#like the math isn’t mathing
Why is it cheaper to go to a show overseas than in the U.S.????
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bruciemilf · 8 months
if I had any kind of artistic prowess, I’d draw Clark with a mild ‘I’m about to wreck shop’ smile, grabbing at his hair, glasses halfway down his nose while helping Jon and Damian with their math homework.
“Pa, they want us to do it THIS way-“
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puppetmaster13u · 9 months
Prompt 168
So. Apparently halfas are like phoenixes or something, which Danny would’ve really liked to know. 
See, usually with ghosts if they’re forced to retreat to their cores they reform as was, but apparently, since they’re still partially living, schrodinger's people and all that, halfas have to regrow their body from scratch. At least that’s what he’s understanding from Frostbite. 
But how come he has to deal with it? It’s Dan’s fault for trying to pull such a stunt! Oh, it’s either him or Vlad? Well fuck, he might have calmed down and is going to therapy in both the living realm and the Zone, but he’s waaay not equipped to raise a child except for like, monetarily wise. 
Well dammit, how long will this core incubation thing last, he has his new job in… let him check which offer he accepted again… He has his new job in Coast City that he needs to finish packing for and then all the rest of the stuff to do. 
What do you mean it’ll take months?! He doesn’t have months?! Urgh, fine. At least being a mortician isn’t that exciting, nor dangerous. Just hand him Dan’s core and he’ll figure things out for the living side of things. He’s sure Tucker and Sam wouldn’t be against helping, if only to try and claim favorite aunt or uncle spots. 
#dcxdp#dpxdc#prompts#Coast City is where Hal Jordan lives hilarious enough#I just chose a random city but honestly a green lantern city is hilariously on brand for where Danny would choose to move#He’s just a cheerful space core dude who is glaring down several ghosts & helping others move on while he’s working#He’s also slightly uncanny valley to people outside of Amity & doesn’t realize it#He runs into a reporter Wes at some point & okay the fact he looks like the lady doing math meme when seeing Dan?#Utterly hilarious#Danny holding a newborn with matching slightly pointy ears and claws :)#Wes who is *pretty sure* Danny is cis but is second guessing everything now:#Danny is going to do his best to avoid any hero BS#He’s trying to do his JOB#Who cares if he brings his baby to work he needs to eat and he isn’t going to hire a babysitter#Bby Jordan tried to set the house on fire during his last tantrum do you THINK anyone else can deal with him? That’s what he thought now ou#Ellie visits as well & straight up melts out of the wall sometimes like a horror movie#She has weaponized her goo powers and is also excited to show her dad her new gravity ones#Space Core Danny + Fire Core Vlad = Sun Core Dan#Ellie has a Moon core (something something phases of the moon & travelling across the night sky)#Danny is encountering so many rogues and heroes and just doesn’t acknowledge it because he has a literal BABY who can destroy the entire JL#He’s very tired and would like a nap now
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ghostfixedsysknight · 2 months
Just had a realization about Fairly OddParents: New Wish’s finale:
It’s centered around Hazel wishing her millionth wish but- a million is A LOT. Like A LOT A LOT
If we’re being generous and say Hazel has had Cosmo and Wanda for a whole year, 365 days, she would have to have made 2,739.7 WISHES EVERYDAY
Hazel rarely makes wishes! That’s what makes her different and a pretty interesting protagonist for this franchise, she tries to be independent and solve problems on her own. She makes like, 2 wish per episode, one main wish and one to undo the damages, maybe like 8 wishes if she wants to keep an act up like at Hotel Wellsington. She often goes about her everyday without making a wish! How is she averaging 2,700 wishes a day?? That’s 112 wishes per hour! 2 wishes for every minute of a year!
If it was Dev, yeah I can believe that. He keeps repeating wishes and would ask for magic to help with everything, I can see him wish bombing and knocking out 500 wishes in an hour (8 wishes/min). But Hazel? I feel like she’d feel bad asking for so much.
While I get why they didn’t go for the ‘keeping your fairies a secret for a whole year, here’s a muffin that grants any wish’ since they haven’t gotten to do a Christmas, Halloween, Easter or Hazel’s birthday episode yet. But that just makes thinking about the logistics of Hazel making 1,000,000 wishes all the more baffling.
It took Timmy years to reach 1,000,000 wishes (Poof existed when Timmy hit a million) and he wished willy nilly! Thats not even mentioning the whole million wish thing came from Timmy’s Secret Wish, aka the episode where it’s revealed Timmy wished for time to stay still for 50 years. It took Timmy more than 50 years to get a million. And it took Hazel a year or less???
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rendside · 5 months
your art is beautiful im rly curious about your wc ocs as well!!! what happened to harpy?
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Harpy’s injury was by an attempt to drown him on the day where he was supposed to become the leader, by the previous leader. (Leaders in greater way are known as crown holders.)
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i’m supposed to be putting together a powerpoint teaching the other hr specialists at work how to do some Important Math but i CANT STOP THINKING ABOUT DISCIPLE SHEN YUAN
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catboy-a-day · 8 days
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catboy 239 should not be a math major.
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twistandshoutruinedme · 3 months
sometimes i have to remind myself that i’m not the only nerd in my family we’re just nerdy in different ways
my mom majored in history and has a masters in library science
my dad used to play dnd, taught us catan, and showed us the star wars movies
my sister is reading the dictionary. i’m not kidding. also she likes math
and i nonstop rotate the cast of dropout in my head
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sincerely-sofie · 6 months
Does Opal still speak very formally around Team Skull? Because this scenario is playing out in my head and I want you to hear it.
Opal: *says something in an archaic manner, the specifics don't really matter*
Skuntank: "Chaw-haw! Uh, Yeah! Sure I can do that!"
Opal: *content, leaves to go do something*
Skuntank: *leans over to zubat and koffing, sweating* "Do either of you boys know what I just agreed to?
Oh my word.
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totally-ikea · 7 months
Anybody got any tips for getting into honors math? :3
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james-spooky · 2 hours
this is a test
#i’m bored i just wanna see how many words i can put in the tags like will it just keep going on forever or will they stop me like i know th#the tag limit is 30 ok so the iindividual tag limit is 140 characters that’s actually so rude i wanted to keep going forever and see how lo#g this could be but i guess we can do this 30 times ok what the flip should i talk about hm i was playing the guitar today but i rage quit#ause the song was hard and hurting my fingers! ermmmmm it was sunny ok this is boring let’s think of more exciting things to type hmmm acco#ding to all known laws of aviation- jk i’m not doing the bee movie script but can you imagine i think that would be funny hmmmmm words i lo#e podcasts so bad that’s a fact no one has ever know before my blog definitely isn’t all about audio dramas the people are definitely not a#ready aware of this jesus christ this is only the seventh one of these this is actually quite a lot of space i underestimated how much i ha#e to type btw there’s probably spelling mistakes in here somewhere or autocorrect has been annoying but i cba to retype anything so i don’t#care lolllllllllllll how do you feel about oscar malevolent i feel a normal amount actually (lie) yk what i really miss sam and colin alrea#y like i’m actually not okay i really hope we hear from sam again in s2 and also colin ngl i hope ur in the computers soz or not dead miss#im like a bastard my paranoid it king ok erm im running out of things to say um heartstopper s3 was crazy good i cried lmao i love gay peop#e so much it’s crazy i hope it gets renewed for s4 i need to reread the comics lowkey and the books they’re all so talented for being so yo#ng it scares me ngl !!!!!! the tmagp hiatus is getting to me slightly like february in reality is soon and not that far away for how podcas#ts go but seriously how am i supposed to live until then without knowing what happened. please colin be alive. ive only just realised i can#use fills stops. sorry that’s made everything a bit messy. i should’ve been doing this before. whoops. anyways. hi mutuals i love you all s#much i hope you enjoy my rambles and shitposts cause i enjoy yours very much! never think you’re being annoying i literally don’t care be a#annoying as you want posts as much as you want i am ur biggest fan <3 im getting a bit fatigued from typing like my mind is blank basically#now it’s just turned into a. stream of consciousness but i don’t really have any thoughts to put here idk if we’re halfway ermmmm omg it’s#lmost halloween how crazy is that time is flying by i kinda forgot it was october lmao. it’s wild how it’s basically almost christmas. like#what. that’s illegal. how is it wintertime again. what the flip. i miss summer already take me backkkkkkk. i hope my phone doesn’t crash or#smth cause i’ve not saved this as a draft and i cba to do any of this again. maybe i should save it. ok i will when i reach the next tag bc#ok it stopped me but i’ve saved it and holy jesus it’s a lot of text im just sat here giggling there’s really no point to any of this other#than me being bored sooooooooooooooooo (imagine if i just did the letter o for every character wouldn’t that be crazy) so wait there’s 140#haracters and 30 tags so what’s 30 x 140. someone hurry. i haven’t done maths lessons in two and a half years i’ve forgotten everything wai#let me get the calculator app ok im back it said 4100 characters so. i dont know how many words that roughly is but its. a decent amount. o#what the flip why am i wasting tag space with maths. i hate maths. my screen time has been actually soooooooooo bad recently like damn some#one put my phone in a block of ice please joshua gillespie style. my mind is running out of things to say. do i talk about myself. im james#im 18 which is weird cause wdym im an adult go away. ive run out of facts. i love podcasts and procedural dramas that stupid firefighter sh#w is my life unfortunately. i think chappell roan should be the queen of england instead of king charles. i dont like having a king cause#ho needs men in power not me. ok um this is the last tag equal rights for all. yolo. the time will pass anyways! thank u boredom ok bye gn:
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gjordis · 1 year
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Morrigan how I intended her to be, and with a flat bg because I was on the fence if it was too hard to see what’s going on in the other one. Also yeah I didn’t do the pattern on her butt, for that I am sorry
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okay but it’s like. if Lae’zel was in the modern day she’d be the top of all her classes (beating Gale who would be so fucking mad about it), on every sports team, head of the prom committee, just constant after-school activities, total overachiever, and she will not accept being second place to anybody. meanwhile Karlach is on every sports team but she doesn’t really want to be, she just wants to do sport for fun and hang out with her friends, but the head of P.E. made her join because she’s good at it. unfortunately getting mad about it makes her compete better. Shadowheart grew up in a weird church and was definitely homeschooled for most of her life and is only in a mainstream school for sixth form because her weird church want her to recruit new members (she sucks at convincing people the church is good). sometimes she says fucking insane things totally seriously and everyone in the class goes what the fuck. Wyll is a very nice empathetic boy who tries to get along with everyone including Shadowheart even though she roleplays warrior cats at lunchtime and Lae’zel even though she threatens to murder him if he gets a higher grade in the debate than her, and it blindsides everyone when they find out his dad is the Head Teacher. Gale would be taking five A-Levels instead of three or four solely for the academic clout it brings him. Astarion should have graduated ten years ago and nobody knows why he’s still here. Withers is the school nurse.
#idk why I wrote this or even why I thought of it but here you go#bg3 secondary school au apparently#also there wasn’t enough room to add:#Shads walks the mile in P.E. and got put in lunchtime remedial swimming lessons she doesn’t go to#Wyll gets asked to be on school council every year because he’s popular and well-liked and his dad is the Head but he keeps turning it down#he’s also nice to the dinner ladies and they give him extra helpings because they love him#Viconia phones the school almost daily to keep track of Shadowheart’s progress and everyone is fucking sick of her#Jaheira is the teacher all the gays flock to#Minsc is the school groundskeeper and there’s a running bet on whether Boo is real or not because nobody has ever seen him#(except Shads because she likes to sit under the tree at the end of the field and sometimes Boo sits with her but nobody asked her)#is Lae’zel Paris from gilmore girls? no comment.#Karlach really just wants to be on the football team and nothing else. she’s goalie.#Wyll is on a couple of sports teams because he wants to hang out with Karlach and she’s always busy with sport but it’s not really his thin#*thing#however he is in every school musical and he fucking loves that shit#Gale was definitely the smartest in his old school and then when he moved for sixth form he isn’t top of the class any more#and it’s causing him some Mental Distress#Arabella is one of those kids in primary school who are super smart in a certain subject and put in the gifted class and they do monthly#field trips to the secondary school and Gale volunteers to help teach year 7-8 level topics to them#Minthara runs the maths department like it’s the fucking navy
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deityofhearts · 6 months
cheerleaders 🤝 equestrians (but specifically horse girls): your sport not being taken seriously by other people and being treated like a joke
#deity dialogue#when I was in middle school my computer teacher was also a football coach and would have ‘banter’ with the cheer coach (who was also an#assistant teacher for my math class btw she was so sweet she helped me a lot in class and also made me a bow which was stolen from me :( )#about how ‘football was a real sport and cheerleading wasn’t’ LIKE ARE YOU KIDDING ME#jsut because cheerleaders look cute and are peppy and more often than not girls and women you don’t take anything they do seriously#do you understand the strength and agility and flexibility needed to be a cheerleader do you see the shit they’re doing and you have the#gall not to respect what they do as a sport??? i wasn’t a cheerleader but a few of my friends were and I respect them so much that shit must#have taken so much of everything#obvs I’m not covering the full scale of what it takes to be a cheerleader cause again I wasn’t one but like I’m so pissed whenever people#have the audacity to act like it’s not a serious sport and I’m mad at the same for equestrians as well.#Also generally I hate people who think cheerleaders are inherently awful and bitches like y’all shouldn’t generalize just because some#people in a group are mean or popularly portrayed as mean doesn’t mean it’s true my friends from school were sweet to literally everyone so#can it. this isn’t me like dismissing anyone who’s been bullied by anyone but don’t like assume everyone is terrible thanks bye#it’s the misogyny and we all know it :/ it affects men in the sports as well because if you’re a male cheerleader you’re treated badly and#it’s the misogyny and we all know it
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4mbrose-de-s1las · 1 month
[how to be a fucking r*tard who can’t do anything:
- be me]
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why-the-heck-not · 1 year
what the fuck, I miss math courses?? why??? they’re always a misery, why do I crave misery ???
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