your back, his hips landing heavily on your ass that was at this point raised because of the mount beneath you. 
“My alpha,” you babble, eyes unfocused, hazy, and incredibly heavy as you stared at some point on the wall, overwhelmed with the feeling of Shigaraki’s hot cock pounding in you. “My alpha, such a good alpha. His cock is making my tummy feel funny, making my pussy feel so tight. Please fill me with your children, I’ll be a good omega to you and them, I promise! I promise — I — oh myyy goddd — I promise, alpha!!!”
Shigaraki puffs up with the praise, but he continued to fuck into you roughly, mercilessly, as if you were nothing more than the breeding whore omega that he had purchased you for. The wet slaps and satisfying squelches rang in the blazing heat room, the smell of the pleasured and heat insane omega saturating deeply within his nose, and in the other's nose, the prideful smell of a satisfied alpha.
Your spongy walls clenched and spasmed against his penetrating, pounding cock, sometimes even forcibly because, by god, it was hot when his cock would twitch within your womb, especially against your cervix.
“Fuck, you’re so damn annoying,” Shigaraki snarled into your ear, his teeth biting and scraping along your neck, and you wailed when his teeth dragged over the sweet scent gland on your neck. The one and only place for mating bites to go. His hand gripped your hair, tugging your head back so that you could feel his rough facial skin rub up against yours. “If you want me to fill you with my pups, you better be the best fucking omega on this goddamn planet.”
“I can be the best! I’ll be the best!” you cried, your ass shifting backward to meet his drilling hips. 
The delirious sensation of his cock rocking against your cervix slowly begins to inflate the knot on his cock, restricting his still barbaric thrusting as he made to move faster. He wanted you to cum before he knotted entirely within you. 
The pressure in your stomach is scorching and impossibly tight, and he takes another long stripe at your scent gland. You tremble with need, your fingers tearing into the wooden floors. You can feel the knot on his cock swelling up, catching onto the opening of your cunt with every successive cunt, and you begin to cry, shake, and tremble as the knot becomes too big.
Your eyes cross, your tongue falling out of your mouth as you babble his name. Your walls clamp around his knotted cock with the ferocity of a vice, and your body jerks violently as you cum hard around his cock. The slick essence of your orgasm slipping out of the few lasting places open before Shigaraki’s knot fills you out entirely. Despite his cock unable to move, the swollenness of his knot preventing him from moving out of you, Shigaraki still shoves his weight into his hips, the inflated knot stretching your cock out so widely, your vision went white, and you came yet a second time.
A small pop was heard, and suddenly with a rush of thick, hot, and heavy white cum exploded within your womb, his teeth sink around your scent gland, marking you — mating you. He filled you, filled you, and filled you. His cum wouldn’t stop until your belly was swollen with his hot cum, and he eventually fell off of you with a shaky, shallow breath.
You still remained on the mount, your eyes unfocused, breaths mumbling to your alpha, a promise to carry out every single pup he gave you and would give you. You were his omega, his good little omega, and you would never disappoint your alpha. Not now, not ever.
The next week, you opened your door with a broad smile, your usual clothes replaced with a dress Shigaraki had picked for you and a frilly white apron on as your agent was standing outside of your house, eyes wide, mouth gaped at the still bleeding mate wound on your shoulder.
“Ah, how funny!” you laughed, waving your hand as you sighed dreamily, your eyes fluttering at the thought of your alpha who was on a business call right now. “I’m actually going to be quitting! My alpha and I have many plans right now, I gotta produce as many litters as I can, being an actress would never give me this sort of meaning in life!”
“B-But, you’re doing so much?! You have so much to do! You can’t give up?!”
“Oh, my love, we both know that I look much cuter with a pregnant belly! Don’t worry,” you smile, taking your agent's hand, brightly smiling at her one last time. “I’m sure all omegas will eventually find their alpha so they won’t be so depressed and angry like I was!”
Your agent doesn’t get another word in.
You slam the door in her face, your hands already resting on your belly that you knew was already growing the life of your first litter of pups. It had been known the second Shigaraki filled you up anymore.
You were a good little omega, and your alpha needed you!
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