#like that dragon prince tangent i went on
mybeautifuldelirium · 2 years
I don’t know why I want this so bad but here we go!
So I had an idea for a reader x Aemond where reader is one of Rhaenrya’s kids and they have been secretly seeing each other since they know their siblings would make fun of both of them if they knew.
Anyway Aemond takes reader with him when he goes to claim Vhagar and she’s a nervous wreck the whole time and if she’s nervous about just sneaking out you can imagine how she’d be when the first flight happens and she’s with Aemond when the fight breaks out between all the kids. During the questioning she sides with Aemond without a second thought and after all the fighting she chooses to go with Aemond back to Kingslanding and eventually get married. Then like the show a few years pass and we have the day of the trial and dinner and she tries to stop Aemond from starting the fight and then just fluff.
I hope this all made sense I got excited and went on a tangent 🤣 whether you take this request or not just know you’re an amazing writer and I can’t wait to see what else you write! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Always Meant to be Together || Aemond Targaryen x reader
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A/N: so I did divert a bit from the request but as usual the overall premise is the same, hope u enjoy xx
Summary: Y/N is Rhaenyra’s first born daughter, Aemond’s closest friend, the one who was by his side during the incident and went against her own family to protect him. But after six years of being apart, has their relationship changed or could they be again, what they once were?
Warnings: angst, fluff, Targaryen incest
The true born Targaryen children of queen Alicent and the supposed bastards of princess Rhaenyra were never meant to get along, despite being of the same blood, they could never be of the same side. But as fate has it, rules always have their exceptions.
“Behold, The Pink Dread” the three boys laughed in unison as they presented the pig to the younger prince.
A cruel joke, this was, making the poor boy run out of the dragonpit.
“Very mature of you, Aegon” Y/N scolded him as she had just entered “And you two, is this what mother has taught you?”
“It was a mere jest, sister; why are you so concerned?” Jace giggled as he winked at the other boys, making them join in with laughter.
Y/N scoffed at his insinuation and went to follow after Aemond.
“Don’t listen to these fools, I know you’ll get a dragon very soon” the young girl said as she cautiously approached the prince.
“I don’t need your pity” he mumbled in annoyance, without looking at her.
“I’m not pitying you, I’m simply stating the truth” Y/N said, now with full confidence.
Aemond finally stopped in his tracks and turned to look at her “You truly believe so?” he asked, hints of hope in his voice.
“Of course! You’re a Targaryen prince after all” she smiled “And besides I believe you’re much braver than Aegon and my brothers” Y/N scrunched her nose, as they both giggled.
From that day, the two kids became quite inseparable, much to the displeasure of their mothers, they would often sneak out and spend time together.
It was way past her bedtime, yet sleep wouldn’t come upon Y/N, she was squeezing her eyes shut, tossing and turning in her bed, but to no avail. The images of Laena’s funeral from earlier that day still haunted her mind. Y/N didn’t know her aunt very well yet she couldn’t help but feel consumed by sorrow. Soon however, her eyelids at last grew heavy as she drifted into a dreamless slumber.
“Y/N, wake up” a hasty whisper suddenly brought her back. But as the girl was about to let out a startled scream, a cold palm was placed on top of her lips to shush her. “Hey, it’s me, it’s me, Aemond”
“Aemond?! What are you doing here”
“Shhh, come, follow me” he gestured towards the door.
“What?! Have you gone mad?! It’s the middle of the night!” the young girl whisper-yelled, confusion and exhaustion washed over her face.
“Please, just trust me, I need you”
Y/N sighed as she slowly got up, there was something about this violet gaze of his, when he was looking directly at her, that always managed to make her unable to refuse his pleas.
It was a clear night, the stars were glistening like thousands of diamonds as the chilling breeze was piercing through Y/N’s thin robe that she had loosely tied over her silk nightgown.
“Aemond, where are we going? I’m freezing”
“We’re almost there” the boy tried to reassure her.
The two kids continued their walk through the seemingly endless field and as Y/N was starting to consider running back inside her warm chambers, they were met with the magnificent silhouette of no other than Vhagar, the largest dragon alive, her late aunt’s dragon. And though asleep, the mere proximity to him made the little girl shiver with fear.
“We really shouldn’t be here; let’s go back to the castle” she ushered the young prince, her words, however were left unheard as he slowly approached the beast, enamored by its presence.
“Aemond, don’t!” she let out a scared squeal as Vhagar began to wake up.
“You said I was going to get a dragon and this is what I intend on doing” he smirked at her.
“This is not what I meant Aemond, please”
But the boy did not listen and by the time Y/N had comprehended the situation, he had already somehow managed to mount the dragon.
“Come” he finally spoke, reaching his hand down to her.
“No! There’s no way I’m doing this! And you shouldn’t be either. Please come down” she pleaded, her voice full of worry.
“Fine, suit yourself” Aemond mumbled as he commanded Vhagar to fly.
Y/N stood there, filled with dread as she watched the enormous beast take off with her best friend. Those few minutes of their flight were the most agonizing moments she had endured, they felt like an eternity and she couldn’t help but imagine the worst possible outcomes.
The poor girl almost burst into tears when she saw Vhagar landing right beside her with Aemond unharmed. The boy was beaming with pride and excitement as he had finally gotten his so deeply desired dragon.
“You fool” she wept with relief as she leapt to embrace him.
Their happiness however was short lived as on their way back they were met with enraged faces of Y/N’s two younger brothers and her cousins.
“There he is! Sister, what are you doing with this thief?” Jace spat at her, a mixture of disgust and disbelief lingering in his voice.
“He stole my mother’s dragon, she was mine to claim!” Rhaena screamed through tears as she charged towards Aemond.
It wasn’t long before a vicious fight broke out between the children.
“Jacaerys, Lucerys stop! Aemond, don’t!” Y/N was screaming at them trying to stop the fight, but to no avail. Suddenly a blood curdling scream of agony pierced through the halls. Before she could realize what had happened, Y/N saw the other kids run out. Then she saw, she saw him, her Aemond, laying on the ground, with arm on his left eye, waterfalls of blood pouring between his pale fingers.
Y/N let out a frightened scream as she rushed to him, gently moving his head to her lap.
“Aemond, Aemond, can you hear me? Listen, it’s all going to be alright, I promise” she choked on her tears, weaving her fingertips through his messy silver locks.
The following moments went in a blur, next thing she knew, she was standing behind her mother as the kids were throwing accusations at each other in front of the king. Alicent was inconsolable, going from caressing her wounded son to screaming at Rhaenyra and her children, it was like hell broke loose.
“Silence” Viserys at last stood up, making the whole room grow quiet. “Now, may I hear what exactly happened. Y/N, you were the one with Aemond when the guards found you, I want you to tell me the whole truth” he sent a stern look towards his granddaughter.
The little girl slowly stepped out from behind her mother’s skirts. Her face was pale as a ghost, dried up tears covering her cheeks, stains of the prince’s blood still fresh on her white nightgown. Everyone was now looking directly at Y/N, Rhaenyra’s eyes filled with concern, the two frightened boys clutching at her hands, Alicent hardly containing her rage, it almost felt like time had stopped. Then her eyes caught the gaze of Aemond’s remaining one, making her own well up at the sight.
“It was Jace and Lucerys, my brothers. They started it along with my cousins” the girl spat through tears, pointing at the kids “Aemond didn’t say anything to provoke them, they’re lying”
“Liar, she’s a liar” Jace started screaming at his sister “Mother, this is not true, he did call us bastards”
Rhaenyra looked with utter disbelief at her daughter’s face, but before she was able to say anything, Alicent had gotten up, grabbing a dagger.
“What more proof do you need?” she cried, running towards Luke with the weapon in her hand, but was quickly caught by Rhaenyra who leapt in front of her son.
Eventually the fight was put to an end and all were ordered back to their chambers.
Y/N was now sitting on her bed clutching at her blankets trying to erase her memories of the horrendous ordeal that had occurred. The girl was so consumed by those thoughts that she had just noticed that her mother had entered the room. She had an unreadable expression as she slowly approached the bed, holding her bandaged arm.
“How could you? How could you go against your own brothers in front of the king?” she asked, her voice full of disappointment.
“It was their fault. Luke took Aemond’s eye” Y/N sniffed trying not to burst into tears again.
Rhaenyra grabbed at her daughter’s chin, making her meet her gaze. “You siding with that boy almost cost your brother his eye” she hissed “We are a family. Your brothers are your family. Never forget this” she then stood up and left without another word.
Y/N had spent the following six years at Dragonstone after her mother’s marriage to Daemon. The girl couldn’t deny that she had rather enjoyed the peace of those years however she so deeply longed to go back to the capital.
Her prayers were at last answered as she finally stepped foot in her homelands. Y/N was now a woman grown yet she could still vividly recall her time spent on the castle grounds throughout her childhood. The princess was eagerly following behind her younger brothers as they explored the courtyard that they once used to play in.
However, the sounds of clashing steel immediately had caught the attention of the siblings as they quickly went to follow it.
Y/N couldn’t believe her eyes. It couldn’t have been him. But it was, it was him. Her prince, her Aemond. There was something about the way he was so mercilessly fighting against ser Criston that made her feel intimidated, a dangerous swordsman he had become.
“Nephews, have you come to train?” he at last spoke, pointing his sword at the two boys, no emotion in his words.
“Bōsa jēda daor ūndegon, kēpus” (long time no see, uncle) Y/N smiled confidently as she finally walked out from her spot behind the gate.
Her words made Aemond drop his sword in disbelief and he slowly approached her. There were now mere inches between them as she looked up meeting his gaze. He had changed, yet still possessing this otherworldly beauty she had grown to admire. His face was now chiseled as if carved by the hands of the gods, his silver locks, much longer, reaching the middle of his back and the deep scar still visible under the black leather eyepatch that was covering his left eye, a reminder of the vicious incident. The prince took his time slowly examining her features as if trying to confirm it was really her. He gently picked a lock of her hair, slowly twirling it between his fingers, a devious smirk now playing on his lips. Aemond then suddenly turned around and headed back without saying a word.
The king had called for a small feast in honor of his family as they were at last together. Y/N could hardly recognize her grandfather, the magnificent man she remembered from her childhood was now deteriorating before her, half of his stern face, covered by a gold mask, perhaps concealing the damage. He was leaning in his chair, unable to sit properly yet his presence was just as powerful as it once was.
The tension in the room was so present, almost as if you could cut through it with a sword. Y/N’s gaze traveled across the familiar faces around the table, they were her family yet they felt so distant. Then her eyes fell on Aemond, her childhood best friend. She couldn’t catch any hint of emotions in his eye, he was simply sitting with a blank expression, occasionally sipping from his wine. Their last encounter had left the young princess bewildered as he had left without speaking a single word to her. ‘What an arrogant prick has he become’ she thought to herself, angrily bringing the wine cup to her lips.
“Care for a dance, dear niece” she was suddenly brought back from her thoughts by Aegon who was now standing behind her. Seeing that his wife was dancing with Jace, Y/N reluctantly took the older prince’s hand and followed him across the hall.
The girl closed her eyes as she swayed, trying to forget who her partner was as she indulged in the music. A few moments later however, their dance was interrupted by a tap on Aegon’s shoulder and when she looked up before her was standing no other than Aemond, her Aemond. There was a wild look lingering in his eye, could that have been jealousy? She wondered for a second before moving towards his hands, continuing the dance. What she didn’t know however was that throughout her time with Aegon, the one eyed prince hadn’t left her from his sight, feelings he thought he had long forgotten, rushing back.
They didn’t speak the entire time yet they kept their eyes locked at each other’s and for a second Y/N could swear that she had caught a glimpse of the Aemond she remembered and so deeply cared for.
“I missed you” she whispered, almost to herself. His stern expression softened, serving as a proof that he had heard her. This intimate moment however was cut short as the king was being escorted back to his chambers and before she knew it, they were again sitting at the table. Much to her mother and brothers’ displeasure, Y/N was now seated beside Aemond.
Despite Viserys’ departure the feast continued, servants bringing dish after dish.
Luke couldn’t help but let out a chuckle as a large roasted pig was placed in front of his uncle, earning him a warning look from his sister. Y/N then grabbed at Aemond’s hand trying to calm him down but alas, the prince stood up giving a toast to his ‘strong’ nephews. It didn’t take long for a quarrel to erupt, after his insinuations, with Jace punching the prince across his face but before the fight could further escalate, Y/N quickly leapt between her brother and uncle.
“Aemond, don’t, please,that’s enough”
Just as she could never refuse anything to him, so couldn’t he, the prince scoffed and headed out.
Y/N tried to follow after him but was stopped by her mother. “Don’t even consider it” Rhaenyra pulled at her arm “Don’t betray your family once again”
It must’ve been past midnight yet sleep wouldn’t come upon Y/N, so instead of forcing it, the young maiden decided to take a stroll across the castle hallways.
Suddenly a strong arm was wrapped around her mouth, pushing her against the nearest wall.
“I missed you too, dear niece” a deep voice whispered in her ear. The only light coming from the moon, shining through the nearby window, illuminating the so familiar smirk spread across the man’s face.
“Aemond?!” the girl exhaled, looking closer at the handsome face of her ‘attacker’. “What’s wrong with you?”
“You never came to visit me after the incident, never even said goodbye” he hissed, hints of sadness in his voice.
“Oh Aemond, you have no idea how hard I tried to, but mother wouldn’t let me, she put guards in front of my chambers” Y/N softened her features, moving her hand to his cheek.
“Don’t go back to Dragonstone, stay” he placed his hand on top of hers.
“Why would I, am I not a bastard too, like my brothers?” she suddenly snapped, reminding him of the prior events.
“Ohh, the fuck with this” he grunted, smashing his lips on top of hers. This action caught Y/N completely by surprise yet it didn’t take long for her to eagerly kiss him back, tangling her fingers in his soft silver locks. This was her Aemond she was kissing, the young boy she had unknowingly fallen for way back when they were kids.
“We were always meant to be together, Y/N” he smirked as they pulled away from the kiss.
“Mother, I won’t go back to Dragonstone” she had gone to the godswood to announce her decision to Rhaenyra.
“What is that supposed to mean?”
“I don’t want to go, I want to stay here” Y/N repeated, trying not to show the trembling in her voice.
“You, you are responsible for this, aren’t you?” Rhaenyra pointed at Aemond who had just approached them. “Haven’t you done enough harm to her!?”
“I simply wish to ask for your daughter’s hand in marriage, princess, to strengthen our houses” his infamous smirk, still lingering.
“What makes you think I’ll sacrifice my only daughter to you?” She hissed through gritted teeth.
“Mother, you tried to separate us years ago yet the gods once again brought us together, we were meant to be together” Y/N repeated Aemond’s words from the prior night.
“If that’s your decision, then so be it, I’ll give you my blessing, but remember, once you’ve chosen which side you’re on, there is no going back” Rhaenyra sighed as she left the young couple.
Those words pierced at Y/N’s heart, but she knew she had made the right decision, choosing to marry the one she loved and she was determined to go against anything that would try to separate them.
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imminent-danger-came · 3 months
Why do you think s4 lmk is sometimes seen as a drop-off in writing quality compared to earlier seasons?
IS IT REALLY. That's so funny, I personally think s4 elevated lmk's writing to unbelievably high levels. It recontextualized previous seasons in ways that cemented my faith in lmk's writing team, and proved to me that this wasn't just going to be good, it was going to be GREAT, an honest to god masterpiece.
I find that the more complex the writing, when things like love and devotion aren't put into "good" or "bad" boxes, when characters are hypocrites and things develop in a way people don't like (it doesn't make them "feel good" but the writing itself is solid), that's when people start to say things like "the writing's gotten worse". I've seen plenty of takes for characters like Wukong and Viren (from The Dragon Prince), where folks want to boil down the mess and the complexity into "the writers don't know how to write this character," when the truth is the opposite. Sometimes, characters say one thing and do another and that's on purpose, thank you. Sometimes, characters mean well and have good intentions, but they still suck. Writing like that is fucking awesome.
(Big Owl House rant incoming, turn back now if you're not interested in that)
It's not really a surprise to me that something like The Owl House, where the characters are fairly one note and everything is said out loud and the themes are much more simplistic, is/was far more popular. Obviously, I don't want to shame anyone or make people feel bad for loving toh—like it's great if you love it, keep doing that—but I do think that objectively, toh has pretty weak writing (which honestly doesn't/doesn't have to determine how much you love it).
I was discussing this with a few friends last night, how with toh, the implications are hardly thought through, and characters aren't viewed beyond the role they can serve in the episode or the arc. Like, I think of the beginning of Hollow Mind, where King says "No one wants to believe they've spent their life following the wrong person", which is fine, it's something that could be interesting given the proper execution, but when you analyze it deeper, try to find the consistent character thread...it doesn't make any actual sense for King or the development he went through at the beginning of s2. Had he said something along the lines of "No one wants to believe they've spent their life following a lie", now THAT ties directly into the lie he believed for his whole life, and to King as a character. But that's not what happened, and that's never what happened in toh.
Even with Belos, the main villain, it's clear the writers wanted Grim Walker angst for Hunter, but they didn't want to explore the implications of Belos recreating his brother over and over again. So at that point, it's like...why not just have Hunter be adopted? Why have him be a grimmwalker at all if it's not something we're going to explore deeper on Belos' end?
Needless to say, lmk isn't like that. If a character has dialogue or a scene, it's going to contribute to our perception of them and their internal motivations. If Pigsy is worried about his relation to his ancestors in s4, and what that says about him, we can actually trace that back to 2x04: tradition matters to Pigsy, and it's a huge part of his heart, identity, and life. Of COURSE Pigsy is affected when he learns his ancestor was someone he doesn't like, someone who tried to eat the love of his life. He even tries to comfort MK with what he thinks is a shared experience, and it's AGH. It's so good
If something is established in lmk, it's expanded upon. Hell, even the Mayor of all characters was given his own spotlight outside of LBD. He even has a direct parallel to Azure—following and giving service to an Emperor before becoming disillusioned and changing loyalty to the person that will bring about real change: their Lady and their King.
I went on a super long tangent. I can't truly know why some people think of lmk s4 as a drop-off in writing quality, but those are some thoughts from me to you!
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krowfics · 2 years
But you’re still a kid that grew
Fandom: Sanders Sides
Plot: Passion was small and Passion was orange. So he couldn't be. (or why there's two blue sides)
Words: 3257
Notes: Logan angst, canon universe, all the other sides are technically unsympathetic ig - especially Patton and Remus, sad and unresolved ending. this fic’s ending overlaps with WTIT.
This might be considered a character study? idk i wrote this in a hyper fixated haze
He was small and he was orange.
Dressed head to toe, orange tee shirt, orange cargo shorts, orange socks and orange shoes. 
He was learning about cheetahs. They're the fastest animal in the world, they can reach speeds up to 70 miles per hour! He didn't know what that meant but it sounded fast. 
He stared at the TV screen with rapt attention, meanwhile Thomas played with a stuffed fox from Fox and the Hound and a plastic toy of Peter Pan (from Peter Pan.) glancing up at the screen occasionally. Thomas’ mom had decided to put on an educational show instead of Disney Channel, which Thomas hadn’t minded but he had been ecstatic about.
He really, really wanted to know how fast 70 miles per hour is.
So Thomas twisted around to look at his mom, who was reading a book on the couch with her feet tucked underneath her, and he asked.
"Hmm, as fast as a car." She answered.
That's super fast for an animal, he knew Thomas couldn't run that fast, he didn't even think a dog could run that fast.
"Wow, that's super fast." Thomas said.
"Sure is, Bud." His mom replied with a smile.
He learned more, needed to learn more. He had Thomas switch the channel to documentaries in between his Disney shows, had him ask his mom and dad every question under the sun, squinted at books over Thomas' shoulders as they were both figuring out how to read, even though neither really could yet.
Some adults had reading glasses to make them read better, maybe that would make him read better.
It helped, he thinks, he didn't think anything was wrong with his vision before but now he never wanted to take his glasses off.
He was bigger, he was orange, and he wanted to know everything.
Thomas' mom had called Thomas passionate once, maybe he was Passion.
They went to school, and kindergarten was boring. All they did was color! The first grade was better, but there was still far too much coloring of cartoon characters for Passion’s taste. 
Creativity liked it. So Passion tried not to complain. He didn't really talk to the Others much anyway. 
He liked talking to Creativity, both of them, but they each fell off into their own tangents that got so far from where Passion hand started, that he kind of wished he didn’t talk at all.
He had nothing to do with Morality or Fears or even Creativity, really, the good or the bad, he just wanted to learn and he wanted Thomas to learn.
Lies was annoying because he just wanted to get out of work, and Thomas would listen to him sometimes, which wasn't fair. But sometimes Morality would get in Lies’ way and they'd yell a bunch until Thomas gave into Morality, which was better but it was still annoying. When they yelled he wanted to scream.
It was all frustrating. The Creativities’ imagination was nice until it became completely fake, Lies made Thomas say things that were completely fake, Fears would make up stuff to make Thomas upset which was usually completely fake and Morality would repeat the adults dumb rules which seemed to be completely fake!
It was frustrating, fakeness was frustrating, Passion only cared about real things. Weird plants and animals and bugs and rock formations and spaceships and dinosaurs.
He did not care about Disney princes and dragons and talking animals.
Morality told him he needed to share Thomas. But it wasn't fair, none of it was fair, how could it be fair when what everyone else wanted was completely fake?
He hated the fakeness, it was confusing, it was so hard to tell when Thomas was being lied to. He used to think he could fly because he saw it on TV - not the channels that Passion wanted to watch - and he jumped off his bed and bruised his knee super badly. 
Thomas cried for his knee and Passion cried because it wasn't real. It wasn't! They lied to him!
Passion cried more often than not, he yelled more often then he spoke. Thomas wouldn't listen to him, Thomas used to listen to him, didn't he?
Thomas didn't switch the channel to documentaries anymore and he didn't pay attention to his teacher, even when he really tried, he'd always be more focused on sitting still which made it almost impossible for Passion to pay attention, Thomas usually gave up, which made it even harder.
It wasn't fair. It wasn't fair!
He barely talked to the Others before but now he almost never did. Because now he couldn't stop himself from screaming or crying or getting really angry and breaking something in the imagination which would always make everyone upset with him but they'd never listen anyway!
He hated this. He felt so pathetic. He didn't want to cry all the time, he just wanted to learn. He wanted Thomas to learn.
Thomas got a new teacher when he started second grade, and he was nice.
Mr. Teagan was calm, always. He wore glasses and a tie, which must mean he's smart. He sounded smart, he didn't get mad at Thomas for moving in his seat or fidgeting with his hands, he even encouraged him to fiddle with a squishy rubber toy when Thomas' tapping got too loud for the rest of the class.
He never got frustrated when Thomas asked questions, he'd teach him how to understand the more complex math equations the rest of the class was learning. Passion really liked math and Thomas really liked math.
Thomas wasn't really listening to Passion but he was listening to his teacher. Maybe if Passion was calmer, they would listen to him.
They didn't. They ignored him as always, Bad Creativity called him a crybaby and that set Morality off, which Passion would have appreciated had Morality not also been ignoring him.
"Why'd you even bother to show up?" Good Creativity said as Morality calmed down and Bad Creativity continued to giggle.
"Be nice." Morality said plaintively.
"No, no, I mean, you never come here or talk to us, what do you want?" he didn't sound upset, just confused, but it didn't make the hurt go away because Passion was doing what he wanted already and they weren't listening.
"To talk about imaginary numbers." He said carefully, because imaginary numbers were so cool, even though he didn't really understand anything about them at all, but they sounded cool. They were fake but couldn't be frustrating-fake, because they were still math and math made them real!
"Ugh, Thomas will learn math in school." Good creativity whined.
Passion glanced to Morality, who only nodded, "Thomas is gonna watch Beauty and the Beast, he can't do math right now."
He's watching that again? Could it not be Lion King or Jungle Book, one that made him actually want to learn about animals?
"That's not fair." Passion said.
"He does plenty of math in school." Good Creativity said.
"But I want him to do it now!"
"We can't always get what we want." Morality said.
"Life is fair, you know." Lies said sarcastically from his place on the couch, he was hardly paying attention to the situation.
Morality liked Mr. Teagan, and Passion was being calm like Mr. Teagan, why wasn't it working? What was he doing wrong?
Fears nodded, looking deeply uncomfortable with the tenseness in the room, "You don't have to get upset over math."
"It's not fair." He yelled, and his voice cracked and his vision was blurry even though he was wearing his glasses.
Bad Creativity made a sharp laughing noise, “Crybaby!" he said, pointing, and he was completely right.
"You aren't being very nice." Morality said, and when Passion looked he saw that Morality was not looking at Bad Creativity, he was looking right at Passion.
He knew what that meant, Morality also said that Lies and Bad Creativity weren't very nice and then those 'weren't very nice's turned into 'not nice at all's. And Morality made sure that Thomas almost never listened to Sides who were not nice at all.
What if Thomas never listened to him again?
Passion choked on a sob. He needed to apologize, he needed to, but he couldn't get a word out with Morality staring him down like Thomas' mom or dad did when he got in trouble, Good Creativity stood right behind him, looking smug.
Passion turned around and ran out the room, a nasally laugh came from behind him, Bad Creativity, he assumed.
He hid his room and he cried. It felt like hours, or minutes, or days. He cried until his eyes were sore and his throat was scratchy and his nose was stuffed.
Something was wrong with him.
There had to be a reason no one listened to him, there had to be a reason no one liked him.
He stayed away after that, he couldn't risk it. He needed to stay calm like Mr. Teagan but he couldn't when no one was listening anyway. He’d get too frustrated, too overwhelmed. A bitter part of him thought it’d be better to not feel at all, if the bad emotions were so unavoidable and were making him ruin everything. 
They wouldn't listen to him, no matter what he did, would they? They've already decided he was too passionate to deal with.
He helped Thomas with homework when he needed, Morality made Thomas do his homework because it was Wrong not to, but he didn't really stick around for the process. So when Thomas would get stuck, Passion would show up to help. 
He didn't make Thomas learn outside of school though, he stopped begging for him to change the channel to a documentary when Morality wanted to watch a cartoon, he bit his tongue every single time he played pretend with Good Creativity.
Passion was able to learn still, he didn’t think any of the others could completely stop him if they tried. It was much harder, but he could consume information that Thomas learned subconsciously. It wasn't nearly as good as Thomas learning outright, but it was better than nothing and Passion would take all he could get.
Thomas' third grade teacher was not nearly as patient as Mr. Teagan, which means that Thomas didn't like her which means he had a much harder time paying attention. 
Morality stayed with him a lot, making him pay attention as it was Wrong not to pay attention to adults. He made him do his homework and sat there through his frustration so he'd actually finish as it was wrong not to hand it in finished the next day, he made Thomas do everything he was told, even as Lies hissed and spat in the Mindscape to get his way, Morality didn't even care that he was making Thomas miserable. Maybe he didn’t notice.
He wouldn't listen to what Passion had to say about it though.
Passion was a crybaby, Passion was too emotional, Passion wasn't very nice.
Passion was small and Passion was orange.
So he couldn't be.
They had learned basic color theory long ago. Good Creativity loved it because it made everything pretty and hated it because it was rules and neither creativity ever wanted to put rules on art, other than the obvious Morality given ones. The ones that said it wasn't nice at all to draw Thomas killing his brother, something Good Creativity agreed with and bad creativity did not.
Color theory said that blue was the opposite of orange.
Maybe that's why Morality didn't like him. Morality was blue.
Blue comes in different shades.
One day, as Thomas was doing his homework, he felt a familiar pull. A feeling he would often ignore because Morality seemed to always be there. 
Be calm
He appeared, almost void of color, shirt as black as his glasses, plain blue jeans, black shoes. 
A tie, just like Thomas' second grade teacher always wore, except dark blue.
He was not small and he was not orange.
"Hello?" Thomas said, just behind him was Morality, who was staring.
Both looked stressed, hair messed up from running their hands through it and Thomas's eyes were rimmed red, almost crying from frustration.
Stay calm.
"What seems to be the problem Thomas?"
"Who..?" Thomas asked tiredly, glancing to Morality.
"I'm not sure, kiddo. Are you new?"
The only thing differentiating the sides visually were their clothes and their colors.
Without orange, Morality didn't recognize him.
"I am Thomas' Logic."
"Oh, goodness!" Morality smiled brightly, when was the last time he smiled at him like that? "It's been so long since we've gotten a new side! I’m Morality, It's nice to meet you."
Stay calm.
"You as well, now what is the issue?"
Thomas gestured to the paper on his desk and Logic learned over his shoulder to see the equation. He thought Thomas liked math?
It was division, a bit on the complicated side but not terribly so. 
"Thomas, do you understand that division is just the opposite of multiplication?"
"Mrs. Drache keeps saying so, but…"
So he didn't understand.
"All that means is you can reverse this." He summoned up a pen and paper and wrote the equation down where Thomas could see.
And the he wrote the same numbers directly under it but swapped the division sign for an equal sign and the original equals sign for multiplication.
"Are you more confident in your times tables, Thomas?" he asked.
Thomas nodded, paused, and then nodded again. He looked tired. "Yeah um, I did them quicker than most of the class last week. I only got 3 wrong."
"Good." Logic said, "what times 7 is 49?"
Thomas stared for a moment, "5 times 7 is 35."
"and 6 times 7 is 42."
"it is."
Thomas pressed his lips together and then wrote 7 down on his homework.
Thomas listened to him. He actually listened to him and he learned.
Stay calm.
"Good job, Thomas."
Thomas beamed and everything was worth it.
Morality made a high pitch noise, startling Logic, he forgot he was there.
But there Morality was, clapping and smiling, smiling at Thomas and Logic.
"I knew you could do it, kiddo!" 
Thomas smiled and returned to his homework, both sides there for help and encouragement.
Morality stopped showing up so much for homework, he let Logic help him pay attention in class, he started letting Thomas get away with things that made him happy. At some point academics were completely left up to Logic.
Morality trusted Logic. Morality liked Logic.
Stay calm.
Logic said nothing as Thomas changed career paths, Morality wanted him to be happy and Creativity wanted him to perform. Logic could handle his amount of attention diminishing, Thomas’ happiness was more important. 
Stay calm.
He helped Thomas through each moral conundrum and anxiety attack, even if he had to wade through the others' arguments to do so. It’d be easier if they didn’t have to work through their emotions before they actually listened to him but, regardless, they always did eventually.
Stay calm.
He had made himself heard, he didn't need emotions anymore, he never needed them in the first place. He needed Thomas to be healthy and happy, even if that meant Logic didn't always get his way. He was fine.
Stay calm.
Deceit and Dark Creativity's increased presence was annoying but manageable. Thomas hadn't remembered either, which made sense. 
Deceit had kept himself hidden from Thomas before his scales started appearing - a younger Thomas taking the lying snake in the garden of Eden a bit too seriously, Logic suspects - and Logic was fairly certain that Thomas had never even met Remus as a child.
Thomas was barely interested in what Logic had to say as is, splitting his attention between three other sides who just boiled down to differing emotions. Janus and Remus complicated things, they kept getting in the way.
All sides deserved to be listened to, a part of Logic is sure of it, but with all of them demanded it only for themselves, he had to fight to.
Morality at least didn't like them fighting, Creativity would always listen to Morality and thus stayed in good graces, and Anxiety held enough sympathy from Patton that he was always able to be listened to too.
No one really liked Logic, he could tell. They might claim they like Logan, they probably don't even think they're lying about it. But they wouldn't like him if he couldn't stay calm.
Stay calm.
He was trying to stay calm.
He was finally being listened to, even if it seemed to be less and less each day, he was letting Thomas take breaks, he was letting Thomas stay happy even as the anxiety of cleaning was getting to him.
Why did Remus have to taunt him today of all days? The day when Thomas actually had some urge to make a list of tasks, to finally clean his living space so he could be more productive. 
Stay calm.
Thomas was busy dancing, quite literally dancing always the intrusive thoughts.
Logic was calm, he would stay calm.
He breathed a calculated breath and turned to Remus, who was giggling in that obnoxious way he does. Even after all these years, even as they got older, that laugh never really did change.
Logic was speaking calmly, he was being nice, he was barely showing any frustration even as Remus made it clear he was not listening.
Thomas listened to him though, he had listened today, and the only times he stopped today was when Remus got in the way.
Stay. Calm.
He needed to get through to Remus. He needed to. He needed to be listened to, he needed Thomas to listen. He barely listened as is, he can't let it get as bad as it was back then, back when no one listened no matter what. 
he wasn't listening. Thomas wouldn't listen because Remus wouldn't listen. Logic needed him to listen.
Remus summoned a book literally titled, 'Ignoring Dummies for Dummies' 
The haunting taunt of 'crybaby' rang in his ears. It was extremely frustrating, he couldn't get frustrated - he had to stay calm.
Logic could barely breathe.
Remus wouldn't listen.
Stay calm
Stay calm
"Stop ignoring me!"
That wasn't very calm.
Remus was talking, smug as Logan had ever seen him and not even remotely surprised, but the words barely registered. 
And then Remus was gone, and Thomas was on the phone with Nico.
Was that on purpose? Did… Did Remus know?
Stay calm.
He was not orange.
He wasn't.
Everything worked out, except it didn't because Thomas had abandoned his schedule and his apartment didn't get cleaned, but that was okay. It had to be okay. 
Thomas barely seemed to listened to Logic anymore anyway, he shouldn’t have gotten his hopes up. Thomas listened when it was absolutely necessary and that was enough. It had to be. Logic had to stay calm. He had to hold together each piece of him that shattered and broke off when he was ignored, he couldn't afford to be pushed to emotions by Remus, or anyone, especially not when Thomas is there.
Stay calm.
He was not a crybaby.
Stay calm.
He was not Passion.
Stay calm.
He was not orange.
He wished there was nothing of Passion left, nothing left to feel anything, but as he curled up in his room to hide, he felt small.
tags~ @flowercrownsandtrauma
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quibbs126 · 1 year
Also random tangent, but I swear, Milk, Purple Yam, and to an extent Chess Choco, kind of confuse the timeline of when Dark Choco betrayed his kingdom, at least to me (at least in terms of Ovenbreak, we’ll leave Kingdom out of this discussion).
Like, from what you could gather from the Shattered Kingdom, as well as Dark Choco’s visual changes between current day and his old look, it’d be easy to say that his betrayal happened years ago. But then here Milk and Yam come in, and apparently they have no clue about Dark Choco turning to the dark side, despite them going on a quest looking for him. And also I’m told he went to Dragon’s Valley to find the Strawberry Jam Sword, which again, was a long time ago (I don’t know if he went back sometime recently, hence why they’re going there, I haven’t seen that part of their story yet). So why is it that Milk and Yam are going there now to try and find him?
Either Milk and Yam’s sources are horribly outdated, and/or they’re completely ignorant of knowledge that seems to be at least moderately well known, given characters like Knight and Pistachio know about it, despite neither seeming to have any affiliation with the Shattered Kingdom, or this event could not have happened that long ago.
And going back to Chess Choco, the fact that they’re from there despite them being young children also sort of implies that it couldn’t have happened that long ago. But again, looking at the state of disrepair the Shattered Kingdom seems to be in (at the very least this, not counting Dark Choco’s appearance), this could not have happened so recently
So which is it, Dark Choco betrayed his kingdom relatively recently, to the point where two people who are actively looking for him don’t know, or did it happen a long time ago and is somewhat known, at least amongst other knights and warriors?
Also pivoting off slightly, but how does Milk not know that Dark Choco betrayed his kingdom? Like, he seems to think that Dark Choco is still the same hero he met before, at least that’s how I understand it. I mean, they’re in the Shattered Kingdom, and Milk knows the place is in ruins, and that it’s Dark Choco’s home, but neither he nor Yam make any reference to Dark Choco being the one who caused this. But as someone actively looking for him, how would he not have this information? Like what does he think happened to the Shattered Kingdom?
I know I said to ignore Kingdom, but there, while Milk does still admire Dark Choco and seems to be looking for him, as far as I can tell, he hasn’t shown up enough to say whether or not he knows of Dark Choco’s betrayal, and I mean, his and Yam’s search for him works either way. I mean, I’d hope he knows of it, given Milk comes from Dark Choco’s kingdom and should logically know of his own prince’s betrayal, and even if by some means he’s been out searching for him since before that happened and hasn’t returned since, you’d assume someone from the Milk Village would know of Milk’s quest and tell him what happened. But yeah, with Kingdom I can give him a pass since we just don’t know yet
But with Ovenbreak, we know that Milk is unaware (as well as likely Yam, since while we know he’s heard things and also doesn’t like Dark Choco, considering the fact that he’s now close with Milk, you’d imagine he’d tell Milk if he knew. But I don’t really mention Yam in this since I don’t think it’d matter to him either way, so long as he gets to fight Dark Choco). But how?
I feel like the creators may have had the idea to create a character that knew Dark Choco back when he was a hero and admires him for it, which I admit is interesting, but at the same time, they make it so Milk isn’t aware of Dark Choco’s turn to the dark side for whatever reason (likely to preserve his admiration without it seeming strange that he’d still admire someone who’s done horrible things), and it just creates logic holes
I know that Ovenbreak doesn’t have the best quality storytelling in the franchise, but still
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megamattzx · 1 year
Preview to Chapter 2 of Dragon Ball New Frontier Shroud of Memories
Our poor boy, Goku Jr is hurting in this flashback.
"I didn't fucking ask to be made!" Goku Jr shouted as tears fell from his eyes and pain was evident in his voice. "I didn't ask to be conjured up by some magical dragon so that some pathetic whack job of an emperor could have his own little MONSTER!"
Chi-Chi was horrified that her son felt this way and so was Goku. Before the 17-year-old Saiyan continued his tangent Goku tried to reach out. "Goku," the older Saiyan tried saying to his son as he saw Goku Jr's tail fluffed up in anger and pain. Tears fell from his son's eyes and the two parents could tell that he could no longer contain the pain anymore. "No one's calling you a monster….."
In his own pain and anger, Goku Jr glared at his father again as he then lashed out even more and his voice rising further with every word. So much so that his parents couldn't even say anything. Especially considering that his words sounded more broken as he said them. "Rebrianne called me an abomination! Dyspo called me a hellspawn! They both called me a curse! Said that I was some demon child that should never have existed and that if I had ended my life it wouldn't even matter because I existed in the first place!" 
The last words shattered both of his parents as he continued to let it all out. "All because Pilaf made a clone with the eternal dragon!" He yelled. Pointing at his father as he continued. "A clone of YOU! That bastard made a monster BECAUSE OF YOU!!!!!" 
"YOU'RE NOT A MONSTER, SONKU!" Chi-Chi shouted in an extremely broken voice. Tears falling from her eyes down her pale face she couldn't even begin to imagine just how much her son was hurting. This clone of her husband, born at the same time as his brother, Goten. Her miracle child. This child SHE took from Gohan and held in her arms after Goten was born, stared into his beautiful onyx eyes for the first time, and took him under her wings. She loved this boy unconditionally. Named him after his father. Gave him both of his father's names to signify she loved the boy. 
She didn't care that he was a pureblooded saiyan and not biologically related to her. He was her son. Her baby boy. Her Saiyan Prince and Fire Mountain and Mount Paozu. And just like his brothers, he was her pride and joy. But he was also her little miracle child. This was the boy she raised as if he was her own flesh and blood just like his brothers. 
Both Goku and Goku Jr remain silent as Goku was also tearing up from the words that his son spewed out even though he knew his son didn't mean anything by it. That he was only lashing out at the world still because he was in so much pain and yet it didn't change the fact that it hurt like hell for his own son to think this lowly about himself. Even say those words to him like that.
Chi-Chi only then continued as she gently placed her hands on her son's cheeks as she stared into his hurt and tired eyes. Red from crying and holding back his tears, a pained look of sadness and emptiness in his expression. Her heart was sinking a little bit to see him like this. 
"You're a gift, Son Kakarot Goku Jr," she softly told him with a tearful smile. Slowly taking her hands off his face as she then wrapped her arms around her son in a comforting manner. "Just like your brothers, you are your father's greatest gift to me…My little Saiyan Prince of Fire Mountain and Mount Paozu..."
Goku Jr took a moment to process everything his mother said as he looked into his father's eyes with a hint of guilt. He didn't mean to say those things. He shouldn't have said those things but he did. Goku could tell just from looking at him, that his son was sorry. As soon as Chi-Chi let Goku Jr go, the saiyan teenager immediately went and hugged his father. Crying his heart out as he did so. He couldn't even say anything.
Goku simply wrapped one of his arms around his son and rubbed his hand on the boy's back in a comforting manner. "It's okay…" he softly told the boy. "It's okay, my little fighter…."
A few hours later, Goku Jr was laying down on his bed, blankly staring at the ceiling of his room with his tired eyes. He couldn't sleep.  His mind was still wandering about what had happened tonight. The fight with his father in the storm still going on outside, him remembering his father being hard on him and training, his father even reflecting on things in the past. Him lashing out and making his parents realize that he wasn't okay. He felt horrible. Terrible even. Thinking about everything that happened, the younger Goku couldn't help but think about his father's words a few years back. He vividly remembered his father saying all of it too. Imagined himself reliving that moment.
"I know I've been harder on you than I am with your brothers. But the only reason why I am is that you're a pure-blooded Saiyan. If I'm not hard on you, you won’t be able to handle the hardships that come from being one. I want you to be able to take it.Your mom wouldn't be able to teach you in the way that I'm teaching you now. This is how you need to learn. Your mom won't be able to be this hard on you, Kaka. You're not like your brothers. That's why I have been disciplining you." 
The more the younger saiyan thought about it, the more he remembered it plainly. A tear falling from his eye and down the side of his pale face, the look of regret in his expression. But he heard his father's voice in his mind.
"I have to make sure you're prepared for when your mom and I aren't there to help you. When we won't be there to help take care of you. To protect you. Besides, you may not notice, but you're improving. You're getting better at this. Keep pushing yourself, and you'll go far...."
Goku Jr only stared at the ceiling more intently as he remembered the last words his father told him 4 years ago. Those words continuously echoing in his mind as he thought about that moment. Those last words that really sunk in deep.
"I'm proud of you, bud."
Processing every detail of his past up to this point, he then thought about his mother. The princess of Fire Mountain herself. Chi-Chi. He remembered all the times she called him her pride and joy. Her little Saiyan Prince of Fire Mountain and Mount Paozu.  All the time she sang a lullaby to him whenever he was afraid as a child. She wanted him to feel safe at home. He could hear his mother's voice in his mind as well. Echoing like he was in a tunnel but rather being words of pain, he remembered words of wisdom from her.
"Everyone makes mistakes, kiddo," he remembered his mother telling him. "Your father and I are no exception to that."
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pinertecno · 2 years
Princes of the apocalypse pdf assistant
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Feel free to streamline it so the group doesn’t go to an area you haven’t read/prepared yet. This can be a very bewildering adventure, as it is so wide open. New DMs: If you are a new DM, keep in mind that you are free to change anything you want in this adventure. This works especially well with the “haunted keeps,” especially Scarlet Moon Hall. Stealth Phoenix: Sneak around/infiltrate. Faction Play: Team up with one temple to sabotage or destroy another temple. The four elemental temples do not get along and frequently clash. Wide Open: In this adventure, the group is free to approach each location how they like. It also doesn’t seem to make much sense for the heroes to search for the delegates in Red Larch considering where the ambush took place. There are a lot of situations where, if you look at the map, it doesn’t really make sense why the bad guys went all the way to X for Y. It says she’s in area W17, but there is no W17. The Map Scale is Off: It doesn’t match previous maps of the region One of the delegates (Teresiel) was supposed to be put in the fire node but she was omitted. Errors: This adventure has a number of errors in it. I would guess that for most groups, the Fire Node is the scene of the final battle. The group shows up and we have a big, epic final battle. The last surviving prophet starts a ritual in their node to summon their master. The heroes go to the Fane and kill another prophet. One goes to the Fane of the Eye, the others go to nodes. Once that happens, the other leaders hear about it and flee below. It will probably be Aerisi if the group goes to the Temple of Howling Hatred first. The heroes kill one prophet – their choice. Once the group gets into the elemental temples, things go like this: 1. Killing the Prophets: This has confused a lot of people, so I want to lay this out right at the start. Especially that dragon turtle hoard in the Temple of the Crushing Wave. To me, this adventure feels stingy on treasure. That said, if you don’t use them, you should pull out the magic items like Orcsplitter and place them in something you are running. Players feel like they’re playing through “filler” and enthusiasm for the whole endeavor begins to drain away. In my experience, when you deviate from the main story and go off on a tangent, it can really hurt your campaign. The problem is that this book has too many scenarios! Some of these side adventures have absolutely nothing to do with the plot.
Chapter 6: This chapter is full of side adventures. There’s a lot of great material and it would be a shame to miss out on running it. I highly recommend that you read them, write down the ones you like, and then plan out when you want to use them. In my opinion, the coolest stuff is all of the little cult retaliations and side schemes that litter a number of sections. Information is Spread Throughout the Book: The hardest thing about running this adventure is that there are all of these cool little things that are hard to remember and find when the time comes to use them. The factions are mostly used for Adventurer’s League play. This is another thing you can scrap if it doesn’t suit you. The Factions Aren’t Important: There are quite a few faction NPCs in this book, but they’re of little consequence. There really isn’t a lot of interaction with the delegates and the heroes don’t rescue them for a very long time. You’ll just need to make up your own hook. The Delegates are Non-Essential: This is the hook for the adventure, but if you decide you don’t want to use them, writing them out takes almost no effort. Power Score RPG When you’re getting ready to run Princes of the Apocalypse, I think there are a few things to keep in mind. I also recap various D&D streams and wax poetic on a variety of D&D topics. I write guides to adventures and monsters. pdf is an extension of my blog, Power Score RPG. The goal here is to save you time when preparing this adventure and maybe even help you get a better handle on it without having to wade through a million pages, flipping back and forth. We’re going to go through the book and sort it out. Introduction and Overview This document is a guide for Dungeon Masters running the Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition adventure Princes of the Apocalypse.
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latin-dr-robotnik · 4 years
Quarantine survey
Oh, hey, thanks @beevean for tagging me! I guess it’s time to have some fun again :P
Where are you isolated?
That one country where we keep sharing a certain beverage even when the WHO advised against that---I mean, Argentina.
What are you currently reading or watching?
Just finished watching The Dragon Prince (it’s so amazing) and now I’m on the lookout for something new. My best friend has been telling me time and time again to watch Sherlock so she can finally have someone to gush about it together, so it might be time to check it out (but on the other hand, she simply does not listen to me every time I tell her to watch Castlevania or even The Last Airbender ffs, still love her tho.)
If you can go outside, what do you like to do during this time?
I mean, if I go out now I’ll most likely end up in jail. I’m pretty fine at home, if not feeling a little bit heavy-hearted because I miss roaming around shops with friends, something I used to do at least once a month, and last time being February when we went to see the Sonic Movie. I even had a dream where my shopping spree was literally cut off because of the quarantine and I found myself in the empty city center alone. My mind is getting pretty fucked rn.
Any fascinating concept you’re studying?
I’m currently “studying” The Dragon Prince’s approach to villains, and how it has been a pleasant ride thanks to its developments. During the first season, you may think “yeah I know this person is going to big the big baddie of the show”, but you don’t really have any solid proof of traditional villain material, it’s mostly morally gray stuff. As the show goes on however, you’ll start to see more and more shady stuff that will swing you back and forth between empathy and hate; but to be honest, even the “good guys” do shitty and questionable stuff in this show; so that’s why this show’s writing is so fascinating to study, even if I’m years late to the fandom and they’ve already figured this stuff out. 
If you meant studying “actual” things though, I guess I did go back to history recently, the last I studied was the Mesoamerican calendars of festivities before the Spanish conquest, crazy stuff but it ain’t TDP. (btw, colonial-era spanish documents are written in such a fucking messy way i mean beevean look away please)
What kind of acts of creativity/forms of art are you currently doing?
Does bulding virtual cities count as creativity? Because I’m spending hours upon hours playing Cities: Skylines, and I’m actually proud of what I’m building. I do have a lot of imagination for these types of sims, and I mean a lot (I noted my thought process when building one part in particular.) This time my vision revolves around placing everything manually, from basic buildings to every single little prop in the city.
Apart from that, I’m doing some writing stuff, and of course I kept on playing music on my Spanish guitar, working on nailing this song’s insanely funky riff.
A song that resonates with your state of mind at the moment?
I like to imagine that, in my past life, I used to love Disco and Funk so much I probably used to go to 70′s nightclubs all the time lmao.
This song has been my go-to since late February. But quarantine mood is rather complex, and I’m constantly swinging between that song and this slow jam :P
I guess it’s also current mood the fact that fucking country music from C:S of all things made me emotional. That’s a very weird first for me.
Favourite impulsive/’bad’ coping techniques?
Staying up until 7am because of Netflix or even this very post is fun and it makes me rather happy during the hard times, but it ain’t fucking good for my sleep schedule nor my body, I tell you that much.
Favourite healthy/’good’ coping techniques?
Am I actually doing something healthy this quarantine? I mean, I’m keeping the house clean and because I’m spending a lot more time cooking my own food I’m not eating as much shitty stuff as I would normally do. Actually, yeah, cooking my own stuff instead of relaying on all the unhealthy shit out there is my fav “good” thing to do.
This is the part where I would tag someone, but it’s already late, I’m tired and I can’t think about any names. So, if you’ve read this far consider yourself tagged, kiddo. Jokes aside, anyone that likes to try it go ahead and tag me, I’ll gladly read you and you might earn a special place in my heart <3
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angelamajiki · 4 years
[ peace treaty - kiribaku ]
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AN: this is a fantasy au piece, enjoy! :)
CW: yandere, dubcon, arranged marriage, stalking, coercion, dragon/animal anatomy, fantasy au, afab terms, predator/prey dynamics, size difference, facesitting
“A mate, huh?” Katsuki chuckled as he stroked his companion’s horns, looking into the horizon thoughtfully.
“Think about it! We need hatchlings to lead the future generations of the Bakugo clan.” Eijirou pleaded with his mate. “Don't you ever miss the company of a woman? I know I do.”
Adding a woman to their pack would certainly bring its advantages. It would undoubtedly strengthen their positions as clan rulers if they were to have a wife and children to carry on both men’s legacy.
“Fine,” Katsuki conceded. “Let’s go find a mate then.”
The pair returned to their respective forms, wolf and dragon, as they began their hunt through the wild countryside for their new mate. Days of running down the mountainous forests away from their clan, they settled on resting at the edge of the woods, looking at a clearing just over a shimmering river that separated the two territories. Beyond the meadow was a small fortress surrounded by the community that they presumably controlled—a perfect place to start their search after some well-needed sleep.
Katsuki was the first to awaken from his slumber at the sound of a woman’s voice. And a heavenly voice it was, signing an alluring melody. Peaking his head over the bushes, the young prince saw the enchanting woman bathing alone in the stream. The other man had awoken as well, just as equally entranced by the naked dancing woman.
“A vixen...” Katsuki murmured, twisting to look at his mate. It was clear to both men that she was the mate they were looking for. Independent, vexing, sweet. She was perfect.
“Let’s snatch her up now while she’s distracted, ” Eijirou grumbled impatiently, eager to take her back to their den at once.
“Patience, Ei. I want her too, but now is not the moment to strike. Let's watch her a bit more; she needs to be more than a pretty face, you know that.”
Katsuki did not doubt that she wasn’t their perfect match, but he is a predator to her before he’s a man to her at this moment.
The blissfully unaware maiden that you were, you went on with bathing peacefully in the warm, summer day. Your attendants had followed you from the castle, watching from afar as they knew you valued your time alone in the stream. After some time, one of them called for you back to the castle for supper. Dried and dressed, the group of you departed from the meadow by horse as the sunset.
“So, she’s a princess, Katsuki.” Eijirou’s tail trashed with excitement. “If we marry her, we’ll get this territory too! Oh, I wonder if she likes to travel..” The red-haired man went off on a tangent about his many fantasies for you while the blonde thought deeply. This was almost too perfect; he had just the plan to corner and ensnare their lovely little prey.
The men stayed at the edge of their territory, for the time being, glad to notice that you had returned to the riverbank almost daily. Sometimes you took your handmaidens; sometimes, you came alone while they trailed back.
They learned that you liked to flip through many a book while basking in the sunlight. A library would be a perfect wedding present for you-they intended to spoil you thoroughly with the dragon’s hoard.
Five days had proven to be enough time for the men to watch you and returned to their clan to make the necessary preparations for your place as their lovely spoiled mate.
A fortnight later, a letter from the young prince arrived at your doorstep, addressed to your father, the king.
“An alliance? With the barbarian tribe, that’s unheard of, father. Are you sure it’s not some trick?” You doubted, finding it difficult to understand his request. The barbarian clan was...mysterious, to say the least. Living up in the mountains beyond the river, they were a solitary bunch who were ruthless and never exhibited mercy towards their foes. Not much was know about them because they simply never made alliances or held diplomacy with other clans or kingdoms.
“Perhaps they wish to make allies with the next closest kingdom, my dear.” Your father spoke quietly, his voice wavering as he avoided your eyes. “You’ll go up the mountains to discuss the terms with young Bakugo. An older gentleman like me is not suited for those kinds of traveling conditions.”
Nodding solemnly, preparations were made for your immediate departure. All of your belongings were brought to your carriage, something that struck you as rather odd. Although father did say something about the uncertainty of the amount of time you would spend with the barbarians for the sake of discussion.
With that in mind, you set off into the forest just as the sunset.
The journey had taken nearly five days through the rain and snow, your small carriage trudging up the mountainside to the den of the barbarians. As your carriage came to a stop, two men helped you out and down, both possessing a tenderness that didn’t seem possible for them. The blond was bare-chested, even in the snow! He stood at about six feet and had a body that seemed the gods themselves sculpted it.
“Welcome to my clan, your majesty.”
His smirk was wolf-like, eyes bearing down on you like a predator who has caught his unwitting prey. “Come, let’s get you inside to warmth and comfort. I'm sure you’ve had a long journey. Eijirou here will help with your belongings and join us after you rest.”
The prince held out his arm for you to take as the red-head beside you gave a toothy grin before setting off to work. He...he was something more than a man, he had to be! Standing at well over six and a half feet, he was much more muscular than the blonde; Eijirou airs about him more than human. It was inexplicable.
Katsuki gave a gentle tug to your arm before ushering you to the massive tent that stood in the middle of the community of barbarians who looked onto you with glowing pride. What an odd bunch of people, but you couldn't very well judge them now, could you? They simply had a different culture, another way of life.
The tent seemed larger than life on the inside and was impossibly warm. It had had a large bed adorned with piles of pelts and furs near a roaring fireplace. Many bookshelves lined the walls, as well as prized kills and weaponry were displayed. Katsuki led you to a table near the warmth of the fire. How-
“Magic, princess. I am fortunate enough to possess it, as well as many of my clansmen.” Katsuki boasted, clearly prideful of his abilities. He could only hope it impressed you, which it certainly did. “It keeps us warm up here in the dead of winter, which is soon approaching. It protects us, provides for us, all of which it will do for you too.”
Your smile could hardly be contained as you gazed upon the handsome man with wonder. For you, too? Would this he be so kind as to lend you its strength while you struck a deal with them? The barbarians were indeed nothing like the fairytales you had heard about them.
“I thank you for your hospitality, Sir Bakugo. I am truly humbled to be here with you.”
“Call me Katsuki, little one. We should grow familiar with each other before our wedding.”
His wolfish smirk grew wider as he saw the look on your face. Ah, he so loved that look of feeble innocence and confusion on your expression.
“Oh, did your father not tell you?” he chuckled, taking a sip from his cup. “This is an alliance through our union. Suppose you’ll have us, of course. Otherwise, we might have to resort to other means down the mountain.”
Us? Oh, he means-
“Ei, don’t be shy and stand in the doorway. Come greet your bride properly.”
Thundering footsteps came from behind your seated form as Eijirou towered over your much smaller frame.
“Please, tell me you agree to us, my love. We've waited so long for your arrival, won't you let us have you?” A scarred but gentle hand enveloped yours as the dragon shifter kissed it tenderly. “There’s no need to be frightened; we intend to treat you like our queen and spoil you rotten with all the world’s riches. Grant us your blessing.”
How could you deny them? Your kingdom was in danger, yet these men, they lulled you into such a state of comfort and safety. Perhaps it was the magic at work?
“Please, may I think on it?” Your heart battered against your ribcage with fear and excitement. Two men, both for husbands. What a strange culture indeed.
“Only if you let us have you tonight. Give us a chance to prove our worth as not only husbands but as men to you.”
Blood rushed to your face, heating your cheeks as you felt aflame with shame, and to your horror, arousal. They are seasoned men. Indeed they’ll treat you as gently as they have been the whole time?
“O-Only if you are gentle with me. I am...inexperienced.”
That was all the approval they needed. Eijirou, still behind you, swept you up in his arms and onto the bed. Wanting to show some display of his true strength, he ripped your gown clean off your body. Whimpering, your hand flew to grip his forearm fearfully. “Gentle, please, gentle.”
Eijirou shushed you softly, placing a sweet kiss on your trembling lips, hands beginning to wander to down your sides and to your sex. Stroking your clit in small circles, the men relished in your little whines and moans.
“I think I should give you a taste, huh? I haven't eaten all day.” He purred as he dipped down to press kisses to your lips before diving in with his hot tongue, lapping your clit.
Katsuki’s searing kiss swallowed wanton moans and cries. Eijriou’s hands kept your squirming hips firmly in place, positioning you to sit on his face while the blond continued to lay passionate kisses on your lips, neck, and chest.
Teeth sunk into your neck as the prince wasted no time in marking up his newfound territory. Your cries heightened in pitch as you gripped red hair, calling out Eijirou’s name as you came from his overwhelming sucking and slurping of your juices.
“N-no more! Please, that's enough!” Whining, you began to shake when his tongue barely came to half after your cries. Panting and writhing, you peeled off his tongue and laid on the furs next to Katsuki.
“I think that’s enough for this evening; poor thing is already exhausted.” Katsuki chuckled as he dabbed the sweat off your brow and cleaned in between your legs.
“We’ll build up your stamina and be sure to stretch you gently daily.” Eijirou quipped as he took his place next to your side. Up close, you could see how different he really was. Red iridescent scales trailed on his sideburns and h
shoulders. Absentmindedly, you stroke them and wondered if there were more.
“After all, it’s customary to lose your virginity on the wedding night, so need to rush you in right now. Have you made your decision, given Ei’s stellar performance?”
Letting sleep overtake you, your head nodded gently as he rested on Eijirou’s shoulder. The hunt was over and the men could not be more happy with their choice.
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currywaifu · 4 years
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𝐭𝐢𝐭𝐥𝐞: barbie movies as troupe plays part 1 𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠: sfw
𝐚𝐧: if you think i won’t do all 36 barbie movies, you’re wrong. regardless of whether people want this or not. i have barbie brainrot 24/7. i’m just separating it into parts so it’s not too long *this isn’t meant to be that serious y’all my reasons vary from legit to just jokes
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𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐥: i won’t go in-depth with any plot differences from movie to play, or how the characters would work out... for now *chuckles in future ppt*
𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝟏: nutcracker, rapunzel, swan lake, princess and the pauper, fairytopia series, magic of pegasus, barbie diaries, island princess, three musketeers 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝟐: coming soon 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝟑: coming soon
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𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐩𝐞: mixed troupe! spring x autumn. one of the seasonal events/scouts for A3! has a nutcracker theme, and to avoid spoilers that’s all i will say :3
𝐩𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐚𝐥 𝐜𝐚𝐬𝐭: since this is based on barbie’s take on the nutcracker, changing up the cast from what tsuzuru had in plan:
clara/sugarplum fairy: sakuya. i want to see him go through a costume & hair transformation sequence, not gonna lie. 
nutcracker/prince eric: juza. obviously he has to be the ruler of the land of sweets.
mouse king: sakyo or chikage. i want one of them to wave around a sceptre and say quotes like “i’ll reduce the Nutcracker to a pile of splinters"
pimm: taichi... pimm is a spy :O who has to do dirty work :O but the real reason is i just want taichi to follow around sakyo again or maybe even chikage this time lol
major mint & captain candy: tsuzuru and citron respectively. mint is pretty serious and awkward, candy is a lot friendlier- i just think it’ll be a good way to insert some humor in the play
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𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐩𝐞: mixed troupe! summer x autumn.
𝐩𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐚𝐥 𝐜𝐚𝐬𝐭: rapunzel in this one actually is the “servant” of gothel. also, rapunzel has a magical paint brush and also there’s dragons. who are purple. 
rapunzel: kazunari. obviously. actually, kazu has a lot of similarities with her: a good artist, patient, adventurous, quick thinking, hardly ever complains- also he’d look good with long hair i think ><
penelope: kumon. a PURPLE funny and clumsy dragon- fight me, the only answer is kumon especially once you see who’s next.
hugo: juza. a PURPLE dragon who’s penelope’s dad but he’s gonna be the older bro in this one (i wonder why...) 
hobie: a passive and worrisome rabbit... Tenma.
prince stefan: he also has a couple fight scenes... ngl bc stefan has blue eyes, light brown hair + described by the wiki as “fierce”, he’s banri. 
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𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐩𝐞: winter troupe. i will stand by this forever. 
𝐩𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐚𝐥 𝐜𝐚𝐬𝐭: this is like one of the ones i’ve had figured out for a while already...
odette & odile: tsumugi. i’m just saying, tsumugi’s duality- he can do both the white and black swan because he has power. impact.
prince daniel: not tasuku bc spare him the prince roles he’s sick of it. guy. why guy? because he obviously has a good idea of how to act like a prince :3 
fairy queen: azuma. ugh just- imagining how ethereal he’d look.
erasmus: tasuku. he’s a troll that can act mean, but is genuinely kind and helpful... also, the VA of erasumus is also the VA for “unnamed burly villager” and i’m just saying-
kelly the cygnet: hisoka. there’s too many animal children, so hisoka is gonna be the baby swan. uwu. also, kelly has a quote, “I can't sleep.” and wOW THE IRONY
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𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐩𝐞: WE’RE GOING FOR THE COMEDIC ROUTE WHAT’S UP SUMMER. reason: i went “wait... no actor really looks super alike though.”
𝐩𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐚𝐥 𝐜𝐚𝐬𝐭: tafahfuoahoaf it’s my favourite barbie movie... OKAY SO THE RUNNING GAG OF THIS IS THAT THE PRINCESS & PAUPER DON’T LOOK ALIKE, BUT EVERYONE KEEPS GOING “Wow! you two look so identical!” no they don’t
anneliese: muku. first of all please look at the sprite i used in the header. anneliese = pink = muku. she’s the sweet princess archetype... but in this version she also goes on tangents about rocks and mineraLS AND HOW THE MINING INDUSTRY SUX AND THE ABSOLUTE AUDACITY OF-
erika: kumon. first of all, the sprite in the header again. erika = blue like ugh this is perfect. ALSO erika has a cat who BARKS and i just imagine kumon talking to her cat like: WOOF WOOF WOOF GRRR GRRR and the dog responding and everyone in the palace going wtf
king dominick: i had such a crush on him anyway he’s tenma. rich, young, talented king who disguises himself as a page so he can find love for realsies. im just saying. he won’t be tenma’s only role tho ><
julian: kazunari. the wiki went “he’s the only bestfriend a barbie MC ever married” really shook me like ugh friendship dynamic between muku and kazu roles??? also kazu’s genuinely smart so him as the tutor was just gucci in my eyes
preminger: misumi. FIRST OF ALL PREMINGER IS ICONIC? WHEN HE SANG HOW CAN I REFUSE I WAS LIKE UGH KING. i just wanna hear misumi play an antagonist that’s also funny and do things with his voice.
madame carp: yuki. a bossy and rich woman who owns a dress emporium. pretty much it.
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𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐩𝐞: spring troupe. i wanna see them have wings uwu.
𝐩𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐚𝐥 𝐜𝐚𝐬𝐭: just gonna combine the whole fairytopia series into one 
elina: itaru. first of all, pink motif. also i just like the idea of itaru being this recurring protagonist.
bibble the puffball played by kamekichi
laverna: recurring villain citron. for no reason other than i think it���s cool when he plays power hungry villains
enchantress: i just want sakuya to play a role that’s more of a “powerful character” but still really kind uwu. another recurring good guy.
azura & glee: tsuzuru. elina is azura’s apprentice, and glee is a friend who’s generally really happy... ngl, i wanna see tsuzuru play someone more energetic for funsies
nori: masumi. nori is kind of a stubborn and jealous person at first, him and elina won’t get along right away BUT DAMMIT THE ENEMIES? TO FRIENDS IS GUCCI!!! 
merman prince nalu & linden: chikage... yeah i just gave chikage the guy roles ngl... but i wanna see chikage as a handsome merman AND handsome fairy so *shrugs*
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𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐩𝐞: cross troupe. spring x winter.
𝐩𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐚𝐥 𝐜𝐚𝐬𝐭: partially based on the ice-skating cards (i have yet to read the event story, unfortunately).
annika: tsuzuru. i thought it’d be fun to cast tsuzuru as a more sheltered character due to annika’s parents’ protectiveness. the contrast y’all.
shiver: sakuya. shiver is a polar bear cub sidekick who’s friendly and likes shiny things and that’s just... really cute... put bear ears on sakuya...
brietta: guy. brietta is annika’s older sister... who got transformed into a pegasus by the villain... i wonder how they’d change the pegasus thing lol
wenlock: tasuku. NOT GONNA LIE- i want tasuku to play the villain for all these wonderful one-liners: "Oh, smile! You didn't lose a daughter; you've gained a pet!", and "I thank my lucky stars I didn't marry you!"
prince aidan: masumi bc i want more roomie interaction on stage i mean their friendship keeps getting cuter and cuter.
cloud queen: azuma... that’s all. i just remembered her bc her hair has a braided crown, and i went “azuma braided hair brainrot”
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𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐩𝐞: mixed troupe! summer x autumn.
𝐩𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐚𝐥 𝐜𝐚𝐬𝐭: i was gonna make it full autumn, but then the age casting felt awkward since they’re in high school...
barbie: taichi. barbie here is shy but wants to stop blending in the background! i just went “damn that do be resonating”. also i wanna hear taichi sing more y’all and barbie is a singer/guitarist here
courtney: azami. i like the idea of azami playing a spunky character who’s more of a tomboy, but still does like fashion and accessorising and... lip gloss?
tia: misumi? tenma? idk the intelligent and passionate archetype is very broad... especially in a high school setting
kevin: kazunari. just the whole best friend thing + kevin being a goofy person who loves to make ppl laugh ugh
racquelle: yuki. i know racquelle’s a bully here and say not to bullying... but sharp tongue.
todd: honestly? todd was so boring in the moving. we need someone like banri to give him CHARACTER!... yes that’s my reasoning ugh
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ro/rosella: “a 16 year old girl who can talk to animals! adventurous and brave” me: *gasps* mISUMI-
prince antonio: “prince antonio loves travelling and exploring-” okay yeah it’s kazu...
queen ariana: i just want yuki to sing to me “love is for peasants which we’re obviously not” and i’d go :O also ngl... i wanna see yuki in like darker palettes and plotting to poison all the royals
princess luciana: queen ariana’s daughter... played by muku. because i wanna hear muku counter yuki with “all the shoujo mangas books i’ve read, all the poems always said, that the heart is made to share...”
sagi the red panda & azul the peacock: honestly, just basing it off of colour matching but tenma is sagi and kumon is azul lol
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𝐩𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐚𝐥 𝐜𝐚𝐬𝐭: AHAHAHA WHAT IS THIS CASTING? pt 2 
corrine: i keep wanting to put sakuya in these roles oops. i just... let him sword fight on stage again :>
viveca: purple musketeer, artistic, designs clothes... fights with ribbons... you know, for the sake of banri being a fAshIoNisTa... it has to be banri y’all "Don't mess with the animal print dress!"
aramina: green musketeer, fights with fans, romantic and loves ballet... pfft, for the sake of “wouldn’t it be funny-” it has to be azami. poor bby, having to swoon over romance on stage- he can’t relate
renee: chikage. purely because of that scene where she threw a feather duster (?) at a flying shard of glass and perfectly hit it. yeah.
helene: the old and strict instructor that teaches them how to be musketeers... sakyo.. duh.
philippe: the main antagonist... it has to be omi again. and since philippe has a goatee, we’re bringing back facial hair omi~
prince louis: itaru, lol. he’s like the one significant non-action oriented character in the film. he has just enough moments where itaru still looks princely, but mostly? he just wants humans to fly y’all.
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want to order again?
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keyenuta · 4 years
Twisted Wonderland oc 4
Name: Regis Anakh
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Voiced By: Kosuke Toriumi
Gender: Male
Age: 16
Birthday: April 20th
Starsign: Taurus
Height: 5'11"(180cm)
Eye Color: Purple-Gold
Hair Color: Black with orange highlights
HomeLand:Afterglow Savanna(formerly), Ozlandia
Professional Status:
Dorm: Ramshackle
School Year: First
Class: 1-C
Occupation: Student
Club: Track and Field
Best Subject: Evasive Magic
Fun Facts:
Dominant hand: Right
Favorite food: Injera
Least favorite food: anything related to fish
Dislikes: being called scairdy cat
Hobby: Crochet
Talent: Sensing danger long in advance
Regis is a rather tall and stocky boy, he has a square shaped face with a stubble stretching across his chin despite his young age. His skin tone is dark brown which only brings out his purple-gold eyes even more, he was often told he had the eyes of royalty due to their color. Hanging out from his head, Regis has a large mane of thick black dreadlocks with orange highlights. And as for his ears and tail. They have a sandy color with a black end. Though what's always apparent about Regis is that he's always fidgeting/shaking, as if everything has him on edge, which honestly is true.
Regis is very, to say the least, cautious. He is a very skittish and high strung person. But beyond his cowardly parts of himself is a big old teddy bear, he often crochets for the dorm and if need be will fix up ant fabric that's torn etc. He wants to be a hero in shining armour, that great guardian and protector but hos own overly creative and worrisome mind keeps him bound a lot. What ifs fill his thoughts keeping him too scared to progress. But during those moments he can break free if his fear no one can stop him.
Regis for as long as he can remember was always bullied and pucked on, especially in the Savanna, he was pucked on, made a fool of, and generally treated like a mistake by his peers. How's a lion gonna be so cowardly, scaredy cat, scaredy cat, scaredy cat, over and over he kept getting teased like that. Not to mention if he wasn't getting bullied with words, he was often bullied physically. This made him develop a sense for danger, to protect himself against others. And I think during some point in his past he did meet Leona once, but seemingly he found out when he went to NRC, the prince forgot him. And in the school I wouldn't be surprised if Leona sees him as a sorry excuse of a lion.
But tangent aside, Regis was getting bullied so much him and his family moved from the Savanna and into Ozlandia, where Regis heard tales of a cowardly Lion who despite his fear became so much more, that inspires him to this day.
Unique magic
(Spoiler warning for future story chapter)
During the time when Leona Overblots and the two dorms confront him, Regis is in the fray of the fight, and despite Leona's teases and jeers, with words if encouragement from Dorothy as well as Zoroaster, the threat of danger before him and wanting to prove Leona wrong Regis awakens his magic, he is a Lion born from things Leona couldn't be
King's Will: This is a mostly passive magic but how it works is that Regis' body predicts the best way to evade and counter his opponent. Heck in this mode it's like he flips the script. His personality becomes very efficient and streamlined, blocking out all distractions. Though in this form he does become very prideful abs overconfident
Regis Anakh in certain translations can mean the courageous lion king
His unique magic was inspired by ultra instinct from dragon ball
He is based on the cowardly Lion
He is deathly scared of rook, no one but those two know why
If he would play magic shift he'd be frankly really good at evading enemies, though he's too scared to play it
He has a habit of holding his own tail when he's frightened
During track what helps him run really fast is him imagining he's being chased by rook, or some other fearsome beast
Right the Christmas holiday Regis Crochet everyone in the dorm a piece of clothing that fits everyone the most. As an example he crochets Theodore a mini Grim
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delimeful · 5 years
the shapes in the silence (6)
warnings: panic, violence, blood
Chapter 6
Virgil took a step forward without even meaning to, and then jerked to a stop as Roman skittered back like a frightened deer. He wilted slightly, but tried not to take it personally. He knew better than anyone how scary being suddenly small could be. 
“Puff? Don’t- Don’t let them control you!” Roman’s sword faltered back and forth, face contorted with an odd mixture of anguish and fear. 
Virgil narrowed his eyes, casting a glance at the Dragon Witch. Control him? As if. Roman was tiny, in danger, and afraid. There was virtually nothing that could stop him from doing his damn job, and absolutely nothing that would make him actually attack Roman. 
Meters away, the Dragon Witch shifted impatiently. “I said, give the prince a taste of what dragons are really like, runt.”
Once again, the compulsion to move, to rend and tear, filled his mind for a heartbeat before being shunted away at the speed of light. He’d have to be a jackass to make this work, but he’d already proved himself capable of that in the name of protecting his people. 
A beat late, he started forward again, his gait now distinctly menacing. He thought of what could have happened if the Dragon Witch had used this spell on Roman when he was alone, and a low growl started up in his throat. Roman’s face crumpled as he started taking careful steps back, sword raised in a barely-steady hand.
“Puff, please. Don’t make me fight you.” He pleaded, raising his other hand defensively. Virgil continued to move, matching the prince’s retreat step for step. 
Until Roman stumbled over a stray branch, his sword dipping slightly for a moment, and Virgil lunged. 
That sword wasn’t all for show, of course, and Roman lashed it at him as he knocked the small side over, but with all the adrenaline flooding his system he had no idea whether the blow had landed. Didn’t really matter. He ducked his head down, and carefully latched his teeth onto the back of that cheesy outfit, lifting him up like a scruffed kitten with ease. 
The moment he was sure Roman was secure in his grip, he bolted, sprinting away for all he was worth. Behind them, a startled and then enraged shriek came from the Dragon Witch, but if there was one thing he knew, it was how to hide. 
He ducked between the long shadows cast by the late afternoon sun, mind set on finding a secure place to hide and nothing else. It could have been minutes or hours before he found the small cave carved into the wall of a cliff face, but all that really mattered was that he had found it. 
Clawing up the small jump to get into it, he made sure it was deep enough to hide them from view before finally releasing the death grip he had on Roman. He immediately switched gears to sniff at him instead, searching out any possible injuries.
The tiny side shoved him back, eyes a little wild with panic, and Virgil retreated. Right. He’d forgotten that he’d been fake-threatening Roman before. 
“Puff?” He asked, searching his eyes intently.
Virgil scooted back to give him some space, before carefully lowering his head to settle onto the floor, trying to be as non threatening as possible. It made him feel uncomfortably vulnerable, but he probably deserved any retaliation after the scare he’d given Roman, and he probably wouldn’t kill him, right? 
Before he could get himself worked up about the possibility, Roman sat down, letting out a deep breath. “You’re… still you, right? For realsies?” 
Virgil huffed impatiently at his hesitance, and more of the tension leaked from Roman’s frame. 
“Okay… okay. I believe you. Are you alright?” 
Virgil blinked. Was he? He stood up, turning in a circle to inspect himself, and then froze at Roman’s gasp. What, did he move too fast and scare him again?
“Puff, your side!” A delicate touch pressed against his left ribcage, and his ears flattened at the sudden sting. 
Huh. Guess the sword had gotten him after all. 
He laid back down, feeling too crowded in the small enclave otherwise, and rumbled at Roman reassuringly. It felt pretty shallow, it would be fine. Probably.
Roman looked at him with a stricken expression. “I… hurt you. You were only trying to protect me and I… I could have seriously injured you!” 
Virgil grumbled a disagreement. Roman was like half his size. He had scales and stuff, he was fine.
“Don’t you try and say otherwise!” Roman demanded, despite the fact that Virgil wasn’t really saying anything. He inhaled sharply, as though about to go on a self recriminatory tangent, and Virgil decided that no, he’d had enough of those. 
Without another sound, he padded over and curled his non-injured side around Roman, finding that at this size, he could comfortably curl up into a ball with the creative side tucked against him. Roman spluttered at being interrupted, and Virgil draped a wing over him, teasingly muting his protest.
“Fine, fine! But we’re going home, and getting you treated.” 
A loud crack echoed from outside, and they turned to see it had begun to storm while Roman was preoccupied by being a dunce. 
“When… that clears up, I guess.” Roman frowned, drawing closer to Virgil seemingly without realizing. He chirped in agreement, and settled his head back down to wait. After the earlier panic, he was happy to be a shield between Roman and the rest of the world for as long as needed. 
For a few minutes, there was only the sound of heavy rain and rolling thunder.
“They can control dragons, y’know.” Roman said, drawing Virgil out of his sleepiness. “The Dragon Witch. That’s why I… when they ordered you…” He trailed off. 
Virgil remembered the compulsion magic, but it hadn’t gripped all of him. It was almost reassuring; despite his appearance, he was still him, not a dragon. He turned his nose up dramatically for Roman’s sake, as if to dismiss the magic as insignificant. Roman chuckled softly.
“You’re really something else, Puff. Sometimes I think you’re not even really a dragon.”
Virgil froze, despite having just thought the same thing. If Roman figured it out… He felt his stomach sink. It wasn’t even really about the fact that he was a monster to be slayed anymore. There was something new he had with Roman, with all three of the Light Sides, and he desperately didn’t want to lose it. 
The moment of silence stretched on agonizingly, before Roman laughed again, a bit more genuine this time. 
“It’s okay, Puff. You’re special, you don’t have to tell me why.” A pause, as Virgil tried to process that. “I… apologize for being unable to protect you. For making you protect me.”
Virgil couldn’t tell him that if this were a fairytale, he’d be cast as the villain anyways, so there was no reason to apologize. He couldn’t tell him that he was supposed to protect Roman, couldn’t harangue him for being so insistent on taking everything on alone.
All he could do was curl himself tighter around Roman, and let himself purr loud enough to drown out the thunder. 
When the sky finally cleared, Roman was drooling from his position sprawled out against Virgil’s side. He snorted. Prince Charming, to be sure. The guy was out cold.
He ever so carefully lifted the wing he had left laid over the side like a blanket, and then slapped it back down on him, jolting him awake. 
“Hwagh?!” Roman said, jerking upright.
Virgil smacked him again for good measure. Rise and shine, Sir Sings-A-Lot. 
“Augh, stop your assault on my person, you fiend!” Roman rolled out from under his wing, sending him a petulant glare. He chirruped smugly, and proceeded to stretch obnoxiously as Roman moved to gather his belongings. 
The sky outside was grey, but the only sign of the storm was the lingering petrichor. Roman looked at his hand, minuscule against the backdrop, and sighed. 
“At this size, it will take ages to return to our entry portal. Normally, I could shift it closer, but… this form seems to have more disadvantages than mere size reduction.” 
Virgil looked at Roman consideringly. It should be doable at this size, and there was a soft blanket of leaves and other forest mulch in case he fucked up, so… 
“What? What are you looking aaaAAAAAHHH PUFF NO!” 
Roman hollered in protest as Virgil pushed him forwards towards the opening of the cave, grabbing Roman’s shoulders and then launching them both out into the open air. 
He almost lost at the beginning, the difference in weight making them plunge for a moment- and making Roman screech at an ear-splitting pitch- before he flapped hard, managing to regain his balance in the air.
There. Easy as pie. 
It was a bit difficult for him to trace their path backwards from such a different perspective, but luckily after Roman had finished yelling, he begrudgingly helped guide Virgil back to their doorway. 
He stumbled a bit on the landing, but managed to drop Roman only half an inch off the ground, so he counted it as a win. From there, they walked through to the familiar halls of their home in the Mindscape. 
Roman craned his head back, trying to take in how large everything was. “I… have no idea where we are. Everything looks so different!”
It was a little funny, that Virgil was used to this perspective by now. Hell, sometimes he got a little disoriented waking up big. 
“Wait.” Roman seemed to realize something. “Why hasn’t the spell worn off yet? Enchantments are usually limited to the realm they’re cast in.” 
That sounded like a problem Virgil had no idea how to solve. Good thing he had other people to depend on in this form! He grabbed Roman’s sash, lifting him up yet again, and began trotting down the hall towards the lounge. 
“Hey! Puff? Where are we going?” Roman called, nervously. 
Virgil purred lightly to reassure him, and then began carefully making his way down the stairs. Luckily, the others were already in the lounge area, Logan undoubtedly lured out by the smell of whatever pastry Patton had been baking.  
“Puff, wait- I don’t want them to see- !”
“Did you say something, Lo?” 
Roman went silent and still, and Virgil realized that he was probably hearing their voices from this size for the first time. He slowed, still mostly hidden by the bannister of the stairs, and set the creative side down, watching as he leaned against a stair for support, breathing hard. He motioned towards the others with his head, flicking his ears back and forth. They’ll help. 
“They… they shouldn’t see me like this. We should go back, I’m certain it will wear off eventually.” Roman said, voice layered with false confidence. 
Virgil stared at him, unimpressed, and Roman opened his mouth again before abruptly paling. 
“Puff? Kiddo, that you?” 
Virgil twisted around, seeing that Patton was now standing at the foot of the stairs, only a couple of feet away. He evidently hadn’t been as well hidden as he’d thought. Whoops. 
He shifted slightly, flaring his wings a bit to hide Roman’s crouched form from view, and then chirruped a greeting. Patton smiled. 
“Hey, little guy! What are you doing all the way over here? I made some cinnamon rolls for my son-namon rolls!” 
“Not your best.” Logan called out from his chair. 
“But you still ate them!” Patton responded cheerily, ignoring Logan’s displeased silence. 
Virgil shifted uneasily, but before he could really formulate a plan of action, he felt a tiny form duck under his wing. Patton’s eyes went wide as saucers, and Virgil looked down at Roman with his own surprise, resisting the urge to shift his wing and re-conceal him.  
The three-inch figure was standing up, stiff-backed, right in front of Patton. He summoned up a strained smile, tilting his head back to meet Patton’s gaze as though nothing was wrong. 
“Hey, Padre.” 
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razorblade180 · 5 years
Talking about the Bees
Over the years bmblb has given me a mix of emotions that were difficult to explain but I’ve gotten a pretty good handle on them now and I’m kinda just putting them out into the air. Bmblb is a really cute ship; Blake and Yang are aesthetically pleasing together and fans come up with really interesting things for them. Outside of that however, it is a bit of a challenge to enjoy this ship and it comes down two things really.
The first thing is really easy to explain. It suffers from what most ships in shows have where there’s plenty of pairings; it’s gotten so big that it’s constantly louder than most ships. This problem really can’t be fixed all that much unfortunately. For those who don’t get what I’m saying I’ll explain. When I watch RWBY and Blake and Yang do anything together, I instantly know social media is gonna be flooded with it. The fans are all gonna post similar things regarding that clip that everything else about that episode practically gets drowned out. I remember in V5 where countless of people were talking about how Yang was gonna react to Blake in the final episode and not about how she was gonna confront her mother. What makes it seem louder is even during a hiatus there’s no real slow down. Someone can make a post saying “Bees killedAdam” today and it most likely trend higher than an extremely well drawn picture of Oscar. No other ship does this. When major things happen to big ships like White Rose and Renora people eat up for a couple of weeks then move on; they don’t even flood the hashtags really. It’s only Bmblb that has this constant high 24/7 because of the sheer size and energy of the shippers; that’s why it’s super easy to upset the hive; not to mention the Wasps.
The second thing is a bit more controversial but these are my opinions and obviously no one is obligated to agree with me. Bmblb to me does not seemed earned. Like I said, they look cute together but their relationship is really hollow and leaves a lot to be desired in my opinion. It’s like Rooster Teeth made all the plot points but never connected them; some have dashed lines but that’s it. Yang in vol5 was so touchy over the subject of Blake that she lashed out momentarily at Weiss and Ruby. Even after talking about it with Weiss, a lot of pent of emotions were still there and could only be resolved by confronting Blake with them. At the end of the volume I held out hope that her saying they were fine was just because it was the end of the volume. Then we got to V6
It starts of good with their being this awkwardness between them; things aren’t normal yet and that’s good. Next major thing is the barn scene and that’s where the ball drops. Yang getting upset at Blake for her comment about being protected should’ve been the flood gate for a well of deeper problems. Yang should’ve ripped into her about all the pain she’s caused her since V3. Blake didn’t believe Yang during the tournament incident, then she left without a word, now she’s back by coincidence and talking about standing by people when they need help. That aggression she showed Ruby and Weiss should’ve been in full force here while Blake tried defending herself and also getting a angry instead of Yang just leaving; then having her help only Blake a few scenes later. I mean Yang has a golden opportunity to talk about her abandonment issues here.
That argument could’ve caused the both of them to not speak to each other and only be hurt up until the airship mission. Instead of a cute scene of Blake telling Yang how bad stealth she is, replace it with Blake trying to apologize again and clear the air as Yang only listens because as much as she wants to forgive her, she’s genuinely hurt so Blake goes to do her part of the mission without an answer. Then Adam shows up and Yang rushes into action like in the show. Both of them are forced to get their shit together and face the vital reason they are in this emotional situation. The scene plays out as normal about them protecting each other and we have them both break down and crying after they beat him too. They’re both apologizing for everything that’s happened and Yang tells her how much Blake means to her. Now these awkward and cute scenes in V7 feel earned between them and not bait because they have a complete arc.
We know Rooster Teeth can pull this off because they’ve made a complete arc before. Blake met Sun and he started as a stranger she’s into and would help her with or without permission. She likes it until it becomes a problem in V4 where she actively tries shuts him out of her life and is upset that he’s around to the point she hits him. Sun however continues to push the boundaries. This comes to a head where she gets really upset after he could’ve died. Both of them end up having a serious conversation where they air out all of their emotional stress. Then we spend V5 with Blake actively including him and giving him information about her life willing to the point she tells him about Ilia’s past and let’s him know she’s going to meet her.
This payoff keeps happening from that point forward where they have each other’s back and supporting one other until the end of the volume. The two of them confident that they don’t even have to constantly be around each other and that they can handle things separately. Then the arc closes in the beginning of V6. Blake went from hitting Sun and not wanting him around to being sad that he’s leaving her and kisses him on the cheek. Sun isn’t worried about her and trying to stick with her. He knows Blake is where she needs to be and doesn’t pressure her to figure everything out so fast; he respects her boundaries. They had a complete arc.
This is why Bmblb and BlackSun are so aggressive. More fans love Bmblb and they are drowning in evidence that their ship will be canon, BlackSun feels more complete. Their relationship has matured more naturally; the dots connect. There’s just not as many dots at this point. I’m not picking sides or anything because at this point o think Blake should be single and focus on who she is as a person for awhile, which would do Yang’s character some good. Yang has not initiated any meaningful conversation or action with anyone except Blake and her mom. Weiss just happened to be kidnapped by Raven and she also made Yang open up after her lash out. Yang barely talks to Ruby and outside of V1 and their hug in V5 there hasn’t been a real heart to heart with them, but she’s talked with, or about Blake plenty with varying emotions. Jaune is consistent with his feelings. Pyrrha makes him sad and any serious conversation holds a wait of him struggling to press on and slowly getting better because almost everyone has talked to him to help progress his character. Yang is trapped in a bubble talking to Blake and Blake is only allowed to really talk to Weiss if it’s about racism.
I know it’s a bit of tangent but Rooster Teeth is kinda letting this problem bleed over into other characters; especially when it comes to making plot points with no lines. Perfect example we got this volume. Ruby has been in the mindset that she failed to save Penny for like a year and felt crushed about her friends death, yet did not sob uncontrollably learning that her friend was alive. But she cried when she saw her sister, a person she left at home who wasn’t talking to her. If Pyrrha came back you could bet everything that Jaune would be on the floor in tears because it would be weird of he didn’t do that for someone he mourned over. It’s almost like if it’s not shipping related then RT doesn’t care that much but they obviously love Bmblb, yet it’s skeleton of what it should be by now!
That kinda wraps up the basis of my feelings towards the Bees. I really do think this ship is nice but it’s just so lack luster for the amount of people who love it way more than me and for RT to try and sell people on it. I don’t like comparing shows but for anyone who’s heard of The Dragon Prince, season 3 is nine episodes yet the evolution of two characters relationships feels way more natural; also it wasn’t planned from the beginning of the show. If they can do it, Rooster Teeth can too. I say this because I care and want to see the show improve. Like besides Adam, what do Yang and Blake have to talk about? Yang never is in the above faunus oppression. Anytime Blake gets racism thrown her way it’s Weiss that deals with it. Blake and Yang killed the lifeblood their ship was riding on way too long.
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Oh, well I highly recommended it, as well as "The dragon prince" they're both very good series in my opinion.
I’ve seen the Dragon Prince. Big fan! Although like side-tangent? The first time I watched TDP, every time Callum opened his mouth, my brain went “SOKKA?!!” and then this past weekend I rewatched worlds-greatest-animated-series, Avatar: The Last Airbender, and every once in a while, Sokka would speak and my brain would go “CALLUM?!!”
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flickityfics · 4 years
Chatting It Up
So this was tough to write but the incidents I mentioned involves the new girl parts I have developed. It's weird cause I don't know what to do or what the cause is. I wouldn't even be doing anything but at random times I feel myself getting slick? Also a strange throb, please explain this. Also you'll be happy to know I went and got proper clothes just as you said, a nice lady really helped me out with all sorts. Hope you're doing alright.
Hey gaang! How is everyone? The construction has been going smoothly just alot of work, it's tiring and boring so send me letters to keep me from dying of boredom please. I'm missing our adventures, I've been doing nothing but reading and taking notes for blueprints, it isn't all bad though, I've been watching the kyoshi warriors train and thinking about training with them again. I've gotta get back to work so hope I hear from you guys soon.
Sokka had just dropped off his letters when he decided it was a good time to harass Zuko at work. He came into the Jasmine Dragon with a bounce to his step spotting Zuko immediately serving some customers. He grabbed the same small table near the kitchen and sat himself down. Rummaging through his bag did he find one on 'Dangers of Enchantments' Sokka was starting to think he should rule out enchantments since most had apparent side effects which he couldn't seem to find or sense, enchantments also needed to be kept up and if not he would have reverted back by now. He decided it was best to cross that one off.
"You like magic?" Zuko asked when he came up to her table finally. He noticed Miyuki with another book in her hands, her books seem to be all about magic so far.
Sokka smiled up to Zuko, "Actually I hate magic. I think it's illogical, impractical, it's dangerous and quite frankly I don't understand people's obsession with it." He stared up at the fire bender completely exasperated.
Zuko couldn't help but let out a small chuckle, it's funny seeing Miyuki looking so irked by the subject of magic.
"I don't understand it myself but my uncle loves talking about it and bringing it up often. He loves saying magic is in everything." Zuko couldn't help revealing, it was nice opening up to someone even if he still had to lie about who he really was. He never got to open up to anyone not even his uncle when he tried to and he didn't have his mother anymore, and it was never an option to tell his father or Azula, any sign of weakness would be exploited by them he thought depressingly.
"I think me and your uncle would have interesting debates on the matter." Sokka supplied, he didn't know much about Zuko's uncle except that Toph likes him but he'll still keep his suspicions just like with his nephew. "Anyways will you be taking a break soon?" He spoke hoping to get more time with the fire prince.
"Oh, uh my breaks in twenty minutes. " Zuko was surprised that Miyuki wanted to talk with him more. He didn't know what to expect from this girl but he knows he's enjoying it.
"Perfect, enough time for me to order and wait for you." Sokka said sweetly to Zuko.
Zuko shyly smiled back, "What would you like to order?" He waited, Zuko was curious about what Miyuki and he could talk about. He wasn't known for being quite versed at talking to ladies. So far conversations with Miyuki have been awkward but nice.
"I'll try the three berry flavored tea you guys got." He doesn't really like tea but this fruity one looks promising he figured.
"Alright, it'll just take a moment." With that saud Zuko walked back to the kitchens while Sokka went back to his reading.
"Here you go." Zuko had finally come back and settled himself across from Miyuki passing over the tea as he did so. He told his uncle that'd he take his break early and the old man just smirked and couldn't rush him out the kitchens fast enough something about, 'young love is in the air' ugh his uncle was going senile.
"Ah thanks." Sokka slipped his material's into his satchel making room for the fire prince as he sat down. Zuko seemed to have his own drink when he took the chance to look at him properly, he noticed the other boy seemed nervous and quiet so looks like he'll have to start the conversation.
" So what books do you read when you have the time?" Sokka asked.
"Boring stuff." Zuko didn't want to admit how he only read books on war strategies, weaponry materials and maps mostly. He didn't really know how to talk well with other teens his age but he knew talking about war strategies and the stuff alike weren't fun topics to discuss.
" Boring stuff as in..?" Sokka wasn't gonna let this go, he needed information from this guy. It seems like he has to pull teeth just to get this jerk bender to open up.
Zuko could only sigh seeing no way to avoid it if he wanted to talk to the water tribe girl. 'just hope she doesn't find me dull and annoying like my sister and her friends do. It's not my fault I never got to make any friends'
"I read up on some weaponry guides mainly on dual broadswords..uh lots of maps and very rarely on occasion a bedtime book that I kept from my mother."
Sokka didn't know how to take Zuko's somber expression mentioning his mother. He knew exactly how hard it was losing a parent but was it okay to comfort the person he despises? Sokka thought it was best to offer some bit of comforting. He leaned forward and reached out his hand to grab Zuko's elbow and gave a squeeze.
"I'll have you know maps are my favorite things to read even though I'm not too good at reading them but maybe some time you can show me." Sokka hated to admit that he couldn't read maps too well, 'the stuff is honestly hard to understand' but he knew Zuko would be the best considering how fast he always managed to track down the gaang so fast.
Zuko couldn't help chuckling at the girl and finding comfort in her presence. Something about Miyuki made things so simple plus she didn't pressure him or get awkward about mentioning his mother or make fun of him for his lack of social skills.
"Sure. I don't mind telling you more about maps, I've got tons of them." Zuko quirked his lips into a smile, he couldn't help finding it amusing that Miyuki found maps enjoyable, she was probably just faking it so he didn't feel so embarrassed about himself. He knew his life wasn't ideal for friendships or socializing of any kind but he was getting better since deciding to let go of his obsession with getting his honor back and working the tea shop with his uncle.
"I have a few myself but alot of them aren't updated which is annoying. Since my travels to Ba Sing Se, alot of new paths weren't mentioned or even the dangers that came with choosing a path, I've gotten lost and into trouble so many times because the maps we're wrong and dumb. I swear someone needs to re-write these maps with a lot more detail oh oh and even small detours you can take that are nice relaxing spots or even good food locations and duh of course the dangers to look out for, ugh there's so much you can say and people will appreciate it, I know I would!" Sokka had to take a drink from his tea to shut himself up realizing he went on a whole unnecessary tangent.
"Why don't you write that book? You've got some really valid points there." Zuko was honestly impressed with the girl, she went from exasperated to excited with so many ideas real fast and all very good ideas actually. He never got to enjoy his travels or any detours searching for the avatar but maybe if he traveled for himself he'd get to enjoy it for once with new opportunities to discover.
"You think I should write a book? And you have no problem with that?" Sokka genuinely found himself surprised with Zuko the fire prince Zuko telling a girl, a civilian water tribe girl nonetheless to write a book with no problem, 'geez this guys got more layers than an onion' Sokka was really finding it hard to keep hating this guy.
"Yes and no?" Zuko was now confused, what was he suppose to say? He couldn't tell if she was upset or if that was a trick question."Uh..I think your ideas are great for a book...I see no problem with it?" He suggested questioningly.
"Lee, do you know how many books I found written by women from the library and bookstore I visited here? Ten total and all about cooking, fashion, crafts, mannerisms for young ladies, gardening, how to be a proper wife, events planning, dancing, proper childcare and cleaning steps. Sadly I myself never noticed the lack of books by women. And I've met tons of women with great ideas and adventures of their own throughout my travels who could write the most amazing things."
"Oh, I never noticed that either. Maybe you should you try your hand at it and who knows it might just inspire other women to do the same." Zuko suggested. When he really thought about it, it really was unfair that women still didn't get many opportunities as men do solely based on their gender. He's met women who were quite tough and challenging yet they still had no voice or real power when it came to a man usurping them, all it would take was a man's words to completely debase a woman.
"I-huh..well thanks for the support." Good to know Zuko was somewhat of a decent guy but it still doesn't excuse his behavior towards the gaang. Zuko seemed to be to putting on a good act here in Ba Sing Se but how far did that really go? Sokka knew he needed to find out Zuko's motives and fast.
"Tell me more about yourself, I've been talking here the most." Sokka encouraged the other boy.
"Well I meditate, train and work." Ugh, how pathetic did he sound? He now felt even more hopeless in front of Miyuki. He just sat there hanging his head low gripping onto his drink praying to Agni that his embarrassment passed over soon.
"Well sounds like you need to get out more. How about we go to a poetry session that I know of? We can laugh at all the bad ones they come up with and cry over the good ones, I'm emotional I'll have you know but really I find it quite fun and enjoyable." This was the perfect opportunity for him to keep Zuko by his side and maybe keep him distracted from bumbing into his sister and friends.
Zuko couldn't help keep the surprise from his face, he's never been invited to hangout before and Azula forcing him out with her friends didn't count. Someone wanting to spend time in his company for a long period of time no matter how boring and embarrassing he was was a nice feeling.
"Yeah, I'd like that."
"Great, I'll hear out for the next poetry session and come visit you with the plan."
"Alright and my breaks up, I'll have to get back to work. See you tomorrow?" Zuko hoped he didn't sound to desperate to see her again, it was nice having a friend? It was probably too soon to say that but maybe they could be.
"I can come by tomorrow after my errands. Thanks for the drink." Sokka had gotten his pouch out and handed Zuko change. Sokka couldn't help noticing Zuko's crazy warm hands, 'huh, must be a fire bender thing' he thought.
Zuko felt as Miyuki put the cold change in his hand and couldn't help look at the beautiful contrast their skins made, his a pale white to her beautiful dark brown. He had to shake his thoughts from imagining their hands entwined and smiled at Miyuki before heading to his uncle in the kitchens to help with the next orders.
Sokka left as soon as he saw Zuko go back into the kitchens. He had a big day tomorrow so it left him a nice chance to prepare early and plan things for tomorrow.
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megamattzx · 2 months
Preview to Dragon Ball New Frontier: Shroud of Memories Chapter 2. FlashBack part.
"I didn't fucking ask to be made!" Goku Jr shouted as tears fell from his eyes and pain was evident in his voice. "I didn't ask to be conjured up by some magical dragon so that some pathetic whack job of an emperor could have his own little MONSTER!"
Chi-Chi was horrified that her son felt this way and so was Goku. Before the 17-year-old Saiyan continued his tangent Goku tried to reach out. "Goku," the older Saiyan tried saying to his son as he saw Goku Jr's tail fluffed up in anger and pain. Tears fell from his son's eyes and the two parents could tell that he could no longer contain the pain anymore. "No one's calling you a monster….."
In his own pain and anger, Goku Jr glared at his father again as he then lashed out even more and his voice rising further with every word. So much so that his parents couldn't even say anything. Especially considering that his words sounded more broken as he said them. "Rebrianne called me an abomination! Dyspo called me a hellspawn! They both called me a curse! Said that I was some demon child that should never have existed and that if I had ended my life it wouldn't even matter because I existed in the first place!" 
The last words shattered both of his parents as he continued to let it all out. "All because Pilaf made a clone with the eternal dragon!" He yelled. Pointing at his father as he continued. "A clone of YOU! That bastard made a monster BECAUSE OF YOU!!!!!" 
"YOU'RE NOT A MONSTER, SONKU!" Chi-Chi shouted in an extremely broken voice. Tears falling from her eyes down her pale face she couldn't even begin to imagine just how much her son was hurting. This clone of her husband, born at the same time as his brother, Goten. Her miracle child. This child SHE took from Gohan and held in her arms after Goten was born, stared into his beautiful onyx eyes for the first time, and took him under her wings. She loved this boy unconditionally. Named him after his father. Gave him both of his father's names to signify she loved the boy. 
She didn't care that he was a pureblooded saiyan and not biologically related to her. He was her son. Her baby boy. Her Saiyan Prince and Fire Mountain and Mount Paozu. And just like his brothers, he was her pride and joy. But he was also her little miracle child. This was the boy she raised as if he was her own flesh and blood just like his brothers. 
Both Goku and Goku Jr remain silent as Goku was also tearing up from the words that his son spewed out even though he knew his son didn't mean anything by it. That he was only lashing out at the world still because he was in so much pain and yet it didn't change the fact that it hurt like hell for his own son to think this lowly about himself. Even say those words to him like that.
Chi-Chi only then continued as she gently placed her hands on her son's cheeks as she stared into his hurt and tired eyes. Red from crying and holding back his tears, a pained look of sadness and emptiness in his expression. Her heart was sinking a little bit to see him like this. 
"You're a gift, Son Kakarot Goku Jr," she softly told him with a tearful smile. Slowly taking her hands off his face as she then wrapped her arms around her son in a comforting manner. "Just like your brothers, you are your father's greatest gift to me…My little Saiyan Prince of Fire Mountain and Mount Paozu..."
Goku Jr took a moment to process everything his mother said as he looked into his father's eyes with a hint of guilt. He didn't mean to say those things. He shouldn't have said those things but he did. Goku could tell just from looking at him, that his son was sorry. As soon as Chi-Chi let Goku Jr go, the saiyan teenager immediately went and hugged his father. Crying his heart out as he did so. He couldn't even say anything.
Goku simply wrapped one of his arms around his son and rubbed his hand on the boy's back in a comforting manner. "It's okay…" he softly told the boy. "It's okay, my little fighter…."
A few hours later, Goku Jr was laying down on his bed, blankly staring at the ceiling of his room with his tired eyes. He couldn't sleep.  His mind was still wandering about what had happened tonight. The fight with his father in the storm still going on outside, him remembering his father being hard on him and training, his father even reflecting on things in the past. Him lashing out and making his parents realize that he wasn't okay. He felt horrible. Terrible even. Thinking about everything that happened, the younger Goku couldn't help but think about his father's words a few years back. He vividly remembered his father saying all of it too. Imagined himself reliving that moment.
"I know I've been harder on you than I am with your brothers. But the only reason why I am is that you're a pure-blooded Saiyan. If I'm not hard on you, you won’t be able to handle the hardships that come from being one. I want you to be able to take it.Your mom wouldn't be able to teach you in the way that I'm teaching you now. This is how you need to learn. Your mom won't be able to be this hard on you, Kaka. You're not like your brothers. That's why I have been disciplining you." 
The more the younger saiyan thought about it, the more he remembered it plainly. A tear falling from his eye and down the side of his pale face, the look of regret in his expression. But he heard his father's voice in his mind.
"I have to make sure you're prepared for when your mom and I aren't there to help you. When we won't be there to help take care of you. To protect you. Besides, you may not notice, but you're improving. You're getting better at this. Keep pushing yourself, and you'll go far...."
Goku Jr only stared at the ceiling more intently as he remembered the last words his father told him 4 years ago. Those words continuously echoing in his mind as he thought about that moment. Those last words that really sunk in deep.
"I'm proud of you, bud."
Processing every detail of his past up to this point, he then thought about his mother. The princess of Fire Mountain herself. Chi-Chi. He remembered all the times she called him her pride and joy. Her little Saiyan Prince of Fire Mountain and Mount Paozu.  All the time she sang a lullaby to him whenever he was afraid as a child. She wanted him to feel safe at home. He could hear his mother's voice in his mind as well. Echoing like he was in a tunnel but rather being words of pain, he remembered words of wisdom from her.
"Everyone makes mistakes, kiddo," he remembered his mother telling him. "Your father and I are no exception to that."
He knew he could never truly understand what goes on in his mother's mind nor his father's. But he couldn't help but wonder what was going on in his father's mind at the moment. The same with his mother as he overheard the conversation. Neither of them were angry at each other but rather concerned about the situation. Something caught his attention when his mother mentioned it.
"Goku, you have to tell him," Goku Jr heard his mother tell his father and he could tell from her voice that she was rather hurt by what happened prior. They clearly weren't fighting or arguing. It was clear that his mother knew something that he didn't about his father and she was trying to get him to tell his story. "If anyone understands to the full extent of what he's going through, it would be you."
"I know," his father said as Goku Jr then heard his father's sigh. "I got to figure out how, and he no doubt needs a few minutes to settle down first."
The boy can feel the tension from the other side of the door. But he could tell from the energy of his parents that they were coming to an agreement. "I know…" Chi-Chi finally told her husband. "Talking about your pain has never really been your strong suit…."
Another thirty minutes flew by as Goku Jr was just laying there, staring blankly at the ceiling with a strong sense of sadness in his aura. A pained expression on his face is he couldn't help but think about what he went through throughout his life. Majin Buu, Frieza, that copy of Vegeta, the various clones of the Red Ribbon Army, Moro, and a few others. The Tournament of Power left the most wounds and pain. Dyspo of the pride troopers and Brianne De Chateau also known as Ribrianne, calling him a monster purely for existing, left a massive wound in his mind. It triggered a depression and feeling of emptiness. It left a certain amount of self-hatred.
Just as Goku Jr was still roaming his thoughts, he was taken out of them when he heard a door open. It was his father. "Hey bud," the older Goku started as he walked towards the bed before sitting down on the other end of it. "How are you holding up?"
"I don't know….." Goku Jr said blankly but there was a hint of honesty there. Especially since he was hesitant to talk about it. Human males usually don't like talking about their problems, in fear of being viewed as weak. It's even more of an issue for Saiyans. "Okay, I guess….?" 
Just by hearing his son, Goku could tell that a lot was on the boy's mind. A lot had been bothering him. He wasn't even confident in his last response. Goku could relate to this far too much. And he was really hurting just by seeing his son go through what he went through. "You know you can tell me and your mom anything, right bud?" The Saiyan father told him, knowing his son needed to open up. 
"I know," Goku Jr said and there was a bit of uneasiness around it.
Goku had a feeling that his son had done something that any parent would hope their child never did to themselves. The Saiyan paid close attention to his son's wristbands. Noticing that he always kept them on for some reason. Then remembered what he did to himself before meeting Chi-Chi again. "Kaka, can I ask you something?" The father asked his son again. A serious and concerned tone was heard in his voice.
"Yes..?" Goku Jr asked hesitantly.
"Be honest with me, have you been hurting yourself?" The father quickly asked and Goku Jr could see the concern in his eyes. And it was clear that the boy had a sense that deep down the father already knew the answer. Knowing he couldn't hide this from him. Goku Jr hesitantly, and slowly removed his wristbands. After doing so, he then showed his scarred wrists to his father, burn scars from his ki, no doubt. 
Goku felt his heart sink a bit seeing this. Holding back tears as he saw his son's tail fluff up from anxiety, Goku was forced to take a deep breath. The father knew what he had to do now. He had to tell him what he did before he met Chi-Chi again at the World Tournament. He had to even show him. But first, he needed to be sure about something else. "Does your mom know?" The father asked, hoping that the answer was yes. It would have justified her concern if she did. Goku Jr only nodded, clearly trying to hold back tears himself. His son wasn't usually this quiet. 
Thinking about it more, the younger Goku realized that letting it all out like that in front of the two people who raised him, was not him lashing out at the world. It was a cry. It was him, crying for help. Looking at his father, Goku Jr stayed quiet as tears fell from his eyes. 
Taking a deep breath, Goku mentally prepared himself for what he was about to tell his son. She needed a son to know that he understood him. That he knew exactly what it was like to go through what he was going through. In order to do that he had to open up about something he only opened up to Chi-Chi about. "Goku, I need to tell you something," the father told his son. The fact he called him Goku was evident enough that Goku was being serious. It was enough for Goku Jr to pay close attention to what he was saying. Once he had gotten his son's undivided attention, countryside as he took his wristbands off, before showing his own son faded scars on his wrist. They were obviously burn scars but it had been so long that they had obviously healed for the most part. Goku could see his son's eyes widen as this happened. 
"I did that to myself, three years before I met your mom again at the twenty-third World Tournament," Goku explained to his son as he slowly but surely began to explain it. "After I defeated King Piccolo, your Uncle Piccolo's previous incarnation, and father, I started training with Kami but then I started going through similar things that what you are going through. Feeling like that I was alone, that I had no one to turn to, and even felt that the world would be better off if I was dead. There were quite a few times afterwards where I felt that way. Especially after I found out certain things about my life in my past."
Goku Jr saw a tear from his father's eye before the father quickly wiped it off. "If it wasn't for your mom, I honestly don't think I'd be alive right now. In fact, all of you have given me the strength and motivation to keep going. To keep pushing forward." It was clear that this was something that was hard for Goku to admit too. "You guys are my strength. My reason to keep pushing forward. You, your mom, your brothers, your niece, your sister-in-law, your grandpa, and everyone else we know, you're all my reason to keep fighting. Not just the monsters I fight on the outside, but the demons I battle within too."
Goku Jr sat up as he paid attention to his father. It was also hard to believe to hear it from his own father. His father did that to himself? He was also battling his own demons? It was all beginning to make sense. And it was rather comforting to know that he wasn't alone with this emptiness.
“You guys are the greatest things that ever happened to me,” Goku said before he gently placed his hand on his son's head, rubbing it. A smile on his face made this happen. And it was more than enough to make the young boy realize that his father was there for him, no matter what.
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niennavalier · 5 years
So I’m sure no one cares but
I’ve recently discovered genderbent Frozen covers and animatics and honestly I love these? Like, a lot? 
(Rambly thoughts under the cut, because I got invested in talking about Disney movies and ways they write characters and generalizing stuff, despite writing this all on a whim and doing not much research but hey, that’s what this blog is for. Random thoughts about movies and stories and Youtube comments)
I mean, I’ll admit that I’ve never been a big fan of Frozen - nothing against the story (cause it is good and for all I will criticize Disney for not generally being particularly uh...keen on taking any risks, I do appreciate the way they do break the mold here) or the music (it sounds like a Broadway musical, hell yeah) - but tbh Let it Go far overstayed its welcome and yes, I’m glad kids enjoyed the movie, but we heard it nonstop for way longer than we should have. The song honestly never felt like it went away for, what like, 2 years? I can listen to songs on endless loops, and this was still too much for me. Granted, I never hated it (my brother did, possibly still does, so I didn’t mind listening to it for the sole purpose of tormenting him) but still. It sorta turned me off from the franchise. I didn’t need to hear it every time I walked into a store.
And I’ll also admit to never being big on genderbending. Nothing against people who enjoy it, but it’s never been my thing, and the few fics I’ve read with it never felt like it used the swap for any sort of message or to explore anything particularly interesting. Which I would’ve preferred, because otherwise, I didn’t see the reason for the swap, personally. (and to be fair, I turned off of this pretty quickly, so I’m sure there are good ones out there, but it’s really just never been something I’m big on)
But like...okay. There is this animatic for Show Yourself, but with the audio dropped into the male vocal range and I love it so much. It’s wonderful and adorable (and the song is legitimately very good, so I’ve seen that part, despite never having actually watched Frozen 2). And also a handful of actual covers, which are absolutely amazing. And now I’ve found the same sort of thing with Let it Go (which I’m now okay with - I guess it just takes 7 years for me to get over the oversaturation of that song in society) and like holy shit, friends. Big fan.
Scrolling through the comments also gets all the “can we please get a Disney Prince movie” thoughts and hey, I’m so on board with this. I know, there are movies with princes (Aladdin, Hercules, Lion King, etc), but it’s less that plain fact of having a prince, and more of the arc for the character? Basically, I wanna destroy the trend of having male-oriented movies be more action-adventure-y. Let boys be soft and have feelings, that’s all I ask. Make that the character arc, have your main character be male and need to discover himself, all of the fears and insecurities included, I am begging you. 
(Sidenote because I did see some other interesting mentions: I haven’t seen Hunchback, back from what I’m aware of with that movie, that one probably fits closer to what I’m talking about. Also Treasure Planet, because honestly, that really is exactly the kind of arc that I’m talking about, and there’s a reason I love that movie with all my heart, it’s amazing, and go watch it if you haven’t. But like, it’s a coming of age story with some good ol’ found family and no romance! And while Jim is really smart and has some bad-ass moments, I love when we get insight into his emotional state. But I could gush about this movie forever, moving on. The one thing about these is not the lack of royalty (for me), but just...box office? I don’t know the circumstances for Hunchback, except that the numbers apparently aren’t great, and to my knowledge, someone over at Disney just didn’t want Treasure Planet to do great, and this goes to show what marketing does. Apparently, they did the same to Emperor’s New Groove, which isn’t entirely relevant, but my point is, whoever did this to these movies, screw you, they’re wonderful)
(Apologies for the tangent)
Anyway, I’m not saying remake Frozen, but doing the genderbend works really well here, I think? Obviously, I love that Elsa’s arc is entirely her own, and stories about opening up to family and accepting yourself have messages that everyone needs to hear, regardless of any barrier. So this isn’t a criticism, just a thought. Because (granted, I’m not doing research to write this, and I’m admittedly not 100% caught up on Disney movies) it feels to me like female characters do tend to have the more emotional arcs. Talking Disney Renaissance, this feels true in the female-lead movies, especially if you compare to the respective princes. In male-lead movies, it’s not entirely true, and I’m not calling the characters flat or emotionless, but that’s not the main thing going on in the movie. (ie, Simba has his reservations about returning and so he talks to Mufasa, and that’s a big scene and its important, but it feels more like it’s just a step to ultimately taking down Scar - tbh, compare the screentimes there). Again, the Renaissance movies are fantastic and I love them, but I just want to make some comparisons. And I don’t want to delve too deep into the more recent ones, because I haven’t seen them all, but the focus seems much more on the strong, independent female-lead (again, not a criticism because we can always do with more strong ladies who don’t need no man - I am just saying). 
But anyway. Frozen. I like the idea of keeping Anna as herself, because the Hans twist and more slow-burn-y development with Kristoff is good - that accomplishes the idea of breaking down tropes. But Elsa as a male character is really interesting to me? Having an arc that centers on fear that’s born of isolation, and ends with self-acceptance and familial love, is something that I don’t recall seeing in male characters very often (not never, but not often)? But I can think of tons of male characters who appear confident and charismatic, even if that’s in their own way, and then even if we do peel back to find trauma and pain, I can think of more instances of it presenting as bitterness or anger rather than genuine fear (or at the very least, we as the audience don’t quite see that fear). I want to see a male character who was forced to repress who they are and has real fear as to who their true self is. I want this character to discover who that is and have a hard time coming to grips with it, and all that stuff because I honestly just really like writing a lot of self-deprecation. Won’t deny that. And then pairing that with magic is also just interesting IMO. I don’t know how magic tends to fall with regard to this sort of thing, but just the fact that it’s inborn and different (akin to D&D sorcery), rather than learned and understood (like D&D wizardry, or even HP wizards), is an interesting thought to me? Maybe because the “strange and different” type of magic reminds me more of the general conception of witches (or...the Salem Witch Trials) which is also more female-leaning, but I won’t stand by that super strongly, because it’s not something I’ve looked into all that much. But it means, to me, that it would be an interesting way to sorta...turn the tables in the way magic gets used.
Point being: I just think this would be a really solid message. That bravery doesn’t have to be saving the world or killing the dragon or even the self-sacrifice story that’s become more prominent in stories now. It can also come from battling your own demons and opening up to people to ask for help. Which is obviously something everyone needs to learn, but if we’re gonna fight the submissive female character trope with some badass heroines, then I say we also do the same thing in reverse for our male characters. Just a thought
#from the mind of niennavalier#long opinion post thing#ill also admit that i really like this idea cause the art is so goddamn good#pretty designs and flowy clothes are my favorite things when im coming up with dnd character designs#and combine that with non-stereotypically-masculine characters and im super down#(i have favorite character types okay? fight me)#but also instagram has been giving me all the frozen 2 stills now and like#elsa is just gorgeous and i dont think i need say more#like im very ace but that aesthetic is so good#(witness me paying attention to this fandom like 7 years late lol)#also i do just wanna clarify some stuff#cause thinking with the modern disney movies#like with moana im not saying that maui doesnt have an arc and good things that happen#i like his part dont get me wrong#but tell me who the titular character is#just sayin#and ive seen a bunch of stuff about kristoff having a song where hes confused about love#and again i think thats amazing!#i need to go find that clip but i legitimately love the fact that this exists#thats good content#im just saying that isnt quite on the same level because same as above#if i ask who the main characters in frozen are#i think you all know the answer#(and my other big ask for disney is to give us a gay character but my hopes there arent super high unfortunately)#(oh and self plug but the more i think about it im kinda doing this sorta thing with one of the characters i made for my short story class#the story itself is meant to be longer than a short story and i wont go into detail here but the idea just ended up being close#even though i started watching a bunch of the clips and having these thoughts after id come up with my character)#(maybe said character is why im having Opinions on this now tho)#(and dumb sidenote but the more i look up fanart the more i realize that the people who are saying that it basically looks like anime#are totally right it really does which is really just interesting to me cause i didnt think of that initially)
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