#like who the hell is gonna read that and want to help me?
eeveeprincessxd · 1 year
I was going through the notes to find who voted yes on using Live, and noticed your tags. The Tumblr live toggle should be under General > Dashboard preferences > all the way at the bottom. I’m on the iOS app, but it should be almost the same across platforms.
I appreciate your attempt to help, but I'm browsing on desktop using Firefox and my settings page doesn't even seem to have sections with the labels you described. The toggle USED to be on that page but it totally disappeared some weeks ago.
I'm not sure if this is Tumblr trying to roll out a way of making Live permanent in weird phases like how they made private messages and polls things you had to infect other people with, or if it's just something that got adjusted with how the code I was using to completely block Live from my dash works internally in terms of site content labels or something similar. What I do know is that my toggle snooze isn't where it used to be, and apparently browsing on desktop doesn't present the same format as browsing on mobile.
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pyrriax · 20 days
ANYWHO goodnight tumblr i'll be back on the art grind tomorrow i think 🙏
#haunted ecosystem#i'll take a burst of creativity in a different form than usual than the burnout slump i've been in for a few months#<- part of why my fandom stuff has taken a smidge of a backseat#dont get me wrong i am still very excited about my fandoms im just having fun off in oc hell (affectionate)#its nice to just be able to create and not really worry about perception. and also i feel Less bad about just throwing ocs into the wringer#((blame the fact i've been REALLY interested in whump recently and i have been. fixated. on one of my characters.))#and ALSO i've been! rekindling my flame for wtds. i've been putting off thinking about it since that fic got.#nothing bad happened? but it was still very devastating that somebody who i considered a friend from that fic just. evaporated.#but i'm gonna finish that fic for him :) even if it takes a year. even if it's the one thing i finish ever. it'll be wtds.#for where its gotten me and the fact its what got me out of my shell and is the reason i trust that my writing is good!#i used to really hate rereading my work. i catch flaws that are obvious to me. but that fic. i just think about how *good* the story is#that story means. a lot to me? as a person? like the main character is not a good person. but people care about him anyway.#and there are so many little things. so many sentiments. so much that is a love letter to people who've done bad but learnt to do better#because. god knows i wasnt a good person even just a few years ago. and maybe i see myself in him a bit.#he came from a place of paranoia and fear and pain. and maybe its a good thing that i've found it difficult to write him recently.#because god. i've been HAPPY. even with the rough moments and bad days. i've been happy. i mean fuck.#my birthday's what. ten days away? god damn man. i'm going to be 18. that's an achievement.#i want to look the kid who thought it was over at half my age and tell him we fucking made it. and there are more years to come.#there's a life ahead. even if it's going to be a bitch. even if it's going to be tough. there's love in your heart and people who care and#you're going to fucking live and you're going to feel better one day. you have people to meet properly and thank and cherish.#because for every day it feel like the world's ending there are a dozen more where the sun shines just the right way through the rain#and you can't help but smile because it's just so god damn beautiful.#and fuck it. you're sick. your hands hurt and your legs don't work right. and it's tough sometimes. but you have people who understand.#you have people who honest to god love you for who you are and appreciate your company. and 18 is the first step.#you've spent half your life unlearning things and you've spent half your life relearning how to be what YOU want to be#and if you're a mediocre artist and passionate writer then you'll be fucking great at that. taking the time to learn when it strikes you.#and maybe this is for me. but its also for anybody reading it too. please god if there's one thing you take from this let it be that#somebody out there cares. *I* care. god i care. even if we've never spoken proper i care about you.#i practically have a list of everybody i see in my inbox. i love seeing familiar names show up. i.#i dont know how to neatly wrap up this tag ramble. but. i am so damn full of love it hurts sometimes. its scary to be happy but thats ok!
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deep-sea-horror · 1 year
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actually its a lot harder to be annoyed with qi rong when you realize he’s a direct parallel to hua cheng
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dirt-str1der · 2 years
I dont care about majima x sagawa btw but i care a lot about their relationship regardless because i want them to have the most toxic dealings and skewed power dynamics with each other as possible and i them both to have increasingly warped perceptions of each other (worlds most incorrect uncle-nephew relationship)
#Listen to my problems#sagawas like majima chan i bought pudding for you since chewing is hard right now and majimas like (muffled) can you kill yourself . and#sagawa is like (laughs) keep up that tone and ill break your jaw again#like obviously sagawa isnt doing charity work putting majima back on his feet because majima has to pull his own weight too but over time#majima became less of an ‘investment’ and more like his hotheaded young apprentice / nephew who is really smart (sagawas very proud of him)#but also doesnt know anything good for himself because hes an idiot and sagawa needs to do everything for him sometimes or he’ll pull the#most ASININE stunts imaginable. like kid i do Good by you and you do the same for me as long as you keep your head down and run the grand.#he cannot fathom why majima wants to claw his way back into the tojo because sagawa Knows shimano and he Knows that shimano is bad news and#will definitely send majima into the jaws of death over and over and seriously what a WASTE of good talent !!! unfortunately majima is the#same type of stupid as his oath brother but it doesnt mean he wants to see the kid get himself killed (wise words from a man who got himself#killed) | and majima ... it was not difficult to start going crazy about sagawa at first sight because he just came out of a very violent#place where every touch meant more torture and pain then suddenly hes being put in the capable hands of a man whos like a fucking angel#sagawa feeds clothes and bathes him and majima cant help but act like being cared for is the worst thing thats ever happened to him theres#too much touching and hes completely dependent on sagawa who checks his weight daily and changes his bandages and cleans his leaky infected#eye and he wants nothing more than to be left alone but he cant do anything by himself and hes too devastated to be grateful. its gross !!#and whenever he inevitably breaks the hell down sagawa is always there to hold and comfort him and what the hell else can he do but seek#comfort in the only person that ‘cares’ about him when sagawa is so good at pretending ... is he pretending ? who gives a fuck anymore man#sagawas punishment and comfort all in one ... hes a means to an end .. hes majimas caretaker and his gaoler. the guy who knows everything#about him and the one who’ll use every last bit of it against him oh god wait#this is just isabelle and emma damnit damnit im gonna go read purromised neverland again
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uhm. bored now
#ughhhh aughhh  auahaguahaugahgha#txt#i would read a book but im too tired to do that. book reading is an early night activity#and its like 2:40am#so its anime time! or fanfic time. hm#man. saying shit like this makes me feel like im back in middle school#and while yes im still technically allowed to say shit like ''uwaa time to watch anime oooo time to read fanfiction ufuuuh i want to be emo'#i still feel like im too old to say/do that#like there are whole ass 30 year olds in here who still post about their yaoi babies and im 16 and embarrassed about watching anime#like realy. im embarrassing but im alowed to be yk its not like someones gonna tell me to grow up because of it#aaaaa idk. i still have the same essence i had when i was 13. im just like. wiser now. and with a bigger frontal lobe or something.#like 13 year old me wrote fanfic on a notebook and i write it on the computer notes#and i watched bad anime. and i also was a girl. and also i was ''straight''. also i was annoying. still am but now people think its cute.#i tripp and fall down the stairs as a 13 year old? cringe. now? i go teehee woops and people laugh and help me. boom bitch#the power of my pretty face. the power of my round cheeks and big eyes. of my little erratic gestures. literally so cute#i was called a tamagochi once you literally cant beat that. i am fucking adorable#and people find my general cluelessness endearing instead of bugging me about it HAHA#what the hell am i talking about. i literally dont know if any of what im saying is true#anyways uhhhh this train of thought is dead off to the next post
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exopelagic · 27 days
I am baking cake at midnight and it is going to kill me <3
#it’s just gone in the oven which means at least 25 minutes and probably more like 45 bc I made a Lot#am also kiiiinda winging the recipe so my expectations are on the floor#this is. for a bake sale. pray for me#I’m gonna make the icing tonight and leave it in the fridge overnight I think for tomorrow morning#this has gone wrong at every available opportunity it was 100% not worth it#however! given the prices my friend wants to sell this at i May have turned this into like over £100 which isn’t bad#TWO CAKES. WHY AM I MAKING TWO CAKES#I’m procrastinating washing up the stuff I used to make the batter (hell) bc itssosososo messy and I just wanna shout abt stuff#primarily that I am once again so upset that I only get one more week of ice hockey before summer#there are two parts to this feeling: 1. I love ice hockey I’ve been having such a good time this past week while I’ve not had to stress#abt anything else. 2. gay. gay gay homosexual gay#like okay I’ve been worried abt whether this is an actual crush or I just convinced myself I like him bc pretty+queer#(because of course I can worry abt that). BUT yeah sorry no can confirm I like this dumb fuck this is so unfair#we talked a BUNCH last night and he’s just really cool.#ohhhh fuck I don’t think the oven was properly preheated bc I opened it for a while to fit the two tins in. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯#anyway!! he’s really fun to talk to someone help like if he does turn out to be single I could in THEORY text him over summer. maybe.#his birthday will be coming up and my friend suggested that. I’m being insane but oh my god this is torture#I ALSO watched the newest dr who episode today and that did NOT HELP. one of the first things in a while that have given me like#this same specific feeling when I get into gay romantic media. the ‘reading gay shit on wattpad at age 14 feeling’ if you will#where there’s like this weight in the pit of my stomach. it’s NICE that doesn’t sound good but it is#is this what straight people get with romance all the time. I know I just don’t watch/read much anymore but also#there’s straight romance in literally everything so.#but yeah basically I need another month of fuck around time minimum when everyone’s in this city so I can get my shit together#ALSO. I ONLY HAVE A YEAR LEFT HERE. THATS TERRIFYING. a year is a long time but it’s also not this one disappeared and this is like.#WAY too early to even consider that but he’s gonna be here probably for a year after I leave and that could suck if anything does happen.#I guess in theory I’m taking a year before phd probably so I could work here. idk man anyway that one is actually insane of me I’m just gay#boy 😔. they shouldn’t be allowed to do this#on Wednesday he’ll be done with exams and so will my other friend who knows him well. so I will be able to 1. subtly see w her if girlfriend#2. potentially. MAYBE ask what she thinks I’m just trying to decide whether that’s too much to put on her. I think I’m being insane there#luke.txt
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celestialmancer · 1 month
⛈️ //
#tag vent bullshit would highly recommend just scrolling past this if vent bs aint your thing#so run along now for those who would rather avoid. im just tossing in tags bc its easier on me.#anyway… just… …#this stress is really eating me alive & im so tired#ive been crying on & off since yesterday esp w my health taking a swan dive to hell amidst this#but i have to just. deal with.#crying when alone specifically like fuck am i gonna show a damn thing to anyone. fuck no ❤️#esp when it feels like my emotions im feeling are me somehow being manipulative.#because i dont have a right to any of this right. its just a pity party im throwinf for myself.#& yet all these feelings emotions everything i havent processed continue to fester & bubble up to the surface in pure vitriol.#pure hatred & anger bc of it coming from a place of hurt but what does that matter. right? …im just.#i feel manipulative expressing anything. i feel manipulative having feelings. i need to remove them at once. i need them gone at once.#i feel manipulative even so much as talking about situations that hurt me. bc i ‘shoulsnt feel this way’#all this shit to me feels like it just reads as ‘woe is me’ bullshit i hate it so much.#im tired. i dont know. im in distress & emotionally really falling apart but just.#it almost feels more comforting to just let myself bleed out on myself metaphorically speaking than to dare task anyone via asking them#to help me w my own metaphorical wounds. bc then im shoving a burden onto them. & I’m not supposed to do that.#so much for being a pillar of stability for others LMFAOOO. whatever. whatever.#faulty ass pillar that’s just falling apart from being built on an unstable foundation#im tired im tired of hurting both emotionally & physically due to flare ups from the sheer stress as well#& crying feels fucking humiliating & like im just begging for pity.#i shouldnt be fucking crying. i shouldn’t. im supposed to be fine. i say. & at first i was fucking able to fucking.#dissociate & let quinn join me too so i could be fully coldly detached. from it. but thats not happening bc i cant control when she joins#joins front w me. & i almost wish she could take front fully. take front from me fully for as long as this situation keeps going.#even if that means i end up in solitude & w barely much recollection of what may transpire. at least when she’s upfront? i dont have to be.#solitude bc she doesnt like talking to anyone even my own trusted friends.#unless its somehow fucjing necessary but at least w her upfront i just. i dont. have to feel. i can disconnect & forget everything.#i just want to stop fucking falling apart & i have so many unprocessed emotions over this all that feel unacceptable to talk abt STILL.#im that fucking convinced any neg emotion i show is wrong somehow & while ive gotten better w this im still. not. idk. just. w/e. ifg.
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dokyeomini · 2 months
today was crazyyyyy at work
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amandabbbbb · 1 month
summary: rafe who protects maybank!reader from luke bc jj is too busy finding gold to protect his sister
tw: parental abuse, mention of drugs, rafes sweet but kinda demanding
word count: 526
you covered a shift working at the wreck because kie could never be bothered to take a shift at her dad’s restaurant, too busy running around the island trying to find whatever gold bullshit that john b has got your brother’s friends and him hung up on. you call jj, overwhelmed from the morning of dealing with your father luke’s fit of rage.
“are you gonna be home tonight? dad just bought a bunch of drugs from barry’s and i don’t want to be alone. i’m scared.”
“sis, you know i love ya, but do you want our lives to get better or not? i’m tryna get us out of this hell, alright? so just stay in your room and don’t come out. love ya, bye.”
he hung up before you could squeeze in another cry for help. just as your salty tears fall, rafe cameron motions you over to give him his bill. you wipe your tears away and give him the fakest smile. he orders you to sit in the opposite empty chair.
“are you alright, sweetheart? i heard that. you know, i know your dad’s a druggie dick. i’ve seen him at barry’s. I gotta get you out of that house. i see your bruises. you know all that makeup doesn’t cover it.” he grabs your arm and rolls up your sleeve, showing your bruise from your father. you, flustered, pull away as his tone was demanding.
before you could even respond, kie’s words ring in your ears: “rafe cameron wouldn’t be caught dead eating here, especially alone. he usually spends his time at the country club. to a kook like him, the wreck is a dump. but ever since you started working there, he always sits at the same table almost every day, staring at you your whole shift, and if you aren’t his waitress, he makes a huge fuss. he’s so sweet to you, always.”
“rafe, really, i’m alright. don’t worry about me.”
“stay at mine tonight, y/n. i’ll take care of you.” he sets 1000 dollars down on the table. he usually gives you a 100 or 200 dollar tip but never this much. you barely know rafe.
“rafe, no. i can’t take this. i don’t even know… uh, uh, rafe, i can’t.”
“stop mumbling and take it. your dad spends all his money on drugs and your brother’s too goddamn worried about god knows what to even be home to take care of you. so i’m going to man up and protect you, okay? so shut up.”
that night after your shift, you stay at rafe’s house. he lets you stay in sarah’s room since the camerons are away. for the first time in ages, you finally relax, safe from your abusive father. you fall asleep almost instantly, exhausted from the stress. rafe makes sure you’re comfortable, checking on you throughout the night. when you wake up in the morning, you find a note and breakfast waiting for you. the note reads:
“good morning, sweetheart. had to run some errands. i know we’re very different but i know what you’re going through. stay as long as you need. you’re safe here. - rafe.”
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rafesslxt · 3 months
Showerhead 2 | mattheo riddle
pt. 2 — you can find pt. 1 here
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summary: after you and mattheo had some fun in the shower, you two can‘t stop thinking about each other and that night. But who gives in first to sin again after a little jealousy?
words: 5,1k
warnings: heavy dirty talk again, cursing, making out, dry humping, teasing, controlling, praising, bj, unprotected p in v, shower, swallowing, legilimency (mind reading),
note: you don‘t have to read part 1 for this part but have fun if you want to
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— in the great hall —
After that night in the shower 2 weeks ago, I couldn‘t stop thinking about it. I dreamed about it in my sleep, daydreamed about it in class and lunch while Hermione talked about some book we needed to read to understand everything in potions.
I hated it but everytime we crossed paths, he winked at me and I couldn't help myself but start blushing. As soon as I saw his face, I saw it between my legs.
"Y/n? Are you even listening?" Hermione says and shakes me a litte at my shoulder. "What? Yeah yeah of course, I'm gonna read it." They all look at each other before their eyes are on me again. "We were actually talking about how Cormac seems to have quite interest in you." Harry then continues.
I start laughing loud, looking at them as If each of them has 3 heads." What the hell are you talking about?" "Told ya she's not listening.." Ron says, raising his eyebrows as he bites into his toast.
"I thought he‘s interested in Hermione?" I ask as my laughter calms down a bit. "Harry heard him talking about how he would - well.. do certain things to you." My amused face turns into a disgusting one as I hear what Ron says.
"Yeah and guess who‘s got an invention to Slughorn‘s dinner?" Hermione says with raised eyebrows.
Ron looks at her shoked. "What?? That prick got one and I didn‘t?"
"Oh god no.." a few days ago Harry, Hermione and myself got an invention to tonights Slughorn‘s dinner for his favorite students. ".. but wait, how do you know who‘s coming?" I ask her. "I just asked him after the last lesson of potions. It‘s Neville, Ginny, Blaise Zabini, Mattheo Riddle, Corma –" "Mattheo Riddle?" I ask her shocked, looking at her with wide eyes.
I would see him again? Like.. this close and with people around us? My mind is racing as Hermione answers. "Yeah well, you know he‘s really smart and good in potions." "And he has an interest in special students and Mattheo is.. well – special." Harry comments.
Ron snorts and talks with a full mouth. "Mh yeaw hiff fatha was "speschal".
Hermione rolls his eyes at his full mouth and looks at me again. "Why are you so suprised by his name?" she asks me a little suspicious. " oh uh- just suprised, i always thought Mattheo is uh - not interested in things like that."
"Why would chou think about wat Mattheo is-" "Ron just eat and shut up!" I snap at him making the other two widen their eyes a bit.
I collect my things and stand up from the table. "I‘m gonna go to.. god i don‘t know I‘m gonna go." I say, walking off before they can answer. Because it‘s the weekend I luckily don‘t have classes today. I don‘t think I could concentrate in one of them after the information I just got. God why him? Why me? Maybe I can say I feel sick.. no he would know. I can‘t back down.
I walk down a hall, not thinking where I am going and suddenly crash into something hard but not as hard as a wall. My book and writing stuff falls to the ground and I look up, staring right into the face of Mattheo.
My brain went blank in this monent. "What princess? Aren‘t you happy to see me?" he grins down at me before he gets down and picks up my stuff. "Hm I remember a similar moment, same position." He smiles even more when he sees my red cheeks and not talking mouth. As he gives me my stuff he presses his mouth to my ear and whispers "I‘m looking forward to tonight" And with that, he‘s gone.
I‘m so fucked.
— at the evening —
" Do you know what you‘re wearing?" I ask Hermione while I put on some makeup. I hear her sigh and she goes "yeah I have this one dress I really like. What about you?" I shake my head as I search for my lipliner. " Not really, but I have enough dresses so I‘ll find something." Hermione laughs at my comment as she pulls out her dress and changes into it.
After I‘m done with my makeup and hair, I walk over to my closet, looking for a nice dress.
"What about this one? It would fit perfectly for the occasion." She says as she pulls out a dress of mine. It is long and black, with cute little arms on it. "It‘s pretty but I want something.. else." As i go trough my clothes I think about Mattheo again and what would impress him. God I need to stop it.
"Well what are you looking for?" "Hmm something likeee.. this." It‘s perfect. It‘s short but not too short, i know it sits beautifully on me and.. it‘s green.
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(imagine something like this but in some green tone and longer so it‘s more school approved)
Hermione raises her eyebrows and looks at me. "Are you sure? Isn‘t it a little too.. party?" I love her for how she always chose her words wisely and with a knowledge for not hurting and judging people. I know what she meant but she would never think about judging me. Even when I put my clothes on she wouldn‘t pick, she makes me feel great in them.
"Yeah, I‘m sure." I smile, putting it on. When I look into the mirror I smile even more, thinking about how Mattheo will react seeing me in it.
As the time comes we take our purses and walk outside our dorms, meeting Harry and Ron in the common room. "You both look great." Harry tells us like the gentlemen he is but Ron just scans me like a little hater and looks at me. "Isn‘t that a little too flashy?" "Ron!" Hermione hits him on the shoulder.
"Don‘t be mad at what you can‘t have Ronald." I say grinning and winking at him before I link my arm into Harry‘s with Hermione doing the same on his right side.
We walked through Hogwarts, towards the dinner and the closer we got the more my heart started beating as If I‘m running a marathon.
I open the door in front of us after taking one last deep breath and walk inside with my two friends.
Everyone was already there, seated perfectly. "Oh hello you three! I‘m so glad you made it. Please choose a seat and get comfortable." Professor Slughorn greets us. I always liked him, even tho many say he‘s a little weird sometimes but I think thats exactly what I do like about him.
As I walk towards an empty seat, I scan the table, looking at Mattheo when I found him but his eyes were already on my dress.
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Quickly I look away, seeing that Cormacs eyes were on me too which made me gag a little.
But god Mattheo looks so good. He wears a simple white shirt with a black tie and black slacks. Damn what I would give to ride his thigh in these – "Y/n you‘re staring." Hermione whispers into my ear, making me realise i stared right at Mattheo, but to my suprise he‘s still looking, not breaking eye contact for a second.
I gulp and look away, feeling my cheeks getting warm. God I hate it so much what kind of affect he has on me. I can‘t be the only one..
Wait. I‘m a woman. I can definitely tease him and make him feel the same.
The dinner goes on, nothing special besides Ginny who came in crying. Definitely have to ask her with Hermione about that later in detail.
As desert comes I look around the table, meeting Cormacs eyes. He licks of some ice cream from his fingers and wiggles his eybrows at me. Oh god I think I‘m gonna throw up.
As soon as I can I look away to Mattheo who was giving Cormac one of his death stares. Interesting.
I don‘t really know why i think it‘s a good idea but i do think it is. So I lean back a little, presenting the low cut at the front of my chest. I see Mattheo‘s eyes flicker to my chest and so do Cormac‘s but Mattheo‘s eyes switch back really fast to Cormac and give him a second glare. Really interesting.
I smile triumphal and lean a bit forwards again, pressing my boobs together this time. Instantly I get a headache but a really intense one. I hiss in pain which makes Harry look at me worried. "Are you okay?"
"Yeah I just got an really bad headache.“ i whisper back, wondering what it caused.
Soon the dinner was over and everyone thanked Slughorn for the invitation. "I‘ll stay and try to figure out what that missing memory of Slughorn‘s is." Harry whispers to us before staying behind.
My headache got a bit better but It still didn‘t go away. As we walked trough the door I said to Hermione and Ginny "You guys go to the common room, I‘ll follow. I just wanna get some advil from Miss Pomfrey.“ They nod and tell me that they will go into Ginny‘s room to talk more privately.
It‘s already late and a bit after curfew but Professor Slughorn told us he made sure we would get in no trouble If someone sees us.
I rub my head slighty, trying to ease the pain on my way but nothing helped.
Then, out if nowhere a hand slaps over my mouth and a arm wraps around me, pressing me against a body. I scream into the hand, trying to get myself free until I see who the hand and arm belongs to.
"You didn‘t think I would let you go off that easily in that little dress of yours huh?“ Mattheo breathes against my face as it was only a few inches away from mine.
He slowly takes his hand away from my mouth, letting me speak. "What do you mean?" I ask and try the innocent act but he doesn‘t buy it.
"Oh princess, princess, princess. You can‘t fool me. I know that you wore this excuse of an dress for me. Fuck and also in my house color's? That‘s no fucking coincidence."
I gulp at his words and the fact that he knows who I wore it for. There‘s not even a single chance for me to lie. "And what If I did wore it for someone else?" Only one way and that‘s to push his last buttons. Oh how I wanted to push that buttons until –
"Someone else, yeah? Then who was it for?" "Cormac." As soon as his name left my mouth I regretted it. I see his jaw clenching and his grin fading. "Cormac yeah? So you didn‘t thought about me the whole dinner?" I slowly shake my head no, not daring to move now.
"So you‘re wet for him right now? Not me?" "What? I‘m not–" but as soon as I move my legs I feel it too. Shit. When I only look up at him his grin comes back.
"Yeah that‘s what I thought.. so why don‘t we skip this bullshit and you come with me?" Before I can even answer him, he takes my hand and pulls me trough the corridors, towards the Slytherin common room. " Mattheo I can't-" "Shut up." he hisses and whispers something under his breath so the doors to his common room would open.
"Can't fucking believe you pulled such a show in front of that stupid dick." he growled quietly before we reach his dorm. I start smiling as I see he's getting mad at the fact that Cormac saw me in that dress. "T'fuck you smiling about huh?"
As we enter his room I notice that there is only one bed which makes me wonder. "Don't you have a roommate?" "No, I have my own room." I scoff at his answer and look around his room. It has a big bed beside the window of the room and a little nightstand beside it. On the other side of the room is a big couch and a armchair.
But before I could think about it any further, he pulls me into his lap, face towards his, after he sat down on the armchair. "You know, you could have just told me If you missed me princess. Didn't need to dress all up for me." He puts his hands on my hips, grabbing them tightly.
I roll my eyes at him and act as If I didn't already enjoy his touch. "Didn't miss you." I say, looking away from him. He chuckles and pulls my face back to his with his fingers on my chin. "Are you sure?" I only nod and look into his brown eyes. They look so dark without any light in the room, that they send even more shivers down my spine than usual.
"Is your head better? Still in any pain?" he asks me grinning. "Yeah they-" wait. I never told him about my headache. Or could he hear when I told Hermione and Ginny? Or when Harry asked me at dinner?
His hands slowly wander down to my tights were my dress slowly rose up and placed them there, squeezing my flesh lightly. I felt his breath on my neck, giving me goosebumps. "It's gotten better, right?" he asks again. His lips ghosted over my skin, making me bite my lip.
"How do you know?" I ask him in a whisper. "I know everything that goes through your pretty little mind baby."
I tried to figure out what he meant by that but I couldn't concentrate with his hands on my skin and his lips almost against my neck. I need him so much.
"What baby, can't concentrate? Too much for you already?" he coos and finally kisses my neck, nibbling on the skin between his lips.
I can't believe how easy he gets under my skin with his kisses and whispers, not even doing anything. " I know you dreamed about me these last two weeks, thought about me at every chance you got. In class, in the shower, wishing it was me who touched you." he groaned against my throat.
My eyebrows squeeze together at his words. " How would you know that?" "Did you never wonder why your head always hurted at the same times?" I gasp and pull my neck away from him. " Are you reading my mind?" my eyes go wide as he just smiles at me sheepishly. Oh my god, no. This can't be. He's not allowed to know all these private thoughts.
"You don't know how hard it was for me to stay away and wait until you would come back to me but you little minx didn't and after tonight.. I couldn't just let you slip away from me again."
"Y-you can't do that Mattheo. That's not allowed. These are my thoughts." "I know baby but I couldn't help myself after that night in the shower. You were like a dream coming true so submissive and responsive to me. Fuck I'm already getting hard just thinking about it. But you understand I didn't have a chance, right? I couldn't risk you thinking about someone else then me."
He slowly pulled my dress up, exposing my tights and underwear. "God are you for real? Did you plan this?" he groans as he sees my matching set, a dark green lingerie set.
He pulls me closer to him, looking deep into my eyes.
"Ride my thigh." he commands and puts his hands back on my hips. "What?" I ask, looking at him dumbfounded. " It's my thigh or nothing. I'm not helping you getting off this time." I look at him with my mouth hanging open in shock. How could he be so cruel?
"C'mon, ride it baby I know you thought about it at dinner." My cheeks got red as he mentioned that. He dips his head towards my neck again and starts covering it in wet kisses. "Don't test my patience, love." he whispers and tightens his grip on my hips, moving them slowly. I gasp at the sudden friction.
"Feels good, right?" I only nod, closing my eyes as I start to move my hips in circles against his thigh. I feel so dirty doing this but at the same time it feels so good to finally get the friction I needed the last weeks again.
I feel my clit rubbing against my underwear, making me whimper and move my hips faster. "Fuck, look at you. I thought you were desperate back in the shower but now you're just getting yourself off on my thigh like a dirty little whore." I moaned at his words combined with his kisses on my skin. His lips went lower, first towards my collarbones, then further down to my chest.
I feel one hand of him wander to my underwear and pushing it to the side so my bare pussy rubbed against the material of his pants. I whine at the feeling, my hands grabbing his broad shoulders. " Oh my god. I'm so close Mattheo." He laughs wickedly against my chest, pushing down my dress so it hangs at the middle of my body. His mouth wanders to my bra, unclasping it with one hand behind my back.
"You're so beautiful baby, never ever am I waiting two weeks again for that." he growls and starts massaging my boobs and playing with my sensitive nipples.
I arch my back, shivers run down my spine at his touch. The grinding get's more and more intense. "Feel this?" he asks as he takes my hand and puts it on his bulge. "It's just for you." I bite my lip and look down at my hand. It looks so painful that I start massaging it through his pants. He bucks his hips up into my touch, his breathing getting heavier.
While still riding his thigh, I open his pants and push them down together with his boxershorts. His already fully hard cock slaps against his stomach before I take him into my hand. I spread the pre-cum over his tip with my thumb and start moving my hand up and down. "Shit princess.." he hisses, thrusting his hips up into my hand.
"I'm so close Mattheo.." I whine as I almost start rutting my hips against him. "Come on my leg baby, do it." he groans, lips apart.
I let go of his cock for a moment to dig my nails into his shoulders for support as I press my throbbing clit harder against him. He takes his cock into his hand and jerks himself off as he watches me panting and moaning.
With a deep twisting feeling in my stomach I come all over his thigh, riding out my orgasm.
"So good for me, look at how much you came." he says and I look down at his pants, a big wet spot on them now. My legs still shake from my high and I look up at him again.
Mattheo's POV:
Fuck. I don't know what it is but I have a feeling that this girl is going to be the death of me. With hooded eyes she looks up at me and almost get's me to cum in my own hand just from her eyes looking into mine. She had such a chokehold on me, but I will never admit that to her.
I smile down at her before I speak "already fucked out again and I didn't even touched you." The same thing I told her two weeks ago after I've eaten her pussy and she came after 3 minutes.
"Fuck off." she mumbles and falls slightly against my chest. "As much as I enjoy this closeness baby.." I start, nodding towards my rock hard cock, laying against my stomach.
I push a strand of hair behind her ear and whisper into it. " Suck on it." Her eyes go wide and she looks down on me with those innocent eyes again. " Don't tell me you never sucked cock with those pretty lips." I say, looking at her plump lips, almost begging to be fucked.
She rolls her eyes at me again, making me want to choke her until she stops. " I have." Her answer makes my clench my jaw, wishing she would've just said she didn't.
I pushed her down in front of my legs. I grab a pillow from the couch beside us and put it under her knees, making her grin. " Don't tell me you suddenly care for me Matty?" Now I am the one who rolls his eyes.
I grab her pretty hair into a ponytail and push her towards my cock. She takes it into her hand and starts to lick off the pre-cum from my tip. A moment later she starts sucking on my tip, making me smile. I have a feeling this is going to be good.
I hiss as her wet lips and warm mouth take more of my cock into her mouth. I close my eyes and let my head hang backwards. " Come on y/n, show me what you got."
Suddenly she takes me all the way down her throat, my eyes almost bulging out of my head and my mouth falling open. "Oh fuck, yeah!" I groan, gritting my teeth together. I swear I could feel her smile around me.
She bobs her head up and down in a fast pace, making me moan and groan like a little bitch. Fuck, what is it with this girl?
I feel my tip hitting the back of her throat. " Oh Shit." I lift my head up to look down at her. Her eyes are teary and her hands support herself on my tights. I start grinning, wishing I could take a picture of her pretty mouth around me.
Her throat clenches around me so delicious I almost came. "Hmm baby, you know how to suck cock. Gonna give you that." I pant.
One of her hands go down to my balls, massaging them. " Oh - " I throw my head back again, feeling something in my lower stomach. My hips buck up and I hear her gag, only getting me closer to my high. "M' gonna cum down your throat and you'll swallow it, yeah?" I ask her, breathing heavy. It doesn't take me long to cum and fill her mouth. "Fuckkk.." I groan, pushing her down even harder so her nose touches my stomach.
"Swallow it. All of it." I slowly let go of her, but seeing her cough a little only fuels my desire. She opens her mouth after she swallows and shows me that she swallowed every single drop.
"That's a good girl. Now come on.. let's take a shower." I say grinning at her and helping her back up. "Mattheo I don't know If I can walk so far." she sighs as she stands on her still shaky legs.
I kiss the top of her head, something I never do but just feels right with her. " You don't have to. I have my own shower." I pick her up bridal style and carry her towards my bathroom."
Y/n's POV:
As he picks me up to carry me, I feel a few butterfly's in my stomach but I try to suppress them.
He let's me down when we stand under his shower. His clothes hit the floor. "Hot or cold?" he ask, putting his hand on the tap. "Hot." I say and watch his back. Last time I didn't noticed but he has big scars all over his back, some even on his chest. He must see my face cause he asks me "What's wrong?" I shake my head and try to smile.
"Nothing." I see it in his eyes that he doesn't buy my lie but doesn't push me either. As the warm water hits my skin, I sigh in relief. I let my hair get wet and wash off the makeup I had on. While I did so, Mattheo stands right behind me, his hands on my hips, scanning my face.
I open my eyes and see him looking. " What?" I ask grinning. " You're beautiful." I roll my eyes and look away again, trying to hide my blush. "You don't have to try to get into my pants. You already are." He turns me around and holds my face. " Hey.. I really mean it. And not just your body. Your face is prettier than the ones of angels." My eyes widen at his words, not expecting that kind of words from him.
He clears his throat and looks away for a moment himself. That's when I grab his face in both my hands and crash my lips into his. The kiss is hungry, more passionate and different than the last times. More tender.
One of his hands slide up and down my back, while the other lays on my hip. "You make me crazy, princess." he admits, mumbling against my lips. I smile into the kiss. "Don't go soft Mattheo." I say, teasing him.
He starts kissing my neck, but less soft and more aggressively now. "Remember who's in charge here baby. I would choose your words wisely." He lifts me up so I wrap my legs around his waist. "This time I wanna see your face when I fuck you."
He takes his cock into his hand and positions it at my entrance, teasing me with it. „Mattheo come on, fuck me.." i huff out frustrated. "Beg for it, wanna hear you beg again like the last time I fucked you." I roll my eyes at his ego, but still do as he tells me to. "Please, I'm already begging you to fuck me."
Ge grins down at me and slowly pushes inside me, holding eye contact the whole time. His lips part and his eyes get lazy. "Fuck, you feel just as good as the first time I fucked you stupid."
I want to bite back but only bite my lip as he starts thrusting in a fast and hard pace. "What was that? I'm going soft princess?" His grip on my hips gets tighter and he starts kissing my neck up and down. " N-no you're not.." I whimper, closing my eyes and letting my head fall back against the wall.
What was is that he had me under his control so much? Not even a single brain cell told me to not do as he says. I can't with this boy..
His lips work their way up to my ear and he whispers "I'm a man baby, a boy wouldn't fuck you like I do. " Goosebumps erupt over my body and again he's right. " Stop messing around in my head." I growl lightly, supressing a moan in my throat. "You're all mine. I don't give a shit about how you see that, cause I know your body screams for mine every night. And it will never get someone else's. Do you understand?"
He stops kissing my neck and looks at me while thrusting his hips against mine. A shiver run down my spine as I looked into his eyes, but this time not a good one. It was ice cold. I never saw him looking tat serious and cold. Possesive. "Do. You. Under. Stand." he asks me again, deep and hard thrust for every word.
"God yes, Mattheo. I understand!" I cry out as his fingers find their way towards my clit, rubbing it in circles. My nails leave marks all over his back, drawing a little blood.
He starts hissing but laughing at the same time at the pain. He's gonna be the death of me. "No, you're gonna be mine, princess. Do that again with your nails, turns me on." As I don't, he mumbles a quite "okay" and presses me harder against the shower wall, fucking me even deeper and more brutal. My nails find their way back inside his skin and I'm sure If we had been o the bed It would be broken by now.
"When are you gonna learn to not be a little brat, huh?" he asks, a smirk on his face. "I own you now, baby." I let out half a snort half a chuckle. " Do I own you then too?" I ask sarcastically. " You own every inch of me."
My face falls a little at his answer, not expecting it. Did he mean that?But as soon as my thoughts started, I forgot them as he starts to rub my clit even harder, but in a steady rhythm.
"Oh yeah look at that in pleasure twisting face, that's fucking it." he groans, his thrust becoming more erratic. One hand leaves my hip and wraps itself around my throat, squeezing it with the perfect amount of pressure. A broken scream leaves my lips with my eyes rolling back.
"Yeah scream so loud Cormac hears who‘s name you‘re moaning tonight." I press my lips together but he squeezes my throat tighter. My walls clench around him, making him lose his control, eyes rolling back a bit with a smile to it. "I love that pussy so much fuck.I bet he can't fuck you like I can, huh?"
This time my answer comes in a instant. " No- no he can't. I'm so close Mattheo, please." I moan as I feel this deep twisting feeling in my stomach. His lips meet mine, to my surprise. Unlike how he fucks, he kisses me soft and passionate. "Come around me baby.Please fucking come around me." he groans almost desperate.
And just like that I let go and let the feeling of my orgasm overflow me. "Hm shit.. can I come inside you baby?" Mattheo pants against my lips while he looks down between us. I just nod quickly, feeling him coming inside me a few seconds later. "Shit.." a whimper leaves his lips as he fills me up.
My stomach twists again at the sound so I look at him and scan his face for a moment. I think that's the hottest sound my ears ever came across. He looks fucked out too, his eyes heavy.
He slowly pulls out but still holds me. "You make me so addicted." he confesses to me, looking between my eyes and lips. I had to. " So you're going soft now again?" I tease him, out of breath.
He chuckles lowly which ends with me bent over every single surface in his room.
I don't know how long I can survive in that.
I just know ya‘ll hate and love me for posting this.. after weeks :) <3
There‘s gonna be a part 3, the final then. Hehe.
Taglist: @idk-simra @kindnessspreads @purplegardenwhispers @glittervame @oxi8 @lovelyygirl8 @yakosobaboba | thank you for supporting guys 🫶🏻
I created a Tag List Form if you‘re interested: Taglist Form
xoxo sarah <3
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wondersinwaynemanor · 2 months
let's pretend that this is the right timeline because what if Dick becomes Batman at the same time when Wally becomes The Flash?
let's also say that this is just like the Justice League animated series wherein the League members don't know each member's identities (except of course Bruce, he knows everybody).
how funny would it be if Dick and Wally are together and the rest of the League are confused because all of a sudden Batman and Flash are close like super close? i mean they have witnessed how Flash gets intimidated by Batman. now, that's not the case anymore.
during a meeting:
Hal, leaning to John during a League meeting, whispers: I'm not losing my mind, right?
John, whispers back: I think I know what you mean.
Hal: Why is Flash making heart eyes to Bats????
John: I know??? Flash doesn't even look him in the eyes before.
Hal: That's so odd, dude.
Batman glances at the two Green Lanterns which makes them shut up.
meanwhile, across the table, Martian Manhunter has a light smile on his lips and Superman covers his laugh with a cough.
at the cafeteria:
Ollie: Hey, Dinah. Have you noticed something unusual between Batman and Flash lately?
Dinah: It is quite unusual, huh? I was talking to Hawkgirl the other day and she said she saw Flash bridal carry Bats.
Ollie: What the actual fu-
Flash, approaches the couple's table with a big bowl of nachos on his hand: Hey, guys! Mind if I sit with you?
Ollie and Dinah give a knowing look at each other. a conversation they definitely will finish later.
during in an another planet mission:
Batman, after announcing everyone's partners for the mission:... And lastly, I will pair up with Flash in today's mission.
Flash grins widely, that has Arthur thinking his cheeks might be hurting after that.
Arthur: Yeah, yeah. At this point, we already know, Bats!
the Green Lanterns, along with Captain Marvel and Booster Gold, snicker at his comment.
Batman ignores Arthur's comment and the rest of the members scatter to their assigned locations.
Victor, who was paired with Arthur: Was gonna give that comment too.
Arthur: It's like they are inseparable all of a sudden.
Victor, shakes his head: Well, I have seen weirder things.
in the meeting hall:
Wonder Woman, pulls Batman in the corner of the room: Okay, that's enough. You are truly ignoring me. What is going on with you lately?
Batman: Did the rest of the League put you up to this?
Wonder Woman, has her hands on her hips: They didn't need to. So, tell me. And don't you ever lie to me, I can see right through you, Batman.
Batman, sighs: It's hard for me to explain. I can't-I can't tell you right now.
Wonder Woman: Hera! Now, Bru-Batman.
before Batman responses, the door of the meeting hall opens and in comes Robin with his katana. the conversations between the League members come to a stop as they stare at the young hero.
Robin, glances at everyone, before approaching Flash: I need help with an important matter.
Flash, smiles and ruffles Robin's hair, as if that's second nature: Of course, little dude.
Hal, stands up from his seat: THAT'S IT! Can somebody tell me what the hell is going on????
Ollie, stands up with him: Are we in another dimension that I don't know about?????
Dinah pulls Ollie down by his arm to make him sit again.
the rest of the League members start to converse against each other.
Superman, floats a bit from his seat: Why don't we all settle down? There's nothing to be alarmed about.
Robin, shakes his head: Tt. Absolute fools.
by the time Bruce and Barry are back:
Bruce, pinches the bridge of his nose: Chum, you could at least be discreet with Wally.
Dick: It's not my fault, B! I swear I was going to explain to Aunt Diana then Dami entered the room.
Damian: Tt. Don't blame me, Grayson. Why don't you lecture West on how to be more responsible? He left me on read when I asked help for my Science project.
Dick, sighs: And what about Timmy? He could have helped.
Damian: I don't want anything to do with Drake.
Bruce massages his temples as he feels a headache coming up.
Barry: Wally!!!!
Wally, zooms right in front of Barry: I couldn't help it, okay?? Dick is just irresistible.
Iris giggles as she prepares the table for dinner.
Barry, sighs: That's alright. I'll talk to Bats on how we can explain it to the team.
Wally, grins and sits down by the table: It was hard not to laugh at them. They were so confused.
Barry, chuckles: I'm sure Hal's expression was the funniest.
Wally, laughs: You have no idea, Uncle Barry.
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bakupom · 9 months
𝐬𝐥𝐞𝐞𝐩𝐲 - 𝐤𝐚𝐭𝐬𝐮𝐤𝐢 𝐛𝐚𝐤𝐮𝐠𝐨𝐮
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𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲 ↣ bakugo becomes sleepy and asks you to shave his face for him.
𝐰/𝐜 ↣ 0.5k
𝐚/𝐧  ↣ this is a repost from my old account! i'm moving blogs lol
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“hey, come to the bathroom real quick” you read from your phone after receiving a text from bakugou. you sighed and got out of bakugou’s cozy bed, heading for the bathroom to see what he wanted. 
“what do you want katsuki? you were supposed to come back to your room like 10 minutes ago so we could watch a movie.” you huffed as you walked into the bathroom and were greeted by bakugou who was only wearing a towel around his waist. 
“stop being such a brat, it didn’t even take that long. anyways, i called you in here because i need your help.” he declared.
“YOU need MY help? the world is ending.” you joked while giggling to yourself.
“oh just shut up” bakugou grumbled while holding back a smile. without any warning, he wrapped his hands around your waist and hoisted you up onto the bathroom counter.
“are you trying to fuc—”
“don’t.” bakugou quickly said before you even got to finish your sentence. “shave my face.” he continued while handing you a razor and shaving cream. 
“and you couldn’t do this yourself because…?” you laughed while grabbing the supplies from him.
“i like it when you do it. plus, i’m tired” he stated simply.
“fine you manchild. first, let’s swap positions” you said while stepping down from the counter.
“why? you won’t be able to reach me from there” he questioned confusedly while complying nonetheless.
“so i can do this” you said before getting back up to sit on his lap while wrapping your legs around him.
“so damn clingy” bakugou said in fake annoyance while trying to hide the blush creeping upon his face.
“you know you love it”  you said before you both landed into a comfortable silence while you shaved his stubble. looking up at him, you saw him already staring at you. 
“why are you staring at me you creep?” you joked while breaking the silence.
“because you’re so beautiful” bakugou freely complimented you without holding back or throwing in an insult.
“that’s how i know you’re tired” you laughed.
 “am i not allowed to compliment my girlfriend? i should’ve just called you ugly” he said while yawning and nuzzling his head into your chest as he wrapped his arms around your body. 
“katsu get off, you’re getting shaving cream on me! i have one more spot left.” you said while trying to free yourself from his grip.
“no. i’m tired. we’re going to bed now.” he mumbled before lifting himself up with you still on him and carrying you both to his bed.
reaching his room, he plopped you down on his bed and you looked at him with a scowl on your face.
“why are you looking at me like that?” he questioned, not laying down until you answered him.
“you got shaving cream all over my shirt.”
“stop whining, you know you can wear one of mine.” he sighed while handing you an oversized shirt from his closet. 
“yay!” you cheered while swapping your shirts.
“let’s go to sleep now” he sighed in relief as he entered the warmth of his bed and immediately wrapped his arms around your waist with you facing him.
“katsuki?” you said softly while stroking his face gently.
“hmm?” we hummed while nuzzling his face further into your hands.
“you know you’re going to have one patch of hair left on your face and you’re gonna look like an idiot, right?”
“go to hell”
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straawberries · 5 months
gonna make another post since that usually helps with reach
teehee poll for reach. please read the rest of this if you can
heeyyy its me delilah. im an autistic plural trans girl with ptsd, and im living in an abusive household with my adoptive "father" that absolutely hates me. in less than 4 months, i am going to be kicked out, and i am trying to raise the money i need to survive this event.
ive been trying, pretty much every chance i get, to get a job, but i think because of this shitty small town in texas, everyone already knows who i am and nobody wants to hire me. this means i have to rely on stuff like this.
by JUNE 1ST 2024, i need to make enough money to move out, or else... well, i dont really know what will happen to me (other than vague "homelessness"), but im really scared that it wont end well.
on top of that im rarely being fed enough which is seriously fucking with my mood and making me feel like shit, so im having to balance saving and eating which.. with the money im currently getting, is not very sustainable. other than a few people giving a lot (who i am eternally thankful for and if youre able to do this i would basically do anything for you) im basically getting zero donations.
i get that this kind of stuff is annoying and maybe a bit slow, but just taking a few seconds, maybe a minute or two at most, to give me a small amount of money, would be a hell of a lot more helpful than doing nothing.
C*SH*PP - @delilahswagga
P*YP*L - @delilahkill
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plenty of people use stuff like this to scam, so heres some info about me if you doubt that this is true. (copy pasted from previous post)
i have a really big love for performing, i fell in love with theatre years ago and performed the addams family musical as fester about a month ago as my biggest role on stage yet, and right now im in the process of getting ready for antigone as teiresius. i love music, and its one of my life goals to learn as many instruments as possible, and currently i own quite a few, though my favorites are my two ukuleles and my super cool electric guitar. i have 8 partners at the moment, and i have a very big desire to one day live with as many of them as i can. i pride myself on being the best partner i can be, and its been my goal to make all my partner's lives better (and i think ive been doing a good job at it :3)
i love cats an extreme amount, ive never had a cat myself (because my dad is insane and hates cats and tries to hit cats with his truck) but being around cats makes me super happy and always makes my anxieties go away, even when im having an anxiety attack or a panic attack. i really hope i can get a few cats one day, and i want to give them all silly food names :) my fursona is kind of a reflection of that, her name is bagel. some cat names ive thought of are mochi, chili, Supreme Pizza, or maybe french fry :)
im not sure if ill be able to achieve any of my goals if i dont get the financial support i need. ive been.. really close to giving up recently, but i dont want to have to do that, so im going to fight like this for as long as i can.
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jonnywaistcoat · 3 months
When writing, did you ever suffer from a fear or underdelivering or misrepresenting a topic? If you did, how did you overcome it? I enjoy writing but rarely bring it to the public out of fear that I am either not doing good enough or badly portraying the themes or aspects of what I write.
Absolutely, and on the one hand it's a very healthy fear - it prompts you to do your research and be thoughtful in how you write. On the other hand you've just got to accept that occasionally it will happen. Inculturation is a hell of a thing, and leaves us all with a thousand kneejerk preconceptions and perceptions of the world, some benign and some downright awful. And sometimes they crop up no matter how thoughtful you try to be. And you gotta understand that when it happens and people call you on it, you just have to take your lumps and learn what you can from it.
It doesn't help, of course, that the words you write are only ever half of what your audience reads: five people reading the same book are reading five different books, each filtering the text through a lifetime of psychology and experience. And they will find themes and problems in there you never even considered, and they will also find resonances and beauty in your work that you could never have foreseen.
At the end of the day, writing stuff thats meaningful to you (hell, writing anything at all) is a messy, bruising business, and anybody who tells you there are simple solutions or clear rules to follow is either lying to you or to themselves.
But you can't let it paralyse you. Its like if you're playing football and you're worried about falling over. It's a reasonable fear and you should do your best to avoid it, but occasionally it's gonna happen, and unless you want to spend the whole game just standing still in a field, you've kinda just got to get on with it. Just try not to be one of those writers who's always taking dives and... screaming for the ref to get a free kick? Hm. That analogy may have gotten away from me. I don't actually know much about football.
Point is, I'm aware that this isn't the most reassuring writing advice I've ever given, but yeah, its a messy, scary business. Just do your best. Be thoughtful. Be kind. And always do your research.
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laundrybiscuits · 1 year
The officer leans close, jabbing a finger into Steve’s chest. “You’re damn lucky it ain’t ten years ago or one state over,” he growls. “You could be looking at a felony charge, serving 15 to life. We didn’t stand for this kind of thing in Hawkins when I joined the force.”
Steve just folds his arms and gives the officer a bored look. “Okay,” he says. “Good talk. Can I see my boyfriend now?”
The officer sneers, but he steps aside to let Steve through. They’ve got Eddie cuffed to the hospital bed with another gun-toting guard in the corner. 
“Jesus christ,” snaps Steve. “He’s not gonna escape, he can’t even walk right now. Why don’t you clear out and give us a little privacy, huh?”
“Sorry,” says the guard, not sounding all that sorry. “It’s for his own protection.”
Fuck. He’s gonna have to hope Eddie can follow his lead. All that practice pretending to be a wizard or whatever has to be good for something, right?
He perches on the side of Eddie’s bed and takes his hand. He can do this. “Hey, gorgeous. How’re you feeling?” 
“Uh,” says Eddie, eyebrows doing something hilarious. “Steve?”
“It’s okay,” says Steve. He rubs his thumb over Eddie’s knuckles. This is the most they’ve ever touched, he thinks—the most that was just skin, no layers of denim or leather in between. Not even a layer of blood and dirt. 
He swallows and keeps going, willing Eddie to develop freaky mind-reading powers all of a sudden. “I know you didn’t want to tell anyone about us, but I had to, baby. I’m sorry. I had to tell them you were, y’know, with me when…when Jason killed Chrissy.”
“You didn’t have to tell them about us,” says Eddie slowly. He’s giving Steve kind of an intense look. “Honey-pie. I’m sure there’s gotta be another way. One without as many consequences for you that you might not have thought all the way through.”
“There really isn’t,” Steve says. Thank god Eddie’s so quick on the uptake. Sure, he’s being a stubborn dick about it, but at least it doesn’t seem like he’s going to let anything slip. 
“Fucking hell,” sighs Eddie. “Don’t suppose we can put that pesky little cat back in the bag. Okay. Darling angel, light of my life, corndog of my soul, who else knows?”
Corndog of my soul, Steve mouths to himself. “Just the cops. And Robin and Nancy, obviously. And—oh, remember Hopper?”
“Do I remember Hopper, he asks. Oh, pudding-pop. The late Chief Hopper and I spent so, so much quality time together over the years; he was practically a father figure to me. And just as with my actual dear old dad, his departure was cause for great rejoicing in Casa Munson.”
“Sorry to break the bad news, then. Hop’s alive, and he—uh, he knows everything.” Steve tries to communicate the scope of everything by kind of tilting his head back and forth. “He’s been…helping.”
“Huh. No shit,” says Eddie. Steve can’t tell whether or not he’s getting it. To be fair, there’s a lot to get. “Okay, gallant knight errant of mine, any news on whether or not I’m getting sprung from this charmingly appointed dungeon?”
“We’re…Hopper’s working on it. That’s why I’m. Y’know. Here. To tell you that they know about us.” 
“Cool, right, understood.” Eddie closes his eyes, leaning back on his pillow. It’s so strange to see him in nothing but a hospital gown against white sheets. He looks like a wrung-out dishtowel. 
There’s a commotion from outside, raised voices saying something like you let him what and haven’t even interrogated the Munson kid yet and not a legal status you fuckin—
“Time’s up, sweetheart,” says Eddie, mouth quirking up into the ghost of a smile. “Anything else you wanna say before they decide to upgrade my security?”
“Uh,” says Steve. He’d mostly been focusing on getting the basics of Eddie’s alibi across in a convincing way, and he can’t remember if there were any other details Eddie should know. 
He hears the door slam open behind him, and panics. “Love you, bye,” he says, and ducks in to brush a quick kiss across Eddie’s chapped lips. The last thing he sees as he’s hauled bodily out of the room by a pissed-off detective is Eddie with his eyes gone enormous and shocked, lifting his uncuffed hand to his mouth, looking and looking at Steve like something is always going to be different from now on, forever.
(ETA: small continuation here!)
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kamiversee · 3 months
Talk Me Through It ꨄ
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[ { Synopsis } ] ➤ Your fwb Suguru calls you late at night after having a wet dream about you— he wants you to listen to what you do to him.
[ { Need to know } ] ➤This is a What-If scenario that stems from my fic; The F*ck List— A tale in which Gojo Satoru blackmails you into seducing a list of people to clear his debt.
[ { Content & Warning } ] ➤ f!reader, dirty talk, language, smut, tw; slight tease to satosugu, & pet names.
[ { Paring } ] ➤ Geto Suguru x f!reader. Perv!Geto x f!reader.
[ { Word Count } ] ➤ 3.7k
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If there was one thing any of the men you dealt with realized— it was that. Your cunt was fucking addicting. On their mouth, fingers, cock, it didn’t matter. Simply having your sex on them was something that became a constant crave.
Which perfectly explains why Geto Suguru is having trouble sleeping right now.
Oh how you plagued his mind even in his sleep. The fuck are you doing in his dreams? Why are your lips wrapped around his cock again? And just why is his tip knocking into the back of your throat?
It was so damn vivid that he swore it was real. After all, it’s not like he hasn’t felt all of that before— you had a mouth that was just too damn good. Then there were your hands, you knew how to use your body well.
Speaking of hands, Geto swears he’s not just imagining your dainty but pretty manicured fingers cupping his balls as you throat his hefty size. He’s still deep in his sleep but his body shifts around and a slight groggy groan leaves his throat.
Damn you. Don’t you have other people’s heads to be in? Like Satoru’s for example? What the hell are you doing in Geto’s dream?
That final question makes the man stir awake, aggravated by the painful boner in his sweats as his eyes flutter open. He kisses his teeth and then sighs, moving a hand up to his head to rake a set of fingers through his loose and messy black locks.
Slowly, Geto sits up and glances around his dark room, soon spotting the clock that reads 12:47 pm. You should still be up, no? Ah, who cares if you’re not, he’ll wake you up— you caused this anyway.
Wait, what’s he gonna call you for again? Geto blinks, moving to rub his eyes as he tries to focus his thoughts. Oh, that’s right, his cock is twitching and sticking up his boxers. Yeah, that and since you caused it, you might as well help him get off.
The raven-haired man moved to tug his blanket off his body, a slip of air following the movement and hitting his naked chest as he moved to his nearby nightstand. Geto rubs his eyes yet again with one hand as the other grabs his cell and he goes to unlock it.
He’s yawning as he swipes through his phone in search of your contact and once he finds it, he wonders how he should go about doing this. Staring at your name for a few minutes, he cracks a smirk and goes to call you as he gets comfortable.
His back is against his headboard and his thighs part comfortably whilst the phone rings. Geto waits and waits and waits, swearing that if you don’t pick up, he’ll just come over and-
“Hello?” Your voice is suddenly heard through the device, softer than normal and a bit groggy, “Suguru?”
Geto smiles at the sound, you���d clearly just woken up, and that made this all the more perfect, “Jus’ listen,” He hums out.
His voice was low and far deeper than you knew it to be, helping you to wake up a bit more as your brows furrowed, “Wha-“
Then you hear it— this wet sound that makes your ears perk up and you sit up in your bed. You go to rub your eyes and turn the volume up on your phone, wondering what the hell Geto called you for and what exactly you’re supposed to be listening to-
Again, there’s another wet sound, almost like the sound of someone spitting. You think you’re holding your breath trying to listen and thank fuck for that because it allows you to hear this slick sound start-up over the phone.
It’s a sound you’re no stranger to. After all, it’s not hard to tell when a guy is jerking off over the phone but fuck was it vivid.
“S-Suguru? Are you…” Your voice fades out a bit and Geto hums deeply.
His large hand was running up and down his cock in slow pulls, breathing picking up a bit. “Am I what?” He asks.
Good lord his voice is deep and sexy.
You swallow hard, “Are you… jerking off?” You ask timidly.
His head eases back against his headboard and his thumb swirls over his tip, “No?” Geto lies, chuckling at how quickly you picked up on his actions, “Jus’ wanted to call ‘nd talk to you, why would you think m’jerkin’ off?” He grumbles out.
You scoff, “The first thing you said when we got on the phone was jus’ listen. So I did… anddd it sounds like you’re jerking off.” You tease, snickering a bit at him.
Geto’s pulls grow a bit quicker as you speak, his breathing getting heavier, “Does it really?”
“Mhm, can’ hear how wet your…” You hold your tongue, realizing you were about to say something rather lewd.
“My what?” He huffs, “Say it.”
Taking a moment, the gears of your recently woken-up brain grind slowly before you sigh. Your voice gets lower, a bit more sultry and your body heats up, “I can hear how wet your cock is, Sugu.” You tell him.
You swear the sounds get louder, or maybe you were turning the volume up even more— either way, the slickness of Geto stroking himself grew closer to the phone before you heard him breathe heavily, “Hahhh, yeah?” Geto moans out, “Shit, keep talkin’ like that, s’helpin’ me get off.”
“I-,” You smile and move around in your bed, your thighs pressing together, “Are you serious?”
With the sound of you talking in such an obviously aroused tone, Geto was losing his mind on his end. Why hadn’t he done this with you sooner? Damn, maybe Gojo did have a point all those times he said your voice was hot…
“Yeah,” Geto breathes out to you, fisting his cock in quicker pulls. His gaze was hazy and his body was hot, knowing you were listening to him made him twitch within his palm, “Had’ a wet dream about you, woke up hard, ‘nd now all I need is your voice in my ear.”
A smile creeps onto your face and there’s a sudden pulse in between your legs, “You had a wet dream about me?”
“Mhm, had’ your lips wrapped around my cock,” Geto hums, god his voice is driving you crazy right now. “You were suckin’ me off soooo good.” He praises.
“Was I really?” You taunt, chuckling a bit afterward— the sound coming out far more airy than you realized.
“Yeah, s-shit,” He suddenly whines, his grip on the phone tightening along with his other hand slowing down on his dick and squeezing in the same manner he’s felt you do before, “Keep talkin’ please.”
You tilt your head against your phone and one of your hands begins to wander a bit, “What am I supposed to say? You called me to get off on my voice— fuckin’ perv.” You whisper the last part just to tease him.
Geto’s smiling to himself at the sound before he groans, “Aghh shit, don’t say that.”
“Why? You like it.”
He rolls his eyes, “You’re such a tease.”
There’s a moment of quietness again as you hear how breathy his words came out. Followed by which are these short and soft pants that mirror and sync with the jerky wet shlick shlick that comes from him stroking his cock. It was turning you on to listen to, especially as this throaty little moan slips past his lips.
Your thighs are pressed together firmly as you speak, a hand moving to rest on your stomach, “You’re not so innocent y’know…” You tell him.
“Hm?” Geto hums curiously.
“I’ve had uh…” You swallow, “I’ve had dreams about you before.”
That catches him off guard and his hand tightens around the base of his cock to stop himself from blowing his load at the mere thought of you having a wet dream about him. 
“Yeah? Tell me about ‘em.” Geto requests before removing his hand from his dick entirely. He watches himself twitch and throb but he holds himself back just to hear what you have to say.
“Now?” You ask nervously.
“Yes now,” Geto replies sassily.
A brief smile that graces your face before you sigh, “Are you sure-“
“If you keep taunting me I’ll jus’ come over and fuck you hard enough so that even Shoko hears you-“
Your eyes widen, “Okay, okay…”
“Uhuh, that’s what I thought,” He hums, smiling to himself.
You scoff, “The last dream I had about you… uh, you were uhm… we y’know… outside….”
“Why’re you mumblin’?” Geto chuckles, finding your shyness cute, “What, did we fuck in public or somethin’?”
You gulp as you remember the dream you had, your fingers moving to run beneath the waistband of the shorts you wore, “Mhm… kinda…”
“Oh yeah?” Geto taunts before his hand returns to his now leaking cock.
Just a few words from you and pre was sliding down his length, sticking up his skin, and making quite the mess.
“Mhm…” You hum, voice growing lighter, “You bent me over the hood of your car…”
He bites back a moan as his fingers wrap around his length, “Did I now?”
“Yeah.” You whisper, your own hands wandering lower.
Geto’s hips lift into his fist and he grunts a bit, “And what else?”
“You pressed my face against it, fucked me real good, and your mouth…” You unintentionally pant a bit as the last word leaves your lips, the memory and current situation working you up.
“What about my mouth, gorgeous?” Geto purrs, “What’d I say t’you?”
“Y’know…” You shrug, “The normal filth you say…”
“Noo, I don’t know. What’s the normal filth I say? Hm?”
“I don’t wanna repeat it, Sugu,” You pout, “It’s embarrassing.”
A smirk spreads across his face and as he uses his hand to fuck himself, eyes flickering ever so slightly, “I know. That’s exactly why I want you to say it.”
You sigh heavily, “You… You asked me if I liked being split open by your cock…”
“Hah, yeah, sounds like somethin’ I’d say…” Geto drawls out, pausing afterward. “…Do you?” He asks.
“H-Huh?” You half-moan.
“Do you like bein’ split open by my cock?” The man asks bluntly, voice husky.
Your brows furrow and your mouth forms the slightest O shape, “Suguru-“
“Like’ feelin’ me deep in your cunt?” He groans into the phone.
Yeah, by this point you’d joined him in pleasing yourself, “Hah… I-“
“You touchin’ yourself over there?” He points out, his voice mixed with a groan.
You bite your lower lip, “M-Maybe…”
“Should I come over?” Geto offers, his hand a mess with his cum as he jerks off much faster than before. Knowing you were touching yourself because of him made his head spin and blood rush to his cock.
“Mmmh… N-No… Just uh,” You swallow down a moan, “Talk me through it, Sugu…”
He cracks a smirk, “Talk you through it? Mmh, how ‘bout you jus’ show me what you’re doin’ ‘nd we help each other out?”
You whine at the thought alone, fingers soaked from your cunt, “S-Show you?”
“Mhmmm, Show me how you play with yourself, c’mon,” Geto lets out another groan, “I promise I’ll return the favor.”
“Do… Do you want like, a video or something?” You offer with a slight shake to your voice.
“Nope, video call me,” He says.
“We can help each other, c’mon pretty.”
Rolling your eyes, your fingers curl inside you and you groan, “You’re insufferable….”
“Lemme’ see your pussy,” He says bluntly.
His words make you snicker, “You have no shame, do you?”
Geto laughs, “None at all. Now c’mon, show me your pretty lil’ cunt so I can finish.”
With a roll of your eyes, you move the phone away from your ear and go to video call the man. Your heart was pounding in nervousness yet you were excited for what was about to take place. 
Sure, you should technically have some kind of fear for doing anything over the phone but you weren’t thinking about that right now…
.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆ .  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆
Getting on a video call with Geto Suguru was worse than simply listening to him.
For starters, when the video call was initially collected, you didn't even get the chance to say anything as he’d set his phone up nicely just for you. Pervert might be an understatement because what exactly were you supposed to make of seeing Geto jerk off with your panties held up to his face?
If you weren’t soaked from before, you sure as hell were now. The lacy fabric was weaved between his fingers, firmly held up against his nose as his brows tensed, lips parted, and hand tugged at his cock in hastier pulls.
When had he even gotten your panties out from wherever he’d been keeping them? You don’t know but, you were too busy scrambling around in your bed to set yourself up to care.
Especially when he groans, “Hurry up ‘nd gimme a show,” Geto demands, voice husk and a half smile cracking across his expression.
You could see him so clearly on your phone. The moonlight in his room illuminated his entire body and goddamn the man was sweaty and disheveled in such a sinfully perfect way. Long dark hair splaying out and down his chest, smaller strands sticking to his forehead, abs coated in sweat, and cock flushed and leaking— all for you.
It took you only a minute to get your phone propped up and you think your embarrassment has faded almost completely. With your legs spread nice and wide, shorts discarded elsewhere, and fingers slowly returning to your sex, you gave him just as good of a view.
Geto moans the very second he lays eyes on your cunt displayed so deliciously for him. Part of him thought to just come over and dive his head right in between those thighs of yours, lips latching to your cunt and tongue eager to fuck into you like always.
“Fuuuck,” He groans. You then watch the way he takes your panties away from his face and wraps them around his cock, “Spread yourself open f’me,” He instructs slowly.
Your cunt practically drools at his words as you take two fingers and parr your folds for the man. His stare is intense and you can hear his breathing grow heavy, a faint whine leaving the back of his throat every time he exhales.
“Y-Yeah, tha’s good-, fuuck…” Geto groans, fisting his member at a pace to match how you take your free hand and finger yourself steadily. “Maybe I should come over…” He hums.
You shake your head, “M’fine just like this, hah…”
“Yeah? Y’like finger fuckin’ yourself while I watch? Hm?” He taunts, to which you moan and your thighs threaten to close on you. “Answer me, pretty. Wanna’ hear your voice.”
You nod a little, “Y-Yeah, I like-, nngh… gettin’ off like this, shit…”
Geto’s close— you could tell based on how he starts talking more, “We should do this more often then,” He offers, watching as your thighs start to draw together. Then, he can’t help the way his voice gets lower, “Keep those fuckin’ legs open.”
“M’trying-, ah…” Your head tossed back and his sudden command only gets you impossibly wetter.
“Try harder. Shiiit, look at her glisten…” He suddenly purrs, eyes narrowing at the view on his screen, “F-Fuck…” The harder he focuses, the more he can feel his balls tighten, his orgasm approaching, “Oh shit-, I wanna fuck you so bad right now.”
You whine, “C-Come over Sugu…”
His head cocks to the side and lewd slick sounds are slipping throughout the air between both of you, “Thought’ you didn’t want me to?” Geto recalls.
“I need you-, mmgh…” You moan out, brows tensing as you notice it’s harder to get off by yourself— you hadn’t had to do so in a while after all, “I c-can’t…”
He bites his lip, “Can’t what? Can’t get off without me, hm?”
“No…” You shake your head, agreeing with his statement, “Hahh… s’hard Sugu…”
His head weighs back a bit. Knowing that you can’t get off without him nearly drove him off the edge, “Aw, your fingers aren’t hittin’ all the right spots anymore?”
Still shaking your head, almost desperately, “N-No.” You mutter, upping the pace of your fingers to mirror him.
“Poor girllll,” Geto coos, your cunt clenching, “You need my fingers? My cock?”
“Yes Suguru,” Your words come out in a moan as your back arches off the bed a little, “Fuck, yes please,” You beg.
And that was all it took for him, hot spurts of cum leaving the tip of his cock as your desperate little pleas hit his ears. A gruff, “Y-You’re almost there, pretty,” Is said to you as he tries to help you with his words.
A soft mewl leaves your lips, “Sugu, I c-can’t-“
His hand has slowed as he tries not to overstimulate himself, still smearing his cum over his shaft and panting. He didn’t want to stop, “Yes you can, c’monnnn, cum f’me. Show me how messy that pussy gets.”
Your jaw drops a little, “God-, I hate your mouth.”
Watching how your legs nearly close on yourself again, how your fingers struggle to reach that one spot inside you, Geto smirks, “No you don’t.”
You let out a sexy fuck-out chuckle, “I don’t.” You agree.
“Mhm, I know,” He scoffs, “Now hurry up ‘n finish and maybe I’ll come over.”
“Mmh…” You hum, neck arching a bit as your eyes flicker at the mere thought.
“Like’ the sound of that? Want me to come over and fuck you real good? Huh?” His voice is suddenly closer to the phone, having picked the device up so you could hear him better. And also so he could get a closer look at your pussy.
You were so wet, “Yeahhh…” You whimper.
“Stuff you nice ‘nd full of my cock?” Geto continues. Oh he enjoyed talking you through it like this.
Your struggling display was beyond sexy to him, tantalizing even. You were too caught up fingering yourself to notice this man letting out soft hums that faded into these slight seductive purrs, he was more into this than he let on, despite just getting off to you.
“Uhuh, p-please,” Your voice suddenly hit his ears again and his cock started to twitch back to life.
“Fuuck, y’know how I feel about you beggin’,” Geto groans, a whine laying beneath his words.
One of your fingers just grazes your g-spot and you groan in frustration, pathetic little tears building up in the corner of your eyes, “Need it s’bad Sugu, please just come over.”
He smiles, “You gotta cum for me first.”
“Touch your clit, c’mon, did you really forget how to please yourself?” Geto teases, his eyes studying exactly how you’ve been touching yourself.
“N-No… It’s just, ngh, y-you usually…” You take your other hand and do as he’s said, panting afterward instead of finishing your statement, “Hahhh…”
“Yeah yeah, I know, I usually do it for you,” He continues for you.
Your moans were so sweet and soft, “Ah, m-mgh…” The sound caressed his ears, making his dick stiffen completely all over again. That, and the unfiltered and raw sight of your pussy spread open for him, delicate fingers dipping in and out and in and out so melodically. 
He’s smirking, “C’mon, curl your fingers. Curl ‘em like how I do… Actually, curl ‘em like how Satoru does.”
A staggered little gasp emits from you, “Shit-, w-why would you say-,” You mindlessly follow his instructions, suddenly recalling that white-haired man and remembering how deep and calculated his fingers were. The way he just knew what spots to hit, how slim and lengthy his digits were-, “Hnngh… ahh.. m’cumming…”
Your moans fade out as you bite your lower lip, orgasm crashing over you due to the mere remembrance of Gojo’s fingers. Well, that and the nasty words spilling from Geto’s mouth.
The male nods, “That’s itt, good girl.”
“Fuck Sugu…” You heave out
“Hah,” He smiles, “I’m a bit offended you came at the mention of Satoru…” Geto says playfully.
Your brows furrow and you roll your eyes, “T-That wasn’t because of him, it’s just… h-his fingers are-”
“Memorable,” He suddenly blurts out.
His words throw you off and you look at your phone with a sudden taunting smile, “Oh? H-How would you know, Suguru?”
Geto’s checks redden ever so slightly, “I’ve been his friend for a long time.”
Slowly, you move to sit up and lean toward your phone, “Riiiight, but what does that have to do with-“
“Shut up, I’m comin’ over,” He suddenly diverts. And before you can say anything about it, “When I get there, I’ll tell you all about Satoru’s memorable hands while I’m fucking you dumb.” He warns.
Geto was already out of his bed, having made his way to his bathroom to straighten himself up. 
You pout playfully, “Suguru, are you jealous that thinking about Satoru’s hands made me cum?”
“A bit, yeah,” He huffs out, now exiting his bathroom-, damn he was moving fast, “But it’s alright, I’m comin’ over to remind you who’s cock you’re beggin’ for every week.”
Those words make your body heat up all over again, “I-, i-it’s not every week,” You huff.
“You just begged for me five minutes ago,” He chuckles, now leaving his bedroom with some random shirt tossed on and a fresh pair of sweats tugged on.
“That was different. You’re the one who called me-“
“I’m on my way,” Geto cuts off. You can hear the faint sound of his keys being swiped up, “Keep your cunt nice ‘nd wet f’me,” He teases.
Your mouth opens to say something else but the call disconnects.
You just sit there staring at your phone for a minute before you realize… Not only is Shoko still home and just down the hall but, him coming over to fuck at a time and situation like this is risky.
Like, riskier than the time he fucked you in a public parking lot. Albeit you were in his car, it was still risky.
But this? This means you’ll have to be quiet……
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part two.
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@blognicole @suguruologist @luqueam @ivoryviness @sinaxalui @rxnnie18 @carlacujo @gods-landing @bitchysouljellyfish @miles4hour @sinaxalui @annananamin @heart-snow @kiyomizzx @hanuh @acehyacinth @mccookiemonster @tojis-ball-sack @cartwheel6869 @mariluvsusstuff @addie1010 @slammynics @actualz0mbie @hisbitchhh @kay-xle @cunttee3 @voids-universe @raininglovelyfire @itsbokutosjuicyass @peaceoutbritta @barbielani @gennaray @r3inae @kfmcykdy @camiihutt @tokina @curtin81937 @hopefullydecent @nameless-shade @ureuphoriasworld @forgetfulmachine @legbouk @lilliaannn @clementineee0-0 @divinelseraph @didibxx
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