#like the ghost...... leg thingy
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hakureishrine01 · 2 days ago
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• 1-2: consider these two ghost!clay au fanarts from me. design by @/skillfulsecretagent; february 24th 2025
• 3: as a claypollo fan, i felt obligated to redraw it; february 28th 2025
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snaileer · 2 months ago
I’m a Size Medium, Thanks - 2
Part one: https://www.tumblr.com/snaileer/766471879423885312/im-a-size-medium-thanks
Danny stares into the eyes of what has got to be the grumpiest looking 12-14?10? How tall are children?- year old he’s ever met. And he grew up with Sam!
Danny looks back through the door, hoping to everything that an adult walks through. He is disappointed.
“Well?” The boy snaps, foot tapping.
“Uh, can I help.. you?” Danny says, voice ticking up. That’s what you’re supposed to say at a job right? Or maybe the kid wasn’t supposed to be here, “Do you need to call someone…?” He hopes not, he doesn’t know how or if the shop has a phone, and his… well his is wired through a realm of the dead so enough said there.
“My name is Damian Wayne.” He says primly. And expectantly.
Danny looks outside again, past the neon sign he specifically hadn’t turned on, then back at the Damian kid, blinking. There’s no way this was that ‘Mr.Wayne.’
The kid rolls his eyes impressively well then drops his glare back onto Danny, “Has this absurd incense burned away whatever meager sense you were born with? I am here to have a so-called ��reading’ with a medium.”
If Danny hadn’t seen this Damian kid walk in with three whisps of shades wrapped around his arms, Danny would have questioned why, but he did, so he doesn’t.
He does, however, say: “Aren’t you a little young… to be like.. talking about death or something?” Though honestly, the incense is a real concern, Danny hadn’t even lit any today, Claire had just left it burning and the whole room was saturated.
“Will you fulfill your job description or not, you peasant?” The kid grits out.
Danny would really rather not. Like really rather not. But nOoo, here he was, waiting for a portal that could show up at any time, pretending he was a medium for a 7 year old just because he could talk to ghosts.
Danny sighs and drags himself around the counter to go into Claire’s weird little seance room. Maybe the fumes will kill him before the embarrassment does.
The kid follows.
Danny drops himself into Claire’s chair with weirdly plush armrests for still being so uncomfortable.
“Alright then, let’s get this over with. I’m Danny, the -ugh- medium. Whatdya wanna know?” Danny says as he kicks his leg out to hit a shade getting agitated and grabby by Damian’s feet. They got way too much of a spiritual boost from this room for Danny to be comfortable with it.
Damian watches him with a raised eyebrow, still not sitting down, “Aren’t you meant to lead the seance?”
Danny’s lip curls in distaste, he huffs a sigh and lets his shoulders drop, opening his mouth to tell this 9-year old something easy about one of his shades and be done-
He spots a sticky note stuck on the crystal ball.
-Danny, don’t forget, the showmanship is important! I trust you know how to meet expectations! Happy first day!
- Claire <3
Danny feels his face go deadpan. He was going to have this woman committed. That’s what he was going to do. She could be studied for the degenerative cognitive effects of being freaking bazonkers.
Danny plucks the note off the crystal ball and crumples it, letting the trash drop to the abyss that is Claire’s plush carpet.
He sighs, looking back up at Damian. The kid snaps his head towards him from where he’d been poking around the curtained walls- weirdo- but Danny beats him to the snappy comment.
“You got any spiritually charged items? Or like… something?” Danny says, taking a guess, he can make the thingy glow, say some nonsense, get paid, and close.
Damian narrows his eyes at him, but slowly moves to sit in the other chair, perched on the edge of the seat. He pulls something from his pocket and sets it on the table.
It’s a clump of shiny white pearls.
Absolutely dripping in ectoplasmic blood stains. So lovely.
Does Claire have biohazard gloves because oh gosh-
Danny hesitantly reaches for the pearls, lifting the strand between two fingers as he looks between it and the 12 year old. “You sure this is what you want to ask about?”
The kid’s glare turns challenging, mocking, “What? Admitting you are nothing but a charlatan?”
Danny grimaces, “Not quite. I mean…” He looks at the pearls again, then at the shade trying to hack away at the kids neck, “There’s definitely someone or something attached to this it’s just… not .. yours.”
“Tt,” the boy clicks his tongue at him, “and how exactly would you know that, charlatan?” Damian levels a mocking look up and down at him.
Danny’s eye twitches as he grimaces a smile, “Part of the job-“ brat. Danny doesn’t say that. Danny can’t say that. Danny has to deal with death obsessed TODDLERS who want to talk about some rando’s gruesome murder just so he can eat tonight. Or find somewhere to sleep. He doubts this will be enough for both.
Maybe if he’s dramatic enough.
Alright get to it then, Danny.
He sighs, dimming the light with Claire’s little remote- he is not so far gone as to turn them green like she had- and actually focusing his energy on the pearl necklace.
“What are you-“
Danny holds up a finger at Damian to silence him, which surprisingly works. He closes his eyes and starts trying to absorb the vibes of ectoplasmic remains as slowly as he can.
Feelings of course come with it and- well what’d ya know, he can definitely feel this attached to a ghost somewhere in this city.
“It’s a woman’s… younger than she should have been when she…”
He can hear Damian scoff, “Obviously, anyone could tell me that.”
Danny rolls his eyes under his eyelids, debating the merits of opening one to glare at him when his eyes are definitely glowing.
“She’s still here but-“ Danny says instead, trying to pull on the connection wandering out into the streets, “She can’t come here here.”
“What do you mean?” The boy snaps.
Danny tries to focus harder on it himself, he’s never done this before, tried to find or communicate with a ghost from an object… it was like Pointdexter and his mirror.
“She’s stuck somewhere… somewhere more important.. it’s dark and narrow and Danny mentally rears back as images flash into his mind. Accompanied of course by a woman’s scream.
An alley. A gun. A man stepping in front of her to protect her- no not her- a kid- Damian- not Damian- looks like-
Danny opens his eyes and drops the necklace. There’s barely any ectoplasm left on it.
Fine with him, he never wants to touch it again. But yuck that means he absorbed it!! Oh ewwww-
“Well?” An impatient voice asks and- oh yeah that’s right, the rude ass kid.
Danny pushes the pearls across the table with a finger and looks up at him, “Woman in an alley, that familiar to you?”
Damian’s eyes narrow, “Anyone who knows who I am could tell me the same.”
Danny snaps, “I don’t-!“ This is a child Danny, a child, he takes a deep breath, “Well she was scared for the kid, and now is… proud of him? There’s a lot of concern there, but she still watches him I guess, so that’s all I got for ya.”
Damian scrutinizes him for a minute, silent. Darn, weren’t mediums supposed to be vague as heck so that anything could apply and the person would find their own meaning? But did it count if he was just translating the vibes off a shade half a city away?
“This is…. acceptable.”
Danny nearly sags in relief and moves to stand, “Cool, then-“
“Wait.” The kid holds up a hand, “You said something regarding a disparity in the proposed ownership of the apparition you believed to be related to this jewelry.”
Danny blinks at him dumbly.
Damian scoffs again, “That the apparition attached to this necklace was ‘not mine,’ as you said??” He snarks, putting air quotes up.
Danny slowly sinks back down into the chair. “… Well yeah I mean..” does he tell this 8 year old about the slightly murderous shades he’s got around him? “You have… you have a couple… apparations… yourself. Not related to the pearls that is.” Danny says hesitantly, eyes skipping over said shades.
Damian jerks his head to follow his eyes and Danny shirks back, eyes back on the kid.
“Who are they? Tell me now,” Damian demands, standing to loom over the table.
Danny puts his hands up in surrender, “Whoa, I don’t know about that, they don’t really seem too happy with you-“ Another one tries to slice his hand through Damian’s neck, “I think you did something to them or made them angry at some point. I don’t really think you should try to contact them-“ Danny winces, that could end very badly. Thank goodness for limited ectoplasm access.
Meanwhile, his answer seems to have only made Damian more upset, his eyes wide as he stares down at Danny.
Suddenly the kid turns and stamps towards the door, leaving Danny to hurriedly push the chair out and chase after him to the main room.
When he gets there Damian is already shooting hushed insults at a man standing amongst the crystals.
The man looks vaguely like Damian, black hair, blue eyes, lithe build, and oh also- surrounded by shades of course.
These ones seem less vicious at least.
Please don’t be here for him. Please don’t be here for him.
Danny really doesn’t want to try and fake his way through another hour or however long it’s been of that.
“Hey there! I’m Dick, Damian’s brother!” The man says suddenly, pushing Damian aside and coming forward with a cheery grin, “Thanks for humoring him!”
Danny tilts his head to see Damian’s scowling face behind the man. Right.
“Uh huh… I’m Danny.” He says, trying not to be distracted by what he’s pretty sure is a baby elephant’s ghost behind him.
“You’re the medium right? We were just so interested to see if that old family heirloom would have anything or not. We-“
“We?” Damian cuts him off with a scoff, “I will meet you in the vehicle Richard. I will not spend another minute in this house of charlatans.”
They both watch as the kid turns and stomps out the door, uncrossing his arms only to open the door and stomp out. The stupid bell rings merrily.
This time it’s not Danny who sighs.
“I wish he wouldn’t say things like that,” Dick says wearily, “I grew up in places like this.” There’s a note of nostalgia to his voice. Danny just eyes the bowl of ‘fertility’ crystals warily, what kind of place??
Dick must see him do it because he huffs a laugh, “I grew up in a circus originally,” he explains, “So psychic places always just kinda remind me of my auntie’s tents.”
Danny glances at the elephant shaped ghost again, “Wow that makes so much sense actually.”
The guy raises a confused eyebrow at him.
Danny coughs awkwardly, waving it away, “So, money?” He claps, “I’m guessing you’re paying since Damian is…” Danny trails off, opting not to make a final guess on age and embarrass himself.
Dick laughs again and they go over to the counter, “Yep, here-“ He pulls out his wallet, rifling through cash before pulling some out, “Cash only yeah? This should be enough.”
Danny stares at the stack of slightly rumpled bills, “But- huh?…” that was… that was so much…
“Oh I added extra since I’m sure he probably said some things he shouldn’t have, don’t worry about it.”
Dick is already halfway out the door when Danny reloads and jerks upwards, “Wai-“
Could Danny really stop him? Should he? He needed this money but… he stops to count it. $20..40..60..80..100..120….140……160….180……….$200.
Danny blanches. He lurches for the door, no way he can take this much money just for basically acting as a glorified ecto-translator.
Danny stops in his tracks as he steps outside the shop and spots Dick and Damian speaking to a third, much older person, over the hood of a sleek black car.
This person, of course, also has several, several, shades around them.
What the hell was wrong with this family?
Damian turns and glares his way.
Oh ancients what if they were part of the mob or something.
Danny spins around on his heel-
And smacks straight into the glass door of the shop.
Danny rubs his nose as he fumbles around for the door handle, acutely aware the death covered family was probably staring at him.
He grabs the handle and pulls-
Danny freezes, hand on his sore face stopping. He opens his eyes as he yanks again. Nothing.
Oh heck, he just locked himself out didn’t he?
No please no, they were so definitely still staring, no way they weren’t. Danny pulls again and it finally-
He looks at the door handle in his hand.
Then at the door still closed in front of him.
Then back at the door handle.
Just the door handle.
Danny nearly weeps, clumsily fitting the door handle back on and still adamantly refusing to look and see if Damian and his absurdly rich family has left yet. Other people on the street are also starting to stare. The same reason he can’t just use his powers.
He finally gets the handle back on and gingerly lets go of it.
Ok. Deep breath.
Claire warned you about this. With a sticky note, but all the same. Extra key is taped on the bottom of the fire hydrant right outside the shop. You’ve got this.
Danny turns, kneels, and frantically begins trying to find the key on the absurdly dirty fire hydrant.
His hands come away black with grime, but thankfully he has the key.
He puts it in the lock and turns it, hearing what may very well be the newest sound of his nightmares: a snap.
Most specifically the sound of the key snapping in Danny’s very hands.
Danny stares at the half of the key still held between his fingers.
Did he do something to this city? Was this his fault? Could he not just sit in a closet and wait for the portal to open and go home?
Danny sags against the door, and resigns himself to his fate. Maybe he can go get food… with the money he left on the counter. Great.
Danny peeks his eyes sideways and catches the guy, Dick, finally getting into their car.
Okay, just a tiny bit just a bit. Danny holds the key again, focuses on the lock in the door jam and….. intangible!
He yanks the door open and jumps inside, door closing against the flutters of quickly fading shades on the street.
And more than one scream at them but hey that’s not his problem.
Danny revels in the cool lighting of the shop, glaring at the stupid broken key in his grimy hands. He drops the useless bit of metal on the counter, pockets the cash and wipes his hands on the backside of one of Claire’s million wall curtains.
It leaves a black stain that basically disappears when Danny folds the fabric over it.
Oh well.
Technically the shop was still open.
And technically, Danny didn’t know if the lock did or didn’t work right now.
He moves to find whatever storage closet Claire used to store her absurd number of crystals.
He finds it- finally- and using the keys he left in the store to begin with, he is able to unlock the perfect place to sleep tonight amongst several packages of…. Some kind of incense powder… or something. He doesn’t really care because that plan of hiding in a closet till the portal opens? Yeah, Danny’s putting that into action right the frick now.
He bends down to start to lay out his sweatshirt over the cardboard bed-to-be.
A bell rings in the distance.
Danny is going to destroy that bell on the door, he swears it.
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deadghosy · 1 year ago
Mommy long legs reader or slender man reader x Hazbin hotel 🌚🌝
prompt: a faceless creature of the height of 10’5 (or 7’9 idk I got two different heights from safari lol) came to hell to serve one final purpose…get a damn job.
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Two words, scary tall…
So say your height was 10’5…
Okay so I can see Charlie being scared staring at you as you just sit like a nice gentleman as your body doesn’t fit the whole seat… (y’know what, let’s go with 7’9…) you told Charlie you use to be a leader before you somehow came to this wrenched place
Charlie felt bad and gave you a job here so yon can stay. But she was confused when you said “somehow”’ as if you didn’t die as a Human…WAIT A MINUTE..DID YOU JUST TALK WITHOUT A MOU-
Lucifer looked up at you and was like….“What in the fucking nine circles…” and you two became friends because of how Lucifer put accessories on you like a Christmas tree
Y’know how people make slenderman wear reading glasses sometimes? That’s you. 😭 with your blind ass LMAOO (I also wear glasses dw…) But I can see you wear the glasses and residents be so confused because…you don’t have eyes for Christ out loud-
“Fuck you wearin' glasses for?” Husk said to you once as he caught you even reading a book…now he was more confused. “I’m reading…” “…..okay..” husk was so done with this buffoonery as you had no mouth and eyes. But yet you could still read, see, and fuckin talk? Yeah he must be drunk as hell itself…
You treat niffty just like how fanon slenderman treats Sally. That’s how I headcannon it.
I headcannon you to be the fanon version of slenderman rather the cannon version. Cause you being the fanon version is just sweet considering the chaos that can happen in the hotel and how you treat niffty.
I can see people thinking you are a new overlord as you had a stern aura around yourself as you had a proper straight walk as you held a high chin not showing any weaknesses.
“Woah….did you see that sinner get lit in flames…” “yeah I did.” It got so quiet so quick as angel gave you a confused face as you just stood there. 😭 Angel couldn’t tell if you were being fr or being a smartass
You were just sleeping on the couch, dead ass like a passed out beer dad after watching football. And fat nuggets sat in your lap sleeping. Then angel came and slept by you, then husk, then niffty, AND THEN EVERYONE JOINED 😭 big ass family cuddle💗💗🦆
You deadass could be the bodyguard of the hotel as you could escort a sinner who is trying to be an ass to the staff and you’re just like, “YEET!” And boom they are thrown away
You and Alastor definitely bond the most as you two got black tentacles. It’s just for Alastor it’s based on his powers when he uses his magic. But for you, it’s just your appearance as you use them to pierce your enemies. But mostly you use them when you are too bored to pick up objects with your hands
BIGGG headcannon that when slenderman do that static thingy, for you it clouds their vision and hearing as you make them pass out. Either to death or just to knock them out.
Lol I can imagine the whole creepypasta mansion going crazy while you drink tea like “this is fine” as you are in some other universe- 😭 crossover type shit
Like Drowned Ben is spam texting your phone like, “slender. slender. Help. Slendy. Octopus. Father. Help help.. help JeFF STABBED ME!”
And your tall ass is just sleeping as everything is going soooo peaceful in the hotel.
While we are at that, EJ definitely was using a book to try and to summon you with sally behind him hugging her teddy to see you again. Meanwhile Jeff was chasing Ben as he goes through a tv to hide from Jeff.
I imagine people in the hotel would hug you except for Alastor as he hates touch. But the people would dead ass hug you as one of your tentacles hold them.
You picked up angel, niffty , Charlie and Vaggie with your four tentacles as you read a book. It was a funny but cute sight as Charlie was like “:p” while the others had a cartoony ass expression or a blank one which is definitely Vaggie and husk
Adam and Lute definitely glanced at each other confused at what the fuck you were as you didn’t have a demonic or angelic aura. But you had some type of power in you. It was weird asf as you just stood there like “🧍🏾am I ugly?” They just kept staring at you
I can see you having the same expression as the picture above when you met pentious as you and Alastor was having tea just chilling with the hellish weather.
“Do you know that guy?” “I have no idea who that pest is my dear friend.” Alastor says with his usual smile as he hands you a cookie.
Just straight up tea times with Alastor is so peaceful as Alastor was kinda suspicious when you didn’t say anything if he ate a cannibalism meal. But I mean…slenderman! Reader is use to people being a cannibal.
The vees are definitely intrigued with who the hell you are and how powerful are you as you were the talk of pentagram city when you first came.
I headcannon a sinner tried to cut off your tentacles only to be grabbed by one of them and slammed to the ground. You just stood there and let static ring loudly in their head to the point it exploded.
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hearts4golbach · 9 months ago
waitttttt you could totally do something w the sam n colby vid w jake n johnnie, like were reader is with johnnie and you could do something like the clip of jake hugging johnnie??? if that makes sense 😭😭😭😭
Johnnie Guilbert x Fem!Reader.
this isn't going to follow the points of the ACTUAL video. this is all made up and never really happened.
scary ig?? I don't know if it's that scary, but yk.
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going on a trip with Jake, Johnnie, Sam, and Colby had been on your bucket list for a long time. whenever Jake came into your room and asked you if you wanted to go, you were ecstatic.
now you were there.
"what the fuck was that?" a bang from the other room echoed down the hallway. instinctively, you gripped onto Johnnies arm.
everyone's head flew to the corridor behind them. "Holy shit." Johnnie muttered.
Colby turned to Sam. "why don't we set up the rope thingy so whatever spirits are here can lead us to where they want us?" his evil smile said everything.
"good idea." sam turned back to you. "y/n, you still wanna do the estes method?"
you nodded carefully. "Yeah." Your grip on Johnnies arm loosened. "let's fucking do it."
Colby set up the rope, leading down the same hallway. "Now we wait."
"So, were gonna let these demons lead us to where they want us to go?" Jake spoke up. his hands were shoved in his pockets. he laughed. "they're going to fucking eat us alive or some shit."
sam pressed his hands together. "Probably."
"woah, what the fuck was that?" Johnnje pointed down the hall.
"What, what?" you asked frantically, looking towards where he was pointing.
"i- I don't know. I think my mind is fucking with me, I don't know." he brushed it off.
the rope went off, catching all of our attention. the lights slowly lit up one by one, leading down the hallway and stopping at room 513.
"let's go, I guess." Jake laughed nervously.
Johnnie began to cautiously walk down the hall, and you weren't far behind him. Jake, Colby, and Sam followed suit.
the door of room 513 creeked open eerily. a cold breeze hit your face, sending chills down your spine. "fuck." you muttered under your breath with an uneasy smile.
Johnnie rubbed your lower back. "You got this, y/n."
"Thank you. I'm excited as fuck, but nervous." your shoulders shrugged anxiously.
"Alright, let's get this shit set up." Colby dragged a miscellaneous chair from the corner of the room to the middle of the room.
"Why are you guys always sacrificing the girl?" The camera panned to jake.
"Hey, I volunteered. I used to binge watch these two daily, I've wanted to do this forever."
"they're using their ghost magic to get into your head." jake was trying extremely hard to hold back a laugh and keep his bit together.
Johnnie laughed. "Oh, for sure, jake."
Sam graciously handed you the blind fold. "ready to get started?"
you nodded cautiously before taking the blind fold and putting it on. eventually, headphones playing loud static were placed in your hand.
the next moments happened so fast.
more static.
'not me.'
'him!' the voice became louder.
static once again.
'I'm coming.'
'i-' there was a pause.
what sounded like a woman's laugh came through the static, sending shivers down your spine.
you began to bounce your leg anxiously. a hand net yours and held it gently. you knew it was johnnie as his cold rings pressed into your warm skin.
'the door.'
there was a pause.
you felt johnnies hand shift after you said 'the door.' what was going on? you wondered.
'Leave.' you scrunched your nose as the deep voice rang through your ears.
'y/n!' it was so loud, you felt as if your ear drums had bursted.
you ripped the headphones off your head and pulled off the blind fold. you were gripping Johnnies hand so tight your knuckles were turning white. "fuck," your shaky voice mumbled. you let out a laugh. "something, like, screamed my name in my ear." your fingernails were digging into Johnnies hand.
you stood up and wrapped your arms around his torso. he wrapped his arms around you gently and patted your back. "it's okay, y/n. don't worry."
"the ghosts won't get past these muscles." Jake flexed as he pursed his lips together.
johnnie rubbed your lower back. "holy fucking shit," you laughed, trying to play off how bad that actually scared you. johnnie could feel you trembling in his arms, and he didn't let go.
you cautiously pulled away from Johnnie. "so, what happened?"
sam began to explain. "of course, I asked if anyone was here with us, and you said 'me.'"
"and he asked whoever it was if they had died in this room and you were like 'no, stop, not me, him."
Johnnie wrapped his arm around your shoulder comfortingly. "I asked who we were talking to and you said 'I'm coming, evil and extraordinary.' there was something else I didn't catch."
"sam asked who's coming and you said 'i-' then paused for about 10 seconds. it was dead silent before you said 'am.' then you said 'run' and 'fire.'" Jake recollected.
"you randomly said him and I asked what he's going to do to us. you said 'hell, fire and the door.'"
"and 'bad.'" johnnie added.
"so, we turned towards the door then you started listing our names. you said after and then your own name and ripped the headphones off." Jake explained the rest.
you shook your head. "we need to get to Colby and tell him. I'm so fucking uncomfortable in here."
sam began to walk out of the door. "that was one of the clearest conversations we've ever gotten." he gushed excitedly.
"you can't make that shit up," you mumbled, still shaking your head in disbelief.
while you were under, it all seemed like gibberish to you. now it all made sense.
you gripped Johnnies hand tightly as you roamed around the halls to find Colby.
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karlachismylife · 4 months ago
Your writing scratches my brain in the same way that those head massager thingies scratch your head
Lol I got a shiver from thinking about that thing, oooh~
Thank you so much!! I'm so glad it does, I hope I'll be able to keep up ^^ Appreciate you a lot <3 Now I'm thinking about task force 141 and the head massager.
Gaz is sitting on the couch, watching one of the endless list of the series he actually keeps up with, relaxed with a cup of hot chocolate in his hand. As you sneak up on him from behind, careful not to slip in your socks, he doesn't reveal if he notices you, but he does - because as soon as the wires of the massager with little beads on their ends bury into his short curls, he hums appreciatively and almost closes his eyes. His head tilts to give you better access and allow him to keep watching the show from under his fluttering dark lashes, and if he could purr, he would, you think.
"Feels good, baby," his voice does sound like a purr, actually. After you get a little tired of melting your man into putty and stop, putting the device away, Kyle tilts his head all the way back to look at you upside down with a smile, and reaches his hand to pull you in for an inverted kiss over the couch backrest. "Although I still prefer your hands. Sit with me? There's a cute dog in this episode."
After you settle between his legs, he makes sure to give you a nice scalp massage too, kissing the crown of your head and wrapping his arms around your midsection afterwards.
When you sit across Price with that thing and scratch your scalp while you read through your book, he immediately notices and puts his work papers down, pushing his reading glasses down to the tip of his nose with a puzzled look.
"What are ya doing, sweetheart?" He sounds a little too confused and curious to not snort at it. Instead of straight up answering the question, though, you just lean over the table and carefully place the massager on the crown of his head, watching out for his reaction. His blue eyes stay focused on you sharply despite the smile slowly blooming on his face and crinkling little crow's feet in their corners, but after the first two test rubs through his thick hair you already notice that steel focus wavering, until John gives up and lets his eyes shut close completely. Even his face relaxes, that bright smile dimmed in favour of a blissfully out of it expression, and you actually feel butterflies in your tummy as you watch blush creeping up his face up to the round cheeks and the tips of his ears.
He actually hogs that little "brain whisk" as he calls it, and you catch him using it on his beard with an even more blissful look on his face more than one time.
Ghost actually looks at the poor wire thing with so much distrust that you can't even laugh at him - you've seen him eye some other self-care devices with same expression, like he's not entirely sure whether it's really just a massager or a tourture device. Or a sex thing. Or all three combined. He side-eyes you the whole time as you taunt him with it, delighted by the unease this huge man exudes from such an innocent thing - even though you clearly see the corner of his scarred mouth curling up after a couple minutes. "Keep tha' bloody thing away from me, eh?"
When he finally lets you push the spider legs of this thing over his head, freed from a black hood, he freezes. You actually feel all his muscles get rigid, little goosebumps of tension on visible patches of his skin. The only noise he makes, though, is a disapproving grunt when you try to get the massager away, so you reluctantly push it up and down again, confused by Simon's reaction.
What surprises you even more, though, is that after you tune out because of the repetitive movement, you suddenly hear a nasal snore. He bloody fell asleep under this thing's spell. And rest assured, he'll be bringing it to you like a dog with a toy, when he wants to get some sweet pre-nap scratches.
As soon as Soap notices the massager in your hands, he snatches it from you and tries to use it on you with a little too much force, leading to you squirming and kicking your legs as he promptly catches you in a headlock. It's only after several bites into his meaty forearm and a threat to kick him out to the couch for the night that he lets you go, proceeding to immediately hand you the torture device with the most pleading eyes you have ever seen.
"Please, bonnie? Ah cannae do it tae meself right, come on, Ah need yer help. Pretty please?" When you inevitably crack and agree to indulge him, Johnny drags you over to the couch and plops himself on the floor between your legs, his own crossed as he settles comfortably and locks his hands around his ankles. His reaction to the scratching his priceless, body hair standing up - even his mohawk seems to fluff up a bit - and his jaw going slack to the point where he's almost drooling on his own chest.
It's an adorable sight, really, just like all those pups on social media that go stupid as soon as the magic whisk touches their fluffy heads. You lean over to give your human puppy a kiss and tease him, but instead... "Johnny, for fuck's sake, did you really get hard from this thing?!"
Hyena shapeshifters!141 bonus: the boys absolutely love to get headscratches with this massager in their hyena form. Sure, it sometimes catches in their manes or even ears, but they just melt into fluffy spotted puddles, drool everywhere, whining and purring to the best of their abilities. Ghost definitely brings it to you in his teeth to ask for some relaxation, since this thing turns his thoughts off; Price for some reason has a tendency to sneeze when you use it on him in his hyenaform; Gaz still can't help his playing reflexes that make him try and catch your hand with the "toy" in it; and Soap shamelessly puts his fat spotted butt out, because he loves getting scratches on it just as much as on his head.
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lxvvie · 6 months ago
Tech nerd nonnie here 👾
To expand on my little thingy: Ghost whose soft for the nerd little base IT staff. Like, she fixes computers, helps out with tech, that sorta thing. Nerdy and quiet, keeps to herself and the main 141 mostly. If she's not at the tech room she's probably with Ghost (more like he's trailing after her as she's rambling bout soem nerd shit or a book that caught her interest) and he's eating up everything she's saying. Like, 100% concentrated, she's his little nerd lovie!! No clue if this is making sense I'm just a humble nerd in love with the big bad Ghostie- 👾
okay, I just want to add that Ghost would be the clingest fucking armored Koala bear in existence.
It's pretty much common knowledge on base that if Ghost isn't with the rest of 141 or doing whatever needs to be done, he's with his Lil Tech Nerd.
His Lil Tech Nerd that he'll never let go of. Literally.
It's you and him just shooting the shit in bed. He's on his Real Clingy Koala Ghost Shit™, arms wrapped around you, legs intertwined with yours, and shit, it's time for you to get up.
"Mmm... no can do, love," is what Ghost grunts out as you try and extract yourself from his embrace. He'll just tighten his hold some.
You laugh and try to get up again but he rolls over so you're pinned beneath him. "Simon, I gotta go—"
"—No." Pfft.
"Simon, I'll be late."
"So be late then." He steals a kiss. A few kisses, actually. And gives you some lovebites to remember him by. And then refuses to let you go again. All because you're his Lil Tech Nerd.
You were ten minutes late thanks to him.
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yawneon · 1 year ago
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a/n : my second little fic thingy on this app 🤭 i’m writing this at 4am, sorry if there’s any little mistakes. (i’m feeding my own mattheo riddle delusions)
pairing : mattheo riddle x gn!slytherin!reader
summary : you hated mattheo riddle, loathed him almost but all shit hits the fan when things go missing in your and his dorm, so the only logical thing to do is to band together and find out what in merlin’s name is going on.
!!! : sherlock holmes era, im funny i swear, fluff, enemies to teammates to lovers, im gonna write this one longer promise, a little bit on y/n (we love them), nicknames, references of non-canon slytherin characters (lorenzo berkshire, mattheo riddle.. obviously 😭😭), half-blood reader, mattheo is annoying
part 1! / …
it wasn’t out of the ordinary for mattheo riddle, son of the dark lord, to be annoying you in some way. it was his hobby, (or atleast that’s what he’d like to call it). no matter how many times you tell him to fuck off or leave you alone he just could never grasp the idea of it, it was out of his nature to leave you alone because it was like you two were made for eachother (again what he would like to describe it as).
“back off riddle.” you warned. you were currently at a slytherin party, your team had just won the quidditch match and your whole house seems over the moon. well everyone but you.
“come on, jelly bean.” mattheo looks at you with a shit-eating grin on his face. he pokes your side causing you to swat his hand away in an instant. it was hard to hear him over the blasting music and the sight of blaise on a table singing his heart out but you just knew that whatever he said was a teasing little snarky comment. “riddle.” you warn again giving him a stern look, “just one dance cookie and then i’ll leave you alone..” he gives you a fake pout, his bottom lip jutting out. looking him up and down you fake gag causing him to pout even further, a cheeky smirk ghosting on his lips.
you roll your eyes at him and your legs move away from him (for what felt like the fifth time that night ((it was.)) and he tries to follow you to annoy you further but he’s interrupted by a soft hand on his forearm pulling him, with one quick look to the hufflepuff student who somehow found themselves snaked into the party. his gaze leaves you as he’s quickly distracted by the person and you keep walking. it was going to be a long night obviously so since they had only just started.
you find yourself stood with your friends pansy, daphne, theodore, and draco . you stood around drinking a mystery concoction made by lorenzo and you wonder to yourself who the fuck gave him the job of making these drinks. “these are deadly, merlin.” you groan wincing at the burn in your throat as you swallow the liquid in the cup. pansy snickers at your comment bringing the red cup to her lips, “i mean yeah look who’s behind them.” she laughs taking a sip. “hey [name], are you and mattheo like a thing?” daphne ask, fiddling with her golden necklace that hung around her collarbone. you almost spit your drink out and the two boys around you chuckle at your reaction. “why would you ever make such an assumption?” your face must contort into a disgusted confused mix because everyone around you starts chuckling to themselves.
“well, i’ve got a friend in ravenclaw and i’d think they’d be a great match. it’s just that he’s always around you so i just assumed you guys were i don’t know.. into eachother?” daphne smiles shyly, her intentions seem true and you knew that she doesn’t like mattheo since he’s not really.. her type. “daphne..” you put a hand on her shoulder comically, “you can have him.. on one condition.. you make sure he never speaks to me again.” you snicker, daphne beams and nods profusely promising you that you will not be disappointed.
you and mattheo had been what seemed like enemies since like forever. the first thing he did to make you hate him was when he dunked your head into a volubilis potion in first year causing you to sound like a chipmunk for 3 days and since that day you have never had a break from mattheos constant efforts to humiliate you. first it was the potion, then pushing you off your broom, setting your robe on fire in transfiguration, the list goes on really. but mattheo continued to play dumb all the way up to sixth year. it was weird, the fact he acted absolutely oblivious, but you thought he was just teasing you again.
the night died down slowly and after about 3 hours of talking, laughing and drinking you head back to your dorm. you arrive at your dorms door, met with it slightly ajar. you think that it was weird before venturing onwards sinking yourself into the chair at your desk, you were a lucky student, having a dorm to yourself was a blessing. hearing daphne’s and theodore’s constant complaints on snoring, messiness and fights you found yourself encapsulated in the warm fortunes of being able to have a room to yourself, (even if it did get lonely).
sitting up from the wooden chair, you shower and change into more suitable sleeping attire which was obviously your pajamas you brought from home accompanied by slippers. you fall into your bed with a tired sigh, your eyes wandering over your dorms ceilings, then walls, the lights, the desk and your jewellery stand in which your rings that your family have kept as an heirloom for years centuries were missing.
they were missing.
the. rings. were. missing.
you sit up from the bed in a comical way, you could’ve sworn there were onomatoepias surrounding the air around you. jolting up quickly you rush to look for the rings. you check in the holder, on the desk, on the floor, in the blankets, under the pillows, anywhere you could think of. if you were found to have lost your prized family heirloom your mother would have your head on a stick and you would be fed to the dogs. you HAVE to find the rings. even if you died doing it.
you were searching for that shit, like it was your life elixir. as if it was the elder wand. people would hate thought you were crazy by the way you were looking. it was funny almost seeing someone squirm and rush around such a small area. your sheets were being yanked off your bed and your chest at the foot of your bed was being emptied and rearranged. you looked like you were on drugs, it was bad. you looked like a lunatic, it was horrid. but you gotta do what u gotta do..
to say you were panicking would be an understatement. you were frantic, desperate even. you were on all fours checking every single crevice and crack of that room 15 times over just for there to be nothing. it hasn’t even been an hour since you stepped foot into your dorm. your eyes are wide with anxiety sinking in and you unconsciously start pacing your room.
your mind runs laps thinking about any and every possibility. maybe they grew legs and walked away, maybe there was no rings in the first place and you were just crazy, maybe you’re family was crazy. maybe nothing was real like ever.
you paced up and down your room, hands in your hair basically clawing at it thinking of every scenario possible and every single step you took that day.
1. you woke up.
2. you went to the bathroom and did your business.
3. you changed into your uniform.
4. you checked the rings were still there, they were.
5. you went on about your day.
every single day you check the rings are there. you wouldn’t wear them incase they got damaged so you settled with keeping them on a porcelain plate next to your notebook. every single friend and basically everyone in your year knows how valuable they are and you would a word (avada kadavra) anyone without hesitation if they touched them so no one ever did.
well there is one person that might have and would if he felt especially annoying that day.
you found yourself pounding on mattheo riddles dorm door. the knocks echoed throughout the hall. some partygoers are still hung around in deep conversation, lorenzo seems to be off his shift as the bartender and he is seemingly in his dorm.
you wait for an answer at the door for what feels like eternity (2 minutes) and you being hammering at the door next.
a muffled voice pleads for you to stop and blaise opens the door groggily, fatigue from the party taken over his state of mind.
“where is he.”
“where is who?”
“you know who blaise.”
blaise looks behind him, looking over the beds in his dorm. enzo is in bed, and blaise just got out of his. he looks at mattheos bed and its unmade but its empty.
“not here.” blaise sighs, wiping a tired hand over his eyes.
“then where is he?” you grumble.
“astronomy tower maybe, he likes taking a smoke out there at night. to see stars or some sappy shit.” blaise replies.
you thank blaise quickly and you apologise for the intrusion before quickly picking up your feet from the floor and going to the astronomy tower.
the halls of hogwarts when it was empty were always cold and a bit uneasy when you walk through them at night. knowing that there are ghosts in the walls and there might be other students or things around frighten you but the only thing your running on right now is the drink lorenzo made and pure anger.
your slippers tap on the tile beneath your feet echoing through the walls. you twist up the astronomy tower stairs quickly and you silently enter the icy breeze of the open class. the smell of smoke quickly comes over you, foretelling you that your target was indeed here.
“riddle.” you growl looking at the boy. he felt as if your eyes were piercing holes straight through him and he turns around slowly cigarette still in his mouth. mattheo���s eyes were wide and his face looked guilty.
“i swear whatever theo said he’s lying.” mattheo blurts out quickly. his eyes trail down to your slippers up your long fuzzy pajama pants and then to your night shirt, a quiet smile grows on his face but he’s quick to hide the pink on his cheeks with a snarky remark. “cute outfit, [name]” he laughs taking a long drag of his cigarette.
“did you steal my stuff mattheo?”
“who?” he replies, his lips curl into a smile.
“what?” you make a weird face at him, “did you steal my things?” you say again.
“you said my name.” he laughs out softly his eyes meeting the sky above him. “also no.” mattheo sighs out.
you walk to the ledge of the astronomy tower where he stood and you lean your elbows against the chill metal. “riddle-“ you try to begin but your cut off instantly, “mattheo.” he says. “call me mattheo please.” he says almost shyly, you narrow your eyes at him before shaking your head giving into the boys request.
“mattheo i really need you to be honest with me okay?” you turn to look at him, “did you steal my stuff?”.
“i didn’t [name].” he looks back at you, “right.” you reply, slight mistrust laces your tone but mattheo ignores it as he finishes up smoking his cigarette.
“im being serious!” he whines, the top of the cigarette being dragged across the railing. you give him a nod, coming off a tad sarcastic but mostly trusting.
“my stuff went missing too.” mattheo blurts out, he looks at you breathing out a smoky sigh. you look at him puzzled, you squint your eyes at him trying to read his expression.
with your squinted eyes and mistrusting expression an idea pops up into your head.
not one you like and most definitely not one you’d pitch to mattheo riddle.
but it was better than just sulking around.
“well if we both got robbed, on the same night what are the chances it was the same person?” you sigh out your eyes drawing to the stars above you.
“high?” he replies,
“so as much as i hate this- why dont we help eachother out and look for them together.”
“are you asking me to become your detective partner, honey bun?” he teases you with a sly grin.
“don’t make me change my mind riddle.” you glare at him.
“fine.. i will since your prrrractically begging me to ~” he smiles childishly, a slight gleam in his eyes.
you roll your eyes and groan,
this was a bad idea.
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jevilowo · 8 months ago
An AU by me in which the mercs ascend to their ultimate forms
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Oh God tumblr wrecked the quality-
More about the AU under the cut!
WOKE SCOUT: she started taking estrogen and instead of fixing her it made her worse. She gets into fights on twitter about neopronouns and has successfully cancelled everyone she doesn't like at least once. However, as cancel culture isn't real, this only lasted about three seconds for each. She managed to pull Ms Pauling also which is pretty cool.
SOLDIERSUNE MIKU: the ghost of Shakespearicles told him to dress as Miku and redo the salem witch trials. Only knowing one witch (Merasmus), he finished this quickly and now roams the country with Zhanna (who is now Zhannagane Miku after Mikus metal counterpart) spreading malice and wonder through the power of AMERICAN SONG COVERS. He uses a wig for the Miku effect, but is working on growing his hair out also.
MITOSIS: Pyro and Engie were shagging one time and they came so hard they did mitosis. Now theres 23 babey Pyros (count em) and Engineer is a single dad. There's a lot of Pyro Mitosis Lore™ in my head, but the basics are that they evolve into either humanoid, beastial, demonic or celestial Pyros eventually.
TAVISH, KING OF THE LOCH NESS: he did it he blew up that bloody sea monster and now he is king of Loch Ness. The self loathing has died down a lot which is great for him but his body is still a scrumpty distillery which is eh. Still, he has funky water powers and his partners Soldiersune and Zhannagane come to visit often.
KEEPER OF TIME AND SPACE GUY: Heavy was mad, he knew he'd been had so he shot at the sun with a gun. Instead of being a show off like that bitch Juno, he had a nice philosophical conversation and chess match with Time and impressed Time so much he was appointed as the guardian of Time and Time's partner, Space. His guns (the six angel thingies pictured) can turn into celestial weapons which helps in the protecting but people don't shoot at the sun so often so its a relaxing enough gig really.
GODDAMMIT ENGIE: after realising how much more efficient Gunslinger was than a lame ass human hand, Engie succumbed to his hubris and eventually replaced all his body parts with robot parts. Including his dick which led to the Mitosis Incident. Anyway. His chest is a dispenser which makes projects pretty convenient and he has a mini-sentry attached to each arm and leg, making him a walking weapon. This did not help with the god complex, but it helps with the single father thing.
THE INFERNAL DOCTOR: Medic kept attaching more souls to his own and selling them to Satan for power. Satan got so sick of this eventually he attempted to beat the shit out of Medic. By now Medic was slightly more powerful than Satan so this ended with Medic absorbing Satan's powers and basically taking his place. Somehow, his relationship with the guy who is now a celestial being was unaffected by this. If they really tried they could probably ascend even further. To godhood, perhaps. In any case, Medic becoming The Devil from The Bible did nothing for the god complex.
???: Sniper just kind of fucked off into the woods one day god knows what happened to him but Scout's convinced she saw him for like three seconds a week ago and "YOU GUYS HE HAD ANTLERS I SWEAR-"
RETIRED AND BECAME A FUNCTIONING MEMBER OF SOCIETY SPY: yeah. He's very happy with Scout's Mother (Maureen), and he's letting his roots grow out (his spy agency made him dye his hair black). He's even making an effort to be a good parent to Scout, bought her the trans flag ipad cover and everything, but she just keeps trying to cancel him. Maureen's sure they'll work it out between themselves eventually, but until then she has to keep finding more secure hiding places for the ipad (the best so far was the time she buried it under a tree a mile away, took Scout at least four hours to find and retrieve it that time)
There's also YURI MS PAULING, in which she pulled a whole polycule of beautiful women, but I'll cover her in another post.
Also TERFS DNI please. Woke Scout is just Scout being Scout (which is to say a bit stupid), and assuming all trans women are like that would be ridiculous. So fuck off.
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flurrys-creativity · 1 year ago
Monster under the bed
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Pairing: Jung Wooyoung (Ateez) x Fem!Reader; Genre: Fantasy, Supernatural, SMUT, PWP; Rating: nsfw, 18+, MDNI; Warnings: Monster!Wooyoung, invisibility -> able to use it like the Cheshire cat, body morphing, glowing eyes, smut -> consensual sex, tentacles, teasing, edging, slight breast play, pinning down, praise kink, unprotected sex; Wordcount: 1.761
Summary: Late at night you decide to do release your body from some tension. Being in the middle of a session you suddenly get joined by something or someone else.
A/N: This is another collab deal thingy with @sanjoongie She'll post a similar story with reversed roles some day too! Also thanks for @daemour for helping with inspiration and big shout out to @potatomountain for keeping me motivated with a bunch of Wooyoung pics!
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Every person had an assigned monster under their bed - no matter how old they were. That monster feasted on human emotions at night. While most of them used fear or joy to consume, Wooyoung had discovered another possibility: desire.
He got his cue when he heard the first moan. Wooyoung stretched his limbs, using his ability to turn invisible and silently crawled out from under the bed. He licked his lips upon seeing your form on the mattress.
Wooyoung always waited to interact until you were too deep in your pleasure filled state of mind to actually realise there was something not human inside the room with you.
You had kicked the blanket away, knowing you’d feel way too hot with it. Your back arched already as you played with your nub underneath your panties. You had your eyes closed and kneaded your breast with your free hand above your shirt. 
Wooyoung watched you for a while, getting drunk on your soft moans and whimpers. You truly didn’t have to do much to get him painfully hard. He just had to wait a little longer to ask for your consent in a whisper.
Even though he did that, he usually didn’t reveal his name. Which meant Wooyoung wouldn’t hear you moan it. Tonight he felt mischievous though and might switch it up.
With his ability to change his physical form, Wooyoung transformed his left hand into several tentacles. He let them glide over your naked ankle, creating the first shivers running through your whole body. “I can help you”, Wooyoung whispered.
You gasped, hearing the ghost of a voice or maybe a mere fraction of your own mind playing with you. The voice was melodic yet teasing, followed by a low chuckle. How could your imagination create the perfect voice for your fantasies? 
“Do you want me to help you?” The voice brushed over your skin, making you writhe in excitement already. 
“Yes, please.”
Wooyoung chuckled again, letting the tentacles slither further up your leg and past your panties to get underneath your shirt. He grinned devilishly, relishing in your soft whimpers. 
You arched your back. The feeling of dozens of little suction cubs sucking along your skin from your chest had your toes curling and mouth dropping open.
“Do you want me to do more?”
The groan that came out of your throat felt foreign but right nonetheless. “Gosh, yes! I need more!”
Wooyoung sat down on the mattress next to you. “How about you’ll get rid of that shirt of yours, my sweet little human.” He silently watched how you hurriedly grabbed the hem of your shirt and pulled it over your head.
You were about to grab your panties too, wanting to slide them off as well but something wrapped around your wrists and pinned your hands above your head. 
“Nah-ah-ah, sweet little human. I didn’t tell you to do that.” Wooyoung laughed quietly, his eyes shining with mirth. Especially when he heard your whining. Wooyoung held both your hands down on the mattress with his own hand and let the transformed one wander across your body.
He hooked the tentacles on the panties, pulling them slightly to tease you even more. He watched you squirm and wriggle your hips, desperately begging him to do more. Wooyoung let go of the panties and the elastic snapped back against your skin.
You softly yelped every time the elastic hit your skin, the pain combined with the pleasure filling your brain. The tingles spread through your body and pooled at your lower regions. You wanted to cum so badly.
Finally Wooyoung pulled the panties off, immediately rubbing along your folds as well. He bit down on his lower lip as he felt the slick covering his skin from where he touched your entrance. “You’re so needy, aren’t you? Do you want me inside of you? Do you want me to help you release the tension building inside of you?”
You moaned with every hushed word, agreeing with all of it and nodding desperately. “Please, need you! Need you inside!” You moved your legs further apart, being even more inviting.
Wooyoung pushed himself up, settling between your legs and grinning like a Cheshire cat. He eyed your form, wanting to hear his name from your lips. Without a second thought Wooyoung leaned down, his lips brushing along the shell of your ear. “If you want it that badly, beg for Wooyoung, my sweet little human.”
“Please, Wooyoung! Please, I need you! I need you inside of me!” By now you just followed what the whispers told you, not questioning a word as long as it meant you’d get to your release. Yet, you didn’t dare to open your eyes, afraid everything would vanish the moment you did.
Wooyoung groaned as he pushed inside of you, pressing his face into the crook of your neck. He inhaled deeply, feeding on the desire and pleasure you felt. 
You moaned and your fingers cramped up, unable to grab anything as they were still pinned above your head. “Wooyoung”, you whimpered, feeling a weight on top of you that moved along the thrusts into you. “Please.”
Wooyoung transformed the tentacles back into a hand, only elongating his nails like claws. He trailed them along your body, loving the way it created a pattern of red lines along your skin. He wanted you to see his work of art. “Open your eyes.”
Your breath caught inside your lungs and fear grabbed your heart.
“Be a good little human”, Wooyoung teased and stopped moving his hips all together. 
You wanted to be good, you wanted to be praised some more but your fear, it would all be gone in an instant when you opened your eyes, had you in a tight grip. Tight enough to momentarily forget the pleasure inside of you. 
“Don’t you want to cum? Open your eyes and I’ll make you cum.”
You inhaled shakily but nodded just as eager as all your responses before. At first your eyelids only fluttered a little, not opening your eyes that much. Your heartbeat sped up - even more so when you still felt something inside of you.
“Come one, little human”, Wooyoung chuckled, “I need more than that.” His grin widened even more. The fear mixed with your raging desire made him almost delirious. And he only wanted to increase all of that.
So when you opened your eyes, you only saw a glowing pair of eyes and a wide grin floating above your body. You gasped and blinked rapidly before your eyes jumped from one point to another - from the red lines on your skin to the glowing eyes to your spread legs and open folds to the grin and finally back to the eyes. “Wooyoung?”, you finally breathed out, watching how the grin got even wider than before.
“The one and only”, he chuckled before getting serious, his grin vanishing into thin air. “Do you still want to cum with my help?”
You swallowed harshly, your mouth had suddenly gone dry. All of this felt surreal and part of your mind told you to freak out but you stayed perfectly still. 
Wooyoung didn’t move either, his glowing eyes imploring yours and waiting for any kind of response from your side. He let go of your wrists and placed his hands next to your waist on the mattress.
He was about to pull out of you when you moved again. Your hand hit against his body as you simultaneously yelled out no. 
Wooyoung chuckled and shook his head, grabbing your hand and placing it on his shoulder. “That’s where you wanted to go, right my sweet little human?”
“Yes”, you breathed out. You carefully moved your hand along his shoulder and down his arm, feeling his toned muscles. “I want to cum with you.”
The cheeky grin returned. “With me, huh?”
You felt the heat spreading through your whole body and wanted to cover yourself but Wooyoung grabbed your hands and held them in place again - one pressed on the mattress next to your head and the other on his shoulder. You couldn’t see how he was doing it, only feeling it.
Wooyoung narrowed his eyes. “Never hide from me, my sweet little human. I want to see all of you.” With that Wooyoung started to move his hips again.
You moved your fingers to the nape of his neck, carding them through his hair and grabbing on to the strands when his thrusts became harder and harder. You heard him hiss and felt his face press into the crook of your shoulder.
You arched your back, moaning heavily from the pleasure. “Please, oh please. Fuck, Wooyoung!”
“I could give you more. Do you want more?”
Wooyoung snickered: “Great choice, my little human.” 
You gasped when you felt the shift inside of you, felt how his dick expanded and changed texture, rubbing along your walls in a whole new way. “Fuck!” A word you started to chant over and over again, while the tension built up inside of you.
“That’s it, my sweet little human, that’s it. You’re doing so good for me! You can do it. Cum for me!”
You came with a scream tearing through your throat. Your vision turned completely white for a moment, dark specks showing up on the edge of your view. 
Once your vision returned you saw complete darkness - no cheeky grin, no glowing eyes. “Wooyoung?” Your voice was barely above a whisper as you pushed yourself up, hoping to see him somewhere.
“Was it not enough?”
You heard his voice but struggled to pinpoint his location. Before you could ask though, you felt a hand cupping your cheek. 
“My sweet little human”, he purred, rubbing his thumb over your skin.
You closed your eyes and leaned into his touch, knowing farewell that his tone of voice meant goodbye. “Will you be back?”
He chuckled softly. “I’m your monster under the bed. I could be here every night for the rest of your life.” Wooyoung licked his lips, tasting the spike of your emotions. “So you like that idea, huh?” He moved his hand to the back of your neck and wrapped his fingers around there, pulling you closer until his lips brushed over yours. 
“I do”, you exhaled against his lips, unconsciously chasing the warmth.
“You’re such a good little human for me”, he grinned and closed the gap between you for the final kiss, even nipping at your lower lip in the process. “Until we meet again.”
© all rights reserved
Taglist: @xavi-in-kpopland​ @songsoomin​ 
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askinkiskarma · 1 year ago
imagine ghost learning to play a shooting game, like call of duty?
MY FIRST GHOST REQUEST OMGGG i'm gonna cry :((( keep them coming besties, i loved this x
warnings: none really, this is just mostly fluff, some smut at the end (18+ mdni)
wc: >500 words
my taglist (x)
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“What the fuck’s this, love?” 
Being so entrenched in his work, Simon rarely had time for anything else outside of that, and even if he did, the last thing he’d want to do with it is waste it playing something that is way too reminiscent of the life that sometimes he tried too hard to leave behind. So it’s no surprise that he was more than unamused watching you, splayed unattractively on the couch, your lovely hair in an entangled mess, intently focused on killing the soldiers coming to you on the screen, remnants of what he knows you describe as “girl dinner”, and he can't help but roll his eyes at how he’s had better, more nutritious meals in the middle of the dessert on the harshest missions. 
“I’m playing Call of Duty.”
His raised eyebrow almost knocked your concentration down a peg, but not enough to distract you from the mission at hand, your hand to eye coordination refined and honed in to the enemies ahead. He groaned at the lack of attention on your part, settling for placing his large body in front of the TV, essentially blinding you. The sound of an emptying weapon as the bullet hit you was the last thing you heard before you threw the remote in shock and annoyance. 
"I can't believe you did this. I was so close to getting a perfect kdr."
The scoff didn't diminish with your increasingly apparent anger, but only added onto it, like kindling to an ever-growing fire.
"A perfect what?! What is even Call of Duty?"
"A game..." you shuffled around on the couch, your feet touching the ground as you looked up at the beautiful man sitting in front of you, a deep scowl all over the face he loved so much, that now didn’t really feel like it loved him back. You sounded almost embarrassed as you talked, your eyes moving nervously from his own to the wall behind him. “People say it’s accurate to real life. I just thought I—“
He sighed, kneeling by your side, his fingers massaging the soft skin of your inner thighs. His voice no longer had an edge to it, but was gentle and soothing as he spoke in the deep-accented tone you loved so much. “Trust me, love. You don’t want to know what it’s like.”
“Maybe I just want to understand you better…” the pout that plagued your pretty lips haunted his mind and all he felt is guilt seeping through his veins at the same time his mild irritation dissipated. “You don’t talk to me about it… about such an important, such a prominent part of your life. I don’t understand you, and it… but I’d like to. And so I play this game.” 
“I’m sorry, doll. I’m sorry. I never realised… I’m a moron. Let me make it up to you.” He used his huge hands to push your legs apart, fiddling with the band of your shorts, and when his eyes, so beautiful and soft, and unlike all the things he did or have been done to him, looked at you pleadingly, quietly begging, you knew you couldn’t refuse.  “Please.” 
You rolled your eyes, but smiled as your tangled your fingers in his lustrous hair and pushed his head down towards your waiting core. 
“Mm, how could I ever say no to that?” 
“If you’re a good girl and behave for me, I might even let you teach me a thing or two on that little game thingy.”
You moaned as he moved your panties to the side, licking a wet stripe over your soaking folds.
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taglist: @codsunshine
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ii-evil-confessions · 2 months ago
ooc: [the yaouri allegations have literally taken over my brain i cannot goe ONE MINUTE without thinking "what if they kissed" im going to lose it im actually going to lose it. anyways heres more trivia because i love you guys]
because electrons usually hate their leg nubs, touching an electron's leg nub (and them letting you do so) is a sign of deep trust and affection!!!
electrons love to hoard things. especially shiny things that conduct electricity. electrical wire? gone. metal pipe? gone. your money in coins? gone.
speaking of money - atoms don't really have their own currency. sure, they DO have dollars and coins, but protons prefer to pay with favors and ious, neutrons don't care about how they have to pay, and electrons will mostly use money because paying with favors usually gets them into trouble.
electrons spark depending on their mood!!! happy? little zippy zaps! sad? barely any sparks! angry? you could power a small house for however long they stay angry! coughs in dont look at some of the very unethical power supplies some really nasty protons use
so yknow those thingies that those doctors rub together and they make electricity and they shock patients with it? yeah electrons can do that too
cats love boxesWHAT!!! WHO SAID THAT??
an electron's tail can pick up all sorts of stuff in the electromagnetic spectrum!!! they can send secret messages!!!! listen to music!!!! ECHOLOCATION!!!! i think (i am probably wrong)
an electron giving some one something from their hoard is like a big big sign of trust because its like "i trust you with this buddy pal this thingamabob is gonna be in good hands" *discreetly looks at ao3* cough cough umm i didnt do anything
electron tails are soooo bad at hiding emotions hahhah hahha haha hahahah hahahaaha
yknow that thing where in wall-e him and eva shared a spark and its like "omg they loooove each other" giggles. yeah electrons can do that too. do you see what im getting at
im losing it
haha omg dude once electron starts purring it will have so much trouble stopping dude. like its gonna be like "oh fuck fuck shit" and i will laugh at it
when electrons sneeze they give off a little burst of electricity. sneeze? kaboom.
they can flashbang people because i thought that was funny
when electron and positron meet expect more lore to be revealed
cats love boxe-gets shot omg was that a ghost omggg
electron would totally read fanfiction. it would never admit it. but zap would absolutely read fanfiction
[im literally dying im melting im dying im dead. waaah]
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meowmeowriley · 9 months ago
What if Ghost had a tattoo somewhere that was the outline of a rabbit kinda curled up with a rabbit skeleton inside it almost like an X-ray type thingy
He absolutely would. (And honestly, so would I. All my tattoos are animal skeletons except for one lol)
He'd have that on his right arm, the one without the sleeve. On that arm he'd also have a blacked out rabbit with red eyes in front of the moon, which is a Watership Down reference. I'm obsessed so he has to be too.
Speaking of, one of my friends mentioned he would totally have a huge back piece dedicated to predators, so foxes, hawks, badgers, dogs. Probably other things, I just can't think of them.
I also think he'd have one on his leg, the skeleton of a rabbit on high alert, sat back on its hind legs and looking around, and it would be a 1:1 of his rabbit self on his calf. Extra? Yeah. But cool AF? Also yeah.
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ecargmura · 4 months ago
Dandadan Episode 4 Review - Crabby Turbo Granny
Wow, I just witnessed a masterpiece of an episode. From animation to storytelling to voice acting, this episode was fantastic in every way. This episode alone just put Science Saru on the map in terms of being a powerhouse animation studio. Man, I felt as if my eyesight got cleansed…and this is coming from someone who got LASIK three years ago.
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This entire episode is just about Momo and Okarun facing off against Turbo Granny in hopes of curing the latter of his curse and get his thingy back. I like that the episode does not diverge away or have side content. It’s just a battle between them and the granny from beginning to end. It’s nice in a way. Sometimes, anime episodes do have a tendency to cut away to other characters.
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The animation was *chefs kiss*. The camera angles are fire and how the characters move around is seriously amazing. My favorite part is when Momo decided to be Okarun’s guiding hands as she uses her powers to help him turn and fly. Not only is this amazing animation, but it also shows their impeccable teamwork even though it’s only been a day or two since they met. The choice to have a rendition of a classical song while Okarun went full throttle for the second time was so cool. Seiko is also in on the plan as she has been waiting at the front of the Kamigoe area as it’s the only way to defeat both spirits. 
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I loved the twist of not being just Turbo Granny but also the location-bound spirit that they have to deal with. It’s interesting that spirits turn into crabs. It could just be Japanese folklore on that part, but that’s an interesting detail. It turns out that Turbo Granny is a protective spirit underneath her malice as her tendency to gobble up men’s peckers is because the tunnel she had resided in had been used as a place where girls would’ve been taken to get violated, mutilated and then killed. Turbo Granny had been a bit of a protective spirit for those lost girls’ souls. In a way, it makes her a bit sympathetic. It also makes sense how she was able to find Momo so easily in the first episode in that she traveled through the phone as she sensed a girl in danger and that was why she bit the aliens’ things.
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The voice acting was also amazing. Shion Wakayama has seriously proven herself to be a strong rising star with how she screams and yells at different instances and she makes them sound realistic. However, her best performance in this episode has to be at the end where she was fighting with her grandmother Seiko over the crab legs and then she started making unhinged noises when chewing crab legs. Everyone else did amazing as to be expected of established voice actors.
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Now that the Turbo Granny arc has come to an end. However, it doesn’t seem like Okarun got his balls back given that the story is still on-going. I do wonder what’s next in store for the story. Will they meet more ghosts or will their next adversary be an alien? What do you think?
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howlsofbloodhounds · 6 months ago
if you dont who cares you gettin them anyways 🫵
Nightmare is constantly cold, dream is constantly warm
Nightmare continuesly cuddled up with his human friends because of that, humans have body heat, he doesnt, therefore he will steal yours and you better shut your trap about he's cold because he knows that. Deal with it.
When they were younger nightmare and dream used to cuddle up whenever possibly because they're hot and cold so they balance eachother out
(You know the thing of signanothername where nightmare went 'back' to his previous form? Yeah heres some about that)
In my head it isnt nightmares legs thats fucked up its his back, i mean he got like 4 tendril thingies his back has gotta be fucked up
(Gonna use my mothers back problems as reference for this 😎)
He can walk on his own, on bad days it may look a bit more like a limp but offer him help and he will hiss at you, quite literally
Especially right after the whole going back he was weaker then before, both because yk, he went back to his previous form, and injuries (they were probably battling, so like, yeah) so after internally panicking he decided to start judging dream for everything, and not hesitating to tell him
If he cant hurt you physically he'll hurt your feelings
Nightmare continuesly hisses at anyone who comes 6 feet near him, if they keep getting closer he'll bite
The ghosts are still with him, they kept throwing stuff at people whenever they came close to nightmare
Nightmare hissing is a hilarious image. But of course he’d been an asshole even when he’s injured or otherwise bedridden. Dream forget about his ass ong. /j
But yeah I can definitely see nightmare having fucked up legs and a messed up back. his corruption seemed pretty violent, especially for a 6 year old. (It still kills me how the twins were only 6. like why tf these villagers abusing and using and manipulating these babies. like what the hell guys)
And I love how the twins cuddle because they run different temperatures, and also likely because they can only really trust or give touch with eachother.
if they went to the villagers for anything like that, nightmare would’ve been shunned or hurt, and Dream would’ve only likely been given a hug if he did or gave something to them first; and perhaps the touches and hugs would go on longer than he wants.
{ @brokenramunebottle }
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eating-plastic · 1 month ago
His Soul to Keep: Killer!Demon!Ace Visconti x Fem!Survivor!Reader (SMUT)
Warnings: NSFW, smut, (minors and ageless blogs do not touch please and thanks), age gap (older man-younger woman. Reader is ALWAYS +18), AFAB!Reader, vaginal sex, unprotected sex, creampie, oral sex (fem receiving), vaginal fingering, loss of virginity, daddy kink, sex tap, aphrodisiac use technically, begging, swearing, lots of pet names, fluff, because of course I'm gonna make the demon that's gonna fuck your brains out absolutely in love with you, killer!Ace AU thingy, brief mentions of religion, typical dead by daylight warnings of blood, murder, and death, probably some grammatical errors
Word Count: 12,837 words
A/N: Ding ding ding! Hello, are there any Ace lovers still around? Sorry to everyone that I teased about writing this only to post it months later. I wanted to take a little break and college is...well, college. But hey, better late than never, right? Also yes, this is random, but I just out of nowhere remembered this demon!Ace fanart I reblogged a long time ago and was like "yeah, that's pretty hot. I should write a fic about that," lol. So here it is! I hope someone out there enjoys this!
The last thing you remember before arriving at the campfire was running. Yes, you were running from...something. What was it though, you don't know. A homeless person? A wild animal? A ghost? Well, whatever it was, it sent you darting straight into the woods surrounding the abandoned school you were exploring. Why did you run into the woods of all things, though? Why not your car?
You really wish you knew, especially since you were now within an inescapable realm of pain and death. You don't know at what point you stopped relying on your camera to help you since all of the video files that were on it have been corrupted.
It was going to be a nice video. A three year anniversary celebration since starting your urban exploration adventure. That school was the first abandoned place you visited which spiraled into your interesting hobby with the occasional paranormal investigation. You knew your interests were peculiar, but you liked looking at areas that had been once bustling with life and imagining the stories that could've taken place there.
Of course, you knew your little hobby had its dangers, but you were always smart with it. There were very few places you explored alone, and if you were flying solo, you would always tell someone where you were going and when you'd be back. You also never explored at night, yet knew how to sneak around to avoid getting caught and facing trouble with the law.
So why on God's green earth did you run into the woods instead of your car? Why did you run into the woods, where you knew you could easily get lost, especially since it got darker faster than it should've? Whatever. You were starting to get used to shit not making sense, now.
You have to admit though, it's kind of funny. If you weren't being chased by some monster or killer while doing the "trials," as your fellow survivors put it, you would like to just walk around the different environments you were thrown into. Eventually, you put your former urbex skills to use and found it easy to avoid getting killed or put on a hook...eh, nine times out of ten. As such, you could explore your new environments well and appreciate them like before. A chilly ski resort, a dusty old western town, and hell, even places that looked extraterrestrial or supernatural; you suppose after facing some of the monsters you have however, that these areas don't seem too out of the ordinary.
After getting so used to running around and repairing generators in unfamiliar places, you can imagine your shock when you found yourself in a building that you knew very very well.
Your lips part and your legs are frozen on the spot as black smoke clears from your vision and the large structure comes into view. To your fellow survivors, the environment didn't matter; either sneak around and get generators done or get caught and killed. But to you, this place caused a flash of memories to flood your mind.
An old, abandoned casino shouldn't hold much significance to many unless it was a place where you made millions. To you however, you had explored this place so many times and had a lot of good memories here. Hell, this place even made you a believer in the supernatural-
A loud scream rips you from your memories and it hits you just how long you had been standing there like a sitting duck in the dingy parking lot. You curse under your breath and quickly run into the decrepit building. You sneak around as carefully as you can, being wary about some areas of the floor littered with debris and broken glass. This place no longer held the same warmth it did when you were back in the real world...or in your world, you mean? God, was this whole thing just confusing!
You slowly peak your head out from behind some dusty slot machines you were hiding behind. There was a generator next to you, but you didn't want to start working on the thing if whatever caused your teammate to scream was nearby. You cautiously reach for your camera and zoom into your surroundings. Honestly, you credit the thing for being the reason you survive these trials so much; it's easy to avoid the killer when you have night vision on your side.
At the sight of nothing, you let out a breath you didn't know you had been holding in. You quietly make your way to the generator and start working on it. The lack of sound locks you into the task at hand and you can feel your confidence increase the longer you successfully repair the thing. You are so close to fixing it entirely until another loud, blood-curdling scream echoes off of the walls. Your hand jolts and rips at a wire causing a rush of electricity to shoot through your fingertips. If the shriek you let out wasn't loud, then the mechanical clanging noise from your blunder certainly was.
You quickly scramble upwards and scan your surroundings, frantically. Your eyes dart around to look for a place to do the one thing that popped into your mind at this moment.
You continue to look everywhere, your head spinning with fear. Shit, there weren't lockers anywhere and you could hear the sound of footsteps getting closer. Then, it hits you. Some of the casino tables have white cloths over them. You dive under the closest one and slam your hands over your mouth. You hold your breath, worried that it would be too loud and give away your position, especially as you can hear footsteps get closer and closer until they are right by your table.
You almost involuntarily whimper until you hear them move to the generator to investigate it. Whatever this person or thing may be, it lets out a dark chuckle that sounds...weirdly human but something's not right about it.
'A shapeshifter, maybe?' you wonder. Whatever, doesn't matter. You need to get far away from...it. A loud slamming noise makes you jump, but you realize that it gives you your chance. 'They're destroying the generator! I can make a break for it.'
You psych yourself up to sneak out from under the table as you lift up the cloth to crawl out but a gruesome sight halts you in your tracks and makes you gasp in horror. Lying right in front of you is one of your fellow survivors but it looks like whatever got to them was a vicious wild animal. You had found the remains of your fellow teammates before, but never were you ever so close to them.
They were completely torn open, with various organs strewn about, and the blood. Oh God, there was so much blood that you had managed to soak one of your palms in it. What does make you let out a soft cry however, is their dead, terrified eyes boring into you and their mouth still hanging open in a scream.
A scream you mimic as a clawed hand wraps around your ankle and rips you out from underneath the table.
In that moment of complete, primal terror, you screw your eyes shut and fight like hell to get free; something that you always did when you'd get caught during trials. You don't feel the creature loosen its grip on you until your flailing arm causes your bloodied palm to collide with some part of its body. Its face, maybe?
Nope, doesn't matter as you scramble away from them and climb to your feet to sprint away. You can lose them. You have to lose them. You dart into the back security hallways, knowing that there is a fire exit somewhere. Maybe the killer would think that you hid in one of the storage rooms or you could loop them around outside.
To the average person, these hallways would feel like a maze, but you knew them like the back of your hand. The feeling of fear and running for your life however, was helping you feel that kind of overwhelming anxiety. What you aren't prepared for is the suffocating hopelessness that ensnares you when you see that the fire exit is blocked off by a broken slot machine.
"No...," you breathe, disheartened. Tears begin to flow down your cheeks as you try in vain to push it out of the way, the word "no" continuing to escape you. You hated getting put on the hooks and you absolutely hated when a killer would "mori" you as the others called it. No shit, you and every other survivor, but you were still not used to it like they were. It still hurts so badly every time. A searing, tearing, and burning pain that reached into your very soul and remained there long after the trial itself.
And now, as you hear footsteps get closer and closer, you have to imagine what getting torn apart was going to feel like.
You bow your head and wait for the inevitable to come...but it never does. Instead, you hear the sound of a man speaking.
"Now, I don't remember that being there," he remarks.
Confused, you slowly turn around and feel surprised at what you see. The killer you were imagining did not match the one that stood before you. No, what was standing before you looked like an older man with slicked-back dark brown hair, beard, and mustache that had bits of grey sprinkled here and there. The things that tell you he isn't human though, are the large red horns on his head and matching tail that is casually swaying back and forth behind him, his black orbs for eyes that seem to light up when they land on your face, and his fingers which don't have nails but instead pointed and red at the ends. What really catches your eye though, is the garish, tiger-printed suit he is wearing.
Oh, you also notice the bloodied handprint on his right cheek. So you were right, you did strike his face.
"Holy shit, it really is you," he says with an amazed tilt of his head.
The statement is lost on you as it feels like your mind is short-circuiting. You really don't know what to think as you stare at him with eyes as wide as saucers. He clearly is a demon, sure, yet he still seems human somehow. He isn't extremely tall or muscular, but he's still taller than you and possesses great strength. After all, he gutted your teammate with his bare hands that are still stained crimson and he pulled you out from underneath that casino table like you weighed nothing. Then again, you have faced killers smaller than him who have thrown you over their shoulders with ease.
He quirks up a confused eyebrow at your dazed state and he raises a bloodied, clawed hand to your face and snaps his fingers.
"Helllllooooo, earth to Y/N," he teases as if you've known each other since forever. You get snapped out of your trance and whimper.
"How…how do you kn-know my name?” you squeak out, still confused as ever. Especially as you watch his face drop from your question but only for the briefest of moments.
“Oh, ya know...overheard the others talking about you. You’re pretty popular, huh?” he forces out, but you are too prepared to die to care at the oddness of his answer.
“L-look, just…p-please don’t kill me. Please,” you sniffle and beg, pathetically.
"Now what makes ya think I'd do that?" he asks, genuinely puzzled by your response.
"You...you killed the others...right?" you say, awkwardly. You've never had an actual conversation with one of the killers before. Then again, it's not like they ever gave you the option. Maybe this was a trick. His way of playing with his victims.
"Oh yeah, that," his nonchalant demeanor towards the whole thing only convinced you that this was a game of some kind. "Eh, it's complicated. Would love to sit and chat about it, kiddo, but I'm afraid I'm booked for the day."
He then adjusts the lapels of his suit jacket and rolls his shoulders as if getting ready for something. He then looks at the blocked-off fire exit and speaks once more.
"You're looking for a way out, right? Ya know, I think I saw something that would help you," he grins, causing you to see sharp fangs that peaked over his bottom lip.
"If you're gonna kill me, just do it," you sigh, frustrated. You really just want this to end. "I don't like being played with."
"Not playing with ya, kid. If I wanted to kill you, I would've by now," he explains, though it seems like he's almost...saddened by something? "See, it's all about the chase for me. That big rush of adrenaline leading to the big win. And hey, you led a good chase! But no, I don't wanna kill ya."
"Why?" what made you so special to him? You were just like the rest of your fellow survivors who were suddenly dragged into the fog. Just an average person going about your day one moment, and suddenly wound up in what you could only describe as hell the next.
Unfortunately, the demon before you doesn't give you a very satisfying answer. Odd, seeing that he took a while to decide what he wanted to say.
"Eh, what can I say? I guess I just like ya." he shrugs. At the sight of your unchanged expression, he sighs. "Look, I get it. You got no reason to trust me, but I'm really not gonna kill you. There's a hatch over by the roulette tables. I'll take ya there...and then we can go our separate ways. Deal?"
Seeing that continuing to argue was just going to keep you here forever, you finally decide to trust him. Either he was telling the truth and you would escape or he'd tear you apart like he did with the others. It really didn't matter to you, as long as you could finally end this.
The walk back to the actual casino part of the building was filled with awkward silence. You would keep glancing up at his face, tense and waiting for him to strike. You also remember the mark on his cheek and decide that extending a small olive branch may save you from death. Or at least a really painful one.
“Um…I’m sorry that I hit you,” you sheepishly apologize.
“Don’t worry about it. You aren't the first pretty gal that's smacked me in the face,” he says, once again nonchalant. “I will say you pack a mean hit, though. Almost felt my ears ringing there.”
At the sound of his playful tone, you let out a soft, nervous laugh before going back to walking in silence.
To your surprise, you find that the demon wasn't lying to you at all. There was the hatch, wide open and beckoning you to jump inside and head back to the campfire.
"Whelp kiddo, this looks like your stop," he gestures to the hatch as if he were modeling a new car you just won. Suddenly, he perks up and quickly reaches into his jacket. "Shit, I almost forgot...does this look familiar to you?"
He pulls out something you didn't even realize you were missing: your camera. You must've dropped it when you were struggling with him before. Your face lights up at the sight of it and without thinking, you walk up to the demon to take it from him. While it may seem like a silly thing to feel attached to, it was one of the few reminders you had on you of your life before winding up in the fog. Because of that, you treat the device like a safety blanket.
The demon decides to surprise you once more and just hands it back to you. No teasing, no threats, no tricks. You swear you can feel a small smile tug at the corners of your lips at that.
"Well then," he says with a clap of his hands. "This was fun and all, but I think it's time to get a move on, right?"
"Uh yeah...right," you mumble, before clearing your throat. "Hey...thanks."
"No problemo, kid. I'll be seeing you around," he shoots a finger gun at you before taking a step back. He really wants you to know that this isn't a trick and that he was allowing you to leave.
With that, you give him a little nod and jump down into the hatch. As you make your way back to the campfire, all you can think is one thing.
'Who was that guy?'
As the hatch slams shut, Ace’s face drops and his tail that had been swaying rhythmically stops.
You don’t recognize him, though he shouldn’t be all too surprised. This was the first time you’ve actually seen him.
Also touch him but why did it have to be a hard slap. Once again though, he couldn’t blame you. I mean, it wasn’t like he made the best first impression after not seeing you in what felt like both years and mere minutes.
In his defense, he didn’t know it was you under that poker table; he didn’t think you were here, period. He was ready for another thrilling chase that didn’t involve cards or chips…only to see your terrified face. He thought letting you go and calling your name would snap you out of it, but the stinging in his cheek gave him his answer.
It felt like a curse. Here in the fog, he had his strength back, you could see, hear, and touch him…but you didn’t recognize him. And how could he remind you after you’ve seen the carnage he could do? Hell, even he was still surprised at how easy ripping through flesh was for him. You’ve forgiven him of some shit before, but this?
Forget it. Maybe you’d recognize him, or at least see that he didn’t mean you any harm and accept him. Of course that was also asking you to look past the fact that he needed to sacrifice or kill your fellow survivors during trials. That was a tall order, and Ace wonders if he is in fact that lucky.
‘Maybe,’ he thinks as he watches black smoke starting to circle around him. It was time for another trial.
‘Just maybe.’
You ended up seeing that peculiar demon a handful of times after your first trial with him. Sometimes he'd stroll up after your teammates had been dealt with. Sometimes you'd bump into him at the beginning and he'd greet you before going to look for the others. No matter what though, the trial always ended with you leaving, unscathed.
You knew it was all very strange. I mean, sure, he let you go that one time and you thought he was just in a good mood, took pity on you, or something else entirely. But being let go every time? No other killer was this nice.
Once again you found yourself wondering what made you so special. You've never seen him before, you would've definitely remembered, yet he treated you like you were an old friend. You think you'd remember if you had a literal demon colleague. You did have a ghost friend before winding up in the fog but...well, he just wasn't here. He haunted the old casino but you didn't feel his presence anymore, not that you were good at sensing the paranormal.
But even with you being not so spiritually inclined, you would've known if you met a demon...right?
Well, you supposed that it didn't matter. You should honestly just be happy that there was one killer that wouldn't hurt you. Your big fear at the moment though, was the other survivors finding out. You got along well enough with some of them around the campfire, but you worried that everyone would think you were friends with the demon due to his liking towards you. I mean, how would you feel if someone who was supposed to be your teammate was affable with someone who would impale you on a hook or brutally kill you? How would you feel if they actually didn't mind the special treatment?
Hey, you were only human, and who doesn't like to feel a little bit special every once in a while?
You wondered how long that would last though. There was no way it would last forever. Eventually, he'd get bored of the charade and you'd become another body he'd rip apart or hook. Hell, maybe a new survivor would come along and catch his eye for some reason and you'd become old news. That's why you kept your mouth shut about it around the campfire when "The Demon" as you all called him, would pop up in conversation. You even laughed this one time when he was referred to as "that bastard in the ugly outfits." Even then, you really couldn't lie to yourself and say that you didn't like him.
And things were only going to get more and more complicated.
"-Y/N, come on, let's go," a sharp voice barks and yanks you back to reality.
"Huh, what?" you ask, as you glance up at Nea who looks both annoyed but also a bit concerned at your dazed state. Out of all of the survivors, you and her got along really well. She found your urbex hobby interesting and it was nice to have someone who was on par with your agility; hell, if anything, you'd say she's better than you at sneaking around. She also didn't mind sitting down in front of your camera to tell stories of her rebellious escapades or even just make a goofy video with no substance whatsoever.
You never knew if any of the stories she would tell you were true, but you supposed it didn't matter. In a place like the fog, everyone needed a bit of entertainment and fun, so what harm did a bit of embellishment do?
"I said this generator is done. Now, let's go," she repeats, giving you a look that says 'what's up with you?'
"Oh shit, yeah," you stutter out and climb to your feet.
Another day, another trial, this time in the casino again. You both had completed a generator in the familiar security hallways and were sneaking around to look for another.
Slowly, you peer out from the door frame that leads back into the actual casino, your other hand reaching for your camera. You lift it and scan the area to see if the coast is clear. Just then, you catch the briefest of glimpses of a familiar, red tail disappearing around a corner and feel a smile threatening to break out on your lips.
"See anything?" Nea asks, watching your back so no one could sneak up on you two.
"Hm? Oh, uh yeah. It-it's 'The Demon' this time," you respond, quickly putting your camera down and clearing your throat.
"Augh, that creep," Nea scoffs.
"There are worse killers to face," you say, trying not to sound too defensive. At the sight of her giving you an odd look, you quickly add on. "It looks like he's heading outside, someone may be trying to loop him. If we split up, we can fix the generator in the grotto and upstairs."
'...Yeah, okay," she finally agrees, deciding that trying to start an argument over something strange during a trial wasn't worth it. "Hope you don't mind leaping from a railing if you get caught, because I'm taking the grotto."
"Sounds good to me, but I'm taking your toolbox, then," you push, turning to look back at her. Nea scowls and mutters a small 'fine,' before handing it to you. She supposes it's fair since the little room you were going to was a dead end, so you'd need the extra aid. You give her a nod of appreciation and quickly make your way to the stairs, while Nea sneaks off to find her generator. It was good she chose the one that would allow her to escape since you didn't have to worry about your life.
The casino's second floor was smaller, with a railing allowing you to oversee the bottom. There was only a small bar, private game rooms, and bedrooms for activities that you didn't want to think about at the moment.
Eventually, you find the room you're looking for. It's empty except for a generator that needed repairing. While you make quick work of the thing thanks to your toolbox, you find your mind drifting again, just like before. As such, you don't hear the sound of familiar footsteps making their way to the room.
"Ah, here's where you ran off to," a male voice speaks, making you leap and almost electrocute yourself. You quickly turn your head to the doorframe and exhale a shaky breath. It was just your favorite demon. "You know you don't gotta fix these things when I'm around, right?"
"And you know the others wouldn't like me if I did that," you retort. "I still gotta do my part, even if you'll get me the hatch."
You then turn to continue fixing the generator, but can still feel his eyes on you while you work.
"You know if Nea comes up here to get me, she's not gonna be happy when she sees you," you say over your shoulder.
"That's the sneaky one, right? Your friend?" he asks, causing you to nod. "Gotcha. She's a tough one, I'll tell you that. And hey, when she comes, just follow my lead."
"What do you mean?" you ask with a confused tilt of your head.
"I'll take some swipes at ya, miss, and you both can sneak out to the gate," he elaborates, motioning in the direction of the titular exit.
"That works," you nod, finishing up the final repairs on the generator. Once done, you stand and brush your hands off against your pants with a satisfied huff.
"Well, what do ya know, looks like we don't need to do my plan after all," he muses, before stepping aside so you can exit the room.
"Thank you," you smile, but before you exit, a thought enters your head. "Hey...can I ask you something?"
"Of course, kiddo," he grins and adjusts the lapels of his suit jacket.
"Well, it's just that...we've bumped into each other during a lot of trials now, and I was wondering if you have an actual name. I mean, around the campfire, we just call you 'The Demon,' so I was just curious," you explain, looking up into his black eyes.
You had wondered if asking for his name was the right move. I mean, you can't just ignore the fact that he is still a killer despite how nice he treats you; you can't ignore the fact that he sacrifices or kills the other survivors. You already don't want to consider him a friend because of that even though you do like him, and getting his name seemed like it would muddy that thought process. Then again, he did know your name, so it was only fair right?
"Aww, you guys talk about lil ol' me?" he grins and presses his hands to his chest, jokingly flattered.
"Heh, it's not good things, you know," you say with a shake of your head. You've learned that you can't help but smile at his playfulness though. "No one has good experiences with you like I do."
"Well, maybe if they sat down and talked to me, they'd be able to look past the whole...."
"'You killing them' thing," you finish.
"...Yeah, I see your point," the demon pouts in faux frustration, making you giggle. He then drops the act and continues. "I guess they just don't know me like you do."
"I don't know much about you, though. I mean, I literally just asked you for your name," you correct.
"Believe me, Y/N. You know me more than you think, even my name," he takes a step closer to you and elaborates when he sees you give him an odd look. "Do you remember when you first arrived here? Not here, but back in reality. You saw a piece of glass move and were scared, but you didn't run. You took out your camera to film it, but you asked if it was okay to record me."
You can feel the gears in your head turning at that. The memory replays in your head over and over again, before realizing where he was going with this.
'It can't be...,' you think, eyes widening.
"You came back the next day with this odd device," he carries on, feeling a hopeful smile grow on his face at your reaction. "You told me to speak into the thing and ask what my name was....You still remember it...don't you?"
"...Ace?" you breathe out in disbelief. You really can't believe it. All this time you thought you'd never see your ghost friend again, only to find out you've been running into him this whole time. You don't understand. It doesn't make any sense.
"Hey, Y/N," he says with a soft smile as if he was seeing you again for the first time.
You open your mouth to speak again, but stop when you hear the sound of footsteps in the hallway.
"Oh God, Nea!" you gasp and realize she's done with her generator. The gate was open.
"Alrighty looks like party time's over," Ace quickly darts into the room and practically pushes you out right in the nick of time. Nea rounds a corner and as soon as she spots you, grabs your hand and drags you to the stairs.
"Come on, Y/N, we got to get the hell out of here!" she whisper-screams at you. She notices the surprised look on your face but decides it's best to ask you about it when you two are back at the campfire.
Once in the dingy parking lot where the gate is, she flips the switch to open it, muttering obscenities for the thing to move faster. You meanwhile, continue to stare at the casino incredulously, your mind filled with so many different thoughts and emotions.
As soon as the gate is opened wide enough for the two of you to squeeze through, Nea pulls you behind her again and dashes straight to the campfire. You continue to look behind you, watching as the building you knew so well gets farther and farther away. Right as the gate is about to close, you spot a familiar silhouette standing at the entrance.
"Jesus, and here I thought we weren't gonna make it," your friend huffs and slows down, before turning to you. "What's gotten into you, Y/N? You were acting so weird during that."
"I don't know," you mumble. "I guess I was just too busy reminiscing."
There's a rumor that some of the walking trails around the campfire can lead to the different environments where trials took place, and you want to see if that's true. Your free time was now spent exploring these different trails in order to make it back to the casino. You need to talk to that demon again because you honestly can't believe that he is Ace. But how did he know the details of your first meeting? Also, as you've thought about this before, you feel like you would've known if a demon was present. But then why didn't you sense what he was every time you met with him?
Well, that's what these expeditions of yours were for. You were going to talk to him one way or another, no matter how many trails you needed to walk down. You weren't going to just wait for another trial with him.
Every time you walk down a new trial, you think the same thought over and over in your head: How would you feel if he was telling the truth or lying? You tried to deny liking him, though you knew deep in your heart it wasn't true. If he was lying to you and tricking you, you honestly wonder if you want anything to do with him after that. Sure, it would make things easier if you hated him and he finally stopped giving you special treatment, but you know that would hurt you; not just physically from being put on a hook or gutted, but emotionally too.
'But if he is telling the truth. If he really is Ace...,' you ponder. Well, that would complicate everything. You had a deep connection with your specter the moment you befriended him. Your relationship with him went beyond the physical, making it weirdly stronger than what you had with your human friends. 'He hurts the others during trials though....'
Well, surely he must have a reason right? Augh, why are you making excuses for him? He's a demon, it's not like they're known for compassion and kindness. But why was he so nice to you? Even now, when he could easily tear your flesh from your bones, he continues to treat you as a friend.
You don't know how many trails you've gone down before you finally arrive at the casino again. It feels so surreal seeing it outside of a trial; it feels like a normal place, now.
As you trek across cracked concrete to the front entrance, you realize that he might not even be here. He could be doing a trial or maybe exploring somewhere else. After all, if you could get here fine, why would he be any different? Well then, you'd just wait for him and if you were called to a trial, then you'd come back later.
As you open one of the doors, you open your mouth to call out to him but stop. If he didn't have the name that meant so much to you, then you weren't going to call him that. You continue walking around, looking between slot machines and glancing at tables until you find who you're looking for.
There he is, sitting at one of the casino tables, the white cloth that covered it lying carelessly on the floor. Due to the cloth's protection from the sun, dust, and debris, the green was still as vibrant and bright as it must've been before the place closed down. Due to him being so enthralled in a card game he's playing, he doesn't notice you until you're right at the table with him, making him jump.
"Woah!" he yells, before quickly clearing his throat and smiling up at you. "I mean um-hey."
"I just need more proof," you begin, not bothering to wait any longer for answers. "I just...I just need one more thing. Please."
His face drops at that, upset that you don't believe him. Still, he nods at you and composes himself.
"Okay," he says gazing right into your eyes. "You had asked me what my favorite game was and I told you it was blackjack. You then came by the next day and said exactly 'I don't know shit about blackjack, but I wanted to give you something.' You remember?"
You nod and can picture that moment in your head clearly. Your heart beats rapidly in your chest as you are now letting hope set in.
This really was him.
Ace knows he doesn't need to explain any further and reaches into his suit jacket's breast pocket. He then pulls out two cards and lays them flat on the table. The first was the 10 of clubs and the second was the ace of hearts with two words written in sharpie underneath it; they read "From: Y/N."
"You know, no one had ever gotten me a gift before, so I knew I had to get you something too," he says, feeling himself smile again as he watches your own form on your face. "Don't suppose you still have it, do you?"
You reach into one of the front pockets of your jeans and pull out a blue, sun-bleached casino chip with an 'A' messily carved into the smooth surface. You place a hand over your heart and look between the small disk and him.
"I don't believe it," you breathe, smiling wider than you ever have before. Ace gets up from his seat and moves to stand in front of you. Once he's close enough, you throw your arms around him and pull him into a tight hug.
He happily returns your embrace, resting one clawed hand on the small of your back and the other on the base of your neck. He truly can't remember ever feeling this elated before. He had only dreamed of being able to hold you before winding up in the fog and every time he ran into you during trials, he never touched you save for the brief moment last time when he pushed you out of the private game room. He savors the feeling of your body heat radiating off of you, the fabric of your shirt under one of his palms, and the texture of your hair under the other. In his joy, he doesn't realize that his tail is swaying rapidly and that there is a deep, rumbling sound coming from his throat.
So demons can purr. You learn something new every day.
"I don't understand, though," you finally pull away and look up at Ace. "I mean, you actually have a body now and I can see you and...how did you even get here, anyways?
"It's a bit of a long story," he laughs and tries to distract himself from the fact that he was already missing your hug. "There was only so much I could explain to you. Both through that spirit box of yours and here."
You purse your lips in thought before a light bulb goes off in your head. You hold your camera up and ask him another question.
"How about an interview, then?"
"Only if you promise to get my good side," he jests.
You and Ace sat down at the table he was playing his card game on and you set up your camera to record. You had to admit you were really giddy at the opportunity to interview one of the killers and not have to worry about getting torn to shreds. Once you commenced the interview, you first wanted him to start from the top and explain his whole life up until that point.
"I've been around for a while now. There are many different types of demons that dabble in the different sins and such. Me? I'm a demon of greed. I basically went around signing deals with some poor shmoes who wanted to make it big. Once their time was up, I'd eat their soul and move on to the next person. I did this until I found one guy who got me my big break.
Now, this guy was in sorry shape. Middle-aged, balding, divorced, and had a casino that was on its last legs. This casino to be exact. So I basically made a deal with him, like always. I'd breathe some life into this joint if he promised to give me his soul when he died. Obviously, we shook hands on it and I renovated this place into a gambler's paradise. After that, I influenced a few minds to give this place a try, and by the end of the week, the dude was making millions.
Here's the thing, though. I was not prepared for the amount of greed that dwells in a place like that. Everybody there was chasing the all-mighty dollar, and the longer I stayed, the stronger I got. Eventually, I got tired of just standing on the sidelines while the sorry son of a bitch I helped started taking credit for my hard work so I...cut our deal short.
Now I had never killed anybody I made a contract with, I mean I was always content waiting it out until the Grim Reaper came knocking. But this guy was talking big game for someone who was gonna lose it all if it weren't for me. Never gave me a fucking 'thank you' either. So I had enough and decided to put this casino under new management: Me.
I didn't even have to eat the guy's soul either. All of the greed energy and the draining life force of the gambling addicts that showed up was enough. Not only could my handsome self walk among you humans, but I could get rid of the more demonic features to blend in.
It was fun and I had my laughs until some pastor started creeping around here. At first, I wasn't worried. In fact, I was proud of myself. I made this casino so good that I was gonna trap a man of God. I mean, I was close. It wasn't him that was hooked, it was his son. And just like that, the jig was up. Took a fuckton of priests and a handful of different rituals before I was weakened and bound to this place. Basically, it all went to shit and I was reduced to a ghost, only having enough energy to throw things.
Years passed and the only company I ever had was a wild animal or homeless person I'd chase off. I never wanted their company, I wanted to be alone and angry at everything and everyone. I guess I was hoping my rage would give me some sort of strength back, but no dice. But then you came along, and boy, was I curious.
I mean, this casino in its heyday was filled with gorgeous women, and I expected the rot and debris would scare them all off. Not you though. You still saw something good, here, something worthwhile. And because of that, I realized I wanted to keep you around, especially since you asked so politely if you could record me moving rocks or whatever.
The more you came by and talked with me, the more I realized just how much I missed having someone around...and that I really liked having a real friend."
You nod, taking in his story. As you expected, he was apathetic and cruel at some point, yet you can't help but feel sympathy for him after being alone and weak for who knows how long. You do feel some joy from the fact that you gave him the companionship he needed, though.
"And how you got here?" you ask after digesting his past.
"That I don't really know," he admits, his lips dipping down into a frown. "I know it wasn't long after you told me about your anniversary video. I was waiting for you to come back and tell me how it went but...you never did. I knew you'd never just leave without saying anything, so I was worried that something happened to you and...the next thing I knew, I was here. Like overnight, I wound up here.
The first thing I noticed was that I had my physical form back. I had my strength back. But how? Just then, I heard this voice in my head. I don't know who or what it is, but I can tell ya it's the one who runs the show around here."
"Like the reason we're all here? The reason for the trials?" you lean forward, intrigued.
"Bingo," Ace says. "Well, anyways, they told me that I could be my old, handsome self again as long as I brought them sacrifices. That's what the hooks are for, but I think you already know that, right?"
You nod, waiting for him to continue.
"I thought, 'hey, that's a pretty good deal!' I mean, I was now in some weird dimension and...and I thought I lost you so I felt all the years of rage come back to me. If I could release this pent-up anger and keep my strength, then I'd sacrifice every sorry bastard I came across.
But even then, it wasn't enough. Before here and before I was weakened, I would feast on souls and greed energy to keep my power and strength. I thought that as long as I gave sacrifices, I would keep those and never go hungry. As you can imagine though, that wasn't the case. My strength and my hunger are not dependent on each other anymore...so I had to find other ways to eat."
"That's...that's why you mori the others?" you breathe, though his silence gives you your answer. "Ah...."
"I don't know what happens to me," Ace shakes his head and tries to find the right words to describe it. "When I get hungry, it feels like it's all I can think about. Like some kind of animalistic shit. When I finally found you though, when I saw your face after worrying I'd never see you again, it felt like I could finally think clearly. There were no sacrifices for power, there was no rage, there was no hunger. It was just you...."
He stops, not knowing how to continue and to be honest, he didn't want to continue. You just lower your head, once again taking in his response. So that's what the hooks and killing is all about; for power and for hunger, not so much sadistic pleasure. You now wonder what ultimatum the other killers were given on the matter.
"...Why didn't you tell me who you were sooner?" you finally speak, looking back up at him.
"Because I thought you'd hate me," Ace gives you a strange look, like you asked a dumb question. "I mean, I have to kill people, now. That's not something you can easily forgive someone for."
"I wouldn't say that," you say, reaching across the table to hold his clawed hands. "I thought you must've had a reason. After all, you have always been so nice to me, even now. I guess I just didn't want to think that you'd hurt people for fun."
He looks between your face and your hands that are intertwined with his.
"Maybe before, when I was running this place..." he begins. "After meeting you though, I think I finally knew what human emotions were. I hated being weak and bound to this place, but I think I needed to be in order to know how good things like compassion and...and love could feel like."
"Wait...you love me?" you ask, your eyes widen in surprise. You remember always joking that Ace was your "ghost admirer" based on how nice he'd treat you and how he always seemed jealous of your male friends. He even scratched one of them up pretty bad though you never knew the reason why. Now you realize just how obvious you were.
"Yeah well...," Ace begins, wanting to be his usual, playful self until he just settles with a sorrowful smile and a nod. "Yeah, I love you. I mean, I know it can't work but... a guy can dream, ya know?"
"What do you mean it can't work?" once again, he gives you a look that says "isn't it obvious?" "Sure, it wouldn't have worked before we wound up here, but...."
You trail off, unsure if you want to continue that statement at first. Wasn't this moving a bit fast? You've only just now realized that you've been running into Ace this whole time and finally got a clear grasp on his history. At the same time, however, you two have technically known each other for a while and now it was just a matter of getting used to being able to see, hear, and touch him; you can certainly get there though, as he is rather attractive, gives great hugs, and it'll be easier to understand him now. Okay, what about him being a killer and you being a survivor? Well, everyone was used to getting hooked and moried at this point, even you now. No matter what, everyone returned to the campfire and would just continue on with what they were doing before being called to a trial. Besides...who says you need to tell anyone about your relationship?
Above all though, you feel like your feelings towards him were always deeper than just friendship. Of course, when he was "ghost-adjacent," you knew it would never work. It is possible now, however, and deep down inside, you desire a romantic connection with someone. Even before arriving in the fog, you were waiting to find the right person to love. And at this moment, you can't imagine having it with anyone else.
"It'll be...unconventional, but I would be willing to make it work, Ace," you lean closer to him and squeeze his hands reassuringly. "It'll take some time getting used to everything, but I love you too, and I wanna try."
After seeing how close your face is to his, a playful smile breaks out on his face.
"Really? You sure that's what you-mph!" his statement gets cut off by your lips pressing against his. Like with the hug, he eagerly reciprocates the kiss, but you can't help but notice how he seems to be holding back. Well, you suppose you did startle him a bit.
Letting go of his hands, you tilt your head and hold his face. The feeling causes Ace to emit the low rumbling sound like before, losing himself to the pleasant feeling. He raises one of his hands to thread his clawed fingers through your hair and hold you closer.
You don't notice how your body gets warmer and your mind gets cloudy. All you care about is the feeling and you want more. You lick at the demon's bottom lip, silently asking permission to take the kiss further. If he wasn't so drunk on your touch, he would've known the dangerous game you two were going to play. Now though, he has no problem parting his lips and allowing his tongue to greet yours.
The sensation makes you moan into his mouth, especially as you feel how long his tongue feels. God, he could probably shove it down your throat if he wanted to. Or even better, it would feel so good if he licked and shoved it in your-
Suddenly, Ace breaks the kiss, realizing just how far things would go if you two continued on. In all honesty though, it was probably too late, now.
"Well now, someone wants to move things along quickly," Ace chuckles. "I guess you really do want this, huh?"
"Y-Yeah, sorry. I really don't know what's gotten into me," you laugh, nervously. God, your body still feels so hot and your stomach feels...empty? No, that's not right. Ever since arriving in the fog, you never felt hungry. No, it's not your stomach, it feels lower. "Are you uh...are you feeling a bit strange, too?"
"Yeah, shit, there's something else I gotta tell y-," before Ace can explain anything, black smoke begins to envelop you. Your brain is still cloudy so you don't notice it right away, almost like you're drunk. When you do, your eyes widen in surprise and you look up at him. "Come back here, when you're done, okay! I'll explain everything! It'll be hard, but try to stay focused!"
You nod, but don't know what he means by "stay focused." As you get whisked away to the trial, you ponder it. You weren't feeling too bad, the strange sensation wasn't distracting or anything.
At least, it wasn't distracting yet.
As you thought, at the start of the trial, you were locked in. You fixed a couple of generators, rummaged around for supplies, and avoided the killer well enough. While looking for another generator to do, the warmth of your body becomes more and more unbearable. Why did you feel so hot? You were at the ski resort on Mount Ormond, it was the coldest place to do trials. Why was your body burning up and why are you panting like you just ran a marathon?
And it all got worse.
You now understand what Ace meant by "stay focused." You were struggling to keep up with the others, and surprise surprise, you got downed and hooked. You didn't even want your fellow survivors to save you, because you would be no help. Besides, being sacrificed really didn't feel so bad. In fact, the pain leading up to the black void you found yourself in, a place you always went after getting moried or sacrificed, felt weirdly dull. In this void, an intermediate place between death and the campfire, you begin to think about the sensation of your body.
Ace knew something. He could fix this, right? Ace...Ace...Ace.
God, it feels like he's all you can think about right now. His handsome face, the feeling of his arms wrapped around you, his clawed hands that could so easily rip you to shreds if he wanted to, even though you know he never would. They could easily tear your clothes off, though. That sounds wonderful due to your burning skin, plus it would allow him to touch you properly.
You can only imagine how good having his hands all over you would feel. Them squeezing the soft flesh of your tits and ass. Maybe have one of them wrapped around your throat while he pumped his fingers inside of you, claws threatening to nick the velvet walls of your pussy. Or maybe they'd be holding your thighs apart while his long tongue licked all over you, reaching the deepest parts inside your core. Perhaps it wouldn't just be his tongue doing that, and instead, he'd be holding your legs up and pushing your knees against your chest. You can just imagine him filling you up nice and full with his cock, alleviating the emptiness that you now know is coming from your cunt.
You open your eyes and realize you're on the path leading back to the campfire. You aren't going to head back there, however. No, you need to head back to the casino and get your hands on that demon. Or, more accurately, have him get his hands on you.
You don't know how you managed to get there, your head dizzy and with every step, you could feel your soaked panties get more and more ruined. This was arousal unlike anything you had ever experienced before and it's pure luck when you find yourself on the right trail, your feet meeting the transition from dirt to cracked concrete. There you spot him. Ace was standing in the doorway of the entrance, eyes lighting up when they spotted you.
He walks up to you and opens up his mouth to speak, but you cut him off by throwing yourself onto him, lips slamming against his. You try to press your body as close and as you physically can to his. Even then, it still doesn't feel enough, not when you still had your clothes in the way.
Ace pulls away the best he can from the heated kiss. He knew instantly that the one you two shared previously was going to be too much for you, and he was right.
"Hey, now...don't you wanna sit...have a bit of a chat before going on, sweetheart?" he tries to get out in between your lips constantly pressing against his.
"No...n-need you now," you whine, letting out soft pleas for him to relieve you of your ailment. Begging him to just take you now, because the explanation can wait.
"Heh...if you say so, beautiful-," he replies but cuts himself off with a low growl; an audible response to you grinding your body against him. His clawed hands glide themselves down your sides, feeling up the curves of your body before snaking around to grope your ass. He then startles you by suddenly lifting you up, causing you to wrap your limbs around him.
Your surprise only lasts for a mere second as you enjoy the feeling of your body ensnared around him. You pepper Ace's neck with kisses, not noticing him carrying you into the casino and laying you on the same poker table that you two were talking at half an hour ago; you would've never predicted your little interview with him would end like this.
Interview...the interview...wait a minute.
You turn your head to the side, causing the demon above you to take this as an invitation to attack your neck in kisses as well. That wasn't your intention, not that you mind of course. No, you wanted to look over and spot just what you were thinking about. There was your camera, looking back at you with the little red light still on; it was still recording.
You debate bringing this up to Ace to shut the device off, but the thought of recording the two of you engaging in such a sinful act sounds too delicious. An airy giggle escapes you, both from the thought and from his facial hair tickling your soft skin.
"I've never h-had an interview...end like this," you breathe, making him chuckle. He then pulls away to remove your shirt but stops when he catches your camera from the corner of his eye.
He looks between you and your device, noticing how you don't seem uncomfortable as you shoot a glance back at it.
"That so?" he purrs, a sly smirk on his face, to which you nod. He laughs again, this time sounding a lot darker than before, a noise that goes straight to your aching cunt. "Good. Don't want anyone touching what's daddy's, right?"
Without giving you the chance to reply, Ace grabs onto your top and rips it from your body, causing shreds of fabric to scatter along the table and floor. You yelp in surprise, but your pupils blow up wide. If you weren't so damn horny, you would be so grateful for the fact that your clothes magically repair themselves. You've dirtied and torn your clothes in and out of trials before and they always were fine the next time you looked down; something that would help save you from the dilemma of how you were going to get back to the campfire with no clothes.
Oh, how he loves the sight of arousal swimming within those doe eyes you're giving him. He hovers over you again, looping a finger around the center gore of your bra and tugging it down. Your breasts spill out from the garment, nipples hardening from the cool air. He wastes no time squeezing and groping your chest and flicking his thumbs over the sensitive buds.
Ace still can't believe that this is real. Sure, the fantasies that he's had about you since the day he knew he loved you weren't always perverted. He would wish that he had been able to meet you when he still had his physical form and the casino was still as popular as ever. He'd take you out for a night on the town, buying you expensive dinners and taking you to fancy clubs. Taking you to your favorite stores and spoiling you, buying everything you wanted. Maybe he'd indulge in your unusual hobby by visiting old, abandoned places with you. Or perhaps you two would just stay in for the night, curled up on a nice, comfy couch and watch a movie.
He is a demon of course, and though his domain was greed, lust still came naturally for him. From the moment he saw you, he was enthralled by your beauty; you really didn't look like someone he'd imagine going to desolate buildings for fun. It only made him feel even more bitter about his predicament. There he was, forced to be around a gorgeous woman he thought he couldn't have. He knew he could please you well, too. Demons know a lot about humans and what makes them tick; what could have them writhing in overwhelming pleasure.
He wondered about your sexual appetite. You never mentioned having a partner whenever you would visit him, and you never mentioned being interested in anyone. You also weren't the type for one-night stands either. No, for the most part, that beautiful soul of yours was the purest thing he had ever seen, not that he surrounded himself with "pure" individuals when he was running this place. That beautiful little light within you that held your life, and you allowed yourself to give him the smallest piece of it in the form of a winning hand. That was the moment that made Ace feel an unfamiliar sensation swirling in his empty chest. That was the moment that he knew he was in love.
Still, purity of the soul did not mean free of sin. It was human nature to indulge in it every once in a while, after all. No, purity simply meant how moral and just a person was, and he could see that you had a good heart. A good heart, yet you remained untouched by any man. That baffled him, thinking that you would've been fighting men off by a stick due to your kindness and beauty, not that he was going to complain.
He wondered what would keep you up at night, slipping a hand underneath your panties to relieve the aches you felt. What did you think about during those twilight hours? What fantasies danced inside that pretty head of yours?
"A-Ace?" you whimper, curious as to what made him get so lost in thought.
"Sorry, Baby. Just thinking a bit," he purrs, before gripping your bra and tearing it from your body like your shirt, once again making you squeak. "I guess you're just so damn gorgeous that I got distracted."
He then gently drags his claws down your stomach until they meet the top of your jeans.
"Hm, not gonna be able to rip these off easy...," he lets out a disappointed growl, before patting your thigh. "Care to lift your hips up for me, sweetheart?"
You do as you're told, hovering your hips up as Ace undoes your pants and pulls them off of you.
"Atta girl," he praises, before kneeling down and spreading your legs. A groan escapes him when he sees the large, dark stain that had formed from your arousal. "Aww, we really need to take care of you, don't we?"
He pushes your panties to the side, another growl leaving his throat when he finally sees your soaking pussy. His clawed thumb slowly swipes upwards through your slit, collecting a large amount of your juice on it.
"Oh yeah," he smirks and licks off the slick on his digit with his long tongue, locking his black eyes on yours. "Daddy's gonna take good care of you, babydoll."
An embarrassingly loud moan is ripped from you as Ace licks a long stripe from your weeping hole to your clit. You slam your hands over your mouth, but he gives you a disappointed look and moves to grab them.
"Aww, come on beautiful, no need to hide your voice from me," he coos, placing one of your hands in his hair and the other wrapped around one of his horns. He kneels back down to continue lapping at your dripping pussy. " Not like there's anyone else here. Just you and me. Besides, I think a bit of noise will make for a better video"
"Yeah...I think so too," you sheepishly chuckle. "I guess I just wasn't prepared for how good that would feel."
The demon in between your legs rests his head on your thigh, smirking up at you while he plays with your ruined panties. You honestly are prepared for him to tear them to shreds like the majority of your clothes.
"You haven't done this before, have you?" he asks, though he already knows the answer. Maybe having you actually say it will have you thinking straight about what you're about to do.
"Uh hehe...well, yeah," you stutter. You wonder if there was anyone else in the world who had lost their virginity to a demon. There was no way that you were going to be the only one. Well...you probably were going to be the only one to have your first time with a demon who actually loves you.
"Mm, well I should warn you then, sweetheart...," Ace begins, teasing your soaked cunt with the pads of his fingers, threatening to push them inside of you. "I don't think you're gonna wanna be with anyone else, when I'm done with you."
With that, he sinks his digits inside of you, being ever so careful and minding his claws. A hum of delight escapes him at the little resistance he has with stretching you out; hopefully that means your tight cunt will be able to take his cock nicely later. He grins when he hears your breath hitch and feels your grip tighten on his hair and horn. He then leans forward and swirls his tongue around your clit, sending little jolts of pleasure coursing through you.
"D-Don't hah! Don't think I-I want anyone else," you cry out. Even though your mind was clouded heavily by lust, you were completely certain about your statement. You are completely sure that you want him and him alone.
Though he is busy indulging himself on your sex, he does feel moved by your words. After thinking that you could only ever be his in his dreams, now he has you.
Just as you have him.
Just then, the pads of his fingers brush up against that sweet little spot inside of you that he was looking for, making you sob in ecstasy. He savors every single one of your moans as he presses his digits against it, and he only adds to your satisfaction by latching his lips around your clit and sucking on it, hard.
With every stroke, lick, and suck, you feel waves of pleasure crashing down upon you. You've never felt so good in your entire life, especially since your arrival in the fog. Augh, how could you even think about anything right now while it feels like pure bliss is flowing through you, though? Even then, despite lying practically bare against the felt of the poker table, despite how good Ace's fingers and mouth are pleasing you, and despite how you can feel your release building within you, it's still not enough.
You want more. You need more.
"O-Oooh fuck! A-Ace...Ace, please! Need you...in-ah!" you struggle to get out. You need his cock pumping inside of you, now. You need him to fill you up and relieve you of the empty feeling that's still persisting inside of you, even with his fingers stretching you out.
"Mm, not yet, babydoll," he teases, replacing his mouth with his thumb to toy with your clit. "Daddy's not done tasting you."
Removing his fingers from within you with a pop, he then raises them to his mouth and licks them clean of your arousal. Once he's done, he grabs your legs and rests them on his shoulders, practically folding your body in half when he leans back down to lap up the mess he made of your pussy again.
All you can do is lay there and moan loudly as your orgasm gets closer and closer. Your hands tug at his hair and horns as you try to grind yourself against his face, tears of pleasure stinging your eyes.
"A-Ace! Oh fuuuuck, Ace! I-I'm cumming! I'm cumming-fuck!" you sob, back arching off of the table. The coil that had been forming inside of you finally snaps and your release washes over you.
Ace eagerly drinks up every drop of your juices that hits his tongue, letting out a pleasant moan at the taste. Even as you come down from your high and your body twitches from overstimulation, neither of you wants this to stop.
Once he finally pulls away, he wipes his mouth on the sleeve of his suit jacket. He then pulls himself up and rests his hands by the sides of your head, hovering over you. You gaze up at him with half-lidded eyes and flash him a tired smile. He shoots you his own soft grin and rests a hand on your cheek.
"I didn't break my baby now, did I?" he jokes due to how exhausted you look.
"N-No...still good," you pant and shake your head.
"Good. Would hate to break her so soon when I know she wants more, right?" he asks, making you nod enthusiastically. You just came, but now you want him to fuck you properly. God, you don't remember ever being this insatiable before.
With that, Ace takes a step back and begins to undo his belt. You prop yourself up onto your forearms to watch him, feeling weirdly mesmerized by the sight. When he's done, he pulls his pants down just enough for his cock to spring free and rest against his abdomen.
You whimper as you stare at it. If your mind was clearer, you would be worried about how his dick was even going to fit inside of you. Now though, all you can think about is how full you're going to feel when he slips it in.
Stepping forward to be close to you again, he grabs your panties and shoots you a knowing look. You smirk up at him and even lift your hips to make things easier. Another familiar ripping sound echoes off of the casino's walls as the flimsy material is finally torn from your body.
Ace then takes himself into his hand and strokes himself in between your fold, trying to lube himself up with his precum and your slick. Another moan escapes you as you feel his member, throbbing and hard, rubbing against your oversensitive clit. He enjoys teasing you, prodding your entrance with the dark, leaking tip of his cock, threatening to push himself in only to go back to what he was doing before.
"Ha-ah, Ace come oooon," you whine, just wanting him to take you already, your impatience making him chuckle.
"Just wanna make sure you can take me easy, baby," he explains, though he already knows that you won't have too much difficulty with it.
"I will. Please, just fuck me...please, daddy," you beg, giving him the best puppy dog eyes you can muster.
"Aww, well how can I say 'no' to that?" he growls, lowly. The demon carefully lines his dick up with your wet little hole, the head nudging it just long enough to tease you some more.
You open your mouth to plead again only to get cut off with a loud gasp. Ace finally pushes himself inside of you, groaning from how tightly your warm, velvety walls are squeezing him. He lays his hands against the poker table for support as he slowly sinks himself deeper and deeper into you.
Not a single thought can even form in your head as it feels like your vision goes white. It feels like the most powerful feeling of relief is consuming you. It wraps around you, blocking out anything else save for two things: You and Ace.
All you care about right now is him and the pleasure he is giving you. At this moment, there is no fog, there are no trials, hell there's not even a "real world." It's just the two of you indulging in one another.
For the first time in his existence, the moment that Ace's hips collide with yours, he needs to take a breather. Sure, it's been a long time since he's slept with anyone, but even then, this feels different. This is more than just him not having had sex in a while; it has everything to do with you.
Carefully, he grabs your face and leans down to leave a kiss to your lips. It's not deep or heated, it's a simple, sweet kiss that he can only ever give to you and you alone. A soft reminder that you aren't someone that he is using to satiate his lustful desires when the urge strikes him, but instead as his one and only.
A gentle hum leaves you, distracting you from enjoying how full he's making you feel. You bat your eyelashes up at him and throw your arms around him to hold him closer. With a short purr, he buries his face into the crook of your neck, nuzzling you before starting to move.
With slow but steady rolls of his hips, Ace begins pistoning his cock in and out of you. Each time he pushes himself back inside of your pussy, you cry out as it feels like his tip is greeting the entrance of your womb. You honestly should be surprised that you don't even feel mild discomfort at the force of his thrusts or his size. You've always been told that losing your virginity hurts a bit, but right now all you can feel is pleasure. Pure, mind-numbing pleasure.
"Oh m-my-hah! Ace...f-faster. P-Please, faster," you moan, tightening your hold on him. The pace he's going feels good, really good, but just like before, it still isn't enough.
"Mm yeah? That what you want, babydoll?" he asks, punctuating his question with a particularly harsh thrust. You sob and babble out pleas for more at that, making him chuckle.
Not wanting to deny you, he readjusts himself onto his forearms and ruts into you hard and fast. You throw your head back and wail in ecstasy, feeling the same coiling sensation as before swirling in your stomach. At the sound of your moans increasing in volume and pitch and the feeling of your cunt tightening around him, he snakes his hand down in between your bodies to tease your clit once more.
"Hah, it feels like my baby wants to cum. A-ah, you wanna cum on daddy's cock, sweetheart?"
"Yes! Yes-hic! Please! Wann-ah cum s-sooo bad!" you whine and wrap your legs around his waist. You're so desperate, not even wanting to risk the chance of him pulling out of you and stopping.
"Go on then, beautiful. G-Go on and make a big fucking mess all over me," Ace groans, a clawed hand moving to grasp your hip as his thrusts become more harsh and primal.
With that, you let yourself go for a second time. The intensity of your second release has your vision going white and your body feels like you're floating. You would honestly think that you are about to pass out.
At the feeling of your pussy contracting around his cock, the demon above you throws his head back, and an animalistic growl tears from his throat. He bucks himself into you at a frenzied pace as he pumps you full of his cum.
Everything feels like a blur as you watch Ace pull out of you and reach over to your camera to stop recording. You then feel him pull you up from off of the poker table, holding you closely to his body and carrying you somewhere else in the casino; he also makes sure to grab your device with his tail. You just bury your face into his neck and close your eyes, exhausted and ready for rest to take you.
Suddenly, you feel yourself being lied down upon something soft. You open your eyes and realize you are in one of the bedrooms on the second floor, and lying on the bed. Ace sets your camera down on the bedside table and climbs in next to you, his arms wrapping around you.
"So...I guess now's probably the time to tell you that demon spit is basically an aphrodisiac, right?" he says, breaking the pleasant silence.
"Yeah...that sounds about," you laugh, tiredly, and nuzzle your face into his chest. "I think I can handle that...you know, as long as I don't have to do a trial afterward."
Now it was Ace's turn to laugh, a hand coming up to gently pet your hair.
"I don't know what I did to deserve you, Y/N, but I'm gonna make sure I keep you" he muses, fondly.
"Really?" you flash him a sleepy smile, to which he nods and grins back at you. "Well then I'm gonna keep you, too"
With a gentle kiss to your forehead, you finally close your eyes and allow yourself to fall into slumber. Yes, the fog was a cruel and unforgiving place, but you cannot deny that it's had its rare moments. And you absolutely cannot deny that actually being with Ace is the best moment it has ever given you.
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alelathedragon · 11 months ago
Possesed Bowser
I REEEEEEEALLY LOVE KING BOO if that wasn't obvious enough. I saw @kerrtesy make a thing , King Boo's final Gambit . Spirit Tracks lookin ass and I LOVE IT!!!!!
KB would totally kick Bowser outta his own body for his use lol. And I wanted to throw my hand at giving a sketch of what I think that would look like, I hope you enjoy @kerrtesy !!!! Even if this doodle is tiny and on lined paper lmao
I really enjoy your thingy!
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Possesed Bowser has a protective Neck Brace connected to an armour plate that goes over his scales. Its a thin piece of armour so he can still retract into his shell, however this entire thing is to keep his Head on his body.
King Boo remembers his Puppet Bowser from the first game and sees how his possesion effects Bowser's real body: aka parts of the koopa's body becoming ghastly and able to detatch. So KB out of total parranoa strapped this chestplate to Bowser's body. (And hey, it ended up being a good idea. So Luigi would have a harder time nocking the Koopa onto his back and would have to find another way to get to the spector, not expecting Bowser's ghost to be coaperative enough to work with the green bean lol)
The amrour has spikes that can go in and out for accesablility, it also has a little Boo shaped lock! Because how would Luigi have anything that resembles a Boo in this fight between them? Genious!
Bowser's body reacts strangly to King Boo possesing him, the body is in half of a stage of panic wanting to Revive Bowser from the inside out (like we see in Inside Story) but at the same time, his body is alive??? His body kinda freaking out. Which is annoying to the spector because if he can't convince the body that it is Fine. Then he'll have a sudden growth sprout lmao. Smack his head into the ceiling and break something while in the middle of trying to plot evily, bro wont be able to get anything done if he just outgrows it and breaks it everytime (bc remember, revived Bowser becomes a Kaiju)
KB would work around it ofc, bc Kaiju Bowser would be very useful! Step on Luigi and kill him. EZ.... Right?
Bowser's arms are ghastly and stretch out all spooky like yeehaw. The bottom half of his legs are also ghastly which makes it easier for KB to traverse the big boy's body places or phaze through floors a little bit as a treat.
Reach through floors or train karts to try and bitch slap Luigi
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