#like there are SOOOOOOO many possibilities and i just want every single one
louisisalarrie · 4 months
I don’t know much about her either, but just her comment/complaining in AOTV about sleeping on sidewalks while Louis sleeps in fancy hotels made me hate her. Like girl shut up, nobody is forcing you to do it! Hated that they gave her screen time in the movie ☹️
What do you mean with your tags in last post about going to fuck her up? Do you think you have info that could make her unstan? If so, then please do! 😂
In ref to this
She’s genuinely just such a bizarre person. Like she was a Larrie, then an anti, and then she was part of the lgbtqia+ community, and then she was 100% straight, and then she was a solo harrie, and then she talked shit about Harry but went to all of his gigs, and then she was a solo Louie, and well… now she’s just a weird little Twitter Stan that no one likes (antis and other solos included) except for her weird little following who see her as a god.
It bothers me so much because apart from all the horrible racist and homophobic shit she’s said and fucking over other fans, she’s managed to somehow go to sooooooo many Harry and Louis gigs, taking up a ticket/seat/hotel room/flight on a plane/parking spot/spot at a signing/AIR TO FUCKING BREATHE from another fan who hasn’t ever seen any of the boys before and wants to go. she’s so damn entitled and everyone, every single fan, deserves to see their artist live, and she has actively taken a spot from someone and then sold tickets without giving people’s money back. She’s absolute scum and 100% not what this fandom is about.
My tags were just me ranting and wondering if I could become her trusted “friend”, and then somehow get her to leave the fandom. No game plan but I’d love to get her as far away from us, and the much younger fans, as possible.
Speaking of, how old is she? She’s like late 20’s, yeah?
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how would your aus be like now that we know more stuff about the show?
oh god there would be sooooooo incredibly many changes. some I'm gonna leave alone unless directly asked but for some main ones atm--
Four Years: oh dear god so many changes. both just from learning more and also from the fact of being an au I came up with when I was 14 and I would never recommend anyone ever be the age of 14, my sincerest apologies to one luz noceda. I could make a whole other post about this but just to keep it simple lets sayyyyyy...first of all, Amity doesn't go into the Emperor's Coven. I personally still like the idea, but it doesnt really fit. theres helping her mom show off to customers, and then theres being forced into a Coven that wants to murder her crush and her crush's adoptive mom. Amity gives me the impressive of someone who would just start biting. Escaping Expulsion was Amity's "standing up to her mom" episode and I love that sm for her, I'm thinking maybe it could be redone in this au to also involve refusing to even consider the Coven? Dunno, but I know Amity doesn't join it, and neither do the twins.
Keene doesn't exist anymore, obviously. we're back on the Hunter show babey and his redemption arc (like most arcs here) take a much longer time to get on with. most remains the same, but he has a lot more interaction with Luz & the gang prior to Eclipse Lake. that episode becomes more of a "we were making so much progress but then the Panic Button hit in and everything collapsed in on itself" and then some tension between the gang of Hunter feeling shitty and not talking, the guys trying to figure out whats with him, and then Hollow Mind comes in an fucks up everything, as per usual
No more angsty fics about Camila missing her daughter because Vee's here now! yaaaaay. but this does mean Camila went a longer time without ever realizing her daughter was someone else, although I imagine at some point she WOULD feel that something was just Off. obviously shes a regular human shes not gonna think a shapeshifter took the place of her daughter, but shes gonna know something is Off and Strange but she cant put her finger on it and Luz seems happy...most of Yesterday's Lie remains the same but since it's at least been two years, maybe three, since Luz has seen her mom, she looks MUCH different than how Vee changed her appearance, so it throws Camila off quite a bit
smaller things will also stay, such as Luz becoming the Owlet and everyone being their own kinda brand of rebel. I'd have to figure out how to slide in Raine, Darius, Eberwolf, etc, somewhere in here. I'll figure it out
Beta: this one stays the most unchanged I think? granted I was updating it slightly more with updates in the show than Four Years. Hunter is still local nephew of principal and Belos's plan still involves killing all witches but its just in the "saving humanity from these evils" instead of "saving humanity from these evils and then going home". still unsure how the grimwalkers would tie into this, if my guy was just continuously making kids or if hes not actually a puritan and just a nasty old guy, and all the other golden guards are Hunter's older brothers? and he was possibly kidnapped when he was a baby or something? that part im the least sure on
Emperor: well, first of all, the duo of Amity & Luz becomes the trio of Amity, Luz & Hunter. none of them get along. Amity is constantly exasperated by Luz and her dumbassery & Luz thinks shes uptight and a tryhard at times. Luz and Hunter are dumbass on dumbass hatecrimes because Luz also thinks hes uptight but also a massive brat who thinks hes better than everyone & Hunter thinks shes annoying as hell and beneath him on every level. Hunter and Amity just take one look at each other, smell the Gifted Child With Parental Issues Trying To Be Perfect In Every Single Way on each other, and immediately drop into offensive hissing cat positions.
Luz and Hunter are the ones who get along first, mostly cause Luz getting brought over to the Emperor's Coven kind of guaranteed she'd run into Hunter first and they'd end up sticking to each other and realize they're massive nerds. Luz and Amity get along next through the power of Luz being stubborn and wlw. Hunter and Amity are last and technically it only really happens because they may be petty and spiteful but they can and will set that aside for one goal: being even pettier and even more spiteful to anyone being mildly annoying to Luz
This AU in particular hasn't had a lot of updates to it so theres a lot of room to work with her. Luz technically becomes friends with Willow and Gus because shes undercover trying to get new recruits (shes terrible at it). this also means that Hunter is more easily converted to the side of Oh Belos Fucking Sucks because he already has adopted sister Luz telling him to Run and her mildly okay girlfriend yoinking him along. course this also means it fucks up Luz even more to see that Hunter is a grimwalker and, per paraphrased word of Belos, she was the favorite. if it came down to it, Belos would've happily let Hunter die, hell, would've even done it on purpose. by virtue of being human, and Hunter being a clone, she was, in fact, given special treatment, and if anything went slightly wrong then Hunter would've died. these kids are fucked up
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yilingbee · 2 years
since apparently my mind can't shut up about it but i need a scene where we see kinn teaching porsche how it is to be with a man intimately, like this is the first time he's ever been with a man sexually and tbh porsche doesn't strike me as a guy that knows that much about how gay sex works, so he's entirely clueless when he begins his relationship with kinn and only has his experience with women to guide him (which isn't much help)
and i need to see that clumsiness and inexperience reflected in their relationship (like you're telling me porsche gave a perfect blowjob in that helicopter??? nah, i don't buy it, they've been together too short of a time for that to be believable)
like i need a scene where kinn has to guide him and tell him what to do next, have that vulnerability shown, and look it doesn't have to be in the middle of sex, they can just talk about it, maybe kinn brings up the posibility of bottoming and they talk how that would work, what kinn likes and what porsche would do in that position to take care of him, i just need something
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gorjiana · 3 years
i thought that i had a bad relationship with my dad in high school and that things improved when i graduated, but the past two years have shown me that things are worse than they have ever been and they will never get better no matter how hard i try
#and i've tried! i've tried sooooooo fucking much#i've tried so many times. i try almost every week and he just doesn't care about anything im ssaying so im done#im never dating anybody ever#i'm never getting married i'm never having kids#because if there's a single possibility that my partner or god forbid i turn out anything like my dad#i won't e able to live with myself#i've never been able to get through to a man! my whole life it's always been like this idk what it is about me they just don't want to hear#what im saying#they never take my seriously and the number one offender is my dad. granted i think my dad is in a league of his own#at least when it comes to invalidating your feelings and making you feel subhuman. he's like the fucking messiah of gaslighters everywhere#im too afraid to date somebody who will turn out to be like him and im even more afraid taht i'll date somebody and i won't even know#and what if i grow up and turn into him?#i can't do it! i can't do that to another person i can't do that to kids#im so done. maybe i need to reflect on my own actions and how i speak like maybe i'm the problem#because i can never get through to people i have issues with they never take me seriously#and i guess it doesn't matter how i present myself because i attract the most horrendous men god has ever created and put on this earth#i am just bad with people i think#im just going to hang onto the friends i have now and hope they never leave me because i can't do this anymore#im so tired of always being the scapegoat in so many situations in my personal life im just tired period#i've already put myself out of my comfort zone by bringing these things up to my dad and other people and it never pays off#so i think im done#yesterday was the real wake up call for my relationship with my dad because i finally realized that i don't think he respects me#and he treats me so horribly for asking for the bare minimum like sorry i have standards for the way i want to be treated#he said so many mean things to me last night that i'll never forget and he said them all so casually
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i'm so excited about you taking asks again ahhhh okay so. if you'd absolutely had to choose. what would be your top 5 cockles moments, and why? thank you ily <3
here’s the thing: there are so many routes i could go down with this, because cockles moments come in all shapes and sizes and formats. these include moments from their panels, their bloopers, the footage we get when they don’t even know they’re being recorded, stories being passed down from photo ops & autographs(one of my personal favorite ways to get cockles, tbh, because they’re all insane), and social media(tweets to each other, instagram posts & comments, etc.). 
SO! since many a list like this has already been made, and i want to stand out from the crowd, what i’m gonna do is definitively give the number one spot to each of these five categories.(i might even throw in honourable mentions because they’re so despicably in love that they warrant that. i really put my whole pussy into this, guys, i hope you’re happy.) 
disclaimer: these are my own personal opinions. but that also means i’m right. so. enjoy. 
number one: top cockles panel moment
so we’re starting off with a bang, because how do you even BEGIN to rank what atrocities jensen and misha commit at jibcon. every single one they’ve had is damning in it’s own right, for different reasons.
however, considering just how much unabashed fuckery they’ve given us to sift through, it’s a good thing i do have a personal favorite despite it all. it’s heartwarming, the sweetest thing i’ve ever seen, AND it’s jarringly cinematic - mainly because it has a whole ass arc to it that was years in the making. it might even be surprising to some people, but my favorite cockles panel moment, and what i consider the one that encompasses their entire gut-wrenching journey from 2008-2013 in the most sweepingly romantic gesture possible, is this one.
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i want this burned into my retinas. i am not even joking. when i'm through with my explanation, let me convince you why this is thee most romantic cockles moment of all time.
first, some history: people call this the resume off, but many seem to forget the botched attempt at a resume off a year prior. and yes, you guessed it: it's during their break up. it's a juicy time period for a reason, guys. it came across as exceedingly one-sided and VERY awkward. let me refresh your memory as to just how bad it was, and just how hard jensen was trying and ultimately failing at winning misha over: the funniest part of the whole resume off in 2013??? every joke/bit had literally already been made/done. they were just going through the motions again, but the difference THIS time...is that misha reciprocated jensen's energy. it. is. fascinating. i want to get into it more detail in another post, and i'll link it here when i'm done, but the main takeaway, i think, and the main difference that showcases how much they've grown in a year, is that in jib 3, misha flat out refused to do an accent, and this time around, he indulges jensen for literal minutes. when i tell you they're crazy, they're crazy. i can't wait to actually dive into it later.
ANYWAY, the resume off culminates in this moment here. and, like, a million things happen in this gifset. actually, more like a million and one. the music starts playingneediremindyouthatthesongissingingintherain(h e l p), misha starts dancing, jensen 'perpetually fake grumpy' ackles lets misha think he's not going to join, misha sits down defeated, but no!!! that was jensen's plan all along(look at his stupid fucking smirk) and he offers his arm to his dance partner who immediately grins like a fool, jensen then leads misha into their kick step, they perfectly synchronise and let loose, and are then very clearly having the time of their lives, hanging off of each other with joy and ease. from their expressions alone i can tell that this moment is so. so. so. so! much more than what initially meets the eye. i mean-misha is fighting back the biggest smile i've ever seen. to me, it reads like jensen is offering something to misha, something that misha kind of gave up on expecting, and him offering his arm like that is like, a surprise to him in the best possible way(and it's so not platonic, let me just say that.) as soon as jensen did that, it ushered in a new era of cockles. this panel is jensen and misha's favourite for a reason, and i think this moment is the biggest clue as to why.
whew!!! ok. that took a lot out of me and that was only point one. moving on,
number two: top cockles blooper moment
cockles bloopers hold an extremely special place in my heart, because it shows just how fucking disastrous jensen and misha are. they are so goddamn infatuated with each other that they HOLD UP PRODUCTION ALL THE TIME TO FLIRT WITH EACH OTHER(???). let me repeat. let it sink in. jensen ackles; arguably one of the most professional actors on that show who puts everything he has into each scene, with mountains and mountains of notes to prove it: would rather hold up production to flirt with misha collins. this sounds fake. it's not. he does it. all. the. time. and here's the thing guys!!! i'm gonna let you in on a secret!!! misha loves it. he loveesssss it. on top of that-misha collins: overlooked because he's pranked and people assume he's unprofessional as well, but his only pranks are in retaliation/off-set, and he rarely if EVER causes problems if he can help it....lets himself get carried away when it comes to jensen making kissy faces at him!!! are you actually kidding me!!! i mean. misha. it's just a face. you've seen it a million times. i don't buy that it triggers something in you that strongly....you like it, and you like jensen's reaction. you can't fool me!!! lisa berry's face in that one gifset shows just how fed up the crew is with their gross, coupley boyfriend antics.
i could pull up so many examples. sooooooo many. but my favourite was sealed since the moment i saw it.
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i actually already wrote an analysis on it but i can't find it :(((( which SUCKS because i really unpacked the whole thing. i'll try to summarise.
basically, a backstory is part of this too!!! jensen and misha both had a really really hard time with this scene(because it's explicitly romantic there i said it), they sat down for hours and poured over their scripts together, they were super super nervous going into filming, both of them, jensen especially, were super hard on themselves for their performances not being true to their characters but they both complimented the other's work(boyfriend moments fr). so, yeah. they weren't confident going into shooting. and how do they get themselves to feel better???? by cuddling each other, apparently.
a lot. a LOT. happens in this specific blooper. to the point that i saw it years before i knew about cockles and it raised all sorts of flags for me.
1) stop pulling my face towards your crotch(as a thinly veiled request that misha would, in fact, move jensen's face towards his crotch, considering it was jensen moving himself there in the first place. also, why so comfy down there guys???) 2) you're my baby daddy i know(in the most intimate voice i've ever heard please) 3) i know, i know, i love you too i didn't say i love you i know but you wanted to say it etc. misha's right, of course. that's what jensen meant.
it just reeks of comfort, familiarity and intimacy between the two, and it's a moment that is extremely sweet and silly at the same time. they're so <3
number three: top cockles found footage moment
WONDERFUL category. truly the culmination of the cockles experience. many people have said that shipping cockles doesn't work because 'they're just onstage you dummies!! they're playing it up for the audience!!!' here's the thing, love. i could not disagree with you more. once you climb your way up the cockles ladder, you soon learn that they are, in fact, playing their dynamic DOWN, not up. they really are just Like That™, and they could not care less about the paying audience, if we're being honest, considering how much time they take to giggle with each other and refuse to let the audience in on the joke. and i love them for it <3
anyway, my point is that this category is for all you naysayers out there, all you 'jensen and misha's relationship is just for show and is real life queerbaiting'(?????lordhelp???) oh yeah? ok, explain this.
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he. he. he calls jensen sweetheart. literally enough said. there's nothing to really add here, except, misha and jared then immediately engage in damage control. jared's method is distraction and misha's is retconning('get out of the car, dude') this was what got me to buy into the cockles dumpster for GOOD good. you don't call your buddy sweetheart accidentally and sound so completely earnest while doing it! especially not when that buddy is jensen ackles!!! you think he would let any of his friends call him that? do you?
one more thing; if it was a slip of the tongue, little mouth thing or whatever, you think jared wouldn't have jumped on it immediately??? i can hear it now. 'did you just call him SWEETHEART???' yeah. that's what i thought. you know why he didn't? because it was too revealing.
number four: top cockles autograph moment
i mean, i think we all know what it's gonna be, and if you don't, well, do i have the piece de cockles resistance that is gonna send you over the edge.
if you haven't heard of this story by now, as a cockles, truther, i'm gonna go ahead and get you to read it, because there is no possible heterosexual explanation for any of it, and you're fooling yourself if you think otherwise.
spoiler alert: it's the story where phones weren't allowed in an auto session, jensen nuzzles himself in misha's hair, leans his full body weight onto him, holds his hand, etc. etc. i'm imploding just repeating this back, actually. also, just, the sheer amount of stories from photo ops where they tackle hug each other or slap each other's asses or sing romantic songs to each other or almost kiss is, frankly, a lot. if i could wish for anything, it would be to witness them in person.
and finally,
number five: top cockles social media moment
this one is super difficult, because there's obviously a lot to choose from. but you know what? full send, i'm going with this one:
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i just. what to say about this. how often do misha and jensen watch sunsets together for it to qualify as ‘always’ ??? why are sunsets synonymous with their relationship??? that’s like??? a very romantic thing????? ‘this guy’??? the fact that it’s a CANDID??? i don’t know guys.
that could have been better but i am TIRED so. there you go rose ily
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mewberii · 3 years
Streamer!Scaramouche [2]
thanks for all the support in the first part! i wrote a second part where scaramouche plays genshin + the reader comes in (i tried to make it as gender neutral as possible, so let me know if there’s something off!). you’re a close friend of scaramouche and also a voice actor!
i had been planning this since i wrote the first part, but because i was busy and uninspired i couldn’t finish it. but here it is and it’s actually pretty long (over 5k words...)! i hope you guys will like this!! obviously he’s a little nicer than he is in game but,,, for the sake of the plot + it being a modern au, it had to be done sjnfdskjf
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He was selected to play the beta for genshin because of his popularity and tbh he really wanted to play it
The game hadn’t really caught his eye all that much when he first heard about it but he saw how everyone online went crazy over it (plus other streamers who also were selected to play it in early access kept talking about it) and he became more curious to know what it would be like and if it’d live to everyone’s expectations
However he couldn’t really play it until it was officially released because he had a very busy schedule, and when he saw other streams of people playing it he was,,, lowkey jealous because it did look fun
When it was finally released and the game finished downloading and installing, he went live right away
And since so many people were looking forward to seeing him play plus the game was getting so popular so fast, that stream of when he first played hit his biggest milestone of live viewers ever
ANYWAYS skip forward to further into the game
when it comes to the gacha,,,
we’ve established that this boy is loaded. he won’t hesitate to throw some big amounts of money at the game to get every single character and weapon he wants and get their constellations to the max
i feel like he’d make little bets (and it works as a way to thank the chat for the support) like “if i get (insert newest character) in the first 50 pulls, i will gift 50 subs”
he’d be SOOOOOOO LUCKY it’d make everyone who doesn’t play think that it must be very easy to get the 5 stars or that the drop rate must be very high,,,
so in the end he’d have to gift the subs and it’d be funny to see the chat go absolutely crazy because everyone is commenting at the same time trying to see if they got lucky too and got the sub
but the chat goes so fast that they can’t even see their own comment after they send it sNDJGDJSK 
he’d end up turning subs mode on for a while because it goes crazy
and that’s when he’d see people going “I GOT THE SUB-” all excited and he can’t help but chuckle and congratulate them for being one of the lucky ones
probably another game he can use to play with some subs once in a while! they could play co-op and when he’s a very high level he’d go to the worlds of some of his subs with lower level to help them with whatever they need
this is where i want the reader to slide into the picture
you’d be a voice actor, and also you have been a friend of his for a very long time
he met you even before he started streaming and you were always so supportive of him, as he was of every and each of your dreams
in fact, he would have invited you over more than once to stream with him
people don’t say anything bc they’re afraid of scaramouche banning them (it’s happened before) + they understand it can be disrespectful... but…
some people lowkey ship you two a little bit,,,,,, you didn’t hear it from me. scaramouche don’t ban me----
so one day he’s making another livestream playing genshin (sponsored by mihoyo to promote the newest update and event) and they’re going to release a new character 
AND he has told everyone that you are the voice actor of the new character, who will be introduced in the event and is also getting their own banner
so everyone is very curious of what they’ll be like, if scaramouche will try to get them (obviously he will, he has every single character…. the amount of money he has put into the game…. just thinking of it gives me the heebie-jeebies) 
could he even,,, main them,,,,
spoiler: he won’t because he’ll stay honest till the end (and no hard feelings) but there are other characters that he has built up to the max just like them and still work better with the way he plays but he’ll still find a chance to use them often
he didn’t know anything of what the character you voiced would be like because you wanted to keep it a surprise and he knew his audience would enjoy seeing his first reactions
I think the character you voice in the game would have the role that Scaramouche has in the actual game, and their design would be fairly similar (maybe similar color palette) to the design fans made for him as a genshin character (the one i mentioned that he uses for popup notifs of subscriptions and all!)
needless to say he’d absolutely love their personality and the charisma you showed in their lines
of course when he finally gets them he shows everything about them including all their voice lines and he compliments y/n’s voice acting… that was the first time people suspected that....
mayhaps… scaramouche….
has feelings for you....
it’s in the soft gaze in his eyes,,, the gentle smile on his lips,,, his soft voice when saying “I think this one is my favorite line of theirs”
and just how BRIGHT AND BEAUTIFUL his laugh sounds when someone comments he should invite you and ask you to do that voiceline live for him and everyone else
he’d jokingly reach for his phone and be like “should i call them? i could” 
(but he wouldn’t because he doesn’t want to disturb you, you may be busy, considering you still hadn’t replied to the messages he sent to you before he started the stream a few hours ago)
if anyone dares be mean to you saying you got the chance to voice act for genshin just bc of scaramouche
or implies that he did something to get you there he’ll get quite mad even tho he won’t speak up about it (he might if enough people say it) 
people can see something shift in his gaze,,,, and he bans them permanently right away
it’d be kinda funny when he does those “reading unban requests” streams and he goes past immediately rejecting people who said those kind of stuff, not even reading the apologies JSNKJFNDSJKGNSDK
some people say he’s too strict about it but literally his stream his rules. people who don’t like him should just not watch him
and people who like him should NOT speak badly about you or doubt your talent and effort, which is what brought you that opportunity in the first place
one day he’d be streaming playing the game, he had been using your character and gathering materials to get their last ascension
and at one point he’d grab his phone and look at the screen for a second before putting it back down and saying he had planned something else for tonight besides playing genshin for a while
then, the doorbell would ring (before he could even close the game-) and it’d be heard from his setup room so people in the chat heard it and they’re all like???
it’s definitely not takeout because scaramouche never orders takeout when he’s on his own, he usually cooks for himself and just orders it when he’s with friends and they all feel like eating something different
actually, offtopic, but i have a feeling he’d be very responsible when it comes to food and like he’d cook himself proper meals all perfectly balanced and all- he could afford having someone cook for him but his house = his privacy and personal space so he’d rather do it himself
it’s like, past 10pm, so no way it would be a package or mail at that time
and then he says “we have a visitor tonight”
and then the chat goes crazy saying “CHILDE” “HARBINGERS” but mostly “Y/N!??!?/PLEASE LET IT BE Y/N”
and omg you brought takeout--------
it had been a while since they had seen you in scaramouche’s stream and you didn’t have your own channel (even though there were many people who encouraged you to open one)
SO everyone was very excited
i feel like scaramouche wouldn’t be the biggest fan of eating on camera so you guys would put the food away so that you can eat it later on your own without an audience
and you two would just spend a while talking to the chat, watching videos
AND reviewing fanart and fanmade content together!! it’d be so cute especially fanarts of the two of you together, little animatics or comics of funny clips or memes from his streams of you two,,,
someone made a little felt plushie of the genshin character you voiced and the way you COOED because it was SO cute
only those who were truly paying attention were able to notice the soft smile on scaramouche’s lips and the way he looked at you as you gushed over how cute the little plushie is and how talented the person who made it is!!
also you’d tell him you saw signora make a stream where she talked to some of her fans on discord individually to give them advice on their life/problems (nothing too serious) and it was very funny and you wanted to do that with him someday
and he’s like “that… could be a huge mess. people could say some crazy stuff” and you’re like “NO but i talked to her about it and she said she got her mods to talk to them first and approve them before they moved them up to the channel where she was to talk to her”
and he’s like “still…….. what if people lie and then when they get to talk to us they say something-”
and you’re like “BOY!!!! DO YOU NOT TRUST YOUR FANS *GASP*” and everyone in the chat is also going “GASP” “HE DOESN’T TRUST US…” “IS THIS YOUR IDOL…..?” “SAY SORRY” (all good fun, obviously he’d love to talk to everyone if he could make sure there won’t be anything disrespectful said)
SO!!!!! you two say you’ll plan to do something like that soon and everyone is very excited, they can already tell it’ll be both super cute and hilarious
before he ends the stream, you two watch some videos together
some are about some upcoming videogames and he talks about them and what he knows and explaining things to you... he is.. so knowledgeable…
the way you look at him as he goes into a little rant about it… cinematic parallels with the way he looked at you before
ONCE AGAIN, people aren’t blind. they notice. but they keep it to themselves bc scary scara (the way i had to resist overusing this one joke with his name-)
so the stream ends and you two walk out of the setup room to go to his living room and eat the takeout you brought while watching something on tv
he apologises because the food is cold now, but you brush it off saying it’s ok, you had missed being on his streams and you two can just heat up the food again
he doesn’t look at you in the eyes as he mutters that you know you can join his streams whenever, and instead just says it as he makes his way to the kitchen to heat the food
you join him in the kitchen soon after and tell him you also bought something for dessert and put it in the fridge already before
and honestly he didn’t know how much he wanted to eat that dessert until it was in his fridge, so he can’t stop himself from sighing and saying “god, i love you”
there’s silence for a second, right as the microwave beeps as it finished heating the food
it feels eternal to him, but you immediately started laughing and said jokingly “of course you do! you’re welcome!” 
he’s happy you took it as a joke because that’s not how he planned to confess (he didn’t plan to confess anytime soon in the first place) but at the same time ?? he’s lowkey offended inside because? you took it as a joke?? is it so unrealistic that you wouldn’t even think that he meant it romantically?
it’s at that moment that he realises that if he didn’t want to confess before, now he does.
he wouldn’t want anyone to know about how he let that slip because he’s sure no one in you two’s friend group even knows he likes you
but you,,, actually,,,,, were actually caught off guard too because scaramouche wasn’t precisely one for words of affection and he showed his care for everyone with his actions
in fact, you had never heard him say those words before but well- it was kinda nice- if only he meant it as you feel it- but he couldn’t, right? who’d confess their feelings so casually while looking at a dessert in the fridge with desire-------
that night, it gets pretty late and to be honest he’s a little too tired to drive you home as he usually would, so he asks if you’d like to sleep over
it wouldn’t be your first time doing so, not even the first time you stayed unplanned, and he had a couple guest rooms that you could use so you accepted
also, staying for longer meant you could keep watching some more of that series with him without worrying about it getting late
“actually” you said in a low voice, almost a whisper, since it was getting late and you two had been in complete silence while watching the series “i lowkey still wanted to stream some more”
he scoffs but then lets out a short chuckle, replying in the same volume
“it’s past 2am, who’s going to watch me stream now?”
“i would” have mercy for his poor heart- “but i’d be the streamer too this time so it doesn’t count” 
“what even would we do”
“can we play that co-op game you played with childe? it was so much fun” 
had you not brought it up, he wouldn’t have offered that ever because? if he had recently played it with childe he didn’t want to stream it again and make it feel repetitive for his audience 
(jokes on him because when genshin came out they put up with it being the only thing he streamed for over a week. they’d rewatch any game if it’s you two playing it)
but to be honest, he didn’t really want to stream anymore that day and just wanted to be with you, just you and no one else
he got up from the couch and walked towards the hallway, making you look up to him in confusion for a second, but then started getting excited knowing this meant he was going to let you play it with him
“i don’t really feel like streaming anymore today, but we can still play it. let’s go”
the next day, you two wake up around the same time and make breakfast together
scaramouche i feel is not very talkative in the mornings 
in fact, i feel like he’s just not the most talkative in general. he’s more the type to listen, but it’s different during his streams because he’s doing what he loves and talking about what he loves
and when it comes to you and he talks more it’s because he’s talking to who he loves----
before you’re going to leave and you’re standing at the door about to say goodbye to him, he suddenly speaks up before you can
“do you want to go somewhere tomorrow?”
you raise your eyebrows in curiosity from the sudden request, but then smile at him and nod
“yeah sure! what do you have in min-”
“it’s a date” he said, interrupting you, which was weird enough of him (since he would never interrupt you), but his words were even weirder-
“h-huh?” you felt the heat rising to your cheeks, and scaramouche just repeated his words
on the outside, he looked so casual and just, confident- bUT INSIDE he was actually panicking a little bit 
but just a little bit.
After a moment, you smiled at him again, this time somewhat more shily but also excited for your date!
“I look forward to it”
Just with that, you two knew you had made the first step
You weren’t just friends anymore
You two had hung out on your own many times before, in fact and as it was mentioned before, you two had even slept over at his house or yours many times before
but it had all always been purely platonic, and you guys had never even questioned that aspect of it even after realising you had romantic feelings for each other
he’d spend the rest of the day thinking of what you could do the next day, as if he hadn’t been brainstorming for ideas all night either
i feel like he hasn’t gone in many (if not any--) dates before
solely because he has never been interested in romance plus he had never liked someone or at least, not as much as he liked you
and even when he found out he felt something for you, he just always told himself he was okay with how things were, because he’d never experienced anything beyond friendship and didn’t feel the need to try and maybe ruin the friendship
SO he didn’t have many ideas of what a good date could be
he definitely didn’t want a cliché corny date, but he really didn’t have any idea of what was good enough for a date
(and if for future dates you want something he’d consider a “”cliché corny date”” he’d do it for you and actually enjoy it)
the last thing he wanted was to have to ask you what you could do for your date
1- because he didn’t want to show you any side of him that didn’t look like he always has everything under control and he’s always composed (as if you wouldn’t want to see every side of him, even his most vulnerable sides- you’d have to work on that with him when you two become official)
2- he… kind of wanted to surprise you…..
but it really got to the point where he really didn’t know what you’d like the most (or what he’d like the most too) and what he wanted most over anything else is to not disappoint you in you two’s first date
SO he finally texted you asking if there was anything special you wanted to do (and therefore indirectly admitting he……….. just really wanted to ask you out. so much he did it without thinking of what he’d do if you said yes--)
you didn’t seem to mind, and in fact you were happy he asked for your opinion 
overall, scaramouche was very independent so he wasn’t one to ask others for advice, opinions or anything, much less for help regarding anything
“how long has it been since we last went to the arcade? we could go there! i heard from childe that they added new games!”
and he’s like !?!?!?? THAT…. is…….. the perfect idea
“that actually sounds perfect” he admitted, and the message brought a big smile to your face 
“just don’t get mad at me when you lose at all of them” he sent right after, teasing you, and you couldn’t help but let out a laugh out loud
“the last time i won in your favorite game” you reminded him, and even after he read your message, he took a little bit to reply
(he needed a second to put the pieces of his pride together SJNFKJDS)
“don’t get used to it, it won’t happen again”
“we will see about that” the more you two joked like this, the more excited you got thinking about tomorrow
scaramouche was sure now that it’d be a great first date that you’d both remember forever
the next day, it was almost the time for the date and scaramouche was going to pick you up at your house
i feel like scaramouche would be very fashionable and even in his style he doesn’t try to hide that he’s loaded…
not that he cares about buying cheap clothes, literally he’d say if he likes it and it’s good (aka it’s not cheap because it’s made of something that won’t make it last longer than 3 weeks) he’ll get it
but it just so happens that many times… the clothes he likes most are from famous brands…
AND THIS DAY!!!!!! he’s putting together one of his favorite outfits because it’s a special day
it almost hurts me just how nonchalant he’d look on the outside, making it a little hard to know exactly just how much this date meant to him (because as i said he’s not one to be very vocal about his feelings or even his thoughts)
BUT i trust that you… since you know him well…. can see past all that and you know that this is not just anything casual to him. this is special.
STILL!!!! he’d try his best to not let the blush rise to his cheeks and show, as well as to not let his voice shake when he complimented that you looked very good
ANYWAYS i think i think Scaramouche wouldn’t be one for big pda
the most he’d do where anyone can see is hold your hand or put his arm around your waist
WHICH IS WHY he’d try to be all smooth (and he would manage) reaching for your hand and lacing his fingers with yours
he wouldn’t make eye contact because then he’s sure it’ll show on his face that he’s getting somewhat flustered, but he’d still ask if you’re okay with it, to which you said yes
the area where the arcade was is always somewhat crowded so when you two were getting there, scaramouche would tighten the grip on your hand a little bit to make sure you wouldn’t let go and you’d be pulled apart by people trying to walk past however they can
you know that if you two got serious about your relationship, he would want to be the first person to share the news with his fans
BUT since he was so popular now, you two lived in a pretty big city and now were at a popular area (+ scaramouche wouldn’t be the type to try and hide his identity because he’s never had people make a fuss when they recognise him)
you were a little worried someone would see you two and maybe take a picture and post it online and it’d go viral before he can admit it himself
because of that, you end up throwing back to him the question he had asked when he held your hand 
“are you sure this is okay?”
your question confused him because he didn’t know what you mean, so he finally looked you in the eyes and waited for you to explain further
“it’s just- what if somebody sees us and recognises you?”
he looked away from you and back at where he was going, taking a few seconds to answer before he just shrugged
“i don’t care”
you softly let out a breath you didn’t know you were holding as you waited for him to say something, and almost missed the way he whispered
“as long as it doesn’t affect you”
for someone who seemed and actually tried to seem to self-sufficient, who appreciated his friends but was also okay on his own because he was absolutely comfortable with himself, he was actually…
more selfless than people would ever know, especially when it came to you
you two would have SO much fun in the arcade, trying every single game many times
this time though, scaramouche won in his favorite game so he lived up to his words
you two won so many tickets you literally didn’t even know what to do with them once you got the couple prizes you were interested in
you bumped into a couple fans of his, so you talked for a while
once again, you were met with suggestions of opening your own streaming channel, and even scaramouche said “i’ve told them that many times too, but they always say they think their streams won’t be fun enough”
and the fans are like “NO!! literally everyone thinks you’re super nice and fun!! of course you don’t have to if you don’t want to, but we’d love it!!”
one of the fans (exaggerating a little as a joke) said “i’ll be your number 1 fan i swear” and the three of you laughed, except scaramouche who just scoffed and smirked 
“i am ALREADY their number one fan. but good try” <- scaramouche in his head. say it outloud u coward.
but at the same time it was a joke scaramouche chill pretty much everyone knows you’re their number one fan……. even though you think you’re so smooth………. they just don’t say anything 
they were very nice and fun to talk to and you knew scaramouche and you didn’t really want anything else from the prizes, so you offered you two’s tickets to them
“we don’t really need these anymore so maybe you’ll have more use for them!!”
they got SO excited, the way their eyes lit up :( scaramouche is convinced you’re an angel but he’s also very happy to see how joyful his fans got because those were more than enough for the prize they really wanted-
so after that cute little interaction and having used up your energy for competition, you two leave and think of buying some ice cream or a milkshake or something to end the date nicely and to enjoy while you walk back home
the arcade was not exactly very close to where you two lived (it was far from your house, but even farther from his-) so he asked if you were okay with walking back or if you two should get an uber or something, to which you said you were okay
walking back with him meant!! a little more time you could spend with him
and he was happy you said that because he was feeling the same way and still didn’t want the day to end
we’ll see more about the kind of things he likes and dislikes if he’s released as a playing character BUT FOR NOW i really get this vibe that he’d LOVE boba tea
i even think he’d?? enjoy tea in general??? classy boy…
SO you two would end up going to get some boba 
it was very touching how, when reading the flavors they had that day, he suddenly and casually went “oh, they have your favorite” and you looked at the one he was pointing at and !!! indeed it was your favorite!!!!!!!
he remembers this kind of details very well
you take the chance to talk some more as you’re walking home
scaramouche asks about your job with voice acting and you tell him that you actually have been recording some new lines for your genshin character lately because in the next update there’ll be an event involving them
he’s looking forward to it but he teases you a little asking if it’s okay for you to spoil him with such information
but it’s okay because it’s not like he’d tell anyone, especially knowing it could get you in trouble
when he drops you off at your house, he has a hard time saying goodbye
literally you’re standing at your door and he’s in front of you, a couple steps away, looking away from you
you don’t say goodbye either, mainly because you know scaramouche is working the courage to say something, and you can also sort of guess what he wants to say
you think of saying it first, but then think that it would make scaramouche proud to be honest about his feelings and confess first
“i’ve liked you for a long time”
you can’t help the smile that makes its way onto your face, unconsciously reaching a hand up to slightly cover it
“i feel the same way” you replied to him in a soft voice
he took a deep breath and exhaled it softly, finally lifting up his gaze and making eye contact with you
it was already dark outside, so you couldn’t appreciate the faint rosy blush on his cheeks well
“can i kiss you?”
your eyes widened for a second, not expecting him to ask and if anything, thinking he’d just step forward and do it
so you were a little embarrassed and caught off-guard to reply properly, so you just nodded and put your hand down as he took the last couple steps and his face was right in front of yours
he’d cup your cheek in one of his hands, feeling the warmth of your skin
you closed your eyes, and he looked at you for a second longer before he finally leaned in and closed the short distance that separated your lips
at that moment you both knew that you had been missing on so much more when you two just settled and were content with your friendship
but!! that was about to change now, so it was all worth it
after that, scaramouche would make clear that this would be the first day of your relationship!! and even if he didn’t say it with words, you could just feel his happiness!!
so!! after that, because of work you two got a little busy the next couple months so dates weren’t very frequent 
or at least, they weren’t dates like the one you first had
but still whenever you two were free he’d go over to your house, or you’d come over to his to play, stream together, or literally just spend time together doing anything
he wouldn’t let people know you two had started dating straight away (if anything, only his other streamer friends -aka you two’s friends in common- knew)
but the day he said it, he wanted you to be there
SO one day you two were streaming and you were currently reacting to one fanart of you two together
so he looked at you and you made eye contact and it was like you two spoke with your eyes like
“do we tell them now”
“let’s tell them.”
so scaramouche would clear his throat and without closing the fanart, he’d say he has something he wanted to announce
everyone was excited thinking it’d be some new project, maybe involving you
maybe some merch??? and the fanarts had reminded him of it???????
BUT THEN he straightforwardly said
“y/n and i are dating”
and everyone goes aBSOLUTELY CRAZY
amidst the chaos, you two catch a comment saying “will you unban the people who shipped you two” and you laugh
and you look at each other like “did you read that one?” “yeah”
and scaramouche is like “yeah, i guess i will have to unban some people”
and when some get unbanned they’re like “fREEDOM!!!!”
and jokingly they’re all like “APOLOGISE!!!!!!!! SAY SORRY!!!” so he just laughs and you join them being like “!!! apologise!!! you banned them for it and!! look at you now!!”
so he ends up trying to hold in another laugh as he mutters a halfassed ‘sorry’ and everyone starts commenting claps and hearts and celebrating that he apologised. now justice has been made.
the rest of that stream suddenly feels livelier and brighter!! you two are laughing a lot and so is everyone in the chat!! 
and also the new genshin event would’ve already just been released that same day so you can talk about some of your experiences with recording or what you thought of it
and scaramouche would let you play it yourself!! (he still hadn’t played it) and it was also the first time you played genshin live!! you’d show people the characters you have and everything and tell them some anecdotes
people would be SHOCKED because you!? don’t have the character you voiced!? D:
and you’re like “yeah… i pulled for them and used up all my primogems and… didn’t get them”
and your banner is back because of the event, so scaramouche won’t let this slide!!!!!!!!!! YOU WILL GET YOUR CHARACTER.
your luck is terrible compared to his so at one point you’ll literally feel bad for how much he’s spending for you to get it
but he doesn’t mind at all and everyone is having fun so!!
and once you finally get them you’re sO HAPPY and everyone in the chat is celebrating
and you think it’s over but scaramouche is like ???? what are you doing?? open the wish page again. you’re going to get them c6.
but he won’t listen and he’ll do it
so!!! he’ll always do his best to be the best boyfriend he can be for you!! so you better give him your heart!!!!
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xwinterdreams-blog · 2 years
I seem to be very capable of starting sooooooo many Kanthony fics, but completely incapable of making progress on any of them. Maybe modern au will be easier? Who knows. If anyone likes this I may be able to keep going. We’ll see.
Kate Sharma watched Anthony Bridgerton from across the room, and contemplated whether or not she had made a mistake. She’d thought a clean break would be best, parting on good terms before they graduated University and she moved back home to India.
It had seemed better, at the time, to end things instead of trying to hold onto every second of time they had left as it slipped through their fingers. Kate had thought it would hurt more to say goodbye that way.
But now, only one week later, she was really starting to regret it. Seeing him and not being able to stroke a hand through his hair and press kisses to his cheek, hurt. Not arguing with him and causing him to alternately scowl and smile at her whenever she bested him, was terrible. Wasn’t she going to miss that enough when she left?
Kate should’ve been making the most of every single moment. If all she would have to comfort her in the coming months was memories, shouldn’t she make more of them? It had been idiotic to think that there were was anything that could prevent the heartbreak she was facing.
She loved him. There was no avoiding that. Not that she had told him, but Kate thought he knew. Thought he might love her too. Often wondered if he felt the same as her but was equally afraid to say the words.
It was at that moment that Kate noticed Anthony was no longer standing alone, drink in hand as he surveyed the room. He’d been joined by his ex girlfriend, Siena. Her chest tightened.
Kate had never had any reason to be jealous of her. Anthony and Siena had had an off again relationship for years, but Kate had barely even known him then, and it had been long over by the time they got together.
But they weren’t together now, thanks to her. Anthony hadn’t been happy about breaking up but Kate had been resolved. And now Siena had her hand on Anthony’s arm and he was smiling at her and Kate was probably being completely irrational but her stomach was twisting with jealousy.
It had only been a week. He wouldn’t sleep with someone else that quickly, would he? No. He wouldn’t. She was sure. Well, mostly sure. Anthony had been angry at her, and maybe he was feeling lonely. But the man who had been her boyfriend, the best boyfriend she’d ever had, would never move on that quickly.
Kate had to believe that.
That didn’t stop the desire to walk over there so that she could personally remove Siena’s hand and possibly put her own around Anthony. She wanted to make it clear that he was hers. Kate really wished he was still hers.
Why was she such an idiot? This last week had been hell.
Frustrated with herself, she abandoned her spot against the wall and went in search of a drink.
He had just poured herself a vodka tonic, when she felt an all too familiar presence at her side.
“Kate. You look lovely tonight. Didn’t think I’d see you here.”
Anthony. Don’t smile. Don’t cry. You can do this.
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hxneydreamers · 3 years
Hello, could u share your journey in the law of assumption and how u started and what progress you've made till now, what you had trouble with at first and how you resolved them, and finally what concepts made everything click for you and made manifestinf super easy like being on a roll for you? And thank you for starting this cool blog 😊
Hey! I'd love to!
I'll first point out that I am still learning and whilst I am here to help people manifest, I am learning alongside you! I want you to know that I am very well educated on the law of assumption, and I am also currently manifesting an SP. I have manifested lots of things in the past (like traveling, meeting a celebrity crush, as well as multiple specific people including my current SP), but I never really pushed through because I never properly tried. I was always on and off my game for a number of reasons, so I would receive my manifestations, but not in full, and this was all because of my self-doubt and self-concept.
I first discovered manifesting with the Law Of Attraction a few years ago after watching the documentary 'The Secret'. I had NEVER EVEN HEARD about manifesting before, and I felt like it was a bit far fetched.
For a very long time, I was extremely non-religious, I didn't believe in God or magic, the afterlife, spirits, fate, NOTHING! I was the biggest non-believer out there. When I watched 'The Secret' I tried to simply change my attitude to be positive as much as I could so I would only attract positive things in my life, and I noticed it worked for a little while, but it wasn't anything significant. I pretty much forgot all about manifesting very quickly, because I never took it seriously.
The next year one of my friends was obsessed with the law of attraction and twin flames and all that spiritual stuff, and she was trying to convert me a bit. I was intrigued by the concept, but I didn't really believe in any of it at all. I just liked making vision boards with her for fun. I never took any of it seriously.
My friend made me go to a psychic with her for fun one day and I resisted and said no, but I eventually gave in because I got curious. Seeing this psychic was extremely earthshaking. I won't go into detail about my experience with her, but some things happened that pretty much changed my view of life and way of thinking. I was much more open to the possibility of things like manifesting.
A year ago, 2 people close to me sadly passed away. I felt very lost and I spent many nights awake and I stumbled across 'Sammy Ingram' on youtube and discovered the Law Of Assumption. I began to binge watch her videos and I did sooooooo much research about the law. I was immediately obsessed.
I started manifesting text messages and instant replies and dates so easily because I was so excited about it and felt no doubt that it would work.
I had success manifesting an internship, consistent shifts at work/consistent money flow and other money manifestations, I manifested dating a specific person (but I ended it for natural reasons), I manifested another specific person literally within a night, just to see if I could do it, and I manifested my current specific person as well (we have a past).
After these successes, I ended up having to deal with some personal issues with my grief for a while, as well as finish my studies, AND my internship, which took my mind off manifesting, and as a result, I manifested negative circumstances in many areas of my life, because I let myself spiral.
I won't tell you the old story too much, because I don't want to revisit it, but basically, for years I had been stuck in a cycle of being abandoned. I felt unlovable and my self-esteem was quite low. All of these beliefs were reflected in many ways, and I was constantly worrying about everything. My internship became toxic and I wanted to leave, my relationship also ended temporarily, and my self-concept was very very very bad!
I felt like I was obsessing over everything in my life going wrong and I wanted to manifest my SP because I thought that he would fix everything, but by putting him on the pedestal I was stalling.
As soon as all this happened, I was of course upset, HOWEVER, I had suffered so much loss at that point that I was determined to make sure that I turned my life around. So I decided to manifest ending my internship naturally, rather than me leaving or being dismissed.
I started visualizing a conversation with my superior where they told me that something came up and we would have to pause the internship.
Literally, two weeks later, he met up with me and told me this exactly, and he said that the decision was ultimately up to me if I wanted to continue later or not. So I said that the timing would not work with my studies, and I successfully manifested leaving the internship naturally.
Next, my SP.
- I literally went to sleep every single night repeating my affirmations.
- I affirmed every single day, I affirmed through tears and I affirmed with my friends. EVERY CHANCE I GOT!
- I started affirming from a place of peace, indifference, faith, and trust that it would work out
A week later we were back together again.
My struggles with the law were mostly that:
- I was on and off my mental diet
- I kept looking for confirmation in the 3D
- I kept repeating the old story
- I focused too much on my SP and not enough on me
About 2 months ago, I had a breakthrough where I decided I needed to completely change everything in my life to put myself in control.
- I started listening to music that made me feel extremely happy and would watch movies and shows that put me in a great mood
- I decided to pick my affirmations and stick with them NO MATTER WHAT!
- I started having a better mental diet, and I noticed results immediately
- I started being able to say 'I don't care what I see, I'm getting my manifestation, and genuinely feeling relaxed and peaceful about it
Once I shifted the focus onto myself and even took some space from my SP, I felt amazing 24/7 and my mental diet was practically perfect.
He has started implying that we are a couple, I don't feel needy, and don't even text him much anymore, he is the one chasing me and constantly blowing up my phone. He is constantly asking to see me, begging me even. He initiates ALL CONTACT NOW! Finally, the whole tone of our relationship has changed and our interactions have been extremely amazing! I have never felt so confident in myself and I can see it reflected in how he treats me.
I manifested him in steps to build our relationship to this point, and I didn't want to begin manifesting commitment until I felt my self-concept was perfect, as I want a healthy relationship with him. Now I am finally beginning to manifest the final stage: official commitment, and I am certain that I will get it!
My biggest tip based on my own experience is to:
- Persist in the same affirmations.
- Do not affirm from a place of desperation and lack
- Keep yourself busy and prioritize yourself and your life, they must reflect this and prioritize you as well
- Trust that it is done and don't check the 3D for confirmation
- If you started having negative thoughts, PERSIST! Do not be discouraged!
- If you know that you have been doing everything right, but suddenly everything feels wrong and your negative thoughts are coming out all at once and/or the 3D looks like shit, you could be in a transition period. THIS JUST MEANS THAT YOU ARE FINALLY GETTING RID OF THE OLD BELIEFS AND YOUR MANIFESTATION IS REALLY CLOSE! SO PERSIST THROUGH THIS!
So for whoever is reading this, please remember that I am here to help you, AND I am on this journey with you! We are all human and none of us is perfect!
I'll share updates on future manifestations in the future, but this is my story so far and my current manifestation in progress!
I will probably make a post in the future about past manifestations such as celebrity crush and travel etc.
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luciditymoonsstuff · 2 years
I made my own au!
credit if use)
i don't have a name, it would be great if someone gave me a idea for ibt but here it is!
sorry in advance for the typos!
Everything is normal. Stan and ford have a great relationship, their kids, blah blah blah.
whats different is:
stan accidentally broke the project.
he left and went home, scared something would happen.
a few minutes later, the door opens and blendin is there. He didnt want bill to be back so he fixed the project himself and poofed.
Next day, Ford presents his project and they accept him.
Stans upset, of course but congratulates Ford like nothing happens.
The day of Ford leaving:
Stan isnt there, hes just on the swing. alone.
Ford is about to get on the plane then he realizes, stans not there.
despise his parents yells, he runs to a taxi and rides back to his home as fast as possible.
he sees stan there and runs to him.
stan and ford arent talking, just on the swings. (Fords plane left already)
Ford starts to talk but is interupted by Stan getting up and Leaving. Ford runs up to stan and grabs his arm before stan goes inside fully.
"..I want you here with me, Stanley. I didnt realize that we need eachother- *i need you.*" - Ford
Stan turns around and hugs Ford.
A few days later: (Ford stays btw)
Ford suggests moving to gravity falls and research the weirdness there. Stan agrees and they move there.
Ford finds the bill stuff on the cave and says it out loud.
He tells Stan and he immediately goes into protective brother mode and follows Ford the entire time.
Ford gets mad at Stan for pretending like he needs protecting and they argue.
Stan goes into the shack for the rest of the day.
Ford goes under a tree and since hes been up at night, he gets tired and sleeps.
Bill shows up in fords dream and manipulates him into making stan so mad hes so close to leaving.
Then, Stan makes ford think about the deal he just made with a random 'all knowing being'. Stan ends up staying to serectly keep Ford not insane or possessed or something.
A few days later, Fords been- acting a bit, *paranoid*. Stan doesnt know why so he asks ford.
Ford just skips the question and starts walking away.
This time, stan grabs Fords arm and pulls him over to the chair in the kitchen and sits on the opposite side of the table in the middle.
"You cant escape now. might as well tell me." -stan
"its nothing, can i go *'sleep"* now?" -Ford
"really poindexter? You clearly havent slept in a while." -stan
"..fair enough.." -Ford
"Now tell me sixer." -stan
"Im fine." -Ford
"mhm, i totally believe you." -stan
They sat in silence for a few minutes until Ford tells Stan about bills half failed plan.
Bills got a puppet but no tools.
After that night, stan started being beside Ford every single day. even when Ford slept, meaning stan has seen bord/bill possessing ford.
Ford and stan spent years
*(atleast 5-10, so they would be however old they were when they saw eachother for the first time since stans kick out in the OG timeline)*
trying everything to stop bill. Even Unicorns, they said they werent "pure of heart" which may have been true.
Ford and stan talked through
through many cries, fights, normal talking, everything. They agreed that they would build the portal, go in, stop bill, and immediately get out and be free of bill.
They needed one person who was great at robots and more.
The twins met him through backupshmore since Ford didng go to his dream college.
They called up fiddleford and they immediately worked on the portal.
The day of the testing, Fiddleford accidentally went into the portal but the twins pulled him out.
Fiddleford left after that- that *terrible sight*
And so stan got mad at Ford for not paying attention and manipulating him into agreeing. He didnt even tell fiddleford about bill, they both didnt.
They fought for a good 5 minutes until ford got pushed onto the lever to turn on the portal. Ford got up and jumped onto stan.
Slowly, they both started to levatate and got sucked into the portal.
Fiddleford came back because he Left his computer and he heard the twins scream.
He ran down and saw them get sucked into the portal.
the portal closed and Fiddleford was left alone.
He looked around for the journals and couldn't find them.
He had completely forgot how to build it after the 1st memory wipe.
He decided that the twins did something so idiotic but he needed to get them back.
He spent 30 years getting them back.
(He was pretty much grunkle stan but his name is still fiddleford but he said that he was their grunkle)
The entire summer was the same but fiddle was "grunkle fiddle" and then he was just "fiddle" when he got stan and ford back.
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fiftytwotwentytwo · 2 years
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The Love Hypothesis
Author: Ali Hazelwood
Fiction / Contemporary Romance
Page Count: 356
How Did I Come Across This Book?:
Entranced by the cover art and title in Wal-Mart. A random purchase.
This book was wretched.
I am not going to inundate this review with floweriness or passive aggressive criticism.
This book sucked.
It gives romance novels a bad name.
Reading this book was like trudging through word vomit. I went in for an easy lighhearted read and it was Unbearably Tough. The first half of the book felt as if the author was copying and pasting the same passages over and over again - "Adam is an Ass", "Adam is Massive", "The "Kiss".... my personal opinion - cut the crap or buy a better thesaurus.
Every single character is lousy - no winnable charm - Maybe some with the male lead but we dont read that until page 300 at least.
And why - why - are all the "smartest" people - I say smart because the are in their late 20s and Early 30s viving for Academic Doctorate Degrees and Grants - the dumbest amoebas on the planet. Stanford and Harvard should be disgraced that these fictional characters roamed their halls!
The author keeps poking fun of Rom-Com tropes while writing within the very same tropes but failing to provide anything creative or unique to the trope - and the trope she decided to base her story on is the lamest one - one where everything can be solved with ONE coversation - there were absolutely no stakes which required such dumbfounded lies - it was Middle School level type shit.
Now, lets get down to the Steam Scene - the Sex chapter(s) are probably the only thing that gives this book such high reviews amongst other readers.
The reader has to plow through 260 pages to get to some actual plowing - and I hope it was worth it for others because for me it was NOT - Our author spends TWO chapters and over 20 pages meandering through sex in a hotel room.
Here are my grievances:
The entire act felt like back seat driving - but what else can one expect with this lackluster chemistry between the Biology Academics - there is a hefty set of paragraphs where our love makers stop pleasuring each other to debate the semantics of what it means to be a virgin - Mid Bean Flicking. There were SOOOOOOO many questions asked during the romp I was screaming in agony. I felt like Jules Winnfield in Pulp Fiction:
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Now - side note - some of the questions were cool and refreshing to read in a romance novel because they deal with consent - and consent is sexy, ya heard. Usually, from my past experiences with Romance Novels (which is 4 books now) all the love action is forced and kind predatory - there seems to be an "unwritten/agreed" consent between the Author, Characters, and Reader which is kind of BS, but whatever. HOWEVER, this Author contradicts their styling of gathering consent - How? Why? How about a section where the Male lead forces the Female lead's hand onto his penis to prove he wants to have sex after she says she doesn't want to move forward with sex because she is unsure/confused - ya dingus - why bother having so many constenting questions if you are going to the break the rules of consent - Acting BEFORE Asking is Not consent, just a tip for ya (pun not intended).
So, lets revisit the passage about being Virgins/virginity - both claim to have been with other partners in the past but it has been years and don't know how to "ride a bicycle anymore", or don't know how to please the other, or may possibly contemplated the fact that they are asexual - but - these two lucky coeds just so happen to be the most talented pipe layers and straw suckers on mother Earth - again - a lot of steam was aired out of the room with the back and forth mindless banter and questions. I get it - they are smart, they are confused - but why not let them cut loose and SHOW more than TELL.
The Author states they came from a background of science academia and that is where they received most of their inspiration for the setting and also why they wove in science talk and the "female in a male's world" backdrop. I mention this as I was hoping at the start of the book we get some badass female lead - someone who is smart, driven, and doesn't put up with male chauvinistic crap, but instead our protagonist is aloof, absentminded, gullible, and at the end of our story a damsel in distress - Weak. The Female Protagonists is a BIOLOGY GRADUATE going for DOCTORATE and she does not understand the need or functionality of changing out her contacts that are over 2 years old! This whole premiss of story is kicked off by simple fact that our lead is temporarily blinded by infectious expired contact lenses - really?! How are bacterial eye infection cute, smart, or sexy?
Personal Rating: 1/10
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Yearly Book Total: 19
Total Page Count: 6,381 pages
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do you have any headcanons for the unsinkable 8?
sure do!
dot gets a “world’s best dad” mug as a joke gift from the gang on her birthday and she immediately gets into dad jokes. one of her fave is pronouncing kind like the kind in “goodkind” whenever she’s talking to Shelby, and to sneak it into the conversation as much as possible. it is quite literally sooooooo dumb.
Dot: it takes all kinds, thank you kindly, that is so kind of you, ect.
Shelby: get a hobby
Nora doesn’t stop counting days. she keeps track of them in a notebook and has a “days since the island” count that the girl’s periodically ask her about. but she also has a “days since I’ve last been kissed” and a “days since leah got out of rehab” and a “days since toni’s mom last used” and a “days since fatin played the cello” and a “days since Dot had a panic attack” and a “days since Rachel had a bad food day” and too many others to name. most of the ones the girls know about but sometimes in conversation they’ll offhandedly mention something and Nora will input a highly specific number that makes everyone realize how tight she’s keeping track of things
Rachel has perfect pitch. she doesn’t realize she does, doesn’t really care that she does, but Fatin finds out and starts demanding she help with the cello which is when they learn Rachel can sing. like, sing intensely amazingly. she doesn’t really care enough to pursue a music career but sometimes she’ll post a jam session with shelby or something on insta, and get tons of support. there’s a running gag that they should release an ep and while everyone in the eight is very musical and artistic, it’s all in entirely different ways. Fatin really is classically trained, Shelby is partial to country, Toni loves rap while Dot loves heavy metal. Martha and Rachel both love pop but have wildly different opinions regarding it and Nora listens to a ton of indie by artists no one has heard of before. once they tried to put a song together just for shits and giggles and it entirely collapsed within five minutes
Shelby and Toni don’t want to settle down and they don’t want to conform to capitalism and while the island sucked in every way it sucked they also don’t want to live as separated from nature as Shelby was forced to for most of her life. they end up buying a van and living out of their car, just driving around Texas. they visit the girls a lot, but they enjoy the freedom of not having to go anywhere or do anything but having the only responsibility be to themselves. Toni gets pretty into nature photography, which brings in some income, and Shelby starts learning other instruments just for fun: guitar, flute, violin, sort of whatever she happens to run into. she asks Fatin to teach her the cello and gets a flat and very understandable “no way in hell i’d rather get trapped on an island again” in response
Martha starts a little animal rescue and falls in love with the the boy who runs the cafe across the street and it’s like a gross rom com. he’s stupid, though not a himbo bc he’s kinda mean at first, more of a womanizer than anything. it’s this frustrating enemies to lovers where Martha cannot stand him and his perfect abs and his passion for cooking and his attention to detail. whenever there’s a new development the entire gang has to hear about it individually on a phone call from her. his meanness comes from a place of insecurity, pushing her away so that he never has to put himself out there bc he doesn’t think he’s good enough bc he’s mean bc the insecurity (vicious cycle, you get it), and once he’s kinda forced to bc c’mon, it’s Martha, if any of us met her we’d all instantly fall in love, he transforms into a himbo, stupid pretty and also stupid. they adopt four dogs, six cats, three guinea pigs, a chinchilla, two hamsters, an aquarium filled with fish, five birds, and so on and so on. once Martha asked Toni to pet sit and Toni faked her death for seven weeks. they also end up having like a stupid amount of kids. like so many kids. it’s a zoo it really is. and they still have that animal rescue and cafe right across from one another. sometimes they’ll send their employees to pass notes to each other and when Rachel found out she stopped talking to Martha for nine days bc it was soooo gross.
Fatin’s approach to life is very very strange. she makes a decision and she goes for it. like once she decided she was gonna summit Mount Kilimanjaro, and she trained for it and did it and then was like “okay great never climbing a mountain again, i no longer care.” she got elected to congress and she stayed there for a single term, she got a doctorate in musical theory then gave up music, got a million subscribers on youtube then gave up social media, just running through things like she’s running through a bucket list. she learned to speak five languages, (one of those martha’s language, can’t remember the name of it, typing too quick to look it up) then stopped. successfully campaigned for an area to be named a natural park so it would stay protected and gave up activism. like, she just runs around on side quests doing shit. she got her boating license, her pilots license, a real estate license, a license to practice law, and a license to kill. sometimes one of the girls would come with her on her grand crusade (Dot climbed the mountain with her, Toni and Shelby learned the language with her, Rachel helped her in her music classes, Leah helped with the activism) but like sometimes she’d just be doing stuff on her own. and she was learning to be okay with that.
Leah starts collecting really old books. and it’s not really a big deal at first it’s just her at a garage sale or a used book store picking up a title that feels nice against her fingers or that she recognizes the author of, until suddenly it is a big deal. until she has people calling her asking her to pick up a box or else they’ll get thrown away. entirely on accident she becomes well versed in book preservation and restoration, building a library and releasing it to the public, keeping copies of books that went out of print ages ago with signatures by authors who’s hands have rotted away in their graves. it’s a lot of little work, a lot of careful focused work so her brain can’t run away from her, and a lot of isolated work too. some days she wakes up and realizes she hasn’t talked to the other girls for weeks and it’s tangible, the missing them. the books stack up higher and higher in her shelves. when she’s dead and gone someone will write a biography describing all of the incredible work she did for the preservation of history and writing. the island will be a footnote.
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starlightkenobi · 4 years
sooooooo...... i have a request pls. dom!obi-wan x reader where he was a breeding kink. I CANT STOP THINKING ABOUT IT.
IM BACK !!!!! coming back with some fun requests because this is H O T. also sorry this one is a tad bit short, still coming back from a huge depressive episode lmao. but writing definitely feels so good and im so happy to be back 💖
Breed // Obi Wan x Reader
rating: explicit
warnings: dom obi wan, breeding kink
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。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆   。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆
Obi Wan wasn’t a possessive person. Material objects, attachments, they were all forbidden by the Jedi code. But there was something about you, something that gave him the carnal desire to claim you, to own you. He had never felt that way before, not about anyone or anything. When he realized how he felt about you, he made a secret promise to himself that he would never act on these feelings. A lot of good that did, considering here he was, every last inch of him buried inside of you.
It wasn’t like this was the first time though. He had been here many times before, in the throws of ecstasy with you writhing beneath him. But what started as a way to stave off more confusing feelings quickly became the source of them. Eventually, you two couldn’t deny how you felt any longer, and Obi Wan had to accept that breaking the code couldn’t be so bad if it felt this good. Good to love, and to be loved. And it felt good to admit that, too.
“I love you.” Obi Wan’s breath was hot against your ear. It sent a shiver down your spine and straight to your core. You were panting, engulfed in a pleasurable fire that sent heat to your aching cunt. Your heart was filled with warmth, too. Warmth at the fact that Obi Wan did, truly and completely, love you.
“I l-love you too...so much.” You stuttered, struggling to form coherent sentences with him pounding you. To say that he was “fucking your brains out” would be an understatement. To be fair, you did have something else on your mind, the thought of his cock shooting cum deep inside of you. And on top of that, you could tell that Obi Wan was getting close.
“Obi Wan...” You moaned, clawing at his sheets.
A smirk danced across his face. “Yes, darling?” That damned smug composure. It wouldn’t last too long though, you were sure of it.
“I want...I want you inside.” Obi Wan laughed as much as he could muster while being this breathless.
“Darling, I am inside of you.” He punctuated each word with a calculated thrust, sending you reeling.
“No.” As hard as it was, you held eye contact with him and thrust your hips forward to meet his. “I want you to cum inside of me.”
His jaw dropped as you could see the last bit of his composure slip away. It took every ounce of control in his body to not cum as soon as he heard those words fall from your pretty little lips. His hips faltered, and he took in a shaky breath.
“Are...Are you sure, darling? I just think-”
“Obi Wan.” You cut him off, thrusting your hips forward again and encouraging him to resume his previous pace. “I want you to fuck your cum into me. Trust me, I’m sure.”
This set off something for Obi Wan. The desire to take you, claim you, own you, in the most primal way possible. You were his to do this with, to mark your insides with his seed so that no one else could ever have you, only him. His darling.
Out of nowhere, his thrusts resumed, taking you completely by surprise. You gasped, twisting your fingers even tighter in his sheets. “You’d love that, wouldn’t you? You’d love me to fuck a baby in this tight cunt of yours.” You could have sworn you heard him growl as he said that.
Now, there was no actual way that he could get you pregnant. You were on birth control, and you weren’t naive enough to risk Obi Wan’s position on the council. However the thought still brought you closer to the edge.
You moaned, loud enough to usually make you nervous of other people hearing, but right now, you didn’t care. “Please...fill me up with your cum!” You were whining, grasping at him and pulling him closer to you.
Obi Wan’s hair stuck to his forehead and his hands slid from your hips to your thighs. He pulled them apart impossibly further, admiring the sight before him. “Look at you, begging for my cum.” A smug grin appeared on his face. “Well, since you asked so nicely.” He continued to pound his hips against yours with such a force that you felt the bed shaking. For a moment, his pace faltered, and you felt his hips stutter. Through half lidded eyes, his gaze met yours. “Cum for me, darling.” The coil within your belly snapped, and you were sent spiraling into a powerful orgasm. As soon as you started squeezing around him, you felt his cum shooting into you. It heightened your orgasm, sending you further and further into the mind blowing pleasure.
Your breathing was labored and heavy, and you could feel a bead of sweat drip down your forehead. You looked absolutely wrecked, but you couldn’t say that Obi Wan looked much better. You were both absolutely exhausted, but sated and pleased with tonight's events. You were especially pleasantly surprised with the fact that your words struck a very particular chord with Obi Wan.
As content as you would have been to lie here forever with Obi Wan inside of you, you were beginning to get a little uncomfortable. You tried to shift your body in an attempt to get Obi Wan to pull out, but his grip on your hips tightened, and he only pulled you closer.
“Not yet darling, I don’t want to waste a single drop.”
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elliemyrah · 3 years
Let’s talk followers
I’m almost at 300 followers.
I’m not gonna tell you how far I am from it because that’s not what matters. 
But when I saw that was near the 300 mark I started to think about how this has been the biggest number I’ve gotten since I was on the internet. 8 years I’ve been here and the highest I’ve reach was 200. And that was on Deviantart. 
With that said I don’t like my deviantart. I have had to many bad memories over there. I had people who said they were my friends but really they just wanted me to draw their characters. I had an actual person, I knew personally, even was in my main friend group, completely brake me to were I was put into therapy immediately. I was groomed twice. And I wrote a horrible pokemon comic that still gives me nightmares. I seriously don’t recommend you go check it out I honestly still post there just to have my work show up in more places. Even may out of no where just delete it.
Anyway I have had better luck here on tumblr. I’m still really cautions with new people and I try avoiding fandoms. Why? Because I’ve learned trying to identify yourself with fandom can lead to biased opinions which can lead to toxic defenses for when someone points out your specific fixations are actually bad. 
You can say I’m part of the SRMTHFG fandom but I have I really done much to show that recently? I don’t even consider my comic counting all that much. I don’t talk about the show really but I mean I could. The show hasn’t really aged well and I really just like seeing other peoples renditions and characters more than the actually source material. Like Glenny is African American teen with large ape arms like come on! I don’t hate the show in fact I still love it but I honestly rather it be rebooted then wait for a 5th season. And the people in the fanbase is a small amount so it’s easier to pick and chose who I want to be around more.
Now listen if I get it excited to see you it’s not because of what you draw (Sure maybe a follow, like, or reblog)but it’s because I simply like talking with you or you made feel comfortable around you. I have a really thick wall up from people screwing me over too many times. Hell recently I had a job interview where I was asking the man questions first before we got to me. He thought it was really funny heh nice guy. Trust me when I consider you as a friend I can’t refrain myself from giving ya lots of love. 
Also for the people who have commented and hashtag commented(Why do u guys do that Btw. I‘m curious.)I have read every single one of them, they given me so much joy. I even look back at my older work just to read the comments all over again, you guys are really sweet. Thank you. Honestly that’s all I care about. Likes, reblogs, and followers can be just numbers by the end of the day but a comment tells what you actually thought of the piece. Now if your awkward like me and don’t really know what to comment that’s fine I’m not saying’ Always comment!’ Just know that’s what I look for.
 Thank you to everyone who has supported my comic. I’ve really learned a bunch for my past stories weather it be public or personal and I really have been enjoying creating this story. This story has a rough draft of how it’s all gonna go down and I’ve constantly changed characters around, roles, adding new character and even their designs and genders. (Which is still happening) Even the story is changing around a bit every time. So people from drawing parties take what I tell you with a grain of salt. I have mad ADHD and can strip my focus really quickly so keeping everything the same is almost impossible. Also the next part should come out this week, sadly it is a two parter. Sorry I really tried to make it one but it got to long. Just simply zooming out made me almost lose my sanity. Besides it introduces Fluorite and I gotta give him as much love as possible. Plus I really want to be able to at the least post 2 pages a month with other drawings at least twice a week. So your patience has been wonderful.
Ok I think that’s enough for now.
If you read all this, thanks for reading.
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Sanders sides dance school au because I can
(This dance school does most, if not all dance styles, and most of the students just do it as a hobby, it isn’t like a boarding ballet school)
Patton Hart
The cinnamon roll who the others must protect at all costs
Not the best dancer technically but he has good rhythm and amazing performance and personality- he still loves dance so much, and is improving every day
Has been here the longest, since he was a toddler
Is tiny and looks so short compared to everyone else on stage
Has made so many friendships and cares about his fellow dancers so much, loves dancing as a team
Loves wearing tutus
If the dance has a lift, he’s nearly always the one who’s lifted because he’s super light and trusts the others so much
A lot of the time on stage he can’t stop laughing because he’s just so happy to be performing
Loves every style of dance so much- don’t make him choose a favourite!
Is extremely unlucky when it comes to quick costume changes, almost always has a back-to-back in shows, Virgil and Remus don’t do as many dances so are always prepared backstage with his next costume
Brings a teddy bear to the backstage dressing room, no one judges him
Loves partnered dances, especially with Janus
Doesn’t score that high on exams, just sees them as a bit of fun and loves hanging out with everyone during the extra practice lessons
Always brings snacks for everyone while they wait between classes
Loves all the glitter and costumes, gets very excited when it comes to showtime
Always helps with the younger kids on stage. They often get bored while waiting for their dances so he plays with them while having a mental breakdown on the inside
Compiles all the show photos into a scrapbook and invites everyone over to his house to rewatch the show footage. Will remember the shows for the rest of his goddamn life.
Logan Berry
Braincell of the group
The only one with his shit together
Technically perfect dancer but struggles with performance/expression sometimes
Always brings extras of everything to shows because he knows people will forget/lose stuff
Knows all of his routines off the top of his head, sometimes even teaches everyone else
Memorises the running order of every show and makes spreadsheets to show who’s in which dance, people make fun of him for it slightly at first but they’re actually really helpful
If you have a question about literally anything- choreography, costumes, show timings, he will know
Does ridiculously fast tap solos and always gets the rhythm 100% perfect
Whenever the dancers have to come on stage in a line, there’s an agreement that Logan always leads because he’s often the only one who knows when to come on
Very determined to succeed in his exams, prepares extensively. the only time he will show emotion is if he thinks something has gone wrong. Usually gets near perfect marks in everything but performance
After each show he rewatches the footage and makes notes on everything he did wrong to improve for next time
Struggles with emotional stuff but he truly does see the dance school as a second home and dancing as far more than just a hobby
Roman Kingsley
Probably the best dancer in the school, wants to dance professionally someday
Exceedingly hard-working, technically flawless, amazing performance, always gives 100%
Has glitter and hairspray with him everywhere he goes
Loves every dance style but if he had to choose a favourite he’d probably go for ballet because he loves how graceful it is and the acting involved
Also does musical theatre and has an amazing singing voice
Extremely overdramatic, and just loves how extra the whole thing is, especially show costumes
Does so many classes he practically lives at the dance school
Can’t possibly be tired or worn out because he loves dance so much
Is in practically half the dances in every show but somehow manages it
Sings along to every song he dances to, even if it isn’t a musical theatre number
Got on his knees and begged the musical theatre teacher to do Hamilton. Did not succeed because swearing and there’s little kids in the dance school. However he did get away with Dear Evan Hansen- a contemporary routine to Waving Through a Window
Works very hard for his exams and it always pays off
Remus Kingsley
Chaos incarnated.
What’s a routine, he’s just here to vibe
Has come on stage late more times than you can count, sometimes because he’s lost part of his costume, other times because he genuinely forgot when his dance was
Technical disaster but is entertaining to watch
Is so chaotic in class, rarely listens, pisses the teachers off to no end- Roman often has to go over the routines with him afterwards because he doesn’t retain any of the steps
Has forgotten the dance while onstage multiple times but the audience rarely notice because he doesn’t fit with what everyone else is doing anyway
Does twin duets with Roman sometimes
Just dances for a bit of fun and to make friends- he knows he probably won’t get a career in dance but is so proud of his brother and supports him all the way
His favourite is Irish Riverdancing
“Ugghgh tech rehearsal is sooooooo boooriiiing”
Relies on Logan to know what the hell is going on
Roman also knows his routines better than he does. Sometimes, if Remus is in a dance but Roman isn’t, Roman will wear his costume and fill in for him
Can actually do the technique on the rare occasion that he tries
Usually freaks the hell out on exam days as he has done zero practice and gives every excuse not to do it. Somehow passes every time
Spends the entirety of tech rehearsal looking around for the filming cameras so he can stare straight into them and freak people out
Somehow manages to ladder every single goddamn pair of tights he wears
Janus Sanders
Charming with excellent performance skills
Says the costumes are too extravagant but secretly he loves all the glitter and fancy stuff
Loves ballroom dancing, him and Roman taught Patton to waltz and now he is a regular at the ballroom classes
Also loves the more jazzy dances and some of the tap ones
Doesn’t really pay much attention in class but somehow gets the routines spot on
Is usually the one to do everyone’s stage makeup
Also loves the musical theatre routines, him and Patton are usually the side characters while Roman is the lead
Knows how to razzle dazzle an audience, has good technique too
Also has potential for a career in dance but he isn’t sure
Encourages his fellow dancers to drink water and take breaks if needed
Loves any dance with a prop so he can be extra
Also loves partner dances, especially since Patton joined ballroom
Is pretty chill about exams, charms the examiner with his performance skills and usually gets great results
Orders pizza for everyone after the shows, runs to the theatre foyer in full costume and makeup to meet the delivery person
Sneaks a TV into the dressing room and somehow makes it so they can watch what’s going on onstage. No one knows how he got it there and honestly they’re afraid to ask.
Virgil Storm
Doesn’t know why he’s here half the time
Has a love-hate relationship with dance
Often has panic attacks backstage but his friends are always there to support him
Doesn’t stop going on about how he thinks the routines are “cringey” but secretly loves performing and acting
Loves more modern dance styles like commercial
Overthinks everything a lot
Doesn’t take many exams but when he does he gets very nervous
In class he tends to do the routines half-heartedly but will go full out with the performance onstage. Never rewatches the footage or looks at the photos but he’d be lying if he said he didn’t look back upon those show memories with extreme fondness
Extra info
Roman, Remus and Logan are 16
Janus, Virgil and Patton are 15
Heights from tallest to shortest-
Patton (shortest by far)
Ranking of who does the most classes:
Patton and Janus
At shows all 6 of them share a small dressing room and look after each other
Everyone goes shopping in town between matinee and evening performances in full makeup, they get the craziest looks but they don’t care
For partnered dances the usual pairings are Patton and Janus, Logan and Roman, Virgil and Remus (do whatever you will with that information)
I may develop this au in the future and possibly write something if my writers block will ever end
Also if any other fanders do dance, feel free to tag yourselves! (I’m Patton and Logan)
Edit: if you like the idea of this au and are interested in reading it as a (probably terrible) fic, you can do so here (tumblr) or here (ao3). If you do check it out let me know what you think!!
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vol. 1
Media AU
Society Rules by @Tiger_Tiger_Burning_Bright [it is apparently based on films i’ve never heard of - The Philadelphia Story / High Society - which does not make it any less entertaining. malec are childhood friends, who had a falling out 5 years ago, and now Magnus is back from London to interrupt Lightwood wedding, aka the social event of the season]
Making my way to you by @asharee_arie [woah, what was that??? is the correct answer “a perfect fanfic”?? what a muthafuckin delight, where has this gem been hiding this whole time??? i was on the floor, rolling around and squealing like a newborn piglet. Intended as some kind of Office AU, this piece does not necessarily follow the outline, but who cares, when the story, and characters, and author’s style are all that perf??? i am in luv]
Mistletoe and Margaritas by @nevermetawolf [this is legendary, and i mean, muthafuckin epic - Office AU so authentic you’d feel it in yo old bones... author calls it a crack fic, although it was anything but!!! major must read for those, who’s ever loved office, allllllll the kudos]
Once Upon a Time in the Clouds by @Fatale (femme) [one of my all-time fav authors, every time i come by a piece i have not read yet, is like a huge YAY, what a talent. so this piece is an AU of something called “sky high”, which i have no idea about, but luved it nevertheless, Alec is born to a family of Supers, and is going to school for children with superpowers, but he himself is yet to manifest any.]
Quite Magical by @lorenzobane [Hogwarts AU, and what an adorable thing it was! granted, i’ve never actually read any of HP books, this was such a delight though... alec is bad at potions, and magnus has to tutor him *wink*]
Chef AU
the way to a chef’s heart by @lecrit [okay, the GIANT SMILE one’s face acquires when one finds out there is a new lecrit fic ≧◠‿◠≦ ≧◠‿◠≦ ≧◠‿◠≦ was reading it, and legitimately squealing like a feral piglet all the way through, cause i fucking luv every single word this woman writes, is like a tiny endorphin explosions in my brain. i know am a hopeless fangirl, but i’ll die on this hill. the way she gets malec, and every variation of them in her works just makes me go (❁´◡`❁) every. single. time.]
kids in the kitchen by @perpetual_journey [cuteness personified, malec are both chefs, and magnus is a single father of max and rafe, and go and read ittttttttt, its that soft content we all need in our lives sometimes]
Knives at the Ready by @harrysglasses [restaurant AU, that is supposed to be a malec rendition of Burnt (am guessing it’s a movie...?), and what a sweet treat it was! i liked author’s style, this is the kind of smooth, unproblematic content one would require to take repose from all the heart-clenching longing i’ve been reading lately... delightful piece to ease thy soul]
Single Parent AU
I Knew From the First Time by @KlaineJane [emmm, excuse you, dear author, who gave you the right to use Rafe and Max to get to my heart, and be generally so fucking cute??? Alec is a single dad of both rascals, that has a meeting with the High Warlock of Brooklyn, and Chairman meets new friends]
And Then I Met You by @everydayfandom [malec are single parents of max and rafe respectively, and alec gets called in to school about the accident max was involved in...who doesn’t luv them some gud ol’ sweet piece of kidfic? those are like a soothing baths for your soul, and lightwood-bane kids are incapable of being anything less than extremely adorable in any interpretation, so]
College AU
Don’t say goodnight by @alistoney [this the kinda lighthearted content i am always here for - College AU]
One year and a bottle of whiskey by @CryptidBane [yassssss, yet another version of the College AU, but with malec as both clueless and pining professors, this type of fic i can read endlessly]
All is Fair in Love and War by @LadyOxymoron [aaaaaaaa, what was this adorableness *major heart-eyes* what a piece, mashallah, college professors AU, where magnus is new in town, and malec is engaging in an elaborate prank war, which, undoubtedly, is nothing more than a prolonged foreplay (c), what a gem]
Canon Divergence
oh, i’ve waited for you by @manticoremoons [so, the fic is happening a little bit further in a timeline, than the books or the series, and Alec is around 30, and... married to Lydia. i know, i know, it almost stopped me from proceeding, and boi am i glad it hasn’t completely, cause it is a damn good piece!]
Hey There Demons, It’s Me (Your Dream Boyfriend) by @thealmostrhetoricalquestion [how many recs of this author can i make, without being deemed obsessed? cause y’all should go and read every single thing they wrote, stat. this adorableness is outta this world, literally - magnus’ summoning went sideways, and the loft ends up populated with the teenage ghost-demon, who is very clearly enamored with alexander... all kinds of fluff ensue]
Something Else verse by @CryptidBane (Impetus) [maybe it’s my fever talking, but i am such a sucker for memory loss AUs, and SH fandom has the richest canon base for those, yay! this time, it’s an AU verse after 3x10: rather than asking for his magic, Asmodeus curses magnus by taking away memories from everyone who’s ever loved him, in exchange for freeing jace from lilith’s thrall... oh, what a beautiful and delicious angst ensues]
Home by @otppurefuckingmagic [waaaaaaaaat... *sits with her mouth open* how did you....? how did he...? damnnnnnnnnn you authors in this fandom, stop being so talented!!!! this is uncannily brilliant]
I’ll hold on until you’re home by @alistoney [how dare you sir, right in the feels... the missing scene in the midst of 3x18/3x19, when magnus realizes what his idiot of a boyfriend has done, and confronts him about the Asmodeus deal]
First time for everything by @nebulein [“Nowhere in a Shadowhunters’ job description does it read ‘must look adorable while infatuated with the local High Warlock’.” - series of firsts written with such tenderness and adoration for characters, that it warms your heart while reading, - it shows how much the author cares for them. it is not finished, but whatever has already been written, is gold]
Fake dating AU
The Great Repression by @CryptidBane (Impetus) [although it might not be exactly my regular cup of tea, i still appreciate this author’s style so damn much, and the way they do malec dynamic overall, so it’s here. magnus is a camboy, and alec is hired to protect him from a stalker]
Friends to lovers
Family is Family by @hexicity [my brains are fried by the covid, so any coherent rec would be unlikely right about now, but the softness of this <333 alec sees an ad about a free room, and when he moves in, he finds way more, than he bargained for... gave me a bit of a “happy, shiny people everywhere” vibe, and that’s an automatic rec in my books, so]
Spinning Around In Circles by @lemonoclefox [my fav friends to lovers/mutual pining trope, here you are, and what a pretty pretty wrapper are you wearing - absolutely amazing interpretation of a trope, that seems to has been done to death, and yet here i am, never able to get enough of it <3]
If it walks like a duck by @thealmostrhetoricalquestion [this. i was reading this. and after every single word. all i wanted to do was get down on one knee and propose to this person. i dunno who the hell you is, but.... how did you do this? it was... another level of fanfiction.]
Neighbors AU
Meow 17:1 Love Thy Neighbor by @high-warlock-of-brooklyn [again, not a fan of drabbles, but who could resist such softness??? Neighbors AU, where Chairman takes some lessons he learnt from “Parent trap” to heart, and alec is a stumbling mess, but he gets shit done, kudossssssss]
Various AU mix
Solid courage by @thealmostrhetoricalquestion [how goddamn CUTE was dat???? answer - the cutest. mashallah people in this fandom can write]
Paper Love by @thealmostrhetoricalquestion [it would not be an exaggeration to admit i thoroughly fell in love with this author’s style, i mean, all and every version of their malec is all kinds of awesome. this one is no exception - catarina works in the library, and malec have to take madzie out to a coffee shop, cause their obnoxious flirting is too loud for the quaint environment of catarina’s workplace.... it’s tiny and so so sooooooo sweet]
make no bones by @ohfreckle [yaaaaaaaaay, what a cutie, tiny preciousness about magnus having an awful day and taking it out on a no-good useless building super, simply delightful]
Freud is a Dick by @sanctuary_for_all [Alec works in IT firm, and accidentally sends someone else’s dick pick to his boss, whom he has a crush on... do i need to say more]
shadows in moonlight by @kaeg [damnnnnnn, son, that was a ride!! something exquisitely soulful, tender and so, so poetic... young malec meet in summer vacation home, and it will take your breath away in the best way possible... warning, it is unfinished, but whatever was written, is absolute preciousness]
For the Love of the Game by @TicklemyPickle [Hockey AU, where malec were childhood friends, but had a falling out, and were not in touch for the last 7 years, until magnus gets traded in to alec’s team... i was somewhat unsure about reccing this, as some of the choices author made regarding their dynamic did not exactly resonate with me, but decided to go on, because, god as my witness, one thing this world definitely needs more of - is malec Hockey AUs, word upppp]
Love Is A Gamble by @la-muerta [i myself do not completely understand, why has it taken me so long to get to the “The importance of elsewhere” author’s most famous piece, but i finally have, it was amazeballs, like, the world-building...? off the charts. the language, the moral struggle, what a gem. alec is a grumpy and surely sheriff *duh!!!* of a tiny town, and magnus strolls in being all... well, magnus-y, and opens a gambling house, the potential!!! anyway, i highly doubt this piece needs recs, so imma zip it]
@ohprongs [this author has too many tiny pieces i like to name them individually, but as far as reccing goes, they should def be mentioned here for their effortless, seamless style, and clear love for the characters in all interpretations, that simply shines through all and any AUs they choose to put malec in]
special mention:
@theleftboobgrabber [i wasn’t aware that at this stage it was still possible to come by someone like this. the author, who’s style would impress me so. that unbelievably glorious Mafia AU, absolutely delightful and literally perfect My mama don’t like you series, and something that went straight to my top-5 - MI6 AU ohhhhh, that MI6 AU... i have no coherent words to express the depths of my appreciation, this is unbelievable fucking talent for writing malec]
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steve0discusses · 4 years
S4 Ep 39: Pharaoh Can Fly (Selectively)
Guys, they’re back
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Best storyboarder is back, and the visual difference between last episode and this episode is like when your art teacher picks up your charcoal and just fixes everything wrong with your gesture drawings. It’s like...I mean look at this:
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I just really love and appreciate how illustrative this storyboarder is. And I say just storyboarder because this had about the same budget as the last episode--there wasn’t that much actual animation as per usual. But, all of the scenes were drawn so well, like panels out of a good manga. They just...they always nail it when they’re at the helm and I don’t know why they’re on Yugioh, but bless this storyboarder.
Plot wise, everyone got pulled into the dragon by gooey tentacles that came out of it’s stomach, don’t think about it.
Meanwhile, all of the minibosses could communicate with them and beg for help, yes, even the same miniboss who may have dressed up like Pegasus and catfished Seto Kaiba.
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(keep reading under the cut)
The whole process of getting absorbed into the Orichalcos demon was a whole lot of symbolism and it was...kinda gross. Also kinda sketch. Also, for Kaiba it is a neat little nod to S1 when he had a vision that his brother was absorbed into a dragon mass.
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I don’t think that the makers of the show remember S1, but either they just really like goopy dragons, or it’s a coincidence or I dunno, on purpose? Probably a coincidence.
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And like I made this joke and realized...what if they actually meant to make that parallel though? This is the America crossover season, and they have referenced America’s love of trickster rabbits before with Pegasus but do they know about Br’er rabbit in Japan? Do they know? It’s a pretty Americana Deep-cut, and I have no idea how common this folktale is outside of the states.
I see anime busting out absorbing goopy masses all the time so I’m gonna assume that there might be a Japanese folklore I don’t know about which uses a similar structure (although I’m also assuming it has an extremely different history and association ((which I won’t be going into because I don’t feel like putting a trigger warning on this recap)).)
And looking at Wikipedia, there’s people that think the original reference to moist, absorbing creatures could have even come from as far as India. Which is...fascinating to how it also developed in Africa, and then the Cherokee also made the same story independently and then it fused together here in the States to make it what was eventually made into a Disney movie that will never be released again--this is just a really old ass story, all in all, possibly like over a thousand years old.
And a FASCINATING google deep dive I won’t go into for obvious reasons but knock yourself out.
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Also, lets get distracted for a sec and see how well this storyboarder drew a fitted jacket at that angle. Dear Lord, did they get reference for that or did their brain just already know that those folds would be there? You can even tell that Pharaoh has just a little bit of padding at his shoulders. Ugh. Guys this storyboarder is so freakin good at these little fitted jackets.
So, once Yugi and his friends are absorbed into the mass, where they should have died...and maybe some of them did, but I don’t know if I should add that to the Death Count because like...they could have held their breath in the amount of time they were stuck in there...maybe...Anyway, they are saved by being tossed into the figurative briar patch--by the souls all hanging out in the Leviathan’s stomach--which again makes me wonder...did they pull a folklore on us? Again, I have no idea.
Like a lot of the people in this dragon have been thorns in their side this entire season, they’ve all tried to kill them at one point--all the minibosses, Mai, Pegasus--but now they have decided to team up with Pharaoh (along with the rest of the human race) and offer whatever they can to free them from the grip of the gross dragon mass.
And like, the ending of the folk tale is that the thorny ass briar patch is also where the rabbit lives usually. It hurts everyone else, but the rabbit--the rabbit can deal with it. And likewise, Pharaoh is freakin dead. He’s at home here. He’s surrounded by spirit power, his friends and their friendship power, this is like his zone, and now he’s crazy powerful for it and will be for the rest of the episode.
And like Yami is a very trickster God (especially Season Zero Yami) so like...it does make sense that he would mirror a folk tale based on trickster Gods, even if it is by complete accident.
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So Pharaoh imagines everyone’s tears as individual drops in a glass or something--it’s not a literal glass or anything--it’s just there because the only thing actually happening on screen was his hand hanging out of this dragon’s weird puss skin.
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And he’s now a fully charged Sonic the Hedgehog and no longer needs Kaiba or Joey at all. Just gonna grab his God card demons and take charge of everything else from here on out.
By first exploding his buddies right the hell out of this lizard and across hundreds of feet of open ocean.
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Joey decides to remind Kaiba that he lost the Battle City tournament.
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Seto’s roast was actually in the show, PS. He is not super excited to be reminded that Yugi owns every card that he spent 2 seasons failing to get.
And then Pharaoh did something really, really...
...just really really wild.
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I mean he IS super powered right now but like...
4 SEASONS. 4 SEASONS I thought this guy was glued to Yugi like Peter Pan’s Shadow and apparently--he can bounce.
Can Pharaoh do this every time Yugi asks Tea out on a date and tries to instead make the ghost in his head do all the work now? Can Pharaoh just be like “NOPE” and then phase out of the house, leaving Yugi to actually do the hard stuff?
It really adds a level of complexity to their relationship if Yugi can get a room.
(If not a room for romance, but at the very least a room to poop in.)
OR has he been able to allow Yugi to wicked poop in peace this whole time, but the show just never felt like telling us because they felt like it wasn’t important (although it is crazy important)?
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Either way I am just...floored at this character development.
Yami just let Yugi out of his sight for like...I want to say 8 full minutes. Just incredible amount of trust on Yami’s part. Incredible. Knowing Yugi’s track record, he should have died in those 8 minutes but...he was being babysat by both Kaiba and Joey.
So Yami summons the Gods and they shoot lasers--you kinda expect this sort of thing.
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And this is...probably...the real reason why Dartz didn’t bother trying to attack Pharaoh 5,000 years ago.
I can still think it’s because of Bakura but like...this is probably the real reason. It felt pretty chump to just shoot a laser at the bastard. Pharaoh just had to be reminded that this is a thing he can just do. If he felt like it.
Which he never feels like doing, because he’s too busy watching Yugi’s every move, and getting distracted by High School shenanigans.
After this happens, the giant snake falls to the ocean, splitting into just sooooooo many ghosts.
Over 7.8 billion ghosts, if we’re to assume that this is most of the population on Earth.
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(thinking the weird-o in the hat is probably a Duel Monsters card? The duel monsters were throwing themselves into the Leviathan at one point so this is probably like a dark magician boy or something...I just don’t get very attached to the monster cards so it was like...whatever. The cards die like constantly so who cares?)
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It is a pretty set dressing. Like Christmas lights but...dead people.
We also find out that the lost family of our minibosses Alister and Raphael, have indeed spent the last many years inside the Leviathan stomach, which is pretty tragic. We get a bitter sweet conclusion to Alister and Raphael’s story--although it’s not a full on ending for either character. Their life still hella sucks, they are in therapy for basically forever.
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Where is Gurimo?
I don’t know what sort of job or life these two are qualified to have now, but youknow...Marik’s boat probably has jobs available.
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Hold up. Can we talk about the windows?
I know absolutely none of you care about this, but I do, not to be picky or condescending to an overworked art team, but because I just want to know what they were trying to aim for.
There’s an iron stained glass style windowpane thing going on and that’s what’s really getting me. Like...I know these guys were technologically advanced, but why did you use this WW2 background? What happened to Ancient Greece that you were doing before?
Like doing a super past with future tech is so cool to me--I love that sort of concept art. That’s going into like Black Panther stuff where you’re referencing the earliest stuff in Africa and then blending it with stuff beyond our science. But Atlantis is a real big shrug and a “listen we ran out of time and had to press print,” and it’s such a shame. It feels less cohesive than even when this show does Egypt.
And yo this show and how it draws ancient Egypt--I feel like I’ve already talked about that. I have a feeling I’m going to talk a lot more about it next season. I’ll get to it when we get to it. I’m hoping that they have more time and budget to actually DO Egypt for once. (I say knowing they won’t)
Like it’s one of those things where this isn’t a history show, like at all, and it’s very much a fantasy. I’m not going to be like those sewing people on youtube that get annoyed because their TV show doesn’t have handsewn stitching in their Victorian bodices they rented from the costume department from an LA discount warehouse. Because, yo, it’s TV, and I can stretch my own imagination because it’s acting. (although I confess, I watch every single one of those videos).
But...the potential, y’all...the potential.
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Anyway, Dartz isn’t dead. He was just taking his toot sweet time getting down the steps of his Gazebo.
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This is where things get very anime. I get this problem a lot with anime, I really do--and maybe it’s just me. But like...sometimes it feels like anime changes the rules during the boss fight.
That happens a lot, right? Where suddenly the final boss reveals something that like...should have been addressed way earlier? And he’s alive but you don’t get why?
Anyway, Pharaoh reacts by getting maybe way too attached to his newfound independence.
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Which like...I can understand Tea forgetting that Yugi is one people that is two people all the time, but the writers as well?
And what’s kind of great about this scene is that Dartz does see Yugi as two people here. He doesn’t look at Yugi, he looks at both. When Pharaoh is like “Leave me, Yugi!” Dartz heard all of that.
Just kind of a neat thing that we finally have a dude that can just...see Pharaoh for what he is, but it probably won’t matter because there’s like only one more episode left of this season.
Anyway, Pharaoh and Dartz have a chat about where evil comes from...and like...it’s some Yugioh lore, all right.
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So before the show decides to give us the Genesis on Yugioh and reveal where the evil of the Orichalcos comes from, or if all evil was created by Orichalcos itself (which is IMPLYING stuff about Orichalcos) the snake shuts him the hell up.
As it should. Leave that Pandora’s box freakin closed. That’s going into extended universe of Star Wars books territory (RIP.)
As an aside--pretty sure that Yugi is standing outside that tornado. Maybe it was just the editing of the episode but like...
Yo I’m pretty sure Yugi is just standing there. For the first time, it’s not his nuts getting roasted. Wow. Tables have turned so much since he was dead.
Anyway, here’s the link for new people so you can read these in order
There’s only one left! We can do it! We can finish this season in 2020! And actually get back to recapping Full Metal Alchemist! ~~Woooo~~
Oh man that movie better still be on Netflix or I’ll have to buy it lolol.
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